
The Catholic Parishes of Medfield and Norfolk “Coming together to know God, to love God, and to serve God”

St. Edward the Confessor Parish St. Jude Parish 133 Spring Street 86 Main Street, P. O. Box 305

Medfield, MA 02052 Norfolk, MA 02056 Phone (508) 359-2633 Phone: (508) 528-0170

Faith Formation: (508) 359-6150 Faith Formation: (508)528-1470 Fax (508) 359-1846 Fax (508) 528-1860


Pastor: Rev. Stephen P. Zukas………………………………... [email protected].……[email protected] Parochial Vicar: Rev. Gregory G. Vozzo……………………...……………………………..…………..…....…………...…[email protected] Priest in Residence: Rev. Robert Rivard, F.M.S.I./Norfolk Deacon: Fred Horgan, Medfield..……….………………………...……………………….…………...…...…...........….. [email protected] Collaborative Liturgy and Liturgical Ministry Coordinator: Mary Sheedy, Medfield/Norfolk…………………………………….………...…………..……[email protected] Finance & Operations Manager: Diane Walsh, Medfield/Norfolk…….…..…………….…………………..…...……[email protected] Director/Music Ministry: Chris Carson, Medfield..………………….………….……………………….………….……[email protected] Administrative Assistant: Eileen Trinity, Medfield…………………………………………...………...…..….....…[email protected] Faith Formation: Elaine Morisi, Gr. 1-5 Medfield…………….…………………………………………...……….……[email protected] Faith Formation: Anna Mae O’Shea Brooke Gr. 6-8 Medfield........................................................................... [email protected] Faith Formation: Dorothy Miller, Gr. [email protected]…...………………………………….….. [email protected] Faith Formation Admin Asst: Anne Rijo, Medfield……… Administrative Assistant: Marybeth Rippberger, Norfolk………………………………………….……….…..…[email protected] Faith Formation Admin Asst: Louise Caussade, Norfolk...………….……………………………………………...…[email protected] Faith Formation: Lorraine M. Wright, Gr. 1-8 Norfolk……………………...…….………………………………….…[email protected] Faith In Action Coordinator, St. Jude: Jim Flanagan ………...………...………………………….………………….…[email protected] Parish Nurse: Beth Budny, Norfolk……………………….(508)530-1346..………………………………………......…[email protected]

Easter April 12, 2020

New Parishioners Welcome! Please call one of our parish offices

to register.



Mon. April 13th 9AM Mary Trinity Sun. April 19th 10AM Laurice Pagliaro

Mon. April 13th 9AM Terri Ferraris (Month’s Mind) Thu. April 16th 9AM Raymond M. “Scott” Blue, Jr. Fri. April 17th 9AM Adele and Louis Bilski Sun. April 19th 10AM Frank and Edie Whall

Dear Parishioners and Extended Family Members, Praised be Jesus Christ! He is Risen! Yes, He is truly Risen! As I write this letter it is with both anticipation and a sense the challenge it will be to maintain Easter joy when it will be so easy to focus on what I won’t be able to do as well as doing what I am still able without a congregation. There will be no washing of feet, no Eucharistic procession, no touching during the Veneration of the Cross, no Easter Vigil candles, no getting to absolutely drench people in Holy Water. However, what we will always have is a loving God who sent His Only-Begotten Son from heaven in order to be born among us, preach, teach, suffer, die, and rise from the dead. Easter has SO many symbols associated with it, sometimes it is difficult to sort through them in order to arrive at its real meaning. Holy Mother Church has strategically placed Easter to coincide with the beginning of the Season of Spring. Spring is the season of new life appearing so rapidly all at once before our very eyes. Easter’s proximity makes it related to the celebration of Spring. The biggest element these two celebrations hold in common is, indeed, newness of life. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is obviously the focus of Holy Mother Church. Our Catholic Christian faith is all-for-not if we do not believe this. We celebrate today not only since we believe, but also because the core of our very being would be shaken if, somehow, we found this not to be true. This is because all we think, say, and do is supposed to be rooted in our faith with the full knowledge that our eternal life depends on it. Jesus Christ, through his Passion and Death, has taken away our eternal punishment for our sins by doing the punishment himself. By His Resurrection, he has opened the Gates of Heaven so they we may join Him and God the Father for all eternity. This hope is to be our ultimate hope and, therefore, is to define each of our lives. Salvation is indeed a free gift from God to us. But what a price God the Father paid in allowing His only Son to be that instrument through which it is offered to us. Our entire life is to be lived in response to this. On behalf of the entire staff of the Catholic Parishes of Medfield and Norfolk, Father Gregory, Father Rivard, Father Geaney, and Father Gojuk, I wish you a Joy-filled and Blessed Easter!

Gratefully yours in the Risen Christ, Fr. Steve

This Week In Church Signs: “When life is not a bed of roses, remember who wore the thorns.”



Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Have you ever thought about becoming Catholic? Would you like to know more about God and the Church? Or, are you already baptized but still lack the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation?

If so, RCIA is for you! RCIA is a process of learning about and experiencing the Catholic faith with others in a friendly, small-group setting. It can lead to full membership in the Church through the Sacraments, but is

also an open-ended process of asking questions and exploring. Come, discover what you've been missing!

If you are interested or know someone who might be, please contact Fr. Gregory directly or call our parish offices.

Donations are always most welcome and may be made in

Join us for daily 9am Mass and Sunday 10am Mass

by tuning into

Comcast Ch.8 (in Medfield) Verizon Ch.47 (in Medfield)

Currently only available to Air Live or

Live Stream, not yet available On Demand.

Both Churches will be closed as of Monday, April 6

St. Edward & St. Jude will be open during

the scheduled times for Confessions. (Please be on the look-out for instructions on how

to wait for your turn) The Holy Eucharist be placed in a window on

parish property in order that parishioners are still able to be in the presence of and venerate our

Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

• At St. Edward’s, the Holy Eucharist will be

displayed in its monstrance in the windows of the main

doors to the church.

• At St. Jude’s, the Holy Eucharist will be able to

be viewed in its monstrance in the window

of the church’s sacristy overlooking the main

parking lot.

Please stop by, even if it may be in your car, and take a moment to pray to our Lord as you gaze

upon him in the Holy Eucharist. from Fr. Steve's April 3 letter


Please keep in your prayers Lucas D. LeBleu (Air Force), Scott H. Grealish (Marine Corps), John Sharkey (Army), Jake Munger (Marine Corps) Timothy Irwin (Marine Corps), Alex Burrell (Navy), John Donald Tamulionis (Army), Peter Barrette, (Navy), Mark FitzPatrick, (Army), Scott Woodward, (Army) who are courageously serving our country. Also, please Remember in your prayers Everyone Deployed.

Prayers for Our Service Men and Women We would like to offer our prayers for the service men and

women in our community. If there is someone in our church community or someone you would like to honor who is

serving our country, please email Marybeth Rippberger, [email protected] or

Eileen Trinity, [email protected]

Online Giving

You can set up an account on our website, to have a

predetermined monthly amount withdrawn from your checking, savings or credit card account that will

automatically be deposited into your parish's offertory. We hope you will consider online giving as it

provides a steadier and more consistent weekly offertory for the church.

To put this into place, or make changes to your current donation, please visit our website and sign up on

the secure links provided under "Donate to St. Edward Parish" or "Donate to St. Jude Parish".

Thank you for helping your Parish meet its financial obligations throughout the year!

Are you receiving our Newsletter & Bulletin by Email? The church bulletins are sent weekly via a parish-wide list to parishioners of St. Jude and St. Edward. If you are not receiving the bulletin by email and would like to be put on the list, we would be happy to add your name. Please email: Eileen Trinity at [email protected] Marybeth Rippberger at [email protected] Note: If you have unsubscribed to the weekly mailing you will no longer receive periodic notices that go out from the Parish or Faith Formation.

Interface Referral Service, Open to all Medfield Residents:

Interface is a free and confidential mental health referral service open to all residents of Medfield. Callers are matched with

licensed mental health providers from their extensive database. Each referral meets the location,

insurance, and specialty needs of the caller. In addition to the resources on their website:(, the William James Interface Referral Service maintains a mental

health and wellness referral helpline Monday - Friday, 9 am-5 pm, at 888-244-6843 (toll free).

St. Edward First Communion

rehearsals and Masses have been postponed due to the recent news that Governor Baker has cancelled school

through May 4th. Alternate plans will be announced once health authorities and Cardinal O’Malley give permission for Masses to resume.

St. Jude First Communion rehearsals

and Masses scheduled for May 9th have been postponed. Alternate plans will be announced once health authorities and Cardinal O’Malley give permission for

Masses to resume

The Emmaus Ministry for Grieving Parents

Please Join Us! Emmaus Ministry Remote Retreats

Saturdays 9:30am-10:00am Beginning March 28, 2020-Ending when we are once again able to gather physically.

How It Works: On Friday of each week, we will email you

your “Emmaus Ministry Remote Retreat Guide” for that week. Just open your email and join us in prayer. We will also provide links to other reflections and

resources that you can use before or after retreats. (If you have any that you would like to share with other Emmaus

parents, please email [email protected].) Social distancing does not mean social isolation. We can come together, even more often and more closely, during

these uncertain times. Eventually, we may be able to move to a video platform, but until then, please join us via

email! If you are not already on our distribution list, please send your email address to [email protected] so you can receive

the Remote Retreat Guide each week.

Easter Sunday/April 12, 2020


First Reading: “He commissioned us to preach to the people

and testify that he is the one appointed by God as judge of the living and the dead.” (Acts 10:42)


This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. (Ps 118) or Alleluia

Second Reading:

When Christ your life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory.

(Col 3:4)

Gospel: Then the other disciple also went in,

the one who had arrived at the tomb first, and he saw and believed. (Jn 20:8)

Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. The English translation of Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. ©LPi

LIVE THE LITURGY - INSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK Our world wants us to believe that life is only what we make of it. Today, we realize how untrue that is. Life is

ultimately about what God makes of it, and the resurrection of Jesus reveals this. Alleluia, Christ is

risen! Who do you understand yourself to be? What we did yesterday, are doing today, and may do tomorrow

pretty much determine how we perceive ourselves. We even perceive Jesus this way in limiting our vision of him to his earthly accomplishments. But, we know

through today’s triumphant celebration that Christ is much more than his earthly legacy. The transfigured and resurrected Christ is the beginning, the end, and the fulfillment of all things and every person. All that

Jesus did stands in second place to who we now know him to be. Do we realize that this will be our journey


First Reading Peter’s speech about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus offers us a glimpse into the Church’s earliest

kerygma (oral proclamation) about Jesus. How is Peter’s speech persuasive to you?

Second Reading Using the metaphors of yeast and unleavened bread, Paul viewed the death and resurrection of Jesus as

bringing a new life of “sincerity and truth” to the community of believers. How does the celebration of

Easter unite your faith community? Gospel Reading

Mary Magdalene is the first to realize that Jesus had risen from dead, and twice is told, “Do not be afraid.” What fears are alleviated in you knowing that Jesus

rose from the dead? ©LPi


Dignity Matters This non-profit organization collects feminine hygiene products

and underwear for women and girls who are homeless or living in very low income situations, in order to help them stay healthy,

regain self-confidence, and live with basic dignity. Donations of pads (all types, including Depends), tampons, new underwear

and new/gently used bras may be left in the blue bin in the lobby. Contact Laurie Mills @ [email protected] to

get involved with this organization! We are always looking for volunteers to help us with drives and in our warehouse.

Haley House Soup Kitchen Ministry

Clothe and Feed the Poor and Hungry - New Socks and Underwear Needed Haley House Soup Kitchen has a clothing room and they are in great need of new adult-sized socks and underwear. There is a box outside the Faith Formation Office. - Volunteers Needed to Provide Meals Would you like to help provide meals? Please consider joining a team of parishioners providing meals to people at the Haley House shelter in Boston. We have 3 teams of volunteers that collaborate to supply a monthly meal of Chili, salad, fresh fruit and juice. Each team donates four times per year. We have periodic “retirements” from this program, so we’re always looking for new people to join the ministry. It’s a simple way to make a difference. Just deliver the specified donation (to feed 15 people) to the home of a Medfield driver on a Sunday morning once every 3 months. Please call Martha Festa (508-359-5991) to be put on the list to fill future donor assignments.


In light of current health concerns, the Food Cupboard has temporarily suspended community

donations. Please know that we are well prepared to continue distributing food to our clients and have an

emergency plan in place.

Thank you for your support.

Lazarus Funeral Ministry Needs Your Help! Please join St. Edward’s funeral ministry to support our parish families grieving the loss of a loved one. We are looking for

individuals to be Sacristans assisting the priest and individuals to greet families and friends at the church doors when they arrive for a funeral mass. Full training is provided. This commitment is

requested a few times per year pending your availability. Please contact Marge Costa at 508-359-7096 or

[email protected] if interested.


In these troubling times, let us remember those who are less fortunate. The Food Pantry is always in need of canned goods (vegetables, soups, pasta, fruit, etc.)

cereal, and toiletries.

The Norfolk Food pantry continues to be thankful for our generous contributions which benefit the members of our


Per Town of Norfolk: No open packages, no expired

dates, no packages without expiration dates appearing can be accepted

St. Vincent de Paul Society

Collection Box accepts clean, useable clothing.

Charitable donations to benefit persons in need can be dropped in

the box located at the rear of St. Edward’s parking lot.

Solidarity Prayer for a Pandemic

May we who are merely inconvenienced remember those whose lives are at stake.

May we who have no risk factors remember those most vulnerable.

May we who have the luxury of working from home remember those who must choose

between preserving their health or making their rent.

May we who have the flexibility to care for our children when their schools close remember

those who have no options. May we who have to cancel our trips remember

those that have no place to go. May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of the economic market remember those

who have no margin at all. May we who settle in for a quarantine at home

remember those who have no home. During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other, let us yet find ways

to be the loving embrace of God to our neighbors.




Church Name: Saint Edward Parish & St. Jude Parish Church City: Medfield, Massachusetts, and Norfolk, Massachusetts Routing Code: R Run Number: 15 Filename: 04-0456

Phone Number: 508-359-2633 Fax Number: 508-359-1846 Editor/Contact: Eileen Trinity

Format: bTD NOTE: Grayscale pages 3 through 6


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