
The Cherwell School

Sixth Form

Subject Details

September 2013

TITLE OF SPECIFICATION: Art & Design Board: Edexcel SP NO: 10AD01/10AD02

What will I study?

There are 4 units: Year 12 AS Year 13 A2 Unit 1: Thematic/Expressive enquiry Unit 3: Contextual Study written/practical Unit 2: Externally set assignment Unit 4: Externally set Assignment How will I study? All art students will be required to maintain a visually exciting work journal/sketchbook. This will be supported by practical workshops that aim to promote a good knowledge and understanding of contemporary artists’ methods and processes. Year 12 will initially focus on developing a strong skills base to allow students to produce a rich and varied final conclusion. Ability to research and explore the works of others is essential, study trips will be organised but student initiative will be expected. Year 13 will allow students to focus on aspects of art history that interests them as they produce an in depth Contextual Study This Unit consists of a written dissertation, a work journal and an explanation of the artists they study creatively by investigating their methods and processes. Teachers will advise and challenge students in attaining the specialist art knowledge needed to write their dissertations. This leads into independent work that focuses on a chosen creative problem and it is advised that the dissertation is used to identify practical problems that artists face in the creation of their work. These will be investigated through practical independent investigations. A2 is concluded with the externally set examination which allows 6 weeks preparation time followed by a 2 day practical exam.

How will it be assessed? (Modules/exams/Coursework) Your work will be assessed using the edexcel Assessment matrix. Your sketchbooks, workshop work and final pieces will cover a range of Assessment Objectives. These include your ability to observe and record appropriate information, respond to different times and cultures and develop ideas and use materials and realize your ideas, making connections to the work of others. AS Unit 1 project is all course work and reflects 60% of the AS final grade. Unit 2 is externally set but internally marked. This unit is 40% of the overall AS grade. A2 The mark from AS is carried over as 50% and A2 involves 2 more units. Units 3 is a internally set project worth 30% of the final A2 Grade. Unit 4 is externally set and marked. This unit is worth 20% of the over all A2 grade. All work is externally moderated.

How long will the course last? AS: first year A2: second year

TITLE OF SPECIFICATION: Biology Board: AQA SP NO: 1411/2411

What will I study?

Unit 1: Biology and disease – BIOL1 (33.33% of AS; 16.67% of total A level marks) AS

How disease may be caused by pathogens or may reflect effects of lifestyle. Digestion and gas exchange and the effects of diseases on these processes. Defensive functions of the blood. Heart and biological basis of heart disease. How knowledge of basic biology allows us to understand symptoms of disease and interpret data relating to risk factors.

Unit 2: The variety of living organisms – BIOL2 (46.67% of AS; 23.33% of total A level marks) How variation between living organisms is influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Variety of life at the biochemical and cellular level. DNA, genetic diversity and the cell cycle. How size and metabolic rate affect an organism’s requirements and give rise to adaptations. Classification, relationships between organisms and biodiversity. Genetic variation in bacteria and antibiotic resistance.

Unit 3: Investigative and practical skills in AS Biology – BIOL3 (AS Centre Assessed Unit: 20% of AS; 10% of total A level marks) This includes demonstrating and describing practical techniques through qualitative and quantitative methods. Recording and communication of reliable and valid observations/measurements with appropriate precision and accuracy. Analysis (including graph plotting to illustrate trends/patterns), interpretation, explanation and evaluation of methodology, results and impact of students’ own and others’ investigatory activities.

Unit 4 Populations and environment – BIOL4 (16.67% of total A level marks) A2

Factors affecting populations. Photosynthesis and respiration biochemistry. Energy transfer, recycling of chemical elements and succession in ecosystems. Genetic variation and speciation.

Unit 5: Control in cells and in organisms – BIOL5 (23.33% of total A level marks) Stimulus and responses – how the nervous and endocrine systems function. How muscles contract. Homeostasis. Protein synthesis and regulation of gene expression. DNA technologies and their applications to cloning, genetic fingerprinting and medical diagnoses and treatment.

Unit 6: Investigative and practical skills in A2 Biology – BIOL6 (A2 Centre Assessed Unit: 10% of total A level marks) As AS Unit 3, except results are analysed by means of an appropriate statistical test. Students who have studied Double Science (Core and Additional) at GCSE must have B grade or above in both GCSEs if they wish to study AS science subjects. Students who have studied Triple Science at GCSE must average a B grade or above in the three GCSE science subjects and a B grade or above in the AS science subject they wish to study.

How will I study?

Lessons will involve a variety of activities including whole class discussion, individual and group practicals and presentations, as well as visits and attending presentations from outside speakers as part of The Cherwell Sixth Form Science Talks.

How will it be assessed? At AS, 2 exam papers: Unit 1 (11/4 hours) and Unit 2 (13/4

hours) are each assessed at the end of the course.

At A2, 2 exam papers: Unit 4 (11/2 hours) and Unit 5 (21/4

hours) are each assessed at the end of the course.

Investigative Skills Assignment (ISA) and Practical Skills Assessment (PSA) assessed at AS (Unit 3) and A2 (Unit 6).

How long will the course last? AS: first year A2: second year


SP NO: 2130 What will I study?

Business Studies A-level provides a stimulating and relevant course that encourages a practical application of business concepts as well as building vital skills for higher education and students’ careers. The course is filled with relevant and stimulating concepts that encourage the students to engage with real business cases such as Tesco, Facebook, Marks and Spencer and to link theory to business practice. The two AS units are: Unit 1: Planning and Financing a Business - covers the issues involved in a business start-up, such Business Plans, Market Research and the importance of Enterprise, as well the factors that determine success. Unit 2: Managing a Business - focuses on how established businesses might improve their effectiveness by making tactical decisions. These decisions will be made within the context of Finance, People in Business, Operations Management and Marketing. The two A2 units are: Unit 3: Strategies for Success - In the study of this unit candidates should examine the core themes of setting objectives, measuring performance and devising strategy Unit 4: The Business Environment and Change - It considers the relationship between businesses and external factors. It examines how external factors can impact upon businesses, and the responses they may take.

How will I study? Lessons are extremely interactive. Group discussion, presentations and real world role plays form, the basis for stimulating lessons where business is bought to life. The higher order skills of independent investigation are often explored and the opportunity to set up your own enterprise makes teaching interactive and encourages the skills needed to achieve in higher education. If you wish to continue to study Business Studies to A2 Level a Work Experience Placement in a suitable business would be expected. This will provide you with the opportunity to test your understanding in a real business environment. Students in Year 12 are encouraged to start a ‘Young Enterprise’ business during the year. Again, this provides a valuable insight into the business world. These opportunities are likely to enhance any UCAS application.

How will it be assessed?

Unit 1 – BUSS1 AS Examinations

Planning and Financing a Business 40% of AS, 20% of A Level 1 hour 15 minutes examination 60 marks Short answer questions and extended responses based on a mini case study. Unit 2 – BUSS2 Managing a Business 60% of AS, 30% of A Level 1 hour 30 minutes examination 80 marks

Unit 3 – BUSS3 A2 Examinations

Strategies for Success 25% of A Level 1 hour 45 minutes examination 80 marks Unit 4 – BUSS4 The Business Environment and Managing Change 25% of A Level 1 hour 45 minutes examination 80 marks Pre-release research tasks leading to the first section of a two section examination.

How long will the course last? AS: first year A2: second year

TITLE OF SPECIFICATION: Chemistry Board: Edexcel

SP NO: 8CH01/9CH01 What will I study?

AS: Unit 1: Atomic Structure Formulae, Equations and Moles Structure and Bonding Periodic Table 1 Introduction to Oxidation and Reduction Group 1 Group 7 Students who have studied Double Science (Core and Additional) at GCSE must have B grade or above in both GCSEs if they wish to study AS science subjects. Students who have studied Triple Science at GCSE must average a B grade or above in the three GCSE science subjects and a B grade or above in the AS science subject they wish to study. How will I study? In lessons students will participate in discussions and give presentations on the content of each unit. Students will apply their knowledge and develop their problem solving skills through exercises tackled both in lessons and at home. A structured programme of practicals runs along side the theory lessons where students will develop the practical skills needed for units 3 and 6.

How will it be assessed/ (Modules/exams/coursework) AS This will be assessed through module papers: Unit 1 Test - The paper is 1 hr 15 min long and consists of multiple choice and structured questions. Unit 2 Test - This paper is 1 hr 15 min long and consists of multiple choice and structured questions. Unit 3A - Assessed practicals throughout the course testing:

o General practical competence o Qualitative observation o Quantitative measurement o Preparation

A2 This will be assessed through module papers: Unit 4 Test - 1 hr 40 minutes consisting of structured questions, data questions and synoptic elements Unit 5 Test - 1 hr 40 minutes consisting of structured and longer answer questions. Context studies and synoptic issues. Unit 6 – Assessed practicals throughout the course testing:

o General practical competence o Qualitative observation o Quantitative measurement o Preparation

How long will the course last? AS: first year A2: second year

A2: Unit 4: Rates of Reaction Entropy Equilibria Acid Base Equilibria Further Organic Chemistry Spectroscopy and Chromatography

Unit 2: Energetics Organic Chemistry I Kinetics Chemical Equilibria Industrial Inorganic Chemistry Unit 3: Laboratory Skills I

Unit 5: Redox Transition Metals Arenes & Nitrogen Compounds Synthesis Unit 6: Laboratory Skills II


SP NO: 2100 What will I study?

Unit 1: Identity, Rights and Responsibilities. This unit explores 2 main topics AS

Identity and Rights and Responsibilities.

As a part of this we will be examining what it means to be British, the different forms of being a citizen and equality and diversity.

Unit 2: Democracy, Active Citizenship and Participation. The focus of this unit is about how we embody citizenship in our role as members of a society. As well as exploring the theories of engagement in the political process, we also organise and carry out a campaign to develop our active citizenship

skills further.

Unit 3: Power and Justice. At the start of unit 3 we will explore A2

Crime, Justice and Punishment and Politics, Power and Participation

to develop our understanding of the political and legal structures of our society. We will examine how they interact, are dependent on and reflective of our society. We look at who is responsible for decision making in Britain and explore the implications on us as private citizens.

Unit 4: Global Issues and Making a Difference. This unit focuses on using skills and knowledge from the previous 3 units and setting this in a global context. We also explore the issue of human rights and what this concept means in reality.

How will I study?

Students will learn in a variety of contexts including discussion, engaging with media, external speakers, individual research, presentations, trips and essay writing. There is also the opportunity to engage with a decision making institution. Alongside work covered in class students will need to read widely on the topics covered in order to complement their studies and prepare them for the final exam.

How will it be assessed?


Unit 1: Written Paper, 1 hour 15 minutes 40% of total AS marks, 20% of total A Level marks. Unit 2: Written Paper, 1 hour 30 minutes 60% of total AS marks, 30% of total A Level marks.


Unit 3: Written Paper, 1 hour 30 minutes 25% of total A Level marks. Unit 4: Written Paper, 1 hour 30 minutes 25% of total A Level marks.

How long will the course last? AS: first year A2: second year


Board: AQA

SP NO: 2510

What will I study?

Unit 1: COMP 1 Problem Solving, Programming, Data Representation and Practical Exercise

• Fundamentals of problem solving • Fundamentals of programming • Fundamentals of data representation • Systems development life cycle

Much of the focus of this unit is on learning to program in Visual Basic, with another significant element being learning about how computers store information in the form of numbers, text, images and sound. Before the exam students are provided with a section of a program with which to familiarise themselves. During the exam they will be asked to interpret various sections, complete some sections and write new sections of code. Unit 2: COMP 2 Computer Components, The Stored Program Concept and the Internet

• Fundamentals of computer systems • Fundamental hardware elements of a computer • Machine level architecture • Hardware devices • The structure of the Internet • Web page design • Consequences of using computing

Unit 3: COMP 3 Problem Solving, Programming, Operating Systems, Databases and Networking

• Problem solving • Programming concepts • Real numbers • Operating systems • Databases • Communication and networking

Unit 4: COMP 4 The Computing Practical Project requires candidates to identify a well-defined problem, involving a third-party user, and to generate a solution. This is a significant piece of work that starts in July of the AS year. How will I study? The course is practical in nature, both in preparation for the practical modules, and to support the teaching of the theoretical modules.

How will I be assessed? (Modules/exams/Coursework) Unit 1 - 2hr on-screen paper 30% Unit 2 – 1 hr written paper 20% Unit 3 - 2½hrs written paper 30% Unit 4 – Practical Project 20%

How long will the course last? AS: first year A2: second year


Board: AQA

SP NO: 2230

What will I study?


DANC 1 - Written Paper worth 40% of the AS. This is based on the study of professional works and the dancer in action, both practice and performance. Part A consists of structured questions based on practice and performance. Part B consists of two essay questions based on the study of professional works. DANC 2 - Practical paper worth 60% of the AS. This takes the form of a solo choreography/performance task and a performance in a duo or trio. A2

DANC3 – Written Paper - Dance Appreciation: Content and Context worth 25% of A Level. This unit comprises two sections: A – one question on chosen area of study and B – one question on set work studied DANC4 - Group Choreography and Solo Performance worth 25% of A Level. This is in the form of a practical examination which is externally assessed – comprising of two sections: A – group choreography B – solo performance

How will I study? The AS course consists of two units; one written one practical. Emphasis is on: The dancer in action - practice and performance. The process and craft of choreography. The significance of dance (appreciation/choreography/performance) Students will be expected to see recommended professional dance works to support to support their studies. The A2 course also consists of two units; one written one practical. For DANC 3 – written paper - Students are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the development of dance through the study of the context in which dances are presented and from which they are derived, together with a critical appreciation of practitioners and their works. For DANC4 – practical - Students will study choreography and create two pieces – one a group piece, the other a solo. As with the AS course Students will be expected to see recommended professional dance works to support to support their studies.

How will it be assessed? (Modules/exams/Coursework)

The practical elements of the AS are examined usually between March and April with the written examination in June


The practical unit DANC 1 will be assessed internally and externally moderated. The written unit DANC 2 will be externally set and assessed. The AS course studies provide a foundation for the following A2 course.


The practical elements of the AS are examined in June with the written examination in May/June. Both units are externally assessed

How long will the course last? AS: first year A2: second year

TITLE OF SPECIFICATION: Design Technology: Product Design

Board: Edexcel

SP NO: 8RM01/9RM01 What will I study?

• Identifying opportunities for design and technological activity • The designing and modeling of prototypes • Materials technology as appropriate to the designing and making of products and systems • A range of manufacturing methods, including modern industrial practice • Social moral, cultural and ethnic dimensions that relate to technological decisions • Constraints placed on designing and making of products and systems

How will I study? • Investigative study of materials and

systems • Analysis of existing products and

systems • Coursework • Weekly exam styled homework • Regular independent work With the coursework forming 60% of the overall marks, it is very important that pupils consider their A level choices very carefully. It is a course which requires students to work increasingly independently and they will be supported in developing these skills.

How will it be assessed?

There are four units which will be assessed: Unit 1: Portfolio of Creative Skills: Demonstrating ability in product investigation, product design and product manufacture. Unit 2: Design & Technology in Practice: Written exam (1hour 30min) covering knowledge and understanding of Product Design. Unit 3: Design for the Future: Written exam (2 hour) covering knowledge and understanding of Product Design. Unit 4: Commercial Design: Extended design and make project.

How long will the course last? A level - Two years. AS level - One year . The full A level requires two years and includes all four Units. However, occasionally students may wish to complete the AS section only which is completed in one year (year 12) and is comprised of Unit’s 1 and 2. NOTES: Please note that this is a Resistant Materials course although it will incorporate some of the skills, knowledge and understanding from GCSE Design and Technology Graphic Products. Candidates should have at least a C grade at GCSE in Resistant Materials, Graphic Products or Textiles Technology.

Assessment weighting Unit 1 Three practical projects 30% Unit 2 Exam 20% Unit 3 Exam 20% Unit 4 Single practical project 30%

TITLE OF SPECIFICATION: Drama and Theatre Studies

Board: AQA

SP NO: 2240

What will I study?

% for: AS


AS Section B – The Study of a one set Play

- Unit 1: Section A – Response to live theatre during the course 60% 30%

Unit 2: Practical Presentation from a Play-Group 40% 20% performance of an extract from a published play The assessment process includes preparatory and development work and supporting notes Practical presentation is marked by the center and moderated by AQA Candidates choose one from:

• Acting • Costume design • Mask design • Set design • Technical elements – lighting and/or sound

A2 - Unit 4: Written Paper - Pre 20th

Century Text 30%

Unit 5: Practical - Devised Drama Performance 20%

How will I study? The course is a mixture of practical and written work. Students will also be expected to visit the theatre several times a year. Supporting them in their study is therefore a balanced approach with both practical work and theoretical study.

How will it be assessed? (Modules/exams/Coursework) Students complete the written exams for AS at the end of Yr 12 and A2 at the end of Yr 13. The practical exams take place usually at the end of March/beginning of April. Both practical units (unit 1 + 5) will be assessed internally and externally moderated. All written units will be externally set and assessed. The course studies a variety of performance styles ranging from Greek to physical theatre. We also offer challenging upper school productions where students learn basic stage craft.

How long will the course last? AS: first year A2: second year


SP NO: 9EC01 What will I study?

Economics will give you a real understanding of the main economic issues in the UK today. You will need to be able to express your thoughts clearly in written work and there will be some diagrams to get to grips with; but this course is fully accessible whatever other A-levels you may wish to pursue. “On many issues, including some where the passions run highest, economics offers startlingly illuminating insights”. (Paul Krugman) You will look at individual issues such as housing market failure, energy bills soaring, Tesco’s versus Wal-mart (Asda), the environment, the NHS and why different people get paid different wages. You will also look at the economy as a whole in thinking about the Euro, Unemployment, Inflation, Economic Growth, Globalization and Government Tax and Spending. This course will improve your mind and open up wide career opportunities.

How will I study?

Taught lessons will focus on applied economics with up to date examples. A keen interest in current affairs is essential for the research work you will do. Written work will consist of essays, data response and an assessment. Practical knowledge will be gained through speakers and participation in the Bank of England’s national competition. Minimum entry requirement A grade C or above in each of GCSE Maths, Science and English is required to take Economics.

How will it be assessed? You need to complete modules 1 and 2 to achieve an AS-level; completing 3 and 4 as well would then convert this into an A2-level. Unit 1: Competitive Markets —

Examination of 1 hour 30 minutes, consisting of supported multiple-choice questions and one data response question out of a choice of two questions. Unit 2: Managing the Economy

Examination of 1 hour 30 minutes, consisting of one data response question out of a choice of two questions, includes mini essay. Unit 3: Business Economics and Economic Efficiency

Examination of 1 hour 30 minutes, consisting of supported multiple-choice questions and one data response question out of a choice of two questions, includes mini essay. Unit 4: The Global Economy

Examination of 2 hours, consisting of one essay question with two parts from a choice of three topic areas, and one data response question out of a choice of two questions.

How long will the course last?

AS: first year A2: second year

TITLE OF SPECIFICATION: BTEC Level 3 Certificate/Subsidiary Diploma in Engineering


What will I study?

BTEC Nationals are QCF Level 3 qualifications designed to provide highly specialist work-related learning in a range of vocational sectors. They give learners the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for employment. The vocational context of the qualification allows for effective delivery through assignment briefs. This provides learners with realistic, work-based scenarios and projects and allows the school to form links with local organisations. According to the Engineering Council UK, engineers on average enjoy better remuneration than accountants or solicitors. There are huge opportunities and many skills gaps within this diverse and rapidly developing sector, both in the UK and abroad. Edexcel’s BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Certificate/Diploma in Engineering can provide a springboard to a university degree or Foundation Degree in an appropriate vocational discipline, to BTEC HNCs and HNDs, or to employment. This course is approximately equivalent to 1 AS level (Certificate) or 1 A Level (Subsidiary Diploma).

Year 12 Units Health and Safety in the Engineering Workplace. Health and safety legislation. Identifying and controlling hazards. Risk assessment and reporting incidents. Much will be classroom based but evidenced through practical tasks in other modules. Ultimately it is recorded in written assignments. Engineering drawing. Sketching components. Interpreting drawings. Producing engineering drawings. Computer aided design packages. This is a practical module covered in the graphics room. There are elements of written work to evidence what has been learnt in assignments. Mechanical Principles and Applications. Be able to determine the effects of loading static engineering systems. Work, power and energy transfer. Fluid and thermodynamic systems. This module is theoretical and is assignment based. There is a great deal of maths in this module and a good GCSE maths grade is helpful. Year 13 Units Properties and Applications of Engineering Materials. Structure of engineering materials. Effects of processing on the structure of materials. Materials selection. Failure modes of materials. This module will involve some workshop time testing and handling materials. There will be a number of assignments in which information is written up. Fabrication. Marking out materials and fabricating structures. Forming and assembling materials to make an object and planning the manufacture of an object. This module is theoretical but is supported by a number of practical tasks. Welding. This unit gives learners an understanding of manual, mechanised and machine-based welding processes, including laser, friction and resistance welding.

How will I study? • Practical projects in the engineering

workshop • Paper based assignments • Non contact periods using the

workshop/design rooms to keep up to date with assignments

How will it be assessed?

Assignments are set by the school to suit the local environment and facilities available. Pupils should consider about 60% of the time to be spent making things in the engineering workshop and 40% doing paper based assignments. There is more practical workshop time in Year 12. Year 13 is more technical and mathematical; ideal for those who wish to go into engineering. Assessment weighting All modules are equally weighted, 3 in Year 12 and 3 more in Year 13.

How long will the course last? Certificate: one year Diploma: two years


Board: AQA

SP NO: 2745

What will I study?

You will study two units for the AS award:

Unit 1: Aspects of Narrative. AS

An introduction to the study of narrative through four texts, to include two novels (one of these being a modern novel, for example Ian McEwan’s ‘Enduring Love’ or Cormac McCarthy’s The Road) and two poetry texts written between 1800-1945 (for example, a selection by Thomas Hardy, and Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’). This unit will focus in particular on how narratives are constructed by authors, and the different ways in which they can be responded to by readers. Unit 2: Dramatic Genres. The study of the dramatic genre of comedy through two plays, at least one of which will be by Shakespeare. This unit is assessed by two pieces of written coursework. You will then study a further 2 units for the A2 award:

Unit 3: Texts and Genres. A2

Developing ideas on the significance of genre which have been established during the AS course, Unit 3 offers students the opportunity to explore and evaluate three or more texts against some of the commonly accepted principles of a genre category (which will be either Elements of the Gothic, or Elements of the Pastoral). Unit 4: Further and Independent Reading. This unit offers candidates the opportunity to read a range of texts, including some they themselves choose, Students are introduced to critical ideas and approaches (including Marxism and Feminism) and given the opportunity to apply these ideas to literary texts. This synoptic unit will help students make connections across texts, and see that the study of Literature is underpinned by certain methods and ideas. This unit will involve studying at least two literary texts, as well as an anthology of critical writing. A grade B or above in GCSE English is strongly recommended to take English Literature.

How will I study? • Discussion • Presentation • Individual study and research • Coursework essays • Exam practice

How will it be assessed? (Modules/exams/Coursework) AS

Unit 1 Exam – 4 texts, 2 questions (one close analysis and one involving a wider discussion of ‘aspects of narrative’ in several texts). Open book 2 hours. Unit 2 Coursework – 2 texts, 2 pieces. 1200-1500 words each. A2

Unit 3 Exam – 3 texts, 2 questions (one text specific and one involving comparison across texts). Closed book 2 hours. Unit 4 Coursework –2 pieces. 2 texts minimum. One comparative study (1500-2000 words) and one piece applying critical ideas to a literary text (1200-1500 words).

How long will the course last? AS: first year A2: second year


Board: Edexcel

SP NO: 8FR01/ 9FR01 What will I study?

At AS you will be studying the following contemporary issues- youth culture and concerns (music and fashion, technology, relationships, drinks, drugs and sex), lifestyle, health and fitness ( sport and exercise, food and diet, health issues), The world around us ( tourism, travel, transport, climate change, pollution and recycling), Education and employment (policies, student issues, job opportunities and employment). You will learn to be accurate (through the study of grammar) and articulate ((through the learning of extensive new vocabulary). You will be discussing and presenting complex facts, ideas and opinions in both writing and speaking. At A2, you will be studying the following issues – Customs, traditions, beliefs and religion, national and international events (past, present and future), Literature and the Arts. You will be discussing contemporary issues in a mature and complex fashion. You will develop a good understanding of the language and will manipulate it to become an independent, confident linguist.

How will I study? • You will be taught through texts, tapes and various

authentic documents. • You will be working sometimes independently but

often in pairs and groups. • You will be asked to complete projects which will

demand good organisational skills and independence of mind.

• You will be asked to make whole class

presentations on a topic of your choice, small groups and on a regular basis.


How long will the course last? AS: first year A2: second year

How will it be assessed? (Modules/exams/Coursework

2 assessment units at AS:

Unit 1: Spoken expression and response in French (externally assessed) 30% of total AS mark. (10 mins) Unit 2: Understanding and written response in French (externally assessed) 70% of the total AS mark. (2h30 mins)

2 assessment units at A2:

Unit 3: Understanding and spoken response in French (externally assessed) 35% of the total A2 mark. (13 mins) Unit 4: Research, understanding and written response in French (externally assessed) 65%of the total A2 mark. (2h30mins)


SP NO: H079 H479 What will I study?

This course is compulsory at AS level for most students in Year 12 (see essential information for details). It is also available at A2 as an option in Year 13. The AS level course contains 2 units. These units explore questions that relate to our understanding of the world in which we live, and these may include: Unit 1: The Cultural and Social Domains What makes us who we are? Why do we think the way we do? What values do we hold dear? How do we entertain ourselves and get to know about what is happening in the world? What are the differences between the political parties? Why are the rich getting richer? What is the benefit of proportional representation? Why is there a problem of homelessness and can we solve it? Unit 2 : The Scientific Domain Is the greenhouse effect real? Could we travel to Mars? Why do we age? Should we encourage organ transplants and how would we increase the number of donors? You will develop your ability to analyse information, think critically, resolve ethical dilemmas and put forward your opinions and feelings in a coherent way. Similar themes are studied in Year 13; looking at issues such as art and society, the ethical dilemmas that scientists face, and the way in which our cultural history affects our views on immigration and asylum. The main aim of the year is to show the links that exist between the three domains, and to allow students to see that culture, science and society are inextricably linked.

How will I study? You will have some taught lessons introducing the subject content but a large part of the course involves you putting forward your views, in dicsussions or as presentations, or researching the issues raised, via the internet, newspapers and television. In Year 12, each unit is taught as a 10 week module by a subject specialist.

How will it be assessed? (Modules/exams/coursework) Unit 1 has a 2 hour exam and Unit 2 has a 1 hour exam. These are skills based rather than content based and give you the opportunity to explore issues and develop arguments in each area. Each exam contains short answer and essay questions.

How long will the course last?

AS: first year A2: second year


SP NO: 2030 What will I study?

Unit 1: Physical & Human Geography AS

Core: Rivers, floods and their management Global population change Options: Cold environments The Geography of Health Unit 2: Applied Geography (including a residential fieldtrip in October) Skills of data collection, presentation & analysis, including fieldwork methodology A2 Unit 3: Contemporary geographical issues Ecosystems: change and challenge Plate tectonics and hazards Development and globalization Global conflicts and challenges Unit 4b: Geographical issue evaluation

Useful resources

Text books

AQA AS Geography (Barker, Redfern and Skinner, publishers - Philip Allen) AQA AS Geography (Smith and Knill, publishers - Nelson Thornes) Geography An Integrated Approach (Waugh)



Geography Review (Philip Allan) National Geographic Geographical magazine Geofile

How will it be assessed?


Unit 1: 2 hour paper 70% AS (35% of A2 grade) Structured questions, examining both Physical & Human topics

Unit 2: 2 hour paper 30% AS (15% of A2 grade) Structured questions on data analysis and presentation, including

fieldwork methodology

A2 UNITS Unit 3: 2 hour 30 minutes 60% A2 (30% overall) Structured questions on two of the options selected, plus one

long essay on the third. Unit 4b: 1 hour 30 minutes 40% A2 (20% overall) Geographical Issue Evaluation Students respond to issues raised by pre-release materials

studied in class over two months before the examination. This unit examines geographical skills and from throughout the course.

How long will the course last?

AS: first year A2: second year


SP NO: H076/H476 What will I study? At AS, you will be studying the following contemporary issues – daily life, leisure and entertainment, communication and media, education and training. By the end of the AS course you will: have a grasp of many complex grammar structures and your use of German will be much more accurate. have a deeper knowledge of culture as well as contemporary issues in the German speaking world. be able to articulate your opinions and thoughts much more accurately and with a much extended vocabulary. At A2, you will be studying the following issues - the environment, science and technology, culture and society as well as one literary topic. By the end of the A2 course you will: be able to discuss and argue contemporary issues in a mature and complex fashion. be able to discuss a piece of literature both in writing and speaking. have extended your vocabulary considerably by preparing for the final essay task. You will have a good understanding of the language and will manipulate it to become an independent, confident linguist.

How will I study? • You will be taught through various

authentic documents (including internet and films).

• You will be working independently at times

but often in pairs and groups. • You will be asked to complete projects

which will demand some good organisational skills and independence of mind.

• You will be asked to make whole class

presentations on a topic of your choice, to a small group of people, on a regular basis.

• Grammar: you will be using a grammar

book as reference material. • You will have the opportunity to do

participate in a study trip to Berlin in yr 12 and 13.

How will it be assessed? (Modules/exams) AS level

Duration Weighting at AS

Weighting at A2

F711 Speaking 1 (role play and topic discussion)

15 min 30% 15%

F712 Listening, Reading and Writing 1

2hrs 15 mins 70% 35%

A2 level

F713 Speaking 2 Discussion of article and topic discussion)

15 mins -- 15%

F714 Listening, Reading and Writing 2

2hrs 45 mins -- 35%

Length of course: AS: first year A2: second year

What options will be available to me at the end of the course? As languages are a life skill and German is the third most widely used language in business as well as the third most widely learnt modern foreign language within the European Union (following Russian and English), there are a wealth of opportunities in both higher education and the job market. You can … • combine German with a range of other subjects (Business

Studies, International Relations, another language, Law, etc.) • take a minor in German offered by many universities. • study and/or work in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and/or

Liechtenstein (a highly enriching cultural and linguistic experience)! Seek employment with one of the numerous companies in the UK as well as in the EU that are in demand of linguists in the UK to keep their international business relationships running.

TITLE OF SPECIFICATION: Government and Politics

Board: Edexcel

SP NO: 6GP01/02

What will I study?

It can be argued that every citizen should have a good understanding of how the country they live in is governed. The thinking citizen would go beyond understanding the mechanics of government to have their own considered views on political issues. This topical course aims to develop knowledge, informed understanding and a critical awareness of the nature of politics and the relationship between political ideas, institutions and processes. • What is politics? • What is democracy and why is participation important? • How important are pressure groups? • What is the role of political parties? • Do elections guarantee democracy? • How adequate is the UK constitution? • What is the role and significance of Parliament? • How powerful is the Prime Minister? • Do judges deliver justice and defend freedom?

How will I study?

You can expect a mixture of approaches. Sometimes you will be asked to research topics for yourself; often you will be provided with stimulus material and enter into detailed discussions. It will help if you watch the news, regularly read the papers, enjoy debating and are good at arguing your own point of view.

How will it be assessed?

The AS course is split into two modules assessed as below: Unit 1: People and politics • Written examination of 1 hour 20 minutes = 2 structured questions

from a choice of 4. Unit 2: Governing the UK • Written examination of 1 hour 20 minutes = 1 stimulus based

question from a choice of 2 and 1 extended question from a choice of 2.

For the A2 course (6GP03/04) students will study Political Ideologies. These include in Unit 3: Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism and Anarchism. And in Unit 4: Nationalism, Feminism, Multiculturalism and Ecologism. Assessment is via two examinations, each of 1 hour 30 minutes and consisting of 3 short questions from a choice of 5 and 1 essay from a choice of 3.

How long will the course last?

AS: first year A2: second year

TITLE OF SPECIFICATION: BTEC Level 3 Certificate in Health & Social Care

Board: Edexcel

SP NO: 500/9316/2 500/9317/4

What will I study?

BTEC Nationals are QCF Level 3 qualifications designed to provide highly specialist work-related learning in a range of vocational sectors. They give learners the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for employment. The vocational context of the qualification allows for effective delivery through assignment briefs. This provides learners with realistic, work-based scenarios and projects and allows the school to form links with local organisations. Edexcel’s BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Certificate/Diploma in Health and Social Care can provide a springboard to a university degree or Foundation Degree in an appropriate vocational discipline, to BTEC HNCs and HNDs, or to employment. This course is approximately equivalent to 1 AS level (Certificate) or 1 A Level (Subsidiary Diploma). Year One Unit 1: Developing Effective Communication in Health and Social Care Understand effective communication and interpersonal interaction, Understand factors that influence communication and interpersonal interaction, Understand ways to overcome barriers to communication, Be able to communicate and interact effectively in a health and social care environment. Unit 2: Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care Understand concepts of equality, diversity and rights in relation to health and social care, Know discriminatory practices in health and social care, Understand how national initiatives promote anti-discriminatory practice, Know how anti-discriminatory practice is promoted in health and social care settings. Unit 10: Caring for Children and Young People Know why children and young people might need to be looked after, Know how care is provided for looked after children and young people, Understand the risks to children and young people of abusive and exploitative behaviour, Understand the strategies used to safeguard children and young people from abusive and exploitative behaviour. Year Two Unit 3: Health, Safety and Security in Health and Social Care Understand potential hazards in health and social care, Know how legislation, policies and procedures promote health, safety and security in health and social care settings, Be able to implement a risk assessment, Understand priorities and responses in dealing with incidents and emergencies. Unit 7: Sociological Perspectives for Health and Social Care Understand sociological perspectives, Understand sociological approaches to health and social care. Unit 8: Psychological Perspectives for Health and Social Care Understand psychological perspectives, Understand psychological approaches to health and social care. Unit 14: Physiological Disorders Understand the nature of physiological disorders, Know the processes involved in the diagnosis of physiological disorders, Be able to produce a care pathway for physiological disorders, Understand the strategies used to support individuals with physiological disorders. How will I study? Methods/Fieldwork etc Taught Lessons, Discussions, Presentations, Group Work, Individual Research, Work Experience (optional - to be arranged by individual students)

How will it be assessed? (modules/exams/coursework) All units will be assessed through a series of written, verbal and practical assignments. All students will be expected to meet their hand-in deadlines. Students will be given allocated lesson time to complete their assignments. All assignments are internally assessed and some may be externally moderated.

How long will the course last? AS: one year A2: two years


SP NO: H106 / H506

What will I study?

During the AS/A2 Course you will be able to study a range of significant events, individuals and issues. At AS you will focus on the 16th century with units covering the German Reformation 1517-1555 and England under Elizabeth I 1558-1603. The A2 course will allow you to develop your work from AS through further 16th century content – The Catholic Reformation 1492-1610 and Philip II of Spain 1556-1598. You will also be able in year 13 to work on a piece of historical research of your own choice from OCR’s list of suggested topics.

How will I study? Lessons will consist of a variety of learning styles (e.g. seminars, group work, debates). Students will also have opportunities for independent historical research for their coursework options. Students will work with primary source material and work towards creating historical arguments in a variety of written pieces.

How will it be assessed? (Modules/exams/coursework)


The AS qualification is assessed through 2 units: Unit 1: 50% of AS 25% of A2

The German Reformation assessed through an examination based on using historical source/interpretations and the student’s own knowledge.

Unit 2: 50% of AS 25% of A2

England under Elizabeth I 1558-1603 assessed through an examination where students have to produce two essays.


The A2 qualification is assessed through the 2 further units below. Unit 4: 20% of A2

Historical investigations and interpretations. This involves two pieces of coursework. One based on interpretations of an individual (Philip II of Spain 1556-1598) and one on a personal historical investigation of your own choice. Both pieces of coursework are approximately 2000 words long

Unit 5: 30% of A2

The Catholic Reformation in the Sixteenth Century assessed through an examination where students have to produce two essays.

How long will the course last?

AS: first year A2: second year

TITLE OF SPECIFICATION: Mathematics/Further Mathematics

Board: Edexcel

SP No: 8371/ 9371/8372/9372

What will I study?

Pure Mathematics will be a core part of the course running throughout both AS and A2 courses. There will be options to choose from mathematical applications, Mechanics and Statistics. A grade A or above at GCSE Mathematics is essential to study Mathematics or Further Mathematics at AS level.

How will I study? Classwork will include taught sessions with students working individually and in groups. Homework assignments will be set regularly and given in roughly every two weeks.

How long will the course last? Mathematics


AS: year 1, 3 units: Core Maths 1, Core Maths 2 Mechanics 1 or Statistics 1

A2: year 2, 3 units: Core Maths 3, Core Maths 4

Mechanics 2 or Statistics 2 or Statistics 1 or Mechanics 1

Further Mathematics


AS: Unit 1: Further Pure 1, Further Pure 2 or Mechanics 3 or Statistics 3.

A2: Unit 2: Further Pure 2 Further Pure 3 and 1

other application It may be possible for Further Maths students to do different modules to those indicated but the greater the choice the more the reliance on self-study with support. NB: the exam board make the final decision about which modules are used for each qualification.

How will it be assessed? (Modules/exams/coursework) All parts of the course will be assessed by timed written examination.


SP NO: H140 /H540 What will I study?

The course is available at both AS and A2 levels. The course is based upon the assumption that media are systems designed with intention and as such have developed symbolic language which represents society rather than simply reflecting it. From this view it follows that media representations are produced with both implicit and explicit values and meanings. As a result of this, media texts shape society and vice-versa. At AS Level, meanings inherent in Media texts will be analysed using the key concepts of: Media Language, Audience, Institutions, Representation, Genre, and Narrative. Students will construct their own moving image text in response to their learning and research. Students keep a “blog” - a record of their learning. At A2, there is more focus on the theories of Barthes, Marx, Hall, Lacan, Baudrillard and the postmodernists as well as historical and cultural context. The above theorists are investigated in more depth to decipher why meanings are produced in their respective ways. AS Modules Unit 1: Foundation Portfolio in Media pre-production learning then students are assessed digitally planning, then making a video Unit 2: Key Media Concepts 2 essays written on Media Studies theory and texts in June examination A2 Modules Unit 3: Advanced Portfolio in Media An extended practical and digitally logged coursework Unit 4: Critical Perspectives in Media 2 part examination: two essays on personal project; one essay on high-level media theory

How will I study? • Classroom lessons & discussions • Presentation • Coursework (both written and practical) • Analysis of media texts: • Film, TV, newspapers, magazines, the web • Exam practice

How will it be assessed? (modules/exams/coursework) The scheme consists of both staged assessment and assessment at the end of each course (AS or A2). The A Level award comprises two compulsory assessment units (modules) from the AS scheme and two compulsory assessment units (modules) from the A2 scheme: G321 AS unit 1 – coursework = 50% G322 unit 2 – written paper = 50% G324 AS unit 3 – coursework = 50% G325 A2 unit 4 – written paper = 50%

How long will the course last? AS: first year A2: second year


SP NO: 8MU01/9MU01 What will I study?

AS You will develop the related skills of performing, composing, listening and analysing through two specific Areas of Study: Vocal Music and Instrumental Music.

1. Performing –work towards a 6 minute recital that will be held at the end of the year 2. Composing –compose a 3 minute piece based on a given brief under 15 hours of school supervision 3. Listening –work toward a final listening exam to be held in June/July 4. Analysis –study set works of Vocal and Instrumental music, which you will be tested on in a formal

exam held in June/July 5. Theory –work towards a final exam in which you will have to communicate your harmony skills

A2 You will choose to specialise in either performing or composing, but will still develop your skills through coursework in both disciplines. You will focus on set works through two Areas of Study: Applied Music and Instrumental Music

1. Performing – work towards a 12 minute recital that will be held at the end of the year 2. Composing –compose two 3 minute pieces based on a given brief. For each you will have 14 hours

composition time under exam conditions or sit composition techniques paper in 2 styles (3hours). Or one composition and one compositional techniques

3. Listening - work toward a final listening exam to be held in June/July 4. Analysis –study set works of vocal and instrumental music, which you will be tested on in a formal

exam held in June/July 5. Theory – work towards a final exam in which you will have to communicate your harmony skills

A grade B or above at GCSE Music is essential to study Music at AS level.

How will I study? Methods/Fieldwork etc • You will study extracts from the Areas of Study. • You will listen to, analyse, play, sing and compose

a wide range of music. • You will work individually, in a pair in a group and

under controlled conditions • You will need to listen extensively to a variety of

music, and perform in and attend concerts. • You will use ICT to assist composing and listening.

How will it be assessed? (Modules/exams/Coursework) AS

Composing 30% Performing 30% Developing Musical Understanding: Aural

and written and harmony exam paper 40% . A2

Composition and Technical study 30% of A2 marks 15% of the total GCE marks

Extended Performance 30% of A2 marks 15% of the total GCE marks

Further Musical Understanding: Aural and written exam paper 40% of A2 marks 20% of total GCE marks

How long will the course last?

AS first year A2 second year

TITLE OF SPECIFICATION: Photography Board: Edexcel SPNO: 10PY01/10PY029030

What will I study?

There are 4 units: Year 12 AS Year 13 A2 Unit 1: Thematic/Expressive enquiry Unit 3: Contextual Study written/ Unit 2: Externally set assignment Unit 4: Externally set Assignment How will I study? All photography students will be required to maintain a visually exciting work journal/sketchbook or digital file . This will be supported by practical workshops that aim to promote a good knowledge and understanding of contemporary photographers’ methods and processes. Year 12 will initially focus on developing a strong skills base to allow students to produce a rich and varied final conclusion. Ability to research and explore the works of others is essential, study trips will be organised but student initiative will be expected. Year 13 will allow students to focus on aspects of contemporary photography that interests them as they produce an in depth Contextual Study This unit consists of a written dissertation, a work journal/digital file and an explanation of the work of the photographers they study by investigating their methods and processes. Teachers will advise and challenge students in attaining the specialist art knowledge needed to write their dissertations. This leads into independent work that focuses on a chosen creative problem and it is advised that the dissertation is used to identify practical problems that photographers face in the creation of their work. These will be investigated through practical independent investigations. A2 is concluded with the externally set examination which allows 6 weeks preparation time followed by a 2 day practical exam

How will it be assessed? (Modules/exams/Coursework) Your work will be assessed using the Edexcel Assessment matrix. Your sketchbooks, digital and workshop work and final pieces will cover a range of assessment objectives which include your ability to observe and record appropriate information, respond to different times and cultures and develop ideas and use materials and realize your ideas, making connections to the work of others. AS Unit 1 project is all course work and reflects 60% of the AS final grade. Unit 2 is externally set but internally marked. This unit is 40% of the overall AS grade A2 The mark from AS is carried over as 50% and A2 involves 2 more units. Units 3 is a internally set project worth 30% of the final A2 Grade. Unit 4 is externally set and marked. This unit is work 20% of the overall A2 grade All work is externally moderated

How long will the course last? AS: first year A2: second year

TITLE OF SPECIFICATION: Physical Education Board: OCR

SP NO: H154 H554 What will I study?

AS Unit G451: An introduction to Physical Education Anatomy and Physiology (Section A) Acquiring Movement Skills (Section B) Socio-Cultural Studies relating to participation in physical activity (Section C) Unit G452: Acquiring, developing and evaluating practical skills in Physical Education A2 Unit G453: Principles and concepts across different areas of Physical Education Key topics include: Section A: Socio-Cultural Options Historical Studies (Option A1) Comparative Studies (Option A2) Section B: Scientific Options Sports Psychology (Option B1) Biomechanics (Option B2) Exercise and Sport Physiology (Option B3) Unit G454: The Improvement of effective performance and the critical evaluation of practical activities in Physical Education Practical Skills Performance Evaluation, appreciation and the improvement of performance How will I study? Theoretical knowledge gained through classroom experience with some experimental work to help apply principles. Coursework will be continuous and practical. Students will be assessed through performance and knowledge of their chosen two activities in Yr 1 and a specialist activity in Yr 2

How will it be assessed/ (Modules/exams/coursework) A combination of exam, coursework and continual practical assessment result in Yr1 and Yr2 qualification.

How long will the course last? AS: first year A2: second year


SP NO: H158/H558

What will I study?

Key topics includes AS

Mechanics (Motion, forces in action, work & energy) Electricity (Electric current, resistance, DC circuits) Waves Quantum physics

Key topics include A2

Further mechanics (Newton’s laws & momentum, circular motion & oscillations) Thermal physics Fields (Electric fields, magnetic fields, capacitors) Nuclear physics Astrophysics Entry Requirement: Candidates must average a B grade or above at GCSE across all of the sciences and a B grade or above in the science they wish to study if they have studied triple science . A level maths is encouraged, though it is not a requirement. If you are not studying A-level maths, you should take up the ‘Use of Maths’ course as you do need to be competent with mathematical manipulations, following on from the work you have covered in GCSE maths. You should be aware that A2 Physics is particularly difficult without having done AS Maths. Students who have studied Double Science (Core and Additional) at GCSE must have B grade or above in both GCSEs if they wish to study AS science subjects. Students who have studied Triple Science at GCSE must average a B grade or above in the three GCSE science subjects and a B grade or above in the AS science subject they wish to study.

How will I study? In both AS and A2 you will be taught by two teachers, each teaching different parts of the specification. Separate practical sessions are arranged each week which complement the theory but also develop the skills required for the practical assessment during each year. We place particular emphasis on handling apparatus, precise measurements and data logging techniques. Personal study time will require the use of books, newspapers, magazines and the Internet to answer questions, solve problems and complete search and report tasks. We will keep you informed of talks, conferences, visits to museums and research establishments. There are many opportunities for enrichment within Physics.

How will it be assessed ? (Modules/exams/coursework) Assessment will be by unit tests (externally marked) and a practical assessment (internally marked) each year.


Unit 1: exam 1 hr Unit 2: exam 1 hr 45 mins Unit 3: Practical assessment


Unit 4: exam 1hr 15 minsr Unit 5: exam 2 hrs Unit 6: Practical assessment

How long will the course last? AS: first year A2: second year


SP NO: 1181/2181 What will I study?

A level Psychology covers a wide range of psychological theories and studies and looks at the application of these to everyday life situations.

At AS, you will study: PSYA1: Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Research Methods Topic list Key topics include: • Memory: models of memory, eyewitness testimony and methods of improving memory. • Attachment: Theories of early childhood attachment, deprivation, the effects of daycare. • Research Methods: experimental and non-experimental methods used in psychological investigations,

application of data. PSYA2: Physiological Psychology, Social Psychology and Abnormal Psychology Key topics include : • Stress : Bodily response to stress, stress in everyday life • Social Influence: conformity and obedience, social influence in everyday life • Abnormality: definitions of abnormality, treating abnormality.#

How long will the course last?

AS: first year (Year 12)

A2: second year (Year 13)

What skills do I need to study Psychology?

A grade C or above in each of GCSE maths, Science and English is required to take Psychology.

Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and behaviour. So an enquiring scientific approach is needed, but equally all exams questions are written in prose, so good English skills are also required. If continuing the subject to A2 most questions require lengthy essay style answers.

At A2 we cover a range of topics including:- Research Methods, Eating Behaviour, Biological Rhythms and Sleep, Aggression, Schizophrenia and Addiction.

How will it be assessed? PSYA1 –Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Research Methods 50 % of your AS GCE (25% of A2) 1 hour 30 minutes examination Answer all questions in a question booklet – questions have a variety of styles and vary in the amount of marks they carry eg: multiple choice, short answer and a longer 12 mark essay questions. PSYA2–Physiological Psychology, Social Psychology and Abnormal Psychology 50 % of your AS GCE (25% of A2) 1 hour 30 minutes examination – Summer module Answer all questions in a question booklet – questions have a variety of styles and vary in the amount of marks they carry eg: multiple choice, short answer and a longer 12 mark essay questions. Knowledge of research methods will be incorporated into this paper as well.

TITLE OF SPECIFICATION: BTEC Level 3 Certificate/Subsidiary Diploma in Public Services

Board: Edexcel

SP NO: WG237/WG238

What will I study?

BTEC Nationals are Level 3 qualifications designed to provide highly specialist work-related learning in a range of vocational sectors. They give learners the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for employment. The vocational context of the qualification allows for effective delivery through assignment briefs. This provides learners with realistic, work-based scenarios and projects and allows the school to form links with local organisations. The public sector is the UK’s largest employer and includes central and local government, the armed forces, the emergency services, educational establishments and a host of public corporations. Students completing the course go on to a University Degree or Foundation Degree in an appropriate vocational discipline, to BTEC HNCs or HNDs, or employment. This course is approximately equivalent to 1 AS level (Certificate) or 1 A Level (Subsidiary Diploma). What will I study? The course includes some compulsory units. The number of these will vary depending on whether you are working towards the diploma or the certificate. They will be drawn from


1. Government, Policies and the public Services 2. Leadership and teamwork in the public Services 3. Citizenship, Diversity and the Public services

The course also includes a range of optional units. They will be drawn from


1. Physical Preparation, Health and Lifestyle for the Public Services 2. Understand the Impact of War, Conflict and Terrorism on Public Services 3. Outdoor and Adventurous Expeditions 4. Crime and its effects on Society 5. Planning and management of major incidents 6. Police Powers in the Public Services

How will I study? As all assessment is coursework based, you will complete projects throughout the course. You will need to carry out independent research and supported by your teachers, you will have access to public service employers.

How will it be assessed?

Students complete a portfolio of assignments to achieve either the Certificate or subsidiary diploma. Certificate is equivalent to 1 AS level and is completed in year 12 Subsidiary Diploma level is equivalent to 1 A level and is completed in year 13

How long will the course last? Certificate: one year Diploma: two years

TITLE OF SPECIFICATION: Religious Studies (Philosophy and Ethics)

Board: OCR

SP NO: H172 / H572

What will I study?

Unit G571: AS Philosophy of Religion Ancient Greek influences on philosophy Judaeo-Christian influences on philosophy Arguments for the existence of God Challenges to religious belief; The problem of evil Religion and science Unit G572: AS Religious Ethics Ethical theories; Natural Law Kantian Ethics Utilitarianism Religious Ethics Applied ethics topics; Abortion; the right to a child Euthanasia Genetic engineering War and peace Unit G581: A2 Philosophy of Religion Religious language Experience and religion Nature of God Life and death Miracle Unit G582: A2 Religious Ethics Meta-ethics Free will and determinism Conscience Virtue ethics Applied ethics topics; Environmental and business ethics, Sexual ethics How will I study? Students will learn in a variety of contexts including discussion, individual research, presentations and essay writing. Alongside work covered in class students will need to read widely on the topics covered in order to complement their studies and prepare them for the final exam.

How will it be assessed? The course is completely exam based. AS: The 2 AS modules each have a 90 minute paper during which candidates answer 2 questions. A2: The 2 A2 modules each have a 90 minute paper during which candidates answer 2 questions.

How long will the course last? AS: first year A2: second year


SP NO: H181/H581 What will I study?

Sociology is the critical analysis of human societies. Sociology will give you the opportunity to stand back and critically consider your own culture and experience. You will do this through studying the following units:


Unit G671: Exploring Socialisation, Culture and Identity You will study the formation of culture, the process of socialisation and the role of socialisation in the creation of identities such as gender, ethnic, class and age identities. You will also study the research process and the use of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods in the context of research. Unit G672: Topics in Socialisation, Culture and Identity In this unit you will study one of the following topics in detail: the sociology of the family, the sociology of health, the sociology of religion or the sociology of youth. You will use the theory, methods and concepts learned in Unit G671 to study one aspect of social life in detail.


Unit G673: Power and Control In this unit you will study the sociology of education. You will consider the structure and organisation of the education system, the role and function of education in society and differential educational achievement. You will also study the relationship between education and the economy and education and social policy. Unit G674: Exploring Social Inequality and Difference You will study the patterns and theories of social inequality as they relate to social class, gender, ethnicity and age. You will look at the views of Functionalists, Marxists, Neo-Marxists, Feminists, Weberians and Postmodernists. You will also consider the issues involved in researching social inequality and difference. You will study the methodological concerns of positivists, interpretivists, realists and feminists.

How will I study?

You will study Sociology using a number of different teaching methods: • Formal Classes • Reading books/articles/journals • Independent Research • The use of computer software • Group Discussion • Presentations

How will it be assessed?

• Written examinations (2 x 1.5 hour) AS

• Written examinations (1 x 1.5 hour and 1 x 2 hours)


• Each exam paper is worth 25% of the

total A Level

What skills do I need to study Sociology? Sociology is an essay based, written subject and good GCSE grades (C and above) in compatible subjects such as English, History or Geography or Philosophy & Ethics are essential.

How long will the course last?

AS: first year (year 12)

A2: second year (year 13)


SP NO: 1696/2696 What will I study?

At AS, you will be studying the following topics: Family relationships (Relationships within the family; Friendships; Marriage/partnerships), Healthy living/Lifestyle (Sport/exercise; Health and well-being; Holidays), Media (Communication technology; Television; Advertising), Popular Culture (Cinema; Music; Fashion/trends). At A2, in addition to the topics and grammar above, learning will focus on the topics of: the Multicultural Society (Immigration; Integration; Racism) the Environment (Pollution; Energy; Protecting the planet) Contemporary Social Issues (Wealth and poverty; Law and Order; Impact of scientific and technological progress), Culture (Two topics must be covered from a choice of 5; we will cover: Causes, course and consequences of the Spanish Civil War and The life and work of Federico García Lorca)

How will I study?

You will be taught through written texts; CDs, video and DVD recordings; and resources via the Internet.

Class work will include a range of individual, pair and group work activities.

You will be asked to complete projects which will demand good organisational and research skills and considerable independence of thought.

Occasionally you will be asked to make whole class presentations on a topic of your choice, either independently or in small groups.

How will it be assessed? (2 exams at AS; 2 exams at A2) 2 assessment units at AS= Unit1 = Listening/Reading/Writing (70% of AS – 110 marks) Section A: Listening (30mins; 35 marks) Section B: Reading (45mins; 40 marks) Section C: Writing (45mins; 35 marks) Unit 2

Discussion of a stimulus card 5 min

= Speaking (30% of AS – 50 marks). 35 mins including 20mins preparation.

Conversation10 min 2 assessment units at A2= Unit 3 = Listening/Reading/Writing (70% of A2 – 110 marks) Section A: Listening (30mins; 25 marks) Section B: Reading and Writing – includes translation into and out of Spanish (60mins; 45 marks) Section C: Writing – 1 essay (60mins; 40 marks) Unit 4

Discussion of a stimulus card 5 min

= Speaking (30% of A2 – 50 marks). 35 mins including 20mins preparation.

Conversation(on both Culture topics)10 min

How long will the course last? AS: first year

A2: second year Following on from the GCSE course, your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills will be developed further. In addition to this, you will be given language strategy training to enhance your understanding of the four key skills and enable you to meet to the challenge of advanced level examination questions. Below, you will find a list of the range of activities accomplished at AS and A2 level: Listening: true or false and multiple choice questions, completing tables with the required information, identifying statements that are mentioned in the text, comprehension questions, transcription, dictation and paraphrasing exercises. Speaking: role play, individual and group presentations, whole class and small group discussions and debates, drama. Reading: true or false and multiple choice questions, comprehension questions, grammar cloze exercises, textual analysis (poetry, literary and non-literary prose), Spanish to English translation. Writing: poetry and creative writing, summaries and paraphrasing, business language (letters, faxes, memos and emails), transferring meaning from English to Spanish, extended essay writing.

TITLE OF SPECIFICATION: BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Sport (Development, Coaching and Fitness)

Board: Edexcel

SP NO: MC877

BTEC Nationals are Level 3 qualifications designed to provide highly specialist work-related learning in a range of vocational sectors. They give learners the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for employment. The vocational context of the qualification allows for effective delivery through assignment briefs. This provides learners with realistic, work-based scenarios and projects and allows the school to form links with local organisations. Students who opt for this course should: • have a keen and active interest in sport • wish to pursue a career in this field • prefer a more practical approach with continuous assessment rather than exams

What will I study? The sport and leisure industry comprises leisure and health centres and private sector and public sector clubs. Opportunities include working with sports professionals, in fitness, sports coaching and outdoor education. Edexcel’s BTEC Level 3 National Awards, Certificates and Diplomas in Sport provide a springboard to a university degree or Foundation Degree in an appropriate vocational discipline, higher national certificates/diploma or to employment.

Students take the National Diploma which is equivalent to 2 A levels and is taught in 2 combines. The course must be studied for the full 2 years to gain the qualification.

This course is assessed entirely through coursework. Students will be set a number of assignments over the course of the two years and will produce a final portfolio of work for assessment. Students will be taught key theories but will also be expected to carry out their own research and investigations.

Core units are• Principles of Anatomy and Physiology in Sport


• The Physiology of Fitness • Sports Coaching • Assessing Risk in Sport • Sports Development • Fitness Training and Programming • Fitness Testing for Sport and Exercise • Practical Team/Individual Sports Optional Units include topics such as• Exercise Health & Lifestyle


• Psychology for Sports Performance • Leadership in Sport • Sports Nutrition • Sports Injuries Over the two years students will have the opportunity to gain personal and coaching experiences in various sports. What are the entry requirements? As detailed in the sixth form essential information booklet, preferably including a GCSE or BTEC level 2 in Physical Education/Sport

How long will the course last? Diploma: two years

How will it be assessed? Assessment is through a series of assignments in each of the subjects and is continuous.

TITLE OF SPECIFICATION: Use of Mathematics Free-standing Mathematics Qualifications

Board: AQA

SP.NO: 5351 (6990,6991, 6992 )

What will I Study This is a Mathematics course leading up to 2 AS Use of Mathematics modules. Modules can be taken in either Statistics or Algebra and Graphs. Students can therefore acquire up to 20 UCAS points for each of the individual units. Students for whom this qualification may be useful fall into one of three categories:

1. Those studying AS physics or chemistry but not AS Mathematics. These students may want to study the algebra module.

2. Those studying subjects with a significant data analysis content (Psychology, Biology, Geography, etc) –

may want to study the statistics module.

Students should note that for most students, this course should be seen as additional to, and supporting, the usual four AS level courses. A grade A or above at GCSE Mathematics is essential to study Mathematics or Further Mathematics at AS level.

How will I study?

The course consists of classes where theory is presented plus a significant amount of supported coursework

How will it be assessed?

50% Examination 50% Coursework

How long will the course last? One year to complete stand alone modules

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