
The Choline Catastrophe: Challenge To The Black Creative Community

Copyright 2011 By Brother G (Gregory L. Walker)

Brother G and L.A. Banks at Black Writer’s Conference at Medgar Evers in 2009

I was going to keep this information to myself. But the untimely death of of author L.A. Banks has led me

to speak on the subject that was probably greatly responsible for her death. L.A. died due to adrenal

cancer and the health of the adrenal glands, along with the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and brain are

maintained by the neurotransmitter Acetyl Choline (ACH). This essential neurotransmitter is derived

from choline, a vitamin-like substance that is not abundantly found in foods. It keeps you calm and

protects vital organs from stress related poisons caused by the over-abundance of cortisol, which is

created by the adrenal glands. People in this country don’t have enough of it, the black community has

the least of it and suffers the most from the lack of it. Choline deficiency is destroying our black culture.

It is making us sick. It is increasing our self-hatred and destroying our ability to come together. Ironically,

choline deficiency affects our best and brightest the worse because they call upon it the most, making

this catastrophe 1000 times more effective than the Ku Klux Klan ever hoped to be.

ACH is responsible for memory, learning, out of the box thinking, the ability to generate novel ideas,

sociability and communicating. People who have a lot of ACH are like L.A. Banks: truly wonders to

behold. They are the super innovators and super artists who seem to be hooked up to a universal source

of creativity. They have the ability to bring folk together, inspire them and heal them. They are known

for taking the feces laden social stew served up to Black people and transforming it into a rich nutritious

gumbo that the whole world wants to get a taste of. Gospel, blues, reggae, classic soul and classic hip

hop- even soul food. All the product of folks with their right brains swirling in ACH and with their bodies

swimming in vitamin D. Yes vitamin D, the sunlight derived substance which helps all neurotransmitters

to accomplish their jobs, is crucial in maintaining this system. We are deficient in that too but can’t

utilize what little vitamin d we possess due to choline deficiency.

ACH is responsible for keeping us cool, turning the relaxation response on in stressful situations and

healing us after stress has jacked us up. ACH sends calming signals from the hypothalamus to tell the

body to calm down. If you don’t have enough ACH in your system you have zero ability to successfully

defend yourself from stress and are walking around in a perpetual state of fight or flight tension. Under

the influence of this mentality trust goes out the door, because you never know when your fellow

choline deficient brother or sister will turn against you. Every slight is amplified; every kindness suspect

making getting along taxing and often impossible. The communal powers that have traditionally been a

source of strength in the black community gets transformed into a source of pain and suspicion. The

world becomes a hostile place filled with hate and haters. Better to be alone, go it alone and rely on

the accumulation of wealth to bring happiness or scrounge enough income to stay perpetually high

because of lack of peace. Prenatal choline deprived youth beat each other to death for nothing while

their parent’s divorce rates and other forms of social dissolution goes sky high.

Hell on earth = Choline deficiency!

If you don’t have enough ACH in your system, it will be cannibalized from your brain, which usually leads

to drug use (including nicotine!) as a substitute for the stress relief of ACH. It will be leached from other

organs, causing cancer and a host of other maladies. Mental symptoms are fearfulness, grouchiness

(type A personality) and mood swings. The long term normal consequence are strange behavior, then

eccentric behavior, followed by dementia and finally, if you live to become an elder before cancer takes

you out, Alzheimer’s, the disease of ACH brain cannibalization. If your cultural group does not have

enough choline collectively, all the tragic behavior and brain maladies above start to devastate your

community. Look around and you will see it everywhere among us. Black people are cannibalizing each

other like the brain cannibalizes itself for ACH, especially the creative and conscious communities.

Turning to our music for solace is no good anymore, due to choline deficient individuals hired by choline

deficient executives and marketed to a choline deficient population who no longer possess the ability to

tell art from circus because of lack of choline. From my research it seems a high level creative artist has

about 10 to 15 years of adult creative output before the effects of choline deprivation start to show.

Direct examples of likely choline deficient artistic tragedies include:

Hip hop-soul queen Lauryn Hill, who was supposed to save the industry, but instead has self-destructed

while exhibiting bizarre behavior that is the hallmark of choline deficiency. Erica Badu disrobes in public

in a desperate bid to revive her career. Why? We all asked. Ms. Badu is very likely the victim of a drop in

creativity and stress resistance due to choline deficiency. Michael Jackson, after decades of choline

deficient poster child type self-hatred and self-mutilation, imbibes massive drugs and dies because he

could not find the peace that ACH gives you naturally. As for those of us who love classic soul, we are

deprived of artists like Earth Wind and Fire’s Maurice White due to Parkinson’s disease, a crippling brain

malady that is treated by the intake of choline and results from choline deficiency. Or the great Angela

Bofill, a stroke victim likely from lack of choline. Donnie Hathaway and Phyllis Hyman, both suicides

from depression which is treated by choline intake and develops, in large part, from a lack of it. And

don’t forget all the “short bus shawties” that dominate hip hop and popular music today. How do you

get to ride the short bus to school as one of the slow kids? Not all of them are crack babies. Some suffer

from prenatal choline deficiency.

Everyone in this culture is choline deficient, but white people get drugs and therapy while black people

get jail and burial plots. Why is choline only now, since about 15 years ago, being mentioned? Because

the knowledge of the human body and how it works is only now being discovered by western science

and folk are living long enough now for the knowledge to be important. African people long ago knew

about choline and were the masters of its manipulation due to its greatest purpose: spiritual upliftment.

For those who are into ancient African history, I am about to reveal the answer to one of the greatest

mysteries of all time: The mechanism for African greatness was and still is choline intake paired with

the appropriate meditational techniques. People who advocate lucid dreaming and certain

meditational practices have long noted that taking doses of choline helps with the process, but do not

realize how really profound its uses can be. Large, steady intakes of choline along with certain

meditational practices to manipulate the vagus nerve (

nerve.htm) will open up a “hotline to God” that affects human consciousness. This leads to a culture

permeated by output that emulates how God creates, which is finally being recognized now that

western math and science has developed enough to take note of it. This proves that, despite the lies

told, African culture has always been permeated by closeness to God despite being called “pagan” and

“devil worship.” This new information (to the western world) proves that it was common for Africans to

walk in “God consciousness” while others only paid lip service to the concept. For solid info on this see:

Today choline can be taken in supplements and found in foods such soy beans (lecithin) and eggs, meats

and other vegetables. In ancient times it was consumed in raw cow milk. That’s right, I just revealed the

reason for the ancient cow culture of the Kushite peoples, especially the Kemetic (ancient Egyptian

people). Today people know that raw, unpasteurized cow milk consumed straight from the source

contains large amounts of choline.

According to more information I found from an old article from Pet Milk, about one liter of raw milk will

get you between 138 and 169 mg of choline. This means that three liters a day, a little more than a

gallon, would get the raw milk drinker about 500 mg of choline. This is near the modern recommended

550 mg for a grown man. People were much smaller on average back then and with no modern

pollution or stress, this probably would have been more than enough. A cow can give 8-10 gallons a day,

but I would lay odds that the ancients bred cows that produced much more choline for much less

volume of milk. This is just a guess, but I would not put it past them. We do know that cows were sacred

and their reverence corresponded with the rise of civilization, that people drank the milk and that cows

were symbols for spiritual upliftment.

For a long time this cow reverence has been a puzzling thing. Het Heru (Hathor) and Auset (Isis) are

shown wearing cow horns or being depicted as cows along with random cow depictions of obvious

importance. Well Het Heru governs creativity and Auset governs trance, both universally recognized as

the foundation of spiritual upliftment and both subject to manipulation by choline intake. In Nabta

Playa, the monumental south Egyptian star aligned complex, they found a huge, multi-ton stone carved

cow and interred bovine bones. Napta Playa’s layout proves the southern and African origin of Ancient

Egypt and tells us this cow reverence goes back at least 10,000 years. See the book “Black Genesis” by

Bauval for detailed info.

Napta Playa Stone Cow

This predynastic (from 17,000 B.C.!) wet Saharan Napta Playa related culture as they depicted


Right at about this point I can hear folk crying: What about lactose intolerance? Aren’t African people

lactose intolerant? Well Africans are consuming milk in many places on the continent now and obviously

always have. It is the modern pasteurization process that kills enzymes and lactase producing bacteria

needed for our bodies to break down and assimilate milk sugar lactose. This is the origin of lactose

intolerance. So you see: Cow domestication led to steady access to choline. This opened up the path to

better health and openness to spiritual revelations, which led to the creation of true civilization. There

are much better ways of getting choline now through supplements I will point you to below, but first a

word on my own struggles with choline deficiency.

I have recently made a geographical and lifestyle move. To New York from Chicago and from a primarily

meat based diet to a primarily vegetable based diet. While the change in geography has done wonders

for my career, during this transition I experienced inexplicable health problems around my tendons and

other connective tissue as well as cognitive troubles that affected my ability to concentrate and focus. I

tried acupuncture, which helped greatly, but only temporarily. I tried Chinese herbs which helped even

more, but did not give me the permanent relief I needed. Then I heard about choline, tried it and am

now cured. The effects started happening literally overnight.

Upon doing lots of research, I found that my move to vegetarianism was not good for me overall,

because I was getting my daily requirement s of choline from eggs and some meats. I have since found

out that I am naturally endowed with an over-abundance of ACH producing capacity provided that I

consume the appropriate amount of choline. When I stopped eating eggs the ACH started to leach from

certain body parts and portions of my brain to feed my work. I was on the highway to mental illness and

physical breakdown and without the knowledge of choline would have no doubt been ruined due to the

intensity of my creative output. I give myself only a few years before I would have been taken out

mentally or by death. When I looked around I began to see patterns among other creative people and

the death of my fellow writer and friend L.A. Banks was the clincher for me to come forward.

Now I am enjoying mental and physical health at levels I experienced in my twenties (I am in my 40s), as

well as profound spiritual gifts of peace, spiritual revelation and outstanding creative output. Due to my

own personal struggle and the research and practices I have done I have confirmed that health,

emotions and spiritual evolution are under our control, given the proper information. I have given just a

glimpse of this process with this essay and invite all who are curious to learn more to read the Metu

Neter book series by Ra Un Nefer Amen starting with book 5, “Keys To Health and Longevity.”

Other creative folk take note: You are our vanguard in expressing and creating the art necessary for our

upliftment and mental self-defense. Unfortunately this means you call upon the ACH in your systems at

a much higher rate than the norm. Take it from me: without choline supplements you will suffer and

eventually self-destruct. Get some sun in the summer to boost your vitamin d, take vitamin d

supplements in the winter (about 10,000 mgs daily) and above all get choline supplements year round.

You will need the daily recommended supply of 550 mgs at least. I recommend 1/3 more to doubling

that in times of intense creativity. And learning meditational techniques will augment this greatly,

causing your success rate in all of life’s endeavors to skyrocket.

Before I sign off on for now, I wish to give a personal, heartfelt message to people in the African

centered consciousness movement. For years I have noticed a lot of ill health and downright mental

weirdness among us in this community of people. A primary reason is that vegetarian and vegan people,

which make up a large part of the leadership of this community, don’t get enough choline. In fact they

get the least amount of all people and suffer greatly. These are usually community organizers, artists

and activists who stand at the forefront of the movement for the upliftment of African people. They are

at every rally, every protest, speaking out when no one else will. Stress is a daily, hourly and minute by

minute consequence of their lifestyle and they feed upon it. Some think this stress, expressed as a

perpetual state of emotional outrage against injustice, is the appropriate mentality for the struggle. But

you are doing nothing but hurting yourselves and crippling our collective efforts. Please get some

choline and learn some real meditational techniques. You will find your health improves greatly and that

innovative problem solving will re-emerge. You will also find that fighting evil from a position of peace,

like Heru with his spiritual eye restored, will win the day. Below is a link to order the choline I am taking.

If you don’t get it here please get it somewhere. And spread the word by sharing this article. Now!!!

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