  • 1

    The Clinical and Public Health Utility of Mutual Aid Organizations in Addressing

    Addiction: What Does the Science Tell Us?

    John Kelly, PhD, ABPPElizabeth R. Spallin Associate Professor of Psychiatry in

    Addiction Medicine, Harvard Medical SchoolTuesday, April 23, 2019

  • 2

    American Academy of Family Physicians American Psychiatric Association

    American Academy of Neurology American Society of Addiction MedicineAddiction Technology Transfer Center American Society of Pain Management

    NursingAmerican Academy of Pain Medicine Association for Medical Education and

    Research in Substance AbuseAmerican Academy of Pediatrics International Nurses Society on AddictionsAmerican College of Emergency Physicians American Psychiatric Nurses AssociationAmerican College of Physicians National Association of Community Health

    CentersAmerican Dental Association National Association of Drug Court

    ProfessionalsAmerican Medical Association Southeastern Consortium for Substance

    Abuse TrainingAmerican Osteopathic Academy of Addiction Medicine

    PCSS is a collaborative effort led by the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) in partnership with:

  • 3

    Webinar Housekeeping

    Minimize or maximize the webinar panel by selecting the orange arrow.

    To be recognized, type your question in the “Question” box and select send.

  • 4


    • I have no disclosures to report.

  • 5

    Educational Objectives

    • Participants will: Describe the state of the evidence on the efficacy of

    mutual-aid for enhancing clinical outcomes for opioid and other substance use disorders.

    Detail the magnitude of the potential health care cost savings that can be derived from prescribing and facilitating mutual-aid participation in treatment settings.

    List three major mechanisms through which mutual-aid organizations confer therapeutic benefit.

  • 6

    1970: Public Enemy No. 1

    During the past 50 years since “War on Drugs” declared, we have moved from “Public Enemy No. 1” to “Public Health Problem No. 1”

  • 7

    War on Drugs

    • The “war on drugs” was part of a national concerted effort to reduce “supply” but also “demand” that created treatment and public health oriented federal agencies.

  • 8

    Paradigm Shifts

  • 9

    Multiple Pathways to Recovery

    • Acknowledges myriad ways in which individuals can recover: Clinical pathways: provided

    by a clinician or other medical professional – both medication and psychosocial interventions

    Non-clinical pathways:services not involving clinicians like AA

    Self-management pathways:recovery change processes that involve no formal services, sometimes referred to as “natural recovery”

  • 10

    “Quitting smoking is easy, I’ve done it dozens of times.”

    – Mark Twain

  • 11

    What people really need is a good listening to…

  • 12

    Swift, certain, modest, consequences shape behavioral choices…

  • 13

  • 14

  • 15

    The clinical course of addiction and achievement of stable recovery can take a long time…

    Addiction Onset

    Help Seeking

    Full Sustained Remission

    (1 year abstinent)

    Relapse Risk Drops Below 15%

    4-5 years 8 years 5 years

    Self-initiated Cessation Attempts

    4-5 Treatment Episodes/


    Continuing Care/


    Recovery Priming

    Recovery Monitoring

    Recovery Mentoring

    50-60% of individuals

    with addiction will achieve full sustained remission

  • 16

    Cadre of emerging and growing long-term Recovery Support Services now exist…


    Mutual help organizations

    Peer-based recovery support services

    Sober living environments

    Clinical models of long-term recovery


    Recovery community


    Recovery supports in educational

    settings(sober dorms)

  • 17

    Treatment and Recovery Support Services ideally should be…

    • Available• Accessible• Affordable• Attractive• Evidence-based• Diverse

  • 18

    Cadre of emerging and growing long-term Recovery Support Services now exist…


    Mutual help organizations

    Peer-based recovery support services

    Sober living environments

    Clinical models of long-term recovery


    Recovery community


    Recovery supports in educational

    settings(sober dorms)

  • 19

    Potential Advantages of Community Mutual-Help

    Cost-effective –free; attend as intensively, as

    long as desired

    Focused on addiction

    recovery over the long haul

    Widely available, easily accessible,


    Access to fellowship/broad support network

    Entry threshold (no paperwork, insurance);

    anonymous (stigma)

    Adaptive community based system that is

    responsive to undulating relapse risk

  • 20

    Recovery Supportive Role Modeling and Influence

  • 21

    Paradox in Onset and Offset of Substance Use…

    • Four main reasons why people starttaking drugs: To feel good To feel better To do better Because other people are doing it

  • 22

    Paradox in Onset and Offset of Substance Use…

    • Four main reasons why people stoptaking drugs: To feel good To feel better To do better Because other people are (not) doing it

  • 23

    Overarching Principles Possibly at Play Within and Across AA/MHOs


    Instillation of Hope



    Imparting of Information


    Imitative Behavior

    Socialization Techniques

    Existential Factors

    Interpersonal Learning


    Source: Yalom, 1995

  • 24

    Recovery-Focused Mutual-Help Groups

    Source: Kelly & Yeterian, 2013

    Name Year of Origin Number of groups in U.S. Location of groups in U.SEvidence base*


    Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 1935 52,651 all 50 States 1, 2, 3

    Narcotics Anonymous (NA) 1940s Approx. 15,000 all 50 States 1, 2

    Cocaine Anonymous (CA) 1982 Approx. 2000 groupsmost States; 6 online meetings at 0

    Methadone Anonymous (MA) 1990s Approx. 100 groups

    25 States; online meetings at 1, 2

    Marijuana Anonymous (MA) 1989 Approx. 200 groups

    24 States; online meetings at 0

    Rational Recovery (RR) 1988

    No group meetings or mutual helping; emphasis is on individual control and


    ----------------------------------------------------- 1, 2

    Self-Management and Recovery Training

    (S.M.A.R.T. Recovery) 1994Approx. 1100 groups

    40 States; online meetings at

    m1, 3

    Secular Organization for Sobriety, a.k.a. Save

    Ourselves (SOS) 1986Approx. 480 groups all 50 States; Online chat at 1

    Women for Sobriety (WFS) 1976 150-300 groupsOnline meetings at WomenforSobriety 1

    Moderation Management (MM) 1994

    Approx.16 face-to-face meetings

    12 States; Most meetings are online at; 1

    *0= None 1=Descriptive studies only 2 = Observational (correlational, longitudinal) 3= Experimental (random assignment, controlled).

  • 25

    Table 2. Dual-Diagnosis Focused Mutual-Help Groups

    Source: Kelly & Yeterian, 2008

    Name Year of Origin Number of groups in U.S. Location of groups in U.S.

    Double Trouble in Recovery (DTR) 1989 200

    Highest number of groups in NY, GA, CA, CO, NM, FL

    Dual Recovery Anonymous

    (DRA)1989 345 Highest number of groups in CA, OH, PA, MA

    Dual Disorders Anonymous 1982 48 28 in IL

    Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (DDA) 56 38 in CA

  • 26

    Table 3. Non-Substance Focused Addictive Behavior Mutual-Help Groups

    Source: Kelly & Yeterian, 2013

    Name Year of OriginNumber of groups in

    U.S. Location of groups in U.S.

    Gamblers Anonymous

    (GA)1957 Approx. 1000 chapters all 50 States

    Sex Addicts Anonymous

    (SAA)1977 Approx. 700 meetings

    most States; Online meetings at; Telephone


    Sex and Love Addicts

    Anonymous (SLAA)

    1976 Approx. 1320 groups worldwide

    (including in all 50 States), Online meetings at; Regional teleconference calls

    Overeaters Anonymous

    (OA)1960 Approx. thousands of meetings

    all 50 States; Numerous online (

    df) and telephone meetings (

  • 27

  • 28

    TSF Delivery ModesTSFOTH

    In past 25 years, AA research has gone from contemporaneous correlational research to

    rigorous RCTs, quasi-experiments, cost utility, and MOBC research…

    Stand alone independent therapy

    Integrated into an existing therapy

    Component of a treatment package (e.g. an additional group)

    As Modular appendage linkage component

  • 29

    (9-mo) Self-efficacyNegative Affect

    Baseline (BL) CovariatesAgeRaceSexMarital StatusEmployment Status

    Prior Alcohol TreatmentMATCH Treatment groupMATCH study site

    Alcohol Outcomes (PDA/DDD)

    (15-mo) Alcohol Outcomes(PDA or DDD)(3-mo) AA attendance

    (BL) Self-efficacyNegative Affect

    (9-mo) Self-efficacyPositive Social

    (BL) Self-efficacyPositive Social

    (9-mo) Religious/SpiritualPractices

    (BL) Religious/SpiritualPractices

    (9-mo) Depression(BL) Depression

    (9-mo) Social Network“pro-abstinence”

    (BL) Social Network“pro-abstinence”

    (9-mo) Social Networkpro-drinking”

    (BL) Social Network“pro-drinking”

    … and lagged moderate multiple mediation studies to elucidate its

    impact and MOBCs.

  • 30

  • 31

    Facilitation by Dropout-Risk Interaction

    Source: Kelly & Moos (2003) Dropout from 12-Step Groups: Prevalence, Predictors and Counteracting Treatment Influences, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment,24, 241-250

    • 40% 12-step dropout rate at 1 year

    • Those dropping out had 3x higher odds of relapse

    • Those at highest dropout risk treated in 12-step programs had substantially lower dropout than those treated in CBT programs


    Lo RiskLo Risk

    Hi RiskHi Risk

    Lo Support

    Hi Support

    Risk Level

    Percent Dropped Out






    Dichotomized risk level * Dropout or not 1yr * TXMILEU Crosstabulation

    Dropout or not 1yrTotal

    TXMILEUStill AttendingDropout

    Low 12-step support tx milieuDichotomized risk level0Count6513821033

    % within Dichotomized risk level63.020329138436.9796708616100

    % of Total44.255608429625.968728755970.2243371856


    % within Dichotomized risk level42.922374429257.0776255708100

    % of Total12.78042148216.995241332429.7756628144


    % within Dichotomized risk level57.036029911642.9639700884100

    % of Total57.036029911642.9639700884100

    Hi 12-step tx milieuDichotomized risk level0Count573297870

    % within Dichotomized risk level65.862068965534.1379310345100

    % of Total55.043227665728.53025936683.5734870317


    % within Dichotomized risk level56.140350877243.8596491228100

    % of Total9.22190201737.20461095116.4265129683


    % within Dichotomized risk level64.26512968335.734870317100

    % of Total64.26512968335.734870317100

    Lo RiskHi Risk

    Lo Support3757

    Hi Support3444


    Lo Support

    Hi Support

    Risk Level

    Percent Dropped Out



  • 32

    Cochrane Systematic Review on AA/TSF

    - Kelly, JF- Humphreys, K- Ferri, M(In progress)

  • 33

    Alcohol-related Consequences

    Alcohol Use Severity

    Proportion Completely Abstinent

    Percent Days Abstinent

    Longest Period of Abstinence

    Drinks Per Drinking Day

    Percentage of Days Heavy Drinking

    Alcohol-related Consequences

    Alcohol Use Severity

    Brown 2002

    Davis 2002

    Kelly 2017

    Litt 2007

    Litt 2009

    Litt 2016

    Lydecker 2010

    MATCH 1997a1 2

    MATCH 1998a1

    MATCH 1998b1

    McCrady 1996

    McCrady 1999

    McCrady 2004

    Walitzer 20093

    Walitzer 2015

    Blondell 2011

    Bogunshutz 2014

    Bowen 2014

    Kahler 2004

    Timko 2006

    Timko 2007

    Vederhus 2014

    Walitzer 20093

    Manning 2012

    Brooks 2003

    Blondell 2001

    Humphreys 1996

    Humphreys 2001

    Humphreys 2007

    Ouimette 19973

    Timko 2011

    Grant 2017

    Kaskutas 2009 (6m)

    Kaskutas 2009 (12m)

    Ouimette 19973

    RCTs: All Study Treatment Conditions Manualized, TSF v. TSF Variants


    Abstinence Drinking Intensity

    RCTs: All Study Treatment Conditions Manualized, TSF V. Other Clinical Interventions

    RCTs: 1+ Study Treatment Conditions Non-Manualized, TSF v. Other Clinical Interventions

    2 At 9m follow-up but equivalent at 15m follow-up for consequences

    3 Study compares TSF to another clinical intervention and a TSF variant

    RCTs: 1+ Study Treatment Conditions Non-Manualized, TSF v. TSF Variants

    Quasi-experimental: All Study Conditions Manualized, TSF v. Other Clinical Interventions

    Quasi-experimental: 1+ Study Conditions Non-Manualized, TSF v. Other Clinical Interventions

    Quasi-experimental: 1+ Study Conditions Non-Manualized, TSF v. Other Clinical Interventions

    Quasi-experimental: 1+ Study Conditions Non-Manualized, TSF v. TSF Variants

    1 For outpatients only on DDD

    26 original RCTs/Quasi-experimental studies, reporting main findings across 35 publications.

    Beneficial effects of TSF interventions observed across several outcomes – particularly sustained remission/abstinence

    Reduces health care costs substantially while improving alcohol outcomes

    Estimates of beneficial effects are conservative as many in comparison conditions also attending AA despite not being facilitated to do so.

  • 34

  • 35

  • 36

    Economic Studies

    Healthcare Cost Savings

    • Economic analyses found benefits in favor of AA/TSF relative to outpatient treatment, and CBT interventions.

    • Magnitude quite large. In addition to sig. increased abstinence compared to CBT interventions, AA/TSF reduces mental health and substance use-related healthcare costs over the next two years by over $10,000 per patient (converted to 2018 U.S. dollars).

    • More than 1M people treated for AUD in U.S. annually -reducing their health care costs by this amount would produce an large aggregate economic saving (e.g., >$10 billion in the U.S. alone) as well as improving clinical outcomes.

  • 37

    AA/TSF Findings Summary

    For alcohol-related outcomes other than complete abstinence, AA and professionally-delivered TSF interventions are at least as effective as other well-established treatments.

    For abstinence outcomes, AA and TSF interventions are superior to other well-established treatments.

    Implementing AA and TSF also appear to produce substantial health care cost savings.

    Mediational analyses demonstrate clinically delivered TSF produces its benefits largely through its ability to foster increased AA participation during and, importantly, following the end of formal treatment.

  • 38

    In studies conducting and reporting mediational analyses…AA/TSF Causal chain supported…


  • 39

    What about support for causal chain of purported MOBC of AA on outcomes?



  • 40

    Empirically-supported MOBCs through which AA confers benefit

    Negative Affect Abstinence self-


    Social network


    Social Abstinence self-efficacy

    Recovery motivation



    Coping skills

  • 41

    The results of this review suggest that 12-step interventions to support illicit drug users are

    as effective as alternative psychosocial interventions in reducing drug use.

  • 42

    Examining the Efficacy of 4 Psychosocial Treatments for Cocaine-Dependent Patients

    • Sample: 487 individuals aged 18 to 60 with DSM-IV cocaine dependence from 5 sites:

    • University of Pittsburg (PA)• University of Pennsylvania (PA)• Brookside Hospital (NH)• Massachusetts General Hospital (MA)• McLean Hospital (MA)

    • Design: Randomized controlled trial

    • Follow-up: Monthly assessments during 6 months of active treatment and follow-up at 9 and 12 months

    • Interventions: 4 manual-guided treatments• IDC: Individual drug counseling plus group drug

    counseling (GDC); n = 121• CT: Cognitive therapy plus GDC; n = 119• SE: Supportive-expressive therapy plus GDC; n =

    124• GDC alone; n = 123

    • Outcomes: Addiction Severity Index-Drug Use Composite score, number of days of cocaine use in past month

  • 43

    Mean ASI-Drug Use Composite Scores

    IDC showed significantly better improvement to

    ASI than the three other groups

  • 44

    Continuous Abstinence from Cocaine Use

    IDC showed significantly better improvement

    compared to CT and SE

    By 12 months, IDC increases slightly while

    other three groups decline

  • 45

    Cocaine Use in Past 30 Days


    1 Month 2 Months 3 Months



    Months of Continuous Abstinence


    More patients achieved abstinence with IDC compared to the three other groups

  • 46

  • 47

    Stimulant Abusers to Engage in 12-Step

    • Aims: to evaluate the efficacy of an 8-week combined group and individual 12-step facilitative intervention on stimulant drug use and 12-step meeting attendance and service

    • Study Design: Multisite, randomized controlled trial• Sample: 471 individuals from intensive outpatient treatment

    programs with stimulant use disorders• Measures: Urinalysis and self-reported substance use; 12-step

    attendance and activities• Intervention: Control group: Treatment as usual Intervention group (STAGE-12): Group sessions focused on

    increasing acceptance of 12-step principles and individual sessions that incorporated an intensive referral procedure connecting participants to 12-step volunteers

  • 48

    Stimulant Abusers to Engage in 12-Step (STAGE-12)

    Odds of Abstinence

    Last follow-up (180-day)

    Third follow-up (150-day)

    Second follow-up (120-day)

    First follow-up (90-day)

    End-of-treatment (60-day)

    Mid-treatment (30-day)

    Odds Ratio (OR)0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0








    Comparison Group: TAU

  • 49

  • 50

    Abstinence rates higher across all three primary substances at 1yr follow-up for MHO attendees; also at 2 and 5yrs for alcohol and opiates

    Abstinence rates higher for alcohol and opiates at 5 year follow-up for participants attending at least weekly MHO meetings

  • 51

    Outcomes of Buprenorphine and 12-Step Attendance

    SAMPLEQuantitative: n=300, (Qualitative: n=20), opioid dependent African Americans newly admitted to buprenorphine maintenance treatment program (BMT)

    DESIGNLongitudinal, naturalistic study of 12-step participation among individuals receiving BMT as part of a randomized trial

    RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN: 12-Step group attendance & treatment outcomes at 6 months

    OUTCOMES(QUALITATIVE) Lack of disclosure of BMT status to NA members, disclosure lead to counsel to stop or decrease BMT treatment,

    (QUANTITATIVE) meeting attendance higher in abstinent individuals or those enrolled in BMT, overall, 2% increase in BMT treatment retention for each meeting attended & 1% increase in odds of remaining abstinent

  • 52

    Buprenorphine Treatment and 12-Step Attendance

    Source: Monico LB, Gryczynski J, Mitchell SG, Schwartz RP, O’Grady KE, Jaffe JH. Buprenorphine Treatment and 12-step Meeting Attendance: Conflicts, Compatibilities, and Patient Outcomes. J Subst Abuse Treat 2015; 57: 89-95.

    Number of NA meetings prior to 6 months a significant predictor

    of treatment retention

    Number of NA meetings prior to 6 months a significant predictor

    of abstinence

  • 53

    Effective Clinically Delivered Mutual-Help Strategies Likely to Enhance Outcomes and

    Reduce Health Care Costs

    • Actively prescribe participation rather than leaving to patient

    • Clinically facilitate linkage to existing members• Clinically monitor participation in outpatient sessions• Ask patients to keep diary of experiences for clinical

    discussion - help overcome barriers• Encourage acquiring 12-step sponsor, find “home

    group”, verbally participate during meetings

  • 54

    Specific Clinical Strategies for Facilitating Mutual-Aid Participation

    • Treatment varied between 3 conditions in terms of how the therapist discussed AA and how much information about AA was shared 1: Directive approach

    − Therapist directed − Client signed contract describing goals to attend AA meetings− Therapist encouraged client to keep a journal about meetings− Reading material about AA provided to client− Therapist informs client about skills to use during meetings and sponsor− 38% total material covered in sessions was about AA

    2: Motivational enhancement approach (more client centered)− Therapist obtains clients feelings and attitudes about AA− Therapist describes positive aspects of AA, but up to client how much involved− Therapist intends to assist the client in making a decision in favor of AA− 20% total material covered in sessions about AA

    3: CBT treatment as usual, no special emphasis on AA− Throughout treatment, therapist briefly inquires about AA and encourages

    client to attend AA− 8% total material covered in sessions about AA

    Walitzer, Dermen & Barrick, 2009

  • 55

    Strategies for Facilitating Outpatient Attendance of AA- Findings

    • Participants exposed to the Directive TSF approach reported significantly more: attendance of AA meetings more active involvement in AA higher percent days abstinent in comparison to

    the treatment as usual group• AA involvement partially mediated effects

  • 56

    Who’s better at getting patients engaged in Mutual-aid Organizations: Doctors or Peers?

  • 57

    Active referral to 12-step groups

    • Study Design: Randomized controlled trial with 2-3m follow-up

    • Sample: 151 alcohol or drug (opiate, cocaine, benzo) dependent patients admitted for a 10-14 day NHS inpatient drug/alcohol detoxification treatment at the Maudsley in London

    • Intervention: Control group:

    − No-referral intervention (NI): Patient provided with a list of meetings Intervention groups:

    − Doctor-referral intervention (DI): initiate a dialogue with patient regarding 12-step meetings

    − Peer-referral intervention (PI): initiate a dialogue with patient regarding 12-step meetings and share personal experiences with 12-step groups

  • 58

    • Active linkages (Peer [PI] or doctor [DI]) produced higher attendance rates than no intervention (NI) (88% vs 73%; p < .05); although NI was still high

    • Those attending during tx sig more likely to attend post-tx (59% versus 20%; (2 = 9.9, p < .01).

    • Sig group differences in post-discharge attendance rates (PI = 64%, DI = 48%, NI = 33% p < .05)

    • Among those without prior 12-Step experience, 33% of PI, 73% of DI, and 0% of NI, group, attended meetings post-tx (p < .01).

    Active referral to 12-step groups (Manning et a, 2012)

  • 59

    “Warm hand-off” Clinician Referrals to AA (Timko et al 2006; 2007)

    Individuals entering SUD outpatient program randomly assigned to…

    Condition 1: standard referralPatients given locations and schedules of meetings and encouraged to


    Condition 2: intensive referralPatients given locations and schedules of meetings, with meetings preferred

    by previous clients indicated

    Therapist reviews handout about program including introduction to 12-step philosophy and common concerns

    Therapist arranged meeting with current member and client had phone conversation with this member during session

    Therapist and client agreed on which meetings client will attend and client kept a journal of meetings attended and experiences

  • 60

    Effectiveness of Clinician Referrals to AA-Findings

    • At 6m, patients in intensive referral who had relatively less previous 12-Step experience had:

    higher meeting attendance better substance use outcomes

    • At both the 6 and 12 month follow up, patients in intensive referral:

    more likely to attend at least one meeting per week had higher rates of attendance and had higher rates of


  • 61

    12 Step Alternatives: Main Findings

    Smart Recovery

    One study found no difference between SR meetings only and SR meetings + an online SR intervention[23]

    Peer Alternatives Comparative Efficacy Study

    • Adults with AUD who were members of WFS, LifeRing, SMART, or 12-step[24]

    • Overall, primary group affiliation and involvement did not predict substance use outcomes over the 1-year period

    • SMART Recovery and LifeRing members were less likely than 12-step members to be abstinent at 1-year follow-up; however, these effects were negated when controlling for baseline abstinence goal

    Alternatives to 12-step are likely to be as helpful as 12-step involvement at helping

    people manage SUDs. However, more research is

    needed on alternatives to 12-step, including research on facilitation to these groups.

  • 62

    Effective Clinically Delivered Mutual-Help Strategies Likely to Enhance Outcomes and

    Reduce Health Care Costs

    • Actively prescribe participation rather than leaving to patient

    • Clinically facilitate linkage to existing members• Clinically monitor participation in outpatient sessions• Ask patients to keep diary of experiences for clinical

    discussion - help overcome barriers• Encourage acquiring 12-step sponsor, find “home

    group”, verbally participate during meetings

  • 63


    • Emrick, C. D., Tonigan, J. S., Montgomery, H., & Little, L. (1993). Alcoholics Anonymous: What is currently known? In B. S. McCrady & W. R. Miller (Eds.). Research on Alcoholics Anonymous: Opportunities and Alternatives (pp. 41-76). Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies.

    • Kelly JF. Is Alcoholics Anonymous religious, spiritual, neither? Findings from 25 years of mechanisms of behavior change research. Addiction 2017; 112(6):929-936.

    • Kelly, J. F., & Moos, R. H. (2003). Dropout from 12-step self-help groups: Prevalence, predictors and counteracting treatment influences. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 24(3), 241-250.

    • Kelly, J. F., Stout, R., Zywiak, W. & Schneider, R. (2006). A 3-year study of addiction mutual-help group participation following intensive outpatient treatment. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 30(8), 1381-1392.

    • Kelly JF, Magill M, Stout RL. How do people recover from alcohol dependence? A systematic review of the research on mechanisms of behavior change in Alcoholics Anonymous. Addict Res Theory 2009; 17(3):236-259.

    • Humphreys, K., & Moos, R. H. (2001). Can encouraging substance abuse patients to participate in self-help groups reduce demand for health care? A quasi-experimental study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 25(5), 711-716.

    • Humphreys, K., & Moos, R. H. (2007). Encouraging post-treatment self-help group involvement to reduce demand for continuing care services: Two-year clinical and utilization outcomes. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 31(1), 64-68.

    • Yalom, I. D., & Leszcz, M. (2005). The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy (5th ed.). New York: Basic Books.

  • 64

    PCSS Mentoring Program

    • PCSS Mentor Program is designed to offer general information to clinicians about evidence-based clinical practices in prescribing medications for opioid addiction.

    • PCSS Mentors are a national network of providers with expertise in addictions, pain, evidence-based treatment including medication-assisted treatment.

    • 3-tiered approach allows every mentor/mentee relationship to be unique and catered to the specific needs of the mentee.

    • No cost. For more information visit:

  • 65

    PCSS Discussion Forum

    Have a clinical question?

  • Opioid Response Network (STR-TA)

    Opioid Use Disorder Virtual Learning Collaborative (VLC)– Play a role in expanding the availability of medical for addiction

    treatment options for opioid use disorders– Each collaborative runs for 12-weeks and is lead by an

    experienced faculty advisor– Participants watch pre-recorded webinars, call into office-hours,

    engage with a virtual community and complete an individual project

    – Participants will earn up to 12 Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits

    – Fill out our interest intake form at Contact Eunice Maize at [email protected] for more information.


    Funding for this initiative was made possible (in part) by grant no. 6H79TI080816-02 from SAMHSA. The viewsexpressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarilyreflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names,commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.[email protected]

  • 67

    Session Evaluation and Certificate

    • Instructions will be provided in an email sent to participants an hour after the live session

    • Certificates are available to those who complete an evaluation

    • Recordings of today’s webinar can be accessed at and

  • 68

    Upcoming PCSS Webinar

    Vaccines for Opioid Use Disorder: Focusing on the Fentanyl Epidemic

    Thomas R. Kosten, MDWaggoner Professor in Psychiatry, Pharmacology and

    NeuroscienceBaylor College of Medicine

    Fang Yang, MD, PhDAddiction Psychiatry FellowBaylor College of Medicine

    Tuesday, May 28, 201912:00-1:00 PM EST

  • 69

    Educate. Train. Mentor

    [email protected]


    Funding for this initiative was made possible (in part) by grant no. 5U79TI026556-03 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.[email protected]://

    The Clinical and Public Health Utility of Mutual Aid Organizations in Addressing Addiction: What Does the Science Tell Us?Slide Number 2Webinar HousekeepingDisclosuresEducational Objectives1970: Public Enemy No. 1War on DrugsParadigm ShiftsMultiple Pathways to RecoverySlide Number 10What people really need is a good listening to…Slide Number 12Slide Number 13Slide Number 14 The clinical course of addiction and achievement of stable recovery can take a long time…Cadre of emerging and growing long-term Recovery Support Services now exist…Treatment and Recovery Support Services ideally should be… Cadre of emerging and growing long-term Recovery Support Services now exist…Potential Advantages of Community Mutual-HelpRecovery Supportive Role Modeling and InfluenceParadox in Onset and Offset of Substance Use…Paradox in Onset and Offset of Substance Use…Overarching Principles Possibly at Play Within and Across AA/MHOsRecovery-Focused Mutual-Help Groups Table 2. Dual-Diagnosis Focused Mutual-Help Groups Table 3. Non-Substance Focused Addictive Behavior Mutual-Help Groups Slide Number 27TSF Delivery ModesSlide Number 29Slide Number 30Facilitation by Dropout-Risk InteractionCochrane Systematic Review on AA/TSF��- Kelly, JF�- Humphreys, K�- Ferri, M�(In progress)�Slide Number 33Slide Number 34Slide Number 35Economic StudiesAA/TSF Findings SummaryIn studies conducting and reporting mediational analyses…AA/TSF Causal chain supported…What about support for causal chain of purported MOBC of AA on outcomes?Empirically-supported MOBCs through which AA confers benefitSlide Number 41Examining the Efficacy of 4 Psychosocial Treatments for Cocaine-Dependent PatientsMean ASI-Drug Use Composite ScoresContinuous Abstinence from Cocaine UseCocaine Use in Past 30 DaysSlide Number 46Stimulant Abusers to Engage in 12-StepStimulant Abusers to Engage in 12-Step (STAGE-12)Slide Number 49Slide Number 50Outcomes of Buprenorphine and 12-Step AttendanceBuprenorphine Treatment and 12-Step AttendanceEffective Clinically Delivered Mutual-Help Strategies Likely to Enhance Outcomes and Reduce Health Care CostsSpecific Clinical Strategies for Facilitating Mutual-Aid ParticipationStrategies for Facilitating Outpatient Attendance of AA- FindingsSlide Number 56Active referral to 12-step groupsActive referral to 12-step groups (Manning et a, 2012)“Warm hand-off” �Clinician Referrals to AA (Timko et al 2006; 2007)Effectiveness of Clinician Referrals to AA- Findings12 Step Alternatives: Main FindingsEffective Clinically Delivered Mutual-Help Strategies Likely to Enhance Outcomes and Reduce Health Care CostsReferencesPCSS Mentoring ProgramPCSS Discussion ForumOpioid Response Network (STR-TA)Session Evaluation and CertificateUpcoming PCSS WebinarSlide Number 69

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