  • The Compr ehens ive


  • Have questions about content marketing?

    Then you’ve come to the right place. This

    comprehensive guide takes you from inspiration

    through distribution to answer every question

    you’ve ever had about content marketing (and

    some you’ve never thought of).

    Click on a question to jump right to the answer

    you’re looking for. Or read the whole post and

    build a comprehensive understanding of the


    Everything You Should Knowabout content marketing to grow you business & reach your goals

    /Definitions and driving forces: What is content marketing?

    Why do I need a content strategy?

    What is content marketing strategy?

    What types of content do I have to choose from?

    How do I distribute content?

    Jump Ahead to each section /

    Getting started or improving performance in

    content marketing:

    Where can I research content topics?

    How often should I post to my blog?

    How often should I release videos?

    How often should I post to social media?

    How do I post content to social media?

    How do I organize my content marketing?

    How do I track results?

  • What iscontent marketing?/

    Marketing trends come and go. In the 1930s, radio ads were the hot new

    thing. In the 50s, it was TV ads. Marketing has pretty much always evolved

    to take advantage of the latest technology. You might call content marketing

    the marketing tactic for the internet age.

    But you came here for a definition, not a history lesson.

    Content marketing is text, videos, audio images, or other

    content, thoughtfully distributed with the goal of building

    customer relationships and, ultimately, driving sales.

    You build customer relationships by providing interesting and

    engaging content that your audience is eager to consume. As they

    consume your content, customers come to trust your business

    and see you as an authority in your industry. As a result, they

    feel comfortable giving you money in exchange for a product or



  • The best thing about content marketing is that rather than being annoyed by the

    commercial break, customers seek content to consume. According to Demand

    Metric, content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing while

    bringing in 3 times as many leads. So you spend less money and get a better


    But content alone is not enough. The best content in the

    world is useless if nobody sees it. So you also need to

    distribute it to your audience

    Where and how you do that is all part of your content marketing


    Read more: What is Content Marketing?

  • There are two kinds of businesses: businesses that don’t bother to create a content strategy and

    businesses that are top performers in

    their industry.

    If that seems like an extreme

    statement, consider this.The 2018

    Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends

    Report from the Content Marketing

    Institute found that 62% of top

    performing companies have a

    documented content marketing


    If you don’t have a

    documented content

    strategy you’re going to

    miss opportunities, miss

    customers, and generally

    just miss out.

    Why Do I Need

    content strategy


    How DoI Make

    a content marketing strategy


    A content marketing strategy tells you what content to create and what to do with it once it’s made. Developing a

    content marketing strategy starts with

    goals. Think about the effect you want

    your content to have. Are you trying to

    boost sales? Increase customer loyalty?

    Make more people aware of your product?

    To measure your progress toward those

    goals you need to identify trackable

    metrics. How many people are clicking your

    link, reading your blog, leaving comments,

    sharing your posts and videos?

    Make sure that every piece of content is

    effective by codifying your unique value.

    What sets you apart from other companies

    in your industry? What is your brand story?

    How you tell this story depends on who

    your audience is.

    Create customer personas to help you

    understand who your audience is. That

    way you can ensure that every piece of

    content you make appeals to the people

    you’re trying to reach. Personas will also

    help you decide where to distribute your

    content for the greatest impact.

    Compiling all this information into a

    document that everyone on your team can

    access puts you on the road to being a

    top-performing company.

  • What Types of Content do I have to

    choose from?


    Almost anything can be

    content. A blog post?

    Content. A video? Content.

    That funny gif you shared on

    Twitter? Content. All of it is

    content. The trick is to choose

    the format that fits your message and your audience.

    Longer-form content is

    good for conveying complex

    messages or big ideas.

    It includes videos, blogs,

    newsletters, infographics,

    podcasts, e-books, webinars,

    case studies, apps,

    whitepapers, and slideshares.

    So, yeah. Pretty much

    everything can be


    Short form content is better at

    conveying a single clear idea

    or topic. It includes charts

    and graphs, lists, mind maps,

    templates, quizzes, and polls.

    Super-short content is good

    for reinforcing an idea you’ve

    already presented in long-form

    somewhere else. It can also

    help solidify your brand voice.

  • Flash form content includes

    cartoons, illustrations,

    GIFs, memes, quotes,

    user-generated content,

    and timelines. It’s almost

    impossible to assemble a truly

    comprehensive list of content

    marketing formats, because

    anything that entertains,

    educates, or informs your

    audience counts as content.

    If you try to make content

    If you try to make content

    in all of the formats listed

    above, you’ll likely overwhelm

    your audience. Also, your

    marketing team might stage

    a coup.

    You’ll get the best

    results by choosing

    two or three formats and

    doing them really well.

    You’ll get the best results by

    choosing two or three formats

    and doing them really well.

    Once you’ve mastered your

    messaging and customer

    interaction around one format,

    you can add another format to

    the mix.

  • How Do Idistribute content?/

    Where you distribute your content depends on who your audience

    is, the type of content you’ve created, and what your goals are.

    The best content is created with the distribution channel in mind.

    For example, if you’re making a video, the length and tone might be

    different if you’re creating a video for an email to existing customers

    versus one that will be publicly shared on your Facebook page.

    The go-to distribution channels are your website, your blog, marketing

    emails, and social media platforms. Choose your distribution channels

    based on who your clients are. If you’re selling designer sunglasses,

    LinkedIn probably isn’t your platform, but Instagram might be.

    While choosing the best distribution channel is important, don’t make the mistake of

    distributing on only one channel. Ideally, your content appears in some form on the go-to

    channels that fit you, like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram.

    You’ll probably make some adjustments to fit the platform, but the extra work spent repurposing one piece of content means more eyes on it—and ultimately higher return on investment.

    Find out: How to distribute your videos for maximum growth

  • If you keep your content confined to your website or blog, you’re limiting its reach. Social media is where content goes to make new friends.

    Guess what the most popular social media channel in the United States is.

    Go ahead. You said Facebook didn’t you?

    In 2016, you would have been right. But in 2018, the Pew Research Center found that YouTube is actually the most popular social media site, with 73% of U.S. adults using the platform.

    Facebook was a close second with 68% The

    next most popular were Instagram, Pinterest, and

    Snapchat. LinkedIn was on the list at 25% and

    Twitter at 24%. Before you run to post your video on YouTube, hang on a second. The most popular site isn’t always the best option. Theoretically, more popularity means more eyes on your content. It also means more competition from other marketers.If you’re posting only on YouTube and Facebook, you’re hitting a wide swath of the American public—but that might not contain your ideal customer.

    Different platforms have vastly different demographics. Pinterest users are overwhelmingly female at 70%. Snapchat users are young, with 85 percent are between the ages of 18 and 34. LinkedIn users are business professionals.

    Instead of distributing to everyone and hoping the right people see it, distribute on the platform with the highest concentration of your target audience.


    Where Does Social Mediafit into content strategy?


  • Where Can I Research content topics/

    Where can I research content topics?Great content starts with a great topic. You need

    something that resonates with your target audience.

    Something that makes them sit up and take notice.

    Something they’ll go out of their way to consume.

    So it’s no surprise that selecting content topics is the task

    voted Most Likely to Cause Marketers to Bang Their Heads

    Against the Wall. But the right tools can help you avoid those


    Before we get into tools, let’s relieve some of the anxiety

    you’re feeling. If you think you’re going to come up with a

    completely unique topic that nobody has ever talked about

    before, you’re wrong.

    Everything has been talked about before. Absolutely

    everything. The goal isn’t to come up with something

    completely unique. It’s to say it in your voice colored by

    your brand story.

    Okay, now to the tools.


  • Tools forcontent marketing?

    Google Analytics. The perfect tool for researching keywords and

    search terms that will help your content show up in Google searches.

    That’s a useful insight since Google is the top search engine in the

    world with 1.6 billion unique monthly visitors. The next runner up,

    Bing, only gets 400 million.

    Google Trends. While we’re tapping the rich resources of planet

    Google, don’t forget Google Trends. This handy dashboard shows you

    what’s trending on Google. You can even search for specific keywords or phrases and see how popular they’ve been over time.

    Ubersuggest. This helps you discover keywords and phrases related to

    your topic. Results include search volume, competition, and cost per


    BuzzSumo. This website helps you find the most shared, trending, and highest performing content for specific topics across the web. This is a paid service, so expect a monthly fee.

    EpicBeat. Similar to Buzzsumo, EpicBeat lets you see shares

    comments and engagement for popular posts on different topics. They

    have limited free functionality, but you can upgrade for full access.

    Ahrefs Content Explorer. See how content has performed across

    different social media channels with this powerful content research

    tool. You’ll pay for this one, too.

    Quora. A free membership site where anyone can post questions and

    anyone can answer. Search by your topic to find out exactly what questions people are asking about it. Like Quora, you can type a keyword or phrase in the box

    and get questions from real people on that topic.

    Answer the Public. This is a weird one, but you can’t beat it for ease

    of use and volume of ideas. Type your search into the box and get a

    graphic with dozens of questions asked by the internet hive mind.




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    All those tools are useful, but don’t forget

    your greatest resource—your customers.

    Pay attention to the questions they are asking. Your sales

    and customer service teams probably have a short list of

    questions that they hear all the time. Find ways to answer

    those questions with your content.

  • How Often Should I post to my blog


    Your blog is often the

    cornerstone of your content

    marketing efforts. It’s where

    you post videos, engage

    with customers, and share

    the special bonus content

    you’ve created. According

    to Hubspot, B2B marketers

    who use blogs get 67% more

    leads. And companies that

    blog get 97% more links to

    their website.

    The general rule is

    11 or more posts per

    month will maximize

    your results. Anything

    less than that, and

    you’re getting small

    improvement for each

    additional post.

    Super-small companies

    (10 employees or fewer)

    see a jump in traffic with each additional blog post

    per month. Even one or two

    additional posts can increase

    traffic by 50%. The outlier here is large companies with

    more than 201 employees.

    They see very small change

    when they increase from one

    post to 10. But by posting

    11 or more times a month,

    they can increase traffic by 4 times.

    So, if possible, post about 3

    times a week to get the most

    out of your posting schedule.

  • There’s no hard and fast rule for how often you should release videos. It depends on how you’re

    using them. If your videos are part of

    your sales funnel, you might create

    8 or 10 and push them to potential

    customers through email over a

    period of weeks. If you create videos

    for your blog, you might need one per


    But remember that they take

    little longer than a blog to

    produce, so you may want to

    make several in advance.

    Get help making videos: Get a quote today

    How Often Should I

    release videos


    How Often Should I

    post to social media


    Every social media platform has different

    methods of sorting posts. Those algorithms

    impact the lifespan of posts on the

    platform. Generally, marketers talk about

    the half-life of a post, the length of time it

    takes for content to reach 50% of its total

    lifetime engagement.

    Twitter posts have the shortest half-life at

    18 minutes. Pinterest has the longest with

    a halflife of 3.5 months. In between you get Facebook at 30 min. Instagram at 19

    hours. And YouTube at 6 days.

    Learn more: What is the lifespan of social

    media posts?

    How often you post depends on how your

    audience responds to your posts, but the

    following are a good starting point.

    Twitter: 5 times per day

    Pinterest: 15 times per day

    Facebook, Instagram: 1 time per day

    LinkedIn: 1 time per workday (skip

    Saturday and Sunday)

    YouTube: 1 time per week

    And remember, you don’t have to post

    on all of these platforms. Pick the one or

    two that are most popular with your target

    audience and concentrate your efforts


  • How Do I Post on social media?/

    Posting several times a week or even just once a day can get time

    consuming. Fortunately, there are tools to help you.

    Facebook has a built-in scheduling tool that allows you to plan your

    posts weeks and months ahead of time.

    Most other social media platforms haven’t bothered to add this

    feature. But that’s not a problem since dozens of social media

    management platforms exist that can be linked to your social accounts

    for scheduling and analytics.

    Some popular favorites include Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Buffer. They offer

    similar services at a range of price points and functionality levels. Explore and find the one that’s right for you.

    A note of caution when scheduling posts: things change. Markets shake

    up. Major tragedies happen. News breaks.

    If something major is affecting your industry, it’s a good idea to take a look at your scheduled posts and make

    sure they’re still on message before they go live.

  • How Do I Organize

    my content marketing efforts?


    It seems like a new content management tool pops up every day. Some are better than others for specific tasks, but ultimately it comes down to preference. Which tool you choose depends on what you need the most help with and the size of your budget.

    HubSpot. Markets itself as all-in-one inbound marketing software. It allows you to plan, create, and track the performance of content across your website and social channels. There is a free version with limited functionality, but the paid versions offer a formidable suite of services that include blog and content creation tools, social media, email marketing, and more.

    CoSchedule. A marketing calendar at heart. With drag and drop functionality and the ability to collaborate across teams, this calendar lets you plan blog and social content in one place. Paid plans range from individual to agency versions.

    MailChimp. Designed for email marketing, MailChimp also helps you make weekly digests, segmented email lists, and RSS campaigns. A/B testing is built in. The free version has a lot of functionality but limits the number of subscribers and emails you can have per month.

    Buffer. This popular social media management tool includes a social media calendar, analytics, and the ability to manage all your social media accounts from one dashboard. The free plan is fairly robust but lacks a calendar. It also limits you to three social accounts.

    Trello. A robust project management tool, Trello works equally well when the project is your content. Trello helps you track where content is in the creation pipeline. And it’s free.


  • How Do I Track/ my results

    Many of the tools

    mentioned above

    include some sort of analytics

    reporting to help you track

    how your content is doing.

    Social media platforms like

    Facebook and YouTube have

    built-in analytics dashboards,

    as do Hootsuite and Hubspot.

    A few other tools can give you

    even more insight into how

    your content is performing.

    Kissmetrics. Helps you

    measure engagement, track

    the effectiveness of different

    marketing channels, and even

    send emails based on user


    Whatever tools you use,

    make sure you are tracking

    your results. Using that

    information, you can refine

    your content marketing

    strategy and boost your ROI.

    Crazy Egg. This tool gives you

    visual reports to track where

    visitors go on your website,

    what they click on, and how

    they move through your site.

    Google Analytics. This is the

    go-to reporting system to help

    you see how customers are

    interacting with your content.

  • / By now you should have a better idea of what content marketing is and how you can use it to grow your business. When you’re ready to start developing quality videos for your content marketing strategy, contact us.


    Putting It All

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