Page 1: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The









Paper boards, is. 6d.; cloth, gilt, 2s.



Page 2: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The





In the beginning, Goll created the heaven and the earth ; and the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

CHORUS. And the Spirit of God moved upon the

face of the waters: and God said, Let there be light, and there was light.

RE CIT.-Uriel.

Aud God saw the light that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.

AIR. Now vanish, before the holy beams, The gloomy shades of ancient night ; The first of days appears. Now chaos ends, and order fair prevails : Affrighted fled hell spirits black in throngs ; Down they sink in the deep abyss To endless night.


The marvellous work behold amaz'd The glorious hierarchy of heaven; And to th' ethereal vaults resound The praise of God and of the second day.

CHORUS. And to iih' ethereal vaults resound The praise of God and of the second day.

RECIT.-Raphael. And God said, Let the waters under the

heavens be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear; and it was so. And God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of waters called He seas; and God saw that it was good.

AIR. Rolling in foaming billows Uplifted, roars the boisterous sea. Mountains and rocks now emerge, Their tops into the clouds ascend. Through the open plains outstretching wide, In serpent error rivers fl.ow. Softly purling glides on Through silent vales the limpid brook.

RE CIT .-Gabriel. CHORUS. And God said, Let the earth bring forth

Despairing, cursing rage attends their rapid grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit-fall ; tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed

A new-created world springs up at God's is in itself, upon the earth. And it was so. command.

RE CIT. -Raphai!l.

And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firma­ment. And it was so.

Now furious storms tempestuous rage ; As chaff, by the winds are impelled the

clouds; By heaven's fire the sky is inflamed; And awful thunders are rolling on high;

::\ow from the floods in steams ascend reviv­ing showers of rain,

The dreary wasteful hail, the light and flaky snow.

AIR. With verdure clad the fields appear, Delightful to the ravish'd sense; By flowers sweet and gay Enhanced is the charming sight. Here fragrant herbs their odours shHd ; Here shoots the plant ; With copious fruit the expanded boughs

are hung: In leafy arches twine the shady groves ; O'er lofty hills majestic forests wave.


And the heavenly host proclaimed the third day, praii:ting God, and saying,-

Page 3: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


CHORUS. Awake the harp, the lyre awake, And let your joyful song resound, Rejoice in the Lord, the mighty God: For He both heaven and earth Has cloth'd in stately dress.

RECIT.-Uriel. And God said, Let there be lights in the

firmament of heaven, to divide the day from the night, and to give light upon the earth ; and let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and for years. He made the stars also.

RE CIT .-Accompanied.

In splendour bright is rising now the sun, And darts his rays; a joyful, happy spouse, A giant proud and glad To run his measured course. With softer beams and milder light, Steps on the silver moon through silent

night; The space immense of th' azure sky, In numerous hosts of radiant orbs adorns. The sons of God announced the fourth day, In song divine, proclaiming thus His power:-

From every bush and grove resound The nightingale's delightful notes: No grief affected yet her breast, Nor to a mournful tale were tun' d Her soft enchanting lays.

RE CIT .-Raphael.

And God created great whales, and living creature that moveth ; and God them, saying, Be fruitful all, and multiply.

Ye winged tribes, be multiplied, And sing in every tree ; multiply, Ye finny tribes, and fill each watery deep ; Be fruitful, grow, and multiply, And in your God and Lord rejoice. And the angels struck their immortal harps,

and the wonders of the fifth day sung.

TRIO. Gabriel.

Most beautiful appear, with verdure young adorn'd,

The gently sloping hills ; their narrow sinuous veins

Distil, in crystal drops, the fountain, fresh and bright.

Uriel. CHORUS. In lofty circles play, and hover in the air,

The heavens are telling the glory of God, The ch~erful host of birds; and in the flying

The won~er of His work displays the firma-1 The ~h~~~ring plumes are dyed as rainbows men · by the sun.

TRIO. I Raphael. To-day that is coming speaks it the day, See flashing through the wet in thronged The night that is gone to following night.

The heavens The wonder of


CHORUS. telling the glory of God,

work displays the firma-

TRIO. In all the lands resounds the word, Never unperceived, ever understood.

The heavens are telling the glory of God, The wonder of His work displays the firma­


RE CIT .-Gabriel.

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

AIR. On mighty uplifted soars The eagle and cleaves the air In swiftest to the blazing sun. His welcome to morn the merry lark. And cooing calls the tender dove his mate.

swarms 'fhe fish on thousand ways around ; Upheaved from the deep, the immense

leviathan Sports on the foaming wave.

Gab1·iel, Uriel, Raphael. How many are Thy works, 0 God ! Who may their numbers tell?

TRIO AND CHORUS. The Lord is great, and great His might. His glory lasts for ever and for evermore.

RECIT.-Raplwel. And God said, Let the earth bring forth

the living creature after bis kind; cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth, after his kind.

Straight opening her fertile womb, The earth obey'd the word, And teem'd creatures numberless, In perfect forms and fully grown.

Cheerful, roaring, stands the tawny lion. With sudden leap

The flexible tiger appears. The nimble stag Bears up his branching head. With flying

mane, 1 And fiery look, impatient neighs the noble ; steed.

Page 4: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The fleecy, meek, and bleating flocks. Unnumber'd as the sands in swarms arose The host of insects. In long dimension Creeps, with sinuous trace, the worm.

Am. Now heaven in fullest glory shone; Earth smil'd in all her rich attire; The room of air with fowl is fill'd; The water swell'd by shoals of fish; By heavy beasts the ground is trod: But all the work was not complete; There wanted yet that wond'rous being, That, grateful, should God's power admire, \Yith heart and mice His goodness praise.

RECIT.-Uriel. And God created man in His own image,

in the image of God created He him: male and female created He them.

He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

AIB. In native worth and honour clad, With beauty, courage, strength adorn'd, Erect, with front serene, he stands A man, the lord and king of nature all. His large and arched brow sublime, Of wisdom deep declares the seat ! And in his eyes with brightness shines The soul, the breath and image of his God. With fondness leans upon his breast The partner for him form'd, A woman, fair and graceful spouse. Her softly smiling virgin looks, Of flowery spring the mirror, Bespeak him love, and joy, and bliss.

RE CIT .-Raphael. And God saw .everything that He had

made, and behold it was very good: and the heavenly choir, in song divine, thus closed the sixth day :-

CHORUS. Achieved is the glorious work ; The Lord beholds it, and is pleas'd. In lofty strains let us rejoice, Our song let be the praise of God.


Gabriel and UrieZ.

On Thee each living soul awaits ; From Thee, 0 Lord, all seek their food. Thou openest Thy hand, And fillest all with good.

Raphael. But when Thy face, 0 Lord, is hid, With sudden terror they are struck ; Thou takest their breath away, They vanish into dust.

Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael. Thou sendest forth Thy breath again, And life with vigour fresh returns; Revived earth unfolds new strength, And new delights.

CHORUS. Achieved is the glorious work ; Our song let be the praise of God. Glory to His Name for ever, He sole on high exalted reigns.



RECIT .-Uriel. In rosy mantle appears, by music sweet

awak'd, The morning, young and fair ; From heaven's angelic choir Pure harmony descends on ravish'd earth. Behold the blissful pair, Where hand in hand they go; their glow­

ing looks Express the thanks that swell their grateful

hearts. A louder praise of God their lips Shall utter soon ; then let our voices ring United with their song.

DUET .-Adam and Eve. By Thee with bliss, 0 bounteous Lord, The heaven and earth are stor'd. This world so great, so wonderful, Thy mighty hand has fram'd.

CHORUS. For ever blessed be His power, His Name be ever magnified.


Of stars the fairest pledge of day, That crown'st the smiling morn; And thou, bright sun, that cheer' st the world, Thou eye and soul of all ;


Proclaim, in your extended course, Th' almighty power and praise of God.


And thou that rulest the silent night And all ye starry host ; Everywhere spread wide His praise In choral songs about.

Page 5: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The



Ye mighty elements, by His pow'r Your ceaseless changes make; Ye dusky mists and dewy streams That rise and fall through th' air;


Resound the praise of God our I,ord : Great His Name and great His might!


Ye purling fountains, tune His praise; And wave your tops, ye pines: Ye plants, exhale, ye flowers, breathe, To Him your balmy scent.


Ye that on mountains stately tread, And ye that lowly creep ; Ye birds that sing at heaven's gate, And ye that swim the stream :

E~·e and Adam.

Ye creatures all, extol the Lord;


Ye creatures alL extol the Lord Him celebrate, Him magnify.

Eve and Adam.

Ye valleys, hills, and shady woods, Made vocal by our song ; From morn to eve you shall repeat Our grateful hymns of praise.


Hail, bounteous I,ord ! Almighty, hail! 'l'hy word call'd forth this wondrous frame; The heavens and earth Thy power adore ; \Ve praise Thee now and evermore.


Our duty we ham now perform'd, In offering up to God our thanks. Now follow me, dear partner of my life, Thy guide I'll be ; and every step Pours new delights into our breasts, Shows wonders everywhere.

Then mayst thou feel and know the high degree

Of bliss the Lord allotted us, And with devoted heart His bounty celebrate. Come, follow me, thy guide I'll be.


0 thou, for whom I am ! my help, my shield, My all, thy will is law to me; So God our Lord ordains, and from obedience Grows my pride and happiness.



Graceful consort, at thy side 8oftly fly the golden hours ; Emry moment brings new rapture, Every care is lull'd to rest.


Spouse adored, at thy side Purest joys o'erflow the heart: Life and all I have is thine, M:y reward thy love shall be.


The dew-dropping morn, 0 how she quickens all!

The coolness of ev'n, 0 how she all restores! How grateful is of fruits the savour sweet! How pleasing is of fragrant bloom the smell! But, without thee, what is to me The morning dew, the breath of ev'n, 'l'he savoury fruit, the fragrant bloom.

With thee is every joy enhanced, With thee delight is ever new, "With thee is life incessant bliss,

Thine, thine it all shall be.


0 happy pair ! and happy still might be, If not, misled by false conceit, Ye strive at more than granted is, And more desire to know than know ye should.


8ing the Lord, ye voic0s all ; :.\fagnify His Name ihrough all creation, Celebrate His power and glor;·, His Name resound on high. Jehornh's prais.e for ever shall enLlure.


Page 6: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


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Page 7: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

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Earth was without form, and void ; and darkness wu· upon the ~e 2.f ~e deep"\ .


::: -··- - =-I


of God mov'd up - on the face of the wa - ters;

And the Spi-rit Sotto tJOCe.

And Sotto voce.


and God said :

the Spi-rit - ters;

God mov'dupon the faceofthewa - ters;

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Page 8: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The



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Now va--nish before the beams, -


Now vanish before the

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Page 9: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

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The gloomy shades of an-dent mght;

of days ap - pears, The


first of days I

ap -

Page 10: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

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I 8056.

Page 11: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The



end - - less night. Des - pair-ing, curs -CHORUS. .,

.. ,_ 11zr bJ l:w ~ 1. • :-r I= 't ~§ Des - pair - ing, at -tends their


Des - pairing, curs • - ing rage, attends their

Des - pair-ing, curs - - ing rage, curs - - ing rage, at -

ing rage, at-tends their ra - pid fall. at -tends their ra-pid fall. Despairing, ..a.....---....

Des - pairing, curs

ra. -pid fall, at -tends their ra. pid fall. Des -

fall, at-tenda their ra. -pid fall. Des -



Page 12: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


rage. J)p,;; - pair - ing, at - tends. their ra pid

cnrs - ing pid

Des - - ing at - tends their ra - pid ~-

world, A

new ere - a- ted world, A

A TH'\Y ere - a- ted A

world springH up, springs up -at God',; com -

sprmgs up, springs up at God's com - -

new ere-a - ted

new ere-a - ted


Page 13: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


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..., - mand. A new (;re - a - ted world, T ~.u. .It ,;;

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-mand, A new ere- a - ted world, A

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new ere - a - ted

new ere • a - ted _J;,--..... ::t;~

Down they

Page 14: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


world, A


10 CKo:aus. f

Des- pair-ing rage, des 5:_110Rvs.+

Des - pair-ing:, curs-ing rage, at -


new ere-a -ted world




Des- pair-ing, curs - ing


springs up,

springs up,

springs up,

.Meu:.a voce.


A Mezzavoce. -..

A -





Page 15: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


A new ere- a· ted ,, .. • A new ere- a- ted

1 ...

Cf' es.

A new crea..ted world

com -

springs up, spiings up at &ad's com·

world, A new crea - ted world springs up, springs up at God's com -

- mand, springs up at God's command, springs up at God's command.

c:1=:::;~ :!1l ;::=~ liaydn.-Cres.tion.-Novello's Edition. B t3056

Page 16: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The





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Page 17: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

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Page 18: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

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se - cond day.

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glo- rious hier-ar-chy of heav'n; And from th' ethereal vaults •


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And from, and from th' ethereal

And from, and from th' ethereal

Page 19: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

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.. 8056.

Page 20: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


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Page 21: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

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"' 8056.

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No. 6. H1w1T.-" AND GOD 8AID, LE'l1 THE WATERS."


seas, and God saw th&t it was good.

~ 8056.

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bil - lows, Up -

- ed roars the bois - t'rous sea.

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Page 24: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


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Page 25: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

Thro' th' o - pen

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Page 26: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


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Thro' si ,...:_----!_ent v;g_es the lim - - pid

---...... -


Page 27: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

vales • • . tie lim - - pid

Thro' si lent ..,.. i--..

- ;;

vales the lim - - pid brook. ~

.. . !

~·.l.-,n. r

Page 28: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The




No. 9.



Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yieldmg

and the fruit-tree yielding fruit af - ter his kind, whose seed is in it -

the earth: and it wa.s so.



gay --80:-'iH.

-·,~= ....

Page 29: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


the charmirsg


Page 30: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

, jii tt'I O'er

v wave. \Vith ~ I ,.---....._ --...., ; . ~ ' . ' ' ' UUH --u'~"' rn " t!&llE .:~ --==~~=-= f!'FF~li I"' - ~

Page 31: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


Page 32: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

No. 10.


No. 11.



TENOR (X1" luwer).


/'- l:~:'.


• the lwal - iug iilant, lfrre shoots - the

ing plant.

r.-. ---~.



And the heaven-ly host proclaim-ed the third day, praising God, and saying :


A wake the harp, And let your joy - fol Yiilact. • t JL -flL -flL .._ ....

A wake the harp, And let your joy


Page 33: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The




re-sound, -IL -IL


Re- joice

Re- joice

e- joice

Ho - joice



in the

in the Lord, the migh ty God,

in the Lord,

in the Lord, the

the migh - ty God;

nllg'f( - ty God ;

, :

For He both heaven and .;::-- d_-(ft-

For He b;th heaven and e;.th has clothed in stat-0 - ly dresll. h~s

~- z'='·-~;:- t:.-::-: ---rr""------,-;:-_,

f - . =

~ I sva.·-----------------~~---8056.

Page 34: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


Page 35: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


He both

For He both JI.. -IL

Page 36: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

-""' v



;; -·ii=+

He both hea - vcn and earth has clo - thed in

hea - vcn and eartI has clo - thed

-- ---- =tE! g I [? rJ hea - ven and eartn hall clo -

--- ~----~ ...


----.. .... - ---earth has

-~ clo - thed




in state -

ly dress. _._

-ly dress.

in state ly, in

_;tf§gztji u e:::t={

For He both hea - ven and

For He both

,,__,.. ·+

For Be both hea-ven and .. ;;

v - has clo - th:d -in state"' -"en and earth ly dress, has clo-thed in ~i.. - - - ~

hea - ven :rid ;;;th has clo thed, has clo-thed in -----~

. - -


Page 37: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


has clo - thed in

Page 38: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


J in




Page 39: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

No. 13.


~ =80,

ff I



And let them bo for signs and for iil'a-,;oJi,.;, and for days


I f ff .A~•IL.A- ...... • •

··~ -rr 8va.

UR[&L.-(TENOR VOICE.) /':'\

l I

rising now the sun, And darts his

joy - ful hap - py 8pouse, ............ : ............ ......

v f


Page 40: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

.... '"' v

AJlo ...... ·~

Iv I




A gi- ant proud and glad

'l'he space im-mense of a zure sky' ............

And the sons of God

'110 run his measur'd

·-4+ In num'rous hosts of ... _ ... -


an-noun-ced 1.he fourth

In song di - vine, ___ .,, __ thm1

8056. Segue CHORTIB

Page 41: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The



'l'ESOR, (8Te. lower.)

AOO)~[P •

.J 116.


Cn01rns.~" TIIE HEA YEN8 ARE 'J:ELLING." Allegro.

The h-;,a - vens are tell - ing the glo - ry of God, •

The won-der of---WS-

The won-der of his


Page 42: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


I -= .;; . " ,-::.. v

iil com - ing speaks it the <lay, ,...


'i ;;; --v

that is ing speaks it the day, corn -/-----.

- day that is com - ing speaks it the day, ,, -- I

:-. v • .... --- ~ ---~---

i I .,, vr I r -f~°'"- .


fol - low-ing night, The night that is gone to

The night that is gone to fol - low-ing night, rrhe night that is gone to

Page 43: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


- ing the glo - ry of God, 'l'he




Page 44: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


-·-e-vcr under·

e-vcr under-


Page 45: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

-· Ne-ver nn-per - ceiv - ed,


N e-ver un-pt•r - ceiv - ed,

........ Haydn.-Creation.-Novello's Edittion. D


In all the lauds re-sounds the

e - vcr un-der-stood, e-ver, e-ver,

e - wr un-der-stood, e-ver, e-ver,

Page 46: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

J =H4. 44

Pii .A.llegro. TU'T'Tr.-...

trn - der - stood. 'rhe hea. -vens are tell - ing the glo - ry of God;

Tho hea - vens are tell - ing the glo - ry of God ; Turn.


The hea-vens are tell - ing the glo - ry of The won - der, un - der - stood.

~I ...-_"" I j; 1 r) • r J 1 r) ----r r 1

1 ----r r J I r"' r 11 r r r 1

The hea -vens are tell - ing the glo - ry of God ; The won - der, the Ull - - dcr-stttod.

f ... · . ..,..,_ • ~-

-~ rp--. I I I l

won-der of his work, the \Yonder of his work -dis- plays the fir-ma-ment.


dis -plays, dis -plays the fir-ma-ment. b==: 'l'he wonder of his work

~---t -1rtttt¢iOleJ ~tttE-rJ IJH_tl±LJ ~ 1:: 'l'he wonder of his wo1k dis -plays, dis - plays the fir-ma-ment.

~ ~ i-r= · -FfF! rr 1 r "?Efflt r r rtW-==~ wonder of his work, the wonder of his work dis-plays the fir-ma-ment.

!,...---.....! I ~~ ~~ EJ- .. rniQ I I

~~~--~. -.. • -... .. ~. = ~' .J -. - "ftt~--==!=+I (. -~?U~===wv-~~~ '-=i= -=~ t ~II~~ -

l~ r=n 7-=7-~ 1p ; F 1;H-N4-~ ~~~==~~-=i~~~tttt~~gg~~~~E~~I ~~==r~=

j===----_=-J~=~~--gf ~~3~72§~~~~~~!~~-~~t

j ____ =t - tt I 72- 57I ·~=r=q 'rhe wonder of his


Page 47: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


a~E-~@~§E~§~~~~.,~ . t=9 - r ~ • ===E-gjfjl J et I· The wonder of his work . dis - plays the fir-ma -

rfte ;onder of his work dis

v work dis-plays the tir-ma.-ment, the fir-mament,


- ment, dis-plays the fir-ma-ment.



"'.'. ment, the firma-ment, The wonder of his

,., - -v - ./

- plays the fir-mament, "





v work

-+l---l -r~ ,,, v

- ment, " - :: -

v wonder of .... ...

: -wonder of

,.. ,..-----.._ I - - -.. , v I r" i . ... . -

-I l

The wonder of his work dis-plays the fir-ma-


'l'he wonder of his work dis - plays the fir - ma-ment,

:: The wonder of his work displays, dis - plays the fir -ma-ment,

The -IL


I~ I ~ J I h I Ir-.. I +t~ _J_ J I - - I I

l l l -1 I .....

l -- ~ - -~ - --

~splays the fir-ma-ment, the fir-ma-ment,

f ¥+E I ,. l J2JIL3±J J J J Jf 'l'he wonder of his w~ displays the

- ~ -- ·r - :: - = - :: - - :: <;..I

his work dis-pl::tys the fir-ma -ment, 'l'he wonder of his work dis -.... ... - - ++ . his work, the won-der of his work dis-plays the fir - ma-

I I I DTJJ J _, I ~ ..J_,-..._J_ J J - - - - -'' ~~ -- ~ - ;: r~ - f"" I l l - l l __..,,, I I

:s: -&- h ... I l I ........ _J I I

- - ·a - : - .,-- . I l I I


Page 48: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

46 ~

'rhe won er of his work, . • . the wonder of his work displays, •.

The wonder of his work displays the fir-ma:'.ment. ,....--.....,.

'rhe won-der of his work dis - plays, displayt> .

..,,....... l

Fd dHJ1 µ · id HJ 1i1~ pt

'l'he wonder of his work,

'l'he wondE:r of his work displays the

- ment. '!'he wonder of his work, the wonder of bis

~, :tfwn !iJ qJ{!J n' JJJJ! ViW?rJ.fJJJf 1 ff&@ . - -.- I



Page 49: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

!7 .-dis - plays, dis - plays t.he fir - - ma-ment.

- ma - ment, the fir - - ma - ment. The hea - vens are

dis - plays, dis - plays

::~-~~~~- ~~-'}:_,[_~~

dis- plays the


Page 50: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

The won-der of his work, the won -der of his

-.- ..... - ma - ment, The wonder of his work, the won -der of his

the fir - ma - ment, The is- plays the

fir-ma - ment, The won-der of his work, the won- der

~ -- .. ,:::;: :-

v work dis - plays, dis - plays the fir ma-ment, The

...___ ----· .. dis - plays, dis - plays the fir - - ma-ment.

v ,., work

.=. :: fir ma - ment, the fir ma- ment. The hca Yens are

!--=, = -- -work dis - plays, dis - plays the fir - ma - mcnt. The

• • ~~--.------- -t!- ~...._,..._ ~i-~ - - ..;,_.;_ ________ ---'"' ~~~------~ r j~-H-~ ~ ~-~-.--~"':--~~ ____ ~~rr1 ____ .. 1 r r r r ~ e :a

I ' ' I \ I \ ..... -r- r- r- r- r r I

_,'"' : r~ - - ~ - - - - r~ .


v hea - vens are tell - ing the glo - iy of God, The won - der ,.. - - --

itl./ 'i't°e hea - vens are tell ing, tell - - are - -

~ ,

' , ~ ,.

' ~

r~ - - r~ - -•n• v tell - ing the g1o - - - ry of j.,~~d, ' - - ",..::; .. ,...._ ... ~ .. .. r..:.... ,.., t :

-hea - vens are tell - ing the glo - ry of God, The - .. --...

'"' -:f!:" =fff-f!~_.(!:_ -:e. !!~:f!'~ £' ~~~t!.-~~ ~--i~~~~~ ~::""'+;.. ........... +- -- -t--t-;--;---- ------ - - -- ~-

I ~·· v

/z fz . ' I I J ... _ .

- "· - .. ... ~ . S:p EJ~ : - -· - -.... . - - - . J

~ l ~ I i;...i I ·~


Page 51: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

49 ,...-------

-=~~ his work dis - dis plays

-~ ' ~~§~-~=~~~g~-~~~-~E-· ~l "-' -ment, dis - plays the fir- ma. -ment, dis - plays the fir -ma-ment.

:::: "-' -ment, dis - plays the fir- ma -ment, dis - plays the fir - ma-mcnt.


v -m~t, dis - plays the fir- ma -ment, dis - plays the fir - ma-ment. - - - - ;:::-

-ment, dis - plays the fir- ma - ment, dis plays the fir - ma -mcnt.

:-: :f!_- t'!"' ::s: :s: •· •. ::: ::: :s: -S: - - - - =!= -i=.::~5!-- ::: l

JI~ f - ....

l I l I J I ~-


' I I - I --= l ..;;:.


Page 52: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


No. 20. TRIO AND Oaonus.-" THE LORD IS GHEAT." Yioc.c• •' = lllO.

_.., '°" GABilIEI ... ..

The Lord is great, (JRIEL._T1u10.a.

& great his might, • The Lord is great, • . •

The Lord is great, & great his might, for ev-e1· RAPHAEL.

,..., __ -.

'l'he Lord is great, • & great his might, for ev-er


: : .:.

,, ___

for e - ver and for e - - ver -

and for evermore. The Lord is great, • . and great his might, for ever and for

and for evermore. The Lord is great, & great his might, for ever and for

e-ver, for e ver,

e - ver, hi11 glo-ry lasts for e -ver, for 6 ver, j!-

t 6 - ver, his glo-ry lasts for e-ver, for e ver,

Page 53: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

64 -e ver, and for 6 - ver -

6 ver, a.nd for 6 - ver

6 ver, and for 6 - - ver -

,_/ ,..» ft -- ..,._,,_ -- tR"rEI:ilE - - - - ---v - - --- more, his glo - - - - - - - - ry

,.. ... ""' r~ . -

v - more, his glo - - - ry, his glo - ry .. - - -: - -- more, his glo - - - ry, hia glo ry

- ... .Mo CHORUS. Tll.XJILJ:. . r ~ . "''"',- --,.

. . v The great, . great his might; . '!'he Lord is great,

,..)Ao ""' CHOIWS. ALTO or 2nd. TREBLE; . -

" - - -:: ' = -- :: - - - - I

v The Lordi! great, • and great liis might The Lord is ,.. ... it CHORUS. TENOR (8ve !ower.) . -·~

v TneLordis great, . • and great his might; . 'I'lio Lord is CHORUS. BA.SB. .-."' -... ... .. . r . - - ,,

I ,, . ,,

The Lord is great, • andgreathis might; his glo-ry

AMI""' ..... ___..., ~ ~~ .. ~ . 'k----


- . ,v f_


J -; -.. ,.....,..., ... .. - -

- l-- ...... - l W-J

Page 54: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

;; - - ;; -v lasts for e - ver, ~» ot ..

-lastB, The Lord is ,. . ... - ,I

for e - ver,


..., • :,. • &ad !!treat his might, ,...w, 'I'!: - - -

great, and rreat his mi).(ht, "" ... 41' ~

-hia ..



-. ~


hi@ -- --

glo - ry


for e - ver, his

·- - ---r and great his might, his y,lo-ry lasts for

-for e - ver, his

,. - . u- - - ;; . ~

glo - - ry iatJts for e - ver, his < -.---_ -

la8ts for e - ver, for .. - = - -

--- The Lord is

The Lord is gre.\t,



Page 55: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


for e - ver, fOT


for e - ver, for

for e - ver,

for e - ver, for

for tl - ver, for


'P ---- ,...-===-...,

e 'P ,,.-----..,






ver --ver -







lasts, h1s

Page 56: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


- ..,oil,....., r -- .. - ·- . ~ .

v - - - - - - ver, for e - ver and e - - vor -~i.. ....,......_ -- - - -

"' -- - - ver, e - ver, e - ver and e - ver -- _., -

::'.:' .. ~"' ,j.Or--.glo ..... - ry for e - ver and e - vcr -

. r~ ;: ;: . ~ - . '"' for and - - - - - - ver, e - ver e - - ver --~.,.

- -- -.._, ~ ' ~ ... - - - ver, e - ver, e - ver and e - - ver -~ .. ~ _,,,.......,.,,_

' -I._, ...

- - - ver, e - ver, e - ver and e - ver - -- ,,.., ~;

-~ "

glo - ry lasts for {) - ver and e - ver - -~»" ~ ~\ === === _...._ -ffl. ..,.. ..,..

--- + ___.__. ! " . ' -- ~ - ~ - - - -

~ -- - - -v ~ ~ - - -

:_f.( ~ - -ffl. .. .. ;: - - - -" - - -·- - -~ ~

-_. - .... ! I I l ' I I ·p- -r-

blb~ ---;;:·-- ~ '

:- -~--:cU:gg v

His glo - - more. - ry Ll.sts • • , • • • ~ ....... . r -...

" r ~ -on•

v - - more. The Lord ls great • and great his might, .. .... _,:;.c ".fl- -·- ... - ~ -- more. The Lord is great, . and great his .. ~

- : v - - more, .. ,_

- -ff -Er

- - more. ~ ... .i...

."':: ' r - - -

v -- more. ;· - -. . ... - - more.

"!!!:' ~i- t- .... .... -i:-"'# -e .... ..I-

- - ;:; . -

. v ~~bi3d=== -----~ - - 1

p· ~ ~~ ::!: ~i- :f!_-


~ .., - - .

Page 57: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

c::~&.Ji i.~ _ .... -:::-: -

. - ~ ~

v -- His . for e-ver and fore - ver - more, .._,.,~ ..,;.. . /~ -- -- ~


~ ~ ,, - - ::: !V

His glo-ry l~ta e· ver and for e - ver - more, -- for lasts -,...----.......- . : ., --

·~ .

.;,· :- ~

-might; for e-ver, e - - ver - more, for

- .... ""' ,.. ' 7-- . .:: - - ~


v _,., +4'

The Lord is great. --



v - . -

<L .; - - --TheLOrd is

- ... .it ~ ~!:t -!:: -.e t!:. ....... ..... === ..,';f!:" ....... -·-., . "" ,...._._ v -u•r -

.. ~ . . . . - -

: . ......_. . [,.. I r l


J I • . for e -ver, e - ver • ------- - :

ver -r I

ver -J I

ver -

great, and great his might; Bis glo-ry lasts for e -

J*t IT = I ,, = ! (' ., = C t t r:~-===T=·~; ~~ great, and great his might; His glo-ry lasts for e --.- -- - -- ~

great, - and great his might ; His glo-ry lasts for e - ver -

- +t- - - ,---.._ ~ -

- ,,.. -~

e;grtrFrif e J nt ~ r r F I F

,. I" r r •


Page 58: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

69 ,, -for e - ver, for e

'P ,-----.....

for e - ver, for e

for e - ver, His glo - ry lasts, his 'P ,,,---

for e - ver, for e

for e - ver, e 'P ~ --


more. for e - ver, for e

more, for e - ver, His glo - ry lasts, his

ver, for e ver and e ver -

ver, e ver, e ver and e ver

lasts for e ver and e ver

ver, for e ver and e ver •

ver, e

ver, e ver, e ver and e ver

glo ry lasts for e ver and e ver

Page 59: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

v - - more.

~"' .i+

v - - more.

- - more. ~ . .;I'


v - - more.

- - more.

~ --, . ., - - ~

v --~ ... ~


v - . His glo-ry

.... I

~..---- .... :


"'"' +t


r :-·. -

~"',,,. - ' v


{ .:,~ -.. :!!:' -~


70 .... __ _ .......__ -

~ ~ - -~

His glo - ry - -. ~ .. --- -

>I --The Lord is great . and great his might,

.... ~ 'IL. ...

The Lord is great, . and great his


.. _~ ---::-:: - - - -- ' . for .. e-ver and for e ver - more, His . ~

, ..,.._ - -- - - - - -,, I •1 .. ::

for e- ver and for e - ver - more, lasts --

:- '

for e-ver, e - - ver, - more, for ,



The Lord is great.

·-- - -The Lord is

·-- --

- -The!Sord is

~tt ~~~ .... -- . .. ~ .... -:ff!: .... __ ... -

-~ ~ __.fl*". r -

- - .... ---- ;.. ! ! I

Page 60: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

lasts for e-ver, His glo-ry

- ver - more,

ver - more,

for e-ver & for e - ver - more,

His glo-ry lasts for e ver - more,

great, • and great hi1 might, His glo-ry lasts for e - ver - more,

great, . and great hl1 might, His glo-ry lasts for e - ver - more,

for e - ver and e ver - more.

-~ for e - ver and ver - more.

..t=l- ........------. .a.. ~

is glory lasts • for e ver - more.

ry lasts for e ver - more.

~ I"' 0 ver, for e ver and e ver - more.

~~ I"' J I ,] J I J J I ,J J iJ,.. __ U for e ver, e ver, e ver - more.

for e ver, e ver, e ver - more.


Page 61: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


No. ~o. Am.-" IN NATIVE WOH'l'H!'

tp -

l ~m!\1i@!~- tmmec~a I ' : . .

-· large and arched brow eublime,

Page 62: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

•....-..+----------- --------~-··--·--·-~---- .._ ______ _

I filF 8 Fll£ ~--

1 Pf f [Efi:a]

-.eJ I r ;; ,. 1(2 Erl And in his eyes with bright - nellf!I shines The

l-~~·1~1~£t.f~1 r ~ .._ -~- __. 'P I

ff!' - == == ~__;_JJ_m~,z rw ~ ll'---

t;tt+---..-~P-_·stw r 1 r, t hr · :µ 1 J the breath and i - - mage of his God.


4- J r- r F ~ And

Page 63: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

isp1ing the mir • ror,

~Jj-e~J· I ...


hi11 breast The partner for him form'd, A

- -wo-man. tair and graoo - I spouse.

..a.. SI

11~ ':t!:"

I rr



,,... .......

i ,. lrDrrft -IL

1 l---=±trt r ,.

vir - gin looks, Of

Be - speak him love,

~ ~t~'a 11 :=er ~r

Page 64: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


RAPHAEL. fte I'" .., p&d ; : I r ,.. And God saw ev'-ry thing

~ t ~ t I r , * ~ r "ttftttZt= that He had made, and behold it was ~·e- ry

I ~\t2s

-----the sixth day.

r good; a~eavenly choir, insongdi-vine, thmiclosed

f' s I 9~ [i,@ I* ,.. ?_!t l?j u


Page 65: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

"' ... . ,;; r.---~~ - - +-....,;;._..:..i:i

' . v

new and new de-light.A. ,... --- - - !":-. ~- - - - . . - ~


v - .. -.... -:... new strength and new de-lights.

"°=" ·, -- - -,_ - - " light:.B, new strength and new de-lightB.

~ ,,.-- ' t ' I

I ~.a~~"'"' - ~ - -.. ---~ Hf i ~1a1c·d2@ ;; -~"'4=-=

v r-::::::;;... ~ ft!_..., tp I

I ' f-' ~..... ~, b ~ /'::'\

~ --- r ~ ., .,F F F tE ., L l FI r r~r [?J1 ;lJ ~~., ,$ I}



T11:Noa, Ive lower.)


J _:_88.

let be the praise

•. let be •

Page 66: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

v God, the praise of God.

- -~-v God, the praise of God. .. ..


God, the praise of God. He sole on high

~,, : e - ., i J' .ti j ,. - lftt C ~ ; = I f' r tJl+ God, the praise of God. Glo - ry to his name for e ver, He

.., I I ., r- ., I l

,,,,_ ..... ~~· :_:;;_::=--~~~¢~1~~~~1~§j~J~j~JJ:C"1~-~

f ~ .. -- - - ~

~ -. i. ~ I r I I I = f


Glo ry to his name for e -

He sole on -

reigns, . Hal- le - lu-jah.

lu- jah.

Glo ry to hi!! name for



~~~~~g~~~e~I-~-..:.: . ..:~~::.~---et+M~

Page 67: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


rr?IT lle,solu on l.igh . reigns.

J ll J J' I l J F Glo - - ry to his name for e -

~--------_;~~r=~ ,.. I r ; = ; ' t I v ~ ~~

e - ver. Hal - le - lu - jah, Hal-le - lu- jah. Glo ry to his name for - ~~~~-.____. ~ ,

_d-- - :a_._rr===r=p;iZEtJ£ 0

~I e - - wr, Ile sole on high ex - alt-ed reigns.

... .. . ---... J --- r::5 Ii tj= "' ~ .... ~~ .• -.. = . v

I J J J J J -j#J

. r 1 v Glo ry to his name for e -

. -~ ~-f~~~~'==~-~-~-~=====-ir_ . .~ • -ff· ver. He ~ole on high ex-alt-;;:r., rmg~


He soleon

~1 ~ c mttttE==ffe+t He ~<Jk on high ex -alt-ed reigns,

lle ~ole on high ex -alt- ed reigns. Hal - le - - lu-jah.

1 = I • :,.. ::..:r-f J ~J J

~ r Jll_ _._ _._ ~- --- ~ ... ...__. ------ -

~v-~ -+

~ ---+- I I I w l

;ff:~-.. ~--~---.;-_L~ «=~--j l l Ft J J ~er. Hes~le on hifh/x~-ed reigns, • . . • Hesoleon hign

tLl high ex -alt-ed reigns, Hal - le - - In - jah.

1--1+-1-',__~~~--~-_-':--~:,__,_~·~-------~---~--:-====t2'--=-==r----... ~ ,.. lf ~ i I

Ile .sole oii high :x -alt-ed reigns, Ifai-le -lu -


Page 68: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


In - jah, Halle - lu-jah. ---sole on high ex - alt ed

·r------====··-tr hh; name for e - ver, (3lo - - ry

Glo ry tu his name for e - -

==-~: ~ ( i lu - ry to hi8 name for

___ j!"

---" r " i -"" "--'-=::--$:--=--. -·-r-,r~ ------- ~ r r ·· ,

Page 69: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

ex -

on high reigns, ex - alt - ed

Hal-le -lu-jah, llal -ll' -Ju -j11h. l lal- lt•-lu -jah.

Page 70: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


" ry to hi8 name for e ver. Ha.l-le-lu-jah,

to his name for e ver. lial-le-ln-j11h,

e ver.

Hal-le- In -

- ver.


~-- ~

Glo-ry to his name for e - ver, Glo - ry to his name for

ry to his name for e - ver.

~~~~~--*fffPH I~ 8~156.

Page 71: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

I- 11 ,, ~,.

e - -


r;44Pft& = c-rg±\"'4-1~---g lfo sole on high e:X.- alt-ed reigns, ver.

on ,, ....


-ver, for


e ver. He sole on high ex- alt -ed reign:;,

~~ r ·~Pr== r r re ~6 ===i e - ver.e 1mle on high ex - alt - ed reigns, . . . .

== -f~~{¥fJ I~~:~ l '~, f PV l"f~ F rp-=~ §H

Page 72: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The



Page 73: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

No. 33.


TEN OH, 8ve. lower.)


AcOOMP. fl J'==- 112.



~ - . 11-- -~ - .• - = v Sing the Lord, ye voi - Ce8 all, l\lag - ni - fy ~ - -- -,_ - -

'" ; __ __:___:;__, __ - . -

v Sing the Lord, ye voi - eee all, l\Iag - ni - fy A - • 10 - . - .

v Sing the Lord, ·oi - all l\lag - ni - fy - - - . .. - . .. tD - • v -- - .

Sing the Lord, ve voi - ces all, Mag - ni - fr

• ./II.

• •• ·-Et:fi: J' ffiti-~ U!i fr~ ~~Ii- I

Ar1daBffl. f 'P 'fP" f ip f,.._P P "

:@=9l'c; _._._.__,:e ~ I :-: =:=:+- ~ ..--:~~ I . ---~ ,. • __ -=TFJir • • ~~~~ic:=i

,;;---,... ,__._



His . ~


:: His



Page 74: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


Page 75: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

en -


.J e-ho-rnh '~

Page 76: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


~-~--ilfi!J: C7=£&.-u1Ef r C :in ; §71 r • r .i~ t=t-:-rpr __ · rt-.:urn. A - - - - - men. Je-hovah's praise for e ver

Haydn.-Creation.-~ovcllo's Ellition. K 8Cl56

Page 77: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

. e - hovab's praise

- men. praise for e


men .. r chovah's praise


for c - ver


shall en - dure, for_e __

ehall .... en -

Page 78: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

141 ,..,,, -

- I .. - - . - ;;; -v

ver shall endure. ....... II" - Je. hovah's praise for

¥{i ., ft_lf:__4?h=. ~I E3 ;;;;t!±E;:n _r? £2ff -· --,-- --J e-hovah's praise for e - ver shall en-dure. A - - -

~Ey= I"' ... tEJJ 1~:§¥£:0 r==¥R v

- dure. A - - - - men, A - - men, A -~*;' I"' ==F 3 - ==t

- du re.

~d ~ I mm ~ ' ~ ~~ c I ¥blNC1i

I I I ' ' i •4:W @'.¢-! £t

J ~~ ... F

.., ~ _.;_ ~ ttl§£ i!j ., ~ I ~ ~ J7f r J--r--'-~§' I l Eg F r r L I Cfi_iit rc~r!l!1

e - ver shall en - dure. A -

e - ver

- dure. A • - - - - - - men. Je-hovah's

. JSLJ W1- F ~ F ffft8--fl¥J!J r ffihti± l ~· ! j $1 j j J ~ I LJ grttlittflf"c f f e w I~


Page 79: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


-en-du re.

- men

.__..,, ..._ ______ ______,,


Page 80: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The

- men, A - - - - - - men. Praise the Lord. A - -

Page 81: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The


shall en - durn. Praise the Lord, ut-ter thanks,

shall en - dure. Praise the Lord, ut-ter thanks,

shall en - dure. Praise t e Lord, ut-ter thanks,

shall en - dure, Praise the Lord, ut-ter thank11,

~& .

for e - ver shall endure. A - men. A -me11.

for e - ver shall

for e - ver shall endure. A - men. A- men.

for e - ver shall endure. A - men.


Page 82: THE CREATION Haydn-Creation (Gray)_SS cut...THE CREATION. v The cattle, in herds, already seek their food On fields and meadows green. And o'er the ground, as plants, are spread The



Ko. PAGE No. PAG ..

I. Representation of Chaos I 8. And God said, Let the earth Recit. 26 :2. In the beginning •• Recit. and Chorus 2 9· With verdure clad Air 26

3 Now vanish before the holy beams Air 4 IO. And the heavenly host .. Recit. 30

" De~pairing, cursing rage .• Chorus 7 I I. Awake the harp Chorus 30

4· And God made the firmament .. Recit. 12 12. And God said, Let there be lights

5· The marvellous work Solo and Chorus 14 Recit. 36 6. And God said, Let the waters Recit. 20 13. In splendour bright •• Recit. 37

7· Rolling in foaming billows Air 21 14. The heavens are telling •• Chorus 39


15. And God said, Let the waters Rec it. 50 I 23. Now heaven in fullest glory shone Air 74 16. On mighty pens .. Air 50 24 . And God created man Recit. 78

r7. And God created great whales Rec it. 56 25. In native worth Air 79 rS. And the angels Recit. 57 26. And God saw everything Recit. 82

19. Most beautiful appear Terzetto 58 27. Achieved is the glorious work Chorus 83 20. The Lord is great.. Trio and Chorus 63 27A.On thee each living soul awaits Trio 87 21. And God said, Let the earth Recit. 72 27B.Achieved is the glorious work 22. Straight opening her fertile •. Rec:it. 72 Second Chorus 92


28. Introduction 100 30. Our duty we have now Recit. I23

.. In rosy mantle appears Recit. 100 31. Graceful consort Duet 125

29. By thee with bliss Duet and Chorus 102 32 0 happy pair Recit. 136 .. Of stars the fairest Duet and Choruii I0i' 33 . Sing the Lord, ye voices all Chorus 13«i

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