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The Ukrainian – Russian Crisis | Analysis____________________________________________2


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The hostilities in Donbass are a threat not only to Russia and Europe, but to the whole world. If this won’t get perceived correctly, there might be a regional war and maybe a world wide one, the next World War.

The interpretation of our media is superficial and totally underrated. It’s interpreted as if the Uktrainian authorities‘ crusade against pro-Russian separatists for the sake of the country’s integrity. This is as senseless as the delusion that the murder of an Austrian Prince led to the World War I. The explanation that’s beeing delivered throughout the Russian media is just slightly more meaningful – for them it’s a resistance in Donbass against someone who grabbed his power in Kiev in an anti-government coup.

In the mean time it’s nearly impossible to end the armed conflicts without any reasons and forces. Analyzing the current position of both Russia and the Ukraine explains the main topics of the participants of the Ukrainian Conflict and the technologies which they are using. Also the analysis reveals the reasons why the attempts ending the conflict failed and whether the conflict might evolve to the next World War.

Preventing the worst case scenario will just succeed if the relations and reasons for crime will stop, because the crimes are increasing exponentially. If crimes will not be handled correctly, there won’t be any other choice of getting ready for the next World War, because all the participants are ready for the war to come.

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The Ukrainian – Russian Crisis | Analysis

The reason and nature behind the current crisis in the Ukraine is honestly complex. The crisis is a tight and linked up cluster of a few conflict semantic fields. Unfortunately these fields won’t get mentioned in frontline reports, nor in commentaries by politicians or in their explanation why they’ve failed over and over. The most obvious conflict is currently between Donbass and the Ukrainian authorities. Ukraine tried, in order to resolve the problem, getting rid of all the militias and population, whose interests express the same idea, through physical exterminaion. In this conflict are already two semantic fields and neither of them is strong enough to trigger a fratricidal war.

The internal political structure of the Ukraine is the first semantic field. The people of Donbass and other people from the south and east of Ukraine, demand a federative system and recognition of the Russian language as an official one. These demands have been known for a long time since they were openly declared throughout two whole decades of Uktrainian independence and sometimes even reflected in the election platforms the interests of the southern and eastern Ukrainian regions. Those demands were never declared as political crimes by the Ukrainian political establishment, both claims have just been dismissed. Everybody in the Ukraine agreed, that these issues should be addressed only by legal, democratic means. The current regime want to completely wipe out the advocates of federalization, just as the militias. This goes by far beyond accepted means of handling conflicts. In the past years, peaceful discussion of the federalization was common, but nowadays Poroshenko and his relatives have labeled the idea behind federalization as separatism and even terrorism, which definitely is a provoation of the conflict and thus being illegal.

The so called „European choice“ is Ukraine’s second semantic field. If you want to believe the protest activists, it is for the sake of this choice why Kiev’s police was beaten up and set on fire. But it was also the offically professed goal of European bureucrats and politicians who were warming up for their protesting crowds, supporting the oppostion in other ways.

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Surprisingly, the majority of Ukrainian inhabitants from south and east prefer the integration into Eurasia rather than into Europe. Although the European emissaries left half of the Ukrainian population unnoticed, they hardly had any intention of starting a war of extermination against all those opposed to the association with the EU. Even Ukraine’s professional integrators wouldn’t want to go beyond the Verkhovna Rada in their attempt of resolving the issue. They fastidiously prefered being behind-the-scenes to press for the Association Agreement, rather than being in the middle of all events. In the meantime, the people who were against the association with the EU presented their own arguments, arguments including that the interests of the Ukraine had always lain in the professional press, thus never addressing the people who’ve got ideas for resolving the issue by force. It’s absolutely clear that even in case of impossible seperation of opinion, there has to be a peaceful way to settle the conflict by legally formalizing different trade regimes for the two parts of the Ukraine, for instance, Denkmark and Greenland (although Greenland isn’t a part of the EU).

Not even a single issue has been addressed by the leaders of the rival fractions, they rather try to address the issues through the use of force. Therefore, the hostilities were unleashed for other reasons. The Kiev junta’s propaganda does everything they are capable of in order to let the public mind having a misanthropic view of its opponents. They are targets for awful comparisons. They haven’t got the right to speak their mind. Getting beaten up and getting arrested are the sole alternatives. It is even allowed to burn people alive and the Ukrainian military has got the order not to hesitate to take their lives. The leaders of the Kiev regime have been making public calls to execute citizens of Donbass who’ve asked for contradiction. The butchers of Slavyansk are distributed awards, the so-called president Poroshenko refers the victims of the slaughter as “non-humans” and even the head of the Ukrainian government Arseny Yatsenyuk said in his public statements that the Russians living in the east of the Ukraine are subhumans.

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The main political opponent of them, before the conflicts have started, is Yulia Timoshenko. She brazenly said that Donbass even deserved atomic bombing. One known face in the presidential election race, Oleg Lyashko, even personally participated in organizing mass repression against all Russian citizens living in the Ukraine. To summarize everything in a word: The Kiev junta wants a full neo-Nazi agreement regarding the genocide of Russian citizens, who already have lost all of their human rights, including and esepcially their right of living.

The Nazi semantic field generates the biggest tensions of the current conflict and explains the use of violence and force in attempts of solving it. Nazism was always the excuse for violence against other races or ethnic groups, people who have been declared as second-rate races and against whom any repression, violence or crime is acceptable. Back then it was the jews, nowadays it is the Russian citizens. This is exactly the path the regime in Kiev took in order to bring hate to those people who disagree with the Ukrainian “exclusiveness”. Basically to all Russians, because all other European and world ethnoses never heard of an Ukrainian nation. In other countries of the world, for instance even Germany, all those who have been born in the territory of the former USSR, may it be Russia or Ukraine, are all calles Russians. Meanwhile, the chiefs of the Kiev junta are bragging on how superior the Ukrainians are over the Russians in full conformity using the principles of Nazism. Russians are described as slaves. Born to be a slave who hasn’t got any other value than exploitation in the interests of the Ukrainians. Russians who are living in the Ukraine have no other option left than taking up arms in order to defend themselves from the neo-Nazis.

International experience proves that Nazism can be resisted only by force. The Nazis simply do not understand any other language. Once the Nazis get on the train denying rights to people of other nationalities or ethnic groups, the latter have to give up any hopes that they can ever protect themselves by legal means. They only can protect themselves and their rights if they put up armed resistance.

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No matter if German Nazism or Ukrainian Nazism, there is no exception whatsoever. Even worse, if you haven’t got roots in Ukrainian culture, the Ukrainian Nazism can even be the harshest way possible. Delusional demonstration of the Ukrainian Nazis shelling Dinbass cities and communities only took place to show their exclusiveness to themselves in the first place. But there is no such thing as “Ukrainian Exclusiveness” the Nazis are expressing. There was no exclusiveness in classical Ukrainian literature, it was always a part of the Russian culture. By organizing mass attacks against those who consider themselves as Russian they tried to create a strong confrontation in the Ukrainian public mind that they have to be on one side like the “either-with-us-or-against-us” principle.

It's worth mentioning that none of nowadays Nazism-leaning Ukrainian leaders are ehtnic Ukrainian. All of them are very far away of being Ukrainian, they are not involved into its culture or history. Maybe that is the reason why they lack the slightest amount of self-restrictions and show such crimes against their own people. They have been trying to be a Nazi leader by getting their followers into mass murder of fellow citizens, turning the country into a dumb herd.

The article titled “Nazi Mistakes its author”, written by Alexander Rogers, shows that the cult of being cruel is the key feature of Ukrainian Nazis. By the level of senseless crime and cruelty they have passed their Hitlerite idols. They find special pleasure in posing next to dead people who have been burnt alive or beheaded children and women in Slavyansk. As Alexander Rogers says that Ukrainian society has developed all 14 basics of Nazism, the prominent Italian philosopher Umberto Eco, pointed at a while ago. The current cult of expressing force, contemot for the weak and dondemnation of pacifism, are most important in order to understand the way in which way the current conflict might will unfold. It also explains why the negotiations of the solution of the Ukrainian crisis have reached nowhere.

All parties should be interested in the termination of combat operations in Donbass, since they are threatening not only to the Ukraine, but also to Russia, Donbass itself and even Europe. However, the Kiev junta doesn’t show any wish to listen to the other side. The only language the junta is capable speaking of is the language of threats, ultimatiums and crimes. Any attempts at questioning

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their aguments will lead to hysteria, hate and aggression. No matter who is passing by, may it be a journalist or just a stranger, who ever dared to question the Ukrainian Nazis’ actions will instantly be humiliated, beaten up and Ukrainian special services will go one step further and initiate criminal preceedings. This whole precedure is being executed in full conformity with one of the key features of Nazism that Umberto Eco identified “Dissent is betrayal”.

The conflict field “Ukrainian Nazism” is the main driving force of crimes and violence in the Ukraine and in Donbass in particular. The upcoming question is, what are the sources and driving forces of Ukrainian Nazism? What drives them to do this? How come in a country that experienced the horrors of Nazi crimes themselves, there are so many followers of todays eager to continue the war against the citizens of the Ukraine? Maybe, at a certain point, it seemed that the Red Army had cleared Ukraine of all Nazis for good …

I think that the answer to this question lies in another conflicht that existed for many many centuries. It is the western aggression against Russia which is still ongoing. In that field, the Ukraine has constantly been in focus. Otto von Bismarck formulated the attitude of the West to the Ukraine in the most obvious

way. He said: “The power of Russia could be undermined only by seperating it from the Ukraine. One must not only pull, but also oppose Ukraine to Russia, pruposely antagonize the two parts of one and the same people, and see how brother will kill brother. To do this, one only has to find and nurture traitors among the national elite and use them to change the identity of one part of a grat nation to such an extent that they would hate everything Russian, hate their own family withouth realizing it.

The rest is a matter of time” – Otto von Bismarck, 1886. Zbigniew Brzezinski noted, that without Ukraine Russia will stop being a Eurasian emire.

Ukrainian Nazism is another artificially made product of the misanthropic idea that has been refined in the West for several centuries. Three centuries ago the British Empire fancied themselves a master race, thus making racism the groundwork of their world empire. The Americans are absolutely sure about

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their superiority over all other peoples around the globe. This empowers them to judge other crountries and their leaders just by their own criteria. The authorities of the U.S. use this force of as an excuse for punishing any other people and even for exterminating the stubborn ones. The true reason of such subjugation is determined by the interests of the U.S. capital disguised in the human rights. This implies the lifting of all borders to U.S. goods and capital, introduction of U.S. education and culturual standards and the use of the dollar as the main and only currency. The U.S. is dictating to all countries its as a referee in all conflicts, both local and international ones. The U.S. assumes the right of arresting and punishing and citizens of any country in the world it may not like. Then it applies its internal U.S. legislation to the entire world, while other countries are expected to agree with the overlordship of international obligations. Our beloved president of the United States of America Barack Obama stated recently about the exclusiveness of the U.S.. That was a sure sign that racism is still present in the U.S. and is being employed to excuse any crimes by the U.S. military against humanity. Ascending military spendings and the flywheel of world tensions (especially currently in the Ukraine) are essential for the U.S. to preserve the exclusiveness of America. “America must always lead on the world stage. If we don’t, no one else will.” – Obama said. In clearer spoken words: In order to reduce the huge amount of debts and shifting the U.S. into a long wave of growth economy.

Agreeing with racist idelogies the U.S. poilitical machinery is taking a discriminatory approach to countires all over the world depending on if their leaders are ready to dwell by U.S. interests. Each country on the world is grouped into under-developed ones (to be taught the U.S. values):

Eastern Europe Latin America

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In good ones (full support of the U.S. policies):

The British Commonwealth Western Europe Japan South Korea Isreal Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates

And the bad ones, truculent of the U.S. dictation. Any technologies of destruction are good towards the latter group of countries:

Russia China India North Africa Middle East

The aim of the U.S. is the subjugation of these countries through a revolution and implanting a U.S.-controlled regime, or simply through conquest and establishment of colonial administration, or through destruction and subjugation piece by piece, slowly but securly. Comparing to Russia and the post-Soviet space, the U.S. have used all tools of destruction that have come them handy.

In complete and total conformity with the Anglo-Saxon “divide-and-rule” tradtion, the U.S. political specialists are instructing the Ukrainian Nazis to master the cult of hate over Russians who have been declared guilty for all troubles and misfortunes of the Ukrainian people. At the same time they are told to never forget that they are shoddy to the Americans and West Europeans who should be viewed as examples to follow blindly. As a result of such a huge brainwashing of the Ukrainian people, contempft and hate towards Russians are oddly intertwined in the Ukrainian Nazis’ mind, thus they blindly worship the Americans and West Europeans. Believing in the all-pervading powers of the United States and Western Europe is so strong that the Ukrainian Nazis really belive that Washington will force Russia to take care of all Ukraine’s demands.

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Ukrainian Nazism, which only exists due to the Western instructors, has been unchangeably targeted against the Russiands and especially Moscow. Keeping this in mind, todys’s Nazis essentially do not differ from their predecessors (Hitler and his henchmen). The only thing that has changed over time is the new leader, the new Big Boss. Now it is the U.S. Department of State. Comparing it to the German Nazis, the new boss prefers to have everything done by someone else. The Ukrainian Nazis do not only have to do all the dirty work such as mass killings of fellow citizens, but also take up the risks from combat operations and political responsibilities.

Just like in the Nazi invasion in WWII, Ukrainian Nazism is nowadays used as a tool in the hands of foreign forces. There shouldn’t be hardly anyone in his right mind who will say that a pro-Hitler regime might have been a blessing for the Ukraine and its citizens. For the German Nazis the latter was nothing but a herd of draft animals. Animals whose only task was to toil for food to ensure the German imperialism. For today’s European and American bureaucrats, the Ukraine is nothing more than a big source of cheap labor, a market for European and American goods, a big dump for industrial waste and a backyard for ecologically hazardous industries.

Ukrainian Nazism evolves within the conflict field of the Western aggression against Russia. It’s basically just the anger of the Western against Russia that leads Ukraine to go nuts. This explains its amazing increase. Without a consistent policy by the U.S. and its NATO allies, it would have never emerged and grown, because basically there were no objective prerequisites for it. But big and heavy sponsorship for a bunch of nationalist organizations and consistent efforts to cultivate hate towards Russia worked perfectly. The current country’s nationalist leaders do not care at all about the discrepancy of their ideology and the historical reality that has occurred. For lean remunerations from their sponsors in the NATO memberstates they have never really stopped seeing Russia as their enemy. The ideologists of the Ukrainian Nazism keep silent about a very important fact: Ethnic Russians were always in the absolute minority in the Bolshevik bodies of government. While functionaries were born in Galitsia, Odessa and Central Ukraine constituted a big majority. Beside this, the Bolshevik authorities relied mostly on Ukrainian nationalists in placing

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under their control the vast and densely populated lands of Novorossiya. Nazism-based Russophobia has become the core of Ukrainian nation identify these days.

Meanwhile, the reincarnation of Nazism in the current situation is not quite harmless to Europe, since memories of WWII horrors are still ongoing and not forgotten yet. The European leaders need some plausible excuses more than never in order to explain why they turn a blind eye on rampaging Ukrainian Nazis and keep conniving with their crimes. The U.S.-controlled mass media is ready to provide such arguments. The Ukrainian Nazis are portrayed as champions, as heros of European values and their crimes against humanity. The European public is being zombied and serves as a benchmark for European politicians. No one who didn’t dig deep enough into this topic does know what is really happening in the Ukraine and Russia.

As follows from this analysis, European support for the Ukrainian Nazis is included by a stronger conflict field stemming from the U.S. interest of retaining golbal domination.

In this report, I’m not telling that all Ukrainians are Nazis by any means. I’m telling, that the war that is currently present is the result of a few citizens who became Nazi-like soldiers. They aren’t by any means real Nazis like the Germans were in the WWII, but they are behaving like this. They are executing and mass murdering all people who do not belong to the Ukraine, question their decisions or simply do not fit in their way of thinking.

I think that this war will be played internally as long as the big leaders of the EU and U.S. will have enough of it. It wouldn’t ever come to a WWIII, since the big parties would rip out the plug before it would get out of hand. The mass media in Europe is delivering false information and the mass media in the Ukraine and in Russia aren’t a tiny bit better. This is only my point of view on the current Ukrainian crisis regarding Russia, Europe and the U.S. and isn’t by any means a qualified statement or something similar. This is my point of view and I emphasize the same view as Glasjew’s on this wide ranged topic.

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• - Cover (edited in Photoshop to fit needs)

• Putin’s Speech

• View from Glasjew

• News from Germany

• News from Germany

• News from Germany

• Relatives being experts in this matter

• My own perspective on how I see it.

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