Page 1: The cVoi eof h Mal d rr ii vv eenn bbyy tthh e dv oo icc e f sa fer˙a n, kemm ix-xju˙ u wkoll it-tf al”. Óafna qablu


Special edition March 6, 2017Special edition

(driven by the voice driven by the voice of its readersof its readers)

The Voice of the Maltese

CC aa rr nn ii vv aa ll 22 00 11 77 ii n n MM aa ll tt aa- a tribute to the hundreds of

participants who contributed tomake it such a spectacular show

Page 2: The cVoi eof h Mal d rr ii vv eenn bbyy tthh e dv oo icc e f sa fer˙a n, kemm ix-xju˙ u wkoll it-tf al”. Óafna qablu

2 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March, 2017

In our childhood days, Carnival time inMalta was a most welcome occasion, notjust for the mid-term holidays from school,but most importantly it was an occasion

when our parents would carry us kids to Val-letta to spend a few hours to watch the colour-ful floats on the back of large trucks withyouths – girls and boys - on top making merryand singing to popular music or blowing onwhistles. People used to fill Merchant Street and Re-

public Street (then still known as Strada Reale)to the brim doing their best to find vintagepoints for their kids to be able to enjoy thespectacle.In our family we were never encouraged or de-nied from putting on carnival costumes, and tobe honest we did not even bother. However, weenjoyed seeing other kids or grown ups in cos-tumes or donning masks to hide their identityor for a laugh. And we laughed a lot about thisfact as those whom we used to call “clowns” pa-raded the streets of our village or in the streetsof Valletta.Nowadays, either because it is the wish of

their parents, or the kids themselves, they liketo dress up and join others, at school, private parties or during the defiles in Valletta. We all enjoy seeingthese kids happy imagining themselves as being some cartoon character or hero. Though there have been times when Carnival’s popularity seemed on the wane, in the past few years it wasgiven a fresh boost, particularly when two years ago the government lifted the ban on the use of politicalsatire. As such, satirical floats became as important, as the grotesque, and perhaps even more popular as

watchers were given the chance to try andrecognise faces of local politicians and fig-ure out the situations or messages thefloat builders wanted to pass. Satire is in-deed on the increase.Each year brings new innovations as the

dedicated participants and the organisersbuild on previous successes. Much progress has been made in all sec-tors and even more progress is envisagedfor the future, particularly after the gov-ernment announced the commencementof the Carnival Project, which means thata long-drawn dream of the Carnival par-ticipants should soon come into fruition.In fact, work on the Malta Carnival Expe-rience (Carnival Village) should start soonafter the Planning Authority approved allthe necessary permits. The Minister responsible for culture evenpromised to continue to support Maltesetalent that also includes all the people whowork on the floats, grotesque masks, cos-tumes, dancers, performers and musi-cians who year in year out successfullyorganise this event that brings so muchjoy to people from all walks of life irrespec-tive of their political leanings.

*Continued on page 3

Special issue

Malta Carnival 2017-a tribute to the participants

Page 3: The cVoi eof h Mal d rr ii vv eenn bbyy tthh e dv oo icc e f sa fer˙a n, kemm ix-xju˙ u wkoll it-tf al”. Óafna qablu

are publishing, shot by profes-sional photographers clearly bringto life most of what the locals, andtourists witnessed during theMalta Carnival 2017.Therefore let us feast our eyes on

these beautiful pictures and ad-mire the work of the Maltese crafts-man and artist who keep alive oneof the oldest and most enjoyabletraditions, the Maltese Carnivalthat can also be explained as a dis-traction from politics as it is anevent that at least for five days alsounites the community.Meanwhile, the dates for next

year’s Carnival have already beenannounced. It will be between Fri-day February 9 and Tuesday the13th, 2018.

*Aside of the spectacle, and after the event, workers fromthe Cleaning Directorate within the Ministry for transportand Infrastructure who were involved in an extensivecleaning programme in Valletta and Floriana during theCarnival days, collected 20 tons of waste, 11 tons of it gen-erated on the final day. An extra 100 waste bins were pro-vided for the Carnival days.

*from page 2

Today Carnival participants are looking forward tothe completion of the Carnival project, which is to befinanced from European Union funds (ERDF), isaimed at having activities running throughout theyear. It will bring together various artists in theirwork and in the end could prove to be the breath offresh air needed to preserve this annual celebrationand even improve its standard.Minister Owen Bonnici further announced that in

May, Malta would also host the annual convention ofthe Federation of European Carnival Cities with theparticipation of delegates from over 20 countries. Even more support for Carnival this year came from

‘The Valletta 2018 Foundation’ that committed itselfto further investment in Carnival, particularly in thequality of the activities and the number of activitiesthat took place inside and outside of Valletta.This year’s Carnival was superb. The colourful and

very artistic floats and merriment pulled vast crowdsto Valletta, Hamrun - on Sunday morning, with theparticipation of five bands marching along the streetsaccompanied by a number of floats - and Floriana,especially in Tuesday night’s grand defilé in St Anne’sStreet - and in the case of Gozo to Republic Streetand It-Tokk Square at Victoria. This year’s evenhelped to further enhance some old traditions thathad almost been lost in past years. The floats this time round were of a very high stan-

dard, huge in size and even more artistic than usual.Among the 17 floats was a special one. Since Maltacurrently holds he EU Presidency, one of the floats,designed by renowned cartoonist Steve Bell and con-structed by the Maltese Carnival participants, wasdedicated to the presidency.This special edition of The Voice of the Maltese is

dedicated to all those who have worked so hard tomake such a success of the event. The pictures we

Tuesday March 6, 2017 The Voice of the Maltese 3Special issue

An event that for at leastfive days unites the



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4 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 6 2017Special issue

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Tuesday March 6, 2017 The Voice of the Maltese 5Special issue

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Nhar it-Tlieta tal-©img˙a l-o˙ra, fil-gΩejjer Maltin ©iefi tmiemu l- Karnival ta’Malta 2017 (u meta

ng˙idu dan qed ninkludu lill-gΩira©irien, G˙awdex). Kienu ˙amestijiem u ljieli li spikkaw bil-kbir unessew sa çert punt il-firda politikafil-pajjiΩ.

B˙al dejjem kienu jiem li setg˙ujitgawdew minn kul˙add u tassew likif jing˙ad fl-innu uffiçjali, dan de-jjem hu Ωmien “mistenni minnkul˙add li ˙afna jixtiequ li majg˙addi qatt, Ωmien li fih kul˙addikun fer˙an, kemm ix-xju˙ u wkollit-tfal”.Óafna qablu li meta tqis kollox, or-

ganizzazzjoni, karrijiet, kostumi,Ωfin, u attendenza g˙all-attivitajiet,dak ta’ din is-sena kien x’aktarx l-akbar u wie˙ed mill-aktar ta’ suc-cess fiΩ-Ωmien modern. T˙ares kift˙ares lejh, kien tassew avvenimentspettakolari.

Din is-sena f’Malta ˙adu sehem17-il karru li biex ©ew ippreΩentatilill-pubbliku sar ˙afna xog˙ol mill-imsie˙ba tal-kumpaniji. Barra min-hekk kien hemm nies o˙ra li

g˙andhom ikunu kburija b’dak liwie˙ed seta’ jara. Minn tag˙rif liksibna, façilment jista’ jinghad likien hemm mal-1,500 ruhu involutifl-ispettaklu DaΩ-Ωmien, aktar minn qatt qabel,

li tibni karru g˙all-Karnival ta’Malta (u G˙awdex) mhix xi çajta.Minbarra l-˙idma kontinwu u g˙alxhur s˙a˙ minn qabel il-jiem li na-fuhom kemm b˙ala r-Renju tal-Kar-nival kif ukoll ir-Renju tal-Bluha,hemm spejjeΩ kbar li jla˙˙qu l-g˙axriet tal-eluf tal-Ewro.

It-t˙ejjija tinvolvi g˙add ta’ nies,artisti, ˙addiema tas-seng˙a u vol-untieri.

Fost dawk li bnew il-karrijiet din is-sena, u sa çertu punt b˙al dejjem,kien hemm entuΩjaΩmu kbir. Bil-forstrid tkun t˙obb u dilettant kbir ta’dawn il-jiem biex tasal tag˙melg˙add ta’ sagrifiççi li jwasslu ˙alli fi-nalment tintwea l-˙ila ta’ afna nies.Nies li tkellmu ma’ The Voice of the

Maltese qalulna li f’˙afna jiem kien

6 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 6, 20177Special issue

Ìie˙ lil dawk li ˙admug˙as-suççess tal-attivita`

Din il-˙ar©a speçjali qed issir ukollbis-sa˙˙a ta’ g˙add ta’ fotografimill-Union Print, fosthom RogerAzzopardi u Alan Saliba, Joe Grechminn G˙awdex, u Joseph Cutajar li˙adu kwaΩi r-ritratti kollha li qednippubblikaw. Grazzi wkoll lill-edi-tur fil-UnionPrint, Josef Caruana lipo©©a dawn ir-ritratti g˙ad-dis-poΩzzjoni tag˙na. Kienet tkun asra li dawn ir-ritratti

li juru l-˙ila ta’ dawk li ja˙dmu tantg˙all-karnival fl-gΩejjer Maltin manuΩawhomx.

KKaarrnniivvaall tta’ a’ MMaalltta a 22001177JosephCutajar

ikollhom mat-tletin ru˙ ja˙dmu fuqkarru, filwaqt li fi tmiem il-©img˙al-g˙add ©eneralment anke jaqbeΩ l-erbg˙in.

Qalulna li l-bidu tal-karru ©ielijibda minn sena qabel, kif jintemmil-karnival ta’ qabel. Dakinhar jib-dew ja˙sbu x’jistg˙u jag˙mlu biexjispikkaw.

*Ikompli f’pa©na 10

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8 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 6, 2017Special issue

Il-Óadd filg˙odu sar brijju s˙i˙ fil-Óamrunfejn da˙lu l-karrijiet u flimkien ma’ ˙amesbaned, fosthom it-tnejn ewlenin tal-lokalferr˙u b’marçi brijjuΩi lil kull min kien hemm. Issie˙bu wkoll mal-karrijiet biex iΩidu l-ispet-

taklu nies o˙ra ÓamruniΩi li ma qag˙dux lurabiex juru l-˙e©ga tag˙hom g˙al dan l-avveni-ment b’kostumi mill-isba˙ u Ωfin

Kul˙add jaf li l-˙e©©atal-ÓamruniΩi g˙all-is-pettaklu ma tantx taflimiti, l-aqwa li jie˙dugost huma u jag˙tuhukoll lil ˙addie˙or

Page 9: The cVoi eof h Mal d rr ii vv eenn bbyy tthh e dv oo icc e f sa fer˙a n, kemm ix-xju˙ u wkoll it-tf al”. Óafna qablu

Tuesday March 6, 2017 The Voice of the Maltese 9Special issue

L-g˙axqa tat-tfalL-g˙axqa tat-tfal

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10 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 6, 2017Special issue

*minn pa©na 6

Óafna drabi jkollhom g˙add ta’ ideatimbag˙ad jiddiskutu ma’ xulxin ˙allijag˙Ωlu li fil-fehma tag˙hom tkun l-a˙jaridea. Imbag˙ad tibda t-tpin©ija fuq il-kartau wkoll it-tfassil ta’ kif se ja˙dmu.G˙alkemm fid-deher wie˙ed jara karrijiet

mibnija bil-kartapesta, imma hemm ˙afnaaktar minhekk. Jid˙ol ix-xog˙ol tal-injambiex ji©i ffurmat il-qafas, u anke l-˙adidbiex fuqu jista’ jserra˙ l-armar.

Min˙abba li ©enerlament il-karrijiet qedikunu mekkanizzati, kull parti tal-karru litiççaqlaq ikun hemm ˙tie©a ta’ muturg˙aliha. Kull biçça makkinarju, Ωg˙irakemm hi Ωg˙ira tiswa flejjes kbar.

Wie˙ed minn dawk li ilu Ωmien jie˙usehem b’xi karru fil-Karnivalqalilna li biex tibni karru tridmastrudaxxi, nies li jafu l-weld-ing, elettriçisti, min˙abba li l-is-pettaklu jissokta wkoll bl-isfilatifid-dlam, nies tekniçi umekkaniçi, biex i˙addmu ç-çalqieq, ˙ajjata, Ωebbieg˙a ta’paçenzja u nies artistiçi.

Il-˙ar©a tal-lum ta’ The Voice ofthe Maltese hija wa˙da speçjali. Hikollha ddedikata lill-Karnival. Mastajniex nag˙mlu dan fl-a˙˙ar˙ar©a g˙ax ma kienx g˙adu in-temm.

*ikompli f’pagna 13

Biex tibni karru trid nies ta’ ˙afna snajja differenti

Page 11: The cVoi eof h Mal d rr ii vv eenn bbyy tthh e dv oo icc e f sa fer˙a n, kemm ix-xju˙ u wkoll it-tf al”. Óafna qablu

Tuesday March 6, 2017 The Voice of the Maltese 11Special issue


Page 12: The cVoi eof h Mal d rr ii vv eenn bbyy tthh e dv oo icc e f sa fer˙a n, kemm ix-xju˙ u wkoll it-tf al”. Óafna qablu

12 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 6, 2017Special issue

bi -month ly magazinebi -month ly magazine

The Voice of the Maltese

is is a bi-lingual (inEnglish and Maltese) fort-nightly publication specifi-cally targeting all Malteseliving abroad with empha-

sis on the Maltee andAustralian scenes.

is magazine is sent viaemail to subscribers by re-quest. But if you require aprinted copy this can also

be arrangedEditors: Malta: Joseph CutajarAustralia:Lawrence Dimech: MOM,

OAM, JPemail address:[email protected]

bi-month ly magazinebi-month ly magazine

Letters for publication in The Voice ei-ther in Maltese or English should bee-mailed to: [email protected].

Now you can alsojoin us on facebook:

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?Kummenti dwar il-Karnival ta’ Malta

In this issue this page is reserved for comments about the Malta Carnivalmade directly to the magazine by a number of tourists, and even by Mal-tese living abroad who happened to be in Malta during the activity. Thecomments were made to two young friends of The Voice, Tony andDorothy Cassar who carried the Vox Pop on behalf of the magazine

ERIK and ELSA DAHLBERG: We arevery happy to be here at this time ofyear and to be able to join in themerriment. We are from Stockholm(Sweden). Malta has always fasci-nated us as though it is quite smallcompared to other European coun-tries it has so much to offer. This isour second visit to Malta but the firsttime that we have been here at Car-nival time and able to be part of it.

We are very impressed with theshow and believe that our congrat-ulations to those who have made itpossible would be most appropriate.

We are also happy to have beenable to feel so welcome in these sur-roundings. We also enjoyed the waythat the people, locals and foreign-ers felt they could integrate and feelpart of the event.

PETER BEVAN: I come from Wales.My wife is Maltese. I married Gina(by the way she is from Marsa) threeyears ago and this is our first visit toMalta together. My wife is an avidreader of your magazine that shegets from her mother who in turn re-ceives it through an email.

Perhaps I should say that one ofthe reasons that we came to Maltathis winter was because of the goodthings you keep saying about Maltain the magazine. I am a keen swim-mer and my initial intention was tovisit the island in the summer tomake use of my snorkelling experi-ence.However we reached a compromise

and after this exciting experiencewe are set to visit again perhaps inJuly/August.

If this is the way that Malta cele-brates Carnival every time, then Iwould say I am very impressed. Themerriment and the atmosphere cre-ated by the dancers accompanyingthe very artistically built floats aremost enjoyable. I never thought itwould be so interesting to visit Val-letta at this time of night duringCarnival. I also intend to visit thedefile’ during the day on Sunday.Congratulations!

LAWRENCE u CARMEN (St Albans,Victoria): Mhix l-ewwel darba li Ωor-na Malta f’dan iΩ-Ωmien. Ìieli konnahawn insegwu l-Karnival. L-a˙˙ardarba kien ames snin ilu imma qattma ˙adna gost inkunu parti minndin il-festa daqs din id-darba.Konna impressjonati bil-livell g˙oli

tal-artisti Maltin biex jibnu karrijietb˙al dawn. A˙na attendejna g˙ad-defile` ta’ nhar is-Sibt bil-lejl u wkollillum fl-a˙˙ar jum fil-Furjana. Tas-sew ˙adna gost imma l-aqwa eper-jenza tag˙na kienet li naraw il-kar-rijiet mixg˙ulin tard filg˙axija u l-brijju li ˙olqu Ω-Ωeffiena.

MIRIAM SANT (Fairfield, NSW): Dinl-ewwel Ωjara li qed nag˙mel f’Maltamindu mietli r-ra©el erba’ snin ilu.Ìieli ©ejna fil-jiem tal-Karnival g˙al-iex meta kien Ωg˙ir ir-ra©el kienujie˙u sehem s˙i˙ fih. Li kieku kieng˙adu ˙aj u jara dan l-ispettaklukien jibqa’ imprssonat bil-progress.Veru l-Maltin saru kapaçissmi biexjuru t-talent tag˙hom. Ti©ini nos-tal©ija li ner©a’ ni©i ng˙ix Malta. LijΩomni hu biss iΩ-Ωew© uliedi u l-familji tag˙hom fl-Awstralja

JURGEN and MARTA FISHCER (Gum-mersbach, Germany): Very impressedwith the atmosphere and also withwhat Malta, such a small country iscapable of doing. You must havemany talented people to be able to or-ganise such an occasion and provideso many beautiful and colourful floats.This must be an added attraction.

Page 13: The cVoi eof h Mal d rr ii vv eenn bbyy tthh e dv oo icc e f sa fer˙a n, kemm ix-xju˙ u wkoll it-tf al”. Óafna qablu

Tuesday March 6, 2017 The Voice of the Maltese 13Special issue

*minn pagna 10

B’din il-˙ar©a nixtiequ nag˙tu ©ie˙ lil dawk in-nieskollha li ming˙ajr ˙idmiethom il-pajjiΩ ma jkolluxcans jiççelebra avveniment li storikament jaf il-bidutieg˙u fl-1400, imma li fl-1535 il-Gran Mastru Piero delPonte tah il-vera ispinta bg˙ax beda jkun organizzat‘professjonalment’.

Fejn g˙andhom x’jaqsmu n-nies artistiçi, l-aktar fil-kaΩ tal-karrijiet b’satira politika, spjagawlna li dawniridu jkunu kapaçi li minbarra partijiet o˙ra tal-©isem,minn fuq biçça karta jew ritratt, iridu jibnu mas-kra/wiçç li bih ida˙˙ku bil-politiçi u jag˙mluh jixba˙sew lil min iridu jimmiraw. Ji©ifieri li minbarra li jkunspeçi ta’ karattru mag˙ruf b˙ala “cartoon” il-per-suna©©/persuna©©i jing˙arfu mill-ewwel mill-folla.

Fl-a˙˙ar tlett snin, u wara g˙exieren ta’ sninimça˙˙da, min jibni l-karrijiet ng˙ata ç-çans li jekkirid, dejjem ming˙ajr ma’ joffendi, jibni karrijiet jid-die˙ku bil-politiçi jew bl-atti tag˙hom, u fl-istess ˙injg˙addu wkoll xi messa©©. Din id-deçiΩjoni tant int-lag˙qet tajjeb li afna mill-karrijiet saru jissodisfaw sewir-regola. Fl-istess waqt anke l-pubbliku aççettaha.

Grazzi g˙al dan sar ferm interessanti u fl-istess waqtpjaçevoli li tkun fost il-folla tid˙ak int u tisma’ l-kum-

menti dwar ix-xeb˙ u kif iqabblu x-xena liqed jaraw ma’ xi incident li l-politiçi jkunul-protagonisti fih.

Óa©a li spikkat ˙afna wkoll din is-senakien il-kobor enormi ta’ ˙afna mill-karrijiet.Fil-wisg˙a ©ieli jie˙du min-na˙a g˙all-o˙rata’ Triq ir-Repubblika jekk fil-kapitaliMaltija, Valletta. Imma sakemm jaslus’hemm jg˙addu minn xi triq idjeq, b˙alTriq l-Arçisqof qabel jo˙or©u g˙al-MisrahSan Ìor©.

*Ikompli f’pa©na 14

Is-satira politika tat spintaqawwija lill-Karnival Malti

Anke lil dan il-kelbda˙˙lu fl-ispirtutal-Karnival

Page 14: The cVoi eof h Mal d rr ii vv eenn bbyy tthh e dv oo icc e f sa fer˙a n, kemm ix-xju˙ u wkoll it-tf al”. Óafna qablu

*minn pa©na 13

Tal-karrijiet anke g˙al dan ˙as-bulu. Xi karrijiet ©ew mibnijab’mod li jekk f’diffikutlta` setg˙ujag˙lqu l-©nub u jg˙addu minntriq bla tant tbatija.

Óafna ti©ihom il-kurΩita’ fejnwie˙ed jista’ jibni dawn il-karrijietg˙ax Ωgur li mhux kull min ji©ihil-˙sieb li jibni m’g˙andu l-postaddattat biex ja˙dmu bil-kumdita`. Hekk hu!

Din il-problema ©iet solvuta billisakemm jibda l-pro©ett imfassalg˙alih, kul˙add jista’ jibni fil-l-post li qabel kien jintuΩa g˙all-bini tal-vapuri fil-Marsa, ix-ship-building fejn hemm spazju ukumdita` biΩΩejjed g˙al kul˙add.

Hawnhekk wie˙ed seta’ jinnotal-˙biberija bejn il-˙addiemakollha tal-karrijiet differenti liminkejja li jikkompetu bejniethomma j˙allux li jintrikbu mill-pikag˙ax il-˙sieb a˙˙ari hu s-suççesstal-karnival.

Juru li tassew jist˙oqqilhom il-fattli l-Gvern laqg˙a t-talbiet tag˙homu wara tant snin jitkarrbu, issa l-˙olma se ssir realta` billi jibnilhoml-hekk mag˙ruf b˙ala l-Villa©© tal-Karnival fejn jistg˙u ja˙dmu b’aktarkumdita`. Hawn se jkunu jistg˙ujuru l-frott ta’ ˙idmiethom tul is-sena kollha g˙ax il-post se jkolluwkoll muΩew b’wirja tax-xo˙lijiettag˙hom li se jkun miftu˙ g˙al Ωja-rat mit-turisti u f’okkaΩjinijiet ankejag˙mlu sfilati Ωg˙ar.

Jidher çar li l-miljuni li se jintefqug˙all-Villa©© tal-Karnival mhux sejkunu mi˙lija!

Imma l-Karnival mhux biss karri-jiet tal-kumpaniji differenti. B˙al

dejjem, imma aktar minn qabel,hemm dawk li jakkumpanjaw il-karru fit-toroq u wkoll jie˙du sehemu jippruvaw jispikkaw bil-kostumikkuluriti u g˙al darb’o˙ra artistiçi lima tistax ma tammirax, me˙jutabis-seng˙a li tg˙a©©bek.

Xi ˙a©a ta’ min seta’ jinnota kienil-fatt li tant Ωg˙aΩag˙ g˙adhomi˙obbu l-Karnival billi jilbsu dawnil-kostumi li jiddisinjawlhom, ˙afnaminnhom li Ωgur mhumiex tarkag˙all-bard u l-kes˙a, u anzi jpaxxul-g˙ajn ta’ min isegwi mhux bissg˙all-ilbies imma wkoll g˙all-figurataΩ-Ωewffiena.

Il-˙e©ga ta’ dawn iΩ-Ωeffienakienet evidenti mhux biss g˙all-en-tuΩjaΩmu fiΩ-Ωifniet tag˙hom qud-diem il-©urija u l-pubbliku lijin©abar f’Misra˙ San Ìor© immawkoll fit-triq quddiem il-karru li jir-rappreΩentaw.

Il-briju ul-isfilatama ssiruxbiss fil-belt Val-l e t t a .I r -Renjuj i n f i r e xukoll fibliet o˙raM a l t i n ,e w l e n i nfos thomi l - Ó a m -run u l-Furjana.


niΩlu l-Óamrun. Mag˙homing˙aqdu Ω-Ωew© baned ewlenin ug˙add ta’ nies bil-kostum u l-maskerati biex taw gost lill-Óam-runiΩi u lil kull min attenda minnir˙ula o˙ra. Tassew taw spettaklu.

It-Tnejn sar aktar Ωfin f’Misra˙ SanÌorg filwaqt li fl-a˙˙ar jum, it-Tlietafilg˙odu saret sfilata mill-kumpanijitaΩ-Ωfin. Wara marru fit-Teatru l-Miftu˙ f’Bieb il-Belt fejn kien hemmwirja ta’ Ωfin li g˙aliha minbarraMaltin kienu preΩenti wkoll b˙alaudjenza g˙add ta’ turisti.

Kif ji©ri s-soltu t-tmiem tal-Karni-val isir fit-triq ewlenija tal-Furjana,Sant’Anna fl-hekk mag˙ruf b˙ala l-Gran Final. Minn kmieni filg˙axijasa tard bil-lejl, il-karrijiet u dawk lijakkumpanjawhom ikkapparraw it-triq u xxalaw huma u l-eluf li seg-wewhom.

*Ikompli f’pa©na 20

14 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 6, 2017Special issue

Il-Villa©© tal-KarnivalÓolma li sessir realta’

Page 15: The cVoi eof h Mal d rr ii vv eenn bbyy tthh e dv oo icc e f sa fer˙a n, kemm ix-xju˙ u wkoll it-tf al”. Óafna qablu

Tuesday March 6, 2017 The Voice of the Maltese 15Special issue

Fuq: Dehra ©en-eral (fuq), u fl-o˙rajn individwaliwaqt it-t˙ejjijiettal-a˙˙ar fuq il-karrijiet fil-postmag˙ruf b˙ala x-shipbuilding fil-Marsa qabel˙ar©uhom biexjie˙du sehem fil-hamest ijiem tal-Karnival.

Kienet attivita` lifiha minkejja l-piki li wie˙ed jis-tenna biex ikuna˙jar mill-ie˙orbil-karru tieg˙u,xorta wa˙da kienhemm çertag˙aqda.

Issa ˙erqana li fiftit snin o˙rajkollhom il-Villa©©tal-Karnival

Page 16: The cVoi eof h Mal d rr ii vv eenn bbyy tthh e dv oo icc e f sa fer˙a n, kemm ix-xju˙ u wkoll it-tf al”. Óafna qablu

Classes are available for students fromsix years to adults at all levels of ability

in the Maltese language. We havetrained and experienced teachers quali-fied in language teaching and with Mal-

tese study credentials.Learn the Maltese language, the culture,

lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about theamazing history of the island.

Teachers urgently

needed - Paid positions

For more information and enquiriesPhone 9601 2189

Or email: [email protected]

Supported by the Minister of Educationand Training and the NSW Community

Languages Schools Programme.

Member of the NSW Federation of CommunityLanguage Schools of NSW;

Member of the Federation of Maltese LanguageSchools of Australia;

Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliatedwith the MCC of NSW.

The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.





A Division of the Maltese CommunityCouncil of NSW Inc.

Paul Calleja, the Hon Consul of Malta in Western Australia, has told TheVoice of the Maltese that the Malta High Commission believes the level

of demand for consular services in Perth justifies another visit from the Con-sul-on-the-Move to the city. For more information, one should contact belowdetails.The Hon Consul is pleased to inform that he is now able to deliver full con-

sular services including witnessing signatures and certifying documents.Consular services will be conducted at the Maltese Association of WesternAustralia, 1 May Holman Drive Bassendean on Fridays 5.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m.

To request an appointment one should phone: 9271 1847 or email: [email protected].

Community NewsCommunity News

The NSW Quiet Achiever’s Night of Recogni-tion, the prestigious event that honours Maltese vol-

unteers in the Maltese community in NSW will be held onWednesday March 8 at 7.30 p.m.

The Maltese Welfare (NSW) extends an invitation to allto participate in this prestigious annual event at the An-nunciation Hall - St Dominic’s Aged Hostel (next to theLaValette Centre), 171 Walters Rd Blacktown NSW.Entertainment provided by Grace Camilleri - Light refresh-

ments – Free entrance

Quiet Achievers Night of Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition on March 8Recognition on March 8

An open invitation - Come and say thank you

Consular services in Perth WA

For issues concerning:Ageing and disability - community services -education - environment - health - housing - planning - Police - transport - water

16 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 6, 2017Special issue

Leo’s Vehicle RentalsLeo’s Vehicle RentalsLeo’s Vehicle RentalsLeo’s Vehicle Rentals

Guaranteed cheapest ratesAll vehicles in NRMA road Service

Low holding Deposit

Discount for weekly rentalsShuttle service to the AirportPhone: 9622 2208 Mob: 0418 405 271102 Kildare Rd Blacktown NSW 2148

Join us on facebook:


Page 17: The cVoi eof h Mal d rr ii vv eenn bbyy tthh e dv oo icc e f sa fer˙a n, kemm ix-xju˙ u wkoll it-tf al”. Óafna qablu

Maltese Radio ProgrammesMELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or Mondays 5-6 pm,Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am.

MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM,every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: EmmanuelBrincat.

MELBOURNE: STEREO 974(93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Mag-azine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi

In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio pro-grammes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Thursdays 2 -4p.m: Martese Caruana presents Golden Mix.Available on demand.

Follow same procedure as for MCC pro-grammes, except select programe in reference.

In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Pro-gramme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm

Listen to John Borg & Ronnie Borgevery Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet ON DeMAND

The SBS MALTESE NEWS L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2

Tune In to Radio and Television

Community NewsCommunity News

Maltese Seniors SocialWelfare Day Groups

Fairfield Active Maltese SeniorsMeets on the last Tuesday of the Month.Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of StellaStreet & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.Maltese Seniors Central CoastHave to contact our Welfare Officer foran appointment. For all information andreferral matters call Censina Cefai: 02439 000 12 or 0414 267 652Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Meets on the last Wednesday of themonth in the Meeting Room One, No. 3General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus TripsJoin us and make new friends.

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with asponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: MarisaPrevitera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner withYoung St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

Merrylands Social Maltese SeniorsMeets every second Friday of the month:Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merry-lands from 10.30am to 12.30 am

Llandilo Maltese SeniorsMeets on the first Wednesday of eachmonth at the Llandilo Community Hall,Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.

Maltese of Bankstown Group meet 3rd Wednesday of the monthat New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade,Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club).Every other 3rd Thursday they have anouting. For enquiries call Sam 9534 2357

Greystanes Maltese SeniorsMeets on the second Monday of eachmonth at the George Preca Centre ofOLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road,Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group

Meets every First Wednesday of the Monthfrom 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get To-gethers are interesting, informative & en-tertaining, so come Join us and make newFriendsFor more information contact our Coor-dinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02)9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon

2GLF 89.3FM.Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn

fuq l-Internet Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am)

Il-programm tal-Óadd 11.00 am: l-a˙˙ara˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif,kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess.

UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tunein to link:

On SBS RadioDay Time Analogue and Digital

Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2To tune into digital radio you need a re-ceiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuningin is by station name not frequency. Digitalradio can also be heard via digital TV.

SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38.The radio programmes can be accessed on-line (live or catch up) at via mobile phone, using the SBSRadio app. For television news fromMalta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays andSundays at 8am.

VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3Community Radio in Gosford Central

NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt.

Web streaming on: Join us on facebook:


Jistiednu nisa ur©iel Maltin li j˙ob-bu l-lawn bowls biexjing˙aqdu mag˙-hom, jie˙du sehemfil-log˙ob u jag˙mlu

˙bieb ©odda.• Jilqg˙u wkoll lil dawk li jridu jit-g˙allmu jilag˙bu dan l-isport, lijing˙ataw lezzjonijiet b’xejn.• Jilag˙bu log˙ba darba fix-xaharfir-Rosehill Bowling Club u klabbso˙ra.• G˙al aktar tag˙rif çemplu lis-seg-retarju, Tony Pace-Feraud (0400376 607) jew email lil: [email protected]ħba li jmiss se ssir nhar il-Ħadd 12 ta' Marzu fis-1:00 pm. fir-Rosehill Bowling Club.


Saint Nicholas Festa Committee

Main events for 2017

Sunday March 12: FeteSunday July 2: Lejla


Sunday October 15: Fete

Sunday December 3:St Nicholas FeastSt Nicholas Feast

For more information: Joe Fenech 0412

009 957 or PRO Emm. Vella 045 677 064

Tuesday March 6, 2017 The Voice of the Maltese 17Special issue

Page 18: The cVoi eof h Mal d rr ii vv eenn bbyy tthh e dv oo icc e f sa fer˙a n, kemm ix-xju˙ u wkoll it-tf al”. Óafna qablu

18 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 6, 2017

IL-KLABB TAL ÓAMRUNqed jorganizza

HAWAIIN NIGHTIs-Sibt 18 ta Marzu 2017 fis-6.30 pmId-divertiment se ji©i pprovdut minn:

CHARLES MUSCAT U JOE XUEREBB˙ala memorja ta’ John Laus

Victor Mifsud se jkanta g˙add ta’ makkjetti tal-Laus

G˙alkemm id-d˙ul hu b’xejn, dawk li be˙siebhom jattendu, jekk jog˙©obhom g˙andhom jg˙arrfu lil xi ˙add tal-kumitat ˙alli jsibu l-ikel li

jkunu jixtiequ.Aktar tag˙rif ming˙and:

GREG: 0411 517 187KLABB: 9838 1111

Community NewsCommunity News

Lejla M©arrijaSe ti©i organizzata Lejla M©arrija mill-Horsley

Park Community Social Group, Horsley Park

G˙all-Im©arrin u l-ÓbiebNhar is-Sibt 25 ta’ April, 2015 Fil- Mandavilla Events CentreHorsley Drive, Horsley Park

Divertiment minn: Charlie Muscat uJoe Xuereb

Mistiedna Specjali: Natasha Vella u Martin Vella$65.00 kull persuna Li tinkludi Antipasta Malti, ikla ta’ tliet

korsi, birra, inbid, soft drinks te u kafe`.

Biex tibbukkjaçempel lil: Theresa Quattromani fuq0402-178-781, jew Josephine Borg: 0402-040-954

Ejjew niltaqg˙u u niddervertu flimkien.Il-qlie˙ kollu jmur G˙all-Cancer Council

The Australian High Commis-sion’s in Malta now has a new

Facebook page, and the HighCommissioner a Twitter accountthat could both be accessed bythe readers.

The High Commission’s Face-book: Commissioner’s Twitter handle


Australian High Commission on facebook; HC on twitter

Special issue

Breakaway Travel 94 corner of Main & Campbell Streets, Blacktown NSW

...... for all your travel needs.

[email protected]

Tel (02) 9622 7799

A proud sponsor of A proud sponsor of The Voice of the MalteseThe Voice of the Maltese

is proudly sponsored by Breakaway Travel, Blacktown


A Fund Raising Tour organised byThe Friends of Providence House NSWA 16-day Fly/Tour/Cruise. Departing 25th May.Touring Venice, Florence, Rome with a Mediterranean Cruise and tour finishing in Malta.

For more information call Jim Borg on 96367767/0418825591Karen or Noel at Breakaway Travel on 9622 7799


In response to a number of inquiries, we wish toinform readers of The Voice of the Maltese mag-

azine that we can now supply hard copies incolour of the magazine to our readers who requstit, at a price. Therefore, anybody interested in ac-quiring copies of the (printed) magazine is kindlyrequested to get in touch with us personally or byemail to: [email protected].

The magazine can also be delivered by post ata price to any state in Australia. As the cost ofpostage varies from state to state, one is kindlyrequested to get in touch with us to work out thedetails.

Printed copies on request of

The Voice of The Maltese

Page 19: The cVoi eof h Mal d rr ii vv eenn bbyy tthh e dv oo icc e f sa fer˙a n, kemm ix-xju˙ u wkoll it-tf al”. Óafna qablu

Tuesday March 6, 2017 The Voice of the Maltese 19Special issue

Aktar Ωfin b’kostimu mill-isba˙, u karattri minn G˙awdexfejn ma setax jonqos li anke ‘naraw’ lil Donald Trump (fuqnett), mhux wie˙ed, lanqas tnejn...imma tlieta

Page 20: The cVoi eof h Mal d rr ii vv eenn bbyy tthh e dv oo icc e f sa fer˙a n, kemm ix-xju˙ u wkoll it-tf al”. Óafna qablu

20 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday March 6, 2017Special issue

*minn pa©na 14

Anke jekk fuq skala iΩg˙ar, immaxejn inqas brijuΩ, G˙awdex ukollg˙andu tieg˙u, b’karrijiet, kostumiu Ωeffiena, l-aktar tfajliet sbie˙,isebb˙u l-jiem tal-Karnival fit-toroqtal-kapitali G˙awdxija r-Rabat.

Kemm f’Malta u wkoll f’G˙awdexukoll jispikkaw avvenmenti f’xir˙ula, bil-Kunsilli Lokali jorganiz-zaw xi forma ta’ karnival. Ewleninfost dawn, fin-Nadur fil-gΩiraG˙awdxija kif ukoll f’Óal-G˙axaqf’Malta f’dawk mag˙rufa b˙ala kar-nivali spontanji fejn in-nies jilbsumaskri tassew grotteski u ori©inali

b’tali mod li ma jag˙rafhom ˙add.Iservihom biex jittantaw lil dawkmi©bura jsegwuhom ming˙ajr majkunu jafu min huma.

Dan l-avveniment bil-mod il-modqed isir attrazzjoni turistika f’dawkix-xhur li ©eneralment kienu jkunumeqjusa b˙ala l-batuti fit-turiΩmu(shoulder months). Bis-sa˙˙a wkolltal-Karnival l-g˙an qed jintla˙aq.Anzi fejn g˙andu x’jaqsamG˙awdex dan qed ikollu effettqawwi tant li mxebba˙ mas-sena l-o˙ra, fil-jiem tal-Karnial telg˙uG˙awdex mat-80,000 ru˙, ji©ifieri10,000 aktar mis-sena l-o˙ra.

F’çerti jiem kemm fiΩ-Ωew© gΩejjer

isiru wkoll attivitajiet g˙at-tfal,u˙ud anke fi skejjel partikolari fejnmhux biss it-tfal jid˙lu fl-ispirtuimma wkoll l-g˙alliema tag˙hom.Imbag˙ad ikun hemm l-attivita’ or-ganizzata fuq skala nazzjonali, fil-kapitali taΩ-Ωew© gΩejjer fejn ikunil-mument tal-Karnival tat-tfal kifjidher f’çerti ritratti f’pa©ni o˙ra. Is-sehem tat-tfal jassigura li ‘l qud-

diem jibqa’ jkun hemm min iΩomm˙aj din l-attivita` nazzjonali qabel.L-g˙ada tat-tmiem il-Karnival beda

Ω-Ωmien tas-sagrifççju, ir-Randan.Issa l-Karnival jinsab a©©ornat

g˙al bejn id-9 u t-13 ta’ Frar tal-2018.

KKaarrnniivvaall tta’ a’ MMaallttaa:: issa jinsab a©©ornat issa jinsab a©©ornat g˙al Frar tal-2018g˙al Frar tal-2018


kellu postkellu postriservatriservat

g˙alih g˙alih

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