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The Days of Elijah

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Introduction• There is a HEART CRY from a modern band

of HOLY REVOLUTIONALISTS for the GLORY of GOD to fill the earth. Their PASSIONATE PRAYER is that the TRANSCENDENT MAJESTY of JESUS CHRIST would permeate His people as He is lifted up for all the nations to behold. With keen anticipation they call on the LORD to VISIT HIS HOUSE again. GOD has DEPOSITED a DREAM that has grabbed hold of their hearts. They DREAM of a MIGHTY OUTPOURING of the HOLY SPIRIT and a FIRE BAPTISM.

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Introduction• Energized by the truth that JESUS Christ is the

same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8), they LOOK for GOD to MANIFEST HIMSELF in the midst of His people in this generation as He did in generations past. Their SPIRITS BURN with a VISION of JESUS Christ in all HIS GLORY. They yearn to be close to Him that they freely CAST AWAY anything and everything in their lives that keep them from His presence and ABANDON THEMSELVES completely to Him. They have caught a glimpse of glory, their spiritual eyes forever seared by the brilliance of the TRANSCENDENT MAJESTY of JESUS CHRIST.

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RISING UP with a HUNGER and THIRST for the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God. They long for the WAVES and BILLOWS of HIS brilliant PRESENCE to wash over them like a flood. They are so overcome by His love and beauty that they want nothing else but to give themselves in HOLY ABANDONMENT to the purposes of God in their generation. Like most REVOLUTIONALISTS, they are VISIONARIES and DREAMERS, the vanguards of the PROPHETIC GENERATION. Inspired by DREAMS and VISIONS, they desire MORAL and SOCIAL CHANGE. Grieved by SPIRITUAL DECAY, they PRAY for AUTHENTIC REVIVAL.

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Introduction• Driven by GOD’S PRESENCE, they will

RELEASE the PROPHETIC WORD and POWER of God. One purpose of the prophetic is to break the Body of Christ out of limited “religious” mind-sets into AUTHENTIC REVIVAL. In this hour, the FIRE of GOD is REFINING and SEALING PROPHETIC FAITH in our lives as our HEARTS BURN for GOD. The PROPHETIC ANOINTING- including DREAMS and VISIONS- through PRAYER and FASTING, helps GIVE BIRTH to God’s purposes in the earth. This PROPHETIC GENERATION fulfills that which is spoken of concerning ELIJAH and the COMING ELIJAH GENERATION. These are the DAYS of ELIJAH!

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Who Is Elijah?• Without any introduction, warning, explanation or

preparation for what was coming, ELIJAH suddenly APPEARS out of the blue. Just like that. Nothing is known of his family and little of his geographic origin. He is simply called “ELIJAH the TISHBITE” (1 Kings 17:1). The Hebrew name “ELIJAH” is a compound of “EL” and “YAH” and means, “GOD is LORD, my GOD is LORD” (the ONE TRUE God!). The term “TISHBITE” refers to a native of “TISHBEH”. This was a really small town near the brook Cherith which empties into the Jordan, where Elijah sojourned, near Jabesh-Gliead. The Bible states that he was from GILEAD (Transjordan) and was known as “the TISHBITE,” which means, “CAPTIVITY; sojourner, carrying off, captured, led away, made a PRISONER (of the LORD)”.

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Who Is Elijah?• ELIJAH is one of the most famous PROPHETS who served in the Northern Kingdom ISRAEL during the ungodly administrations of AHAB and his son AHAZIAH. He CONFRONTED the wicked AHAB with an amazing WORD- that there would be NO RAIN, not a drop of rain, NOT even DEW on the grass, unless Elijah himself commanded it. “Except at my word”, said Elijah (1 Kings 17:1). Extraordinary. BOLD.

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Who Is Elijah?• You could almost say it was a BRAZEN CLAIM, if not immodest. “I alone will determine when it will rain next”, shamelessly prophesied Elijah. Not since the DAYS of MOSES had there been anyone like him. He was CALLED and SENT from GOD to RESTORE a nation (1 Corinthians 1:18-31). Despite our limited knowledge of him, the PROPHET ELIJAH is most PROMINENT in JEWISH CUSTOMS and PROPHETIC EXPECTATIONS.

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Who Is Elijah?• As to his PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS, the prophet

ELJAH is often regarded as a dweller of the wilderness because of his GARMENTS and his New Testament connection with JOHN THE BAPTIST (2 Kings 1:8; James 4:17). His ATTIRE was a MANTLE of CAMEL’S HAIR and his DIET was LOCUST and HONEY. He had outstanding PHYSICAL ENDURANCE being able to run over 25 miles and pass the chariots of Ahab. He was a BOLD SPOKESMAN. He was HUMAN. Above all, he was a man of PRAYER, a most ENTHUSIASTIC LEADER, and an ARDENT PATRIOT. He was an EDUCATOR (the “sons” of the prophets”). ELIJAH was a ROUGH MAN for rough service. He had a HOT TEMPER and STRONG PASSIONS, more eager than most men, liable to the frailties of the human nature.

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Who Is Elijah?• The prophets ISAIAH and MALACHI prophesied of


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Under These Conditions?• The times in which ELIJAH flourished were characterized by an ATMOSPHERE of SPIRITUAL DEGENERATION. This was during the era of King AHAB, the son of Omri, the 7th KING of ISRAEL- the Northern Kingdom (1 Kings 16:29-33). He ruled in the capital city of Samaria for 22 years (876-854 B.C.). He did more to PROVOKE the LORD “than did all the kings of Israel before him” (v. 30).

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Under These Conditions?• This WICKED MAN was a CAPABLE LEADER and an AVID BUILDER, completing and adorning Samaria which his father Omri had begun. He erected his ROYAL RESIDENCE in JEZREEL, in the Plain of Esdraelon, still keeping Samaria as his capital. AHAB also REBUILT JERICHO (1 Kings 16:34) and did so in the face of Joshua’s pronouncement generations before: “Cursed before the LORD is the man who undertakes to rebuild this city, Jericho…” (Joshua 6:26).

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Under These Conditions?• The story of AHAB is particularly sad because of his

great potential. His TRAGEDY was in forming an ALLIANCE ETHBAAL by MARRYING his daughter JEZEBEL- an evil woman who encouraged him to WORSHIP and serve BAAL and ASTORETH- god and goddess of fertility and war. To WORSHIP BAAL and ASTORETH were to open one’s heart to the DEMONIC WORLD. The name “JEZEBEL” means “BAAL is HUSBAND to, BAAL EAXLTS, untouchable” (Revelation 2:20). She the cruel, infamous QUEEN of Israel (the real power behind the throne), wife to King AHAB, and mother of wicked Ahaziah, Jehoram, and Athaliah. Reprobate and callous, she massacred the prophets of Jehovah (1 Kings 18:4,13).

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Under These Conditions?• JEZEBEL, daughter of ETHBAAL (with him is

Baal), brought BAAL-WORSHIP with her from Zidon of Phoenicia, establishing ASTORETH and the GROVES (of idols). Note AHAB is a picture of POLITICAL BABYLON, and JEZEBEL typifies RELIGIOUS “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS”, the “great WHORE” sitting upon (riding) the back of the “scarlet colored BEAST” (Revelation 17:2,5). It was UNDER these CONDITIONS that the MINISTRY of ELIJAH flourished. Such REBELLION and EVIL revealed that the NATION was RIPE for REVIVAL!

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What An Introduction!• When ELIJAH heard reports of JEZEBEL’S

increased maneuvers to REPLACE the WORSHIP of the LORD God with BAAL WORSHIP, his GODLY HEART began to BURN with PASSION for REVIVAL. On a God-given mission, he walked westward to Samaria. Bursting into the palace, he bellowed his ANNOUNCEMENT to King AHAB (1 Kings 17:1). Although we know little about the man ELIJAH before his APPEARANCE in 1 Kings 17:1, his opening statement to AHAB tells a lot about his relationship to the LORD God of Israel. He revealed several important things to AHAB in this opening line- such as the NATURE of GOD and GOD’S COMMITMENT to His PEOPLE.

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What An Introduction!• Here are five particular points he made. (1) The

LORD is ALIVE. (2) The LORD is the GOD of ISRAEL, not Baal or Ashoreth. (3) The LORD chose ELIJAH as His servant and ELIJAH serves and WORSHIPS the LORD God. (4) The LORD controls RAIN- seedtime and harvest- not Baal or Ashoreth. Note GOD had promised to WITHHOLD RAIN from the LAND if His PEOPLE TURNED to other gods (Leviticus 26:18-19; Deuteronomy 11:16-17; 28:23-24). Baal-worshipers believed that Baal was the god of rain. The drought, brought on by the TRUE and LIVING GOD, showed that He, not Baal, CONTROLS the WEATHER.

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What An Introduction!(5) The LORD trusts ELIJAH. This man ELIJAH, who stepped in out of the blue, spoke with a level of AUTHORITY and PARTNERSHIP with GOD that seldom appears on the earth. He was a MAN of the PRESENCE. Over time only people like MOSES and SAMUEL had spoken like this before. However, this is the way the LIFE and MINISTRY of ELIJAH are INTRODUCED. Let’s now proceed to examine this extraordinary, but ordinary, man.

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Full Service Quarters• Having made his dramatic announcement,

ELIJAH was told by the LORD to LEAVE SAMARIA, return eastward, and HIDE in the CHERITH RAVINE, east of the Jordan River (1 Kings 17:2-3). The LORD promised PROVISIONS for ELIJAH (v. 4). He promised FOOD and DRINK in an unlikely place served by unlikely hosts. Note RAVINES usually only have WATER during the RAINY SEASON but DRY UP when the WEATHER turns HOT. And RAVENS are SCAVENGERS; they usually take and fight for and over food- they don’t give food to others, they aren’t nurturers. Trusting the LORD, ELIJAH went to the CHERITH RAVINE (v. 5).

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Full Service Quarters• As promised, GOD directed RAVENS, birds that

normally neglect their own young (Job 38:41), to bring BREAD and MEAT faithfully to ELIJAH every MORNING and EVENING (1 Kings 17:6). The word “BREAD” (lehem) means “FOOD in general, especially GRAINS, berries, FRUIT, nuts”. The word “MEAT” (basar) means “FRESH FLESH, fat flesh, lean flesh”. Perhaps they were brought from a DISTANCE where the DROUGHT had not yet affected the vegetation. Perhaps this is reason his MEALS were FLOWN in TWICE daily. The LORD provided WATER in the RAVINE from there ELIJAH DRANK WATER. Through this unusual manner of nourishing His prophet physically, GOD was also NOURISHING the FAITH of ELIJAH for LATER FEATS of SPIRITUAL STRENGTH.

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Don’t Get Comfortable!• The LORD promised that He would come to His people as the RAIN (Hosea 6:1-3; Joel 2:23; Zechariah 10:1). With RAIN comes HARVEST TIMES (Deuteronomy 16:10). There can be NO HARVEST without the RAINS to first come and soften (moisten) the EARTH (Hosea 6:1-3). The APPOINTED RAINS enable the HARVEST of GRAINS, CORN, VEGETATION, FRUITS, and NUTS in the APPROPRIATE SEASONS. It ENABLES a bustling ECONOMY.

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Don’t Get Comfortable!• In Scripture, DEW or MIST indicates the REPLENISHMENT, REVELATION, and ETERNAL LIFE. The RAIN is symbolic of REVIVAL, REFORMATION, and REFRESHING. Prophetically, the DEW and RAIN speak of the OUTPOURING of the HOLY SPIRIT as well as the “DOCTRINE” (teaching) and the “SPEECH” (Word) of God (Deuteronomy 32:2). ELIJAH cut off the WORD and the SPIRIT, bringing a FAMINE for BOTH (Amos 8:11). This act CRIPPLED the ECONOMY and STARVED the PEOPLE.

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Don’t Get Comfortable!• Consider ELIJAH was NOT IMMUNE to the

FAMINE. He would be effected by his own WORDS of JUDGMENT. In the same way, his WORDS CUT OFF the WORD and SPIRIT of GOD for the PEOPLE- crippling the ECONOMY with DROUGHT and FAMINE, the LORD used the OCCASION- at CHERITH- to CUT OFF Elijah’s PRIDE (as he was taken out of the limelight and the place of visibility), and deal with his FEAR (of losing his position), his RESENTMENT (over the yielding of his rights), and his FAITH (to completely trust God).

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Don’t Get Comfortable!• SPIRITUAL GROWTH denotes CHANGE after change after change (2 Corinthians 3:18). Coming from a poor, rural background, ELIJAH was FORCED to make CHANGES that affected his GEOGRAPHY and WAY of LIFE! ELIJAH OBEYED, and the RAVENS (unclean, unpleasant people and circumstances that we do not care for) to PROVIDE his sustenance. Regardless of our circumstances, we must learn to WAIT upon the LORD for our “DAILY BREAD” (Matthew 6:11; Luke 11:3; Exodus 16).

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Don’t Get Comfortable!• In his life, ELIJAH was FED by: (1) The RAVENS (30-fold) (1 Kings 17:6); (2) The WOMAN (60-fold) (1 Kings 17:9); and (3) The ANGEL (100-fold) (1 Kings 19:5-6). When we get COMFORTABLE with our own PRIVATE BROOK (revelation of the SPIRIT and WORD in a time of DROUGHT) which is not on Ahab’s MAPS (“I’ve got it made!”), it will DRY UP! NO more FRESH WORD. NO more SPIRIT. Once again, it is time to get up and CHANGE. We must be FLEXIBLE and WILLING to always move on with God!

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Conclusion• The Church in this hour is entering a NEW DIMENSION. Christ is preparing His Body to receive the coming waves of God’s glory. The prophetic “ELIJAH GENERATION” must ARISE in the Last Days to prepare the way for His Second Coming. It will be a “faceless” generation in the sense that GOD will place His PROPHETIC PRESENCE on an ENTIRE GENERATION. These people will walk in holiness and absolute surrender to Him, enjoying face-to-face intimacy with Him to an unprecedented degree.

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Conclusion• Yes, an ENTIRE GENERATION of RADICAL WARRIORS shall arise! The ELIJAH MINISTRY of RESTORATION, REPENTANCE, REFORMATION, and REAL ANSWERS is a ministry of FIRE (mentioned FIVE times in 1 Kings 18). FIRE is a symbol for the WORD OF GOD and the SPIRIT OF GOD, as well as purification, trials, judgment, and angels. FIRE is the combustion of flammable materials, and often appears as a symbol of God’s holy presence and power. These are THE DAYS of ELIJAH!

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The Days of Elijah

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