Page 1: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

The Development of ICT

Altishane Primary School

Page 2: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online


To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of:Alta MathsOnline Courses in LNI Effective software (2Simple)

Page 3: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Prompts for Development

Staff Audit Ongoing current

developments in ICT

Increase in access to

home computers

Page 4: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

ICT policy and schemes needed updating

Interactive whiteboard installed in one classroom

Pupils in P7 participated in ICT Accreditation Scheme

Grid Club established in Key Stage 2

One member of staff had attended a half days training on the use of Learning NI

Pupils in Key Stage 2 involved in ALTA Maths

Pupil Assessment at end of Key Stages

School website was established

After School Computer activities through Extended Schools Initiative was successful

Teachers were using ICT to produce their planners

Audit - Baseline Position 2007

Page 5: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Audit - BaselinePosition 2007

Issues for Staff: Training in use of Interactive whiteboard Familiarity with C2K software Familiarity with LNI – Library of

resources Development of ALTA Maths Additional resources Sharing of expertise Information for parents

Page 6: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

The Way Forward Separate Action Plan for ICT over the next few yearsDrawn up by all staff and shared with Governors Outside support would be sought from C2k and CASS personnel Financial implications for resources…. Allocation each year from budgetPromote ICT activities through Extended Schools Initiative Staff Development Days … ICT focus Staff encouraged to share expertise and knowledge

Page 7: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Main Areas for Development -Summary

2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010

Updated Policy Policy reviewed Schemes to be updated

Reference made to software and websites on planners

Reference made to software and websites on planners ICT – separate area on planner

Reference made to software and websites on planners ICT – separate area on planner

Resources : Additional Interactive whiteboard 2 Simple Software

Resources : Additional computers in classrooms Digital cameras Programmable toys: Beebots and mats 2 Simple Software

Resources :Programmable toysProbots and mats 2 Simple Software

Familiarity with C2k software 2 Simple Software

Familiarity with additional 2 Simple Software

Familiarity with2 simple Software and other new programs eg Scratch,

Page 8: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Main Areas for Development continued 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010

Key Stage 2 pupils involved in ALTA

Involve Key Stage 1 pupils in Alta Maths

Involve KS2 pupils in completing profile of progress in Alta Maths

Teacher use of resources in Learning NI

Introduce online courses on Learning NI Extend pupil use of learning NI eg Newsdesk feature, download music from library

Continue to develop features of online courses… online collaboration

ICT Accreditation Scheme P7

ICT Accreditation Scheme, introduce tasks in P5, 6 and 7

Familiarity with Revised Accreditation Scheme and 5 E’s

Page 9: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Main Areas for Development continued

2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010

After school computer activities

After Schools Digital Photography Photostory: Images and sound - K S 2

Introduce Photostory to P4

Extend use of Grid Club to include Key Stage 1 pupils

Extend use of Superclubs to P4 pupils

Grid Club and Superclubs P4-P7

2 Simple Software with community licence

2 Simple Software with community licence Information session for parents on ALTA Maths, Learning NI, Grid Club and Superclubs

Parental Information session on Internet safety

Information session on 2 Simple Software( request from parents)

Page 10: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Positive Impact on Teaching and Learning

Alta Maths

Online Courses in Learning NI

2 Simple Software with community licence

Page 11: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Alta Maths ALTA (Adaptive, Learning, Teaching and ALTA (Adaptive, Learning, Teaching and Assessment) It is continuous formative Assessment) It is continuous formative assessment ….builds up a pupil profile assessment ….builds up a pupil profile identifying strengths and what needs identifying strengths and what needs more workmore work

CCEA and ALTA systems from Queens CCEA and ALTA systems from Queens University have produced this online University have produced this online resource to support and promote resource to support and promote assessment for learning in schoolsassessment for learning in schools

Since July 2007 the Dept of Education has provided funding to enable this programme to be available to all schools in NI – schools must register

Since September 2008 this system is also accessible to children at home

Page 12: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Features of the system

It is linked to the NI curriculum – very relevant

Children can practice all aspects of Numeracy linked to their current topic

They can replay any question they get wrong and the system will model the correct answer

It can prompt the children what they need to do to improve in different areas

Page 13: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Features of the system cont …

It can confirm levels the children are working at

Children receive immediate feedback on the work they have completed

Research has shown that when used effectively it raises Numeracy standards

Online assessment is now introduced as part of the Revised Curriculum (InCAS)

Page 14: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Sample Pupil home page

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Page 16: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Sample question

Page 17: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Sample question

Page 18: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Sample page when finished test

Page 19: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

My work area

Page 20: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Practice Test feedback

Page 21: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Advancing test feedback

Page 22: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Sample class report for teachers

Page 23: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online
Page 24: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online
Page 25: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Online Courses in Learning NI

Process of developing online courses linked to topics (World Around Us) in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

Children can access the course at home as well as in school

Time consuming to set up but very enjoyable for children. Once created can be used in subsequent years.

A learning curve for staff

Page 26: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Features of Learning NI Online Courses

Clear learning objectives Connected to the curriculum Relevant content, age appropriate Engaging online activities for children Stimulating resources Skills infused

Page 27: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Features of Learning NI Online Courses

Opportunity for self and peer assessmentAbility for learners to collaborate (pupils, teacher, experts outside school)Learner Tracker Workspaces for users Online quiz

Page 28: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online
Page 29: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online
Page 30: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online
Page 31: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online
Page 32: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

2Simple Software

Very simple to follow for pupils and staff

Software can be used in Key Stage 1 and 2

Received awards for software packages

Stimulating for pupils

Page 33: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Titles we have found useful

2Connect2Write a Story2Paint a Picture2Publish+Photo Simple 2Animate

Page 34: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Example of 2 connect mind mapping

Page 35: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online
Page 36: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online
Page 37: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

To publish examples

Page 38: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Future considerations for next few years

Review assessment of ICT .. skills development

Assigning levels to children….Statutory Assessment

Familiarisation of the 5 E’s

Participation in new Accreditation Scheme and introduce Scheme to Key Stage 1

Review yearly Schemes of Work

Assessment Manager

Video Conferencing

Update Website

BECTA Self Evaluation

Page 39: The Development of ICT Altishane Primary School. Objectives To present how our school has developed aspects of ICT through the use of: Alta Maths Online

Further Info Available

Alta Maths on LNI

(All Links… Maths for schools)

RTU Summer courses on ALTA

Online Courses – How to

Learning NI

Staff Library

LNI Guidance –How to set up a course

2Simple :

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