Page 1: THE - Discharg… · There are universal truths and laws which permeate the universe. As an intelligent species we are just beginning to discover some of them. In our struggle to
Page 2: THE - Discharg… · There are universal truths and laws which permeate the universe. As an intelligent species we are just beginning to discover some of them. In our struggle to


By James M. McCanney, M.S.

There are universal truths and laws which permeate the universe. As an intelligent species we are just beginning to discover some of them. In our struggle to emerge from the ancient ice age by the law of the jungle … survival of the fittest adapting to radical changes … different members of the human race have evolved mentally in different directions.

Some learned early that control of money and government by deception was their key to survival … living off the labors of everyone else. Human history reads like a never ending saga of egomaniacs running falling empires with eternal holy wars and conquest for power and glory.

Others evolved in support groups with transportation and commerce, struggling against natural and man-made competition. While still others sought to be just left alone in quest of a higher understanding of the universe and this small planet in the farthest reaches of a remote galaxy somewhere lost in endless time and space. Western modern society and its economic models are failing before our eyes. When it crumbles, where are you going to be? What are you going to be doing? Where will we go?

“THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE” is a set of universal principles based on the proven science of Professor James McCanney, and his insights into the human dilemma. He brings together many facets of his lifelong work on the electrical nature of the cosmos … incorporating his “Calculate Primes” number solution with new never before released discoveries. This book presents a unique view of the world we live in and the decisions we have to collectively make for our very existence as a species.

Failure is not an option. But first the reader is taken on a strange journey to change misconceptions and create new insights. First, there is a deliberate control and promotion of bad science and astronomy required to keep the public from understanding their true history. Also, through new insights based on mathematical proofs, we can now determine that life similar to that on earth is abundant in the universe. These provide a true history of the human race, redirecting our future and birthright to the stars. This book comes at a time when the human species is at a crossroads.

“THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE” takes you on a mental journey … one that promises to change the way you think ... and the actions you will take. press $11.95US

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this book is dedicated to:

Youth and the future Ingenuity of man Compassion of the heart Excitement of discovery Longevity of each person And our birthright to the stars

James M. McCanney, M.S.

published by press

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INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED BOOKS Planet X- Comets and Earth Changes Surviving Planet X Passage Atlantis to Tesla–The Kolbrin Connection Principia Meteorologia – The Physics of Sun Earth Weather Calculate Primes (with 3 hour lecture DVD) DISK MEDIA DVD #1 and #2 Historical Record Public Lecture Videos Re-mastered DVD #3 lecture series CD – 110 high resolution aerial photos of the American Southwest taken from 45,000 foot altitude from Los Angeles to Denver WEEKLY RADIO SHOW Professor McCanney hosts a weekly radio show heard worldwide on short wave station WWCR – Nashville, Tennessee “The James McCanney Science Hour – At the Crossroads” For details see

James McCanney as a scientist and author has presented his work at Los Alamos National Laboratories, regularly presents at meetings of the American Geophysical Union and has been a regular guest on many national and international radio programs including The Art Bell Show and Coast to Coast AM as an invited expert on solar conditions and space phenomenon

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James M. McCanney, M.S.


Published By press

Minneapolis, Minnesota All rights reserved. Except for appropriate academic or

journalistic use, the reproduction and commercial exploitation of this work in any form is prohibited

without explicit written permission from the author.

Copyrights 1980, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1996, 2002, 2003, 2010

1st Printing - 2010

ISBN 978-0-9828520-0-2

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About the author and this text:

James M. McCanney, M.S. received a sound classical physics training at St. Mary’s University, receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree with a double major in physics and mathematics in 1970. He was offered full scholarship awards to three major US physics graduate schools to pursue his graduate physics studies. However, he chose instead to postpone graduate studies for a period of three years while he traveled and taught Physics and Mathematics in Spanish in Latin America.

During this time he spent a good deal of time traveling to ruins of ancient cities and archeological sites, studying firsthand many times as the ruins were dug from under dirt that had not been moved for thousands of years. Also during this time he developed the basis for his theoretical work that would, at a later date, deal with the celestial mechanics of N-bodies and plasma physics. It was here also that he learned to appreciate the fact that the ruins and devastation he was witnessing had to have come from celestial events that were so devastating that they left the Earth and these stone cities in ruins, in some cases, leaving no trace of the inhabitants.

With this new understanding of archeology, astronomy of the ancients, physics and the world around him, Mr. McCanney returned to graduate school in 1973 and earned a master’s degree in nuclear and solid-state physics from Tulane University, New Orleans, LA. He was again offered a full fellowship to continue on with Ph.D. studies, but once again he declined and returned to Latin America to study archeology and teach physics, mathematics and computer science in Spanish. He continued his work to explore the

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mysteries of celestial mechanics and its relationship to the planets, moons and other celestial bodies.

In 1979 he joined the faculty of Cornell University, Ithaca N.Y. as an introductory instructor in physics. It was during this time that he had access to NASA data returning daily from the Voyager I and II spacecraft as they traveled by the planets Jupiter, Saturn and beyond (as well as data from many other space craft). It was here he recognized that his theoretical work regarding the electro-dynamic nature of the solar system and universe had its signatures in the new data that was streaming in from the edges of the solar system. All standard science continued to look at gravitational explanations for the working of the planets, moons and other objects of the solar system, while Mr. McCanney was applying his electro-dynamic scientific theories, and ventured to say for the first time that comets were not dirty snowballs. His papers were published at first in the standard astrophysical journals, but soon he began to receive resistance from the standard astronomical community and within a short period of time, the journals would no longer publish his theoretical work. Mr. McCanney was removed from his teaching position because of his beliefs regarding the electro-dynamic nature of the solar system.

Contrary to the traditional belief that the solar system formed all at one time 4.5 billion years ago and has not changed significantly since, Mr. McCanney’s theoretical work essentially stated that the solar system was dynamic and adopting new members on an ongoing basis. He pointed to the planet Venus, the Jovian moon Io, the Saturnian moon Titan and the small planet Pluto (which supports an atmosphere even though it is so distant from the warmth of the Sun and has insufficient gravity to hold an atmosphere

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for long) as being obvious new members of our solar system. He stated that all this was proof that the way this occurred was by “planetary capture”.

His theoretical work additionally stated that comets were not dirty snowballs, but were large electrical “vacuum cleaners” in outer space. The comets were drawing in vast amounts of material by way of powerful electrical forces and there was potential for very large comets capable of disrupting the planetary structure that was already in place. His innovative theories on plasma physics and a new model for fusion in the solar atmosphere provided the basis for the electric fields and plasma discharge phenomena that have become the core elements of his theoretical models of the true nature of the solar system in which we live.

Upon being fired from the physics department for his radical beliefs, Mr. McCanney was rehired shortly thereafter by the mathematics department also at Cornell University, where he taught for another year and a half and continued to publish his papers in astrophysical journals. Once again astronomers forced his removal and he was once again blackballed from publishing in the astrophysics journals in1981.

During this time Mr. McCanney established himself as the originator of the theoretical work regarding the electrical nature of the cosmos, which today is being proven correct on an ongoing basis by space-probes returning data from outer space. Many of his predictions such as x-rays to the sunward side of comet nuclei, that comet nuclei would be found to have no ice or water frozen on their surfaces and that comets interact electrically with the Sun to affect Earth weather, have now been confirmed by direct measurements in 1986, 1996, 2001, 2005 and 2008respectively. Many other more abstract concepts have also been verified.

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There exists a rare combination of factors that makes Mr. McCanney a unique person who stands alone in the development of the scientific theories summarized in this book. Some have tried to borrow and copy this work, but when observers consider the factors involved they too will agree that the extensive rewriting of standard scientific structures had to be accomplished by someone with a rare set of characteristics and circumstances.

He was always at the top of his classes in Mathematics and Physics and was always creating his own formulas and proofs. His education was soundly based in classical and modern physics. He was able to recognize that when the basic new aspects of the functioning of the solar system were understood and then verified in space probe data, he had the ability to extend this information and take it to all its logical conclusions. This all occurred while working in and around the top rated scientists of the day at Cornell University who were still at least 2 decades behind what Mr. McCanney was discovering and writing.

Another unique condition was that Cornell University offered a rare location since it was not only a Library of Congress (if it was in print it was there), but also it was a repository of data for NASA. Armed with his existing theoretical work and this incredible source of information, and with the timing that coincided with the daily arrival of new data from the Voyager and other space craft from the far reaches of the solar system, he was in a totally unique position to do what he has done.

An essential requirement of anyone who attempts to alter the fundamental propositions of a subject as complex as astronomy and astrophysics, is an in depth knowledge of the history of that and all related sciences. Mr. McCanney has studied the history of science extensively and understands

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where the theories came from that currently make up the structures of science. He has the rare ability to speak at many levels. He has taken a topic as complex as plasma physics and celestial mechanics (the study of rarified gasses and the motion of the celestial bodies) and simplify it in terms that the general public can understand. That is why his university classes always grew rapidly. He does not make an ego trip out of trying to impress his audiences with big words and unusual terms as do many university professors or the recent influx of internet hoaxsters.

There are few people who would have the tenacity to pursue and uphold their beliefs for as long as he has had to do in facing the odds pitted against him over the past decades, and to emerge in tact with as full a commitment as when he started that long ago. His personal philosophy states that he will not accept government funding on the principle that it has corrupted the scientific process.

These numerous and individually rare characteristics make the record clear that the important contributions made here combine both personal traits and a situation of “being in the right place at the right time” as the space craft data poured into Cornell University as Mr McCanney’s theoretical ideas were solidifying.

In 1981 the Interdisciplinary Journal KRONOS agreed to publish what has since become known in inner circles as the “3 Part comet paper”, which is republished in it’s entirety at the end of the Planet-X book (1st book of the 6 book series) along with other historically significant publications of Mr. McCanney. His work today includes many new significant insights into the connection between the Sun, comets, earth weather, The Sun-Earth Connection and Earth Changes. The results of that knowledge will become obvious when you read this book.

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Mr. McCanney has also remained active and well-known within the space science - astronomy community and within professional societies, and although standard astronomers still resist accepting his theoretical work, he is generally well respected amongst his peers in these communities when attending professional conferences. He is what some have called “the last of the independent scientists” who were able to work “on the inside” and still remain active to talk about it on the “outside”.

In the mid-1990s Mr. McCanney’s work was recognized by a group of high-level Russian scientists who had measured but did not understand electro-dynamic effects around Earth and in the solar system. They translated all of his papers to date into Russian. These are being taught at the university level as the leading edge of research in this field. It is only due to the ongoing and intentional efforts of NASA that his work has received such little attention in the western scientific community and press.

It should be pointed out also that no new or bizarre fundamental laws of physics are needed to understand the electro-dynamic nature of the universe. This entire textbook is based on standard physics and simply introduces the principles of the working of our solar system based on a new understanding of how the Sun produces fusion and therefore electric fields (and magnetic fields) in the solar system. Once these fundamental principles are put in place, the rest is simply the logical conclusion of standard laws of physics being applied to the situation. Note that all books in this series are written for the general public as well as scientists with advanced degrees.

It is very interesting to note that historical records of the major disasters witnessed by the ancients are now understood in light of this new understanding of how our

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solar system works. A scientific basis and the “theoretical key” has now been introduced to give fundamental understanding of the Biblical references regarding the End Days, The accounts of the Exodus from the Legends of the Israelites, the Mayan accounts of Quetzalcoatl (the plumed serpent god of the night sky whose heart became the planet Venus), the accounts of the Egyptian mythological planet Nibiru, the accounts and historical records and writings of the destruction of Atlantis as well as the writings of such world renowned authors as Cayce, Immanuel Velikovsky, Ignatius Donnelly and others who could see beyond the standard and incorrect explanations of where we came from and the true history of man and our planet.

This book is a summary of information that spans decades of theoretical effort and is needed on the international market to inform the public of the true nature of our past relative to celestial events, and additionally, of the dangers that stand before us as we deal with the possibility of new planetary members being adopted into the solar system. It is also an integral addition to a series of books. This is the 6th book and is an essential addition to that series that already includes treatises on symbolism, calendar changes caused by man’s need to adopt to celestial events and our connections to the past through our correct interpretation of history.

Mr. McCanney does not make any specific predictions of dates of such an arrival nor does he make any predictions or analysis regarding any particular planetary object(s) that might come into the solar system. The purpose is to discuss the many possible solar system changes and Earth Changes that we might experience if and when such an object does come into the solar system as well as illuminate the situation relative to the past, present and future human condition.

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This book also attempts to give for posterity a current view of the “politics of science” of the time we live in as well as to dispel many of the myths being propagated by government supported scientists who still adhere to incorrect outdated theories. It additionally dispels misinformation generated from the growth of Internet quacks.

THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE is an evolution of thought and insight that can come from no other source. The reader is encouraged to first read this book and then pursue the contents of the prior books of this series. This book only gives a summary of the prior works regarding the complex nature of our solar system and the effects on our planet Earth. Once these scientific concepts are mastered the average person can begin to truly understand that there is a complex interaction between science and the human condition. They are not only related, they are indelibly intertwined.

The solutions are simple but implementing them would be near impossible given today’s world and the controlling and over encompassing nature of economics and government intervention into the human efforts to simply exist and live a normal life. THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE is a far reaching step that includes the details necessary for man as a species to succeed and move forward. Correct science is necessary but the publicly catered science of controlled government agencies blocks the view of reality.

Failure is not an option but on its current path the human race is set for a certain and cruel demise. Entire species far more successful than ours have gone asunder on a moment’s notice … where we will end up only time will tell.


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Preface by the author “In the beginning there was darkness” … is how it all began …

then in the end He finally created MAN in his image and likeness. But man is said to have failed early in his residency in the “garden of paradise”. It appears that after thousands of years man is still collectively failing, but this time there is a bit more at stake. Our existence as a species is in danger of extinction. Maybe it is not coming this year or even in the next century, but to plan and execute our escape from this spec of cosmic dust we call Earth is no small matter. To master millions into space faring modules that are self supporting as purported in Stanley Kubrik’s 2001 A Space Odyssey (1968 film) is far from any perceived reality of our day.

Current government funded space efforts pretend to promise a single man to an adjacent celestial body like the Moon or Mars in the next 20 to 50 years, but these programs place no effort into moving massive numbers of people or the means to autonomously survive the rigors of outer space. All space programs depend on supplies coming from manufacturing facilities on earth which then constantly shuttle supplies to and from the fledgling “space station” that appears as so many connected soup cans in low earth orbit.

But we too many times think of outer space as a technical achievement, one that can be accomplished by sufficient government funding and engineering expertise. THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE will take you on a journey of the mind … a journey that will show you that the human race (especially modern western society) is woefully ill equipped to embark on the voyage into the great beyond. We have some serious problems which must first be overcome. If they are not, our fate will eventually be demise.

But we are not a society of durability. We are not a society of honesty. We are not a society of social caring and commuication. We are not a society of MANY of the properties necessary for a civilization ready to go into outer space on a massive scale. We are not a society of steadfastness unless you consider the youth sitting in front of endless video games “steadfast”.

Will we be one of the few successful species in the history of the universe that takes the ride into outer space for extended

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survival OR will we be just a fleeting failure of DNA erased into the annals of forgotten time like so many species before us?

Man is working hard to destroy this planet. We have lost control of our leaders who worship corporate and international banking cartels as their handlers. The individual is blanketed daily by prime time television that is tailored to distort the truth and keep the real issues of the day from ever seeing the light of day.

Many average people at this point will imagine they are reading something from a futuristic novel and that they watch the evening news and attend their church and therefore are well educated and informed regarding the issues of the day. HOWEVER, even these people are starting to awaken to the reality that something just does not seem to be right … how could the United States of America have any problems? After all they had won two world wars and still honor those “greatest generations” by projecting endless future wars in faraway places that have no direct affects on their daily lives. The lack of vision of “Americans” relative to the rest of the world is one of the hallmarks of modern western man.

In a sense the residents of this once great country are still living the Glory Days of the past, when resources were unlimited and no one could challenge the right or might of the western world coalitions. But the world has changed along with those other countries’ perceptions. New realities loom but are unseen.

As the world struggles on a daily basis for survival with most people literally living in the dirt trying to get today’s daily allotment of nourishment, and with the western societies’ economic profiles near imminent collapse, the world today stands at a complex set of crossroads. Add to this the knowledge that we only have so much time on this planet before we destroy ourselves and our resources or are completely destroyed in the wink of an eye by a wandering visitor from afar that has our name on it. We are setting on a genetic time bomb. Our species has no plan of escape.

These sound like dire words and they are. The entire issue is as follows. To undertake a large scale effort to master living in outer space would imply that we somehow have found the correct formula for living on this planet that already has a plentitude of resources … BUT we have not. It would also assume that as a species and integrated international society we had learned how to treat each other and respect the environment … but we have not. It

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would assume that we can redirect ill spent government sponsored resources placed into endless military and government agency programs that are as much about feeding an insatiable high tech industrial base as it is about getting realistic designs into outer space. It is about illogical amounts of bureaucratic overhead that bogs down progress and stifles innovation. A good example is that we are still using the same rocket technology of 60 years ago to try to launch payloads into space.

These are collective issues of the society. They are not issues that can be solved by a government agency or the United Nations. These are issues of society itself. We have lost ability to control the leaders who in turn have little expertise in the critical areas to make decisions, so they rely on “experts” most of whom have private agendas to maintain their industries at the government trough. Increasing funding does not bring proportionally increased innovation and development. It has proven however to simply provide more of the same, with added strength to the monopolies that already exist.

In brief, man is completely unprepared to save himself as a species. And he is collectively completely incapable of making the changes necessary to envision this lofty end. Man as a species is at a juncture … a crossroads of immense importance … and he collectively cannot see beyond the daily use of credit cards, gas guzzling SUVs and politics as usual. Many are still hoping that the next election will bring “change that you can believe in”. WOW !!! is this society every not ready for what the future has in store.

THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE is a complex analysis of modern society and at its core is the science that I have developed over decades of hard work. At the heart of this is the realization that escapes the majority of what we consider the “well educated” masses of western society. This realization is that there is a plethora of BAD SCIENCE AND ASTRONOMY that is marketed and placed on the public platter for full scale consumption. Once you realize this deception and how it works, you can then turn the key to start understanding the basic and advanced concepts of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE. And like a diamond, these principles have many complex and related facets.

In the end it will take you on a mental journey that promises to change the way you think … and the actions you will take… jmcc

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TABLE OF CONTENTS About the author and this text ……………………………………..…………....4 Preface by the author…………………………………………………………...12 I. THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE – UNIVERSAL





SPACE………………………………………………….150 XXI. OF WAR AND SPACE………………………………...154 XXII. THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE – A SUMMARY…...…158

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If you were the first human on earth to find a diamond … would

you think that it must be the only diamond on the planet and not look for any more? Or would you automatically imagine that there must be others and embark on a journey to discover where they can be found and then broaden your search to other parts of the world?

After discovering lots of diamonds you may begin to catalog the patterns of where they are found and begin to search for other areas that may be rich in diamonds. Then if you became cognizant of the universe around you and began to explore it with telescopes and other types of modern equipment, would you extend your thoughts to imagine that there must be diamonds out there amongst other planets and stars? Would you furthermore imagine that those far away diamonds must be created by the same processes and would have the same physical characteristics as the ones you found here on earth?

Could there be a powerful mathematical model for the creation of other universal truths such as a universal number system? Could there be a repeatable chemical model for the development of complex molecules such as the nucleotides that are the basis of DNA? Or could there be even more complex repeatable processes such as the evolutionary progression of intelligent life leading to symmetrical beings like us in remote parts of the universe? Could they all obey the same laws and development patterns in all parts of the universe although there might be an infinity of variations?

Are there subtle truths and universal laws that permeate the universe that tell us how we should develop as intelligent beings and are we wandering through this life unaware of the directions we should be taking as a planetary society and species? If we do not discover these principles and enact them as a central part of our very existence, will we waste our opportunity to gain access to the stars beyond, thusly squandering our birthright to the stars?

Are there variations besides physical evolution? For example are we living on a planet where people have the same physiological

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characteristics, but their mental evolution has taken them on totally separate tracks? Are there some who have developed evil deceitful mental capabilities and realize that they have to mask their true intentions to gain power and control? Could the honest and well intentioned mentally stable humans be easily fooled and therefore controlled by those that do not have your best interests in mind?

Will man as a species succeed or are we only filling our mental pictures and daily lives with delusions and diversions that have no real meaning in the grand scheme of the real purpose of our humble existence? Are we engaged in political and economic models that will never bring us to the point of preserving our species indefinitely and moreover, if we were to discover the true meaning and directions we should be taking, do we have the foresight COLLECTIVELY to turn the course and begin on the correct path?

Is the human species on the path towards self-preservation or are we on a path that is ignoring all the road signs and headed for a certain and untimely demise? Have we lost control of our leaders who intentionally fill our lives with useless tasks to keep the populous of the world from breaking free of their ever increasing control on our daily lives to maintain control and authority?

Is the human species as we see them today a final step in an ongoing evolutionary process or are we a failed genetic experiment that may be necessary to lead to a future development that does have a chance at succeeding in the universal effort to preserve a genetic strain? These are just some of the intricate questions that are inter-related in THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE and which need analysis to understand what I call “the human dilemma”.

Do we understand the true nature of the universe or are the theories constantly promoted by the standard scientific community nothing more than archaic outdated nursery rhymes of a past era, theories voted into prominence before the great unmanned space exploration efforts of the past 40 years? Is there a different set of universal truths that are hidden from the public to protect them from the true history of the human race?

Are major historical events like The Great Flood pushed out of science and history books simply because modern “standard” science cannot find an explanation in its outdated set of axioms, and are there egos and traditions at stake that will not allow new thoughts into the ivory towers of western man’s educational institutions? Are these

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concepts which deny the greatest formative events in man’s history now also being used by the ruling elite to prevent the public from understanding their true history, and therefore also preventing us from pursuing our birthright to the stars?

Is time an enemy … a resource that we rely daily to regulate our lives … but which also leads us ever closer to a day that will bring our modern society to a screeching halt? Are we not only wasting and misusing physical resources of this once abundant world, but also wasting and mismanaging our resource TIME which has been very good to us in the past … but which could find its last “tick” of the clock on the next sunrise?

Does man as we know him understand these concepts and is he capable of managing a long and complex development that in fact could take centuries to become space faring and autonomous apart from any support from this planet in case of eminent celestial catastrophe such as we now know happened in the past? Are standard science ramblings on this topic tuned to the real past and future, or are they being used to lull you into the belief that we have plenty of time so do not worry about such issues?

Are there new advanced forms of propulsion that would allow us access to the stars beyond that are based on a new understanding of the workings of the solar system? Could electrical and magnetic designs be what is needed, while standard science and government supported space agencies continue to build 60 year old rocket designs that will never allow us to be truly space faring … and certainly never take us to another star?

And lastly, if the population en masse woke up one day and finally understood that we have a purpose in this universe and we are being held from this purpose by selfish leaders whose only goal is to maintain us for their psychologically distorted venues, would the populations of the world be able to organize and move in all the correct directions to make an attempt at preserving the species for eternity in the expanses of the great spaces beyond? Would we pursue it whole heartedly in spite of the fact that at any point defeat and demise could set us back indefinitely or cause us to become extinct in the flash of an eye?

These were some of the thoughts that developed many years ago in

my research dealing with patterns found in a strange set of numbers

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known as the Prime Numbers. A prime number is any number divisible only by itself and 1 … that is … it has no factors other than itself and the number 1.

The prime numbers were known to the ancient Greeks for their seemingly unruly properties and unpredictable nature, the Primes were the odd man out in any known number system. In the multiplication table they were all the numbers that were NOT in the table. The Greeks posed simple questions and almost immediately solved some of the basic puzzles related to the Prime Numbers. The ancient Greeks proved that there were an infinite number of prime numbers by a powerful mathematical technique but was simple enough that even the ancient Greeks with their limited understanding of mathematics could confidently state that … yes … there was an infinity of Primes.

HOWEVER, they could never understand any patterns in the Prime Numbers. They could discover them by brute force and later a simple geometric puzzle known as the “Sieve of Erostophenes”. This amounted to writing all the numbers in a table and then drawing lines though the multiples of all known numbers. The numbers left with no line drawn through them were the Prime Numbers. But this still left no understanding of the patterns or rhyme or reason of the Prime Numbers.

Literally every great mathematician throughout history racked their brains on the problem of the patterns of the prime numbers, but no one could discover a way to directly calculate them or understand their unruly behavior. Their unruly nature was assumed and even thought to be proven by some. The prime numbers were confidently used as the basis of encryption codes (secure computing algorithms to prevent intrusion and to allow secure data transmission for banking, business and commerce).

My last book “CALCULATE PRIMES” outlines for the general public the solution I discovered to directly calculate the Prime Numbers using a powerful equation which I called “The Generator Function” which generated the prime numbers in groups starting with just the numbers 0 and 1. Once a new group of prime numbers was generated, that new group was placed into the Generator Function and out came the next group of prime numbers. There were families of prime numbers that generated future prime families all the way to infinity. The prime numbers not only had predictable patterns, but they also had amazing mathematical properties such as symmetry,

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reciprocity, closure and this could be extended to a complex number system that included a completely new way of understanding numbers. They also exhibited wavelike patterns that interacted with one another as one worked out the number line to infinity using the Generator Function.

The age old problem of the patterns of the prime numbers had finally been solved. I will talk more about these strange numbers and the solution as well as some new developments in later chapters of this book when talking about universal truths.

But what does this have to do with man going into outer space and the survival of the species you are asking? The point is that to discover this solution I had to make some subtle but necessary assumptions based on my view of the universe and universal truths. I first had to assume that nature (or the creator whichever you prefer), in their infinite wisdom, would not allow such a basic concept as the prime numbers to be without a system or organization. I also had to presume that since every great mathematician since the ancient Greeks had worked diligently on this problem that yes indeed … it had to be very subtle and more than anything, had to have a universal solution that did not depend on our number systems.

I also had to assume that it would be a system of knowledge that could be discovered by any advanced civilization in the universe and therefore it must be a UNIVERSAL TRUTH. And lastly it had to be elegant AND SIMPLE. I devised a plan to discover the system of truths that had to exist in these strange numbers. But first I had to mentally strip myself of everything I had tried previously and of everything that every other mathematician had worked with previously. I had to consciously shed my previously held beliefs.

I had been working on this problem since I was first introduced to it in high school many decades earlier. I had maintained a file simply marked “PRIME NUMBER PROBLEM”. So I proceeded to place that file on a shelf until such time that I had completely forgotten everything I knew about the past attempts to discover the patterns of the prime numbers. This later turned out to be a fundamental step in my mental process of attacking this problem with a fresh mind … to look for the simple solution that I knew nature (or the creator) had placed in the universe. I had to find the universal truth … but first I had to strip myself of everything I had previously studied and also everything that every other mathematician had studied.

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Throughout this book a recurring theme for the reader is that many times you will have to strip your current view of the universe to gain new insights into the more subtle aspects of what I call universal truths. It is not necessarily that your current way of thinking is “wrong”, but that it is not compatible with a future looking set of universal realizations that allow you to expand beyond your current daily existence and understand the core facets of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE as it relates to the human dilemma, of which we all have been contributing factors. Thus my story regarding my quest for the solution of the Prime Number problem entailed giving up old ways of thinking in order to understand a more simple universal truth.

Then one day, after thoroughly forgetting all that I had previously known and understood regarding the prime number problem, I was feeling brave and confident that I had shed myself of all past dead weight, I sat down and decided not to start with the standard small numbers, but dove headlong into the middle of the prime number table. It hit me like a ton of bricks and I then isolated myself for weeks as I continued to discover what I now call the seven part proof. There are actually seven subtle intertwining parts to understanding the true nature of the prime numbers.

The solution threw the secure computing world on its ear and within days the prizes for breaking prime number based encryption codes were taken off the internet and within a few months the head of the USA homeland security office announced that the entire world of secure computing had been turned inside out. No one ever imagined a solution could be found, so the encryption codes were imbedded in computer hardware and software in all aspects of secure applications from home computers to high security military satellite systems.

All of this due to the solution of an age old mathematical problem that no one thought was possible. As already mentioned my previous book release which includes a 3 hour lecture DVD is entitled “CALCULATE PRIMES” and as with all my books, was written for the general public in a form understandable by any third grade student but also with details to challenge the highest level mathematicians.

What made this possible was my understanding that Mother Nature (or the creator) had a plan with organization. The prime numbers were too important an aspect of our existence to not have an organization that was universally available to anyone in the universe. The solution

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was a UNIVERSAL TRUTH. It would be the same on the far side of the universe as here on remote planet Earth.

The core essence of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE is that there are many universal truths in the universe. We continue to deny many of them because they do not fit into our current views of “reality”. Are vast amounts of oil and international banking based economies the only way to live? Should we be spending our days and lives working 40 hour weeks to pay for interest laden houses and gas guzzling SUVs? Is the economy really cyclic or is this a subtle form of enhanced slavery whereby a carrot is continually held in front of the population for which they are ever striving but can never reach?

When one looks at universal truths and the masks we have placed before us as citizens of this complex world, we are beset with endless diversions. They keep us from ever focusing on the bigger picture and for sure prevent the public en masse from coming together on key issues that are central to our very survival as a species. Thus … THE DIAMOND PRINICPLE cuts through the ancient curtains and deals with the questions that need to be asked, and the solutions that need to be addressed. If not, the human condition will continue until one day we are whisked away in the night never to be heard from again.

THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE has many complex facets. Like a real diamond that is cut from the raw diamond with the empirical understanding that the crystalline structure is there in the uncut rock. If you discovered a diamond on the far side of the universe, you could likewise cut it with the secure expectation that you would find the crystalline face just as you would expect on planet earth. Universal truths – universal principles – simple – elegant – transcending time and space – but ever hidden from our eyes unless we look to discover their presence and true meanings.

As an intelligent species we are just beginning to discover certain universal truths. But in the process there have been some divergent paths. Unfortunately as humans we can make errors. What seems to be true really is not and is explainable by a completely different set of hypotheses. And so science today is strapped with a set of archaic outdated concepts, many of which could not possibly be true. Yet they are repeated and used as basis for our knowledge.

What do you mean you are asking? Do you mean that everything on the Discovery and History channel or the National Geographic TV special with extensive animation … do you mean that much of this

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information could be false? That mountains did not form from slow moving plate tectonics? That the dinosaurs did not die from an asteroid crashing into earth (but were killed by another more powerful form of cosmic disaster). Do you mean that General Relativity and Black holes are a myth of illogical scientific deductions and that nature has a more subtle explanation for observations? Do you mean that there is no such thing as global warming due to greenhouse gases and this entire “science” has been a political football to keep some scientists in a career spanning most or their professional lives?

Let me take a more concrete example with which most people can identify. As this book was finalized and going to press the great Gulf of Mexico oil “leak” from a British Petroleum oil well broke and for months polluted this vast food area and national treasure. Later we found out that days after the “accident” crews from northern European countries offered experienced ships and staff that were fully capable of securing the area and preventing any damage in addition to building barriers to prevent any oil from damaging shorelines and delicate coastal bio-systems.

We also learned that they were uniformly denied access by USA government agencies to the area which in turn lead to the greatest man made pollution event in the history of the earth. At this point many of the “believers” started to at least understand that there was something fundamentally wrong with big business control of government and the ineptness of government to deal with major problems. The level of corruption and the level of ignoring sound ecological principles dwarfed anything that that average person could comprehend, but for many of us like myself who weekly report on my radio show the deception and corruption from around the world, for us in the know, it was like watching “business as usual” but just on a much grander scale. It was also something the public could see. It was different from banking scandals and insider trading in the stock market with overseeing government agencies turning a blind eye to allow it all to happen. The oil spill or leak was visible to all.

Yes this was business as usual. The government promises of a quick solution with all parts working diligently to repair the damage and fix the problem. As this book goes to press NONE of the promises from any of the government officials and corporations have been realized and in fact every day more facts are unearthed showing a

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massive cover-up and deliberate tactics designed only to save corporate profits.

The important point here is that the general public’s skepticism has grown to new all time numbers. That allows this book an entirely new large audience that was not here just a few short months ago prior to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. But more than this, it brings to point a glaring fault in modern science that can be understood and appreciated by those not familiar with the intricacies of space science, astronomy, geology, evolutionary biology and many other topics for which the common man is constantly bombarded with “facts” that most assume to be true … mainly because they have heard them so many times.

One of the main points of this major oil spill has escaped the news media which in general only announces what it is told to announce from “reliable government sources”. If they seek an answer about space they go to NASA (the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration). If they want news or commentary about weather or hurricanes, they go to NOAA (the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). If the news media seeks information about your safety they go to the Department of Homeland Security.

Most people in the country listen to the evening news and for the most part, buy it hook line and sinker. For people like myself who has seen the inner workings of these agencies and the politics inherent in the political hierarchy, I can tell you surely that what you are hearing on the evening news is a well crafted tailored doctrine that many times has little if anything to do with reality. So you listen to the evening news, read the glossy news stand specialty magazines and watch the glossy high end productions regarding science on the Discovery and History channels.

With the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the very visible crisis that could have been averted for the benefit of the average person, many are finally waking up to the fact that there is something terribly wrong in the world but especially in the good ole’ USA which has been the center of most world developments and activities for the past 100 years.

Yes something is terribly wrong. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. To begin the deprogramming effort in the sciences, please examine the following unspoken issue regarding the Gulf of Mexico oil spill (it is a topic I discussed extensively on my weekly radio

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program). Very simply put, how did the oil that supposedly according to standard “scientific knowledge” is residue of rotting fern forests on the surface of the earth … become 18,000 feet under the surface of the ocean floor which is beneath 5000 feet of open ocean water? On the surface this may seem like a simple question but it has far reaching ramifications.

The pressure of the venting oil and gasses is estimated to be 50,000 to 70,000 pounds per square inch which arises from the extreme depth of the oil reserve. To punch a hole in the earth and release this oil with this extreme pressure shows that we cannot contain this oil flow but furthermore we certainly cannot easily stop it. So given the standard explanation for the original source of oil … that it came from rotting fern forests and dinosaur bones … how on earth did this oil find its way to a depth of 18,000 feet below the surface of the earth where the pressures are thousands of times greater than any surface pressures? The most powerful of manmade pumps could never accomplish this goal and nature does not provide such natural pumping systems.

Furthermore, oil is found at ALL levels with some wells as deep as 35,000 feet below the surface of the earth … the equivalent of 7 miles of solid earth on top of the oil deposit.

The answer has multiple facets (remember THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE). The simple answer is that oil does not and never did come from rotting fern forests or dinosaur bones. So where does oil come from … and how did this extensive ocean of oil find its way to the incredible depth of 18,000 feet below the surface of the earth?

I will defer the answer to the later chapters where many other scientific “truths” or what I call “myths of science” are eradicated. Science that is repeated every day … that is taught from kindergarten to Ph.D. students in graduate schools … is patently false and could not possibly be true.

How did the earth form and where did the 18,000 feet of earth come from that caps this organic sea of black liquid. Certainly the history of the world that is being taught cannot be true either. The standard science regarding the origin of the earth taught to us by NASA is that the earth as well as everything in the solar system was created all at one time about 4.5 billion years ago and nothing in the creation of planets has happened since. But we here also see a problem by simply looking and the fact that the oil reserves are deep under LOTS of earth that had to come AFTER … LONG AFTER …

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the sea of oil formed and was laid on what was then the surface of this planet.

So the domino effect begins to take its victims as the “standard knowledge” theories of our day begin to fall one by one. Scientific “facts” are taught as truths like mother goose nursery rhymes, but for which there never really has been any real scientific proof … just some commonly voted collection of themes that scientists 50 years ago deemed to be correct. The problem is that in spite of overwhelming information to the contrary, these hallowed concepts continue to dominate the scientific landscape. Learning how this is managed will be part of the rethinking process dealt with in this book.

The additional problem is that these same conclusions reappear at every turn when looking at many aspects of scientific data; from space probe data to undersea geology or from evolutionary biology to the history of man. The contradictions abound. But modern science maintains a clubhouse of rules and these I call “the axioms of astronomy”. A term that was initiated by a letter written to me by an elderly professional astronomer from England as he awarded one of my early astrophysics papers the right to be published in a european space science journal.

In that paper I presented some new (but now proven) concepts of the solar system. The aged professor’s comment stemmed from a dogma regarding comet theory and the then dominant “ice ball comet model” (later to become the “dirty snowball comet model” of today). The comment stated that with the political correctness required by some regarding this unproven theory, one might think that it had been designated the status of an “axiom”. In mathematics an axiom is a powerful first level assumption upon which everything else has to agree. So was astronomy a science or a religion with set predisposed concepts that had been voted into place long before the space exploration era ever began … and before real close range data of a comet was ever secured.

Once again the scientific dilemma was that after good close range data was finally obtained, these ancient outdated theories in no way shape or form explained the observed data. In brief, no ice or water or water vapor leaving the comet nucleus were ever observed at close range. Was a completely different set of principles involved here? Had the scientific vote been in error and decided too soon before all the data was in? Were there other factors that prevented scientists

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from arriving at correct alternative conclusions and most of all … was the alternative theory for comet behavior developed by a non-club member really correct?

The list of factors controlling what you hear from modern science is a topic unto itself and will be dealt with later in the book. At this point however, the reader will be in one of two main groups … ones who already know there is a major problem not only with science reporting but reporting of almost every other subject on the planet … or you may be in group two (the vast majority of people out there) … in group two are those who have absolutely no clue what I am talking about and could never imagine that they are ill informed and actually have been fooled into thinking many things are true that could not possibly be true.

Herein is the dilemma of man. GROUP TWO … the clueless ones. Those people that have bought hook line and sinker everything they have been told since they were young children and never thought to question. You see the world through an Alice in Wonderland looking glass but think this is the “real world”. How could anything be different than the way you see things? Why would there be any reason to question your thought belief system as you certainly have it at least 95% correct most of the time.

A great example is the belief of many that there is a two party system of politics in the USA and that one party is good and the other is bad. Included in this is the belief that if you vote you are supporting “the democracy” and that if your candidate lost this time then … oh well … ‘we will get them at the next election and possibly then see change for the better at long last’. The reality is that under the surface both parties are working for the same over-riding system and NO MATTER WHO YOU ELECT THE RESULTS ON A NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL LEVEL WILL BE THE SAME. The only real difference is whose buddies will get most of the government money in the next 4 years.

The reality is that the president of the United States is a puppet who reads from a teleprompter and has no real power at all, irrespective of political party. So you think your vote counts? You think your man in Washington represents you (or anyone for that matter)? If you think this then you are one of the clueless ones. The ones that have no clue how the real world works and in fact by your ignorance you are part of the problem … the problem being the ticking

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genetic time bomb that is setting the human species on a one way ticket to extinction. It may not happen tomorrow or even in the next century, but it will happen if the vast majority of humans … especially in the developed countries and especially in the United States of America … do not wake up and smell the roses and reverse what is happening on this planet.

This is one of many major facets of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE and will be restated in many different ways throughout this book. More and more people are listening to alternative radio programs and at least starting to get a clue BUT remember that the largest and most popular of these daily radio and television broadcasts are bought and paid for by the same central crews that oversee the president of the United States.

The topic of providing misinformation to the public to guide it and manipulate it is very subtle and takes on many forms. In a good misinformation campaign the controlling groups infiltrate and control both sides of the “debate”. This is a well known ploy with any information control campaign … the type of which there are dozens at any given moment in constant motion in the news media. It sounds to the average person on the street that there is a political war going on, but the reality is that the major issues that affect our very existence are never discussed. The two sides battle it out, but when the smoke settles there really is no difference in the end effect.

I love to retell a great example of a story a heard from a fan of the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) when I was growing up. The WWF was an organization of heavy weight professional wrestlers that travelled around very locally in the 1960’s and later became a national event bringing crowds from far and wide to cheer for their favorite good guy or bad guy as the case may have been. These were all once big time real wrestlers but in the WWF they were primarily actors and stunt men who threw each other around – pounced from the ropes onto others with body crushing throws etc., etc.

At the end of one of the events recounts one fan, he was beaming with joy as his hero who had been on the ropes and almost finished at the hands and ill devices of one of the bad guys, came back and soundly defeated the bad guy. At the end of the match was the typical “I’m going to get you next time” and a rescheduling of the next grudge match between the two physical warriors. The fan had already made a mental note of time and date because this for sure would be the grudge

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match of the century and he would not miss it for the world. Huge egos were at stake. The world champion belt was on the line.

Then upon leaving the auditorium the fan saw the wrestlers getting on their bus to go the next event, but the two hated warriors were boarding the bus slapping each other on the back and laughing and talking. He thought to himself that now he was totally confused … he thought these guys hated each other!!!!!!

In this moment of disillusionment, the fan came to the reality that this was just a show … a giant dog and pony show and he had just spent all his money and spent the last hours screaming and yelling for a show that was just that … a show.

I like to give this example because the political arena in the United States especially is just like the WWF… a well orchestrated dog and pony show with a good percentage of the population joining in as if something real were actually going on. With this in place it is easy to control the majority of the population into thinking that they live in a democracy and that their vote counts and that everyone should get out and vote, when in reality by voting you are supporting a system that has long since been broken and stopped representing the masses long ago.

COMPROMISED is a term used in the intelligence agencies. A person has been compromised if their identity has been discovered by the other side OR it can also be used to indicate a person who has fallen prey to deceit or deception and can no longer be used (and this places them on a dangerous list usually to be eliminated by a preferred method). So in the truest sense of the word … the US population has been compromised and this has been in place long ago. The purpose of this book is not to enunciate the history of all that has happened to accomplish this goal as this information is readily available to the person that wishes to understand further.

A great example is the final debates for the USA presidential campaign of 2007 between O’Bama and McCain. They debated for hours and in the end each gave a final summary of their policy and what they considered to be most important in their strategy to rule the country. Not surprising to me, in their final summaries they both said exactly the same thing!!! Yet people far and wide claimed that their candidate had “won the debate”.

There is an expression that is growing in popularity … “never underestimate the ability of the American public to be fooled”. But

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this has more far reaching ramifications than just winning or losing a presidential election. The reality is that the USA controls much of what happens in the world today either directly or indirectly. World banking in most countries is related to the US dollar or at least to trading that is controlled by US interests. Political action in many other countries is completely dominated by US wishes and control. US foreign policy typically reflects the needs of large corporations and international banking ties.

So what does this have to do with man’s survival as a species? The answer is EVERYTHING!!! This is one of the core issues. This unfortunately makes this book sound like a political soap box, but the reality is that THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE has many facets related to the current human condition and the ability of the human race to control its leaders (and not visa-versa). Since the USA is at least one of the dominant players on the world political and economic scene … and since the US population is so stupid and easily controlled, this affects the rest of the world and in a very real sense affects man’s ability to direct his destiny. Other countries should not be so much worried about the USA military or other factors … the main thing that other countries have to worry about is the lack of control of its “leaders” by the population.

Once again referring to the Gulf of Mexico BP oil spill, it is clear the US population is being guided by completely incompetent controlled puppets that have no control over their own landscape for the general good of the US population and the world at large. The only bright spot is that a much larger segment of the population has finally woken up to this fact and now are opening up to many more aspects of their lives being controlled in ways they never imagined before.

The main point is that man has a limited set of resources on this planet. Most are used for our immediate living needs, so the residual can then be used for comfort and making life better and in general supporting things like art and science. Under science comes the effort to put men and machines into outer space for exploration and bragging rights in some cases. HOWEVER … in our current space program it is NEVER discussed how outer space is the frontier we have to conquer to become a long term successful species. Furthermore … time is a not only a resource, it is one of our worst enemies when it comes to survival of the species.

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A concerted space effort to place large numbers of people into self autonomous space cities by a government program would certainly end up in total failure because of the current western economic model. Someone has to make a profit … but not only a profit … a very big profit. Thus the real cost is far more than the true cost that would be realized by efficient well designed private enterprises with a focus on results. In this respect I have always maintained that China as a country has the best chance of succeeding although recently they are adopting the western economic model which would doom them to failure in such a large scale effort.

Secondly, failure is always a worry so the projects become extended to dates far beyond when most of the people on the project will be long since retired. The main issue of sending large numbers of humans into space for the purpose of ensuring the DNA preservation … the species … is NEVER discussed. Yet every day we spend our lives in useless diversions and watch our youth spend countless bored hours in front of video games … each such day is a day lost towards reaching the goal of preserving the species. Possibly now you are starting to become aware of one of the most basic rudimentary facets of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE.

This is not about your political party or your view of whether we have a democracy or a republic or none of the above. It is about a far more fundamental aspect of our existence. All the other topics are just so much fluff … diversions from what should be our main effort with our spare resources … which includes physical resources as well as our enemy TIME. The ticking clock is relentless.

At this point many people are imagining that I am referring to the possibility of an asteroid crashing into earth, but that is not the case at all. Cosmic disasters of a far greater nature have passed by the earth without so much as making minimal contact with our many times battered planet. Do you now remember the 18,000 feet of earth piled on the ocean of oil in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill? Where did that earthen layer come from? That is more than a couple inches of dusting. Something major happened to earth since that oil was deposited; 18,000 feet of material came at some later date. A colliding asteroid does not solve this problem, although NASA has taken the stance that if they cannot explain some piece of data from solar system and planetary space probes, then they automatically invoke “an asteroid hit it” and everything is fine in their eyes. And yes we still

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have not gotten a rational explanation for the source of the ocean of oil from the standard scientific community. Something very different is going on and the story needs to be combined with many other factors to put together the puzzle that makes sense.

In recent studies in the basin of southeastern Mexico in an area known as the Yucatan Peninsula, geologists and biologists were researching a potential asteroid crater that has been claimed to be the site where the alleged asteroid hit earth that some claim caused the demise of the dinosaurs. But what these scientists discovered was that the local animal populations were affected but did not go extinct. In fact animal remains of all major species existed long after the asteroid collided with the area. Also more distant animal population centers were not affected at all.

The end result that is emerging is that the computer simulations of massive earth wide destruction by colliding asteroids has been grossly overestimated by NASA and related scientists and their computer modeling. These events would be devastating on local scale only, with the majority of energy absorbed locally at the impact site.

As with much of the other “science” at NASA these days, the standard stories are not adding up to reality. Something very different has been going on. Yet like the country western song that says, “that’s my story and I’m stickin to it”, NASA steadfastly holds to its many outdated archaic theories as they hold the financial reigns of congress and the focus of the news media, for the time being at least. The point however is that the average man on the street can now begin to see the cracks in the dike … some basic flaws in traditional academic science and astronomy. Soon you will see that there is an ongoing concerted effort to maintain this BAD SCIENCE AND ASTRONOMY and the plethora of reasons for this bizarre situation.

Earth has had some extreme earth shattering events in the past that were NOT caused by a crashing asteroid. Certainly we have been hit by some asteroids, but they do not in any shape of form explain many of the conditions we see in earth including the ocean of oil setting under 18,000 feet of solid rock. So what is going on?

THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE has many other aspects that include the scientific principles that I have developed to replace what we call “standard science”. I developed these principles decades ago and they have been well documented and proven. There is a large audience for my work BUT it is not in agreement with the standard theories

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presented in standard text books from kindergarten to advanced graduate schools. Here again, as with the news media, standard text books rely on government sponsored sources as the fountain of certain truth. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Thus our youth are forced to learn and repeat many scientific concepts that could not possible be true. The only consolation is that my scientific principles are being taught in other countries around the world including in Russia. Is it not amazing for example that one of the most important innovations in mathematics in 2500 years, the solution of the prime number problem, is not taught to students in the United States?

In the good ole USA my well proven scientific principles have been pushed into the far background. So I have chosen to take my work directly to the public and explain it in a manner that anyone can understand. I sponsor my weekly radio program to not only promote my work but to constantly point out the deficiencies of “standard science” as it lumbers through the maze of new data and findings from earth and outer space. My work has an ever increasing large audience of professionally trained scientists who are realizing that the path I am taking is sound and deserves their personal attention.

I also have authored an entire library of books written for the general public so that anyone can readily understand and see for themselves. The materials are explained in a way that you do not need a fleet of Ph.D. NASA scientists to interpret for you. You can understand and make the decisions because once you gain a basic understanding of the workings of the solar system, the logical conclusions follow. A future chapter will summarize the results of the earlier books of this series.

With the news media continually seeking NASA “expertise” when questions of science occur, there turns out to be a certain political correctness that has to be applied before any information is released to the public. NASA has two release agencies that all information has to pass before being released to the public. A NASA scientist is under very strict contract not to speak freely but they have to release all information through the official screening news release agencies.

An interesting flap occurred in 2009 when a group of NASA scientists had their global warming reports altered before being released to the news media for public consumption. They complained publically and I could only laugh. I thought you clowns … you work for a government agency that you signed a contract which amounts to

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a gag order and then you complain that you do not have freedom of speech. Who is the stupid one here?!?!? But the point is that NASA scientists are not at liberty to speak.

Secondly, most people are not aware of the fact that there are invisible tiers in science. So the average person on the street assumes that NASA and other government agency scientists that you do see and hear from are in fact our “top scientists”. Nothing could be farther from the truth. So to make this easier to understand, long ago I devised a 3 tier system of categorizing scientists.

Tier 1 scientists are those for which you will never see their names and will never see their publications. They work behind the scenes, many times interacting with Tier 2 scientists. Tier 2 scientists are the ones you may see representing NASA or other government agencies, when interacting with the general public. Science and scientific information in general move up the tier ladder to the benefit of the higher level tier 1 scientists but never moves down from tier 1 to tier 2.

The tier 2 scientists are generally Ph.D. level scientists who regularly attend international meetings and who work in visible government or university positions and publish in the visible “peer review respectable scientific journals”. In many cases these people are a necessary part of what I call BAD SCIENCE AND ASTRONOMY. It costs a lot of taxpayer money to support them but as with the US Congress, they are the “window dressing” necessary to create the façade of real science. When you later learn the importance of bad science and the benefits that it reaps for the controlling groups that wish to maintain the public in a semi-functional work mode, you will understand that the plethora of impossible science that is fed to the public is part of an extensive control mechanism … whose ultimate goal is to keep you working and paying on ever increasing insurmountable debts but with the secure belief that you live in the most modern advanced society that has ever walked the face of the earth.

Tier 3 scientists would be those who simply teach at high school or junior college level and repeat what they are told from a text book. They generally lack the training and background to mix with the higher levels although of course some of these can be for example excellent amateur astronomers or scientists in other fields. If they do have talents they are never really allowed to use them or enter into the arenas of tier 1 and 2.

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The tier 2 scientists have many benefits. They are treated somewhat as royalty in that they do not really have to work very hard. Some do but in general they can float for years without ever really adding too much new material to the information bases. They may win awards and generally publish on a regular basis, adding more dogma to the already full libraries that would lead one to believe that they really know what they are doing. The tier 2 scientists also benefit from extensive travel money … partaking in what I call scientific vacations. Many times per year they pack their latest reports and research and fly to very nice resort locations the world over. They can take their spouses (at their extra expense but most of the expense is already paid). They may be in Paris one week and in Tokyo next month. They attend casual meetings and have specially sponsored outings and banquets to honor their fellow associates during these week long meetings.

I might add here that I too attend many of these international meetings but the difference is that I pay my own way and have always refused to take government sponsored money or grants. My name tag reads as follows:



Many times scientists ask me what an independent scientist is. I tell them I do not work for the government and support my own research efforts. They are miffed by this and cannot imagine NOT working for a government grant or position or company that is indirectly supported by the government funding system in one way or another.

I have also attended many specialized international science meetings such as “Electrical Propulsion” meetings dealing with alternative means of getting space vehicles to and from outer space and navigating the expanses of outer space beyond our planet to the next planet or even the next star. Literally 99.999% of all scientists in attendance at these meetings are supported 100% by government funding.

Then there is the occasional tier 1 scientist who possibly I got to know when they were younger and a bright upcoming physicist, chemist or astronomer. I could tell the ones that would be plucked out

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of the fray to eventually join the secret ranks of the tier 1 scientists. What some might call “black ops”. These also have been the scientists who at times would come to me in private to pick my brains on scientific matters related to my research. They also made it perfectly clear that what I was doing was right on track and they have learned a good deal from my work that was started in many cases long before some of these specialist scientists were even born.

Before you venture farther into this book, it will be beneficial for you to understand the many aspects of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE. In the end, a set of what I believe to be self-evident universal truths and possibly even laws for human development and behavior will be given. These are directed at the society which has chosen the path to preserve its species; or at least to attempt to preserve its species, because there are no guarantees in this most difficult of ventures.

But to understand why these principles must be put in place and why the difficult decisions and difficult actions must be accomplished, one first us to understand the current human dilemma. To understand the current human dilemma, you have to understand the history and causes that have led us to our current state of being. You must also understand that there are various types of human mentalities, and the average honest man is under the delusion that the leaders have your best interest in mind.

The average person also does not have a good science background, and therefore does not understand the ramifications, let alone history and causes of BAD SCIENCE AND ASTRONOMY. The archaic theories that blanket the informational horizon of today have their histories rooted in the distant past when good intentions and the knowledge of the day were applied as best they could. But at a certain point, these bad concepts became useful to the people that control the world … those invisible people for whom you never hear their name nor see them in public. They find useful puppets to represent their interests, typically people with large egos to feed.

The CIA in their studies of human behavior has discovered how to control people. Think tanks spend their entire existence studying trends in identifying hot buttons that can be used to control the public through the news media, television, radio (especially through large daytime talk show hosts), glossy magazines on the news stand, well-developed television specials broadcast on recurring programs such as The Discovery and the History Channels. These topics even make

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their way into evening television programming, especially programs that are serious such as medical or police investigating types of programming.

The control of information and public thought is so subtle that most people do not even recognize this is happening to them. But for well-trained observer like me, it is observed to be constant and ever bearing on the unsuspecting public. A good example is after my Calculate Primes book and work were released, it became very common for evening serial television programming to include some form of guarantee that 120 bit encryption (which relies on prime number technology) would take all of the computers in all of the world 5 billion years to decode. When in reality these codes have been thoroughly broken and were totally unreliable. But this was the subtle and almost constant message for weeks and months after the release of my prime number solution.

Other examples include incorrect science such as global warming and the greenhouse effect which will be thoroughly discussed in the myths section of this book. You will learn for example that the concept of global warming on earth and the alleged greenhouse effect were serious attempts in the 1970s by US NASA scientists to understand the very high temperature of the planet Venus. But it soon became apparent and was highly criticized by fleets of scientists that there were many contradictions in the data relative to this being the cause of the high temperature of Venus.

The point however, is that the greenhouse effect and global warming became political football's and later became very effective in the ability of the United Nations and international corporations to gain control of water rights around the world. It also was very effective in promoting such obtuse taxation methods as the “carbon tax” which would basically tax your right to breathe air. Thus the two most essential factors in human existence … water and air … have come under nefarious international control because of the usefulness of the already existing greenhouse effect and global warming concepts. It does not matter that these concepts not only did not work on Venus, but they certainly cannot work on planet Earth which has a far less dense canopy of CO2.

Unfortunately environmentalists are some of the most easily swayed people on the planet. People with good intentions are very much that way. They want to do the right thing and they want to save

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the planet which is good. But what they did not realize is that they have been used on a world scale by companies, corporations and international entities that sought to control water and air and your ability to use it freely. One might think that water and air would be naturally guaranteed right of the average person in this world, but today the laws and trade agreements are already in place and to undo them is going to take a monumental after the fact effort. As you might imagine it is always much harder to undo something than it is to put it in place in the first-place.

But returning to the concept of CIA control of people, the use of egos has been used repeatedly and is one of the top ways to use people. If you can find someone with an ego that needs to be fed, you can easily control that person. Just give them some responsibility, a badge and a gun and tell him he's important, throw an imaginary level of security and “right to know” or a phony security clearance, and you have a person that you did not have to pay very much money to control because you control them through their ego.

A second way to control people is through fear. If you can place the fear of some entity, whether real or not, into the common populace then you can control them until the cows come home. False flag events and fictitious illnesses have been used effectively to control the populations of the world and to instill laws that control almost every aspect of the human existence … all “for your well-being and safety”.

In reality, both of these methods of controlling people only requires an imaginable and fictitious “foe”. It also requires a population that is gullible and will believe anything that they are told by its government and reporting agencies. Thus the people of the United States of America have been programmed from the time they were little to set in a chair and listen to someone tell them how they should think.

Twelve years of mandatory “education” setting in a chair staring at the front of a room while someone older than you tells you what you should think dulls the mind and spirit of the person. Only the most resilient can withstand this onslaught into the personal rights and freedoms that are inherent in the human brain. Many students drop out as a way of dealing with this human tragedy. It is a way of telling all the others ‘what on earth are you doing here you people are crazy and I am not’. But the end result is that the dropout is branded by the inability to find better work and in general make their way through

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society or fend for themselves in a world that depends on you sitting in that desk not only through the first twelve years but for many years after. Your rewards come only by repeating what you are told all the way to a Ph.D. level.

One might imagine as you approach the level of a Ph.D., that free thought and thinking would become more commonplace. But only the opposite is true. You are required to honor the knowledge of your adviser who is certainly an expert in his subject area and has your best interest in mind. To get your Ph.D. you have to return and repeat everything you are taught. Your reward is the ability to go on and become independent, or so one might think. But the first step after a Ph.D. is to begin again at the lowest rung of the ladder with your first professional position or post doctorate assignment.

At this level you are watched and scrutinized and if all goes correctly you will be publishing your first paper in a respectable peer reviewed journal, or at least have your name on a list of authors. But to do this, you have to build on the information that is already published in those journals. Rarely someone makes a brilliant new discovery, but in the theoretical sense it has to be blended in with all the theoretical concepts that already exist in the respectable peer reviewed journals. Changing basic concepts and theoretical axioms is not an option.

As the Ph.D. graduate progresses, working under grants that are already procured by higher level scientists, he or she is restricted to working within the confines of what has already been placed in front of them and very much controlled by people who have a vested interest in making this grant work. The object of succeeding on a grant proposal is to obtain the next grant in sequence because funding is the name of the game.

Few people in the general public domain understand how grant funding works. The scientist does not think of a brilliant idea and go to the funding agency and ask to be funded for his brilliant idea. Instead, federal agencies produce a book or catalog of grant proposal topics that are designated via very high level scientists who work their way all the way up to the top and sit on government agency panels. This is where the direction of science takes place.

The successful grant applicant as a scientist then has to publish the results typically in the peer reviewed journals as a way of demonstrating success. The more published papers, the greater the

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success. With this success comes the greater possibility of obtaining future grants and funding. It's a game in which the successful scientist knows how to play the game. They typically live in a university and if they have enough grant funding they did not have to teach any courses, but have students underneath them who do their busy work for them as those students attempt to get their Ph.D.'s and exit into the system.

99.999% of all scientists and engineers in the western world and especially the United States work in some capacity from government controlled money sources. This includes those working in private industry which generally results in business attached to government contracts for government programs of some sort. When the government funding agencies receive more money in their bulk bank account for the year from Congress or the President, this is deemed as a good thing for science. Everyone is happy. More funding, more scientific vacations, stability in employment for the fleets of scientists and their ability to complete their career goal's.

But as I've said before, increased funding does not equal increased scientific innovation and progress because this funding will be realized by the groups that are already in power and that already monopolize the scientific horizon. So what you get for increased funding is more of the same. Change is not an option, especially change in the fundamental theoretical structure that has been placed in the scientific respectable peer reviewed journals. This would upset the applecart for too many, so anyone attempting to do this is going to be eliminated posthaste. Staying within the rules and guidelines and theoretical structure that already exists is the norm. If you are a good fundraiser and grant applicant, the last thing you want to do is to upset the applecart and bring down the wrath of your peers.

So life goes on as normal and one only hopes that you can get through your entire career and make it to retirement with many awards which are proof to all that you have supported the system that is in place. In addition to this all controlling system, today's world of science has the grant applicants signing a controlling waiver which requires that the results are not owned by the applicants and they furthermore are not at liberty to discuss these especially if there is an issue with what might be called national security.

Under this guise the federal government and funding agencies have ultimate control over research and a research scientist as well as the results in the ability of those results to be passed on to the general

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public. Under this category comes the heading of impending celestial catastrophes … yes boys and girls … if NASA or any government sponsored scientist or scientific facility becomes aware of an impending celestial issue that could affect earth, they are bound NOT to tell you or make any public announcements.

Additionally, as already noted, there is a resounding political correctness mandated by scientific protocol and scientists who value their careers do not meander outside of this box. The point is that one has to ask the question … do rows and columns of Ph.D. scientists all stating the same thing amount to confirmation of an idea, or is this just a form of professional self defense mechanism … a circling of the wagons so to speak … to protect their basis for existence and ultimately their jobs and incomes and retirement pensions. After all, if it were discovered that hundreds if not thousands of Ph.D. professionals in especially the fields of astrophysics, astronomy and space science (and related fields) were so far off base it was laughable … what kind of future would be in store for them? I am sure none of them care to think about this reality. So as you can see, uniformity is the key to their success and upsetting the apple cart is not in any of their best interests.

It is extremely important for the average person reading this book to understand how the system works, and therefore, why you can have fleets of Ph.D. scientists all standing in a row stating the same theoretical concepts and agreeing as if this were the gospel truth. Their livelihood depends on. They are not at liberty to think independently. Certainly they could, but they won't. Because where is a scientist with a Ph.D. in some esoteric subject going to get a job these days. They are overqualified for any job including managing a McDonald's hamburger stand. Life out of the system would not be good, and they all know it. So the thought of upsetting the applecart is not one you will find commonly in the ranks of government funded scientists and engineers.

I have never as a scientist pursued government funding although my graduate work on Xerox processes for medical purposes was funded by the National Institute of Health through the professor that sponsored my graduate research as I pursued my advanced degree. But in my professional life as a scientist I have purposefully kept away from government funding or any hint of that in my life, because once you sign that piece of paper, they own you. As such I have been free

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to pursue my interests in scientific endeavors throughout my career without being hampered by this ever controlling ever encompassing process of funding, research and publication that controls the ultimate majority of scientists who emerge from the world’s universities.

Since the United States is the dominant scientific entity in the world, all of the other scientific agencies of other countries of the world follow suit. This is a simple method of control. Because if you want to be associated with the good guys, if you want to be able to go to international meetings from your country, if you want to publish and eventually possibly use some of the good equipment available from the United States, then you to have to play by the rules.

One might think that independent companies have a bit of latitude in this regard but nothing could be farther from the truth. A good example is a monopoly on space held by the United States space agency NASA. They make everything look so difficult that only a long extended well-funded government program could possibly do anything in outer space. However, after a man named Bert Rutan won the $10 million X-Prize for sending a private space plane into space, the military and other government space agency's including NASA immediately began diligently working with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to put unearthly amounts of red tape in front of anyone attempting to develop a private space program. They even made claim that any American working abroad would come under the jurisdiction in an attempt to prevent innovation from blossoming anywhere in the world with regard to space exploration and especially access to space by new innovative vehicles or technologies.

This becomes another facet of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE. There is a concerted effort by groups within the military and government agencies to prevent you the population from access to outer space. It is subtle but very real. Rutan and his company, along with new associations that are attempting to develop commercial space ventures, have shown that access to space is not difficult and it doesn't take a 20 year government funded program to accomplish. NASA is still attempting to use rocket technology that is 60 years old to put payloads into outer space. They have limited their exploration to low earth orbit and wasted eight years on a failed attempt to initiate an Apollo lunar landing type program that was finally shut down by the Obama administration.

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But the promise of a single man going to the Moon or Mars in the next 20 or 50 years did not impress many people even within the scientific community or within the general public. Oddly enough, the eight years wasted with only the results of a few animated drawings was more time than it took the entire Apollo program with much lower grade technology in the 1960s to get an entire series of launches ready to take man to the Moon. What's wrong with this picture? The original modern day NASA program called Constellation proposed to take man to the Moon within a 20 year program (over 3 times the time frame of the original Apollo program). However the final analysis of a team of experts showed that NASA did not have the capability of even making it within that 20 year window. What's wrong with this picture?

It is eminently important for the modern person reading this book to understand the current human dilemma. The government programs are stalled relative to man to space exploration and what does exist is a remnant of a few tin cans hooked together in low earth orbit that will be abandoned soon. The image of the Stanley Kubrik 1968 feature movie 2001 A Space Odyssey with enormous spinning wheel like structures containing thousands of people with artificial gravity and complete life-support systems and airplane like vehicles flying between earth and the stars … is so far from any form of reality in the year 2010 that one can only stop and scratch their head to imagine what happened since 1968. In 1968 I was a young Physics university student imagining the HAL 9000 computer that you could talk to and converse with and play chess with. Certainly this would be in place if not much more by the year 2001 along with all of the space systems and travel capability.

An essential aspect or facet of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE is a deep understanding by the general population of the world that the governments and government programs, including the military space programs, are not only incapable of providing the population with what they need as a species, but are actually working diligently to prevent you from accomplishing this goal. This seems like a contradiction. Why would these groups want to oppose the general populace from succeeding as a species?

Herein exists one of the deranged and bizarre aspects of leadership of the world which seems more bent on destroying than bringing about human success. One might imagine that population control is the

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ultimate goal, but this appears to be no more than an aside aspect to a much larger deceptive plan.

In reality, if I were an already space faring civilization, if I were to arrive at a planet like earth and see what is going on, I believe it would be important to put this new population to a severe test to see if they were truly ready to enter into the infinity of outer space. Would they take their petty wars and environmental disasters with them? Would they take their economic controlling system with them? Would their unruly social skills accompany them on this journey into the future? Do they already know how to live on the planet they've been given, using the resources wisely that they already have? Do they have a plan for long-term existence that is self-sustaining? Do they live within their means? Do they use their time and resources wisely? Do they need a police force to keep them in order?

You may be starting to understand the true nature of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE. It has many facets. Understanding all of them is necessary before you can obtain the rules which will take you to the stars. As already noted it is not only about technological advancements or innovative propulsion systems. These are all essential aspects to the entire concept. But as you can see, the current human population of earth as it now stands is woefully unfit to even begin the critical turn towards preservation of the species and the flight into the infinite beyond. Not only is it unfit and completely unprepared, but its governing agencies have stopgap measures in place to prevent even the smallest hint of success in that direction.

Part of understanding THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE is to avoid the trap of saying that this sounds like a conspiracy theory. The term “conspiracy theory” was designed in a think tank room to skillfully minimize any concept which did not agree with the standard political or policy agendas. Furthermore, there is a concerted continual flurry of contrived conspiracy nut cases that fill the airwaves and with ridiculous garbage that would make one believe that there truly are vast numbers of people who believe in many of these absolutely ridiculous concepts. But as with any good disinformation campaign, one must fill the airwaves with ridiculous and errant information to hide the real information from ever coming to the surface. The same techniques were developed in warfare to fill the air with false targets to keep the real targets from being noticed.

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THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE depends on the general public being intelligent enough to sort through the flak, and by way of commonsense arguments, understand the true nature of the human dilemma. Only through complete understanding of the processes that have led to the current human condition, along with the understanding of correct science that replaces the BAD SCIENCE AND ASTRONOMY, can the public hope to begin the long and arduous path towards preservation of the species. But the path will not be easy, because before even beginning on this path the roadblocks to success have to be removed. Watchful eyes are ever gleaning to make sure that the first hint of this success, or the efforts to obtain the success, will never see the light of day.

The next five chapters review the prior books of this

series to outline the correct theories regarding the electrical workings of the cosmos as well as the history of man and explanations of historically significant events such as The Great Flood. All texts have been written for the general public as well as scientists. With this understanding of the electrical nature of our planet and solar system combined with gravity, you will soon understand many basic concepts necessary to continue on your journey to THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE. You will be especially interested in the developments showing how man and human responses can be affected by electrical conditions in the environment of outer space. But first you must understand the science and electrical nature of the solar system … something that standard science denies with its old outdated archaic theories.

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The first book of this series is entitled PLANET-X, COMETS


Essentially, this book outlines the science that I developed throughout my early years as a young physicist as I wandered through the jungles of Latin America searching ancient ruins of lost cities and working on my mathematical models of Celestial Mechanics which I began to include electric and magnetic fields “just for the fun of it”.

I lived at times amongst the richest people in the world teaching physics and mathematics to their children while at other times I lived amongst the poorest people in the world, eating what they ate and living like they lived. This real world education taught me many truths about the universe that later became part of my thought process that brought me to the topic of the current book (the 6th in the series). The 1st book was actually compiled at a later date from work I performed as an independent scientist while I taught Physics and Mathematics in the late 1970’s at a place called Cornell University located in the lovely little upstate New York town of Ithaca.

Not only did my developing science measure and understand physical processes, but the workings of the cosmos directly affected man and his past, present and future. Traditional standard science only seems to measure and describe its surroundings by way of cold equation ridden formulas with drone scientists repeating their conclusions at endless scientific symposiums with unanimated precision.

To me science is part of our life and fully integrated. To me the universe sings to us through the movements of the stars and planets and we have to listen to its song before trying to understand its true meaning. The laws of the universe are integrated with man’s mental and physical characteristics and we are directly affected by nature’s universal laws … from the subatomic world to the vastness of the cosmos. I came to realize that our well constructed mathematical

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number systems and complex formulations of scientific notation could be as much a hindrance to understanding certain universal concepts as they were an aid.

I also realized that many complex laws are actually very simple, and I soon came to understand that if a physical description became too complicated, then it most probably was not correct (the downfall of many modern theories such as the Big Bang Expanding Universe with its undetectable Dark Matter etc., etc.)

The first book … the “Planet-X Comets and Earth Changes” book takes you on a journey to understand the implications of a basic discovery I made in my early career identifying the source of electrical power in our solar system. To the laymen this may seem remote, but it affects our weather and many times affects how we act. This scientific discovery shows that our sun emits a differential (different numbers) of positive and negative charges in what is traditionally known as the solar wind, the wind of charged particles ever streaming in all directions from the surface of the Sun. My discovery showed the source of a powerful electrical battery (or capacitor) permeating the entire solar system that contained more power than all the light emitted from our source of all energy the Sun.

Prior to my discovery, traditional science assumed by way of mathematical deduction that the solar system had to be electrically neutral. A simple mental “thought experiment” in standard astrophysics stated that if there ever was a charged entity in outer space, then it would be quickly neutralized by the plasma that we know permeates outer space. This in fact is true; HOWEVER, this never considered that there was a powerful charge separating engine in the center called the Sun. Thus my series of discoveries continued to show that the nuclear fusion of the sun was at its surface and NOT at the core as designated by traditional astrophysical theory. This concept was proven by a series of experiments performed in the 1990’s by top level Russian scientists who directly measured the solar core to be cooler than the solar atmosphere (a scientific result that has been conveniently ignored by western scientists).

I discovered that comets could not be the traditionally claimed “icy dirty snowballs” but were in fact an electrical discharge of this same battery or what I came to call “The Solar Capacitor”. Comets were not melting away, but were drawing in vast amounts of matter from the surrounding solar medium to form what we visibly detect as the comet

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“tail”. But this was not the whole story, since the comets were much larger “electrically” and this portion of the comet could only be detected with specialized space based equipment. I predicted that comets would exhibit x-rays to the sunward side far from the comet nucleus due to a part of the electrical discharge by the comet nucleus (a hot dry rock … not an icy dirty snowball).

In subsequent comet fly-bys from internationally supported comet probes, all of these unusual predictions were verified much to the great surprise of traditional astronomers. Then in 1996 scientists accidently imaged a comet with an x-ray telescope confirming my other prediction, once again to the complete surprise of the entire astronomical community. One would imagine that science would adjust and adopt the new concepts with open arms and make the changes necessary to accommodate the new concepts as well as the data. But this is not what happened. Within a short amount of time strange new concepts were developed to “account for this new result” but for which no one outside the standard clubhouse of astronomers could interject a critical comment or review.

By this time NASA and its scientists had become under new “rules” and one could see the huge egos of these scientists at stake. Their hallowed journals and everything they had told the public was completely wrong. But more than this there were some major issues with the groups that now controlled and owned science in the world. If the public became aware that comets were not “dirty snowballs” then what were they? An entire set to questions would follow and I will list them for you.

If comets were any object that came into the solar system and discharged a solar capacitor and was gaining size (and not melting away), then would not some of these become very large and eventually wander near existing planets and cause severe damage by way of gravitational interactions and electrical discharges? And would this not then verify the claims of the ancients of such activity noted in legends and “myths” from around the world?

Would this imply that the immense smear campaign launched and maintained by NASA against Immanuel Velikovsky be called into question by discoveries of the very spacecraft manned by NASA and also would not the uncountable journal articles published by NASA and related scientists become so much fuel for the furnaces of their ivory towers? But these were just the initial questions.

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If the populous discovered that my work was correct, then my other work reviving the work of a man called Tesla would allow us to tap into the solar electrical power supply and feed our insatiable need for energy from a completely free source. Would we quickly eliminate the need for oil? Would we then eliminate the need for war in the Mideast to maintain our oil supplies and would this then negate the many military contracts of the greedy suppliers of our military industrial complex?

Would people wake up to the fact that comets had ravaged our planet in historical times sending the earth into an ice age after affecting “The Great Flood” which was a tremendous influx of water and pollutants from the earth passing for 40 days and 40 nights through the tail of a vast comet? And moreover, could this happen again? And if this could happen again when might this occur?

Was our seemingly placid earth a potential target to be damaged again by the near passage of one of these “sky monsters”. Did these massive destructive comets come in groups? And then lastly comes the clincher … the question that would take the world’s attention away from the current leaders of the world and soundly turn their attention to the tasks at hand. Would the world finally wake up to the fact that nearly everything they were doing was wasted effort, and had nothing to do with their true purpose on this planet? Would making the next mortgage payment become a meaningless gesture that had no significance in the newly discovered reality?

Possibly now you see why there is an overbearing need to maintain and promote on all fronts to the public THE BAD SCIENCE AND ASTRONOMY. So when the President and Congress increase funding in the sciences, it only assures the ongoing control of information that is fed to the general public from the tier 2 level of science. Mind you that during all of this time the tier 1 scientists are fully aware of this dichotomy of information and are intent on maintaining only the correct information for their nameless controllers who manage the banking systems of the world and thusly manage and control the governments of the world.

Science today is a very complicated arena and for most people they have absolutely no clue about these complexities. After you begin to understand these basic facts, you will start to see this in almost every aspect of daily life. As I said before, the bad science and astronomical theories came about long ago when the best information of the day was

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used to determine what they perceived to be the correct workings of the cosmos. But this was BEFORE any space probes were sent out to make close range observations.

When the data came back repeatedly contradicting the traditional theories, first NASA and the principle investigators balked, then “modified” their explanations but the basic theories were maintained. For example, a few small comet nuclei have been observed at close range and NONE to date have shown any sign of water or ice or streaming of water vapor to form a tail. According to traditional theory, the nucleus should look like a steaming locomotive gushing out in all directions … but just the opposite is true. NASA even collided a refrigerator sized probe into one comet (Deep Impact at comet Temple I in July of 2005) and all that emerged was dust … but no water. So the NASA response is “oh well, the water must be deeper inside the nucleus”. The real point is that NASA is WRONG WRONG WRONG about comets. This then begins a chain reaction and literally none of the concepts that they have maintained are correct.

I have termed these “The Axioms of Astronomy”, because now astronomy and space science are treated more as a religion than science. One cannot question the basic axioms.

But now to return to the discussion of my work dealing with the electrical conditions in the solar system; to accommodate this battery or “solar capacitor” that surrounds our planetary system, there had to be a good deal of electrical energy transfer and this had to be enhanced when electrical alignments of the planets, moons and also when objects like comets came about.

In the new book THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE, one has to understand both the problems with modern traditional science and the condition of modern science that is deadlocked in its funding and politically correct modes and cannot change for many reasons. One has to understand that this mess contributes to what I call “the human dilemma” because it not only diverts our nationally supported outer space resources to a totally useless end, but it also prevents the human species from progressing on its true primary mission of preserving the DNA we hold that cannot be placed in a survival vile or placed in a time capsule tube for posterity.

We must as a species DECIDE and then PURSUE the preservation of the species or correct science predicts the end result … we will be

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wiped from the face of this planet or at best driven back to the cave ages to try again to rise up and overcome all obstacles as we have done in the past millennia … to arrive at our current state of existence.

We are an integral part of planet earth and our food, air mixture and millions of other interacting environmental factors affect us in ways science cannot measure. Going to another planet is really not an option because we have evolved with this planet and everything related to it. If we move to space we will have to take as many of these factors with us as possible. That is why the process will not be rapid or easy. This is just one more facet of THE DIAMOND PRINCPILE … the complexity of man and his environment.

There are many other aspects to the “Planet-X Comets and Earth Changes” 1st book of this series that deal with such topics as the true history of man, the formative events in the history of religions, explanations of ancient “myths” based on my scientific concepts such as The Great Flood, the rain of fire (burning naphtha coming from outer space) and brimstone (the meteorites falling from the sky) as the ancient giant comets reigned terror and destruction on our defenseless planet earth. It further shows the historical developments of my scientific discoveries regarding the electrical nature of outer space with the center piece being my Plasma Discharge Comet Model.

Modern science has developed many theories to accommodate the alleged slow relentless evolution of planet earth which includes plate tectonics for mountain building, the origin of oil from “fossil” decay, hurricanes and tornados, and many more. As it turns out, not a single one of these concepts is true. Yet they are illustrated in text books from kindergarten to graduate level Ph. D.

Geologists have never identified the source of the Herculean forces that allegedly move entire continents around the globe. They claim that subduction or a running of one plate under another is the cause. In an artist's conception drawing this all looks fine, however the physics reality is that vertical forces in the plate boundary do not translate into horizontal forces in the middle of the continents thousands of miles away that would in turn push-up massive amounts of earth to allegedly for mountains.

Imagine putting thousands of massive bulldozers at a tectonic plate boundary and imagine these bulldozers pushing with all their power on the side of the plate. The earth crust and mantle are almost as a fluid medium. If one were to take a giant chainsaw and cut out a square

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piece of the earth's surface, and then attempt to lift it with a giant crane, it would crumble into millions of small insignificant pieces. So the bulldozers would only disfigure the soil and certainly would not translate into building mountains thousands of miles away. People are fooled by the term “plate” which gives us the image of a kitchen dish with properties of rigid constitution. But on a large-scale relative to the earth, the earth does not exhibit plate like properties.

So the idea of tremendous forces being generated at plate boundaries which move entire continents around the globe is simply not true. Once again, a concept that could not possibly be true is taught to us as common knowledge, repeated in text books, and used as the basis for other false concepts related to earth and the earth’s history. It replaces any thought that the earth had recent (within the past 10,000 years) violent interactions with another passing celestial object (a massive comet described by the ancients), and forms a consistency with other astronomical theories that attempt to deny our true history also.

But you might say that we see the “plates” moving such as the annual slow movements along the well known San Andreas Fault and many other plate boundaries around the world. There is the famous ring of fire with constant volcanic activity and violent earth quakes. The real story is that if earth has had no outside major worldwide interventions in the past 4.5 billion years since its creation as stated by standard science, then earth would be a docile place with a smooth billiard ball like surface, and with the plate boundaries separating as they cooled from the initial formation.

The reality is that everything we see is the result of RECENT geological upheaval. Earth’s movements are just the result of relaxing and overcoming a violent past from the near miss of a massive comet in the not too distant past. Furthermore most volcanoes would have long since been rendered inactive. Instead we see thousands of active volcanoes on earth.

An interesting phenomenon is that at the same time as the last mass extinction of the mastodons, saber tooth tiger and related species, ALL of earth’s volcanoes were going off at once. Additionally there are areas such as the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles California where hundreds of these near to be extinct animals have been found (and even the remains of humans). The standard story is that these animals were so stupid they all just walking into the tar pit (and kept walking

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into it) until they drown. Now imagine that !!! but that is the standard story told to the public.

Once again an improbable story that has to be promoted to bolster standard science with the idea that nothing (especially tar) could come from outer space. Here again the real story comes from understanding that oil and hydrocarbons in general come from the earth passing through the tails of the great comets of old … the kind we have not seen in the solar system in modern times.

Interestingly enough, the demise of these animals was also at the onset of the last great ice age and earth glaciations. This too is explained by the fact that as earth passed through the vast comet tail (taking we are told about 40 days and 40 nights) the earth was not only inundated with water (The Great Flood), hydrocarbons (the burning naphtha) and streaming meteorites (the brimstone), but it lost its solar input and daily allotment of warming sunlight needed to maintain the surface temperature of the earth constant.

The ancients describe this in great detail, yet modern man has forgotten the details and modern “science” has taken a defensive roll denying that any of this was possible. The greatest formative event in the history of modern man is denied by modern science and no one is allowed to propose any concept that does not agree with their one world view of a tranquil uneventful past. They find reasons for why the earth did all of this by itself, but the discerning eye easily finds holes in these archaic “mother goose nursery rhyme theories”.

Oil and coal are said to be “fossil fuels” since the standard concept is that they formed from rotting fern forests and dinosaur bones. NO ONE has ever demonstrated how rotting fern forests produce oil including all of the noxious chemicals found in crude oil and natural gas. Remember the oil deposits being found up to 18,000 feet under the surface of the earth under great pressure? Do you remember the question regarding how oil got there and how did 18,000 feet of earth come to rest on top of it?

Also, as pointed out by Immanuel Velikovsky in his books Worlds in Collision, Earth in Upheaval and Ages in Chaos, coal deposits are heaped piles of LIVE fern plants … not a residue of rotten fern plants. Many times oil is thick in coal deposits and provides additional heat as it burns in factories and electrical generating plants. This coal is replete with dangerous volatile chemicals, also coming from the passage of earth through the tails of large ancient comets. Modern

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astronomers state that comets are “dirty snowballs” and that they are very small. They deny that the ancients were telling the truth … they insist that their stories are but the stuff of myths and fables. But I have found something in my travels and lecturing … the vast majority of people has an instinctive fear of comets and fully believes the idea that earth was ravaged by huge comets AND some were witnessed by previous generations. This reaction is similar to a fawn deer raising its ears at the smell of man in the forest, it is instinctive and no amount of “standard knowledge” will dispel these inherent beliefs.

The reality is that oil is created in the tails of comets. It is part of the chemistry that occurs when amounts of atoms combine in the electric fields of the McCanney Plasma Discharge Comet Model. Also forming are all the other chemicals found in oil. Water is the most common chemical formed in the tail of comets, but other more complex chemicals have been observed. Spectral analysis of the chemicals in comet tails only shows the simple components of the molecules and is not capable (at the time of this writing at any rate) of determining the full scope of the larger parent molecules that are created in the comet tails. As earth passes through the comet tail it takes on these chemicals as well as the dust and other space laden materials that are attracted to a large comet by powerful electrical forces, a sort of cosmic vacuum cleaner.

Coal on the other hand comes from the fern forests that were growing at the time of one of the ancient passages of a comet in the earlier history of earth as a planet. The tidal waves of water from the oceans rising up due to the passing gravitational wave of the passing comet, causing the wave to drive the plant life into massive piles that later become buried under sediment to become what we call a “coal bed”. Since the oil from the comet is raining into the earth’s atmosphere at the same time, it soaks the coal bed and this mixture is what we see today. Pull any piece of coal from a coal bed and you will see layers and layers of leaves as they were piled up on short notice by this method.

An excellent modern example of this occurred when the great tsunami that originated in Sumatra on December 26, 2004 moved across the Indian Ocean and inundated the eastern shores of Madagascar. Huge forests were uprooted and deposited in massive piles far inland. These piles one day will create a form of “dry coal” with no oil residue coming from above.

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The ancient stories from around the globe all repeat that a part of the catastrophe caused by the passage of the great comet was a tidal wave of the earth’s oceans. But modern archaeologists are forced to abide by the “ruling” that these could only be fables and once again, the most formative event that shaped the lives and religions of the people they are studying is ignored in order to comply with the dominant astronomy community who “rules the roost” in the ivory towers of academia.

These same events as caused by a massive passing comet with an extensive chemical tail explain how an ocean of oil came to be deposited under 18,000 feet of earth and rock and also why earth has massive mountain ranges with many of these ranges built on top of other older mountain ranges. Earth has had a tortured violent past. It also has a rich history of evolving species and sudden demise of these species by mass extinctions many times on a world wide scale. Some mass extinctions were mild while others were almost 100% complete with only the most menial of microbes surviving. Standard science tries to deny these events by claiming that small asteroids hit earth and caused all of this damage. They need the plate tectonics theory to complete the illusion that somehow earth jumped up and did all of this damage by itself. This all looks great in an animated TV special or in an artist’s conception in a text book, but on serious scrutiny NONE of these concepts hold up.

All of these impossible theories of standard science are needed in attempts to provide a composite system of thought for mass consumption, with the average person on the street unable to see the real story. If anyone doubts or points out the flaws in any one of the outdated archaic theories, they are immediately singled out and ridiculed by the “experts” in the respective fields and life goes on as before. This is another complex facet of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE … the nature by which scientists specialize and thereby do not cross interdisciplinary boundaries, thus preventing any criticism of one from the other side of the fence.

The maintenance of this composite set of incorrect traditional theories, that by their sum total, prevents the public from understanding their true past, and therefore prevents them from pursuing their true future and birthright to the stars. Since one can only realize the need to pursue massive scale movement of the human species into outer space if you understand that we evolved into our

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current environment and our only hope of survival on a long term basis is to duplicate this environment in space cities in outer space that are completely autonomous from earth.

Early in my research on the electrical nature of the solar system it became obvious that earth weather was associated with this electrical engine powered by the Sun. This will be discussed in more detail in the review chapter of the 4th book in the series Principia Meteorologia – The Physics of Sun Earth Weather. But this was another topic of the first book in the series currently under discussion. Essentially the existing standard models of meteorology do not include this aspect of the electrical nature of the solar system and earth’s electrical environment. Once again the truth is too close to certain realities.

For example, the standard concepts regarding hurricanes and tornados are that they are caused by localized weather conditions … storm clouds for tornados and warm ocean water for hurricanes. In both cases however a simple energy calculation would show that neither of these sources of traditionally considered energy could possibly account for the tremendous amount of energy found in these weather systems. The true story is that these storm systems are powered by electrical conditions from outside our planet that filter down from the ionosphere. This is explained in detail in the other books of this series.

But there is a huge political problem. The true source of power is the same source of power used by Tesla to operate his tesla tower and extract unlimited amounts of free energy from the vertical electric field of the atmosphere. This is a sensitive issue, because if the general public were advised that this was the true power of these storms, as described in my previous books, then the logical conclusion would be the question … why do we not construct the devices which would allow us to harvest this free electrical energy and eliminate our reliance on oil (and especially foreign oil)?

You are possibly beginning to understand once again the paramount need for BAD SCIENCE AND ASTRONOMY. Once the initial investment of Tesla towers and collectors was made, we would enjoy free electrical energy riding on the relentless electrical powers of the sun that are passing by us every day in outer space, with the added benefit of possibly reducing severe storm activity at the same time. Once again BAD SCIENCE AND ASTRONOMY are essential elements in the control and subjugation of the human species as we are

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told we need to fight endless holy wars in the Mideast to protect our national security and oil rights. Once again it is the same small group of people who benefit from the maintenance of this façade, and by the way, the same group of people who fund and support the fleets of tier 2 scientists all of whom come under government funding control.

THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE will require that if we are to succeed as a species, that these small controlling groups be eliminated from society and never be allowed to return again in any shape or form. We cannot take our petty wars and misuse of resources into outer space with our efforts. Later chapters will build on this thought, but as you see the confluence of topics and items in the “to do” list is growing and becoming increasingly more complex. But at the core is the basic same principle … before we can begin to embark on the preservation of the species and move to infinity amongst the stars, we have a good deal of housekeeping tasks to accomplish first or we will never reach the first step of the process. These are not easy tasks as the obstacles are firmly in place and an integral part of our culture and society. Many people have their life long careers at stake and NONE of them would want to risk this to upset the apple cart.

That is also why I am in a unique position as a well trained scientist to address these issues, because I have never signed into the process of government funding or control. If I would have played “the game” I would probably already be retired from my teaching position at Cornell University which was cut short because I remained with my beliefs rather than cave to the pressures of the then dominate hierarchy of ivory tower stuffed shirts.

The text on the following pages is from the rear cover of the Planet-X Comets and Earth Changes book. The reader is encouraged to finish the current book but later pursue all of the books in this series for a more complete understanding of the complex world we live in. And what most of you will find is that the world is a very different place than what you previously thought.

Today we are finding the remnants of ancient societies the world over, with

some thousands of feet under the ocean’s surface. Huge cities existed in South

America long before the so-called Ice Age or the alleged crossing of the Bering

Strait by early hunting tribes. Recently, a mastodon was dug from the barren

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tundra of Siberia. It died and froze so quickly, that it was still standing on all

fours with undigested tropical plants in its throat. Under two miles of Antarctic

Ice Cap lies the unfrozen Lake Vostok. What we are learning is that … the

history that is being taught as “standard knowledge” is totally wrong. There is a

tremendous effort in some sectors of modern society to keep the truth of our real

past from being told.

Whether this is your first introduction or you are a veteran to this field, this book

contains one of the most complex and far-reaching topics that you will ever

encounter. Thousands of extremely talented scholars have spent their entire

careers researching in and around the subjects that are affected by the topics

covered in this book. It affects every aspect of every discipline from astronomy

and planetary geology to paleontology and biological evolution, from the history

of man and politics to the origins of religion.

The “key” that this book offers is a time tested scientific framework that gives a

firm direction to understand our past, present and future. It is backed by a

person who “has been there”, and can stand up to the onslaughts of a room full

of angry resentful astronomers and pompous NASA space scientists. It is not a

“fluffy” book that simply repeats over and over with different catch phrases that

a given theory explains everything you ever wanted to know, but with no

substance. This book gets into the details of how the solar system works, and

why you will see and experience certain phenomenon … the “Earth Changes”.

These are explained so the average person will understand the theory and


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The overdue replacement of NASA’s “Dirty Snowball Comet Model” with

Professor McCanney’s Plasma Discharge Comet Model, marks the downfall of

traditional astronomical theory and the introduction of the true understanding of

the history and development of the world.

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The 2nd book of this series (a 60 page pamphlet) SURVIVING

PLANET-X PASSAGE speaks directly of the Earth-Changes events that we know from the historical record occurred in the past and could occur again (depending on many factors) if a large new comet would come into the solar system. Of importance to the current book is the portion on re-calendaring the Earth, that is, rebuilding the calendar after a pole shift or other changes in our orbital elements. The reason this is important here is because after the destruction of the ancient world, the mathematical systems and knowledge of the stars and calendar were passed on and became essential for the survival of those that remained once the aftermath of the cataclysm had cleared. Since the calendar had changed then so did the growing seasons.

An essentially important point was made: there are two distinct types of pole shift … 1) the first is a shift of the mantle over the core that physically changes the celestial north and south pole of Earth and an internal core pole shift that directly affects the inner rotation of the planet’s core and 2) the shift of the north and south magnetic poles and subsequent migration as it attempts to regain a true northerly position on the planet. These two distinct types of pole shift are related, but very different. The biggest point is to dispel the rumor that somehow the Earth does this by itself. The second point is to dispel the rumors that magnetic pole migration causes the earth itself to “flip”. The process similarly does not happen when an asteroid or comet collides with the Earth, but only when a large comet nucleus (planet sized) passes by or near Earth, which would likely also alter our orbit around the Sun, the length of our day and many other orbital factors including our weather. You will see why these events are the most likely candidates for the push needed to drive earth into the ice ages and to account for the many other accompanying activities such as mountain building and changes to the landmasses.

Part of this short book is dedicated to answering FAQs (frequently asked questions). These are included primarily to show that there are dedicated groups of people in the world today whose sole purpose is to destroy and change the true historical record through preconceived

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misinformation campaigns carried through the major news media and especially on the Internet. Part of our ability to move forward in our society and in cases of stress … to survival … is in the understanding of the past. Without that understanding, your chances of survival in a worldwide cataclysmic event would be extremely small to nonexistent.

The middle chapters of this pamphlet are dedicated to that time when the Earth struggled for survival and the races of man ascended from the ashes and tried to rebuild a new existence. Every race that survived did so because it was able to quickly rebuild the planting, growing and harvest seasons. After the ancient cataclysm the growing seasons were quite different from the old ones due to a shift of the celestial poles as a massive gravitational wave of a large passing comet wrenched the earth’s mantle from its rotating core. There were many that survived the initial devastation but were unable to cope with the long term rebuilding. Weather that was far more severe than anything we can imagine today was a dominant factor in daily and long term survival.

We find that these ancient cultures put a significant value on the priests and ”wise” men who were able to understand the motions of the planets and stars and direct their civilizations accordingly. This of course is also the origin of the universal worldwide concept and science so to speak of astrology (something modern astronomers talk about with disdain even though their very own science of astronomy, the measurement of celestial positions, historically was a derivative of the earlier science of astrology).

If one takes for example, the Mayan civilization of Central America, in many cases they rebuilt their cities upon the bases of much older cities that were destroyed in the cataclysm. This insight is a direct result of my surveying on-site at many of these ancient cities and in fact identifying the location of the old North Pole, that is, the location of the North Pole prior to the pole shift that occurred as the tremendous gravitational wave from a large passing comet threw the surface mantle of the Earth ajar from the co-rotating inner core. This pamphlet presents the physics of how this took place and discusses the physics (and misconceptions) of pole shifts. In many of the ancient cities, this interesting universal result shows that many of the cities were not built on what we would call true north-south east-west meridians. Instead the cities were built on the pre-catastrophe grids for which I have done extensive surveying. They in general point to the

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direction of the old rotational North Pole located north of the current state of Michigan in Ontario Canada.

We also find in many of these locations that primitive rings of rocks, such as the ancient celestial ring of Zimbabwe, were dedicated to tracking the celestial sphere, and primarily the planet Venus. What is most interesting about all of these ring rock patterns is that they are set out in a full 360° pattern, indicating that Venus was very much not in the orbit in which we see it today.

Other early celestial sites in Peru, Central America and other places around the earth follow the same pattern … all were set up to track the ever changing movements of that huge comet whose planet sized nucleus eventually became the planet Venus, devastating Earth on two separate occasions and removing the atmosphere and oceans of Mars during a close passage as recounted in legends from around the world.

There have been discovered in the Chaco Canyon area of Arizona, no less than 150 such rock ring circles, all dedicated to providing the local residents with information relative to harvesting, planting and possibly religious ceremonies. Similar rock circles have been discovered all over the world, and currently I am personally studying some in the upper Midwest and other areas of the world.

Some people who have read this information in the SURVIVING PLANET X PASSAGE pamphlet have called it the most significant information relative to survival that they have ever seen. They have suggested that anyone who is serious about survival would necessarily need this information and without it they would be completely unable to provide the most basic necessity, that is food for the survivors, in the aftermath of such an event, even without the rapid pole shift.

As mentioned, mixed in with these celestial calendars to determine the planting and harvesting times of year is the fact that all of these sites in ancient times were tracking the movements of the planet (comet) Venus. As we know from the Mayans, they did this because they believed that every 54 years Venus (which they called Quetzalcoatl … “the plumed serpent god of the night sky whose heart (the comet nucleus) eventually became the planet Venus” according to the Popul Vuh … their religious “bible”) would return to destroy their existence and they would have to rebuild their temple cities again.

As we now know, modern archaeology, geology, anthropology, astronomy, and meteorology (as you will find out in this book) are all

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completely inundated with incorrect theories and concepts regarding the true nature of man in our solar system and the history of the planets. In most cases, the scholarly fields simply ignore or downplay and write off as mythological trivia the information that passes down to us the most important and glaring message that comes to us from these ancient civilizations, that is, that their immediate ancestors’ civilizations were destroyed by a gigantic extra solar system event caused by a massive large comet (actually group of comets) raging through the solar system with one of them passing very near Earth on multiple occasions. Ancient severe weather was one of the main descriptions we see repeatedly in the ancient texts.

Much of the archaeology that we are uncovering today is from post cataclysm civilizations, and one of the great mysteries is the source of their myths, writing and mathematical systems and the links between them and to the pre-cataclysm civilizations. Many of the words used to name places (such as the word Mu in the eastern cultures and root word ATL in the meso-american cultures) are clearly remnants of the past civilizations that went down during past events of celestial origin (and had nothing to do with anything colliding with Earth). These events were all caused by what I have termed “action at a distance” as the severe events were caused by close encounters with large comets and their massive nuclei as detailed in the first two books of this series.

The main point I wish to make here is that we do not know and are unable to sort out at this point how many catastrophes there were in relatively recent history, and which ones caused which civilizations to go under. There is evidence that there was severe devastation of early civilizations during the Venus event which some place as little as 3650 years ago, while there is other evidence suggesting that older civilizations went down much earlier. We may never be able to sort out completely, which events were responsible for the downfall of which civilizations. The real question is whether we will learn from these events to save our species or let it be destroyed by similar events while being kept in ignorance by the “seats of wisdom”, who refuse to understand and admit what our true history is trying to tell us.

The entire issue of survival comes down to one simple word, and that is “knowledge”. The entire issue of surviving the passage of a large newly forming planet (by way of a massive comet as described in legends that come down to us from all corners of this planet by the survivors who witnessed the devastation firsthand) is one of

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knowledge of the processes involved as the solar system adjusts to adopt this new member. It is for us to either accept this or in the case of many traditional astronomers, to deny it. As already mentioned, if man is reduced back to the cave age then survival means using what is at hand such as a pile of rocks to make a calendar for planting and harvesting. That would be just one issue that could make the difference between survival and extinction.

I often look around when I'm in public and as I look at other people to imagine who are the survivors and which are those who would certainly be extinct after the first few hours or at most the first few days if there were such a catastrophic event. Many of the richest and loftiest of our citizens today would not last 10 minutes in a true catastrophe. Part of the knowledge mentioned above includes the knowledge of how to stay calm and react intelligently under such stressful conditions. As with people who have lived through a major earthquake, they will tell you that no matter how much preparation you may make, you could never be prepared completely for that moment when the Earth begins to tremble under your feet. Imagine an earthquake of 20 on the Richter scale where mountains are forming and oceans are washing across the land. Are you prepared for such an event?

I am always amazed that people want to know a date for when such an event may happen. I ask them what they would do at that point, make a quick run to the grocery store and buy an extra can of tuna? Would they begin to exercise on that particular day? And would they start to read a book like the survival book, or order survival gear by mail order? If one is not prepared many years in advance both mentally, physically, spiritually and with the current knowledge, any hope of survival would be minimized quickly.

The second book of the series, the “Surviving Planet X Passage” pamphlet is an essential key to putting the mysteries of the past in line with modern scientific theory. Once these subtle points have been identified, it becomes obvious what the ancients were doing and why. It also clarifies their obsession with astronomy and celestial following of Venus and the identification of the correct growing seasons … as their very survival depended on it.

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CONNECTION (THE SCIENCE OF ATLANTIS AND TESLA ARE REDISCOVERED, GIVING A UNIQUE UNTOLD VIEW OF LIFE ON THE LOST CONTINENT, ANCIENT SPACE CRAFT DESIGN, UNLIMITED ELECTRICAL POWER AND THE SECRET SOCIETIES), the third book in the series, is unique in that it covers such a wide range of topics. From ancient archaeology to the most advanced electromagnetic propulsion systems, from the destruction of the Earth by ancient catastrophic events to the emergence of secret societies who currently are in control of almost every aspect of modern society. The KOLBRIN, which I consider to be the true Old Testament, gives us a shocking revelation that has been edited out of more modern versions of that great book. It provides the critical lost link between the ancient past and present that so many groups are trying to suppress and keep from the masses whom are trying to wake up to some basic reality of man’s true history.

Few people that have read the ATLANTIS TO TESLA – THE KOLBRIN CONNECTION book have walked away unaffected. After its initial release it generated a huge amount of interest in these areas of study and generated a plethora of Nuevo experts in related fields. But most of all it was greeted with shock from the groups that thought they had been successful at keeping a lid on the information that it exposed. And last but not least it released information of the overall connection from the advanced ancient civilizations to the man we call Tesla … with the most interesting revelations providing the guiding light on the fact that, through my research on the electrical nature of the solar system, the physics of Tesla’s inventions have finally been uncovered including the source of energy that he tapped into to produce his amazing energy devices (which included his full scale Tesla Tower which he used to extract unlimited electrical energy from the ionosphere via the vertical electric field of Earth).

It is interesting to note that even Tesla never truly knew or understood the energy sources that he was dealing with. He knew

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about and could measure the vertical electric field of earth but had no clue how it formed, that there was a solar wind coming from the Sun that ultimately powered this field and that this was indirectly the source of the power he was able to tap into via his tower.

An interesting form of scientific misinformation permeates the internet and even modern Hollywood movies that states that Tesla was using his tower to distribute power to the people without wires. Although the tower could be used in this way, this was very much NOT what Tesla was doing with his original towers. He was collecting energy and attempting to distribute it on a grid of wires similar to the system he had sold to Westinghouse. The misinformation story does not hold water as it begs the question, if Tesla’s intention was to distribute power with his tower, where did he get the power from? He had recently sold all his original power generating equipment to Westinghouse and had no source of power except for his tower which he used to gather power from the vertical electric field or earth.

Out of these amazingly varying topics emerges as a central theme the electrical concept of electrically powered weather. One has only to look at the electrical lightning patterns over a volcano at night in the South China Sea to realize that the ancients looked at this vast source of energy and learned how to tap into it. There is clear evidence also that they may also have learned how to build simple electromagnetic propulsion systems and ride the “electromagnetic rivers” that flow out of our planets and into the solar system and beyond to explore the planets and possibly neighboring stars (the Atlantis to Tesla book gives a full engineering description of one of these propulsion systems). For these electromagnetic paths I coined the term “Electro-magnetic Highways (or Rivers) to the Stars”. The use by the ancients of vast arrays of sea water batteries was another revelation that showed that these groups that have been lost under the invisible veil of time had far more going on than we ever have given credit.

There is also emerging clear evidence that our neighboring planet Mars may have been inhabited or at least visited by some ancient advanced cultures prior to having its atmosphere and oceans ripped off by a large passing comet as recounted to us by the ancients. On top of all of this exists a clear pattern of deception and a highly effective misinformation campaign to keep correct historical information from

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the public by the secret societies and the psychologically disturbed scientists who work for them.

One question that time will only answer is … has NASA discovered remnants of advanced civilizations on Mars and has it been investigating them while leading the public on a wild goose chase with their mini Mars Rovers that landed in the middle of remote desert regions of the central waste lands (certainly not the place you would send a space craft if you were going to explore for traces of water). If this is the case then it is my personal opinion that there have been numerous secret missions to Mars to investigate these “ruins” for the controlling “secret societies” which, remember, have the Intelligence agencies of the world working for them. Once again “weather”, in this case the weather of another planet, becomes instrumental in understanding our past and the electrical nature of the solar system is at the center of these issues.

Writing the ATLANTIS TO TESLA book was a fascinating experience as it covered the many topics that bonded the ancient past to our modern culture and the future. It also gave the public a detailed look into the intricate past of much of my research. This book was prompted by friends who encouraged me to write the book after listening to me talk about these topics on a regular basis.

Regarding the location of the central ringed city of Atlantis, there are ongoing disinformation campaigns to try and locate it for example in the Mediterranean Sea (and just about every other place on this planet). This of course is intended to draw attention away from the true location in the South China Sea (I am talking about the mother continent of Atlantis and not one of its worldwide colonies). The keys to understanding where the true location of Atlantis used to be prior to the catastrophe that took it under the ocean are many. These are described in the ATLANTIS TO TESLA book. One, for example, is that to the ancients the Pillars of Hercules were two tall columns of smoke rising from twin volcanoes, one being Krakatoa which lies off the South China Sea in the Sunda Straight between the islands of Java and Sumatra … this was the famed entry point of the main continent of Atlantis. Another fact is that to the ancients the Atlantic Ocean covered the entire volume of water that we have many names for today (e.g. the names Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, etc. only coming in modern times after they were rediscovered). To the ancients the entire world ocean was called the Ocean of the Atlantians … or the Atlantic

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Ocean. The ancients never considered the Mediterranean part of this Atlantic Ocean.

The ATLANTIS TO TESLA book describes how the South China Sea location was identified by a South American Physicist in the mid 1990’s and was subsequently explored by the US Navy since that time (out of a secret submarine base located in Northern Australia).

It was very clear that Atlantis had many colonies around the world, but the main continent of Atlantis lay in the South China Sea. This has significant implications for the use of naturally occurring electricity that the Atlantians were well known to have been able to derive from the vertical electric field. This is due to the fact that the South China Sea both then and now was and is well connected to the ionosphere and beyond in what is currently called in the scientific world an “anomaly”. Whenever spacecraft fly over this area in low Earth orbit they experience electrical difficulties much the same as they do when they fly over the region known as the Bermuda triangle.

As noted in the Atlantis to Tesla book, living in this area without learning to use the naturally occurring electricity would be like living next to the ocean and not learning how to swim or sail. The Mediterranean Sea has no such significant connection to the ionosphere in fact in this respect it is relatively tranquil. The list of reasons for why Atlantis lies in the South China Sea is extensive and as noted is described at length in the Atlantis to Tesla book. It is also described in detail in the literature associated with the person who discovered this fact, a physicist from South America. There have been many claims regarding the location of Atlantis throughout history with none of them bearing fruit because of the many factors that would have to be true for a place to in fact be the main continent of Atlantis (and not one of its colonies).

One must also understand that weather was a significant factor for the continent of Atlantis is it lay in the South China Sea. The equator lay in a different region of the Earth at that time and to understand this, you need to take the globe, which is a model of the Earth, and remove it from its stand. Place one finger just north of the State of Michigan in Ontario Canada. This is the location of the old North Pole prior to the pole shift that occurred as a large planet sized comet came by Earth many thousands of years ago as explained by the ancients. Then place the finger from your other hand on the exact opposite side of the globe and you should end up somewhere just east of an island in the South

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Indian Ocean called McDonald Island, this would be the location of the old South Pole. Now rotate the globe around these to axis points and you will be able to locate the old equator (this line that is midway between these two points that encircles that globe as you rotate it on the new polar axis).

Note that this places Siberia at about 25 degrees north latitude where it then supported a tropical climate with mastodons ranging the vast regions. As the pole shift occurred the mastodons were flash frozen over night with the fresh tropical plants still undigested in their throats as they died still standing on all four legs. These were discovered in the 1900s as the trans Siberian railway was built. The meat was so fresh (even after thousands of years in cold storage) that it was shipped to France where it was served as a delicacy in the finest restaurants and the railroad workers ate the meat also as they worked their way across the Tundra.

It was Immanuel Velikovsky who made the issue of the frozen mastodons commonly known in his famous books in 1950’s along with many other earth signs that indicated that Earth went through a significant catastrophe just a few thousand years ago. It was generally accepted up to relatively modern times that earth went through a significant disaster … this was only reversed by modern astronomers who wanted to counter the success of Velikovsky. It was the modern astronomer who insisted that no such event could have occurred as they promoted the incorrect idea that the solar system is static and without any change since the alleged “origin”. This of course I have shown to be incorrect as the solar system is ever changing and dynamic. It can and is adopting new members all of the time as we are now modern observers to this fact as comets of medium size like Hale Bopp are now captured into the solar system and someday will become permanent members … although possibly in odd orbits (not to say that the Planet Pluto does not have an “odd” orbit).

Note also on the globe that you are rotating around the old poles that the region of Antarctica that is closest to the tip of South America (the region we today call Patagonia) was also out of the arctic region and would have been without an ice cap … it was said to have been inhabited by mastodons and a vast civilization. Recall that the Piri Reis map that Columbus had in his possession as he searched for the trade route to the east was handed down from ancient Phoenician traders who had the map from the ancients and it showed a perfect

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outline of Antarctica that was only later confirmed to be accurate by modern satellite imagery that could see through the ice cap. This was the region of Antarctica that the mariners passed as they traveled to and from the mother continent of Atlantis that lay in what we now call The South China Sea.

Now rotate your globe with the old polar regions at your finger tips as noted above to the South China Sea and note that Atlantis lay just south of the old equator and to the East lay the vast expanse of what we now call the Pacific Ocean. But remember that the ancients called this the Atlantic Ocean along with all the other ocean waters of the world, that is, they only recognized one vast ocean covering the earth (the Atlantic Ocean). This area was called the Atlantic Ocean during the time of Atlantis, being lost from modern reckoning until Balboa and Magellan rediscovered and named it thousands of years after the great catastrophe that took Atlantis under the ocean.

The reason this vast ocean lying to the east of Atlantis is significant is because the large storms such as hurricanes would have built up and moved across this vast expanse prior to arriving at the eastern shores of the continent of Atlantis. Even today this area is so electrically active that volcanoes in the area at night can be seen from a great distance due to the electrical activity above the volcanic calderas as they connect electrically to the ionosphere above.

This is an area so rich in natural electrical energy flowing from the ionosphere down to the surface of the Earth that the ancients could hardly help but learn to tap into this and eventually develop the many ways of using this electricity. So one sees that there is a tremendous integration of ideas, concepts in physical science that go together in understanding the ancients, their weather and therefore their cultures.

As described in the ATLANTIS TO TESLA – THE KOLBRIN CONNECTION book, the ancients’ vision and use of technology was far different than what western man has developed today. The greatest thing I learned personally from this study was that one does not need complicated equipment, computers or vast chemical rockets to go into outer space (in fact these all introduce complications and limitations that are not necessary to go into space as we have witnessed these limitations with our own space program).

The KOLBRIN (see for the official KOLBRIN web site), and other ancient texts describe the horrendous weather inflicted on Earth as a number of very large powerful comets

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found their way through the solar system. It talks specifically of the ancient advanced civilizations and their demise at the hands of the “sky monsters”. It was clear also that the tragedy was NOT ONE OF AN ICY COMET CRASHING INTO EARTH, but of fiery hot comets (multiple comets of a vast powerful nature) that polluted Earth with foul smells and choking fumes as the seas rose up and lands were destroyed FROM A DISTANCE by a powerful gravitational wave from an electrically active comet (the descriptions of the huge lightning events are also clearly described). This was the cause of the great flood also with the deluge pouring in from outer space from the vast comet tail. Here too we have seen with modern satellite data moisture arriving into our atmosphere to fuel large storm systems … confirming in miniature what the ancients saw with the disastrous flood of the entire earth, which was both 40 days and nights of torrential rains as well as a huge tidal bulge of the earth’s oceans.

The ancient Maya were very clear that Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent of the night sky, carried the ocean on his back causing huge tidal waves to race across the lands taking everything in its path. Few survived all the myriad of devastating effects.

These books will also describe how there is a good possibility that the ancient atmosphere was quite different from our own, being altered drastically by a close encounter with this massive comet. There are historical legends and writings as well as scientific corroboration to support this possibility.

Mars lost its atmosphere and oceans to one of these powerful comets as the ancients looked on with horror. Today's scientists are sending space probes to Mars scratching their heads trying to figure out how Mars could look like a water planet yet have no water or atmosphere. The ancients clearly tell us what happened but modern science will not listen.

Much of the understanding of our own climate, atmosphere, oceans and weather come from our understanding of what happened to the ancients. The hurricanes we see today and the tremendous storms over land that occur when the jet stream dips down and touches the Earth providing us with incredible straight-line winds are just small samples of what the ancients described. The ancients are very clear on these events … the Earth-wide devastations that they experienced on multiple occasions were caused by massive comets that fought and raged in the sky's above them … altering our solar system on an

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irreversible path. We see the destruction of these events all around us in the solar system today if we only open up our eyes and look.

The trouble with modern science as I have pointed out many times before, is that they proclaimed theories to be true prior to sending out spacecraft to test those theories. They were so adamant regarding the correctness of these theories (an unfortunate situation which they maintain today) that they are locked in their own gridlock and unable to see the light of day or allow anyone to understand the true nature of our past.

Weather is more than just something to tell us if the Sun will shine tomorrow are not, it is a link with our past and future and links us indelibly to the bright yellow ball we see every day in the sky called the Sun. The inability of modern meteorology to predict weather on a consistent basis is due to the fact that they have failed to include the very essential electrical nature of the solar system. What I have learned through my decades of research regarding the weather of the solar system is that mostly we are protected and buffered from the tremendous electrical energy flowing by us on a daily basis.

What I also have learned is how to identify the triggers and mechanisms by which this energy can come pouring in to the surface of the earth and create effects for earth weather systems. It has also allowed me to understand the weather of the planets and larger moons of the solar system. And last but not least, it has allowed me to read ancient writings and identify in terms of scientific principles what our ancestors were talking about as they spoke figuratively of events surrounding them that were so vast and powerful that they could only use meager words that they had available at that time.

It finally gave me the ability to look into the prophecies of the ancients that we would once again see the same events in some future time. Interestingly enough along with these prophecies that came from the true profits (not the many phonies we see today) it is clear that “of that date no man knows the time”. They were also very clear there would be many people that would come to make false predictions and lead you astray. This prophecy has certainly been fulfilled many times. This is why I personally do not pick dates for future events and would not do so unless I had very specific scientific information.

The text on the following pages is from the rear cover of the Atlantis to Tesla – The Kolbrin Connection book. The reader is encouraged to finish the current book but later pursue all of the books

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in this series for a more complete understanding of the complex world we live in. And what most of you will find is that the world is a very different place than what you previously thought.

There are many texts, treatises and legends referring to the Lost Continent of

Atlantis and to the modern electrical marvels of the man Nickola Tesla. None

however have given the fascinated public what they have always really wanted.

That is the true scientific explanation of what Atlantis was all about and the

Physics explaining the fundamental nature of Tesla’s inventions.

At long last, due to the ongoing researches and discoveries of

Plasma Physicist James M. McCanney, the explanations of the ancient sciences

have been re-discovered and are presented in this book.

There is a further connection that has always been missing that is presented here

… the historical connection of long lost Secret Societies that link Tesla to the

ancient past, and explains where this single man gained his introduction to the

scientific principles that he developed into devices so powerful that they have

been confiscated by the world’s power elite from use by the masses. It also

shows that the Secret Societies have existed throughout the ages and have in fact

lost use of the ancient technologies, and are at present scouring the world for

archaeological treasures in hopes of regaining the lost science.

Many of the world’s most treasured archaeological artifacts are in private hands.

This book will reveal that the Lost Continent was rediscovered by the US Navy

in the late 1990’s. They have since been excavating these sites for the private

societies that control the US government. The quest for this knowledge far

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outweighs even the desire for control of oil, and is the basis for ultimate power

and wealth.

This may be one of the most powerful and revealing books you may ever read.

Its compelling science and insight will give you a detailed view into the heart of

ancient Atlantis as you have never imagined seeing it before. Unlimited

electrical power derived from sources of nature are now explained including

how they can be used today, and the connection to the man we call “Tesla”.

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Weather is an integral part of our lives on planet earth. However

we are buffered from the true weather of the solar system by a protective magnetic field and dense atmosphere. Without these protective shields we would need thick lead shielding and pressurized space suites to survive.

Millions of subtle factors affect us as well as every living creature on planet earth. We are all related. We all exist in a strange set of dependencies which cannot be measured or determined by modern science. Scientists believe they can restructure genetic codes and make super plants and foods, only to find they are creating poisons that do not work in the already finely tuned scheme of things.

Modifying weather has become a reality although the average person on the street is faintly aware of such activities. To hide this there is a need to prevent the public from understanding the true causes of weather and thus as with so many other aspects of modern traditional science, the public is dealt a series of concepts that could not possibly be true.

Hurricanes from warm water or lightning shooting spontaneously from the insides of storm clouds are just a few of the bizarre concepts that permeate the scientific horizon. What are the true causes of weather and how can we use these facts to our advantage as humans struggling to make ends meet on this planet?

If the populous were allowed to hear the real cause of hurricanes … that they are powered by huge electrical currents coming from outside the planet by way of our vertical electric field … would they soon realize that this same source of power could be used to fuel our energy needs for free without the use of oil, coal and nuclear fuel. Could these pollutants be removed from our list of necessities and could we end the useless wars to maintain their sources?

“The Weather Book” as it is sometimes called answers these questions and more by providing the physical concepts of the electrical nature of weather and its power source the Sun’s electrical field caused by the excess current of protons in the solar wind. The first part of the

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book explains why the traditionally stated concepts of meteorology could not possibly be true and shows why the weather men can predict correctly one day but be completely wrong the next. The basic reason is because they do not include the most important factor in the development of weather … the electrical effects from our near space environment that originate in the sun.

One of the main provable aspects of the weather work is the ability to predict weather far in advance using the principles based on the electrical nature of the solar system. The weather book lists numerous examples where severe weather was predicted months in advance based on planetary electrical alignments which are examined in light of the knowledge of solar electric fields and discharges of the electrical solar capacitor.

If weather can be predicted, the effects can be mitigated and even controlled to prevent severe damage to coastlines as in the case with hurricanes and typhoons.

Besides earth weather, the book shows the functioning of weather on other planets including Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. It also makes the connection between comets and electrical alignments as well as electrical effects when comets react with the surface fusion of the sun.

It discusses biblical weather as reported by the ancients and discusses the recognition of this work by high level atmospheric and space scientists in Russia who adopted and translated all of my work and have integrated it into their classes.

The text on the following pages is from the rear cover of the PRINCIPIA METEOROLOGIA – THE PHYSICS OF SUN EARTH WEATHER book. The reader is encouraged to finish the current book but later pursue all of the books in this series for a more complete understanding of the complex world we live in. And what most of you will find is that the world is a very different place than what you previously thought.

Throughout the history of man through legend and fable, by far the most

dominant factor in everyday existence, and also the least understood, has been

weather. Man has always known that the weather was driven by the sun. But

there are also historical references from all civilizations past, that comets have

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caused immense destruction and devastation upon earth. Confirmation of Mr.

McCanney’s famous Plasma Discharge Comet Model now corroborates these

historical records.

Even today scientists mistakenly believe that the visible light from the sun is the

dominant force in shaping our weather. In the 1970s as spacecraft data began to

return to earth from the distant planets, Mr. McCanney’s theoretical work on the

electrical nature of the solar system and universe began to synthesize into the

foundation that has become his lifelong weather work, now culminating in this


Previous books in this series have created the base of knowledge that the reader

must understand before complex weather systems driven by solar electrical

energy can be understood by the trained scientist as well as the layman. The

plasma electrical environment of the solar system is extremely complex, but the

individual principles and systems can be described one by one and then put

together like a giant jigsaw puzzle.

By the time you finish reading this book, which is written for the average person

on the street as well as Ph.D. scientists, you will have a thorough understanding

of the complex term we call weather. Unfortunately, meteorology has been

stalled in archaic and outdated principles. This book will be the seminal treatise

for understanding meteorology that will last for hundreds of years.

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VI. CALCULATE PRIMES (5th book summary)

As part of the solution of the oldest mathematics problem known

to man, the direct calculation of the prime numbers, I developed a new mathematical formulation. It is called “The Generator Function” and has the unique property of taking one group of numbers and generating another “family” of numbers. Then one takes the new set of numbers and reapplies The Generator Function to arrive at a new set of numbers. In this case it is the set of prime numbers.

One of the inherent byproducts of this process was the realization that nature had very subtle aspects to this process. One for example was that “false” primes were generated in the process of generating the “true” primes. These false starts were needed to get the final prime number solutions so it was necessary to look beyond what seemed to be a possible failure of the method and system to realize the final product. This was a very subtle result and one that strikes me to this day as a way nature has of masking the simple truths of the universe unless you have the persistence to look beyond the veil and seek the hidden truth.

The same technique of using the generator function I then applied to other more complex mathematical and scientific processes and tried to rely on analogies to come to some very interesting conclusions regarding such seemingly unrelated topics as the creation of snowflakes and genetic codes in DNA.

For many years scientists tried to duplicate the formation of snowflakes but only failed, getting strange long crystals on the tip of a pin in a chamber attempting to simulate upper atmospheric conditions. Then they applied a small DC electric field to the tip of the pin and like magic the 6 sided symmetrical snowflakes started generating like a northern Michigan blizzard. So an electric field was needed to start and maintain the crystalline form but there must have been some inherent form of communication from the initial location of the center of the snowflake since all 6 “arms” of the snowflake developed inexactly the same patterns at exactly the same times, no two snowflakes being alike. Nature surely was combining the electric

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properties of the universe with some subtle aspects of a “generator function” to complete the formation of a snowflake.

I then applied this to the possibility that more complex systems in nature had similar properties and proposed a sort of Generator Function for DNA and the nucleotides that make up these complex but repeatable genetic codes. What I then discovered was most interesting. Genetics too, like the prime numbers, had false starts. That is, there had to be “bad” evolutionary steps before the truly good ones emerged. Could this be like the human race I thought? Are we but a false start in an evolutionary chain that is necessary to achieve a future successful strain?

Modern evolution seems to look at a constant progression forward but there seems to be a requirement that some species will fail, but in the overall scheme of things this is required. Likewise in the study of comets and solar system destruction when these sky monsters come careening through the planetary system, violent change and destruction are needed to mix things up and cause the changes that might eventually bring about a successful species. So “time to succeed” is limited and there are certainly no guarantees of the future.

The sooner a given species discovers this fact and puts it to use, the more likely that species has of making off their mother planet before the sky comes crashing in on them. Thus an essential aspect of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE comes from the mathematical analysis of the Prime Numbers and my solution at directly calculating these seeming random unruly numbers. Nature actually had not only a pattern and rhyme and reason for the prime numbers, but locked in the solution was an understanding far more subtle … one that subtends far more complex topics.

It would give insights into the most fundamental aspect of the human condition … our ability to look around us and understand the necessity of concentrating on the issues that are most important. It showed that we as a species could be a genetic false start and that given the direction of man at the current time, our most likely fate will be at best a one way ticket back to the cave ages for the few survivors or complete eradication of the species at worst. The countless hours of parents working those 40 hour weeks to pay for the house and gas guzzling SUVs as well as the countless hours of the kids playing video games will take its toll. An irreversible result will befall the human race. And for many, that cold stark realization will only come when

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they look up one day as the cosmic sky monster is bearing down on our tranquil planet on the far edges of the Milky Way galaxy.

The main issue with incorporating a seemingly unrelated mathematical solution into this treatise on the state of the human species is one of the most important. We allegedly have the ability as an intelligent species to control our destiny. But in our current state of existence the populations of the world have bartered this birthright for a very flimsy bag of beans. The tradeoff is hard to discern as a good one, unless your attitude is that we should just enjoy our life as it is and let the devil take tomorrow.

The entire problem however is that most people on this planet, the vast majority, do not even allow such thoughts to enter their minds let alone a collective mind. The human condition is so far removed from being anywhere remotely close to understanding … that one could not even consider it as a bad joke. How could we as a society repeat that we are the most advanced society that ever walked the face of the earth? If you consider only the past few thousand years and deny that the Great Flood and related catastrophe happened, and only compare our current life style in the western world, then I imagine one could fool themselves into such a non-reality. After all, to see reality, some watch a weekly show where a young male millionaire picks from a dozen money chasing gold-diggers and call this “reality”.

Does this bode well for the human race? If you think so then you are reading the wrong book. There are all indications that vast advanced civilizations preceded the great catastrophe and they are no more. If any of them did make it off of this planet we may hear from them one day on a return visit and will be able to see videos taken from afar of the night the earth saw its demise at the hands of one of the ancient comets that ravaged the solar system.

With these thoughts in mind and the building blocks of the previous books in this series, the reader is now ready to see these ideas expanded to round out the many facets of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE.

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VII. ABOUT THE COVER PHOTO The cover photo shows one of the more elegant cuts available for a

diamond. It shows an emerald cut diamond from 4 aspects with the myriad of facets. I chose the term The Diamond Principle a long time ago in anticipation of this book. It clearly represents what I wanted to convey in a complex many faceted topic dealing with the plight of the human species to understand and act upon this understanding of our true roll in the universe as an (alleged) intelligent being.

The diamond is a complex crystal of pure carbon and shows its faces to the gemologist who knows exactly where to strike it to realize the faces. When the final cut diamond is viewed in light, the many facets interact and the dazzling appearance is the result. Rainbows of colors come from within and “inclusions” or inherent defects give each particular diamond a signature that cannot be duplicated. And finally, as with most things adored by humans, bigger is better.

The standard story for the creation of diamonds states that they were formed long ago (billions of years ago) deep in the earth and that via flux tubes they are brought to the surface of the earth. Using this concept man has created artificial diamonds, although an expert can readily tell the difference between the two.

More recently however a new development has occurred in the understanding of diamonds. Diamonds have been found in outer space. Immediately scientists began to imagine all the ways a traditionally made diamond could manage to get out there. These were pure diamonds not imbedded in any other materials. There were not just a few of them, but in some cases there were entire belts with billions of diamonds orbiting certain stars. Certainly something else was going on.

Then in the laboratory, scientists accidently created diamonds when an electric current of electrons hit carbon in the gaseous state. But where did the tremendous temperatures and pressures come from the scientist thought had to be present to form a diamond? They discovered that the electric current caused the carbon to form a sphere and inside the carbon sphere, which is an extremely strong structure, the diamonds could then form under the needed extremely high pressures. These diamonds were small but given the right conditions one might expect that very large diamonds would be possible.

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Another discovery came with anthropologists studying the remains of dead mastodons and elephants that went extinct just prior to the last ice age. On just one side of the dead animals they were literally sprayed with thousands of micro diamonds that penetrated their bones and thusly were preserved until discovered today by researchers. Some immediately projected the standard NASA story that an asteroid hit earth and this was the cause of the diamonds. But as with any of these off the cuff explanations, it seemed far from explaining all of the extenuating circumstances. Once again diamonds from outer space were needed to explain the observations.

But how, where and why did millions of micro diamonds form in outer space and find their way to earth at the same time as a earth wide mass extinction that was accompanied by the onset of an ice age? Once again one turns to the electrical current of the McCanney Plasma Discharge Comet Model and all of the necessary requirements are there. It also coincides with the explanation of concurrent mass extinction and onset of the ice age.

Once again THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE incorporates the true history of man with science of an electrically active solar system. It is not based on stagnant outdated theories that claim that the planets formed all at one time long ago and nothing has happened since, but reinforces the concept that the solar system is a dynamic ever changing place where life and death are a part of the ongoing evolution. Once you see the richness of explanations that come in unison with the new understanding of the cosmos, you begin to also realize that we as a species and culture have been lulled to sleep with BAD SCIENCE AND ASTRONOMY. This is a recurring theme as one views every aspect of the human dilemma and the need to shed this in hopes of beginning the final ascent to our birthright to the stars.

The diamond perfectly reflects these thoughts and gives hope for the future. As with the brilliance of the cut diamond, light appears through the cut faces as the many facets interact with each other, each reflecting the best qualities of the other faces.

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VIII. BUBBLE SOCIETIES With 6 billion people on the earth and many areas unable to

support even the most basic of human needs, the world is at a crossroads that would not easily support an effort nor perceive the need to preserve the species by way of an extensive new space development project. Western society and its economic systems are collapsing under greed and unbridled use of natural resources for any and all purposes. Many of these resources come from the poor countries that cannot defend themselves against the onslaught of international corporations. The methods of invading these destitute countries are tried and true. Many books have been written on this topic (e.g. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by Perkins).

We live in a real world game of monopoly. In the board game of monopoly everyone starts with the same amount of money, and has an equal chance of winning. With the role of the dice each person takes his turn to monopolize all the others. There is a level of skill involved, but once a person has purchased Boardwalk and Park Place and some of the other prime properties, the game is all but over. When the last player runs out of money and cannot pay his debt to the winner the game stops. At this point you redistribute all the money to the various players and begin the game again.

In the real world game of monopoly the game does not stop. At this point the game takes on a new dimension. The winner's are now able to start controlling and purchasing such items as the court system, legislators, international resource rights, or it may control large groups of people through economic or political power. The losers in this real world game typically have no recourse but to continue playing the hand that has been dealt to them.

One of the great injustices of the world comes from the Western economies. Herein lays the source of the term “the ugly American”. I witnessed this repeatedly firsthand as I lived in poor Third World countries and watched Americans make fun of monetary systems and even the people themselves. Behind these jokes were the beliefs that somehow the economic invaders were better. The plight of residents of third world countries whose governments are aligned with western

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economic interests generally leave its people as the real bottom rung losers in the real world game of monopoly. This book is not about trying to rectify any of these situations … however if you are unaware of the real world then you have two choices. The first is to take a trip to a third world country and take local transportation to “the bad areas”. The second is to continue to live with your head in the sand and more than likely life for you will go on as before.

I can only laugh as many Americans state they had just visited a third world country and talked about how rough it was. I ask where they stayed and I hear at a 5 star resort in Cancun Mexico or similar accommodations. These people are the clueless ones. They are the ones who have never seen poverty in the world nor could they handle seeing real poverty. Their denial system would not allow them to admit that real poverty existed and certainly would not allow them to admit that they were part of the problem.

The stark reality is that although the third world would like to be like the USA with a nice house for everyone, the reality is that it will never happen. There are simply not enough resources to go around. I often state that there are not enough trees left on the planet for everyone in China to have a roll of toilet paper. China and the USA are using resources at a break neck rate. For example the world’s forests will be completely gone in just a few short years because no one is replanting the trees they cut and no one is administering restraints on the wholesale cutting of entire forests.

The world will run out of critical resources in the near future. Water is actually abundant in only a few places while the rest of the world lacks water for basic human needs. Water is a resource that has been purchased and taken over recently by multinational corporations through the devises of national and international governing groups including the United Nations. Multinational corporations first used geologists to identify world water resources and then worked through local government agencies around the globe to obtain “rights” to this water. Many people do not own the water that falls on their land from the rain nor do they have rights to take water from underneath their land.

As noted this is not a book about resources as there are plenty of books on the market to explain the resource dilemma and control that have left the world’s population standing out to dry so to speak. The concept of “Bubble Societies” is one where small effective groups can

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break away and live autonomously. This is the ideal goal of some, but in many if not all cases, these groups are targeted by hit squads that will prevent any hint of success. Many times they are branded as “social misfits” or “cults” since they have chosen to live outside of the confines and restrictions of “normal society”.

I will state here for the record also that I do not intend now or ever to try to build a “Bubble Society” although my work in many respects is necessary for the successful implementation of a group that would pursue an effort of moving large scale numbers of people into outer space for posterity.

Nature has placed a limit on genetic mixing. Whether it is corn seed growing and pollinating in the garden or groups of people isolated by necessity or choice, the rule is that one needs a wide genetic pool for successful ongoing procreation. Inbred genetic strains become weak and future generations suffer until the line is lost. So the concept of a Bubble Society for the purpose of isolating and preserving the species is in need of a large genetic pool.

Examples of failed genetic human experiments ring of Adolf Hitler’s Aryan Race of super men and women. The problem of course being that a limited genetic set of variables leads not to a super race but to a genetically deficient race. This is nature’s way of preventing such errant behavior.

African and other isolated tribes saw their genetic lineage weakening and went out to find new blood to strengthen their fold. The problems of creating a genetically viable society that would mount a space craft by the hundreds of thousands or millions needs more information than what we have available today. It is interesting to note that alien abduction cases many times center around removal of genetic materials from the abductees. One can only imagine the type of situations that could arise in the great beyond if we ever do extend our species forever by way of great space cities.

Bubble Societies may be needed for many aspects of a critical move to obtain eternal genetic stability for the human race. The beginning effort might involve a Bubble Society dedicated solely to removing the winners of the real world game of monopoly to allow the masses to begin the long and arduous path of genetic preservation. It is clear that these leaders are in fact a form of Bubble Society and they have successfully escaped the confines of the everyday person.

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Winning at monopoly has also allowed them immunity from society and the norms of society. Thus many times you hear of bizarre rituals being held and attended by the rulers of many countries. As already noted they many times are individuals who have learned how to talk as if they were helping you, but are really behind the scenes working diligently to control and subjugate the masses. This is more than an art form, it has become a way of life with these leaders. It is part of their self preservation scheme and they skillfully chose the people they place in the public eye. The public representatives are many times chosen in secret meetings long before the unsuspecting public “votes” for their favorite candidates in what is really a well orchestrated dog and pony show giving the façade of democracy.

History is replete with Bubble Societies that took on certain roles in response to necessities of the time. In past books I used the term “Secret Societies” for many of these. There is a subtle difference in my way of viewing these groups. For example the Atlantis to Tesla book talked of the secret societies that came out of the great earth wide catastrophe to emerge as the core groups in modern banking. These groups were fully aware of the ancient restrictions placed on banking so they also knew that they had to destroy the knowledge of the ancient past in the eyes of the public to accomplish their goals of instilling controlling banking standards that had only one goal … to subjugate the populations and their governments in a never ending spiral of debt and interest to fund a never ending series of contrived phony wars. Keeping the people on edge to keep this cycle going was a skillful mix of destroying knowledge of the past and instilling the ancient tactics that were prohibited by law in the ancient days.

Interestingly enough the ancient texts talk specifically about banking and define limits on interest imposed by lenders. Today’s banking industry has broken all of the historical rules. The only way they can accomplish this is through the ignorance of the public. A public that is unaware of its past and who has allowed its heritage to be erased and modified is a public who is destined to repeat the cultural mistakes of the past. It is clear that the ancient “bondages” of entire civilizations by groups from outside those countries was accomplished through banking by the “invaders”. These were peaceful coups and never a shot was fired.

Ancient lending laws required forgiveness of all debts on a certain day every 7 years. Interest such as compound interest or amortization

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tables was strictly forbidden. An amortization table essentially allows the lender to collect the interest up front and thusly changes for example a 7% loan into a 95% loan. Interest could only be imposed in ancient times by a set low interest rate that was a fixed percentage of the loan amount. It was never compounded or amortized. Oddly enough the root word in amortization is “amortir” or “to kill”. Modern bankers attempt to say this is a great deal because the amount of interest collected is reduced with time or that the amount of payment that goes to the principle of the loan goes up with time. That would be somewhat akin to handing a thirsty man an almost empty glass of water and claiming it was “full up to the bottom”.

The ancient laws specifically stated that “interest” was defined actually as a “usury fee” which was a fixed small percentage of the total value of the loan which was repaid along with the debt. The purpose of loaning from a wealthier person was considered a benefit to society and the lender had certain responsibilities. The lender was seen as a form of caretaker who shared the wealth with less fortunate but also encouraged hard work and responsibility on the part of the person borrowing the money or goods. The interest was never compounded nor amortized in fact this was specifically prohibited.

One might ask why the usury laws were in place. After much research into this topic it became apparent that other more aggressive forms of interest were used at one time and determined by the elders and wise men of the time to be detrimental to society and in fact a way for foreign banking entities to enter a country and take it over without adding value to the society … all this being done by introducing the compound interest form of banking credit into a country with a new “currency”.

The modern banking system in place in the western world is one of slavery management and currently extends to almost every country of the world via The World Bank and furthermore poor developing countries are controlled by loans from the International Monetary Fund. Most people in today’s modern society work to April 15 to pay their annual taxes and the rest of the year to pay the interest on the family home and auto. Banking and governments work hand in hand to make sure the masses are held at bay. Every government in the world is indebted to a group of bankers who have managed to instill their loans into every country of the world.

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These are the most controlling times in the modern history of the world. People do not understand that when the economy dries up that this money is not magically lost, it simply is in the hands of someone else. A sound real economy based on real monetary value does not have “cycles” because the value of the society does not change. Economic cycles are created by the world elite to draw wealth out of the hands of the working class and it is done on a regular cyclic basis. The average person is fooled into thinking that some stroke of bad luck in some way befell everyone at the same time. So they attempt to console themselves by reciting that the economy is cyclic and the value of their investments will return with time. Once again never underestimate the ability of the western public to be fooled.

Personal debt is just the tip of the iceberg. The national debt is something that totally escapes the reach of the common man. When I was growing up and first heard of the national debt, and realized that every country of the world had a similar national debt, I thought to myself … ‘someday I want to meet the guy who has soooo much money that he can loan it to entire countries and they all owe him’. I later discovered that these bankers have no more money than you or me. They simply have figured out how to manage everyone to think they do and to get the governments of the various countries to sign on the dotted line to allow these banking entities into their countries to operate the national banking systems.

This is one of the dominant effects on modern society and one of the main deterrents of modern man to realize his birthright to the stars since it takes all of modern man’s efforts to feed the insatiable appetite of the compound interest banking system. Remember that the entire purpose of the constitution of the original 13 colonies of the United States was to form a new country with an independent banking and monetary system which was subsequently replaced by a private banking system with what is known as “debt money”.

This complex issue will be discussed later in the book along with the need for society to shed this system … or at least the bubble societies intent on beginning the effort to take the species to the stars. The many reasons for this will become apparent.

The idea of a small segment of the total population entering into an agreement to plan an escape is the only way such a lofty goal could possibly be achieved. To somehow imagine taking the entire human race into space is neither practical nor possible. In the current state of

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the world, and with the current mentality of the vast majority of the human population, simply changing thought patterns on this massive scale would be impossible.

The people in this specialized bubble group would have to shed the majority of their earthly accessories and learn to live within modified very limited means. Their diet would have to change, they would have to become accustomed to living in confined spaces for long periods of time and the typical workweek would involve maintenance of their living accommodations which would most likely include servicing a food source which would primarily be hydroponic grown vegetarian.

Their efforts would be voluntary and there would be no reason to make money, as there's no place to spend money in outer space. The entire reason for their existence would have to be well-known amongst these groups, and each person would have to understand their role was long-term … a lifetime commitment. Their commitment would be extended to their children and their children's children. They would need a vision that had as its central focus the certainty that one day earth would be devastated by a celestial event from beyond. It might not happen next week, and it might not even happen in the next century. But their commitment would be based on the full understanding that at some point in the future such a catastrophic event would befall our peaceful planet Earth and they would have to be on the far side of the solar system to avoid any damage from the raging comet that was attacking their beloved planet.

Once again at the center of this is the understanding that modern science is filling the airwaves with BAD SCIENCE AND ASTRONOMY. They would have to understand as a group and individually that the true workings of the cosmos were far different from that being promoted by the government-sponsored scientists and their controlling entities. The true science of the cosmos would be central to their existence because they would have to live and adapt to outer space and not just read about it in a text book.

A future chapter will outline a very simple launch system based on giant tubes some of which could be constructed on earth while the remainder could in fact be constructed in outer space. The bubble society would live in a vast system of connected tubes that would appear from a distance as a giant bicycle wheel in outer space. Tubes would be bundled together then linked together to form this giant

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structure. The spinning system would provide artificial gravity equal to that of earth.

Living in outer space is filled with difficulties. Radiation in outer space is severe in humans and in our current state would need tremendous shielding to protect us from the onslaught that typically is blocked by earth's natural magnetic field and atmosphere. NASA has a program called Living With a Star which is a pretty name for how on earth do we deal with the radiation and other dangerous aspects of outer space. They however are only looking at this from the standpoint of a few astronauts assigned to a specific task in a small space capsule in outer space. Their program does not address issues of large-scale long-term population of vast autonomous space cities.

If one looks at all of the variables which we have at our disposal every day on planet Earth, it would be hard to imagine taking all of this with us into outer space. Today we go to the grocery store and can pick from hundreds of varying types of food and change our diet on a daily basis. But in outer space in an autonomous space station containing hundreds of thousands if not millions of people, the ability to change your diet becomes an issue of the society in general. Before ever moving into outer space on this massive scale, these inhabitants would have to adapt to the limited diet that they would be allowed. This diet would never change and would be the same for all future generations.

At some point in the far distant future one might imagine that some of these people would want to return to their planet of origin after the smoke and dust had cleared from the great catastrophe that they escaped, and begin to live the life that had been lost so long ago. But by this time, the earth would be very different place with very different animals, plants and possibly even an atmosphere with very different composition. Could they adapt or would they forever be restricted to live in their space colony with the thought that they were the ones self chosen to preserve the DNA of the human race.

Of the past catastrophes that have befallen planet Earth at the hands of massive comets raging through the solar system, some have been severe to the point of near 100% mass extinction while others have been relatively mild. In each of these events it is most likely that the atmosphere and water conditions on earth changed drastically. Mars provides us with the unique example of a planet that had its atmosphere and oceans completely removed at the hands of a passing

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massive comet, leaving a barren dusty wasteland and feeble thin atmosphere.

Mars is regaining its atmosphere. This has been proven by repeated visits of space probes sent from earth. Early Mars orbiters and entry vehicles measured the extension of its atmosphere so that future orbiters could use this atmosphere for what is known as aero-breaking. With this technique a large balloon expands out of the spacecraft and drags in the atmosphere causing the spacecraft to spiral in and eventually enter the planetary atmosphere. But after 10 years between spacecraft visits to the planet Mars, the atmosphere had almost doubled in size and density much to the surprise of the engineers who designed the systems.

Earth similarly is daily taking on water from outer space and this has been measured repeatedly by earth orbiting spacecraft. Scientists are amiss as to understand why this is happening or from what source this water is coming. Once again you understand the true nature of the solar system and the fact that earth is discharging the solar capacitor just as comets do, then you would immediately understand that small amounts of water entering the atmosphere are consistent with the true scientific view of the operations of the solar system.

Many times these water entry points into the atmosphere coincide with low-pressure cells on the surface of the earth causing water from outer space to enter storm systems. The overall amount of water entering the earth on a daily or monthly basis is relatively small compared to the overall volume of water on earth. There is a hydrological cycle whereby water vapor rises and falls by evaporation and rain but each time the cycle occurs it moves north in the northern hemisphere and south in the southern hemisphere until the water eventually ends up falling and freezing in place at the polar caps.

Once again standard science does not understand or explain any of these phenomena. A great example of this hydrological cycle occurred when a group of World War II fighter pilots returned to the North Pole to recover a group of airplanes that they had to emergency land in the late 1940s. They were on a training mission and were forced to land on the icecap near the North Pole. They knew the exact location of the airplanes and set out to find and recover them many decades later. When they got to the location, the airplanes were nowhere to be found.

The only explanation was that they had been covered with the ongoing water vapor that came in the form of snow. They eventually

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found the airplanes hundreds of feet under the current level of the ice of the North Pole. In just a few decades the icecap had grown in thickness by this amount. Standard science has no explanation for this; where did all the water come from? The answer of course is that it is coming into the atmosphere all the time and cycling up to the poles and continually building the northern and southern polar icecaps.

This also brings up another interesting question. Given the thickness of the polar icecaps and the average rate of influx of water into the atmosphere and subsequent thickening of the polar icecaps, one could calculate roughly the age of these ice caps. Many researchers agree that the icecap on Antarctica is only a few thousand years old based on many characteristics. One arrives at the same result based on the average influx of water into the atmosphere and thickening of the polar icecap.

Antarctica has an unusual set of properties. It has many freshwater lakes unfrozen sometimes 2 miles under the frozen icecap. The Antarctic icecap is sliding off the land mass because the land mass is warm. If the NASA and standard science explanations are true that the earth is billions of years old and nothing is happened since (and certainly not a change of the polar axis) and if the old Laurentian ice cap that covered much of North America did not extend around the globe to what is now Siberia (which was a semitropical climate at the time) then how could the land mass of Antarctica be warm? If it truly had sat there for billions of years residing at its current location it should have had plenty of time to thoroughly freeze … especially since it is covered with a 2 mile layer of ice.

Clearly the story that is being passed off as standard science could not possibly be true. In spite of these obvious contradictions, standard science marches on as if there were no problems at all with fleets of Ph.D. scientists all standing in a row collecting their paychecks.

The textbook companies comprise one of the largest publishing industries in the world. Textbooks are tremendously expensive and you have a guaranteed audience. The problem with textbooks however is that they are very expensive to print and certainly one does not want to be placing incorrect information in a textbook. States like Texas have laws requiring that no incorrect information be placed in a textbook. This in fact was one of the large public trial regions between creationists and evolution proponents as creationists pointed out many flaws in the textbooks. Eventually the evolution crowd won out in the

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legal battle because fleets of NASA and related standard scientists came to the defensive of standard western “knowledge” and the court systems agreed with this overpowering demonstration of intellectual might. However the text books had to be modified because of conceptual statements made regarding “evolution”.

I should note that I am not siding with either the creationist nor evolution side of this battle, but merely pointing the political circling of the wagons when standard science is threatened.

This is a prime example of how science protects its own. A veritable circling of the wagons because much more is at stake than just the sale of a few textbooks. The entire scientific community in a sense was on trial. They had to defend their holy Grail to the limit as their very existence depended on it. It is the same sort of defense they raise anytime even the smallest objection is raised by anyone against their hallowed topics as enumerated in this book. Overpowering numbers of Ph.D.'s all saying the same thing and agreeing on the basic structure of science has been the technique they use repeatedly. But as already noted the entire system of getting a Ph.D. requires that the student agree with the system before they ever get their advanced degree.

Returning to the concept of the bubble group or bubble society shedding standard science as a basic element of its understanding and necessity to begin its road toward survival would certainly be met with disdain and overriding objections from the standard scientific community and their controllers. It is not in the best interest of either the scientific community or the controllers to have bubble society's breaking away and going on divergent paths from the rest of society.

If one small group managed to succeed it could lead to an avalanche of people searching for a better life in a way to shed the continual wars and interest debt that we live under today in modern society. As this book goes to press large numbers of people are moving out of western society and looking for more tranquil living accommodations in many of the smaller countries of the world as the western economic models fail and threaten to take a life savings and investments of the vast majority of people including the middle class and very wealthy.

In one of my public talks dealing with Electric Highways to the Stars (to be discussed in detail in later chapter) I noted that the modern belief that the military must go first does not apply to outer space. As

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this book goes to press there is an unrelenting push by the United States to send military hardware into outer space and break the prior international agreements that would prevent such activity. A later chapter goes into more detail on the topic of military and space and how it relates to bubble societies and THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE in general.

There is a concerted effort in the government funded space programs as well as the military and government in general to put enormous roadblocks in front of any private group that attempts to develop space faring technology. Prior to the winning of the X-Prize by a private group entering outer space two times in succession within a week, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and government had no thoughts relative to controlling private enterprise entering outer space. Upon the successful venture which no one thought would happen, there was an immediate flurry of activity to put incredible amounts of red tape in front of any company or person trying to develop space related technology. The groups that proceeded were typically funded by deep-pocketed investors and followed the standard NASA routine of chemical rockets to put relatively small payloads into low earth orbit. They partnered with NASA to provide services for the government-sponsored space program that the space program had failed to provide for themselves.

But once again the concept of taking large groups of people and setting them off autonomously in large space cities in outer space was not considered. It is true that one has to walk before you can run, but if the wolf is chasing you down the path then most people would learn how to run very quickly. Without an incentive most people might not learn how to run at all. So you can see the importance of the bubble societies understanding the true nature of the cosmos to provide the incentive to embark on this rigorous path which has no real immediate benefit for any of the individuals in the group. The only benefit is a common belief of preserving the genetic structure of the human species which is a loftier goal than any that the single individuals might perceive.

The other issue with the private space programs as they stand today is that they do not provide the propulsion systems necessary for the long-term maintenance of giant space structures in outer space. Chemical rockets have severe limitations and do not lend themselves to long-term projects in outer space simply because you have to

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accumulate the fuel and move it to the space station. This brings us to another aspect of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE.

Nature as with the solution to the prime number problem, has certainly devised a mechanism to move amongst the planets and stars. The system has to derive its power from the local environment much as the early sailing ships of old. Nature certainly has provided such a mechanism and simple initial attempts have been made and tested that are called space sails. These work only if you are moving in the direction of the solar wind. They do not provide a mechanism for freely moving around the planetary system or to the stars beyond.

That's why in the early 1980s in my vision of what must occur as a final propulsion system for space faring, I envisioned electrical propulsion systems that pushed against naturally occurring magnetic fields. But many times the magnetic fields in outer space are very weak. It was in combination with the understanding of the electrical conditions in the solar system and the fact that there were ongoing electrical discharges within this electrical system that brought me to the understanding that in some locations, especially around planets and comets, there were extensive electrical currents which provided much higher than average magnetic fields. These were the electric highways to the stars.

I invented two types of propulsion systems to ride these electric highways. One was a passive system that required only a spacecraft design. This design has not been released to the public or to any military government agency. It is only been tested in my own laboratory. The other design I was foolish enough in my younger years to show to the military and investment firms in California. What I didn't realize was that they did not honor inventor’s privileges, and before I had a chance to develop the idea it was whisked away into government agencies and private military think tanks to be developed by people who I never met or knew. I had stated in meetings when we were negotiating the transfer this information that I did not want my design to be used for military purposes or for delivering nuclear bombs. What I didn't understand was that everyone I dealt with made their living off the war industry. I was talking ethics to the wrong people. This was also my first glimpse into what I later came to term the secret societies.

There were always young well-dressed men from around the world of many nationalities in the investment meetings which took place at

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venture capital offices typically in Los Angeles. These people talked freely about the business deals they were accomplishing moving millions of dollars daily starting new companies and reaping the benefit of other startup companies that were already online and producing military related products. I thought to myself where did these people go to school and what was I missing? Where would one go to school to get such a job? What I later came to learn was at these were the children and families that have been in place for in some cases thousands of years operating in the background … the nameless ones. These are the people that operate behind-the-scenes to guarantee ongoing international wars and who keep the governments of the world entangled in endless conflict. They are related to the banks of the world and you regularly find many of these people moving through government offices and agencies making deals and manipulating legislators at will.

I saw the technologies being transferred for sale that were developed in other countries and brought here as well as technologies that were developed here being transferred to other countries. I thought all of this should be highly top-secret and controlled technologies. But nothing could have been farther from the truth.

In fact there appeared to be a veritable race amongst competitors to move these technologies as fast as possible even to countries that I believed were our common enemies. It soon became apparent that the movement of these technologies had a purpose. That purpose was to keep the world major powers at each other’s throats with technologies that were roughly equivalent. What on earth could be the possible reason for this? As I later found out, this entails an international game of control.

If one were a banker and loaned money for house or automobile, the house or auto would be the collateral. Unsecured loans rely on the person’s good standing or intent to pay back the bank. But how do you secure a loan to a government? … especially a government as powerful as the United States or the Soviet Union? Certainly these countries could overpower any banking industry executives and that would be the end of the story. But if the people in charge of the banks who are also in charge of the resources to develop military technologies and make sure they keep the countries well-stocked with equivalent supplies of military hardware, then a slight shift in support for one or the other countries could bring about the total demise of the

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other. Here lies the delicate game that goes on in the background constantly amongst the secret societies that manage banking in the world and oversee the control of entire governments. The Cold War was not just an accident, it was a well orchestrated way of doing business in maintaining power by international groups that were never visible. They had their representatives in Washington and Moscow, and these typically would represent these countries in the eternal ongoing negotiations for peace. But strife and the threat of warfare was the eminent goal. True peace was never on the table and never was the subject of negotiation, nor will it ever be the subject of true negotiation.

A great example of the interference of the international bankers in shifting the balance of power occurred in the Russian Revolution. The international banking interests were funding both sides of the revolution known in history as “the reds” and “the whites”. They were somewhat evenly matched until the decision was made by the international bankers to support the Bolsheviks (the RED army) and the rest is history. This allowed the banking interests to be in full control BEFORE the Russian revolution had come to its bloody end.

So let me return to the topic of bubble societies attempting to maneuver through this maze of international politics and control, making attempts to move out of this system and not only preserve the species but to find a better life without all of the strife and control. Clearly if one group succeeded others would follow, in fact just about everybody else would follow. The entire human race would want to get on to that ship in ride it forever.

So to stay in power there has to be a series of misrepresentations that are constant in the public mind. The cyclic economy, the threat of wars, increasing taxation and as with today the threat of terror or diseases such as the H1N1 military grade “flu” that can rain down on the general public at any time are all control mechanisms to keep the public under a thumb. So anyone who thinks that they are going to break free from the system and form a bubble society and live happily ever after will have another thought coming very quickly.

This brings up the topic of mental evolution within the human race. The general populace has to be educated to be controlled which is accomplished by at least 12 years of sitting in a desk staring at the front of a classroom listening to someone tell you what to think. When you go home at night to write your next assignment you are told to

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listen to the evening news so that you are educated relative to the current events of the day. But remember that the evening news comes from single news release agencies that are owned by the same groups that control your friendly local federal governments. Freedom of the press is a name that one can repeat but in reality it does not exist. News reporters do not investigate and report, they read the news. As a student you were asked to debate on one side or the other and you watch your parents vote for the candidate of their choice. All of this gives the illusion that you live in a free society and control your own destiny. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

But another more important aspect of the mental evolution of certain subgroups was with what I called “the goons”. These are men and women who typically fare poorly on standardized exams and intelligence tests. They can be given a few simple tasks and they will follow them. More importantly they can be controlled through the ego by telling them that they are important and that they are allowed to rule by way of their certain one given task over the other people of the population. Without the goons, the ruling classes that oversee the world would not be able to maintain control. They can stop people and enforce their one or few rules and if anyone complains, they can call in reinforcements until the problem person is subdued. Since they select one victim at a time, it is a case of the individual against the system and the system always wins.

This technique of control has been with the human race since the beginning of time but was perfected in old England with the placement of sheriffs in every small hamlet. The sheriff enforced the Sunday shooting rules whereby every man was required to shoot archery at “the butts” (piles of dirt strategically located in an open field as targets). The point was that if this army of independent archers ever decided to turn against the king or queen, the royal guard would be helpless to defend the royalty against this well trained militia.

So the sheriff’s job was two-fold. The second and most important task was to monitor the public and enforce taxation. If anyone got out of line they were quickly brought to justice in front of everyone in the town. If anyone became organized then the sheriff could quickly call in the next layer of goons who would search out the outlaws and in this case make an even bigger scene affecting the punishment for disobeying the law of the land.

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Every now and then the king or queen would visit the hamlets and the entire town would turn out yelling “THE QUEEN – THE QUEEN”. By these simple methods the English regimented the public en masse to follow orders and honor the queen who literally owned the people … they were her subjects … she owned them as she literally owned all the land in the kingdom and they responded in kind … and still do to this day hundreds of years later.

A second mental group that is necessary for the success of the controlling interests of the international bankers includes those in what we call the intelligence industry. They are people who believe it is their birthright to know everything that you are doing and can use any means at their disposal to get that information. For the vast majority of people this causes no damage because they are not aware enough to be of any problem to the ruling groups. The entire purpose of the efforts and interest by the intelligence industry is to ferret out those few individuals who have become aware of the problem and could pose a threat to upset the applecart. The intelligence industry typically uses a front that they are protecting the country from foreign foes which is partially true as they work with large international industries to control the smaller Third World countries. But on the home front their job is to maintain the status quo and not allow aberrations to form or develop, much like the sheriff of the old English hamlet.

Therefore, a bubble society whose intent is to separate and go into outer space as an autonomous group and successfully demonstrate their accomplishment, is in for a big surprise. The status quo is threatened and there are already tried and proven ways within the intelligence community and their system of goons to prevent the success of any such group. Therefore the bubble group that is aware of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE must have as its core understanding that their activities will be noticed and certainly not be allowed.

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IX. TURNING THE MAGIC KEY The first 9 chapters of this book were designed to bring about a

new reality for the majority of readers. For some this would be the first time they had heard any of these topics discussed, whereas for others they may have had an idea that something was not correct in their view of the world but still needed to be handed the information. There are still others that are well versed in the true ways of the world which would contain a segment of my radio and book audience who have had a good education into these topics.

But now it is time to turn the corner and begin the other side of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE. Anyone attempting to form a bubble group without first understanding the methods and ways of the real world would be like lambs to the slaughter … they would not last the first night out. One might liken this to the understanding of the founding fathers of the United States as they risked their lives to form a new union needed to leave the oppressive governance of the old English empire.

They had to accomplish two goals simultaneously. They had to first repel the old and keep it from returning, and secondly they had to define the future of freedom and liberty and the pursuit of happiness for future generations. In a sense they turned a magic key. So too it is with the pursuit of understanding modern society in order to turn the key and begin the future movement of the human species into the freedom of outer space.

The founding fathers had to fully understand the tyranny that had ruled them or they would have fallen prey to the almost immediate inroads and onslaughts that were sure to come after the succession from the English crown. You have to understand, this was simply not something that was done. It meant certain death to the “traitors” and they knew it. Today man is beset with the same tyranny but the rulers have a far larger and more effective tool box to control the public. Old King George of 1776 England would have given the crown jewels for the wire tapping and other control mechanisms in place today.

But with this in mind, there are a myriad of factors that have to be in place for the bubble groups to make their way into outer space on a venture to save the DNA and the species. The first aspect of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE is something I discovered many years ago in

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my own research and attempts to justify remaining on my own as a researcher and avoiding the trap that one needed vast amounts of government funding. What I came to understand is that there is an obtuse amount of overhead in the government programs all the way from the head office of NASA to the offices of the aerospace corporations to the stockholders in those corporations, the salaries of the space scientists and payments to the peripheral staff etc. etc. etc. Everyone gets a piece of the pie. What is actually left over for REAL work is actually quite small.

So when one hears of an $850 million annual budget for a space project that runs for 10 years, only about 5% of that actually goes to the final product. If one then takes away the raw materials and cost of the facility, then the costs are reduced even further. So I came to understand a very simple concept and I began to imagine research and space exploration in terms of “resources”. This may seem like a small detail but it is actually one of the main “keys” to developing a private space initiative. This is why I have always believed that China would be the best candidate to watch in the race for outer space.

The Chinese sat back and ran a fledgling space program for decades while developing their intercontinental rocket program for military purposes. This gave them a start albeit a small one. Then one day they collectively made a decision to pursue a manned space program at the same time as they put great efforts into upgrading their navel fleets with the latest technology. While the western nations and Russia were putting all their hard earned dollars into technology development, China was setting in the wings waiting to do what they have always done best … copy what everyone else has done.

China bought the technology for the manned space capability from the money strapped Russians for a song in around 2006 … including the docking mechanisms and technology that both the USA and Russia had perfected over the decades of manned flight and at great expense. Yes china bought it and was engaged in a manned space program over night. To them this was as simple as duplicating a golf club or other western product.

China’s almost instantaneous entry into both manned and unmanned space exploration put them at the forefront of international news. They developed a simple but effective satellite killer technology which amounted to a shot gun in space. They simply released a blast of metal shrapnel and moving at 17,000 miles per hour

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in a low earth orbit it became easy to take out any satellite at will. The entire US fleet of satellites including our most secure military satellites could be taken out in a matter of hours. There was nothing sophisticated about it.

As an aside note they were busy developing a new navy unbeknownst to US military intelligence. One day while on navel patrol exercises, one of the US fleets complete with air craft carriers and complete compliment of destroyers and the most modern detection equipment was setting in the ocean. A Chinese submarine floated up and sat in the water right next to the central most aircraft carrier completely undetected by any of the craft. It sat there for a while then submerged and went on its way, the entire time completely undetected by any of the members of the US fleet. It was a stark realization for US intelligence that to date still has no idea what the Chinese technology was that allowed them to become invisible to the most modern detection equipment in the world.

China also entered the unmanned exploration program with a determined set of flights to explore the moon for future landing sites for their manned space program. They announced they were going to target the moon and had a schedule planned. All of this proceeded while the USA fumbled for 8 years with the Bush jr. “Constellation” moon program that hoped to reach the moon with a manned Apollo like lander somewhere after the year 2020 and with an extension to Mars after the year 2050. My goodness I thought, any scientist or engineer today working on this program would be long since dead by the time these promised dates rolled around. But reality struck when a selected panel of experts examined the project in 2009 (8 years into the program and more time than the entire 1960’s Apollo program took to become Moon ready) the panel determined that NASA did not have the wherewithal to get to the Moon, not now and not ever.

I often mused that if and when the USA ever got to the moon with their latest effort that the astronauts would crawl down their moon ladder to the lunar surface and would be able to walk down the street and order Chinese takeout food. In the flash of an eye the USA had been usurped as the premiere space faring nation and all they could do was relive the glory days in an effort to convince the American public to continue the relentless funding of NASA which was fast becoming a space agency with nothing in space.

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The cost of maintaining the space agency is enormous especially given the results that one sees. With this amount of annual funding the daily news papers should be full of successes and new discoveries, but the papers are barren of space news and one only rarely hears of an occasional tidbit from a Mars rover or a space craft that had been launched 10 years ago.

I began using the term “congress proof” to describe the national dilemma that was NASA. Long ago the space agency wisely installed a policy by which its funding had to be spread to every congressional district. On the surface this sounds good since then many small companies that would never have a chance at being part of the space program would have a piece of the pie. But the end effect was guaranteeing that every congressman and senator would always vote YES on any and all NASA funding requests. Any congressman who did not would be committing political suicide since the companies in this district would be cut and therefore the term “congress proof”.

NASA also realized that failure was a problem and they had to extend the time frames out. This way they could get by with exhibiting artists conceptions of what they were “going to do” and this became an acceptable substitute for real activity. For example after 8 years of the Bush Constellation Moon program, the only thing NASA had to display were a series of artists drawings that looked like a ballooned up version of the Apollo lunar program.

Was the US taxpayer getting their money’s worth? This was not the real question. The real question was more severe but NEVER was mentioned by the press or anyone in any ranking position within NASA or the federal government. The real question should have been …”how is NASA’s program and overall goal directly related to the core issues facing man as a species”?

What I discovered requires your knowledge of the tier 1 , 2 and 3 levels of science that I talked about earlier. The true answer is that the NASA you see is what I call tier 2. It is the garbage science that is pawned off on the public who thinks this is really what is going on in outer space. The unsuspecting public is clueless to the fact that there is an entire well funded space program going on in the background that has nothing to do with what you see or read about or see on the NASA channel. This is all so much smoke and mirrors. Like the politics that governs our “democracy”, the visible space program is nothing but a well orchestrated dog and pony show to keep the public from seeing

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the real space program and to ask the real questions regarding their birthright to the stars. Are there any NASA programs aimed at telling us how to live with large numbers of people autonomously in outer space? The answer is NO.

At the heart of this is the unwritten assumption that says that space is difficult to get into and very dangerous … certainly not someplace for the average person. If it takes NASA decades to get into space with their fleets of scientists, engineers and administrators, super computers and vast facilities, how could the poor public ever imagine attempting to go into outer space? And certainly we can only send up less than a hand full of men and women even after the decades of research and development.

As noted before most current successful private space ventures are teaming up with NASA to provide support systems such as launch vehicles (rocket technology) and other services. There are certain private ventures attempting to extend space to tourists who will pay large sums of money for a brief ride in space and one company is developing a “space hotel”. If anyone has a chance at moving on to bigger and better things it would be these groups who envision space for the masses, but much to the chagrin to NASA who continues the façade that space is only for well funded government programs.

The reality is that there is an entire space program that the public never sees. There one would find the real equipment. There was a telling story by a rocket engineer who worked for one of the major aerospace companies. He stated that his group’s assignment was to get and improvement of 5% efficiency out of the rockets being developed by his company. The engineers all knew this was a bogus assignment because right down the street there were other “skunk works” engineers working on what they knew were advanced propulsion projects that would make the rocket technologies obsolete. None of this makes any sense unless you realize that the controllers have long since realized that they have to maintain a well orchestrated dog and pony show to satiate the public appetite. What the public is fed is all just smoke and mirrors, and they take it hook line and sinker.

The controllers consider that outer space is their private domain and they manage to coral scientists and engineers to work for them in the secure facilities that never see the light of day. The average person thinks of going into space as a shuttle launch with all the fanfare and smoke trail with crowds of dazzled spectators taking photos and telling

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all their friends. The reality is that advanced propulsion techniques require no launch pad or smoke trail and they likewise will never have crowds of people watching. The areas of work are the best guarded areas of the planet with “shoot to kill” orders for the guards. No one gets in to see that is not on the invited list. It is also within these areas that you see that there are no international boundaries. You find scientists from all countries working together. Only on the outside façade are the divisions of nationality defined and observed.

Once again the reality that most people imagine is simply not true. There are people working on exactly what I am talking about BUT you as the general public are not invited. It is like the massive cave cities that exist beneath the surface of the United States meant to harbor the secret work and housing for the elite in case of disaster (whether man made or natural).

It is said that many higher level political figures spend much of their time in these facilities which are stocked with food and medical supplies to last 100s of years for the inhabitants. Someone is preparing for the future but it does not include the average citizen of planet earth.

This entire discussion is meant to bring attention to the concept of “resources” vs. “funding”. If one has resources that would otherwise cost money in a funded program, then the expense goes away. In any government funded program there are percentages known that indicate the amount or percentage of the funding that actually goes to real work or real materials. This percentage is extremely low. So a billion dollar government funded space program may have as little as 50 million dollars that actually goes to real work and materials after all the overhead is taken out, that is, after the money has worked its way through all the agency offices and prime contractors and subcontractors with their stockholders etc.

This is a relatively small number. Now imagine that one includes “innovation” and all of a sudden there is a great equalizer. A concerted effort by a small group of dedicated volunteer engineers with innovative ideas could lead to as much success as a billion dollar federally funded space program with hardly any real dollar investment at all. Now you may start to see the next aspect of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE. Just the act of government funding provides thousands of jobs and millions of man hours for things that have actually nothing to do with the final objective of the funded program.

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There is no place to spend money in outer space, but if all the supplies for the effort have to be manufactured on earth and shuttled to the space station, then extreme cost per unit of space support is realized. But remember that is one of the current benefits of the government space program … jobs and contracts for many companies. All this might seem good, but when one realizes what the true objective should be, that of getting massive numbers of people into outer space, then the entire space program or at least 99.99999% of everything that has been done is useless for the real final objective.

In just a few years China has surpassed the USA in its race to reach outer space. If China wanted it would not have had to announce publically any news regarding its satellite killing capability and could have in a single day taken out the entire US satellite fleet both commercial and military and there would have been NOTHING anyone could do about it. It would at the same time render our entire military useless reducing them to a poorly communicating land army because literally every military system we have depends on complex coordinated satellite communication. The entire western society would have come screeching to a halt at the drop of a hat.

Returning to the efforts of a bubble group intent on moving into outer space, it soon becomes apparent that a new economic model is required … one that does not include traditional western “venture capital” investments. The venture capital arena requires that the investors take control of the project and in the end want a profit. Since venture capital investments are risky with most failing or at least being modified before they “come to market”, the return expected from the successful companies under venture capital investments is very high. Once again the end product is not the issue because next week there will most likely be a competing product that is cheaper, better and faster. The end product is placing the item in the market and getting a return on investment now. In the aerospace industries, the sale is always to a government supported on the backs of the taxed public.

Clearly, an end product whereby an entire population and program launches off from earth to become autonomous and never return is not exactly what most venture capitalists would see as a good investment. As noted, an entirely new economic model has to take over. The group themselves have to make the commitment of time, talent and resources to affect the final goal.

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Most people are still locked into the mentality of ultra expensive space programs with years of development going into tens of thousands of working parts and a team of experts on the ground monitoring every system as the launch and flight take place. Once again this is the façade that NASA has presented to the public and they have bitten on it hook line and sinker.

Runway to orbit and return to runway or other similar means of “launching” has always been the only way to attempt to enter outer space. There is a physics problem that I call “the rocket problem” which basically shows why rockets will never get us into outer space for long term continual use.

The rocket problem amounts to the following. Say you have a rocket design that works. It is balanced between thrust and payload and does not vibrate and has all the other properties of a well designed reliable rocket. Now you want to increase the payload by just one pound. As you add one pound now you have to add extra fuel to boost that extra payload into space. But you then have to add still more fuel to lift the extra fuel that you added to lift the extra pound of payload. You see quickly that there comes a point of diminishing return with a chemical rocket.

Now imagine you want to take a very long journey (to the next star) and need to go very fast to cut the travel time to a reasonable amount. You have the exact same issue. The farther and faster you want to go, the more fuel you have to take. But then you need even more fuel just to move the extra fuel. This is why vertical lift off chemical rockets will NEVER get us very far in space and they certainly will never take us to the stars. Runway to orbit or similar types of systems with return glide or powered glide to landing are the only ways to enter outer space. But there is an entire family of propulsion systems that does not require ejecting massive amounts of burning hot matter to make things go. The “inertial” or chemical rockets should have been phased out of the space program long ago.

Does NASA know this? Do the engineers and engineering companies that build the rockets for NASA know this? Of course they do. They all know it. But remember that the true goal of NASA (at least the visible part of NASA seen by the public) is to provide you with a colorful dog and pony show and ultimately keep you from ever considering going into space because only a well funded long term

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space program could possibly overcome the difficulties of outer space … or so the story goes.

The lift advantage of the airfoil wing is about 10 to 1, in other words the amount of fuel necessary to lift a rocket of a certain weight in a vertical takeoff scenario is about 10 times the amount of fuel required if you use wings with an airfoil. For example a 747-400 series jumbo jet can take about 4 times the payload as the space shuttle cargo payload to 35,000 feet attaining approximately the same speed but with far less fuel. The majority of the approximate 7 million pounds of chemical rocket fuel in the space shuttle is used to get out of the thick part of the atmosphere or up to about 35,000 feet, the approximate cruising altitude of an average 747 jet aircraft.

An aircraft with airfoil wings can reach the same altitude with the same velocity with one tenth the amount of fuel. So why would NASA continue to use old technology rockets, especially after the X-Prize was won by people using the airfoil runway to space and return to runway approach? You may now be starting to understand that NASA is not about getting into space, it is about preventing YOU from getting into space or even thinking about it. It is the smoke screen necessary for the real space program to go on un-noticed in the background. The controlled news media carries the story and the unsuspecting public continues to believe that the tier 2 science they are fed is the top science of the day.

In April 2001 a private investor Dennis Tito became the first paying private astronaut to visit the international space station but did so under the training and supervision of the Russian space program arranged through a private space tourist corporation, but not before the severe objections of NASA and western authorities. The objections were far from amicable with threats of many kinds coming from the west. But the money strapped Russian space program turned a deaf ear and the US senior officials had little recourse as they depended on the Russian space launch capability at the time (since our own shuttle fleet had been grounded).

When Tito arrived at the International Space Station via a Russian built rocket, he was greeted with distain from the Americans on board. They neither talked to him nor even looked at him during his many day stay at the space station. Tito is said to have sat on the far end of the station drinking vodka with the Russians with whom he could barely converse.

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What would be the reason for the vehement negative reaction of NASA? One might imagine that they would be thrilled as they sponsor all kinds of outreach programs to give the “right stuff” and “gee whiz” feeling to the public and their children. But these programs are more meant to be just that … to impress the public with all that NASA is doing to keep those checks and letters coming … that is … to assure that the public sends their support through congress which keeps the NASA annual budget alive. And what about those NASA summer kid programs with thousands of kids coming from all over to observe? The reality is that few to none of those kids will ever see outer space. Since the inception of our manned space program there have been less than 300 people in space.

So why would NASA object to a tourist like Dennis Tito visiting the space station? The answer is in the fact that the real NASA objective is to keep the public from ever entering or ever thinking about entering space. Likewise the agency reaction to the winning of the X-Prize by a small innovative private company sending a 3 man spacecraft into space (that could fit into most people’s living room) did not bode well for the agency image. The entire project cost less than the $10 million prize … except for the FAA red tape that had to be overcome to make the flight from American soil.

I have to dispel one more common myth before entering into the discussion of how a bubble group with volunteer help could use available natural resources to build a beginning research capability in outer space. That rumor is that we have to land and establish bases on places like the Moon. This is a nice idea but accounts for the most difficult aspect of space travel … that is … landing on and moving off of another celestial object especially those with little or no atmosphere (the Moon and Mars). Setting up an independent base with all the supplies is also a herculean task relative to just orbiting the object in an already existing space station with robotic shuttle missions to the lunar surface for exploration and resource gathering.

Early in my science career which corresponded with the original Apollo space program, I decided that the real space effort should have been to devise a “space train’. This would have been a space station that continually orbited earth and the Moon, but never landed on either. Such a space train would have carried astronauts and possibly even tourists to and from the moon on a continual basis as with the Arthur C. Clarke visions of space of “the future”. Like building a

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railroad to the old west, it would open all avenues of access to the Moon and could be used by anyone for any reason. The idea of sending a single large rocket repeatedly to space for a single throwaway trip was similar to the disposable pen that was used once and discarded … we essentially had a “disposable” space program.

With this in mind let me list a few facts that will start you thinking in terms of simplicity and ease of manufacturing. The fuselage of any existing jet transport aircraft in existence today is fully capable of going into outer space with only slight modifications and housing a full complement of people. A two liter coca-cola bottle can easily be filled to atmospheric pressure (about 14 lb per square inch) and sustain that pressure in outer space. A large scale tube made of the same materials could be manufactured on earth and launched into space with our standard atmosphere with carbon dioxide to oxygen converters to house people. These tubes could reach lengths of hundreds of feet and be 10 to 50 feet in diameter if not larger. Dozens of these tubes could be connected in a bundle and the bundles attached end to end to make the equivalent of a large bicycle tire in outer space with carbon fiber spokes extending from a central hub.

This is a very simplified version of some of the ideas that exist for the creation of inexpensive housing in outer space. Remember that plastic is derived from oil and oil is abundant on the moons of the solar system because oil does not come from rotting fern forests but from these celestial objects occasionally being “polluted” as they pass through the tails of large comets.

Another simple fact is that a thin piece of metal such as aluminum foil manufactured in outer space has 10 times the strength of aluminum foil manufactured on earth. This is because there are no atmospheric contaminants in outer space. Outer space manufacturing of space stations using raw materials derived from low gravity space objects such as small moons or asteroids will be the way of the future.

The nucleus of comet Borrelly in 2001 was photographed and studied by the passing DeepSpace1 spacecraft and exhibited “long chain hydrocarbons” resembling tar and oil on its surface that had been baked on by some means. No water or ice was found nor was there any water or ice leaving the comet nucleus to form the comet water tail. Clearly the NASA dirty snowball comet model was incorrect and clearly the McCanney Plasma Discharge Comet Model was correct. The point here is that there is abundant OIL and long chain

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hydrocarbon materials on small moons, comet nuclei and asteroids in the solar system. This is now a proven fact. I dare say that there were no fern forests or dinosaur bones on the nucleus of comet Borrelly, but SHHH !!! … don’t anyone tell NASA scientists, it may awaken them from a deep sleep.

Water can be harvested from outer space on an ongoing basis by any space craft that would induce the discharge of the solar capacitor thusly duplicating the “comet effect”. Water is made in the electrical conditions of the comet tail as the individual atoms combine as they are attracted towards the comet nucleus (as are the hydrocarbons and other molecules up to and including nucleotides of DNA). Besides being necessary for human life, dissociation of water by solar power will provide one of the highest “specific impulse” or power generating chemicals known to man for the purpose of space propulsion. All of this is available in space for the asking. Once again, NASA with its archaic outdated theories sees nothing of this and thus requires everything they use to come from expensive earth based manufacturing facilities and shuttled to any existing space platforms.

Herein lays another dilemma and one that the world has to address. The United States claims they visited the Moon multiple times between 1969 and the mid 1970’s. But they abandoned their efforts and therefore any claim to the moon and its real estate. By squatter’s rights, the first person to land and maintain a base and stake out a claim will have the rights to that real estate. But this leads to a more interesting question, who owns the resources of outer space?

In the past on earth one could only “own” something if you could protect it from the onslaughts of anyone attempting to take it from you. The law of the jungle prevailed and still prevails today, only today many of the resource takeovers are usually done “legally” or via “legitimate” (although contrived) wars. International corporations vie for resource “rights” granted by governments. As already noted the method of loaning money from the International Monetary Fund to underdeveloped countries with the ultimate intent of taking over their natural resources is a well known tactic but continues unabated.

The simple rule is that if there is a resource of value, someone already has their greedy eyes on it and they typically use the scientists of the world to identify and isolate them before approaching the “governing” agencies to gain control. This is one of my pet peeves with scientists of the day, they sell their souls and expertise to the

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international corporations and have no control over the results that actually hurts the people of the world, especially the very defenseless ones in the third world countries.

All this is necessary to the understanding that resources are available in space and ingenuity along with basic correct knowledge of the workings of the solar system can lead to a cost free space program that can be self sustaining in an ongoing manner for the preservation of the human species. It now may be clear why the bubble group(s) venturing to the stars with the intent on preserving the species has to shed the western economic models for a communal approach where each person is aware of the final goal and sees himself not as a sacrificial lamb but as an essential part including the fact that each person carries their personal genetic code which makes them invaluable to the group for the preservation of the species.

Turning the magic key requires many hands. The famous fighter Mohammad Ali once stated in his philosophy of modern man, that if he were to leave his wallet on a table in public, he should be able to return at any time after that and find it setting in exactly the same place. The implication is that there should be no theft and moreover, in a world with “plenty” why are there people living in poverty and why do some grow up with their only possible hope is stealing from someone else?

Clearly the earth residents en masse are marching down the wrong road. My personal estimation of a society is based on looking at the teeth of the populous. I have come to this conclusion after being in many third world countries. There are a few places on earth where the people all have access to good dentistry, medical attention, education and the basic rights of food, clean water, clothing and shelter. Unfortunately none of these places can be found in any country that follows the western economic model.

The bubble society would have to follow the model that everyone and their health is paramount to the success of the whole. If anyone is left without all of the basic fundamental needs then there is a vacuum and the whole is not equal to the sum of its parts. The good of the entire group is diminished. If anyone began to gain at the expense of the others and a certain element had to suffer loss of basic human necessities then this would not be seen as a profit for the whole, but a detriment to the entire group. Thus the lenders in ancient times were required to lend with compassion and without demanding

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unreasonable interests because to do so would be at the dire expense as a whole. The entire purpose of lending was to benefit society and not to make money or control as it is done in today’s modern banking world.

So turning the magic key involves all hands … all hands turn the magic key and all hands benefit from the actions of everyone else. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY is a term I use and is not found in western society. If the youth were taught personal responsibility in lieu of “obey your superiors” the western societies would be a far different place. If western youth were required to go live in a third world country (with the destitute) before completing high school, the world would be a completely different place. Colleges and universities would no longer be a haven of advanced babysitting where parents could send their children for four more years of “safe keeping” until they hopefully would get married and start their “normal” lives.

THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE is partially a critique of modern western society and its norms. It requires a new look at the way the world works and why the western societies have been lulled into thinking that their way of life is OK. It is not OK and the world is a far worse place for it. Westerners in general are what I call “the clueless ones” and their lack of understanding will be the downfall of the entire human race. This may seem like an unfair verdict, but it has to be because the western “first” world moves and the rest of the world follows or is affected in some way, usually not for the betterment of the world population.

Given that the mass western populations will never wake up and make the changes required for the benefit of the entire planet, the bubble groups will have to move away and with their understanding of all that is being presented here, make their move at TURNING THE MAGIC KEY.

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X. HYPOTHEICAL SPACE STATION The arrival of a clear understanding of societal needs is only part

of the picture. Most people think of a space program as a large well funded effort with many companies as prime and subcontractors all meeting with well tested parts to be part of an amazingly complex final machine such as the Saturn IV rocket or the Space Shuttle. But what if simplicity were the rule? What if the contractors were required to build the simplest vehicle possible that did not depend on computer parts that would eventually fail or springs or latches or hydraulic tubes or any other type of complex manufacturing that would eventually fail and in an autonomous space station, could not be simply made and replaced anywhere in the solar system with locally available resources.

A few examples would be in order to give the idea. In the “west” we are wowed into the concept that computers and computer control have to do everything from guidance to opening the smallest valve. All coordinated and with radiation hardened electronics that can withstand the rigors of outer space. But in the less developed Russian space program they took the “simple and manual” is more reliable attitude and continue to use many basic support system designs today that were developed early in their space program.

One example is the use of pressurized tanks and hand operated valves. These were used for oxygen and other necessities. A simple hand operated valve much like your bathroom sink valve was used and the concept of many tanks redundancy was used. Simple but effective and did not require the complexities of computer control, micro-electric motors, etc. With each added part came the increased probability of failure not to mention expense. But if it did fail a new part could just be sent on the next supply trip from earth just a short distance below the space station in low earth orbit.

Another example is rather comical. At one point NASA put out a series of bids for companies to develop and provide a pen that would work in the gravitation free environment of outer space. A typical pen requires gravity to pull the ink down the tube to the pen tip. So the companies worked and ultimately at great expense found the solution. The Russian solution was to use a pencil. It works every time.

Manufacturing facilities are generally very large and require support such as electricity, raw materials sources not to mention the

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support staff all the way to the cleaning staff and garbage man. In an autonomous space station which can never depend on anything coming from earth ever again, the requirements take on an entirely different tone. The entire conceptual design is very different.

In engineering we call this a “Functional Specification” or FS. I have written many of these in my career as a Principle Systems Engineer for a major telecommunications company where we built telecommunications computers. I also have written them as part of military grade specifications for the propulsion system work and inventions I created in the early 1980s as part of my ongoing personal research based on the electrical nature of the solar system.

The FS document does not tell you how to build something or even what it should look like or what it would be made of. The FS takes a one step removed approach and states what the final product should be. It usually contains performance requirements and many times is based on compatibility issues with other existing or planned products. I can only imagine the FS documents of large space endeavors that have passed through the aerospace corporations building equipment for our national manned space programs. However, I can guarantee you that NONE of them ever looked like what you are going to see here.

Very simply put, the autonomous space station has to be somewhat akin to the sailing ships of the Middle Ages. If they needed a mast they did not write home to send one. The men took their wood working tools ashore to a local forest, selected a tree and moved it in place and ultimately re-rigged the ship. The materials for maintenance have to be found and readily available in outer space.

The following is a list of such materials. Remember that oil and long chain hydrocarbons are much more readily available in outer space than metals which have to be mined and formed in very high heat processes. But in order of availability and ease of use in outer space the way I see the problem is as follows (in order of availability and ease of use): plastics (derivatives of long chain hydrocarbons), glass, carbon fiber (also derived from hydrocarbons), water, gasses and metals. In terms of energy and again in order of availability and ease of use: sunlight (converted to hear furnaces or converted to electricity), electricity (obtained from discharges of the local capacitors), electricity (from fuel cells based on water –hydrogen oxygen technology) and fusion of hydrogen – deuterium. And lastly for use in

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propulsion also in order of ease of use and availability: oxygen-hydrogen rocket engines (oxygen and hydrogen collected by imitating “the comet effect” with the space craft), directed discharges of local capacitors with the resulting electrical currents directed through glass tubes working against local magnetic fields and fusion powered electrical currents directed through glass tubes working against locally occurring magnetic fields. I put the chemical oxygen-hydrogen engine first as it might be the most practical to begin with. Unlike similar chemical rockets on earth one does not have to greatly pressurize and liquefy the oxygen and hydrogen in outer space but they would be contained in large plastic tanks. Since there is no drag or atmosphere in outer space the tanks can be very large low pressure tanks.

This last paragraph is part of the FS mentioned. The autonomous space station would need simple solutions that could be easily repaired using locally available materials based on the true understanding of the workings of the solar system. You may now understand that science is not just a cold set of rules that are remote from the human existence. We are living in a vibrant electrical cosmos and it provides us with the materials and tools and naturally occurring space craft designs that make it relatively easy to manage in outer space. This is the exact opposite of any space designs that have come from the US space industries or their government funding agencies where complexity is the norm … where earth based manufacturing is assumed and all support must come from planet earth at great expense as well as the transportation to move the equipment to and from outer space.

A second material of choice for outer space is carbon fiber and the resins we use on earth that are all derived from long chain hydrocarbons. Carbon fiber has many amazing properties that make it far superior to metals in outer space. You can make any shape of object easily, the material is cured in vacuum (on earth man has to build large vacuum chambers to cure parts), and the final pieces have no expansion or contraction with temperature. Metals require high heat and in real aerospace manufacturing one typically takes a large chunk of metal and machines it to shape. Although one can cast metals into any shape, they typically require a good deal of machining even after casting. Carbon fiber is ideal for making tubes, the dominant shape in space craft design. If you can make reinforced carbon tubes in many varying sizes, you can build a space program on this alone.

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A typical scenario for making a pressure tube for use in outer space is to take a form for example in the shape of a giant 2 liter pop container. Carbon fiber soaked in resin is wrapped in patterns around the form and set to cure. An end port is attached and it is that simple. It can then be bundled with other tubes and the bundles of tubes would be attached end to end. The final structure looking like a giant bicycle wheel with carbon fiber spokes. Each tube might be hundreds of feet long so the overall structure would be immense and could house hundreds of thousands of people. These could then be placed side by side to make even larger composite space cities and colonies.

The issue of making the containers in outer space with materials available away from earth is the ultimate goal but initially the containers would be manufactured on earth and with one atmosphere of pressure and possibly with water. They would be launched by the dozens per day using light weight reusable breakaway kerosene-oxygen rocket engines with the tube units carried to approximately 50,000 foot altitude by aircraft designed to carry the large tubes and then release them for the final trip to outer space. With time the electric propulsion systems could be used and ultimately the tubes would be manufactured in outer space using materials locally available from small moons of the solar system where abundant oil is available.

The entire issue of making a space station comes down to understanding how to grow food and prevent disease from entering the area. Would future space generations need their immune systems and would there be a program of introduced bacteria and viruses to maintain the viability of the human immune system. There are many questions that would need time to analyze and reach a best case scenario. If the people on the space craft were ever intended to return to earth they would need their immune systems ability to adapt to the area of earth where they would land to establish their presence again.

Here again man as an integral part of the earth has many factors that allow him to live amongst the other biological factors. If you travel even to another area of the planet many times we get sick because there are different bacteria or viruses that our bodies are not accustomed to combating. It is not that these other areas are necessarily dirty or unclean. The local people have developed immunity to their local diseases. Much of the population that was indigenous to the western hemisphere died because of unfamiliar viruses and bacteria brought by explorers from Europe.

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This is why a space venture to become completely autonomous would take necessarily a very long time. Making a space station is the least of the problems. Living in a closed confined area forever with hundreds of thousands of other people raises a near infinite list of complicated questions, any one of which could present a “show stopper” to the effort.

In preparation for life in space the segments of the population who had made the decision to take their DNA into outer space as part of the project would begin a lifestyle of diet, exercise and health. One of the largest aspects of these groups would be the social interaction necessary to transform the standard interactions of driving your SUV to the movies to one of spending long hours in communication with others. It is said that prior to the great catastrophe there were two dominant cultures on earth … that of Atlantis and the other being the lost continent of Mu. The Atlantians were warlike and aggressive, probably much like Americans of today. The Lemurians on the other hand lived off the land and spent most of their time in social betterment and personal communications. These are foreign pursuits especially in western cultures where people do not even eat together anymore let alone set and have a lengthy conversation.

There could be many space station designs but they will be comprised of tubes in some configuration. How they are divided and how they will be self recovering in case of a direct hit by small space rocks are all design factors that have to be discovered by making them and living in them.

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Each of the designs noted in the previous chapter will be discussed

in this book to give at least one possible set of solutions to the problem of designing and constructing an autonomous space station. For many the idea of electromagnetic propulsion systems would be a foreign concept, but my original designs were first introduced in the early 1980s. They offer the ability to take naturally occurring electrical energy and induce an electrical current which passes through an insulating glass tube. This then pushes on a local relatively weak magnetic field in outer space to provide a small but constant force. A small force acting continually over a long period of time can equal a large impulsive force acting for a short time. As an example imagine taking the NASA space shuttle into outer space with all of its fuel tanks full of fuel. The main engines along with the solid strap on boosters produce around 7 million pounds of thrust. Lifting off from earth this just slightly more than balances the lift off weight of the shuttle. But as it climbs and the fuel is spent, the overall weight (or more correctly the mass) of the rocket is reduced and the shuttle accelerates towards low earth orbit. Technically the solid boosters only burn for about 2 minutes but just for the sake of example imagine they can burn as long as the main shuttle rocket engine which is about 9 minutes. In our hypothetical example of the shuttle and all of its fuel being set into outer space far from earth, let’s light the engines now and see what happens. Without the opposing weight of earth the shuttle would go farther faster but after an estimated 9 minutes, all the fuel would be gone and that would be the end of the propulsion effort.

Now compare this to a small engine with just 1 pound of thrust (the equivalent of a slight push with your hand). Working continuously for a period of just 3 months (7,776,000 seconds) you would obtain the same approximate velocity as the 9 minute burn from the powerful shuttle rocket boosters. Herein is the rational for the electric propulsion systems for use in outer space. So we will see as an inherent part of the space station design a clear glass tube that extends through the middle of the space station “hub” through which naturally occurring electrical discharges are induced to “spirit” the large space station away from low earth orbit and free of earth gravity

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without ever lifting a finger. Once again, understanding the true electrical nature of the cosmos and adapting designs that nature has had waiting for us in her secret bag of tricks is all that is needed to begin the journey starward. Slightly different designs are available which can “ride the electric highways to the star” but rely on the same principles. One uses the power of existing naturally occurring electricity in outer space to create electrical currents that pass through glass tubes (which are a form of conductor in outer space) and when properly oriented relative to locally existing magnetic fields provide a free form of propulsion. They utilize the concept of small forces working over long periods of time to realize the same end effect as large chemical rocket forces acting over short periods of time.

The entire concept of electric highways to the stars relies on the understanding that there are electrical currents passing through the solar system as all the planets and their moon systems discharge the solar capacitor. These electrical currents are the electrical highways to the stars since they produce an inherent localized magnetic field. Likewise, in the extra solar system environment in the galactic arm, since our galactic nucleus is a fusion based source acting just as our sun (and every other star in the universe), there are similar interstellar electrical currents that pass between the stars. These are literally the electric highways to the stars.

This effect can be enhanced once the space craft begins to discharge these electrical current sources; a strange phenomenon occurs. The electrical currents passing via the space craft and its discharge begin to pull together and eventually this enhances the amount of current and therefore the magnetic field. Once again this is nature’s way of providing for free the path to inter planetary and interstellar travel. But one first has to shed the archaic outdated concepts of traditional BAD SCIENCE AND ASTRONOMY (which describe none of this) to arrive at the true secrets that the creator has placed for us to travel and enjoy the universe, and to take our genetic strain on an eternal ride to posterity.

The ATLANTIS TO TESLA – THE KOLBRIN CONNECTION book (3rd book of this series) reproduces in its entirety the engineering paper that describes one of the non-passive propulsion systems I invented and designed in the early 1980’s. It consists of circular glass tubes evacuated (containing a vacuum) and powered by high current nuclear power cells. The point of this design is that a controlled

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nuclear reaction electrical power cell pushes large electrical currents through the glass tubes. These electrical currents are contained within the glass tubes, and when immersed in a manmade or naturally occurring magnetic field, produces a thrust on the space craft. This is an active system in that power has to be generated by an onboard source for the system to produce a thrust. There are two other designs which utilize naturally occurring electric current sources and therefore are “passive” in that they work when oriented in the correct direction. No input of energy from on board the space craft or space station is required.

There is a rather humorous but not so funny story that needs to be told in this book. In 1983 I was in Los Angeles seeking funding for the propulsion system design just described and contained in the Atlantis to Tesla book. Ultimately the design was absconded with and taken into some of the major aerospace corporations for redesign in what is commonly known as “the skunk works” … secret military projects that are top secret.

I knew this had happened and I was in a sense squeezed out of my own project because I insisted that my design not be used for military purposes as I was and still am a conscientious objector to the military (I still have my Conscientious Objector status draft card that I obtained when a youth during the Viet Nam “war”). Since the entire purpose of the ongoing development was to develop my design for military purposes, I was not exactly welcome around the project.

At any rate one day I heard of a “new” NASA project that was being funded and operating out of a small scientific “think tank” corporation in La Jolla California. The project was to take a “tether” (a long cord of carbon fiber with a weight at the far end) and release it from the space shuttle. They hoped to drag this cord through the naturally occurring geo-magnetic field of earth when the space shuttle was in orbit and generate electricity. But the new twist was that the group working on the “tether” project decided they might be able to actively pass an electric current through the tether and thereby create a useful force to move the space shuttle. It was an experiment they proposed and for which they received funding.

I thought my goodness this is my project taking on a slightly different form. My project of course used glass tubes to pass the electric currents but as you might suspect I started to smell some rotten fish as they say. So I decided to make a surprise visit to the campus of

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this company. Although it had high security entry, I walked in without too much resistance as my name was fairly well known in the scientific community at that time. I knocked on the door of one of the PIs (Principle Investigators) and he invited me in for a chat. As I sat there we discussed his tether project and he seemed somewhat familiar with my work on propulsion systems, asking intelligent questions that only a well trained scientist would ask.

I warned him that what they were doing was very dangerous and described that by letting their tether out of the shuttle with miles of line, they would discharge the local electrical capacitor and this was not something to play with. The end result would be devastating for their experiment and possibly damage the shuttle itself. My comments were met with distain as they did not believe any such thing would happen. I warned him again and attempted to further explain the problems they would surely encounter.

At about this time a technician from the curtained lab across the hall entered with a long glass tube bent into the shape of a semi-circle (the heart of my propulsion design) and asked if this looked good to the PI. His face turned a bright red and I then looked and saw a bound copy of my propulsion system proposal filed neatly on his desk.

He proceeded to get up and stated he was busy and I should leave at this time. Not wishing to create a scene in this private company I got up and left. But that is not where the story ends. A number of years later I heard that the tether experiment was finally going on board a space shuttle after being bumped a number of times. I waited with interest as the day approached. They let the “space tether” out of the shuttle bay and before it got more than 50 feet a huge electrical discharge nearly blew off one of the shuttle bay doors and took out all of the electronics on board including the two main re-entry computers. The shuttle was able to limp home on just one small backup computer … and so ended the saga of the “space tether” program.

Understanding and mitigating the effects of outer space electricity requires that one understand the true laws of the universe. Ignorance is not an excuse as the end results are unforgiving. Another example of NASA’s lack of understanding of the dangers of space environment deals with the Van Allen Belts, a series of high energy particles circling the earth trapped in earth’s magnetic field. On one shuttle mission the astronauts moved from their standard low earth orbit to the lower edge of the first Van Allen belt. The space craft began to

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experience severe static electrical effects and the astronauts eyebrows began to glow (reminiscent of being in a region of very high electrical voltage). They brought the shuttle back to low earth orbit and have never gone back since.

A similar effect had been observed many times regarding the shuttle itself as the shuttle experienced what later became known as the “shuttle glow”. Although government scientists came up with many varying explanations (all of which had to deny the existence of electric fields in outer space), the only real explanation is that the shuttle was encountering what I call “the comet effect” and discharging the local capacitor which ultimately has its source in the overall electric field generated by the differential solar wind as described earlier.

In spite of all the evidence supporting the electrical nature of the solar system and all of the observable effects, our lofty government sponsored space program and the core groups of scientists continue to maintain that no such electrical effects could possibly exist.

Knowledge of all locations of electrical currents in outer space are necessary just as a good sailor knows about the wind patterns and ocean currents to navigate safely to the final destination. The next chapter discusses what I call Local Electrical Batteries or LEBs. These are naturally occurring pockets of electrical fields and corresponding electrical currents that can be used for space propulsion and navigation with the electric propulsion systems outlined in this book.

A main source of electrical activity and by far the most powerful is the comet electrical discharge of the solar capacitor. If I were an interstellar space fairing culture, I would want to leave a star system and enter it riding the massive electrical currents (and therefore large magnetic fields) of a comet. This of course would imply that you knew what you were doing. You may not want to try this on your first venture into space. Remember that the electrical discharge that passes through a comet can be hundreds of millions of miles long even though the visible comet coma may only hundreds of thousands of miles long. I state this by saying that the “electrical size” of the comet is much larger than the visible size of the comet. So detecting or knowing where the electrical discharge sets relative to the visible comet coma would be somewhat akin to a bird flying but not being able to see the air that supports it.

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One of the most important concepts of my theoretical work was the

identification and categorization of LEBs. This term was introduced in the ATLANTIS TO TESLA –THE KOLBRIN CONNECTION book although the concept goes back to the earliest days of my fields … as well as regions which are guarded or “shielded” from the effects of electric and resulting magnetic fields. This is evident in the paper on Saturn and the early 3- part comet paper (all reprinted in their original form in the appendices of the Planet-X Comets and Earth Changes 1st book of this series).

These regions of space are constantly changing in size and strength and sometimes the direction of the fields change based on the myriad of factors in the plasma environment of outer space. One of the most easily understood regions of local electric battery lies to the sunlit side of earth, as our magnetic field encounters the solar wind. When the magnetic field that is carried in the solar wind plasma changes, it can change and even reverse earth’s external magnetic field. This can be measured at the surface of the earth in the extreme cases with a handheld compass. When the magnetic field reverses in outer space, you have to understand that it opposes but does not change the permanent magnetic field that is locked in earth's core and mantle. What does happen however is that the solar wind is no longer blocked and comes pounding into our upper atmosphere.

The planet Venus has no magnetic field and continually fluoresces in x-rays on its sunward side due to the constant influx of high energy solar wind particles streaming from the sun. Venus lacks a protective magnetic field. This is what happens when our own magnetic field breaks down. The influx of x-rays is dangerous to inhabitants on earth, yet standard science in their fear of alarming the public refuses to talk about this simple fact. It is a quantity regularly monitored and talked about in Russia but never heard about in the Western press.

There is a region in a comet which sits behind the comet nucleus called the “neutral zone” (see the appendices of the Atlantis to Tesla book). This is a region where neutral or un-charged molecules and atoms may exist without strong electrical currents or electric fields to influence their behavior. It is much like a region behind a rock in a

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stream of rushing water where fish hangout to get away from the currents. Many times plasmas act the same as currents in a river. On the upstream side of a rock in a stream of rushing water, a pressure builds up. The same is true of the electron beam coming from the Sun side when a comet discharges the solar capacitor ... it creates a pressure, but in this case is an electrical pressure or buildup of electrical charge ... in this case negative charge. Due to the fact that electrons have thousands of times more mobility or ability to move in an electric field than anything else in outer space, they provide the bulk carrier in any electrical discharge.

This is the cause of charging of everything from spacecraft to asteroids to the earth to comet nuclei. Such a simple observation has totally escaped the scientific community because it never thought enough to look for such electric fields as they were told in grad school that such fields were impossible. Actually space scientists now claim they attempted to measure electric fields however they misunderstand one fact of rudimentary physics … you cannot measure an electric voltage in outer space with just one space craft since there is no reference “ground” in outer space. Thus the spacecraft takes on the voltage of its environment and will always appear without a net voltage relative to its surroundings. I have heard many space scientists quote this completely incorrect result. It would be like trying to measure the voltage on your car battery with just one wire … it cannot be done … one needs two wires to measure a voltage with one being the reference voltage. Voltage indicates a difference in electrical potential between two points in space. That voltage may be provided by a physical battery or a capacitor or it may be caused by an electrical plasma condition in outer space.

The antique battery known as the Edison Battery was patented around the year 1900. It had a single metallic plate coated with two electrodes coming out the ceramic top. A glass container held a solution very similar to that of seawater. This solution chosen by Edison was calcium chloride solution. The battery provided approximately .7 volts and these were hooked in series or parallel to increase the voltage and power needed for a particular operation. The solution did not freeze down to very low temperatures and was used in the early days of railroad for guide lights and other electrical functions. When the electrical charge provided by the solution was used up, the railroad linemen would simply replace the solution in the jar and it was

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ready to go again. Recharging batteries did not come until later. This patent was quite interesting as at the time a man named Tesla was working for Edison. As stated in my earlier works it is my belief that Tesla had access to ancient documents, which gave him the start to understand many of the inventions of his career.

The batteries are mentioned here because the ancients are now known to have used seawater batteries. These were large cement or rock structures in which seawater was allowed to flow in and remain until the electrical charge and energy were dissipated through large cables that ran inland ... then the water was let back into the ocean and fresh seawater entered the battery chambers to renew the charge. This may have been used as an exclusive source of power ... OR it may have been needed to generate power to initialize the Tesla type towers that extracted energy from the vertical electric field of earth.

In approximately 1900 one of the Tesla towers was used to extract energy from the vertical electric field prior to being torn down by the energy mafia which still exists today and controls the world energy situation. The control electronics were housed in a small wooden building in the center and this created the initial alternating voltage using the grid power that was needed to initiate the “drilling through to the ionosphere” to tap into the earth’s vertical electric field. One can only imagine this sight in operation at night as the electrical current came down and was collected by the hundreds of point collectors on the tower. Understand that these are extremely dangerous devices and should not be used or built by anyone without an extreme level of education and experience in dealing with high-voltage devices.

The damage done by the mishap experiment in Canada in August of 2003 which caused the Northeast power outage is a good example of how even trained scientists may not know what they are doing in the handling of such a dangerous devices. Since this is described in prior writings in Atlantis to Tesla book I will not reiterate the same material here.

The local electric battery or LEB that drives the Tesla tower comes from the ionosphere to ground and although Tesla used his towers in the temperate mid latitudes, I have learned that there are better places to place these towers. Although much is known and I have gained a great deal of knowledge about these tremendously powerful devices, a good deal more study remains to be done as with any complex science project ... especially one that interacts with nature.

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The 4th book of this series Principia Meteorologia – The Physics of Sun Earth Weather shoes in detail the workings of electric fields in the solar system and shows many diagrams of Local Electric Batteries. They describe the solar wind separating as it moves around the magnetic field of earth. Eight local electric batteries are identified in just one of the diagrams. Spacecraft in fact have identified all of these in and around earth and around other planets. For example one LEB is the voltage generated between our moon and earth ... it is the same voltage that provides the energy source for the power of the incredible electric current that moves between Jupiter and its closest moon Io, and also causes the torus of that moon … a cylindrical comet tail orbiting behind the moon as Io orbits Jupiter.

Our own moon has a tail of sodium and there are indications that there are other atomic and molecular species in the lunar tail also. This particular battery is very complicated as it depends on where the moon is relative to its magnetic field. The moon passes through our own comet tail that extends far to the non-sunlit side of earth.

A number of days after full moon, as the moon passes out of this magnetic tail, which is similar but not as active as a comet tail, the moon develops its own electrical discharge of the solar capacitor as it is totally independent of earth’s magnetic field at that point. As the moon moves between earth and the Sun, it absorbs the solar wind and sun side electrons that arrive from the Sun for a few days … which causes the earth's protective magnetic field to relax and expand. As the moon moves out of the way after new moon, the sun side electron beam and the solar wind re-establish their connection to the Earth's magnetic field and come pounding in with a great impulse. This causes a compression of earth's magnetic field and is in fact one of the triggers that can generate large storms such as hurricanes and tornadoes and also generates a rapid increase in the size and effects of the other local electric batteries in and around our planet.

Other LEBs include a cross potential of earth's comet like plasma tale. Another is the electric field generated in as protons and electrons in the solar wind split into two different flows as they initially hit earth's magnetic field on the sunward side of earth. Yet still another is the voltage generated between earth's upper ionosphere and the Van Allen belt. This is the region I identified early in my work as one of the main local earth electrical batteries and it was regarding this field that I told NASA scientists not to extend the tether out from the space

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shuttle in an experiment which attempted to generate electricity by dragging along a tether through Earth's magnetic field. They were totally oblivious to this LEB field and would not listen to what I told them. The end result was that even before the tether was even a few hundred yards out of the bay of the space shuttle (it was intended to be extended a few kilometers) an intense electrical discharge occurred that nearly blew one bay door off the space shuttle and took out all of its computer systems. Yet another LEB is an unusual electric field gradient that wraps around the plasma shield of earth over the north-south region and under the east-west direction relative to Earth's magnetic field.

One of the main LEBs in the solar system is a result of the solar electric field that extends radially outwards from the Sun and through which Earth passes continually as we orbit the Sun. Although this is seen as a local electric field near Earth in the diagram, it literally extends to the far reaches of the solar system.

Another earth localized LEB is the electric field that follows magnetic field lines down to the Polar Regions. These are opposite polarity with electrons coming on sunward side and protons coming in the other side to create the plasma in fact we call auroras. Once again the same fields exist on all the planets that have magnetic fields.

A earth to Moon LEB exists and is the electrical field that extends between the earth and our moon which is responsible for many of the magnetic effects of earth, including the explanation for the plasma magnetic field that had to exist as earth cooled its mantle and core through the Curie temperature to allow permanent magnetic fields to become locked into the solidifying iron and nickel. Without the moon, earth would have no permanent magnetic field except for that locked in the very innermost core, which was the original planetary seed as earth was a large comet during its years of formation many billions of years ago.

The entire topic of the local electric batteries could provide numerous university graduate level courses and so far I have identified approximately 17 such LEBs around earth. The number of LEBs continues to grow as do their complexity and ever-changing nature as well as the inter-relations and coupling between them and their relations to the geo-magnetic field. The LEB between the Van Allen Belts and the earth’s upper atmosphere is the one that could be used by spacecraft and space stations to discharge this local capacitor down a

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long tube in the center of the space station whereby this would push against earth's magnetic field to move it out of and away from the vicinity of earth and into interplanetary space. This could be the topic of almost an entire separate book.

Once the LEB locations are charted and understood the space faring enterprise can move in many patterns to accomplish the goal of getting to where you want to go. The concept of The Electric Highways to the Stars as well as the identification of the many LEBs which provide the sources of electrical power has been one of the hallmarks of my scientific work. This was all possible because of my original understanding that the Sun has a differential charged particle flow in its solar wind which creates the solar capacitor. As the planets and their moon(s) discharge the solar capacitor the physics of following these principles to their logical conclusions brings about the theoretical structure that explains the LEBs.

With these as a basis, life in space with passive electric propulsion systems gets very interesting as it starts to become apparent that the ancient civilizations that preceded the great catastrophe very likely knew that there was a source of power and how to use it. They may or may not have understood the source of this power but like the birds of the sky who fly without understanding or seeing the wind, the ancients could have had empirical knowledge of all these facts and used them to fly around earth’s atmosphere and also into outer space on extended voyages to other planets and possibly even the stars.

Imagine a civilization such as the ancient Atlantians who could have had a Tesla type tower in the center of their 5 ringed city. The controlled electrical discharge to the ionosphere would power their every need and also provide the electrical highway to exit the atmosphere. Remember just one simple fact when referring to the passive and active electromagnetic propulsion systems … where there is an electric field or already existing river of electrical current, there is a path that can be followed for transportation.

So one might well imagine the sight at night of the eerie glow of the tesla type tower in the central hill of the city as seen from a distance. The lights and glowing magnetic currents passing through each of the space craft with possible bright landing lights would create activity like bees around a hive with the central column of the vertical electrical discharge extending far into the night sky.

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When planets like Mars and earth came close to alignment, the space faring populations would begin to launch in an effort to catch the electrical discharge connection that would soon be established between earth and Mars. Once connected into the electric highway, the space travelers could sit back for a comfortable 2 week ride that would take them to a resort town on the planet Mars or return them back after an extended stay.

Remember that in ancient times before the great catastrophe where a massive comet removed the atmosphere and oceans of Mars, the “red planet” was known to be a blue water planet just like earth and most likely provided a living environment compatible with that of earth for the visitors and may well have contained permanent colonies of humans. But Mars lost its ability to support life. Mars now is regaining its atmosphere and scientific measurements have shown that it has doubled in density and extent in approximately the past 10 years. Earth too is taking on water and atmosphere all the time but it is hardly noticeable due to the larger extent of the atmosphere relative to mars. Yes earth and Mars and all the planets are gaining matter all the time as they discharge the solar capacitor and perform the same electrical gathering of materials as comets. Comets are more active electrically in the discharge of this capacitor since they are found in elliptical (non-circular) orbits and therefore cut through the field lines of the solar capacitor at a larger angle (known as the gradient of the solar electric field).

The concepts presented in this book represent an outline of both human considerations as well as the physical designs of space vehicles with their non-inertial propulsion systems necessary to pursue the preservation of the species and take them to the stars. Each system has many design aspects but SIMPLICITY is the key to success. The rule has to be … “ if it becomes too complicated then it will not work”. Many designs and efforts will work in the short term effort, but in the long term many of these will be eliminated for one reason or another. And only the real methods of working in space will remain.

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Previous chapters included discussions of the numerous types of naturally available propulsion systems. They all have the same requirements. They all must be simple and rely on materials readily available in outer space. They must lend themselves to simple repairs and in general they are based on the concept of low force applied over a very long period of time to affect the movements of the space station. Another requirement is that they work to take the space station to the planets and stars.

Inertial rockets that require transporting fuel from earth or mining from a moon are not practical. You will see that the designs that nature has provided come from the knowledge of the real workings of the cosmos, and thus are an essential part of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE since they will be universally discovered by the groups that seek to take their species to the stars.

Those whose interest favors large corporate profits will not see the need for these propulsion systems because the farther away from the home planet you get, the fewer ways there are to make money and therefore the economic model, not the propulsion systems will be the limiting factor.

Oxygen and Hydrogen in a comet tail are the main chemicals as they form water in the electric field of the comet. A future chapter will describe “the comet effect” whereby a space craft or space station induces the electrical discharge of the local space environment thusly duplicating the same plasma system of a naturally occurring comet. The end effect is that the space craft will draw in materials from a large volume surrounding the object. Water as well as hydrocarbons can be gathered in quantities and stored in tubes. The hydrogen and oxygen can be then separated using solar powered cells and kept in separate large containers. They do not have to be pressurized as on earth for example with the space shuttle main engine. The need to pressurize in this system is required to keep the overall volume down as large tanks would drag in the atmosphere that would be large enough contain the fuel necessary to carry the payloads into space.

I see the oxygen-hydrogen engine as similar to a motor on a sailboat. It is not for main long term propulsion but more for

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positioning thrusters to control attitudes and space craft maneuvering for docking and other types of minor adjustments.

There are two types of electro-magnetic propulsion systems … passive and active. The passive systems only have to be placed in the environment of an electric current and they perform their work without moving parts or further assistance. There are two basic designs in the passive category. The active system is more complicated and requires power generation on the space craft to force electric currents through glass tubes that must be oriented in a certain direction relative to the local naturally occurring or artificial magnetic field in outer space.

The active system is described in detail in the 3rd book of this series Atlantis to Tesla – The Kolbrin Connection. This system functions as a propulsion system for a gyro stabilized (spinning wheel stabilization) craft or can be used for docking purposes where two artificially induced magnetic fields interact and can also be used for satellite positioning for satellites in orbit around a celestial object such as earth with a naturally occurring magnetic field. Please refer to the Atlantis to Tesla book for further details.

The first of the passive systems uses naturally occurring electric fields and induces a discharge of one of the Local Electric Fields (LEBs) as described in a previous chapter. The electric currents are directed along conductors or through long glass tubes attached generally through the axis of the space station perpendicular to the plane of the spinning space station (e.g. imagine a bicycle wheel with its axle containing the conductor or long glass tube. The direction of the electrical current naturally works against the local magnetic field of the earth providing a forward force. Acting over a long period of time it would spirit the space station out of earth orbit and off to a journey in outer space. In the case of earth the LEB between the Van Allen belts and the earth’s upper atmosphere works perfectly for this task. It by the way is the same LEB that the NASA subcontractors extending the “tether” unwittingly discharged as recounted earlier in this book. They are living proof that I am exactly correct in identifying this source of power.

The other passive propulsion system is a bit more subtle and was the last one I discovered. It too became obvious to me as I worked on the concepts of The Electric Highways to the Stars. The second passive electrical propulsion system looks and functions as follows. The final real design is a bit different from this description but this

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description will be the easiest for most people to follow. First imagine an umbrella with its long sweeping arms extending outwards from the main mast or pole. Now imagine an electric current passing through outer space. Remember in the world of standard science such electrical currents are said not to exist, however they are recorded all the time and observed for example passing for millions of miles through the center of comets and passing between moons and planets and even between the stars. Electrical currents exist between the ocean surface and the ionosphere looking up the eye of a hurricane and the entire purpose of the Tesla tower is to create such an electric current between ground and the ionosphere. These are The Electric Highways to the Stars. Wherever you find a naturally occurring electrical current path, you can use this passive propulsion system.

Now imagine placing a vast umbrella like structure along the axis of your space station and directing the mast axis of the umbrella along the path of the electric current you wish to follow. A number of things begin to happen. First the electrical current is enhanced by the presence of the object (the space craft) and this will increase the flow of electrical current which will enhance the flow and overall final force achieved. The electrical current will wish to pass down the axis of the umbrella devise however some will pass out the extended bent arms of the umbrella and eventually find its way to the tips where it will pass off and eventually rejoin the bulk current path. The electric current passing through the arms of the umbrella interacts with the magnetic field that is induced by the central main current flow creating a small force in the direction of the electric current path.

You are now riding the electric highway … for free. Remember that the long term continual force will continue to accelerate the space station for weeks and months and even years as you make your way to your destination.

Nature has provided these mechanisms to those who wish to travel amongst the planets and stars. These are NON-INERTIAL engines that require no mass to be heated or ejected. But you have to understand the true electrical nature of the cosmos as an essential part of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE.

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The standard science story for the origin of diamonds states that

they formed hundreds of millions of years ago deep in the earth and then followed volcanic flux tubes to the surface where men mine them but only in certain spots on earth. But as with almost everything, there are exceptions. In the early 1980s evidence started to appear that some diamonds originated from outer space. They were found in meteorites that flashed to earth from afar and sometimes appeared in clusters known as black diamonds that appeared to have formed under extreme conditions possibly in the hearts of stars.

But other considerations are now necessary. Micro diamonds are known to have peppered earth in the past, but more importantly some seem to show up at just the same time as mass extinctions. Microdiamonds were found in a layer of dust that appeared as the dinosaurs were meeting their extinction and meteor craters at different points of the earth show meteors with diamonds encased in their centers. But many diamonds have been discovered in outer space floating freely with no meteoric material associated with them at all.

To me the most striking display of diamonds occurred when scientists discovered sprays of microdiamonds imbedded in the tusks and bones of deceased mastodons that occurred as they were going extinct around the world just as the last ice age was descending upon the world. Their upper sides were peppered with imbedded microdiamonds but the bottom sides were not.

More recently entire orbiting belts of diamonds have been discovered orbiting stars that exhibit x-ray activity. The diamonds are so plentiful around these stars that their signatures are detectable from earth in spectroscopic data that analyzes the light coming from the stars. Recall that all comets exhibit x-rays to their sunward sides.

Diamonds have been produced by duplicating the high temperatures and pressures believed to be the formative cause of diamonds deep in the earth. Scientists also accidently discovered that microdiamonds were created from gaseous carbon in a vacuum chamber when an electron current beam was injected into the system. In this scenario the high pressures are obtained when the carbon atoms organize into what the scientists called “onions”. These were highly

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compact spherical crystals of carbon that formed and then inside they created the pressures needed for microdiamonds to form.

So scientists considered that the diamonds could have formed in the atmospheres of stars and eventually were blown out all over the universe, with some eventually coming to rest in planets that exploded with bits and pieces eventually arriving at planet earth … but what if the method of creating diamonds using an electron beam had a duplicate process in outer space? It so happens that the McCanney Plasma Discharge Comet Model exhibits exactly the correct process in the sunward electron beam that can reach extremely high energies in large comets. Carbon is a common atom element in comet comas so all of the essential ingredients are present. In fact given the conditions, it seem that diamonds must be forming on the sunward side of large comets (and possibly some small intense comets).

Would this then explain the data and presence of diamonds in all the locations where they have been discovered? Since large comets can become planets and moons by capture and subsequent orbital modification due to the “tail drag”, this would account for diamonds in the cores of planets and moons. They could then migrate to the surface via the noted flux tubes just as we see them doing today.

Diamonds could then be explained as part of asteroids and meteorites that had their origins in larger planetary objects, some of which eventually made their way to earth. The meteor craters would exhibit diamond traces just as explained above.

Now in the case of mass extinctions, the case for an asteroid colliding with earth to cause the demise of the dinosaurs is no longer plausible although something of a cosmic intruder nature certainly happened then as it did so many times in the past. In the case of the mastodons no one has ever suggested a colliding asteroid since there are no major recent craters on earth that would account for the time frame involved (at most within the past 10,000 years).

The evidence is starting to mount for the case that the sprays of microdiamonds came from a passing large comet that caused all of the other effects at the same time. Mass extinctions, sprays of diamonds from the sky, the great flood, high levels of volcanic activity, earth quakes, La Brea tar pits with dying animals, he influx of burning naphtha and brimstone, a pole shift which moved the Laurentian ice sheet south to melt and form the Mississippi river valley while moving the area now called Siberia from a semi-tropical climate to the arctic

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circle so fast that the mastodons died standing up with frozen undigested flowers and plants in their mouths.

The ancient legends from around the world confirm all of these statements. The ancient Maya state clearly that Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent god of the sky (the pre-planet comet Venus), picked up the oceans and carried them overland devastating the populations. This was of course the tidal wave caused by the induced gravitational wave of the passing comet nucleus which also caused the pole shift of about 35 degrees from the old North Pole.

A recent comet probe named “Star Dust” visited the tail of comet Wild 2 to recover comet tail material. They discovered that about 50% of the tail material formed in extremely hot locations such as the vicinity of stars. But standard astronomical theory regarding comets states that they formed in the icy confines of outer space in an area so far from the Sun that there could not be anything hot. This scenario has been preached for over 60 years as the gospel truth. But as with almost all other data, it does not fit the standard story. So astronomers now posed that … oh well … maybe the icy comets whisked by a star just long enough to pick up the hot stuff and then magically were whisked out to where they are now.

Of course the real story is that comets are not icy bodies at all. In fact the same mission photographed the comet nucleus of Wild 2 and found NO ICE – NO WATER – and no steam formation that could account for a nucleus forming a water tail that certainly was present the whole time. WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?!?!?! These same scientists later discovered the DNA nucleotide of glycine in the collected tail material.

The public must start to understand for themselves that the standard theories regarding the workings of the cosmos are totally wrong. They do not explain the data. Every time new data comes back from outer space they have to doctor it up with more band aids

Regarding the origin of diamonds, with all of the other corroborating data, it is safe to say that diamonds form in the electron current to the sunward side of comet nuclei. They accompany celestial disasters and account for the presence of diamonds in the formative stages of planets. What never made sense to me regarding the standard deep in the earth formation story was that the diamonds formed “under intense pressures” but are imbedded in much softer materials. How did the softer materials impart the intense pressures?

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The comet effect is one of the very important facets of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE. First one has to realize that comets are the discharge of the solar capacitor and they are central to many aspects of life. Without comets there would be no planets, moons or minor planets of the solar system on which life would eventually evolve. Comet tails are the formative engines for organic molecules up to and including the nucleotides which are the fundamental building blocks of DNA and all life. Comet tails form oil (long chain hydrocarbons) that are used for almost every aspect of organic chemistry and last but not least WATER forms from combining hydrogen and oxygen in the electric field of the comet nucleus. Water is the dominant chemical in comet tails and is the basis for all life as we know it. Certainly this will be the case throughout the universe.

Comets create the violent change that is necessary for the mixing of life elements that assures there will be complete mixing and therefore successful evolution of life in all parts of the universe. The list could go on and on. But now imagine that man as an intelligent being can take this same concept and turn it to useful purposes on a smaller more manageable scale. Imagine that we could design a space craft that would discharge a Local Electric Battery causing the space station to charge and therefore collect hydrogen and oxygen to form water on a limited scale for use in the space station and also for fuel in the chemical engines located in various locations around the space craft. The same effects could be used to direct the electrical discharge through glass tubes as already noted for propulsion to ride the electric highways to the planets and stars beyond.

The effect also enhances the electrical discharge to concentrate on the space station thus increasing the propulsive force. This aspect of the effect can best be understood by viewing what is known as the “backyard bug killer” or “zapper”. These are devices with a neon light in the center to attract the bugs. The bug flies to the light and passes unsuspectingly through an electrical high voltage pair of grids. The presence of the bug is just enough to discharge the “capacitor” and all of the electrical current discharge passes between the capacitor screen grids via the bug. The bug concentrates ALL of the discharge current through his position.

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So too the discharging comet or in our case the discharging space craft acts as the bug and the entire electrical discharge concentrates and passes directly on the position of the object that created the discharge. When it comes to propulsion, it is clear that mother nature (or the creator) provided a way for the intelligent species to move easily and effortlessly amongst the stars. As I stated earlier, a major lesson from all of the facets of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE is that if it becomes too complicated, then it is most likely not the way of the universe and you can look for an easier way. In this respect alone one can see that our western model of “space program” is not at all fitting with the Designer’s plan.

“The Comet Effect” is a term I coined to define an almost unlimited number of useful effects that would benefit the autonomous space station. A future chapter will discuss the many chemicals produced by a full size comet. By spiriting the space craft to the vicinity of a real comet one could gather a myriad of chemicals for use in the space station or space station construction.

The passing electrical current could be used to power the electrical needs of the space station when far from a star. Light for example would be needed to grow plants and provide artificial light for the health of the residents. Interstellar travel would be like living in a cave if there were no way to light up the space craft during the many year long journeys.

The realization that the universe is dynamic and electrically active provides many of the necessities of life that are free for the asking. There are no gas stations in outer space, so nature has provided a series of propulsion systems that require no fuel and no fuel stops. You only have to understand the electrical nature of the planets and stars.

We exist in a living universe with abundant life and an ever changing sometimes violent environment …

We interact with our environment And it interacts with us …

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I regularly attend international science conferences, many times

attended by more than 15,000 members of scientific organizations and corporations. One of the topics discussed is the chemistry of outer space and the origins believed to be responsible for the various observations.

Comet tails contain one of the widest varieties of chemistry in the universe. Beginning around 1996 comets were observed to have high energy phenomenon including x-rays far to the sunward side of the comet nucleus. As already discussed this can be the source of diamonds in large highly active comets. My work predicted these and many more aspects of comets when I stated in my original 1970s work that comets would exhibit x-rays to the sunward side and other residues of high energy chemistry.

The tails of comets work to attract ions and dust towards the negatively charged comet nucleus. The physics and description for this phenomenon are described in my previous books and are well proven using decades of data from space probes. As the atoms and molecules in outer space are drawn into the region surrounding the comet nucleus they begin to combine and can form any and probably all chemicals known to man, especially in larger comets.

The most observed chemical in comet tails is water … H2O. More complicated molecules form which are built from constituent atoms of carbon – oxygen – hydrogen and nitrogen among the many other varieties of atoms. From these “organic” foundations come the hydrocarbons from the smallest benzene molecules to the long chain hydrocarbons up to oil and tar.

The nucleotide glycene has been detected in the tail material as a result of the mission to comet Wild 2. There are four major nucleotides that form the building blocks of DNA. Standard science suggests that the comets somewhere somehow picked up these DNA molecules while forming in ‘the cold confines of the regions far beyond the solar system’. But this begs the question, where did the nucleotide form in the first place? And how did this relatively gentle molecule come to rest in the material of the comet tail?

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In large comets the continual formation of all the large chemical combinations including DNA produces large chains that can act as viruses. Comet tails are the formative regions where literally all the chemicals necessary for life form. When the planets and moons of the solar system encounter comets, especially the larger ones which produce a far wider range of chemicals, the planets and moons have an influx of this material. The moon Iapetus of Saturn shows markings indicating it was smattered with an oil like substance on one side. The nucleus of comet Borrelly is covered with long chain hydrocarbon material similar to thick oil or tar and confirmed with spectroscopic measurements, burned in place by the sunward electron beam.

My theoretical work shows that the nucleotides actually form in the rich chemical melting pot of the comet tail. The material is not melting away from an “icy nucleus”, but is forming from atoms that are drawn into the region surrounding the electrically charged HOT comet nucleus. All scientific results support this finding.

The planet Venus occasionally flares out a comet tail which can be seen with modern observational equipment including the SOHO orbiting solar observatory. Earth passes through this tail during our orbit around the sun. Going back to the ancient Chinese in the 1200s they noticed that the bird flu increase corresponded with this “inferior conjunction” of the planet Venus. Modern medical studies have confirmed this and this electrical alignment of Venus with earth also corresponds to an increase in solar activity including sun spots.

Standard science ignores this because in the static universe of standard science with only gravity, there is no reason for the sun to react to the little planet Venus. But remember that Venus was once a large comet. Today all of the planets are actively discharging the solar capacitor. When Venus and earth align their combined electrical discharges unite and form a path all the way to the sun. The surface fusion of the sun interacts with this causing increased solar activity as recorded in the data. At the same time the comet tail of Venus flares and earth passes through this tail with the related influx of viruses that have been created in the “comet tail” of Venus.

The main point is that OIL is created in the tails of comets and pours into earth’s atmosphere during the earth’s passage through the comet tails. Historical reports confirm this with the burning naphtha. Earth has had many epics of pollution and encounters with large comets in its history. This explains the true origin of oil on earth.

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There is no greater effort afoot today than to protect the turf of the

oil and energy companies. Energy is the biggest business on the planet and a major part of the “game” has always been to convince the unsuspecting public that there is somehow a shortage of it. By basic supply and demand this would imply that you have to pay more for this product. Every factor imaginable has been used to state that you will have to pay more in the future.

But the reality is that there is SO much oil on planet earth, that if we burned it all it would consume all the oxygen in the atmosphere. The pollution is literally killing the planet we live on. We simply cannot continue using oil as a source of energy. THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE states that we must seek the energy sources created for our use … the free electrical energy of the cosmos that passes by our planet every day. But there are some mental road blocks to getting this information to the public. There is a dichotomy of information and the public has to start seeing the truth.

The dichotomy is no better demonstrated than on the border between Venezuela and Colombia where people fill cars and vans with gas tanks to run Venezuelan gas (costing only 16 cents a gallon) to Colombia where just across the border it costs over $5.00 per gallon (amounts translated to equivalent values in US currency).

Venezuelan president Chavez has stated that he could produce all the oil needed by the USA and keep the price below 50 cents per gallon. He is labeled as a terrorist and “anti-American” with hit teams from the USA government trying to infiltrate his government and sway local elections to force him from office. The European and US oil cartels residing in South American have been ejected from many latin American countries where they previously enjoyed complete autonomy under the watchful eyes of dictators favoring foreign oil companies and their presence with unreasonable profits.

Recently Canada announced the extent of its tar oil reserves locked in the sandy soil that covers much of its western planes. No one had paid much attention to this reserve before because it was cost prohibitive to extract. But with growing prices for oil reaching $100

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per barrel and new extraction technologies, the Canadian tar oil boom began with a rush.

In 2003 a good friend Bill P. met with me to discuss my work and the practical applications. He had worked most of his career in the area of secure computing as I had done. Many of the installations he worked at were for the oil companies. He knew many high level people in the oil industry from this association. At one point in the mid 1990s the oil companies laid off massive numbers of geologists whose function was to identify oil bearing geological reserves. Bill asked why and he was told by the geologists that they had discovered and cataloged so much oil that the world could never begin to use it all. So the oil companies sat on this information and no longer needed the geologists. There were literally oceans of oil everywhere on earth.

Now it was up to the oil companies to wage a skillful thought war on the public. The people on the inside have always known this but the “official” public story is that we have limited supplies of oil. They continue to spin myth after myth after myth. They state that we have extracted and used all the oil that is easily pumped and that the future will be more difficult as they have to pump water into the wells to force the oil out … anything but the truth! Authors appear on major radio shows talking about PEAK OIL … the gravy train is over so get ready for higher prices and more OIL SHORTAGES.

Along with this skillful thought war are the ongoing misleading concepts that are thoroughly engrained in the public eye that come from BAD SCIENCE AND ASTRONOMY. They still call oil and coal “fossil fuel”. As already noted coal has as its base the undecayed piles of leaves of plants that were heaped up by large tsunamis that came during the earth encounters with passing large comets. These many times are found in successive layers indicating that these events have happened on a repeated basis. The oil imbedded in the coal however came into the atmosphere from beyond, as earth at the same time passed through the extensive comet tail taking on vast amounts of hydro-carbons. The BP oil spill confirms all that I am saying.

Standard science has to continue to pretend that oil is a “fossil” fuel because to admit that it could not possibly have been formed here on earth (just due to the sheer volume of oil), they enjoy a complicit lie with the oil companies. Both benefit from the lie. The oil company gets to fool the public into thinking there is a shortage of oil … while the astronomy community can continue to lie about the fact that

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comets could not possibly be little “dirty snowballs” and in fact are the sources of oil that fell to earth when the rare large comet pass through the inner solar system. All this is done with complacency with major glossy magazines and TV broadcasting which keeps the stories going.

The astronomy community uses the technique of yelling longer and louder as well as relying on their image that the public must believe them because they are backed by NASA. What was not to believe? But as I have stayed with my original research and theoretical ideas developed decades ago and presented my materials directly to the general public so they would understand, the public slowly began to realize that there was something very wrong with the standard science stories regarding outer space, comets, planetary development and even the history of the human race. Things just did not add up. Additionally, every time new data from space probes returned information, it directly supported my views while “standard” science had to scramble to make up excuses for the strange unexpected results.

In standard science and astronomy their cover story is wearing thin. For example in March of 2005 I was invited to be part of a internationally aired debate between NASA Senior Scientist Dr. David Morrison and myself. It was a debate which I thought would go in favor of Dr. Morrison since I imagined the public would side with “the experts”. The topic was to discuss the work and merits of a man named Immanuel Velikovsky who had authored many books in the 1950s including Worlds in Collision, Earth in Upheaval and Ages in Chaos. Velikovsky’s books were international bestselling books stating his work that resulted from his studies of ancient calendars. He did not set out to create a controversy in the astronomical world but only sought to develop a time line of ancient history.

He was searching for some possible event that could be noted by all of the ancient countries of the world as occurring and therefore could establish a date that would allow the calendars and histories of ancient and unrelated civilizations to be coordinated on a single time line. This of course was an extremely esoteric topic that should have caused no interest with the general public at all. What he discovered was indeed an event seen worldwide, well reported by the ancients.

That event involved all of the ancient cultures identifying a massive comet being first seen by the ancients near the planet Jupiter and then working its way to encounter the inner planets of Mars and earth. The ancients all stated that prior to this Mars had been a blue

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earth-like planet but the giant comet came close and they literally saw the oceans and atmosphere of Mars sucked off leaving the red dry dusty planet we see today. Modern scientists are miffed by the appearance of water and atmospheric effects on Mars but claim this happened “billions of years ago” since modern science has denied that any such event could be recent.

The enormous comet that stretched across the sky as described by the ancients proceeded to encounter earth on two different occasions with one encounter extremely severe. The ancients all talked of the burning naphtha (oil) and brimstone (meteorites) pouring in from above as well as the great flood and tidal waves of oceans racing across the lands with mass extinctions of animals and man. Eventually this comet spiraled into an orbit between earth and the sun and as the comet tail dissipated, the comet nucleus became the planet Venus.

The astronomy community was outraged and mounted an all fields attack on Velikovsky to end his book sales and to stop the public from believing his tales that they said contradicted “known theory” and could not possibly be true. The entire history of that story reads like a bad movie with public debates and name calling by the astronomers. Velikovsky was called “the crazy old man” trying to promote his “pseudo-science”. Velikovsky was a soft-spoken gentile elderly man at the time of the great Velikovsky debates in 1974.

Unfortunately for Velikovsky, he accumulated a group of boisterous followers that had little or no scientific backgrounds who only hurt his cause and who eventually became known in standard science as “the lunatic fringe”. They continually hounded NASA scientists with endless dialogue and chants. Unfortunately many of those “followers” are still around today using Velikovsky’s name as a draw to attract attention to their internet web pages where they try to promote themselves.

It was an astronomer from Cornell University named Carl Sagan who led the attack with all fields of experts joining in. The intention was to bury Velikovsky once and for all so the astronomy community could get back to the business of watching and cataloging stars. For all practical purposes, they succeeded. At this time Sagan’s top student was a man who later joined NASA forces Dr. David Morrison, the scientist I would be debating on the Coast to Coast AM program.

While I was teaching at Cornell University between 1979 and 1981 in the Physics and Mathematics departments, I continued to develop

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my theoretical work on the electrical nature of the cosmos and began publishing my results in the respected peer reviewed astrophysics and space science journals. But my career was cut short by the outrage of the astronomy department headed by Carl Sagan who at the time was becoming a movie star with his COSMOS series TV special being filmed in Hollywood at that time. Many people do not understand that Sagan’s rise to fame was a direct result of leading the publicity charge against Velikovsky. He had become a spokesperson for the astronomical community.

Prior to coming to Cornell I had been out of the USA for almost a decade so I was completely unaware of the public issues that had taken place. I was totally unaware of the Velikovsky books and teachings at the time I was at Cornell, as the Velikovsky books had been removed from their library. Oddly enough the Cornell library had probably every book that had ever been printed since the Gutenberg Bible, but it did not have the Velikovsky books. They had been banned and NO ONE was allowed to talk about it ever again.

My theoretical research showed that comets could not possibly be dirty snowballs … that comets were in fact electrical discharges of what I called the solar capacitor. This capacitor or cosmic battery was responsible for everything from comets that could be large and eventually a rare few could become planets, to the causes of severe weather here on earth.

My concepts were daily being confirmed with space probe data that I had access to at Cornell, but for which the local NASA scientists continued to be confused by the strange unexpected results that repeatedly confirmed the electrical nature of outer space. In brief, my independent scientific discoveries using the latest data from NASA space probes not only contradicted the standard astronomical theories of the day, but they gave a scientific basis for the claims of Velikovsky. I was totally unaware of the hornets’ nest I had entered.

But back to the March 2005 debate between NASA Senior Scientist Dr. David Morrison and myself. It was slated to be held on the Coast To Coast AM night time talk radio show hosted by George Noory, or what many still call “The Art Bell Show”. At the time it was the most listened to radio program on the planet and this particular debate promised an exceptionally large listening audience. I had been a guest on this show many times with both hosts Art and George to discuss my science and give expert commentary on such matters as

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solar flares and space science results. Dr. Morrison too had been a guest on this show but we never had met in these discussions as we came from totally different points of view. The debate was a first since the great Velikovsky debates of the mid 1970s. Dr. Morrison currently was the reigning expert on solar system dynamics and Senior Scientist at the NASA Astrobiology Institute.

Prior to the debate Dr. Morrison and I had numerous discussions to set the ground rules of the debate. We agreed that the old name calling and unprofessional activities would not be entertained. He also wanted to verify my credentials as a legitimate scientist and that I was not related to the lunatic fringe groups that we both agreed were not a benefit to either side of the argument. We discussed some general issues and agreed to keep the topics related to known SCIENCE and not the myriad of fringe issues that would only distort the debate.

The debate proceeded and I talked first as result of a flip of a coin. I noted that according to my work Velikovsky had made some mistakes especially where he attempted to design astronomical theories to explain the historical observations passed down in ancient texts. I noted that the core issue of Venus becoming a planet had a basis in theoretical work that also proved that the standard science of NASA was incorrect. Dr. Morrison took the stance that standard science has been correct all along and there was no room for error.

The point relative the this book is that in the end, the audience with a call in vote decided in favor of my side of the debate and I “won” by a small margin of 51% to 49%. I considered this a major victory since my expectation was to lose 100% to 0%. The public showed conclusively that after decades of dominance by NASA and the standard astronomical community, they still very much do not buy the standard scientific story.

One last point is that when corporations gain control and use the western “profit” model as the motivation, we all have seen the devastation of deception that is now the complete destruction of the Gulf of Mexico. No amount of fines can bring these criminal corporations to “justice”. The next big corporate takeover is in the world control of WATER. Already corporations have teamed with governments and the United Nations to gain control of almost the entire world’s known fresh water reserves including the water that falls as rain. Clearly the world is at a dire crossroads and it must respond.

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Nature has provided many facets to THE DIAMOND

PRINCIPLE. They work in harmony to orchestrate the workings of the cosmos and we have to understand them to integrate our existence to be consistent with nature’s design. In the original treatises by Velikovsky in the late 1940s he recounted seeing plant modifications take place near the bomb craters left after World War II conventional bombings. He saw that the plants near the craters were modified. Could there have been an “adaption” that took place instantaneously rather than by the slow Darwinian method of millenniums of isolated change?

This turns out to be correct. Nature makes the most effective changes through sudden radical and many times violent activity. Velikovsky then applied this to the mass extinction that took place just before the previous earth ice age that took out entire species such as the wooly mammoths and saber tooth tiger. Not only did these species go extinct, but many other “earth changes” took place at the same time. The few humans who survived recounted the events through myths and legends and even created entire religious beliefs around what they thought was due to the vengeance of the gods.

Unfortunately I have to use the pages of this book to set a historical record straight. Modern science is always looking for ways to minimize the efforts of Velikovsky and too many times that is followed by them trying to adopt the very concepts that they previously denied. The most blatant and flagrant offense involves a world renowned scientist Stephen J. Gould. I have in my hand right now an essay published in 1977 by Gould in “Ever Since Darwin” entitled “Velikovsky in Collision”. In it he basically states that (Velikovsky) “is gloriously wrong”. This was strange coming from Gould who in 1972 published what was greeted by the scientific establishment as a ground breaking paper with a “new theory” he called “punctuated equilibria”. It stated that rather than slow Darwinian change in evolution, species took quick radical morphological changes. This replaced the “gradualism” of Darwin and in the eyes of scientists provided the necessary impetus to take this concept under the wings of conventional wisdom.

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The only problem was that this was 100% Velikovsky’s idea. But this needs to be rectified and so I have to unfortunately take lines from this book to do so. But this also provides an important lesson to the public who is attempting to sort out the truth from the lies, the wheat from the chaff, and the real science from the collection of archaic theories that do not fit the overall picture of the universe.

This is more than an argument about who created what theory or whose picture of a comet is correct; it is about the preservation of the species and its DNA … about the future of man. To take the idea of radical change and sudden realignment of the species and work it in with the generally incorrect set of astronomical theories pervading the horizon today, only reinforces the dire path that man has in breaking free from this incorrect information and beginning the path to the stars.

One has to remember that the most important aspect of this issue is that radical change for the entire planet comes about from beyond, and that a small colliding asteroid in no way shape or form explains the myriad of changes that have occurred many times throughout the history of planet earth. The only explanation is that very large comets … not puffy little snowball comets … but huge monsters that can severely damage earth and the other planets in many different ways … is the norm. These events happen only rarely, and it is amazing that within recorded history we have eye witness accounts of such an event. It is most unfortunate that standard science is so politically bent on preventing the public from seeing what is surely the most important formative event in the recorded history of our planet.

It has too much to teach to continue to be ignored and suppressed. But now we have the further political problem that the oil companies require this to maintain their story of “peak oil”. Given the agendas at work it is important to ask the basic question … will man survive?

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XIX. WILL MAN SURVIVE? The rules of nature are quite simple, and in the case of survival as an

intelligent species (one that is capable of altering and controlling its environment) the rule of ultimate survival is clear and very simple.

As a species … collectively … if you do not use the time and resources

allotted to you to gain access to outer space and gain the knowledge to survive … you will be doomed to extinction.

This clearly leads to some secondary basic rules of nature regarding the

use of time and resources.

Petty wars and the use of resources to fight these wars can have only one possible result … and nature in its own time and manner will repay

those species … collectively … who fail to control their leaders who promote these wars.

If there is a smaller group that attempts to use the resources of the

many to save their own few and selective hides … these especially will be doomed to die a most lonesome and hideous demise.

The successful species that eventually will populate the stars will not

allow those “unsuccessful” species to enter their hard-earned space and bring their petty wars and selfish ways into the cosmos. This is called the “rule of survival of the successful” … and is universally understood and commissioned to be executed upon those who fail at the first three rules.

These rules are stated to be inherent and self-evident. As a species we

have failed. There are no less that 54 wars ongoing at the time of this writing. World leaders are out of control. As an observer of the Sun and comets, and a person with inside contacts to very high levels of the intelligence agencies, I will say that the writing has been on the wall for some time and there is little doubt that the leaders in these intelligence communities have been warned. Let the reader decide … based on the inherent rules of survival … will man survive?

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It has been speculated that man is alone in the universe and

standard astronomers have pooh pooh-ed the idea of “extra-terrestrials” and in fact have tried to make it into a crazy issue. The sidelining of this issue is once again most bizarre coming from the professional class that is commissioned to study the stars and the universe … the professional astronomers. The topic of “crazy alien” and the people who believe in them is another craftily designed disinformation program that has its roots in pre-world war Germany. The German rocket scientists that came to this country talked about how the “alien issue” would be manipulated to control public agendas.

This is but another example of how man has distorted what he really needs to be doing … and that is reaching into the heavens with the proper attitude and for the correct reasons. Our space program is not one of going into space, but one of how to make money in corporations out of the appearance of going into space. Remember that we have only had about 300 astronauts in outer space during the entire “space program” since NASA began. This is hardly what one could call impressive.

Today there is a major program within NASA called Living with a Star which has thousands of scientists working on hundreds of funded programs … the main thrust is to try to figure out how to get through the Van Allen radiation belts that circle our planet. This begs the question … If this were not such a problem in 1969 when NASA sent a man to the moon in the Apollo Program, then why is it such a problem now? The size and scope of the Living With A Star project actually exceeds the World War II Manhattan Project.

We regularly see photos of galaxy rich regions of the near universe. With billions of stars in the countless galaxies and considering that we have had just a few short decades where we knew that any of this even existed, is it not a bit presumptuous for astronomers to even hint at knowing where all of this came from let alone the exact time it may have formed ????

The need to have a standard answer that everyone agrees on is absurd at this point in the game. For a small group to set themselves up as the all-knowing authorities is beyond pompous. And to shield

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themselves from the rest of scientists who do not agree with the so-called “Big Bang”, for example, is just another example of how quickly power groups move to seize power and control within the government supported scientific monopoly.

The point of all of this is that this begs the question … is man ready for outer space? … or better yet … is outer space ready for man? … with his petty personality insecurities? Is outer space ready for a race that has trashed its own house and then intends to take the systems that spawned and nurtured that greed into three-dimensional space to do the same thing there for eternity?

Has man shown that he can elect officials who have the common interest in mind and who can resolve issues without pulling out weapons? And more importantly, when the leaders have failed the common trust, has man taken the initiative to remove them and prevent these same people from ever getting near the government or the controlling corporations again? Today governments are controlled by special interest groups both local and foreign. Have the leaders shown that they can give up their own worldly possessions to dedicate their efforts to making a better world, or have they used their positions to harbor power and rake in more profits for their friends and business associates? Have the leaders become deceivers as a professional modus operendus speaking as the native Americans used to say “with forked tongue”?

If you were a race of beings watching from afar the activities of the inhabitants of earth would you allow them off into your nice quiet universe? I fear the answer is a resounding NO!!!!

Are races out there at this moment moving a giant asteroid with our name on it into an orbit that will shunt our progress and send us hurtling back to the cave ages??? Are they chuckling to themselves as earth based scientists put together feeble rocket and jet propelled systems of warfare in hopes of fighting these beings who have been space faring for possibly millions of years and have seen thousands of misguided species come and go like flashes in the proverbial pan?

Man is besieged by natural disasters, but his biggest disaster may very well be his own greed and self-serving interests. Are there some who have learned these lessons but are powerless in the current government schemes where the powerful are daily consuming more human rights along with the resources they consume for warfare and corporate profits?

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Man is at the crossroads and that is why I selected that phrase for the title of my weekly radio show (The James McCanney Science Hour – At the Crossroads) and that is how I end every show. Because as we see each passing week and the ongoing march of man on a crash course to disaster, we in fact are at the serious crossroads on many, many issues. Clearly the leaders are not in step with the program and they are apparently of the idea that we can continue down this road unabated for the next 50 years as we have for the past 100 years (what I call “the dark century” in the Atlantis to Tesla book). It simply will not last that long.

I often state that “time is our most important resource” and this is because we are trapped into the illusion that things will continue on forever as they are right now. Keeping the truth of this simple fact from the public with a constant barrage of interruptions and diversions is the aim of the government sponsored disinformation crews that span nearly every topic known to man. Many of them have Ph.D.’s in disinformation … or the art of turning a story around to say exactly the opposite and to get at least 95% of the public to believe it.

Surviving in outer space likewise has many facets, only one of which is the technical side of learning how to endure the rigors of space. When man conquered the old west it was because the pioneers as individuals set out en mass and learned by doing. The belief that we can pay huge amounts of money to an agency that then feeds this to rich CEOs sitting in offices in California and these hire thousands of engineers and scientists who likewise work in California or Texas laboratories to think of what we should do to be in space is absurd to the Nth degree. They expect that by this method somehow we are going to conquer space???? As a comedian once said … GET SERIOUS !!!

In the arena of outer space and especially in the arena of developing the talents necessary for long term autonomous survival of millions of people in massive space cities is not one that can be planned from an earth stationary drawing board by people who have never been nor ever will be in outer space. It can only be done by the act of doing. And at present we are in the act of being prevented from doing by the very people we have entrusted our future. It is clear they fear the mass exodus as Pharaoh feared the loss of “his people”. Yes they are of the opinion that they own you and everything you do. This is the mentality of the ancient “bondages” that lasted for hundreds of

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years and out of these situations arose laws and cultural norms (sometimes called common law) that was above man made laws. These had to be followed for the health and well being of the common man. If the common man was without basic needs at the hand of a controlling few, then the common laws were being broken and the populous had not only the right but the obligation to rebel and take control. We are at this crossroads today and we cannot wait for the next election in hopes of electing our way out of this, since as already noted the western model has been absconded with. No matter who you vote for the end result will be the same

I have stated that the Chinese are much better suited to go into space and endure as they live in a society where it is understood that every person must do their part. Also the Chinese have a surplus of people and they have always been good at copying and expanding on the innovation of others. Once the Chinese learn the art of moving large numbers of people into space the western cultures will only then realize that they had lost the “space race” before it ever started. This is because we did not change the culture of space along with the needs of space and have this directed by people who understand these principles rather that Presidents and CEO’s of aerospace corporations who have political and financial agendas to follow.

Many will read this with their mouths open wondering what on earth I am talking about and imagining that good ole’ western technology and innovation will prevail as it has in the past … outer space is different …

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The current model of any exploration is to send the military first to establish an outpost to protect the area then the settlers and corporate interests may follow. But three dimensional outer space is different than the two dimensional model we have labored under for the past thousands of years.

The military takes vast amounts of resources and is an entity unto itself. There are two possibilities in outer space. Either there are alien forces out there that we will eventually meet or there are not. If there are then they certainly have far more advanced technologies than we will ever have so our military will only serve as a reason for the aliens to take our entire civilization to extinction because we are a war like military confrontational species that cannot be allowed into the great beyond. If there are no aliens then who are we sending the military to fight?

In either case there is no logical reason to deploy a military presence in outer space. Debating whether there are or not is a fruitless effort because as a scientist it would require only one example as proof. But this only becomes crowded in so much political misinformation. The simple logic tells us that there is NO logical reason to deploy a military force out there.

There is an old expression … “don’t take a knife to a gun fight”. If we sent our military out to fight a fleet of invading aliens the end result would probably not be as positive as the plethora of Hollywood movies that carry such a theme. And the next move of the aliens would certainly be to come and annihilate the people who so foolishly sent their army.

One might then attempt to justify the military presence as a deterrent against other earth based nations that wish to use space to attack us. The only reason other nations like China have pursued a space military capability is because the USA has begun the deployment and use of outer space as a staging ground for literally all of their capabilities. The US military satellite fleet is extensive and hardly a single piece of equipment can operate without communicating via satellite. It serves as our Achilles heel because without it our military would not even know where they were on the planet. \

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But simply looking as a practical matter of moving into three dimensional space and sending a military presence … it is impossible. We have at present spent our future’s future on “defense” in an attempt to fight an alleged boogy man following a two dimensional map around the surface of the earth. The USA has bases and presence in some 120 plus countries of the world.

Additionally, outer space is not a region of surfaces only. There is all the space in between including above and below … three dimensions. Attempting to “defend” all of this might be possible, but as you extend outwards the sheer volume of space requires an ever increasing amount of “protection” gear.

As an example, in two dimensions if you double the extent of your empire and radius of control, you in turn multiply fourfold the area you must protect and defend. If you triple your radius of control then the area grows nine fold. The roman armies were not defeated by any enemy. They were defeated by the sheer extent of their empire. They wore themselves out trying to protect and maintain their vast accumulated holdings. They spent every denarius they had and then collapsed, but not before taxing the unsuspecting public out of house and the Appian Way. But you could not have warned the senators as they all were becoming incredibly wealthy off the corruption and greed based on the Roman military industrial complex.

In three dimensions doubling your radius of control causes an eightfold increase in volume whereas tripling your radius of control extends your control requirement 27 times. The math is easy but controlling the leaders and those bent on profiting from this expansion is not. The Romans did not have the problem of going into outer space and considering the “radius cubed” problem for their military agenda. I am sure with the treasures and loot pouring in from the farthest regions of the empire it was hard to envision the inevitable collapse. Life in old Rome was good to the very last drop.

We are likewise at a serious crossroads as a species. We are about to step off this planet and allowing the mil boys to go riding out like a bunch of wild cowboys shooting six guns (in the old west … guns with six shots). Make no mistake the cowboys are already out there and they are already toting their six guns. The population has completely lost control and our existence as a species is at stake.

Understand one very important point that was made in the chapter on Will Man Survive. The species is judged by what the leaders do, as

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well as by their lack or inability to control those leaders. If our species and civilization cannot collectively understand this point and put it into actions to control the leaders and make them do what is beneficial for us the people, then the view from outside is the same as if we all voted to send the military out as our welcoming party.

If there are no aliens then the military will break the bank and squander all the resources at some point BEFORE we ever get the populations away from the planet to become space faring and autonomous and will be the demise of any such efforts simply by their very presence and existence. The earth with its failing resources and current economic model cannot support a three dimensional military.

But I suspect that at some point in our quest to master the universe we will eventually be confronted with our first alien civilization … after all as soon as we step off this planet WE ourselves become aliens. So from that perspective one can conclusively state that there are aliens. To imagine that we are the only beings in the universe was is beyond absurd and this in fact is one of the main results of THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE as outlined very early in this book. That life is abundant in the universe and it takes the same forms as we see here but with an infinity of variations.

The universal principles of the universe are the same on all sides and therefore one will easily project that there are good aliens as well as evil ones. But to imagine fighting them all, or even one of them, in our very early attempts to escape the confines of this planet is absurd. Our only possible chance is to go where no man has gone before without sending the military first.

If western man from the time of the invention of the airplane had put all the effort and resources into outer space without the military wars and diverted efforts of the 20th century, then we would most probably be fully populating outer space already and would have gone beyond the farthest planet. But petty earth wars continue unabated without end consuming all our spare resources down to the last egg, only with the promise that they will last a very long time … that we can never spend too much of our existence on what they call “defense”.

This same attitude applied to three dimensional space will take the western economies down faster than it did the old roman empire, exponentially faster. At stake is the survival of the species, not the maintenance of a few more outposts in a remote region of Gaul.

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The conclusion regarding military in space is without question. We have to collectively say no. But even the leaders have lost control of what we call “Black Ops”. Previous presidents have vowed to open up this caldron of unknowns and all have been usurped before they got the words out of their mouths. These operations transcend international boundaries and their protection spans human rights or the ability to get near or even know where the secret bases are located that have been built with taxpayer support. There are many Dr. Strangelove characters alive and well today working within the confines of our military space program which includes the many underground facilities that are off limits to the public.

Undoing this mess will be no small matter but it has to be done in order for the human population to be considered seriously for any chance at populating the stars. Many people are becoming “prepared” and many sources of information encourage getting ready for the worst. Whether the disaster is manmade or natural makes little difference, becoming prepared takes on the same tone. Taking precautions to have one’s own source of essentials for basic living takes time and planning. Unfortunately the leaders of the world have taken the resources of the many to prepare extravagant reserves for themselves and a chosen few, planning to leave the rest of the public out to dry. It seems everyone sees us heading back to the cave ages and hoping they will be one of the “lucky” survivors.

But this book raises a higher level question. After the basic preparedness is accomplished for the back to the cave ages scenario, THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE would state that man as a species begin the long and arduous task of preparing to save the species for posterity. Since the worst disaster scenario from a space initiated catastrophe is total extinction of all of mankind, the only solution is to become space faring with millions of people in the genetic pool to assure long term success. Sending 3 men to the Moon in 20 years not only misses the mark, but prevents man from using these resources to pursue his final real destiny and birthright to the stars.

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This book started by using the analogy of the first diamond found

in the rough by an unsuspecting human on planet earth. Would the finder assume that it was the only one in existence OR would he begin to look for others? And would the finder when made aware of the expanse of outer space become convinced automatically that the universe on the far side would produce diamonds by the same processes found here and that finally the properties of the diamonds would be the same, although no two diamonds were exactly the same?

It discussed the solution of the age old problem of solving the order of the prime numbers with a formula called “The Generator Function” that directly calculates prime numbers in groups starting with just the numbers 0 and 1. These groups of primes are then entered into the Generator Function to find the next group of prime numbers and this process continues until all the prime numbers are discovered out to infinity. One of the major results was that “false” primes were generated amongst the true primes and were necessary to generate certain primes and complete the list of true prime numbers

It is clear that when one studies DNA and the nucleotide building blocks with their arrangements of carbon – oxygen – nitrogen and hydrogen … that these would likewise be the same on the far side of the universe and everyplace in between. Using the concept of the generator function that builds larger groups out of more primitive groups, one can deduct that nature has a set of UNIVERSAL TRUTHS that are as true and correct on the far side of the universe as they are here. Therefore not only is there DNA based life in all parts of the universe, but these life forms are similar and share the same basic genetic codes. They are compatible down to the most rudimentary levels, but with the anticipated diversity that is apparent from the life we already witness here on earth.

Will there be a burl oak tree on far away planets? … probably not unless some species brought the seeds to earth. But will there be trees on far away planets? … the answer is yes.

This is compatible with both a creation and an evolution view in that the design is definitely by a master designer and it is consistent across the expanses of the universe as the natural progression of

Page 161: THE - Discharg… · There are universal truths and laws which permeate the universe. As an intelligent species we are just beginning to discover some of them. In our struggle to


building blocks takes place. As the evolving species become intelligent they will universally come to the technical advances that would bring them to stepping off their mother planet and moving to the nearest celestial object. One might well imagine that civilizations imbedded in dense star clusters would find their ways to other nearby stars much faster than our species because they are much more visible in their night sky. In fact some may have a difficult time seeing the rest of the galaxy because there are so many bright stars near their home star and planetary system. Oddly enough we may be able to see the universe much better from our remote location in the far expanses of the galactic arm and may have a far superior vista of the great beyond … although for us going to the next star is over four light years away.

But each civilization surely evolves socially as we have … coming out of the celestial catastrophes and from an animal background … realizing they must shed the law of the jungle for a higher order life style before they will be allowed off their planet into the great unknown. The realizations from the understanding of the prime numbers and DNA to the social realizations of personal responsibility and disallowing the military to precede their efforts are universal. If these groups fail at any of the necessary steps or if they realize but ignore any of the steps, they will be doomed to failure and will be lost in the dust with the countless others that failed before them. From this perspective and given all the roadblocks to success, it would appear that the chance of success is a small as that of a salmon egg making the journey to fully grown salmon.

However we are not like the salmon egg that only depends on factors beyond its control. We are an intelligent species with potential to control our destiny and decide our ultimate fate. My personal opinion is that the human race as it exists today is not capable of making the changes to control its leaders and directing its purpose as required by the universal truths and THE DIAMOND PRINCIPLE.

Page 162: THE - Discharg… · There are universal truths and laws which permeate the universe. As an intelligent species we are just beginning to discover some of them. In our struggle to


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