  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    THE DUCKS OF DOOMChapters 31-60A WEEKLY SERIALb R!bert Arth"r S#$thras#$thr%ah!!&'!#

    http())***&+"',para+e&'!#THE DUCKS OF DOOM *as a 00 I.+epe.+e.t e-/!!,s A*ar+ $.a$st&C!pr$2ht 000-004R!bert Arth"r S#$th4A r$2hts reser5e+&


    7!+ Ir!.bea, pa'e+ the !!r $. a #!!+ ! b$tter a.2"$sh&H!* ha+ $t '!#e t! th$s: The $r!. ! $t: E5erth$.2 he ha+ e5er

    +rea#e+ !; a ! h$s p!ts a.+ s'he#es +epe.+e+ !. a *$#p4 a$r-

    hea+e+ ' ! a +"',&WHY4 WHY4 WHY +$+ Ma',$. ha5e t! be the O8E< Wh *as that

    !! the !. !.e *h! '!"+ b"$+ a #!+e ! the #!+e ra$r!a+ Le.!reha+ !resee. the# $. her 5$s$!.:

    A.+ $ he a$e+4 *h! ,.e* *hat +$sasters *!"+ !!*: Th$.2s thatha+ bee. !resee. *!"+ 'ease t! e=$st4 a.+ '!"+4 there!re4 .!t ha5ebee. !resee.4 *h$'h *!"+ #ea. that Le.!re '!"+ .!t ha5e e=$ste+4be'a"se ! +!"be .e2at$5es&

    >!+!!r:> ee+ 7!+& >Oh !+!!r:>It *as.9t "."s"a !r the past t! 'ha.2e4 ! '!"rse; ar'hae!!2$sts

    r!# the M"se"# ! Stra.2e Th$.2s #e++e+ *$th $t a the t$#e& /"t

    that *as +$ere.t; ar'hae!!2$sts !. 'ha.2e+ the past t! $t theart$a'ts the +$s'!5ere+&

    The *ere tra$.e+ pr!ess$!.as&/"t a. a#ate"r $,e Ma',$. '!"+ *$pe !"t a. e.t$re 'h"., !

    rea$t s$#p b .e2e't$.2 t! b"$+ a spe'$a #!+e ra$r!a+ *h$e he*e.t t! *!r, !r a b".'h ! a$e.s +$s2"$se+ as ?"a',$.2 eepha.ts&

    >OLYDOOR:> ee+ 7!+& >F$re "p Spar,es the W!.+er C!#p"terpease& I9# 2!$.2 t! "se the Ma'r!har+ A.2st +atabase t! se'"re thepast&>

    >Y!" #ea. Ma'r!har+ R$++e4 #aster sa$+ !+!!r& >Theh$+e!"s '!#pe= s!t*are that #a.2es st!re+ +ata-- >

    >re'$se&>>Is.9t that r$s,4 #aster< A.2st $s a bra.+ .e* 5ers$!. ! a $e.+$sh

    !perat$.2 sste#4 a.+ R$++e has area+ '!.s$2.e+ h".+re+s !st!re+ a'ts t! !b$5$!.&>

    >The pe!pe at Ma'r!har+ ha5e ass"re+ #e that A.2st $s 5erstabe a.+ .e5er 'rashes4> sa$+ 7!+& >E5er!.e $. the *!r+ *$ s!!.be "s$.2 $t&>

    >It9 .e5er happe.4> ?"!th the ra5e.&

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    >Wh +!.9t !" @"st +eete the a$e.s4 #aster sa$+ !+!!r& >It*!"+ sa5e t$#e&>

    >T!! r$s,4> sa$+ 7!+& >I9+ ha5e t! s'a. the# $. $rst& The #$2hts"spe't s!#eth$.2&>

    He sat at the $.p"t +e5$'e $. the re' r!!#4 bes$+e h$s atest '!$.--

    the !-r!a+ ".$t *$th S a.+ a s!.ar +e5$'e&7!+9s $.p"t +e5$'e *as a #e+$"# s$Be !r2a. p"r'hase+ r!# aba.,r"pt 'h"r'h&

    He hes$tate+ at the ,eb!ar+ !r a #!#e.t4 h$s ees rest$.2 !. ap$'t"re ! Le.!re M'/ea"t&

    The. he be2a. pa$.2 5ar$at$!.s !.9 H!* M"'h $s That D!22$e $.the W$.+!*

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    >I9 #a,e a .$'e b!!+ p"++$.2 t! 'a# !"r .er5es4 #aster4> sa$+!+!!r4 ta,$.2 p$t !. h$#&

    >It9 .e5er happe.4> ?"!th the ra5e.4 h!p$.2 !+!!r *!"+ thr!*s!#eth$.2 s?"$sh at h$#&

    7!+ #a+e a a'e as !+!!r +r!ppe+ a *r$th$.24 t"be-$,e !b@e't

    $.t! a p!t& >Are !" s"re that9s ?"$te +ea+ he sa$+&!+!!r +$s'reet e=a#$.e+ h$s #aster&8! +!"bt ab!"t $t4 7!+ *as ha5$.2 a .er5!"s brea,+!*.&

    C!#p"ters #a+e h$# ee s! $.a+e?"ate:>I s"pp!se !" th$., I9# !s$.2 # e+2e4 !+!!r4> sa$+ 7!+&>8!t at a4 #aster4> s$2he+ !+!!r&He hate+ $t *he. 7!+ *as $,e th$s& I pe!pe !. ,.e* the tr"th

    ab!"t 5a#p$res4 h!* #$++e 'ass the *ere; h!* pathet$'a ea2erthe *ere t! @"st$ the#se5es:

    A.+ the. there *as C"ster4 the st"p$+ ra5e.:!+!!r *at'he+ the ra5e. s"sp$'$!"s as $t sette+ !. the

    '!".ter4 *here $t '!"+ ,eep a. ee !. the ".$+e.t$$e+ 'ra*$.2!b@e'ts $. the p"++$.2&

    >I s"pp!se !" th$., I9# .!t the 5a#p$re I "se+ t! be4> sa$+ 7!+&!+!!r s$2he+ *ear$&>I th$., !"9re a 2e.$"s4 #aster& The !r$2$.a pa. *as e='ee.t&

    /"t I th$., !" sh!"+ b$te Ra.+!#4 @"st t! #!t$5ate h$#&>>erhaps4> sa$+ 7!+4 br$2hte.$.2 a $tte&The !5e. b"BBe+& !+!!r e=tra'te+ the 5"'a.$Be+ p"++$.2 a.+

    'arr$e+ $t +!*.sta$rs t! the part$'e a''eerat!r $. the re'reat$!. r!!#&7!+ !!*e+ h$# +!*.4 h"##$.2 t! h$#se&>E5erth$.2 *$ t"r. !"t !r the best4> sa$+ !+!!r& >Y!"9 see&

    7!ta$re tes "s s!&>>I .e5er $,e+ 7!ta$re; he ha+ h!rr$be taste $. hats&>!+!!r set the part$'e a''eerat!r t! 30 +e2rees a.+ $ppe+ the

    s*$t'h&The 'a"+r!. 2!*e+ a 'heer 2ree.4 $,e the pat'hes !. h$s r!tt$.2

    @a',et&>/eh!+ the /!!+ "++$.2 ! I.$.$t4> sa$+ a 5!$'e beh$.+ h$#&It *as '!#$.2 r!# the +".2e!.s4 *here a e* $.'ar'erate+

    e=e'"t$5es *ere pa$.2 Capta$. ap4 a b!ar+ 2a#e base+ !. thea#!"s '!#$'-b!!, her!&

    The9+ t"r.e+ the $2hts +!*. !* a.+ starte+ a .$'e $re $. the

    $repa'e&The s!t $2ht 2$##ere+ !. $.e4 M'/!*e9s 'rsta a.+ !. se5era

    b!ttes ! r$'h4 p!rt *$.e& R!ast bee sa.+*$'hes st!!+ !. a patter !.a s$+eb!ar+&

    Water b"bbe+ $. the h!t p!! $. the .e=t r!!#&There *ere p!rtra$ts ! a#!"s 'h$e $.a.'$a !$'ers !. the p$.e- *as4 a.+ the 'e$$.2 eat"re+ M$'hea.2e!9s +ep$'t$!. ! a!', ! spa# art$sts +es'e.+$.2 t! a 5$rt"a *!r+ '!.tr!e+ b the$r

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    e.e#$es&The s$= Capta$. ap paers s#$e+ at 7!+4 sh!*$.2 pear *h$tes

    !5$.2 'are+ !r b !.-s$te +e.t$sts a.+ !rth!+!.t$sts&>Y!" st$ here sa$+ !+!!r& >Y!" 'a. 2! .!*& "st re#e#ber $.

    "t"re t! pa !"r ta=es /EFORE !" 2! ba.,r"pt&>

    >Let the# sa !r a*h$e4> sa$+ 7!+4 .!++$.2 happ$& He $,e+'!#pa.& It s'are+ a*a the ar#a+$!s& >Dear #e; there are ?"$te a!t ! !"4 are.9t there:>

    >Ca.9t ha5e a *!r+ *$th!"t *r!.24 #aster:> sa$+ !+!!r& It *!.9t+!: Wr!.2 #a,es r$2ht p!ss$be&>

    >I see& The. !" be$e5e $. the e=$ste.'e ! e5$ as a. $.+epe.+e.t!r'e4 '!-e?"a *$th 2!!+4 a.+ esse.t$a t! the pr!per ".'t$!.$.2 !the ".$5erse

    !+!!r +$se.ta.2e+ the reas!.$.2 beh$.+ th$s *$th 2r!*$.2h!rr!r& >Y!" #ea. Fre++ Ma.$'hea. Heres4 #aster he 2aspe+&>The $.a#!"s b$p!ar heret$' r!# the Fab"!"s M$sts ! A.t$?"$t< I

    hate h$#: I I e5er 2et # ha.+s !. h$#-->>8! .ee+4> sa$+ 7!+& >I he sh!*s "p here4 I sha ee+ h$# t!

    /abette&>>/abette sa$+ !+!!r& >The .a#e +!es.9t r$.2 a be&&&&>>D$+ s!#e!.e 'a4> sa$+ a 2e.te 5!$'e&!+!!r t"r.e+ t! see *h! th$s *$#p $tte $.tr"+er *as; the. h$s

    #!"th e !pe.&She *as se5e. eet h$2h& She ha+ e$2ht ees4 e$2ht e2s4 a #!"th

    $,e a he+2e '$pper4 a b!+ $,e a $.2 sa"'er4 a.+ a hea+ $,e thet"rret !. a batte ta.,&

    >H$ s*eet$e:> she sa$+4 *$.,$.2 !"r ! her ees at !+!!r& >I9# s!

    2a+ t! #eet the a#!"s !+!!r at ast:>S!#eth$.2 *as be$.2 +ra22e+ beh$.+ her&!+!!r r$s,e+ a 2a.'e a.+ sa* a +!Be. ar2e sp$+er-*eb sa',s

    tra$$.2 !. a $.e ! sp$+er s$, as th$', as a sh$p9s ha*ser& The sa',s*ere .ear tra.spare.t4 re5ea$.2 a +!Be. spa# art$sts trappe+ *$th$.the$r s"!'at$.2 e#bra'e&

    It *as a h!rr$$.2 s$2ht4 e5e. !r a. a'!te&O. the !ther ha.+4 that /abette *as !.e h!t babe4 *$th b$ts !

    r!tt$.2 th$.2s a !5er her ph!sph!res'e.t b!+4 a.+ s!#eth$.2s?"$sh a.+ t*$t'h ha.2$.2 r!# her #a.+$bes:

    !+!!r '!"+ rea 2! !r s!#e!.e $,e that:

    He et heat r$s$.2 "p $.t! h$s bra$.4 a.+ he s#$r,e+ a.+ 2$ste.e+$,e a b$t ! $rra+$ate+ ".2"s&

    >D!.9t *!rr ab!"t the spa##ers4> /abette sa$+ $. a thr!at 5!$'e&>The +eser5e e5erth$.2 the9re 2!$.2 t! 2et&>

    >I $,e the *a !" th$.,4> sa$+ !+!!r4 2r!*$.2 #"'h *ar#er.!*&

    /abette 2$22e+&>W!"+ !" $,e t! '!#e $.t! # par!r a.+ see # 2reat

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    #a2.$$e+ $#a2es ! +ea+ paras$t$'a r!bber $es she sa$+&!+!!r b"she+ s! br$2ht4 a Capta$. ap paer *as b$.+e+ b

    the $2ht a.+ ha+ t! 2! a.+ $e +!*. $. the !=2e. 'ha#ber&7!+ *as pease+&>We ha5e s!#e t$#e t! spare *h$e *e *a$t !r te'h s"pp!rt4> he

    sa$+& >!ss$b a e* *ee,s& I9 ea5e !" t*! !".2 !5ers t! b$ a.+'!! a b$t *h$e I 'he', !. Ra.+!#&>The spa##ers ha+ a ba+ ee$.2 ab!"t th$s&&&&

    CHATER 33( /A/ETTE I8 LO7E

    !+!!r *as $. !5e& A pr!!".+ th!"2ht ha+ e+ r!# h$s #$.+;h$s e.t$re '!.s'$!"s.ess ha+ .arr!*e+ +!*. t! a e* s$#pe pr!be#s(What +! I +! 8OW< D! I h!+ her ha.+< Wh$'h ha.+; she9s 2!t e$2htappe.+a2es: What $ I #a,e a #$sta,e a.+ 2rab !.e that9s a +e+$'ate+

    !'!#!t$!. +e5$'e

    *hats!e5er ! +at$.2&We95e a bee. there4 ha5e.9t *e4 # r$e.+s: 8!t *$th sp$+ers4

    perhaps4 th!"2h p!ss$b *$th ar#a+$!s !r a#as&A.*a4 /abette *as tr$.2 t! e=pa$. Sp$+er ara+$se as she e+

    !+!!r t! her par!r&/abette9s h!"se *as a .$'e pa'e shape+ $,e a part hat& It *as

    h$++e. $. a +ar, 'a5e beh$.+ the +".2e!.4 *here the Capta$. ap

    paers *ere st$ +eep e.2r!sse+ $. the$r 2a#e&The e.tra.'e *as '"..$.2 +$s2"$se+ as a. e=er'$se #a'h$.e&>Oh that9s 2!!+:> sa$+ !+!!r a+#$r$.2& >8! !.e e5er 2!es .ear

    a. e=er'$se #a'h$.e: Y!"9re pere't sae here&>/abette "shere+ h$# $.s$+e a.+ he e='a$#e+ *$th +e$2ht at the

    '!B $.ter$!r&I *!.9t pester !" *$th .ee+ess +es'r$pt$!.& There *as a ,$t'he.4

    ! '!"rse4 *$th the "s"a $te#s--r$+2e4 st!5e4 s$.,4 et'&; there *as a$5$.2 r!!# *$th s!#e *as4 a 'e$$.24 a.+ a !t ! "r.$t"re; there *erebe+r!!#s +!.e "p $. be$2e *apaper *$th a patter. ! r"bber +"',$es;there *as a bathr!!#; a re' r!!#; a.+ a base#e.t area *here 7$ttes4

    /abette9s +e'ease+ h"sba.+ ha+ b"$t a. e.!r#!"s #!+e ! the R!',Isa.+ L$.e&

    There *as a p$'t"re ! /abette9s +e'ease+ h"sba.+ !. the *aab!5e h$s tra$. a!"t; he *as *ear$.2 h$s e.2$.eer9s 'ap4 a baBer a.+a s'h!! t$e&

    >He +$e+ be!re h$s t$#e4 p!!r e!*4> sa$+ /abette4 *$th a tear $.her ee& >He t!+ #e I *as 2ett$.2 at4 s! I ,$e+ h$# a.+ ate h$#&>

    "st the.4 there *as a .!$se r!# the ,$t'he.&

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    Heath'$ a.+ S'aret4 her t*! $tte 'h$+re.4 *ere 2ett$.2 h".2r&She set the tabe at !.'e4 p"tt$.2 !"t b!*s ! b!+ parts $?"e$.2

    $. p!rtabe +$2est$5e a'$+&>F!!+ $2ht:> ee+ the ,$+s4 2rabb$.2 the$r stra*s&!+!!r *at'he+ $. a#aBe#e.t as the s"',e+ "p h"2e ?"a.t$t$es

    ! p!tta2e a.+ be* !"t 2reat4 e!*-2ree. 2!bs that s$BBe+ a.+s#!,e+ *here5er the a.+e+&>8!*4 .!*4 'h$+re.:> sa$+ /abette $. a #$+ 5!$'e& >What *$ Mr&

    A'!te th$.,< /eha5e !"rse5es4 pease&>A b$t ! 2!!p spatte+ !+!!r9s ar#4 be.+$.2 $. .$'e *$th the

    #!+4 a.+ he $',e+ $t th!"2ht"&>It9s 2!!+4> he sa$+4 *$.,$.2 at the ,$+s& >Tastes $,e 'h$',e.& Y!"9re

    a 2reat '!!,4 /abette:>/abette b"she+ a.+ batte+ her ees at h$#&!+!!r *as as'$.ate+ b her&>I h!pe !" +!.9t #$.+ the $tte !.es4> she sa$+& >The9re s!

    e='$te+& We +!.9t !te. ha5e '!#pa.&>>I th$., the9re '"te:> sa$+ !+!!r4 *at'h$.2 the# atta', the$r

    +esserts $. a re.B&It *as bra$. @"$'e4 ! '!"rse4 stra$2ht r!# the s,"& Sp$+ers @"st

    !5e bra$. @"$'e&/abette s#$e+ sh&>Y!"9re s! .$'e4 !+!!r4> she sa$+& >I9 bet !" ha5e !ts !

    2$rr$e.+s: I9 bet the9re sta.+$.2 $. $.e t! as, !" !"t&>!+!!r b"she+ sh a.+ h$+ beh$.+ h$s h"#p&>8!t rea4> he sa$+ $. a s#a 5!$'e& >I ha5e.9t ha+ #"'h t$#e !r

    +at$.2& /e$.2 a. a'!te $s a "-t$#e @!b&>

    >I9# s"re $t $s4> sa$+ /abette& >I +!.9t ,.!* h!* !" #a.a2e:>>We $t $s 5er +e#a.+$.24> sa$+ !+!!r4 ee$.2 s!rr !r h$#se

    .!*& >e!pe th$., $t9s eas4 sta.+$.2 ar!".+ +r!!$.2 a.+ r"bb$.2 !"rha.+s&>

    >That @"st sh!*s h!* $2.!ra.t #!st pe!pe are:> sa$+ /abette&>There9s a !t #!re t! be$.2 a. a'!te tha. @"st bas,$.2 $. the

    2a#!"r ! $t a4> sa$+ !+!!r& >Y!" ha5e t! str$,e a baa.'e bet*"e rep"s$5e.ess a.+ +e+$'ate+ s'!pha.'&>

    >I '!"+ .e5er #a.a2e s!#eth$.2 $,e that4> sa$+ /abette&She s#$e+ at h$# *h$e she 'ea.e+ "p her $tte !.es4 'eare+ the

    tabe4 *ashe+ the +$shes4 a.+ 'he',e+ the atest $2"res !. a stee #$

    she *as !perat$.2 $. her spare t$#e&>It9s rea har+4> sa$+ !+!!r4 *ar#$.2 t! h$s s"b@e't .!*& >F!r

    !.e th$.24 I ha+ t! tea'h #se h!* t! b"$+ a part$'e a''eerat!r&>>Y!"9re s! 'e5er4 !+!!r:> sa$+ /abette4 sett$.2 !"t a b!* !

    M'/!*e9s #$.t-a5!re+ sp$+er treats& >I h!pe 7!+ appre'$ates !"&>The $tte !.es 2a5e a @!!"s 'r a.+ +$5e+ $.4 2!r2$.2 the#se5es

    !. the treats&Ater the #ea4 !+!!r hepe+ /abette p"t the ,$+s t! be+ !r a

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    .ap&The $tte t,es *ere s! e='$te+4 the ,ept @"#p$.2 "p a.+ +!*. !.

    the$r be+4 as,$.2 ".'e !+!!r t! rea+ the# a be+-t$#e st!r&Te'h.$'a !+!!r *as.9t the$r ".'e; he9+ !. @"st #et the#4

    b"t +eep +!*. $.s$+e4 he *as a ,$.+-hearte+ a'!te& He a"2he+ *$th

    the $tte !.es a.+ rea+ the# a 'hapter r!# SCARY STORIES FORLITTLE SIDERS&There *ere p$'t"res ! e.!r#!"s h"#a.s s?"ash$.2 sp$+ers *$th

    the$r spe'$a sp$+er-s?"ash$.2 sh!es4 a.+ h"#a.s #ash$.2 sp$+ers*$th r!e+-"p #a2aB$.es a.+ .e*spapers&

    It *as s! sp!!,4 $t e5e. se.t a tre#!r ! ear "p !+!!r9s sp$.e&F!rt".ate4 th!se h"#a.s ha+ a e5ap!rate+ $. the 2reat ."'ear

    ash-$re !. Earth4 ater the9+ r!tte+ a*h$e r!# pa2"e ba'$$4 !'!"rse&

    A.*a4 Heath'$ a.+ S'aret *ere !!,$.2 a $tte pae ater thes'ar st!r4 s! !+!!r et the# pa *$th h$s h"#p !r a*h$e&

    / .!*4 the $tte !.es *ere $. !5e *$th h$#4 a.+ /abette herse*as ee$.2 5er te.+er +$sp!se+ t! h$#&

    S!!. the 'h$+re. e aseep&!+!!r t"',e+ the# $.4 a.+ /abette ,$sse+ the# 2!!+.$2ht&The. the t*! !5eb$r+s 'rept !"t t! the re' r!!#4 *here /abette

    prepare+ $#e $BBers a.+ set !"t a +$sh ! 'h!'!ate-'!5ere+'e.t$pe+es&

    !+!!r *as $. hea5e.&He *as $. a*e ! /abette& She ha+ the #!ther ! a h"#ps4

    start$.2 r$2ht beh$.+ her hea+ a.+ e=te.+$.2 a the *a ba', t! hersp$..erets&

    The t*! !5eb$r+s stret'he+ !"t the$r eet a.+ sat '!se t!2ether !.the '!"'h $ste.$.2 t! 9H!* M"'h $s That D!22$e $. the W$.+!*

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    there< I .ee+ !"4 !+!!r& I .ee+ s!#e a*.$.2 a.+ s'!pha.'& I9#.!t ee$.2 per, a.+ t!ppe+ "p *$th se-estee#& Where are !"4!+!!r

    /abette ha+ hear+ $t t!!&She 2a5e a b$2 s$2h4 the. she sa$+4 >M"st !" 2!4 s*eet$e

    >I *$sh I +$+.9t ha5e t!4 +ar$.24 b"t +"t 'as& There9s a *ar !.4a.+ *e #"st a +! !"r part&>>Oh !+!!r4 !"9re s! bra5e: I sha h!+ !" $. # heart a*as& I

    hate the .ast 5$a$.s threate.$.2 !"r *a ! $e& The9 .e5er pre5a$a2a$.st !"r !".2 *arr$!rs:>

    >U###4 I th$., 7!+ a.+ I #$2ht be the 5$a$.s4 a't"a4> sa$+!+!!r& >I9# .!t s"re; th$.2s are.9t 5er 'ear&>

    /abette th!"2ht ab!"t that !r a #!#e.t&The. she sa$+4 >Oh *e; $t +!es.9t #atter4 +ear heart& art$.2 $s

    s"'h s*eet s!rr!*: I9 be here4 *a$t$.2 !r !" *he. th$s .ast *ar $s!5er&>

    !+!!r et .!be a.+ 5$rt"!"s4 a.+ 'ea.& It *as 5er +$st"rb$.2&>A+$e"4 # !5e:> he sa$+&>A+$e"4 +ear heart4> sa$+ /abette&7!+ ha+ a ba+ ee$.2 ab!"t th$s&&&&


    >Y!! h!!4 #aster:> ee+ !+!!r& >I9# '!#$.24 #aster: et rea+!r s'!pha.' a.+ a*.$.2: Here I '!#e:>

    A''!r+$.2 t! the t$#e-h!.!re+ r$t"a4 7!+ *as s"pp!se+ t! a.s*er4>Oh4 YOU: E.!"2h ! th$s .!.se.se4 !+!!r: C!#e a.+ p!$sh #a.2s&>

    /"t 7!+ *as s$e.t4 a.+ that '!"+ !. #ea. !.e th$.2&He *as.9t there&Ha+ he !".+ a .e* a'!te

    t! +$st"rb the paers&There9s a s"perst$t$!. !. T!',*!r+ a''!r+$.2 t! *h$'h4 $ !" sp$

    a bea,er ! sat *h$e stepp$.2 !. a 'ra', a.+ brea,$.2 a #$rr!r as!"9re *a,$.2 ".+er a a++er ater a ba', 'at has +arte+ a'r!ss !"rpath !. Fr$+a the th$rtee.th4 !"9 be s!rr&

    !+!!r e#er2e+ r!# the +".2e!. a.+ 'he',e+ the re' r!!#4the part$'e a''eerat!r4 a.+ the *ere*!er !"t $. the 2ar+e.&

    The. he sp!tte+ h$# $. the r!se 2ar+e.4 $. the sha+!* ! aB$22"rat&

    There *as a ra$*a tra', r"..$.2 thr!"2h th$s part ! 7!+9s

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    >I2.!re h$#4> sa$+ 7!+& >I95e 'ha.2e+ # #$.+; !" 'a. a 2!h!#e .!*&>

    >S"$ts #e:> sa$+ !h.s!.4 the se'!.+ peasa.t& >Let9s a 2! a.+sh!p !r ha22$s&>

    >Ha22$s $s ba.a4> sa$+ S#$th& >I9+ rather +! #ath h!#e*!r,&>

    >Ha22$s $s 8OT ba.a; $t9s pr$#a #atter et !5er r!# the /$2 /a.2&I the a.'$e.t R!#a.s ha+ '!e'te+ ha22$ses4 the '!"+ ha5e tra+e+the# !r !!+ a.+ sa5e+ the$r e#p$re&>

    >Ha22$ses ARE !!+:> sa$+ S#$th&>The are sa$+ !h.s!.& >Y!" 'a. eat ha22$ses< I th!"2ht the

    represe.te+ s!#eth$.24 $,e a s#b!&>>What9s s! spe'$a ab!"t that< E7ERYTHI8 represe.ts s!#eth$.2:

    L!!, at ME4 !r $.sta.'e& I represe.t the r$+$.2 ! 8!rth Te*,sb"r&>A th$r+ peasa.t4 b the .a#e ! /".se.4 s'rat'he+ h$s 'h$. *$th h$s

    p$t'h!r, a.+ sa$+4 >A th$s t$#e I th!"2ht ha22$ses *ere a*.!r.a#e.ts:>

    >Represe.t$.2 a r$+$.2 $s.9t $,e s#b!$s#4> sa$+ !h.s!.4 +r$.2h$s *et s!',s !5er h$s a#$.2 t!r'h& >Y!" 'a.9t ee't a s#b!&>

    >I p"t ha22$ses a !5er # a*.4> sa$+ /".se.& >8! *!.+er theS'!ts res 'a#e t! see #e: I th!"2ht the @"st *a.te+ t! ta, ab!"tthe /atte ! Water!!&>

    >O '!"rse !" 'a. ee't a s#b!:> sa$+ S#$th& >L!!, at C!!.eSa.+ers:>

    >C!!.e Sa.+ers $s .!t a p!$t$'$a.:> sa$+ !h.s!. $.+$2.a.t& >He9s.!t r"..$.2 !r !$'e&>

    >He $s.9t>It h"rt # ee$.2s4 !" ,.!*4> sa$+ /".se.4 s'rat'h$.2 h$s ba',

    *$th h$s p$t'h!r,& >I th!"2ht the S'!ts res 'a#e t! see #e be'a"sethe $,e+ # *ater'!!rs ! E+$.b"r2h $. the ra$.& 8!* I ,.!* $t *as@"st !r the ha22$ses&>

    >I s"pp!se !" '!"+ sa Mar2aret That'her $s a s#b!4> sa$+!h.s!.&

    >The +$+.9t EAT the ha22$ses4 !" ,.!*4> sa$+ /".se.& >The @"st!!,e+ !.2$.2 at the#&>

    >A''!r+$.2 t! ".24 s#b!s are $.here.t a#b$5ae.t4> sa$+ S#$th&>What +$+ ".2 ,.!* sa$+ !h.s!.& >He *as a h"#a.: L!!, *hat

    h"#a.s +$+ t! Earth:>>I s"pp!se the S'!ts res *ere t!! p!$te t! as,4> sa$+ /".se.& >I

    sh!"+ ha5e !ere+ the# ha22$s h!rs +9!e"5res& It9s .!t as $ I *assh!rt ! the#&>

    >H"#a.s ha5e .! !.e t! ba#e b"t the#se5es4> sa$+ S#$th& >The'!"+ ha5e es'ape+ $. *eather ba!!.s4 b"t the 'h!se t! h$+e !"t $.'r!p '$r'es $.stea+& L!!, *here $t 2!t the#:>

    >The S'!ts res pr!bab th!"2ht I *as ,eep$.2 the ha22$ses !r8ap!e!.4> sa$+ /".se.& >I9+ better ph!.e the$r HG&>

    >".2 sh!"+ ha5e rea+ L!',e !. the assass$.at$!. ! $+eas ea+$.2

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    $.e5$tab t! the !r#at$!. ! a. e+"'ate+ #$.+4> sa$+ !h.s!.&>>8!* there9s a. a'a+e#$' !r !":> sa$+ S#$th& >A ta, a.+ .!

    a't$!.& He +$+.9t assass$.ate a s$.2e $+ea& He '!e'te+ the#: A.+4 as$ that *as.9t e.!"2h4 he et the# !!se !. a. ".s"spe't$.2 *!r+&L!!, at the #ess *e9re $. .!*--p$BBas *$th br!''!$ t!pp$.24 5a"e-

    a++e+ ta=es&&&I as, !":>>He +$+ h!*e5er4 a+#$t t! a. ee#e.t ! haBar+ $. the ass!'$at$!.! $+eas& S"pp!se !" happe.e+ t! !!, at a h$pp!p!ta#"s *h$e !"r#$.+ *as st$ a tab"a rasa4 a.+ $. the sa#e $.sta.t4 !" +$s'!5ere+ ab!= ! L$'!r$'e As!rts !. the ,$t'he. tabe& Y!"9+ $##e+$ate'!.'"+e that $ !" *a.te+ a. #!re L$'!r$'e As!rts4 !"9+ ha5e t!2et the# r!# a h$pp!p!ta#"s&>

    >I *!.+er $ that9s *h the S'!ts res ha+ s! #"'h tr!"be atWater!!4> sa$+ /".se.& >The th!"2ht I4 a !a S'!t4 *as h!ar+$.2pre'$!"s ha22$s t! 2$5e t! 8ap!e!.& I s"pp!se $t *re',e+ the$r#!rae&>

    >HaBar+ $s +$ere.t r!# a#b$5ae.'e4> sa$+ !h.s!.& >Th$.2s ' ?"$te pre'$se a.+ st$ '!.@!$.e+ b haBar+& S#b!s4 h!*e5er4be'!#e tar.$she+ a.+ ".a5a$abe !r #st$' $#a2$.$.2s !.'e the95ebee. $=e+ t! a pre'$se #ea.$.2& I !" #a,e a $tte stat"e ! a. e4!r $.sta.'e4 the. $t9s .! !.2er #st$'a; $t9s a a*. !r.a#e.t&>

    >I s"pp!se I '!"+ se.+ the S'!ts res 'h!'!ate ha22$ses !rLa#a9s E5e4> sa$+ /".se.&

    >E.!"2h s#a ta,4> sa$+ 7!+4 ree$.2 Ra.+!#& >It9s ba', t! thes$.$ster ba., t!*ers !r !" pe!pe4 a.+ $t9s ba', t! Spar,es theW!.+er C!#p"ter !r Ra.+!#& We ha5e *!r, t! +!&>

    >I '!"+ !er t! s"pp the S'!ts res ha22$ses !. the$r .e=t

    !"t$.24> sa$+ /".se.&>We '!"+ a*as $.5est #!.e $. the +er$5at$5es #ar,et4> sa$+

    S#$th& >That *!"+ s!5e e5erth$.2&>>What9s a +er$5at$5e sa$+ !h.s!.&>It9s a s!rt ! 5ap!r4 $,e stea#4> sa$+ S#$th&>What 2!!+ $s that>We !" 'a. #a,e e.2$.es 2! $ !" ha5e a !t ! stea#&>>D!.9t !" .ee+ a. e.2$.e4 $rst>A #ere +eta$& I '!"+ e.+ !" !.e ! #$.e&>>That9s 5er ,$.+ ! !"&>>M$.+ !"4 $t9s bee. +e.te+& A h$pp!p!ta#"s bashe+ $.t! $t *h$e $t

    *as !ra2$.2 !r L$'!r$'e As!rts&>!+!!r ha+ a ba+ ee$.2 ab!"t th$s&&&&


    That .$2ht4 *$th Spar,es the W!.+er C!#p"ter st$ !"t !'!##$ss$!.4 7!+ t!!, t! h$s be+ a.+ *r!te a etter ! '!#pa$.t t!

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


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    >Other pe!pe ha5e .$2ht#ares ab!"t #!.sters a.+ *$+ beasts4>sa$+ De#!& >I ha5e .$2ht#ares ab!"t r"bber +"',$es: I as, !":>

    >D!es $t s?"ea, sa$+ 7!+&>8O4 IT DOES89T SGUEAK: IT9S A8 E7IL RU//ER DUCKIE THAT


    >!!+.ess4 2ra'$!"s #e: H!* !.2 has $t bee. s$.'e !"r ast5a'at$!.4 De#!>I 'a.9t re#e#ber&>>Ta,e s!#e t$#e !& Ta,e s$= *ee,s& Rea=& Rea+ s!#e Capta$.

    ap '!#$'s& Sh!p !r s'!t'h&>>D!.9t !" .ee+ #e t! ,eep a. ee !. Ma',$.>8!t as s"'h& I ha5e a s"pp ! ta= e5a+ers $. # +".2e!.&

    !+!!r *$ +! a .$'e '!.e ! !"r pers!.a$t a.+ +!*.!a+ $t $.t!!.e ! # pr$s!.ers&>

    >I *!.9t ha5e that:> ee+ De#!& >I +!.9t *a.t a. +"p$'ateDe#!9s #$$.2 ar!".+4 @!st$.2 !r pr$#a'&>

    >It *!.9t be that s!rt ! +"p$'ate; $t *$ be #!re ! a e$t#!t$54s#b!$B$.2 the eter.a ?"est !r the pere't #!+e ra$r!a+&>

    De#! ee+ 7!+ s"sp$'$!"s&>Rea he sa$+& >Y!" 'a. "se a r$.2er< I 'a. 2! ba', t! be$.2 a

    see+ a'a+e#$'< I 'a. @!$. Sa !p! a.+ *e 'a. r$+e Sp!t ! the8e2e5 ! $.t! the s".set

    >O '!"rse: As !.2 as !" '!.se.t t! ha5$.2 a e$t#!t$5 ".'t$!.$.2$.+epe.+e.t ! !"r '!.tr!&>

    >Y!" #ea. a +!ppe2a.2er>I #!st 'erta$. +! .!t& D!"b$.2 a T!r!.t! Mape Lea 2!a$e

    *!"+ a''!#p$sh .!th$.2& A e$t#!t$54 h!*e5er4 *$ ,eep "p the

    press"re !. Ma',$.&>De#! *as.9t s! s"re ab!"t th$s part ! the bar2a$.--*hat $ h$s

    e$t#!t$5 2!t 'arr$e+ a*a a.+ tr$e+ t! set the a2e.+a !r b!thpers!.a$t$esI9# s! 2a+ t! see !":>>Oh De#!:> sa$+ Sa& >Me t!!:>>Oh +ear4> sa$+ Sp!t ! the 8e2e54 *h! *as tr$.2 t! prete.+ he

    *as *$th s!#e!.e ese&De#! r"she+ t! e#bra'e Sa a.+ the t*! s*eethearts s#!!'he+

    !r a*h$e&Ater a !.2 #!#e.t4 Sa sa$+4 >I th$., $t #$2ht be better *$th!"t

    the 2!a$e #as,4 s*eet$e4> a.+ De#! h"rr$e+ +!e+ $t&>A.+ !" #$2ht *a.t t! 'ha.2e !"t ! th!se s$ '!thes4> she

    a++e+&De#! at !.'e 'ast ! h$s 2!a$e9s !"t$t a.+ 'ha.2e+ $.t! h$s

    Ar#a.$ a'a+e#$' '!st"#e&E5er!.e *as a#"se+ b the r"bber +"',$es !. h$s ".+er*ear&>8e5er a2a$. *$ I '!#pa$. ab!"t the $e ! a see+ a'a+e#$'4> he

    sa$+&>That $s 2!!+4 # !5e4> sa$+ Sa4 >be'a"se there9s s!#eth$.2 I

    *a.t !" t! +!&>>8a#e $t4 s*eetheart&>>I *a.t !" t! 2! $.t! the Fab"!"s M$sts ! A.t$?"$t *$th #e a.+

    hep #e $.+ a .e* a.+ e='$t$.2 5e."e !r # .e=t *!r, ! art&>>I9 be 2a+ t!4 # +ear; $t *$ hep #e !r2et # .$2ht#ares ! a.

    e5$ r"bber +"',$e&>

    >O a *hat>A. e5$ r"bber +"',$e4> sa$+ De#! $rr$tab& >A b$2 !.e&>Sa !!,e+ at 7!+&>Is th$s !"r +!$.27!+ $te+ h$s ar#s $. a 2est"re ! hepess.ess&>A $tte 5a'at$!. t$#e sh!"+ +! the tr$',4> he sa$+& >/"t there9s

    a*as ee'tr!sh!',4 $ e5erth$.2 ese a$s&>>We +!.9t .ee+ 2a+2ets; *e ha5e r"taba2as&>Sa e#bra'e+ De#! a2a$.&>Y!" @"st !r2et ab!"t the .ast r"bber +"',$e4 s*eetheart:> she

    sa$+& >I9 !!, ater !"&>

    7!+ sh!!, h$s hea+& He *as be2$..$.2 t! ee +$BB& L$e *as s!'!#p$'ate+ .!* that pe!pe et ree t! ta, !pe. ! the$r et$shes:Wh '!"+.9t the @"st b$te ea'h !ther a.+ +r$., ea'h !ther9s b!!+Cat'h:> ee+ Sa4 pa" t!ss$.2 h$# a r"taba2a&The. she '$#be+ "p !.t! Sp!t ! the 8e2e5 a.+ r!+e a*a *$th

    De#!4 thr!"2h the !th$' !rest4 $.t! the .!!.+a s".&7!+ !ere+ !+!!r the r"taba2a&>8! tha.,s4> sa$+ !+!!r& >I 2a5e at the !$'e&>

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


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    >Where $s th$s R"bber D"',$e ! E5$< D!es $t sa $. the b!!,>It9s $. the Fab"!"s M$sts ! A.t$?"$t4 #aster& The a"th!r th$.,s

    $t9s s!#e*here $. a.'$e.t /ab!.&>>That $s pre'$se *here De#!4 Sa a.+ Sp!t ha5e 5e.t"re+4> sa$+

    7!+& >The R"bber D"',$e ! E5$ #"st be $."e.'$.2 the#&>

    >I9# ara$+ s!4 #aster&>>I *!.+er $ De#! a.+ Sa #ea. t! betra #e4 !+!!r& H"rrater the#& /e the $rst t! $.+ th$s #!.ster +"', a.+ there9 be a .$'etreat !r !" $. !"r La#a9s E5e st!',$.2&>

    !+!!r ha+ a ba+ ee$.2 ab!"t th$s&&&&


    !+!!r *as $. a !" #!!+&

    De#! a.+ Sa ha+ !. @"st +eparte+ the s'e.e4 b"t area+ the*ere ar4 ar a*a&

    H!* *as he t! $.+ the#She *as a b$24 ta4 7$,$.2 +resse+ $. eather a.+ br!.Be&The .a#e e.2ra5e+ !. her .a#e pate *as er+a& She !!,e+

    t!"2h e.!"2h t! 'he* "p a $',ar+ Tr$!b$te a.+ sp$t shrap.e at

    !+!!r&/"t she #a+e !.e #$sta,e&She .!t$'e+ h$s h"#p&>Are !" star$.2 at s!#eth$.2 !+!!r sa$+ $. a +a.2er!"s 5!$'e&er+a *as st"pe$e+& It *as a. e.!r#!"s h"#p; $t #a+e h$# !!,

    $,e a 'a#e& A.+ et4 $t *as .!t *$th!"t $ts stra.2e attra't$!.s&>U###4 I *as !!,$.2 at !"r .$'e @a',et&>>Were !" star$.2 at # h"#p

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


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    *h! $.5e.te+ ph$!s!ph4 a.+ ,$ h$# be!re $t 2ets a. *!rse&>>H####4> sa$+ !+!!r s"sp$'$!"s& >S! he9s area+ et !r

    a.'$e.t /ab!.< That *as ?"$',:>The. he .!t$'e+ s!#eth$.2 ese&It *as a '!rpse4 t! be e=a't; a +ea+ +"', $. a 2ree. s$, ,$#!.!&

    >There9s a +ea+ +"', !. the !!r4> sa$+ !+!!r&>DI/S:> ?"!th the ra5e.&The re'ept$!.$st ,.et bes$+e the rap$+ '!!$.2 +"',&>Oh # 2!!+.ess4 that9s h$s se'retar:> she sa$+& >I9+ better te the

    +ea.& What a #ess: I s"pp!se I9 ha5e t! p"t $. a re?"est !r a .e*se'retar .!*& Th$s $s 2!$.2 t! ta,e #asses ! paper*!r,& MASSES:Y!" *!"+.9t be$e5e the !r#s !" ha5e t! $ !"t&>

    >L!!,4 she *as pa$.2 *$th her 8!,$a4> !+!!r sa$+& >I95e .e5ersee. a t!rt!$se she 8!,$a be!re& I *!.+er $ she *as pa$.2 DOOM&>

    >There9s b!!+ a !5er $t4> sa$+ er+a& >Ye'h:>>Y"##:> ?"!th the ra5e.4 $',$.2 h$s 'h!ps&

    >Wa$t4 she9s *r$tte. s!#eth$.2 $. b!!+ !. the s'ree.4> sa$+!+!!r&

    >I 'a. @"st #a,e $t !"t4> sa$+ er+a& >There9s a. 9F9 a. 9M9 a.+ a.9H9&>

    >F" Ma.'h" H$#the4> ?"!th the ra5e.& >I9# .!t eat$.2 thath: Ithpr!bab p!$th!.e+&>

    >I th!"2ht F" Ma.'h" *as @"st a $terar $2"re4> sa$+ er+a4 !!,$.2ar!".+ .er5!"s&

    !+!!r 2a.'e+ at her4 a '!+ ee$.2 2!$.2 "p h$s sp$.e&>8!t F" Ma.'h"4> he sa$+& >Fre++ Ma.$'hea. Heres& The #!st

    +a.2er!"s 'reat"re $. a ! T!',*!r+& I he9s #$=e+ "p $. th$s4 *e9re

    a $. tr!"be&>The. he !".+ the se'retar9s 9t!-+!9 $st(1&Sear'h !r +e$'$!"s !!+ that 'a. be eate. $. 2reat ?"a.t$t$es

    a.+ has .! 'a!r$es&&F$.+ a s$2ht "se+ #ae *$th 'ea. $.2er.a$s&3&/!!, t$',et !r D& a.+ S& t! ab"!"s #$sts ! a.t$?"$t& E'!.!#

    'ass&"st the.4 a. e5$ a"2h e'h!e+ thr!"2h the r!!#4 a.+ a sha+!*

    !!#e+ !5er the $tte 2r!"p ! $.ter!pers&The. a *as s$e.'e a2a$.4 e='ept !r the !.e *h$ste ! the

    Or$e.t E=press p"$.2 $.t! the 'a#p"s stat$!.4 .ear I.?"$s$t$!. Ha4

    *here the $.a e=a#s *ere $. pr!2ress&F$.a e=a#s *ere a*as $. pr!2ress at the U.$5ers$t ! Stra.2e

    Th!"2hts!+!!r ha+ a ba+ ee$.2 ab!"t th$s&&&&


  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    !+!!r 2a.'e+ !"t the *$.+!* at the 2!+e. patp"s& He ha+ t!2et 2!$.24 b"t he *as $. a t$2ht sp!t& I a.!.e +$s'!5ere+ the '!rpse!. the !!r ! De#!9s !$'e4 the9+ th$., he9+ p"t $t there&

    ra.te+4 the re'ept$!.$st *as a *$t.ess t! h$s $..!'e.'e4 b"t *hat$ she *a.te+ t! ba',#a$ h$# s! she '!"+ 2!!se "p her ret$re#e.t

    ".+ a $tte

    /abette *as #!#e.tar$ t!.2"e-t$e+& Her heart *e.t th"#p-a-"#p4 th"#p-a-"#p4 a.+ she et +$BB *$th !5e&

    >I th$s $s the +ea.4> sa$+ !+!!r& >I +$+.9t +! $t: She *as area++ea+ *he. I 2!t here&>

    >Thath r$2ht4> ?"!th the ra5e.& >I tha* h$# +! $t&>>I !5e !"4 !+!!r4> sa$+ /abette&At the s!".+ ! /abette9s 5!$'e4 !+!!r #ete+&>I !5e !" t!!4 s*eet$e4> he sa$+&

    >S! *hat are !" +!$.24 !+!!r /abette as,e+&>Oh .!th$.2 #"'h& Tr$.2 t! a5!$+ be$.2 !".+ *$th a +ea+ b!+

    a.+ a. e5$ #aster 'r$#$.a a.+ assass$. *h$e I start !"t !. a ?"est !rDe#!&>

    >That9s .$'e4> sa$+ /abette& >I *as @"st th$.,$.2 ab!"t !"4 !+!!r&I !5e !"&>

    >I !5e !"4 /abette&>I rea !5e !" !+!!r&>>I rea4 rea !5e !"4 /abette&>>Th$th $th th$',e.$.24> #"ttere+ C"ster&F!rt".ate4 the '!..e't$!. e5e.t"a e apart4 as the s! !te.

    +! *$th 'e ph!.es&er+a4 #ea.*h$e4 ha+ bee. 'a$.2 the +ea.& She p"t +!*. the

    ph!.e a.+ s#$e+ $.appr!pr$ate at !+!!r&>We9 ha5e t! 2et !"t ! here ".t$ th$s b!*s !5er4> she sa$+&!+!!r s$2he+ *ear$&There *as .!th$.2 !r $t; he9+ ha5e t! 2! $.t! the Fab"!"s M$sts !

    >A.t$?"$t a.+ $.+ De#!& /"t *here $. the FMA< 8$.e5eh< Eb$sAre !" 2!$.2 t! sta.+ there a +a4 !r are !" 2!$.2 t! sh!* #e*hat !" br!"2ht he sa$+&

    /esse#er *h$spere+ t! the !thers4 a.+ the ha.+e+ !5er a ar2e4a.2r 'reat"re&

    >We !er !" th$s4> he sa$+&Fe$= ee+ $t s"sp$'$!"s&

    >That9s a. !str$'h&>>8! $t $s.9t4> sa$+ /esse#er&>Yes $t $s&>>We4 te'h.$'a $t9s a. !str$'h4 b"t $t has se estee#&>Fe$= e=a#$.e+ the !str$'h&The !str$'h batte+ her ees& >I $,e !" t!! s*eet$e4> she sa$+&It *as !5e at $rst s$2ht&>O,a4> sa$+ Fe$=& >It9s a +ea& What +! !" *a.t $. e='ha.2e>We ha5e a pr!be#4> sa$+ /esse#er C!.5erter& >We9re s"pp!se+

    t! $.5a+e T!',*!r+4 e.sa5e $ts $.hab$ta.ts4 +esp!$ $t4 a.+ !r'e thes"r5$5!rs t! st!p re''$.2& U.!rt".ate4 *e +!.9t *a.t t! +! these

    th$.2s&>>Ha5e !" 2!t a b"s$.ess pa. as,e+ Fe$=&>We +!.9t .ee+ !.e& We9+ preer t! $5e here pea'e" a.+ hep

    pe!pe see't attra't$5e !!r '!5er$.2s4 b"t *e +!.9t ,.!* h!* t! +ea*$th !"r b!ss4 e.era F"#ar!e& We .ee+ ph!. ID s! *e 'a.+$sappear a.+ be.+ $.t! the 'r!*+s&>

    Fe$= ee+ the eepha.ts s,ept$'a&>What !" rea .ee+ $s a 2!a4> he sa$+& >e!pe !. T!',*!r+ a

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    ha5e 2!as .!*; $t9s the atest th$.2&>>We *ere th$.,$.2 ! ha5$.2 a #!+e ra$r!a+ b"$t4> sa$+ /esse#er&

    >D!es that ?"a$ as a 2!a>/are4> sa$+ Fe$=& >E7ERYO8E *a.ts t! ha5e a #!+e ra$r!a+

    b"$t& It9s .!t 5er !r$2$.a&>

    >We '!"+ start a #!+e ra$r!a+ '"b&>>That9s a $tte better& I 'a. *!r, *$th that& I9 +es$2. s!#e !$'$a+!'"#e.ts !r !"4 a.+ a !2!4 ! '!"rse& erhaps a. eepha.t $. a'ab!!se&>

    >I $,e that4> sa$+ /esse#er&>!!+& Here the are&>Fe$= ha.+e+ /esse#er a pa',a2e ! !$'$a !r#s4 s$2.e+ b the

    pr$#e #$.$ster ! Ca.a+a4 A..e ! ree. abes&>8!* !"9re sae4> he sa$+& >8! !.e 'a. e=tra+$te !"&>/esse#er appe+ h$s tr"., $. +e$2ht& A ! the eepha.ts *a=e+

    e='ee+$.2 @!"& The. the b$+ the$r are*es t! the 2r"#p *$Bar+

    a.+ h$s bea"t$" !str$'h 2$rr$e.+4 a.+ *e.t s,$pp$.2 !"t $.t! the par,&Whe. /esse#er !!,e+ ba',4 h!*e5er4 the #a2$' sh!p $t "se+ t!

    be a te.t *as 2!.e&I. $ts pa'e *as a pr$54 '"rre.t !''"p$e+ b s!#e!.e *h! *as

    s$.2$.2 9M!!. R$5er9 at the t!p ! h$s 5!$'e&>I *!.+er *h! he *as4 rea4> sa$+ /esse#er&>D!r$s Da sa$+ h$s sta !$'er4 C!r+ess S're*+r$5er&>D!r$s Da $s a !5e *!#a.4 5er attra't$5e4 *$th a #ar5e!"s

    s$.2$.2 5!$'e4> sa$+ /esse#er& >D!.9t $.s"t her&>"st the.4 /esse#er .!t$'e+ s!#eth$.2 !++ $. the 2rass&>L!!,4 there9s s!#eth$.2 !++ $. the 2rass4> he sa$+&

    >It9s a s#a4 !ss$$Be+ th$.24> sa$+ C!r+ess&>H! ar#a+$!s; $t9s a h!',e p"',:> sa$+ /esse#er&>What9s a h!',e p"', as,e+ C!r+ess&>It9s a 5!t$5e !b@e't& Th$s $s a 2!!+ !#e.& We9re 2!$.2 t! s"''ee+:>The eepha.ts hea+e+ ba', t! e!r2e9s Tra$.s $. h$2h sp$r$ts4

    th$.,$.2 the *ere ab!"t t! $.+ a s!"t$!. t! the pr!be# ! h!* t!a5!$+ $.5a+$.24 !!t$.2 a.+ p$a2$.2 T!',*!r+&

    Mea.*h$e4 Ra.+!#$Be+ T$#er4 #aster ! Spar,es the W!.+erC!#p"ter4 a.+ pr!2ra##er a.+ te'h s"pp!rt t! the stars4 *asperpe=e+&

    Spar,es ,ept 'rash$.2&

    Mabe she .ee+s s!#e .e* parts4 he sa$+ t! h$#se&Mae '!#p"ter e=perts s!#et$#es th$., ! the$r '!#p"ters as

    e#aes4 a.+ s!#et$#es the th$., ! the# as e5$ e.t$t$es&Ra.+!# *as !. 2!!+ ter#s *$th Spar,es4 s! he *e.t !"t !. a

    ?"est !r parts&8at"ra he *e.t t! e!r2e9s Tra$.s4 the a#!"s #!+e ra$r!a+

    sh!p&"sh$.2 h$s *a past a #!b ! a$e.s +$s2"$se+ as ?"a',$.2

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    eepha.ts4 he be'a#e '"r$!"s&The ?"a',$.2 eepha.ts *ere a !!,$.2 at tra', pa.s&"st the.4 a 2r!"p ! !".2 +"',s *h! happe.e+ t! be pass$.2 b

    be2a. e$.2 at ea'h !ther&>What9s that .!$se sa$+ the ?"a',$.2 eepha.ts4 aar#e+&

    >It9s a a#e Wart4> sa$+ !.e ! the !".2sters& >We 2!t $t r!# th$s*e$r+ #a2$' te.t It "se+ t! be a sh!p& It '!#es r!# the "t"re4 *he.e5erb!+ *!rsh$ps h!',e p"',s&>

    The ?"a',$.2 eepha.ts a 2athere+ ar!".+ !r a !!, at the a#eWart&

    Ra.+!# *as '"r$!"s& The !".2 +"',s *ere pa$.2 a 5ers$!. !Death H!',e4 a 2a#e ! s,$&

    He9+ pae+ Death H!',e !. the a#e Wart Mar, 4 ! '!"rse4b"t th$s *as +$ere.t&

    >What are the +!$.2 sa$+ the eepha.ts& >What9s the Sta.eC"p

    >Y!" 2et the Sta.e C"p *he. !"95e sa'r$$'e+ a ! the paers!. the !pp!s$te tea#4> sa$+ Ra.+!#& >It 2$5es !" s"per p!*ers&>

    /esse#er peere+ '!se at the s'ree.& L!ts ! t$. h!',e paers*ere beat$.2 ea'h !ther t! +eath *$th st$',s&

    >We '!"+ "se th$s as a s$2.a$.2 +e5$'e4> he sa$+&The !".2 +"',s *ere 2r!*$.2 e='$te+&>K$ that !.e4 eh:> the sh!"te+&>Th$s $s *ar4 eh:>>H$s hea+ e !4 eh: That9s a>>8! $t $s.9t; he9s 2"$.2 $t ba', !.&>>I rea +!.9t ".+ersta.+ th$s h!',e th$.24> sa$+ /esse#er&

    >It9s a pr$#$t$5e r$t"a4> sa$+ Ra.+!#&>r$#$t$5e pe!pe be$e5e+ $. 5$+e! 2a#es sa$+ /esse#er&>The st$ +!4> sa$+ Ra.+!#&>O"r pe!pe *ere .e5er that #ess *he. the sa'r$$'e+&>Yeah4 b"t *e !. sa'r$$'e+ br!''!$4> sa$+ C!r+ess&>W$ !" 2"s sh"t "p:> sh!"te+ Stat$' Char2e4 the

    '!##".$'at$!.s !$'er& >e.era F"#ar!e $s !. the $.e&>>A2a$. sa$+ /esse#er *ear$& >$5e $t t! #e4 pease&>He t!!, the $.ter2aa't$' 'e ph!.e4 e=pe't$.2 a.2er a.+

    re'r$#$.at$!.s&I.stea+4 he 2!t the h!.ee+ t!.es ! a '!.te.te+ ps'h!path&

    >Y!" *ere +$s'"ss$.2 sa'r$$'e sa$+ e.era F"#ar!e& >/!!+ a.+2!re< That9s e.'!"ra2$.2&>

    >U##4 es4> sa$+ /ess#er&>8!* !"9re ta,$.24 /esse#er: T! be ra.,4 I *as *!rr$e+ ab!"t

    !"& I th!"2ht !" *ere t"r.$.2 $.t! a *$#p& What +! these h!',epaers +!

    >The h$t ea'h !ther *$th st$',s&>>Rea< It9s re#ar,ab $,e a Capta$. ap ep$s!+e& These pe!pe

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    *!"+ #a,e 2!!+ a$es& What9s the $tte ba', th$.2>It9s the$r 2!+& E5er s! !te. the ta,e a brea, r!# bash$.2 ea'h

    !ther a.+ h$t $t& The !b@e't $s t! ,$ a.!ther paer *$th $t& The tr t!a5!$+ 2ett$.2 $t $.t! th!se .et th$.2s&>

    >The h$t the$r 2!+< What 'h"tBpah:>

    >Mabe !" ha5e t! h$t $t t! 2et $ts atte.t$!.4> sa$+ C!r+ess&>The .et th$.2 #"st be a. atar4> sa$+ /esse#er& >L!!, at a the*!rsh$ppers $. the pe*s& The #"st be rea +e5!"t:>

    / .!*4 a 'r!*+ ha+ 2athere+ ar!".+ the a#e Wart&> I th$., *e attra'te+ s!#e *!rsh$ppers4> sa$+ a !".2 +"',&>K$ h$#:> sh!"te+ a.!ther +"',& >St" #ar#!ts $.t! h$s ears&

    Ma,e h$# eat #ashe+ t"r.$ps a.+ beets ".t$ he e=p!+es&>>H! R"taba2as4 these pe!pe are +a.2er!"s4> sa$+ e.era

    F"#ar!e& >Th$s $s 2!$.2 t! be a. e='$t$.2 $.5as$!.& I 'a. har+ *a$t&>>L!!,4 the9re bash$.2 ea'h !ther a2a$.4> sa$+ /esse#er4 h!rr$$e+

    b the 2a#e& >There9s b!!+ a !5er the s'ree.&>

    >The9re pa$.2 s!#e st!', br!,ers r!# 8e* Y!r,& That !.e has ab!.e thr!"2h h$s .!se&>

    >What9s 8e* Y!r,>A s"b"rb ! T!r!.t!4 I th$.,&>S"++e.4 !.e ! the eepha.ts *h! ha+ bee. *at'h$.2 the 2a#e


    >Oh # 2!sh4 the9re rea:> sa$+ /esse#er& >The9re .!t a,e& $.'h#e: I95e .e5er see. a rea a#b!.$ +r$5er be!re& O. $. p$'t"res r!#the L!st C$t ! Ata.t$s& The #"st ha5e '!#e r$2ht here ater the!st Ata.t$s&>

    >That9s p!ss$be& Re#e#ber the st!r$es *e "se+ t! hear r!# the!+ 2"s at Sa#"e Ta!r C!er$+2e9s a#e Sh!p< Whe. Ata.t$s 2!t!st4 a e* a#b!.$ +r$5ers s"r5$5e+ b b"$+$.2 a b".'h ! h"2ea#b!.$s4 ea'h !.e e$2ht '"b$ts b .$.et '"b$ts&>

    >Yeah4 a.+ the b"$t the pra#$+s t! par, the$r a#b!.$s $.&>Se5era ! the eepha.ts a$.te+&>M $e $s '!#pete4> #"r#"re+ /esse#er C!.5erter&>L!!,4 that a#b!.$ +r$5er $s a e#ae: Is.9t she bea"t$": She has

    2!+ breast pates&>>St!p $t:> sh!"te+ /esse#er& >e.era F"#ar!e *a.ts t! see b!!+

    a.+ s?"$sh b$ts& We ha5e t! !b$2e h$#&&&&

    >We '!"+ b" h$# t$',ets t! a Leas 2a#e4> sa$+ a pass$.2 #!+era$r!a+er&

    /esse#er ha+ a ba+ ee$.2 ab!"t th$s&&&&


    Mea.*h$e4 !+!!r '!.t$."e+ t! be .er5!"s ab!"t the '!rpse !.

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    the !!r ! De#!9s !$'e&What $ $t s"e+ !r *r!.2" +$s#$ssaer+a t!!, !+!!r t! the b"tter4 *here he '!"+ e.@! a ?"$et

    #ea *h$e #a,$.2 pa.s !r h$s tr$p t! a.'$e.t /ab!.&The b"tter *as a '!p ! Caesar9s aa'e& The E#per!r 7espas$a.

    sat $. a '!r.er4 pa$.2 the s!ts&!+!!r sat *$th h$s ba', t! the +!!r s! h$s h"#p *!"+ ta,e the

    br".t ! a. s.ea, atta',s&er+a !r+ere+ t*! +a.+e$!.s a.+ a sab ! b$r'h bar,&

    >7er !r$2$.a4> sa$+ !+!!r& >M!st pe!pe #a,e 'a.!es *$th thatst"&>

    >I9# !. a +$et4> she e=pa$.e+&!+!!r !r+ere+ a.'h!5 @e&The. he 2a.'e+ !"t the *$.+!* a.+ .!t$'e+ a s$.$ster $2"re

    sta.+$.2 !. the '!>D!.9t !!, .!*4 b"t *e9re be$.2 *at'he+4> he breathe+&>We are sa$+ er+a& >Is he a sp4 !r @"st a #ar,et$.2 e=e'"t$5e>He9s a sp&>>H!* 'a. !" te>He9s rea+$.2 a r!#a.'e .!5e& A tr"e pr!ess!r *!"+ h$+e $t

    beh$.+ s!#eth$.2 #!re appr!pr$ate t! th$s sett$.24 $,e a. 9Ar'h$e9'!#$'&>

    >Oh # 2!!+.ess; I .e5er th!"2ht ! that:> sa$+ er+a& >Y!"9rebr$$a.t4 !+!!r& I *a.t t! ha5e !"r 'h$+re.4 as !.2 as I 'a. +! s!*$th!"t a't"a '!#$.2 $.t! phs$'a '!.ta't *$th !"4 !r 2r!*$.2ar2e ar!".+ the #$++e&>

    >It9s p!ss$be4> he sa$+& >/"t $t *!"+ be a .!. se?"$t"r&>>What +! !" *a.t t! +!< H!* *$ !" es'ape h$#

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    eat$.2 .!*&He e5e. #$sse+ 7!+& H!* *!"+ that s$ 5a#p$re e5er 2et a!.2

    *$th!"t h$s !+!!r t! a*. !5er h$#&A'!tes are the rea p!*er beh$.+ the thr!.e $. 'ase !" +$+.9t


    At ast the tra$. p"e+ !"t ! the stat$!. a.+ p".2e+ $.t! the+eepe.$.2 2!!# ! the Fre.'h '!".trs$+e&A *!#a. sa.2 9S!#e ! These Das&9ea.-a" Sartre *r!te /EI8 A8D 8OTHI88ESS&H"sser *as "r$!"s& >That9s .!t *hat I #ea.t4> he sa$+& >8!t *hat I

    #ea.t at a&>Sh!ts ra.2 !"t&!+!!r sette+ $.t! a 'r!*+e+ '!#part#e.t a.+ s$e.t passe+

    2as&S!!. he a.+ C"ster *ere a!.e&He *as +!B$.2 ! *he. the +!!r s$+ !pe. a.+ a bea"t$" +"',

    +resse+ $. a $tte ba', strapess +ress a.+ t!t$.2 a p"rse a.+ a 2".steppe+ $.s$+e the '!#part#e.t&

    >D! !" #$.+ $ I s$t here she sa$+&!+!!r st!!+ "p p!$te& H$s e5er $.st$.'t 'r$e+ !"t4 DA8ER:

    WAR8I8: I8COMI8 FEMME FATALE:4 b"t he *as hepess&O. the th!"2ht ! h$s !5e /abette ,ept h$# r!# eap$.2 a'r!ss

    the '!#part#e.t a.+ s#!!'h$.2 *$th the stra.2er4 !r at east p!$teas,$.2 her $ she9+ $,e t! s#!!'h&

    >I9# *a$t$.24> sa$+ the e##e atae4 s#$$.2 at h$#&Oh she *as a s$., !.e: She *!re h$2h hees that !!,e+ $,e

    *ae $r!.s !. pe+estas4 a.+ she ha+ the s!rt ! ees that 'a. rea+

    !" $,e a baa.'e sheet&!+!!r s#$e+ a.+ 2est"re+ t! the seat a'r!ss r!# h$#&The s"tr +"', sat !. h$s ap&>I9# 5er sh4> she sa$+& >Th$s *a !" *!.9t be abe t! see #

    a'e&>>!!+ th$.,$.24> sa$+ !+!!r $. a stra.2e+ 5!$'e&The. he !r'e+ h$#se t! th$., ab!"t /abette& She *as pr!bab

    ,$$.2 s!#eth$.2 !r ".'h r$2ht .!*& Ater that4 she9+ *a$t +e#"re!r h$s ret"r. $. a .$ 'e.t"r *!!+'"t&

    Oh $t b"r.e+4 $t b"r.e+:>I $,e b$2 str!.2 a'!tes $,e !":> the s"tr !.e sa$+& >The #a,e

    #e ee a 2!!sh $.s$+e:>!+!!r9s heart starte+ beat$.2& Th$s *as a *r!.2: She *as "p t!

    s!#eth$.2 *$',e+&/e s"sp$'$!"s: he th!"2ht& She pr!bab *!r,s !r Fre++

    Ma.$'hea. Heres& She9 *a$t ".t$ I9# ! 2"ar+4 the. she9 stab #e $.the h"#p *$th a hat p$.&

    The a$th" C"ster *!"+ pr!bab hep her&Or #abe I9# @"st be$.2 para.!$+4 he th!"2ht& Ater a4 I9# a

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    'har$s#at$' a'!te: The at#!sphere 'ha.2es *he.e5er I *a, $.t! ar!!#& e!pe # 'har$s#a&

    >M .a#e $s L"' /!r+e.4> the s"tr +"', sa$+& >I9# F!re.t$.e&>!+!!r e=a#$.e+ her '!se& She +$+.9t !!, $,e $.e 2ass*are4

    b"t !" .e5er ,.e*&

    A. a'tress $#$.2 a h!rr!r #!5$e s'rea#e+&!+!!r a+@"ste+ L"' !. h$s ap& >D! !" th$., there9s s!#eth$.2!++ ab!"t th$s tra$. he sa$+&

    >Therta$.4> ?"!th C"ster& >The et YOU r$+e !. $t&>C"ster s#$e+ as'$5$!"s at L"'&L"' *$.,e+ at h$#&!+!!r ha+ a ba+ ee$.2 ab!"t th$s--


    There *as !2 e5er*here&F!2 $. the L"=e#b!"r2 ar+e.s& F!2 $. the Opera H!"se& F!2 $.

    the H!"se ! C!##!.s&F!2 $. the Or$e.t E=press #a$ '!a'h4 *here 'h!er$' s!rters

    p"BBe+ !5er a b".+e ! etters that ha+ bee. se.t r!# Ora.+! t!M$a#$&

    F!2 $. the ba22a2e 'ar4 *here the s"$t'ases 'hatte+ ?"$et a#!.2the#se5es( >I95e 2!t a 2ree.4 s$, bathr!be r!# the /r!.=; *h! *a.tst! tra+e $t !r a. A.a=$#a.+er 'ar+

    F!2 $. the t$. 2ae $. the resta"ra.t 'ar4 *here the pastr 'he

    r"she+ ab!"t4 ta,$.2 ha22$ses !"t ! the$r T$a.9s b!=es4 spr$.,$.2the# *$th $'$.2 s"2ar4 a.+ p!pp$.2 the# $.t! spe'$a pastr !5e.s&

    F!2 $. the ph$!s!ph!r$"#4 *here ea.-a" Sartre a.+ H"sser+$s'"sse+ L!"$s L9A#!"r&

    F!2 $. the $brar 'ar4 *here Sher!', H!#es per"se+ 7IOLI8S FORDUM DUMS4 *h$e the a$th" Wats!. t!!, h$s '!.st$t"t$!.a $. the'!rr$+!r&

    Mster$!"s shapes 2$##er$.2 $. the !22 '!rr$+!r4 *heretee#ar,eters sear'he+ !r 5$r2$.s t! sa'r$$'e&

    F!2 'rept $.t! !+!!r9s '!#part#e.t4 ".t$ he '!"+ bare seethe st$t'hes $. h$s *r$sts a.+ ha.+s&

    L"' /!r+e. ha+ #!5e+ t! the !pp!s$te seat4 *here she *asprepar$.2 a s.a', !. her p!rtabe b"t'her b!',4 ha',$.2 #eth!+$'aa*a at s!#eth$.2 s$pper a.+ +$s2"st$.2&

    /!!+ a.+ 2!bbets ! esh e* $,e shrap.e4 a.+ C"ster'he+the# !"t ! the a$r $. a pere't e'stas ! 2ree+&

    >L$the. !+!!r:> he ?"!th& >Th$th $th the 2$r !r !"& 8a"2ht a.+#etth; thath the ,$.+ !" *a.t& Ta,e $t r!# #e&>

    /"t !+!!r9s heart *as b!".+ !5er $. h!!ps ! !5e t! h$s s*eet$e

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    p$e4 /abette the sp$+er&He '!"+ har+ *a$t !r M$ster Tast Ch!'!ate Da4 *he. a tr"e

    !5ers e5er*here 'eebrate b 2$5$.2 the$r s*eethearts tr"',!a+s !+e.ta 'h!'!ate&

    !+!!r t!+ h$#se he9+ 2$5e /abette the b$22est 'h!'!ate

    $.?"$s$t!r a.!.e !. T!',*!r+ ha+ e5er see.4 $ he s"r5$5e+ th$se=pe+$t$!. t! a.'$e.t /ab!.&A't"a he *as *!rr$e+ ab!"t th$s&He ha+ t! ,eep a*a,e a the *a t! C!.sta.t$.!pe4 $. 'ase the

    e.t$'$.2 L"' /!r+e. rea WAS !.e ! Fre++ Ma.$'hea. Heres9s#$.$!.s a.+ pa..e+ !. stabb$.2 h$# $. the h"#p *h$e he *asseep$.2&

    It *as a !.2 @!"r.e& He tr$e+ t! +$stra't h$#se *$th a '!p !FLUFFY9S UIDE TO A8CIE8T /A/YLO8&

    >The Or$e.t E=press "se+ t! 2! .! "rther tha. C!.sta.t$.!pe4>F" ha+ *r$tte.& >8!*4 h!*e5er4 there $s a bra.'h $.e r"..$.2

    stra$2ht thr!"2h a t$#e +!!r t! Ha##"rab$ Stat$!. $. a.'$e.t /ab!.&>/e!re pr!'ee+$.2 !. !"r @!"r.e4 !" #$2ht *a.t t! spe.+ s!#e

    t$#e $. the !5e '$t ! C!.sta.t$.!pe4 *here '$5$$Bat$!. pers$ste+!.2 ater the E"r!pea.s ha+ 2$5e. $t "p !r s!''er&&&&&>

    !+!!r p"t h$s tra5e b!!, a*a a.+ th!"2ht ab!"t the$.hab$ta.ts ! C!.sta.t$.!pe& The *!r+ see#e+ t! '!.tra't ar!".+h$#& He hear+ 5!$'es $,e e'h!es '!#$.2 r!# !ther parts ! the tra$.&

    Sh!ts ra.2 !"t&!+!!r s#$e+4 "e+ b the s!!th$.2 s!".+s&>et $t ! #e:> a *!#a. s'rea#e+& >et $t !:>>It9s !. a ha22$s4 # +ear: L!!,4 $t9s st$ $. $ts T$a.9s b!=&>

    >I +!.9t 'are: et $t ! #e: Aaahha&&&a2222h&&&ar22hhh&&&&>Th$s *as !!*e+ b a +$st"rb$.2 s$e.'e&!+!!r9s ees p!ppe+ !pe.& He hate+ s$e.'es; $t "s"a #ea.t

    that e5er!.e *as +ea+ a.+ he9+ ha5e t! 2! ar!".+ 'ea.$.2 "p&The. a 5!$'e reass"re+ h$#&>We4 that9s +!.e: I s"pp!se *e sha ha5e t! r$+ !"rse5es ! her

    '!rpse .!*:>>We sh!"+ 'ea. $t "p4 $rst&>>F!r2et $t4 s*eet"#s: We 'a. b"r her *$th the ha22$s st$

    atta'he+; I9# .!t s'rap$.2 THAT !:>>Shhh& A!.e at ast4 s*eet$e& 8!* *e 2et a her #!.e&>

    >She +$+.9t ha5e a.4 s*eet$e&>>She +$+.9t>I th!"2ht !" ,.e*& YOU9RE the !.e *$th the #!.e4 a.2e a'e&>>I a#< That9s tr"e4 $s.9t $t: S! *h +$+ *e ha5e t! ,$ her>/e'a"se s!#eth$.2 *e.t *r!.2& Mar$e a.+ I *ere s"pp!se+ t! ,$

    YOU& The. *e9+ 2et YOUR #!.e a.+ r". ! t! O#aha&>>Oh& It *as a a #$sta,e the.& I +!.9t s"pp!se *e '!"+ re5$5e


  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    The 5!$'es a+e+4 a.+ !thers t!!, the$r pa'e4 '!#$.2 thr!"2h the5e.t$at$!. sste#&

    >Oh +! $t a2a$.4> 'r"#b 'a,es& >I !5e $t *he. !" ta, $,e I#h!tep&I *a.t t! ha5e !"r 'h$+re.4 $ I 'a. +! s! *$th!"t '!#$.2 $.t! a't"aphs$'a '!.ta't *$th !" a.+ 2r!*$.2 ar2e ar!".+ the #$++e&>

    >/"t +ar$.2; th$s tra$. has a''ess& We 'a. +! $t !. the'!#p"ter&>>Oh Mr!.: That9s s! '!!:>>Oh Wa.+a:>!+!!r4 ha aseep4 *ept as he hear+ these *!r+s& Where *as h$s

    !5e /abette< W!"+ he e5er see her a2a$.Is th$s a +a22er I see be!re #e a.!ther 5!$'e sa$+&>It9s a pre."pt$a4 babe: Rea+ $t a.+ *eep&>>L!!,4 !!,: There9s The!phrast"s 5!. H!he.he$#4 the S*$ss

    a'he#$st a.+ phs$'$a.& He9s re5$5$.2 a +ea+ *!#a.& She9s 2ett$.2 "p.!*&>

    >O!!hh: Where *as I< I ha+ a +$BB spe&>>Y!" *ere +ea+ !r a*h$e4 s*eet"#s4 b"t that9s !,a& 8! !.e

    .!t$'e+&>>Oh 2!!+& I9# 2a+ I 2!t that !5er *$th& Is $t t$#e !r s.a',$es et

    >/"t he9s +ea+:>>8! he $s.9t; he9s +!*. the ha& Y!"9re pr!bab th$.,$.2 ! the

    OTHER Sartre--the !.e !. Earth4 sa+ $##!ate+ b +era.2e+h"#a.s4 "s$.2 ."'ear *eap!.s&>

    !+!!r a.+ the 7$,$.2 #a+e s$2.s t! *ar+ ! e5$ a.+ b!ate+ph$!s!ph$'a t!#es&

    E5er!.e ,.!*s *hat happe.e+ !. Earth&>A. a"t!2raphe+ Sartre tra+$.2 'ar+ $s *!rth a !t4> sa$+ the 7$,$.2&

    >Y!" 'a. tra+e $t !r $t b!=es ! M'/!*e9s R!',et /ra.+ /ea.s&L!!,; the9re ha5$.2 a ph$!s!ph '!.test& T"r. !. !"r T7 a.+ !"'a. *at'h $t&>

    !+!!r t"r.e+ !. a '!.5e.$e.t T7 set& The 7$,$.2 'r!*+e+ $. a.+sat !. L"' /!r+e.9s ap&

    S"++e. there *as a ,.!',$.2 !. the '!#part#e.t *a&>G"$et $. there: I9# tr$.2 t! #"r+er # h"sba.+&>>O,a4 !,a:> sa$+ the 7$,$.2& >D!.9t be s! t!"'h: D! !" .ee+

    a. hep>I 'a. #a.a2e4 b"t tha.,s !r as,$.2&>>Ca. I ha5e h$# *he. !"9re $.$the+4> ?"!th the ra5e.&

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    >E5er!.e !. th$s tra$. $s ?"$te #a+4> sa$+ a pass$.2 !th&>I9# ee$.2 pe',$th4> ?"!th C"ther& >Ha5e !" 2!t a. e=tra b!+

    parth I '!"+ eath !.L"' !pe.e+ her p"rse4 re5ea$.2 the @e*ee+ 'r!*. ! A?"$!.$a&>Th$s $s # stepather9s 'r!*.4> she sa$+& >I !" #arr #e4

    !+!!r4 !" 2et t! *ear $t&>!+!!r batte+ h$s eeashes&>I9# sp!,e. !r4> he sa$+& >M s*eetheart a*a$ts # sae ret"r.

    r!# a.'$e.t /ab!.&>>She #"st be ?"$te a +$sh4> sa$+ L"' rese.t"& >D! !" ha5e a

    ph!t!2raph ! herThe ".s"spe't$.2 !+!!r e=tra'te+ h$s 'e ph!.e r!# h$s h"#p4

    !22e+ !.t! /abette9s *eb pa2e4 a.+ +!*.!a+e+ a '!!r ph!t!&L"' e=a#$.e+ the DA e.5$!"s& The. she e=a#$.e+ the ph!t!&>Y!"r s*eetheart $s a sp$+er:> she sa$+&>Y!" .!t$'e+4> sa$+ !+!!r4 bea#$.2 at her&

    >Sp$+ers ha5e a the ".:> sa$+ L"' b$tter&>I9+ ta,e !" h!#e $. # !.2sh$p4> sa$+ the 7$,$.24 >b"t I9# !. #

    *a t! a.'$e.t /ab!.&>>Y!" are sa$+ !+!!r4 abber2aste+& >What a '!$.'$+e.'e:>>8!t rea4> sa$+ the 7$,$.2& >E5er!.e !. th$s tra$. $s 2!$.2 t!

    a.'$e.t /ab!.& We95e a ha+ #ster$!"s +rea#s ab!"t a #ster$!"sr"bber +"',$e&>

    >That9s tr"e4> sa$+ L"'& That9s e=a't h!* $t be2a.& I ha+ are'"rr$.2 +rea# ! a #ster$!"s r"bber +"',$e&>

    !+!!r a*.e+& Other pe!pe9s +rea#s b!re+ h$# t! tears&>F!r #e4 $t be2a. $. the Kaahar$ Desert4> sa$+ the 7$,$.2& >That9s

    *here I !".+ a s?"a+r!. ! !.2sh$ps that ha+ bee. #$ss$.2 ! theF!r$+a '!ast !r t*e.t ears&>

    A at !.'e4 the $2hts $',ere+& !+!!r 2a.'e+ !"t the *$.+!*&Dr& Wats!. *as @!22$.2 a!.2 !r h$s '!.st$t"t$!.a& Chare#a2.e*a5e+ r!# a .earb batte& A ! the #!!rs !pp!s$.2 h$# sh!"te+a2ebra$' e?"at$!.s&

    >L!!,4 that9s EBra !".+ $. a r!#a.t$' p!se !. that '$4> sh!"te+L"'&

    >S! sa$+ !+!!r& >I 'a. be r!#a.t$' t!!&>>O '!"rse:> sa$+ the 7$,$.24 sapp$.2 h$s !rehea+& >THE CA8TOS:

    Wh +$+.9t I th$., ! $t:>

    >H"h sa$+ C"ster&>EBra !".+ *r!te !rt".e '!!,$es !r s!#e 5er .ast pe!pe

    +"r$.2 !.e ! the ast b$2 *ars4> e=pa$.e+ L"'& >Whe. he *as.9t+!$.2 that4 he *as b"s '!#press$.2 a ! T!',*!r+9s h$st!r $.t! !.e!.24 $.'!#prehe.s$be p!e#4 " ! ree, a.+ Ch$.ese #ths4 a.++$atr$bes ab!"t $.terest rates&>

    >Y!"r p!$.t be$.2 sa$+ !+!!r&>D!.9t !" see< !".+ ,.e* a ab!"t the a.'$e.t /ab!.$a.s a.+

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    the R"bber D"',$e ! E5$& He ,.e* E7ERYTHI8& The ,e $s h$++e. $.the Ca.t!s& I !" rea+ the# a at !.'e4 $. a 'erta$. *a4 !"9 $.+*hat !"9re !!,$.2 !r& Or !" 'a. @"st !pe. $t at ra.+!#&>

    >It9 .e5er happe.4> ?"!th the ra5e.4 a.+ h!ppe+ !.t! hersh!"+er&

    >I $,e b$2 *!#e.4> he sa$+& >Tha *e +a.thC"ster a.+ L"' +a.'e+ $. the '!rr$+!r *h$e the L!#bar+s $.5a+e+the Ita$a. pe.$.s"a&

    !+!!r *as @ea!"s& H$s h"#p t"r.e+ 2ree.&Chare#a2.e ha+ a ba+ ee$.2 ab!"t th$s&&&&

    CHATER 1( /A/YLO8 /OU8D

    The '!#part#e.t *as 2ett$.2 e.t$re t!! 'r!*+e+ !r !+!!r9staste4 b"t #!re a.+ #!re pe!pe ,ept p!"r$.2 $.&

    >Is th$s the a.'$e.t /ab!. '!#part#e.t sa$+ a JJ p$!t&>Y!"95e '!#e t! the r$2ht pa'e4> sa$+ the 7$,$.2&>Thpea, !r !"rthe4> ?"!th the ra5e.&The JJ p$!t p"t a s?"ea, r"bber +"',$e $. a. !5erhea+

    '!#part#e.t a.+ sat +!*. bes$+e !+!!r&>D!es e5er!.e here ha5e +rea#s ab!"t a #ster$!"s r"bber

    +"',$e he sa$+& >Tha., 2!!+.ess !r # '!p ! EBra !".+9sCA8TOS& It tes #e e5erth$.2 I .ee+ t! ,.!* ab!"t +rea#s ! r"bber+"',$es&>

    >Thpare #e4> ?"!th the ra5e.4 r!$.2 a. ee&>Y!" ha5e +rea#s t!! sa$+ the 7$,$.2& >I95e bee. ha".te+ b

    the#& I +$+.9t ,.!* *hat the *ere ".t$ I !".+ th$s !+ '!p ! theCA8TOS $. a. a$rp!rt b!!,st!re&>

    >O!h4 a.' that:> sa$+ L"'& >I95e bee. !!,$.2 !r a. !+ '!p !the CA8TOS !r a2es:>

    >It *as r$2ht .e=t t! the b!=es ! #$.ts !. the '!".ter4> sa$+ the7$,$.2& >I *as s'!!p$.2 the #$.ts $.t! # !!t ba2 *he. $t @"st see#e+t! p!p $.t! # ha.+&

    >Is th$s the a.'$e.t /ab!. '!#part#e.t4> sa$+ a pass$.2 +e.t$stas he p"t a 2ree. r"bber +"',$e $. the !5erhea+ '!#part#e.t&

    >8! $t $s.9t:> h$sse+ !+!!r& >It9s the +eath 'art& We a ha5eb"b!.$' pa2"e here:>

    L"' /!r+e. a"2he+ a.+ patte+ h$# !. the hea+& >I +! !5e !"r@!,es4 !+!!r&

    !+!!r b"she+& 8! !.e ha+ e5er $,e+ h$s @!,es be!re&ECET /A/ETTE4 OF COURSE: *h$spere+ The 7!$'e !

    C!.s'$e.'e& DO89T FORET THE LO7ELY /A/ETTE&!+!!r s?"$r#e+ $. the 2r$p ! a #!ra +$e##a&The 7$,$.2 sa"te+ the +e.t$st&>We'!#e4> he sa$+& >D$+ !" br$.2 a !!t ba2< W!"+ !" $,e

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    s!#e tea a.+ b$s'"$ts>Tha., !"4> sa$+ the +e.t$st& >I9+ $,e t! ,.!* *h I +rea#t ab!"t

    a r"bber +"',$e4 *h! rea b"$t the pra#$+s4 a.+ *hat the9re !r&>>Y!" +!.9t th$., the +rea# has #".+a.e4 ps'h!!2$'a

    ".+erp$..$.2s sa$+ a pass$.2 pr$est& He *as 'arr$.2 a '!p ! the

    CA8TOS b!".+ $. th$stes&>Oh 2!!+:> ?"!th the ra5e.4 ee$.2 h$#& >Th.a'th&>>It '!"+ be s!#eth$.2 $,e a. Oe+$p"s '!#pe=4> sa$+ the pr$est&

    >Y!" hate !"r #!ther4 there!re-->MOI *a$e+ the JJ p$!t4 b"rst$.2 $.t! tears& >Hate # #"## She patte+the p$!t !. the hea+ a.+ sh!*e+ h$# her '!p ! the CA8TOS4 b!".+$. 8e*-A2e b"e&

    The 7$,$.2 2are+ at the pr$est&

    The pr$est hp.!t$Be+ the 7$,$.2 a.+ '!.5$.'e+ h$# that the ear7$,$.2 ra$+ers ha+ rea bee. a +ee2at$!. ! Shr$.ers&

    >The h!rr!r:> sa$+ !seph C!.ra+4 bra.+$sh$.2 a '!p ! theCA8TOS *rappe+ $. $sh a.+ 'h$ps&

    >I h!pe #"## +$+.9t hear !"4> sa$+ the JJ p$!t& >I9+ better 'aher4 @"st t! #a,e s"re she9s !,a&> The. he *h$ppe+ !"t h$s 'e ph!.ea.+ spee+-+$ae+ Caesar9s aa'e&

    There *as a s$e.'e as e5er!.e ea5es+r!ppe+&>H$4 #"##:> sa$+ the JJ p$!t& >E5erth$.2 !,a< Sh!!t$.2 'raps

    a2a$.< I9# !. # *a t! a.'$e.t /ab!. t! $.+ !"t *hat # +rea# $sa ab!"t& Yes4 ! '!"rse4 #"##; I9 +ress *ar# a.+ $. aers&>

    "st the.4 a part ! S'!tt$sh ee#e.tar s'h!! tea'hers 'r!*+e+$.t! the '!#part#e.t& The *ere +resse+ *ar#4 $. aers4 a.+ thebra.+$she+ '!p$es ! the CA8TOS *rappe+ $. #ath h!#e*!r,&

    >M .a#e $s ra'$e Ma'H!#e*!r,4> the$r ea+er sa$+& >Is th$s thea.'$e.t /ab!. '!#part#e.t

    >8! $t $s.9t4> sa$+ !+!!r& >It9s a. er!t$' #as?"e&>>!!+4> sa$+ ra'$e& >We S'!tt$sh ee#e.tar s'h!! tea'hers ha5e

    a. ".+eser5e+ rep"tat$!. !r pr"+$sh.ess& D!es e5erb!+ +! $t a at!.'e4 !r +! *e ta,e t"r.s

    >D! *hat sa$+ the JJ p$!t4 *$p$.2 h$s tears *$th a. e#br!$+ere+$e @a',et&

    The. h$s 'e ph!.e ra.24 $."r$at$.2 e5er!.e&>H$ #"##4> he sa$+& >Uh h"h& Yep& 8!pe& Uh h"h& It9s !,a4

    #"##& I ha5e resh ".+er*ear $. 'ase I 2et $.t! a. a''$+e.t a.+ha5e t! 2! t! the h!sp$ta& It9s the spe'$a set !" 2a5e #e !r La#a9sE5e& I #ea.4 THE OLLY FAT LLAMA 2a5e #e& Y!" ,.!*4 the !.e *$ththe r$&&&"#&&&&Yes4 the JJ $s $.e; # '!p$!t $s $.2 $t ".t$ I 2etba', r!# a.'$e.t /ab!.&>

    "st the.4 a part ! b!.+ tra+ers r!# the 8e* Y!r, St!',

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    E='ha.2e tr$e+ t! s?"eeBe $.t! the '!#part#e.t& The ha+ a b$t !tr!"be at $rst4 be'a"se the b!.es $. the$r .!ses *!"+.9t $t thr!"2hthe +!!r4 b"t the 2r$e '!".se!r e=pa$.e+ t! the# that $ the t"r.e+s$+e*as4 the9+ 2et thr!"2h !,a&

    >The .a#e $s T$',er Tape4> !.e ! the# sa$+4 a prett *!#a. *$th

    a pate $. her !*er $p a.+ a .e',a'e ! shr".,e. hea+s&The pate *as a. a.t$?"e4 b the *a--e$ 'e.t"r Sp!+e4*$th a .$'e s'e.e ! a #a. $sh$.2 pea'e" $. a b!s, strea# !"ts$+ea #a.!r4 .ear a 'e#eter $e+ *$th #"t$ate+ '!rpses et !5er r!#the re$2$!"s *ars ! the 'e.t"r&

    R"ra s' !te. see# pea'e" a.+ ?"$et ater the p!p"at$!.has bee. sa"2htere+ b tr"e be$e5ers4 a.+ the 'r!*s ha5e +eparte+&

    >We9re r$e.+s ! /!.+4 G"ee?"e2 /!.+4> sa$+ T$',er Tape& >S!+!.9t tr a. ".. st"&>

    >I9# a 7$,$.24> sa$+ the 7$,$.2& >H!., $ !" $,e !!t$.2 a.+p$a2$.2&>

    A ! the b!.+ tra+ers h!.,e+&T$',er Tape bra.+$she+ a '!p ! the CA8TOS *rappe+ $. a !$.

    '!th& >Is th$s the a.'$e.t /ab!. '!#part#e.t she +e#a.+e+&>It9s a '$"2e4> sa$+ !+!!r& >I9# start$.2 $t "p r$2ht .!*&>>I ha+ th$s +rea# ab!"t a r"bber +"',$e4> sa$+ T$',er Tape4 r"+e

    $2.!r$.2 !+!!r& >I ha+ .! $+ea *hat $t *as; I ha+ t! !!, $t "p& I +$+.9te5e. ,.!* h!* t! spe $t&>

    >H!* 'a. !" !!, $t "p $ !" 'a.9t spe $t sa$+ the 2r$e'!".se!r&

    >8!* there9s a ph$!s!ph$'a '!.".+r"# !r !":> sa$+ the pr$est4s"++e. $.tereste+& >Wh$'h 'a#e $rst4 the spe$.2 !r the *!r+

    >I th$., !" sh!"+ st!p sh!!t$.2 'raps4 #"##:> sa$+ the JJp$!t $.t! h$s 'e ph!.e& >Y!"95e area+ !st the 'a..$.2 a't!r a.+the pr!+"'t$!. '!#pa.& I ,.!* $t9s @"st te#p!rar4 b"t-->

    >Y!" ha5e a pr!+"'t$!. '!#pa. sa$+ the 7$,$.24 batt$.2 h$sees& >D! !" .ee+ a. ea+$.2 #e. *h! +!.9t .ee+ a. spe'$atra$.$.2 $. !!t$.2 a.+ p$a2$.2

    >I s"pp!se !" ha5e t! spe the *!r+ t! *r$te $t:> sa$+ the pr$est&>There!re4 the spe$.2 'a#e $rst&>

    >I 'a. see *h !" .e5er #a+e b$sh!p4> sa$+ !+!!r&>S"pp!se !" #a,e a spe$.2 #$sta,e sa$+ the 2r$e '!".se!r&

    >D!es.9t that #ea. !" '!.str"'t a ase rea$t

    >The. !" ha5e a +!'tr$.a err!r4> sa$+ the pr$est&>We 'a.9t a!r+ t! !se the a"#$."# s#eters t!!4 #"##4> sa$+

    the JJ p$!t& >Mabe !" sh!"+ ta,e "p br$+2e-->>Is a +!'tr$.a err!r $,e a heres sa$+ the 2r$e '!".se!r&>Oh # 2!sh:> ee+ the 7$,$.2& >Heres: Fre++ Ma.$'hea.

    Heres: We9re +!!#e+: What sha *e +!Mea.*h$e4 a patp"s '$#be+ "p !+!!r9s h"#p&>Let9s '!.s"t the CA8TOS4> sa$+ the pr$est&

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    >M #!e $s 5er se.s$t$5e4> *ar.e+ !+!!r& >It9s a. ELODI8#!e& I !" +!.9t 2et !-->

    >The CA8TOS sa$+ the 7$,$.2& >Wh!se '!p sha *e "se"st the.4 a +er!',e+ pr$est s?"eeBe+ $.t! the '!#part#e.t4

    bra.+$sh$.2 a '!p ! the CA8TOS *rappe+ $. 5$.e ea5es&

    >Is th$s the a.'$e.t /ab!. 'ar he as,e+&The r!',e+ pr$est ee+ h$# e.5$!"s& There *as s!#eth$.22a#!r!"s ab!"t +er!',e+ pr$ests& W!#e. !".+ the# $rres$st$be&

    C"ster s.$e+ at h$s '!p ! the CA8TOS& >D$+ !" th?"athth!#eth$.2 $. there ?"!th he& >Ith $t e+$be&>

    L"' /!r+e. 2e.t re#!5e+ the patp"s r!# !+!!r9s h"#pa.+ p"t $t !. h$s hea+4 *here $t *!"+ be '!#&

    >I *as h!p$.2 $t *!"+ spr!"t te.+r$s4 $,e a ree, #th4> sa$+ the+er!',e+ pr$est& >The .a#e $s!p4 b the *a&>

    >Lets !r2et ab!"t the CA8TOS4> sa$+ the @ea!"s4 r!',e+ pr$est&>The .a#e $s Waterb!4 b the *a&>

    >We @"st !pe. $t at ra.+!# $,e th$s4> sa$+!p4 $2.!r$.2Waterb!&

    E5er!.e +"',e+&>D! !" rea th$., that9s a 2!!+ $+ea4> sa$+ the 7$,$.2& >!".+

    ha+ a +ar, s$+e4 !" ,.!*&>>D$+ he sa$+ !+!!r4 a+@"st$.2 the patp"s !. h$s hea+ s! that

    $t '!5ere+ h$s ba+ sp!t&>Oh4 !".+ '!"+ be .ast4> sa$+ the 7$,$.2& >I !" happe.e+ t!

    be!.2 t! a tr$be he +$+.9t $,e4 !" *ere the !*est ! the !*&>>S!".+s $,e e5er!.e ese4> sa$+ !+!!r&>/"t $s $t r$2ht t! pr!$t r!# "ttera.'es !r$2$.at$.2 r!# !.e *h!

    *as .!t .$'e sa$+ the 2r$e '!".se!r&>Aha: A #!ra +$e##a:> sa$+ Waterb!&>Rea sa$+ ra'$e Ma'H!#e*!r,4 #!5$.2 '!ser t! h$# a.+

    t!"'h$.2 the e+2e ! h$s '!*& >That9s 5er 'e5er ! !"& H!* +$+ !"re'!2.$Be $t

    >That9s .!th$.2:> sa$+!p& >I95e see. t!.s ! the#&>>Is that *h !" *ere +er!',e+ sa$+ Waterb!& >/e'a"se !"9re

    s! 2!!+ at re'!2.$B$.2 #!ra +$e##as>I *as +er!',e+ be'a"se I9# .! 2!!+ at '!!,$.2 ha22$ses4 $ !"

    #"st ,.!*4> sa$+!p r!st$& >The a*as 'a#e !"t at& As!4there *as a $tte th$.2 ab!"t st"$.2 # b$sh!p $.t! a par'e a.+

    #a$$.2 h$# t! Te*,sb"r&>>Y!" ha5e t! "se east4 +ear b!4> sa$+ ra'$e& >8!t @"st a. east4

    #$.+ !": It has t! be M'/!*e9s U.+ea+ east&>>Rea sa$+!p& >I .e5er th!"2ht ! that&>>O'h4 he9s a b$t s!* !. the "pta,e4 b"t he9s a .$'e e.!"2h !!,$.2

    a+4> sa$+ ra'$e4 s?"eeB$.2!p9s b$'eps t! see $ the *ere'!#press$be&

    >Ab!"t th$s #!ra +$e##a4> sa$+ L"' /!r+e.& >What9s the

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    a.s*er>Y!" #ea.4 h!* 'a. a *!r, be b!th bea"t$" a.+ e5$ sa$+

    Waterb!4 *h! *as $e+ *$th a. $.e=p$'abe +es$re t! r". ! *$thra'$e a.+ s#!!'h $. the #a$ 'ar&

    >D!.9t !r2et b!r$.24> sa$+ the 7$,$.2& >The CA8TOS ha5e !ts !

    b!r$.2 parts&>>That9s the +"', '!.+$t$!.4> sa$+ !+!!r& >!!+ #$=e+ *$th e5$4a.+ !ts ! b!r$.2 parts4 t!!& 8!th$.2 $s p"re& Abs!"te p"r$t $s$#p!ss$be $. th$s ae. *!r+&>

    >Y!" 'a. +! $t $. a spa'e 'aps"e4> sa$+ ra'$e&>D! *hat sa$+ Waterb!4 $.tr$2"e+& >S#!!'h>8!4 s$: Ma,e s!#eth$.2 p"re& Y!" 'a. s#!!'h t!!4 $ !" $,e4

    b"t e5er!.e 'a. see !" be'a"se there9s a *eb 'a#&>>I +!.9t #$.+4> sa$+ Waterb!& It9s .!t as $ s#!!'h$.2 $s e5$&>ra'$e a"2he+ a.+ th"#pe+ h$# !. the ba',&L"' 2re* a#!r!"s a.+ sat !. !+!!r9s ap a2a$.&

    Mea.*h$e4 Chare#a2.e *e.t ! t! be'!#e a #e+$e5a her!&The +eeate+ M!!rs b!ar+e+ the tra$. a.+ be2a. 'r!*+$.2 $.t! the

    '!#part#e.t&>Is th$s the a.'$e.t /ab!. '!#part#e.t the sa$+&>It9s the Ch$+re.9s Cr"sa+e4> sa$+ !+!!r& >We9re a 2!$.2 t!

    Marse$e; s! 2! a*a:>>S!".+s 2!!+ t! #e& O.e th$.29s !r s"re4 I 'a.9t 2! h!#e& 8!t

    *$th!"t a. !!t t! sh!* !r # t$#e&>>Te #e ab!"t $t:> sa$+ the 7$,$.2& >I I 2! ba', e#pt ha.+e+4

    #"## *$ spa., #e& She t!+ #e t! br$.2 !ts ! $"#$.ate+#a."s'r$pts !r the !"th!"se& M"##9s 2!t he#!rrh!$+s&>

    >Has she tr$e+ M'/!*e9s I.a##abe !rr$+2e sa$+ ra'$eMa'H!#e*!r,&

    >D!es that hep as,e+ the 7$,$.2&>Oh ae4 $t +!es4 '"t$e4> sa$+ ra'$e& >It 'a"ses s! #"'h 2astr$'

    +$stress4 !" +!.9t ee$.2 ese&>>It9s t!! 'r!*+e+ $. here4> !+!!r4> sa$+& >I ha5e $#p!rta.t

    h!#e*!r, t! +!& I ha5e t! assass$.ate Fre++ Ma.$'hea. Heresbe!re he assass$.ates ME& I 'a.9t +! $t *$th a ! these pe!pesta.+$.2 ar!".+ *at'h$.2& A.*a4 I +!.9t e5e. ,.!* *hat he !!,s$,e; I95e .e5er see. h$#&>

    >I ha5e a p$'t"re ! h$#4> sa$+ L"' /!r+e.4 a.+ she ha.+e+ h$# a

    K!+a, CD&!+!!r s?"$.te+ at the CD& It *as br$2ht e!*4 a.+ there *as a

    K!+a, !2! $. the 'e.ter&>I +!.9t see a. p$'t"res4> he sa$+&>Here4 tr $t !. # s#art ph!.e *$th the !pt$!.a e=tra e=ter.a CD

    +r$5e a.+ t!aster !5e.4> sa$+ L"'&She he+ "p a sh$. .e* ph!.e& There *as a #ap ! T!r!.t! !. the

    s'ree.4 sh!*$.2 a ! the 2aps $. the !rt$$'at$!.s *here a. $.5a+$.2

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


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    The s.!* st!ppe+ a$.2 ater a #!#e.t4 b"t re'!##e.'e+ *he.L"' sh!!, the ph!.e a2a$.&

    >What *$ the th$., ! .e=t she sa$+&>I th$., !" .ee+ t! re'har2e !"r batter4> sa$+ the 7$,$.2& >That9s

    *h !" !st the Fre++ Ma.$'hea. Heres s'ree. sa5er&>

    >It *as.9t a s'ree. sa5er4> #"ttere+ !+!!r& >It *as a 5$r"s&>>That a#a !!,th th$',4> ?"!th C"ther& >Ith 2!t a 2ree. .!the& Ith!"+ eat $t a.+ p"t $t !"t ! $th #$ther&>

    >That9s /a"+ea$re4> sa$+ the JJ p$!t& >He9s 2!t a 2ree. .!se r!#+r$.,$.2 t!! #"'h abs$.the& It9s .$'e a.+ sh$.4 s! he ea+s the !',&>

    >T! $2ht the *a4> sa$+ Waterb!&>Is.9t there a s!.2 ab!"t /a"+ea$re a.+ La#a9s E5e sa$+ the

    p$!t& >T*as br$$24 a.+ the s$th t!5es +$+-->>That9s .!t the 9! Fat La#a s!.24> sa$+ !+!!r4 !"tra2e+&

    >That9s r!# a s'h!! pa ab!"t b$2!te+ ,.$2hts a.+ #$streate+@abber*!',s& >

    >The 9! Fat La#a s!.2 .a#es a the a#as that p" theeppe$.4> sa$+ the JJ p$!t& >There9s /a"+ea$re4 R$#ba"+4 Ma+a#e+e Stae4 ea. +e Me".4 La R!'he!"'a"+4 W$$a# HaB$tt4 a.+Matthe* Ar.!+&>

    >Y!" #$sse+ s!#e4> sa$+ ra'$e Ma'H!#e*!r,&>I st$ th$., !" sh!"+ re'har2e !"r batter4> sa$+ the 7$,$.2&

    >The sa#e th$.2 happe.e+ t! #e *he. the batter$es $. # !.2 sh$p*e.t +ea+&>

    >What< Y!" sh!!, $t a.+ !" 2!t a s.!* s'e.e sa$+!p&The 7$,$.2 s'!*e+ at h$#&>I #"st ha5e +ra$.e+ # batter *he. I "p!a+e+ a re'$pe !r

    ha22$s t! the 7$s$2!th sate$te4> sa$+ L"'&She *ept b$tter tears&>There4 there4> sa$+ !+!!r4 tr$.2 t! '!#!rt her *$th!"t a't"a

    t!"'h$.2 her&>We9re $. tr!"be .!*4> sa$+ the patp"s& >We .ee+ that ph!.e& We

    ha5e t! ,eep tra',$.2 Fre++ Ma.$'hea. Heres4 !r he9 s.ea, "p !."s a.+ ta,e !5er the *!r+&>

    >Oh *!e:> sa$+ the JJ p$!t& >We9re +!!#e+&>>Rea=4> sa$+ !+!!r& The. he rea'he+ !5er a.+ @abbe+ the

    ph!.e4 a.+ Fre++ sh!*e+ "p !. the s'ree. a2a$.4 str!,$.2 h$s#!"sta'hes a.+ 2r$..$.2&

    Th$s t$#e4 !+!!r '!"+ see that h$s .e#es$s *as rea'h$.2 !r the".'!"p$.2 e5er bet*ee. the te.+er a.+ the re'!.+$t$!.e+ Wester.a'$$' b!='ar4 *h$'h ser5e+ as a ba22a2e 'ar&

    >Ha4 ha4 ha4 ha4> Fre++ sa$+ #a.$a'a&>Oh .!:> sa$+!p& >L!!, *hat he9s +!$.2: He9s 2!$.2 t! h$+e

    ".t$ the '!.+"'t!r9s 2!.e s! he +!es.9t ha5e t! b" a t$',et: That9s.!t !rth!+!=&>

    >I th$., 9K!sher9 *!"+ be a better *!r+4> sa$+ Waterb!& >Orth!+!=

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    '!#es r!# the ree,4 a.+ has t! +! *$th the stra$2ht a.+ .arr!*-->>K!sher '!#es r!# the ree, t!!:> sa$+!p& >It9s a ,$.+ ! sea

    'reat"re&>>Fre++9s ".'!"p$.2 the e.2$.e:> sa$+ ra'$e Ma'H!#e*!r,&

    >That9s a2a$.st the r"es&>

    >D!.9t *!rr ab!"t $t:> sa$+ the JJ p$!t& >Let h$# ha5e the e.2$.e$ he *a.ts $t& E.2$.es are #ess th$.2s& WE 2et t! ,eep these .eatpasse.2er 'ars&>

    !+!!r *as s$e.t& He9+ .!t$'e+ s!#eth$.2 ese .!*&Fre++ ha+ a'?"$re+ a h"#p&A.+ that *as.9t a&St$',$.2 !"t ! Fre++9s h"#p4 $,e a '!#b !"t ! a p!',et4 *as a

    M$.!a. +!"be a=e4 ash$!.e+ !"t ! a br!.Be sheet& There *as as! a'!#pete set ! b"9s h!r.s4 a.+ a $bat$!. rht!.&>

    >I th$., Fre++ $s 2!$.2 t! sa'r$$'e "s t! #a,e the 'r!ps 2r!*4>sa$+ !+!!r&

    >Y!" #ea. he9s 2!$.2 t! 'h!p "s "p *$th a br!.Be a=e sa$!p& >That9s a b$t e='ess$5e4 $s.9t $t:>

    >I th$., he9 pr!bab "se h$s heres4> sa$+ !+!!r&>That9s *h heres$es are s! +a.2er!"s4> sa$+ Waterb!& >I. the

    *r!.2 ha.+s4 the 'a. #"tate&>>Where $s $t sa$+ ra'$e Ma'H!#e*!r,& >I +!.9t see $t&>>Y!" ha5e t! ,.!* *hat t! !!, !r4> sa$+ !+!!r&>The ".$.$t$ate+ har+ e5er .!t$'e the#4> sa$+ Waterb!& >We

    pr$ests see +!Be.s ! the# e5er 'e.t"r& It9s a tae.t4 $,e s'r!"a&>>S'r!"a9s a +$sease4> sa$+ ra'$e Ma'H!#e*!r,&>>Spea, !r !"rse4> sa$+ !+!!r&

    >8! heres4 h!*e5er s#a4 'a. h$+e r!# a pr$est4> sa$+!p&>>Yeah sa$+ the 7$,$.2& >What ab!"t H$st!r$'a 8e'ess$t< Y!" 2"s

    et that !.e s$p thr!"2h4 +$+.9t !": e!pe .e5er *!rsh$p the 2!+sa.#!re; the9re a t!! b"s #a,$.2 tra't!rs a.+ '!e't$5e ar#s !rthe H$st!r$'a 8e'ess$t&>

    >That9s Mar=$s#4 a.+ $t9s +ea+4> sa$+ ra'$e& >E5er!.e *!rsh$ps'e.tra ba.,ers .!*&>

    >D!.9t be t!! s"re4> sa$+ the JJ p$!t& >I95e see. pe.t ! ba.,erss*!!p$.2 thr!"2h the eer$e ba., t!*ers $. the heart ! T!r!.t!9ss$.$ster $.a.'$a +$str$'t4 b"t I95e .e5er see. a. *!rsh$ppers #a,$.2!er$.2s t! the#&>

    >Th!se are !r+$.ar ba.,ers4> sa$+ ra'$e& >Ce.tra ba.,ers are+$ere.t& The 2!* $. the +ar,&>

    The 7$,$.2 *as p"BB$.2 !5er th$s4 *he. Fre++ Ma.$'hea. Heres#a.$a'a ".'!"pe+ the e.2$.e r!# the passe.2er 'ars& The e.2$.ep"e+ a*a& The passe.2er 'ars r!e+ ree4 p$',$.2 "p spee+ as the+es'e.+e+ the !.24 easter. pass thr!"2h the #!".ta$.s ! a+&

    >G"$',:> sh!"te+ L"'& >F!r2et ab!"t 2!!+ a.+ e5$& Ope. theCA8TOS a.+ !!, !r hep" a+5$'e r!# the #ster$!"s EBra !".+&

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


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    >8!th$.2 *r!.2 *$th that4 A& L!!t$.2 a.+ sa',$.2 $s e#$.e.trespe'tabe4 a.+ $t ,eeps the b!s r!# 2ett$.2 $.t! #$s'h$e4 b"t +!*e rea *a.t t! +! $t $. the "t"re< Y!" ,.!* h!* +a.2er!"s the"t"re $s--pa2"es4 *ars4 a#$.e4 '!rr"pt$!.4 '$5$ +$s!r+er4 e.!r#!"s4t!=$' '!"+s&>

    >I ,.!*4 I ,.!*4> sa$+ Aar$'& >It #a,es !" *!.+er4 +!es.9t $t: Webe?"eath a 5$2!r!"s st!', ! .!be *arr$!rs4 a.+ !!, *hat the +!*$th $t: I9+ rather sta $. the past&>

    >S!< What9s ,eep$.2 !"< Wh +!.9t *e @"st t"r. th$s th$.2 ar!".+a.+ 2! ba', *here *e 'a#e r!#

    >/e'a"se I9# '!#pee+ b s!#e stra.2e !r'e be!.+ #'!#prehe.s$!.&>

    r$ste s$2he+& >/ the r"bber +"',$e4 !" #ea.>It9s a #"+-br$', r"bber +"',$e4 a't"a& /"t es& That9s the !.2

    a.+ sh!rt ! $t&>>I +!.9t h!+ *$th #st$'$s#4 A& We +$+.9t br$.2 +!*. a. e#p$re

    *$th 8e*-A2e 'ha.t$.2; *e SACKED $t4 *$th sharp4 p!$.t *eap!.s&>>I ha5e a pa.4> sa$+ Aar$'& >We 'a. s.ea, $.t! t!*. +$s2"$se+ as

    SU79s4 *$th ra',s ! s,$s !. !"r hea+s&>>It9s s"##er4 A&>>Y!"r p!$.t be$.2>We9+ '!"+ *ear 'a.!es a.+ 'rates ! #ea+ !. !"r hea+s& /"t .!

    s,$s&>Aar$' th!"2ht ab!"t th$s&>Whate5er4> he sa$+ $.a& >We9 ha5e t! #!5e ?"$', be!re the

    a.+ $s +e5e!pe+&>r$ste s$2he+& He *as t$re+& He9+ *!r. h$#se !"t !!t$.2 a.+

    sa',$.2 a.'$e.t R!#e&Other pe!pe ha+ ta,e. @e*es a.+ '!st ra$#e.t4 *h$'h !" '!"+

    st" $.t! !!t ba2s a!.2 *$th the ba!!.s a.+ part hats&r$ste ha+ p$ere+ b!!,s&Ma."s'r$pts4 a't"a& /"t t!.s ! 5e"# 'a. a++ "p ater a*h$e&

    A.+ the.4 !. the *a ba', t! Fra.,"rt4 he9+ ha+ t! $2ht ! a h$s'!ea2"es *h!9+ *a.te+ s!#e ! that s!t 'ass$'a $terat"re !r the!"th!"se&

    That *as the tr!"be *$th sa',$.2 a.+ !!t$.2 a.'$e.t '$5$$Bat$!.s&Y!" 2!t s!t& Teeph!.e b!!,s *ere.9t 2!!+ e.!"2h a.#!re; !" ha+t! "se $.e 5e"#&

    A.*a4 $t *as 'r!*+e+ $. the $tte sate$te4 a.+ there *as astr!.2 s#e ! h!rse4 be'a"se Aar$'9s .e* h!rse4 "ss*$!*4 *ass*eat$.2&

    r$ste +$+.9t #$.+ the s#e ! h!rse4 as !.2 as he *as eat$.2 $t&H!rseesh that '!"+ at a. #!#e.t +ep!s$t a ar2e ?"a.t$t !

    ra2ra.t p$e $$.24 h!*e5er4 *as ?"$te a.!ther #atter&Aar$' +$+.9t #$.+ the s#e; $t #a+e h$# ee *a.te+&>These p$'t"res are e='ee.t4> sa$+ Aar$'& >We atta', at +a*.&>

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    r$ste 'r!*+e+ $. !r a !!,&r$ste *as a *ere*!4 ! '!"rse& O.e ! the best *ere*!5es

    ar!".+& He9+ arra.2e+ a +e.ta app!$.t#e.t $. R!#e4 s! he st$ ha+a ! th$s teeth&

    We4 #!st ! the#& There *ere a e* #a+e ! ea+ a.+ #er'"r4

    b"t the +$+.9t '!".t be'a"se the #a+e h$# s$',&r$ste ha+ a h"#p4 t!!4 *h$'h he "se+ !r st!r$.2 $"#$.ate+#a."s'r$pts& Whe. he *as.9t ,$$.2 a.+ re.+$.24 he $,e+ t! rea+!t$."s !. the ".$5ersa sp$r$t&

    He ha+ a '!*4 ! '!"rse4 b"t he "se+ $t !r *$p$.2 !a# r!# h$s$ps ater '!.5ersat$!.s&

    Whe. h$s $ps *ere.9t 2ree. a.+ *h$te r!# e',s ! !a#4 !"'!"+ see the tra'es ! a re+ +e he9+ "se+ *he. he *as prete.+$.2 t!be L$tte Re+ R$+$.2 H!!+&

    r$ste ha+ prete.+e+ t! be L$tte Re+ R$+$.2 H!!+ s! he '!"+ 2et$.t! be+ *$th 2ra..&

    We9 ta, ab!"t th$s ater&Mea.*h$e4 Fre++ Ma.$'hea. Heres4 *h! ha+ eapt the

    $.'reas$.2 2ap bet*ee. e.2$.e a.+ ".'!"pe+ passe.2er 'ars4 #a+eh$s *a +!*. !22 '!rr$+!rs4 see,$.2 the !.e pers!. *h! '!"+th*art h$s +es$2.s !. the ".s"spe't$.2 T!',*!r+&

    The ra5e. ?"!the+ a.+ ?"!the+4 b"t .! !.e $ste.e+&L"' /!r+e. ha+ a ba+ ee$.2 ab!"t th$s&&&&


    !+!!r #a+e h$s *a $.t! the b$$ar+s 'ar4 'arr$.2 a b"',et !M'/!*e9s I.a##abe !rr$+2e&

    He *as be2$..$.2 t! ha5e +!"bts ab!"t h$s .e* *eap!.; *hat $ $t#$s$re+< What $ $t s!$+$$e+ $. $2ht a.+ reb!".+e+ $,e a h!',ep"', ee+ a +$se#b!+$e+ 5!$'e&Se'!.+s ater4 !+!!r *as !5er'!#e b the "#es a.+ passe+

    !"t& Whe. he *!,e "p4 he +$s'!5ere+ L"' /!r+e. s$tt$.2 !. h$s ap4b"s$ s#!!'h$.2 *$th h$#&

    Fre++ ha+ 5a.$she+4 ea5$.2 !. a set ! b"9s h!r.s4 a M$.!a.+!"be a=4 a.+ a $bat$!. rht!.&

    The 7$,$.24 attra'te+ b the s#e ! batte4 #a+e h$s *a $.t! the

    b$$ar+s 'ar&>Oh 2!!+:> he sa$+& >L!!t ba2s:>The 7$,$.2 a.+ the JJ p$!t hepe+ the e=ha"ste+ !+!!r ba', t!

    h$s '!#part#e.t&C"ster ha+ a ba+ ee$.2 ab!"t th$s&&&&

    CHATER ( I87ASIO8 101

    Mea.*h$e4 $. Aar$'9s hea+?"arters $. the 2!th$' !rest .ear ther"$.e+ ba., t!*ers $. the heart ! Fra.,"rt9s $.a.'$a +$str$'t4 Aar$'

    a.+ h$s a'!te4 r$ste4 *ere s$tt$.2 at the M!.!p! tabe4 p!tt$.2 ah!st$e ta,e!5er ! T!r!.t!&

    r$ste aerte+ the s'attere+ 7$s$2!th h!r+e *$th a '!.ere.'e 'a4+"r$.2 *h$'h he !"t$.e+ the$r strate2$' !b@e't$5es&

    >I. '!s$.24 2e.te#e.4> he sa$+4 >Ma I re#$.+ !" ! !"r batte'r( MORE 7ELLUM:>

    >MORE 7ELLUM:> th".+ere+ the #$2ht h!r+e !5er the$r 5ar$!"s'e ph!.es4 *a,$e ta,$es4 t$. 'a.s4 a.+ 'arr$er p$2e!.s&

    r$ste "se+ the ter# 92e.te#e.9 5er !!se4 b the *a& He,.e* as *e as !" a.+ I +!4 that 7$s$2!th ra.,s $.'"+e+ #a.e=a#pes ! the e#ae pers"as$!. $.tereste+ $. a b$t ! sa',$.2 a.+

    !!t$.2&>The rea pr!be# *$th $.5a+$.2 T!r!.t! $s 7!+ Ir!.bea,4> sa$+

    r$ste& >He9s 5er s.ea,&>>Rea=:> sa$+ Aar$'& >We ha5e a b$22er ar# tha. he +!es&>>Yes4 b"t 7!+ $s a$e+ t! the 'a..$bas ! the 8e* Y!r, st!',

    e='ha.2e&>>What 'a. the +!< A the ha5e $s #!.e& M h!r+e has

    te'h.!!24 bra$.s4 s,$4 '!"ra2e4 a.+ a s$.'ere +es$re t! re+$str$b"te

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    e'!.!#$' 2!!+s& What 'a. #ere 'ash +! a2a$.st a ! that>It 'a. b" Fra.,"rt a.+ ,$', !" !"t&>>H###&>>H###&>>What $ *e #a+e a. a$a.'e *$th the Fre.'h sa$+ Aar$'&

    r$ste !!,e+ "p r!# h$s p$e ! M!.!p! pr!pert$es& >It #$2ht @"st*!r,4> he sa$+& >The Fre.'h are 5er a.2r be'a"se the $s "! E.2$sh *!r+s&>

    >That9s $t:> ee+ r$ste& >We9 pr!#$se the# '!.tr! ! $ the @!$. !"r $.5as$!.& E5er!.e *h! *a.ts t! !2 !. *$ha5e t! ear. Fre.'h&>

    >It #$2ht *!r,4 b"t $t '!"+ #a,e pr!be#s !r "s4> sa$+ r$ste&>Y!" ,.!* h!* p$', the Fre.'h are ab!"t !!+ a.+ '"t"re&>

    >It9s *!rth the tr!"be& Arra.2e a #eet$.2 *$th Chare#a2.e4 the$rpres$+e.t& Mea.*h$e4 I9 be2$. ear.$.2 Fre.'h&>

    >U##4 +! *e rea ha5e t$#e-->

    >H!* har+ 'a. $t be: I9 start r$2ht .!*&>Aar$' e=tra'te+ a b!!, r!# h$s ba',pa', a.+ sh!*e+ $t t! r$ste&FRE8CH FOR DUM DUMS&>H##4> sa$+ r$ste& >I9 !r2a.$Be the h!r+e4 sha I< The9 .ee+ t!

    start pa',$.2&>Mea.*h$e4 !+!!r *as re'!5er$.2 h$s stre.2th&The !5e L"' /!r+e. str!,e+ h$s e5ere+ br!* a.+ the JJ p$!t

    rea+ r!# THE HOUSE AT OOH COR8ER4 *h$e Waterb! a.+!p!"2ht a +"e $. the '!rr$+!r4 a.+ C"ster +r$bbe+ s!#eth$.2 s?"$sh+!*. h$s s!!t ba', eathers&

    At ast4 !+!!r *as rea+&

    /r"sh$.2 as$+e L"' /!r+e.9s #$.$strat$!.s4 he r!se t! h$s eet a.+2$r+e+ h$#se !r a.!ther batte *$th Fre++ Ma.$'hea. Heres4 .!*+$s2"$se+ as the /" ! M$.!s&

    r$ste ha+ a ba+ ee$.2 ab!"t th$s&&&&


    The a$a.'e bet*ee. the Fre.'h a.+ the 7$s$2!ths *as s!#eth$.2t! beh!+: Whe. the t*! h!r+es #et !. .e"tra 2r!".+4 at the 7$aD!+at$ $. S*$tBera.+4 there *as #"'h a'r$#!.&

    The pa2r!".+ s"per5$s!rs *ere har+ p"t t! ,eep th$.2s !r+er&>We 'a. be r$e.+s .!*4> sa$+ r$ste& >We9re 2!$.2 t! sa', a.+

    p$a2e the sa#e '$t&>>Yes4 b"t are *e 2!$.2 t! +! $t $. Fre.'h sa$+ Cr!?"e M!.s$e"r4

    Chare#a2.e9s a'!te&>Y!" #a +! $t $. e$ther a.2"a2e&>>I *e9re 2!$.2 t! be r$e.+s4 h!* '!#e the 7$s$2!ths b"$t a !

    these ra$r!a+s that 2! r$2ht "p t! !"r b!r+er +e#a.+e+ se5era

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    O"rs .!t t! reas!. *h&A.*a4 a #!., +re* "p the '!.tra't !. the $.est 5e"#& There

    *ere $$!.a s#b!s !r p!$s!. $5 a !5er $t4 @"st t! #a,e s"re.! !.e 2!t a. $+eas ab!"t a ?"$', tr$p t! the !"th!"se&

    >Wa$t a #$."te4> sa$+ Aar$'& >There9s pe.t ! st" $. here ab!"t

    #a,$.2 the sae !r the Fre.'h a.2"a2e4 b"t h!* '!#e there$s.9t$.2 ab!"t !!t$.2 Ir$sh #!.aster$esThe #!., !!,e+ at the '!.tra't&>It9s $. $.5$s$be $.,4> he sa$+&>Wh>/e'a"se *e +!.9t *a.t a.!.e rea+$.2 $t a.+ 2ett$.2 $+eas&>>Oh4> sa$+ Aar$'& >That9s a 2!!+ $+ea&>>/!.4 +9a''!r+:> sa$+ Chare#a2.e& >We atta', at +a*.&>It *as the *!r, ! a #!#e.t t! r!".+ "p the t*! h!r+es4 *h! *ere

    .!* rater.$B$.2 !pe.4 e='ha.2$.2 ph!t!2raphs ! the$r h!rses a.+'ats4 sa#p$.2 ea'h !ther9s s.a',s a.+ +r$.,s4 a.+ tr$.2 !"t ea'h

    !ther9s '!st"#es&The Fre.'h !5e+ the .eat hats *$th h!r.s4 a.+ the 7$s$2!ths *ere

    $#presse+ *$th the spe'$a ba2"ette p!',ets $. the Fre.'h t".$'s&The S*$ss ba.,ers *a5e+ 2!!+be&The h!r+es *a$te+ !r tra.sp!rt&A.+ *a$te+&ett$.2 the h!r+es t! the pat'h ! ".+e5e!pe+ a.+ Aar$' ha+

    sp!tte+ .!rth ! T!r!.t! *as a b$t +$$'"t&The !. +$re't $2ht r!# e.e5a t! the .earest '!##".$t4 Mrs&

    T$+9s Teap!t4 *as a. A$r Te=as JJ&The Fre.'h *e.t a!.2 2r"+2$.24 '!#pa$.$.2 be'a"se $t *as.9t

    a. A$r Fra.'e @et& The #a.a2e+ t! $2.!re the ar#a+$!s $. the!5erhea+ "22a2e ra',s4 b"t *he. the $2ht atte.+a.t tr$e+ t! ser5ethe# rer$e+ bea.s the a#!st *e.t t! *ar&

    The ate the# $.a4 ".+er threat ! p".$sh#e.t4 b"t the be*"p ater*ar+s4 a.+ $t t!!, a2es t! "#$2ate the pa.e&

    La.+ tra.sp!rtat$!. r!# Mrs& T$+9s Teap!t t! the pat'h !".+e5e!pe+ a.+ .!rth ! T!r!.t! *as b 'a#es ! the 8e2e5&

    Whe. the +$s2r".te+ h!r+es $.a arr$5e+ at the sp!t4 the *ere#et b !".2 pe!pe $. '!5eras *$th sh$.$.2 a'es a.+ !$'$a 9Far#ers!.9 ba+2es&

    >I th!"2ht th$s *as 5a'a.t a.+4> sa$+ Aar$'&

    >It !. !!,s 5a'a.t be'a"se there are.9t a. sh!pp$.2 'e.ters !r'ar +eaers !. $t4> sa$+ a !".2 Far# ers!.& >A't"a $t9s a #!+ear#4 *here s'h!! 'h$+re. r!# the .earb h!"s$.2 +e5e!p#e.ts'a. '!#e a.+ see h!* !"r a.'est!rs #a+e !!+& We ha5e '!*s4 p$2s4sheep4 ar#a+$!s4 a.+ a rea4 *!r,$.2 p"#p,$. pat'h4 *$th a't"ap"#p,$.s&>

    >That9s 5er #ess4> sa$+ Chare#a2.e >D! !" ha5e paper*!r,sh!*$.2 that !"9re a!*e+ t! #a,e +$s2"st$.2 st$.,s a.+ .!$ses that

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    >H!* 'a. *e $.5a+e T!r!.t! *he. the 7$s$2!th h!r+es a.+ theFra.,$sh h!r+es are pa$.2 h$+e a.+ see, *$th a b".'h ! $tte ,$+s $.'!st"#es '!#pa$.e+ Chare#a2.e&

    S!#e ! the ,$+s 2!t "p a s!''er 2a#e4 a.+ t*! ! the h!r+e!"2ht a +"e !5er a #$s'ae+ !"&

    A.!ther 2r!"p *as pa$.2 R!#a.s a.+ /arbar$a.s4 b"t there *asa. ar2"#e.t4 be'a"se e5er!.e *a.te+ t! be Mar'"s A"re$"s a.+*r$te $.terest$.2 th$.2s ab!"t $e4 +eath4 a.+ the ear ! ta=es&

    The Fre.'h be2a. sh!*$.2 the 'h$+re. h!* t! #a,e pr!test s$ atta', par$a#e.t&

    Th$.2s *ere s$pp$.2 !"t ! '!.tr!&A.+ the. $t 2!t *!rse& The 'h$+re. be2a. e22$.2 the *arr$!rs !.4

    "r2$.2 the# t! tr !"t rea +a.2er!"s r!er '!asters a.+ Ferr$s*hees&

    S!!. Aar$' a.+ Chare#a2.e *ere bes$+e the#se5es& The ee+at the ,$+s t! ea5e the$r h!r+es a!.e4 b"t .! !.e pa$+ a. atte.t$!.&

    E5e.t"a4 #a. ! the *arr$!rs ha+ t! $e +!*. !. the 2rass4'"t'h$.2 the$r st!#a'hs !r the$r hea+s& Others *ere p$',e+ !4 !.e-b-!.e4 b the 'h$+re.4 a.+ *ere !r'e+ t! te s'ar st!r$es be!ree5er!.e pa',e+ $t $. !r the +a&

    >O.'e "p!. a t$#e there *as a '"te $tte ,$tte.4> sa$+ Hr!th2ar theE5$ S," S#asher&

    >D!es !+B$a step !. the ,$tte. a '"te $tte 2$r as,e+&>D!es $t 2et eate. b ea2es a '"te $tte b! as,e+&>Te "s #!re st!r$es *$th b!!+ a.+ 2"ts $. the#4> sa$+ a.!ther

    $tte b!&>Yeah; *e *a.t t! hear ab!"t the C!$se"#:> sa$+ the $tte 2$r& Te

    "s ab!"t the 'r!*s p$',$.2 eebas !"t ! '!rpses&>>I9 +ea *$th th$th4> ?"!th C"ster& >Y!" ta, ab!"t the th$tth th"&

    r!*. #e. *a5$.2 th!r+s a.+ thpearth:>>Oh4 h$ C"ster:> sa$+ Aar$'&>Ith C"ther4 th!!p$+:>E5erb!+ !. T!',*!r+ ,.e* C"ster9s Last Sta.+4 the 'rabb

    ra5e.&C"ster ha+ a ".+ ! st!r$es that *!"+ #a,e a. a+"t sta "p a

    .$2ht *$th the $2hts !.4 the +!!rs barre+4 a.+ the bathr!!#s b!ar+e+"p&

    /"t *hat rea as'$.ate+ the 'h$+re. *as h$s re'$pe b!!,&

    E5e.t"a4 the pare.ts4 *h!9+ bee. s$pp$.2 'app"''$.!s $. the#e.ta as"# $. ba', ! the bar.4 p$',e+ "p the$r ,$+s4 a.+ e5erb!+tr!!pe+ !4 terr$$e+ b"t happ&

    The *ear h!r+es *!".+ the$r *a s!* !5er the ea4 a.+ p"t "pthe$r te.ts $. the a"the.t$' rabb$t pat'h4 *$th past$' 'arr!ts a.+'!',*!r, b"..$es&

    Aar$' a.+ Chare#a2.e rea+ the# be+ t$#e st!r$es r!# THEHOUSE AT OOH COR8ER4 a.+ LA 8AUSEE&

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    >We $.5a+e at the 'ra', ! +a*.4> sa$+ Aar$'& >Y!"9 .ee+ !"rbea"t rest4 'haps& We ha5e a !.2 *a t! 2!&>

    Da*. 'a#e a e* h!"rs ater4 ! '!"rse4 a.+ e5er!.e 2r!a.e+ a.+'!#pa$.e+ b$tter&

    /"t barbar$a.s are .!th$.24 $ .!t res$$e.t& S!!. e.!"2h the *ere

    $.e+ "p at the +!!r ! the O.tar$! 8!rtha.+ passe.2er ter#$.a $.Mrs& T$+9s Tea T$#e&Whe. the tra$. p"e+ $.t! the stat$!.4 there *as a s'ra#be !r

    seats4 b"t !. a e* ! the h!r+e *ere ,$e+&Mea.*h$e4 ba', $. h$s #a.s$!. $. the 2!th$' !rest $. the heart !

    T!r!.t!9s $.a.'$a +$str$'t4 7!+ Ir!.bea, *as .!t e.t$re ".a*are !the $.5a+ers9 pa.s&

    Y!" #$2ht th$., that 7!+4 pre!''"p$e+ as he *as *$th #atters !state4 *!"+ ha5e $tte t$#e !r a.t$'$pat$.2 $.5as$!.s b barbar$a.h!r+es&

    Y!"9+ be *r!.2&

    >I th$., *e9re ab!"t t! be $.5a+e+ b a.a'hr!.$st$' barbar$a.h!r+es4> sa$+ /a2#a. a+ha.+4 h$s s"bst$t"te a'!te&

    >Rea=4> sa$+ 7!+& >It *$ st!p the r$!t$.2 !5er the 2$t'hes $. !"rh$2h-spee+ ser5$'e& Ha5e *e e=e'"te+ the ser5$'e pr!5$+eret

    >Yes4 #aster& >/"t *hat ab!"t the barbar$a.s>We9 +$re't the# t! the ba., t!*ers $. !"r $.a.'$a 'e.ter& The

    ba.,ers a.+ $.a.'$a a+5$s!rs *$ #a,e sh!rt *!r, ! the#&>>/"t4 $s.9t that a r$s, th$.2 t! +!>There9s a*as r$s, $. the st!', #ar,et& I !" 'a.9t a!r+ t! !se4

    +!.9t be a paer& /es$+es4 *e *a.t the barbar$a.s t! ha5e a. e='$t$.2

    t$#e s! the9 '!#e ba', *$th the$r r$e.+s a.+ spe.+ e5e. #!re#!.e&>

    7!+ *as.9t ara$+ ! the barbar$a.s& He !!,e+ !r*ar+ t! the#;the *ere a ,$.+ ! s!"t$!.&

    Mea.*h$e4 the Or$e.t E=press th".+ere+ +!*. the #!".ta$.s !.$ts *a t! Tr$este4 !r p!ss$b M!.tpar.asse&

    The e.2$.eer4 *h! *as +ea+4 ha+ a ba+ ee$.2 ab!"t th$s&&&&


    S!#e pe!pe th$., that B$22"rats are e=t$.'t&These are the s!rt ! pe!pe *h! th$., that ar'hae!!2$sts +!

    .!th$.2 b"t e?"$p the#se5es *$th 8ATIO8AL EORAHIC e='a5at$!.,$ts a.+ r!!t ar!".+ $. b$2 sa.+ h$s $. the +esert4 !!,$.2 !r'r"#b$.2 #"+ br$',s&

    The #"+ br$',s !!, a b$t $,e '!.str"'t$!. b!',s4 e='ept the9re'!5ere+ $. +"st4 a.+ the ha5e p$'t"res ! ar#a+$!s a.+ *$.2e+#ar#!ts !. the#&

  • 8/13/2019 The Ducks of Doom Volume 2


    S!#e ! the# eat"re $tte $.s'r$pt$!.s( Th$s br$', be!.2s t!8eb"'ha+.eBBar4 #$2ht r"er ! a the ee s"r5es4 a+!re+ b thepe!pe ! Ur",4 La2ash4 8$pp"r4 K$sh4 et'& see e.'!s"re4 a.+ eare+b A#!r$tes4 Ca.aa.$tes4 Ea#$tes a.+ /e.tha#$tes& As! ,.!*. as theI.5e.t!r ! A.'$e.t H$st!r4 a.+ Ch$e E.!r'er ! the 2!+4 Mar5$.&

    S!#e ! the br$',s *ere $.s'r$be+ *$th the .a#e ! the #ster$!"s2!+4 K$r! Was Here4 b"t ar'hae!!2$sts are ".s"re ab!"t th$s !.e&S!#e pe!pe th$., that !.'e ar'hae!!2$sts ha5e +"2 "p a ! the

    !st '!.str"'t$!. b!',s the 'a. $.+4 the s$t ar!".+ 'a#p$res4t!ast$.2 #arsh#a!*s4 arra.2$.2 the b!',s $. .eat p$es4 a.+re'!.str"'t$.2 !st B$22"rats a.+ a.'$e.t !"th!"ses&

    T!#b r!bbers4 h!*e5er4 ,.e* better&A.+ r$2ht at the p$..a'e ! the t!#b-r!bb$.2 'r!*+4 'eebrate+ !r

    the$r 5ast ,.!*e+2e ! art$a'ts a.+ !'a .$2ht sp!ts4 *ere De#! a.+Sa&

    The ha+ arr$5e+ $. a.'$e.t /ab!. !. the Or$e.t E=press the +a

    be!re4 a.+ *ere area+ *e a!.2 the b"#p path t! se'ret treas"re&A.'$e.t /ab!.$a.s +$+.9t ha5e tra$.s4 ! '!"rse4 s! $. +eere.'e

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