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    Chapter One-Evanesce.

    I never imagined my life of wealth and riches to tumble down and shatter. For I, the

    glorious Princess Apphia, lived a life that slaves did not have the right to even dream of.

    A majestic lifestyle for a woman who ruled from lands the Far East to the far west.

    Before I speak of my new and enhanced life I must first inform you of how this tall and

    unexpected tale unfolds. I am the unidentified daughter of Aphrodite, the Greek

    goddess of love and beauty that gave birth to me through a common Greek man by the

    name of Azarias.I never lived with my own mother, and my own father was a drunkard

    who was probably killed by the gods. My mother, as a sort of gift, ordered Zeus to give

    me a wide range of land in order to compensate for her misdeed of giving birth to me. I

    took over these lands with a firm hand, to assure that no one would attempt to goagainst me. I named this kingdom Euphoria, though I would bet all that I had in riches

    that I knew very well that it was not. Though I was kind, I only gave my kindness to

    those that pleased me and performed all that I desired. My mind could never have

    presumed what was about to happen next. After twenty years of ruling over wide lands

    and people I receive grave news.

    Your highness, I must inform you that a wide spread rebellion has started to erupt

    throughout the lands of Euphoria and they will do anything to take your head, said

    Bion. I laughed hysterically to this fact, telling Bion my faithful servant that it is only a

    mere joke and like all other rumors it shall eventually pass. Day by day, however, the

    widespread rumor turned into fact as citizens came to my castle and attempted to

    murder my guards in order to reach me. Fear struck my willing heart for the very first

    time and I had to take a very risky decision. Ares is known to have a son by the name of

    Abbadon, a subordinate god who is known to have power to destroy cities with a mere

    swipe of his finger. I prayed to him day and night to reveal his grace to me for I felt at

    that time that I required help in the most dire of times. After what seemed to be several

    days, Abbadon finally revealed himself. I was not sure whether I had to bow or not due

    to the fact that we both had at least one parent who was a god though he was the

    fortunate son of Ares. I have received your prayers dearestApphia, staring down at

    me as if I was a despicable circumstance. You w ish for me to kill the children of those

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    who stand in your way, he says, his voice dull and full of contempt. I nodded my head

    without really thinking about what might happen. After what seemed to be a long pause

    he spoke again I will perform these felicitous tasks at a cost; you shall give me your

    riches and the very castle you are standing in to be under my own command.

    Presuming that I, charming and daring princess Apphia, could easily find another

    refuge, I oblige. It all happened faster than I could rethink my decision; the castle

    decorations changed, my vaults were becoming empty, my storage of wine being

    stolen, and my faithful servant Bion turning against me. Glorious Princess Apphia is

    now poor and homeless, how despicable I thought. My fine green colored silk clothing

    still existed but I had only three things with me, a rusty sword, a cloudy mirror, and the

    pendent that my mother had given me when I was born.

    I decided to move my limbs to a nearby land in order to find shelter. Morsmorde in

    Greece is known for its kind and generous citizens. I said. The first task ahead was to

    prepare myself to enter the Forest of Regret; a green-like forest that is known to

    harness a very huge tree known to be the core of the forest. This forest also

    concentrates on your deepest of regrets and releases them into deep physical and

    emotional contempt. Feeling at the time that I did not have regrets, I decided to teleport

    right towards the core of the forest, which consisted of a tall and powerful tree. There I

    saw the forest spirit by the name of Daphne, as if she was waiting for my arrival. She

    was the first to speak. Before you speak dear princess, I already know all that has

    occurred; the hate that is thrown at your famous name and that you have killed innocent

    children and what is yet to occur, spoke the spirit in a calm but firm voice. My heart

    suddenly felt as light as a feather as I begin to laugh like never before. After what

    seemed to be a long time of hearing my own laughter and Daphne gawking at me

    repulsively I said I must force myself to apologize dear spirit but I find, and shall

    continue to find, these experiences amusing to my apathetic soul. I could see her rageturn into action; consequently, I quickly drew my sword but I was too late. She bound

    me to the elder tree of the forest and said I will bound you to this tree for as long as it

    takes in order for you to comprehend the viciousness of your deeds and to realize that

    you need to become a new person, her eyes burning with a passion to kill me in my

    moment of vulnerability. Many days passed; I had the ability to see what I looked like

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    and my golden locks were losing their shine and my face sulked due to the lack of food

    and wine. What I found most peculiar though is my disability to feel any remorse.

    Royalty has made my heart turn into stone I sighed. Daphine came to check on me

    every day, hoping I would finally come to terms with her. After a while though, my heart

    began to feel slightly burdened for what I had done and I thought it was because of the

    forest not because my heart was attempting to give me signals of what is to come. I

    inform Daphine of my honest opinion and to my surprise she lets me go and returns the

    shine to my golden locks. I could see the outskirts of Morsmorde and I decided to spend

    the night at the boarders of the forest. For the first time of my life, my heart became

    filled with heavy remorse. My mother abandoned me and to this I received riches,

    slaves, and a castle. All of it, taken away because of a mere foolish request. I prayed to

    Eleftheria, the goddess of fortitude and protection, to grant me solitude on this long and

    dark journey.

    I awoke the next day without the mirror. Presuming I may have lost it somewhere, I

    reach for my rusty sword and move towards Morsmorde. I was starving and thankfully I

    found a small cottage near the woods. To my surprise I found the door open. I entered,

    expecting someone inside but I found a mirror. I walked to it calmly and saw what I

    hoped at the time to be a disgraceful illusion. In the reflection was a woman whose face

    was half burnt and hair was quickly becoming evanescent but silvery blue eyes were

    still radiant. I curse the gods, particularly Abbadon, only to receive a striking pain in my

    chest. A man enters through the door.

    The great tree of regret, Morsmorde.

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    Chapter Two-Rescue the dead.

    Okeanos is that you? The voice was feeble and very weak. To my astonishment itwas a middle-aged man, his eyes full of tears and a great amount of fear. I was staring

    at him for a particular amount of time when his feeble voice broke my trance, Who are

    you dear stranger? Is there something you seek? If I spoke of my real name and

    identity it would only wreak havoc and cause more problems so I decided to lie. I

    apologize if I entered your house like this without a proper introduction; my name is

    Alekto, an orphan at birth and Im wandering the towns of Morsmorde in order to find a

    proper job my voice, to my surprise, was strong and confident. The man looked at my

    silver eyes with sympathy and requested I sit down and have something to eat, to my

    complete gratitude. The day quickly passed on and the night was beginning to take its

    role. I had to ask what was it that made his soul resemble something so shallow and

    weak. Sir Pyrois, what was it that troubled you this morning? At first, he looked at me

    with deep intricacy in his eyes and then sighing he replied; Curse her Princess Apphia,

    killed my son Okeanos and all the young children of Morsmorde and the towns

    neighboring it with the help of the half-god Abbadon and then disappeared, his voice

    feel with pure hatred and an urge to kill. For the first time in my life I experienced a mild

    shiver of fear due to how he spoke of me but I covered my fear with eyes filled with

    artificial sadness. Im truly sorry for your loss but I feel as if I bothered you with my

    presence. As I quickly made a turn for the door, he firmly reached for my hand and said

    No my dearest Alekto, you have brought a little light to days that are about to unfold,

    please stay and I assure you food and a room to stay in and I will also help you to find a

    job, he said as he smiled reassuringly at me.

    Thankfully the gods left me the skill of making swords and armory. Pyrios found me a

    job as an assistant to a blacksmith at the center of Morsmorde and I was due to start

    the following day. To rejuvenate my skills; I decided to head to the lake with some steel

    in order to make a sword. After several hours of hard work, I managed to make a decent

    sword for later use. Nightfall quickly descended and I had to go back to Pyrios in order

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    to support him with housework. As I was taking my leave a huge force forced me into

    the small river. I could not breathe when I heard a voice from what seemed to be a

    faraway location. Apphia, your journey begins here, the voice was calm but somewhat

    strict. You shall head to the mountain of solitude to the south east of Greece; you shall

    know what to do without having me to inform you, and you have a week to leave

    Morsmorde. As I resurfaced I heard calls of despair and screams of assistance, but

    they were very feeble. I must have lost consciousness, for I awoke bedridden at Pyrois


    Alekto, are you sure that you do not wish to tell me what happened by the river at

    nightfall? I responded by nodding my head, for even I was not sure of what happened.

    What must I do at the Mountain of Solitude? Who was the individual speaking to me,

    was he a god or a human? Too many questions revolved in my vast mind as I headed

    to the blacksmith in the business of Morsmorde. Throughout the day I heard men and

    women crying over the loss of their children. Even the blacksmith, who bore no children

    of his own, cried over the loss of his neighbors children and cursed me with the foulest

    words our language could create. He immediately noticed my skill, for I was known

    throughout the castle to create swords better than even the most professional of slaves.

    Alekto, your name was? he said as I nodded as I concentrated on heating the steel for

    the third sword. You are very skilled for your and both swords that you have made have

    been sold for very high prices; I suggest you take the sword you are making and a piece

    of armor that I have made long ago with you. Thank you sir for your generosity but

    May I ask why? I smiled apathetically as he said These be dark days child. Who

    knows what that wretched Apphia might do next, we elderly and adults fear of our lives

    every day now and we refuse to bury our children . No longer able to stay in place I bid

    the blacksmith goodbye and headed home.

    I packed my belongings and left Pyrois house in the depth of the night. My heart

    sunk from the insults; How dare they insult me like that! I will show them once my

    riches return. But even I knew that the words that I just spoke had a loss to their

    meaning. For the first time in my life, I wanted to cry. I killed children whose parents

    cared for them and wanted to see them outgrow them and become something better

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    and now that is all gone now because of my vile and despicable request. I cursed

    Abbadon but, to my surprise, received no pain like before. I knew I was going the right


    I moved north towards the lake; I knew I had to teleport, which was a gift all citizensof Euphoria knew I only had, so I walked as far as away as possible from the lake

    towards an abandoned piece of land; I teleported to a location that was close to the

    mountain for I had never actually been there before. The Mountain of Solitude was

    gigantic and on it was the smell of death and remorse. I took a deep breath and

    released my sword and began to climb. Taking my time, I climbed halfway through the

    mountain in a mere three days. I knew it was going to become harder to breathe as I

    climbed, so I teleported as soon as I saw the top. What I saw could not be described

    with words. It was atrocious; the stench of dead bodies filled the area and I could hear

    the screams of small children begging rescue from their dark demise. Your savior has

    arrived. Welcome princess! I knew who he was straight away; Diabolos, a demon of

    death who was worshipped by necromancers and dark magicians alike. Let them go

    Diabolos or suffer the fate of my sword, I did not know how to defeat him, but my mind

    was enraged and was imagining endless possibilities. Without a reply, he began to

    strike me from afar. I quickly pulled out my sword and it radiated with a light I have

    never seen before. We fought for what seemed to be days, until something peculiar

    happened. The souls that were freed from the enchantment hovered next to me and

    provided me with strength. There was one soul where I felt a particular bravado of

    familiarity from. I knew you would come at bay my dearest Apphia. Im your father

    Azarias my beloved daughter.

    Tears that resembled waterfalls filled my face. These tears actually had a real

    meaning to them; a true purpose like a rose budding after the end of a long and cruel

    winter. The place where the voice resonated slowly began to reveal the shape of a

    man. My father was beautiful with his silvery blue eyes that resembled mine, tan like

    skin that was carved as if made of stone, hair as dark the richest of wine, and a caring

    smile that made his face radiate like the sun. My mother truly had a right to fall in love

    with him. Suddenly signaled back into reality I hear him say, "Apphia you are nearly

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    there! I was one of the souls who were deeply inscribed with despicable necromancy." I

    knew where I had to strike, and with an immediate response attacked Diabolos in the

    stomach. He immediately fell to the ground, screaming in pain. "No! I was chosen to kill

    you and I will not fail my master!" As he took his last breath he shot a jet of a black

    beam straight towards my lungs. I had won the fight, but I felt a sharp pain and was

    unable to breathe properly.

    The hallow soul that was my father quickly came to my side. "I'm sorry for all you

    have gone through my dearest daughter, but for once I may be of assistance." a sudden

    surge of light circled around me and my father stood attempting to hold my hand. A

    small but accurate dark streak evacuated from my body and disappeared quickly. Souls

    were quickly leaving their location; their presence of warmth and life filled the mountain,

    and they scattered to the bodies where they used to be. The soft voice of my father

    spoke for the last time and said "seek the true story from your mother, I love you my

    daughter and would do anything to be with you right now." As his soul spiraled upward

    towards the heavens, my mothers pendant reveled a bright and shining light that I have

    never seen before.

    Chapter Three-Origins

    The dark demon Diabolos holds

    Azarias soul at the Mountain of


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    I decided not return to Morsmorde. I knew that I my disappearance would have been

    obvious, but I chose not to disturb anyone with my true identity and what I did for

    everyone to forgive me. My golden locks were slowly starting to return and my face

    appeared to be less vague in relation to its true appearance. I now had faith towards my

    own path; that even if I may not know the whole story, I should accept the fact that my

    father Azrias loved me and continues to love me to this day. I knew that my mothers

    sanctuary was located near the Sicily in Italy and I had to go there as soon as I had the

    ability to teleport once more. Before I left however, I discovered an all too familiar

    companion; she was my personal elf Anita. She jogged as fast as she could towards me

    and called my name with great happiness, Your highness so good to see you! Once

    we sat together I requested that she hire a ship that would take me to Sicily. When Anita

    questioned my ability to pay for the expenses, I told her I shall be able to teleport on the

    ship and hide until we land on Sicily. Princess Apphia, I cannot help but to ponder this;

    why have you changed so much? A faint smile was created on my lips as I told her that

    time shall explain all.

    After about three long days of rejuvenating my body and energy, Anita returned and

    informed me of a ship heading towards Sicily by then name of Justice. She quickly

    made herself smaller as I teleported to the location. The ship itself was huge, filled with

    cargo of all shapes and sizes. I knew I had to hide soon but something stopped my

    heart and movement from comprehending anything around me; nearby was a tall,

    beautiful, confident-looking, broad, green-eyed man that was standing with a long piece

    of parchment. Thank the gods that I could understand Italian for his assistant said Sir

    Alessio, when shall the Justice depart? I could not wait to hear his answer, for I knew I

    had to hide before they set sail. I crept deep inside the core of the ship, too

    overwhelmed by the posture of the unknown man.

    The ship traveled for what felt like days, I was bound to the unchanging darkness of

    the ships core, and luckily I had my surplus of food and wine with me. I felt that I could

    not close my own eyes, but my mind had finally deceived me into placing my all into a

    deep slumber. I was awakened to a whispered conversation; she truly is beautiful

    though Sir Arturo, but what do we do with her? Realizing that I was danger, I quickly

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    attempted to reach for my sword, only to be stopped with a powerful greenish gold-like

    gaze of his eyes. Well thats not a good way to introduce your-self is it? I would throw

    you off my Justice if it wasnt for my sympathy, although his voice portrayed temper he

    was also calm at the same time. My heart was struck with a jolting tingling sensation

    that resembled a thunder strike as I said I apologize, I am Alekto; an orphan from

    Greece who is seeking Aphrodites sanctuary in Sicily. The reasons of which I seek it

    cannot be stated in front of subordinates, I said clearly as my eyes stared at Arturos

    assistant. How dare you insolent, he quickly reached his sword aiming to place it on

    my neck when Arturo stood between us; Stand down Lucien. After we were both

    alone, I began to tell to reveal him everything except my true identity and he agreed to

    come with me on one condition; he shall accompany me to the shrine.

    After a week of endless sea, we finally landed in Sicily. As soon as the Justice found

    land, Arturo entwined my fingers in his firmly in order to keep me under his watch. He

    guided me to the sanctuary without a word between us but his eyes were firm with

    concentration. I forgot how beautiful my mother actually was; her statue was carved

    beautifully with a perfect figure, green eyes that resembled emeralds, golden locks that I

    had taken from her, and her calm and reassuring smile. All I had to do was stare at the

    eyes of the figure and a path was opened for the both of us. Shall we dear? Arturo

    said as his reassuring hand was placed on my shoulder. I nodded my head and entered

    the dark path with him.

    The cage was dimly lit. But of course, that was irrelevant. Sound asleep and behind

    another door was a huge dragon chained in its place. Oh how the ecstasy now flows in

    my veins! How fortunate that I came with you Alekto! Know now that Im a very skilled

    monster tamer, but I have a soft spot when it comes to dragons! The dragon suddenly

    awakened, its yellow eyes filled with rage. I quickly reached for my sword as the dragon

    released a wide and powerful flame. White light surged from my sword, forming a strong

    and accurate barrier. Arturo then stepped in and jumped farther and higher than any

    normal man. He then descended as if he were an expert dragoon and sealed the

    dragons power with a magical collar on his throat. I was obviously aghast to this and he

    smiled faintly. Yes dear Alketo I am not your average boat owneror trader. I am high

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    dragoon who would die to protect you. He quickly came to my side and stared at me

    with his penetrating but beautiful eyes. We exchanged no words as we moved to open

    the door.

    It was dark at first, but hand in hand Arturo and I saw a clear path. My pendant grewbrighter with each step and it eventually served us as warmth Ive never felt before.

    Maybe it was because I was getting so close to seeing my mother or Arturo just being

    with me. Anita sprung from her hiding place and said Alekto, would you like me to

    oversee the path ahead? I could only nod my head in reply for I was lost for words.

    Arturo then said dearest Alekto, there is something I must tell you. Again I could only

    nod in reply. Then he spoke once more, love struck my heart the first second I saw you

    and now I wish that you may have the same feelings for a measly dragoon like me. I

    held his hand tighter and nodded in response as I said but something shall be revealed

    to you right now that you might hate me for. He did not give me a response but his face

    was completely neglecting what I just said. Anita then returned, apparently dumbstruck

    by what she saw before us.

    I stepped in first. There, clearly waiting for me was my mother Aphrodite. Stone

    carvings did no justice to her beauty, not even the word beautiful was enough to

    describe her. My mother had long golden locks that resembled mine, beyond perfect

    skin, and the most ideal figure Ive ever seen on a female. She spoke before I did,

    Apphia, my beautiful daughterso good to see you! Arturo was of course dumbfounded

    for a plethora of reasons, but to my surprise he kept his astute posture together. As I

    walked closer to my mother, I felt my face return to its original form. It was strange to

    hug a goddess, different than a human. Now it was my turn to speak, mother, will you

    please begin? Aphrodite took a deep breath and began; Your father told you to meet

    me yes? Well I wish for you to know the whole story. I left you because my father Zeus

    demanded I either ignore your existence or kill you she spoke neutrally. But he killed

    Azrias with a single thunder bolt and I couldnt keep my rage within me any further, I

    turned against him and requested that he would sympathize with you by giving you land

    and a proper place to stay that be-fitted a half-goddess my mother said, anger but deep

    sadness in her eyes at the mention of Azrias and what her father did to him. Ares, who

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    is now my husband, made matters worse by sending Abaddon to you and wreaking

    havoc on the lands you used to own. Now I remember, I was so preoccupied with my

    own goal that I forgot that I gave all my riches and my castle to Abaddon. My mother

    Aphrodite continued Apphia, we now have only request that my husband and I need

    you to perform. You must kill Abaddon and I presume that you will not be able to do it

    alone. she said as she stared at Arturo with hope in her eyes.

    Silence filled the room. I felt a severe tide of weakness overwhelm me, and to my

    surprise Arturo came and supported me by putting his hand in mine. It is all of my doing

    mother, I am the one who put you through all this hardship from the very beginning and

    caused you to defy your own father. I said as tears escaped my eyes. My mother

    reassuring tone was revealed in her eyes and speech once more as she said Apphia,

    have you not comprehended your own change of heart? You now comprehend how to

    feel pain, suffering, sympathy, and above all remorse; circumstances that you have

    taught yourself that I know that Azrias and I could only recite to you. What matters

    Apphia is that you have changed and your beauty not only show on the outside but to

    the deepest depths of your heart. She continued, Apphia, you have something right

    now that I lost long ago; a man who truly loves you and is willing to walk to Hades door

    with you and if you are going to ask if I did this then no I did not. I ran to hug my mother

    wanting to never let go. Then after a long wave of silence Arturo spoke; Be assured

    that I do love your daughter and will protect her. But I must know, will there be any

    abnormal obstacles in our path? Aphrodite, refusing to let me go, replied Arturo, the

    pendant that my daughter wears on her neck will act as your guide and I hope that there

    will be no difficulties. Arturo and I knew we both had to go, so we bid my mother

    goodbye and she reminded me that if I need her she will always be in this sanctuary.

    Arturo then held my hand firmly and I held his in return and with Anita in my pocket; I

    knew that the war was only just beginning.

    Arturo fights the dragon in

    Aphrodites sanctuary in Sicily.

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    Chapter Four-Chaos Rings and Silent Serenity

    Rumors had been spreading around like wildfire throughout the lands I used to own,

    of Abaddons hatred and the use of my castle in order to call out demons of the

    Underworld and to perform vile circumstances all for his own leisure. Although the

    children that I asked him to slaughter returned once more, all families were rendered

    powerless and were too frightened to stand against even his minor subordinates. The

    neighboring lands of my former territory also had this bravado as Arturo and I were

    finally prepared to go back to Greece. I was not worried for my life; if I were chosen to

    die over this then I know in the afterlife I will have no remorse, I was concerned over

    Arturos. He did not deserve the pain of dying this way for a measly person like me, but Iknew he loved a good competition and judging by his eyes they were craving for a good

    brawl. Once we were both ready I prepared myself to teleport to where my castle was, I

    knew I would need double the amount of energy because I was teleporting Arturo with

    me; we bid his assistant and his ship crew goodbye.

    The stench of dead bodies and death filled the air. Arturo coughed and I would have

    too but it was a smell I unfortunately grew accustomed to. I held my hand in his as we

    were ready to face anything. Welcome Apphia! I knew you would come to finish me off.But it wont be as easy as you think, Abaddons despicable voice said. As if he was

    inferring his speech, a large cloud of the walking dead and a dragon even larger than

    the one we both fought at the sanctuary was in front of us. They came after me first,

    determined to kill the individual who started it all, but I was faster. As Arturo was taming

    the dragon I pierced endless bodies with my sword. I noticed that the sword was not

    inflicting wounds, but actually allowing the zombies to stop, fall onto the ground, and

    dissolve into the Earth. After several hours we were successful and managed to open

    the castle doors.

    Arturo saw them and spoke before I did; Followers of Hades and necromancers as

    our second challenge? What a splendid task this shall be after all! They struck first and

    through an amount of time of what seemed to be hours we could only defend ourselves

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    and we were both quickly losing strength. A sudden surge of light filled my pendant and

    out of it came a majestic white mage riding a white horse. I could not see their faces,

    but the dark magicians and necromancers appeared to be horrified as though their

    match had been met. Anita then quickly appeared out of my pocket determined to fight.

    Anita! What are you doing?! I screamed as I attempted to put her back in my pocket.

    Arturo and I were dumbstruck as Anita released a powerful white beam towards the

    necromancers and dark magicians that helped to eliminate them all with a single strike.

    My original decorations and core of the castle slowly returned to its former glory as

    Anita returned inside my pocket. The mysterious white magician then stared at us,

    cured our wounds, and returned our strength and power which we both thought was

    long lost.

    Arturo then quickly reached for my hand, smiling reassuringly at me. This is the final

    battle isnt it? he said his voice confident but with a slight fear in it. I nodded and was

    about to speak only to be interrupted by Abaddons voice Im impressed Apphia. You

    and this man have gone farther than I have ever imagined. There is one thing you

    must know Apphia. Diabolos was sent by me as a mere example of my abilities. He

    said his as I felt his voice became filled with excitement. Now walk the stairs and face

    your fate. Arturo apparently felt my vulnerability as he hugged forthe first time. I felt

    whole as I returned his hug and as we separated we both felt ready to face anything,

    even if it was Zeus himself.

    Abbadon stood waiting for us as if we were a measly game that was worth the

    challenge. He had a powerful posture; one that resembled Arturos but was slightly

    weaker. In his hand was a large sword that could cut through a large heard with a single

    strike and a mace that was going to be used to for dark magic. Arturo launched his

    mace and jumped upwards, leaving me alone. He quickly came towards me and said

    Your lover has run away I presume? This is fight between gods after all! It was if I

    fought with him before, for I knew exactly where he was going to strike and how he was

    going to do so. I managed to create a deep cut towards his right leg making him

    temporarily disabled. Arturo then returned from the sky, striking his lance directly

    through his heart. I knew that was not enough, for his dark magic would allow him to

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    The Epic of Princess Apphia Aya10/15/11

    15 | P a g e

    heal himself easily. A sudden opening from the sky was created and out of it came the

    shard of the mirror I lost so long ago. It changed shape drastically; the shard now

    resembled Zeus lightning bolt. I quickly reached for the mace, struck its crystal center

    as hard as I could, and purified its dark magic with my pendent.

    Three Rings were quickly centered on Arturo, Abbadon, and me as if to cover the

    boundaries. What is going on Apphia?! Arturo screamed as the rings began to form

    rough and thick circular walls. The first and second were eliminated quickly signaling

    our victory towards our first and second adversaries. The third and final ring then

    accentuated on Abbadon and he appeared to be choking and begging for air to breathe

    with. It all happened in a flash; Abaddon was killed and exploded into several million

    pieces. The three Chaos Rings had been eliminated.

    I ran towards Arturo and he stared at me dumbstruck at our feat. My long and golden

    locks finally returned and tears fell on my face. We finally did it! I exclaimed with

    extremejoy. I have truly discovered the meaning of life; to live with your heart, not with

    riches, to treat all with equality, and to seek for others what you would truly see for

    yourself. Now as I look back at this long journey and rule over my thrown I discovered

    that if you treat the people that you rule over with love and gratitude, they will do just the

    same. It was a silent but powerful serenity to my heart, to treat all equally. I no longer

    had slaves in my castle, my people were given the resources they needed in order to

    live a life free of stealing or killing others, and I spent the rest of my days with the man I

    truly loved.

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