
The eyes of all look hopefully to you,and you give them their food

in due season."

PSALM 145:15

SUNDAY JULY 29, 2018 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time REV. JAMES WALLACE, PASTOR

2 St. Juliana Parish July 29, 2018


Fr. James with new altar servers.

Dear Parishioners, Poor Philip. He must have felt like Jesus was picking on him. Why couldn't Jesus have looked to someone, any-one else for this dilemma? Why was Philip singled out? "When Jesus raised his eyes and saw that a large crowd was coming to him, he said to Philip, 'Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?' He said this to test him, because he himself knew what he was go-ing to do" (Jn 6:5-6).

John, the Gospel writer, I'm sure edited Philip's response. Philip, according to the text, says, "Two hun-dred days' wages worth of food would not be enough for each of them to have a li le." I bet his response was more like, "Um, are you serious, Lord? What are you smoking? There's no way we can feed this crowd. I'd have a be er chance sipping tea with the Queen of England than ge ng enough food for everyone here." Okay, maybe that would have been my response. But Philip's probably wasn't all that different.

Some scholars think Philip may have been the apostle in charge of the supplies and food for the wan-dering band. This is perhaps why Jesus asked him the ques on.

Others think Jesus was establishing a rapport with Philip. Philip would gain confidence from this ex-change, leading him to ask a bit later on: “Master,

show us the Father, and that will be enough for us.” (Jn 14:8). Jesus explains how he and the Father are one, and that everything Jesus does is because of the Father. Without Philip's boldness, we might not have that Trinitarian insight.

Or, perhaps Philip was singled out so he could see acutely how the crowd was fed by Jesus and the differ-ence Jesus made in their lives. Philip would remember this, and take this with him as he evangelized crowds a er the Resurrec on.

If you find yourself in a dilemma and saying, "Why me?”, then you're in good company. It worked out well for Philip. It can for you too. As I men oned last week, St. Juliana Parish is star ng the Queen of Hearts Raffle. You may have read recent-ly how some parishes on the south side, as well as a few VFW Halls, have run this raffle to tremendous suc-cess (some producing a pot of over $1 million). This could be a huge fundraiser for our parish. The first drawing will be soon. Please look online for more details.

The Men's Club Golf Ou ng is quickly approaching. Please sign up if you haven't done so already. Thanks to all the members of the golf commi ee who have worked hard to put this together.

Also, please buy your ckets for the St. Juliana Emerald City Gala on September 15th at the Rose-mont Conven on Center. John McDonough, President and CEO of the Chicago Blackhawks will be present to be honored. We are s ll looking for some silent auc-

on items, as well as some nice live auc on items. If you have any, please let us know!

If you missed last week's bulle n, please take a look at my le er, where I listed the amount of money we raised for the various charitable causes over the last few months. The numbers demonstrate the gener-osity of our parish.

I will be around the parish for a few days in the middle of the week before depar ng once again, this

me for my annual required retreat. I will be in silence during these five days and, of course, will con nue to keep you all in my prayers. Yours in Christ, Fr. James

“We should invite the Lord into all the

challenges in our life, and they will be-come blessings, not


For previous letters go to

3 St. Juliana Parish July 29, 2018

Karst is a type of terrain characterized by hidden rivers and lakes. Typically the terrain consists of limestone, as this easily erodes, and the sec on of stone underneath the surface has been dissolved. Most cave systems in the world are karst areas. Likewise, there are "kars c" rivers, which can flow below the ground at points. If the soil is dense, the water will be on the surface; if porous, it will be underground.

The concept of karst can be transferred into the spiritual life. In fact, Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa has coined a term he calls “kars c prayer.” He writes: “At

mes, when we are free to pray, our prayer surfaces and becomes conscious prayer of praise, adora on. At other mes, when our ac vi es absorb us, prayer sinks to the bo om of our hearts and con nues to flow hidden there, like an invisible movement of love toward God, ready to be aroused again as soon as we can do so” (Mary, Mirror of the Church, p.162).

When we clear our mind of thoughts and merely allow our heart to be open to Christ's love, we do not always know what is going on, and we do not always feel something. God is s ll present, like that underground river. And this is when prayer is most authen c and powerful. We are not praying for ourselves, for good feelings. We are praying purely out of love for God. There is an inner desire in us to be united to God, and this is what subtly moves us.

Mary is the great model of karst. She was hidden most of her life and s ll acts in an underground fashion today. She can assure us that there is indeed a river of love in us when we do not sense it. Rev. James Wallace




Bring yourself to Church, and take Church back home with you. Mass ends, but Church does not. There are many things you can take with you. Something you can feel…holy water on your finger ps; a priest’s handshake. Something you can read…a Sunday bulle n, a “3-Cs” book selec on. Something you can remember…a great homily. Sit and listen, really listen. Maybe close your eyes to not be distracted. Don’t think about where you’re going a er Mass, or what’s for dinner. We have many great homilies; keep them with you! You may remember a few that began with golf anecdotes, characters from the Peanuts comic strip, or great tales from India. Here are a few that have stayed with me for a very long me. (Thanks, Fr. Art!)

We’re all connected. Have you spoken to someone you know, and found out you have something in common that you did not know about? Maybe you grew up in the same parish or went to the same high school. There’s a connec on. Do you see the same people at Mass? You are all in the same church, si ng in your usual places. There’s a connec on. Did you randomly help a stranger, or donate anonymously to a charity? There’s a connec on. We’re not okay, but that’s okay with God. If you ever feel inadequate or doubt yourself, that’s okay. If you have a hard me making certain decisions in life and ask for help, that’s okay. If you don’t feel worthy or good enough for certain ministries, sign-up anyway. That’s okay. We are made in God’s image, but we are not perfect. That’s okay.

Do you want to make God laugh? Write something on your calendar! I’m old-fashioned and s ll have a large wall calendar, LOL :) To this day, I hesitate when li ing a page to write on the next month! OMG, am I jinxing myself? How can I plan something way in advance? God is definitely laughing. Only He knows what I’ll really be doing that day. However, I try to stay posi ve (and organized) and keep wri ng, as I hope and pray for the best! Bring yourself to Church. We’re just not a family without you.

Luann Bobko is “semi-re red” from the prin ng/graphics field, and is a 32-year S.J. parishioner, with her husband Mike (ret. CPD) & daughter Janine (SJS ’95).

4 St. Juliana Parish July 29, 2018 Experience Jesus



I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, (strike breast) through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.


Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to peo-ple of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Bego en Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.


The first reading is taken from the second Book of Kings. One key factor in this reading is that the bread is mul plied to be shared with many. The genesis of today’s reading has its roots in the temple offering where the barley loaves were used. Tradi onally, the man who brought the bread to Elisha as “firs ruit” should have taken the ritual bread to the Gilgal sanctuary, which had been turned into a shrine to Baal. He chose to take the bread to Elisha as a sign that he would not worship idols but would remain true to the one Lord and God. In the Bible, bread was understood as a sign of God’s gi to strengthen human beings. It was a sign of hospitality, wisdom, intelligence, peace, and life. God will one day sa sfy every human hunger. In St. Paul’s le er to the Ephesians, he explains that the profession of faith contained in the text is a call to unity, not only to an ancient church struggling with issues of inclusion, exclusion, division, and rancor, but also to a modern church struggling with the same thing. In today’s gospel, Jesus fed the hungry five-thousand who followed him to a desert place. The fragments were gathered into a basket, symbolic of the fragmented Chris an communi es that would one day be gathered into one basket to celebrate with Christ presiding at one heavenly Eucharis c table.

—Fr. Emanuel Torres-Fuentes

READING I: 2 KINGS 4:42-44

A man came from Baal-shalishah bringing to Elisha, the man of God, twenty barley loaves made from the firs ruits, and fresh grain in the ear. Elisha said, "Give it to the people to eat." But his servant objected, "How can I set this before a hundred people?" Elisha insisted, "Give it to the people to eat."

"For thus says the LORD, 'They shall eat and there shall be some le over.'" And when they had eaten, there was some le over, as the LORD had said.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM: 145:10-11, 15-16, 17-18

“The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs.”

5 St. Juliana Parish July 29, 2018


I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Bego en Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, bego en, not made, consubstan al with the Father; through Him all things were made. For us men and for our salva on He came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pon us Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Bap sm for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrec on of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.


Jesus went across the Sea of Galilee. A large crowd followed him, because they saw the signs he was performing on the sick. Jesus went up on the mountain, and there he sat down with his disciples. The Jewish feast of Passover was near. When Jesus raised his eyes and saw that a large crowd was coming to him, he said to Philip, "Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?" He said this to test him, because he himself knew what he was going to do. Philip answered him, "Two hundred days' wages worth of food would not be enough for each of them to have a li le." One of his disciples, Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, said to him, "There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what good are these for so many?" Jesus said, "Have the people recline." Now there was a great deal of grass in that place. So the men reclined, about five thousand in number. Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them to those who were reclining, and also as much of the fish as they wanted. When they had had their fill, he said to his disciples, "Gather the fragments le over, so that nothing will be wasted." So they collected them, and filled twelve wicker baskets with fragments from the five barley loaves that had been more than they could eat. When the people saw the sign he had done, they said, "This is truly the Prophet, the one who is to come into the world." Since Jesus knew that they were going to come and carry him off to make him king, he withdrew again to the mountain alone.


Brothers and sisters: I, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with pa ence, bearing with one another through love, striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace: one body and one Spirit, as you were also called to the one hope of your call; one Lord, one faith, one bap sm; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.


MONDAY: Deuteronomy 32: You have forgo en God who gave you faith.

TUESDAY: Psalm 79: For the glory of your name, O Lord, deliver us.

WEDNESDAY: Psalm 59: God is my refuge on the day of distress.

THURSDAY: Psalm 146: Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob.

FRIDAY: Psalm 69: Lord, in your great love, answer me.

SATURDAY: Psalm 69: Lord, in your great love, answer me.


CELEBRANT Saturday 5:00pm Fr. Roger

Sunday 7:30am Fr. Emanuel

Sunday 9:30am Fr. Roger

Sunday 11:00am Fr. Emanuel

Sunday 5:00pm Fr. Emanuel



Jul 28/29 Kathleen Barton Aug 4/5 Lori Bielawski

6 St. Juliana Parish July 29, 2018

GET YOUR GALA TICKETS! The Emerald City Gala is fast-approaching, and we’ll be selling gala ckets (cash or check) in the back of church a er the following Masses: August 4—5:00pm August 5—9:30/11:00am August 11—5:00pm August 12—9:30/11:00am

We need STAMPS! We’re going to need a lot of stamps for the Emerald City Gala. To help defray costs, please consider dona ng to our cause. Either place stamps in the collec on basket at Mass or bring them to the parish office. Thank you so much in advance for your help!


July 29-August 3 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ONLY


Phone 773.631.2256

Email [email protected]

The Hennessey Family Julie Ryan

The Muehleis Family The Aguirre Family



Sunday & Holy Day Offerings Week of: 7/15/2018

Envelopes $ 9,610

Loose $ 430

Holy Day $ -

GiveCentral $ 3,518

Total Weekly Offerings $ 13,558

Fiscal YTD Total $ 51,988

Fiscal YTD to Budget $ 4,103

Fiscal YTD GiveCentral* 35.6%

To Teach Who Christ Is (to date) $ 461,272


7 St. Juliana Parish July 29, 2018

United States Army SPC John R. Jimenez PFC Kate Madden United States Marines Sgt. Ma hew Bascom LCPL Dominic Rangel CPL Michael A. Reyes United States Navy Cmdr. Susanne Connolly-Tutwiler Cmdr. John Tutwiler CDR. Nathan Sco LT. Erin Sullivan LT. Brandon Tomblin LT. Richard Valenta United States Air Force Lt. Col. Franklin Shepherd PRAY


Carl Lieberman Anne Lieberman

Tweet of the Week

“Prayer is never in vain: it always brings forth some-thing new that, sooner or later, bears fruit.”

—Pope Francis (@pon fex), July 24, 2018

Janet Marciniak



I David Zirngibl & Laura Wi I Jason Ho & Ta ana Bonete




Last Wednesday, the greatest pilgrimage in our tradi-on ended with the feast of Saint James at his shrine in

Compostela, Spain. Every year, as many as a hundred thousand persons walk a por on of the medieval way of the pilgrim, earning the right to wear the scallop shell symbol of this journey of faith. In legend, this city on the northern coast of Spain is the final res ng place of the apostle, and the full name of the cathedral is “Saint James of the Field of Stars.” There is a tradi on that Saint James the Great preached there. In the Roman Catholic tradi on, the pilgrimage, like any procession, is a symbol, life’s journey dis lled, a powerful sign of our journey toward a certain goal. The perils of the road, the support of companions, the con-templa ve slower pace of life, have the poten al to transform and renew the pilgrims in ways that last a life me. Along the way, the dis nc ons between rich and poor fall away, and everyone shares humble rus c food and stops for the night in hostels or under the stars. A er a long walk, the experience of entering through the great doors into the vast cathedral filled with incense, light, and song is a foretaste of heaven. The pilgrims o en say that their whole lives are redi-rected toward that moment of entry into the heavenly Jerusalem. The most memorable feature of the cathe-dral is called the botofumeiro, an incense burner on pulleys and chains that sweeps through the cathedral in immense circles, swirling clouds of sweet-smelling in-cense around the vast nave. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

8 St. Juliana Parish July 29, 2018

Sunday, August 5

7:30 Father Don Ahearn/Sr. Remy Schaul/Harry & Chester Perkowski/Joseph Prugar/Norbert Symonanis/Tim Gleeson/Kevin O'Malley/Kathleen O'Malley/The Deceased Members of the Cawley Family/Ricky Prugar/Kenneth Nilsen/Cynthia Loebig/Gerald Harms

9:30 Robert C. Mester/Bill Casey/Carl Canova/Inten ons of Frank Seiser, Jr. & Family/Special Inten ons of Mary Ann Miller/Brian Patrick Byrne/Mary Kapolnek/Joseph Danahy

11:00 John & Marie Osmolak/Carl Canova/Daniel M. Fegan/Fernanda & Luigi Melone/Daniel Strada

5:00 Mary Ellen Rzany


Friday, August 3 · Chapel

7:00 Harry & Chester Perkowski

8:30 Buenaventura Magat/Patricia Losinski

Saturday, August 4 · Church

8:30 Theresa Gargano/Alicia & Donnie Bungum/Nicholas Nicolau/Carl Canova

5:00 Tom & Delores Hollis/Marie, James, Kevin, Donald & Christopher Wolf/Tom & Stephanie Cappello/Jack Cerny/Andrea Wagner/Joann Lemanski/Anthony Jacob

Wednesday, August 1 · Chapel

7:00 Harry & Chester Perkowski

8:30 Fr. Donald J. Ahearn/Mary Bloodworth/James McCaffrey

Saturday, July 28

5:00 Frank & Ann Dina/Joan Wodnicki/Edward & Rose Riccio/J.J. Clark/Marie, James, Kevin, Donald & Christopher Wolf/Roger & Tim Hejza & Family/Joann Lemanski/Barbara Turk/Barbara O'Connor/Marie Prince/Norman Boegel

Sunday, July 29

7:30 Patrick O'Donnell/Fr. Don Ahearn/Sr. Remy Schaul/Harry & Chester Perkowski/John Ruchalski/Ed Earle

9:30 Robert C. Mester/Bill Casey/Special Inten ons of Mary Ann Miller/Thomas & Julia Ryan/Kris ne Schneider/Joseph Moravecek & Lore a Moravecek/Debbie Moravecek/Diane Maul/Maryann Moriarty/Jim & Liz Jones

11:00 Barbara Phillips/Jan Hasiuk/Wayne Alaspa/Bozena Gacka

5:00 Mary Ellen Rzany/Wayne Alaspa

Monday, July 30 · Chapel

7:00 Harry & Chester Perkowski/Barbara Phillips

8:30 Anthony Jacob/Donnie Bungum/Peter Bryant

6:30 Eucharis c Adora on Hour · CHAPEL

Tuesday, July 31 · Chapel

7:00 St. Juliana Parish Family

8:30 Tillie Rybak/Emily C. Viola/Helen Kwasniewski

Thursday, August 2 · Chapel

7:00 Frank and Eloise Olson

8:30 Helen & George Hickey/Lola Munoz


This week marks the beginning of a kind of “liturgical detour.” We have been listening to Saint Mark’s Gos-pel during this liturgical year (Year B). Today we begin to hear a long sec on from John’s Gospel, star ng with the miracle of the mul plica on of the loaves and fish-es. This miracle story is a prelude to the Lord’s state-ments that we will begin hearing in a few weeks, in which Jesus refers to himself as the “bread of life.” Each week we witness a miracle at Mass. We do not see a mul plica on of loaves before us. What our eyes of faith allow us to see is the miracle of the transfor-ma on of common elements—bread and wine—into the Lord’s Body and Blood. Once we have received the Lord, the mul plica on begins, for in the Eucharist we are strengthened to mul ply our efforts to feed the poor, shelter the homeless, and bring comfort to the despairing. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

STEMScience Technology Engineering Math


STEM helps students become better problem solvers, innovators, inventors, self-reliant, and logical thinkers.

The main fundraising priority for the Emerald City Gala is to build a STEM lab

program for our students. STEM offers an interdisciplinary approach to teaching

science, technology, engineering, and math. Rather than presenting the four fields

as singular, disconnected subjects, STEM integrates these disciplines into a cohesive

learning paradigm based on real-world applications—students work together in

teams to solve problems over the course of several class periods. We have worked

with Creative Learning Systems to design an elementary STEM SmartLab for

St. Juliana. CLS manages the physical setup of the lab, including installing the

furniture and peninsula workstations, computers, and necessary software. They

provide the curriculum, as well as onsite professional development training for

teachers and continued support once the program has been implemented. Our

goal is to work with CLS to adopt a comprehensive K-8 STEM curriculum. Science

and technology touch every aspect of our lives—from music to sports, from

computers to cooking. This program will equip our students with the skills they

need to prosper in the modern world.

Eight core competencies of STEM• CIRCUITRY








A sample of a SmartLab designed by Creative Learning Systems.

ST. JULIANA | [email protected] | STJULIANA.ORG/GALA


10 St. Juliana Parish July 29, 2018

Reminder: Friendship Club Special Event

Mark your calendar: The St. Juliana Friendship Club is offering a bus trip to Lake Geneva on Tuesday, August 14! Included will be a lunch of turkey and trimmings served on the boat while touring the lake. This trip is open to all parishioners and guests! The bus will leave from the front of church at 9:00am and return approxi-mately 4:00pm. This popular event will fill up fast, so call Roxanne Clark ASAP (847-966-7365) to get your name on the list. Please drop off your $60 payment at the parish office by August 1.

Everyone had a great me at our last

mee ng: Ice Cream Social and White Ele-phant Bingo. We had a terrific turnout and some new member sign-ups! Please con-sider joining this en-

joyable social group for seniors! Call the parish office for more informa on: 773-631-4127.

Choose St. Juliana!

Looking for excellent Catholic educa on for your children? Look no further! St. Juliana, a 2016 Na onal Blue Ribbon School, offers Top-notch academics A faith-based learning envi-

ronment, including daily religious instruc on and weekly mass

Varied preschool op ons for 3- and 4-year-olds Before and a er care at affordable rates SMART Boards, computer lab and science lab, and

over 230 mobile devices (Chromebooks and iPads) Athle cs, fine arts, and extracurricular ac vi es for

all ages We would love to welcome your children to the St. Juli-ana School family! Contact us today to learn more or schedule a tour. Call 773-631-2256 or e-mail Margie Marshall, Principal, at [email protected].

Sit & Knit

The Sit & Knit group meets in the parish center on the second THURSDAY of every month (next mee ng: 8/9) from 9:30-11:00am. They welcome kni ers and cro-cheters of all ages and abili es—including those who’d like to learn!


Please join us for BINGO Friday evening in the Ahearn Ac vity Center. Doors open at 4:30pm, and games begin at 6:35pm. Bring your friends! Compete for over $4500 in prizes and raffles!

For more informa on, please visit: Or follow us on Facebook ( and Instagram (@stjulianabingo).

Cancer Support Group

The St. Juliana Cancer Support Group meets on the sec-ond Tuesday of each month (next mee ng: 8/14) in the parish center at 7:00pm. All are welcome to join us.

11 St. Juliana Parish July 29, 2018


Teens, the GALA needs you!

We are looking for teens to assist us at the gala—helping to wrangle some of the younger SJS students who will be there early in evening and showing the a endees how to work the iPads to bid on auc on items. This is a great way to earn service hours! If you have any ques ons or would like to volunteer, please email either Joanna Drzich at [email protected] or Marilyn Flood at [email protected].

Teen Ministry

We’re taking August off, but we’ll see you in September—and hopefully at the gala!


Guerin College Prep in River Grove is hos ng their 3rd an-nual GuerinFest, August 23-26, a fes val featuring food and fun for children of all ages. GuerinFest will feature a mid-way with games and more than 40 carnival rides, including the Ferris Wheel, Fast & Furious and the Freak Out! Two live bands will perform each evening—three on Sunday. We’ll host a variety of food vendors, a beer garden, and an alumni tent for Guerin Prep, Mother Guerin, and Holy Cross alumni. MEGA PASSES for four days of unlimited rides are available for purchase, as well as specials for one-day of unlimited rides. More informa on is available at or by calling the school 708-453-6233.

Boy Scout Troop 965 Car Wash

Due to rain, we’ve moved our car wash to August 4 from 9:00am to 1:30pm. All pro-ceeds help pay for ac vi es and camping trips throughout the year. Thank you for your support!

Active and Retired Law Enforcement: We need YOU!

Beginning this August, the St. Juliana Safety & Security Commi ee is looking for volunteers to commit to security shi s during the school day (8:00-11:30am OR 11:30am-2:50pm).

If you or a member of your family is ac ve duty or re red law enforcement, and you are interested in volunteering your me, please email [email protected] or call/text 773.636.1380 with your name and phone number and we will reach out to you with more informa on.

Thank you in advance for your commitment to the safety of our children!


We will be going out for breakfast on Mon-day, August 6 at 10:00am. We will meet at The Brunch Café, 8780 Dempster, Niles. Please RSVP to Joanne at 773.763.1528 as soon as possible.

No Problem is Helpless

For alcohol and/or drug problems, call for confiden al help or informa on: Bill Steiner (773) 792-0281 Vic Switski (773) 457-1912 Paul Trudeau (847) 696-4835 AA Mee ng: Thursdays, 8:30-9:30pm Recovery Mee ng, for anxiety disorders:

Wednesdays, 7:30-9:00pm AA 12-step for female survivors of in-

cest: Fridays, 7:30-8:00pm


St. Juliana is partnering with Emerald Isle for the first Queen of Hearts raffle on the North-west Side! Ticket sales will start SOON. Follow us on Facebook ( for more infor-ma on!

12 St. Juliana Parish July 29, 2018

SERVICE Monday 7/30

10:00am: Heartbreak to Healing 6:30pm: Holy Hour 7:00pm: Boy Scouts Troop Mee ng

Friday 8/3

9:00am: Adora on of Blessed Sacrament (chapel) 4:30pm: Bingo

Saturday 8/4

7:30am: MST Our Lady of Angels Ou ng

Sunday 8/5

12:15pm: Bap sms 3:30pm: Three Cs in Christ

Save the Date: 8/14: Friendship Club Lake Geneva boat trip 8/18: Men’s Club Golf Ou ng 8/20: First Day of School 9/13: Friendship Club Four Winds Casino Bus Trip 9/15: St. Juliana Emerald City Gala 9/17: Men’s Club First Mee ng 10/7: Pat McCaskey - 3Cs in Christ Discussion on Faith and Sports


WORDS OF FAITH Quotes from our parish book club selections

"One of the first things that happens to people who distance themselves from God is that they are people who do not smile. Perhaps they can break into a loud laugh, one a er another, a joke, a chuckle...but their smile is missing! Only hope brings a smile: it is the hopeful smile in the expecta on of finding God." -Pope Francis (10)

—A Beau ful Hope by Ma hew Kelly

Saint Vincent DePaul School Supply Drive

Summer is in full swing, but don’t let that fool you, as the new school year is quickly approaching.

The SVDP Society will be collec ng school supplies the weekend of August 4th/5th at all the Masses. What kind of supplies do we need? Anything from pens and pencils to folders and backpacks. Please note, all items must be new.

The donated items will be given to the children at St. Angela’s school on the west side, and the Goudy School in the Uptown neighborhood. We also accept and appreciate monetary dona ons. Please make checks payable to the St. Vincent DePaul Society.

Missionary Spirit Team

Join us on Saturday, August 4 as we feed the hungry at Our Lady of Angels. We will meet in the St Juliana parking lot at 7:30am and caravan down. While there, we will pass out food donated by the Greater Chicago Food Depository to those less fortunate in the neigh-borhood. This is a safe, fun way to directly serve those in need. We usually return about noon. All ages and abili es are welcome, and service hours are granted.

PreCana Dates and Locations for July-December 2018

Engaged couples can a end a one-day PreCana class held on a Saturday and led by a trained married couple at a variety of parishes. Class starts at 9 a.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m. with a one-hour lunch break. See the flyer for dates and loca ons and share within your parishes. The fee for PreCana is $195 per couple. To register, please visit h ps:// or call (312) 534-8351.


13 St. Juliana Parish July 29, 2018

CHURCH 7201 N. Oketo Avenue

SCHOOL 7400 W. Touhy Avenue 773.631.2256

RECTORY 7158 N. Osceola Avenue 773.631.4386

PARISH CENTER 7200 N. Osceola Avenue 773.631.4127


Pastor Rev. James F. Wallace [email protected]

Associate Pastor Rev. J. Emanuel Torres-Fuentes [email protected]

Retired Associate Rev. Roger Caplis [email protected]

Deacon Couples Elizabeth and Edward Dolan [email protected]

Margaret and Bob Ryan [email protected]


Hank Lyon [email protected]

Joseph Mathews [email protected]

SAINT JULIANA PARISH Rev. James Wallace, Pastor

Business Manager Ray Balcarcel [email protected]

Religious Education Pa y Collins [email protected]

Music Director Glenn De Castro [email protected]

Health Coordinator Cindy Brennan [email protected]

Administrative Assistants Diane Holmen [email protected]

Donna Furlan [email protected]

Bulletin Editor Julie Hammerle [email protected]

PARISH STAFF PARISH LEADERSHIP Pastoral Council David Plier Eileen Mitchell [email protected]

Finance Committee James McHale [email protected]

2018 St. Juliana Gala Kim Morreale-McAuliffe [email protected]

SCHOOL Principal Margie Marshall [email protected]

Assistant Principal Anita Slaboch [email protected]

School Board Mike Kelly [email protected]

Athletic Director Pat Aylward [email protected] SACRAMENTS

Reconcilia on: Saturday following 8:30am Mass and from 4:00-4:30pm in church, or call for appointment.

Weddings: Arrangements by appointment with priest should be made at least six months in advance of wedding day.

Bap sms: First and third Sunday of each month. New parishioners and parents must a end a prepara on mee ng prior to bap sm.


Please submit adver sing requests (i.e. bulle n, website, social media, Mass announcements, electronic sign) via email (communica [email protected]) or online form ( Bulle n ar cles must be received ten days (Thursday) before the ar cle is expected to run.

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DEAR CHILDREN & PARENTS We are so happy you are here at Saint Juliana for Mass! We encourage you to sit up in the front pews so you can see what is happening. Also feel free to sit up in the balcony. Parents, don’t worry if you come in late or need to go to the back for a meout, and especially don’t worry if you make noise during the service. Your presence adds so much to our community. Children, feel free to use this page to color during Mass and take home with you. We hope your family experiences Jesus!

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