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My students don’t have cell phones, so this won’t work…

…but what about collaborate, create, communicate…isn’t this what corporations are telling us our students can’t do?So, how do we teach them to do this?

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Do Teachers Have a Choice?

Congratulations! You are our filter’s 10,000th customer!

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The bottom line…

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What do the students

have to say?

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• I think that the number of websites that are filtered should decrease as students get older. In elementary school, students should have quite a bit of websites blocked simply because they don't know as much about the Internet and could accidently access something without realizing it. I think students at this age need to be monitored and should only be on websites with teacher assistance. In middle school, I think students should have access to more websites, such as Youtube, that can help them with assignments. In high school, I think students should have access to pretty much everything because they are already using the websites anyway and if they could just access them on their phones if they really wanted to.

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• I don't think that the schools should filter high school students. It's almost pointless because the students have phones where they can get on all of the websites that are being filtered by the school.

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• I think filtering is just a nussiance and doesn't really control the students or stop them from getting to what they want. We don't have filters at home, where we're expected to do some homework so why should we have it at school. It doesn't help prepare us for 'real world' multi-tasking.

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• I think that filtering what students can access in school is a good thing for their safety, but I also think sometimes they have things over filtered because there are many websites that have been helpful with our CAPS class. Also the filters can be broken through from high school and middle school students by the use of their phones, so sometimes they can be pointless.

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• I think that sites should be filtered for sure because students have progressively gotten more bold in the things they will do. Students aren't really afraid of getting in trouble anymore and will go to sites that they shouldn't go to at school and they only reason they don't do that now is because of the filteration system.

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• Filtering is a really hard concept to agree or disagree on. There needs to be some filtering on school computers just because students do not need to have access to everything on the internet - i.e. inappropriate pictures, inappropriate websites, etc. But, blocking facebook and twitter, or any social media websites is silly. Students are getting onto the sites on their phones, and many times students are getting around the filters. If the district does not block certain sites, students will not abuse their rights. And for those who do abuse the rights, then they will have consequences other than filtering - suspension or a consequence that affects the student to learn.

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