Download - The First Europeans


The first Europeans: Bust Created from fragments of a fossil. By David Derbyshire 5th May 2009

Face of the first European: The Newspaper story... Quote: This clay sculpture portrays the face of the earliest known modern Europe an - a man or woman who hunted deer and gathered fruit and herbs in ancient fore sts more than 35,000 years ago. It was created by Richard Neave; one of Britain' s leading forensic scientists, using fossilized fragments of skull and jawbone f ound in a cave seven years ago. His recreation offers a tantalizing glimpse into life before the dawn of civiliz ation. It also shows the close links between the first European settlers and the ir immediate African ancestors. It was made for the BBC2 series The Incredible H uman Journey. This will follow the evolution of humans from the cradle of Africa to the waves of migrations that saw Homo sapiens colonize the globe. (The progr am will be shown on BBC2 at 9.30pm on May 10). The head is based on remains of one of the earliest known anatomically modern Eu ropeans. The lower jawbone was discovered by potholers in Pestera cu Oase, the " cave with bones", located in the southwestern Carpathian Mountains of Romania in 2002. The rest of the fragments were found the following year. The bones were c arbon-dated to between 34,000 and 36,000 years ago when Europe was occupied by t wo species of human. They were the Neanderthals, who had arrived from Africa ten s of thousands of years earlier, and the more recent modern humans, also known a s Cro-Magnons. Although the skull is similar to a modern human head, it has a la rger cranium, is more robust and has larger molars. Fossil experts are also unsu re if the skull was male or female. Notes: As is always the case with White people, and information regarding race; there i s always the likelihood of falsehood or misinformation. In this case the Romania n bones are not even close to being the oldest found in Europe. That honor goes to the Skeletons that were found in the caverns of Grimaldi (Baousse-Rousse), be tween Mentone and Ventimiglia and on the Italian side of the international bound ary. These caverns form one of the most compact groups of Paleolithic caverns in all Europe - these skeletons are "COMPLETE" and date to 43,000 B.C. More on the Grimaldi skeletons: Click here >>> So why all of the fuss over a few "skull bones" when there are complete skeleton s available, which are much older? Simple, the underlined text above tells the s tory. The Bust above provides White "deniability". It can be claimed that these were not truly modern Humans, but rather, a link in the chain to White people as Modern Humans: The Humanoid "Cro-Magnon" is often used to make this bogus case. (Some Whites still cling to the myth that they evolved in Europe, and some Whit e writers and media are intent on perpetuating this ignorance). Click here for m ore on Cro-Magnon: Click here >>> The reason that nobody mentions the Grimaldi skeletons is that they destroy all "deniability". They are undeniably "Modern Humans" and are of close resemblance to the San (khoi-san) of South Africa - end of story! So to use them, would prec lude any possibility of falsehood or misinformation - therefore they are simply ignored.

Of course, some might say that the Russians have been making Busts of the origin al Black Europeans for years - and the Russians are White. Which is true, but th e Russians do not have the same "investment" in racism and "racial superiority" that Europeans and their descendants in the Americas have. But of course, that m ay change as Russia moves closer to Europe culturally and politically. See Russi an busts below.

The Grimaldi Migration to Europe Sometime about 45,000 B.C. The Great Glacial Ice Sheets that covered most of Eur ope started to melt and a group, or groups, of these Khoisan type peoples walked across the Gibraltar straits and entered Europe. This marks the first time in H uman History that modern Humans have crossed over into the formally frozen wilde rness of Europe. Once in Europe, Grimaldi Man continued his migrations, and came to eventually inhabit all of Europe and Northern Asia. The Easternmost limit of his range, appears to have been the settlement known as Mal'ta in Siberia Russi a, just north of Mongolia. As earlier stated, many Anthropologists, Researchers and Academics, still refuse to acknowledge that Africans were the first Human colonizers of Europe. To hide this fact, they prefer to use the terms Aurignacian and Gravettian cultures; wh ich is fine, it still means Grimaldi. However, the current fad of attributing Gr imaldi artifacts (such as the Cave paintings at Chauvet France, not far from whe re Grimaldi entered Europe; picture on the left), to the Humanoid Cro-Magnon is in all ways mystifying. Firstly, Cro-Magnon was not a "Fully Modern Human": Whit es themselves describe Cro-Magnon as an "archaic" Human - meaning characteristic of an earlier or more primitive Human. (He was actually a later "Hybrid" Human: Modern man is much older than the Hybrids Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal).

So then, the White myth goes like this: The "Fully Modern Human" Grimaldi; enter s Europe at about 45,000 B.C. He then sits around doing nothing for 10,000 years . Then at about 35,000 B.C, the "archaic" Humanoid Cro-Magnon enters Europe; he then immediately sets about creating the most magnificent art known to ancient m an - all the while - "modern Man" Grimaldi (he's Black you know); sits around do ing nothing. And it is from these magnificent Cro-Magnons, that White people lat er evolve. Wanting to be agreeable: Okay that could work - providing Cro-Magnons were "Idiot Savants" (a person affected with a mental disability - such as auti sm or mental retardation - who exhibits exceptional skill or brilliance in some limited field (such as art, mathematics or music). But of course, that still doe sn't settle the racial issue: because thought different, Cro-Magnon like Grimald i, was a Black African - and as we shall see, they didn't turn into "White Europ eans" as some laughably suggest. But here is how White people handle that minor little detail - Note headline below. Newspaper Headline; "European skin turned pale only recently, gene suggests". Click here for Newspaper story Click here for study at ScienceMag. Steatopygia Females

Tracking Grimaldi - Steatopygia, is a high degree of fat accumulation in and aro und the buttocks extending to the outside and front of the thighs, forming a thi ck layer reaching sometimes to the knee. This constitutes a genetic characterist ic of some Khoisan females. It has also been noted among the Pygmies of Central Africa and the Andamanese Negritos of the Andaman Islands. Among the Khoisan, it is regarded as a sign of beauty: it begins in infancy and is fully developed by the time of the first pregnancy. While the Khoisan afford the most noticeable e xamples of its development, it is by no means rare in other parts of Africa, and occurs even more frequently among male Basters than among Khoikhoi women. The G rimaldi/Khoisans admiration for steatopygia females, together with their great a rtistic ability, will provide artifacts that are a great aid in tracking their m igrations across Europe and Asia. (Note: not all Grimaldi figures are Steatopygi a, some are of normal proportions, and some are of ample proportions, but not tr uly Steatopygia). The Khoisan are the worlds "oldest" people, and possess an ast onishing variety of phenotypes - including Mongol! Note: Click the Grimaldi link above for pictures of Grimaldi artifacts.

RACISM While reading through this page, and the subsequent pages on this site: the thou ght must come; where are the life-like images of these Supposedly Black, prehistor ic ancient people. Logically, if they could paint life-like images of Bulls such as the Cave paintings in Chauvet France, from as early as 32,000 B.C, then cert ainly they could have painted life-like images of themselves, and made life-like figures too, so where are they? That brings us to the crux of the matter - White racism. It is not known exactly when racism became institutionalized in White people. Because though carefully hidden, the founding White civilizations the Hellenes continuation of the Black Greek civilization, and the Latin continuation of the Black Etruscan and Black C eltic/Gaul civilizations, were extremely Bi-Racial . And the Bi-Racial nature of Euro pean society continued well into the middle ages and beyond. At which times, man y of the Noble families of Europe were still Black or Mixed Race . Click here for mixed-race Tomb paintings from early White Rome >>> Click here for mixed Etruscan artifacts >>> Click here for mixed-race Tomb paintings from the early Greco-Roman city of Paes tum: CAUTION - some are of an extremely erotic nature! >>> Click here for mixed-race White Greece >>> Click here for mixed-race White Greece -2 >>>

Some speculate that White racism developed because of resentment on the part of the White peasantry, to the wealth and privilege enjoyed by the Black elite. Som e speculate that White racism developed because of a need to salve a wounded con science because of the atrocities committed in the Americas, and the subsequent trade in sub-Saharan slaves. The contrived logic being, that since those people weren t White, they weren t really full-fledge Humans, so treating them in the most inhuman ways, was not really systematic of a barbarian people. Therefore Whites could continue the fantasy of thinking of themselves as an enlighten and advance d people. And it was indeed a fantasy; contrary to the contrivances of modern White histor ians: Whites in Europe had failed miserably at building upon the advanced civili zations that they had taken, by force, from the original Black inhabitants. No d evice, no science, and no art, of the Classical Greek or Roman Empires, can be s hown to have not existed elsewhere first. Previous to the wealth taken from the Americas, and the industrial revolution of the 1700s: Europe was a decease ravag ed and laggard land; comprised of kingdoms made up mostly of destitute peasantry . Up until the time of the industrial revolution, White Europe had produced absolu tely no advancement of any kind. As examples: The first steam engine, called the Aeolipile was invented by a Black Egyptian Heron of Alexandria in 60 A.D, (Egypt wa s under Greek control at that time). He also invented the first Wind-wheel which l ed to the Windmill. Gunpowder seems to have been co-invented by the Chinese and the Indians around 800 A.D; with the Indians being the first to use it with proj ectiles. The first actual Gun was likely invented by Black Egyptians, but certainl y, first used by Egyptians against the Mongols, at the battle of Ain Jalut in 12 60 A.D. (Egypt was then under Turkish control). And the list goes on! So it may be that White racism is a defensive contrivance; designed to develop a n Us against Them mindset amongst the White populace that would encourage cohesion and thus advancement. Whatever the cause, sometime after the middle ages, White s embarked on a campaign to write Blacks out of history not just European histor y, but World history as well (note; Whites are the least numerous of the races). In time, not only were the Greek, Roman, Etruscan, and Celtic/Gaul civilization s created by Whites, but laughably, the Egyptian, Phoenician, Carthaginian, Sume rian, Persian etc; all of them. Now the writings and artifacts of the ancient Bl ack people; all over the world: they who invented and were prolific in the arts and the sciences, they who invented civilization; their likenesses are now nowhe re to be found and when a Black face does show up, it is said to be that of a sl ave. Most grievous perhaps, is the last arriving White Turks, circa 200 A.D. Who beca use of admixture with the indigenous Blacks in the territories that they conquer ed, felt justified in assuming the identities of those ancient Blacks: now Turks claim to be Arabs, Egyptians, Sumerians, Berbers, Persians, etc. But many consi der as the most offensive, the Turkish tribe the Khazars assumption of the Hebrew identity they not even having much in the way of admixture with Blacks. Now they are no longer Turkic Khazars, but rather, they are now Jews: This of course; wa s made easy by earlier Whites, who had taken to portraying the Hebrew Jesus Chri st as a White man. In fairness though: Whites have done quite well for themselves over the last 500 years. So if the ends do justify the means, they were correct in their actions it did work! It must also be mentioned, that not all Whites subscribe to this bogus and wicke dly racist contrivance, that Whites call history. C. Loring Brace, an anthropolo

gist at the University of Michigan, in his study: The questionable contribution o f the Neolithic and the Bronze Age to European craniofacial form . Does say that t he original Europeans were Black people, but honestly, he is so mealy-mouthed in saying it, as to make it of little use for those seeking the truth. (The mealymouthed title of the study, says it all)! Click here for link to study But the study above, and the others scattered throughout this site, should not b e construed to mean that the bulk of modern White researchers and historians, ar e any less racist than the former were; they are not! Today's researchers and hi storians are just more subtle in their racism. One of the favorite tools of the modern racist is the term "Indo-European". Anyone who has ever opened an encyclo pedia, has seen people from India to Anatolia, and all over Europe, described as "Indo-European". From previous programming we have been taught to think "White" when we hear European, so then "Indo-European" must mean something with Whites and Asian Indians, right? And since we know that Asian Indians are in India, the n that MUST mean that all the others are White, right? As you can see from that one example, modern Whites are just as vile and petty i n their racism as those before, just more subtle. But what does that term really mean? See the Aryan/Arian section below for an explanation. In studies of the Americas, "Indo-European" wouldn't work, so there, modern Whit e researchers and historians often use the ancient Ainu people of Japan, to hide the vileness of their racism. We shall use the "Spirit Cave mummy" as an exampl e. The Spirit Cave mummy is the oldest human mummy found in North America. It was d iscovered in 1940 in Spirit Cave, thirteen miles east of Fallon, Nevada by the h usband-and-wife archaeological team of Sydney and Georgia Wheeler. In 1994 University of California, Riverside anthropologist R. Erv Taylor examine d seventeen of the Spirit Cave artifacts using mass spectrometry. (This is a dir ect quote): The results indicated that the mummy was approximately 9,400 years o ld older than any previously known North American mummy. Further study determine d that the mummy exhibits Caucasoid characteristics resembling the Ainu, althoug h a definitive affiliation has not been established. There is also a possible li nk to Polynesians and Australians that is stronger than to any Native American c ulture. So just who are these Ainu that they use to indicate Whiteness? The Ainu are an ancient Black people, who were part of the second out of Africa (OOA) migration event that went to China (circa 50,000 B.C.). Another people who were a part of that event: the Jomon, immigrated to Japan at about 35,000 B.C, the Ainu followe d at about 13,000 B.C. (By then, the Ainu might have been admixed to some degree - see below). Today, the Ainu have been admixed with modern Japanese (who arriv ed in Japan at about 350 B.C.), to the point of extinction. (See anything White about the Ainu man below?).

A Ainu Elder (below) date of picture unknown.

The Andaman Islanders (in the Indian Ocean), are genetically very close to the A inu people.

Kennewick Man, whose 9,300 year old remains were found in Washington state. Was given a White looking Bust, and similarly called Ainu looking.

Of course, the average person has no idea of what an Ainu looks like, nor their genetic make-up or their history. So that "Caucasoid" tag sticks. Different meth ods, but the intent is the same - vile racism. Similar tactics are used with the ancient Mississippi people in central United States. Here there ARE life-like a rtifacts which clearly show the people to be Black, but as with the Olmecs in Me xico, modern White researchers and historians are so deeply racist, that they ju st can't bring themselves to admit it - proving that racism, in all it's vilenes s, is a sickness. Perhaps embarrassed by comments, SIX years later, this update was published. Update (Year 2000 research findings) - Craniometric Analysis Suggests Mummy Clos est to Norse Europeans, followed by Ainu A complete reading of the final report on Spirit Cave Mummy's cultural/racial af filiation (via craniometric analysis - Jantz and Owsley) suggested, "Their analy sis showed the Spirit Cave cranium closest to Norse and Ainu". It should be noted t hat the probability for Norse was 0.00084, with Ainu an even lower probability. " (pg 39 from BLM document sourced below). Anyone doubting the racist sickness afflicting these people; should read and rea d the above paragraph a hundred times or more, perhaps then it would sink in. "N orse Europeans" with a probability of 0.00084: For the uninformed, that number m eans that there was NO probability for Norse European or Ainu, but they did mana ge to get you thinking in that direction - see how it works? To summarize: the m ummies weren't American Indian, they weren't Ainu, and they weren't White! But y ou will notice "that they just couldn't bring themselves to admit that they were Black people" - sick, really sick! Also note: All ancient skeletons and Mummies are DNA tested, but the results are rarely published, and the very few that are published, give only MtDNA data, which is not very useful without the Y-DNA of the males; that withholding of information, gives them free rein to make these r acist analyses and comments. Getting back to our primary subject: One might then ask; if Blacks were so great that Whites have to hide their true history, what about the Blacks in sub-Sahar a Africa, they are a mess! Quite so, and the reasons seem to go much deeper than White colonization. Blacks in the sub-Sahara have long had rich and powerful ki ngdoms, with writing, art, and the sciences: agriculture, advanced boat building , and metallurgy. What they have never had, and show no inclination to have, are the things that we normally associate with great civilizations: large stone Tem ples, Palaces or other such structures: Great Zimbabwe being something of an exc eption, and a mystery. Perhaps it was because the climate made such structures i mpractical, we don t know. But perhaps a clue can be gleaned about the African psyche, from their behavior after they had finally driven the White invaders from their lands. In all the fo rmer colonies, Europeans left behind serviceable infrastructure, which in many c ases, the Africans simply ignored, as they went back to their old way of life, t hey had no use for it. So when you think about it: Modern Humans have lived in Sub -Saharan Africa, many, many, times longer than anywhere else on Earth, giving th em ample opportunities to create whatever lifestyles that they might prefer. Yet by our modern standards, Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the most backward places on Earth despite the efforts of White educated leaders, White indoctrinated elit es, and White nations. So, could it be that the Sub Saharan's, in the depths of

their very old souls, really don't want the inhumanity of what we call civilizat ion after all, it really is just things. Note: The Rwandan genocide, and other modern calamities are traceable to artific ial borders created by Whites, and subsequent White interference. But that is no t to suggest that pre-colonial Africa was idyllic by any means.

Moving on to the Original Black Cultures of Eastern Europe and Asia

The Kostenki Sites, Russia The Kostenki - Borshevo sites (34,000 B.C.) are a group of more than twenty sett lements from the same culture, on the right bank of the Don River, south of Voro nezh. The basic excavations were conducted in the 1920s - 1930s by P. Yefimenko, and in the 1940s - 1960s by A. N. Rogachev. The villages of Kostenki and Borshevo contained five cultural layers. In the upp er layer were preserved the remains of dwellings with hearths located along the central longitudinal axis of the dwellings, together with storage pits. Flint to ols and hoes made from mammoth tusks, bone digging implements, a baton from deer horn, and about forty female statuettes made from both ivory and marl/limestone , figurines of a bear, cavelion and anthropomorphous marl heads. Triangular flin t tools are found in the lowermost layer with a concave base, retouched with a p ressure process. At Kostenki II (Zamyatnina site) were found the remains of a round dwelling made of mammoth bones, seven or eight metres across, with the fireplace in the cente r. At Kostenki IV (Aleksandrovka site) there was preserved in the upper of two cult ural layers, the remainders of two round dwellings approximately six meters in d iameter with the hearth at the center of each. Among the findings here were grou nd, drilled disks of slate. In the bottom layer there were two long dwellings, w ith a length of 34m and 23m, and a width of 5.5m, in which were found flint leaf -like tips processed by pressure retouching. In the second layer were found frag ments of human bones, partially burnt, as well as flint miniature plates (microl iths?) and needle shaped points (burins?). Kostenki XI contained not less than five cultural layers. In the upper layer the remains of a round dwelling 9 metres in diameter made from large mammoth bones were discovered. In the lower layers there were interesting findings of triangul ar flint tips, analogous to those found in the lower layer of Kostenki I. Kostenki XIV (Markina Mountain, Markina Gora), contained four cultural layers. At Kostenki XV (Gordocovskaja site) the ochred burial of a child of about six ye ars was found. With this burial were flint and bone tools, and over 150 drilled teeth of the Arctic Fox. Borshevo II contained three cultural layers, dated from the end of the late Pala eolithic through to the Mesolithic. In the top layer, the camp of a temporary se ttlement of horse hunters, mammoth bones were absent, but there were reindeer bo nes. The flint tools were of the microlith type, which could have been used for arrow heads.

Kostenki Venus'

The Sungir Site, Russia The site of Sungir (26,000 B.C.), discovered during clay extraction operations i n 1956, was excavated by Otto Bader from 1956 to 1977. Excavations were re-opene d by Bader's assistant Ludmilla Mikhailova and Bader's son Nicolai in 1986, and continue today. Sungir is an enormous early Upper Paleolithic living site locate d on the outskirts of the city of Vladimir, 192 km from Moscow in the Russian Re public. While inhabiting Sungir, at least five of the site's occupants perished. Accordi ng to Russian physical anthropologists, these consisted of a 60 year-old man, a 7 to 9 year-old girl, a 13 year-old boy, an unsexed headless adult and an adult female skull. The two adolescents and the adult male were buried in two shallow graves three m etres apart, dug into the permafrost beneath the living surface of the site. All three of the corpses were laid on their backs with their hands folded across th eir pelvises. The fourth individual was represented by an isolated and poorly pr eserved female skull placed beside a stone slab in an area stained with red ochr e, and was found overlying the man's burial (a person sacrificed to serve as a p rotector in the afterlife?). The fifth skeleton, that of a headless adult, was s o poorly preserved as to be practically unrecoverable. It was found immediately on top of the two adolescents, (a person sacrificed to serve as a protector in t he afterlife?), who were buried together in a head-to-head fashion in the middle of an apparently abandoned circular dwelling structure. Each of the three intact individuals were lavishly decorated with thousands of p ainstakingly prepared ivory beads arranged in dozens of strands, perhaps basted to their clothing. Although it is almost certain that the three individuals buri ed intact at Sungir were members of the same social group, there are remarkable differences among them in details of body decoration and grave offerings. The ma n was adorned with 2,936 beads and fragments arranged in strands found on all pa rts of his body including his head, which was apparently covered with a beaded c ap that also bore several fox teeth. His forearms and biceps were each decorated with a series of polished mammoth-iv ory bracelets (25 in all), some showing traces of black paint. They were thin, f lat strips of mammoth-ivory, cut longitudinally along the tusk. They were pierce d at each end, some with one hole, others with two, apparently to keep the ivory bent into a circle. What appear to be brush strokes from the application of pig ment are visible on at least one specimen. Around the man's neck, he wore a smal l, flat schist pendant, painted red, but with a small black dot on one side. In the book "The Mind in the Cave" David Lewis-Williams cites Sungir as evidence that humanity's natural state is subject to a ruler. He cites this as one of th e cognitive "advantages" we enjoyed over Neanderthals, leading to our success an d their failure. But if the human condition is so amenable to rulership, why is the royal burial at Sungir so exceptional? Why have we not found more burials li ke it?

Lewis-Williams himself unwittingly offers us the reason why. Sungir was situated along the mammoth migratory routes. There was such a glut of mammoth meat once a year, that these foragers could afford to remain stationary. Thus they develop ed a complex society, including royalty. The Site of Mal'ta (Siberia) Russia The vast territory of North and Central Asia represents a poorly understood regi on in the prehistoric era, despite intensive excavations that have been conducte d during the past century. The earliest human occupation in this region, probabl y began sometime around 40,000 years ago. Small groups of big-game hunters likel y migrated into this region, as a result of the second out of Africa (OOA) migra tion. They confronted a harsh climate and long, dry winters. By about 20,000 B.C ., two principal cultural traditions had developed in Siberia and northeastern A sia: the Mal'ta and the Afontova Gora-Oshurkovo cultures. The Mal'ta tradition is known from a vast area spanning west of Lake Baikal and the Yenisey River. The site of Mal'ta, for which the culture is named, is compos ed of a series of subterranean houses made of large animal bones and reindeer an tler, which had likely been covered with animal skins and sod to protect inhabit ants from the severe, prevailing northerly winds. Among the artistic accomplishm ents evident at Mal'ta are remains of expertly carved bone, ivory, and antler ob jects. Figurines of birds and human females are the most commonly found items. Note: It should be noted that the Mal'ta Culture may more correctly be associate d with the "Eastward" second wave of migration out of southern Africa that occur red about 55-50,000 B.C. However, lacking similar type figures from China, we as sociate the Mal'ta Culture with Grimaldi. Note: The Paleolithic art of Europe and Asia, falls into two broad categories: m ural art and portable art. Mural art is concentrated in southwest France, Spain, and northern Italy. The tradition of portable art, predominantly carvings in iv ory and antler, spans the distance across western Europe into North and Central Asia. It is suggested that the broad territory in which the tradition of carving and imagery is shared, is evidence of cultural contact and common religious bel iefs. Some of the most well known examples are the so-called Venus figurines. On e such figurine, illustrated here, is from the site of Mal'ta and dates to aroun d 22,000 B.C. It is carved from the ivory of a mammoth, an extinct type of eleph ant highly prized in hunting that migrated in herds across the Ice Age tundra of Europe and Asia. Like most Paleolithic figurine carving, the image is carved in the round in a highly stylized manner. Typically, there are exaggerated charact eristics such as breasts and (steatopygia) buttocks, which may have been symbols of fertility.

Specifics of these Ancient East African migrations, which led to Modern Man's co lonization of the entire world, can be found here. Though as one would expect, w hen it comes to European and Anatolian (Turkey) settlement, it is not only inacc urate, it is often Racist. But what would you expect? https://genographic.nation

Dobruja Dobruja or Dobrudja, is a historical region shared by Bulgaria and Romania, loca ted between the lower Danube River and the Black Sea, including the Danube Delta , Romanian coast and the northernmost part of the Bulgarian coast. The Hamangia, was a Middle Neolithic culture in Dobruja on the right bank of the Danube, in M untenia Romania it is the site of Baia-Hamangia. The Hamangia culture is connect ed to the Neolithic of the Danube River Delta and Dobruja. It includes the Vinca , Dudesti and Karanovo III culture elements. Cernavoda, is the name of the necropolis where the famous statues The Thinker and he Sitting Woman were discovered at the eponymous site of Baia-Hamangia in Romani a. It was discovered in 1953 along Lake Golovita, close to the Black Sea coast, in the Romanian province of Dobruja. T

Hasotti has divided the Hamangia-culture into three phases. The culture begins i n the middle of the 6th Millennium (6,000 B.C.), with Painted vessels of complex geometrical patterns based on spiral-motifs. The shapes include pots and wide b owls.

Figurines - Pottery figurines are normally extremely stylized and show standing naked faceless women with emphasized breasts and buttocks. The Two figurines kno wn as The Thinker and The Sitting woman are considered masterpieces of Neolithic art . Settlements - Settlements consist of rectangular houses with one or two rooms, b uilt of wattle and daub, sometimes with stone foundations (Durankulak). They are normally arranged on a rectangular grid and may form small tells. Settlements a re located along the coast, on the coast of lakes, on the lower and middle river -terraces, and sometimes in caves. Inhumation - People are in crouched or extended positions in cemeteries. Grave-g ifts tend to be without pottery in Hamangia I. Grave-gifts include flint, worked shells, bone tools and shell-ornaments. The Hamangia culture developed into the succeeding Gumelnitsa, Boian and Varna c ultures of the late Eneolithic (aka. Chalcolithic - Copper/Stone or Copper Age), without noticeable break.

At the end of the fifth millennium B.C, under the influence of some Aegean Sea/M editerranean Sea tribes and cultures, the Gumelnita culture appeared in the regi on. In the Eneolithic (aka. Chalcolithic - Copper/Stone or Copper Age), White po pulations migrating from North Asia, of the Kurgan culture (see definition below ), mixed with the previous population, creating the Cernavoda I culture. Under K urgan II influence, the Cernavoda II culture emerged, and then, through the comb ination of the Cernavoda I and Ezero cultures, developed the Cernavoda III cultu re. The region had commercial contacts with the Mediterranean world since the 14 th century B.C, as a Mycenaean sword discovered at Medgidia proves. In the 6th century B.C, the first Scythian groups began to enter the region. Two Getae tribes, the Crobyzi and Terizi. In 514 B.C, King Darius I of Persia, subd ued the Getae living in the region during his expedition against Scythians livin g north of the Danube. At about 430 B.C, the Odrysian kingdom under Sitalkes ext ended its rule to the mouths of the Danube. In 429 B.C, Getae from the region pa rticipated in an Odrysian campaign in Macedonia. In the 4th century B.C, the Scy thians brought Dobruja under their sway. In 341 B.C, one of their kings, Atheas fought against Histria, which was supported by a Histrianorum rex (probably a lo cal Getic ruler). In 339 B.C, King Atheas was defeated by the Macedonians under King Philip II, who afterwards extended his rule over Dobruja. In 313 B.C, and again in 310 309 B.C, the Greek colonies led by Callatis, revolted against Macedonian rule. The revolts were suppressed by Lysimachus, the diadoch us of Thracia, who also began a military expedition against Dromichaetes, the ru ler of the Getae north of the Danube, in 300 BC. In the 3rd century B.C, colonie s on the Dobrujan coast paid tribute to the basilei Zalmodegikos and Moskon, who probably ruled also northern Dobruja. In the same century, Celts settled in the north of the region. In 260 B.C, Byzantion lost the war with Callatis and Histr ia for the control of Tomis. At the end of the 3rd century B.C, and the beginnin g of the 2nd century B.C, the Bastarnae settled in the area of the Danube Delta. Around 200 B.C, the Thracian king Zoltes invaded the province several times, bu t was defeated by Rhemaxos, who became the protector of the Greek colonies. Arou nd 100 B.C, King Mithridates VI of Pontus (in Anatolia) extended his authority o ver the Greek cities in Dobruja. Mithridates/Mithradates is reported to have bee n of "mixed race" Greek and Persian origin, for he claimed descent from Alexande r the Great and King Darius I of Persia.

The Vinca culture

The Vinca culture was an early culture (between the 6th and 3rd millennium B.C.) , stretching around the course of the Danube in what is today Serbia, Hungary, C roatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Bulgaria, and the Republic of Macedonia - although traces of it can be found all around the Balkans, as well as parts o f Central Europe and Asia Minor (Anatolia). In the older Starcevo settlement, located in the deepest layers of Vinca sites; mud huts with tent roofs were discovered in which the settlers of the Starcevo-c ulture lived and were also buried. During the period of the Vinca Culture, house s were erected above ground, with complex architectural layouts, and several roo ms built of wood that were covered in mud. The houses in the settlement are faci ng northeast and southwest, with streets between them. Other settlements include Divostin, Potporanj, Selevac, Plocnik, Predionica Liobcova and Ujvar. Recent excavations at the site of the Plocnik settlement, have shed considerable light on the Vinca culture. The Plocnik settlement flourished from 5,500 B.C. u ntil it was destroyed by a fire in 4700 B.C. The findings suggest an advanced di vision of labor and central organization. Vinca houses had stove

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