Page 1: THE FIVE LIES OF BACK PAIN · This was when I started to get scared. I was young, and I was fit, but I had had this pain for over 2 weeks by this point and if anything it seemed to

For people who are sick and tired of having their life ruled by chronic back pain:

“If you are fed up with chronic back pain...if you’re ready to

throw away the pain pills, regain control over your health

and start living life on your own terms, review this

shocking new report immediately.”


OF BACK PAIN (And the shocking truth behind them)

“It’s just old age...”

“You have to learn to live with


“You just need more pain killers...”

“You just need more exercise...”

“It’s genetic...”

REVEALED: The truth behind the lies

that rob you of your health & quality of

life... lies that cost you not only time &

money but the chance to enjoy and live

your life.

You’ll get the TRUTH behind lies like these:

Presented by Dr Jesse Middleton

©2014. All rights reserved.

Page 2: THE FIVE LIES OF BACK PAIN · This was when I started to get scared. I was young, and I was fit, but I had had this pain for over 2 weeks by this point and if anything it seemed to



‘And the shocking truth behind them...’

Dear Friend,

Chances are that you have come across this report because you

are searching for answers. Keep reading this report, because your search

may be drawing to a close (and you may be closer than you think)!

In this shocking report I am going to reveal to you 5 lies we have all

been fed when it comes to back pain.

Life sucking, debilitating, endless back pain.

I’m going to expose these lies, and offer you a potential solution.

Perhaps provide the answers you have been looking for.

But first, I have a confession to make. I am writing this report out

of frustration. I am angry. You see, I’ve been in pain- a lot of it. And I know

how it feels to be fed rubbish ‘answers’ that only lead to more questions

and confusion, to make an appointment a week out because that’s the first

available – only to be ‘rushed through the system’ and treated like a

number and walk away still in pain and no closer to any answers – only

more confused.

Here is my ‘story’; ‘I still remember it like it was yesterday, back in

high school I was a fitness FANATIC. I just loved sport. I was weight training

5 days a week, playing both union and league. I pretty much spent every

spare moment exercising. And why not? It felt GREAT!

But then one day, things went south – fast.

Page 3: THE FIVE LIES OF BACK PAIN · This was when I started to get scared. I was young, and I was fit, but I had had this pain for over 2 weeks by this point and if anything it seemed to

I was sprinting down the sideline, I was looking to score and then

all of a sudden – out of nowhere I got hit from the side. I got walloped in an

almighty tackle. It happened so fast – but I remember twisting awkwardly

and landing hard.

When I got up, I went to run and keep playing, but as soon as my left

foot hit the ground I got a searing pain in my lower back. I tried to run

it off but it got worse.

I didn’t know it at the time, but that one tackle would change the

course of my life.

Initially, I did what I think most people do – I thought the pain

would ‘just go away’, but I was wrong. The pain got worse, in fact it got

so bad I started to limp, and that just seemed to make everything else start to


Finally I relented and I went to see a doctor. They gave me some

pain killers and some exercises to do at home.

I followed the advice religiously because I wanted to get better – I

expected to get better.

Did the pain go away? No. It got worse. But what do you do? I

mean, I’d been to the doctor, where else do you go? I went and got a massage,

and that was great, things freed up, and the pain diminished, but then, the

next day it was back and with a vengeance.

This was when I started to get scared. I was young, and I was fit,

but I had had this pain for over 2 weeks by this point and if anything it

seemed to be getting worse. I couldn’t get out of bed without pain, I couldn’t

get out of a chair without pain.

I could hardly walk without a painful limp and it started to seem

like some people thought I was a hypochondriac.

Like I was just playing it up.

And I must admit...

Page 4: THE FIVE LIES OF BACK PAIN · This was when I started to get scared. I was young, and I was fit, but I had had this pain for over 2 weeks by this point and if anything it seemed to

I started to think ‘is this really all in my head?’, but then I would get

a shooting knife like pain in my lower back. It couldn’t be all in my head – I

mean I wanted to get active again.

Finally however, someone told me to try their doctor. I was

sceptical but I went. This new doctor, sat down with me, and listened to my

story. It seemed like they cared.

They then ran me through some tests and even took some x-rays.

Well, I went back in the next day and the doctor explained what was

causing me all this pain. He then gave me a gentle adjustment. This new

doctor was a chiropractor.

When I got off the table I couldn’t believe it, the pain began to

diminish immediately.

From that moment on, I knew I wanted to help people with their

back pain problems. I spent the next 5 years studying a Chiropractic Master's

degree at Macquarie University, and I am so glad I did.’

Fast forward to today and I have now been in private practice for

5 years.

I’ve seen thousands of people, and have come to realise that my story is

not unique. In fact, many people have it far, far worse.

But I’m going to let you in on some of the lies that I hear every

day, while helping people just like you with their back pain.

You see knowledge is power, and I want to hand you this

knowledge so that you have the power to reclaim your health, reclaim your

vitality and start living life again.



This is bad. When people tell me this it really upsets me. Why?

Because this person has been robbed of all hope, made to believe there is

nothing they can do and so they give up.

Now there are cases and times when this is true, but they are rare.

Page 5: THE FIVE LIES OF BACK PAIN · This was when I started to get scared. I was young, and I was fit, but I had had this pain for over 2 weeks by this point and if anything it seemed to

Really rare.

Let me tell you the shocking truth about arthritis. The most

common form of run of the mill arthritis is ‘osteoarthritis’. Guess what... it

has nothing to do with age. You read right – it has nothing to do with age.

Osteoarthritis which is also commonly referred to as bone spurs

begins to develop when two bones are misaligned or get stuck (actually

within 2 weeks!). When they are slightly ‘out of joint’. Because these bones

are not sitting right, they begin to rub and wear. The bone reacts by

forming hard calluses or spurs. This person now has osteoarthritis.

Think of a time when you were rough with your hands – gardening is

a good example. First, you might get a blister from the shovel rubbing

against the skin of your hand. But your body is smart, and it doesn’t want

that to happen again so the skin hardens and forms a callous.

This is the same thing.

I have studied the x-rays of several thousand people and I can tell

you, age is irrelevant...

I have seen arthritis in some 30 year olds, and no arthritis in 70 year


You see what really matters’ is how long a bone has been misaligned

for - how long it’s been out of place.

If someone had an accident and some back bones were misaligned

when they were 20, and they do nothing about it – by the time they reach

30 those bones have been in there rubbing away and probably developing

spurs (arthritis) for 10 years – a decade!

The good news is that even though a person may have developed

arthritis, almost always, there is still something that can be done.

We can get those bones back into a better alignment, we can

strengthen muscles, and we can break down scar tissue, reduce nerve

pressure and improve the movement of the joint. All of these things will

help slow down and sometimes stop the arthritis from getting any worse

Page 6: THE FIVE LIES OF BACK PAIN · This was when I started to get scared. I was young, and I was fit, but I had had this pain for over 2 weeks by this point and if anything it seemed to

but they might also give this person a heap of relief – naturally without

having to take harmful medications.



This advice is the worst advice someone can give you.

100 years ago, when we knew a lot less about the body, no one really

knew what caused back pain or sciatica. So doctors used to prescribe bed

rest for around 2 weeks.

Since then, research has found that the absolute best way to prolong

back pain and sciatica and increase the chance of a chronic injury is BED


When someone gives you this advice... run. They have no idea what

they are talking about or worse – they just don’t know what else to do or

say and can’t be bothered with finding out.

One of the more common things I hear people tell me when they are

describing their problems in detail is that the pain is often worse when they

get out of bed, or out of a chair and it takes them a ‘while to get going’. But

once they get going, it starts to ease off.

Here is the secret truth... Movement is critical...

It’s key to promoting blood flow, and getting an area to begin to heal.

If you have a bad back one of the best things you can do for your self is walk

or swim. Any whole body exercise that is gentle on both the joints and


There are a couple of reasons for this:

One – I already mentioned – it improves blood flow which helps the

healing process.

But here is another secret that not many people are aware of – it’s

called ‘synovial fluid’. It’s a mouth full I know, but what is it? It’s actually

a natural oil that your body makes and uses the keep your joints ‘freed up’

and moving nice and smoothly.

Page 7: THE FIVE LIES OF BACK PAIN · This was when I started to get scared. I was young, and I was fit, but I had had this pain for over 2 weeks by this point and if anything it seemed to

By walking or swimming, you are gently moving all the little joints in

your spine, (there are over 48 of these guys). This helps spread the

synovial fluid around which in turn lubricates and nourishes your joints.

Most people know that you have ‘discs’ in between all of the bones in

your spine. But what many people don’t realise is that these discs

NEED movement – otherwise they starve.

You see, certain parts of your body have better blood flow than

others. Our brains and our muscles have excellent blood flow. Our discs

have a low blood flow and rely on the gentle movement of everyday activity

in order to ‘pump’ nutrients and other essential elements into the disc so

that it can repair and maintain itself from every day wear and tear.

Painkillers. Painkillers have their place, they can make us more

comfortable, but before you reach for the next tablet READ THIS FIRST!

Pain is your friend. No, I am not crazy, hear me out. Pain is actually

your body’s intelligent response. It’s your body’s way of stopping you

from doing more damage to it.

Here is an example: ‘John hurts his back at work and when he gets

home takes a pain killer. Within 30 minutes he starts to feel better, so he

decides to go and mow the lawn. He does that, feeling some discomfort, but

not much – that pain killer ‘fixed him’. John grabs a beer and sits down in

front of the TV to relax. 30 minutes later John decides to get up – but he can’t

– the pain is back but now its worse!’

What happened was because John took a painkiller he wasn’t able to

‘hear’ his body when it ‘told’ him that he shouldn’t be mowing the lawn.

The pain killer reduced the pain, but it allowed him to do more damage to

his back.

You see pain is a like your bodies alarm system, it’s a symptom but not

the actual problem.

In fact, you can be sick and have something seriously wrong – like

cancer or heart disease– and feel fine, not experience any symptoms at all.

Chiropractic addresses the cause of the problem, it doesn’t ‘TREAT’

the symptoms. This is where modern chiropractic differs from modern

Page 8: THE FIVE LIES OF BACK PAIN · This was when I started to get scared. I was young, and I was fit, but I had had this pain for over 2 weeks by this point and if anything it seemed to

medicine. Modern medicine treats the ‘symptom’ and doesn’t usually

address what’s actually ‘causing’ the symptoms. The root problem remains


A chiropractor doesn’t treat symptoms or pain. A chiropractor treats

the cause of back pain – a misaligned vertebra or pinched nerve or muscle


By addressing the cause of the issue the pain takes care of itself.

Once there is no more nerve pressure, the inflammation eases off,

and the pain stops.

For example, if you drop a rock on your foot – you know that for your

foot to start to get better you need to take the rock off your foot – no

amount of rest or medication is going to do this for you!

So a chiropractors job is to get the bone back into the right position

and get it off the nerve. Once the pressure is off the nerve it can start to

heal, and you will start to feel better – naturally!


This isn’t so much a lie as it is a half truth. For just one moment let

me borrow your imagination. Imagine you are driving your car, and it

keeps pulling to one side of the road.

Page 9: THE FIVE LIES OF BACK PAIN · This was when I started to get scared. I was young, and I was fit, but I had had this pain for over 2 weeks by this point and if anything it seemed to

You think the wheels might be misaligned – so you call into your

mechanic and he confirms what you were thinking. Your wheels are indeed

misaligned. His advice...

You need to drive more and faster.

Wait??!!... That doesn’t make sense does it?

Your spine is no different. If the bones are misaligned, what good is

making it do more work? Isn’t that only going to make things worse?

Faster? You bet it will.

And, just like you would take you car to a wheel alignment

expert, you should take your spine to a bone alignment expert...

A Chiropractor.

Now I am not saying you shouldn’t exercise, because you absolutely

need to. Most people in fact should exercise more:

It will prolong your life, increaser your energy and reduce all sorts of

chronic illness like heart disease, obesity and osteoporosis.

However the one thing it will not do is take a misaligned bone and

put it back into place.

More often than not, a spine will need re-alignment in conjunction

with specific rehabilitative exercise to strengthen the area and reduce the

chance of re-injury.

In fact many professional athletes will get adjusted before a game or

event and often even during and after. And these are guys who exercise for

a living!



One of the biggest lies of the 21st century.

This is nothing more than an easy answer, a lazy answer. When the

study of genetics first began, there wasn’t a lot of research on the topic and

Page 10: THE FIVE LIES OF BACK PAIN · This was when I started to get scared. I was young, and I was fit, but I had had this pain for over 2 weeks by this point and if anything it seemed to

so it was natural to make the conclusion that if your parents and their

parents had a disease you will probably get it too.

But the research has been done.

Science has developed a new field called ‘EPIGENETICS’.

What this means is that yes, DNA and genetics are passed from

parents to children BUT this does not doom these children to helplessness

– they do not have to suffer the same disease as their parents IF they know

the following...

What we have found is that DNA and genetics make some people

more susceptible to certain illness – BUT ONLY when there are specific

‘environmental triggers’. Now I know I’m getting a bit technical here but

what this means is that most disease, including back pain, many forms

of heart disease and many cancers even are ‘lifestyle’ related.

The reality is only less the a few percent of genetic diseases are


Let me put it another way:

Suppose a person eats fast food every day, and hardly ever exercises

– is it fair to say that this person is more likely to get sick with obesity,

heart disease, cancer or diabetes than someone who eats a healthy

balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and who exercises



What if you knew you were allergic to peanuts? If you avoid all

contact with peanuts then you avoid the ‘trigger’ that causes an allergic

reaction and therefore don’t suffer from the allergic reaction.

Same thing goes for back pain. If your more likely to develop back

pain because your family all has back pain, if you avoid the triggers you

avoid the pain! If you are proactive in taking care of your spine, you heavily

reduce the chance of back pain.

Page 11: THE FIVE LIES OF BACK PAIN · This was when I started to get scared. I was young, and I was fit, but I had had this pain for over 2 weeks by this point and if anything it seemed to

If you make different decisions, lead a healthier lifestyle, then you can

stack the odds in your favour and avoid that genetic disease or back

pain – regardless of your family history.

Yes, some people may have a higher chance of having a bad back due

to genetics. But so long as they make healthy decisions, get the right

information, speak to the right people so that they get the right advice –

they can drastically reduce their chance of back pain and lead a normal

healthy pain free life.


We have all heard this one. And it’s true, some people have been hurt having

seen a chiropractor.

But before you run for the hills, let’s put this into perspective.

I pay more in burglary insurance at my practice than I do for

professional indemnity insurance. I am not kidding. It comes in at under

$3000 per annum. I know people who pay more to insure their cars.

I know some medical doctors who pay a 6 figure insurance

premium every year!

If chiropractic were truly dangerous – wouldn’t the insurance be

correspondingly high?

I could leave it there, but I won’t – I want to give you the information

to help you really make an informed and educated decision as to how

dangerous chiropractic is or isn’t.

In the words of the New Zealand Government’s Inquiry, chiropractic

care is “remarkably safe.” Chiropractic has an excellent safety record. It is

the result of a conservative approach to health that avoids invasive

procedures or addictive drugs.1

In relation to the treatment of neck and back pain, studies have shown

that a course of chiropractic care was 250 times safer than a course of

anti-inflammatory drugs.2

Page 12: THE FIVE LIES OF BACK PAIN · This was when I started to get scared. I was young, and I was fit, but I had had this pain for over 2 weeks by this point and if anything it seemed to

So why then do some people, some health professionals continue to

say that chiropractic is dangerous? I can’t speak for anybody else, but I

have a suspicion that it’s because they haven’t taken the time to investigate

chiropractic to make an informed decision themselves...

They are relying on hearsay.

Chiropractic has evolved a lot over the last 100 years, and just like

medicine which no longer uses leaches and bleeds people, a lot of

advancements have been made in chiropractic also.

We use different techniques and instruments to provide care as

comfortably as possible. Quite often you won’t even hear a click.

In fact, many times people return because it actually feels good!

Can Chiropractic Help You?

There are no 100% guarantees in life. And chiropractic is no

different, it won’t help everyone every time...

But we only accept cases we know we can help, and we sure

help a lot of people.

This is why we offer an unequalled, publicly stated 100%

satisfaction guarantee.

If you are not happy with any aspect of your care in our office we will

give you 100% money back – no questions asked. A full copy of our

terms and conditions is available in office.

I don’t know of anyone else in my profession who offers this.

So what now? Well first off, congratulations for making it this far, it

shows commitment to regaining your health. If you are in pain or have a

friend or loved one who is in pain, I urge you, take action and schedule an

appointment with either myself or one of my colleagues.

One of my mentors – Arnold Schwarzenegger once said ‘you can have

the greatest product in the world, but if no-one knows about it, they are not

going to buy it’. That’s the point of this report.

Page 13: THE FIVE LIES OF BACK PAIN · This was when I started to get scared. I was young, and I was fit, but I had had this pain for over 2 weeks by this point and if anything it seemed to

I’m not going to sit around and wait for people in pain to find out that

there is help out there – when they can be getting help NOW! I’m a

proactive sort of a guy and I want to help.

Sooner rather than later.

Like I said, we can’t help everyone, we know that, but there a lot of

people out there that we can help. In fact one of the things I hear most days

in the office is people saying to me ‘I wish I had known about this sooner!’

So give us a call, you have nothing to lose and perhaps everything to


Yours in health,

Dr Jesse Middleton


184 William Street Bathurst

6331 5977


6331 5977 6372 3799 6342 5005

1 Chiropractic in New Zealand: Report of the Commission of Inquiry. (1979).

Hasselberg PD, Government Printer, Wellington, New Zealand

2 Dabbs,V., & Lauretti,W.J. (1995). A Risk Assessment of Cervical Manipulation vs

NSAIDs for the Treatment of Neck Pain. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological

Therapeutics, 18(8), 530-536

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