Page 1: THE FOLLOWER€¦ · 8/7/2017  · fair chance hiring laws on the books but progress is being made. Detroit, Kalamazoo, and Muskegon County had similar fair chance hiring laws already

W3335 Willow Rd. Lake Geneva, WI 53147

Linn Presbyterian Church

Linn Presbyterian Church Worship Sundays at 10:00 a.m.

Confirmation Class of 2017

July 2017 THE FOLLOWER Linn Presbyterian Church

Birthdays this month

1 - Randi Barbon 2 - Vincent DiVito 6 - Patti Buchholz 6 - John Frandolig 9 - Gina York 10 - Carole McGee 11 - Jeanne Frederick 12 - Sarah Broga 12 - Vi Hotzfeld 12 - Ryan Romanowski 14 - Marna Akerley 16 - Gary Holden 20 - Jennifer Grunow 26 - Sue Skeoch 27 - Christine Krause

Linn Presbyterian Church Mission


We are a church of Jesus Christ within the Presby-terian tradition that fos-ters love and compas-sion, nurtures Christ-

centered lives, and ex-tends hospitality to all as if we are encountering

Christ Himself.

Sarah Frederick

Samantha Healy Samantha attends Big Foot High School and loves her pets; Colbert who is a beagle/german shepherd, a tor-toise named Vladimir and a Blugill named Porkie. She also loves to read and bake. Someday Samantha

would like to open a bakery.

Brianna Stoll Brianne loves to read and sing. She also likes to deco-


Welcome Brianna!

Aaron Applegate Aaron is 16 and has three sisters and one brother. He loves to skateboard, snowboard and play video games. When Aaron graduates, he would like to be

an auto mechanic!

Katlyn Ackerman

Sarah is going into 8th grade and she loves to craft, play volleyball, softball, go camping, dance, sing, act and be with family and friends. She loves participat-ing in youth activities here at Linn Church and is

happy to be welcomed as a member!

Katlyn was baptized at Linn Church and has been attend-ing here since! She likes to play basketball, the flue and Pokeman. She likes to sew and bake with her Grandma (Barb Steinmetz) and go camping with her Grandma Patti and Papa Joe Ackerman. She likes the Chicago Cubs,

Milwaukee Admirals &Nashville Predators.

Page 2: THE FOLLOWER€¦ · 8/7/2017  · fair chance hiring laws on the books but progress is being made. Detroit, Kalamazoo, and Muskegon County had similar fair chance hiring laws already

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Thank you for your donations! We collect donations four times a year for the PCUSA missions and we have first hand knowledge of where some of your donations go. Sarah Jane Moore, a member of Linn Church is on the Midwest Task Force of the OCUSA Self-Development of People Committee (SDOP). Sarah wanted to share a Self-Development of People-Success Story- Just one of many! Thank you, members and friends of Linn Church for your generous support of the One Great Hour of Sharing offering which is accepted every Lent. One third of that offering supports the very unique ministry of PCUSA called Self-Development of People. Next year my service will end after eight years. Members can only serve two four-year terms and then must retire for at least a year or two. Wow, have I learned a few things and met some amazing Christians. I just wanted to relay a success story about one of the projects we funded in Michi-gan.

A group of people who had gotten out of prison were having a lot of trouble getting jobs because they had to check the box on job applications that asked if they had ever had a felony conviction. They applied to Self-Development of People and my colleagues and I on the Midwest Task force of SDOP read their application with interest. It sounded like it fit our criteria of being ‘owned and controlled by the group of people benefiting from it.” So we sent Lisa Leverette, our Detroit member (closest member geo-graphically but also the most skeptical among us) over to Kalamazoo to do a site visit. Lisa reported back with enthusiasm that they had a project to do advocacy and relationship building around the Ban the Box issue which is to not make people check the box about felony convictions on the initial job application. +

We gave them a $20,000 grant. (Grants now are capped at $15,000 because of decreased support of OGHS in the last few years. Good news, it looks like we have turned a corner this year!) As a result of their advocacy and networking, in the spring of 2014 Genesee County Commissioners, the Ann Arbor City Council, and East Lansing voted to ban the box for city hiring. The State of Michigan still doesn't have any ban the box or fair chance hiring laws on the books but progress is being made. Detroit, Kalamazoo, and Muskegon County had similar fair chance hiring laws already. The Michigan legislature is taking it up again this year for the state as a whole. We are really proud of this group.

Comments from Lisa Leverette, SDOP task force member. “This was my first site visit!! They brought Michelle Alexander, author of the The New Jim Crow to the area to speak to their group. They built relationships with legislators and local stakeholders to effect policy change and to combat the negative impressions of ex-offenders. The second round of funding was focused on more immediate employment opportunities for the group. They started an employment agency for themselves to reassure potential employers in addition to starting some cottage industries for the hardest to place members as well as to help them become acclimated to work protocols. Those industries were culinary, farming and land-scaping. The group at one time had the state contract to landscape all the homes in the Lansing state land bank. The food cart, kitchen and gardening are clearly catalytic from the grant funding

Thank you for your continued support!

Youth Mission Trip ~ Service Work

Page 3: THE FOLLOWER€¦ · 8/7/2017  · fair chance hiring laws on the books but progress is being made. Detroit, Kalamazoo, and Muskegon County had similar fair chance hiring laws already

History at Linn Church By Walter York

This is the story of how much things have changed in our time. It was July 23, 1970 and our daughter, Sue was going to be married. She was marrying Dick Smith who was a Catholic, so we discussed where the wed-ding would be and we decided it would be on our front lawn. So her brothers built a trellis and planted flowers around it. Our church agreed to let our minister, Dick McPherson perform the ceremony. The Smiths knew him well, since he was their next door neighbor. The weather turned out to be perfect that day and the wed-ding went off without a hitch. My brother, Ellis had brought his team of ponies and his wagon so the bride and groom could use it to ride over to Traver School, where the reception was held. The women of the church cooked the meal and our total cost for the wedding was about $500. I don’t even want to say what our youngest daughter's wedding cost, but it was quite a bit more! After Dick and Sue got married, Dick had to go off to the Army. While Dick was gone, my brother-in-law, Glen Fish, with the help from our boys decided to build them a home for when Dick would get home. That 3 bedroom brick home cost not

quite $24,000 to build.

Our second daughter, Vicky was married on March 1, 1975. Her wedding was at the church in Zenda. Hal Porter was the minister at that time. Shirley Matteson was the soloist at both weddings. We had an

organ on our lawn for Sue’s wedding, but were lucky to have the organ in the church building for Vicky.

After Vicky’s wedding, the reception was held in the Town Hall. The women from the church served up the meal, just as before. The cost for Vicky’s wedding was about $700. Vicky’s husband was a career military man who spent 30 years as a Doctor in the Navy. They have not lived in the area, so we didn’t need to be concerned about a house for them. I guess we were lucky to have 7 boys and 3 girls, to keep

our overall family wedding costs down!

Plan Ahead….. Sunday, Aug. 13 Ice Cream Social & Rummage Shed

Sale! The Follower

Book Group The next meeting of the Linn Book Group is sched-uled for July 11, at 4:00 p.m. The book choice is The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, by Daniel

James Brown.

Everyone is welcome to come join the discussion of this inspiring story from sports his-

tory. This book has wide appeal, and is well worth reading or re-


Find some time for summer read-ing and come s h a r e y o u r


All are welcome!


PT salaried position leading children and youth in Chris-tian education and ministry. Start in August. To receive details, send statement of interest and resume to:

[email protected]

shed for furniture and other misc. items for sale as well. Always a good time for some

good deals! Then we look for-ward to after Labor Day, when the fall programs

Looking forward to upcoming

events here at Linn Church…..

We will be holding our annual Ice Cream Social in conjunction with the Linn Fireman’s Pig Roast on Sunday, August 13th. At that time we will open the

start for the kids, our church picnic and then our Fall Rummage Sale on Sept 29th and 30th. Always a lot of activity waiting for you to enjoy once you have had a

busy summer !

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Looking for Shepherds

Linn Church Book Group

What’s Ahead…...

starting to gather a list of will-ing members, we would like to

call “Shepherds” who would assist new members, join-ing the church, with getting better ac-quainted with hap-penings at Linn,

join you and others at Perk and Pour and familiarize the new members with interest groups to participate in. We have a

suggestion sheet to share, con-cerning possible responsibili-ties for Volunteer Good Shep-herds. Mary Hayden (728-5425), Esther Schwabe (275-5248) and Joyce Ann Rath-mann (248-3398) would be delighted to add your name to our Shepherd List and give a ‘Suggestion of Responsibility List’ for you to reference. Please join us in welcoming

new members.

Luke 2 vs.8. You don’t have to abide in a field…just assist with giving a warmer, welcome to new members at LPC. It might be a new member you invited to visit Linn a while ago or just recently met. Some churches might ti-tle these members “sponsors”…”guiding lights”. Membership Committee is

Page 4: THE FOLLOWER€¦ · 8/7/2017  · fair chance hiring laws on the books but progress is being made. Detroit, Kalamazoo, and Muskegon County had similar fair chance hiring laws already

The Session met on Tues., June 20 and

the following business was conducted. The meet-ing was called to order at

6:58 pm. A devotion by Esther Schwabe about pleasing God not pleasing people was pre-


Clerk’s Report - Communion was served June 4th to 156 people. Session & Congregational

meeting minutes were approved.

Committee Reports

Deacons - no report

Membership - The new Shepherding program for new members was brought up and discussion about losing members was also brought up, but no action taken, as it was decided we really did

not have an issue with losing members.

Rummage - no report

Administrative - The new proposed CHILD/YOUTH/VULNERABLE ADULT (CYVA) POLICY PROTECTION POLICY was presented. A new/updated job description for our church organist/pianist was

approved. Personnel - The personnel committee is again meeting on finalizing the new CE direction posi-

tion and ads will be placed.

Mission - Food Pantry drive is going well. Alice will start the Back to School drive in August. If anyone is aware of a family that may need

school supplies, let us know.

Worship & Music - AC noise has been repaired in the sanctuary. The red banner were very appre-ciated during Pentecost/Confirmation worship.

Some lighting issues will be checked on.

Youth & Family Ministries - Alice Brockman & Laurie Romanowski are organizing the Sunday Church Program for the summer using VBS cur-riculum. In the fall Sunday School will return to 10:00 a.m. with once a month the 4h grade and

up will attend the church service.

Building and Grounds - One bid was secured ro $4529 to resurface and stripe the parking lot. Waiting on another bid to come in. The money

will come out of capital funds.

2020Vision - Plans for a new church sign were brought up. The sign will be lit, but not elec-tronic. It is hoped that Phase 1 of the plan will be brought to the congregation in July.

Finance - Lauren Asplund explained that the Money Market is earning 1% interest and the mu-tual funds account is an equity account. The church uses a fund account system for reporting. Total income for May was $12,931.94 and ex-penses were $20,699.41 and YTD income was $105,763.99 and expenses were $107,087.09. Lauren Asplund was elected a interim treasurer.

Nominating - Bill Leonard will chair the Nominat-ing Committee in place of Lauren Asplund.

Pastor’s Report -

Meetings: 4 Staff Meetings, Youth & Family Min-

istry, Personnel, 2020, and Worship & Music.

Visits: 1 hospital in Oconomowoc, 2 people in

Golden Years and 2 office

Worship: Preached the word: May 21, June 4, 11, & 18. (Confirmation June 4th) Communion

to 156 on June 4th.

Baptisms: Brianna Stoll on June 4th

Weddings: Brian Schmidt & Jody Phillips on May 20, 2017. Michele Moore & Kevin Commins on

June 10, 2017

Other: Vacation May 25-29

Also 8 teens are signed up to go to Youthworks with Pastor Terry & Colleen and Ryan Ro-

manowski as chaperones.

Old business - Devotion Leader for July will be

Scott Gump.

New Business: approvals passed - Ice Cream So-cial on Aug. 13, Baptism request by Scott & Anne Marie Gump and replacement of worship sand-

wich board sign.

Prayers for the Congregation:

Greta Cornue, Emma Larkin, Ardith Wissell, Gladys Cunningham, Ava VonKoch, Hollanders,

Jennifer and Jose.

Next meeting Tues., July 18, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.

Session Highlights

July 2017 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


9am Praise Team


Youth Mission Trip


3 4

5 9am Prayer Circle


Mission Workshop

10am Men’s Sander’s



6 pm 20/20 Vision Meeting

7 8

9am Praise Team


Jonah Gump Baptism


5pm Men’s Group


4pm Book Club

12 13

AAUW use of fellowship hall



11am Bridge Club


9am Praise Team

16 17





7pm Session

19 9am Prayer Circle


Mission Workshop

10am Men’s Sander’s



Jump for Joy

20 21 22

9am Praise Team

Hazel Krebs Memorial


(Sue Polyock’s Mom)

23 24

5pm Men’s Group

25 26 27 28 29

9am Praise Team

30 31

**No Worship and Music Meeting this month

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