Page 1: The Genius ATOM by Dr.Mahboob Khan Phd

The Genius Atom By Dr.Mahboob Khan Phd

Summary: The Atom can receive and transmit information (data). Now before dismissing

this proposal as science fiction or absolute nonsense, consider that there is a

method by which this unique ability of the Atom can be tested, experimentally. We don’t have to change anything pertaining to modern-day particle physics.

Let us assume that what scientists have theorized from the early beginnings up

until the latest theories is correct . We have the Higgs particle and the Higgs

field. Reverse-engineer one step further and we will discover that attached

(coupled) to the Higgs Particle is the Intelligent Particle encircled by its

associated field the Rainbow Field. This is the highest step in the particle

physics ladder. Beyond the Rainbow Field there are no more particles, only

information. We don’t have to physically detect these proposed particles ( in a

particle accelerator) to prove their existence, there is a another method to

establish this. The Rainbow Field detects the information which is processed by

the Intelligent Particle.(CPU). The processed information is relayed to the Higgs

Particle (acting as a particle of authority) spreading the information throughout

the Higgs Field . The Higgs Field, a dominant field, forces the relevant

subatomic particles, by command to interact with it and thereby setting the

properties of the Atom. P=I (where P is the properties of the Atom and I is the

input information.) If we therefore change the input information and the Atom

changes its properties (characteristics, identity) accordingly, then the above

mentioned particles must exist. This process is reversible and can be tested

experimentally without violating any of the laws of physics.(I am not going to

disclose the experimental details here.) By manipulating the Atom in this way, effortlessly via the Rainbow Field, we

can build molecular structures at will. This is an extension of Nano Technology

from Nano Mechanics (moving the atoms physically or chemically) to Nano

Automation(command based rearrangement of Atoms). This is just a basic

description of how the Intelligent Mechanism works. If there is even a remote

chance that this concept can be but to practical use, it must be worthwhile

pursuing. Imagine what we could achieve when this technology is realized.

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Theory: Software of the Atom

I agree, it is exciting news that CERN finally found hints that the Higss boson

does exists. Hopefully, more clarifying results on this matter will be published

towards the end of 2012. I have taken time to read your paper, pages 1 through 8 and as usual it is well

written. It is clear to me, from our writings that you find the Theory of

Evolution to be incomplete,lacking some form of intelligence to

account for biological complexity. My field of research,especially the study of particle physics beyond the

known Standard Model of Particle Physics,leads me to believe that we

should have a comprehensive understanding of how the atom functions as

an automaton, within the physical reality. In reality (the physical world)we have the “hardware” that is the atom but what

is missing is the “software” to manipulate the atom. The Higgs field( and the Higgs boson) does not only give particles within the

atomic nucleus there mass but interacts with the particles to “lock-in” there

properties.Once the properties have been set”locked- in”, a single atom will

remain in that state and function as an automaton( for example H or C,Fe,O

etcetera) within physical reality. Hydrogen is a fundamental atom(most of the matter in the Universe is H) The

transformation of hydrogen, especially molecular hydrogen( H2)into a different

atom for example carbon, is not an unique process. This process takes place

frequently during biological cell division where H2 (from water) is transformed

into other atoms to aid the growth of an organism (daughter cells gain mass and

volume to grow to mother cells) . Of course a different mechanism will be used by us humans to manipulate the

atom, creating molecular structures and eventually new objects,effortlessly but

the concept remains the same. The intelligent mechanism (as described in my report The Intelligent Atom) is

at the highest level within the quantum hierarchy (see drawing). The Rainbow

Field(this is a non-electromagnetic field) detects information. The data is then

processed by the Intelligent Particle(a fundamental boson) and relayed to the

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Higgs boson and the Higgs field. Quarks, joined together by membranes

(elegantly described by M-Theory) interact “feel” the presence of the Higgs

field and change the properties of the atom.This mechanism works in reverse

also, any changes within the atom are detected and transmitted as information.

All atoms are interconnected through the Rainbow Field and information flows

through all matter.The Rainbow Field is a weak field,analogous to the

electromagnetic spectrum but electrons play no part in its function. It is through this mechanism that the non physical “the software” is

transformed into the physical “the hardware”.

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Of course this theory must be falsifiable. Everything man as ever manufactured,from the first stone arrowhead during the

stone age to the most complex modern day structures was first just a thought, a

non physical image in the mind of a person or persons.This image would then be

brought into reality by means of physical labour. Over the years man has

developed methods to make this laborious task easier. Today machines and

computers do most of the work for us but we still daily battle the fundamental

forces of nature. The ultimate technological achievement would be to directly transfer the image from the human mind into a physical object. This is

possible to do by means of the Intelligent Mechanism. Consider the following. Computer software is only binary code 1 and 0. The

end user never “sees” the software only the images on the screen. Let us say a

curios bystander that has never seen a computer is intrigued by this machine

and he begins to figure out how this works.Through the process of reverse

engineering, he will eventually discover the software that is responsible for

producing the images on the screen. Whatever we observe in this universe is nothing more than a “program”,

analogous to a computer program. Through intelligent programing the atoms

have been grouped together to create the cosmos, earth and all of nature as we

know it. Failing to realize that the atoms are” programable” can lead one to

believe that the atoms, after the Big Bang self organized to create everything in

the universe. This is what most scientists believe happened but if one studies

the complexity of a single cell organism it becomes evident that some

intelligent programming was responsible for grouping together the correct

atoms to create such a self sustaining organism. In computer programming the main program can never be superseded by the

sub-programs.This is true also of atomic programming.In nature this built-in

feature protects the main program from change.No matter how we manually re-

arrange the atoms the main program will continue to function as intended by

the programmer. For the program to be sustainable, some safety features have to be built into the

program to prevent if from becoming extinct.This is exactly what happens in

nature. Creation is the process of programing the atoms in such a way that the

correct atoms are grouped together and interact with each other to form a new

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autonomous system. Evolution is a built in feature to prevent extinction and aid

sustainability of the system by means of natural selection.Species will adapt to

changing environments through a prolonged step by step process,naturally

selecting the correct atoms to secure survival of the fittest. Evolution is a

essential part of a system in order to secure sustainability but cannot create a

new system from scratch. From paleontological observation it is clear that all life was not created

instantaneously but “programed” over a period of billions of years.

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From the first basic program,(first form of life) progressive improvements and

changes were made to enhance and create a more sophisticated organism. To

make changes to a program the programmer can use previously written code

without having to rewrite all the code.Small changes to the code can result in a

significant change of the end product.The same is true of atomic

programming.Slight changes in the dna chain can result in a completely

different physical organism. The point is, whatever we have observed from the most primitive organisms up

to modern day humans is a result of progressive and experimental atomic

programming(creation) with a built-in sensory survival

mechanism(evolution)over a period of approximately 4.5 billion years. The building blocks ( atoms) make-up for everything we observe. What is

lacking in modern theoretical physics, is the concept that atoms can be

manipulated to construct fully autonomous,chronological systems or modify

existing ones by means of an unseen, non tangible Intelligent force(the

software). It will probably take scientists another hundred years of research

before thy discover this unique phenomenon. It is possible for man to build a device that can receive and transmit “ non

electromagnetic signals ‘ through the intelligent mechanism. I find it surprising

that no person has ever posed the question, how can we do this? The answer of course is a secret that cannot be disclosed to the general public,

for this information is worth a fortune.Ironically at the same time it is worthless

in a monetary sense, because money becomes totally irrelevant if one can

control the atom without using any energy. The nation that controls this

technology will rule the world. Technology is an empirical scientific discovery

that can be applied practically. Searching for the answer to how nature works by researching the theory of

evolution only, will probably not result in a conclusive answer but factor in

the theory of intelligent atomic programming and everything makes sense.

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Dr.Mahboob Khan Phd

[email protected]

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