  • 8/22/2019 The Gentle Way News -060113


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    The Gentle Way NewsNEWSLETTER



    Tom T. Moore














    Welcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all my

    new subscribers all over the world. If you wish to subscribe to this F.R.E.E. newsletter,

    go to where there is a box on the home page to enter

    your email address.


    UPDATE:FIRST CONTACT: Conversations With An ET is already

    available as an eBook. The printed version will be out June 26.

    If you go to, you can read Chapter 1 and part of

    Chapter 2. And now, if you go to my website and click on

    SAMPLE CHAPTERS, you can read: 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS; 2.
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    INTRODUCTION; and 3. CHAPTER 15Translation & Force Field

    Devices. Plus, if you have not purchased my first two books,

    there are sample chapters of each one available to read there

    too. CHECK IT OUT!

    I have several new APPEARANCES listed at the bottom of this newsletter. If you enjoy

    this newsletter, PASS IT ON TO A FRIEND! If youre

    on Facebook, please Like my book, which is listed

    as The Gentle Way Book. I have over 4,000 friends

    on Facebook, but only 400+ l ikes on the book.

    And a quick explanation for my new subscribers. Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA)

    with whom I communicate, along with Gaia the Soul of the Earth, in meditation (and a

    few others). This is something YOU can do with a little bit of work. Now for some

    interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give youa DIFFERENT



    Helen asked for more information on earth energies mentioned in the May 18, 2013


    Gaia, regarding the new

    energies we have been

    experiencing since

    December 21, can you give

    an example?

    Yes, Tom, some of you may

    feel overwhelmed with these

    new energies which can be

    so powerful as to make you

    want to curl up and nap or sleep for an extended period of time, or even extend your

    normal sleep cycle by one or more hours. These energies vibrate at a higher level than

    you were used to in the 3rd focus. So they are a combination of elements, but the most

    important thing to point out, Tom, is that they vibrate at a higher level than you have

    ever experienced. If your bodies are lagging behind just a little, its because your body

    is trying to catch up and synch itself to these new vibrational levels. This is not so easy

    to do as most of you have experienced. Thats why we have had to take longer to raise

    these vibrational levels because your bodies can only absorb so much. Again, this has

    never been done before, so there are many checks of your vibrational levels to push the

    envelope, shall we say, but not overwhelm you so you could not function.

    Therefore, this energy tube

    you are in, where it is

    possible to minutely adjust

    these energies, will not allow

    you to finish the journey to

    5.000 until around July or

    so. Even then your bodies

    will continue to adjust until

    you are quite centered in the

    5th focus vibrational level.

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    Again, these vibrational

    energies are designed to

    raise your vibrational levels

    so that your body can exist at these higher levels.

    Simon asked if we are still in the 3rd or 4th focus.

    Gaia, is the energy tube we are still in located in the 3rd or 4th focus, or even in the 5th


    Yes, a more difficult answer to explain, Tom. Remember that I said this energy tube

    connected you from where you were in the 3rd focus to the beginning of the 5th focus,

    so therefore you are not really in either one or even the 4th focus, as you are in sort of a

    cocoon as you make your way to the higher focus.

    Kryon through Lee Carroll said this whole year would be like every day being full moon

    energies. Is that an accurate description or analogy?

    Yes it is, Tom. All of you on earth have some very difficult energies to handle this year,

    as you complete your journey to 5.000. And, as Master Kryon stated, there are a bunch

    of crazies out there. Some people cannot handle these energies, and that is known on

    their soul contracts. So they suddenly seem to go berserk and kill people. But the

    majority of humans are handling these energies and, as I have said before, you need

    extra rest to cope with these heavier energies. And yes, I must handle these energies

    too and dissipate them somewhat through tornadoes, hurricanes and such.

    Speaking of hurricanes,

    Gaia, I believe you said there

    would be no direct hits on

    Florida this seasonjust a

    brush past but close enough

    for the coastline to

    experience hurricane force

    winds, is that accurate and

    still the highest probability?

    Quite so, Tom. Florida will mostly be spared the brunt of a direct hit from a hurricane

    this season, with the exception of the East Coast. But even the west coast of Florida wil l

    experience just a little.

    Jason writes from Ohio: I just read an article saying that in nearly every US state there

    has been a hefty drop in teen births in the last 5 years. It said, "The CDC report released

    Thursday is based on birth certificates for 2007 through 2011. Last year, the CDC

    announced the overall improvement in teen births: a record low of 31 births per 1,000

    teens ages 15 to 19. That compares with 42 births per 1,000 five years earlier."

    The article goes on to suggest some theories for the drop, but I'm hoping Theo can let

    us know the main reasons for the recent drop in teen births in the U.S.

    Theo, Im asked why are teen

    births dropping?

    Certainly it is not for a lack

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    of sexual activity, although

    in reality there has been a

    slight drop as people

    become obsessed with their

    smart phones and

    computers, they are going

    out less at night and

    therefore the opportunities of

    hooking up are fewer.

    Besides activities or options

    being many these days,

    there are more people of all

    ages using some form of birth control, so there are fewer births for that reason too. So,

    as you can see, there are several factors that enter into the equation.

    Would one of the factors be the energy we are in now makes it more difficult to


    There you have it, Tom. That is also a major factor at this time. I knew you would hit

    upon it, so I waited. The energies are so intense as to make it more difficult to

    conceive. And, to answer your next question, this will continue for many months more

    as you will still be adjusting to the higher frequencies.

    Gaia, is it of benefit to send white light to your interior?

    Absolutely, Tom. It does bring extra light focused from you the soul fragment and

    connects with all those who do inhabit my interior. Some of them are quite perceptive

    and can feel the light sent. Very few people in the world send light to the interiormost

    of the time its to surround the earth, which is fine, but lighting up my interior is


    When I send light to the interior of the earth, I imagine Im a conduit of white light from

    the Central Sun Alcyonea river of light that flows through me down to permeate every

    single cell and atom of the interior of the earth and all beings who live within it.


    Michael writes: I have visited a future

    where Portland, Oregon is largely

    changed and found out that the form of

    government was a Military Council. Did I

    visit a timeline whose path is not ours?

    My date suggested this was October 2025,

    is that in line with Gaia's plan for earth

    movements affecting Pacific Northwest, or

    just another timeline?

    Gaia, what about Portland Oregon being under Mi litary Council Government in 2025?

    Yes, that is one probability, Tom, but not because of earth movements. Again, it is a

    probability and a fairly small one at that. After I cause the earthquakes there, and along

    the West Coast, certainly there will have to be some sort of Federal control to keep the

    peace, as there are always those who try and exploit the situation. This wil l last for

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    some time, as it will take years for recovery. But, again, the Military Council is only one

    probability out of many for 2025. You have already seen how much a probabili ty can

    change according to many factors, including your vibrational levels.


    Val writes from the UK:

    Firstly, thank you for all the

    trouble you take to send us

    very interesting information.

    I wonder if you would be

    kind enough to ask Mother

    Earth to what extent the

    flooding of England will be,

    and if there is one particular

    area that she will be

    concentrating on.

    Gaia, how far in the future will the United Kingdom experience large floods, if ever?

    Not so far, Tom, as you might think. Yes, the ocean levels will continue to rise at a

    rapid rate now, soon to be confirmed by your scientists that will be readjusting their

    predictions based on the levels rising already a couple of inches. But it will not take the

    full two-foot rise in the ocean levels I mentioned before to bring flooding to the United

    Kingdom. They will have one or more large storms, which will send water up the

    Thames and other tributaries. There will be flooding associated with these storms. This

    will occur within the next two years, Tomyes, you received correctly there.


    Gaia, Comet ISON, says

    the Group through Steve

    Rother, will release dust

    particles that will fall

    upon the earth, thereby

    seeding new earth

    forms. Is that correct

    and did I still receive

    you correctly regarding

    the heavy elements in the comet assisting with your earth movements?

    Yes to both questions, Tom. The earth will intersect the space the comet will have flown

    through, and the earths magnetic field will pull the dust particles into the atmosphere

    and eventually to the soil. And, yes, new life forms will develop over a long period of

    time. In the short term, those elements in the comet, plus the slight gravitational pull

    will definitely assist me in moving the West Coast of North America. It will act as a

    trigger to use that analogy. Certainly there will be other planets in this solar system,

    which will be making aspects beneficial to my movement of the earth, and dont forget

    the magma underneath the surface, which greatly contributes to all the movements.


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    Cynthia writes: What is the karma of this area of Oklahoma that keeps getting these

    massive tornados?!!

    The tornado went on basically the

    same path as the 1999 tornado. Is

    there a ley line in that area?

    Gaia, are we missing something

    regarding why tornadoes seem to

    follow certain paths over a long

    period of time? Or is it truly as the

    meteorologists say that it is all

    because of the location of the jet stream?

    Good question, Tom. Yes, the main factor is the location of the jet stream during the

    spring and summer period, but yes, there are also other elements present on and below

    the surface, which can attract these tornadic winds. Your scientists will have to develop

    better instruments in the future to see what is happening below the surface, and

    eventually they will notice certain elements present in these tornado prone areas.

    Keep in mind there are soul contracts at play here. Theo has told me its your Guardian

    Angels job to have you at the right location at the right time to experience whatever

    event youre supposed to experience. That could be a tornado, hurricane, earthquake,

    or even an auto accident where you are injured or killed.

    Diane writes: Can you please ask Gaia if Indianapolis will be hit with bad weather and

    tornados this summer. I realize the karma and contracts for all of us.

    Gaia, will Indianapolis, Indiana experience any tornadoes this year?

    No, this area will have its share of storms, Tom, but not that violentonly straight-line



    For my new subscribers and

    readers, Antura is a member

    of my soul group or

    cluster as Theo calls it.

    Theo introduced my soul

    brother to me in 2008. I was

    quite surprised to learn hes

    an amphibian living on a

    water planet in the Sirius B

    Star System, and will be

    traveling to earth in one of

    those gigantic

    motherships with a crew

    of 850 in 2017, two years

    after the Pleiadians make

    first public contact in

    Russia. This is all detailed

    in my book FIRST

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    CONTACT: Conversations

    With An ET, already out in

    eBook form and in print

    June 26. You can pre-order.

    He also explained Im supposed to film the first documentary ever on board the

    mothership. It helps that Ive been in international film and TV program distribution for

    over 25 years and have been an Executive Producer on some low-budget films in the

    past. Most of the questions below were posed by Helen, Nikki, Jason, Jen, and me.

    Simon in London writes: I was wondering what Gaia could tell us about the ETs who

    live in a military reserve in the Nevada area. We humans know them as Tall Whites,

    however, things such as who they are, their home star system, their service to self (or

    other?) orientation and why they are here remains a mystery.

    Antura, are there any ETs living in Nevada known as the tall whites?

    No, Tom. Not at this time, although in the past there were some taller humanoids who

    were quite often seen there while they did their studies.

    Were they Federation people?

    Quite so. Theyre a gentle people, Tom, who appear quite similar to the normal earth

    human, with the exception of the pale skin and height. They did finish their studies, but,

    as they say, legend lives on.

    When your souls came to your planet 18 million years ago, how were your bodies

    created, as it does not seem it was done over mil lennia?

    Correct, Tom. Our souls created the

    basic form, with just a few bodies to

    test the waters, shall I say. From

    there, after it was determined that

    this particular body was the best for

    that environment, then more bodies

    were created and seeded, shall I

    say. We were not amphibian at the

    time, as our souls wanted us to be

    completely at home in the sea before

    venturing out on land. Needless to

    say, this took many thousands of

    years before they deemed it prudent

    to add the capability of existing both

    on land and sea.

    Was this a group of souls decision

    or did the Creator ask that the

    amphibian ability be added?

    No, it was by intelligent design that all this came about over more than a million years,


    Do your souls all split into fragments?

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    Good question, Tom. Yes they do, as our souls might be bored with just having lives

    on a water planet, so they would have lives on other planets too, and not necessarily

    water planets, but normally, yes.

    So this is correct for not only the souls taking part in the earth experiment but all the

    others just having lives on your planet?

    Quite so, Tom. A little complicated, but rest assured all of our souls have multiple lives,

    just not always as part of the earth experiment.

    Will there be an Ambassador to earth from the Federation who lives on earth

    permanently, say in New York as part of the United Nations?

    No, Tom. It was decided to keep our distance and not wear out our welcome. Any

    addresses to the United Nations will be set up one address at a time. We do not want to

    be perceived as taking over. You, as an earth society, will be left mostly alone in

    between visits to let the dust settle, I believe is the term used.

    Antura, I saw a documentary recently

    on Area 51, and they showed a clip

    from one of the moon landings

    where the American flag seemed to

    flap in the breeze. Some people

    consider that to be a fake landing.

    It is not, Tom. Your scientists have

    yet to discover that there are

    energies in space, which can move

    an object such as a flag. The brave

    men who were on that mission had

    no time to stand and watch the flag.

    This was not faked, although, yes, it has been reported previously that there was a fake

    moon landing set up just in case the first one crashed. Instruments need to be set up

    on the moon to record changes in the atmospherealthough there appears to be none.

    Will the Vatican be on the list of countries the Pleiadians will visit as they tour the


    No. They will not be welcomed at first, as the church officials will be in a quandary how

    to handle such a visit. Yes, you are thinking the church has stated they expected life out

    in the universe, but when it is thrust under their nose, shall we say, their whole way of

    life will seem threatened. It will take some time for them to come around. Eventually

    they will accept a visitor, who will assure them their power and way of life will not

    suddenly be archaic. They will adapt over time to the history of earth as presented by

    the Pleiadians.

    Back to the abductions we discussed

    in the last newsletter, how many

    people worldwide have been

    abducted? Over 10,000, shall I say?

    Quite so, Tom. Even more than

    that. Well over 25,000yes, that

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    number is correct. When you

    consider the world population, that

    is a tiny number, but for the Zetas it

    was necessary to have a large

    number to obtain all the DNA and

    results they needed to create their


    How long would they be kept the

    abducteeson a spaceship?

    Sometimes just a few hours, Tom, and at other times, if they needed, lets say, a woman

    to be impregnated and have a hybrid child it would be for over 9 months. Then, of

    course, they would be returned back to their bedrooms or back into their cars at

    precisely the same timewithin a minute or twoof when they were abducted, naturally

    with their memories of the abduction wiped out by the Zetas instruments, which, as I

    have mentioned before, were quite advanced. Obviously the ability to levitate a body

    and beam it up to their spacecraft is quite far in your future.

    Regarding Loris family that we were discussing last time, how many times were they


    Quite a few, Tom. But not as many as some of the other individuals. In her familys

    case it was under 50more on the order of around 40 times. Still quite a large number

    when you think about it, and the damage to their psyches. That was the reason I said

    they should undergo hypnosis to bring these abductions to the surface so that they are

    not buried. They can face the fact they were abducted, just as those three young women

    were abducted and kept chained in that house in Cleveland. Its just that Loris family

    and the thousands of others only vaguely know something is amiss.

    Antura, how much will the Pleiadians

    reveal about our origins, being

    veiled, reincarnation, and the


    Certainly, Tom they and we will have

    to spoon feed the public. You have

    noticed that in our conversations I

    did not overload you with information

    all at once. It would have been pretty

    overwhelming, would it not? So

    definitely some things will have to be

    givenhow you look so similar to the

    Pleiadians. That will be a big

    revelation in itself.

    Naturally they will talk about the Creator to show they believe in a higher power, shall I

    call it using earth terminology. The concept of having many lives on earth will not be

    broached in the first one or two visits. There will be so much to absorb for the average

    person who has been veiled and brainwashed into thinking there are no other intelligent

    species in the universe; and if there are they are either not as developed as you, or are at

    the same level as you. To find out there are intelligent beings who can travel great

    distances in space by whatever method they use will be quite frightening to many

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    people. So the answer to your question will be slow as she goes to use a naval term,


    Mark writes: I was wondering if you have heard of Lawrence R. Spencer and his book

    titled Alien Interview (Based on personal notes and transcriptions by Matilda O'Donnell


    It is supposed to be about the crash in Roswell and an Alien survivor that was

    interviewed by this woman using telepathy. I am giving you a link to the page it is on if

    you are interested. It is article 130215 in the list.

    Antura, did Matilda MacElroy communicate telepathically with the Roswell ET?

    Yes she did, Tom. She was able to receive thought packets just as you do.


    Mantej writes: My question is about

    Mahatma Gandhi about who I consider to be

    The Greatest Human Being to ever live. (Even

    Albert Einstein said of him, "Generations to

    come, it may well be, will scarce believe that

    such a man as this one ever in flesh and

    blood walked upon this Earth.)

    So my questions are:

    (1) What was Gandhi's "Soul's Interest" and

    his "Soul Contract"?

    (2) What kind of previous past/and or

    perhaps lives in the future did he have in preparation for his li fe as Gandhi, if any?

    (3) Was he anyone famous in any past lives?

    (4) Is he incarnated again now or will he ever need to be incarnated again?

    Theo, what was Gandhis soul contract, what lives prepared him and were any famous,

    and is he incarnated at the present time?

    Yes, he did obviously have a number of lives, which prepared him, Tomhundreds

    actually. Yes, some were more significant than others. But in ancient times, including

    Atlantis and Lemuria, where no records exist. He is not incarnated at this time.


    This MBO story and the next one originally appeared in my weekly Blog last week, which

    you can read in its entirety by going to . The Blog

    has only MBO and BP stories, many of which may be featured in my next The Gentle

    Way III book my publisher plans to

    compile from my blogs, so send

    your stories in soon! As usual it was

    hard to choose two for the newsletter

    as there are so many good ones

    each week.
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    Carol writes: During the height of

    the real estate market in 2007, I

    refinanced my home on an interest

    only loan. All these years since my

    house has been "underwater," I was

    so worried about what I would do

    since I couldn't refinance without a 20% equity, so I was dreading my 5 year "renewal" of

    my payment. So I said an MBO that the payment would be better than I could expect or

    imagine. When the envelope arrived from the bank I slowly tore it open to find that my

    payment had gone DOWN 44%. Now that's a successful MBO.


    Gautam writes: I was trying to send money abroad to capitalize a business. The banks

    were not allowing me to do that; they had conditions I could not meet. I gave an MBO for

    help in breaking the deadlock, the banks have now climbed down on their demands and

    this week I see myself sending money abroad after meeting fewer conditions. Thank

    you, Tom.


    Someone asked me about this. Can't recall who.

    Gaia, is there a strong possibility of Pope Francis

    being assassinated?

    No, Tom, the probability is low. The highest

    probability is that he will remain in office until his

    death by natural causes.


    Mary Ann writes: I have a question thats been on

    my mind since I listened to several Coast 2 Coast

    shows in the last year about mysterious disappearances of people of all ages in

    wilderness areas. David Paulides, a former lawman turned investigative journalist, has

    talked with host George Knapp several times about, according to the C2C website, a

    series of weird and odd disappearances in U.S. national parks and forests that no one

    can explain. Only the top 15 people in the Parks Service know what we are talking

    about, Paulides said about the hundreds of mysterious vanishings that have occurred

    at these locations. Acknowledging that animal attacks and accidents do occur in the

    forest, he contended that these disappearances are different because they leave no clues

    to suggest such prosaic explanations. Over the course of these interviews Paulides

    detailed instances where people vanish within minutes, never to be seen again, and

    where bone fragments of victims were found, as if they'd been eaten, yet their clothes

    have been carefully removed.

    One bizarre trend amongst

    the cases is that the victims

    appear to travel a vast

    distance or into a location

    which should be physically

    impossible to reach. To that

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    end, Paulides detailed the

    story of a two-year-old boy

    named Keith Parkins, who

    vanished near Umatilla National Forest. The child would eventually be found an

    astounding 12 miles away after being gone for only 19 hours. The journey, Paulides

    said, would require the toddler to venture over two mountain ranges, as well as fences,

    creeks, and rivers. The case, he revealed, is just one of many where children disappear

    and are later found "several hundred percent" outside of the grid system carefully

    designed by search and rescue teams. Additionally, Paulides noted that there are some

    rare cases where, after tracking dogs have led rescuers to a large river, search teams will

    explore the other side and "miles away, they find the kid."

    While Paulides was reticent to offer a specific theory as to what is behind this rash of

    disappearances, he did observe that the DNA of children is more pure than adults, which

    may suggest some kind of alien abduction scenario. He also cited a common theme of

    these cases where it will snow or rain following the disappearance, but the victim will

    later be found wearing dry, clean clothes and "there's no way they had been outdoors."

    Beyond that, children who have gone missing, and then returned alive, recall encounters

    with wolf-like creatures or a bear that "cuddled with them all night." Compounding the

    mystery, Paulides said that, in several instances, people have disappeared at locations

    with "devil" in the name, which may indicate that these places have a long history of

    sinister events attached to them.

    Here is a link to an article about Paulides:

    So my questions for Gaia or

    Theo are: what is going on

    with these abductions? Who

    or what is abducting these

    people? Are the wilderness

    areas unsafe? Do the

    abducted people have soul

    contracts to be abducted?

    Will the ones still missing

    ever be found? Will we find out what is really going on? Do we have to worry when we

    go walking in nature areas? Can you give us a benevolent prayer for the victims or

    would be victims of these abductions? Why is the park service keeping disappearances

    in the national parks hushed up?

    Gaia, there are reports of adults and children disappearing in wilderness areas. Some

    are found miles away and some are not. What is happening and is the National Park

    service keeping this quiet?

    Yes, there are some sinister forces at work here, Tom. Not in all instances, but certainly

    quite a few.

    Are these humans doing the

    kidnapping, and/or murder?

    Quite so, Tom. Certainly a

    number of kidnappings and

    even murders.
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    What about the children who

    show up miles away across


    Yes, it is a sick joke, Tom, by some of these people to make people think it is perhaps

    aliens. It masks their other kidnappings. They are basically trying to throw off the

    authorities to their actual kidnappings.

    How widespread is this?

    Quite widespread, but more from a standpoint of these people moving from one area to

    the next. If the National Park Service was to begin checking to see which vehicles were

    in the park areas at the time of the disappearances, they will see a pattern of the same

    vehicles showing up each time. That is a clue for them to pursue, Tom.

    Would you want to spread it around that the National Park you work in and obtain your

    livelihood from is too dangerous to visit? That's a fast way to lose your job. That's

    human nature. Heres a Benevolent Prayer for everyone to say:

    I ask any and all beings to assist the Park Service in keeping the visitors to the National

    Parks safe and to assist in the apprehension of the individuals involved, thank you!


    J.O. writes: Can you please ask if

    any negative karma is incurred from

    killing insects in one's home or work

    place? It seems like so many

    people, even compassionate ones,

    have no problem killing spiders,

    bugs, and other so-called pests. I

    usually try to put insects outside

    instead of killing them, but this

    morning I did kill a rather nasty

    looking bug in the bathroom at work

    which made me wonder about the

    potential negative karma of this act.

    Gaia, is there karma attached to killing insects, which make pests of themselves in

    houses? Even in our house we have requested MBOs for them to leave and only

    occasionally does it seem to work.

    Yes, I understand, Tom. No, there is no karma attached, as this is something that

    humans will learn to do in timeto communicate with these insect beings to ask them

    to leave. Humans have encroached on their normal habitats and the humans food is

    quite attractive to a number of these beingsan easy source of food. There are just too

    many humans who live in areas previously just woods or grassland, so there is an

    overlap or clash between the two. But, again, there is no karma attached at the present

    time. In the future there will come a time when there would be.


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    May 317pm-9pm PDT, 8pm MDT, 9pm CDT, 10pm

    EDTProject Camelot, Revolution Radio with Kerry

    Lynn Cassidy.,

    June 47:30pm-9:30pmISEECommunications

    Hub, Midway & Proton Drive, Addison, Texas. I will speak about MBOs, Orbs, Time

    Lines, and Antura. Telephone Beverly Biehl at 214-679-3498 for more information.

    June 510am PDT, 11am MDT, 12pm CDT, 1pm EDT. Richard Sutphen.

    June 77am PDT, 8am MDT, 9am CDT, 10am EDT. Lois J. Wetzel.


    I f you are new to requesting M o s t Benevolent

    Outcomes (MBO s) a n d ask i ng f o r Benevolent

    Prayers (BPs) for other people, you may also wish to


    nothing but GREAT MBO

    stories from all over the world. I typically post this one day

    after the newsletter goes out. And have you requested that I

    b e your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet? Please do so. I do

    give extra information there. I also post on TWITTER.

    If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED

    SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me. And if you listen to any good TALK

    RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.


    Dont forget thatBOTH GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks

    on Kindle and other services! You can also order the print versions

    by phone at m y publisher Monday to Friday. Call tol l free 800-450-

    0985. Th e books ar e great fo r presents for family an d friends for

    birthdays and other special occasions! Either or both books can change lives!


    For those of you who wish to read more on a specific subject, below are the dates when

    I started a series of questions. The link to them is :

    GUARDIAN ANGEL 101MARCH 7, 2009, MARCH 28, 2009-APRIL 4, 2009, MAY 23, 2009-

    JUNE 6, 2009, SEPTEMBER 12, 2009, SEPTEMBER 27, 2009, JANUARY 8, 2011,

    JANUARY 30, 2010, JUNE 5, 2010, JULY 3, 2010, JULY 17 2010, OCTOBER 15, 2010,

    FEBRUARY 12, 2011, MARCH 5, 2011, MARCH 12, 2011, MARCH 19, 2011, MARCH 26,

    2011, APRIL 2, 2011, APRIL9, 2011, APRIL 16, 2011, APRIL 23, 2011, APRIL 30, 2011,

    MAY 7, 2011, MAY 14, 2011, AUGUST 6, 2011, AUGUST 27, 2011, APRIL 21, 2012,

    AUGUST 18, 2012,SEPTEMBER 8, 2012, SEPTEMBER 15, 2012, SEPTEMBER 22, 2012,SEPTEMBER 29, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 27, 2012, NOVEMBER 3, 2012,

    NOVEMBER 10, 2012, DECEMBER 1, 2012, MARCH 9, 2013, MARCH 23, 2013, APRIL 13,

    2013, APRIL 20, 2013, APRIL 27, 2013, MAY 4, 2013, MAY 11, 2013, MAY 18, 2013, MAY

    25, 2013, JUNE 1, 2013,

    ATLANTISMAY 17, 2008JULY 12, 2008, SEPTEMBER 13, 2008, DECEMBER 5, 2009,
  • 8/22/2019 The Gentle Way News -060113


    JANUARY 2, 2010, FEBRUARY 7, 2010, OCTOBER 2, 2010, NOVEMBER 20, 2010, APRIL

    23, 2011, JULY 2, 2011, OCTOBER 22, 2011, APRIL 21, 2012, JULY 21, 2012, JULY 28,

    2012, AUGUST 4, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, AUGUST 18, 2012, AUGUST 25, 2012,

    SEPTEMBER 8, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 20, 2012, DECEMBER 29, 2012,

    JANUARY 5, 2013, FEBRUARY 16, 2013, FEBRUARY 23, 2013, MARCH 2, 2013, MARCH

    9, 2013, MARCH 16, 2013, MARCH 23, 2013, MARCH 30, 2013, APRIL 6, 2013, APRIL 13,

    2013, APRIL 20, 2013, APRIL 27, 2013, MAY 4, 2013, MAY 11, 2013, MAY 25, 2013,


    APRIL 18--MAY 16, 2009; JULY 25, 2009; AUGUST 22, 2009; NOVEMBER 7, 2009;

    DECEMBER 5, 2009; DECEMBER 12, 2009; DECEMBER 19, 2009; FEBRUARY 6, 2010;FEBRUARY 10, 2010, APRIL 24, 2010; OCTOBER 31, 2010, JUNE 4, 2011, JUNE 18, 2011,

    JUNE 25, 2011, JULY 2, 2011, FEBRUARY 2, 2013, FEBRUARY 9, 2013, FEBRUARY, 16,

    2013, FEBRUARY 23, 2013, MARCH 2, 2013, MARCH 23, 2013, APRIL 13, 2013, APRIL 27,

    2013, MAY 11, 2013, MAY 18, 2013, MAY 25, 2013, JUNE 1, 2013,

    JESUS--SEPTEMBER 29, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 13, 2012, OCTOBER 20,

    2012, OCTOBER 27, 2012, NOVEMBER 3, 2012, NOVEMBER 10, 2012, NOVEMBER 17,

    2012, DECEMBER 1, 2012, DECEMBER 8, 2012, DECEMBER 15, 2012, JANUARY 5, 2013,


    17, 2012, MARCH 30, 2013, MAY 25, 2013,

    TIME LINESJANUARY 29, 2011, FEBRUARY 5, 2011, JULY 16, 2011, JULY 23, 2011,

    JULY 28, 2012, AUGUST 4, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, AUGUST 18, 2012, SEPTEMBER 1,2012, JANUARY 5, 2013, MAY 11, 2013,

    THE LOST CONTINENT OF MUMAY 30-JUNE 13, 2009; JULY 11; JULY 21, 2012; JULY

    28, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, FEBRUARY 23, 2013, MARCH 2, 2013, MARCH 9, 2013,

    MARCH 23, 2013, MAY 11, 2013,


    BLOG: For those of you who are just learning about requesting Benevolent Outcomes, I

    have a weekly Blog now with information and stories sent from all over the world about

    using this amazingly simple, yet powerful spiritual tool. The link is

    TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . resources: Sign up here for the newsletter.

    Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and


    FACEBOOK: Youll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at Lets be friends!

    BOOK EDITOR: Need an editor for your upcoming book? Email me. Ralonne edits my

    newsletter and edits books.

    Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to liveTHE GENTLE WAY!

    Have a Most Benevolent Week!


    Tom T. Moore

    Email: [email protected]

    SEND TO A FRIEND[email protected]://
  • 8/22/2019 The Gentle Way News -060113


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