Page 1: The Golden Eagle Gazetteride schedules, one calls, and Lori’s event on our Facebook page, everyone should be informed of the upcoming rides. Looking forward to seeing everyone at

GWRRA Chapter IN-O July 2019

Chapter Directors

Charles & Kathy Friedman

(812) 550-2693

[email protected]

Assistant Chapter Director

Becky Cassitty

(812) 983-4209



Rider Education

Vernon Hunt

(812) 454-5763

[email protected]


Diane Angermeier

(812) 499-3577

[email protected]

Web Master

Dan Roberts

(270) 748-0301

[email protected]

Newsletter Editor

Cathy Roberts

(270) 748-1168

[email protected]


Becky Cassitty

(812) 983-4209





Wendy Bengert

(812) 454-4574

[email protected]

Couple of the Year

Charlie & Linda Willett

(270) 952-0016

[email protected]

The Golden

Eagle Gazette

Chapter IN-O meets the second Sunday of every month at:

Archie & Clyde’s

8309 Bell Oaks Drive

Newburgh, IN 47630

We eat at 5:00 and meet at 6:00. Everyone is always welcome!


Chapter O!

For your great


at the

Missouri Rally.

Pictures submitted by Ginny Edwards

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Page 2 The Golden Eagle Gazette

Director’s Desk

Chapter Directors

Charles & Kathy


Hello Chapter O!

We’re baaaack! Out of the last 6 weeks, we

have been gone 4 ½. We have had a great time. Learned a

lot of valuable lessons. For example: do not stay at an east

coast resort with a donut manufacturing plant behind you. The seagulls

dumpster dived and were on a sugar high the entire time we were there!

There is nothing like being woke up at 3am by their screeches. We traveled

a total of 7,438 miles between the two trips, saw everything we could in a

short time. We are glad to be back.

I would like to thank Becky for overseeing the June gathering. I

am sure she did a fantastic job. Also, a huge “Thank You” to the entire

chapter for making Joseph Strickland feel so welcome at the meeting.

We have missed so much fun while we were gone. We even

missed The Mystery Ride. Thank you to Lori and Mike for stepping forward

and organizing the ride. Your help is appreciated.

There is plenty of fun still to come. We have rides to several

new locations this month, and an observation ride will be in mid-month.

The route is picked out. Everyone will enjoy this year’s ride. Between the

ride schedules, one calls, and Lori’s event on our Facebook page, everyone

should be informed of the upcoming rides.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at our next ride.

Charles and Kathy

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Page 3 The Golden Eagle Gazette

Assistant Director

Assistant Chapter


WOW, wild and wet weather here in Indiana. I'm hoping many of you

were able to get out between the rain showers and enjoy your rides.

On Tuesday, May 28th four bikes left for Popular Bluff, MO and met

up at a hotel with another bike. After a night of sleep the five bikes headed

out to Branson for the MO District Rally. The day started out well, but how

things can and do change in a hurry. With just about 15 miles left to go to

get to the Rally hotel, the skies opened up with straight line winds, heavy

rain, and what else? HAIL! After finding a (very little) shelter, we were able

to get off the road and ride out the storm. Resuming our trip, what a mess

the road was in. However, we managed to finally get to our hotel. The

weather Gods smiled on us the rest of the week with great weather.

We had a total of 18 people represent the Chapter for the rally,

giving Chapter O the most out of state pre-registrations. We won an

award for that., along with 1st place for out of state Best Dress Shirt, 2nd

place for out of state Jacket, 2nd place for out of state newsletter, and 3rd

place for out of state scrapbook. Boy did they know Chapter O was in the

house. Well done, Chapter O.

We got to hear from the president of GWRRA, Anita Alkin, and the

new incoming directors Jere & Sherry Goodman. Anita will be leaving her

position at the end of the year, and the Goodman's will be installed in

January, 2020.

We are glad our 6 Chapter members who took the Highway 50 from

coast to coast are back home and well. We hope they are well rested after

their 7000 plus mile trip.

The Illinois District Rally is coming up on Aug.1st-3rd in Olney Ill. I'm

hearing of a few that will be going. It's not too late to get your registration

in and join the rest of us for a weekend.

In closing, lets hope Mother Nature has a change of heart and lets us

get more rides in. Hoping to see everyone at our next gathering on July

14th. Until then, ride safe everyone.


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Page 4 The Golden Eagle Gazette

Rider Education

Vernon Hunt

Rider Educator

To All Members and Members to be,

The season’s weather is still hit and miss, but should still

leave us with plenty of time to bring those steads out for a day of

riding and enjoyment. I cannot wait to go out and open the door

of the garage, hit that starter button, listen to that motor spring

to life, telling me I am ready to get out of here and hit the open

road. I know that I am ready, but hold on a minute while I do all

my safety checks and check my riding gear.

It is so important to do the little things before getting on

that steed so we can enjoy that day or weekly ride to that place

where we have decided to go and share that moment of freedom

that we make with our friends and family. Sharing memories, pic-

tures, and stories is what makes life’s little pleasures a part of our

life enjoyable for all.

We all must do our part to ensure that the enjoyment of our

adventures is trouble free so we can reminisce of those days

when we cannot bring those steeds out of the barn. Every one of

us should do our part in making a list of things that need to be

done before embarking on our journey for the day. Are all your

contacts up to date? Do you have your medicine list and allergies

somewhere close by in case of an issue you can be treated as

quick as possible when an emergency occurs? Does someone in

the group know where to find these? Have you told someone

where you are going and when you expect to be back so those

love ones won’t worry? All these questions and answers make

for an enjoyable trip and one that you will remember and look

back on as the years go on.

I hope this brings some ideas to everyone so that we as a

group can share this with others as we go through life and they

can enjoy their memories also.

Ride safe so we can meet again,

Vernon Hunt Chapter O Ride Educator

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Page 5 The Golden Eagle Gazette

Member Spotlight

Diane Angermeier


Don & Janie Abernathy

Don & Janie have been Chapter O members since July of 1992 and currently they are

lifetime members. They were Assistant Directors and Couple of the Year. They served

as Treasurer for 10 years.

They have 2 children: Lee & Linda. They have 3 granddaughters: Abby attends

Rose-Hulman, Emily goes to North Posey High School, and Tori goes to North Posey

Junior High School.

Don worked at PPG for 26 years and owned his own business for a while. He also

drove for Expressway Ford. Janie worked for EVSC driving a bus for 20 years.

Janie’s interests are puzzles and included riding with Don on the motorcycle. Don used

to play golf and liked to go bowling.

Their first bike was a 1993 Black Goldwing. Since then their bikes included:

2005 Red Goldwing

Red Goldwing was triked out in 2015.

Don & Janie’s first long trip was to Colorado & Wyoming. They made many trips to

Tennessee & North Caroline rallies They also went to Wing Ding many times.

The Abernathys consider Chapter O as their family and friends.

Page 6: The Golden Eagle Gazetteride schedules, one calls, and Lori’s event on our Facebook page, everyone should be informed of the upcoming rides. Looking forward to seeing everyone at

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District Rider Education

Rick & Debbie


District Rider


Hey! Have you heard? Here in a month or so the sun’s going to start shining and the temps are going to

be HOT! While the annual pilgrimage into summer means folks all over are shedding clothing (can be a

good or bad thing!) I’d like to challenge conventional thinking when it comes to riding in sun and high


When I was thinking about doing some iron butt stuff, I started reading about hot weather riding. You

might be amazed at the amount of literature out there about how to keep yourself cool (as in lower

body temperatures, not riding around in cutoff shorts and tee shirts) in the sun/heat. NONE of the arti-

cles or data said to shed clothes. It’s just the opposite! They all recommend covering exposed skin to

keep it out of the sun and wind. WHAT?!?!?!?! You say. Cover your skin when it gets hot? That’s

preposterous! Wait, just hear me out.

Covering your skin yields these benefits:

No sun burn (which leads to skin cancer) (don’t forget sunscreen on the back of your neck!)

Less chance of dehydration because your sweat is protected from sun and wind and can actually do what

it’s intended for, keeping you cool.

Your long sleeves absorb your sweat (EWE!) and then as the air goes over the shirt you get a swamp

cooling effect, very similar to the cool vest you can buy. It’s hot when you’re stopped (duh it’s hot

outside) but when you start moving again you feel the sweat and air flow pulling heat away from your


And at really high temps, above about 96 degrees which is about what your skin temperature is, you

need to cover up even more and create a micro-climate by directing air through small openings (like a

your Air Conditioner does) to cool the air and direct it to your body. This illustration from Domingo

Chang illustrates the point.

Riding in really hot weather is not bad when you understand it and are prepared for it. Remember to

hydrate and keep your skin covered. Basically, you must consider how your body will deal with the heat.

Reducing the effects of convection, through covering up and wetting down, reduces the amount of heat

your body must deal with through evaporation. Covering up in the heat will

keep you cool. Until next time……

Rick and Debbie Warmels

Indiana District Educators

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Page 7 The Golden Eagle Gazette

Minutes of Last Gathering Ginny Edwards

Becky Cassity, ACD, lead the meeting.

Visitors Andrea and Joseph Strickland were welcomed. They were given copy of June

newsletter and ride schedule. They were introduced to chapter members.

Members attending: 24.

Pledge of Allegiance led by Becky.

Becky wished Happy Father’s Day to all dads on behalf of the chapter.

Happy June birthdays to Diane Angermeier, Debbie Weis, and Lynn Garrand.

Happy Birthday to Chapter O-31 years.

Happy Anniversaries to Lynda & Mike Schreiner and Connie & Jerry Nord.

Condolences to Ron Weis in the death of his sister and to Connie Nord in the death of

her sister.

Rides since last gathering reviewed.

Upcoming rides mentioned.

Missouri District competition awards discussed: thanks to Beck who submitted: 2nd

place out of state newsletter, jacket design 2nd place, third place out of state scrapbook,

1st place out of state dress shirt. Chapter O had the most preregistrations (18) the

chapter won 1 free registration for next year’s rally. Mike Adkins’ granddaughter,

Michelle, won 3rd place for T-shirt design for next year’s Missouri District Rally. She

won a free T-shirt and free registration for next year. Ginny Edwards won a $5 gift

certificate to any one of three nearby gift shop/antique malls. Becky Cassitty won 2 free

show tickets. Ron Weis won $450 in a 50/50 draw. Ginny Edwards won $330 in a

50/50 draw.

Lori Adkins spoke of final plans for Mystery Ride. Those attending are to meet at

Evansville Marathon (usual E-ville meeting place) @ 9am on the 29th of June. Lori said

cancellations need to be at least 2 days before departure. All rooms at the Mystery

Hotel held on Lori Adkins credit card. Members need to pay hotel bill on their arrival.

Becky mentioned upcoming Wing Ding in Nashville, TN, Winter Rendezvous in

Bloomington, IN in Feb 2020-theme 40’s USO. Spring Wing Warm up in Nashville, IN

May 2020. Becky encouraged members to attend as all of these are close to home.

Becky had an idea: we need a way for members to acknowledge if they're going on rides.

This would be a courtesy to those who drive a long way to attend a ride and don’t want

to go if no one else goes. It was suggested to post an “event” on Facebook Chapter O

site and people could click on it if going. Consideration was given to those who do not

go on Facebook or have access. They could call someone to put their name in. Jim

Swanson suggested someone needs to start it. Lori Adkins said it could be a doable way

to find out who is coming.

Announcement by Beverly Wilson: Jane Davis diagnosed with Lung Cancer. She is to

have right upper lobe of lung removed. No surgery date yet. 4-6 weeks after surgery

before she can travel. Beverly requested prayers for her mom who will have surgery for

removal of a lump in her breast. No date yet. John Edwards lead group in prayer for


Announcement by Mike Schreiner: Ed & Betty Schreiner no longer will be riding due to

Ed’s health. Trike and trailer for sale.

Candy jar presented by Ginny Edwards (last month’s winner). Winner was Tom Brody.

He guessed 201 pieces. Count was 206 pieces. Tom donated his half of money back to

chapter. Thank you, Tom. Total money was $25.

Next Gathering will be July 14th.

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July 4th



July 6th


Kissing Day

July 17th

National Hot

Dog Day

July 2019 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4

5 6

7 Scott & Lynn

Garrand’s Anniversary

8 Mike

Adkins’ Birthday

9 Lynda

Schreiner’s Birthday

10 11 12 Ron Weis’ Birthday

13 Becky

Cassitty’s Birthday

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31 Larry

Krack’s Birthday

Page 9: The Golden Eagle Gazetteride schedules, one calls, and Lori’s event on our Facebook page, everyone should be informed of the upcoming rides. Looking forward to seeing everyone at

Page 9 The Golden Eagle Gazette

Events Page

July 2019

1. 14th-Chapter Gathering

2. 14th-Observation Ride

August 2019

1. 1st-3rd-Illinois State Rally

2. 11th-Chapter Gathering

3. 27th-31st Wing Ding

4. 28th-29th Overnight Trip

Nashville, TN Wing Ding

September 2019

1. 8th-Chapter Gathering

2. 21st-David and Lynn Hunt’s


3. 22nd-29th-Maggie Valley Week

4. 26th-28th-North Carolina Rally

October 2019

1. 13th-Chapter Gathering

November 2019

1. 10th-Chapter Gathering

December 2019

1. 7th-Christmas Party

January 2020

1. Chapter Gathering

February 2020

1. Chapter Gathering

2. 21st-22nd Winter Rendezvous

March 2020

1. Chapter Gathering

April 2020

1. Chapter Gathering

May 2020

1. Chapter Gathering

2. 15th-16th Spring Wing Warm Up


Don & Janie Abernathy members since 1992

Willie & Beverly Wilson members since 1996

Robert & Karen Parker members since 2000

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Ride Schedule Ride







Gas Station on

Highway 41

closest to the

twin bridges

2855 US

Highway 41

Evansville, IN

Marathon Gas


Lynch & N

Burkhardt Rd

3526 Interstate Drive



The Chapter

will meet at the




July 3rd


Evansville 6pm The Korner


Elberfield, IN 13

July 6th


Henderson 10am Oasis



Kuttawa, KY 77

July 7th


Evansville 10am Marcy’s Res-


Leopold, IN 71

July 13th


Henderson 9am The Blue


Cobden, IL 115

July 14th


Evansville TBA Observation


Local 60

July 18th


Evansville 6pm St Joe Inn Evansville, IN 14

July 20th


Henderson 12pm Shogun Owensboro,



July 21st


Evansville 10am Little Red


Wayne City,



July 27th


Henderson 9am Back Home



town, KY


July 28th


Henderson 9am Riverview





July 31st




6pm Los Bravos


Evansville, IN

Page 11: The Golden Eagle Gazetteride schedules, one calls, and Lori’s event on our Facebook page, everyone should be informed of the upcoming rides. Looking forward to seeing everyone at

Page 11 The Golden Eagle Gazette

Wingin the Ozarks Ginny Edwards

“Wingin the Ozarks”

Missouri District Rally

Thursday, May 30th, 2019 to

Saturday June 1st, 2019

@ Angel Inn, Branson, MO

Eighteen total members of Chapter O preregistered for the rally. Almost

everyone arrived at the inns they were going to stay at on Wednesday May 29th.

Several groups traveled through rain and hail to get there. All arrived safely.

Registration occurred on each day. Registration packets had many items in

them that included discount meal tickets, rally pins, drawing tickets, show schedules,

rally schedule, and much more.

Guided rides were available each day as well as a self guided tour. Every day

50/50 tickets were sold.

Opening ceremony was on the 30th @ 7pm. After the ceremony, we had DJ music by Sonny Heidebur. John Edwards danced a lot. He really “cut the rug”. Mary

Swanson & Becky Cassity did the Electric Slide to a few songs. Several of us enjoyed

the Chicken Dance.

The next day, 31st, several guided tours departed plus 1 self guided tour.

Becky submitted several items from our chapter into competition: newsletter,

scrapbook, best jacket, mascot. Thanks Becky.

There was a “Co-Rider” seminar and a Presentation on the History of


A free lunch on Friday was provided by Dannas BBG: Hot dog, chips & soda or

water. A local dairy provided free ice cream for desert. What a treat! Friday

afternoon there were a couple of modules “Riding in the Rain” (only sugar melts-their

title) and “Riding in the Heat”. Many went on the Branson Scenic Railway Train ride.

Beautiful scenery, very relaxing.

Friday night at 7:30pm there were announcements and 50/50 drawings. And

wow, Chapter O cleaned up! Ron Weis won $450, Ginny Frease-Edwards won $330

and Becky Cassitty won free show tickets.

Continued Next Page

Ron Weis won

$450. Beck

Cassity won 2

free show tickets.



won $330.

Page 12: The Golden Eagle Gazetteride schedules, one calls, and Lori’s event on our Facebook page, everyone should be informed of the upcoming rides. Looking forward to seeing everyone at

Page 12 The Golden Eagle Gazette

Wingin the Ozarks Ginny Edwards

At 9pm was the Light Show/Parade. Several beautiful bikes entered the Best Bike show.

Voting for the best was after the Parade.

Venders were present throughout the rally selling their wares.

Saturday morning was “Dragons Tail Ride” into Arkansas, a guided tour. At 9am

the Kansas Twisters Precision Drill Team had a great performance. The theme was the

Wizard of Oz. All riders in the team wore costumes representing characters in that

story. Their skill and timing was awesome!

Free lunch on Saturday by Danna’s BBQ: BBQ pulled pork, baked beans, slaw

and drink.

Several of us went to the College of Ozarks Lodge for lunch. It was very good

food, grown at the college. Food was served by students working their way through

college. It was a beautiful lodge and beautiful campus.

Closing ceremony was at 3 pm on Saturday June 1st. Great rally! We’ll be

attending next year. The chapter made a great showing there!

Ginny & John

5/30/19 Opening

ceremony with

presenting of the


5/30/2019 Registration area on

portico of Angel Inn.

Becky accepted all awards for the

chapter. It was through her efforts

that we got so many!

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Page 13 The Golden Eagle Gazette

Missouri Rally Pictures Lori Adkins

Thursday, May 30th, 2019 to

Saturday June 1st, 2019

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Page 14 The Golden Eagle Gazette

Love Locks Kathy Friedman

Love Locks Love ’em or Leave ‘em

The first time I saw Love Locks was at the Boardwalk in Ocean City,

Maryland on a fence at the pier. Although, the fence was not covered in the

locks it was enough to catch my attention. There were several kinds from

the basic padlock, brightly colored ones, to the more expensive engraved

ones. The locks are attached to a bridge, and the keys are thrown into the

water as a symbol of your undying love for someone (I prefer the old

fashion way of getting a diamond ring). Most of the locks were decorated

with the initial of the lovers or a heart with initials.

Although the concept is new to me, the history of Love Locks goes

back 100 years to World War I. A young schoolmistress (Nada) and a

Serbian officer (Relja) fell in love. The officer went off to war in Greece.

While serving, he fell in love with someone else, and broke off the

engagement with the schoolmistress. As the tale goes, Nada passed away a

few years later from a broken heart. The young women from the village

where Nada lived wanted to protect their own loves, by writing their name

along with the name of their lovers and attached the locks to the railing of

the bridge where Nada and Relja used to meet. Love Locks started

appearing in Paris around 2008 at the Pont des Arts footbridge. In 2014, the

bridge partially collapsed due to the weight of the locks!

People must be infatuated with the idea. There are several websites

promoting Love Locks. There was even a TV movie in 2017 about a woman

returning to Paris and reconnecting with a college boyfriend 20 years after

they attached a Love Lock to a bridge.


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Page 15 The Golden Eagle Gazette

The New River Gorge Bridge Cathy Roberts

The West

Virginia state


released in 2005,

features the New

River Gorge

Our travels across country on US 50 led us to the New River Gorge Bridge in West

Virginia. The bridge is a steel arch design, 3,030 feet long, over the New River Gorge near

Fayetteville, West Virginia, in the Appalachian Mountains. When the New River Gorge Bridge

was completed on October 22, 1977, a travel challenge was solved. The bridge reduced a 40

minute drive down narrow mountain roads and across one of America’s oldest rivers to less

than a minute. The bridge is crossed by an average of 16,200 motor vehicles per day.

With an arch 1,700

feet long, the New River

Gorge Bridge was for many

years the world's longest

single-span arch bridge; it is

now the fourth longest. The

roadway of the New River

Gorge Bridge is 876 feet

above the New River. The

bridge is one of the highest

vehicular bridges in the

world, and is currently the

third highest in the United


The New River

Gorge Bridge is within the

National Park Service's New River Gorge National River area, which protects this portion of

the New River Gorge. At the northern end of the bridge, the Park Service operates a visitor

center. It has scenic overlooks and a staircase that descends part of the way into the gorge.

A steel catwalk two feet wide runs the full length of the bridge underneath the

roadway. Originally built to facilitate inspections, the catwalk is open for guided,

handicapped-accessible quarter-mile "Bridge Walk" tours. Visitors use safety rigging.

Since its opening, the bridge has been the centerpiece of Fayette County's "Bridge Day",

held the third Saturday of

every October. This festival

includes demonstrations of

rappelling, ascending, and

BASE jumping. The bridge is

closed to vehicular traffic

during the festival. The

picture on the right was

taken by Dan.

A priority mail



the New River

Gorge Bridge was

released in April


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Page 16 The Golden Eagle Gazette

Are Your Toes Ready for Summer? Sandal Season?

Advertisements begin every summer for the new swimsuit fashions. But what about

sandal season? For many, warm weather creates an uncomfortable notion of displaying

nails that are yellow and thickened from the ravages of nail fungus. Nail fungus, or

onychomycosis, is very common. Some estimates suggest that nearly one quarter of

adults will develop nail fungus by age 40 and the incidents increase with age. Nearly half

of seniors will be diagnosed with toenail fungus.

Fungus toenails are often characterized by discoloration and are usually thickened or

dystrophic. Successful treatment is usually dependent on early diagnosis, which also aids

in preventing secondary issues including ingrown toenails, infections, permanent nail

damage, or spreading of the disease to other nails.

Several factors facilitate development of nail fungus. Moist and warm environments

(such as closed toe shoes), excessive sweating, nail injuries, circulation issues, or

weakened immune systems can all contribute to the development of toenail fungus.

If you suffer from toenail fungus, you have several options:

Oral Antifungals – Prescriptions like Lamisil and Sporanox encourage new

infection-free nail growth. Unfortunately, the course of treatment can be long

(between 6 and 12 weeks) and patients with congestive heart issues and liver

problems are at increased risk with such a long drug course.

Medicated Nail Polish – A medicated polish called Penlac is applied to nails and

surrounding skin once per day. After seven days of application, the layers are wiped

off and the process begins again. This can be labor intensive with many patients

needing to pursue this regimen for up to a year.

Medicated Nail Cream – Much like medicated nail polish, patients apply the

medicated cream to affected areas. The course of treatment may last several


Nail Removal – A rather severe but effective method is to remove the infected nail

completely. A new toenail will grow and may require treatment with an antifungal

cream to prevent recurrence of infection.

Laser/Light-Based Therapies – Using lasers is an attractive option because it

theoretically destroys fungus without harming surrounding tissue. However, the

efficiency of this method is mixed. Although FDA approved, it’s not usually covered

by insurance and can be expensive.

Ongoing clinical trials are continuing the search for a remedy of onychomycosis.

Sandal season doesn’t have to be out of reach just because you suffer

from toenail fungus. An effective treatment program can clear up

onychomycosis. Take care of your feet and they will take care of


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Page 17 The Golden Eagle Gazette

GWRRA National and Indiana District Contacts

GWRRA National


Anita and JR Alkire

[email protected]

Director GWRRA

Jere and Sherry Goodman

[email protected]

Rider Education

Tim and Anna Grimes

[email protected]

Membership Enhancement

Larry and Penny Anthony

[email protected]

Indiana District Staff

District Directors

Ray & Melinda Faber

(765) 307-0134

[email protected]

District Ride Educator

Rick & Debbie Warmels

(206) 740-2321

[email protected]

Membership Enhancement

Wendy Bengert

(812) 454-4574

[email protected]

Ride Coordinators

Tim & Wendy Watson

(502) 419-0989

(260) 503-4447 [email protected]

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Page 19 The Golden Eagle Gazette

Indiana Events April 1st-October 31st

The POINTS OF INTEREST form is provided with a column

on the left side so riders can keep a record of the date they visit-

ed a destination. Taking a selfie or picture of your bike while at

each location is encouraged also. Pictures verify you were there

but they also can be used to encourage others to want to go out

and see the things we have enjoyed.

A $100 prize will be given to one individual who visits a mini-

mum of sixteen of the locations between 4/1/19 and

10/31/19. A $25 second prize will also be given. The winners of

the two money awards will be determined by a drawing from all

the names of those who have visited a minimum of sixteen of the


The member does not have to go into a location, purchase

admission ticket, eat there, or do anything other than actually

visit the location. They are encouraged though to take advantage

of being there and to enjoy what the location represents. A

Google search often helps a person understand the reason the

location was put on the list and can make the visit more


Let’s ride and enjoy seeing what’s in Indiana. Riders can then fill

out the date of their visits and scan the filled out sheets to

[email protected]. They can also be mailed to Lonny Hunter,

1123 E 650 S, Markleville, IN 46056.

For questions regarding this challenge to go out and see what’s

there, feel free to call or contact:

Lonny Hunter 765-425-5213

PS. There is in some situations an * and no destination. If you

know of an interesting site in that county that you think others

might want to visit, notify Lonny and let’s get the list updated.

The Game Sheets can be found on the Indiana website.

Page 20: The Golden Eagle Gazetteride schedules, one calls, and Lori’s event on our Facebook page, everyone should be informed of the upcoming rides. Looking forward to seeing everyone at

Page 20 The Golden Eagle Gazette

Indiana Events February 21st-22nd 2020

Page 21: The Golden Eagle Gazetteride schedules, one calls, and Lori’s event on our Facebook page, everyone should be informed of the upcoming rides. Looking forward to seeing everyone at

Page 21 The Golden Eagle Gazette

Indiana Events May 15th-16th 2020

Page 22: The Golden Eagle Gazetteride schedules, one calls, and Lori’s event on our Facebook page, everyone should be informed of the upcoming rides. Looking forward to seeing everyone at

Page 22 The Golden Eagle Gazette

Illinois District Rally August 1st-3rd

Page 23: The Golden Eagle Gazetteride schedules, one calls, and Lori’s event on our Facebook page, everyone should be informed of the upcoming rides. Looking forward to seeing everyone at

Chapter IN-O is affiliated with the Gold Wing Road Riders

Association. It is located in Indiana’s District. The chapter was

chartered in 1988 and has members from Evansville, Indiana,

Southwestern Indiana, and Northwestern Kentucky.

The Gold Wing Road Riders Association is the world’s largest

social organization for owners and riders of Honda Gold Wings

and Valkyrie motorcycles. We are actually a large family who live

by the following motto:

Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge

Chapter IN-O meets the second Sunday of every month at:

Archie & Clyde’s

8309 Bell Oaks Drive

Newburgh, IN 47630

We eat at 5:00 and meet at 6:00 Everyone is always welcome!

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