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The Good News Kilmarnock Baptist Church Newsletter P.O. Box 99 65 East Church Street Kilmarnock, Virga 22482 [email protected]

October 1, 2019

I Believe… The 2019 eight-week Fall Session of Worship on Wednesdays (W.O.W) continues through October 30. The series explores our basic assertions of faith, “I Believe…”. Many different ministers will be leading the devotions. Coffee fellowship begins at 5:30 pm, worship at 6:00 pm, followed by a snack supper at 6:30.

The speakers and topics for October include:

Date Speaker Topic

Oct. 2 Alan Rock, Chaplain, RGH

I believe in the Church…

Oct. 9 Jesse Blythe, Irvington United Methodist

I believe in the Bible…

Oct. 16 Sandi Shaner, St. Andrews Presbyterian

I believe in Immortality…

Oct. 23 TBD I believe in Hope for Humankind…

Oct 30 Larry Adams I believe in Miracles…

Choir Practice

New singers and returnees are welcome and needed as choir resumes. We meet Wednesdays at 7:15 pm. No tryouts! Come and make a joyful noise!

Ladies’ Bible Study A new Ladies' Bible Study began Wednesday, September 25th, at 9:45 am. Count It All Joy by David Jeremiah is a verse by verse study of Paul's letter to the Philippians. The joy of the Lord is

what Paul talks about in this book. A joy that cannot be found in this world and likewise one which the troubles of this world cannot take away. The book is now available for $8.50. Please contact Edna Mason if you would like to participate, or to purchase the book.

Men’s Bible Study Calling all Men! Join Pastor Jim for Men’s Bible Study every Thursday morning, 9:30 am – 11:00 am. The focus for the remainder of the year is on the Gospel of Matthew.

There will be a Red Cross blood drive at the church on Monday, October 28, from 12:00 to 6:00 in the Fellowship Hall and Beane Hall. Appointments can be made by calling 1-800-733-2767 or visit and enter KBC.

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THE GOOD NEWS, Kilmarnock Baptist Church Newsletter October 1, 2019


Woman’s Missionary Union

World Hunger Month

October is World Hunger Month. Please note the needs of our Food Pantry. Will you help?

According to the World Health Organization, after being in steady decline over the past ten years, global hunger is on the rise again. Global war and natural disasters have brought the number of people living in hunger to more than 815 million, approximately 11 percent of the global population.

Pray for those working around the world to prevent hunger and malnutrition. Pray for those who live with food insecurity. Pray for rain and for abundant harvests.

KBC Food Pantry The KBC Food Pantry provides basic food items to approximately 50 families in the local area each month. The food supplements the needs for approximately 130 individuals which includes 30 children and 40 seniors. The KBC Food Pantry relies on food donations and monetary donations to meet the mission of providing some food to families who are food insecure.

Food Insecurity – the state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food. Food-insecure households are not necessarily food insecure all the time. Food insecurity may reflect a household’s need to make trade-offs between important basic needs, such as housing or medical bills/prescriptions, and purchasing adequate foods.

The most recent statistics show 13% of the Lancaster County population is food insecure. That amounts to 1,380 individuals. The Northumberland County population shows nearly the same percentage for food insecurity.

The mission of the Virginia Food Banks, along with individual pantries, is to provide support to these individuals.

Your support, in food donations or monetary donations, is greatly appreciated. The following items are the greatest need:

Breakfast Items Jelly Tuna Fish Canned Fruit Macaroni & Cheese

In addition, many of the food pantry clients receive a small amount of food stamps (SNAP), but that can’t be used to purchase toiletries. The pantry would greatly appreciate donations of toilet paper, paper towels, Lysol or other cleaning items.

A box is located in the back foyer to deposit your food donations. Monetary donations are also gladly accepted. Please make checks out to KBC and notate “Food Pantry” in the memo line.

Thank you for any support you can provide.

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THE GOOD NEWS, Kilmarnock Baptist Church Newsletter October 1, 2019


DEAR ONES, This week, September 23 to be exact, the calendar noted the first day of autumn. I don’t remember exactly how they figure that. While I’m interested, I’m not sure it really matters in what

matters to me. I usually calculate Autumn, or Fall as we are given to say, by certain signs: the first football game, the beginning of school, the harvest of apples off the mountain groves, and the turning of the leaves. So my definition goes. Certainly a lot less exact than those who really know, but these pleasant signs will do for me.

One of the more disturbing definitions of autumn I see in the ancient dictionary on the shelf is “a period of maturity

passing into decline.” I can’t imagine a worse thought. I’m sure it’s a clinical definition having to do with initial productivity of a species eventually producing little or no fruit at all, the kind of image of which Jesus spoke in the gospel of John, the 15th chapter.

“Maturity passing into decline…” Ugh. A notion that makes my skin crawl. I am confident this has less to do with age as with productivity, meaning, and purpose.

Is it possible for Christian maturity to pass into decline?

Yes. If there are signs of destructive aims, no interests beyond the self, and the absence of productivity measured by the commands of Christ, yes, it is possible…in persons, in churches, in nations.

Let there be better signs than these in all persons to the glory of God and God’s Son, Jesus Christ.

See you where the church gathers.


Kid’s Corner During the last children’s Sunday Mission Class, we learned how to play Sari Asta, a Romanian Game. Then we learned about missionaries Cameron and Jessica Armstrong in Budapest, Romania, who provide a starting point for seminary students and business leaders to grow in their Christian faith. – Jenny Crandall

Standing Rock Indian Reservation A big THANK YOU to all those who made and provided winter items for the Standing Rock Indian Reservation! The items were delivered to the reservation the first of October.

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THE GOOD NEWS, Kilmarnock Baptist Church Newsletter October 1, 2019


Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes are here! Each box contains a list of suggested items and No-No’s, plus labels for BOY or GIRL. Each box requires $9.00 to cover postage/shipping. You can even go online for a special tracking label. If you pack more than one box (and we hope you will), only one check covering postage for all boxes is needed. See Karen Cox with questions. Dedication Sunday is November 17, but we’d like the boxes before that.

What is Operation Christmas Child?

The Samaritan’s Purse project Operation Christmas Child collects shoebox gifts—filed with fun toys, school supplies and hygiene items—and delivers them to children in need around the world to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way. For many of these children, the gift-filled shoebox is the first gift they have ever received.

Who creates the Shoeboxes?

Anyone can pack a shoebox. Individuals, families, churches and groups fill empty shoeboxes. During National Collection Week (Nov. 18 – 25, 2019), Samaritan’s Purse will collect the gift-filled shoeboxes at nearly 5,000 drop-off locations in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.

Go to for gift ideas.

Are there Items that should NOT be Included?

Do NOT include candy, toothpaste, used or damaged items, war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures, seeds, chocolate food, liquids or lotions,

medications or vitamins, breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers, or aerosol cans.

What is the Eternal Impact of providing a Shoebox?

Delivered into the hands of children through local churches, every shoebox gift is an opportunity to share about Jesus Christ and God’s love.

Since 2010, more than 14 million children who have received a shoebox gift have participated in The Greatest Journey—a 12-lesson discipleship program. Children learn from trained local volunteers what it means to follow Jesus and share their faith with friends and family.

Our Greatest Need

If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent us an educator. If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist. If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist. If our greatest need had been pleasure, God would have sent us an entertainer. But our greatest need was forgiveness and acceptance, so God sent us a Savior.

- Author Unknown

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THE GOOD NEWS, Kilmarnock Baptist Church Newsletter October 1, 2019


JOY Just Older Youth

The next JOY Meeting will be Tuesday, October 22nd. We will be showing the movie “Same Kind of Different as Me” in Beane Hall at 10 am. The movie is based on a true story of a successful businessman, Ron Hall, and his wife Deborah. They discover a newfound sense of purpose when they begin to volunteer at a local mission in Fort Worth, Texas. Their lives change forever when they develop an unlikely friendship with Denver Moore, a homeless man, who inspires them to save their struggling marriage. Popcorn, lunch and drinks will be provided. Lunch will be pizza, salad and cookies. We will also discuss the Christmas gifts we will be making for our shut-ins and have samples for you to see. You’ll want to see how cute they are! We hope you’ll join us!

You’ll want to save the dates for upcoming JOY events! On Tuesday, November 19th, we will meet in the Fellowship Hall to make our Christmas gifts for our shut-ins. Please plan on coming and helping - they aren’t hard to put together! Then, on Tuesday, December 3rd, we will meet in the Master's Blend Classroom to prepare our gifts and candy to then be delivered. Come help and deliver a few to these special people! Our visits with them are so rewarding! We will be asking for donations of individually wrapped candy in November, to be put with our gifts.

In other news, everyone enjoyed their visit to Paint on Pottery on September 25. We are looking forward to seeing our finished products after being fired in the kiln!

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THE GOOD NEWS, Kilmarnock Baptist Church Newsletter October 1, 2019


Carolyn’s Retirement Fun was enjoyed by all at Carolyn William’s Retirement Celebration on September 8.

Prayer Shawls

Do you knit or crochet? Do you want to learn how, or hope to increase your skills? Join us every 3rd Thursday from 10:00 am – 12:00 noon at the church. Our talented members have been making prayer shawls that are delivered to hospitals and shut ins.

Contact Karen Cox or Mary French Hutt with your questions.

Martha, Nancy, Jennifer, Mary French, Karen

September 4 Ice Cream Social Singers Brad and Joanie Perry, “Alabaster Grace”, performed after the ice cream social on September 4.

Thought for the Month (Barbara Price)

Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him. Psalm 37:7

Instead of being still before the Lord, patiently waiting upon him, and seeking His will, we prefer to follow our own reasoning, take matters into our own hands, and perhaps even ask God to bless our desperate plans. How often have we missed God’s richest blessing and brought trouble and stress upon ourselves by running ahead of God in our hasty actions?

In waiting upon the Lord, we acknowledge the futility of our own efforts and inadequacy of our understanding. We depend upon the One who alone can give the help, strength, and wisdom we need.

- Mark Kropf (from devotional booklet,

“Beside the Still Waters”)

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THE GOOD NEWS, Kilmarnock Baptist Church Newsletter October 1, 2019


Greetings from Myanmar (August 30, 2019) My dear friend in Christ,

Greetings from Myanmar in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior! Once again it is our joy to bring you our ministry update and prayer needs. Thank you always for your prayer and financial support.

Victory International School (VIS)

Here are some of our activities at VIS during August and our immediate prayer needs. Aug. 2 was the end of our first quarter, and also it was our first celebration of Green Day (plan more trees and save environment). We had another chapel service with brother Jonathan on Aug. 14, and first teacher in-service on Aug. 16. Praise God our Parent-teacher conference Aug. 22 & 23 went well. 5th Graders performed their first puppet show. And we have submitted our application for legal license for the school at two different ministries. It took us for a long time as it is not an easy process here in Myanmar.

Please continue to pray for VIS and its ministries. God is doing mighty things here. We took a strong faith to buy an empty land next to the current building we are renting. It is around 5500 square feet; it is not that big, but if we can build a 3 or 4 stories building it can accommodate 400-500 students. We need your prayer and financial support now. Please continue to pray also for good and more dedicated teachers (especially for higher grades) and for teacher development for the current teachers (we pray to

send them abroad for short time training). We continue to seek churches and organizations to support us and work with us.

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THE GOOD NEWS, Kilmarnock Baptist Church Newsletter October 1, 2019


Water Filtration System

As rainy season continues with more rain and landslides in different parts of Myanmar, access to clean water is one of the main issues everywhere. The area where we often build live-sand water filter up in the North started to experience flood this year, we are planning to make more filters in that area; we provided few Lilypad water filters in Yangon area. Please continue to pray for this project. We are praying and trying to upgrade this project as a kind of local NGO with the focus on providing water filters and education.

Victory Community Chapel (VCC)

VCC continue to hold its Sunday worship service and Sunday school programs regularly. I was able to attend “Healthy Church Conference” with some of the 6 missionary pastors we are supporting, who are attending for their Biblical preaching skill at EPTS. We also started praying to provide better care for children who do not have a proper place while attending school in my village and the surrounding villages up in the North at Chin state.

Thank you again for your prayer and heart for VIS Myanmar. Any gift at all is helpful. If you or your friends are interested to donate for the works of VIS Myanmar, you can contact us at any time or write to 1200 Wilmington Ave. Richmond, VA 23227, (804) 643-7200, and note "Myanmar Project" in the memo line (for those who are in the US). Thanks.

Grace and Peace,

Lal Sawi Vula (Victor) Managing Director H. No. 93/C, Thiri Mingalar lane-twe (15), East Ywama Ward, Insein Tsp., Yangon, Myanmar. Ph. (95-1)421-155-549

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THE GOOD NEWS, Kilmarnock Baptist Church Newsletter October 1, 2019


We Baptists Like to Fellowship! More recipes from our talented members and cooks:

Recipe: Grape Salad (Mary French Hutt) 2lbs each green grapes and red grapes (washed and stems removed) 8oz sour cream 8oz cream cheese (softened) ½ cup sugar 1 tsp vanilla 1 cup packed brown sugar 1 cup chopped pecans Mix well sour cream, softened cream cheese, sugar and vanilla. Fold in grapes. Pour into large bowl. Smooth top and sprinkle on brown sugar and pecans. Chill overnight. .

Recipe: Cornbread Pudding 2 large eggs 1 cup sour cream 1 stick butter, melted 1 (8.5-ounce) package cornbread mix 1 (15.25-ounce) can whole-kernel corn, strained 1 (14.75-ounce) can creamed corn 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly grease a 9x9-inch baking dish. 2. Beat eggs in a large bowl, then whisk in sour cream and butter. Add cornbread mix and both

whole and creamed corn, stirring until combined. Pour into prepared dish. 3. Bake until top is golden brown, 50 minutes to 1 hour. Note: The ingredients can be doubled and baked in a 9x13-inch baking dish in almost the same cooking time.

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THE GOOD NEWS, Kilmarnock Baptist Church Newsletter October 1, 2019


Jim Johnson, Pastor

Elaine Johnson, Music Director Janet Marshall, Ministry Assistant

Mary Ann Crane, Organist Lori Eanes, Pianist

Church Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Phone: 804-435-1703

Website: Email: [email protected]

Sunday Mornings:

Sunday School @ 9:45 am Worship @ 11:00 am

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