Page 1: The Google Driven Classroom- Training Grant Proposal

The Google Driven Classroom

Training Grant Proposal

FRIT 7232 Visionary Leadership in Instructional Technology

Spring 2015

Group Members:

Ashley Miller, Brandi Salter, Aimee Vickers, Jennifer White

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The Telfair County School System is seeking a grant to train third through fifth grade

math and science teachers at Telfair County Elementary School in the basic functionalities of a

Chromebook and how to use Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Drive. The Telfair

County School System recently purchased Samsung Chromebooks for all math and science

classes in grades 3-5. Chromebooks are a new technology to most of the teachers that will be

receiving a classroom set. Before the Chromebooks are delivered to each teacher, they will need

to be trained on the basic features and functions of a Chromebook. The Chromebooks will not be

set up to access the data folder on the school’s network. Therefore, Google Drive will be used

by the students to save and submit their work to teachers. The use of Google Docs and Google

Slides will allow classmates to collaborate on documents and presentations in real time. Google

Drive will also allow students and teachers to access files from anywhere and share files to

anyone. The objective is that by the end of the training teachers will be able to use a

Chromebook effectively and create and share Google Docs and Presentations to increase

efficiency, collaboration, and engagement among staff and students. Teachers in the training will

have the opportunity to create and collaborate with one another using Google Drive and discuss

ways that the applications can be used in their own classrooms.

Proposal Text

Demonstrated Need

Telfair County Elementary math and science teachers in grades 3-5 will participate in the

professional development. All of these teachers were surveyed to get an understanding of the

experience level of the learners. (Appendix A) Ten of the twelve learners responded to the

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survey. The survey showed that 60% of the learners have no experience using a Chromebook,

and 40% consider their experience as below average. The learners were also asked to identify

technology devices they believed they had a good deal of experience using. Of the learners,

100% said they were comfortable using a Windows based computer or laptop. Of the learners,

90% said they were comfortable using a smartphone. Of the learners, 90% said they were

comfortable using a tablet, and 80% said they were comfortable using a digital camera. None of

the learners said they were comfortable using a Chromebook which proves the need for training.

The majority of the teachers surveyed believe it is important for them to be trained on

using a Chromebook before the classroom set is implemented in their classrooms. Of the

teachers surveyed, 60% feel the training is very important, 30% feel it is important and 10% feel

it is somewhat important. The survey also determined the excitement level for the surveyed

teachers. Of the teachers surveyed, 30% of the teachers consider themselves as very excited to

be receiving the classroom set of Chromebooks. Of the teachers surveyed, 50% consider

themselves as excited and 20% consider themselves as somewhat excited. Of the teachers

surveyed, 100% believe they need training on the use of Chromebooks. These results prove the

target group is excited about getting the Chromebooks and believe the training is important to

them. Therefore, they should be highly motivated to successfully complete the training.

The teachers were also surveyed to determine how they preferred to receive the training.

Of the teachers surveyed, 30% of the respondents said they prefer a web-based course. Of the

teachers surveyed, 70% of the respondents stated they would like a face-to-face training, with

100% of those respondents stating they would like the training to be hands-on with them using a

Chromebook and the instructor using a Chromebook and a Smart board. Of the teachers

surveyed, 0% percent of the respondents preferred to be given printed material as their training.

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Mager and Pipe’s Performance Gap Model (Appendix B) was also used to assess the

need for this training.

Goals and Objectives

Goal #1 - By May 28, 2015, 100% of classified staff and faculty members in grades 3-5 will be

able to efficiently log on to a Chromebook and access the internet so they can begin the process

of integrating the use of Chromebooks and sources from the internet into their curricula to

provide learning for students.

Goal # 2 - By May 28, 2015, 100% of classified staff and faculty members in grades 3-5 will be

able to create and share a document in Google Docs to increase efficiency, collaboration, and

engagement among staff and students.

Goal # 3 - By May 28, 2015, 100% of classified staff and faculty members in grades 3-5 will be

able to create and share a presentation in Google Slides to increase efficiency, collaboration, and

engagement among staff and students.

Goal # 4 - By May 28, 2015, 100% of classified and faculty members in grades 3-5 will be able

to create, locate and share files using Google Drive to increase efficiency, collaboration and

engagement among staff and students.

Objective 1: What is Google Drive and How Can I Use It? The participant will be able to define

Google Drive and be able to gain access to it. They will be able to organize and share files in

Google Drive.

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Objective 2: What is a Google Doc and How Can I Use It? The participant will be able to define

Google Docs, access it, and determine when to use it. They will able to successfully create a

Google Doc.

Objective 3: What are Google Slides and How Can I Use Them? The participant will be able to

define Google Slides, access it, and determine when to use it. They will able to successfully

create a Google Slide presentation.

Objective 4: How Will Google Apps Be Beneficial in My Classroom? The participant will be

able to explain reasons why the use of these Google Apps will be beneficial in the classroom

They will know that Microsoft Office cannot be used on a Google Chromebook. They will know

the difference between saving in Google Drive versus saving documents on the school’s

network. They will understand the availability of files anytime from anywhere

Plan of Operation

Based on the survey results the professional development will last one whole school day.

The training will take place in a Chromebook lab at Telfair County Elementary School.

Teachers will have a hands-on experience by having the training in the Chromebook lab. The

Chromebook lab also has a Smart Board and projector for the trainer to use. All math and

science teachers in grades 3-5 will attend the training together. The Technology Director will be

the instructor of the training. The Technology Specialist will attend the training to be of

assistance to the teachers while they complete the objective assessments.

There has been a good bit of research done on effective professional development.

Michael S. Garet and some of his colleagues conducted a research study named “What Makes

Professional Development Effective? Results From a National Sample of Teachers.” The goal of

the research was to compare the effectiveness of various characteristics of professional

development on teacher learning. The results of the research provided suggestions to improved

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professional development. Garet states “to improve professional development, it is more

important to focus on the duration, collective participation, and the core features (i.e., content,

active learning, and coherence) than type.” (Garet, Porter, Desimone, Birman, & Yoon, p. 936)

The research also found that “the collective participation of groups of teachers from the same

school, subject, or grade is related both to coherence and active learning opportunities, which in

turn are related to improvements in teacher knowledge and skill and changes in classroom

practice.” (Garet, Porter, Desimone, Birman, & Yoon, p. 936)

The professional development will be considered a reform activity because it will take

place during the regular school day and it will take place at the teachers’ school. “Reform

activities tend to produce better outcomes primarily because they tend to be of longer duration.”

(Garet, Porter, Desimone, Birman, & Yoon, p. 935-936) When compared to reform activities,

traditional activities are sometimes the same length as reform activities, but they require teachers

to attend workshop type sessions that are usually outside of school hours and at a location

different from the teachers’ school. The duration of the professional development will be one

whole school day which will give the instructor time to cover the goals and objectives, but it will

also provide an opportunity for the teachers to get involved in discussion about the topics.

Teachers should not feel rushed during the training; therefore, they may apt for discussion.

The professional development is designed for the collective participation characteristic.

It is designed for a group of teachers from the same school and all teachers teach either math or

science in grades 3, 4, or 5. Since the teachers work together and know each other they should

be more open to discussion. The teachers will be familiar with each other’s curriculum. They

will also be familiar with the students in the school.

The professional development can help promote active learning because it will give the

teachers an opportunity to implement their knowledge in the classroom. Teachers will also

participate in hands-on activities during the professional development. During the professional

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development, teachers will create a Google Doc or Google Slide as an assessment. The teachers

will also be given an opportunity to present their work to the class. This active learning may

improve the outcome of the professional development.


Activity Description Alignment with Goals


Teachers sign-in and complete the pre-training assessment survey (Appendix D)

What is Google Drive and How Can I Use It?

8:30-9:30 The first activity will focus on providing teachers with basic information about Google Drive and allowing them to explore resources such as videos, training guides, and blogs to help them gain a better understanding of how Google Drive can be beneficial in an educational setting. Teachers will participate in hands-on activities that allow them to work within Google Drive and use the basic features within Drive.

Goal #1

Goal # 4

What are Google Docs and How Can I Use Them?

9:30- 10:30 This activity will focus on providing teachers with information to help them to determine when to use Google Docs, how to create a Google Doc, and be able to compare Google Docs with other programs they are used to working with. Teachers will create a Google Doc that includes, in list form or paragraph form, 5 ways to use Google Docs in the classroom. The document should be loaded into Google Drive and shared with the instructor.

Goal #1

Goal # 2

Goal # 4


Teachers will break for 10 minutes.

What are Google Slides and How Can I Use Them?

10:40 11:40 In this activity, teachers will gain access, determine when to use, and how to create Google Slides. Teachers will be able to create a Google Slides presentation about a topic of their choice. The presentation should be created within Google Drive and shared with the instructor.

Goal #1

Goal # 3


Teachers will be able to leave campus for lunch.

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How Will Google Apps Be Beneficial In My Classroom?

12:40-2:30 In this activity, teachers will be able to work collaboratively with other teachers in the training to explain why Google Docs, Slides, and Drive is beneficial in the classroom and discuss key points and attributes of Google Apps. The teachers will collaboratively create a Google Doc or Google Slide presentation to answer the following questions and plan a lesson that includes at least one of the Google Apps from the day’s training. Teachers will be encouraged to use the collaboration tools within Drive, such as chat and comments, to create their project. The project should be created within Google Drive and shared with the instructor. The teachers will also be given the opportunity to present their work to the class.

1. Explain why Microsoft Office cannot be used on a Google Chromebook.

2. Explain the benefits of saving files in Google Drive versus the school’s network.

3. Present an idea for a lesson in which students can use Google Docs or Google Slides to complete an assignment related to the lesson. Be sure to include how the document or presentation will be shared and if collaboration will occur.

Goal #1

Goal # 2

Goal # 3

Goal # 4

Conclusions/ Questions/Discussions2:30-3:00

This time will be used to discuss any concerns, questions, or comments teachers may have. Teachers will also complete the participant evaluation of the experience survey. (Appendix E)Teachers will be given the assignment of integrating the Chromebooks and Google Drive applications in their classrooms and participate in a post-assessment survey (Appendix F) after 3 weeks of implementation of the knowledge and skills acquired from the training.

Evaluation Plan

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The goal of Telfair County Elementary School is to provide training on the use of a

Chromebook and the Google Drive applications available with the device. The following

evaluation plan is explained in table form as well (Appendix C).

The participants’ prior knowledge will be assessed through the use of a pre-assessment

survey (Appendix D). This pre-assessment will provide the Technology Director information on

how familiar the participants are with the Google Drive applications and where the teachers

stand in relation to the desired goals of the workshop.

During the training, teachers will be required to complete multiple

assignments/assessments to provide hands-on practice and check for understanding. The desired

goals will be assessed by the Technology Director throughout the workshop with the use of the

required assignments.

To evaluate the quality of the training, participants will take a survey pertaining to their

perception of the workshop experience (Appendix E). The Technology Director will use the

results of this survey to decide what further training or support will be needed. This survey will

meet Kirkpatrick’s Level 1 Evaluation because it evaluates how participants perceived the

training and if it met their quality of standards and expectations.

After the training, teachers will be given a three week window where they will be

expected to use the Chromebooks and Google Drive applications in their classrooms. The

participants will then be asked to complete the post-assessment survey (Appendix F). The

Technology director will compare the results from the pre and post assessments to determine

teacher growth and if the desired goals of the training were met. The pre and post assessments

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meet Kirkpatrick’s Level 2 Evaluation because they will help determine the extent of learning

that occurred during the training.

An after school follow up meeting will be held two months after the training. The

teachers will be given the opportunity to ask questions and share experiences concerning their

Chromebooks or Google Apps. The teachers will be asked to complete a final survey to

determine if transfer has occurred and if additional training is needed (Appendix G). This survey

meets Kirkpatrick’s Level 3 Evaluation because it will help determine if the teachers are

transferring thee new skills and knowledge in their classroom on a daily basis.


The proposed budget for the Google Doc’s Workshop is $996.00. This amount will go

towards paying substitute teachers. The full day training will involve 12 math and science

teachers; therefore 12 substitutes will be required. The Technology Director and Technology

Specialist will be conducting the workshop so no additional funds will be needed. Teachers will

have the option to bring their lunch or go off campus for a lunch break. The Parent Teacher

Organization will provide water and snacks for the teachers at no additional cost. The after

school follow up meeting will not require any funding.

Budget Item Amount

Substitute Teacher: 12 substitutes needed at $83.00 a day. $996.00

Total: $996.00

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Aguilar, E. (2014, January 1). 10 Tips for Delivering Awesome Professional Development.

Retrieved September 18, 2015, from


Critical Issue: Using Scientifically Based Research to Guide Educational Decisions. (n.d.).

Retrieved March 13, 2015, from

Garet, M.S., Porter, A.C., Desimone, L., Birman, B.F., & Yoon, K.S. (2001). What Makes

Professional Development Effective? Results From a National Sample of Teachers.

American Educational Research Journal, 38(4), 915-945.

Quick-Reference Chart for Analyzing Performance Problems [PDF file]. (n.d.). Retrieved March

26, 2015, from

Winfrey, E.C. Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation [PDF Document]. Retrieved March 29,

2015, from

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Appendix A: Needs Assessment

Needs Assessment Survey Questions:

1. How much experience have you had using a Chromebook?

__Above Average __Below Average

__Average __None

2. Of the following devices, please put a checkmark beside each device you believe you

have a good bit of experience with.

__Digital Camera/Camcorder __Windows based computer/laptop

__Smartphone (Android or iOS) __ Tablet (Andriod, iOS)


3. How important to you is learning to use the Chromebook before they are implemented in

your class?

__Very Important __Somewhat Important

__Important __Not Important

4. What is your attitude toward receiving a classroom set of Chromebooks?

__Very Excited __Somewhat Excited

__Excited __Not Excited

5. How do you prefer the training to be set up?

__Web-Based __Face-to-Face

__Printed Training Materials

6. If you chose face-to-face, do you prefer training to be hands on?

__Yes __No

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Needs Assessment Raw Data

Question Answer and Number of Responses for Each Answer

Above Average

Average Below Average


How much experience have you had using a Chromebook?

0 0 4 6

Digital Camera/Camcorder

Windows based computer/laptop

Smartphone (Android or iOS)

Tablet (Andriod, iOS)


Of the following devices, please put a checkmark beside each device you believe you have a good bit of experience with.

8 10 9 9 0

Very Important

Important Somewhat Important

Not Important

How important to you is learning to use the Chromebook before they are implemented in your class?

6 3 1 0

Very Excited

Excited Somewhat Excited

Not Excited

What is your attitude toward receiving a classroom set of Chromebooks?

3 4 3 0

Web-based Face-to-face Printed Material

How do you prefer the training to be set up?

3 7 0

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Yes No

If you chose face-to-face, do you prefer training to be hands on?

7 0

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Appendix B: Mager and Pipe Model

Arrange Formal Training:Professional Development Training will last one whole school day. The training will take place in a Chromebook lab at Telfair Elementary School. Teachers will have hands-on experience by having the training in the Chromebook lab.



Used to do it?

Skill deficiency


60% of the teachers participating have no experience using Google Chromebooks, and 40% feel their experience is below average.


Is it important?

Problem:Before the technology department at Telfair County implements the use of Chromebooks in grades 3-5 classrooms, it will be beneficial for all teachers to learn the functionalities of the Chromebook, and how to use Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Drive.

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Appendix C: Evaluation Table

Evaluation Goal Method for Collecting


Schedule Analysis Procedures

Teachers will be able to efficiently log on to a Chromebook and access the internet so they can begin the process of integrating the use of Chromebook and sources from the internet into their curricula to provide learning for students.

Pre-Assessment Survey

Administered at the beginning of the training

Will assess the prior knowledge of the learners skills in regards to the use of a Chromebook and Google Drive applications

Required assignments turned in to the Technology Director

During the training

Will assess knowledge and skills the learners gain throughout the training

Participant Evaluation of the Experience Survey

Administered at the end of the training

Will provide a glimpse of the learner’s attitude and motivational level toward the training to assess the quality of the training

Post-Assessment Survey

To be administered approximately 3 weeks after the training

Will assess the participant’s growth and if the desired goals of the training were met

Follow-Up Survey To be administered approximately 2 months after the training

Will assess if transfer has occurred and if additional training is needed

Teachers will be able to create and share a document in Google Docs to increase efficiency, collaboration, and engagement among staff and students.

Pre-Assessment Survey

Administered at the beginning of the training

Will assess the prior knowledge of the learners skills in regards to the use of a Chromebook and Google Drive applications

Required assignments turned in to the Technology Director

During the training

Will assess knowledge and skills the learners gain throughout the training

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Participant Evaluation of the Experience Survey

Administered at the end of the training

Will provide a glimpse of the learner’s attitude and motivational level toward the training to assess the quality of the training

Post-Assessment Survey

To be administered approximately 3 weeks after the training

Will assess the participant’s growth and if the desired goals of the training were met

Follow-Up Survey To be administered approximately 2 months after the training

Will assess if transfer has occurred and if additional training is needed

Teachers will be able to create and share a presentation in Google Slides to increase efficiency, collaboration, and engagement among staff and students.

Pre-Assessment Survey

Administered at the beginning of the training

Will assess the prior knowledge of the learners skills in regards to the use of a Chromebook and Google Drive applications

Required assignments turned in to the Technology Director

During the training

Will assess knowledge and skills the learners gain throughout the training

Participant Evaluation of the Experience Survey

Administered at the end of the training

Will provide a glimpse of the learner’s attitude and motivational level toward the training to assess the quality of the training

Post-Assessment Survey

To be administered approximately 3 weeks after the training

Will assess the participant’s growth and if the desired goals of the training were met

Follow-Up Survey To be administered approximately 2 months after the

Will assess if transfer has occurred and if additional training is needed

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Teachers will be able to create, locate and share files using Google Drive to increase efficiency, collaboration and engagement among staff and students

Pre-Assessment Survey

Administered at the beginning of the training

Will assess the prior knowledge of the learners skills in regards to the use of a Chromebook and Google Drive applications

Required assignments turned in to the Technology Director

During the training

Will assess knowledge and skills the learners gain throughout the training

Participant Evaluation of the Experience Survey

Administered at the end of the training

Will provide a glimpse of the learner’s attitude and motivational level toward the training to assess the quality of the training

Post-Assessment Survey

To be administered approximately 3 weeks after the training

Will assess the participant’s growth and if the desired goals of the training were met

Follow-Up Survey To be administered approximately 2 months after the training

Will assess if transfer has occurred and if additional training is needed

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Appendix D: Pre-Assessment Survey

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Appendix E: Participant Evaluation Survey

Participant Evaluation of the Experience Survey Questions

1. Did the learning activities and assignments align with the learning objectives? What

were the strengths and weaknesses?

2. Did the learning materials meet your quality of standards? If no, please explain. Were

they easy to access? Were they error-free?

3. How much time did you spend on the instruction and learning? Is this acceptable?

4. What is your reaction to the methods of instruction, materials, and assessments?

5. Was the course what you expected?

6. Will you recommend the course to someone else?

7. What did you like about the course?

8. What would you change about the course?

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Appendix F: Post-Assessment Survey

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Appendix G: Final Follow-Up Survey

Final Follow-Up Survey:

1. How often do you use the Chromebooks in your classroom?

__Daily __2-3 times per week

__3-4 times per week __0-1 time per week

2. How often do you use Google Apps in your classroom?

__Daily __2-3 times per week

__3-4 times per week __0-1 time per week

3. How has implementing Google Apps into the curricula helped the learning and collaboration

in the classroom?

4. Is there any additional training you would like to have?

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