Page 1: The Great Flanaess River Adventure Chapter 6: Yatil Mountains 6 - Yatil Mountains.pdf · The babau operates through his chasme who rule over the rutterkin. They have been at war with

The Great Flanaess River Adventure

Chapter 6: Yatil Mountains By The Oliver Brothers


As they begin Chapter 6 of the Great Flanaess River Adventure, the canoeing party faces the challenge of white water rapids while paddling down the Velverdyva Rivers. They gain a reprieve when they come to a rocky shelf where they can camp for the night. There, they discover a community of gnomes who welcome them in as guests. Like all gnomes, they end up needing assistance when attacked by a band of evil norkers. It is, however, the mysterious walled-up opening in one of the cavern walls that causes them to seek the party’s assistance. Will the brave party members enter the strange tunnels? And what lurks therein? Find out in Chapter 6 of the Great Flanaess River Adventure!

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Chapter 6 - Yatil Mountains

“From the summit of the precipice which forms the southern and eastern sides of this mountain peninsula, five or six hundred feet high, we probably might have jumped down to the water, or to the seemingly dwarfish trees on the narrow neck of land which connects it with the main. It is a dangerous place to try the steadiness of your nerves.”

-Henry David Thoreau, Canoeing in the Wilderness


Yatil Mountains

The Yatil Mountains are an extensive and very grim mountain chain located in the northwest Flanaess stretching from the Tiger Nomads to Veluna. It has been written that “The Yatils are quite rich in ore deposits and gems, although it is difficult to locate and mine such deposits."1 Situated on the very eastern portion of the mountain chain is a spur of the Yatil Mountains known as the Clatspur Range (See Chapter 5). There is a broad pass between the Clatspurs and the Yatils, through which the Velverdyva River flows from Perrenland past the City of Highfolk into Veluna. It has been said that “although the Velverdyva is navigable, the turbidity of the chill waters and the skill required to navigate the Yatil canyon rapids” leaves many to cross the mountains on foot.2

The Yatil Mountains are teeming with a wide variety of life and the great sage has written for posterity that “There are numerous humanoids and monsters dwelling within this range of mountains, but there are some hardy demi-humans and mountaineers there.”3 Those dwelling in the Yatils include dragons to the north and giants to the south, with mountain dwarfs and rock gnomes throughout.

The legends of the Yatil Mountains are vast with the greatest of those telling the tales of the ancient Temple of Tharzidun, The Caves of Tsojcanth, and that the mountains once served as “the very heart of Iggwilv’s old dominion.”4 Recent rumors hold that both the Temple and the Lost Caverns were

recently discovered and explored by a very adventurous party, although their fate is unknown.

Chapter Overview

As the player characters begin Chapter 6 – the Yatil Mountains, they will have traveled through the Clatspur Range and will now be entering the Yatil Mountains proper. Traveling south on the Velverdyva River, they will have the tall mountains peaks to their west and craggy hills to their east. The river flows fast through this portion of the Velverdyva because of runoff from the Mountains, traversing down mountain sides, into tributaries, and finally spilling into the river itself. This volume of water, channeling through the Yatils, speeds movement. Player characters will travel two hexes, 60 miles, in one day. As the day draws to a close, they will find a small plateau upon which they can camp, a very small rocky clearing at the bottom of Hex46 (C5-87) on the western side.

As the player characters pull their canoes out of the water, they will discover a number of very small creatures watching them. These are the rocky gnomes which live in a cave system at the base of the Yatil Mountains. These rocky gnomes are friendly and will invite the player characters to stay with them in their village located in the caves.

Not soon after entering the caves, however, the rocky gnomes (and the player characters) will be attacked by norkers. The norkers are a natural enemy of the gnomes and they are constantly waiting for an opportunity to attack the village. They see the distraction of human guests as the opportune time to attack.

Once the norkers are defeated, the player characters will find the gnome village to be a safehaven (after all, they will have made it that way). The rocky gnomes will be appreciative of the player characters assistance and they will host a banquet in their honor. As they are being led to a small cave that serves as guest quarters, they will pass another small cave where on the back wall are torches lighting the cave, two guards with axe and sword standing watch, and what appears to be a hole in the back wall that has been crudely patched.

If asked about the hole in the back wall and the guards, the leader of the rocky gnomes will try to dismiss the scene by saying that the party has

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already been burdened once with their problems, they should not be burdened again.

If pressed, the rocky gnomes will explain that the cave used to be a living area, but one day the back wall began to crumble for some reason, revealing a passage. The gnomes formed an exploration party, but they did not get far before meeting a foul creature that was their height, but had spindly arms and legs, an oversized head, and claws for feet and hands. It attacked and they fought it to its death, but they lost two good gnomes doing so. Scared, they dragged the rubbery body into the cave, then down to the river, where they dropped it into the water. They then rebuilt the back wall, moved the residing gnome family out of the cave, and have posted guards for the past two weeks.

The reason for the crumbling back wall is because many months ago a denzelian passed precariously close to the back wall, leaving a very thin rock wall that has begun to crumble. The Denzelian was placed in the secret cave complex long ago for purposes of expanding the cave complex. The person that put the denzelian there was the arch mage Iggwilv.

At the height of her power, when Iggwilv was ruling out of THE LOST CAVERNS OF TSOJCANTH, she realized her vulnerabilities and commenced to make backup plans in case something went wrong. She created a cave complex to serve as a fallback position that could only be accessed by a teleport pad, which she would take with her. Then, she gated in a number of demons to serve a guardians and servants of this lair. She brought in the denzelian to continue the process of expanding the size of the lair naturally. Next, she used a number of means at her disposal to block any other forms of creatures from teleporting or gating into the cave complex, which continues to work to this day. She then moved some of her wealth and magical items into the complex and placed an alu-demon in charge (with rumors of her being yet another daughter, like Drelnza, only in this case the father being an incubus5). And thus was created Iggwilv’s Haven.

When Iggwilv fought Graz’zt, despite winning the contest, almost all of her powers were lost. She then went to the Hall of Pentacles and from there, transported to her fallback position. Safe in her haven, she stayed there for a brief time to recover

before using her magical items to leave the haven in order to find some means of restoring her former powers. Whether she lived or died is yet unknown, but her lair of refuge remains untouched, although somewhat different from when she vacated the premises.

The alu-demon remains in charge and she tentatively oversees the babau and the bar-lgura who have become bitter enemies. The babau operates through his chasme who rule over the rutterkin. They have been at war with the bar-lgura and his dretch. Herzou also populate the cave complex, acting somewhat independently, but they are vehemently hated by both the Babau and chasme. While the babau and bar-lgura are interested in their wars, having long forgotten their true purpose for being in the cave complex, the alu-demon remains committed to her initial charge, protecting the portion of Iggwilv’s treasure that remains in these equally lost caves known as Iggwilv’s Haven.

Key to Yatil Mountains

Hex45 (C5-86)

“This canal, so called, was a considerable and extremely rapid and rocky river.”

-Henry David Thoreau, Canoeing in the Wilderness


As the river begins to travel due south, it is clearly taking on more water from the mountains and tributaries. The water becomes choppy, white water begins to pervade, and the current is moving much more swiftly than before. Not since the

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flooding you experienced in the Burneal Forest, have you seen the river move this fast.

The player characters will find that they will be able to cover 30 miles in less than 6 hours, double their normal rate of speed. Despite the white water resulting from the many rocks lining the base of the river, the amount of water swelling the Velverdyva prevents the canoes from striking anything. The player characters are, however, channeled through the rocky terrain to the east and the sheer cliffs of the Yatil Mountains to their west. After traveling this hex, there is no location upon which to camp for the night.

Hex46 (C5-87)

“Who does not remember the interest with which, when young, he looked at shelving rocks, or any approach to a cave?”

-Henry David Thoreau, Walden


Late in the afternoon, as the river comes perilously close to the sheer cliffs of the Yatil Mountains and streams of water pour from great heights into the river, you hear a rumble and see the earth give way high above you.

The water coming off of the mountains occasionally causes the earth to give way. The rockslide will start with smaller rocks and then large chunks will give way. Use a 1-6 to determine the effect on the player characters as follows: (1-2) rocks roll into water, (3-4) rocks hit canoe, or (5-6) rocks hit

players. Damage is 2-12 hit points of damage. If the rocks strike the canoes, there is a 50% chance the canoes will tip over or on a 1-3.


As you reach the end of the day, having traveled a full 60 miles, you come to an area where there is a rock shelf between the river and the Mountains, presenting an opportune place to camp for the night.

When the player characters reach the rock shelf, they will have traveled two hexes in one day. The rock shelf can be seen on the map as a small area at the base of the hex between the river and the Yatil Mountains. While the rock shelf is not necessarily hospitable, it is the only place in the area upon which the player characters can camp for the night.


As you begin to make the preparations for your camp, you notice something in the distance, at the base of the mountains. At the end of the rock shelf, there is a small cave entrance and a number of small humans are coming out of the shadows. They wave in greeting as they advance. They look similar to the mining gnomes you had met in the Tiger Nomad, and you remember that they too had lived in this same mountain chain – the Yatil Mountains. As they approach, they do look slightly different, more hardened in appearance, but their countenance seems friendly.

The gnomes are a clan of rocky gnomes that live in the cave complex. The chieftain of the rocky gnomes is Laros Galrug, who is an amiable and hospitable gnome. He always welcomes visitors, especially humans of good alignments. Because there is only one entrance into the gnome caves, it is well protected by a mixture of gnome archers and spearman, as well as trained giant badgers. Laros will invite the party to stay with them the night in the cave complex as they have plenty of room. He also notes that he and all of the gnomes would be honored if they would stay for a feast in their honor (Laros is always looking for a reason to throw a celebration). All of the gnomes are friendly and

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helpful, but they are not helpless gnomes either, for they are fighters.

Gnome chieftain, Laros Galrug, clan chief: AC -1; MV 6”; F6; hp 42; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type; SA: bonus to hit +2 and bonus to damage +3. Armed with +1 shield, +1 plate mail, +1 longsword, and +1 dagger.

Gnome bodyguard (2): AC 4; MV 6”; F2; hp 14, 12; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Each armed with +1 spears and short swords.

Gnome lieutenant (2): AC 2; MV 6”;F3; hp 20, 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Each armed with spears and +1 short swords.

Gnome cleric: AC 2; MV 6”; C4; hp 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Armed with a club and sling. The cleric has the following spells: 1st Level, bless, cure light wounds (x2), detect evil, detect magic; 2nd level, hold person, silence 15’r., speak with animals.

Gnome Illusionist: AC 5; MV 6”; MU3; hp 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4 or by weapon type. Armed with a dagger and a wand of illusion. The illusionist has the following spells: 1st level, color spray, detect invisibility; 2nd level, hypnotic pattern.

Gnome sergeant (5): AC 4; MV 6”; F3; 21, 17, 15,14; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Armed with club and spear.

Gnome archer (20): AC 5; MV 6”; HD 1; hp 8 (x4), 7 (x3), 6 (x4), 5 (x5), 4, 2 (x2), 1; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Armed with short bow and short sword.

Gnome spearman (20): AC 5; MV 6”; HD 1; hp 8 (x2), 7 (x3), 6 (x5), 5 (x6), 4 (x2), 2 (x2); #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Armed with spear and club.

Gnome infantry (40): AC 5; MV 6”; HD 1; hp 8, 7 (x2), 6 (x6), 5 (x6), 4 (x3), 3, 2 (x2); #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Armed with club and short sword.

Gnome guards (2): AC 5; MV 6”; HD 1; hp 8 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. One is armed with an axe, the other with a short sword.

Animal handlers (3): AC 5; MV 6”; HD 1; 6, 5, 3; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or by weapon type. Armed with club.

Badgers, giant (3): AC 4; MV 6”; HD 3; hp 21, 20, 18; #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/1-6. These badgers answer only to the animal handlers or the cleric using speak with animals.

Gnome females (73): non-combatants.

Gnome young (32): non-combatants.


As you approach the entrance to the gnome lair you realize why you did not see it at first. The entrance is only three feet wide and four feet tall and the interior of the entryway creates a shadowy effect. From the river, the entrance looks essentially like a small fold in the rock.

The entryway is fairly well camouflaged, so anyone passing by on the river, typically, do not see the entrance. Those that do stop think the entrance truly is nothing more than a fold in the rock. The gnomes, of course, monitor the rock shelf and anything on the river and are usually only seen if they want to be seen. Again, because they like humans and so seldom receive visitors, humans and their brethren are almost always invited into the lair and treated as guests.


Located in this small area that leads to passages in all four directions, there are four gnomes standing guard. They are armed with clubs and short swords.

Two of the guards are usually located in the shadows of the cave’s entryway, while the other two stand guard in the passageway. In this area, the entrance tunnel continues straight ahead (west), and there are two more tunnels that lead left and right (south and north respectively). All three tunnels end in the same area, area #8.


There are three pit traps in the vicinity of the entrance to the cave complex, each designed to be seen by those in area #8. Each of these traps can be pressure sensitive or manually triggered. All

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three look as if they are part of the stone floor. If the gnomes are attacked, they retreat behind the wall in area #8, wait for their enemies to approach and then spring the traps. They also have on reserve in areas #10 & #11, the gnome animal handlers and their giant badgers. Often the gnomes will release the badgers into the pit traps after catching any creatures invading their lair. Any creature triggering the trap will fall 20’ to the stone floor at the bottom of the pit and suffer 2-12 hit points of damage.


This small cave features a low, 3’ high, protective wall that is arched, thus providing protection from anyone approaching from all three tunnels. The low wall is slightly more than 20’ long and the passage beyond it is also 20’ wide.

In this location are positioned most of the gnome archers and spearmen. In the event of an invasion, the guards at the front shout a warning and all move behind the wall. They wait for the enemy to approach and then manually spring the three pit traps. Which is important to know because it is about to happen . . .

The guards from the front entrance of the cave begin shouting, “Norker, attack! Norker attack!” and they run into this area and leap behind the low wall. The archers and spearmen also instinctively move forward to crouch behind the low wall with their eyes peering over the top, waiting.

The gnomes have a long history of attacks by the norkers, which is why they seldom leave the cave complex anymore and why it is so heavily guarded. The norkers saw the gnomes greet the humans and figured the gnomes would have their guard down welcoming the humans, so they decided to attack. Nowhere in their brilliant plan had they counted on the humans assisting the gnomes. The norkers simply charge into the cave complex and attack. There are three groups of 9 norkers, each let by a sergeant, who will each take a separate passageway to attack into area #8. The subchief leads from the rear. When reduced to less than 10 total norkers left alive, they will retreat.

Norker subchief: AC 2; MV 9”; HD 3; hp 16; #AT 2; Dmg 1-3/2-8; SA: +2 to hit and damage because of strength. Armed with a club.

Norker sergeants (3): AC 3; MV 9”; HD 2; hp 16, 14; #AT 2; Dmg 1-3/1-6; SA: +1 to hit and damage because of strength. Armed with clubs.

Norker (27): AC 3; MV 9”; HD 1+2; hp 8 (3), 7 (x6), 6 (x6), 5 (x3), 4 (x3), 3 (x3), 2 (x3); #AT 2; Dmg 1-3/1-6. Armed with clubs.

Treasure: Each norker carries 19 cp, 31 sp, 17 ep, 42 gp in a leather pouch. The subchief also carries 4 gems, each worth 100 gp, while the norker sergeants each have one gem valued at 50 gp.


If the fight in area #8 is going bad, the gnomes will retreat to the guard post located in area #12. There, they can trigger the trap with the first wave of enemy (norkers) causing them to plummet into the 30’ trap. When this happens, the animal handlers will send their giant badgers down into the pit to eliminate any enemy trapper in there, while the archers and spearmen, now located in area #12 can keep any additional enemy from crossing the opened pit.

Any creatures falling into the 30’ deep pit will suffer 3-18 hit points of damage.


This cave is the home of the three gnome animal handlers. The badgers are often located in this room with their handlers.


Although intended as the lair of the badgers, this cave room is typically used for training the badgers.


This cave is primarily the final defensive position for the guards protecting the front entrance. It is always gnomed by archers and spearmen.

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These two caves are further quarters for the gnome guards who can be summoned quickly to area #12 and the rest of the front entrance for defensive purposes. It is typically the quarters for the rest of the archers and spearmen.


This is the gnome clan’s armory and the lair of one of the gnome sergeants who is in charge. Located in the armory are an additional 95 spears, 177 arrows, 21 short bows, 32 clubs, 11 slings, and 7 short swords, There are also piles of leather all in various stages of being crafted into armor.


These two caves are the lairs of one gnome lieutenant and his two sergeants. Each sergeant commands one squad of 10 gnomes.


Each of the four caves is home to a squad of 10 gnome infantry.


As you pass in front of this cave on your right you notice something unusual. There are two guards, one holding an axe, the other a short sword, standing against the back wall. Two torches light the room. They appear to be standing on either side of a hole in the wall that has been blocked up with rocks.

If asked about this particular feature, the clan chief will be dismissive, saying something to the affect, “You have already helped us once. We do not want to bother you with our other troubles." If pressed, he will explain. If the player characters do not press, he will bring this up later at the end of the feast, in the hopes of securing help to deal with the problem they have uncovered.

The back wall is the one the denzelian passed by very closely, thus causing the wall to crumble. It was also through that opening that a dretch entered the gnome lair. After it was defeated by the gnomes, they threw the rubbery body in the

river and shored up the back wall. The chieftain then posted the two guards. It has been a source of anxiety for him ever since. This was originally the gnome illusionist’s lair, but since the wall crumbled, he has been living with the cleric (See area #18).


This cave is the home of the gnome cleric and the illusionist who only recently moved in with the cleric.


The cave room is always reserved for guests as it is close to the great feast hall (See area #20). Although seldom used, it is always well maintained by the female gnomes and there are plenty of furs and leather blankets to keep the cave insulated and warm.


This is the gnomes’ primary meeting place and dining hall.


These five cave rooms are home to the gnome females and their young.


This is the more formal reception room of the gnome chieftain, but seldom used for that purpose. The current chieftain prefers the less formal feast hall. Primarily this has been used as a place for soldiers to practice their art, children to play, and other various types of activities. Note there are two secret entrances to the room, both covered by leather wall hangings.


This cave room serves as the lair of the bodyguards who serve the gnome chieftain.


This cave room is the home of the gnome chieftain and is simply appointed with furs and leather hangings, as well as the chieftain’s personal belongings.

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Located behind a leather wall hanging, a small 2’ diameter section of the stone wall must be pushed inward to access the secret chamber. This is the location of the gnome’s wealth. Located in various boxes and small chests are 3,102 cp, 3,329 sp, 1,419 ep, 4,240 gp, 7 base 1,000 gems, 3 pieces of jewelry worth 1,200 gp, 700 gp, and 240 gp each, six clerical scrolls: raise dead, heal, restoration, resurrection, regenerate, and stone tell. There are five potions: diminution, extra-healing, growth, invulnerability, and super-heroism. There is also a mansized set of studded leather +1 and a man-sized set of plate mail +3.


As you break through the wall, you enter into a smooth wall corridor that extends into the darkness to your left and right.

This tunnel was created by a pair of denzelian, creatures that eat rock and ultimately carve out smooth tunnels. Although it passed by the gnome lair (see area #17) well over a year ago, there was still approximately one inch of stone left between the carved corridor and the gnome cave. Over time, with movement and shifting in the rocks, it only began crumbling one month ago. When the thin wall began to collapse, a wandering dretch found it, entered the gnome lair and was ultimately killed by the defending gnomes.


As you proceed down the smooth stone wall corridor, your olfactory senses are greeted by an exceedingly repulsive smell. It is hard to tell what exactly it is, but something must have died at the end of the tunnel, for you have reach the end, a cave wall.

The repulsive smell emits from the two denzelian located at the end of the tunnel. One is currently against the cave wall at the end of the tunnel, while the other is situated on the smooth wall 10’ from the dead end. The denzelian at the end of the tunnel is a male, while the one clinging to the side of the wall is a female. They were brought to Iggwilv’s Haven as a means of naturally, albeit

slowly, expanding the size of the Haven. The denzelians’ tunnels range throughout the complex, often intersecting both magically created passageways and naturally occurring caves.

Denzelian (2): AC 0; MV 1”; HD 6; hp 42, 33; #AT Nil; Dmg, Nil.


The smooth tunnel that you have been following intersects with a wide 20’ hallway that runs into the dark in both directions and features a 20’ high ceiling. The 20’ corridor that crosses your path was clearly made by some other means than the tunnel you have following. The perfection of the walls might suggest it was made by some powerful magic. The tunnel you have been following continues on across the hallway.

The Arch-Mage Iggwilv did indeed magically carve out the 20’ wide hallway, along with some of the other rooms at the other end of the hallway. There is a very slight breeze in the corridor that will only be noticed on a 1 in 6 chance. As soon as a player character steps into the corridor, they will begin to hear a buzzing sound coming from their right (east). The buzzing noise is the sound of the two chasme located in areas #30 and #31. They are sensitive to anything entering “their” hallway and will immediately investigate (See areas #30 and #31 for their information).


The 20’ wide hallway comes to an end and before you is a smaller, 10’ by 10’ wide cave tunnel. On either side of you is the entryway into a large cave, with the entrances well over 30’ tall. In order to enter either cave, however, you will have to pick your way through rocks that block the entrance. Some of the rocks are actually boulders and some are 10’ in height.

The hallway was carved out by Iggwilv to get the complex started, with work to be done later by others. The end of this hallway came into contact with a portion of the cave complex naturally located here.

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There are rocks and boulders, some over 10’ high, blocking your entrance into this 30’ high cave.

This 30’ by 50’ deep cave is the lair of one of the chasme, a minor demon. Anyone approaching this cave in which it lairs will be heard and sensed by the chasme, so entering the cave without the chasme knowing is most unlikely. Typically, the chasme will fly over the boulders to investigate, as there is a 20’ clearance for the flying demon. Sometimes, however, if a creature has come too close to the cave, it will walk on the ceiling and observe the intruders. If the intruders are rutterkin, they will not attack. Anything else is not so fortunate. The chasme are aligned with the rutterkin, answers to the babau, and hates the herzou.

Chasme: AC -1; MV 6”/21”; HD 7+2; hp 42; #AT 3; Dmg, 2-8/2-8/1-4; SA: has infravision, the ability to cause darkness (5’ radius), and can do any of the following one at a time: detect good, detect invisible, telekinesis 1500 gp weight; use buzz droning noise and rasping voice which has a chance (equal to 100% minus 10% per level of hit die of each opponent) causing comatose sleep for 2-8 hours; SD: unaffected by poison. Note: because of the protective spell on Iggwilv’s haven, chasme can neither use their teleport or gate capabilities.

Treasure: 4,205 cp, 1,145 ep, 3,432 gp, Silver necklace with opals worth 4,500 gp, wrought gold statute, 4” high, of some form of winged demon worth 1,200 gp, one damaged piece of obsidian worth 1 gp, one rock crystal worth 50 gp, one imperfect blue quartz worth 1 gp, on imperfect moss agate worth 1 gp, one piece of black and white striped onyx worth 50 gp, one deep bright green emerald worth 1,700 gp, and one zircon gem of pale blue-green worth 50 gp.


There are rocks and boulders, some over 15’ high, blocking your entrance into this 30’ high cave.

This 30’ by 50’ deep cave is the lair of one of the chasme, a minor demon. The chasme resides specifically in the spur of this large cave. Anyone

approaching the cave in which it lairs will be heard and sensed by the chasme, so entering the cave without the chasme knowing is most unlikely. Typically, the chasme will fly over the boulders to investigate, as there is at least a 10’ clearance for the flying demon. Sometimes, however, if a creature has come too close to the cave, it will walk on the ceiling and observe the intruders. If the intruders are rutterkin, they will not attack. Anything else is not so fortunate. The chasme are aligned with the rutterkin, answers to the babau, and hates the herzou.

Chasme: AC -1; MV 6”/21”; HD 7+2; hp 38; #AT 3; Dmg, 2-8/2-8/1-4; SA: has infravision, the ability to cause darkness (5’ radius), and can do any of the following one at a time: detect good, detect invisible, telekinesis 1500 gp weight; use buzz droning noise and rasping voice which has a chance (equal to 100% minus 10% per level of hit die of each opponent) causing comatose sleep for 2-8 hours; SD: unaffected by poison. Note: because of the protective spell on Iggwilv’s haven, chasme can neither use their teleport or gate capabilities.

Treasure: 2,400 cp, 5,850 sp, one turquoise worth 10 gp, one amber gem worth 100 gp, one star rose quarttze worth 50 gp, one topaz worth 500 gp, one pearl worth 50 gp, one alexandrite worth 2,500 gp, one garnet worth 500 gp, and one zircon worth 50 gp.


The hallway continues down a 10’ wide cave passage from which emits a red-orange glow.

The passage extends for 15’ before opening into a 15’ circular cave room. The red-orange glow emitting from the back of this cave comes from four fire snakes.

Fire snake (4): AC 6; MV 4”; HD 2; hp 10 (x2), 9, 7; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA: Paralyzation from bite for 2-8 turns unless victim makes a saving throw against magic; SD: immune to fire.

Treasure: one peridot worth 500 gp and one fire opal worth 1,200 gp.

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The smooth wall cave tunnel continues after crossing the 20’ wide hallway reaching far into the darkness.

This 60’ long tunnel created by the two denzelian connects the 20’ wide hallway with the cave complex and specifically enters the lair of a third, albeit weaker chasme (see area #34). Because this chasme is weaker than the other two found in areas #30 and #31, it is more aligned with the rutterkin for protection (see area #35).


Read the following only if the player characters are approaching from area #33:

As the smooth tunnel gives way to a larger cave, you hear the sound of buzzing coming from your right and grunting from your left with both echoing throughout the cave.

The sound of buzzing is coming from the chasme in area #35, while the grunting is coming from the rutterkin in area #36 who are trying to taunt the dretch into a fight.


The entry into this cave is only partially blocked by rocks and boulders, but there is a 10’ wide gap by which you can bypass them. The roof of the cave is much higher here, reaching up at least 60’.

The lower portion of this cave is the lair of the third chasme, albeit the weaker of the three. There are two methods of entering the 15’ by 40’ cave, around the rocks and boulders or by way of a very narrow 5’ passage. The chasme resides specifically amongst the rocks and boulders as a means of protection. While all three of the chasme have the ability of directing the rutterkin in the area (see area #35), this one has developed a closer relationship. Anyone approaching the cave in which the chasme lairs will be heard and sensed by the chasme, so entering the cave without the chasme knowing is most unlikely. Typically, the chasme will begin its buzz droning noise, which is used to both cause sleep and to summon the rutterkin. The

chasme are aligned with the rutterkin, answers to the babau, and hates the herzou.

Chasme: AC -1; MV 6”/21”; HD 7+2; hp 18; #AT 3; Dmg, 2-8/2-8/1-4; SA: has infravision, the ability to cause darkness (5’ radius), and can do any of the following one at a time: detect good, detect invisible, telekinesis 1500 gp weight; use buzz droning noise and rasping voice which has a chance (equal to 100% minus 10% per level of hit die of each opponent) causing comatose sleep for 2-8 hours; SD: unaffected by poison. Note: because of the protective spell on Iggwilv’s haven, chasme can neither use their teleport or gate capabilities.

Treasure: 2,457 gp scattered amongst the rocks and boulders.


As you enter this 30’ by 20’ cave, you see three misshaped humanoid creatures approximately 6 to 7’ tall. Their bodies are devoid of most hair, their skulls are pointed, and their body parts are not proportional. Each of the creatures wields a pole arm and they are grunting toward something across the cave, lurking in the dark.

The misshaped creatures are three rutterkin from areas #37, #38, and #39. They are taunting three dretch to come and fight them who are lurking in the shadow in area #41. The rutterkin are slow, but they will become aware of the player characters if they linger for too long. Because the rutterkin are distracted and not expecting an attack from behind, if the player characters attack immediately they should receive a surprise attack.

Rutterkin (3): AC 1; MV 12”; HD 5+1; hp 34, 33, 23; #AT 1-2; 2-7/2-7 or by weapon type; SA: in addition to normal attacks, rutterkin can use one of the following spell-like powers once per round: darkness (5’ radius), fear by touch, fly, and telekinesis (1,000 gp weight); Note: because of the protective spell on Iggwilv’s haven, the rutterkin cannot use their normal teleport or gate abilities. This rutterkin wields a polearm with a double crescent head (S-M = 1-10, L = 1-12).

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This 10’ cave passage dead ends, and appears to the rather filthy lair of some humanoid creature.

This is the lair of one of the rutterkin found in area #36. There are some old rotted materials, consisting of tapestries and fabrics, strewn on the floor for bedding.

Treasure: 2,010 cp, 2,294 sp, 24 ep, 21 gp.


This 50’ long and 5’ to 15’ wide cave is clearly the lair of a very filthy humanoid creature.

This is the lair of one of the rutterkin found in area #36. There are some old rotted materials, consisting of tapestries and fabrics, strewn on the floor for bedding.

Treasure: 3,109 sp, 80 ep, 15 gp, one bloodstone worth 50 gp, one chrysoberyl worth 100 gp, one jasper worth 1,000 gp, and one obsidian worth 10 gp.


This 10’ wide cave passage dead ends, and appears to the rather filthy lair of some humanoid creature.

This is the lair of one of the rutterkin found in area #36. There are some old rotted materials, consisting of tapestries and fabrics, strewn on the floor for bedding.

Treasure: 4,085 cp, 3,010 sp, 70 ep, 15 gp, one amber gem worth 100 gp, one moonstone worth 50 gp, one black opal worth 1,000 gp, and one topaz worth 1,000 gp.


Read this if the player characters arrive from the center 20’ hallway into this area:

As you enter the 10’ wide cave passage from the 20’ hallway, you hear the sound so grunting coming from ahead of you, just around the corner.


There are at least several short squat creatures hiding in the shadows of these caves from which comes a vile slobbering sound.

There are currently three dretch located in the shadows in this location from area #42, who are hoping to hold off the rutterkin in area #36 while other dretch arrive from areas #43 and #44. The dretch are constantly harassed by the rutterkin, but they know that they need number superiority before they engage in a fight. If the player characters attack the rutterkin, the dretch will back off and avoid the fight to see how things progress. If the player characters appear to be weak after fighting the rutterkin, they will attack. Otherwise, they will retreat back to their lairs.

Dretch (3): AC 2; MV 9”; HD 4; hp 22, 21,12; #AT 3; Dmg 1-4/1-4/2-5; SA: in addition to their normal attacks, dretch are capable of using one of the following spell-like abilities once per round: darkness (5’ radius), scare, stinking cloud once per day, and telekinesis 500 gp weight. Note: because of the protective spell on Iggwilv’s haven, the dretch cannot use their normal teleport or gate abilities.


You enter a cave that is 30’ by 20’ in size, from which emits a foul odor.

This is the lair of the three dretch that are currently located in area #41.

Treasure: littering the floor of the chamber are 18 cp, 21 sp, 18 ep, and 12 gp.


This cave passage ends in a 20’ circular chamber with rocks and boulders littering the back of the cave.

This cave is home to four dretch.

Dretch (4): AC 2; MV 9”; HD 4; hp 25, 21, 19, 11; #AT 3; Dmg 1-4/1-4/2-5; SA: in addition to their normal attacks, dretch are capable of using one of the following spell-like abilities once per round: darkness (5’ radius), scare, stinking cloud once per day, and

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telekinesis 500 gp weight. Note: because of the protective spell on Iggwilv’s haven, the dretch cannot use their normal teleport or gate abilities.

Treasure: among the rocks and boulders are 32 cp, 36 sp, 36 ep, and 4 gp.


This large cave is 40’ in circumference and the center of the chamber is littered with rocks and boulders.

This cave is home to 5 dretch.

Dretch (5): AC 2; MV 9”; HD 4; hp 24, 23, 20, 18, 14; #AT 3; Dmg 1-4/1-4/2-5; SA: in addition to their normal attacks, dretch are capable of using one of the following spell-like abilities once per round: darkness (5’ radius), scare, stinking cloud once per day, and telekinesis 500 gp weight. Note: because of the protective spell on Iggwilv’s haven, the dretch cannot use their normal teleport or gate abilities.

Treasure: among the rocks and boulders are 50 cp, 120 sp, 40 ep, and 25 gp.


The smooth 10’ wide tunnel continues on from the cave complex and it winds itself deep into the darkness.

The denzelian deviated far away from the main complex after they were let loose, so these passages wind for approximately 3 miles, sometimes crisscrossing themselves, before making their way back into the cave complex at area #60. DMs may either map these tunnels out or simply describe their general nature to the player characters.


This 20’ wide hallway features smooth walls and 20’ high ceilings, all of which were carved directly through the stone and caves.

This was one of the three hallways Iggwilv carved out of the stone and cave complex as the beginning of her haven.


A small cave lies just off the 20’ hallway and as you peer inside you see three sets of eyes staring back at you, while your light reflects off of several thousand shiny objects on the ground.

The three sets of eyes belong to the three firetoads that dwell in this cave. They are large toads, about 4’ high, red skinned, with purple warts. They will only attack if their cave is fully entered.

Firetoad (3): AC 10; MV 6”; HD 4+1; hp 24, 21, 20, 16; #AT 1; Dmg variable; SA it can breathe two small fireballs with a range of 30’ and a blast radius of 5’ at will, inflicting the same number of hit points the firetoad currently has as damage; Normal saving throws are allowed for half damage.

Treasure: The shiny objects on the ground are 2,606 ep.


This cave tunnel just off the 20’ wide hallway has a red glow emanating from within.

The red glow comes from the 8 fire beetles that lair in the rear area of this cave. They will only attack if provoked.

Fire beetle (8): AC 4; MV 12”; HD 1+2; hp 9, 8, 7, 6, 4, 3 (x3); #AT 1; Dmg 2-8.

Treasure: each fire beetle has a gland above each eye and near the back of their abdomen that will continue to glow red for 1-6 days illuminating a 10’ radius.


This 20’ wide hallway features smooth walls and 20’ high ceilings, all of which were carved directly through the stone and caves.

This was one of the three hallways Iggwilv carved out of the stone and cave complex as the beginning of her haven.


The entrance to this very large cavern is partially blocked by boulders and rocks, but it opens to an

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expanse that is at least 50’ in circumference with a ceiling 50’ in height.

This is the lair of thee rutterkin that are mostly controlled by the chasme in areas #30 and #31. The chasme use the rutterkin to harass the herzou located in the center of the complex in areas #52, #53, and #54. The rutterkin hate the dretch more than they hate the herzou, but even bullies can be bullied. Off of the main chamber are three spurs, each being claimed by one of the three rutterkin.

Rutterkin (3): AC 1; MV 12”; HD 5+1; hp 28, 27, 20; #AT 1-2; 2-7/2-7 or by weapon type; SA: in addition to their normal attacks, rutterkin can use one of the following spell-like powers once per round: darkness (5’ radius), fear by touch, fly, and telekinesis (1,000 gp weight); Note: because of the protective spell on Iggwilv’s haven, the rutterkin cannot use their normal teleport or gate abilities. These rutterkin wield a saw-toothed flatchet (similar to a broad sword, although add +1 damage against unarmored opponents).

Treasure: 4,524 cp, 2,018 sp, 27 ep, 28 gp


The passage leads to a smaller, 30’ by 10’ cave. At the back of the cave, there appears to be refuse on the floor.

This is the lair of two ruttekin that are mostly controlled by the chasme in areas #30 and #31. These chasme use the rutterkin to harass the herzou located in the center of the complex in areas #52, #53, and #54. The refuse on the floor is from old rotted fabric which they use for their lair.

Rutterkin (3): AC 1; MV 12”; HD 5+1; hp 28, 27, 20; #AT 1-2; 2-7/2-7 or by weapon type; SA: in addition to their normal attacks, rutterkin can use one of the following spell-like powers once per round: darkness (5’ radius), fear by touch, fly, and telekinesis (1,000 gp weight); Note: because of the protective spell on Iggwilv’s haven, the rutterkin cannot use their normal teleport or gate abilities. These rutterkin wield a saw-toothed flatchet (similar to a broad sword, although add +1 damage against unarmored opponents).

Treasure: 230 ep, 12 gp, and one pearl worth 1,000 gp.


As you enter this 20’ diameter cave, a large toad-like humanoid charges you.

This is the lair of one of the three herzou. These creatures are not really aligned with any other demons in the complex, but are much hated by the chasme and Babau. As a result, they are usually prepared for an attack at any moment. They will immediately fight the player characters in the hopes of a tasty meal. Once the sound of combat starts the herzou from area #53 will enter this chamber in two combat rounds. There is also a 50% chance that the herzou in area #54 will hear the fighting and also join the fight in four combat rounds.

Herzou: AC -2; MV 6”/12”; HD 9; hp 47; #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/4-16; SA: naturally casts darkness (15’ radius), and can cast one at a time, once per round cause fear (as a fear wand), levitate (as an 8th level magic-user), detect invisible objects, and telekinesis. Note: because of the protective spell on Iggwilv’s haven, the herzou cannot use their gate abilities.

Treasure: 3,256 ep, one garnet worth 500 gp, one blue quartz worth 100 gp, one azurite worth 10 gp, a potion of polymorph self, and a clerical scroll containing four spells (resist fire, remover curse, raise dead, and heal at the 12th level of spell use).


You enter a 40’ long and 10’ wide cave that smells like the home of some foul creature.

This it the lair of a second herzou. If the player characters enter this cave first, then the herzou will be present and attack, and the herzou in area #52 should join the fight in two combat rounds. If they player characters entered area #52 first, then the herzou in this chamber should have joined the fight in that cave. There is a third herzou in area #54 and there is a 50% chance that once combat starts it will hear the fighting and enter into combat in 4 melee rounds.

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Herzou: AC -2; MV 6”/12”; HD 9; hp 26; #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/4-16; SA: naturally casts darkness (15’ radius), and can cast one at a time, once per round cause fear (as a fear wand), levitate (as an 8th level magic-user), detect invisible objects, and telekinesis. Note: because of the protective spell on Iggwilv’s haven, the herzou cannot use their gate abilities.

Treasure: 781 cp, 443 sp, 702 ep, a ring of warmth and a magic-user’s scroll containing the following spells: write, fool’s gold, magic mouth, dispel magic, and statue at the 15th level of spell use.


The passageway comes to a small 15’ diameter chamber where is present a humanoid looking toad.

This is the third herzou. If the player characters become engaged in combat and this is the first one encountered, there is a 50% chance that the two herzou in areas #52 and #53 will hear the combat and join within 4 melee rounds (roll separately for each).

Herzou: AC -2; MV 6”/12”; HD 9; hp 34; #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/4-16; SA: naturally casts darkness (15’ radius), and can cast one at a time, once per round cause fear (as a fear wand), levitate (as an 8th level magic-user), detect invisible objects, and telekinesis. Note: because of the protective spell on Iggwilv’s haven, the herzou cannot use their gate abilities.

Treasure: 4,196 ep, bracers of defense (AC 7), a short sword +1, and a suit of elf-sized scale male +2.


You enter a 10’ wide passageway that quickly gives way to a 30’ long by 10’ cave. The transition in the height of the cave is quickly noticed for the hallway was 20’, the entryway 30’, and the main chamber is well over 50’ high.

This chamber’s ceiling continues to rise as it enters into area #56 where it reaches 100’ in height and area #57 where it reaches 120’.


You enter a 20’ diameter caver where your light source reflects off of hundreds of shiny objects on the cavern floor.

The ceiling in this chamber is 100’ in height. Watching the player characters from above are 6 margoyles. They will observe the party and wait to attack at an opportune moment, usually as any intruders start to pick up coins of the floor. There is only a 5% chance they will be seen due to the fact they are 80’ high and in the shadows of the cave. The margoyles gain a surprise attack if player characteristics retrieving coins without placing a watch, otherwise they have their normal 5 in 6 chance.

Margoyle (6): AC 2; MV 6”/12”; HD 6; hp 36, 34, 32, 31, 28 (x2); #AT 4; Dmg 1-6/1-6/2-8/2-8; SA: if attacking from a stone wall, there is a 5 in 6 chance it will gain a surprise attack; SD: magical +1 items or better to hit.

Treasure: 701 cp, 98, sp, 482 gp, 95 pp. Lying on the ground at the back of the cave is a +1 spear and a platinum necklace with a flaming red pendant which appears to be a 500 gp necklace, but is, in, reality a necklace of missiles and the one pendant is a 9 dice fireball.


You enter a 10’ wide passageway from the 20’ wide hallway, Upon entering the main chamber, which stands approximately 30’ by 15’, you can no longer see the ceiling of this large open chamber.

The height of the ceiling in this chamber reaches 120’.


You enter a slightly wider passage, 15’ wide, that enters a 20’ deep and 40’ long cave. The center of the chamber is full of rocks and boulders, behind which you see moving a number of vaguely humanoid creatures.

This cave is home to 7 dretch.

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Dretch (7): AC 2; MV 9”; HD 4; hp 21, 19 (x3), 17, 15, 11; #AT 3; Dmg 1-4/1-4/2-5; SA: in addition to their normal attacks, dretch are capable of using one of the following spell-like abilities once per round: darkness (5’ radius), scare, stinking cloud once per day, and telekinesis 500 gp weight. Note: because of the protective spell on Iggwilv’s haven, the dretch cannot use their normal teleport or gate abilities.

Treasure: among the rocks and boulders are 70 cp, 172 sp, 70 ep, and 49 gp.


As you proceed down the hallway past another of those smooth 10’ passageways, you here the low growling sound of hounds coming from somewhere in the dark before you.

Any creature continuing to move forward and not immediately backing away, will hear the sounds of claws on stone and face the wrath of the 6 hell hounds that lair in area #66.

Hell hound (7): AC 4; MV 12”; HD 6; hp 36, 34, 28 (x2), 27, 26, 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-10; SA: breathe fire for 6 hit points of damage unless save versus dragon breath for half-damage (3 hit points), they surprise on a 1-4; SD: they can locate hidden or invisible creatures 50% of the time.


The strange 10’ wide smooth tunnel stretches far into the darkness, as far as your lights can see.

The tunnels were created by the two denzelians and they continue off map for approximately 3 miles of winding, often crisscrossing tunneling, before returning into Iggvilw’s Haven at area #45.


You enter a natural cavern off of the artificially created passages, and find a small cave, 30’ by 20’ whose walls are glowing. The soft glow appears to be coming from some form of fungi or lichen growing mostly on the walls, but some also cling to the ceiling.

The glowing comes from an unusual form of lichen that is harmless. What is not harmless are the two gas spores that reside in the farthest point in the cave. Anyone entering the cave will find the first gas spore coming at them. The second will follow 10’ behind the first. Check to see if the party recognizes it as a gas spore or a beholder. There is a 75% change of mistaking it for a beholder. If either gas spore is damaged and explodes, it will cause the other to explode.

Gas spore (2): AC 9; MV 3”; HD 1 hit point; hp 1 (x2); #AT 1; Dmg, contact with exposed flesh is fatal unless victim gets cure disease within 24 hours; SD: when hit, the gas spore explodes causing 6-36 hit points of damage (save versus wands for half damage).

Treasure: none.


The narrow passage into this cavern is only 5’ wide and anyone over 5’ tall will need to stoop as they proceed down the passage for it is a low ceiling. Once through the entryway, however, despite the intense darkness of the cave you can feel that it opens up into an immense cavern.

The cave is 90’ long and 35’ at its widest. The ceiling of the cavern is 120’ high. If the party is using a light source, they will see many shiny objects on the cavern floor. However, any use of light or noise made while entering the cavern or anyone walking inside the cave (not just peering in) will find that a light suddenly comes on, high overhead in the far recesses of the cave. Then another light will come on, followed by another. There is a colony of fire bats in this cave that have gone dormant as a means of survival. There is little opportunity for blood to feed on in this cave complex, so they have extinguished themselves and gone into hibernation. Any sound will wake them at which point they will ignite. Once the entire colony is on fire, lighting up the whole cave, they will swarm the adventuring party. The process of all 20 fire bats lighting up will take 5 melee rounds. Even if the player characters leave the cave in that time, after the 5 rounds, the fire bats will pursue.

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Bat, fire (20): AC 8; MV 6”/20”; HD 2; hp 8 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SA: the bats swarm and will divide themselves up so as an approximately equal number will attack each member of the adventuring party; a hit will allow the fire bat to attach themselves, and they will automatically burn and bleed their victims for 3 rounds before detaching; note: each bat will only feed for 3 rounds, whether on one opponent or multiple; SD: can see invisible creatures due to sonar and infravision. A fire bat’s flame can be doused with 10 gallons of water causing 1-4 hit points of damage and will require 10 rounds to reignite.

Treasure: On the cavern floor are 16 gems consisting of 16 carnelians (50 gp each), 3 jacinths (1,000 gp each), and 1 ruby (5,000 gp).


Boulders and rocks block the entryway into what feels like a vast cavern with high ceilings. The center of the cave is pitch black, but a faint glow emits from the walls and on the cavern floor around the boulders. It provides little illumination in this vast cave. There is movement inside the cavern and you hear the sound of a hard object on the stone floor; a hoof perhaps?

This is the primary food source in the cave complex, as well as a source of amusement for the demons. While it was primarily a herd of common goats, many experiments have turned many of them into hordlings, so that the cavern appears to hold the very hordes of hades. There are normal goats, goats that have human features, half-goat/half-man creatures, and humans with goat-like features. While the goats themselves are neutral and spend most of their time eating the lichen off the walls, the hordlings are chaotic evil and will attack.

Hordling (humanoid goat) (2): AC 1; MV 12”; HD 8+1; hp 48, 38; #AT 2 (hoof-hands); Dmg 1-6/1-6; SA: charge with goat horns causing 2-12 hit points of damage.

Hordling (half-goat/half-human) (2): AC 2; MV 12”; HD 7+2; hp 43, 39; #AT 2 (hoof-hands); Dmg 1-4/1-4; SA: charge with goat horns causing 2-8 hit points of damage.

Hordling (goat with human features) (2): AC 3; MV 15”; HD 6+3; hp 24, 23, 20; #AT 1 (charge); Dmg 1-3.

Goats (20): AC 7; MV 15”; HD 1+2; hp 10 (x2), 6 (x6), 4 (x12); #AT 1 (charge); Dmg 1-3. Note: those with 10 hps are bucks, with 6 hps are does, and the rest are kids/non-combatants.

Treasure: none.


The 5’ wide passageway opens into a 10’ diameter circular cave.

Anyone foolish enough to step into the portion of the cave that is 10’ circular will be attacked from above and below – a lurker above and a trapper below. Roll initiative for the two creature giving the trapper a +1 to hit. Whichever wins, strikes first.

Lurker above: AC 6; MV 1”/9”; HD 10; hp 49; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA surprises on a 1-4, constriction causes the 1-6 hit points, and smothering in 2-5 rounds. 10% chance of detection.

Trapper: AC 12; MV 3”; HD 12; hp 42; #AT 1; Dmg 4+AC of victim; SA: Prey will be smothered in 4 rounds; SD: resistant to fire and cold (half or no damage). 5% chance of detection.

Treasure: 4,060 cp, 27,560 gp, one gold and pearl broach worth 500 gp, one diamond earring worth 100 gp, one gold necklace with black onyx worth 50 gp, one gold gem encrusted tiara worth 10,000 gp, one copper ring worth 1 gp, and one silver bracelet worth 50 gp.


You enter a worked stone chamber that is cube shaped for it is a 30’ by 30’ chamber with a 30’ high ceiling, although the center of the ceiling is difficult to see. The stone walls have scratch marks on them and the floor is covered in various spots with a reddish slime. There is a small pile of items in the far corner of the room.

The center of the ceiling is difficult to see because the babau demon that resides here is clinging to the ceiling and it causes darkness with a 5’ radius. The babau demon will leap down on the party from

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above. The babau is at war with the bar-lgura (See area #67) and the herzou, both of which it hates immensely. The babau controls the chasme who, in turn, control the rutterkin.

Babau: AC -3; MV 15”; HD 7+14; hp 52; #AT 1 or 3; Dmg by weapon +7 (note: this babau currently has no weapon) or 2-5/2-5/2-8; SA: can perform at will, once per round, one of the following: fear (by touch only), levitate (as a 10th level magic-user), fly (as an 11th level magic-user), dispel magic (as a 12th level magic-user), polymorph self, and heat metal (as a 14th level druid); SD: 50% magical resistance, any creature gazing at the red eyes of the babau must save versus spells or be affected as if touched by a ray of enfeeblement. The babau is harmed by all weapons, but cold-wrought iron inflicts +2 points per hit. Note: because of the protective spell on Iggwilv’s haven, the babau cannot use its gate ability.

Treasure: The small pile is the babau’s treasure, which consists of an iron box containing 1,397 gp, a cloak of elvenkind, boots of elvenkind, an ornamental box that is gem-encrusted worth 500 gp, containing a +3 dagger, a scroll containing cure disease, neutralize poison, cure serious wounds, and dispel magic.

66. HELL HOUNDS FROM HELL This octagonal room once had a double door entryway, which is now gone, but features a standing double door made of some type of metal on the far side of the room. At the base of the door is a pile of coins. There are also two 10’ wide passageways that lead to similarly constructed wooden doors. The room has a foul smell and the walls and floor are scorch marked.

This is the lair of the 7 hell hounds (See area #59). If any player character made it to the locations marked as area #59, the hell hounds will sense them, investigate, and attack any player characters present.

Treasure: 3,212 sp, 1 star rose quartz worth 50 gp, and a small pin, depicting a red dragon chasing its tail through the use of small red rubies worth 3,500 gp.


You enter a worked stone chamber that is cube shaped for it is a 30’ by 30’ chamber, but with a very low ceiling clearance of 10’. Above that, there is a series of thick wooden beams creating a rafter ceiling. The floor is littered with various shaped bones.

The rafters are where the bar-lgura, a minor demon, resides. This bar-lgura is very resentful of being stuck in Iggwilv’s haven and regularly takes it out on any of the other demons or creatures located in the haven. It will gladly take out its frustrations on any player characters that enter its lair. The bar-lgura hates the babau (See area #65) and controls the dretch who are at war with the rutterkin. Although the dretch do well for him, he dislikes them just as much, merely tolerating them.

Bar-lgura: AC -3; MV 9”/15”; HD 6+6; hp 34; #AT 3; Dmg 1-6/1-6/2-12; SA: can spring from all fours and cover 40’, can use the following spell-like powers one at a time at will: darkness (10’ radius), create water (as 6th level cleric), cause fear (by touch), detect illusion, detect invisible, dispel magic, entangle, plant growth, telekinesis (2500 gp weight limit); twice per day can use, at will, change self, invisibility, and spectral force; SD: 45% magical resistance. Note: normal weapons have full effect against the bar-lgura, and because of the protective spell on Iggwilv’s haven, the bar-lgura cannot use its teleport or gate abilities.

Treasure: located in what amount to nests in the rafters are the following items: chest #1 containing 1,116 cp and 998 ep, chest #2 containing 5,028 sp, chest #3 containing 1,098 gp and an ivory necklace worth 200 gp (loot obtained from a now deceased chasme); an ivory case (worth 250 gp) containing a wand of magic missiles (50 charges), and a jar of Keoghtom’s ointment.


As the double doors open inward, they reveal a 40’ square room with what is probably an equally tall ceiling. In the center of the room sits a raised pool of water that is 10’ in diameter. To your left is a 5’ wide entryway flanked by two statutes of what look to be the same beautiful woman, although one

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statute is dressed for battle while the other wears a flowing gown. To the right are two double iron doors. Suddenly, landing in front of the pool is an attractive female, but one who is clearly evil in nature. Protruding from her forehead are two small horns, from behind her long hair arise two large bat wings, and she wields a sword.

The alu-demon is Meridina, an alu-demon resulting from the mating of a succubi (incubus) and a human. Iggwilv was close to Meridina. So close, in fact, many wonder if she was not the result of a relationship between Iggwilv and an incubus. Regardless, she has been left in charge of Iggwilv’s haven and her mission is to protect the treasury. She wears a large iron key attached to a necklace. This iron key can be split apart to enter the great iron doors.

The pool is actually Keoghtom’s pool of purification, an item acquired by Iggwilv for her haven. She reasoned that if she ever needed to use the haven, she would need the pool’s curative powers. The pool acts similarly to Keoghtom’s staff in that drinking or bathing in the waters can break enchantment, restoration, or heal. Each action uses 1 charge and the pool has the ability of using 6 charges per day before needing to recharge itself. Any water taken from the pool and placed in receptacles loses all power within one hour.

The two statutes are depictions of Iggwilv herself, in both battle gear and evening attire. However, the reality is, the two statutes are equally dangerous for they are both caryatid columns. Anyone attempting to enter the 5’ entryway between them will find the columns animating and attacking. Their direct order from Iggwilv is to prevent anyone, other than herself, from entering the teleportation chamber (See area #69). If anyone fighting them simply backs away from the entrance, they will return to their guard posts and revert to stone. If defeated, they turn back to stone in their exact location (and pose) when defeated.

Meridina (alu-demon): AC 5; MV 12”; HD 6+6; hp 43; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA: spell like abilities one at a time, once per round: charm person, ESP, shape change, and suggestion; Knows the following spells as an 8th level magic user: 1st level,

identify, jump, shield, comprehend languages; 2nd level, pyrotechnics, locate object, scare; 3rd level, feign death, mirror image, ESP; 4th level, polymorph self, fireball; and can touch attack for 1-8 hit points drained, while the alu-demon gains 1-4 hit points; SD: cold wrought iron or +1 magical weapons or greater to hit and 30% magical resistance. The alu-demon wears no armor, but wields a broadsword +2, Nine Lives Stealer.

Caryatid columns (2): AC 5; MV 6”; HD 22 hit points; hp 22 each; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SD: normal weapons inflict only half-damage against it and magical weapons do damage, but they do not gain their magical bonus, plus all weapons striking have a 25% chance of breaking (each + of the weapon reducing that chance by 5%), and all saving throws are at +4.


This 30’ round chamber appears to have been the scene of a major explosion. The center of the room has the darkest black marks and some of the stone floor has been turned to rubble. The walls are all scorched black, starting at about 3’ high and moving upward. On the floor, in the center of the room, there is a circular pattern carved into the stone, but whatever destroyed the chamber, all but obliterated the details of the circular symbol.

This was the teleportation chamber by which Iggwilv reached her haven. By teleporting to the Hall of Pentacles (as detailed in The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth), Iggwilv could then teleport to her haven. After retreating here for purposes of recovering from her epic battle with Graz’zt, she took what she needed from her treasury located in area #72 (one of her many such treasuries). She then cast a delayed blast fireball before transporting away. Her intent was to prevent others from entering her haven, but she also knew that it would prevent her from returning as well. However, she reasoned that when she was ready to return, she would be more powerful than ever and would be able to overcome the protections she placed on the haven. The transportation aspects of this chamber no longer work and there is nothing of value located in the chamber.

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The double set of iron doors are 20’ tall and each is 5’ wide. The doors are made of iron, set on hinges in the stone, and each must be at least 1’ thick. The doors feature the visage of a babau demon on the left and a bar-lgura on the right and embedded in each creature’s chest is an iron carved scroll with writing. Set at the base of the scroll, in the center, are two-half key holes, and just below that, the scroll juts out from the door, protruding outward by 1’. The writing on the two scrolls is identical and the runes read:

Some treasure of Iggwilv’s doth rest within,

Bad fortune will shine on those who would seek

To thieve the belongings not of the meek

But one o’er not even death can win.

Open these doors, the foolish of the fool,

And upon you I will bestow a curse,

One told for which even death is averse,

Like the eternal damning of the ghoul.

The iron key that the alu-demon carries can be split into two half-keys. In order to open the door, each half must be inserted into the half-key holes and turned simultaneously. The doors will then click and the scroll protrusions can then be used as door handles to pull open the double doors. The doors swing outward. The doors cannot be bypassed in any other manner for Iggwilv’s haven prevents all spells such as teleport, gate, or passwall from working. Access beyond these doors is also protected from such things as magical scrying or even a wish spell.


Beyond the double iron doors is a corridor with walls made of blue marble. A thick green carpet runs from the entry to an ivory door some 40’ distant. The arched ceiling is of black marble shot through with bands of turquoise. The walls and floor are polished and dust-free. From the entrance you can see the gleam of golden hinges, studs, and ring set

in the far door. A dim blue glow seems to come from the ceiling. This uncanny light pervades the whole passageway. Half-way down the corridor, hanging opposite each other, are two equal sized paintings.

The two paintings are almost identical for they both depict a beautiful, smiling, black-haired lady. She is paddling a 14’ canoe on a lake under a stormy night sky. The two paintings are different in several ways. First, the two paintings appear to be reversed. Second, the names on the canoes are different. One reads “SERENITY” while the other reads “SERENDIPITY.” Finally, the third way in which they are different is the fact the one canoeing SERENDIPITY has two very small bat-wings, both of which are difficult to see because of the black hair and stormy night sky (only a 5% chance of casually noticing and a 50% chance of noticing if intently studying the painting).

If either of the canoe names are spoken out loud, the boat will shrink from the picture, land on the floor, and turn itself into a small box. Both of the boats in the paintings are magically folding boats. The paintings will remain on the wall as nothing more than a scenic painting of a lake; the female figure gone. If the word is spoken again, the party will have a full sized 14’ canoe sitting in the corridor, equipped with two paddles. The boats are also exquisitely made, not the dug-out types of canoe that the party is most likely used to by now.

As the player characters move further down the corridor (past the paintings) the blue light will begin to turn into a mist that will grow ever thicker. A hissing sound will be heard emitting from the ivory doors as they begin to open of their own accord. At this point, the blue mist will be so thick as to make visibility reduced to no more than a few inches. If the party reaches the end of the corridor and walks through the opened ivory doors, they will feel and see an intense blue flash of light that only lasts for an instant. This is because they have been transported into the planar nexus where Iggwilv’s treasure resides (See area #72).

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As you step into the room, the blue mist is completely gone from in front of you, but still churning in the doorway behind you. The room is a larger circular room, 40’ in diameter, and the entire room appears to be made of white ivory. Hanging from the domed ceiling by a thick golden chain is a lanthorn that is dimly lit, but adequately lights the entire room as its light is reflected off the ivory floor, walls, and domed ceiling.

In the center of the room is a large rectangular slab of pure white alabaster, measuring 4’ high, 8’ long, and 4’ wide, that appears to be floating above the ivory floor. Situated at the four corners of the alabaster slab are four platinum and gem encrusted candle holders (unlit). By the two candle holders on the left are a small belt pouch, a potion vial, a censer with incense, three double-sized vials, all but one of which is full, and the skull of some horned demon or devil. By the two candle holders to your right are two potion vials, a jug, a flagon, and the hand, or rather claw, of some demonic creature on a chain. The center of the large slab is left bare.

Anyone approaching the alabaster slab will cause the first guardian of Iggwilv’s treasure to attack. The slab is elevated and does appear to be floating, but it is actually resting on a quasi-elemental lighting which serves as a guardian. While it has been said that the creatures are generally not possible to conjure, Iggwilv, being a powerful magic-user, figured out how to do so. The quasi-elemental lighting will move out from under the alabaster slab, causing it to drop, jarring everything on top, but not spilling anything.

Quasi-elemental lighting: AC 2; MV 18”; HD 9; hp 27; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 +9; SA: once per round can create a small globe that will last for 9 rounds and will attack anyone attacking the main creature by discharging for 1-6 hit points of damage; SD: only hit by +1 magic weapon or better, if weapon used is of conductive material the wielder suffers 1-4 hit points of electrical damage, immune to lighting and electrical attacks, and fire and acid do half-damage. Note: cold does full damage and water inflicts 1-8 hit points of damage per gallon of water.

The gold chain from which the lanthorn hangs is thick, weighing 500 gp, and is worth 1,000 gp.

The lanthorn is an artifact, Daoud’s Wondrous Lanthorn, for which not many ever knew that Daoud made more than one. The present lanthorn has three of the four openings shuttered and a crystal lens shining forth from the one opening is partially shuttered. There is a crystal lens in each of the four openings, but behind each are the following lenses: sapphire, amethyst, jacinth, and topaz. If one of the gem prisms is placed in an opening and the other three are shuttered, a beam of color will emit forth for 30’ from the opening. A spell can then be cast by the owner. The lanthorn has enough fuel to burn for 100 years, but each spell cast uses up some of its fuel. It can be refueled, but it is difficult and costly. Also, possession of the lanthorn will cause the owner to become more possessive of it over time, turning quite maniacal. The various types of prisms have the following effects and their fuel costs are noted (spells cast as if by a 19th level spell caster):

Type of Prism Lanthorn Effect Fuel Cost

All 4 crystals Anyone exposed None to the glow for 4 hours will not need food, drink, or sleep for 12 hours; 24 hours of light will cure 1-4 +4 hit points and halt the effects of disease or poison; 7 days in the light will cure disease and/or poison.

Sapphire On command, 5 years by the owner, will cast fear

Amethyst On command, 5 years by the owner, will cast emotion (rage)

Jacinth On command, 5 years by the owner, will cast flame strike

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Topaz On command, 5 years by the owner, will cast slow

__________________________________________________ The four candle holders are made of platinum and the gems are a variety of expensive gems. Each candle holder is valued at 1,500 gp.

The items located by the two candle holders to the left are a small belt pouch which is Zagyg’s spell component case. The regular sized vial is a potion of gaseous form and the double sized vial with liquid contains two doses of the potion of extra-healing (the empty ones were used by Iggwilv after the battle with Graz’zt). The censer and incense is the censer of summoning hostile air elementals. The skull is actually that of a pit fiend to which Iggwilv once had to teach a lesson. The skull has the spell symbol of pain cast upon it, so once per day the spell will cause (save versus magic) the victim to suffer extreme pain causing them to take -4 on attack rolls to hit and -2 on dexterity for 2-20 melee rounds.

The items located by the two candle holders to the right are two potion vials which are a potion of polymorph self and a potion of super-heroism. The jug is an alchemy jug, while the flagon is Zagyg’s flowing flagon. The claw on the chain is actually one of the two clawed hands of the pit fiend whose skull resides on the other side of the alabaster slab. Some other unfortunate soul is the unlucky recipient of the other clawed hand, which is why there is only one. Anyone touching the clawed hand on a chain or even just the chain itself will find that the claw will grab their hand and become their hand. There is no way to stop the transformation and the player character will now be cursed forever with a pit fiend clawed hand. The only way to remove it is to cut off the hand, it which case it will revert to the clawed hand on a chain, and, again, anyone touching it will find they are they proud new owner of a pit fiend clawed hand.

The center of the alabaster slab has a very thin, rectangular crack in it, which measures 3’ by 4’. There does not appear to be any means by which to move the interior piece. It does not push downward, and there is no way to pry the

centerpiece out. In order to do this, it must be done on the inside. The potion of gaseous form or perhaps even the potion of polymorph self, if done right, might allow for a player character to gain access into the crack, and thus enter the small hollow interior. Once inside the hollow interior, one must merely touch the interior books and they will rise out of the crevice, lifting the block of alabaster to reveal the interior contents.

The books consist of a Manual of Golems, Manual of Puissant Skill at Arms, Manual of Stealthy Pilfering, and the Demonicon of Iggwilv. The latter is bound and sealed. If the seal is broken, a guardian appears. The guardian is a barbed devil.

Barbed devil: AC 8; MV 12”; HD 8; hp 54; #AT 3; Dmg 2-8/2-8/3-12; SA: generate fear (save versus wand), and upon striking a victim they can perform any of the following one at a time per turn: pyrotechnics, produce flame, hold person: SD: never surprised, 35% magic resistance. Note: because of the protective spell on Iggwilv’s haven, the barbed devil cannot use it’s summon ability.

The brass bound book, one of the legendary books known as the Demonicon of Iggwilv, contains the following spells: Clerical spells: 1st level: Aid; 2nd level: Holy Symbol; 3rd level: Magical Vestment; 4th level: Abjure; 7th level: Exaction, Henley’s Digit of Disruption. Magic-user spells: 1st level: Armor, find familiar, mount, push, unseen servant; 3rd level: Flame arrow, material, Monster Summoning I, Sepia snake sigil; 4th level: Evard’s black tentacles, Monster summoning II; 5th level: Dismissal, Dolor, Leomund’s secret chest, Mordenkainen’s faithful hound; 6th level: Ensnarement, Invisible stalker; 7th level: Banishment, Drawmij’s instant summons, torment; 8th level: Binding, Maze, power word blind. The words of the Prison of Zagyg: Activation word: Reap; Trigger word: Graz’zt; Command spell: Abyssal Lord; Freedom word: Nevermore.


At any point in the adventuring party’s exploration of Iggwilv’s Haven, they may retreat back to the Rocky Gnome’s Lair for safety. All they need do is block up the entrance and the demons will ignore them (unless of course the player characters’ have

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entirely enraged the demons and they are in hot pursuit as they flee back to the lair). Once doing all they can for the gnomes, or having completely cleared Iggwilv’s Haven of all the demons, the player characters will want to continue their journey to Greyhawk by canoe (new fancy canoes if they happen to have obtained Serenity and Serendipity). The gnomes will advise the adventuring party that a day’s journey by watercraft will take them to a rocky island in the middle of the river that is generally a good place to camp overnight, as there is a protective cave on the north side of the island.

Hex47 (C5-88)

“We stopped to dine on an interesting rocky island, securing our canoe to the cliffy shore.”

-Henry David Thoreau, Canoeing in the Wilderness


Paddling the river and heading south on a clear, crisp morning gives you renewed sense of your journey and helps focus your mind on your ultimate destination, Greyhawk! The river is calm and moving to a steady pace with little in the way of white water or obstructions.

It is a good day’s paddle for the player characters.


Just about dinner time, as the sun begins to set behind the spires of the Yatil Mountains to your

west, you see up ahead a rocky island, low and flat on the north end and rising high and rounded in the center. You see 30’ south of the northern most point the opening of what appears to be a cave.

This is the cave the gnomes told the player characters about on the rocky island. It is a safe location to spend the night and the cave is warm and dry. There is only one slight problem. Most recently, since the last time the gnomes had been this way, two cave bears have taken up residence. There is currently only one cave bear present, the female cave bear with 22 hit points. The male is currently out hunting for food. If the player characters slay the female cave bear and stay overnight in the cave, sometime in the middle of the night the male cave bear will return, having had little luck finding something to eat, and he will be very, very hungry.

Cave bear (2): AC 6; MV 12”; HD 6+6; hp 36, 22; #AT 3; Dmg 1-8/1-8/1-12; SA: If a claw strike scores and 18 or better, the cave bear hugs the opponent for an additional 2-16 hit points of damage, also if reduced to 0 to -8 hit points they can fight for 1-4 more melee rounds, however, once reduced to -9 or less, they are killed immediately.

Hex48 (C5-89)

“If I wished to see a mountain or other scenery under the most favorable auspices, I would go to it in foul weather so as to be there when it cleared up.”

-Henry David Thoreau, Canoeing in the Wilderness

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Sometime overnight, the rains must have begun, for it is an overcast and dreary morning with a steady rain. It is hard to leave the comforts of the cave.

The rain will continue for the entire day, then break overnight. If the player characters remain in the cave for the day, the following day will prove to be sunny and clear.


As the day comes to a close, you see that the rocky terrain of the Yatil Mountains gives way to lush, green grassland. You realize that there will be no more mountainous terrain on your journey through Greyhawk. You also realize that you are now half-way to your destination, but there is still much river and terrain to cover.

The player characters will be unmolested for the night, as they camp on the edge of the Yatil Mountains and the grasslands of the Independent Town of Highfolk (See Chapter 7).

Random Encounters

As previously mentioned, this campaign includes all encounters for the party within each chapter. However, if DMs feel that there should be additional random encounters, the following random encounter table is provided for the Yatil Mountains

Dice Roll Encounter

01-09 Rockslide 10-19 Bears, Brown 20-29 Gnoll Raiding Band 30-39 Eagles, giant 40-49 Goblin Band 50-59 Hill Giants 60-69 Mountain Dwarf band 70-79 Hermit 80-89 Trolls 90-94 Ogres 95-97 Wyvern 98-99 Stone Giants 00 Blue Dragon


1 Gygax, Gary. (1983). The World of Greyhawk Gazetteer. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR. 2 Lanter, Jim. (1997). Perrenland. Oerth Journal, 5, 20-23, p. 20. 3 Gygax, Gary. (1983). The World of Greyhawk Gazetteer. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR. 4 Gygax, Gary. (1982). The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR. 5 See Stenseth, Craig. (1981). Incubus. Dragon Issue, 54, p. 29,

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