
THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos

William john Meegan


In my twenty-sixth year I began independently researching the truth and validity of the Judeao Christian

Scriptures; though, I was born a Roman Catholic I had neither attended church services nor abided in its teachings

since I was in my mid-teens. Here I am more than forty-years since taking on the symbolism of Freemasonry as if it

was my own. To my amazement the two are mirror images of each other. Forty years ago I had no idea how to

begin researching the bible other than that the Roman Catholic Church taught that the bible is totally symbolic.

Hearing that statement from the mouths of priests and knowing what it meant are two different things. How do

you read the bible symbolically? No one, not even the priests had the slightest idea as how to answer that

simplest of all religious questions. Slowly but surely the spirit within guided my hand and I learned that the search

for God was a 24/7 endeavor not a compulsory hour a week attending church services to listen to the ranting of a

pontificating priest that gave sermons on every topic but symbolism and how to read the WORD OF GOD.

Until the beginnings of writing this paper I had only minor evidence that Freemasonry influenced the

symbolism adorning the buildings and streets of Washington DC; however, that evidence was definitive and it was

material that were neither included nor discussed in the modern books and videos on Masonic Symbolism codified

into the art and architecture laid out in the city of Washington DC. In some of my papers on the internet, free for

all to read, I discussed this evidence I was certain Freemasonry had a hand in writing into the Constitution of the

United States and paradigmatically mapping out, as the WORD OF GOD, into the streets of Washington DC.

I have become accustomed over the past forty years of my psyche going blank so-to-speak as an arid desert

after finishing a book or a paper, on the esoteric science I had discovered outlined in the Judeao Christian

Scriptures, and then I waited for the spirit within to guide me in my next endeavor. It never takes long because

that space of time between projects tends towards the subject matter I would be honing my abilities to in the art

of esotericism. My mind began to hone in on the childish and ludicrous antics of the US Congress and I realized,

envisaging quite clearly, the US Congress’ deportment, to the world at large, was lit up like the noon day sun, the

Congress mirrored image the antics of the uneducated psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind. The

political parties acted out the tug of war in what the Hindus called the Churning of the Milky Ocean. I began taking

a renewed looks at those books and videos on the symbolism of Freemasonry in Washington DC in the past few

decades; though, I did not agree with the authors and producers I did see smattering of esotericism that I felt was

too widespread to be coincidental. I then began to analyze in minute detail THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED

STATES obverse (?) and reverse (1782), THE APOTHEOSIS OF GEORGE WASHINGTON (1865) on the ceiling of the

Capitol Building’s rotunda and the Centennial GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES of 1882.

As I unfolded the esoteric symbolism used to construct these artworks slowly but surely the esoteric science

that I found codified to the first chapter of Genesis was clearly outlines as the foundation of what Freemasonry

was paradigmatically codifying into the American pathos. More important to the discussion is the fact that though

the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH’S teachings of the esoteric science that emanates from the esotericism of its

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


artworks via the perfection of biblical teachings so too does Freemasonry provide the same esoteric curriculum;

however, Freemasonry go further and set up the psychology of America so that each and every citizen in the

United States of America would live in the darkness and pathos of his or her own psyche, in the real world, by

suffering the antics of those corrupt and disturbing politicians that the people collectively elected to Congress.

Those Congressional politicians kowtowing to the lobbyists that represent Corporate Greed in America reflect the

internal dynamics of the individual’s materialistic and deranged psyche.

Freemasonry falsely felt it needed to answer the absurdity of what has come out via the writings of

conspiracy theorists in recent books and videos on Washington DC and the symbolism displayed in Masonic

Lodges; however, Freemasonry goes too far by outright denying having anything to with it when it is obvious that

their lodges are full of such symbolism; furthermore, Freemasonry goes too far in their disinformation propaganda

program by denying outright that Freemasonry has had a direct influence on the symbolism affixed to some of the

buildings of Washington DC. It would have been a far better approach if Freemasonry simply refused to answer

the media rather than to outright deny its influence on the American pathos. Those outright denials are far more

harmful to the American pathos then if Freemasonry waited for those books and videos to go into obscurity.

Freemasonry obviously felt that modern technology has forced its hand in speaking out; because, the internet goes

viral with an unverified story. These book writers and film producers know nothing of Freemasonry or their

teachings; for the reason that, if you read these recent books or watch the films all they are displaying are the

barebones symbols and neither the books nor the films give an all-inclusive explanation as to what those symbols

mean from a comprehensive cosmological sense. It is the same old story of blind men all touching different parts

of the elephant trying to divine what it is and none of them coming up with any kind of an explanation.

This kind of nonsense is not only happening to Freemasonry. Take any subject matter in the world and there

are people out in society that buy a dozen or so books on the same subject and then they will cull out the prime

information from that batch of books and then write their own book base upon them and become instant experts

on the subject. None of these new books add to humanity fount of knowledge and understanding. In fact for the

most part these new fandangle books most likely will have depleted that fount of knowledge.

An Innuendo, hypothesis and/or pure unadulterated guesswork is the hallmark and prime material for the

next topic and/or subject matter for the news media of the day to invite uneducated pontificators to discuss

knowledge they know nothing of on the open airways. This is what Corporate America has reduced Journalism to

in today world.

I am not a Freemason; however, I can state unequivocally that Freemasonry is a very spiritual organization

though most of its membership is unaware of it; however, there has to be an inner hierarchy that possesses that

esoteric knowledge as there is unquestionably an inner hierarchy in Catholicism that is in possession of it. I find it

extremely interesting that modern Freemasonry began shortly after Catholicism’s Renaissance and Baroque

periods of the fifteen through the seventeen centuries and after the Alchemical period that flourished briefly in the

seventeenth and eighteenth centuries right around the time that Freemasonry began on June 24th

, 1717; though, it

is said that Freemasonry got its beginnings in the seventeenth century. May I suggest that the art of esotericism is

an unending relay race that has unbroken traditions that hail back to the dawn of time?


Esotericism needs a back-story to cloth the WORD OF GOD1 otherwise the hermetists that write the mythoi

codified to the historical chronicles would have no meaningful explanation, to expound to the secular world as to

why the sacred scriptures of the world are sacred and/or why they were written. For example there would be no

way that the Roman Catholic Church could explain the progressive developments in the Renaissance and the

Baroque periods’ art and architecture suddenly appearing on the European stage. The God/Man Christ can only

come into the world via the mystical marriage of the spiritual and the material. Without the back-story (secular

mythoi) the spiritual cannot enter into the world in a logical sensible manner. There can never be a moment in the

mythoi of the world that the back-story doesn’t exist whether it is consciously or unconsciously created. At least

by means of creating the back-story via mythology consciously there would be a world of ORDER, to give guidance

1 The WORD OF GOD is the spiritual unction that is exuded out of the world’s sacred scriptures and the mythoi of the psyche and the world.

The WORD OF GOD is not the bible per se; rather, the WORD OF GOD should be inherently understood to be the psyche ambiance that exudes

from the interpretation of the written and hermetically structured texts. There is no way whatsoever that the sacred scriptures of the world

can be understood to be the WORD OF GOD without the congregant knowing the hermeticism codified to the written textual storyline.

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


to the psyche, in contrast to the unconscious creation of the mythoi of a back-story, which would be hell on earth:

i.e. CHAOS2. CHAOS is analogous to modernity in the twenty-first century where the masses (all branches of

society) have no sense of what life or the world is about. The masses have no myth to live by.

The surface mythoi of the sacred scriptures of the world are analogous to CHAOS; whereas, each and every

single letter of those sacred texts, no matter the indigenous vernacular, has an alphanumeric (numerical and

grammatical) structure, which is comparable to ORDER in contrast to the CHAOS of the surface textual storyline.

Christ consciousness is not the hermetic science laid out alphanumerically in each letter in the surface textual

storyline of the sacred scriptures. Christ consciousness has to be psychically earned. Christ consciousness is not

something that is automatically bestowed upon a student of hermeticism. The individual has to truly DESIRE to

know GOD above all else in the world. Christ consciousness can be had without knowing hermeticism; in addition,

Christ consciousness (All Seeing Eye) makes it a great deal easier to pierce the secrets and science of hermeticism.

The back-story of the monk Leonardo da Pistoia riding into Florence on a donkey in the year 1460 to deliver

the Corpus Hermetica3 to Cosimo de Medici never made any sense to me; whatsoever, for the reason that the

Roman Catholic Church was inundated with hermeticism since its inception; therefore, the mythoi of hermeticism

rising in Europe in 1460 is completely and mythologically fabricated. The true use of hermeticism by Catholicism is

well laid out in the history of building cathedrals4 and the development of their Mystery Schools, during the period

of 1050-1350, throughout Europe; though, those Mystery Schools existed since time immemorial. Then there is of

course the hermetical structure of Dante Alighieri’s (1265-1321) La Divina Commedia5. The only thing that was

unique about the Renaissance and the Baroque periods is in the Roman Catholic Church’s reinstituting the art and

architecture of the Greek and Roman periods to codify the WORD OF GOD hermetically. Both the Greek and

Roman mythoi are pseudo histories6 as is the whole history of Christendom and Western Civilization a

mythological back-story clothing the spiritual WORD OF GOD. There is nothing else is all of creation important

enough to engage one’s psyche in other than the WORD OF GOD.

In this paper it is not going to be my onus to rehash what other authors had to say concerning Freemasonry

symbolism in Washington DC unless of course I can bring additional material to that previously discussed

symbolism. For the most part those previous authors that wrote about Freemasonry symbolism, spread

throughout Washington DC, knew little or nothing about what they were talking about. Here the reader may think

that I am being unfair to those authors when in actuality I held back on my appraisal of them not saying anything

of importance. Authors that know nothing of esotericism write books based upon the original mythoi of the back-

story and their uninformed thoughts, guesswork and/or assumptions or quote what other people had to say. In

addition people’s biases, prejudices and preconceived notion usually rule the spur of the moment. It is as if these

authors had taken a tour of Washington DC shooting snapshots of symbols and monuments here and there

intermittently throughout the city and then writes a diary-like-book on their uninformed thoughts, guesswork

and/or assumptions. These authors have no religious and/or artistic milieu in which to relate the materials they

are discussing other than showing the similarity in Freemasonry and/or other religions. These writers should have

known before writing their works that all religions and philosophies have a complete cosmological context that

they base their entire genre of thought upon. I am neither a Freemason7 nor am I their apologist. I am simply an

esoterist and a believer in the esoteric teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

Those that know of my research on esotericism may think that I am rehashing what I have discussed in my

previous writings. That will not be so in this paper; for the reason that, though I am working with some of the

2 In antiquity the most dreaded catastrophe the ancients could conceive of was CHAOS. The ancient always preferred ORDER and they worked

tirelessly toward achieving that goal. In the twenty-first century this is misread as the obedience to the laws of morality, ethics and penal codes

(manmade control systems) in contrast to crime and lawlessness. In antiquity this is not conceptually what the ancient understood as ORDER

and CHAOS. Christ consciousness represented ORDER in contrast to normal psychic mentality of a materialist, which represented CHAOS;

hence, the ancients sought ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. 3




7 I had an interview, via a friend of my boss’, who discussed my becoming a member of the Masonic Order. I refused such an invitation because

of warnings, of not becoming a member of an organizations, suggested my Mary Baker Eddy (Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science) in

her works and; because, I had a dreaded fear of being stifled, via secrecy rules, from writing about my esoteric researches. I can say that

though I am not a member of the Rosicrucian Order, they recognized the importance of my research and they published my eighty page

academic paper on THE SISTINE CHAPEL: A Study in Celestial Cartography (Volume 3, 2006)

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


same esoteric symbolism as discussed in my books and other papers, I am interpreting that esoteric symbolism

where it is not generally known to exist if that symbolism is known at all by the reader and the world at large.

The different between my previous discussions on symbolism in my books and academic papers is that this

paper will discuss hermeticism from a diametrically opposite perspective than Christ consciousness in order, as the

Masons would say, ‘for good men to become better men’. From what I have thus far envisaged out of the

teachings of Freemasonry; though, it uses the same symbolism as the world’s religions in the quest to obtain Christ

consciousness (Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, etc.); however, Freemasonry uses that psychic symbolism to discuss

hermeticism outside of Christ consciousness; for the reason that, it is inherent in the psyche: ego-consciousness

and the unconscious mind. What I am trying to convey here is that the Roman Catholic Church teaches the WORD

OF GOD from the outset from a state of absolute perfection (ORDER) in the selfsame manner as the sacred

scriptures teach it (the twain are intrinsically one): i.e. an already completed Christian Temple (New Testament);

whereas, Freemasonry illustrates symbolically how to build Solomon Temple psychically from out of CHAOS before

it is mystically morphed into the Christian Temple: i.e. Christ consciousness (Holy of Holies).

Unlike Catholicism that teaches esotericism and Hermeticism from the perfection of the Christian Temple

(Holy of Holies) through the medium of literature, art and monuments, Freemasonry expound its teachings from

the perspective of Solomon’s Temple, which recognizes the Holy of Holies; however, Freemasonry’s emphasis is on

the Inner Temple (Holy Place) not the Holy of Holies; though, they work also towards that goal.


The secrecy (esotericism) of Freemasonry has literally nothing to do with secret handshakes and rituals and

other such frivolous nonsense though the uninitiated may think these things are important because that is the

back-story in order for the mystic scribes not to reveal true esotericism: i.e. ‘as if they could’. I love the mythoi of

Manly P. Hall’s Philosophical Library8 of thousands of books, which anyone is allowed to utilize; however, when

one enters that library where does one begin his or her researches in such a sea of esoteric and hermetic

literature? Actually, true esotericism cannot be revealed to another person. Yes, the science of hermeticism can

be revealed and taught to another; however, the inviolability of the esotericism that is inherent in that science of

hermeticism is completely closed off for one individual to reveal it to another. Personally, I have yet to read one

religious or hermetically codified book or paper that had any true esoteric knowledge in it whatsoever. Merely to

show pictures of astrology and other aspect of symbolism is not revealing anything about esotericism: that is solely

God’s province. Showing pictures of symbolism is analogous to reading the sacred scriptures of the world not

knowing that hermeticism is codified to each alphanumeric letter of the text.


THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


Modern Freemasonry9 began on John the Baptist’s birthday, June 24

th 1717. The whole of John the Baptist’s

ministry and the ministry of Jesus Christ, as outlined in the New Testament, is in the waters of the Jordan River;

however, so-called Christians do not see that because they know little or nothing of esotericism. From those small

vignettes in the New Testament come the back-stories, which are commentaries on the Birth of Christ. The

Baptism of Christ is Christ baptizing John the Baptist. When God the Father said, “This is my beloved son” He was

in essence saying that John the Baptist was his beloved son because now John had received the Eucharist, which is

Christ. Ask yourself this question, how can God say, “I am my beloved son”? I ask this question for the reason that

the Trinity is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If Christ comes up to you He is the Trinity: i.e. God. This is what most

people fail to see. The sacred scriptures speak to the individual not the masses. Christ is not organic flesh; rather,

Christ consciousness is the ambiance of God within the individual’s consciousness. It is that spiritual ambiance

(Garden of Eden where the individual walks) with God) that allows the newly ordained son of God to read (as the

All Seeing Eye: i.e. Christ consciousness) the esotericism codified to the sacred scriptures and the world at large.

Freemasonry is all about Solomon’s Temple, which is the building of King Herod’s Temple where Christ went

and chase out the money lenders and all the filth that was therein. In modern days that would be analogous to the

representative of Congress being whip out of the Temple of Democracy: i.e. Capitol Building. This is what I believe

that Freemasonry codified into the political fabric of the United States of America’s political system.

The foremost problem in modernity is its ego-centric inability to follow up, investigate and/or research what

another has to say. It is automatically assume if what another has to say is not in the mainstream of thought it has

to be wrong or the individual promoting it is mentally unbalanced. It is what it is and as a race we wonder how the

world got into the state it is in and we never as a race try to figure it out. In the truest sense this is precisely the

psychic law that dominates the individual’s psyche: i.e. the law of opposites. The status quo, in the material world,

continuously confronts change; however, this is diametrically opposite to how the ancient viewed ORDER out of

CHAOS. All psychic activity is esoteric by nature. The true nature of psychic activity is, generally, hidden from the

individual consciousness and/or the nation10

(collective) that it dominates.

As an esoterist11

it would be extremely difficult for me not to see the esotericism that dominates the

materialistic culture that surrounds me. This in itself is quite a complex concept to explain exoterically. My recent


can be somewhat helpful in explaining this generic concept a propos to

the major archetypal paradigm that dominates the inner workings of the soul/psyche, from an esoteric point of

view. This present paper is psychically the logical development from that previous paper.

Just as the individual looks out at the universe and understand that each star symbolizes the soul, which is

analogous to the whole of the archetypal universe so too can the individual envisage the basic overall psychic

archetypal paradigm that his government esoterically exudes unconsciously and mechanically. Every government

on earth has an archetypal image that it exudes similar to how Adolf Hitler’s Germany was ceased by its archetypal


. Every single individual on earth is ceased and exudes unknowingly an esoteric paradigm unconsciously

and mechanically. I envisaged this twice in my life and I have written commentaries on both individuals’ works: i.e.

Vita Di Milano - Women & Wheels14

and Stephen King – The Dark Tower series15


Historically, there is no doubt that Freemasonry16

influenced the political structure of the United States being

that George Washington, the first president, was a Mason himself. The lore concerning the American Indians’ six

nations’ Iroquois Confederacy17

having an influence on how the United States’ Government was formulated may

have some truth to it; however, I doubt that if it did not coincide with Freemasonry’s esoteric agenda such

allegorical history would never have entered into the America mythoi. In fact it may have been the paideumatic

influences (educative forces) in the soil of the new world in conjunction with the unconscious influences of the

American Indian’s psyche that gave Freemasonry the idea of setting up such a democratic and divisive



10 One example is Germany during World War II.

11 One who studies Esotericism (Esoteric Science): i.e. mathematics, grammar and symbolism in the underlining structure of ancient literature.







THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


Here I am segueing into discussing the ‘educative (paideumatic) influences’ that are inherent in the earth. This

is now apparently, for the most part, a lost science, which was known throughout the schools of higher education

and Forestry at one time; however, it has since faded into obscurity, apparently, in all schools of thought.

“The educative (paideumatic) influence of an inhabited space upon its population has here to be

recognized. This is a force that can be formative, not only of cultural but even biological particulars. Similarities

have been noted, for example, between the body forms of Amazonian Indians and the Dayak of Borneo. Must

these attributes to transpacific migration of Indonesians to Brazil? Or may we here have an example of the

convergent shaping by the environment of two distinct Mongolian populations?

Writing of the mysterious paideumatic influence of a local region of the physical form of its inhabitants

(whether human, animal or plant), Frobenius cites and observation of botanist and explorer George Schweinfurth

(1836-1925), following his years of research in the upper Nile valley and southeastern Sudan:

“The native [Egyptian] breed of cattle has been repeatedly wiped out by epidemics in the course of a single

century and replaced by breeds of differing kinds from the north, east and south. Nevertheless, after but a few

generation cattle showing the distinctive features of the earlier breed have again appeared, so that, for the most

part, Egyptian cattle today correspond in form exactly to those depicted in artworks of the Old Kingdom”.

“To every game warden,” Frobenius, in comment to this observation, “this tendency is familiar. By the

distinctive form of a wile stag’s antlers, the river, indeed the very stream valley, of its habitat can be identified.

And if a new stock be introduced from some distant quarter, stags of the new lineage—even where the earlier

will have completely disappeared before introduction of the new—will soon be exhibiting antlers of the same

forms as those of the earlier, native breed. But this finally,” Frobenius continues, “is no more than a special

instance of what is a common occurrence in the plant world. Dandelions grown on mountain heights of one to

two thousand meter from seeds brought up from the valley acquire a form distinctly different in type from that

of the plants below,” he concludes, “neither chemistry, physics, nor meteorology can explain18


I want to add two other accounts of this phenomenology. I once read (I can’t remember the source material)

that an American stallion and a mare were brought to Egypt to compete in the Egyptian horse races and while there

the stallion and mare sired a colt. When the colt matured it look exactly like an Egyptian stallion.

Carl G. Jung19

, at the turn of the twentieth century, came to America with Sigmund Freud20

and while here

they visited a coal mine in Pennsylvania. In looking down on the miners going into the mine Jung mentioned that

he didn’t know that there was that many American Indians in this part of the country. His guide told him that not

one of the miners was an American Indian; rather, they were all first born German descent. Being of Swiss

nationality CG Jung knew what the Aryan Race look like and not one of the first born Germans born in America

looked like they were of German descent. Apparently, the very bone structure changes.

Here above are examples of animals, plants and humans transformed by the educative [paideumatic]

influence of the earth. Apparently, this educative [paideumatic] influences is autonomous in the separate

inhabited areas of the earth; for the reason that, each area seems to have a separate and distinct manner of

transforming the animals, plants and human organisms that come into its habitat. Apparently, animals, plants

and humans fully developed cannot be transformed.

A final point on this topic is that Charles Darwin dropped out and failed every educational system his father

sent him to (general education, Medical School and the Seminary) and he was shanghaied onto the HMS Beagle by

his uncle; for the reason that he wanted to marry his first cousin, which is incest. I say shanghaied because Charles

Darwin was never paid so much as a farthing for his being a member of the crew of the HMS Beagle. I believe in

those days being shanghaied onto a ship was a Juvenile Delinquency punishment (Darwin learned, “survival of the

fittest”, the hard way). In a very real sense Charles Darwin was treated in his youth, by the British Government; in

the very self-same manner, ‘philosophically speaking’, as the primitive tribes of Africa indoctrinate their male male

children into the tribe. After his five year voyage Darwin returned home and married that first cousin and had ten

children by her. The point of mentioning Charles Darwin at all in this paper is to point out the fact that he did not

know of these educative [paideumatic] influences that are inherent in the earth and not being a Naturalist or

studious in any educational manner whatsoever, he mistakenly call what he unscientifically observed on the south

sea islands Evolution and mankind has been shackled with that tomfoolery every since. In addition Darwin only

wrote a book on his voyage and visits to south sea islands not THE ORIGINS OF SPECIES, which was compiled (not

written) by the women of his family via the writings of his grandfather and twenty other naturalists of his day

twenty years after the voyage. In those days the societal mores did not recognize such theft of intellectual

properties as plagiarism. Charles Darwin name was put on the book, THE ORIGINS OF SPECIES, for the sole reason

that he was a man; for the reason that, publishers in those days would not put a woman name on a book.


HISTORICAL ATLAS OF WORLD MYTHOLOGY: Vol. II: The Way of the Seeded Earth (pg 19), by Joseph Campbell, published by Harper and Row

Publishers, Inc., New York 1988 19 20

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


If anyone would have recognized the environmental psychic milieu of the land and the people in

the new world it would have been a deeply religious organization: i.e. a Mystery School. I have to look

at my own abilities in seeing these esoteric psychic phenomenons in the world and also envisaging them

exuding from other individuals not to become conscious of the fact that I am neither the first nor the

last to envisage these archetypal paradigms in my environs.

It has always perplexed me; throughout my years of researching the hermetic sciences, as to why

Freemasonry coexisted within the same Christian culture as the Roman Catholic Church and the

innumerable Protestant sects21 of Christianity. It was a given, at least for me that the Roman Catholic

Church was an ancient and modern-day mystery school; therefore, what did Freemasonry, an ancient

and modern-day mystery school, offer that Catholicism didn’t? It is only recently that I began to

envisage the difference genres of thought that each of these variant ideologies offered.

A. The Roman Catholic Church offers the individual one sectarian interpretation of the sacred

scriptures; thus, when the individual reads the bible he or she does so through the lenses of

Catholicism. ORDER!

B. Protestantism, on the other hand, offered the individual freedom to interpret the sacred scriptures

through the lenses of his or her own ego-consciousness: i.e. CHAOS: no guidance whatsoever.

C. Whereas, Freemasonry takes, what initially appears to be, a neutral stand. Freemasonry takes up

the torch, so-to-speak, where Catholicism dares not go and where Protestantism has no concept of

what religion is all about; thus, Protestants collectively has no idea where to go. Freemasonry’s

apparent liberal stance on all religions coming from the same source is a propos to the discussion of

what is spoken of about via Catholicism and Protestantism.

a. Catholicism is forbidden to discuss the true nature of DARKNESS for there is no DARKNESS in

God; therefore, Catholicism expounds symbolically the teaching of Christ from the point of

absolute perfection; whereas, Freemasonry’s objective is to explain symbolically how the

forces of DARKNESS come about; for the reason that, Freemasonry symbolizes the teachings

of the Old Testament: i.e. Solomon’s Temple.

i. LIGHT is the foundation of Catholicism; yet, LIGHT is not Catholicism; rather, LIGHT

is Christ consciousness, which the Roman Catholic Church’s reflects.

ii. DARKNESS is the foundation of Protestantism. DARKNESS is not Protestantism.

Protestantism having merely an ego-centric access to the unconscious mind reflects


b. Freemasonry, symbolically explains how Protestantism exist in the world via the untamed

psyche: i.e. ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind: i.e. DARKNESS.

i. A Protestant is merely a beast (animal instincts) loose in the wilderness of his or her

own ego-consciousness attempting to understand the world by concocting through

flight of the imagination its own LIGHT via its ego. The New Testament says that

even Satan (ego-consciousness) has his angels of LIGHT. Ego-consciousness neither

knows of its counterpart the unconscious mind nor does it know that it tosses

unconsciously all that it despises into that mental trash-bin (Shadow), which at a

later date, each will rare its ugly head with a vengeance22.


There are over 27,000 (and counting) sects of Protestantism in the world today in contrast to the one Holy, Catholic and apostolic church. 22

I was healed instantaneously (Dec. 30, 1977) of a two pack of cigarette habit on a spiritual level when, all of a sudden, I realized for an

absolute certainty that the entire bible was symbolic. Maybe this habit developed because American Indians smoked when praying to God.

Whatever may have found its way into my subconscious it developed the smoking habit. Smoke and incense are symbolic of spirit. I don’t

know what actually cause me to develop the habit; however, I know for a certainty what ended the habit instantaneously. It was my false and

twisted thinking that the bible was a literal and historical document that caused my smoking habit, when the bible is actually entirely symbolic.

For years I thought that the bible was possibly symbolic; however, it was not thinking and/or believing and/or having faith that the bible was

totally symbolic that healed me; rather, I was healed when I knew for a certainty that the bible was totally symbolic and it was because I

psychically knew that about the bible the spiritual powers that be healed me.

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos



A comprehensive analysis of the four images at the top of this paper will allow the reader to see the initial

mindset of the Founding Fathers of the United States and why there are Freemasonry symbols throughout the city

of Washington DC. Such detail analysis should allow the reader to understand that Freemasonry understood the

science of esotericism as outlined in the sacred scriptures of the world.

There is indeed a lot of history and over a hundred different patterns to The Great Seal of the United States.

This is what I call the back-story to the esoteric science that is hidden; yet, displayed openly in plain sight. The

reader may wonder why I chose one design over all the others. I am not excluding the other designs in fact I am

conspicuously pointing to them as the back-story or the mythoi of the Great Seal’s creation as the evidence as to

what I will be discussing about THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES. THE EAGLE AND THE SHIELD is a very

informative volume on the two hundred year history of the Great Seal of the United States from 1776-1976.


The final design was a combination of elements provided by all three committees: • First committee

o E Pluribus Unum

o Eye of Providence in a triangle

o 1776 in Roman numerals

• Second committee

o Thirteen red and white stripes and blue chief on shield

o Constellation of 13 stars, surrounded by clouds and glory

o War and peace theme, including olive branch and (on first draft) arrows

• Third committee

o Eagle (though not a bald eagle)

o Unfinished pyramid

o Overall design of the reverse

• Charles Thomson

o Overall design of the obverse

o Bald eagle

o Annuit Cœptis

o Novus Ordo Seclorum

• William Barton

o Vertical stripes on shield

o Position of eagle's wings

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


Before I begin analyzing the ‘current’ GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES I want to assure the reader that

the basic design of the Great Seal, I believe, was foreordained before the first of three committees was selected on

July 4th

1776 to develop it. The 200-year back-story (mythoi) of the Great Seal of the United States as told in the

EAGLE AND THE SHIELD, published by the Department of State in 1978, is basically the mythoi (pabulum for the

masses) set up to convey an alternate and popular explanation as to what the Great Seal and its symbols

represent. It is only in the analysis of the symbols that make up the Great Seal (obverse and reverse) of the

United States that one begin to realize that there is a far more spiritual and mystical interpretation that can be

culled out of it; remember, that this analysis is suppose to be done by each American Citizen not spoon fed to all.

I do not believe in the voluminous conspiracy theories that Freemasonry is setting up one world government.

This is a misreading of the phrase E Pluribus Unum: i.e. “out of many, one” or the germane interpretation from out

of antiquity would have been, “ORDER OUT OF CHAOS”.

Up to the present time the GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES has been well documents in the archives of

THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE; however, the ‘current’ GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES has been handled with

negligence and indifference to the point there are no documented records as to who the artist and/or engraver

was or to its development and creation or that is at least what The Department of State is projecting outwardly to

the American People by not having any records of it available to the public whatsoever. I know this because in not

finding any records in my internet quest I wrote THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE asking for information and I even

wrote the present Secretary of State, John Kerry and sent an email to the President of the United States Barack

Obama. I even telephoned The Department of State and when the human on the other end heard what I was

calling about instantaneously I was transferred to an answering machine. At the end of this paper I will attach two

email letters, one to John Kerry, the Secretary of State and the other email letter to President Barack Obama. I

have not received an answer to either of these email letters.

There is the fanciful idea amongst the populace that all GREAT SEALS OF THE UNITED STATES are similar,

which is ridiculous to say the least. The amount of clouds around the rays of light emanating from the stars and

the rays of light have different counts than other versions of the Great Seal, which categorize diverse patterns of

their numeric counts as different symbols and those nuances have to be taken into consideration when analyzing a

symbol. The Great Seal of the United State is not just an esthetically pleasing image for all Americans to be proud

of. There are other variants such as the amount of arrows or olive leaves. No matter how close a The Great Seal of

the United States appears in contrast to another version there are reasons why the change is made. What is the

reason for the change? What do these new symbols mean? The Department of State had to commission the artist

to the make the changes so what do the changes (different symbols) mean? Why spend the money making the

new changes? John Kerry is the present Secretary of State and it is on his watch that there is no documentation or

archival records regarding the ‘current’ Great Seal of the United States. That artist had to be paid and now there

does not seem to be any documentation or historical archives detailing the back-story to the ‘current’ Great Seal.

It may well be that the government did not believe that anyone would become so interested in this newest version

of the Great Seal so quickly nor did they imagine a detail analysis of the Great Seal’s symbolism would be written. I

don’t know what the government’s mindset is concerning the Great Seal’s symbolism all I can do is seek the


THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


1. THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Obverse side) a. Charles Thomson

23 was given the task of creating the

original design of the Great Seal of the United States by the

Congress in 1782 before the War of Independence24


over, James Trenchard’s25

1786’s version is singularly

unique, Charles E. Barber26

uses both Trenchard’s and

Dupré’s versions to create the Centennial version of 1882,

which is a par excellent example of the Golden Ratio

construct of Washington DC and the Diplomatic Medal of

1792 created by the French engraver Augustin Dupré27

showing how the seal of the USA was developing into a

more perfect form, similar; however, not as perfect as the

‘current’ version of the Great Seal of the United States.

i. Regardless of the back-story (mythoi) concerning

the beginnings of the United States of America it

can be said unequivocally that the concept of its governmental construct was complete at

the dawn of its inception and it matters not how long prior to the War of Independence that

that concept was complete.

ii. There are just too many symbols in the Great Seal of the United States that coincide with the

esoteric (Hermetic) teachings of the Judeao Christian Scriptures and by extension the world’s

sacred scriptures not to see Freemasonry hand in all of this.

b. THE EAGLE’S TAIL FEATHERS: The tail symbolizes the foundation of manifested creation: i.e. the

empyrean and there are nine tail feathers: i.e. first nine numbers, which the number nine (darkness

where there is no light) literally symbolizes CHAOS (not ORDER): everything is in flux. The tail signifies

the Kamea of the Moon (nine squared (9²)) established before the foundations of the world. This is

why the tail is symbolically used as that which is in the rear: before TIME.

c. THE EAGLE’S LEFT AND RIGHT CLAWS: The thirteen berries and their thirteen olive leaves symbolizes

peace and the thirteen Arrows symbolize War or Victory.

i. This is an immediate introduction of the opposites and there is neither a gray area nor is

there a way of finding a middle ground for this pair of opposites.

1. The Eagle’s left and right claws symbolize the soul splitting into the psyche: ego-

consciousness (arrows) and the unconscious mind (leaves and berries).

ii. Yet, the berries and leaves combined has two sets of thirteen in contrast to the one set of

thirteen arrows, which places the berries and leaves at 0.666… percent of the whole drawing

attention to the Beast of Revelations. It is as if peace is too much of a complacent goal to

achieve; therefore, peace may be too dangerous an enemy; therefore, there has to be a

compromise between the liberals and conservatives.

d. THE EAGLE’S LEFT AND RIGHT WINGS: The seventeen feathers on the outer edge of each of the

wings immediately draws attention to the anniversary date of Freemasonry inaugurated in modernity

on June 24, 1717, which is on Saint John the Baptist’s birth date.

i. John the Baptist expounded the teachings of the Old Testament, which is diametrically

opposite to the teaching of Jesus Christ, narrated in the New Testament, born exactly six

months after John.

ii. Seventeen feathers on the outer side of each wing symbolize the seventeenth letter of the

Hebrew coder and the seventeenth Tarot Card (THE STAR): i.e. PEI, which is actually the first

Hebrew letter of Genesis (it is hidden; however, it is the first letter) inundating and

surrounding the first written letter of the bible: BETH.

23 24 25 26


THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


1. Seventeen symbolizes the merger of the spiritual and the material. This is a propos

seeing that the wings and claws have to work in harmony in order for the Eagle to

take flight.

2. Seventeen is the merger of the eight (8-Scorpio) and nine (9-Sagittarius), which

between these two signs of the Zodiac is Cygnus the Swan (Northern Cross) and the

center of that cross points to the galactic core. It is the crossing of Scorpio’s and

Sagittarius’s arrows that designate the center of the galaxy.

3. The symbolism of the two wings seems to be saying that in the royale battle of

opposites it is either war or peace that will dominate and there is nothing in

between. I believe that these feathered wings symbolize the Democratic (liberal)

and Republican (conservative) parties in the USA congressional political system.

a. It is as if the Wings symbolize the Senate and the Claws symbolize the

House of Representatives: i.e. Checks and Balances.

iii. EAGLE’S LEFT WING: Total 32-feathers

1. There are total of 32-feathers in the left wing with seventeen on the outside of

wingspan. There can be little doubt that the left as well as the right wings

symbolize PEI the seventeen letter of the Hebrew coder. Pei also symbolizes the

MOUTH OF GOD. In the mouth there are 32-teeth, which infers the 32-paths of the

Kabbalistic Tree of Life which is codified graphically in the first chapter of Genesis

via the 32-times the word Elohym is used28

. In addition 32-symbolizes everything

32º and below is frozen and fixed in hell like Satan as depicted by Dante Alighieri

(1265-1321) in his La Divina Commedia (La Inferno).

a. The number 32- would symbolize ego-consciousness (Satan/Devil) because

the combination is 17 + 15 PEI and SAMECH29

i. SAMECH symbolizes the voiceless alveolar sibilant [s] has a

strong hissing sound, as the s in English sin. It is one of the

most common sounds in the world. 1. The vacuum created by the initial contraction of God’s

Infinite Light. 2. The lower perspective of reality resulting from the initial

contraction. 3. Circular rings of evolutionary and historical cycles. 4. The despair inherent in the “philosophy of the void.”

b. Fifteen symbolizes the thirteenth Tarot Card: THE DEVIL.

c. The 32-feathers would represent the ARI’S Kabbalistic Tree of Life30

, which

is a forced graphic image31

via ego-consciousness. The Ari’s Tree of Life

has a tail at the end of it, which is at best

concocted out of smoke and wannabe

theology; though, it has been around for

thousands of years.

d. Yes, it represents the Ouroboros32


however, this fails to produce the Star of

David in the center, which would make it

Christ consciousness: i.e. PEI and AYIN

rather than Satan frozen in his own fixed


28 2207520000.1428557528.&type=3&theater

and 29 30 31

I consider the ARI version a forced graphic image because it is not patterned after the original NATURAL ARRAY design as depicted coming out

of the first chapter of Genesis via the 32-Elohyms. 32

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


iv. EAGLE’S RIGHT WING: Total 33-feathers

1. There are 33-feathers in the right wing with seventeen on the outside of the

wingspan. In addition 33-symbolizes everything 33-above is thawing out of one

own frozen prison.

a. The number thirty-three is the sum of 17 + 16, which represents PEI and

AYIN, which symbolizes the MOUTH OF GOD and the ALL SEEING EYE: i.e.

Christ consciousness.

b. The 33-feathers would represent the GRA’S Kabbalistic Tree of Life33

, which

is a natural array that is found graphically depicted in the first chapter of

Genesis via the 32-uses of the word ELOHYM.

c. There is a eleventh (11) Sefirah name DAAT, which brings the count to

thirty-three (33). DAAT is a spiritual and unseen aspect of the Gra Tree of


v. EAGLE’S 32-LEFT AND 33-RIGHT WING FEATHERS: Totaling 65-feathers.

1. There can only be one PEI inundating and surrounding BETH as seen in the first

written and unseen letter in Genesis; however, the two wingspans symbolically

convey the concept that within darkness there is both spirituality (33-Star of David)

and materiality (32-Pentagram). The 65-feather denotes BETH: 65 = 11 = 2 merging

with PEI to bring about harmony in flight.

2. There can be little doubt that the two wingspans symbolically represent the

UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX, which will be discussed further below. This

matrix has a great deal to do with Masonic Symbolism and how the city of

Washington DC was architecturally structured.

a. Materialistically the two wingspans symbolize the psyche: ego-

consciousness and unconscious mind; whereas, united they symbolize the

SHIELD on the chest of the Eagle, which symbolizes Christ consciousness.


i. The left and right Claws draw attention to the number thirty-nine as in 39-books of the Old


ii. The left and right Wings draws attention to the number thirty-four34

as in 27-books in the

New Testament and 7-books in the Apocrypha, which of cause is the classic signature of the

Roman Catholic Church for this is the mathematical construct of the Catholic Bible.

1. The inside feather of the left and right wings total 16 (7) and 15 (6), which are the

stripes in the shield.

a. The thirteen (13) symbolizes the number four (4), which represents the

Waters of Creation: i.e. the tetrahedral forces in creation.

2. The 17-feathers on each wing symbolize bringing the two fractions to equality.

iii. I am not saying here that Freemasonry supports or symbolizes Roman Catholics or that they

promote Catholicism; however, in their use of symbolism many of the concepts codified in

symbolism have to exude outwardly in the self-same manner as other Hermetic Schools of

thought; though, different symbolism via their mythoi is used by each to express the same

spiritual and conceptual ideas35


33 34

This may appear to be selectively choosing parts of an overall symbol to meet the expectation of the analysis; however, that is not the case

when it is realized that symbolism needs to compact a great deal of knowledge in a very few images or words; as an example, there are more

than a dozen interpretive scenarios just on the first word of Genesis and all of them are the valid WORD OF GOD. In Jewish parlance any

commentary on the Torah, which I take to be both the Old and New Testaments, is the Torah itself. 35

I fully understand that all numbers can be reduced to a lower common denominator and symbolism can be culled out of that; however, as

much as symbolism can be culled out of numbers there still esoterically and exoterically has to be a comprehensible storyline behind it.

Symbolism cannot be positioned as unrelated databases; example, a stallion (male) with a cow (female) is inappropriate, confusing and chaotic

when the symbolism is expressing the harmonious relation between a stallion (male) and a mare (female).

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


1. There are limited conceptual techniques, within the societal mores, of creating

mythoi that will encapsulate the spiritual law of God: WORD OF GOD, which would

acclimate to the consciousness of the people.

2. However, there are infinite symbolic ways of expressing that spiritual law outside of

the societal mores.

3. Freemasonry here in the USA is symbolizing the spiritual law according to the

symbolism that Western Civilization is accustom to: i.e. Christianity, Judaism and

Islam and this further stays the hand of Mystery Schools in the West from utilizing

symbolism that expresses those in the East; however, the symbolism is both the

West and the East are cross-cultural and conceptually the same.

4. All religions around the world teach esoterically the same teachings that have to do

with the WORD OF GOD; though, each has a different method expressing the

mythoi of their culture. When I say that each Religion uses different symbolism to

express the WORD OF GOD I am referring for example to the I Ching or Tao Te Ching

of the Chinese culture, which would not be expressly taught to the Christian laity by

its priests neither would Buddhism nor Hinduism be part of those Christian

teachings and vice versa.

a. An initiate can dabble in the eastern cultures once he or she had a firm

spiritual intellectual grasp of how his or her own sacred scriptures are

codified esoterically. Once that is achieved looking into other religious

cultures allows the initiate to see the beauty of how the WORD OF GOD is

expressed and conveyed globally.

f. THE HEAD OF THE EAGLE: symbolizes the twentieth letter of the Hebrew coder: RESH, which is

interpreted as “head, beginning”.

i. The moment that the letter RESH appears on the scene the whole of the center is locked

into place: i.e. the first word of Genesis is complete: BERESHITH via the first two letters of

Genesis: BETH & RESH36

: more about BETH & RESH below.

g. E Pluribus Unum37

: “Out of many, one” is written on the ribbon in the mouth of the Eagle. However,

“out of many, one” is merely the materialistic interpretation of E Pluribus Unum; whereas, the

spiritual interpretation is “ORDER OUT OF CHAOS” or “ORDER OUT OF THE MONAD (God: spiritual

Law)” (see Genesis 1: 3-5 God divided the Light from the Darkness).

i. According to Thomas Jefferson38

: "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-

one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."

1. Clearly Democracy signifies Chaos and is memorialized as such on The Great Seal of

the United States by the Founding Fathers.

2. Therefore, it can be inferred in all of this that the Founding Fathers deliberately set

up a divisive government: i.e. Democracy presumably to keep the Milky Ocean


as seen in the stone art at Angkor Wat40


3. In no way am I suggesting that the Founding Fathers of the United States were

using Hindu’s symbolism. In the Judeao Christian Scriptures the tug of war that

churns the Milky Ocean is between YAHWEH and ELOHYM. In the Judeao Christian

tradition there is no images showing this Royale Battle between these opposites;

thus, the reason I use the above Hindu image.

a. Notice how this image of the Churning of the Milky Ocean on a symbolic

level mirrors the symbolism of the Eagle of The Great Seal of the United

States and also mirror images the Capitol Building with its two wings.


All of this and much more, with a great deal more detail, is found throughout my other writings and 37


%20Origin%20and%20Meaning%20of%20the%20Motto%20Carried%20by%20the%20American%20Eagle.htm 38 39 40

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


4. As an American Citizen I have always felt, prior to analyzing The Great Seal of the

United States, that the Democrats and Republican parties were deliberating

fermenting divisiveness throughout the fifty states and the world at large41

. At the

time I knew not why. In observing the idiocy and antics of the Congress of the

United States in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, via the news

media eternal repetitiveness, their activities made absolutely no sense. How can

so-called civilize and intelligent men and women: i.e. representatives of the people

of the United States act out in such a rabble-rousing manner against what appears

to be in the direct interest of the people that elected them?

a. I can now only assume that the Founding Fathers understood human

nature (instinctual behavior of the psyche) and the esoteric symbolism of

the sacred scriptures; therefore, they set the United States Government up

in the selfsame manner in how the human psyche (Milky Ocean): ego-

consciousness and the unconscious mind are structured.

i. It is hoped that out of that rabble-rousing chaos comes decent


ii. In a real sense the American Citizen is forced to eventually realize

that he or she is not living in his or her own fantasy world; rather,

he or she is living in a world that symbolically emulate the psychic

maelstrom of his or her own psyche.


What most US Citizens don’t understand, and cannot claim to have so much as an inkling of idea, is why the USA goes around the world

trying to create Democracies by destroying dictatorships and then interfering with the natural results of the civil war that is incurred by it. In

many cases the countries the USA attempts to democratize are not ready for it. The USA was born out of people fleeing tyranny seeking

religious Freedom. In fact Elizabeth I killed many Catholics and other non-protestants including her sister Mary, and many fled Great Britain

because of it; hence, their flight to the American continents.

The present wars in the Middle East and the attempt to Democratize the Islamic countries is in every sense trying to create a psyche

program for them similar to how the Founding Fathers of the USA created the pathos of the American Culture. It all boils down to the battle

between the liberals and conservative, which would institute their governments similar to the USA.

Democracy is defined as “the rule of the mob”, which the United States is not. The USA is a Republic and if the will of the people happen

to coincidentally coincide with the Congress it looks like Democracy works; however, when the will of the people is contrary to the will of the

Congress then it appears as if the country is falling apart. Yes, sometimes Congress does give the mob scraps from the table such as Social

Security, abortions rights, Civil Right, Welfare, etc., etc.; however, over time Congress waters down everything given to the people but never

ever waters down what is given to Corporate America.

The American People actually believe that they have the right to vote when realistically it matters not what their vote is. When the so-

called elected Congress-person goes to Washington DC he or she will not vote the will of his or her constituency; rather, he or she will vote in

the way the majority or minority leaders tell them to. Otherwise, vis-à-vis blackmail, the monies allocated to the rogue Congress-person’s State

dries up and that Congress-person is ostracized from the main body of Congress.

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


iii. After weighing the pros and cons: i.e. political parties, of the

psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind a proper

decision (legislation) can be made in the life of the individual.

ii. As I pointed out above the first esoteric letter in the book of Genesis is PEI, which inundates

and surround the letter BETH, first written letter of Genesis. PEI literally takes up the whole

of the whiteness of the page: the whole of the sacred scriptures; though, PEI symbolically

represents DARKNESS.

1. PEI’S numerical value is 80

2. PEI’S Gematria value is 81: square of nine (9): i.e. Kamea of the Moon.

a. This Kamea of the Moon is the foundation of the psyche. All thoughts,

words and deeds are done within its precincts. This matrix is the

foundation of human existence.

b. Remember this relates back to the tail of the Eagle with its nine feathers;

hence, human existence’s foundation.

c. The Eagle symbolizes the Alpha and the Omega: i.e. Head and Tail, which

more than infers that the Eagles symbolize Christ.

3. LIGHT is culled out of nine (DARKNESS) in pairs of 1 and 8, 2 and 7, 3 and 6 and 4

and 5. There are ways light can be culled out in threes such as 432 or 126.

h. THE EAGLE’S SHIELD: In many ways this shield reminds me of the verse in Psalms 28:7 “The LORD is

my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly

rejoiced; and with my song will I praise him”.

i. It can be seen here where the American tradition of “In God We Trust”, comes from that is

place on the American currency and in the inside and outsides of government buildings

throughout the United States.

ii. As I pointed out above when RESH comes on the scene the center is locked into place as is

seen into the creation of the word: BERESHITH.

1. BETH is spelt: Beth (2)-Yud (10)-Tav (400) = 412 and its lowest common

denominator is seven (7), which happens to be birth of consciousness.

a. In Carl G. Jung’s work Mysterium Coniunctionis42

(par 8-10) illustrates the

1, 2 and 4 morphing into the Christian Pelican, which is a symbol of Christ.

i. Thus BETH is a symbol of Christ: a cosmic deity before it morphs

into Baal, which is nothing more than a local deity.

ii. BETH can be envisaged as a Dyson Sphere, when it is in the Christ

mode with RESH at its center creating the word BERESHITH.

Bereshith according to the Zohar symbolizes the six directions and

when the math is done with the radius as two then diameter is

four and the center is envisaged as the galactic core.

b. Yud in the spelling of the word Beth symbolize Yahweh (sun); however,

this letter can transubstantiate into Aleph (Moon: i.e. empyrean) and

represent the Christ.

i. Yud symbolizes Baal, which symbolize the local deity: i.e. the sun

circling the earth. In fact in the Old Testament Yahweh is referred

to as Baal a number of times.

ii. Aleph symbolizes Christ: i.e. Aleph transubstantiates into the

spiritualized Yahweh or spiritualized sun: Christ consciousness.

2. RESH is spelt: Resh (200), Aleph (1) and Shin (300) = 501 or its lowest common

denominator of six (6).

a. Resh symbolizes the separation (Bara, create, choose, select) of the

Heavens and the Earth: the new heaven and earth moves in when the old

heaven and earth moves out; whereas, BETH symbolizes stability and the



THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


attempt to hold unto that which has been obtained. Yahweh is the builder

and Elohym is the destroyer.

b. In every respect Elohym and Yahweh symbolizes David and Solomon.

David like Elohym gathers the material for Solomon to build the House of

Yahweh from that material and that material is basically CHAOS and

Solomon (spiritual ego) has to bring ORDER out of that material.

Above it was mentioned that Yahweh symbolized SATAN, which makes Elohym the DEVIL depending upon

one’s perspective. Democrats see Republicans as symbolizing SATAN; whereas, Republican see Democrats

symbolizing the DEVIL. This is the POLITICS OF THE EAGLE’S CLAWS.

iii. When RESH and BETH amalgamate it would be like the Democrats and the Republicans

getting a bipartisan bill through the Congress, which is nigh onto an impossibility. Like

pigeons at city fountains Congressional Representatives fight over every morsel that is

tossed amongst the fray.

1. Nonetheless, the amalgamation of RESH and BETH create the strong SHIELD that

rest on the breast of the Bald Eagle on The Great Seal of the United States.

a. The thirteen red and white stripes on the SHIELD symbolize the

amalgamation of the thirteen arrows and the thirteen olive leaves and the

thirteen berries in the Eagle’s claws.

b. In every sense the SHIELD is analogous to the sacred scriptures: i.e. 34 (37

+ 7) and 39 = 73 = 1: i.e. MONAD (God).

2. This SHIELD is synonymous to the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH; for the reason

that, RESH (501) and BETH (412) total to 913, which is the Gematria value of the

word BERESHITH. Cast-out-nines and you have simply thirteen (13), which is a

propos here to have on the SHIELD in white and red stripes because the BLUE area

of the SHIELD symbolizes Christ, the WHITE symbolizes BETH and the RED symbolize


a. In fact this SHIELD so symbolizes the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH it’s

blatantly an in-your-face symbol of it. Q/BERESHITH תישארב :is spelt ק/

Qoph (100)/Beth (2)-Resh (200)-Aleph (1)-Shin (300)-Yud (10)-Tav (400).

i. Note the numerical skip pattern sequence43

in the word

BERESHITH. Qoph is the letter just prior to the first hidden and

written letter of Genesis: PEI and BETH. It is when PEI (17) and

BETH (2) amalgamate they merge into the nineteenth letter of the

Hebrew coder QOPH (19), which is the first letter that spells out

the word CHRIST (krst) in Greek using Hebrew letters.

1. The word BERESHITH would then have a Gematria value

of 1011 and no longer 913.

2. 1000 = Qoph, Resh, Shin and Tav, which symbolizes a

large ALEPH couple with the two remaining letters Yud

(Yahweh) and Aleph (Elohym) the Gematria value is 1011

representing the TRINITY.


It behooves me to explain this Hermeticism (esoteric science) codified to the first word of Genesis: Bereshith – at least tersely. In the

Prologue of THE ZOHAR , a Jewish mystical work there is a vignette that speaks to the story of the Hebrew coder coming into creation from the

last to first letter to petition the Lord of the Word to make one of them the conduit to all creation. The Lord of Creation gave audience to each

of the letters; however, He found a reason pro or con to deny each of their petitions until the second letter of the Hebrew Code BETH appeared

before Him. The Lord of the World granted Beth petition. Of course this is a back-story for the reason that the first word of Genesis: Bereshith

is structured in the manner it is. It is easily seen in the first word of Genesis: Bereshith that as each of the letters of the alphabet come in to

creation from east to west and being denied it turns around and goes out of creation from west to east; however, when it came time for BETH

to exist it found that it’s container held too much material: i.e. the Rich Man. And this is why Yud, Aleph and Beth are the only letters left in the

manifestation of creation. If all the letters went out of creation why are TAV, SHIN and RESH still in the first word of Genesis: Bereshith? The

answer is because those letters in the word BERESHITH symbolize the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. This is real reason that the number

thirteen (13) was so important to Freemasonry in its setting up the symbolism of the United States.


THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


3. A small ALEPH: Aleph (1), Lemmed (30) and Pei (80)

totals to 111, which represents Qoph (100), Yud (10) and

Aleph (1) that symbolically represent the TRINITY: i.e.


ii. The last four letters of the Hebrew coder ק/רשת Qoph, Resh, Shin

and Tav spells out the word CHRIST in Greek (krst) using Hebrew

letters. This is why the word Christ is found in the first word of

Genesis: Bereshith and why Bereshith is a direct reference to the

Prologue of Saint John’s gospel.

iii. It would be difficult to deny that the skip pattern sequence of red

and blue stripes on the SHIELD is not associated to the skip

pattern sequence found in the lettering of the first word of

Genesis. b. The thirteen stripes on the SHIELD resting on the chest of the Bald Eagle

never represented the thirteen colonies; for the reason that, when the

Constitution of the United States was written and signed there were more

than thirteen colonies. The Founding Fathers needed the mythoi of the

number thirteen because it coincided with what the first word of Genesis:

BERESHITH symbolized.

c. I am well aware that the blue area of the SHIELD esoterically symbolizes

CONGRESS; however, that is only when the Congress symbolizes the

spiritualized sun: i.e. Christ consciousness.

i. However, when the US Congressional Representatives of the

people decides to become Baal and represent America’s

Corporations’ Collective Greed then of course in order for the US

Congress to again become the spiritualized Christ, then Christ

would have to enter into the Temple of Democracy and chase the

money changers: i.e. America’s Corporations’ Collective Greed out

of the Temple of God.

1. Freemasonry built the Capitol Building as a Masonic

Temple: i.e. Solomon’s Temple.

iv. THE SHIELD: The Mystical Alchemical Marriage

1. In every sense the two wingspans transubstantiating into the SHIELD symbolize the

Mystical Alchemical Marriage of BETH (Boaz - Sun) and RESH (Jachin - Moon): i.e.

ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind, which become Christ consciousness.

a. This pattern is actually laid out in Solomon Temple in the Holy Place, where

on the left and right is showbread tables that illustrate the soul split into

the psyche: i.e. ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind; whereas, in

the Holy of Holies there is the Ark of the Covenant showing the two

cherubs on the crest of the ark, which symbolizes Christ consciousness.

i. The cherubs bow in prayer; whereas, ego-consciousness never

bow to anyone.

i. THE EAGLE: THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES (obverse) appears symbolically to represent

Solomon’s Temple (see: R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz44



1. The tail symbolizes the outside chaotic world of DARKNESS.

2. The claws symbolize Boaz and Jachin: two columns outside the temple.

3. The wings symbolize priest quarters: i.e. the psyche obtaining a better

understanding of spiritual matters: bringing ORDER OUT OF CHAOS an iota at a


44 45

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


4. The head symbolizes ego-consciousness merging with the spiritual: PEI: i.e. the

ribbon in the mouth with the words E Pluribus Unum.

5. The Shield symbolizes the Holy Place in Solomon’s Temple

6. The thirteen five pointed stars forming the Star of David symbolizes the Holy of



DAVID: Thirteen Five-Pointed-Stars and the BLUE AREA inundating and surrounding the stars.

i. The first thing that can be said here upon looking at the image above the Eagle’s Head is “AS


1. What an individual and by extension humanity mandate below is engraved into the

heaven causing a circular system of logic: i.e. a never-ending cycle: “AS ABOVE SO


2. This image above the Eagle’s head is symbolically the mirror imaging of all that is


ii. The Thirteen Five-Pointed-Stars of course symbolizes the thirteen white and red stripes on


1. The BLUE AREA that inundates and surrounds the thirteen stars corresponds to

Christ consciousness.

2. The thirteen stripes symbolize the amalgamation of the spiritual and the material.

RESH (501 = 6) symbolizes ELOHYM; whereas, BETH (412 = 7) symbolizes YAHWEH,

which stand for the merging of the opposites. BETH and RESH are the first two

letters of Genesis that actually merge to create the first word of Genesis:


a. Yahweh (26 = 8) and Elohym (86 = 5) symbolizes a set in the Fibonacci

sequence. Every set in the Fibonacci sequence can be reduced to a 2/3

ratio; hence, the number of points to each of the thirteen stars.

i. The Golden Ratio is the mathematical formula for the DNA

structures of all organic life and even to pattern the how the

universe is structure via the tetrahedral forces of creation.

ii. The Star of David is a double tetrahedron, which gyrate the forces

of creation.

b. Here in the symbol above the head of the Eagle the five-pointed star

symbolizes animal instincts under control.

c. The thirteen stars symbolize BETH: I.E. 13 X 5 = 65 = 2. BETH symbolically

represents the number two (2); therefore, here BETH symbolizes the

spiritualized CHRIST.

d. The star in the center of the two STARS OF DAVID represents the CHRIST.

This is determined by a number of factors:

i. In the Zodiac/Calendar year there are four months with 30-days

that creates a butterfly pattern and the other eight months can

make an addition two butterfly pattern from only one

perspective. When the three butterfly patterns are interlocked

they form a Star of David dead center to the Zodiac/Calendar


ii. In the Sistine Chapel the ceiling fresco has the same mathematical

design as mentioned from the Zodiac/Calendar year; however, the

ceiling Zodiac mirror images the spiritual frescos in the life of

Jesus and Moses: six frescoes each.

iii. In the first four chapters of Genesis this same spiritual/material

Zodiac/Calendar is formatted esoterically.

iv. SERPENT MOUND is in Adam’s County Ohio and its serpent effigy

is surrounded by twelve sites, which represent the twelve signs of

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


the Zodiac and the Serpent Effigy represents the thirteen sign in

the Lunar Zodiac.

v. Thus, the symbol of thirteen is well precedent in symbolism from

out of antiquity.

iii. THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE (112) RAYS OF SUNLIGHT emanating from the thirteen

stars and the blue area surrounding the stars emphasizes Christ consciousness as the

spiritualized sun.

1. The one-hundred and twelve (112) is derived from the Yud (10 = 1), Aleph (1) and

Beth (2) = 11246

, when put side by side. If the reader remembers from the above

footnote (#43) outlining the Zoharic story these are the three letters that remained

after all the other Hebrew

letters left creation. Then the

Second Coming of Christ came

about and viola the TRINITY

spiritualized ego-consciousness

into Christ consciousness.


symbolizes QOPH the nineteenth letter

in the Hebrew coder, which in turn

symbolizes the UNKNOWN GOD.

1. The clouds symbolize not

envisaging all there is to know

about God. The clouds like the

incense of the Roman Catholic

Mass are to symbolize

obscuring the vision getting

across the point that there is

not much if anything that can

be known about God.

2. The rays of sunlight do not

pierce the clouds illustrating

the infinite nature of God. The

Founding Fathers of the United

States certainly knew of the

speed of light long before 1776

even though this is not

discussing anything about time

or space.

The STAR OF DAVID formatted by the thirteen (13) stars

has a great deal more to its symbolism in the GREAT SEAL OF

THE UNITED STATES then discussed above. The first question

that must be asked, why use the Star of David (Seal of

Solomon) at all in the construct of the Great Seal? The Star of

David is not just a pretty symbol. Yes, the double tetrahedron

certainly does represent the tetrahedral forces in creation

illustrating the United States of America is meant to be a positive and active ongoing spiritual government. The

USA is not meant to lounge around like a statue (white sepulcher) and let the universe pass by.


This number 112 is found in Chartres Cathedral surrounding the Labyrinth that has 112 pips and there are 112 sections of art in

Michelangelo’s work in the Sistine Chapel in on the ceiling and the altar wall.

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


Where the Star of David originated is of the upmost importance in order to understand the symbolism behind


is derived from the sequential positioning of the 32-

ELOHYMS in the first chapter of Genesis into a circle, which

not only creates the Star of David but also they create the

Kabbalistic Tree of Life and these two symbols cannot be

separated. The Star of David is made up out of six of the

twelve single-letters in the Hebrew coder. These twelve

single-letters denote the signs/months of the

Zodiac/Calendar year as mentioned above. These two

symbols the Star of David and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life

actually goes back to the Genesis Formula, which is

extrapolated out of the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH.

The Genesis Formula shows these two symbols in mini-

version of their larger sizes structured into the textual

storyline of the first chapter of Genesis.

This is all brought out here to explain that the Star of

David is a symbol of the Kundalini serpent, which I actually

envisaged in three different locations in the Judeao

Christian Scriptures. The symbol above the head of the Eagle symbolizes the emergence of the Kundalini Serpent

from the top of the Eagle’s head. The Eagle of course symbolizes the spiritualized man as noted in the fifth day of

creation when the birds come out of sea of humanity or the Churning of the Milky Ocean.

The 112-rays of light radiating out from the Star of David symbolize the Kundalini Serpent. When 112-rays is

divided by 32-Elohyms the quotient is 3½ or a symbol of the coiled-serpent (Kundalini); hence, the Star of David

and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life are not separated. I invite the reader to analyze mathematically this above image of

the four categories of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, which comes directly from the first chapter of Genesis. This is

the sacred scriptures interpreting the first day of creation:

“God divided the LIGHT from the DARKNESS. If the readers

want a full interpretation they should go online and read

my other papers. I don’t give the information, now, so that

the reader can have a chance to see for him or herself if he

or she can cull out the data uninformed. All I have said

about the LIGHT and the DARKNESS and the Kundalini

Serpent are codified into this illustration.

In reading the first verse of Genesis “God separated

the Heavens and the Earth” from the initiate that has

regained his soul: i.e. separated from the heavens

(Astrology or religious matters) and the earth: i.e.

modernity. The Kundalini symbolizes the initiated free of

his religious (Solomon’s Temple) and materialistic (desires)

shackles, which are no longer needed when walking with


This concludes the analysis of the obverse side of THE

GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES. I will of course make

reference to this analysis when conducting a detail analysis

on the reverse side of THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED



The key interpretation of the first word of Genesis:

BERESHITH is the first two verses of Genesis; however, the

initiate has to study the word BERESHITH via the first two

verses of Genesis otherwise the WORD OF GOD would not be in anyway understood from a spiritual point of view.

There is an astonishing paradox in the spiritual quest. Ego-consciousness has to be separated from the

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


unconscious mind; because, one of the two dominate the other; yet, simultaneously ego-conscious and the

unconscious mind have to, once separated, amalgamated as equals, which creates what CG Jung called the

TRANSCENDENT FUNCTION or Catholicism called the EUCHARIST; thus, it actually can be envisaged that when

either ego-consciousness or the unconscious mind gives up total dominance over the other the purpose would be

to create psychic equality.

It is merging the psyche’s opposites: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind into a harmonious interplay

that brings about a spiritual awakening and allows the soul (the harmonious merger of ego-consciousness and the

unconscious mind) to represent the ALL SEEING EYE. For neither ego-consciousness nor the unconscious mind is

hiding anything from the other. Both are transparent to each other as if the two become the third eye: i.e. ALL

SEEING EYE, seeing the exoteric and the esoteric simultaneous. The initiate that has Christ consciousness (ALL

SEEING EYE) has the ability to hone his understanding of esotericism on the sacred scriptures and understand the

WORD OF GOD; however, the sacred scriptures are eternally repetitive only explaining to the soul the vision it has

received from God. The materialistic secular world is frightened by everything around it; whereas, those with

Christ consciousness fear no death and walks with God in the Garden of Eden.

Originally the Sistine Chapel had 32-popes frescoed midway between the floor and the ceiling and these popes

have a great deal of data to convey. One of those scenarios is that the chapel itself has the same measurements as

Solomon’s Temple. On the North Wall: Life of Christ there is the even number popes and on the South Wall: Life of

Moses are the odd number popes. This shows the chapel is split like the showbread tables. The two popes #3 and

#4 have switch positions because together they symbolize the clasp that holds the mantle in place. When a

cardinal is elected pope he puts on the Mantle of the Papacy. The four popes above the clasp symbolize the cowl.

Michelangelo destroyed the Altar Wall to fresco the Last Judgment, which slices the off cowl with the pope’s head

in it: symbolically this is the new pope losing ego-consciousness and gaining Christ Consciousness.

The following image clearly shows how the pope esoterically ends up with Christ Consciousness: i.e. outside

of REAL TIME. The first two and last two popes (1, 2, 31 and 32) symbolize the area of the Holy of Holies.

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


2. THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (reverse side) a. NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM written on a ribbon is obviously

an extension and an amplification of the written words on

the ribbon in the mouth of the Eagle on the obverse side


not meant to be interpreted as such NOVUS ORDO

SECLORUM would not have been written on a ribbon it

could have been left isolated like ANNUIT COEPTIS.

i. This is how the sacred scriptures are written. A

terse letter like BETH is written as the first letter

of the sacred scriptures, which comes out of the

mouth of God: PEI. Everything from that point

forward is a commentary on that one written

letter (BETH) and one esoteric (hidden) letter

(PEI). Everything in creation exudes these both

aspects of creatio continua.

ii. Therefore, it should be no surprised that the reverse side of THE GREAT SEAL OF THE

UNITED STATES is an extrapolation or an allegorical repetition of what was shown on the

obverse side.

1. Basically the obverse side of the seal spoke truth to ORDER OUT OF CHAOS: i.e. E

Pluribus Unum.

a. NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM is a not a continuation of the message from the

mouth of the Eagle; rather, it interprets the obverse side by reworking the

symbolism of the message: i.e. E Pluribus Unum.

b. Consider both messages one after the other

i. E Pluribus Unum: i.e. ORDER OUT OF CHAOS

ii. NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM: i.e. New Raison D’être

1. NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM: i.e. New Order of the Ages

defines the ORDER that came out of CHOAS.

2. However, nothing was said out of the Eagle’s mouth concerning what was above its

head on the obverse side; therefore, the reverse side has to account for that


Here I must segue out of the immediate discussion in order to explain some biblical esotericism. BETH

symbolizes the number two as does the second day of creation (Gen. 1:6-8). This all has to do with the second

multiplication table (see Universal Mathematical Matrix47

), which is used to symbolize this concept. Day two of

creation speaks about the division of the waters above the heavens and the waters beneath the heavens. The

firmament that is created to bring about this division is the ‘HORIZON’. This same concept is denoted in the

second multiplication table where the even numbers (casting-out-nines) are earthly: i.e. Mother Earth (2-4-6-8)

and the odd numbers (1-3-5-7-9: i.e. 10-12-14-16-18) are heavenly ready to heliacally rise above the firmament

(HORIZON) of the heavens.

Notice how the even numbers (2-4-6-8) merely have ten added to their count making them odd numbers (10-12-

14-16-18) when they are reduce to their lowest common denominator; yet, from a mundane perspective they are

all even numbers. This goes to the Zoharic tale mentioned in footnote #43 above where the alphabet comes into

creation to have creation made through one of them. Here Yah (10 = Yahweh): Lord of the World symbolizes the

spiritual merging with the material (alphabet = infinite manifestation of creation). It is the odd numbers that are

ready to heliacally rise above the firmament (HORIZON). This is the concept that illustrates how each letter of the

sacred scripture is alphanumerically structured esoterically. Yahweh (10) symbolizes the esotericism codified

alphanumerically to each letter of the sacred scriptures. It is this esotericism that has to heliacally rise above the

mundane texts of the sacred scriptures storyline for the initiate to understand the spiritual aspects of the texts.


This is a 10² matrix, which is a variation on the KAMEA OF THE MOON (9²), which will be discussed below.

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


The space above the two groups of even and odd numbers is the HORIZON, which denotes the heliacal rising

of the stars in their courses48

. This space is denoted by a nine (9). The number nine symbolizes DARKNESS: i.e. the

firmament (HORIZON). Since there are nine numbers four numbers are even (female - moon) and there are five

odd numbers (male - sun)49

. This is why the fourth day of creation has the sun, moon and stars placed into the

firmament (HORIZON) of the heavens. How it is known that that second day of creation is speaking symbolically to

“as below so above” or “as above so below” is because each of the numbers in both groups of even and odd

numbers are separated by two; thus, odd numbers are symbolically different than the even numbers; however,

these two groups of numbers can, depending on how they are used, convey the same spiritual message.

Bringing this concept into focus concerning THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Obverse and Reverse it

can be seen that the reverse is on the bottom and the obverse is on the top; thus, the image above the head of

Eagle on the obverse side symbolizes the reverse side heliacally rising denoting “as below so above” using a

different set of symbols; yet, conveying the same concept as below: denoting the Eagle and the same concept as

on the reverse side denoting the all seeing eye and the pyramid.

3. NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM: i.e. ‘The Soul New Order’ is of course my interpretation

of these words; for the reason that, E PLURIBUS UNUM spoke of ‘one, out of

many’, not ‘many out of one’. In translating NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM as ‘A New

Order of the Ages’ is an interpretation that is far too misleading; because, it does

not speak of the ‘now’. It speaks of the many and not the one; whereas, The Soul’s

New Order can also be interpreted as The Soul’s New Raison D’être (reason for

existence); for the reason that, it is more a propos seeing it speaks to the one. In

essence NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM can also be interpreted as Christ consciousness,

which is the spiritual mindset in the apotheosis of a human being.

a. NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM has seventeen letters, which interprets itself as

the MOUTH OF GOD: i.e. PEI, which is the seventeenth letter of the

Hebrew alphabet. Symbolically cannot get better than the symbols then

the symbols interpreting themselves.

b. PEI has a Gematria value of 81, which is the square of nine (9²): Kamea of

the Moon, which is analogous to the tail of the Eagle that has nine

feathers, which interprets itself as the foundation of creation.

b. BARREN REGION: speaks to the desolation of the psyche that exists without spirituality and only

depends upon ego-consciousness to sustain it. It is amazing that the history of the area that

Washington DC was chosen to rise from was FOGGY-BOTTOM by the Potomac River. It was a

wasteland not an area of land that was habitable for humans. This Barren Region is a desert

surrounding the pyramid on THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES (reverse side).

c. POTOMAC RIVER (NILE RIVER): i.e. Ribbon with the Word of God on it is a symbol of the Milky Way

that points directly to the galactic core. Egypt’s greatest gift was the Nile River. It would seem that

the Potomac River was to symbolize the Nile River (Potomac River), which is in the background of THE


i. On the reverse side of THE GREAT SEAL is the ribbon symbolic of the Potomac River to be

discussed further in the analysis of the Apotheosis of George Washington. Symbolically the

Potomac River is behind the pyramid.

d. MDCCLXXVI: i.e. 1776: from a mundane perspective symbolizes the year that the United States

Revolutionary War began; however, we are here discussing a very deep aspect of the esoteric

science. MDCCLXXVI has nine numbers and I believe the Roman numerals were used because of that

factor alone. MDCCLXXVI is place on the bottom tier of the pyramid symbol, which has nine blocks.

e. THE BOTTOM TIER OF THE PYRAMID is its foundation pointing to the number twenty-one: 1 + 7 + 7 +

6 as being the foundation as is the twenty-one Hebrew letters: i.e. powers of creation that go through

the conduit of BETH, which symbolizes the unfinished pyramid itself. Unfinished only because an

initiate can never concretize God, thinking he or she has a full understanding of the spiritual powers

that be.

48 49

In Astrology the fourth and fifth signs Cancer and Leo are governed by the Moon and Sun respectively.

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


i. The bottom tier of the pyramid is analogous to the tail of the Eagle on the obverse side of

the Great Seal, because nine represents the foundation of creation.

ii. Nine represents DARKNESS, which allows the initiate to envisage the LIGHT. DARKNESS

breaks down into the four basic elements of creation bringing forth the LIGHT as denoted in


1. 1 and 8: FIRE – Electromagnetism – Dot – Arithmetic

2. 2 and 7: EARTH – Weak Bosons – Line – Music/Harmony (BETH – first written

letter of Genesis)

3. 3 and 6: AIR – Strong Gluons – Angle - Geometry

4. 4 and 5: WATER – Gravitons – Circle – Astronomy/Astrology (cosmology)

5. These four elements representing LIGHT symbolized in the first four days of


a. The word LIGHT in the first and fourth days of creation has a Gematria

value of 207.

b. There are 207 words in the first four days of creation.

c. The EARTH, AIR and WATER come out of the FIRE, which actually

symbolizes the ALL SEEING EYE: MONAD collectively.

These above numerical counts: 1 and 8, 2 and 7, 3 and 6 and 4 and 5, are analogous to the Game of Chess. In

fact the Game of Chess comes directly out of the 64-inner-cells of the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX and

even the moves of the back-row of Chess pieces are laid out in the graphical images that these pairs of numerical

opposites exuded within the 64-cells50


There is little doubt that the reason why the Chessboard is split in half,

between the Kings and Queens, is because the Chessboard represents the

psyche: ego-consciousness (King) and the unconscious mind (Queen).

Consider that the Castle is the King’s house in the material world (ego-

consciousness) and its counterpart is in the unconscious mind: i.e. Solomon’s

Temple. The Bishop symbolizes the spiritual or peace (olive branches) and the

Knight represents materiality or war (arrows). The creators of the Game of

Chess wisely put the King (5-sun - Boaz) and Queen (4-moon - Jachin) in the

center as the cosmologists that bring all the elements together in unanimity of

purpose. For those that have eye to see and ears to hear the Game of Chess

is analogous to the basic paradigmatic symbols at the bottom of the obverse

side of the Great Seal of the United States. These four sets of opposite

collectively symbolize Christ consciousness.

To understand this symbolism in the Game of Chess it has to be viewed

through the lenses of the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH, which is

constantly in creatio continua and since the last four letters of the Hebrew

coder come into creation first that means TAV (King and Queen) comes into

creation first symbolizing the number four, which is the Moon.

Simultaneously to coming into creation the Moon creates it’s opposite the

Sun (five). This same phenomenology goes for SHIN (Knights - arrows) and

RESH (Bishops – olive branches). This is why war or peace is offered up as a

choice on the Centennial 1882 version of the GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED

STATES. It should be noted that the Knights (3) and the Queens (2) seem to

be out of numerical order. This brings to mind Christ’s statement in the New

Testament, “When two or three gather together in my name, there am I in the midst of them”.


Omitting the outer square of nines in the Universal Mathematical Matrix the 64-cells of the Chessboard can be envisaged. This is why the

Masonic Order uses the pattern of the Chessboard on the floors of their Lodges/Temples. The matrix as a whole symbolizes the psyche: ego-

consciousness and the unconscious mind, which is literally the platform of existence and ego-consciousness cannot go beyond the boundaries

of the unconscious mind (40-nines). There are four nine in the 64-cells, which infers, as CG Jung tells us, that the unconscious mind can

interfere with the dynamics of ego-consciousness. This matrix is a direct construct of the psyche and it is a commentary on the MONAD.

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


It is difficult to speak of these concepts via the vernacular; thus, I have to reference the sacred scriptures to

illustrate what I am discussing. The first day of creation has 31-verses, which symbolizes that the number one

(MONAD) representing the entire first chapter of Genesis, which has 31-verses51

. The first day of creation, in my

estimate, represents QOPH, which is the letter that comes into creation after RESH. QOPH is an unseen esoteric

letter in the word BERESHITH and this is completely discussed esoterically in the account of the second day of

creation for those that have “eyes to see and ears to hear”. The number #31 divided into 434 = 14; thus 4 (moon)

x 5 (sun) = 20 – 2, which illustrates that all that is manifested into creation symbolize BETH or genesis, which in

Greek is the number two.

There are in the wing span of the Eagle on the obverse side of the Great Seal of the United States a total of

65-feathers, which are broken down into 17-feathers on the outside of the left and on the right wings and inside

that set of wings are 15 + 16 = 31 feathers, which is a play on good or evil. Since the outer edge of the left and

right wings have 17-feathers each the inference is that either fifteen (15 = Satan/Devil) or sixteen (All Seeing Eye) is

drawn out of PEI. The fifteen or sixteen feathers of the Eagle are protected by the seventeen outer feathers as if to

infer that those 31: 15 + 16-feathers cannot go beyond the boundaries of PEI just as the Chess pieces cannot go

beyond the boundaries of the chessboard. I suggest that those 31-inner feathers symbolize not only the first day

of creation but also the entire first chapter of Genesis: 31 = 4: i.e. Waters of Creation. The Eagle’s feathers seem to

be suggesting a Devil on one wing and an Angel on the other.

The second day of creation has 38-words, which when combined with the first day of creation’s 31-words

totals to 69-words. The number #38 is not just the number that completes the count of 69-words. The number

#38 symbolizes 38-years in the Moon Calendar Year. This comes directly from PEI (Kamea of the Moon) that

inundates and surrounds the first letter of Genesis: BETH. Generally, it is erroneously thought that 19-years

encompass the Great Lunar Cycle; whereas, it is actually 38-years that is the Great Lunar Cycle because the two 19-

year cycles would have a half day plus or minus; hence, the 38-year count52

. This is played out well in the Julian

and Augustus Caesar’s calendars because Augustus Caesar couldn’t publish his calendar until the Great Lunar Cycle

was complete from 46BCE thru 8BCE. This 38-year count is also witnessed throughout the life of Abram/Abraham

from the time that he left the city of UR to the year of his death.

The number 69-symbolizes the Tai Chi symbol, which denotes the

relationship that LIGHT and DARKNESS have with each other. The first and

second days of creation symbolizes the amalgamation of the spiritual and the

material. This is extrapolated out to the third and fourth days of creation

because each of those days has 69-words illustrating that the combination of

esotericism and materiality are inseparable in Christ consciousness; however,

the old heaven and earth represents the crucifixion and death of Christ.

Christ will not return until He is invited to return.

The first four days of creation clearly state that BETH symbolizes the

LIGHT and the number one (MONAD) symbolizes the DARKNESS. How this is

known is because 3 x 69 totals to 207 and the number ‘2 and 7’ symbolize the

Earth, Line, Weak Bosons and Music/Harmony or that which all creation is funneled.

Let me clarify something here. When I speak of creatio continua, as the Judeao Christian Scriptures do, I am

not speaking about the world that the individual is presently living in: i.e. the psychic-bubble53

that all humanity on


Maybe I should not be writing this particular footnote; however, the idea behind this footnote is just too synchronistic for me not to make

mention of it. There are 434-words in the first chapter of Genesis; however, the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH is split into two words

“created (separated) six”, which makes the total 435 as there are 435-members of the House of Representative at this period of time and there

are 100-Senators that denotes the 100-cellls in the 10 x 10 square called the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX, which the entire Judeao

Christian Scriptures is based upon.

It may be said to be coincidence because these counts as to the members of Congress have not always been this way; however,

throughout this paper I am endeavoring to show how those that are creating the mythoi of America are moving towards perfection not that

they have reached it. Personally, I do not see any other American colonies becoming additional states. Puerto Rico I cannot see becoming a

State though it has been on some people’s agenda. The people of Puerto Rico want to keep their identity. 52

The writers of antiquity were far more precise than the modern ne’er do wells that feel minor errors in their endeavors are not significant to

worry about. This is why architects in modern times see no value in such precision that was the dogmatic principle of ancient awareness. This

modern mindset is precisely why esotericism is not known in modernity. 53

This psychic-bubble can represent a concretized understanding of God’s creation, which is what Christ; in the New Testament, called a White

Sepulture full of all evil or that psychic-bubble can represent the Temple of God where the soul is eternally active following Christ.

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


an individual level exist in. The initiate on an individual level has to rid him or herself of the old heaven and earth

(old psychic-bubble) and invite Christ into his or her life to create a new heaven and earth. For example: no matter

what addiction or obsession (old heaven and earth) an individual has it can be gotten rid of through a spiritual

awakening, which is nigh unto an impossibility unless the initiate is serious. Humanity as a whole needs to change;

however, the individual, and by extension humanity as a whole, really doesn’t want to change.

iii. THE NUMBER NINE (9 - Empyrean): i.e. is the DARKNESS that CHRIST comes out of into the

world and this is why the birth of CHRIST is in the darkest season of the year: Winter and

while we're on the subject of the birth of Christ it is in Sagittarius54

the ninth sign of the

Zodiac. Coincidence? Hardly.

1. The first letters that come into creation finishing the construct of the word

BERESHITH are TAV (400), SHIN (300) and RESH (200): total 900 = 9.

a. When QOPH (100) comes into creation from out of the DARKNESS it is a

direct revelation from God and the individual has nothing to do with it.

Because only nines (Darkness) can be pulled into the world by ego-


b. In order for a single number one (MONAD) to come into the world it has to

be the grace of God endowing the initiate with Christ consciousness: All

Seeing Eye.

2. Only variants of nine can come into manifested creation normally this is done via

opposites; whereas, Christ can only come into creation when the Temple of God

(soul) is rebuilt properly taking in all aspects of creation.


i. The 13-tiers of the pyramid are a reference to the three letters: YUD (10)-ALEPH (1)-BETH (2)

that is left in the word BERESITH before the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST.

ii. The ALL SEEING EYE: i.e. QOPH is the first letter that spells out the word CHRIST: Qoph-Resh-

Shin-Tav, which informs the reader that the TRINITY is present. This is what Dante Alighieri’s

vision was all about at the end of La Paradiso. Dante had to go through the three realms of

spirit having done all he could and only when he was by himself in the center of the rose that

the vision of the TRINITY came upon him. Did not Christ say, “I and my Father are one”?

This is explained by knowing that the three Hebrew letters YUD (10), ALEPH (1) and QOPH

(100) each have the common denominator of one making all three interchangeable


g. PYRAMID BLOCKS: there are exactly seventy-nine (79) blocks to this pyramid on the reverse side of


i. Seventy-nine (79) denotes the symbolism for BETH (412). BETH in this respect, an

unfinished pyramid, symbolizes the ALL SEEING EYE. The radiating eye above the unfinished

pyramid only reinforces the concept of “as below so above”. What is ‘bound on earth is

bound in heaven’.

1. 79-blocks = 7 + 9 = 16 or the 16-Hebrew letter, ‘AYIN = Eye’.

ii. There can be little doubt that the pyramid itself symbolizes the first letter of Genesis: BETH,

which is symbolically the ALL SEEING EYE. This illustrate that each individual is capable of

obtaining Christ consciousness.


i. The ALL SEEING EYE and the PYRAMID are two separate symbols symbolizing the same


1. The PYRAMID on the ground symbolize the spiritualized ego, which is the ALL

SEEING EYE: i.e. Christ consciousness;


I have always seen that the sign of the Zodiac mirror images the month of the year. The sign is esoteric and the month is material the two

are in unanimity of purpose. Modernity has it weird ideas concerning the WORD OF GOD and until it tunes into reality it can stay in the

cesspool of its creation. The symbolism of numbers is skewed by the mixture of numbers in each sign and month. This is simple logic and it

truly baffles me that this escapes the intellect of the majority. Is this ignorance forced upon the psyche by the ego’s inattentiveness to detail?

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


2. Whereas the ALL SEEING EYE in the sky above the pyramid is imitating what is

below: ‘as below so above’.

ii. There could never be a capstone to the Great Pyramid for the simple reason that God

conceptually cannot be fixed in the mind of man; hence, the spirit of “Elohym (God) moving

over the face of the waters” (Gen. 1:2).

1. Once it is understood “Darkness is on the face of the deep”, things begin to fall into

place and makes sense.

a. What is Darkness? CHAOS.

b. What is Light? ORDER.

I will try to explain this unexplainable concept. Look out at the world around you similar to how the pyramid

(the initiate) is surrounded by barren land. This barren land is modernity at its best. There is literally no spiritual

life in modernity at all. Modernity (earth) is total and absolute DARKNESS and it is barren, without form and void;

though, the materialist is for the time being basking in the sunlight. It is from that cesspool of modernity that the

individual is required to cull out the LIGHT OF GOD. Note that even the fly obtains substance from manure.

PEACE (olive branches and berries) is obtained by being content with what you have and turning what you

have into a Garden of Eden; whereas, WAR (arrows) is competing with relatives, friends, neighbors, associates and

the whole world for what is beyond the needs of contentment. From the same tree you can eat the berries or

carve out the arrows of war.

2. “The earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep

and the spirit of Elohym (God) hovered over the face of the waters. And then God

said, ‘let there be light (Gen. 1:2-3)’.

a. Notice how the earth is barren: i.e. without form and void on the reverse

side of the GREAT SEAL.

3. Thus the ALL SEEING EYE symbolizes the potentiality of the individual.

a. Nobody ever promised any individual a Rose Garden.

b. Nothing is eternally fixed. Everything is in eternal flux.

i. A fixed idea or concept is the beginning of evil: i.e. ego-

consciousness says, ‘it’s mine (BETH: house = Dyson Sphere) and

let it ripples out throughout the whole world”.

ii. The WORD OF GOD is an ongoing stream, which the Nile River

(Milky Way) or even the Potomac River symbolizes.


: “Favors ‘my’ undertakings’

i. Yes the Founding Fathers’ mythoi writers and the historians may want to insert the word

‘our’ instead of ‘my’; however, the search for God is not a fellowship otherwise Parzival

would have entered the forest with an army of Knights in the Quest for the Holy Grail. Dante

would have entered the Dark Forest with all his friends and relatives and the congregation of

his church. Birth and death and all that is lived in between, for all intent and purpose, is live

out in solitude no matter how much din the individual allows into his or her life.

ii. However, ANNUIT COEPTIS has thirteen letters broken up into six plus seven (6 + 7) as does

the thirteen stripes to the SHIELD on the obverse side of THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED

STATES. These thirteen letters (Yud, Aleph and Beth) plus the seventeen letters in NOVUS

ORDO SECLORUM: i.e. PEI total to thirty, which was the age of Jesus Christ when he started

his ministry: hence, the reason that the top of the Shield on the obverse side is blue

symbolizing Christ. In the Roman Catholic Church every baptized Catholic is considered a

Christ. It is interesting to see that the words ANNUIT COEPTIS is not in a ribbon, which

symbolizes the materialistic accomplishments of the initiate and NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM

(raison d’être) inscribed on the ribbon symbolized the WORD OF GOD.

1. ANNUIT COEPTIS is how the initiate understands his or her endeavors only after

Christ consciousness is obtain. This is a state of mind that cannot be explained so

that another can understand it.




THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


Here I have to go into free flowing commentary in order to really do justice to the reverse side of THE GREAT

SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES. Once it is realize that the reverse side of THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES

symbolizes the first two verses of Genesis with an emphasis on the first letter: BETH and the first word BERESHITH

things begin to make sense and fall into place.

All the elements: letters, of the word BERESHITH are symbolically present on the back side of THE GREAT


1. The sky: Elohym separated (Bara) the heavens (BETH and RESH) and the earth. In other words nothing

concerning Astrology is mentioned here; though, it is inferred.

2. The Pyramid symbolizes the artist’s easel stand (Elohym), which glyph is a large ALEPH: i.e. Christ: Qoph,

Resh, Shin and Tav = 1000 (large ALEPH).

3. Barren land: the earth (SHIN) is without form and void and every wicked imagination of man, which is

symbolized by the sporadic weeds in front, sides and back of the pyramid.

4. ALL SEEING EYE: Spirit of Elohym (YUD)

5. WATERS: Nile River or Potomac River (TAV)

6. NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM and ANNUIT COEPTIS are merely phrases that describe the artistic work or

how the artist conceptually understands how God see his or her potentiality.

a. NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM is the divine description of what is happening

b. ANNUIT COEPTIS symbolize the initiate’s understanding of God’s satisfaction.

c. Here of course it is laid out that the individual is the artist and now that he or she has a new and

clean canvas (raison d’être): i.e. Christ consciousness, with all the creative elements before him

or her, he or she can developed his or her masterpiece, which is the course his or her life’s goal

on the canvas of modernity.

I have to go further is defining the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH in order to further explain what I see in

the pyramid on the reverse side of THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES.

I have been meditating on the first chapter of Genesis for nigh unto forty-years and have found multiple valid

interpretative scenarios throughout its texts even to envisage multiple interpretations from a single word/symbol:

BERESHITH. The first word of Genesis: i.e. BERESHITH, has the word Christ embedded in it: Qoph, Resh, Shin and

Tav; however, these same letters formats the head of the Sphinx the so-called guardian of the Giza Plateau

Pyramid Complex56

: QOPH = back of forehead, RESH = head, SHIN = tooth and TAV = Mark on Forehead (Kundalini

Serpent). All the Hebrew letters associated to the word CHRIST embedded in the word BERESHITH has to do with

formatting the head. The legend of the Sphinx stele: a.k.a. Dream Stele57

tell the story of how Tuthmosis IV fell

asleep at the foot of Sphinx and dreamt that the Sphinx spoke to him to have the sand removed from around its

body. The letters that make up the texts of the sacred scriptures are the sands of the deserts that cover the body

and must be removed in order for the body of the esoteric (Hermetic) science to be revealed.

When I understood the Hebrew skip lettering sequence in the first word of Genesis via the Zoharic story of

the alphabet coming in and going out of creation from last to first I immediately saw the connection to QOPH and

the ALL SEEING EYE of the Great Pyramid’s, which is alleged to be the so-called capstone, which I don’t believe

56 57

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


every existed nor should it ever exist in real time. The six letters of BERESHITH: Tav, Yud, Shin, Aleph, Resh and

Beth represented the six individual mini-pyramids in two groups of three that flanked the Great Pyramid and the

Menkaure’s Pyramid. Then I realized that the grouping of Yud, Aleph and Beth represented the Menkaure’s

Pyramid, which is the smallest of the three great pyramids. Tav, Shin and Resh represented the Khafre’s Pyramid

the middle size pyramid and Tav, Shin, Resh and Qoph symbolized The Great Pyramid.

In order to understand the construct of the Great Pyramid from the word BERESHITH it has to be understood

that the dynamics of the Trinity is in play. ALEPH, YUD and QOPH symbolize the Trinity in the word Bereshith.

Each of these three letters is interchangeable and anyone them represents the Trinity at all times. BETH (2nd


letter) surrounded by PEI (17th

-letter) symbolically represents QOPH (19th

-letter), which is the first letter that spells

out CHRIST in Greek using Hebrew letters; thus, when the psyche regains its soul: i.e. Christ consciousness it is one

with the Trinity. For what remain in the word BERESHITH is YUD, ALEPH and CHRIST spelt Pei/Beth (Qoph)-Resh-

Shin-Tav. This is why it can be said that the unfinished Great Pyramid is symbolic of the ALL SEEING EYE. The

phantasmagoria of the ALL SEEING EYE above the pyramid is what is exuded from Christ consciousness. The

TRINITY can only exude the TRINITY; thus, QOPH above the pyramid is in actuality superfluous.

It dawn on me that if the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid used the same Hebrew letters for their symbolic

construct out of the same Hebrew word BERESHITH then the secrets of Antiquity’s Hall of Records may be

concealed in the design of the passageways and chambers of the Great Pyramid. What I mean by this is that the

design of the passageways and the chambers of the Great Pyramid should be the manner in which the

passageways and tunnels under the Sphinx ARE viewed.

As I sit here and write this I am laughing out loud because of the simplicity of the answers involved in these

secrets of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. I understand how crazy my hypothesizing sounds and these theories

will be summarily dismissed; however, my ideas are derived by a careful study of esotericism as laid out in the

sacred scriptures and other esoteric artworks. For me it is neither here or there whether anyone takes these ideas

seriously for I already have access to Antiquity’s Hall of Records: i.e. the Esoteric Science. Antiquity’s Hall of

Records is not gold, silver and other such bobbles, trinkets, jewelry and/or adornment ornaments of all sorts.

What spiritual intrinsic value is any of that materialism? In the great spiritual scheme of things such materialism

has no value whatsoever.

1. The King Chamber (modern name) and the upper five chambers.

a. The upper five relief chambers could collectively symbolize the head of the Sphinx.

b. The King Chamber could be a symbolic representation of the body of the Sphinx or should it be said

the absence of the body as in the resurrection.

i. The body is the spiritualize psyche: i.e. soul.

ii. The 100-block that makes up the King’s Chamber is the Universal Mathematical Matrix

(discussed further below), which is the Soul: psyche split in two: i.e. ego-consciousness and

the unconscious mind.

2. The Queen Chamber (modern name)

a. The Queen Chamber would be symbolic of the known room at the foot of the Sphinx.

b. When pirates hid their treasures they normally dig a very deep hole. They then cover up the main

treasure with a few feet of dirt and then sprinkle a few coins several feet from the forest floor in case

the location of the treasure is located.

i. Similarly I believe that the Grand Galley is a tunnel beneath the Sphinx but then it will come

to an end blocked by a dirt wall, which when tunneled through will lead to another tunnel

several hundred feet beneath the Sphinx.

3. The Subterranean Chamber

a. Beneath the Sphinx the final tunnel will end to the Subterranean Chamber under the Sphinx, which

will contain Antiquity’s Hall of Records.

b. Whether there is a real Hall of Records or not symbolically, I believe, that the Subterranean Chamber

symbolizes a deeper mystical ambiance then the esoteric science codified beneath the surface text of

the sacred scriptures.

i. The King’s Chamber: symbolizes ego-consciousness – surface texts of the sacred scriptures.

ii. The Queen’s Chamber: symbolizes the unconscious mind: the esoteric science codified

alphanumerically to the surface texts of the sacred scriptures.

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


1. Here it can be envisaged that the alphanumeric structure of the sacred scriptures is

not known to the majority of the Judeao Christian populace; therefore, it is not

consciously known.

iii. The King’s and Queen’s Chambers complement each other on several levels.

1. They both have star-shafts

2. They are both neatly constructed unlike the cavernous rocky like space that the

Subterranean Chamber exudes.

a. This unfinished cavern, I believe, symbolizes the soul directly after having

had the spiritual vision from God.

iv. Subterranean Chamber speaks of a far deeper understanding of the word of God: i.e. Christ

consciousness – THE ALL SEEING EYE.

1. It would seem, at least to me that the Subterranean Chamber symbolizing the soul,

which is, for all intent and purpose, Antiquity’s Hall of Records. In other words the

soul already possesses all knowledge if only the initiate knew how to access it.

Elsewhere, I have stated that the sacred scripture, being one long line of textual materials from the

beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelations, is Antiquity’s Hall of Records and I am not backing off from

that statement. In fact that statement goes hand in hand with the fact that the Soul is Antiquity’s Hall of

Records. It is only when the initiate regains his or her soul that the sacred scriptures can be codified out of

the Universal Mathematical Matrix, which is a commentary on the MONAD. This is why the Great Pyramid

itself is build from ground up to the point of perfection. When the initiate has Christ consciousness he or she

can only strive for perfection just as Christ says in the New Testament, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your

Father which is in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48)”. The answer to the unending question of the

modernists, “why did the ancients strive for such perfection in their literature, art and monuments?” is

answered in knowing that Christ consciousness is doing the work not ego-consciousness.

4. The Grotto’s Well-shaft tunnel in the Great Pyramid

a. This Well-shaft beginning at the Queen’s Tunnel to the Queen’s Chamber indicates that there is a

secreted passageway that bypasses the other tunnels, which leads directly to the subterranean

passage leading to the Subterranean Chamber. This secret passageway is seemingly dug by hand as

thieves in the night. I would suggest that the Grotto’s Well Shaft symbolizes SINCERE DESIRE FOR


5. Entrance to the Great Pyramid

a. This entrance indicates that there is a more direct way to the Subterranean Tunnel leading directly to

Antiquity’s Hall of Records from a totally and unsuspecting direction. This possibly indicates direct

access to God.

I fully understand that beneath the Sphinx there is a water table similar to the one seen at the Osirion

Temple: “The Osirion is located at Abydos58

, behind, below and connected to the Temple of Seti I”. This water

table is presently preventing the Egyptian authorities from investigating the room underneath the Sphinx’s right

paw; however, the deeper problem will be accessing the symbolic Subterranean Chamber hundreds of feet

beneath the Sphinx. No one every claimed that the Esoteric Science had an easy access entrance to Antiquity’s

Hall of Records: Esotericism. That water table is symbolic to the sands of the desert, which have oasis in its midst

just as oceans have island in their midst. The water table beneath the Sphinx symbolizes the waters of life, which

is the amalgamation of Yahweh (26 = 8) and Elohym (86 = 5), which is a set in the Fibonacci sequence. The Golden

Ratio symbolizes “thought processes”: i.e. tetrahedral forces of creation. Not many people use their minds

imaginatively; hence, why the secret to the Sphinx and Great Pyramid have never been revealed.


THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


The Capitol Building in Washington DC59

is an obvious imitation of Saint Peter’s Basilica60

; though, they are

not perfect mirror images of each other they are enough so that one can see that the architects of the Capitol

Building drew inspiration from Saint Peter’s Basilica. Even the triangular pediment on the east side of Saint Peter’s

front façade is imitated and displayed on the back of the Capitol Building on the east side. This last, I believe, may

be a direct reference to Freemasonry teachings according to John the Baptist, which was born six months (180º)

before Christ. I find that the view towards the west from the Dome of the Capitol across the Mall to the

Washington’s Monument and beyond and the view from atop Saint Peter’s Basilica down at the obelisk in the

square and in precise alignment to a long avenue in the distance towards the east are extremely close to

Freemasonry imitating the architect of the Roman Catholic Church.

What is conspicuously different between the Capitol Building’s view and the view from Saint Peter’s Basilica is

that the Capitol Building’s view is towards the Potomac River toward the west; whereas, the Tiber River is in the

rear of Saint Peter’s Basilica61

towards the west. It is as if everything that the Roman Catholic Church conveys

esoterically Freemasonry imitates with an opposite and reverse twist. This is not a bad thing because Freemasonry

works from the perspective of building the inner temple; despite the fact that, they set their symbolism in such

arrangements as if they have not acquired Christ consciousness. Freemasonry seems to have copied everything

from Catholicism except for their positioning of the seat of government’s buildings diametrically opposite to the

location as to where the river water is in alignment to the rest of their arranged symbolism. Freemasonry’s

59 60 61

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


symbolism seems to always be situated as to ask the question, “war or peace?” Freemasonry symbolism is setup as

perfect as Catholicism’s symbolism; though, Freemasonry’s sacred geometry is so arranged as if Freemasonry’s

symbolism ‘cannot always’ be interpreted correctly as governed by Christ consciousness (peace: i.e. contentment)

or dominated by ego-consciousness: i.e. materialism (war: i.e. competing for goods and not being content).

If I am interpreting this symbolism right Catholicism symbolism follows the paradigm outline in the first word

of Genesis: BERESHITH where the Hebrew coder once having gone west into the world and twenty plus one of

them being rejected returns to the east in one grand circuit; however, Freemasonry seems to be conveying, by

going west, they are building their temple. The Capitol Building is facing the Potomac River, which is in the west.

Consider that the rear of Saint Peters is by the Tiber River, which would symbolize TAV: i.e. water and or Kundalini

Serpent (Mark on Forehead like the serpent on the crown of the Pharaoh’s headdress) in the word BERESHITH.

TAV is positioned in the west; therefore, Saint Peter’s is fully constructed as the Garden of Eden and it has the Key

to Kingdom of God; therefore, it faces east.

There is little doubt that the Masonic Symbolism of the SQUARE, COMPASS and G are codified into the streets

of Washington DC62

just as Saint Peter’s Key is architecturally structured into Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s63


in Saint Peter’s Square. I think that only the Gold Key Christ gave to Saint Peter’s is used to signify the spiritualized

sun: Christ consciousness. That is why Saint Peter’s Basilica

faces east towards the rising sun; realistically, Christ would

have only given Peter a single key not two because to

recognize two: i.e. the psyche: ego-consciousness and the

unconscious mind he would have been able to recognize evil

and that is not possible seeing there is no DARKNESS in God.

15 He (Jesus) said unto them, But who say ye that I am? 16 And Simon Peter answered and said thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed [it] unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. 18 And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven (Matthew 16:15-19).


Louisiana and Washington Avenues symbolize the SQUARE and Pennsylvania and Maryland Avenue symbolize the COMPASS; whereas the

Capitol Building symbolizes the G: i.e. Geometry.. 63

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


Six times the work key or keys is used in the New Testament English translation64

and every time the Greek

word klěis (klice)65

is used. This is not a plural word nor is it used that way in the Greek texts. Yes, translators ‘in

modernity’ go the way of tradition not necessarily the way the Greek texts are actually written: i.e. the Roman

Catholic Church’s back-story and it is a beautiful back-story when it is realized what it is. The Gold and Silver keys

symbolize the psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind. Christ did not give two keys to Peter;

because, Jesus would have destroyed Peter’s soul if he had done so. The single key is the soul, which is

symbolically a stone: i.e. Peter. Peter means ROCK (stone). The stone (soul) is the Holy Grail66

and it was searched

for in the cavern space beneath the Dome of the Rock67

and the symbolism of the Grail Stone is displayed on the

West Façade of Chartres Cathedral68

as the Holy Grail in a cup: i.e. chalice. The fact that Christ was talking to Peter

because he recognized Him as the Christ is symbolically Christ giving Peter Christ consciousness, which in itself is

the key (soul: i.e. Holy Grail) that Christ gave to Peter. Without Christ consciousness the psyche would be

considered two keys: Gold (Yahweh – Sun - ego-consciousness) and Silver (Elohym – Moon – Unconscious mind).

Part of the back-story is that Saint Peter’s Basilica is build entirely upon the schematic, which I have named the,

UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX (10 X 10 square), which will be discussed later below. This matrix is literally

the splitting of the soul into the psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind. This is why Gian Lorenzo

Bernini has two sets of colonnades illustrating the Key to the Kingdom; for the reason that, it is the amalgamation

of these two parts of the psyche that brings forth Christ Consciousness. Both sets of colonnades come together to

form that key: i.e. Christ consciousness. To augment this Bernini has two fountains in the square, which are

equidistance from the obelisk, which form a Vesica Piscis69

when each fountain cast a circle around the obelisk.

The Vesica Piscis is the union of the material and the spiritual. Not that one circle is material and other spiritual;

rather, when the circles come together the spiritual is achieved: ‘ye are in the world but not of the world’. There are

also 153-statues in Saint Peter’s Square: one hundred and forty statues atop the two sets of colonnades and

thirteen statues atop the front façade of the basilica. This count of 153 has to do with the mathematics of the

Vesica Piscis and also remember the one hundred and fifty-three fishes caught by Christ’s disciples when he told

them to cast their net overboard. In addition the two sets of colonnades is the circumference of a larger circle that

encompasses both circles that make up the Vesica Piscis. I have previously written on this; for the reason that,

Bernini Saint Peter’s Square is a commentary on the sacred geometry codified to the first chapter of Genesis.

I mentioned all this about Saint Peter’s Square; for the reason that, the Washington Monument obelisk70

is a

commentary on Saint Peter’s Square obelisk’s Vesica Piscis. In the above two images of the Washington

Monument one picture was taken in 200371

and the other picture was taken in 200772

. These are very telling

photographs because it demonstrates that Freemasonry, in modern times, is still quite busy constructing its

esoteric designs (sacred geometry) into the turf of Washington DC. This was during George W. Bush’s presidency,

2001 – 2009, who is a Skull and Bones member. It is difficult to believe that these secret esoteric constructions can

takes place in a presidency that was not ruled by a Freemason or a member of a associate secret society aligned to

the Masonic Order. I believe that Freemasonry and the Skull and Bones are merely the same brotherhood with

difference names to confuse the public. It is their activities that tell who they are and who their allies are. The

back-story is always confusing. At the time the Skull and Bones were created Freemasonry was under attack

c.1832 and like the Knight Templers in the past they most likely formed different secret organizations. The

photograph on the left show two diagonal avenues Vermont and Connecticut from the north converging on the

White House similar to how two diagonal avenues Pennsylvania and Maryland converge on the Capitol Building



Hebrew/dp/1565639774/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1430659931&sr=1-1&keywords=the+interlinear+bible+hebrew-greek-english 65

#2807 is Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, with Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries

Concordance-Bible/dp/1418541680/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1430659759&sr=1-1&keywords=strong+exhaustive+concordance 66 and 67 68 69 70 71 72

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


from the west73

. If I was to take these two pyramid-like images converging on the White House and the Capitol

Building as arrows as in the arrows of Scorpio and Sagittarius these two arrows crossing: i.e. Northern Cross

(Cygnus Swan)74

centering on the Washington Monument [Vesica Piscis] points to the galactic core: see Andrew

Collin’s book THE CYGNUS MYSTERY75

and Dr. Paul LaViolette’s book and video EARTH UNDER FIRE76

. This concept

of converging on the location of the galactic core comes directly from the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH when

the two letters/words BETH and RESH converge: BETH from west to east and RESH from north to south. The first

two verses of Genesis symbolize Scorpio and Sagittarius converging on the split between the first and second

verses of Genesis, which points to the galactic core. I have discussed all this in my previous papers77

; however, I

must extend a mea culpa to my readers. In all my years of studying the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH I have

always reason from the other way around: east to west and from south to north; whereas, the research I

conducted to write this paper has made me realize my mistake and I fully understand conceptually why it is west

to east and north to south. It is because from Cygnus the Swan comes symbolically the spiritual powers that be

that symbolically grant Christ consciousness. What this ultimately means is that the Washington Monument

symbolizes the cosmic rays coming from the Cygnus Constellation78

. The Washington Monuments is not man’s

reach into the heavens; rather, it is heaven reaching out to man. The Vesica Piscis, which encloses the Washington

Monument, is what hermetically seals this interpretation. The obelisk is thought to be a sunray; but, that makes

no sense; for the reason that, the Vesica Piscis is in place around Saint Peter’s Square’s Obelisk and codified into

the landscape around the Washington Monument.

There are Masons that have written books on symbolism’s sacred geometry questioning the validity of such

geometric patterns laid out in the streets of Washington DC. Either these authors are deliberately lying to their

readers, which Freemasonry allows79

, or else these authors are the most ignorant people on the face of the earth.

If the latter is the case Freemasonry should kick these authors to the curb. The fact that these symbols that are

analogous to the ongoing construction process of building the inner temple are being laid out in the streets of

Washington DC is indicative of the temple not being fully constructed; therefore, the Capitol Building has no right

to face the east and that is why it faces the west. In this accompanied image showing the Square and Compass I

suggest quite seriously that the Capitol Building symbolizes the “G” not because it represents God, which it

doesn’t, rather because it represents Sacred Geometry.

WHAT IS SACRED GEOMETRY? Sacred Geometry is the WORD OF GOD clothed in the mythoi of the human

vernacular. Mathematics is not the only sacred geometry. Every single letter on this page is geometrically

structure; for the reason that, every single letter is a glyph, which is a cultural icon that conveys a message. Those

that have neither been taught their ABCs or how to read will not understand this page. Correspondingly, those

that don’t understand that every letter of the sacred scriptures of the world is a symbol and is alphanumerically

structured: i.e. Sacred Geometry will neither comprehend esotericism nor more importantly will they understand

the WORD OF GOD. Knowing Sacred Geometry does not guarantee the initiate the right of interpreting the WORD

OF GOD. This latter religious rite comes only through Christ consciousness.

What I am speaking of here is the Baptism of Fire and Water (FAITH), which is clearly symbolized in the

twenty-seventh chapter of La Divina Commedia, by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). The waters of creation are

symbolized by Yahweh and Elohym that represent the tetrahedral forces in creatio continua (ego-consciousness



77.03326821%2C38.89168418%2C-77.01243281&addr=Federal%20Triangle%2C%20Washington%2C%20DC%2C%20United%20States 74 75 76

tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1430669349&sr=1-1&keywords=earth+under+fire or the book of the same name

Humanitys-Survival-ebook/dp/B005CW61XQ/ref=sr_1_7?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1430669532&sr=1-7&keywords=paul+a+laviolette 77 78 79

The true secrecy of the Mystery Schools is esotericism, which literally cannot be taught through the medium of one person to another;

however, there is the art of Sacred Geometry that is neither allowed to be divulged to Brother Masons nor to the world at large. Sacred

Geometry is supposed to be a hard fought battle to learn; for the reason that, in the process of learning the individual will exert, that is if he or

she is serious in his or her endeavors, a deep DESIRE to know the truth of reality and this DESIRE is the pearl of great price. I speak not here of

lip-service desire nor to those that want; but, rather to that need. For only this DESIRE is a prayer to the spiritual powers that be that grant

Christ consciousness to the pure of heart.


and the unconscious mind), which literally represent the conservatives and the

in the US Congress come together via

from a materialistic perspective, there cannot be a baptism of Fire and Water. Christ consciousness symbol

fire that vaporizes the waters into a gaseous state

symbolizing a spiritual state of consciousness

The sacred scriptures: i.e. the WORD OF GOD

teaches the initiate about his or her soul for nothing

else in the world or the extended universe

except knowing how the psyche: ego

and the unconscious mind can retrieve its soul: i.e.

Christ consciousness. This knowledge is more

important than life itself.

Freemasonry uses the Kamea of Saturn to write

one of its various secret codes, which is the matrix

itself, call Solomon’s Key, utilized to decode the


. When the 3 x 3 square: i.e.

Saturn (3²) is cubed (3³) it represents

books in the New Testament and the year 27AD that

Christ died on the cross. Freemasonry knows this number as the “Living Arch”; however, the Holy of Holies in

Solomon’s Temple is the most important symbol that is represented by the Kamea of Saturn since it is measure

15³ seeing that every column, row and diagonal of the Kam

the contrast between Catholicism and Freemasonry.

consciousness; for the reason that, without the harmonious

front of the temple Christ consciousness cannot be achieved.

symbolize the apotheosis of Boaz (Yahweh

mind) to Christ consciousness. The Royal Arch Degree is the climax of Ancient Craf

Symbolism and, I believe, this is because the temple is


SOLOMON’S BUILDERS (pg. 206), BY Christopher Hodapp, published by Ulysses Press


I6&keywords=solomon%27s+builders I doubt seriously if this method would ever be used again seeing it in the public domain.

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


and the unconscious mind), which literally represent the conservatives and the liberals. Unless these two factors

a bipartisan perspective, harmoniously, which is nigh unto an impossibility

there cannot be a baptism of Fire and Water. Christ consciousness symbol

that vaporizes the waters into a gaseous state

of consciousness.

The sacred scriptures: i.e. the WORD OF GOD

teaches the initiate about his or her soul for nothing

else in the world or the extended universe matters

how the psyche: ego-consciousness

and the unconscious mind can retrieve its soul: i.e.

Christ consciousness. This knowledge is more

e Kamea of Saturn to write

codes, which is the matrix

utilized to decode the

i.e. the Kamea of

it represents the amount of

books in the New Testament and the year 27AD that

oss. Freemasonry knows this number as the “Living Arch”; however, the Holy of Holies in

Solomon’s Temple is the most important symbol that is represented by the Kamea of Saturn since it is measure

15³ seeing that every column, row and diagonal of the Kamea of Saturn totals to fifteen. I mention this because of

the contrast between Catholicism and Freemasonry. The “Living Arch”, as far as I am concerned, is Christ

consciousness; for the reason that, without the harmonious relationship between Boaz and Jachin

Christ consciousness cannot be achieved. The two angels on top of the Ark of the Covenant

symbolize the apotheosis of Boaz (Yahweh - sun – ego-consciousness) and Jachin (Elohym - moon

The Royal Arch Degree is the climax of Ancient Craft Masonry and Masonic

because the temple is complete (see 1 Kings 7:40-50).

(pg. 206), BY Christopher Hodapp, published by Ulysses Press


I doubt seriously if this method would ever be used again seeing it in the public domain.

Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos

liberals. Unless these two factors

, which is nigh unto an impossibility

there cannot be a baptism of Fire and Water. Christ consciousness symbolizes the

oss. Freemasonry knows this number as the “Living Arch”; however, the Holy of Holies in

Solomon’s Temple is the most important symbol that is represented by the Kamea of Saturn since it is measures

I mention this because of

“Living Arch”, as far as I am concerned, is Christ

between Boaz and Jachin: two columns in

The two angels on top of the Ark of the Covenant

moon – unconscious

t Masonry and Masonic

I doubt seriously if this method would ever be used again seeing it in the public domain.

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


Consider that the center of the arch symbolizes Christ consciousness. Freemasonry understood through their

Royal Arch Degree the doctrine of the Trinity. It is the efforts of the initiate working his ego-consciousness and

unconscious mind that bring about the unanimity of the psyche regaining his or her soul. It is this center piece in

the arch that literally closes the mystic circle. The arch itself symbolizes the covenant or the rainbow in the clouds,

which was Yahweh’s covenant. The rainbow is actually a circle. I have seen many from traveling by plane and I

have only been in a plane a few times. The Ark of the Covenant symbolizes all that symbolism, which seems to the

common people to be disparate elements of symbolism at best.

It should be envisaged that esotericism is basically a finished product; though, for the most part the masses

know nothing about its existence whatsoever; yet, it is the responsibility of the initiate to retrieve his soul though

he or she doesn’t have a clue as to how to go about it.

The above map was obviously, from the drawing of the position of the Washington Monument, created prior

to 2003 or else the Vesica Piscis would have been part of the pattern around the Washington Monument.

It is extraordinarily interesting that Andrew Jackson81

a Freemason and the seventh President of the United

States, in 1836, “ordered the Treasury Building to be built next to the White House, slicing across Pennsylvania

Avenue, to block his view of Congress, with whom he was at political loggerheads82

”. There is always a back-

story to esotericism, which does not necessary coincide with the true reason or meaning behind the symbolism

arranged to deliver the spiritual WORD OF GOD.

First of all the year 1836: i.e. 1, 3, 6 and 8 are the number in the Zodiac that creates a butterfly pattern and

when the other eight signs duplicated two more such patterns the Star of David appears in the Zodiac/Calendar

year. This is the star of the Magi or the star that symbolizes Christ consciousness. The year 1836 was finally the

year when Chartres finished building its cathedral for in that year the metal roof was constructed. There is a

similar symbolic history with the dome of the Capitol Building in Washington DC being finished in the year 1863.

Second of all it is interesting because of the discussion on Solomon’s Temple and the Holy of Holies. When I

read this in Christopher Hodapp’s work, whom also is a Freemason, I instantly knew why Andrew Jackson ordered

the building of the Treasury Department next to the White House. There is a veil in Solomon’s Temple that

separates the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place, which is the main body of the temple. Symbolically the White

House would be the Holy of Holies and the US Capitol Building would be the Holy Place. In the New Testament

there is the vignette of Jesus in the Temple whipping the money changers.

13 And the Jews' Passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14 And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: 15 And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables; 16 And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house a house of merchandise (John 2:15).

It would be difficult not to see money: i.e. Department of Treasury in the above instance as not being the veil

of the temple since money purchases all materialistic desires.

It would be difficult for anyone to deny these patterns of geometry that exist in the buildings and streets of

Washington DC; nonetheless, there are many naysayers that go out of their way to publish their nonexistence.

Looking at the above map and its index much of what I have discussed is obvious. As one looks over the Federal

Triangle and Mall from the Capitol Building to Lincoln’s Memorial and from the White House to Jefferson’s

Memorial a gigantic cross can be envisaged or is that Cygnus’ Swan already discussed above? It is also difficult not

to see Pennsylvania and Maryland avenues as to what is considered an unfinished pyramid and the Capitol Building

as to what will complete it. As it has been discussed above on the reverse side of THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED

STATES the pyramid is complete. Another interesting point about this map is the two diagonal lines going down

Pennsylvania and Maryland avenues at the beginning of each avenue (index 33 & 37) symbolize War (37) and

peace (33). President Garfield83

was assassinated. These monuments at 33 & 37 locations symbolize the Arrows

and Olive Leaves and Berries that the Eagle is grasping on the obverse side of THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED

STATES since the Capitol Building symbolizes the Eagle. The choice that is made in the materialistic world is, for

81 82

SOLOMON’S BUILDERS (pgs. 170-171), BY Christopher Hodapp, published by Ulysses Press


6&keywords=solomon%27s+builders 83

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


the most part, WAR. An unhindered view down the Mall shows monuments to three warrior presidents and a war

memorial: i.e. Ulysses S. Grant, George Washington, World War II Memorial and Abraham Lincoln. The choice of

the materialist, for the most part, is always war, which of course is the crucifixion of Christ. No matter the excuses,

War is always over another nation’s commodities: spin it, weave it or caste it into stone all you want but it is what it is. The Capitol Building will be argued below as an obvious temple to the United States of America’s self-created

God: Columbia84

, which the Statue of Freedom above the tholos (beehive tomb85

) represents.

Though I have never visited the Capitol Building in Washington DC, from my search on the internet and

studying books on the Capitol Building and its decorations, I find the crypt area beneath the rotunda to be one of

the most symbolic aspects of the building. The obvious back-story to the crypt that George Washington was

supposed to be buried in is quite a propos seeing that his materialistic (not physical) death points to his spiritual

awakening. Not only is the crypt tomb empty but there remains in the crypt area thirteen statutes representing

the first thirteen states that entered the Union. I actually laughed out loud when I read that part about the thirteen

statues in the crypt area; for the reason that, E Pluribus Unum ‘out of many, one’ was a propos seeing Washington

ascended into heaven: i.e. apotheosis while the thirteen remained in their crypt: i.e. statues; even so, these

thirteen statues are, in my point of view, on the verge of Christ consciousness; for the reason that, they are in the

crypt area. The initial account or back-story has an oculus (path of ascension?) in the crypt area looking straight up

to the fresco of the apotheosis but the artist of the frescoes on the rotunda floor complained that the cool air from

the crypt area was damaging his art; thus, the oculus was covered over.

The central portion of the Capitol Building: i.e. rotunda, though it is round, looks very much like a pyramid. In

the Great Pyramid the King Chamber has an empty tomb. The crypt in the Capitol Building doesn’t represent the

King Chamber since it and the Queen’s Chambers are perfected. The Capitol Building crypt symbolizes the

Subterranean Chamber, which is the foundation of the rotunda. As with the Great Seal of the United State obverse

and reverse the Star of David on the obverse side symbolically represents what is beneath it as the ALL SEEING EYE

and on the reverse side it symbolizes the pyramid so too does the Statute of Freedom (Columbia) symbolize the

entire Capitol Building rotunda area above the crypt area: i.e. symbolically the tholos. The crypt symbolizes the

initiate, in this case George Washington, regaining his soul; thus, rising to the state of apotheosis: Christ


The Capitol Building has two wings, which are attached to the rotunda area. I suggest that the Capitol

Building as a whole symbolizes the Eagle that is prepared to symbolically take flight. Like the wings on the Eagle on

the Great Seal the body of the eagle separates the Heavens (33-feathers-liberals) from the earth (32-feathers-

conservatives). Anything 32º and below is frozen like a statue and anything above 33º is thawing out ready to take

flight. When the wings of the Capitol Building are in harmony Christ consciousness has been achieve; however,

those that are 32º and below are frozen like statues and cannot take flight. It is because of this statue like

mentality it is not good for an initiate to imitate a hero figure; for the reason that, he or she would be a follower

doing the same old same old and not being oneself, which is an extraordinary adventure for any pioneer of

esotericism. Yes, it is alright to study and see how others have achieved Christ consciousness; however, it is never

acceptable for an initiate to be a parrot or a stamp for another’s agenda. Tradition is alright as long as it is a guide

to the future; however, if tradition leaves the initiate in the ‘pasture, crewing the cud86

’ then there is no end to the

misery that the initiate will endure for he or she will never be him or herself but only a wannabe whatever. The Goddess Columbia is given a number of names. She stands atop the Capitol Building as the Goddess of


; however, the freedom she represents has nothing to do with what most American think freedom is.

Freedom is not being free from tyrants and dictators in the material world; however, if these words ‘tyrants’ and

‘dictators’ were associated to addictions and obsession and biases, prejudices and preconceived notions then I

would say being free of these tyrants and dictators is the only task at hand. If the individual is content with what

he has in life without coveting materialism he or she would have achieved his or her spiritual goal. Contentment is

to be satisfied with your lot in life. This is why, I believe, the Goddess of Freedom has her sword and shield at rest

84 and and;_ylt=A0LEVj1_xUBVpoIAod8nnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aW

QDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=Goddess+Columbia&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002 85 86

The pasture where the cow dines is symbolic of the past and chewing the cud is regurgitating (eternally reliving or resenting) the past. 87

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


because it symbolizes the ideal state of life not fighting and competing against family, friends, society and nations

for commodities. Humanity dreams of PEACE ON EARTH and good will to all men. Most important the Goddess of

Freedom faces east towards the rising sun; whereas, all of Congress is looking west holding in the highest regard

the monuments of unending warfare. As I view the monuments and designs of Sacred Geometry around the

Capitol Building all I can envisage representing the efforts of the House of Representatives and the Senate is that

they are leaving in their wake monuments of unending warfare. The United States Congress symbolically, unlike

the arrow converging on the Capitol Building heading east as if trying to guide the people’s representatives,

appears to be looking backwards towards the west like Lot’s wife who was turned into a pillar of salt88

and all

appearances has the US CONGRESS having the same curse placed upon its endeavors in the self same manner as

Lot’s wife. This is very much like the Israelites in the deserts craving for the fleshpots of Egypt.


THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos




CEILING’S FRESCO, for all intent and purpose, symbolizes

the ALL SEEING EYE on the back of the Great Seal of the

United States simply because ‘oculus’ means ‘eye’90

. This

is now the fifth example, I am writing about, concerning

what the symbolism on the Great Seal is depicting.

i. The Eagle and all its symbolism.

ii. The Star of David, rays of light and clouds.

iii. The pyramid on the reverse side of the Great


iv. The ALL SEEING EYE above the pyramid.

b. “In the beginning Elohym (clouds: i.e. Qoph) separated

(Bara) [the beginning and ends of91

] the heavens and

[the beginning and ends of] the earth (Genesis 1:1)”.

i. HEAVEN symbolizes CHRIST consciousness, which George Washington ascended to, which is

known as the apotheosis of a human being. It is wrongfully thought that the state of

apotheosis is becoming a God. Such an erroneous thought is merely ego-consciousness

raising its ugly head again.

1. On the obverse side of THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES it has been

mentioned that the nineteen clouds that surround the thirteen stars, above the

head of the eagle, forming the Star of David symbolizes QOPH: nineteenth letter of

the Hebrew coder.

2. The three Hebrew letters: Yud, Aleph and Qoph symbolizing the TRINITY are

interchangeable in biblical parlance; thus, Qoph can be interpreted as “Elohym”

justifying the above interpretation of the first verse of Genesis.

3. When the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH is analyzed and extrapolated out to the

Genesis Formula it can be seen that all three of these Hebrew letters: Yud, Aleph

and Qoph are accounted for illustrating that all three take on the persona of Elohym

in this given instance; however, each maintain its own personality.

So there is no ambiguity here, it is my understanding, the clouds that separate George Washington and the

fifteen women in his entourage from the six peripherals scenes on the rim of the oculus represent the nineteen

clouds that surround the Star of David and the 112-rays of light radiating from it on the obverse side of the GREAT


ii. EARTH symbolizes the six materialistic scenes bordering the perimeter of the rim of the

oculus, which are all materialistic events play out in the world. These six scenes imply they

go out infinitely symbolizing the darkness, chaos or the ‘many’ implied in the phrase E


1. War – the new American goddess Columbia

2. Science – the goddess Minerva

3. Marine – the god Neptune and goddess Venus

4. Commerce – the god Mercury

5. Mechanics – the god Vulcan

6. Agriculture – the goddess Ceres

89 90;_ylt=A0LEVvX6Dz1V_DYAtconnIlQ?p=oculus&.sep=&fr=yhs-mozilla-002 91

This word ‘et’ translated “beginning and end” (my translation) and spelt ALEPH-TAV [את] is used twenty-six times in the first chapter of

Genesis (twice in the first verse); however, it is never translated into English or any other vernacular. For me the twenty-six times is symbolic of

YAHWEH, which is a word that has a Gematria value of twenty-six. If the initiate understands that the word Elohym (exuding the formula of

pi) represents the center and circumference of creation, it then can be understood why Yahweh also represents the beginning and end of

creation. Both Yahweh and Elohym are two different and yet the same aspects of the Trinity. Remember that in the New Testament Christ

said, “I am the Alpha and the Omega”, which is synonymous to ALEPH-TAV [את].

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


It is difficult to explain an esoteric concept so the reader will have to bear with me on this. There is no doubt

that George Washington is being used as the ideal man going from a “to make a good man a better man”, which is

the Freemasonry motto. George Washington and the fifteen women separate from the six worldly events in the

fresco of The Apotheosis of George Washington symbolizes, in and of itself by itself, the letter BETH on a singular

white empty page. This would be just one letter BETH on a clean sheet of paper up in the right hand corner of the

page. Jews write from right to left. The great empty space symbolizes the potentiality of BETH. George Washington

and the fifteen women total to sixteen, which symbolizes the ALL SEEING EYE. BETH having the Gematria value of

412 also symbolizes the ALL SEEING EYE. The symbolism that is used to construct the fresco of The Apotheosis of

George Washington does not have to be the same as any man or woman that reaches the state of Christ

consciousness (apotheosis). Every individual has his or her own raison d’être and when culling out the light from

the infinite DARKNESS, which is symbolized by the six scenes on the rim of the oculus, they transubstantiate that

DARKNESS into the LIGHT of their own apotheosis (Christ consciousness)

Here I get the distinct impression that these six scenes represent the numerous distractions in the world that

enamor the psyche of the individual prior to the apotheosis: i.e. Three Temptations of Christ; therefore, E Pluribus

Unum would more than imply the amalgamation of those things in the world that enamor the psyche into a single

philosophy to live by: ORDER OUT OF CHAOS (the individual’s personal raison d’être); however, because of the

many gods in the world E Pluribus Unum would also point to the monotheistic God out of the many, which would

innately bring ORDER OUT OF CHAOS.

There is more here than the inattentiveness of ego-consciousness can discern. There are four goddesses and

three male gods, which points to the SEVEN LIBERAL ARTS: i.e. three grammatical arts and the four mathematical

sciences or the Triplicities and the Quadruplicities of Astrology. Being that there are seven gods they points to the

supernatural (birth of consciousness) as in the esoteric (Hermetic) sciences.

Take note that these seven god and goddesses in the six peripheral scenes on the rim of the oculus are

separated by the inner circle by the clouds that symbolize the Most High God. This separation process is literally

the separation of Church (Heaven) and State (Earth). What I mean

by this is that any religion is an earthly institution built on spiritual

and philosophical principles saturated with symbolism; whereas, in

the state of Christ consciousness there is no religion with all its

traditions and dogma. Christ consciousness is basically a barren

land in which the initiate can interpret anything in the materialistic

world, which is an interpretive process not based upon any

institutional mode of interpreting symbolism. This is why Christ in

the New Testament was able to answer Satan during the Three

Temptations. Ego-consciousness: i.e. Satan cannot get past the

mental acuity of Christ consciousness. Yes, this is quite a paradox to

learn symbolism only to toss it aside to be led by an inner spiritual

sense. Yes, that interpretive process does follow the esoteric

science of the sacred scriptures; however, there is far more to

Christ consciousness then the tools of religion that brings the

initiate to that precipice that is Christ consciousness. The initiate

should study this Masonic Apron image and notice how the tools

that built the temple are tossed aside. There is a great deal the initiate can learn from this image. Notice how

Boaz (sun) and Jachin (moon) are not allowed in the temple because they are not mystically married. It is only

when the initiate marries ego-consciousness (sun) to the unconscious mind (moon) that the soul can reside in the

Holy of Holies with God. Notice on top of the Holy of Holies is the Scales of Libra denoting equality.

iii. It may be difficult for some to believe that the Founding Fathers would be so blatantly

obvious with the use of biblical symbolism.

1. The reader should realize that these interpretations have never been written about

or discussed before now; thus, these esoteric symbols are not as blatantly obvious

as I see them.


i. Actually, a rainbow is a circle, which symbolizes an eternal everlasting covenant.

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


ii. Here the Founding Fathers of the United States are definitely referencing the sacred

scriptures in their use of symbolism.

iii. The fact that George Washington is in the center of the rainbow and using it as a kind of

footstool indicates that the rainbow, as God’s promise, is his foundation.

1. Study the rainbow in the fresco and it fades out as if at a distanced behind the

clouds and as if Washington and his entourage are in the center of the rainbow. It’s

a known fact that in order to experience (see it) the rainbow one has to be in the

center of it.

iv. Washington is solely dependent upon the covenant of God as outline in the ninth chapter of


8Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: 9“I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you 10and with every living creature that was with you—the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you—every living creature on earth. 11I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.” 12And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. 16Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.” 17So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth (Gen. 9:8-17).”

v. Though there are two of the six scenes on the periphery of the oculus with the rainbow in

them I do not interpret these scenes as having and relationship symbolically to the rainbow.

d. GEORGE WASHINGTON is portrayed as sitting between the goddesses Victory and Liberty

i. There is no stretch of the imagination here when George Washington is seen as the tail

feathers of the Eagle: the foundation of the American mythoi. Washington flanked by

Victory and Liberty is symbolic of the eagle’s tail feathers flanked by the 13-arrows and 13-

olive leaves and 13-berries.

ii. George Washington symbolizes each initiate’s raison d’être insofar as him being the

foundation of the American mythoi symbolizes that all that is taken out of DARKNESS is the

LIGHT that is the apotheosis of the individual.


i. Collectively George Washington and the fifteen women add up to sixteen people, which

symbolize the sixteenth letter of the Hebrew coder: i.e. AYIN, which symbolizes the EYE; i.e.

ALL SEEING EYE. The fact that these sixteen figures are in the oculus of the dome is the

fresco interpreting itself.

ii. There can be no doubt that the fifteen (15 = 1 + 5 = 6) women symbolize the equality that

exist between them and the six masculine scenes on the periphery of the oculus. It is not

that the women are dominant; rather, it is they are up front because of the equality. The six

scenes on the periphery of the oculus are equally represented by men and women.

1. This symbolizes, to me, that Christ consciousness is working its spirituality on the

world insofar as amalgamating the DARKNESS (ego-consciousness) into LIGHT.

2. This is envisaged through the god Columbia’s war shield that has the thirteen red

and white stripes on them, which symbolizes Christ consciousness. The Eagle is well

represented in that war scene, which allows for this interpretation.

a. In addition it should be realized that the APOTHEOSIS OF GEORGE

WASHINGTON’S fresco clearly is taking symbolism from off the Centennial

GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES of 1882, which is the next image to be


THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


3. The first word of Genesis: BERESHITH is also translated as “separated (Bara) six”,

which is precisely what the cloud in the oculus does. The cloud separates the inner

six from the outer six.

4. Knowing that there are two groups of six allows for the interpretation that George

Washington symbolizes the central star of the STAR OF DAVID with the other fifteen

figures surrounding him.

a. Collectively, the ALL SEEING EYE (the inner sixteen figures) and the six

scenes on the periphery of the oculus symbolize the STAR OF DAVID.

b. Above I quoted the first verse of Genesis where “God separated the

heavens and the earth”. The above interpretation does not negate that.

c. The seven inner stars of the Star of David are working with the six outer

stars as in the thirteen stripes on the shield of the Great Seal.

i. This is similar to a Monk in a monastery working with the

community. As the New Testament has Christ praying to his

Father, “They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world

(John 17:1-26)”.


i. One of the most striking symbols in the fresco of the Apotheosis of George Washington is

that he is the only male in the group of sixteen figures in the inner circle. This is a very

telling symbol; for the reason that, the masculine92

symbolizes ego-consciousness. Here ego-

consciousness (George Washington) is submerged into the unconscious mind.

1. George Washington may be the subject matter in the fresco from a materialistic

point of view; however, he is being used to symbolize ego-consciousness elevated

to Christ consciousness (apotheosis).

a. Physical death does not bring about the ambiance of the apotheosis: Christ

consciousness upon the individual. The initiate has to be alive, dead to the

materialistic world, to experience it.

i. Symbolically the death of the sun (the sun setting) is ego-

consciousness as a deflated ego.

2. However, without the entourage of women the fresco of the apotheosis makes no

symbolic sense for even in the state of Christ consciousness the ego though in a

deflated state is still needed as the prime discriminator.

a. Christ consciousness is the ego-consciousness awake in unanimity with the

unconscious mind;

b. Whereas, when sleeping ego-consciousness is submerged in the

unconscious mind there is nothing there to discriminate thought, word,

deed and image; though, the uninformed may think that they experience

these things while asleep that is far from the truth. While asleep, ego-

consciousness is a captive audience and it is not allowed to process the

information being conveyed to it.

i. It is only in the first few seconds after awakening that ego-

consciousness envisages the dynamics of what went on in the

unconscious mind while asleep. It is almost like an instant

download from a computer. Ego-consciousness needs time to

access that download of information. Discouragingly, ego-

consciousness instantaneously cloths that download of data with

personal symbolism; however, what ego-consciousness does is

unconsciously cloth CHAOS into symbolic form in order to

understand it. This is an unsuccessful attempt to bring ORDER


Mae Culpa: I want to make it clear that I am here speaking of symbolism from the perspective of Western Civilization. There are civilizations

that worship the sun: i.e. ego-consciousness, which is a feminine god. I don’t know how to interpret that symbolism and I openly admit that.

Those in the Eastern cultures that read my work will have to juxtaposition their symbolism to equate to a proper understanding of esotericism.

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


OUT OF CHAOS. For the most part dreams are summarily

dismissed because of its chaotic format and psychoanalysis is

extremely slow in the process of analyzing dreams. CG Jung93


the best psychoanalyst that was able to interpret dreams having

studied over 60,000 in his life time. It was CG Jung that envisaged

the concept of the Transcendent Function94

, which is the art of

Active Imagination95

: i.e. ego-consciousness having contact with

the unconscious mind while awake; however, this last is not Christ

consciousness; though, it can lead to that.

ii. Whereas, Christ consciousness (ALL SEEING EYE) has direct access

to the unconscious mind while awake and the data that ego-

consciousness receives can be processed in real time as it is being

accessed and therefore it can bring ORDER OUT OF CHAOS.

Let me clarify, what I believe is, the difference between the Transcendent Function and Christ consciousness.

The Transcendent Function is the individual exploring the dynamics of his own mind through the art of Active

Imagination and this can be quite a dangerous psychological undertaking if the individual is not being guided in the

process. When performing the art of Active Imagination the patient or initiate has to have some kind of

understanding of symbolism; whereas, Christ consciousness has no prerequisite other than wanting to know all

there is to know about God and one’s soul. Nothing else matters in the world to that initiate; however, Christ

consciousness also enables the individual to study and eventually read symbolism clearly.


i. The inner construct of the oculus’s sixteen figures forms not a circle but more of pyramid like


1. George Washington, Liberty and Victory form the base of the pyramid

2. The other thirteen figures split into two groups of six and seven, which leave a

gapping space at the top of this pyramid design between the two groups.

ii. Five of the thirteen women, above the base of the pyramid structure, are holding the ribbon

with the words E Pluribus Unum on it. Why are these five women holding the WORD OF

GOD and not the other eight women?

1. YAHWEH has the Gematria value of 26 = 8

2. Elohym has the Gematria value of 86 = 5

a. The fact that 86 / 26 = 3.3… This is too

close a calculation to the 3½ coiled

dormant Kundalini Serpent not to be

its equivalent on a symbolic level.

b. The unconscious mind may be the

dormant Kundalini Serpent; however,

it can only emerge as a male and that

is why Christ is symbolized as a male;

for the reason that, the masculine

symbolized the ego, which is the

discriminator. Remember it is the ego

that obtains Christ consciousness.

c. I have already somewhat discussed

the Kundalini Serpent when

discussing the 112-rays of light

emanating from the Star of David.

93 94

ebook/dp/B003DM3QSA/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1430151677&sr=1-1&keywords=transcendent+function 95


THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


i. The Hindu Light Chakras are actually displayed on the West

Façade of Chartres Cathedral96

. I mention this to illustrate that

the Kundalini Serpent is precedent in Christian theology.

ii. Whether the reader believes it or not Christ consciousness can be

bestowed upon any individual that seeks God with an honest,

pure and open heart. That is a rare bird to say the least about the

individual God grants this gift to; though, eventually through time

and eternity every soul is granted Christ consciousness. Christ

consciousness is neither a fantasy nor a figment of the

imagination. It is a conscious state of pure spiritual ambiance.

One of the key secrets to understanding the Hermetic Science (Esotericism) esoterically codified into the

Judeao Christian Scriptures is that the bible uses whole numbers, verses, chapters and books and not fractions

thereof. The sacred scriptures use the least amount of materials to get its symbolic point across. When using

whole numbers precision fractions cannot always meet the immediate needs of the esotericist/symbolist codifying

esotericism to the sacred scriptures; therefore, the closest fraction thereof is what is put forth as the symbol. The

larger the numerical data available to the esoterist the more accurately the mathematical fractions are codified to

the texts. In creating sacred geometry in the textual material via esotericism a limited amount of material is being

used; thus, every single letter, jot and tittles of the texts have symbolic meaning. The enormity of work that goes

into constructing the texts exoterically and esoterically to convey the WORD OF GOD, and to be symbolically in

continuity with the entire Old and New Testaments, is inconceivable and I, personally, cannot envisaged how the

ancient scribes managed it.

3. Water has the Gematria value of 40 = 4

a. 13 = 4 or Waters of Creation.

4. 5 and 8 are a set in the Fibonacci sequence, which points to the Golden Ratio or the

Tetrahedral Forces in creation, which are actually played out on every orb in the


a. Yahweh symbolizes ego-consciousness

b. Elohym symbolize the unconscious mind

i. The fact that five women hold the ribbon symbolizes the

unconscious mind receiving divine guidance as to how to perform.

5. More concerning this division of thirteen into 5 and 8: i.e. a set in the Fibonacci

sequence will be discussed when analyzing the Centennial GREAT SEAL OF THE



i. In the accompany image of the inner circle of

sixteen figure there is an area above their

heads, which I call the inner circles, pie chart

and core of the oculus for obvious reasons by

merely looking at the image.

1. This image had to be taken prior to

some restoration of the fresco.


outwardly into the world and, for all intent and

purpose, are the WORD OF GOD redundantly

and eternally expressed in multiple variation of

the back-story for the WORD OF GOD is

unchangeable. The back-story is the mythoi that cloths the WORD OF GOD.


It is an awful shame that this video has become so expensive. I purchase mine for about $30.00. A Hindu priest visiting Chartres Cathedral

happened to notice the similarities between the artistic layout on and over the central part of the Royal Portal and Hinduism Light Chakras and

explain it to the Chartres Cathedral’s curator. This is discussed on the video.


THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


iii. THE PIE CHART is an obvious play off of the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH (in the

beginning), which has six seen and six unseen letters symbolizing the amalgamation of the

spiritual and the material.

iv. THE CORE OF THE OCULUS is symbolic of the initiate’s God (raison d’être).

1. Consider that just above the core of the oculus are the tholos (round crypt) and the

Statue of Freedom (the American created God Columbia).

2. God is the spiritual law, which is what the Jews call the Torah (Law).

a. It is attuning to this spiritual law that allows the soul to obtain a spiritual

raison d’être (apotheosis), which is the philosophical god of the individual.

The concept of the Hermetic Science should be explain to grasp the significant of what I am talking about

concerning each individual having their own God. The MONAD (God) symbolizes the soul, which is what

Christianity calls the God/Man Christ and is known as the Tao in Chinese and Buddha in Buddhism and Krishna in

Hinduism, etc., etc. Yes, there is an UNKNOWN God, which is recognized all over the world; however, this

Unknown God is not the soul: i.e. God/Man Christ. This is an Unknown God because neither a name nor a

nomenclature can be attached to what this spiritual law is.

Through the auspices of the soul: i.e. God/Man Christ the initiate can divine through meditation the platform

of materialistic existence, which is a 10 x 10 square, which I have given the named the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL

MATRIX, which illustrates that the soul (MONAD: God) splits into the psyche: ego-consciousness and the

unconscious mind when it enters into the world of concretization: i.e. materialism: in effect that spiritual being

looses it soul and becomes a materialistic organic being. Energy transformed into matter. The soul basically

becomes the psyche: i.e. matter when it enters into its own thought form. Thought is the concretization of the

inexplicable. When one thinks about it, the question has to be asked, where does thought come from? One

second it is not there and the next the individual is thinking about it or verbalizing it or writing about it abstractly

or creating it into a three dimensional form.

What the initiate has to do is cull his psyche and obtain knowledge of the 10 x 10 matrix: i.e. UNIVERSAL

MATHEMATICAL MATRIX; thus, by studying the matrix the initiate can obtain a virtual omniscience for all essential

knowledge is condensed within the matrix. All religions in the world are based upon this matrix; thus, knowledge

of God is within each and every human being. Hermeticism is the sophisticated knowledge of the unanimity of the

SEVEN LIBERAL ARTS: i.e. the mathematical and grammatical sciences: i.e. the Esoteric Science. In becoming

attuned to this knowledge intrinsically inherent in the matrix the initiate can achieve the state of apotheosis: i.e.

Christ consciousness and in doing so creates his or her own Garden of Eden (raison d’être) or it can be said that the

Garden of Eden is the God that the initiate walks with in the state of spiritual bliss. It can be said that the

regaining of one soul is the amalgamation of the psyche with the Unknown God, which creates the God/Man

Christ, which inherently is a new deity every time a different initiate obtains the state of apotheosis.

v. THE THOLOS (round crypt) symbolizes the materialistic death (not a physical demise) of the

initiate and in this case it is symbolically George Washington. Notice out of the sixteen

figures George Washington’s head is the closest to the core of the oculus.

1. From the crypt in the basement the area that George Washington ascended into

heavens in the state of apotheosis (becoming a God): Christ consciousness is in fact

the raison d’être (reason for existence) that he received upon obtaining Christ


2. The Capitol Building is also symbolic of the crypt: raison d’être.

3. Thus, the THOLOS is symbolically a cocoon that the initiate escapes from to obtain

Christ consciousness.

4. CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS is the spiritual ambiance that inundates and surrounds the

soul allowing it to have the vision of the ALL SEEING EYE.

vi. THE STATUE OF FREEDOM (Columbia) is a new created American God, which never existed

before in the minds of men.

1. Yes, at another time the Statue of Freedom (Columbia) was known by many names;

however, each of those names, were the back-story to the WORD OF GOD.

a. At one time the Goddess Columbia was known as the Virgin Mary and

Christianity was her mythoi. Once she received the visit from the Holy

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


a. Spirit she obtained Christ consciousness becoming the first Christian that

obtained the state of apotheosis..

2. The Goddess Columbia stands atop the THOLOS (round crypt), which symbolically

says, “Death, where is thy sting?”


i. This oculus in the ceiling of the Capitol Building’s appears to be symbolic of the ALL SEEING


1. There are seven-two five-pointed stars

surrounding the outer area of the oculus,

which most likely has a direct relationship to

the Shemhamphorasch97

: i.e. the 72-names

of God.

a. The 72-names of God are also

depicted on the ceiling of the

Sistine Chapel.

i. There are 72-rays of light

coming out sculpture

group called the Chair of


that resides in

Saint Peter’s Basilica.

ii. Most important notice the

radiating circles coming

out of the core of the sculpture group with Holy Spirit (Christ

consciousness) at the center.

b. The five-pointed stars appear to also to denote the idea of the 360º circle:

72 x 5.

c. The inner rim of the oculus frame is analogous to a round picture frame.

d. The 72-stars are from one perspective on the ceiling and from another it is

the floor of the balcony that oversees the lower areas of the Capitol

Building’s rotunda.

e. There are 36-windows on the balcony set between the floor and the fresco

of the Apotheosis of George Washington.

i. These 36-windows I believe have a direct reference to the

UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX: i.e. 10 x 10 square: there

are thirty-six nines (9) that surrounds the matrix.

ii. The number thirty-six (36) is also symbolized on the Masonic

Lodge: House of the Temple in Washington DC having 36-

columns surrounding its four square building.

iii. These 36-windows, which there are multiple 36-windows in a

circle in the lower areas of the Capitol Building. It is as if

Freemasonry is making a symbolic play on Squaring the Circle,

which I will discuss further below.

f. The Balcony Railing increments with five-supporting railing-post between

two main supports of the balcony-railing and extrapolate out around the

entire circuit of the balcony 36-times, which give a count of 6 x 36 = 216,

which is the cube of 6³. i. The square of 6² (36) is the Kamea of the Sun

ii. The cube of 6³ (216) would represent the spiritualized sun.

97 98

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


iii. 216 = 3 x 72, which is the amount of letters associated to the

Shemhamphorasch: the 72-names of God, which tradition tell us

comes from Exodus 14:19-21

1. Each of these verses has 72-letters, which line up one

over the other forming 3-rows: 72-columns exuding the

72-names of God: Shemhamphorasch.

g. On the rim of the balcony floor there is a design that is inclusive of the

entire circuit of the balcony floor that depicts 43299

-ridges, which is an

extremely important number associated directly to the fresco of the

Apotheosis of George Washington (see discussion above). The count of

432 apparently is meant to take in the assembly of arithmetical data

inclusive of the balcony and the arithmetical data codified into the artistry

of the fresco.

i. These ridges (follow red arrow in image) appear to be very much

like ridges on the outer edges of coins.

ii. This count of 432 is no numerical accident.

1. 4 + 3 + 2 = 9: nine is the foundation of creation such as

the nine feathers of the Eagle on THE GREAT SEAL OF


2. 432 = 216 x 2

3. 432 = 72 x 6

4. 432 = 36 x 12

iii. The number 432100

is directly related to the Precession of the


1. 72 x 360 = 25,920, this denotes the Precession of the



For those readers that don’t think that the 72-names of God: Shemhamphorasch or the Precession of the

Equinoxes are implied with the count of seventy-two stars they should take a closer look at the peripheral scenes

of the main fresco of The Apotheosis of George Washington. Each of those six scenes has a god depicted in it.

When those six scenes divide the balcony into six parts each of the gods would take 72-ridges on the balcony rim

out of the total of 432: 72 x 360º = 25,920. Another interest fact about the Precession of the Equinoxes is that

25,920 is the cube of Saturn’s return: 29.59…102

The first chapter of Genesis depicts the symbol of Capricorn,

which is governed by Saturn. Saturn is of course the Father of Time, which the inner sixteen figures of the oculus

in the fresco of the Apotheosis of George Washington negate, which is a main dogmatic principle of spirituality.

Once the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX is known to be in play in esoteric art it then is not difficult to

cull out the secrets to its construct. There can be no doubt that the oculus frescoed on the ceiling of the rotunda

of the Capitol Building in Washington DC is an artistic rendition of the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX that in

itself is a commentary on the MONAD, which is symbolically the oculus.

99 100 101 102

I understand that these are not precise calculation when squaring or cubing a number; however, this is precisely how the sacred scripture

utilizes arithmetical data. Modernity tends to think that antiquity did not uses fraction, they certainly did.

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


4. THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: 1882 Centennial Seal (obverse side) a. The first impression that this image of the Great Seal of

the United States: Centennial Seal 1882 is chaos in

contrast to the order of the current Great Seal.

b. THE TAIL FEATHERS are receded from the foundational

stance as seen in the ‘current’ Great Seal, which points

to the fact that the empyrean is no longer the

foundational stone so-to-speak.

c. THE THIRTEEN ARROWS: the count of arrows is the

same as those on the ‘current’ Great Seal; however, the

arrows are beneath the tail feathers, which indicate

that it is vying for supremacy over peace.

d. THE SIXTEEN OLIVE LEAVES points to Christ

consciousness, which is also vying for supremacy.

The tail feathers retracting from its original foundational

stance, which reflected Christ consciousness: spiritual cooperation

and harmony, to the point of being eternally at war. The feathers

are retracted because the legs are in an aggressive stance and not in full transparency that the legs extending

outwardly exude. War (arrows) has won over the plea for peace (olive leaves) by virtue of the arrows, on the

Great Seal of 1882, being lower than the olive leaves signaling that war is the foundation of the psyche.


Centennial Seal (obverse side) is basically a variation on

Charles Trenchard’s version of 1786.103

“One of the first versions of the obverse of the Great Seal of the United States104, also the U.S. coat of arms, engraved for the September 1786 Columbian Magazine. This is an original interpretation from the written blazon, differing from the Great Seal die which had been made in 1782 when the seal was introduced”. e. THE WINGS’ FEATHERS are in the mode of

flight as if to signify that the Eagle is in active


f. THE SHIELD is a warrior shield, which was

seen held by the Goddess Columbia against

tyrants and dictators as seen in fresco of

George Washington’s apotheosis.

The aggressiveness of Eagle in flight is not that of

contemplating peace since all the symbols add up to the

warrior’s shield.


arranged in such a way as to depict the

Golden Ratio, which infers the tetrahedral

forces in creation that symbolically

represents eternal warfare.

i. THE THIRTEEN STARS are basically

split up three ways to exude the formula for the Golden Ratio several ways.

ii. THE RIBBON, which represents the Potomac River (WORD OF GOD continuously flowing),

separates the thirteen stars into the ratio of 5/8, which is a set in the Fibonacci sequence.

103 104

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


iii. THE EAGLE’S HEAD further divides the five stars beneath the ribbon into the ratio of 2/3,

which is the first set in the Fibonacci sequence105


Christ said in the New Testament, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in

the midst of them (Matthew 18:20)”. The Eagle’s Head dividing the five stars beneath the ribbon into a set of two

and three is an obvious play off of the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH, which is formed when RESH amalgamates

with BETH. The Jewish letter/word RESH symbolize the HEAD. The letter/word RESH is spelt Resh (200)-Aleph (1)-

SHIN (300) and when its numerical data is reduced to their lowest common denominators it reads 2-1-3; thus, the

five stars are essentially saying the same thing as the sixteen olive leaves: pleading for peace.

I draw the reader’s attention back to the fresco of Apotheosis of George Washington where five of the

thirteen young ladies, which do not include Liberty and Victory, hold aloft the ribbon with E Pluribus Unum on it.

Notice the 5/8 ratio.

h. THE CLOUDS and THE RAYS OF LIGHT tell a vey ominous story. No spiritual light can get through the

clouds, which reinforces the interpretation of eternal war.


In order for the reader to understand my thesis I will have to skim over some of the United States’ history to

highlight some of the sentient points that will bring clarity to the discussion.

Very much like the Egyptian Empire106

and the Roman Catholic Church107

: i.e. Christianity, the United States of

America deep-seated political structure was essentially complete at the dawn of its inception. As I look back over

the vistas of the United States history and political system, not with 20/20 hindsight, rather with all the frills and

trills set aside, it is easy to see the perfection of its two-party political system and its continuous amplification.

There is little doubt, in my mind, that Freemasonry saw the New World as a clean canvas to artistically

express through civil government a new expression of the psyche’s New World Order.

The fact that George Washington was personally involved in the initial planning stages of Washington DC108

and personally picked Pierre (Peter) Charles L'Enfant,109

as the architect of the city is a huge red flag especially

when it is seen what ultimately came about because of that selection. Above are maps of the city of Washington

DC. The area to the south of the Potomac River is Virginia, which was returned to that state after it initially ceding

that land to the federal city. What I could gather from my researches is that the area of the ‘ten Miles square’ east


Every set in the Fibonacci sequence can be reduced to a 2/3 ratio. 106

SERPENT IN THE SKY, by John Anthony West

Egypt/dp/0835606910/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1426882242&sr=8-1&keywords=serpent+in+the+sky 107

THE SISTINE CHAPEL: A Study in Celestial Cartography: The Mysteries and the Esoteric Teachings of the Catholic Church

1&keywords=the+sistine+chapel+a+study+in+celestial+cartography 108 109

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


(Maryland) and south (Virginia) of the Potomac River is proportional to the Golden Ratio and this is why I believe

the ‘ten Miles square’ markers are so positioned. In addition to this the two states that ceded land to the federal

city is VIRGIN-IA and MARY-land makes up the secret name of Washington DC: i.e. the VIRGIN MARY. This latter

may seem ridiculous until the astrological lore is studied concerning VIRGO overseeing and protecting the city of

Washington DC.

The most compelling piece of evidence concerning the planning stages of Washington DC is a letter

mentioned by David Ovason in his work THE SECRET ARCHITECTURE OF OUR NATION’S CAPITAL (pgs. 52-53)110


“The earliest reference to a future federal seat of government on the Potomac seems to have been in a

letter of 1783 from Jefferson and James Madison to the governor of Virginia, Benjamin Harrison111

. In This

letter, they suggested that Virginia and Maryland might offer “a Small tract of Territory…in the

Neighborhood of George Town on Potowmack to serve as the site for the new national capital”

I have neither personally seen this letter that Jefferson and James Madison wrote nor did David Ovason

reference where he obtain his information about that letter; nonetheless, there is no reason to doubt the

existence of such a letter. I wasn’t too impressed by David

Ovason’s work because it dealt too much with Astrology.

Yes, Astrology has a great deal to do with esotericism and

how it is hermetically codified to the sacred scriptures of

the world; however, Astrology is merely a symbolic and

mathematical tool used to read hermetic texts: i.e.

esotericism; though, fortune telling is the back-story to

Astrology it really has nothing to do with prognosticating

human behavior or future events.

It is difficult to believe that Thomas Jefferson was not

a Freemason having written the above letter referencing

Virginia and Maryland as the location for the seat of

government. Writing a letter with James Madison a

Freemason put Thomas Jefferson in possession of esoteric

knowledge that only a Freemason or a diligent Catholic

world have; however, Jefferson and Madison were

pacifically discussing Virginia and Maryland. Both these

men became third and fourth presidents. Benjamin Harrison would have two descendent that would become

president. What makes the letter to Benjamin Harrison so important is because of esoteric data that was inherent

is planning the layout of Washington DC, which is never discussed even by the conspiracy theorists. Yes, the ten

Miles square of land ceded by Virginia and Maryland may be known by some authors; but, what would not have

been known is that the surveyors of that land, which placed the mile-markers112

did so with such precision as to

exude the formula for the Golden Ratio using the percentage of Virginia, Potomac River and Maryland to

accomplish that feat. This is esoteric information that Thomas Jefferson would not have been privy to if he was

not a Freemason.

In the Constitution of the United States it provides for a ten Miles square land for the seat of government:

ARTICLE 8, Section 1 of the United States Constitution says: To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;—And

The fact that the city of Washington DC was initially laid out in a 10 x 10 matrix (100 square miles) is highly

significant. Knowing about this matrix, for the most part, interprets the mindset of the Founding Fathers. This is a



1&keywords=the+secret+architecture+of+our+nation%27s+capital 111 112


THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


highly spiritual matrix, which I call the Universal Mathematical Matrix113

and everything about laying out the plans

for the Federal City goes towards how Christianity presents the teachings of the New Testament concerning the

birth of Christ. This 10 x 10 matrix is known all over the world. The Chinese developed the Tao Te Ching and the I

Ching from it, Buddhism builds their Stupas based upon it, Hinduism and Christianity build their temples,

cathedrals, basilicas and churches from its schematics, the pyramids imitate the matrix’s design, the matrix is the

foundation of Astrology and the game of Chess is developed from it. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) structured the

compositional structure of La Divina Commedia based upon this matrix. All major religions, in antiquity, wrote their

sacred scriptures, created their art and built their monuments using this matrix as the guiding principle behind

these activities. Without this 10 x 10 matrix the human psyche would be tabula rasa (blank slate). This seemingly

innocuous matrix contains esoterically the sum total of all knowledge. At conception the psyche is tabula rasa;

however, at birth the child personality is fully developed. Any mother can see her child’s personality immediately

after birth. In a sense it can be said that the layout of Washington DC gives the citizens of the United States a look

into the psyche of the Congress and the Presidency and by extension a look into their own psyches. It is the

American Citizens that vote ‘unknowingly’ for the Corporations that own the U.S. Congress114


I found it extraordinarily curious that Maryland (61.4 miles) would cede almost twice as much land than

Virginia (31.7 miles) and then there are the measurements of the Potomac River (6.9 miles)115

. Curious because

the combined total of land (water not included) ceded from Maryland and

Virginia was 93.1 miles, which 931 omitting the decimal is the

transposition of the number 913, which happens to be the Gematria value

of the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH. It is extraordinary because the

surveyors had to be exceptional in their work surveying the land and the

waters of the Potomac to get those kinds of precise measurements: 61.4

+ 6.9 + 31.7 from Maryland, Potomac River and Virginia. I recognize the

pattern when the numbers are reduced to their lowest common

denominators: 61.4 = 11 = 2, 6.9 = 15 = 6 and 31.7 = 11 =2. The pattern of

2 + 6 + 2 mirrors the pattern of the tetrahedral forces (Hyper-dimensional


) that are located at approximately 19.5º of the axis poles of

every single orb in the universe. This inclusion of hyper-dimensional

physic is not inappropriate to mention here seeing that the 10 x 10 matrix

is the original source material for the STAR OF DAVID117

glyph. The Star of

David three dimensionally symbolically represents two tetrahedrons

gyrating against each other creating the psychic hyper-dimensional forces of creation (thought, word and deed).

The patterns found in this Universal Mathematical Matrix are codified into the first chapter of Genesis illustrating

that the matrix is the original source material for the Judeao Christian Scriptures. The Universal Mathematical

Matrix is a commentary on the MONAD: i.e. God/Man, soul/psyche.

It can be argued by the materialist that this is all coincidence; however, when one realizes that all the

numerical data comes together to convey the knowledge of the tetrahedral forces in creation.

The in your face red flag is of course Virginia ceded far less land than Maryland to the federal city and in order

for that political boondoggle to come off there had to be a very good reason. Then to add to that political

upheaval the land is given back to Virginia. When does the Federal Government ever give back anything unless

there is an ulterior motive?

113 114

The only way the American people can change the political system of America is vote across the board INDEPENDENT and get rid of the

Democratic and Republican Parties; however, that is nigh unto an impossibility with all the special interest groups throughout the United States

and most likely it would be psychologically the wrong thing to do; for the reason that, then there would be real chaos and gridlock in the

Congress. The only other way to change the political system for the best is to rid the USA of corporations and do no business with any country

that have corporations; however, that also would be nigh unto an impossibility because of special interest groups. 115,_D.C. 116 117

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


Another nuance here is that the word ‘MARY’ connected to the word MARYLAND (land by the sea) means

aqua (water). The 61.4 miles of land and the 6.9 miles of water

(Potomac River), within the 10 x 10 matrix, totals to 68.3 = 17 = 8

making the whole of Washington DC symbolizing the abyss (water).

These three numbers 6, 8 and 3 (68.3) are pointing to the sign of


when marked off on a Zodiacal cycle. This cannot be a

coincidence. It had to be deliberately planned by Pierre Charles

L’Enfant the architect of Washington DC especially since this same

glyph design if found going down Pennsylvania Avenue from the

White House to the Washington Monument to the Capitol Building.

The numerical digits 6, 8 and 3 totals to 17, which points to the

hidden seventeenth Hebrew letter: i.e. PEI esoterically inundates

and surrounds the first written letter of Genesis: i.e. BETH. PEI

infers the abyss. The number seventeenth is the amalgamation of the spiritual and material world. The letter PEI

has the Gematria value of eighty (80) and BETH has the Gematria value of two (2). The word BERESHITH in the

Jewish Zohar, a Jewish mystical work of Genesis says that it represents the six ordinal directions. When this is

played out BETH (2) symbolizes the radius of a circle, thus the surface area of the sphere would total to 50.26… and

there are only 50-chapters in the book of Genesis. The volume of said sphere is 33.51…, which when the decimal is

dropped and the number 3351 is reverse to 1533 the amount of verses in Genesis is revealed. By calculating 1533

x 0.195 = 299, which is at the end of the eleventh chapter of Genesis that symbolized the end of the antediluvian

times. The first verse of the twelfth chapter of Genesis has Abram coming out of the land of Ur, the land of his


I find the numerical digits 6, 8 and 3 representing Mary a propos; for the reason that, the numerical digits 1,

3, 6 and 8 (four months/signs with 30-days) form a butterfly pattern in the Zodiac/Calendar year; thus, when the

number one (1 = Aries: i.e. Mary conceives the Christ Child) is added the butterfly pattern is complete. The other

eight months/signs transmogrify and create two more exact butterfly patterns, which when all three come

together they form a STAR OF DAVID dead center to the Zodiac/Calendar year119

. The Star of David in the calendar

symbolizes the Star of the Magi.

This wording in ARTICLE 8, Section 1 definitively demonstrates that Freemasonry had a great deal to do with

writing the United States Constitution. That inclusion of the wording “ten Miles square” is no accident especially

when comparing the use of that 10 x 10 matrix with the global religious community’s use of it. In addition

compare the structure of the Masonic Lodge called the House of the Temple120

in Washington DC built at the turn

of the twentieth century. Notice that there are ten columns on each side of the four sided building totaling 36-

columns, which mystically infers a 10 x 10 matrix. It is as if Freemasonry is declaring that Washington DC is

analogously America’s psyche’s House of the Temple.


This is something that I have personally discovered; nonetheless, it verifies what David Ovason says his work. 119 120

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


The Golden Ratio place proportional to the Potomac River, which divides Maryland and Virginia also cannot

be considered an accident seeing it esoterically syncs with how Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) structured his one

hundred (100) cantos/chapters121

in his La Divina Commedia according to the calculations of the Golden Ratio.122

Unless one understands esotericism these correlations between Dante’s trilogy and the outline of the city of

Washington DC and its political system cannot be made. For the reason that Dante Alighieri’s La Divina Commedia

is so structured the implications are that everything that goes on politically with the first swing of the Golden Ratio

is analogous to the amalgamation of the Fires of Hell (Fixed – conservative ideas) and the Flames of Purgatorio

(Mutable – liberal ideas) as outlined in Dante’s trilogy. From the pit-bull

dog fights (war in heaven) in the Congressional two party political-

systems come the psychic laws that govern the nation: i.e. the America

psyche, which the President of the United States either vetoes or signs

off on.

Another nuance that converges on the Capitol Building is the

image of the Knight Templar’s Cross123

. In reusing the map above

(compare both images) it is clearly seen that four avenues: New

Jersey and Delaware diagonally from north to south and Pennsylvania

and Maryland diagonally from West to East converging and continuing

on to the other side of the Capitol Building once and for all

memorializing Freemasonry esoteric designs on the streets and

buildings of Washington DC; whereas, the White House has four

avenues: Connecticut and Vermont diagonally from the north and New York and Pennsylvania diagonally from

west to east converging on it memorializing the Cross of Christ. The strip going down past the ZERO MILESTONE124

past the Ellipse to the Washington’s Monument down to the Jefferson Memorial completes the image of the cross.

It is interesting that the ZERO MILESTONE is just on the White House grounds making it the center of the 10 x 10

square: i.e. Universal Mathematical Matrix designating the White House as the Holy of Holies: Garden of Eden.

Note that both the Capitol Building and the While House has three different avenues that distinctly converge

on each of them and both the Capitol Building and the White House uses Pennsylvania Avenue as the fourth

diagonal. I find this numerical data intriguingly synching with the three male gods and four female goddesses in

the six materialistic scenes on the rim of the oculus of the fresco of The Apotheosis of George Washington. It is

intriguing because ego-consciousness (masculine) is supposed to become amalgamated to the unconscious mind,

which symbolizes the feminine and by doing so Christ consciousness (apotheosis) can be achieved.

121 122 123 124

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


As it can be envisaged this kind of architectural designs in the streets of Washington DC is no coincidence by

any stretch of the imagination. It is a deliberate construct and to say any different is in itself self-denial. Yes,

important government buildings will have many roads leading to them; however, I doubt that any two buildings as

close as the Capitol Building the White House would have roads converging on it with such precision symmetry

considering all the avenues situated diagonally.

After the Order of the Knight Templars125

was destroyed on Friday October 13, 1307 the majority of the

membership fled and joined other secret societies such as the Knights of Saint John the Baptist126

. This is of

course the back story to contrast Solomon Temple (Capitol Building) against the Christian Temple (White House).

CG JUNG Liverpool Dream and the Patterns

Codified into the Streets of Washington DC

Shortly after publishing this paper: THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s influence on the

American Pathos online I realized that CG Jung the great psychoanalyst had made a mandala drawing of a dream

he had in 1927 (the reason for this additional material). This drawing was revamped into a more artistic rendition

or ideal model (see image 159 below). The original hand drawing was place in the back of the RED BOOK127


page 362. The RED BOOK was place in a bank vault after Jung died in 1961 and did not come out for another thirty

years and then it was finally published in 2009. Jung saw his drawing as a town plan, which is exactly what the

streets of Washington DC represent. He also saw this drawing as the end of Individuation process and he never

made another mandala.

Below I illustrate how Freemasonry structures the same concept and patterns into the streets of Washington

DC. The Capitol Building and the White House combined would represent Jung’s large inner circle and the other

hubs (squares, circles and parks) patterned in the octagonal shape are what radiate out from the center. The

Capitol Building (two political parties symbolizing ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind) would symbolize

the dynamic forces of the psyche and with the approval of the White House (President’s signature) the laws are

legislated into the land.

The Capitol Building, the White House and Seward Square (all colored yellow) appear to mimic the pattern of

Jung’s hand drawing; however, more realistically Washington Circle Square Park would most likely represent the

first of the mandala in Jung’s hand drawing. The raison d'être for this is; for the reason that, it is as if Washington

Circle Square Park illustrates collectively via its name all the variant patterns that can be use to structure the

octagonal pattern into the city streets of Washington DC seeing that all the other hubs shaped into the octagonal

pattern are either circles, squares or parks. Notice how CG Jung interpreted his dream drawing into a mandala

that has the peripheral octagonal patterns circling the center just as in the streets of Washington DC have all the

other octagonal hubs in a circuit that circle from the White House back to the Capitol Building.

125 126 127


THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


The above map of Washington DC depicting the octagonal shapes patterned into the city streets and the

legend below it listing the streets and avenues is for those that want to verify my research on this octagonal

pattern, which is of course a take on the Kamea of Saturn., which is the mini-version of the Universal Mathematical

Matrix. I found it quite interesting that the Zero Milestone Marker is on the White House property pinpointing the

center of the ten Mile square (10 x 10) of the area of Washington DC.

I believe that what is being illustrated here at the end of the individuation process: obtainment of Christ

consciousness is that once a new raison d’être is obtained anything that the individual does is a mirror image of

the totality of that individual’s Christ consciousness. This is a given even with the psyche in chaotic disorder;

however, from the state of Christ consciousness this order becomes obvious to the surrounding world. When a

person is religiously converted he or she is given a new name somewhat concretizing that new state of being and I

believe that this is what is being conveyed in the mandala concept. Another extraordinary interesting esoteric nuance that should be taken note is the fact that the dome of

Capitol Building was completed in the year 1863, which again, these four individual digits (1, 3, 6 and 8) in a group,

points to the obtainment of Christ consciousness. It is interesting because of the fact that Chartres Cathedral

finished its building project in 1836 when it tops the cathedral with a metal roof after 816-years: 1020 – 1836.

Both these numbers 816 and 1836 are important because 816 is the transposition of the short formula for the

Golden Ratio: 0.618. The number 1836 has the same digits as 1863: i.e. Christ consciousness. The Apotheosis of

George Washington also uses the Golden Ratio symbol in its fresco. This is interesting because of what was

frescoed on the ceiling of the dome: The Apotheosis of George Washington and what was placed upon the top of

the dome: Statute of Freedom. It would be difficult to summarily dismiss these connections once they are

envisaged. Chartres Cathedral is not seen as a circular building; however, esoterically it is; for the reason that the

cross symbol has four empty spaces between its vertical and horizontal constructs, which complete the Kamea of

Saturn or what is known as the octagon shape, which is how many Catholic Churches are openly built this way.

Saint Peter’s Basilica is built in an octagon shape. The symbolism in the Sistine Chapel morphs esoterically from

Solomon rectangle temple into a Christian octagon/circular temple when it is esoterically understood.128

Freemasonry openly uses the gazebo construct in the octagon shape (see above Masonic Apron) to denote their

spiritual temple. The Dome of the Rock is an Islamic building on the site of Temple Mount in Jerusalem is shaped

in the form of an octagon. All major religions on earth build disparate; yet, variations on the theme of the octagon

shape to create their sacred space. The Kamea of Saturn (Lo Shu in China) is the inspiration behind the octagon

shape and it is a mini version of the Universal Mathematical Matrix: i.e. psyche (ego-consciousness and the

unconscious mind): i.e. commentary on the MONAD (Soul/God-man).

The President of the United States esoterically symbolizes the GOD/MAN Christ. This is analogous to the

Pope being the Vicar of Christ on earth. Every single priest symbolizes Christ at the altar during Mass held each

morning. Every single Catholic is a priest after the Order of Melchizedek. The Roman Catholic Church teaches its

laity that each baptized Catholic is a Christ. Freemasonry is sending the message that this is internally how the

psyche works and this is precisely why the Apotheosis of George Washington129

is on the ceiling of the rotunda of

the Capitol Building in Washington DC.

The Constitution of the United States had to be signed before L’Enfant was selected as the architect of the

city. I believe this may have been in order that it could not be inferred that the Freemasonry did not know of the

10 x 10 matrix before L’Enfant was hired as the architect that plan the city schematics. By the United States

Constitution being signed before L’Enfant was hired that inference would be taken off the table so-to-speak.

L’Enfant only outlined the streets layout within the 10 x 10 matrix (one hundred square miles). I found it quite

interesting that the White House is centered in the Holy of Holies dead center to the matrix. That in itself says a

great deal about the intent of the United States Constitution. In Saint Peter’s Basilica the altar sits in the center of

the 10 x 10 matrix: i.e. the schematic that allowed for the structuring of the basilica. This is as if to say that the

White House was the sacred altar.

The back-story of George Washington going to Maryland seeking land for the seat of government makes no

sense historically if the plans had already been made by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in 1783. It is

especially interesting when you realize that Charles Trenchard had to be privy to that esoteric knowledge about

how the Golden Ratio was to be codified into the boundaries lines of Virginia, Potomac River and Maryland in

128 129

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


order for him to give an artistic rendition of that esoteric knowledge in his version of the obverse side of The Great

Seal of the United States 1786, which was within three years of Jefferson’s and Madison’s letter. Charles

Trenchard was the first that illustrated this esoteric data concerning the layout of the city of Washington DC. There

is of course the fresco of the Apotheosis of George Washington 1865 that also illustrates that esoteric data of the

Golden Ratio not to forget the 1882 Centennial Great Seal of the United States that also shows that esoteric data.

There of course will be those that will want to argue against the relationship of the Golden Ratio in Charles

Trenchard’s image of the Great Seal 1786, the 1882 Centennial Great Seal of 1882, the Apotheosis of George

Washington frescoed in 1865 and the positioning of the ten square Miles of Washington DC on the Potomac River

that separates Maryland and Virginia; for the reason that, it is astounding to see this evidence two hundred and

thirty-two years after it was planned; though, much of what I have written in this paper has not been written

about previous the evidence is quite convincing.


There is not an American Citizen that has not heard of the Civil War between the Yankees (Federalists) and

the Rebels (Confederacy). The American Civil War130

last from April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865. There are two sets of

facts unrelated about the Civil War that should draw the esoterist’s attention.

FIRST: the war was the Northern states against some of the Southern states (Union or Federalists against the

Confederates). It is recorded that 365,000 Yankees (Federalists) and 258,000 Rebels (Confederates)131

died in this


. That is quite a rounding off of numbers especially when it is realized that the Ten Commandments actually

have 613-minor laws that are derived from the ten major commandments, which totals to 623-laws: 365 + 258.

Judaism breaks these laws down as 365-THOU SHALT NOTS and 248 THOU SHALT laws plus there is the Ten

Commandment themselves to total to that count. Now this may appear, at first, as if to be all too coincidental

until the second example is discussed.

SECOND: Abraham Lincoln133

the sixteenth President of the United States was president during the Civil War

ostensibly against slavery in the South; however, nothing is ever mentioned regarding the indentured white slavery

of the North, which was far more prevalent than the Negro slavery in the South - because all of that Indenture

Slavery in the North was enshroud in legal mumble jumbo. You say oranges I say apples: WHATEVER. I try not to

get into that kind of fray and all that it entails.

What captivated my attention about Abraham Lincoln was the fact that he signed the Emancipation


on January 1, 1863 and that was a stunner for me. Any other date in so-called history such as

January 2, 1863 and I wouldn’t have thought much of it; however, what irked me was that President Abraham

Lincoln waited until January 1, 1863 to sign that document: 628-days after the Civil War started. The Civil War may

have started earlier because the Confederacy took over Federal Forts in the South and there were subsequent

negotiations that failed; however, what was it that prevented Abraham Lincoln from signing the Emancipation

Proclamation at anytime during the first 627-days after the official date that the Civil War started? If the Civil War

was about slavery, instead of force relocations and a land grab of the South besides destroying its aristocracy that

was far more civilized than the North, why didn’t President Abraham Lincoln sign the Emancipation Proclamation

immediately on April 12, 1861 the date the Civil War started or soon thereafter?

I mention all these nonessential details above to hone and lock in on January 1, 1863. From what I just

written above it can be envisaged that January 1, 1863 was chosen, deliberately, almost in the middle of the Civil

War to sign the Emancipation Proclamation for a very specific purpose. There was little doubt in my mind that it

related to Abraham of the Bible.

If I had not previously done the research myself I would not have caught this anomaly in the so-called

historical record. President Abraham Lincoln presided over the Civil War, which in a symbolic sense would have

been his two families, which is analogous to the two families of Abraham in the book of Genesis. It also goes

130 131 and 132

These statistics are often disputed but the majority of reports point out 365,000 Union Soldiers and 258,000 Confederate

Soldiers. 133 134

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos


analogously to the dawn of Christianity and to the Genesis Formula, which is an extrapolation of the first word of


When dissecting Abraham’s two families via Gematria before and after he received the name Abraham a

remarkable discovery is made. Both family numerical values totals to a Gematria value of 1863, which is the same

year President Abraham Lincoln, freed the slaves. Hagar was Abraham slave and Sarai/Sarah was his wife.

Needless to say that this kind of coincidence just doesn’t happen in the world unless a deliberately correlation is

made between the two events: one in the bible and the other in real time synching them both into esotericism.

The Genesis Formula from the extrapolation

of the first word of Genesis has the pattern of 1,

3, 6 and 8 codified into it, which is a transposition

of the number 1863. In addition the Calendar

Year as introduced by Julius and Augustus Caesars

also has the four months with 30-days locked into

the Zodiacal calendar: Aries (1), Scorpio (8), Virgo

(6) and Gemini (3). These two sets of zodiacal

signs are ruled by Mars and Gemini.

This arrangement of the zodiacal signs locks

in the butterfly like pattern into Zodiac/Calendar

years which exudes the glyph of the STAR OF

DAVID, which is the star heralding the Birth of Christ and is the same star the Magi followed. Also Bethlehem of

Judea is located at 31.68 North Latitude135

and the name Lord Jesus Christ has the Gematria value of 3168136

. I

have discussed all of this above about the American Civil War to point out that Freemasonry is forever revamping

history esoterically.


I have tried to present a cosmological view of Freemasonry’s influence on the American pathos by

interlocking all the symbolizing I envisaged in the streets and buildings of Washington DC in relationship to the

symbolism on The Great Seal of the United States obverse and reverse.

It isn’t that these psychic events would not have gone in the psyche of America if Freemasonry did not

construct their mythoi on the canvas of the United States Political System. The dynamics of the psyche is

autonomous; however, esotericism has been around since the dawn of time and there have been secret societies

that are bound by the spiritual laws of God to preach and teach the gospel throughout the whole world.

Freemasons, no matter what their organization’s name is have been around since the first mystery schools; thus,

there never was a time that humanity has not been influenced by the dynamics of esotericism. Esotericism is what

creates civilization not the science of materialism.

It would be a totally different scenario if this mystical esotericism could be taught from one individual to

another; however, that is solely the province of God to educate the lost sheep out of his fold. Hermeticism can be

taught from one individual to another; however, that is not the mystical nature of esotericism.

I write this paper and leave it in cyberspace similar to how Freemasonry cloths its knowledge of esotericism;

yet, display it openly for all to enjoy and benefit by it. Few indeed will read this paper and only few out of those

will possibly begin their own spiritual quest realizing for the first time that their previous efforts is analogous to

wading through the cesspools of humanity: every known bias, prejudice and preconceived notion. Yes, you can

read books and get inspiration from others; however, it boils down to the initiate teaching him or herself with the

aid of the spirit within. Every single individual has to develop their own raison d’être (reason for existence) to

Christ consciousness and it is in accomplishing that: i.e. apotheosis that wins the race. Life is not over at the point

of the apotheosis for Christ consciousness is walking with God in the Garden of Eden (oasis in the desert); though,

the din of the world is all around you.

I certainly have not answered all the questions that readers may have concerning the esoteric science and

Freemasonry use of it; but, I have answered enough of them for those sincere initiates to start out on their quest.

135 136

THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos




The current remarks made about the American culture are purely from a secular point of view and probably is

the back-story to what is being esoterically programmed into the American Pathos via the auspices of

Freemasonry. I don’t know Freemasonry’s agenda; however, I proved above, via the Washington Monument, they

are still working the grid insofar as setting esoteric symbolism into the streets and monuments of Washington DC.

Today in modernity there is not a single civilization on the face of the earth outside of the esoterically

structured religious institutions that blanket the globe. Today around the world savage politically cultured states

are no better than street thugs guarding only their individual interest no matter how many expensive three piece

suits they put wearing expensive trinkets and jewelry and drive armor cars to impress themselves. There is not an

American Citizen that doesn’t know that a two or three piece suit is the armor for political and economic warfare.

How can any decent and/or reasonable thinking person believe that the United States Congress houses civilized

men and women with their country’s interest at heart after seeing the political parties endless bickering and

gridlock and scorched earth policies against each other? The only true statement that American politics says to the

rest of the world, including its own citizens, is “MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY”. This is why there are 1,700 US

military bases around the world. Let me repeat that so there is no mistake as to what I am saying: there are 1,700

US military bases around the world.

Every single media’s news cycle in America whether it is TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines or the Internet

media validates my comments concerning the US Congress and the overall American political system. Senators

and Congressmen, Corporate Executives and their Lobbyists are nothing but thugs and what comes out of their

mouths proves it. They are, for all intent and purpose, the lions of the political coliseums and average American

Citizen are their dainty morsels. The Democrats and the Republican love to pit the American People against each

other arguing over trivial matters when they actually should be thinking of an American Bastille Day137


The American People have no idea that they have no Civil Rights whatsoever and to prove this let me point

out the voting rights of the average American Citizen. The average American believes when he or she goes to the

voting booth the candidate will fulfill his political promises. Rarely if ever does a political candidate fulfill the

promises he or she made during the campaign. The question should be, why does not a Senator or Congressman

fulfill promises made during the campaign? The answer of course is that there are only four votes in both houses

in the entire US Congress out of a total of 535 Senators and Congressmen. The reason there are only four votes is

because the Senate has a majority and minority leader representing the two major political parties as does the

House of Representative, which the rest of the Senators and Congressmen kowtow to or their individual states are

severely punished economically by not receiving monies for the pork their state was entitled to (additional funds

for superfluous projects); thus, the votes that sent a Senator or Congressman to Washington DC are forfeited by

political savagery (funds instantly are dried up if one commits political suicide in his party). The only reason why

there are 535 Senators and Congressmen is to make the American People believe that they are the rulers of the

country. The mob (Democracy) never rule only tyranny does.

One might point to the vote that gave the American People, a black president, Barack Obama. Actually,

Barack Obama was the token black president because the United State Political System was about to fall apart. The

American People knew that their vote was of no value because George W. Bush stole, through his supporters’

nefarious activities, both of his elections. This was later proved out by two Congressional Investigations into

Florida and Ohio that the Bush campaign stole both elections. To worsen the matter Barack Obama was

inaugurated president before his campaign even started. The Republican Party had screwed things up so badly in

the minds of the American People during George W. Bush’s presidency that there was not an American Citizen in

all the land that believed his or her vote counted. A dead dog on the ballet would have won the election over any

Republican and there was not a Republican in all of American that did not know it. No doubt Hillary Rodham

Clinton went along with the façade; for the reason that the political atmosphere was too volatile. The obvious

message, or is that a slap in the face, to the American People when Barack Obama won the election was, “you see, your vote counts, you elected a black president so your vote must count”. This third stolen election was the DEATH

KNELL of any United States citizen actually believing his or her vote counted.


THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos




Written on Department of State internet form April 20, 2015 - 6:02pm EST Dear Secretary of State John Kerry: Information on the ‘current’ GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES is not forthcoming from your Department of State under your watch. I wrote a previous message on this same Department of State form provided and I have had no response and I telephoned the Department of State and was switch from a human to an answering machine. The ‘current’ GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES apparently from all I could gather about it, which is absolutely nothing, covertly was introduced into the American pathos without the American People knowing anything about this new design. Neither the artist’s name is known nor is any history about it documented in the records of THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE. The keys symbols that I am interested in about this new design is the one-hundred and twelve (112) rays of light shining from the Star of David design, above the Eagle, and the nineteen (19) clouds surrounding those 112-rays emanating from the stars. What are the official commentaries on these symbols? What are the back-stories on the 112-rays of light and the 19-clouds?


THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Freemasonry’s Influence on the American Pathos



I, William John Meegan, RECEIVED NO ANSWER TO THIS EMAIL Dear President Obama: April 21, 2015 – 5:03pm EST

I have tried to obtain information on the 'current' Great Seal of the United States. I wrote to the DEPARTMENT OF STATE three times and was basically given the run around. Apparently someone was either negligent in their job by not documenting the new 'current' GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES or there are security reasons why the information is not put into the public domain. I would like to know the year the new 'current' Great Seal of the United States was created, the artist's name and what the new symbols (112-rays of light and 19-clouds that surround those 112-rays of light) represent. I have the Department of States two hundred year history (Eagle and the Shield) and other works on the GREAT SEAL; however, there is no history or archival records available on the 'current' Great Seal of the United States and no one in the DEPARTMENT OF STATE nor in the Office of Presidential Appointments knows anything about the 'current' Great Seal and their personnel simply want to pass off old history to account for the new 'current' Great Seal. Can you please advise me as to who to speak to or write to that will make this information on the 'current' Great Seal of the United States available to me? I know that this email is not going directly to you but to someone on your staff. I am presently writing a paper on the GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES. I am a symbolist and I am analyzing each symbol that makes up the obverse and reverse sides. There is a great deal more to the paper but this is the gist of what I am doing. Can you please have this information emailed to me? THANK YOU

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