Page 1: The history of health and medicine

The History of Health and Medicine

Page 2: The history of health and medicine

Prehistoric times

• People believed that demons and spirits caused diseases.

• Witch doctors used herbs and plants.• People did not live long.

Cure for a headache.

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The danger of childbirth and being a baby in ancient times.

• 1 out of 8 women died during childbirth.• 1 out of 4 children died when they were a


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Hippocrates: The Father of Modern MedicineLived 2500 years ago.

He and his students wrote 60 books.

He believed diseases had a natural cause, instead of superstition.

The Hippocratic Oath

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Aristotle of Greece

Dissected many animals.

Studied anatomy.

He thought good diet and cleanliness were important.

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Doctor Galen: Blood letting

Blood letting seems crazy, but sometimes it worked!

Leeches suck blood.

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For hundreds of years, mercury was used as a medicine.

We now know it is very poisonous.

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The torpedo fish relieves pain

It gives an electric shock like a taser gun.

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Drained swamps to stop malaria.

Made the first sewers.

Tools for surgery.

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The Dark Ages- 400 a.d. to 800 a.d.

People were not allowed to study medicine.

Religious people took care of sick people.

People prayed to get better.

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The Middle Ages 500-1500 a.d.

• The bubonic plague, tuberculosis, smallpox, typhoid and other diseases killed 75% of the people in Europe and Asia.

The plague was spread by fleas on rats.

A plague doctor.

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The Renaissance 1300-1600 a.d.

Microscopes were invented.

The printing press let knowledge spread.

Doctors studied human anatomy.

The “Age of Enlightenment”

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The Industrial Revolution- Late 1700’s- 1800’s

The smallpox vaccine was invented in 1796.

People learned that bacteria and viruses cause disease.

Doctors started to keep hospitals sterile and clean.

Millions of lives were saved.

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Heroin as medicineIn the 19th century drugs like heroin and morphine were used often and were easy to buy.

Now we know they are dangerous.

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A lobotomy was done for people with mental problems during the 1940’s-1960’s.

It can make them calmer, but often can go very wrong.

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Modern Times: 1900-present

• Penicillin was discovered in 1920.

MRI scans and X-rays help save lives.

Laser eye surgery.

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World map of average life expectancy

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Antibiotic resistant germs

Viruses and bacteria are evolving.

Antibiotics don’t work as well now as they used to.

This is becoming a big problem.

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The Future?A high tech prosthetic arm.

A 3d printer making a human heart.

Nanobots in your blood.

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• What is the average life expectancy of a Thai person?• What happened in the renaissance that helped science

and medicine?• What does the torpedo fish make that can help relieve

pain?• What does an antibiotic do?• What is a vaccine?• What percent of babies died during ancient times?• What is one kind of medical technology that we may

expect in the future?

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