  • 1. By Briely and Miranda

2. Most were in forest areas , to make escape almost impossible. The camps were surrounded in barbed wire and the only open areas were always in the centre of the camp, while the wooded area shut the camp off from most air and land spies. On arrival the prisoners were divided into two lots at each concentration camp. The able-bodied men and women were separated from the elderly and children. While the children and elderly were sent to the showers the other men and women were put to work. In there sleeping quarters there were rows of bunked beds on each bed 3 or more people had to share. Before entering the showers or pits they were stripped of all clothing . Hydrogen cyanide or Zyklon B were used to gas the Jews. 3. The Jews had many kinds of jobs they had to do such as : Cook, Manual labour, Gardening, painting and decorating, tidying and cleaning, tailor, barber, cobbler, musician and then there were the jobs that dealt with death all of these were done by the special squad. Some of the special squad had to calm Jews as they were ushered into the gas chambers, others had to shave all the hair from the dead bodies to send to Germany to fill mattresses. 4. Children were killed as they arrived or killed immediately as the were born. Children born the Ghettos and camps survived usually because prisoners hid them. Children usually over the age of 12 were used as labourers and as subjects of medical experiments. 5. Mouldy bread, rotten meat, thin soups, few if any fruits or vegetables. They got given enough food to keep them alive physically. Towards the end many were lucky to be fed at all because the Nazis were on the run and supply lines were cut out or compromised. 6. They were made to wear the star of David in view and couldnt be hidden, in order to identify that they were Jewish or from Jewish decent. Past that, the German society was inspired to treat anyone wearing a star like dogs. 7. Hitler did by far not only attack the Jews, but a lot of Jews died under Nazism. Hitler wanted to extinguish in some way all people not being according to his Aaryan idea like : Handicapped people ,gays ,gypsies etc. or people not following his ideas like political opponents or religious people not supporting his I'm your rescuer, like Jehovah's witnesses. 8. They did fight back in the Warsaw Ghetto Revolt in 1943,they just weren't as organised as an army. Also most Jews didnt know that the Nazis were killing them off. Not many people survived during the Holocaust nobody knows the exact number but approximately 200,000 survived. 9. Anne Frank, is famous because of her diary. It is the fullest first hand account by a Jew of life in Nazi occupied Europe. She helped people learn what it was really like hiding from the Nazis and about life as a Jew in Nazi occupied Europe during this time. Anne Frank wanted to be a write but never had the chance. 10.

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