Download - The Homework App


[The Homework App]

Mini Elevator Pitch

We are making an app that would help you with your homework and plan out your week to make it easier for students to

overcome the problem of forgetting homework and revise for upcoming tests.

What is the background situation that you are addressing?

who: this app is aimed for students what: to help them overcome forgetting homeworkand also to help them do the homework and to help

revise for tests.when: before a test, or lesson or a weekday that the

homework is due on. where: on any apple or android device.

why: to help you improve in school.


The Homework App: students need this app to help build up organisation skills and to help them revise for tests and help them for homework.

we spoke to many different students in the school.

Freddi in year 8- “i find it hard to remember when homework is due so if this app was designed it would help me not to get detentions or

doing it the day beforeEllie W in year 9- “this idea is good but i can just use my homework

diary instead of paying £0.99 for a homework app when i already have a homework diary”

What People Have Said?


What core question are you addressing?

The Homework App: what can you do to organise your homework?

[Key insight statement(s)]

To do all homework, make sure you give it in on time and also makes sure you revise. The app will make

your life easier as it helps with the day to day worries about school.

We looked at lots of different resources

not many was apps we looked at the homework diary. None of the apps out

there are like ours as we included many different apps or resources.

Wireframes (Homework Diary)

The home screen of the app will look like the first photo, then when you click on the email, it will show the second image.

Wireframes (Revision)

The home screen of the app will look like the first photo, then when you click on the email, it will show the second image.

Wireframes (Email)

The image above will be on the phone.

The home screen of the app will look like the first photo, then when you click on the email, it will show the image above.

Wireframes (Timetable)

The home screen of the app will look like the first photo, then when you click on the email, it will show the second image.

Wireframes (Calendar)

The home screen of the app will look like the first photo, then when you click on the email, it will show the second image.


[Data & technical]

The app will contain the wireframes made on balsamiq, to show how the app will work through each layer. In the beginning we were demanding a lot from one app, because we were thinking of making it for students and teachers, therefore we have to chunk it down to

fit for just pupils. We thought that the app was more suitable for students and then changed it to just be for students. The problems we saw were that it would be hard covering lots of issues that we

would have to build into the app to be suitable for teachers and students.

The business model we have chose was the homework diary because it would be better if they

had it as an app.

Did you have to change your plans to find customers that are willing to pay?

Business will be advertised which will pay us and the business would be to do with Teenagers and

school e.g Rymans, Paperchase etc.

[Marketing Strategies]

By getting our app picture into business that work with schools e.g paperchase as many

school children go to paperchase everyday. We could even do leaflets and send them to school

and get customers that way.

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