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Accepting God’s Will by Rev. Katrina L. Wallace

I released my will to accept God’s


I now realize the purpose of my

experience was to birth a ministry

within me. It was my subjection to

the adversity, hardships, and

difficulties that more of God’s

Christ-like character was wrought

in me. Because God made me go

through the process, I gained

compassion, patience and

experience so that I may further

my cause in ministry and help

someone else. We often just want

our problems to go away. We want

God to deliver us from difficulties

or just fix everything so that we

don’t have to endure hardness or

be uncomfortable. In essence, we

don’t want process through. Yet,

Jesus who had the power to

deliver himself didn’t take the

easy way out but rather endured

the cross, despising the shame. In

John 19:25-26, Jesus responded

to His mother while on the cross

saying, “Woman, behold thou

Son.” After reading this passage, I

said to God, “Your mother was

watching you hang on the cross

and all you could say to her was,

‘woman, behold thou son?’” The

response to my question was this,

“I had to stay focused and

remember the greater mission.

Had I allowed myself to think too

long on the fact that she was my

mother and on my love for her, l

could have very well come down

from the cross. However, the

mission was so much greater than

my relationship with my mother. It

was about her, you, and the many

others needing a Savior.” Our

crosses are about more than just

“Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be

Done…” How often have we

prayed this prayer only to realize

when God’s will is being done in

our lives, we really aren’t in favor

of the way He’s chosen to fulfill

His will? It’s so easy to utter a

prayer that seems so selfless and

sounds so spiritual. However,

accepting God’s will for your life is

not always simple. In fact, there

have been things that I’ve had to

face where I’ve actually resented

the way God chose to accomplish

His will in my life. I guess a part of

growing up is coming to the place

where we can truly say and mean,

“Whatever happens; it is well with

my soul.” Yet, oftentimes when

we’re going through trials, our

response and attitude says

everything else, but “It is well with

my soul.” Nevertheless, the reality

and certainty in this life for

believers is sometimes God wills

for things to happen in our lives

that we aren’t in favor of.

Once I had to face a trial that

involved my son; I wasn’t in favor

of it, but I was determined to fight

the good fight of faith until I saw

victory manifested. I initially

responded in faith by praying and

fasting, rebuking the devil, and

claiming the word of God over my

son’s illness. I did not see the

healing that I believed for; I shed

many tears, visited several

doctors, and was up praying many

mornings at 3:00 a.m., seeking

the face of God for direction and

clarity. I just couldn’t understand

why this was happening to my

child and although I knew it had

happened to others, I was

expecting deliverance because “I

believed God.” After some time, I

became angry but refused to give

up or be distracted by the

circumstances. So with every

ounce of my being, I committed

myself to fight the good fight of

faith. However, after many months

had passed the conditions did not

change and were seemingly

getting worse.

My question to God (who I know is

able to heal and who I know is

able to deliver) was, “Where is the

victory in this situation?” I was

praying that God would heal my

son before hearing the actual

diagnosis, but when that didn’t

happen, I was challenged to

accept God’s will, but was angry

that He had chosen this way.

Sometimes the way (the path, the

route, the journey) that God

chooses for us to obtain victory is

not always the most quickest,

painless, easiest, or comfortable

way. Yes, He promises us victory,

but His path to victory may not be

the path we prefer to travel. He

promises us healing, but His

method of healing may not always

come by simply delivering us from

the sickness. Sometimes the very

thing that we prefer not to

happen, God allows and despite

us, God’s will is perfected in our

lives. As many times as I have

said, “Lord, let thy will be done in

my life,” I’ve found that

sometimes my heart has resisted

and the attitude of my heart was,

“I hate this way.” Nevertheless, in

all the trials God chose to deliver

me through rather than from, I’ve

found that His objective was to

fulfill a greater purpose. If I never

had to go through, then the

humbling that I needed would

have never taken place. Paul

spoke of Jesus in Phil. 2:7 and

how He made himself of no

reputation. My reputation could no

longer be preserved, I had to let

go of what people thought of me

because none of that was

important. What was important

and what really mattered was that

Honey Bee Press

A newsletter brought to you by the Women on the Wall in loving memory of Annette “Honey” Grant

Volume 3, Issue 3

Inside this issue:


If you would like your event

featured in our newsletter, email

us at [email protected]

We would like to stand with you in prayer. There is so much power in agreement and prayer.

The enemy tries to make us feel like we are alone in this journey when in fact there are many

of us that are going through the same thing. The Women on the Wall believe that “sisters

need sisters.” We need each other to survive. In the kingdom, when one of us suffers, we all

suffer. We want you feel the weight of the prayer pushing you forth in your calling. Send us

your prayer requests and know that we will lift you up. No prayer request is too small or too

big. Email us at [email protected].

Featured Poem: Through

the Fire


A Note From Our Founder

Featured Article: Still

Promoting a Fresh Start


Financial Fitness 4

Featured Articles:

Are You Packing


Quest For the Kingdom


Encouraging the Singles

Marital Bliss


Honey’s Recipe and

Reading Corner


Featured Article 8

Honey’s Health Corner 9

Do You Want to Know Him 10

April—June 2014

We would love to hear from

you. Are you being blessed by

the newsletter? Is there a topic

you would like addressed?

Page 2: The Honey Bee Press

Page 2 Honey Bee Press

Through the Fire by Rev. Letrice Weaver

Rev. Letrice Weaver is the

author of An Invitation

from the King: Experienc-

ing God’s Power to Trans-

form You Into the Person

He Created You to Be .

She has items from her

“Because of Christ I am”

collection available for

purchase. Please email

[email protected]

for more information.

©Letrice Weaver.

PrayHers 31-Day Challenge: In Hers is Yours by Tamara L. Dean

What Are You Willing To Give In Order To Receive?

How about 31 days? Imagine if everything you want in your life –

peace, prosperity, health, a great career, and a happy family –

were tucked away inside of a tiny seed and the only way you could

have what’s inside of that seed was through prayer and helping

someone else to receive their desires. Would you pray? Would

you help? Well, you are a seed and tucked away inside of you is

everything that pertains to the life you desire. How do you

unleash those desires? You sow into the lives of others. Don’t

spend another day consumed with just your own hopes and

dreams. Pray about HER career, HER finances, HER marriage, and

HER aspirations and watch YOURS grow as a result. So, grab the

sisters in your women's group, your church, grab your friends and

family and unite for 31 days of unselfish love one for anotHER!

“… whatsoever a [wo]man soweth that shall [s] he also

reap” (Galatians 6:7 ).

us; they are about the bigger purpose and plan of God to impact others. Therefore, despising the pain,

despising the shame, and often despising the way, I can now say as Jesus said, “I will that this cup be

passed from me. Nevertheless, not my will but THY will be done.”

He chose to take me through the fire

Though I would’ve chosen another way.

I didn’t understand the plan of God

Nor did I understand His delay.

Why couldn’t He quickly deliver me?

And why was the fire so intense?

God said He’d be with me,

But His presence I couldn’t sense.

After the many days of complaints

Of wondering Lord, why me?

Somehow I felt God speaking softly

“Just trust my sovereignty.”

“I am the God who sees it all

And Yes, I’m in control

Though you may know not know it now

I have a plan that will unfold.”

It’s in the times of suffering

Where our faith is put to the test,

That we learn to trust that God

Will work things out for the best.

It’s in the “furnaces” of life

Where all has gone haywire,

That God wants us to remember

He’s with us through the fire

Though you may not understand

And your flesh may want to leave

God says “You must stay here

‘Cause I’m working behind the scenes.

I’m exposing some impurities

That you would’ve never known

For it is only in the fire

Where what’s in you is truly shown

It’s not for your destruction

Though you may feel the heat

I’m proving you and testing you

That I might make you complete.

You see when it’s all over

And you allowed the fire to have its way

You’ll come forth perfect and entire

Because you decided to stay.”

So I stopped asking so many questions

And wondering, “Lord, why me?”

It’s my faith that must pass the test

So I’ll trust your sovereignty.

You are the God who sees

And knows exactly what I need

You are the God who’s shaping me

Into everything You’ve called me to be

For it was in the fire

I learned to sing the Lord’s song

And though He didn’t deliver me from it

It was through it He made me strong.

Honey’s Reading Corner

Visit Tamara Dean’s website

at to

order your copy today!

Page 3: The Honey Bee Press

A Note from Our Founder

Volume 3, Issue 3 Page 3

Dr. Roxanna Perry

Founder of W.O.W.

What does the word sisterhood mean to

you? Do you have a sister(s) related to you

by blood, are you a spiritual sister to some-

one or do you have a good friend that’s like

a sister?

The dictionary defines sisterhood as “the

state of being a sister, a community or

society of sisters; solidarity among women:

the empathy and loyalty that women feel

for other women who have shared goals,

experiences, or viewpoints; the status of a

sister or the relationship of sisters.”

In today’s society, many women are so

accustomed to feeling like they have to

compete, undermine and disrespect other

women. I want you to ask yourself a ques-

tion…as women, how do we overcome the

hateful things that we do or say to one

another? How do we get past all the issues

that keep us from really being connected

as sisters?

Think about it!

I’m of the opinion that sisterhood is not just

the sharing of common parents, but it’s the

sharing of a community made up of women

from different races, cultural backgrounds,

intellects, features, shapes and sizes. Sis-

terhood is a group of women sharing ideas

in the workplace, good friends you meet for

lunch and share your confidences with; or it

can be women with whom you share the

same vision to reach out and help rescue

someone in need.

Why am I talking about sisterhood? Well,

because “sisters-need-sisters” and in the

eyes of God, sisterhood is really about get-

ting involved with something that goes be-

yond ourselves and our own situations. It

can be sharing with people who understand

and have been there – those who are in your

situation or reaching out to those who no

one will ever give a voice.

Now you may be asking, how can Sisterhood

change the world? Contrary to popular be-

lief, we all know that there are many things

that women are more than able to do, but in

this case it’s about coming together for a

common goal. Coming together and em-

bracing each other’s God given qualities,

whatever they are.

Sisterhood is simple and it’s easy…it’s about

you as a woman embracing whatever you’re

passionate about and pulling together with

your sisters to make a change…this can be a

powerful place. I believe that one of the

biggest goals of sisterhood is to promote

loving, caring, and healthy relationships that

impact the world. Being a genuine sister to

another can change the world if we would

only open up and allow the real meaning of

“sisterhood” to get into our spirits and have a

change of heart as to what being a sister really

means. What does sisterhood mean to you?

~Pastor Roxanna

Still Promoting a Fresh Start by A C Nelson

A fresh start is just that...FRESH. It's hot off

the presses. It's straight from the cow. It's

right off the vine. The slate may need to be

wiped off so you can see it, but the starting

line is there. We are in the fourth month of

the new year and some of us are mentally

still in 2013.

When are you going to come into the new

year? We have the opportunity to capital-

ize on 2014 by changing our perspective.

Give all excuses a time out or better yet,

let’s kill all of our excuses. Let's get going.

This is not about making New Year's resolu-

tions that you plan to break. This is about

changing your mind about a situation. This

is about deciding what's really important

and aligning your priorities to those ideals.

It's not about fitting into the box that peo-

ple want you to be in. It's not about meet-

ing the expectations of others.

What do you want to do with your life? God

has given you certain gifts that make you

stand out among the crowd. I hear some-

body saying, “No, He hasn’t.” I hear some-

body else saying, “If He has, then what is it?”

The first thing I would have to ask you is:

Where do your passions lie? Usually your

passions or interests are gateways to your

purpose. You don’t get excited about deco-

rating parties for no reason. You don’t like

to do floral arrangements for no reason.

People don’t always come to you to pull off

events for no reason. If you’re still not sure,

then write a list of what you love to do and

give reasons why you enjoy it. It’s not too

late to think about a fresh start.

What do you need to do to change your mind

about yourself? You are not the same person

you were 10 years ago. You may say, "Yes, I

am!" I say you're not because you're 10

years older and you have at least 10 more

years of experience just by living. Experience

can either catapult you forward or send your

confidence spiraling down. Think about your

experience catapulting you forward, putting

you ahead of the game, mentally.

If you want to start school, start it. I know

someone who got her Masters at 55. I just

saw a lady on TV who got her diploma at 98.

There's no limit. Do you have a dream? Make

steps to achieving it. Don't let January 2015

stare you in the face before you decide to do


Let's continue this year with fresh thinking so

that we can tackle this fresh start.

If the year has already overwhelmed you and

it’s hard to even think about a fresh start, pray

with me:

Dear Lord, I need You to help me push past

my 2013 thinking and my 2013 fears. My

desire is to start fresh and do what You have

purposed for me to do in this earth realm.

Help me to embrace change and not be afraid

of it. Help me to trust You to lead and guide

me to the path that I’m supposed to be on

because I feel stuck and I need Your push in

the right direction. As I move forward, help me

to know it’s You and not me. When fear tries

to overwhelm me, increase me in my faith in

Your master plan. I don’t want to miss any

opportunity You have for me to change the

world. I thank You in advance for Your help. In

Jesus’ name, Amen.

Never Leave a Sister Behind!


Page 4: The Honey Bee Press

Page 4 Honey Bee Press

Financial Fitness










/ Fre







it contains, the world, and those who

dwell in it." (Psalm 24:1 NASB)

Get out of debt. Break the habits

that keep you in debt – like spend-

ing more than you earn and borrow-

ing. Save so you don’t have to bor-

row. "Better is a little with the fear of

the Lord than great treasure and

turmoil with it." (Proverbs 15:16


Accept God’s provision for you. God

is wiser than you are and He will

provide for your needs just as He

promised. "Do not worry then, say-

ing, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will

we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear for


(Matthew 6:31 NASB).

Refuse temptations to make hasty

financial decisions. Don’t buy into

get-rich-quick schemes or be pres-

sured to make quick decisions

based on incomplete informa-

tion. "The plans of the diligent lead

surely to advantage, but everyone

who is hasty comes surely to pov-

erty."(Proverbs 21:5 NASB)

Strive for excellence in all you do.

Set high standards for yourself and

your family. Humility doesn’t mean

second best. "Whoever speaks is to

do so as one who is speaking the

utterance of God; whoever serves is

to do so as one who is serving by the

strength which God supplies; so that

in all things God may be glorified

through Jesus Christ, to whom be-

longs the glory and dominion forever

and ever." (1 Peter 4:11 NASB)

Seek contentment through your rela-

tionship with God. A discontented

spirit produces greed and covetous-

ness. Contentment results from a

proper relationship with God based

on accepting the lifestyle that He has

made provision for in your life. "I

have learned to be content in what-

ever circumstances I am. I know how

to get along with humble means, and

I also know how to live in prosperity;

in any and every circumstance I have

learned the secret of being filled and

going hungry, both of having abun-

dance and suffering need."

(Philippians 4:11-12 NASB)

Believe God’s promise that your

needs will be met. Sometimes He’ll

do this through the abundance of

others; however, He never promises

to provide equally for everyone. As a

Christian, learn to accept God’s pro-

vision for you, because it is clear

evidence of the role He has designed

for you in His plan. Accept His provi-

sion without resentment be-

cause, "At this present time your

abundance being a supply for their

need, so that their abundance also

may become a supply for your need,

that there may be equality." (2 Corin-

thians 8:14 NASB)

From the Focus on the Family web-

site at ©

2006, Harvey Nowland. Used by


Financial Freedom God’s Way—by Harvey Nowland

It is important to know why you want

to become financially free. This may

seem like a “no-brainer.” After all, why

would you want to be in financial

bondage because of debt? Freedom-

from-debt freedom looks like the logi-

cal choice.

Nevertheless, your motivation for be-

coming debt free is important. Being

released from the tension and anxiety

of debt and being able to do what you

want, when you want, might be high

on a priority list.

But for the Christian, learning God’s

biblical principles of finances, and

practicing them in order to become

debt free, actually is a path to know

Christ more intimately and be finan-

cially free to serve Him. This means,

however, that you must trust God and

be willing to submit to His will and


We say we trust God, but there’s a

great difference between saying and

trusting. Often we trust if

it’s convenient or necessary as a last

resort. God expects us to trust Him

daily, in all things.

If you’re serious about becoming fi-

nancially free, take these action steps:

Transfer ownership to God. Recognize

that God really owns what you have

and that includes your family as well

as your time and things. Recognize

this biblical principle or it will be im-

possible to free yourself finan-

cially. "The earth is the Lord’s, and all

Page 5: The Honey Bee Press

The Quest for the Kingdom (Part 2)—by Tamara L. Dean

Are you packing?

I'm not talking about packing up your clothes.

I'm not talking "packin'" as in having a gun,


Are you packing confidence in your system to

embark on your fresh start?

When you start over, you need confidence.

When you embark on a journey, you need

confidence. When you start something fresh,

you need confidence. Confidence is a belief

that you can succeed. Without confidence,

you'll start the journey defeated. There's

nothing optimistic about starting a journey

with a self-defeatist attitude. You have to at

least believe you can make it through.

Confidence is not to be confused with

arrogance. Arrogance is the belief that you are

better than others. With arrogance, the focus

is more about what you can do and how what

you can do is better than what I can do. With

confidence, you believe that you can be

successful. You have hope that you will


As a believer, it’s not about putting confidence

in yourself so much as it is about putting your

confidence in God. Putting the confidence in

yourself can be overwhelming. God is the

source of our strength, and we can make

strides on uncharted waters with Him being

our anchor.

My hope is that you will reevaluate what you

are packing in 2014. Are you still packing

insecurities and doubts? Why?

If you lack confidence, what will help build

your confidence? Did someone steal your

confidence from you? Did someone's words

rob you of your confidence? It's time to take

it back. Do you know how to get dressed? Do

you know how to say your name? Random

questions, I know, but if you said "yes" then

somewhere on the inside there's still some

confidence left. It's just time to build it up.

Don't let procrastination rob you of your

2014 possibilities. Let's begin by building up

our confidence in God so we can take full

advantage of what’s in store for 2014.

Are You Packing Confidence?—by A C Nelson

From the Heart of a Woman

A lot of times we think we are waiting on God,

but really, He is waiting on us. That is what I

learned after spending years asking God

about the same things: money, my purpose, a

second child and on it went. I was not happy.

I felt stagnant and incomplete. My mind was

spinning out of control as I tried to figure out

what to do. This went on for at least 5 years;

but it wasn’t because God turned a deaf ear

to my cry, but it was me who turned a deaf

ear to His answer. The truth is, whenever I

would show up to God’s throne to rehearse

my regular pity party prayer, in my heart I

would hear His reply, Seek ye first the king-

dom of God and His righteousness and ALL

these things shall be added (Matthew 6:33).

What things? All the things I was stressing


As I mentioned in The Quest for The Kingdom

Part 1, I thought that by praying, reading the

bible, and attending church I was seeking the

Kingdom of God, but I learned I was just go-

ing through the motions. I was not searching

with my heart but with my motives.

Finally, I had come to the end of my rope,

ready to let go and let God have His way.

The first thing I did was clear my prayer sheet

of ALL the “things” I wanted from God. I was

no longer the center of attention in my own

life. All the anxiousness I felt suddenly faded

away into a state of true contentment. It was

an epiphany moment. It was all about seek-

ing God. I was like Dorothy in the Wizard of

Oz, once she discovered the yellow brick road

– I was on my way.

But, first I needed to know what the kingdom

of God was. What was I looking for? Accord-

ing to Webster, a Kingdom is a realm associ-

ated with or regarded as being under control

of a particular person or thing. But I believe

God had a more familiar and simpler defini-

tion, “If you want to live in my house, then you

are going to have to abide by my rules.”

As I set out to seek the Kingdom, inside I felt

determined and unstoppable! It didn’t matter

to me how long the trip or how deep the

search. I needed answers. So, I opened my

bible and began my journey. Since my answer

came out of Matthew chapter 6, it seemed like

the perfect place to start and so I did with

verse one: Take heed that ye do not your alms

before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye

have no reward of your Father which is in

heaven. Immediately, that verse spoke very

loudly to me the word MOTIVE and I knew then

God wanted to talk about mine.

Why did I want another child? Why was my

weight so important? Why did the lack of

money have me so stressed out? Why was I

so full of discontentment? Often times our

desires stems from an impure heart or in the

case of the people in the verse, “to be seen of

men.” Jesus was saying, “As long as your mo-

tive is to please men then your rewards won’t

come from God. God rewards those who seek

to please Him.

To understand my motives I had to first under-

stand my heart. What had I buried in there?

Were my motives for what I wanted pure?

Blessed [are] the pure in heart: for they shall

see God (Matthew 5:8). A pure heart is free

from corrupt desire. It’s genuine and void of

selfish motives. It became clear how vital the

condition of our heart is to believing and re-

ceiving from the Kingdom. Our heart is the soil

for which the seed of God’s word is sown.

After all, isn’t it with the heart man believeth

unto righteousness? (Romans 10:10). Was-

n’t Abraham considered righteous because

he believed (had faith) in God (Romans


And isn’t the righteousness of God revealed

from faith to faith? And let’s not forget He-

brews 11:6, But without faith [it is] impossi-

ble to please [him]: for he that cometh to

God must believe that he is, and [that] he is

a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.

My worry obviously canceled out my faith,

which canceled out my receiving. I couldn’t

come to God, ask Him for something and

then walk away like a dog with its tail be-

tween its legs, afraid of not getting my an-

swers. I lacked confidence His God’s ability.

I wasn’t secure in my position in the king-

dom. I was a King’s kid behaving like a

prodigal child unaware of her royal status.

If my heart is involved in my believing then

what’s in my heart could very well get in the

way of my receiving. God saw the tears, the

frustrations and the desires BUT He also

saw an impure heart. And as much as He

wanted to come to my rescue, His hands

were tied by my disobedience. He had to

abide by His own rules; so therefore, I had

to do the same. I had to seek Him and seek

Him I did! And that was the beginning of

true change in me and that is exactly what

God was after.

Honey Bee Press Page 5

Courtesy of

Page 6: The Honey Bee Press

Are you the right person for the one that you

have been waiting on God to send you? Are

you really ready for God’s special design for

you? You have been waiting and desiring.

You have been imagining what your special

design will look like. Maybe you have even

written a list. The question is: are you really


No one is perfect, but a specific level of ma-

turity is necessary for a person to be able to

care for and nurture a gem. Can you imag-

ine telling a ten year old to manage your

million dollar bank account? What about a

thirteen year old? Why is that unreasonable

to suggest? These children may have the

capacity to learn about finances, but right

now they are not ready. The question re-

mains: are you ready?

Has your focus been on what the other per-

son has to have to be right for you that you

have ignored the little nuances that may

need to be worked out in your own life? My

friend Carlos said, “It’s amazing how people

are immune to their own issues, but allergic

to everyone else’s.” I’m not sure if he’s the

originator of the quote, but it is something

that has stuck with me, because I think that

we can be overly critical of others and forget

to look in the mirror.

Matthew 7:1-5 says, “Don’t pick on people,

jump on their failures, criticize their faults—

unless of course you want the same treat-

ment. That critical spirit has a way of boo-

meranging. It’s easy to see a smudge on

your neighbor’s face and be oblivious to the

ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the

nerve to say, ‘Let me wash your face for

you,’ when your own face is distorted by

contempt? It’s this whole traveling road-

show mentality all over again, playing a ho-

lier-than-thou part instead of just living your

part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own

face, and you might be fit to offer a wash-

cloth to your neighbor” (MSG).

I’m not saying that as a single, you shouldn’t

have expectations; I am encouraging you to

think about if what you have to offer is all

that God wants you to offer to who He has

designed for you.

Are you slow to anger? Are you swift to hear

or do you pop off at the handle? Are your

words gracious and seasoned with salt or do

you respond without thinking about the per-

son you’re talking to? Is there anything

about you that needs to change before you

get into your relationship?

These are hard questions and sometimes the

answer is not pretty. Again, no one is perfect,

but there are some things that should be

ironed out before you unite in holy matri-

mony. If you take the time to get some things

straight now, you will save your marriage

from some of those growing pangs. If you

don’t believe me, ask some of your married


Always remember, God wants His best for us.

Be encouraged!

“There is a time for everything, and a season

for every activity under heaven” (Ecclesiastes


The marital relationship changes over the

course of time. We are not the same people

that we were on the day that we said “I do.” If

we say that we are, then we admit that we

have not grown. Just like the seasons of the

time described in Ecclesiastes 3:2-8, mar-

riage experiences highs and lows, beginnings

and endings, challenges and victories, good

and bad. Each season prepares us (husband

and wife) for our next encounter with marital


Let’s look at the planting and growing sea-

sons as an example. Dwight and I were mar-

ried in the fall. It is one of my favorite times

of year. Fall represents a time during which

we are preparing to enter into a period of

calm. Fall is a time when we cherish the last

of the warm days and celebrate the cool days

that are on the way. Fall is also a time of

change, when old things are shed and life

enters a season of rest. It is also the last

season of harvest, where we store up final

provisions for winter.

Even though winter is often characterized as

cold or dreary, it is still a necessary season

in the growing process. Winter is the time

when things that were shed during the fall

are used to cover and replenish the earth.

The trees and grass receive rest from the

sun and are nourished by the cold of the

water that forms when the snow melts.

Nutrients and water penetrate the depths of

the earth to reach and console and replen-

ish the roots of the things that will grow in

the spring.

A lot of winter’s good work is done behind the

scenes. It appears on the surface that not

much is happening. However, when spring

arrives, we can appreciate the benefits of

winter. The rest begins to pay off, when new

life begins to spring (pun intended ) forth

from the ground. Sometimes we forget what

was planted, so we are pleasantly surprised!

Spring is my second most favorite season.

Because of my rest during the winter season I

am refreshed and energized. I am ready to

get outside and play in the dirt. It is time to

Honey Bee Press Page 6

Are You the Right Person?—by A C Nelson

Seasons—by Vinicia McNeil Joyner

Marital Bliss

Encouraging the Singles

Page 7: The Honey Bee Press

Honey Bee Press Page 7

Crispy Roasted Chicken—by Doc Simonson


1 teaspoon kosher salt

1/2 teaspoon caraway seeds

1/2 teaspoon dried sage

1/4 teaspoon fennel seeds Onion (chopped)

1/4 teaspoon coriander seeds

1/4 teaspoon dried rosemary

2 tablespoons paprika

2 teaspoons garlic powder

2 teaspoons all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon onion powder

5 tablespoons vegetable oil

1 (4 pound) broiler fryer chicken cut in half lengthwise


1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).

2. In a spice grinder or mortar, combine kosher salt, caraway seeds, sage, fennel, coriander, and rosemary. Grind to a coarse

powder. Transfer spice mixture to a bowl and stir in paprika, garlic powder, flour, and onion powder; mix in vegetable oil to make a

smooth paste.

3. Pat chicken halves dry with paper towels and tuck wing tips up behind the back. Brush spice paste onto chicken halves, coating

both sides, taking care to season under wings and legs. Place chicken halves in baking dish or roasting pan with skin sides up,

leaving space around chicken so halves aren't touching.

4. Roast in preheated oven until a thermometer inserted in a thigh reads 165 degrees F (74 degrees C), about 1 hour. Remove from oven

and let rest for 10 minutes before slicing.

Honey’s Recipe Corner

plant, nurture, weed and water. In the season of spring “all things become new.” The weather is pleasant even though there are still some

periods of rain. Nevertheless, I cannot forget that some of us like it “hot”; therefore summer is what we look forward too. However, we must

go through the other seasons to get there. During summer we are privileged to sit back and watch and enjoy that which we have labored for.

It is the season of harvest for some of the fruit that is most vital to our existence.

Are we still talking about marriage?

Our marriages move through various seasons of time and growth. Each period of time or season leads to the next and each is a vital compo-

nent of moving forward. It takes all of the seasons of life for our marriage to grow. If there are no valleys then there are no hills to climb. If

there are no hills to climb then there are no mountain tops to traverse. If there are no dry times then we do not appreciate the rain. If there

is no rain then there is no stirring of the nutrients to mix with the seed and fertilizer (sometimes it’s manure) to stimulate growth. We should

not expect every day to be filled with the newness of spring, the bounty of summer or the last harvests of fall nor should we expect to experi-

ence the coldness and desolation of winter more often than not.

In marriage, we must acknowledge that each experience builds upon the foundation of our union. You cannot build upon something that you

cannot stand on. Marriage is ordained by God and He is its foundation. “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled:” Hebrews

13:4a. Marriage is a good thing! When our focus remains on God and His word, our marriage can become more “seasoned” and our marital

relationship can become stronger. Foods that are “seasoned” taste better. Plants that are “nurtured” grow better. As we move through the

seasons and changes of life with our spouses, we should reap the benefit of our experiences TOGETHER. Each year will require new and

different investments, it will include varying degrees of rest, it will bring forth new things, and yield harvests according to the work that we

have put in. Some of the old may come up with the new.

Sometimes “A Weed is a Flower”. I borrowed the title from a book my son, Patrick, loved to read by Aliki. It is about the life of George Wash-

ington Carver. It is a wonderful story about how one man looked at one thing and saw much more than anyone else could ever have imag-

ined. We should look at our marriage in this way. No one else can look at your spouse and see who you see. He is there during all the sea-

sons. He is there during the harvest; during the planting; during the tilling; during the watering and during the nurturing. He is there when it

is hot; when it is cold; when it is rainy and when the sun is shining. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says that “He has made everything beautiful in its

time.” The seasons of our marriage should lead us through the superlative from good to better to best.

We must remain cognizant of where we are in our marital relationship. We should know what season we are in and acknowledge the fact

that what we sow into our marriage is what we are going to reap. Sow those things that will move you forward in the work that God has as-

signed you to do in unity as husband and wife. “A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband.” Proverbs 12:4a. Move with grace and love

from season to season. Experience bliss!



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Page 8: The Honey Bee Press

Page 8 Honey Bee Press

Kendra Chatmon Owner/designer


The Right Bra Does Wonders...Get Fitted Today—by A C Nelson

Ladies, it's time to make sure you are wearing the appropriate bra and right


Does your bra give you an extra breast on the side? Then it's time to in-

crease that cup size. Does your bra create extra breasts in the front, giving

you that "I have 4 breasts" look? It's time to get fitted.

Do your breasts hang low in your bra and you have the strap pulled to the

max? You may need a bra with an extender strap; you also may need to get

your bra tailored. Yes, I said tailored.

My family is full of busty women. Most times, our sizes can't be found in

regular stores i.e. Target, Wal-Mart. I have to go to stores that specialize in

bras or undergarments. These are the places that will fit you properly and

make sure you have the right coverage and support.

Let me clear up a misconception: having full coverage doesn't mean you have to wear a bra that doesn’t look good. I felt the need to say that

because I remember taking a student of mine to get fitted and that was her concern. To her surprise, she was still able to have the desired

look even though she was fully covered.

I am not a fan of underwire bras but there are lines of underwire bras that have increased comfort. Make sure the underwire fully separates

your breasts though. You should not be walking around with a uni-boob. There are also wireless bras that separate and lift. Again, it's all

about going to the right place. Uni-boob is excused for sports bras.

Stop saying that you're going to get fitted and just do it. I'm telling you having the right bra can be life-altering. Your shirts will fit better. In

some cases, it will look like you lost weight because there will be a clear distinction between your breasts and stomach region.

If you're busty, don't get discouraged. Bra sizes go way beyond triple D. A friend of mine got fitted into a 34K; you can't find that in stores.

The benefits of going into one of these specialty stores is that they fit you and they may also tailor the bra for you. I have had to get darts put

into bras so that it fit properly. I have also had to get extenders put on the strap so I could have the appropriate lift.

The only issue is that bras can be expensive, but the money is well spent. For a good bra, I would plan on spending anywhere from $50-75. It

may seem astronomical or even be astronomical, but the confidence and feeling you get is priceless. If you care for these bras by hand-

washing them and never putting them in the dryer, they will last a long time.

My student's esteem was low. She never would take her coat off in school, but after we got those bras, wearing a coat to cover up the embar-

rassment was a thing of the past. It wasn’t about showing off her breasts, but it was about her no longer having a downcast face when it

came to wearing her clothes.

The bustier side of my family had to school me on the specialty stores as well. I walked around with ill-fitting bras. From my experience, I

learned that a bra store is just better equipped to settle concerns. Aren't you tired of being uncomfortable in certain shirts? Aren't you tired of

having to smash your breasts down so you only appear to have 2? I'm telling you, go get fitted. You won't be sorry.


Picture Source:

Page 9: The Honey Bee Press

With the holiday not even being a week behind us, you must feel like you have gained 4-8 pounds just in

one day that you didn't want to add. So where is all that food that you ate gone to??? It is possible that it

has headed to your mid-section aka the Muffin Top. Here are some things that you can do to get back on

track and get rid of the MUFFIN TOP.

Stop eating Processed Foods - You love to take a shorter drive home instead of taking the longer route,

right? Well from now on we want you to think of processed foods as a shortcut to belly fat. We wouldn't

be surprised if future studies prove that the over-processing, chemical additives and high fructose corn

syrup that are pumped into processed foods specifically adds fat around your belly. For the belly to

start shrinking, you need to stay away from sugars, sodas, processed, packaged fried and preserved


Eat Fresh, Whole Food - Once you have cut the processed foods out, you can start an Eat

Smart Plan. You need to fill the space that you had for processed foods with fresh foods:

Green Vegetables

Lean, hormone-free, high quality meats

Whole, organic, Seasonal fruits

Colorful organic veggies

Nuts & seeds

We know that the list may seem boring at first, but the more that you stick to this way of

eating, you will soon start to love the incredible flavors of fresh, real food. When you are

filling yourself with the food listed above, you will start to see your body shed pounds.

Do Challenging Exercises - The absolute best way to lose your muffin top is with a

consistent, progressive exercise program.

Consistent: You should exercise 3-5 times each week.

Progressive: For the best results, keep your body guessing with new exercises and

increasing the intensity.

Get out there and find a great place that offers different classes (i.e. Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, etc). It will

keep your body changing constantly and never falling into a rut.

Page 9 Honey Bee Press

Honey’s Health Corner

I can do all

things through

Christ who


Muffins for the Holiday by Mario Taylor

Visit Holistic Health Coach

Mario Taylor’s website at

By th








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Page 10: The Honey Bee Press

Advertise with us for a very low price!

Email [email protected] for more info.

Women on the Wall (WOW) began in 2008

in the home of Dr. Roxanna Perry who

serves alongside her husband, Dr.

Randolph Perry at The Shepherd’s House

of Restoration Worship Center in Clinton,

MD. The idea of WOW stemmed from Dr.

Roxanna Perry’s multiple encounters with

hurting, abused, financially troubled, sick,

and broken women. The majority of these

women were already a part of the Body of

Christ, yet still were experiencing these

hardships. Occasionally, she met women

in “the marketplace” with similar issues.

Oftentimes, these women felt alone in

their experiences and feared others would

judge them and not understand their pri-

vate pain. However, WOW understands

that “Sisters—need—Sisters” so we en-

deavor to support and celebrate the life

of each woman.

The mission of WOW is to bring restora-

tion, healing, and encouragement to

women of all races and religions.

Through prayer, worship, fellowship, and

hosting empowerment sessions, WOW’s

vision is to see women transformed by

the power of the Lord Jesus Christ and to

walk in greater understanding of what

God has called them to do in the earth

realm. It is clear from Jeremiah 29:11

that God’s thoughts toward his people

are good and that He has great plans for

their life. It is toward that end we move

with the heartbeat of the Lord Jesus

Women on the Wall: Breaking Down the Barriers that Divide Women

Christ to build unity among women and to

shower His women with compassion and love

as they forge ahead toward their destiny in


With the launch of the Honey Bee Press, the

hope is that more women will be reached,

more insights will be gained and that women

will see that they are not alone. We thank

you for your support and look forward to

hearing your feedback.

The Honey Bee Press

The Shepherd’s House of Restoration

Worship Center

You’re Invited!

The Shepherd’s House of Restoration Worship Center

would like to extend an invitation for you to attend our

church on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. for time of worship

and empowerment through God’s Word. We are the

place where everybody is somebody and Christ is all.

We are located at 6200 Coventry Way, Clinton, MD

20735. If you don’t have any ministry or personal con-

flicts, we’d love for you to come fellowship with us

and bring someone along with you. If you would like

to be put on our email list so that you can be sent this

newsletter and any of our upcoming events or if you

have any prayer requests, please email us at

[email protected]. We would love to hear from



2. Believe that Jesus

died for your sins,

and that He rose in

victory over death.

3. Invite Jesus to

take control of your

life. Just give it all to

Him. He will wash

away the sin and

begin to change you

from the inside out.

Your whole life will

take on a new per-

spective. The past is


4.Only Jesus can

save you from hell.

Only your sincere

decision to accept

Jesus as your Savior,

(turning to God) will

save you. There is no

hope of obtaining

salvation through

any good works, acts

of kindness, priest,

saint or money.

We all need to




IOR. You see,

we are ALL sin-

ners and need

to be forgiven.

Wouldn't you

like to be 100%

sure that you

will spend eter-

nity with Him in

heaven? Jesus

is waiting for

you to ask Him

into your ask for

forgiveness and

a new life in





1. We must re-

alize our sin

separates us

from God. We

are all sinners.

We are born

In genuine sincerity, you can speak to Jesus...

Lord Jesus, I know that I am not the woman that you desire me to be.

I know I am a sinner and that my sins separate me from you.

I firmly believe that you died on the cross for my sins and suffered in

my place for the condemnation that I deserve.

I come to you now for forgiveness and to surrender my life to You.

Help me not to be ashamed of You. You have been patiently waiting

outside the door of my heart knocking. I now open the door. Come in,

Lord Jesus, and be my Lord and Savior forever. Help me live for you

from this day forward.

Do you want to know Him?

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