
The Great Gatsby

By Linsey, Caitlin &Erin

What is the American Dream?The ideals of freedom, equality and opportunity traditionally held to be available to every American. Usually is expressed in owning a better home , idea of almost endless possibilities. Individuals are free to search and find the meaning of life.

During the 1920s, the perception of the American Dream was that an individual can achieve success in life regardless of family history or social status if they only work hard enough.

What the American Dream means…..

George's American Dream is very simple: he wants to own his own shop, make a decent living, and live happily with his wife.

Tom's American Dream, apparently is to live whatever life he chooses while still maintaining the facade of a marriage.

Nick’s American dream, that happiness comes from living and working in give and take relationships

Myrtle Wilson’s American dream, she can move up extremely high on the social ladder and find excitement with Tome who she is desperate to be with.

How does F. Scott Fitzgerald portray the American dream?

Through the character of Daisy Buchanan.

Her wealthy family

Luxurious life

Materialistic wealth through her marriage to Tom

Her desirable beauty.

Her Social Status

Through the character of Jay Gatsby

Through his hard work and determination

His self earned wealth

Through his new social status

His humble beginning

Romance with daisy

How he tries to present himself

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