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Communicator, social media enthusiast and lover of life with a particular interest in how a deep understanding of the ways we communicate can help to make the world a better place. Aims

to use the power of communication to single handedly end global poverty, achieve ever-lasting world peace, save the planet, and bring a smile to the face of everyone on earth.

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My Professional Persona

Communicator, social media enthusiast and lover of life with a particular interest in how a deep understanding

of the ways we communicate can help to make the world a better place. Aims to use the power of

communication to single handedly end global poverty, achieve ever-lasting world peace, save the planet, and

bring a smile to the face of everyone on earth.

Over the course of my very fortunate life I have actively learnt about the crippling issues experienced by others around the world simply because they were born in the

wrong place at the wrong time.

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My Professional Persona

Now I am determined to do something real to change this, and I feel that spreading awareness is one major

way to have an impact. Digital media and communications technologies have revolutionised the

way we can connect with each other, and have the potential to be extremely powerful in spreading a

message. My online presence intends to use this to inspire and compel others to join me in the quest for a

better world. 

While I do hope to engage with social justice organizations and those who already have a deep

passion of these issues, my content is primarily aimed at online users who are not educated in this area.

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Achieving this persona…

This persona works well with a variety of online platforms. I have been most active on twitter, but have complimented this with posts on facebook, instagram and blogger. In an attempt to keep this online presence powerful and engaging I have posted on one of these platforms a couple of times everyday. Given that creating awareness is the main goal of my online activity, most of the posts include statistics or facts aimed at grabbing the audience’s attention. On twitter especially I have been connecting to other social justice organisations through retweets or replies, as well as engaging in other conversations around this issue. For example, I exercised an active presence in the online conversations surrounding “World Humanitarian Day” (#HumanitarianHeroes, #WHD2014) and the Millenium Development Goals (#MDG500, #MDGmomentum). I have also become involved in other conversations related to the ABC’s Q and A, especially when related to social justice issues.

I do not want to alienate people through the heavy political language that is often used when talking about social justice, so I have tried to keep the tone of my posts informal and conversational. Blog posts have been great when I have wanted to include more content in my posts, but I have maintained this informal tone throughout these posts also.

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Other platforms…

Please click on the links below for a preview of my activity on other platforms.


Facebook- refer to page. Storify cannot pick up these posts as my profile is set to private.

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World visionhunger












Given more time I would also like to add some videos to my online presence- whether it be through youtube or vimeo. Videos can provide a unique, engaging and effective way of communicating online.

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