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Profile The FMS Cognitive Modeling Group at Carnegie Mellon University. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Christian Lebiere 1

Conference Report Crossroads in Constraint Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marius Silaghi & Christian Bessiere 4Progress and Challenges in Product Configuration Systems Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dietmar Jannach 6

Feature Articles Influence Propagation in Social Networks: A Data Mining Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Francesco Bonchi 8Mining a Data Reasoning Model for Personalized Text Classification. . . . . . . . . . . . .Luepol Pipanmaekaporn & Yuefeng Li 17 Analysing Effect of Database Grouping on Multi-Database Mining. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Animesh Adhikari, Lakhmi C. Jain & Sheela Ramanna 25

Book Review Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Russell Johnson 33

Special Issue ReviewNeurocomputing - Special Issue on Advances in Web Intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stefan Rüger, Vijay Raghavan, Irwin King & Jimmy Xiangji Huang 35

Announcements Related Conferences, Call For Papers/Participants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

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IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Intelligent Informatics (TCII)

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The Technical Committee on Intelligent Informatics (TCII) of the IEEE Computer Society deals with tools and systems using biologically and linguistically motivated computational paradigms such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, evolutionary optimization, rough sets, data mining, Web intelligence, intelligent agent technology, parallel and distributed information processing, and virtual reality. If you are a member of the IEEE Computer Society, you may join the TCII without cost at

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Vijay Raghavan University of Louisiana- Lafayette, USA Email: [email protected]

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Publisher: The IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Intelligent InformaticsAddress: Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong (Attention: Dr. William K. Cheung; Email:[email protected])ISSN Number: 1727-5997(printed)1727-6004(on-line)Abstracting and Indexing: All the published articles will be submitted to the following on-line search engines and bibliographies databases for indexing—Google(, The ResearchIndex(, The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies (, and DBLP Computer Science Bibliography ( © 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.

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Profile: The FMS Cognitive Modeling Group at Carnegie Mellon University

IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin December 2011 Vol.12 No.1


I. COGNITIVE ARCHITECTURES Understanding the workings of

human cognition remains a fundamental scientific challenge: while the basic building blocks of the brain are well known, as is their general organization, there is no agreement on how cognition emerges from their interaction. Unified theories of cognition consisting of invariant mechanisms and representations, implemented computationally as cognitive architectures, have been proposed as a way to organize the empirical findings and master the complexity of neural systems. If successful, they would also represent the most promising way of engineering artificial systems capable of general intelligence, a.k.a. Strong AI or AGI.

ACT-R is an integrated computational cognitive architecture resulting from decades of cumulative

effort by an international community of cognitive researchers. It consists of a

modular framework (see figure 1) with the following components: a)

procedural and declarative memory modules, including both symbolic and

subsymbolic (i.e., statistical) representation and learning mechanisms;

b) perceptual and motor modules that incorporate many known human factors

parameters and provide principled limitations on the interaction with an

external environment; c) a constrained

modular framework for incorporating additional factors such as fatigue and emotions that are not currently part of the architecture; and d) asynchronous interaction between modules that assemble small, sub-second cognitive steps into complex streams of cognition to accomplish high-level functionality.

Models build using the architecture can learn to perform complex dynamic tasks while interacting directly with the same environment as human users. ACT-R can account for all quantitative measures of human performance, from behavioral measures such as response time, percent of correct responses and eye movements, to fine-grained neural measurements such as EEG and fMRI. Hundred of cognitive models have been validated against experimental data, for tasks ranging from performing simple psychology experiments to controlling complex information systems such as air traffic control.

II. RESEARCH AGENDA ACT-R models have adopted a particular level of abstraction, usually interact with abstract simulation systems, and represent the cognition of a single agent with definite goals. Our current research aims at lifting those limitations by relating to other levels of description of our cognitive system, in particular the neural level, by grounding ACT-R within physical systems such as robots, and by extending the single-model paradigm to multiple models interacting in cognitive networks.

A. Cognitive Neuroscience The primary challenge in cognitive

science is to construct bridges between levels of description similar to those erected in the physical sciences. For instance, when understanding how people gather and process information in decision-making, there are various levels at which these decision processes can be analyzed. Using Marr’s tri-level approach to information processing, at the computational level, sensemaking accounts of the decision-making process are formulated in terms of large-scale situational awareness and descriptive knowledge structures.

In contrast, at the implementation level, neurally inspired models provide accounts of brain regions that implement the processes described by sensemaking. Bridging these levels is the algorithmic level, which is captured by functional models such as ACT-R bridging sensemaking goals with neural architecture.

The difficulty lies in translating high-level qualitative sensemaking descriptions to the language of neurological mechanism. We use the ACT-R cognitive architecture to better understand the cognitive processes underlying sensemaking and provide a bridge to the implementational level.

Our most recent project in that direction is a collaborative effort devoted to understanding cognitive biases in the context of geospatial intelligence analysis by building neural models of artificial tasks, with sensemaking as the theoretical framework for information processing.

High-fidelity models of information processing at the neural level are created by our partners at UC Boulder using the Emergent architecture, a framework for developing neural networks that utilize the Leabra learning algorithm.

The role of our group in this project is to create functional cognitive models of the tasks in ACT-R. Doing so serves two purposes. The first is to provide a


The FMS Cognitive Modeling Group at Carnegie Mellon University

Fig. 1. Overview of the ACT-R Architecture, showing the different modules classified according to brain region.

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Editor: Mike Howard

December 2011 Vol.12 No.1 IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin


bridge between sensemaking theory and neural theory. The second is to prototype models of tasks in order to assist the Emergent modelers by providing functional constraints on the neural models. That enterprise is scientifically grounded by the architectural commitments shared by ACT-R and Leabra despite their distinct levels of description.

Mechanisms that were prototyped in ACT-R include perceptual path planning, anchoring and adjustment bias in learning, within-participant probability matching, confirmation bias in information selection and resource allocation in intelligence analysis.

B. Cognitive Robotics A major issue limiting the application

of cognitive architectures as general intelligent systems is their lack of physical grounding. Real-world intelligence is grounded in our experience in the physical world. To achieve comparable integration and autonomy in the world such as on robotic platforms, we are extending our collaboration with the Leabra architecture. Specifically, we are developing a hybrid framework called SAL ("Synthesis of ACT-R and Leabra") to leverage the strengths of both architectures. The current instantiation of the SAL framework uses Leabra for perception, leveraging neural adaptivity, while ACT-R handles tasks such as decision-making that rely on symbolic control.

One research goal for the hybrid architecture is to create a system capable of unsupervised learning. To accomplish this, a visual stimulus is presented to Leabra, which then passes the resulting high-level neural representation of the stimulus to ACT-R. ACT-R then determines via declarative memory recalls whether the pattern presented is sufficiently similar to one already known; if not, ACT-R generates an arbitrary label for the stimulus, and issues a command to Leabra to train the visual system on the given stimulus using the ACT-R-generated label. This process is then iterated until a stable labeling of the stimulus on both sides of the hybrid framework is achieved.

Eventually, the hybrid model will learn not just to develop its own categories, but to learn the affordances

of objects and to manipulate them. The ongoing development is focused on completing the loop between perception and cognition, and integrating motor functions into the framework. The ultimate goal is a fully autonomous system that learns to perceive its world and act upon it without any assistance.

In parallel, we have also started exploring integrating ACT-R with algorithmic approaches to perception. We use a state-of-the-art object detection algorithm to detect pedestrians walking along a sidewalk. Information from perception is then fed into an ACT-R model that tracks these pedestrians as they make their way along the sidewalk. The model uses these tracks to categorize (and, in some cases, predict) pedestrian behavior as either normal or suspicious. Categorization/prediction works on the basis of the model checking the calculated tracks for the presence of certain features together with other contextual information (such as the presence or absence of certain objects/people). We are currently working on detecting the relevant features automatically from the perceptual data by observing differences between expected and actual behavior.

A long-term goal of this research is to generalize the use of expectations by the model to drive cognitive behavior. In the expectation-driven approach, a model would generate an expected outcome for any proposed action. When this action is performed, the model compares the expected outcome with the real outcome. The result of this comparison is used in selecting future actions. We believe that such an expectation-driven approach has implications all along the cognitive and rational bands in Newell’s Time Scale of Human Cognition, from attention and learning to task selection and planning.

C. Visual Intelligence Beyond basic perceptual grounding,

an important focus of our research is on developing models of visual intelligence, namely the capability to learn representations of actions from visual inputs, reason over them, and eventually generate a meaningful description in natural language.

Far from being a bare summation over object features detected in the

environment, visual intelligence has to be conceived as a complex phenomenon where perception combines with high-level cognitive processes and conceptual knowledge. A key distinction between this research and the state of the art in computer vision is that the latter exclusively deals with detection and classification of a wide range of objects (nouns in the description of a scene, e.g. “person”, “car”, “ball”, etc.) and features (e.g., position, orientation, shape, direction of motion, etc.) while research in visual intelligence operates at a more composite and unifying level: the goal is to identify the perceptual and cognitive underpinnings for recognizing and reasoning about actions (denoted by verbs in natural language), focusing on the roles played by objects in a scene (e.g., “a person hits a car with a ball”). Human understanding of events results from intertwined perceptual, cognitive and inferential processes: reproducing this capability at the machine level requires a comprehensive infrastructure where optical invariants, low-level perceptual mechanisms and high-level cognitive processes couple with knowledge representations.

In this framework we are working on integrating the ACT-R architecture (cognitive level) with computational ontologies (representational level), aiming at building a hybrid knowledge system where cognitive mechanisms are combined with representational contents. In particular, computational ontologies specify the meaning of (conceptual) representations of the world, encoding the semantics of those knowledge contents in a computational model.

The challenge of this research is to develop a full-fledged system where reasoning capabilities are cognitively grounded and driven by mechanisms of perception, memory and control. In this context, the purely technological problem of augmenting the ACT-R cognitive architecture with suitable ontologies of actions and automatic reasoners depends on the scientific problem of understanding the intertwined dynamics of reasoning, knowledge formation and perceptual mechanisms: in this sense, developing cognitively-inspired visual intelligence systems can also be seen, in a broader

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Profile: The FMS Cognitive Modeling Group at Carnegie Mellon University

IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin December 2011 Vol.12 No.1


context, as a step forward in cognitive science and artificial intelligence.

D. Economics and game theory Traditionally, cognitive models, like

participants in psychology experiments, are given specific goals to accomplish. In the real world, however, people are confronted with ill-defined tasks, conflicting incentives, and open-ended learning opportunities.

To embody models with the human ability to set goals and define their own task, we are working on a project aimed at understanding adversarial cognition and motivation. We use strategic games inspired from the field of game theory and enhanced to afford human experimentation. For instance, we are currently developing an experimental paradigm called IPD^3 – Intergroup Prisoner’s Dilemma with Intragroup Power Dynamics and Individual Power Drive – that provides a useable interface between humans and computers to play a series of nested repeated games. We have designed the game so that it is solidly grounded in state-of-the-art game-theoretic and socio-cognitive research. This design retains features that are advantageous for experimental purposes (e.g., binary choice, matrix format, computational tractability) while adding features that increase ecological validity (e.g., multiple players, social structure, asymmetries, conflicting motives, and stochastic behavior). We use this paradigm to collect human data in carefully designed experiments. In parallel, we develop cognitive models of human behavior in strategic games. For example, in one empirical study we found that human participants are perfect reciprocators: negative emotions triggered by unreciprocated attempts at cooperation bias subsequent decision-making toward defection. However, a cognitive model of the same game learned that sustained cooperation (even when occasionally unreciprocated) was more effective. The cognitive model did not show the retaliation bias because it lacked affective processing. We are working on developing an affective module for the ACT-R cognitive architecture that will allow us to model the full range of human cognition and emotion in strategic games. Our cognitive modeling approach

complements the traditional equilibrium analyses in predicting the effect of game modifications. In repeated games, almost any outcome can be an equilibrium. Game simulations with validated cognitive models as players can be used to narrow down the set of possible equilibria to a limited number of cognitively plausible outcomes, generate specific predictions about human behavior in these games, and provide more believable synthetic characters for games and training.

E. Network science Beyond the interactions of small

groups of individuals lies the emergence of civilization from the collective cognitive acts of large-scale societies. Among the most fascinating abilities of human beings is their propensity to verbalize, communicate and adopt ideas within a vast network of social contacts. Human cognitive capabilities are uniquely suited to communication, and they are crucial to the intelligence emerging from human communities. The cognitive and psycholinguistic mechanisms underlying language comprehension and production are still poorly understood. While recent studies paint a picture of how memory and contextualization help humans comprehend a dialogue partner's ideas and individual language, we do not understand whether human memory has evolved to support teamwork and social cognition. In addition to communication, other tasks such as decision-making under uncertainty are crucially enhanced by teamwork, despite the fast and frugal heuristics or performance bounds found in individual human actors.

Cognitive modeling and network simulation techniques have allowed a recent growth in interest for the interaction of cognitive mechanisms with the social environment. Cognitive architectures can characterize the bounded human abilities to recall information, which is key in explaining the interactions of humans in a network.

In recent work, we have shown how individuals adapt their linguistic expressions quickly to their interaction partners, and new communicative conventions soon spread through a network of connected entities, which

may be cognitive models of humans or simple software agents.

Cognitive modeling frameworks, validated and refined through careful experimentation, as well as computational tools now allow the larger-scale simulation of human societies and the uptake of existing language resources (corpora) in the quest for the architecture of the human language faculty. We have developed a networked experimentation platform called the Geogame to facilitate large-scale data collection. Datasets collected in real-life situations let us test cognitive and psycholinguistic models. Once validated, they will make better predictions and cover broad ranges of human behaviour. This combination of broad coverage and large-scale simulation requires new computational tools, new methodologies, new datasets and new experimental designs. With ACT-UP, our lab has developed a rapid-prototyping scalable implementation of the ACT-R cognitive architecture, allowing large-scale simulations of underspecified models.

III. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research described in this profile was supported by grants from AFOSR, DTRA, ARL, DARPA and IARPA to Dr. Christian Lebiere. All views expressed are solely those of the authors and not of the funding agencies.

Contact Information The FMS Group:

Dir.: Christian Lebiere - [email protected] Ion Juvina

Unmesh Kurup Alessandro Oltramari

David Reitter Matthew Rutledge-Taylor

Robert Thomson Jerry Vinokurov


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4 Editor: Marius C. Silaghi

Crossroads in Constraint ProgrammingMARIUS SILAGHI, FLORIDA TECH, USA, [email protected]



Constraint programming is a declar-ative programming paradigm exploitingtechniques stemming from research oncombinatorial problems in computer vi-sion, and robot planning. The paradigmcomes close to the dream that users onlyneed to simply state a problem and thecomputer will solve it, as underlined inthe seminal 1996 article In Pursuit of theHoly Grail by Eugene Freuder. The ideais that programming should be possibleby simply stating the problem using a setof constraints. Using the traits of theseconstraints, appropriate techniques arethen automatically selected and appliedfor solving the problem. Constraints areubiquitous, and the requirement to sat-isfy them can be modeled within theframework of the constraint satisfactionproblem (CSP). The constraints of a CSPare specified as relations on a set of vari-ables. The choice of these variables andformulation of the constraints turns outto be essential for the efficiency of theobtained program. Many optimizationproblems can also be addressed with var-ious extensions of constraint program-ming. Constraints whose satisfaction isoptional are called soft constraints. Theycan be associated with a function thatquantifies the desire for their satisfac-tion.

The brute force approach to combina-torial problems is usually considered tobe one of either the chronological back-tracking or the generate and test method.The research into constraint program-ming has started with work on local rea-soning. Local reasoning combines a sub-set of the known constraints to infer newconstraints. Therefore it is also knownas constraint propagation. When a localinconsistency is inferred, the reductionin the size of the search space (Carte-sian product of domains for variables)is potentially exponential. Propagation isdesirable when the overhead is polyno-mial and promises exponential speed-up.

The propagation process is also referredto as local consistency enforcement sincenew constraints illustrate clearer whatvalues are allowed. In general, the gener-ation of unary constraints, i.e., removingvalues from domains, which has loweroverhead, has been more successful insolvers, specially when repeatedly ap-plied on subproblems during backtrack-ing. Techniques where all applied opera-tions result only in redundant constraintsor in the splitting of the search spaceguarantee that no solution is lost. Thosetechniques guaranteeing to find a solu-tion whenever a solution exists are saidto be complete. Most past research hasfocused on complete algorithms, and thisis being identified as something that maychange in the near future.

Fig. 1. Freuderfest location

If one views the variables of a CSPas nodes and the constraints relatingthem as arcs (or hyper-arcs), the ob-tained graph structure captures essentialinformation about the problem. It wasshown by Freuder that problems whosegraph structure is a tree can be solved inlinear time. Other properties of the graphstructure were found for which polyno-mial time algorithms exist. Problems thatdo not originally present such structurescan be split or otherwise processed toreduce them to the desirable structures.Constraints that involve a large numberof variables, notably those that involvea number of variables dependent on the

size of the problem, cannot be pro-cessed straightforwardly. Special propa-gation techniques have been developedfor many types of such global con-straints, hundreds of them being avail-able in catalogs set up by researchersin the constraint programming commu-nity. It was observed that the structureof the CSP graphs as well as the in-ternal structure of particular constraintspresents symmetries and search on suchsymmetric parts is redundant, the resultsbeing directly transferable. Significantrecent effort was placed on detectingand exploiting symmetries. The commu-nity is also exploring distributed CSPs,namely where some of the constraintsare secrets of participants who share adesire to find values that satisfy all theirconstraints. The applications of CSPshave raised other research topics suchas constraint extraction from examplesor from text, and constraint elicitationfrom users. Another problem is how toprovide explanations about which sub-set of the constraints could be changedto transform an insolvable problem intoone that has solutions. Several centersfor research into constraint programmingconcentrate researchers, the largest beingthe Cork Constraint Computation Cen-ter (4C).

II. FREUDERFEST AND CP 2011The 17th International Conference on

Principles and Practice of ConstraintProgramming was held in September2011 in Perugia, Italy. Freuderfest, aspecial workshop dedicated to the re-tirement of Eugene Freuder, the founderand director of the Constraint Computa-tion Center in Cork was held the daybefore the conference in the historicalbuilding of the administration of Pe-rugia. As it was highlighted there byFrancesca Rossi, Eugene has workedwith 111 collaborators on 112 articles.Some of his closest collaborators wereinvited to speak about the impact of

December 2011 Vol.12 No.1 IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin

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Conference Report: Freuderfest at CP’11: Crossroads in Constraint Programming 5

his work on their research. The work-shop was opened with an introductionby Barry O’Sullivan, the new directorof 4C. Eugene himself used his speechto argue that the CP research commu-nity should debate more on the rele-vance of completeness and encouragedthe intensification of research into in-complete techniques. This is a significantturn from his original focus on completebacktrack-free search and tree structures,interchangeability and symmetries. Theother speakers focused on his seminalworks in each of these fields, in whichhe is known to have launched and struc-tured the basic ideas.

Eight collocated workshops werescheduled during the first day of theconference. Among them were the 11thWorkshop on Soft Constraints (Soft),the 8th Workshop on Local Search(LSCS), 11th Workshop on Symme-try (SymCon), and 10th Workshop onModeling and Reformulation (ModRef).There were also new workshops on CSPbased Bioinformatics (WCB), Compo-nent Configuration (Lococo), ParallelMethods (PMCS), and on the MiniZincModeling language. The ModRef work-shop organized a very popular panelon the available extensions to the com-mon CSP representations. The discus-sions addressed the difficulties of exten-sions with Boolean Clauses, LP, MDDsand Neural Networks.

The main conference was started withan invited talk by Jean-Charles Reginon common pitfalls to avoid when solv-ing problems with CP. His conclusionwas that when CP does not work, mostlikely it is due to the choice of a badrepresentation. The Best Student PaperAward was offered to Marie Pelleau forher work on representing constraints incontinuous domains using two Cartesiansystems of coordinates rotated at 45degrees. The solution intersects boxesfound along those two different coor-dinate systems, significantly improvingthe approximation of complex shapes.Meinoff Sellman from IBM gave a tu-torial on solver portfolios. He recom-mended SATzilla and CP Hydra as thebest portfolio solvers for SAT and CSPs.

The Best Paper Award was offered toGeorg Gottlob for proving an old con-jecture about the NP-hardness of Min-imal Constraint Networks. He shows

that even when a constraint problemis reduced to its minimal configuration,namely where each pair of values forany two variables that is not forbiddenby any constraint appears in at least onesolution, finding a solution is a hardproblem.

In a premiere for CP, the invited talkby Patrick Prosser with the occasionof receiving the Research ExcellenceAward from the Association of Con-straint Programming (ACP) was deliv-ered using a much appreciated YouTubevideo. The ACP Doctoral ResearchAward was offered to Standa Zivny,who gave a talk on the complexity andexpressive power of valued CSPs. Heshowed that many tractable constraintlanguages can be obtained by compos-ing constraints from existing languages.The doctoral students tutorial by LaurentMichel focused on the importance ofcareful design for experiments, factoringout the noise and caching issues withsufficiently large problem sets.

Laurent Perron from Google de-scribed a successful application of con-straint programming within the most im-portant Google servers, namely for tak-ing caching decisions and decisions con-cerning the routing of user traffic. Theconstraint programming technique hassaved 1 millisecond which translates intosavings of millions of dollars given thescale of the corresponding operations atGoogle. Google proposed the ROADEFchallenge which stresses the need fora good solution fast (no optimality andno completeness required). The chal-lenge has deadlines in each August andFebruary. The Best Application PaperAward was offered for a paper coau-thored by Venkatesh Ramamoorthy forsuccessfully using CSPs to design highlynonlinear cryptographic functions. Suchfunctions are the most sensible part ofmodern ciphers, and resistance to knownattacks requires the satisfaction of a setof constraints. No solution is known tosatisfy all these constraints, but someof them are soft and solutions havebeen found within certain thresholds. Afew of these constraints are global andtheir decomposition, when done with-out preserving completeness, enabled tofind functions that better satisfy the softconstraints when compared to previously

found ones.The conference was closed with a cel-

ebration of Gene Freuder’s retirement,under the form of a panel on the fu-ture of constraint programming. Eugenestressed the importance of selecting loftygoals, launching buzzwords like: Prob-lem solving Web, Electronic Embodi-ment, Computational Precognition andBusiness Constraints. Visible applica-tions are in healthcare, analytics, energy,sustainability, and humanitarian opera-tions. The researchers should balance thejust-in-case redundant constraint gener-ation tendency that challenges mem-ory requirements for the just-in-time ap-proach that spends resources only whenneeded. Approaching the lofty goalsshould be achieved also by broadeningthe scope of the CP conference whichshould join all research where the con-straint is relevant, no longer focusingonly on algorithms based on backtrack-ing.

All the presentation slides were madeavailable on website of the program ofthe conference:

Fig. 2. Group picture at CP2011

Christian Bessiere is research pro-fessor at CNRS at Montpelier, France.His research has focused on constraintprogramming. He has published articleson all aspects of constraint programmingand in particular on constraint propaga-tion.

Marius Silaghi is assistant profes-sor in Computer Sciences at FloridaTech and chair of the Human Deci-sion Support Systems Laboratory. Hismain research interests lie in the appli-cation of artificial intelligence and cryp-tology to support decision making. Hehas authored articles on distributed con-straint reasoning and techniques involv-ing cryptology and artificial intelligence.

IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin December 2011 Vol.12 No.1

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6 Editor: Marius C. Silaghi

Progress and Challenges in ProductConfiguration Systems Development



Mass customization and configure-to-order production are modern businessstrategies in which the goods and ser-vices offered by a company are tai-lored and individualized according tothe specific needs and preferences ofthe customer. The classical examplesof such configurable products includecars, personal computers, and varioustypes of comparably complex technicaldevices; today, however, you can alsocreate your custom muesli, skateboard,or travel package over the Web.

Mass customization and configure-to-order are based on the idea that thefinal customer product can be assem-bled and configured based on a prede-fined set of components, to keep theindividualization costs and the corre-sponding sales prices low. This contrastswith other strategies such as engineer-to-order, in which customer-individualgoods are manufactured,

Fig. 1. Barcelona impressions

Product configuration systems (con-figurators) are software applications thatplay a central role in such business ap-proaches, in particular because in mostcases the individual components cannotbe assembled to the final customer prod-uct in an arbitrary way. Typically, theconfiguration process is governed by aset of constraints. In the car domain,such a constraint could for example be

that one certain type of engine is notavailable with an automatic gear box.The reason for the existence of a con-straint can both be technical (e.g., be-cause of mechanical incompatibilities)or marketing-related (e.g., based on pric-ing strategies).

The tasks of a configuration systemusually include the interactive acquisi-tion of the user preferences, checkingfor constraint violations, the automaticcompletion of partial configurations, thegeneration of sales quotes (in case theconfigurator is used as a front-end salestool) or a bill-of-materials (if it is usedfor back-office automation).

Beside the problem of the seamless in-tegration of configurator solutions into acompany’s existing software infrastruc-ture or ERP system, the development ofthe above-mentioned core configuratorfunctionalities is not a trivial task forvarious reasons. One of the core prob-lems is that of knowledge representation,that is, the question of how to encode thegiven constraints in the system. Note thatthe corresponding knowledge bases canbe huge and comprise hundreds or eventhousands of rules. Beside that, theyare also subject to frequent changes inparticular in technical domains. Anotherissue is that of computational complex-ity. In the end, configurations can consistof thousands of components, for exam-ple, in the telecommunications domain.Finally, there is also the aspect of userinteraction. Note that interactive elicita-tion of the requirements is not a one-shot process, but often requires multipleinteraction loops, e.g., for situations inwhich constraints are violated and theuser has to revise some of the choices.

Due to their inherent complexity, con-figuration problems have always beenin the focus of researchers in differ-ent areas of Computer Science, and inparticular of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

researchers, for the last 30 years. In fact,one of the earliest successfully appliedrule-based expert systems was a config-urator for computer systems.

Since these early rule-based years,progress was made with respect to vari-ous aspects of the development of con-figuration systems. Regarding modelingand knowledge representation, a numberof languages were used to represent theconfiguration knowledge. Some of theapproaches used first order logic or itsdecidable subsets such as constraints,description logic, or answer set pro-gramming. Others are based on graph-ical modeling languages. Reasoning wasbased on logical inference, case-basedreasoning, different constraint satisfac-tion schemes, resource-based reasoningas well as interactive propose-and-reviseapproaches. With respect to user interac-tion, proposals have, for example, beenmade toward the personalization of theuser interface, the dynamic pre-selectionof input values or strategies to recoverfrom situations when the user require-ments cannot be satisfied. Beside thesecore issues in configurator development,researchers also put forward ideas to-ward intelligent debugging support forthe knowledge bases, algorithms for dis-tributed configuration problem solvingas well as approaches addressing theproblem of re-configuring an existingsystem.

In general, research in configurationsystems is application-oriented and fo-cusing on the development of general-izable solutions for practical problemsin industry. In fact, we can observe thatseveral ideas developed in the researchcommunity in the last decade made theirway into industrial practice and that con-figuration is among those fields whereAI technology has been successfully in-tegrated into software products and ap-plied in commercial settings.

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Conference Report: Configuration Workshop at IJCAI’11: Progress and Challenges in Product Configuration SystemsDevelopment 7


The International Joint Conferenceon Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), whichtook place in Barcelona in July 2011,featured a one day workshop on configu-ration. After a AAAI Fall symposium in1996, this year’s workshop was alreadythe thirteenth in a series of successfulconfiguration workshops held at majorinternational AI events such as IJCAI,AAAI or ECAI since its first edition in1999.

Since the inception of the workshopseries, strong and continuing interestfrom industry can be observed includingtool providers such as ILOG (now IBM)or Tacton AB, ERP vendors like SAPand Oracle as well as large corporations(like Siemens or ABB) but also smallerconfigurator companies.

This year’s workshop featured twoinvited speakers and a scientific programconsisting of four long paper and threeshort paper presentations. In the openingkeynote talk, Fabrizio Salvador from theInstituto de Empresa Business School inMadrid looked at configuration systemsfrom the business perspective. In partic-ular, he emphasized the importance ofthe effective management of informa-tion on feasible product configurationsto achieve higher responsiveness towardsthe customer. As an additional factor, hediscussed not yet fully tapped potentialsof learning from past configurations.

Learning from past configurations –although with a different purpose – wasalso the main idea of the paper “In-cremental prediction of configurator in-put values based on association rules”presented in the subsequent technicalsessions. In this work, the goal was tomake the interaction with a configurationtool more convenient for the end userby dynamically pre-selecting appropriateinput values and thereby reducing theinteraction efforts.

The main focus of this year’s work-shop, however, was on modeling. Thepresented works at the workshop in-cluded (1) a new graphical modelingapproach which covers not only the con-figurable artefact but also the produc-tion process; (2) an integrated methodto model the variability in heteroge-nous product families based on differ-

ent views; (3) a best-practice model-ing guideline for knowledge engineersinvolved in configuration development;and (4) a new modeling language, whichcan be used not only for configurationmodeling but also for re-configurationand simulation purposes.

The second key topic of the 2011workshop was on knowledge represen-tation and reasoning (KRR). In the sec-ond keynote, Gerhard Friedrich fromthe Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt,Austria, first reviewed key milestoneswith respect to KRR in the configura-tion domain. He then illustrated currentchallenges and solutions with the helpof hard real-world configuration prob-lem and presented results of a compari-son of various KRR frameworks includ-ing Answer Set Programming (ASP).The results demonstrated the significantprogress that has been made in the areain the last few years so that these KRRframeworks can nowadays be applied tosolve practically relevant problems.

Answer Set Programming was alsothe basis for a new reconfiguration pre-sented in another technical paper inthe workshop. In this work, the authorsdemonstrated how the configuration andreconfiguration problem can be encodedin the ASP framework and present ex-perimental results which indicate thefeasibility of the approach for practicalapplications.

An alternative problem encoding wasfinally presented in the paper “Enumer-ation of valid partial configurations”,where the authors show how incrementalSAT solvers can be used for online com-putation of partial configurations. Thesepartial configurations are then used tosuggest possible assignments, thus re-ducing the information load and improv-ing the quality of decisions made by auser while configuring a product.

Overall, the workshop highlighted thatsignificant advances have been made inthe configuration area over the last yearswith respect to configuration modeling,knowledge representation and reasoning,and in particular that modern AI tech-nology is more and more on the wayto be usable nearly “off-the-shelf” forpractical applications.

Despite these advances, many oppor-tunities for future research remain in

the configuration domain. For example,it would be interesting to see how thedeveloped techniques can be applied be-yond classical hardware configurationproblems, e.g., for software and ser-vice configuration or model transforma-tion. In addition, also different ques-tions of knowledge acquisition and howto better integrate data from existingsources such as ERP or product datamanagement systems with the configura-tor are still open. Finally, user interfaceissues were historically slightly under-represented in this research community.Given that more and more products forthe end-customer can be individualizedover the Web, more focus has to beput on techniques for building adequateconfigurator user interfaces including as-pects of “intelligent” customer guidanceor 3D-visualization.

The papers of the IJCAI 2011 Work-shop on Configuration can be down-loaded at

Fig. 2. Barcelona impressions

Dietmar Jannach is a professor inComputer Science at TU Dortmund,Germany and chair of the e-ServicesResearch Group. His main research in-terests lie in the application of artificialintelligence and knowledge-based sys-tems technology to real-world problemsin particular in e-business environments.He has authored numerous papers onintelligent sales support systems such asrecommender systems or product con-figurators. Dietmar Jannach was alsoone of the co-founders of ConfigWorksGmbH, a company focusing on next-generation interactive recommendationand advisory systems. He was a co-chairand organizer of the configuration work-shop and the workshop on “IntelligentTechniques for Web Personalization” atIJCAI’11 and also gave a tutorial onRecommender Systems.

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8 Feature Article: Influence Propagation in Social Networks: A Data Mining Perspective

Influence Propagation in Social Networks:A Data Mining Perspective

Francesco Bonchi∗

Abstract—With the success of online social networks and mi-croblogs such as Facebook, Flickr and Twitter, the phenomenonof influence exerted by users of such platforms on other users,and how it propagates in the network, has recently attracted theinterest of computer scientists, information technologists, andmarketing specialists. One of the key problems in this area isthe identification of influential users, by targeting whom certaindesirable marketing outcomes can be achieved. In this article wetake a data mining perspective and we discuss what (and how)can be learned from the available traces of past propagations.While doing this we provide a brief overview of some recentprogresses in this area and discuss some open problems.

By no means this article must be intended as an exhaustivesurvey: it is instead (admittedly) a rather biased and personalperspective of the author on the topic of influence propagationin social networks.

Index Terms—Social Networks, Social Influence, Viral Mar-keting, Influence Maximization.


THe study of the spread of influence through a socialnetwork has a long history in the social sciences. The

first investigations focused on the adoption of medical [1] andagricultural innovations [2]. Later marketing researchers haveinvestigated the “word-of-mouth” diffusion process for viralmarketing applications [3], [4], [5], [6].

The basic assumption is that when users see their socialcontacts performing an action they may decide to perform theaction themselves. In truth, when users perform an action, theymay have any one of a number of reasons for doing so: theymay have heard of it outside of the online social network andmay have decided it is worthwhile; the action may be verypopular (e.g., buying an iPhone 4S may be such an action);or they may be genuinely influenced by seeing their socialcontacts perform that action [7]. The literature on these topicsin social sciences is wide, and reviewing it is beyond the scopeof this article.

The idea behind viral marketing is that by targeting themost influential users in the network we can activate a chain-reaction of influence driven by word-of-mouth, in such a waythat with a very small marketing cost we can actually reach avery large portion of the network. Selecting these key users ina wide graph is an interesting learning task that has receiveda great deal of attention in the last years (for surveys see [8]and Chapter 19 of [9]).

∗This article summarizes, extends, and complements the keynote thatthe author gave at WI/IAT2011 conference, whose slides are available

F. Bonchi is with Yahoo! Research, Barcelona, Spain.E-mail: [email protected]

Other applications include personalized recommenda-tions [10], [11] and feed ranking in social networks [12], [13].Besides, patterns of influence can be taken as a sign of usertrust and exploited for computing trust propagation [14], [15],[16], [17] in large networks and in P2P systems. Analyzingthe spread of influence in social networks is also useful tounderstand how information propagates, and more in generalit is related to the fields of epidemics and innovation adop-tion. With the explosion of microblogging platforms, such asTwitter, the analysis of influence and information propagationin these social media is gaining further popularity [18], [19],[20], [21].

Many of the applications mentioned above essentially as-sume that social influence exists as a real phenomenon. How-ever several authors have challenged the fact that, regardlessthe existence of correlation between users behavior with theirsocial context [22], this can be really credited to socialinfluence. Even in the cases where some social influence canbe observed, it is not always clear whether this can reallypropagate and drive viral cascades.

Watts challenges the very notion of influential users that areoften assumed in viral marketing papers [23], [24], [25], [19].Other researchers have focussed on the important problem ofdistinguishing real social influence from homophily and otherexternal factors [26], [27], [28], [29]. Homophily is a termcoined by sociologists in the 1950s to explain the tendency ofindividuals to associate and bond with similar others. This isusually expressed by the famous adage “birds of a feather flocktogether”. Homophily assumes selection, i.e., the fact that itis the similarity between users to breed connections [27].

Anagnostopoulos et al. [26] develop techniques (e.g., shuffletest and edge-reversal test) to separate influence from corre-lation, showing that in Flickr, while there is substantial socialcorrelation in tagging behavior, such correlation cannot beattributed to influence.

However other researchers have instead found evidence ofsocial influence. Some popular (and somehow controversial[30]) findings are due to Christakis and Fowler [31] thatreport effects of social influence over the spread of obesity(and smoking, alcohol consumption, and other unhealthy – yetpleasant – habits). Crandall et al. [27] also propose a frame-work to analyze the interactions between social influence andhomophily. Their empirical analysis over Wikipedia editorssocial network and LiveJournal blogspace confirms that thereexists a feedback effect between users similarity and socialinfluence, and that combining features based on social tiesand similarity is more predictive of future behavior than eithersocial influence or similarity features alone, showing that bothsocial influence and one’s own interests are drivers of future

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Feature Article: Francesco Bonchi 9

behavior and that they operate in relatively independent ways.Cha et al. [32] present a data analysis of how picture

popularity is distributed across the Flickr social network, andcharacterize the role played by social links in informationpropagation. Their analysis provides empirical evidence thatthe social links are the dominant method of informationpropagation, accounting for more than 50% of the spread offavorite-marked pictures. Moreover, they show that informa-tion spreading is limited to individuals who are within closeproximity of the uploaders, and that spreading takes a longtime at each hop, oppositely to the common expectations aboutthe quick and wide spread of word-of-mouth effect.

Leskovec et al. show patterns of influence by studyingperson-to-person recommendation for purchasing books andvideos, finding conditions under which such recommendationsare successful [33], [34]. Hill et al. [35], analyze the adoptionof a new telecommunications service and show that it is pos-sible to predict with a certain confidence whether customerswill sign up for a new calling plan once one of their phonecontacts does the same.

These are just few examples among many studies reportingsome evidence of social influence. In this article we donot aim at providing an exhaustive survey, nor we dareentering the debate on the existence of social influence atthe philosophical/sociological level. We do not even discussfurther how to distinguish between social influence, homophilyand other factors, although we agree that it is an interestingresearch problem. Instead, we prefer to take an algorithmic anddata mining perspective, focussing on available data and ondeveloping learning frameworks for social influence analysis.

Once sociologists had to infer and reconstruct social net-works by tracking people relations in the real world. This isobviously a challenging and costly task, even to produce mod-erately sized social networks. Fortunately nowadays, thanks tothe success of online social networks, we can collect very largegraphs of explicitly declared social relations. Moreover, andmaybe more importantly, we can collect information about theusers of these online social networks performing some actions(e.g., post messages, pictures, or videos, buy, comment, link,rate, share, like, retweet) and the time at which such actionsare performed. Therefore we can track real propagations insocial networks. If we observe in the data user v performingan action a at time t, and user u, which is a “friend” of v,performing the same action shortly after, say at time t + Δ,then we can think that action a propagated from v to u. If weobserve this happening frequently enough, for many differentactions, then we can safely conclude that user v is indeedexerting some influence on u.

In the rest of this article we will focus on this kind ofdata, i.e., a database of past propagations in a social network.We will emphasize that when analyzing social influence, it isimportant to consider this data and not only the structure of thesocial graph. Moreover, as this database of propagations mightbe potentially huge, we will highlight the need for devisingclever algorithms that, by exploiting some incrementalityproperty, can perform the needed computation with as fewscans of the database as possible.


Suppose we are given a social network, that is a graphwhose nodes are users and links represent social relationsamong the users. Suppose we are also given the estimatesof reciprocal influence between individuals connected in thenetwork, and suppose that we want to push a new product inthe market. The mining problem of influence maximization isthe following: given such a network with influence estimates,how should one select the set of initial users so that theyeventually influence the largest number of users in the socialnetwork. This problem has received a good deal of attentionby the data mining research community in the last decade.

The first to consider the propagation of influence and theproblem of identification of influential users by a data miningperspective are Domingos and Richardson [36], [37]. Theymodel the problem by means of Markov random fields andprovide heuristics for choosing the users to target. In particular,the marketing objective function to maximize is the globalexpected lift in profit, that is, intuitively, the difference be-tween the expected profit obtained by employing a marketingstrategy and the expected profit obtained using no strategy atall [38]. A Markov random field is an undirected graphicalmodel representing the joint distribution over a set of randomvariables, where vertices are variables, and edges representdependencies between variables. It is adopted in the contextof influence propagation by modelling only the final stateof the network at convergence as one large global set ofinterdependent random variables.

Kempe et al. [39] tackle roughly the same problem as aproblem in discrete optimization, obtaining provable approxi-mation guarantees in several preexisting models coming frommathematical sociology. In particular their work focuses ontwo fundamental propagation models, named Linear ThresholdModel (LT) and Independent Cascade Model (IC). In boththese models, at a given timestamp, each node is eitheractive (an adopter of the innovation, or a customer whichalready purchased the product) or inactive, and each node’stendency to become active increases monotonically as moreof its neighbors become active. An active node never becomesinactive again. Time unfolds deterministically in discrete steps.As time unfolds, more and more of neighbors of an inactivenode u become active, eventually making u become active, andu’s decision may in turn trigger further decisions by nodes towhich u is connected.

In the IC model, when a node v first becomes active, sayat time t, it is considered contagious. It has one chance ofinfluencing each inactive neighbor u with probability pv,u,independently of the history thus far. If the tentative succeeds,u becomes active at time t + 1. The probability pv,u, that canbe considered as the strength of the influence of v over u.

In the LT model, each node u is influenced by eachneighbor v according to a weight pv,u, such that the sumof incoming weights to u is no more than 1. Each node uchooses a threshold θu uniformly at random from [0, 1]. Atany timestamp t, if the total weight from the active neighborsof an inactive node u is at least θu, then u becomes active attimestamp t + 1.

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10 Feature Article: Influence Propagation in Social Networks: A Data Mining Perspective

In both the models, the process repeats until no new nodebecomes active. Given a propagation model m (e.g., IC orLT) and an initial seed set S ⊆ V , the expected numberof active nodes at the end of the process is the expected(influence) spread of S, denoted by σm(S). Then the influencemaximization problem is defined as follows: given a directedand edge-weighted social graph G = (V, E, p), a propagationmodel m, and a number k ≤ |V |, find a set S ⊆ V , |S| = k,such that σm(S) is maximum.

Under both the IC and LT propagation models, this problemis NP-hard [39]. Kempe et al., however, showed that thefunction σm(S) is monotone and submodular. Monotonicitysays as the set of activated nodes grows, the likelihoodof a node getting activated should not decrease. In otherwords, S ⊆ T implies σm(S) ≤ σm(T ). Submodularityintuitively says that the probability for an active node toactivate some inactive node u does not increase if morenodes have already attempted to activate u (u is, so to say,more “marketing saturated”). This is also called “the law ofdiminishing returns”. More precisely, σm(S∪{w})−σm(S) ≥σm(T ∪ {w})− σm(T ) whenever S ⊆ T .

Thanks to these two properties we can have a simple greedyalgorithm (see Algorithm 1), which provides an approximationguarantee. In fact, for any monotone submodular function fwith f(∅) = 0, the problem of finding a set S of size k suchthat f(S) is maximum, can be approximated to within a factorof (1 − 1/e) by the greedy algorithm, as shown in an oldresult by Nemhauser et al. [40]. This result carries over to theinfluence maximization problem [39], meaning that the seedset we produce by means of Algorithm 1 is guaranteed tohave an expected spread > 63% of the expected spread of theoptimal seed set.

Although simple, Algorithm 1 is computationally pro-hibitive. The complex step of the greedy algorithm is inline 3, where we select the node that provides the largestmarginal gain σm(S ∪ {v}) − σm(S) with respect to theexpected spread of the current seed set S. Indeed, computingthe expected spread of given set of nodes is #P-hard underboth the IC model [41], [13] and the LT model [42]. In theirpaper, Kempe et al. run Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of thepropagation model for sufficiently many times to obtain anaccurate estimate of the expected spread. In particular, theyshow that for any φ > 0, there is a δ > 0 such that by using(1 + δ)-approximate values of the expected spread, we obtaina (1−1/e−φ)-approximation for the influence maximizationproblem. However, running many propagation simulations(Kempe et al. report 10, 000 trials for each estimation in theirexperiments) is practically unfeasible on very large real-worldsocial networks. Therefore, following [39] many researchershave focussed on developing methods for improving the effi-ciency and scalability of influence maximization algorithms,as discussed next.

Leskovec et al. [43] study the propagation problem by adifferent perspective namely outbreak detection: how to selectnodes in a network in order to detect as quickly as possible thespread of a virus? They present a general methodology for nearoptimal sensor placement in these and related problems. Theyalso prove that the influence maximization problem of [39] is

Algorithm 1 Greedy alg. for influence maximization [39]Require: G, k, σm

Ensure: seed set S1: S ← ∅2: while |S| < k do3: u ← argmaxw∈V \S(σm(S ∪ {w})− σm(S));4: S ← S ∪ {u}

a special case of their more general problem definition. Byexploiting submodularity they develop an efficient algorithmbased on a “lazy-forward” optimization in selecting new seeds,achieving near optimal placements, while being 700 timesfaster than the simple greedy algorithm.

Regardless of this big improvement over the basic greedyalgorithm, their method still face serious scalability problemsas shown in [44]. In that paper, Chen et al. improve theefficiency of the greedy algorithm and propose new degreediscount heuristics that produce influence spread close to thatof the greedy algorithm but much more efficiently.

In their following work Chen et al. [41] propose scalableheuristics to estimate coverage of a set under the IC modelby considering Maximum Influence Paths (MIP). A MIPbetween a pair of nodes (v, u) is the path with the maximumpropagation probability from v to u. The idea is to restrict theinfluence propagation through the MIPs. Based on this, theauthors propose two models: maximum influence arborescence(MIA) model and its extension, the prefix excluding MIA(PMIA) model.

Very recently, Chen et al. [42] proposed a scalable heuristicfor the LT model. They observe that, while computing theexpected spread (or coverage) is #P-hard in general graphs,it can be computed in linear time in DAGs (directed acyclicgraphs). They exploit this property by constructing local DAGs(LDAG) for every node in the graph. A LDAG for user ucontains the nodes that have significant influence over u (morethan a given threshold θ). Based on this idea, they propose aheuristic called LDAG which provides close approximation toAlgorithm 1 and is highly scalable.


In most of the literature on influence maximization (asthe set of papers discussed above), the directed link-weightedsocial graph is assumed as input to the problem. Probably dueto the difficulties in finding real propagation traces, researchershave simply given for granted that we can learn the linksprobabilities (or weights) from some available past propaga-tion data, without addressing how to actually do that (withthe exception of few articles described in the next section).This way they have been able to just focus on developingalgorithms for the problem which takes the already-weightedgraph as input.

However, in order to run experiments, the edge influenceweights/probabilities are needed. Thus researches have oftenassumed some trivial model of links probabilities for theirexperiments. For instance, for the IC model often experimentsare conducted assuming uniform link probabilities (e.g., all

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Feature Article: Francesco Bonchi 11

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Fig. 1. The standard influence maximization process.

links have probability p = 0.01), or the trivalency (TV) modelwhere link probabilities are selected uniformly at random fromthe set {0.1, 0.01, 0.001}, or assuming the weighted cascade(WC) model, that is p(u, v) = 1/dv where dv represent thein-degree of v (see e.g., [39], [41]).

These experiments usually are aimed at showing that anewly proposed heuristic select a seed set S much moreefficiently than Algorithm 1, without losing too much in termsof expected spread achieved σm(S).

In a recent paper Goyal et al. [45] have compared thedifferent outcomes of the greedy Algorithm 1 under the ICmodel, when adopting different ways of assigning probabil-ities. In particular, they have compared the trivial modelsdiscussed above with influence probabilities learned from pastpropagation traces. This is done by means of two experimentson real-world datasets.

In the first experiment the overlap of the seed sets extractedunder the different settings is measured. In the second ex-periment, the log of past propagations is divided in trainingand test set, where the training set is used for learning theprobabilities. Then for each propagation in the test set, theset of users that are the first to participate in the propagationamong their friends, i.e., the set of “initiators” of the action, isconsidered as the seed set, and the actual spread, i.e., the sizeof the propagation in the test set, is what the various methodshave to predict.

The outcome of this experimentation is that: (i) the seedsets extracted under different probabilities settings are verydifferent (with empty or very small intersection) , and (ii)the method based on learned probabilities outperforms thetrivial methods of assigning probabilities in terms of accuracyin predicting the spread. The conclusion is hence that itis extremely important to exploit available past propagationtraces to learn the probabilities.

In Figure 1, we summarize the standard process followed ininfluence maximization making explicit the phase of learningthe link probabilities. The process starts with the (unweighted)social graph and a log of past action propagations that saywhen each user performed an action. The log is used to esti-mate influence probabilities among the nodes. This producesthe directed link-weighted graph which is then given as input

to the greedy algorithm to produce the seed set using MCsimulations.

We can consider the propagation log to be a relational tablewith schema (user ID, action ID, time). We say that anaction propagates from node u to node v whenever u and vare socially linked (have an edge in the social graph), and uperforms the action before v. In this case we can also assumethat u contributes in influencing v to perform that action. Fromthis perspective, an action propagation can be seen as a flow,i.e., a directed subgraph, over the underlying social network. Itis worth noting, that such a flow is a DAG: it is directed, eachnode can have zero or more parents, and cycles are impossibledue to the time constraint. Therefore, another way to considerthe propagation log is as a database (a set) of DAGs, whereeach DAG is an instance of the social graph.

In the rest of this article we will always consider the sameinput consisting of two pieces: (1) the social graph, and (2) thelog of past propagations. We will see how different problemsand approaches can be defined based on this input.


Saito et al. [46] were the first to study how to learn theprobabilities for the IC model from a set of past propagations.They neatly formalize the likelihood maximization problemand then apply Expectation Maximization (EM) to solve it.

However, their theoretical formulation has some limitationswhen it comes to practice. One main issue is that theyassume as input propagations that have the same shape asthey were generated by the IC model itself. This means thatan input propagation trace is a sequence of sets of usersD0, . . . , Dn, corresponding to the sets of users activated inthe corresponding discrete time steps of the IC propagation.Moreover for each node u ∈ Di it must exists a neighborv of u such that v ∈ Di−1. This is obviously not the casein real-world propagation traces, and some pre-processing isneeded to close this gap between the model and the real data(as discussed in [47], [45]).

Another practical limitation of the EM-based method isdiscussed by Goyal et al. [45]. Empirically they found that theseed nodes picked by the greedy algorithm – with the IC modeland probabilities learned with the EM-based method [46] –are all nodes which perform a very small number of actions,often just one action, and should not be considered as highinfluential nodes. For instance, Goyal et al. [45] report thatin one experiment the first seed selected is a node that in thepropagation traces appears only once, i.e., it performs only oneaction. But this action propagates to 20 of its neighbors. As aresult, the EM-based method ends up assigning probability 1.0to the edges from that node to all its 20 neighbors, making ita high influence node, so much influential that it results beingpicked as the first seed by the greedy algorithm. Obviously, inreality, such node cannot be considered as a highly influentialnode since its influence is not statistically significant.

Finally, another practical limit of the EM-based method isits scalability, as it needs to update the influence probabilityassociated to each edge in each iteration.

Goyal et al. also studied the problem of learning influenceprobabilities [48], but under a different model, i.e., an instance

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12 Feature Article: Influence Propagation in Social Networks: A Data Mining Perspective

of the General Threshold Model (or the equivalent GeneralCascade Model [39]). They extended this model by makinginfluence probabilities decay with time. Indeed it has beenobserved by various researchers in various domains and onreal data, that the probability of influence propagation decaysexponentially on time. This means that if u is going to re-doan action (e.g., re-tweet a post) of v, this is likely going tohappen shortly after v has performed the action, or never.

Goyal et al. [48] propose three classes of influence proba-bilities models. The first class of models assumes the influenceprobabilities are static and do not change with time. Thesecond class of models assumes they are continuous functionsof time. In the experiments it turns out that time-aware modelsare by far more accurate, but they are very expensive to learnon large data sets, because they are not incremental. Thus,the authors propose an approximation, known as DiscreteTime models, where the joint influence probabilities can becomputed incrementally and thus efficiently.

Their results give evidence that Discrete Time models areas accurate as continuous time ones, while being order ofmagnitude faster to compute, thus representing a good trade-off between accuracy and efficiency.

As the propagation log might be potentially huge, Goyalet al. pay particular attention in minimizing the number ofscans of the propagations needed. In particular, they devisealgorithms that can learn all the models in no more than twoscans.

In that work, factors such as the influenceability of a specificuser, or how influence-driven is a certain action are alsoinvestigated.

Finally, the authors show that their methods can also be usedto predict whether a user will perform an action and when withhigh accuracy, and the precision is higher for user which havean high influenceability score.


So far we have followed the standard approach to theinfluence maximization problem as depicted in Figure 1. Firstuse a log of past propagations to learn edge-wise influenceprobability, then recombine these probabilities together bymeans of a MC simulation, in order to estimate the expectedspread of a set of nodes.

Recently new approaches emerged trying to mine directlythe two pieces of input (the social graph and the propagationlog) in order to build a model of the influence spread of a setof nodes, avoiding the approach based on influence probabilitylearning and MC simulation.

Goyal et al. [45] take a different perspective on the defi-nition of the expected spread σm(S), which is the objectivefunction of the influence maximization problem. Note that boththe IC and LT models discussed previously are probabilisticin nature. In the IC model, coin flips decide whether an activenode will succeed in activating its peers. In the LT model itis the node threshold chosen uniformly at random, togetherwith the influence weights of active neighbors, that decideswhether a node becomes active.

Under both models, we can think of a propagation trace as apossible world, i.e., a possible outcome of a set of probabilistic

choices. Given a propagation model and a directed and edge-weighted social graph G = (V, E, p), let G denote the set ofall possible worlds. Independently of the model m chosen, theexpected spread σm(S) can be written as:

σm(S) =∑


Pr[X ] · σXm(S) (1)

where σXm(S) is the number of nodes reachable from S in the

possible world X . The number of possible worlds is clearlyexponential, thus the standard approach (MC simulations) is tosample a possible world X ∈ G, compute σX

m(S), and repeatuntil the number of sampled worlds is large enough.

We now rewrite Eq. (1), obtaining a different perspective.Let path(S, u) be an indicator random variable that is 1 ifthere exists a directed path from the set S to u and 0 otherwise.Moreover let pathX(S, u) denote the value of the randomvariable in a possible world X ∈ G. Then we have:

σXm(S) =


pathX(S, u) (2)

Substituting in (1) and rearranging the terms we have:

σm(S) =∑



Pr[X ] pathX(S, u) (3)

The value of a random variable averaged over all possibleworlds is, by definition, its expectation. Moreover the expecta-tion of an indicator random variable is simply the probabilityof the positive event.

σm(S) =∑


E[path(S, u)] =∑


Pr[path(S, u) = 1] (4)

That is, the expected spread of a set S is the sum over eachnode u ∈ V , of the probability of the node u getting activatedgiven that S is the initial seed set.

While the standard approach samples possible worlds fromthe perspective of Eq. (1), Goyal et al. [45] observe that realpropagation traces are similar to possible worlds, except theyare “real available worlds”. Thus they approach the compu-tation of influence spread from the perspective of Eq. (4), i.e.,estimate directly Pr[path(S, u) = 1] using the propagationtraces available in the propagation log.

In order to estimate Pr[path(S, u) = 1] using availablepropagation traces, it is natural to interpret such quantity asthe fraction of the actions initiated by S that propagated to u,given that S is the seed set. More precisely, we could estimatethis probability as

|{a ∈ A|initiate(a, S)& ∃t : (u, a, t) ∈ L}|

|{a ∈ A|initiate(a, S)}|

where L denotes the propagation log, and initiate(a, S) is trueiff S is precisely the set of initiators of action a. Unfortunately,this approach suffers from a sparsity issue which is intrinsicto the influence maximization problem.

Consider for instance a node x which is a very influentialuser for half of the network, and another node y which is avery influential user for the other half of the network. Theirunion {x, y} is likely to be a very good seed set, but wecan not estimate its spread by using the fraction of the actions

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containing {x, y}, because we might not have any propagationin the data with {x, y} as the actual seed set.

Summarizing, if we need to estimate Pr[path(S, u) = 1]for any set S and node u, we will need an enormous numberof propagation traces corresponding to various combinations,where each trace has as its initiator set precisely the requirednode set S. It is clearly impractical to find a real-world actionlog where this can be realized (unless somebody sets up a largescale human-based experiment, where many propagations arestarted with the desired seed sets). It should be noted thatthis sparsity issue, is also the reason why it is impractical tocompare two different influence maximization methods on thebasis of a ground truth.

To overcome this obstacle, the authors propose a “u-centric”perspective to the estimation of Pr[path(S, u) = 1]: they scanthe propagation log and each time they observe u performingan action they distribute “credits” to the possible influencers ofa node u, retracing backwards the propagation network. Thismodel is named “credit distribution” model.

Another direct mining approach, although totally differentfrom the credit distribution model, and not aimed at solvingthe influence maximization problem was proposed by Goyal etal. few years ago in [49], [50]. In these papers they proposea framework based on the discovery of frequent pattern ofinfluence, by mining the social graph and the propagationlog. The goal is to identify the “leaders” and their “tribes”of followers in a social network.

Inspired by frequent pattern mining and association rulesmining [51], Goyal et al., define the notion of leadershipbased on how frequently a user exhibits influential behavior.In particular a user u is considered leader w.r.t. an action aprovided u performed a and within a chosen time bound afteru performed a, a sufficient number of other users performeda. Moreover these other users must be reachable from u thuscapturing the role social ties may have played. If a user isfound to act as a leader for sufficiently many actions, then itis considered a leader.

A stronger notion of leadership might be based on requiringthat w.r.t. each of a class of actions of interest, the set ofinfluenced users are the same. To distinguish from the notionof leader above, Goyal et al. refer to this notion as tribe leader,meaning the user leads a fixed set of users (tribe) w.r.t. a setof actions. Clearly, tribe leaders are leaders but not vice versa.

Other constraints are added to the framework. The influenceemanating from some leaders may be “subsumed” by others.Therefore, in order to rule out such cases Goyal et al. introducethe concept of genuineness. Finally, similarly to associationrules mining, also the constraint of confidence is included inthe framework.

As observed before, the propagation log might potentiallybe very large, the algorithmic solution must always try tominimize the number of scans of the propagation log needed.This is fundamental to achieve efficiency. In both the “creditdistribution” model [45], and the “leaders and tribes” frame-work [49], [50], Goyal et al. develops algorithms that scan thepropagation log only once.


In this section we review another interesting problem de-fined over the same input: (1) the social graph, and (2) the logof past propagations.

Given these two pieces of input, assuming the IC propaga-tion model, and assuming to have learned the edge influenceprobabilities, Mathioudakis et al. [47] study the problem ofselecting the k most important links in the model, i.e., theset of k links that maximize the likelihood of the observedpropagations. Here k might be an input parameter specified bythe data analyst, or alternatively k might be set automaticallyfollowing common model-selection practice. Mathioudakis etal. show that the problem is NP-hard to approximate withinany multiplicative factor. However, they show that the problemcan be decomposed into a number of subproblems equal to thenumber of the nodes in the network, in particular by lookingfor a sparsification for the in-degree of each node. Thanks tothis observation they obtain a dynamic programming algorithmwhich delivers the optimal solution. Although exponential, thesearch space of this algorithm is typically much smaller thanthe brute force one, but still impracticable for graphs havingnodes with a large in-degree.

Therefore Mathioudakis et al. devise a greedy algorithmnamed SPINE (Sparsification of influence networks), thatachieves efficiency with little loss in quality.

SPINE is structured in two phases. During the first phaseit selects a set of arcs D0 that yields a log-likelihood largerthan −∞. This is done by means of a greedy approximationalgorithm for the Hitting Set NP-hard problem. Duringthe second phase, it greedily seeks a solution of maximumlog-likelihood, i.e., at each step the arc that offers the largestincrease in log-likelihood is added to the solution set.

The second phase has an approximation guarantee. In fact,while log-likelihood is negative, and not equal to zero for anempty solution, if we consider the gain in log-likelihood w.r.t.the base solution D0 as our objective function, and we seek asolution of size k − |D0|, then we have a monotone, positiveand submodular function g, having g(∅) = 0, for which wecan apply again the result of Nemhauser et al. [40]. Therefore,the solution returned by the SPINE algorithm is guaranteed tobe “close” to the optimal among the subnetworks that includethe set of arcs D0.

Sparsification is a fundamental operation that can havecountless applications. Its main feature is that by keepingonly the most important edges, it essentially highlights thebackbone of influence and information propagations in socialnetworks. Sparsifying separately different information topicscan help highlighting the different backbone of, e.g., sport orpolitics. Sparsification can be used for feed ranking [13], i.e.,ranking the most interesting feeds for a user. Using the back-bone as representative of a group of propagations, can be usedfor modeling and prototype-based clustering of propagations.Finally, as shown by Mathioudakis et al. [47], sparsificationcan be used as simple data-reduction pre-processing beforesolving the influence maximization problem. In particular, intheir experiments Mathioudakis et al. show that by applyingSPINE as preprocessor, and keeping only half of the links,

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Algorithm 1 can achieve essentially the same influence spreadσm that it would achieve on the whole network, while beingan order of magnitude faster.

Another similar problem is tackled by Gomez-Rodriguez etal. [52], [53], that assume that the propagations are known, butthe network is not. In particular, they assume that connectionsbetween nodes cannot be observed, and they use observedtraces of activity to infer a sparse, “hidden” network ofinformation diffusion.

Serrano et al. [54], as well as Foti et al. [55], focus onweighted networks and select edges that represent statisticallysignificant deviations with respect to a null model.


We have provided a brief, partial, and biased survey onthe topic of social influence and how it propagates in socialnetworks, mainly focussing on the problem of influence max-imization for viral marketing. We have emphasized that whilemost of the literature has been focussing only on the socialgraph, it is very important to exploit available traces of pastpropagations. Finally, we have highlighted the importance ofdevising clever algorithms to minimize the number of scansof the propagations log.

Although this topic has received a great deal of attention inthe last years, many problems remain more or less open.

Learning the strength of the influence exerted from a userof a social network on another user, is a relevant task whoseimportance goes beyond the mere influence maximizationprocess as depicted in Figure 1. Although some effort has beendevoted to investigating this problem (as partially reviewed inSection IV), there is still plenty of room for improving themodels and the algorithms for such a learning task.

One important aspect, only touched in [48] is to consider thedifferent levels of user influenceability, as well as the differentlevel of action virality, in the theory of viral marketing andinfluence propagation. Another extremely important factor isthe temporal dimension: nevertheless the role of time in viralmarketing is still largely (and surprisingly) unexplored.

We have seen that direct mining methods, as those onesdescribed in Section V, are promising both for what concernsthe accuracy and the efficiency in modeling the spread of socialinfluence. In the next years we expect to see more models ofthis kind.

In a recent paper, Bakshy et al. [19] challenge the vision ofword-of-mouth propagations that are driven disproportionatelyby a small number of key influencers. Instead they claimthat word-of-mouth diffusion can only be harnessed reliablyby targeting large numbers of potential influencers, therebycapturing average effects. From this perspective the “leadersand tribes” framework [49], [50] might be an appealing basicbrick to build more complex solutions (as it often happenswith frequent local patterns which are not very interestingper se, but that are very useful to build global models). Itwould be interesting to see how tribe leaders extracted withthe framework of [49], [50] perform when used as seed set inthe influence maximization process. Another appealing idea is

to use these small tribes as basic units to build larger com-munities, thus moving towards community detection based oninfluence/information propagation.

The influence maximization problem as defined by Kempeet al. [39] assumes that there is only one player introducingonly a product in the market. However, in the real world, ismore likely the case where multiple players are competingwith comparable products over the same market. Just thinkabout consumers technologies such as videogame consoles(X-Box Vs. Playstation) or reflex digital cameras (Canon Vs.Nikon): as the adoption of these consumers technologies is notfree, it is very unlikely that the average consumer will adoptboth competing products. Thus is makes sense to formulatethe influence maximization problem in terms of mutuallyexclusive and competitive products. While there are two papersthat have tackled this problem independently and concurrentlyin 2007 [56], [57], their contribution is mostly theoretical andleaves plenty of room for developing more concrete analysisand methods.

One important aspect largely left uncovered in the currentliterature is the fact that some people are more likely to buya product than others, e.g., teenagers are more likely to buyvideogames than seniors. Similarly, a user which is influentialw.r.t. classic rock music, is not very likely to be influentialfor what concerns techno music too. These considerationshighlight the need of, (1) methods that can take benefit ofadditional information associated to the nodes (the users) ofa social network (e.g., demographics, behavioral information),and (2), methods to incorporate topic modeling in the influenceanalysis. While some preliminary work in this direction exists[58], [18], [59], we believe that the synergy of topic modelingand influence analysis is still in its infancy, and we expect thisto become an hot research area in the next years.

Mining influence propagations data for applications such asviral marketing has non-trivial privacy issues. Studying the pri-vacy threats associated to these mining activities and devisingmethods respectful of the privacy of the social networks usersare important problems.

Finally, the main open challenge in our opinion is thatthe influence maximization problem, as defined by Kempe etal. [39] and as reviewed in this article, is still an ideal problem:how to make it actionable in the real world? Propagationmodels, e.g., the IC and LT models reviewed in Section II (butmany more exist in the literature), make many assumptions:which of these assumptions are more realistic and which areless? Which propagation model does better describe the real-world? We need to develop techniques and benchmarks forcomparing different propagation models and the associatedinfluence maximization methods on the basis of ground-truth.


I wish to thank Amit Goyal and Laks V. S. Lakshmananwhich are my main collaborators in the research on the topicof influence propagation and the co-authors of most of thepapers discussed in this article. I would also like to thankMichael Mathioudakis and my colleagues at Yahoo! ResearchBarcelona: Carlos Castillo, Aris Gionis, and Antti Ukkonen.

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I wish to thank Paolo Boldi for helpful discussions anddetailed comments on an earlier version of this manuscript.

Finally I would like to thank the chairs and organizers ofWI-IAT 2011 ( conference for invitingme to give a keynote, as well as the editors of the IEEE Intel-ligent Informatics Bulletin for inviting me to summarize thekeynote in this article. My research on influence propagation ispartially supported by the Spanish Centre for the Developmentof Industrial Technology under the CENIT program, projectCEN-20101037, “Social Media” (


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Feature Article: Luepol Pipanmaekaporn and Yuefeng Li 17

Mining a Data Reasoning Model for PersonalizedText Classification

Luepol Pipanmaekaporn∗ and Yuefeng Li†Computer Science Discipline, Faculty of Science and Technology

Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD 4001, AustraliaEmail: [email protected]∗ and [email protected]

Abstract—It is a big challenge to acquire correct user profilesfor personalized text classification since users may be unsurein providing their interests. Traditional approaches to userprofiling adopt machine learning (ML) to automatically discoverclassification knowledge from explicit user feedback in describingpersonal interests. However, the accuracy of ML-based methodscannot be significantly improved in many cases due to the termindependence assumption and uncertainties associated with them.

This paper presents a novel relevance feedback approach forpersonalized text classification. It basically applies data miningto discover knowledge from relevant and non-relevant text andconstraints specific knowledge by reasoning rules to eliminatesome conflicting information. We also developed a Dempster-Shafer (DS) approach as the means to utilise the specificknowledge to build high-quality data models for classification.The experimental results conducted on Reuters Corpus Volume1 and TREC topics support that the proposed technique achievesencouraging performance in comparing with the state-of-the-artrelevance feedback models.

Index Terms—Personalized text Classification, User Profiles,Relevance Feedback, Reasoning Model, and Data Mining


AS the vast amount of online information available causesinformation overloading, the demand for personalized

approaches for information access increases. One of the keytechniques for personalized information access is personalizedtext classification [1], [4], where a system is able to retrieveor filter contents according to personal interests [9]. As forpersonalization, a user profile is used to represent user interestsand perferences.

It is not uncommon that hand-coding user profiles is im-practical since users may be unsure of their interests or nothave any technical knowledge to describe their profile. It ishence preferable to directly learn classifiers from examples.A common user profiles acquiring approach is to explorerelevance feedback (RF). In particular, a user is given toexpress his/her opinions by deciding which documents arerelevant or non-relevant to the user. By using the explicitfeedback, machine learning (ML) techniques could be adoptedto learn a text classifier that represents the user interest [23],[24] or search intent [40]. For example, Rocchio [12], [20]and SVMs [13], [14] are two effective learning algorithms inthis literature.

Nevertheless, the performance of ML-based approaches toRF often cannot significantly improve. This is since the natureof ML techniques that require a large training set to achieve

good performance whereas in fact the number of feedbackdocuments given by a user is small. Furthermore, ML-basedapproaches typically deal with training documents with theterm independence assumption and ignore any syntactic andsemantic information of correlations between terms. As aresult, they may miss some useful terms that are added intouser profiling models [3], [6], [21].

Data mining (DM) based approaches to relevance feedbackhave recently given great interests [34], [35], [39]. Theseapproaches basically discover frequent patterns that capturefrequent terms and their relationships in text and consequentlyutilise the discovered patterns for constructing relevance mod-els. In [35], the authors adopted data mining to mine relevantdocuments in order to discover a set of sequential patterns.A document evaluation function is formed by those patternsto score new documents. A deploying method was proposed[34] to solve the problem of low-frequency occurrence ofpatterns in text. Instead of patterns, a weighted vector ofterms is generated by discovered patterns and used for buildingthe relevance model. Some deploying-based approaches (e.g.IPE [39]) attempt to improve the quality of relevance modelby using negative feedback. Although experimental resultsconducted on RCV1 data collection illustrate the usefulnessof frequent patterns for personalized text search, we believethat the existing approaches may not be able to obtain high-quality relevance feedback models. Firstly, these approachesfocus on building relevance models that use patterns, butignore the attempt to select a small set of high-quality patterns.Furthermore, it is still not clear how to effectively deal withthe result of pattern mining to improve the effectiveness ofrelevance feedback models.

Motivated by these issues, this paper presents a novelrelevance feedback approach for discovering user profilesfrom text using data mining and reasoning techniques. Inspecific terms, it discovers features (frequent patterns) fromrelevant and non-relevant text and constraints specific ones byreasoning rules to eliminate some conflicting information. Toconstruct the user profile model, we developed a Dempster-Shafer (DS) approach that allows to establish the connectionbetween patterns and terms. It also allows to incorporate theuncertain nature of text features (i.e., terms and patterns) formodelling user’s interests. The experimental results conductedon RCV1 and TREC text collections [22] support that thedata reasoning approach achieves encouraging performance ascompared to the state-of-the-art techniques.

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18 Feature Article: Mining a Data Reasoning Model for Personalized Text Classification


Paragraph Terms

dp1 t1 t2dp2 t3 t4 t6dp3 t3 t4 t5 t6dp4 t3 t4 t5 t6dp5 t1 t2 t6 t7dp6 t1 t2 t6 t7

In summary, our contributions include• We propose a novel relevance feedback approach for

personalized text categorization.• We analysis text patterns by observing their semantic

relationships and devising reasoning rules that investigatespecific patterns to describe user interests.

• We propose a novel method for constructing user profilesusing frequent patterns in text to improve performance oftext categorization.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2gives some basic definitions of frequent patterns in text. Insection 3, we provide a data mining framework for discoveringfeatures in relevant and non-relevant text. We also describea novel feature selection method based on the investigationof reasoning rules. Section 4 presents how Dempster-Shaferapproach facilitate the utilisation of the discovered patternsfor constructing the user profile model. Extensive experimentalresults are presented in Section 5 and related work is discussedin Section 6, following by conclusions in Section 7.


Let D be a training set of documents, including a set ofpositive (relevant) documents, D+, and a set of negative (irrel-evant) ones, D−. When splitting a document into paragraphs,a document d can also be represented by a set of paragraphsPS(d).

A. Frequent and Closed PatternsLet T = {t1, t2, . . . , tm} be a set of terms which are

extracted from D+. Given X be a set of terms (called atermset) in document d, coverset(X) denotes the covering setof X for d, which includes all paragraphs dp ∈ PS(d) whereX ⊆ dp, i.e., coverset(X) = {dp|dp ∈ PS(d), X ⊆ dp}.The absolute support of X is the number of occurrencesof X in PS(d) : supa(X) = |coverset(X)|. Therelativesupport of X is the fraction of the paragraphs that contain thepattern: supr(X) = |coverset(X)|

|PS(d)| . A termset X called frequentpattern if its supa (or supr) ≥ min sup, a minimum support.

Table I lists six paragraphs for a given document d, wherePS(d) = {dp1, dp2, . . . , dp6}, and duplicate terms are re-moved. Assume min sup = 3, ten frequent patterns wouldbe extracted as shown in Table II.

Given a set of paragraphs Y ⊆ PS(d), we can define itstermset, which satisfies

termset(Y ) = {t|∀dp ∈ Y ⇒ t ∈ dp}

By defining the closure of X as:

Cls(X) = termset(coverset(X))


Frequent Pattern Covering Set

{t3, t4, t6} {dp2, dp3, dp4}

{t3, t4} {dp2, dp3, dp4}

{t3, t6} {dp2, dp3, dp4}

{t4, t6} {dp2, dp3, dp4}

{t3} {dp2, dp3, dp4}

{t4} {dp2, dp3, dp4}

{t1, t2} {dp1, dp5, dp6}

{t1} {dp1, dp5, dp6}

{t2} {dp1, dp5, dp6}

{t6} {dp2, dp3, dp4, dp5, dp5}

a pattern (or termset) X is closed if and only if X = Cls(X).Let X be a closed pattern. We have

supa(X1) < supa(X) (1)

for all patterns X1 ⊃ X .

B. Closed Sequential PatternsA sequential pattern X =< t1, . . . , tr > (ti ∈ T ) is

an ordered list of terms, where its supr ≥ min sup. Asequence s1 =< x1, . . . , xi > is a sub-sequence of anothersequence s2 =< y1, . . . , yj >, denoted by s1 � s2, iff∃j1, . . . , ji such that 1 ≤ j1 < j2 . . . < ji ≤ j andx1 = yj1 , x2 = yj2 , . . . , xi = yji

. Given s1 � s2, we usuallysay s1 is a sub-pattern of s2, and s2 is a super-pattern of s1.To simplify the explanation, we refer to sequential patterns aspatterns.

As the same as those defined of normal patterns, we definethe absolute support and relative support for a pattern (an or-dered termset) X in d. We also denote the covering set of X ascoverset(X), which includes all paragraphs ps ∈ PS(d) suchthat X � ps, i.e., coverset(X) = {ps|ps ∈ PS(d), X � ps}.X is then called a frequentpattern if supr(X) ≥ min sup.By using Eq. (1), a frequent sequential pattern X is cloesdif not ∃ any super-pattern X1 of X such that supa(X1) =supa(X).

To improve the efficiency of finding all closed se-quential patterns from training documents, an algorithm,SPMining(D+, min sup), was introduced by [35]. The SP-Mining algorithm used well-known Apriori property to narrowdown the searching space.

C. Dempster-Shafer theoryDempster-Shafer (hereafter DS) [37] is a statistically based

technique for combining evidence. It can be considered ageneralization of Bayesian theory as it allows assignment ofprobability to uncertain events, offering a way to representignorance or uncertainty. A beneficial characteristic of DSis the ability to use partial knowledge over propositions andrepresent uncertainty as part of a modelling process. Recently,there are an increasing number of developments and applica-tions using DS approach. In particular, generalized evidencetheory [10], [18], Data Fusion [32], Machine Learning [7],[8], association rules mining [17], Information Retrieval [26],[30], Web mining models [15], [36].

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Feature Article: Luepol Pipanmaekaporn and Yuefeng Li 19

In general terms, DS deals with a finite set of exclusiveand exhaustive propositions, called the frame of discernment(denoted by Ω). All the subsets of Ω belong to the power setof Ω, denoted by 2Ω. A strength of subset of elements in Ωis given by the definition of a mass function m : 2Ω → [0, 1],which provides a measure of uncertainty, applied over all thesubsets of elements in the frame of discernment. The massfunction also satisfies the following properties:

(1) m(∅) = 0 and



m(A) = 1

DS provides a rule, known as the Dempster’s rule of combi-nation [25], for combining evidence, possibly originating fromdifferent sources of data (e.g. Sensors). The combination yieldsa probability mass assigned to a subset of Ω, given a subset ofpropositions A, characterized by a mass distribution m1 andsubset of propositions B, characterized by a mass distributionm2. The normalized version of the combination rule is thefollowing:

m1 ⊕m2(A) =

∑B∩C=A m1(B)m2(C)∑B∩C �=∅m1(B)m2(C)


for all A ∈ 2Ω, where m1 ⊕m2(A) denotes the combineevidence.

In the DS, probability masses applied over all the subsets ofelements in the frame of discernment can be used to infer themass for the single elements as the means to make decisions.The masses are represented by probability functions calledPignistic probabilities [27]. The pignistic probability is definedas:

BetP (A) =∑


|A ∩B|




for all subsets A ⊆ Ω. A shortcoming of DS is related tothe use of masses instead of probability measures and highinvolvements for users to explicitly provide values for the massfunctions.

A shortcoming of DS is related to the use of masses insteadof probability measures and difficulties in coming up withthese values for the mass functions [37].


Vector Space Model (VSM) is the popular choice forrepresenting information in text documents since it is efficientand effective for text processing. However, it fails to capturesemantic information which is often represented by relationsbetween terms (i.e., syntactic or semantic phrases). Findingphrases in text is related to mining frequent subsequences insequence collections. We hence apply data mining to discoveruseful features available in relevant text. Mining sequentialpatterns offers to generate both low-level features (terms) andhigh-level ones (phrases) in sentences or paragraphs w.r.t.frequency. They enjoy statistical properties since they arefrequent. Furthermore, many noisy patterns could be removedw.r.t. the minimum support constraint. We adopt SPMiningalgorithm [35] (also used in [34] [39]) to discover frequentsubsequences (hereafter patterns) in paragraphs of positive

documents D+. For all positive documents di ∈ D+, theSPMining algorithm finds a set of patterns based on a givenmin sup to obtain the following vector:

−→di = 〈(pi1 , fi1) , (pi2 , fi2) , . . . , (pim

, fim)〉 (4)

where pj in pair (pj , fj) denotes a pattern and fj is itsfrequency in di. The result of this algorithm is a set ofdocument vectors, which can be expressed as follows.

η ={−→

d1,−→d2, . . . ,



where n = |D+|.

A. A weighted combination operator

For each vector−→di ∈ η, the frequency of pattern can

imply the pattern’s significance in the context of document.As training documents may contain a pattern more than once,it is important to determine which patterns are significant inaspects of information use. However, existing data miningalgorithms usually exclude the local support information byonly considering their binary presence and absence in train-ing documents. As a result, they lose in the local pattern’ssignificance that may provide some insights. For example,considering two patterns p and q that occur 20 times and 2times in the same document with equal importance can beincorrect.

To achieve this, we apply the idea of data fusion to effec-tively combine multiple sets of patterns in different documentsinto a single one. In information retrieval, data fusion has beenused to combine results from different retrieval models, differ-ent document representations, different query representationsand so on, to improve effectiveness [30], [33].

We first define a score function ρi that assigns a score toa pattern pj based on its frequency in a document di as thefollowing equation:

ρi(pj) =




; pj ∈−→di

0 ; otherwise(5)

where fj denotes the absolute support value (Supa) ofpattern pj in document di. Given two score functions ρa andρb belonging to document da and db respectively, we define aweighted linear combination operator ⊕ to compose the twoscore functions into the combined score for pattern pj . Thisoperator can be found as the following equation:

ρa⊕ρb(pj) =1



wa × ρa(pj) + wb × ρb(pj) ; pj ∈−→da ∩


wa × ρa(pj) ; pj �∈−→db

wb × ρb(pj) ; pj �∈−→da

0 ; pj /∈−→da ∪


(6)where wa and wb be a user-defined weight associated with

document da and db respectively and K = wa + wb, whichis a weight normalisation. The weights reflect the importanceof feedback documents, which can be the document’s lengthor the degree of perceived relevance given by a user or IR

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20 Feature Article: Mining a Data Reasoning Model for Personalized Text Classification

system. If all the documents are equally weighted, then thecombined score of pattern is fairly averaged.

Let SP+ be a set of sequential patterns collected fromall the relevant training documents in a collection D+, i.e.,SP+ = Sp1 ∪ Sp2 ∪ · · · ∪ SP|D+| =


Spi. For eachpattern pj ∈ SP+, the score assigned to the pattern pj cancalculated by combining all the score functions of documentsin a document collection as the following equation:

ρc(pj) =



ρi =1



wi × ρi(pj) (7)

where ρc(pj) returns the combined support given to thepattern pj , wi is a weight associated with document di andK = w1 + w2 + · · · + w|D+|. Since we only know whichdocuments are positive or negative, but not which one is moreimportant, in this paper all training documents are equallytreated (i.e., 1).

B. From relevant features to specific featuresAlthough patterns provide highly detailed descriptors for

document representation, their large number of generatedpatterns may hinder their effective use. This is since many ofthese patterns are redundant and conflict. Adding such patternscan harm the classification accuracy due to the overfittingeffect; however, it is very difficult to identify which patternsare noisy since they depend on users’ perspectives for theirinformation needs [39].

To this end, we propose a novel method to detect andeliminate patterns that are conflict. The idea is to check whichpatterns have been used in the context of the non-relevantdata. We first define two kinds of errors: total conflict errorand partial conflict error.

Definition 1 (total conflcit). Given a pattern p ∈ R, pis called total conflict with a category R if ∃q ∈ R andtermset(p) ⊆ termset(q).

Definition 2 (partial conflcit). Given a pattern p ∈ R, pis called partial conflict with a category R if ∃q ∈ R andtermset(p) ∩ termset(q) �= ∅.

To apply this idea, we discover patterns from negativedocuments in D− and consequently fuse them into a singlecollection, defined as SP−, as we did in positive documents.Based on the above definitions, we identify all patterns inresponse to the following rules:

S+ = {p|p ∈ SP+, ∀q ∈ SP− ⇒ p �⊆ q}S− = {q|q ∈ SP−, ∃p ∈ SP+ ⇒ q ∩ p �= ∅}N = (SP+ ∪ SP−)− S+ − S−

where S+ ∩ S− ∩ N = ∅. SP+ and SP− are twocategories of patterns in the relevant and non-relevant datarespectively. For the relevant category, non-conflict patternscontain termsets that are specific to user’s interests or a userbecause they never overlap with any patterns from the non-relevant category while partial conflict ones are termsets thatshare a part with some of those patterns. All these patterns are

classified into S+. On the other hand, total conflict patterns inthe relevant category are classifed into N since they containtermsets that may frequently occur in the context of non-relevant data.

A collection S− consists of all conflict patterns in the non-relevant category. Such patterns are useful to identify noisyterms in the relevant data. Also, non-conflict patterns in thenon-relevant category is classified into N because they areirrelevant data.

Once patterns were classified, we store all patterns in S+

and S− and remove patterns contained in the collection N .


In this section, we describe our approach to construct theuser profile model by using the specific knowlege.

A. Mapping patterns to belief functionsThe initial user profile is first built based on two cate-

gory of patterns S+ and S−. Let Ω consists of n termsextracted from all patterns in the two pattern collections,i.e., Ω = {t1, t2, . . . , tn}. We define a set-valued mappingψ :: S+ ∪ S− → 2Ω to associate the relationship betweenpatterns and the term space in Ω to generate mass functions.

Based on this mapping, we define a mass function m+ :2Ω → [0, 1] on Ω, the set of terms, called positive massfunction, which satisfies

m+(A) =

{0 if A = ∅;


ρc({q|q∈S+,Γ(q)=B}), otherwise

(8)for all A ⊆ Ω, where ρc(p) returns the combined support

of pattern p obtained by Eq.(5) and B is a subset on Ω space.As we did in the positive data, patterns from non-relevant

data (i.e., S−) can be used to generate mass functions, definedas negative mass functions (m−(A)). A positive mass functionm+(A) represents the strength that supports set A, a set ofterms, whereas a negative mass function m−(A) means thecontrary.

Figure 1 illustrates an example of mapping knowledge(patterns) to mass functions on Ω space.

A main advantage of representing the discovered knowledgewith belief functions is that uncertainties associated with textfeatures (i.e., frequent terms and patterns) can be represented.

B. Weight assignment by belief functionsIn order to reason with the derived mass functions, we

present the new idea to assign weights of terms in the profilevector. The main advantage of the weight assignment methodis that it takes uncertainties represented by mass functions inestimating term weights.

For each term ti ∈ Ω, we first transfer positive massfunctions into a pignistic probability [28] as the followingfunctions:

Prm+(ti) =∑




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Feature Article: Luepol Pipanmaekaporn and Yuefeng Li 21

Fig. 1. An example of mass functions generated by discovered patterns

where A denotes a subset of elements in Ω and |A| isthe number of elements in A. The pignistic value representsthe expected probability assigned to single elements in theframe of discernment for betting [28]. In our case, we usethe resulting probability as the means to score terms in theprofile vector corresponding to their distribution in the termdependency data (i.e, positive and negative data). The highvalue assigned to a term represents the high importance of theterm in the underlying data. The pignisitic probability assignedto a term ti with negative mass functions can be estimated by

Prm−(ti) =∑∅�=A⊆Ω,ti∈A m−(A)/|A|.

Finally, the two probability functions are combined toestimate the weight of each term ti in the user profile Ω asthe following equation:

w(ti) =Prm+(ti)× (1− Prm−(ti))

1−min {Prm+(ti), P rm−(ti)}(10)

The term’s weight measures the term’s importance in respectto the user’s interests. When the pignistic value of a term givenby positive mass functions (Prm+(ti)) is high, the term tendsto be a good identifier for identify relevant documents. As aresult, the term weight value tends to be high. Conversely, thepignistic probability with negative mass functions (Prm−(ti))is supposed to be negatively correlated with the user’s topic ofinterest. When this value is high indicating that the term tendto be used in describing other topics, the important weightgiven to the term is reduced as a consequence.

A document evaluation function is built for the use of userprofile in document filtering. Given a new document d, therelevance score given to the document d can be calculated asthe following function:

R(d) =∑


tf(t)∑tj∈d tf(tj)

× support(t) (11)

where support(t) = w(t) if t ∈ Ω; otherwise support(t) =0 and tf(t) denotes the term frequency of term t in documentd.

It is easy to apply a threshold strategy to the documentevaluation function for making a binary decision, aiming to

predict the class labels of document d into relevant and non-relevant to a user. Given a threshold value ζ, if r(d) ≥ ζ thenthe document d is relevant; otherwise it is non-relevant. Thebest value of ζ can emperically estimated.


In this section, we evaluate the proposed approach. Weconduct experiments on RCV1 data collection and TRECtopics. We also discuss the testing environment includingthe data collection, baseline models, and evaluation methods.The data reasoning model (afterhere DRM) is a supervisedapproach that needs a training set including both positive(relevant) documents and negative (non-relevant) documentsfrom an individual user.

A. RCV1 data collection and TREC topicsReuter Corpus Volume 1 (RCV1) is used to test the ef-

fectiveness of the proposed model. RCV1 corpus consists ofall and only English language stories proposed by Reuter’sjournalists between August 20,1996, and August 19,1997, atotal of 806,791 documents that cover very large topics andinformation [22]. For each topic, some documents in RCV1data collection are divided into a training set and a testing set.TREC(2002) has developed and provided 50 assessor topicsfor the filtering track, aiming at building a robust filteringsystem [29]. The relevance judgements of documents in theassessor topics have been made by human assessors of theNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),i.e.,assessor topics. According to [29], the justification of enoughusing the 50 assessor topics for evaluating robust IF systemswas given. In this study, we use only the 50 assessor topicsfor performance evaluation in the proposed model.

All documents in RCV1 are marked in XML. To avoidbias in the experiments, all the meta-data information in thecollection have been ignored. The documents are treated asplain text documents by preprocessing the documents. Thetasks of removing stop-words according to a given stop-wordslist and stemming terms by applying the Porter Stemmingalgorithm are applied.

B. Baseline Models and SettingsWe group baseline models into two main categories. The

first category includes a number of data mining (DM) basedmethods for IF (i.e., PTM [35], PDS [34] and IPE [39] whilethe second category includes two effective machine learningmodels in text categorization and filtering (i.e. Rocchio [12]and SVM [13]). DM-based models were discussed in thesection Related work.

1) DM-based models:: Both PTM and PDS models useonly positive features (i.e, patterns for the case of PTM andterms for the case PDS) from training relevant documents togenerate user profiling models while IPE uses both positiveand negative features. For data mining models, the minimumsupport threshold (min sup) is an important parameter andis sensitive for a specified data set. We set min sup = 0.2(20% of number of paragraphs in a document) for all base-line models in the category (also DRM) since this value wasrecommended best for this data collection [34], [35], [39].

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22 Feature Article: Mining a Data Reasoning Model for Personalized Text Classification

2) Machine Learning based models:: The Rocchio algo-rithm has been widely adopted in text categorization and filter-ing [12], [24]. The Rocchio builds a Centroid for representinguser profiles. The centroid c of a topic can be generated asfollows:



−→d ∈D+


||−→d ||

− β1


−→d ∈D−


||−→d ||


where ||−→d || be normalized vector for document d. α and

β be a control parameter for the effect of relevant andnonrelevant data respectively. According to [5], [12], there aretwo recommendations for setting the two parameters: α = 16and β = 4; and α = β = 1.0. We have tested both accommo-dations on assessor topics and found the latter recommendationwas the best one. Therefore, we let α = β = 1.0.

SVM is a state-of-the-art classifier [13]. In our experiments,we used the linear kernel since it has been proved to be aspowerful as other kernels when tested on the Reuters-21578data colleciton for text classification [24]. We hence used thefollowing decision function in SVM:

h(x) = sign(w.x + b) =

{+1 if(w.x + b) > 0−1 otherwise

where x is the input object; b ∈ R is a threshold and w =∑l

i=1yiαixi for the given training data:(xi, yi), . . . , (xl, yl),

where xi ∈ Rn and yi = +1(−1), if document xi is labeledpositive (negative). αi ∈ R is the weight of the sample xi andsatisfies the constraint:

∀i : αi ≥ 0 andl∑


αiyi = 0 (13)

The SVM here is used to rank documents rather than tomake a binary decision, and it only uses terms based featuresextracted from training documents. For this purpose, thresholdb can be ignored. For the documents in a training set, weknow only what are positive (negative), but not which oneis important. We assign the same αi value (i.e., 1) to eachpositive document first, and then determine the same αi (i.e.,α′) value to each negative document based on the Eq. (11).Therefore, a testing documents d is scored by the functionr(d) = w.d where . means inner products; d is the term vectorof the testing document; and

w =




⎠ +




⎠ (14)

For each assessor topic, we choose 150 terms in the positivedocuments, based on tf*idf values for all ML-based methods.

C. ResultsThe effectiveness is determined by five different measures

commonly used in Information Retrieval (IR): The averageprecision of the top 20 documents (top − 20), F1 measure,Mean Average Precision (MAP), the break-even point (b/p),

and Interpolated Average Precision (IAP) on 11−points. Pre-cision (p), Recall (r), and F1 are calculated by the followingfunctions:

p =TP

TP + FP, r =


TP + FN, F1 =

2 ∗ p ∗ r

p + r

where TP is the number of documents the system correctlyidentifies as positives; FP is the number of documents thesystem falsely identifies as positives; FN is the number ofrelevant documents the system fails to identify. The larger atop−20, MAP, b/p, F1 measure score is, the better the systemperformance. 11−points measure is also used to compare theperformance of different systems by averaging precisions at11 standard recall values (i.e., recall = 0.0, 0.1,...,1.0).

DRM is firstly compared with all data mining based models.We also compare DRM with the state-of-the-art machinelearning based models underpinned by Rocchio and SVM foreach measuring variable over all the 50 assessing topics.



Model top-20 MAP b/p Fβ=1

DRM 0.549 0.484 0.470 0.466PTM (IPE) [39] 0.493 0.441 0.429 0.440PTM (PDS) [34] 0.496 0.444 0.430 0.439

PTM (Closed Seq. ptns) [35] 0.406 0.364 0.353 0.390%chg +11.35 +9.75 +9.55 +5.90



Model top-20 MAP b/p Fβ=1

DRM 0.549 0.484 0.470 0.466Rocchio [12] 0.474 0.431 0.420 0.430

SVM 0.453 0.408 0.421 0.409%chg +15.82% +12.29% +11.90% +8.37%

Fig. 2. Comparison results of DRM with all DM-based methods in IAP11−points

1) DRM vs data mining-based models: The results ofoverall comparisons between DRM and all DM based modelshave shown in Table III. The most important findings revealedin this table are that both PDS and IPE models outperforms

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Feature Article: Luepol Pipanmaekaporn and Yuefeng Li 23

Fig. 3. Comparison results of DRM with all ML-based methods in IAP11−points

PTM model over all the standard measures while the slightincrease in IPE as compared to PDS. The results support theeffective use of patterns in text for user profling.

We also compare DRM with IPE. As seen in Table III,DRM significantly incrases for all the evaluation measureswith +9.14% (max +11.35% on top − 20 and min +5.90%on F1) in percentage change on average over the standardmeasures. The encouraging improvments of DRM is alsoconsistent and significant on 11−points as shown in Figure1. The results illustrate the highlights of the DS approach toreduce uncertainties involved in estimating term weights.

2) DRM vs machine learning-based models: As shown inTable IV, both Rocchio and SVM models that are based onkeyword-based models perform over PTM model, exceptingfor PDS and IPE. This illustrates keywords remain the veryeffective concept for text retrieval. However, the results com-pared between the ML-based models and IPE (also PDS)support that patterns are much effective to select useful terms.

In comparisons with Rocchio and SVM, DRM performsbetter than Rocchio with +12.09% increasing in average (max+15.82% on top−20 and min +8.37% on F1). The excellentperformance of DRM is also obtained as compared to SVM.


The frequent pattern-based text classification has been ex-plored by many studies. Earlier approaches are related toassociative classification, such as ARC-BC [2], SPAM [11],and HARMONY [31], which mines predictive associationrules from a training collection of documents and builds arule-based text classifier. The results in [2], [38] showed thatARC-BC can perform well on ten most populated Reuters cat-egories as compared to well-known text classifiers, includingC4.5, Rocchio, Naive Bayes, excepting for SVMs. In [11],SPAM built by sequential patterns instead of frequent onesshowed that it outperformed SVMS in some text collections.HARMOMY [31] focuses on selecting the highest-confidencerules for each training instance to build the text classifier.The objective of our work is different because we are mainlyinterested in using frequent patterns to build a global modelfor text classification.

Recently, the focus was more on using frequent patterns toconstruct new features to improve the quality of text classifier.In [35], a centroid-based text classifier, called PTM, is builtby weighted sequential patterns discovered from a relevanttext collection. Instead of a full set of features, the closedset is applied to reduce the number of generated patterns. In[19], the authors focused to select top-k discriminative patternsfor each training instance from a set of size-1 and size-2frequent patterns to improve the quality of text classifier. Theexperimental results showed in [19] highlight the importanceof selecting a subset of high-quality patterns.

Nevertheless, the usefulness of frequent patterns is limitedby the fact that many mined patterns are never used, especiallylong patterns. A deploying method for the effective use ofpatterns in text was proposed in [34], called PDS. It builds aweighted vector of terms from a set of sequential patterns toscore new documents corresponding to a relevant category.The result in [16], [34] showed that PDS can largely im-prove the performance as compared with state-of-the-art textclassifiers. Some deploying-based approaches, i.e., IPE [39],focused to improve the classification accuracy by incorporatingnegative feedback to reduce the effect of noisy terms inrelevant documents.

Our work is different from the proposed approaches inthe following aspects: (1) we focus on selecting specificpatterns from sets of sequential patterns in relevant and non-relevant text collections that describe a target category, wheresuch patterns are investigated by specifying reasoning rules;and (2) we provide a new solution to deal with the set ofspecific features for text classification. It adopts Dempster-Shafer theory that allows to build the relationship betweenpatterns and terms in estimating weights of terms used in atext classifier.


The paper presents a data reasoning approach for Web userprofiling. We have presented a unified model for representingand reasoning about user preference data to construct a correctuser profile. We discover patterns from the user data and showhow to utilise the patterns for profile construction. We alsodeveloped a Dempster-Shafer approach as the means to reduceuncertainties included in text features. Many experiments areconducted on TREC standard text collections and comparethe proposed approach with the-state-of-the-art informationfiltering models. The experiment results illustrate that ourproposed approach can improve the system performance.

In the future direction, we are working on reasoning withrepresentations of co-occurrence relations patterns to improvethe performance of the data reasoning model.


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Feature Article: Animesh Adhikari, Lakhmi C. Jain and Sheela Ramanna

IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin December 2011 Vol.12 No.1


� Abstract — In many applications we need to synthesize global

patterns in multiple large databases, where the applications are independent of the characteristics of local patterns. Pipelined feedback technique (PFT) seems to be the most effective technique under the approach of local pattern analysis (LPA). The goal of this paper is to analyse the effect of database grouping on multi-database mining. For this purpose we design a database grouping algorithm. We introduce an approach of non-local pattern analysis (NLPA) by combining database grouping algorithm and pipelined feedback technique for multi-database mining. We propose to judge the effectiveness of non-local pattern analysis for multi-database mining. We conduct experiments on both real and synthetic databases. Experimental results show that the approach to non-local pattern analysis does not always improve the accuracy of mining global patterns in multiple databases.

Index Terms — Local pattern analysis, Multi-database mining, Non-local pattern analysis, Pipelined feedback technique, Synthesis of patterns


ULTI-database mining is strategically an essential area of data mining. This is because of the fact that in many

applications we need to process data from various sources [12], [13], [4], [8]. As a result, research in multi-database mining is gaining momentum [18], [20], [6]. In many situations data are collected from different regions across the globe. It might be possible to move data from one place to another place for some applications that are independent of the local properties of databases. The goal of this paper is to judge whether one could improve mining global patterns by sacrificing local properties of patterns in multi-databases. In an earlier work [7], we have shown that PFT improves the quality of global patterns significantly as compared to an existing technique [15], [17], [19], [5] that scans each database only once. In an effort to make further improvements, we introduce non-local pattern analysis for

Animesh Adhikari is with the Department of Computer Science, S P

Chowgule College, Goa, India (phone: 91-0832-2759504; fax: 91-0832-2759067; e-mail: [email protected]).

Lakhmi C. Jain is with the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes Campus, Australia (e-mail: [email protected]).

Sheela Ramanna is with the Department of Applied Computer Science, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Canada (e-mail: [email protected]).

multi-database mining and propose to study its effectiveness in synthesizing global patterns. There are two primary reasons for non-local pattern analysis (i) the local properties of patterns need not always to be preserved; (ii) the number of estimations of a pattern might get decreased.

Local pattern analysis [19], [5] is an important approach of mining multiple large databases. One could obtain reasonably good solutions for a large class of problems. In local pattern analysis, each local database is mined locally. Then every branch forwards the local pattern base to the central location. All the pattern bases are then processed for synthesizing global patterns in multiple databases. It is important to observe that the same pattern might not get reported from every local database. As a result, the local pattern analysis is an approximate method of mining multiple large databases. If we are able to amalgamate all the databases together then there is no difference between mono-database mining and multi-database mining. There might be different reasons in different contexts that prohibit us to amalgamate all the databases together [6]. The next question comes to our mind is that whether one could reduce the frequency of database mining. In this regard, there are two extreme cases of multi-database mining viz., mono-database mining and local pattern analysis. Mono-database mining is used when there is a possibility of clubbing all the local databases. But the latter is used when each local database requires mining locally. In the first case, the frequency of mining database is one. But the frequency of mining is equal to the number of local databases in case of local pattern analysis. In view of reducing the frequency of mining, one may need to group the databases and then each group of databases is mined separately. Moreover, when we group some databases, the databases in a group are mined together. Thus, the number of estimations of a pattern will be reduced. For the purpose of constructing groups we consider that the groups of databases are mutually exclusive and exhaustive. The mutually exclusiveness property ensures that a database belongs to only one of the different groups. On the other hand exhaustiveness property ensures that each database belongs to a group. We club all the databases in a group for the purpose of multi-database mining. In this arrangement one needs to estimate a pattern less number of times, but local properties of a pattern may not get restored. This may have a bearing on the quality of the global patterns. In this paper, we investigate whether such an arrangement of local databases enhances accuracy of the global patterns.

Grouping of databases seems to an important issue for discovering knowledge in multiple databases. Wu and Zhang.

Analysing Effect of Database Grouping on Multi-Database Mining

Animesh Adhikari, Lakhmi C. Jain, Sheela Ramanna


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December 2011 Vol.12 No.1 IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin

[16] have proposed a similarity measure sim1 to identify similar databases based on item similarity. The authors have designed a clustering algorithm based on measure sim1 to cluster databases for the purpose of selecting relevant databases. Such clustering is useful when the similarity is based on items in different databases. Item similarity measure sim1 might not be useful in many multi-database mining applications where clustering of databases is based on some other criteria. For example, if we are interested in the databases based on transaction similarity then the above measures might not be appropriate. We have designed an algorithm for database clustering based on transaction similarity [4]. For this purpose, we have proposed a similarity measure simi1 to cluster databases. One could group some objects based on an external criterion also. For example, the available main memory could pose a constraint in multi-database mining. It might be difficult to mine all the databases together when the databases are large. We will discuss later how the available main memory induces database grouping for the purpose of multi-database mining.

In an earlier work [7], we performed many experiments using different multi-database mining techniques (MDMTs). Experimental results have shown that PFT outperforms each of the existing techniques that scans a database only once. We introduce an approach of non-local pattern analysis based on PFT. For the purpose of completeness we present PFT in Section III.

Data mining applications based on multiple databases could be broadly categorized into two groups. The applications in the first group are based on patterns in individual databases. On the other hand, the second group of applications deals with the global patterns in multiple databases that are distributed in different geographical regions. Our goal is to study the effectiveness of non-local pattern analysis for mining global patterns in multiple databases. In many applications one may not have any restriction on moving a local database from one branch to another branch. Therefore, one could amalgamate a few branch databases and then mine a group of databases together. Then another group of databases could be formed and mined together, and so on. Finally, one could synthesize global patterns from the patterns in these groups of databases. We propose to study the effect of such grouping on synthesizing global patterns.

Rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we discuss related work. We present pipelined feedback technique in Section III. In Section IV, we introduce a non-local pattern analysis. We present a heuristic-based grouping algorithm in support of non-local pattern analysis. A discussion on finding the best grouping can be found in Section V. We present experimental results in Section VI.

II. RELATED WORK Zhang et al. [17] have proposed algorithm IdentifyExPattern

for identifying global exceptional patterns in multi-databases. Here every local database is mined separately at random order using mono-database mining technique for synthesizing global exceptional patterns. As a result, the synthesized global

patterns might deviate significantly from the true global patterns. We have proposed an algorithm Association-Rule-Synthesis [5] for synthesizing association rules in multiple real databases. This algorithm is useful for real databases, where the trend of the customers’ behaviour exhibited in one database is usually present in other databases. For synthesizing high frequency association rules, Wu and Zhang [15] have proposed RuleSynthesizing algorithm for synthesizing high frequency association rules in multiple databases. Based on the association rules in different databases, the authors have estimated weights of different databases. Let wi be the weight of the i-th database, i = 1, 2, …, n. Without any loss of generality, let the association rule r be extracted from the first m databases, for 1� m ≤ n. Actual support of r in Di, suppa(r, Di), has been assumed as 0, for i = m + 1, m + 2, …, n. Then the support of r in D has been synthesized as follows. supps(r, D) = w1 � suppa(r, D1) +…+ wm � suppa(r, Dm) (1) This method is an indirect approach and computationally expensive as compared to other techniques. Existing parallel mining techniques [2], [9] could also be used to deal with multiple large databases. In the context of pattern synthesis, Viswanath et al. [14] have proposed a novel pattern synthesizing method called partition based pattern synthesis which can generate an artificial training set of exponential order when compared with that of the given original training set.

III. PIPELINED FEEDBACK TECHNIQUE (PFT) For the purpose of completeness, we first present an

overview of PFT [7]. Consider a multi-branch organization that collects data from multiple local branches. Let Di be the database corresponding to the i-th branch, i = 1, 2, …, n. Also let LPBi be the local pattern base for Di, i = 1, 2, …, n. Also, let D be the union of all branch databases.

Let D1, D2, …, Dn be an arrangement of mining databases. First D1 is mined using a mono-database mining technique [3], [11], and local pattern base LPB1 is extracted. While mining D2, all the patterns in LPB1 are extracted irrespective of their values of interestingness measures such as minimum support and minimum confidence. Apart from these patterns, some new patterns that satisfy user-defined thresholds of interestingness are also extracted. In general, while mining Di all the patterns in Di-1 are extracted irrespective of their values of interestingness, and some new patterns that satisfy user-defined thresholds of interestingness are also extracted. Due to this nature of mining each database, the technique is called a feedback model. Thus, |LPBi-1| � |LPBi|, i = 2, 3, …, n. There are n! arrangements of pipelining for n databases. All the arrangements of databases might not produce the same mining result. If the number of local patterns increases, we get more accurate global patterns and a better analysis of local patterns. An arrangement of local databases would produce near optimal result if |LPBn| is maximal. Let size(Di) be the size of Di (in bytes), i = 1, 2, …, n. We shall follow the following rule of thumb regarding the arrangements of databases for the purpose of mining: The number of patterns in Di-1 is greater than or equal to the number of patterns in Di, if size(Di-1) � size(Di), i = 2, 3, …, n. For the

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IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin December 2011 Vol.12 No.1


purpose of increasing number of local patterns, Di-1 precedes Di in the pipelined arrangement of mining databases if size(Di-1) � size(Di), i = 2, 3, …, n. Finally, we analyze the patterns in LPB1, LPB2, …, LPBn for synthesizing global patterns, or analyzing local patterns.

Most of the databases are sparse. A pattern might not get reported from all the databases. However, once a pattern gets mined from a database, it also gets reported from the remaining databases in the pipeline. Thus, PFT improves the accuracy of multi-database mining. In the Section IV, we shall introduce an approach of non-local pattern analysis and we analyse its effectiveness in Section VI.

For synthesizing global patterns in D we discuss here a simple pattern synthesizing (SPS) algorithm with the help of itemset pattern in a database. Without any loss of generality, let the itemset X be extracted from the first m (≤ n) databases. Then synthesized support of X in D could be obtained as follows:

� � || ) ,( ||

1 ) ,(m

1 iiian

1 ii

s ��

�� DDXsuppD

DXsupp (2)

The accuracy of global pattern X increase as m approaches to n. The concepts of accuracy and error of a pattern are opposite to each other. When the error of a pattern increases, we say that its accuracy decreases, and vice-versa. We explain the concept of error in the following section.

A. Error Let D1, D2, …, Dn be n branch databases. Also, let size(D1) ≥

size(D2) ≥ … ≥ size(Dn). In PFT, the databases are mined according to the following order: D1, D2, …, Dn. An itemset X gets reported from some of the given databases. In PFT, once X is reported from one of the given databases, then it also gets mined from the remaining databases. Suppose X is reported first time from Dk at minimum support level , for 1 � k ≤ n. Then the error of mining X in D could be expressed as follows: Error (X, D) = |suppa(X, D) – suppe(X, D)| (3) where, suppa(X, D) and suppe(X, D) denote the actual (apriori) support [3] and the estimated support of X in D, respectively. The supports suppa(X, n

1k i �� Di) and suppe(X, n1k i �� Di) are

the same, since X gets reported from the databases Dk+1, Dk+2, …, and Dn at minimum support level . Thus, the error of mining X in D could be expressed as follows:

) ,( - ) ,(),(Error ik

1 ieik

1 ia DXsuppDXsuppDX �� (4)

As the value of k increases, the amount of error increases provided the method of estimating support remains the same. Therefore, if the itemset X gets mined early in the pipelined arrangement, then amount of error decreases. In other words, as the number of estimations reduces, the error of mining itemset X reduces. This is an important observation and has been applied to the proposed non-local pattern analysis. Let S be the set of all itemsets synthesized from D. Then the average error (AE) of the experiment could be defined as follows:




1 AE DXErrorS


Also, one could define maximum error (ME) of the experiment as follows: ME = maximum {Error (X, D)| X� S} (6)

IV. NON-LOCAL PATTERN ANALYSIS (NLPA) Consider a multi-branch organization that has n (≥ 2)

branches. Suppose that each branch maintains a database of all local transactions. The goal of this paper is to investigate whether one could improve multi-database mining by sacrificing local properties of the patterns. In view of this one could group databases induced by available main memory. Let k be the number of groups of databases. Different groups of databases are given as follows: {D11, D12, …, D1n 1 }, {D21,

D22, …, D2n 2 }, …, {Dk1, Dk2, …, Dkn k }, where Dij � {D1,

D2, …, Dn}, for j = 1, 2, …, ni; i = 1, 2, …, k; nn ik

1 i � ; ni ≥ 1. Afterwards each group of databases are amalgamated and mined. The crux of non-local pattern analysis is how to group the databases so that one could mine each group of databases effectively within the limited memory. We formulate the problem of grouping databases as follows.

A. Grouping Databases Multi-database mining could be performed by amalgamating

some local databases and mining them together. But the performance of data mining process seems to be constrained by size of the main memory. If the available main memory is less, it might take a longer time to accomplish the mining task. During the grouping process, we shall continue to club databases as long as main memory is available. Let be the optimum size of available main memory. Let size(D) be the size of database D. Then the problem of grouping databases can be stated as follows: We are given a set of numbers S = {size(D1), size (D2), …, size (Dn)}. Our objective is to find r subgroups S1, S2, … Sr, for some r ≥ 1, so that � �� �ij

n1 j

1-r1 i - i Dsize �� is a minimal, where

the following conditions are true. (i) )( ij

n1 j

i �� Dsize , for i = 1, 2, …, r, and Dij�{D1, D2, …, Dn} (ii) Si = {size(Di1), size(Di2), …, size(

iinD )}, and Si � S, i = 1, 2, …, r (iii) Si � Sj = � , � i � j, and r

1 i � Si = S

� �ijn

1 j - i Dsize� is the amount of unutilized space for the

i-th group, i = 1, 2, …, r. The goal of the grouping process is to reduce the total amount of unutilized spaces. In the next section, we propose a heuristic algorithm that utilizes main memory effectively.

B. An Heuristic Algorithm for Grouping Databases As the number of groups decreases, one needs to estimate a

global pattern fewer number of times. If the number of groups is one then all the patterns are exact and become true representative of the multiple databases. Given a limited amount of memory, it is important to group the databases so that it can fit best in the main memory. During the grouping

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process, if the larger databases are not considered at the early stage of grouping, then it could pose problems. As a result, the number of groups might increase. Smaller databases can be accommodated in a group easily, since their sizes are small. We apply this heuristic to design a grouping algorithm. Let us take an example to illustrate the grouping process. Example 1. Let N be the set of sizes of the given databases. Let N be {139, 29, 43, 152, 165, 74, 5, 120}. Also let be 200. First we sort the numbers in N in non-decreasing order. The ordered numbers are given as follows: 5, 29, 43, 74, 120, 139, 152, 165. The maximum size among the given databases is 165 bytes. First, we form a group with the database of size 165 bytes. Otherwise, it might cause producing a larger amount of unutilized space. Then along with the database of size 165 bytes, we club the database of size 29 bytes so that their sum 194 still remains less than or equal to 200. The database of size 29 bytes is obtained by searching the list from the right hand side. Any database of size in between 29 bytes and 165 bytes can not be clubbed with the database of size 165 bytes, since their sum would exceed 200 bytes. No more databases can be clubbed with them. Otherwise, their sum could exceed the available memory. In this case, the available memory is 200 bytes. As a result, the first group G1 = {165, 29} is formed with an unutilized space of 6 bytes. Now we consider the database of size 152 bytes, since it is the second maximum among the given database sizes. Proceeding in the same way, one could form the second group as G2 = {152, 43, 5} with an unutilized space of 0 byte. Then the next group G3 = {139} is formed with unutilized space of size 61 bytes. The final group is G4 = {120, 74} with unutilized space of 6 bytes. The total amount of unutilized spaces is equal to (6 + 0 + 61 + 6) bytes i.e., 73 bytes. Such grouping of databases might not be unique. For example, there exists another grouping of databases viz., {{152, 43, 5}, {165}, {139, 29}, {120, 74}}, that results in the same amount of unutilized spaces. � Lemma 1. Let be the optimum size of available main memory. Also, let Dij be a database in group Gi, for j = 1, 2, …, ni and i = 1, 2, …, r. Then the following grouping results in the same amount of unutilized spaces, provided |Gj| + |Dik| ≤ : G1, G2, …, Gi-1, Gi – {Dik}, Gi+1, …, Gj-1, Gj � {Dik}, Gj+1, …, Gr, for some i ≠ j. � Based on the procedure illustrated in Example 1, we present here a heuristic algorithm, Database-Grouping, as follows. procedure Database-Grouping (n, A, ) Input: n: number of databases A: array of database sizes : maximum available memory (in bytes) Output: k: number of groups G: two dimensional array representing different groups 01: sort A in non-decreasing order; 02: let k = 0; 03: for i = 1 to n do 04: allocation(i) = 0;

05: end for 06: let index = n; 07: while (index ≥ 1) do 08: let i = index; let sum = 0; let col = 1; 09: increment k by 1; 10: while (sum � ) and (i ≥ 1) do 11: if (sum + A(i) � ) and (allocation(i) = 0) then 12: sum = sum + A(i); allocation(i) = 1; 13: increment col by 1; G(k, col) = A(i); 14: end if 15: decrease i by 1; 16: end while 17: G(k, 1) = col-1; 18: let j = n; 19: while (allocation(j) ≠ 0) and (j ≥ 1) do 20: decrement j by 1; 21: end while 22: let index = j; 23: end while 24: for i = 1 to k do 25: display the members of the i-th group; 26: end for end procedure We explain here the different variables and parts of the above algorithm. The number of groups is returned through the variable k. Here G is a two dimensional matrix that stores the output groups. The i-th row of G stores the i-th output group, i = 1, 2, …, k. The first element of each row contains the number of elements in that group as noted in line 17. The subsequent elements are the database sizes in that group. The databases, whose sizes are kept in a group, are required to be clubbed for the purpose of mining. Initially, all the databases are unallocated (lines 03-05), since there exists no group. The database having a maximal size is allocated first in a group. Therefore, index variable gets initialized to n (line 06). The inner while-loop constructs a group of databases that are amalgamated afterwards for the purpose mining (lines 10-16). When a database is included in a group, the corresponding allocation tag is changed to 1 (line 12). Lines 18-22 help finding the next position (index) in the array A from which we start allocating the element for the next group. All the elements at the right side of current value of index are allocated to different groups.

Algorithm Database-Grouping forms k groups from the given databases, for some k ≤ n. Once the groups are formed, then we amalgamate the databases in each group for the purpose of mining. Accordingly, we have k amalgamated databases. We then follow pipelined feedback technique for mining these k databases.

The accuracy of synthesized patterns would depend on the sizes of the databases. In PFT, we mine first the database having the maximum size. It is expected that the database having the largest size would produce the maximum number of patterns. Further, PFT extracts all the previously extracted patterns irrespective of their interestingness values. Thus, it is always better to mine the largest database right at the beginning. The procedure Database-Grouping helps maximizing the database at every step by clubbing the databases. Moreover, it

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Feature Article: Animesh Adhikari, Lakhmi C. Jain and Sheela Ramanna

IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin December 2011 Vol.12 No.1


applies a heuristic approach while forming a group of databases.

In the context of mining time-stamped databases [8], Database-Grouping algorithm might play an important role. The time granularity of time-stamped databases is an important issue. Again, the time granularity would depend on an application. If time granularity is smaller, for example a month, then each of the monthly databases is expected to smaller. The procedure Database-Grouping would produce better grouping of databases. As a result, Database-Grouping algorithm is expected to produce good grouping when the size of each database is small. Lemma 2. Let n be number of databases and k be the number of groups returned by the Database-Grouping algorithm. The time complexity of the algorithm is O(n × k). Proof. For-loop in lines 3-5 takes O(n) time. The algorithm returns k groups. Therefore, the outer while-loop in lines 7-23 repeats k times. The inner while-loop in lines 10-16 could repeat O(n) times for each iteration of outer while-loop. Also, the while-loop in lines 19-21 could repeat n times for an iteration of outer while-loop. In lines 26-28, we display all the members in every group. Therefore, it takes O(n) time. Thus, the time complexity of the algorithm is maximum {O(n), O(n × k), O(n) }, i.e., O(n × k) time. �

C. Accuracy of mined patterns If all the branch databases are amalgamated and mined then

there is no difference between multi-database mining and mono-database mining. In this case a reported pattern is 100% accurate. But such situation may not exist always. Many branch databases could be very large. As a result the data mining process could consume unreasonable amount of time. In some cases it might not be possible to complete the data mining task. As a result a multi-database mining technique might report approximate patterns. An approximate pattern is not true representative pattern in multiple databases. In our earlier work [7], we have noted that the accuracy of a mined pattern using PFT is generally higher than that of any other existing technique. This is true because of the fact that once a pattern is reported from a branch database, it also gets reported from the databases mined afterwards. If we can increase the size of each group (Gi) as much as possible by amalgamating branch some databases (Dj), the experimental results have shown that the average accuracy of a mined pattern might not decrease, for i = 1, 2, …, r; j = 1, 2, …, n. As we increase the size of each Gi, we expect more patterns to be generated at each stage. Specifically, if a large number of patterns are reported at the initial stages of mining then the accuracy of those patterns, when synthesized globally, become higher. This is because of the fact that if a pattern is reported at any stage then it also gets reported subsequently due the application of feedback mechanism. Let us consider those patterns that are reported at the latter stages. These patterns might differ significantly from the actual global patterns. Therefore, the error of the experiment, AE and / or ME, might be more for non-local pattern analysis that that of PFT.

It might be appealing if one attaches depth of data mining with a mined pattern. We define depth of a pattern in multi-database mining as the fraction of total sizes of group

databases from which a pattern gets extracted to the total size of all databases. Let G1, G2, …, Gr be the group of databases mined sequentially. Let pattern p be reported first time from the k-th group i.e., Gk. If p is an itemset pattern, then one could report its depth along with its support [1]. Thus,

depth (p) = (|Gk| + |Gk+1| + … +|Gr|) / |D|, where (|G1| + |G2| + … +|Gr|) = |D|, 0 < depth (p) ≤ 1. Depth of a pattern represents the amount of data from which it has been extracted from a multi-database environment. If the depth of p is 1, then it is exact. One could discard a pattern if its depth is low.

V. AN OPTIMAL GROUPING OF DATABASES Let us refer to algorithm Database-Grouping presented in

Section IV. In most of the cases, it produces good grouping of databases. But it may not result in an optimal grouping for the purpose of multi-database mining. One could determine all possible groupings of databases at a given a set of databases and . Then one could find the amount of unutilized spaces for every grouping. In the worst case one needs O(n2) comparisons to form a group, where n is the number of databases. Thus, the worst case complexity of such optimal algorithm is O(n2 × k), where k is the number of groups. Such an algorithm might not be always attractive when a simpler algorithm like Database-Grouping produces an optimal result in the most of cases.

VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS We have carried out several experiments to study the

proposed approach of mining global patterns in multiple large databases. All the experiments have been implemented on a 2.8 GHz Pentium D dual core processor with 988 MB of memory using visual C++ (version 6.0) software. We present experimental results using synthetic dataset T10I4D100K [10] and two real datasets retail [10] and BMS-Web-Wiew-1 [10]. We present some characteristics of these datasets in Table I. Let NT, AFI, ALT, and NI be the number of transactions, average frequency of an item, average length of a transaction, and number of items in a database, respectively. Each of the above datasets is divided into 10 databases for purpose of conducting our experiments.


Dataset NT ALT AFT NI T10I4D100K 1,00,000 11.10 1276.12 870

retail 88,162 11.31 99.67 10,000 BMS-Web-Wiew-1 1,49,639 2.00 155.71 1,922

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DB NT size(DB) ALT AFI NI R0 1,000 36 9.52 5.11 1,000 R1 2,000 96 11.91 11.57 830 R2 3,000 143 11.72 16.22 862 R3 4,000 181 11.17 20.15 873 R4 8,000 358 11.10 4015 899 R5 10,000 473 11.49 49.82 1,097 R6 12,000 565 11.33 55.91 1,218 R7 14,000 634 10.76 58.34 1,311 R8 16,000 744 11.04 65.80 1,389 R9 18,162 922 11.89 77.87 1,500


DB NT size(DB) ALT AFI NT B0 1,000 10 2.0 5.13 195 B1 2,000 22 2.0 3.56 157 B2 3,000 35 2.0 5.01 77 B3 5,000 63 2.0 3.05 1637 B4 10,000 131 2.0 6.23 1605 B5 15,000 205 2.0 1500 10 B6 20,000 273 2.0 2000 10 B7 25,000 341 2.0 2500 10 B8 30,000 410 2.0 3000 10 B9 38,639 528 2.0 3863.8 10

We have generated these databases arbitrarily consisting of a good mix of small and large databases. The databases obtained from T10I4D100K, retail and BMS-Web-Wiew-1 are named as Ti, Ri, and Bi respectively, for i = 0, 1, …, 9 and subsequently referred to as input databases. Some characteristics of these input databases are presented in Tables II, III, and IV. Let NT be {40, 81, 119, 159, 323, 400, 483, 605, 807, 1,027}, the set of sizes of databases obtained from T10I4D100K. Let NR be {36, 96, 143, 181, 358, 473, 565, 634, 744, 922}, the set of sizes of databases obtained from retail. Also, let NB be {10, 22, 35, 63, 131, 205, 273, 341, 410, 528}, the set of sizes of databases obtained from BMS-Web-Wiew-1. In Table V, we present some outputs showing that the proposed non-local pattern analysis does not always improve accuracy of patterns in multiple large databases.


Dataset T10I4D100K retail BMS-Web-Wiew-1

Minimum support 0.045 0.15 0.075 Error type AE AE AE

MDMT: PFT + SPS 0.00451 0.00478 0.00206 MDMT: NLPA 0.00452 0.00499 0.00333

Error type ME ME ME MDMT: PFT + SPS 0.02411 0.01191 0.00702

MDMT: NLPA 0.02418 0.01270 0.00781 We apply Database-Grouping algorithm presented above. The choice of for each of the three databases is an important issue. The sizes of T10I4D100K, retail and BMS-Web-Wiew-1 are 3.83 MB, 3.97 MB, 1.97 MB respectively. Therefore, it might be possible to fit all the 10 databases in main memory for conducting experiments using each of the three datasets. But for the purpose of applying Database-Grouping algorithm one could consider as little more than the maximum size of the generated databases, and accordingly, we taken as 1,100 KB, 1,000 KB, and 700 KB for conducting experiments using datasets T10I4D100K, retail and BMS-Web-Wiew-1, respectively. The groups formed for above three datasets are given below: Group corresponding to T10I4D100K, GT = {{1027, 40}, {807, 159, 119}, {605, 483}, {400, 323, 81}} with the total amount of unutilized space is equal to (33 + 15 + 12 + 296) bytes i.e., 356 bytes. Group corresponding to retail, GR = {{922, 36}, {744, 181}, {634, 358}, {565, 143, 96}, {473}} with the total amount of unutilized space is equal to (42 + 75 + 8 + 196 + 527) bytes i.e., 848 bytes. Group corresponding to BMS-Web-Wiew-1, GB = {{528, 131, 35}, {410, 273, 10}, {341, 205, 63, 22}} with the total amount of unutilized space is equal to (6 + 7 + 69) bytes i.e., 82 bytes. Now we club the databases in each group for purpose of mining multi-databases. Let the databases generated for the first, second and third groups be DTi, i = 1, 2, 3, 4; DRj, j = 1,2, 3, 4, 5; and DTk, k = 1, 2, 3, respectively. We present the databases after grouping in Tables VI, VII and VIII.


Generated databases Databases to be clubbed

DT1 T9, T0 DT2 T8, T3, T2 DT3 T7, T6 DT4 T5, T4, T1

DB NT size(DB) ALT AFI NI T0 1,000 40 11.09 12.70 795 T1 2,000 81 11.18 24.43 834 T2 3,000 119 11.01 35.45 847 T3 4,000 159 11.01 46.84 855 T4 8,000 323 11.15 93.79 866 T5 10,000 400 11.05 115.93 867 T6 12,000 483 11.12 140.28 866 T7 15,000 605 11.13 175.24 867 T8 20,000 807 11.14 233.31 869 T9 25,000 1,027 11.07 290.38 867

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IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin December 2011 Vol.12 No.1



Generated databases Databases to be clubbed

DR1 R9, R0 DR2 R8, R3 DR3 R7, R4, DR4 R6, R2, R1 DR5 R5


Generated databases Databases to be clubbed

DB1 B9, B4, B2 DB2 B8, B6, B0 DB3 B7, B5, B3, B1

We have conducted experiments on the new databases by applying PFT and non-local pattern analysis. In Figs. 1, 2, and 3, we have presented results of AE with respect to minimum supports. Experimental results show that PFT reports more accurate global patterns than non-local pattern analysis in the most of the cases. Also, we observe that there no fixed trend of AE over the increased support values.

Fig. 1. Average error versus minimum support (for T10I4D100K)

Fig. 2. Average error versus minimum support (for retail)

Fig. 3. Average error versus minimum support (for BMS-Web-Wiew-1)

VII. CONCLUSION In this paper we have introduced non-local pattern analysis

for multi-database mining in an attempt to study its effectiveness in synthesizing global patterns. A database grouping algorithm induced by main memory constraint has been introduced to applying non-local pattern analysis. Main memory constraint is an illustration of a criterion used for database grouping. Apparently non-local pattern analysis looks to be attractive, since the frequency of data mining is less as compared to local pattern analysis. As a result one needs to estimate a pattern lesser number of times for the purpose of synthesizing the global pattern. The drawback of non-local pattern analysis is that the patterns reported only from the last few groups might contribute significantly to the error of the experiment. This is due to the fact that a pattern is assumed absent when it does not get reported. Therefore, a mined pattern needs to be associated with the amount of data that it represents. For this purpose we have defined depth of a pattern in multi-database mining. A pattern becomes useless if its depth is low. We have conducted several experiments on real and synthetic datasets. Experimental results show that non-local pattern analysis might not be a better technique than PFT.

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Editor: Ruili Wang

IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin December 2011 Vol.12 No.1


Not so long ago only a small proportion of the information generated by organizations – that stored in structured data sources like databases and spreadsheets – was accessible for systematic computer-based search, classification and analysis. The techniques and algorithms of data mining were developed to extract useful patterns and knowledge from these structured sources. Today, the explosive growth of the World-Wide-Web, and a parallel development of private intranets, means that a much greater amount of information is potentially available for search and analysis, in a wider variety of formats and encompassing structured, semi-structured and unstructured data, from organized tables to multi-media clips. The established techniques of data mining have proved insufficient for this task. Over the past decade, new techniques and algorithms have been developed which aim to discover useful information or knowledge from computer analysis of the hyperlink structures, page contents, and usage data

of Web resources. “Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data” by University of Illinois Professor Bing Liu provides an in-depth treatment of this field. In the introduction, Liu notes that to explore information mining on the Web, it is necessary to know data mining, which has been applied in many Web mining tasks. However, he points out that Web mining is not entirely an application of data mining. Due to the richness and diversity of information and other Web specific characteristics discussed above, Web mining has developed many of its own algorithms. One of the standout features of Liu’s book is that it encompasses both data mining and Web mining. The first half of his book outlines the major aspects of data mining which Liu lists as supervised learning (or classification), unsupervised learning (or clustering), association rule mining, and sequential pattern mining, and provides examples of how these techniques are used in Web mining. In the second half, the author focuses on specific web mining techniques. Based on the primary kinds of data used in the mining process, Liu categorizes these into three types: Web structure mining, Web content mining and Web usage mining. Web structure mining abstracts useful knowledge from the hyperlink structure of the Web, which search engines do to discover important Web pages. It is also possible to discover communities of users who share common interests. Liu points out that traditional data mining cannot perform such tasks because relational tables do not have link structures. Web content mining extracts useful information from the contents of Web pages, such as automatically classifying and clustering pages

according to their topics. These tasks are similar to those in traditional data mining. However, additional tasks can be performed such as mining customer reviews and forum postings to determine customer opinions which are not traditional data mining tasks. Web usage mining involves discovering user access patterns from Web usage logs, which record each user’s mouse clicks, and applying data mining algorithms to them. Summary of Chapters It is useful at this point to provide a summary of the chapter contents. As previously explained the book is divided into two main parts. Chapters 2-5 cover the major topics of data mining while the remaining chapters cover Web mining, including a chapter on Web search. Chapter 1 provides a brief history of the web and of web mining. It also provides a useful summary of the contents of the book and how to read it. Chapter 2 studies Association Rules and Sequential Patterns, which have been used in many Web mining tasks, especially in Web usage and content mining. Association rule mining finds sets of data items that occur together frequently. Sequential pattern mining finds sets of data items that occur together frequently in some sequences, and can be used to find regularities in the Web data. Supervised learning (Chapter 3), or classification, is frequently used in both practical data mining and Web mining. It aims to learn a classification function (called a classifier) from data that are labeled with pre-defined classes or categories. The resulting classifier is then applied to classify future data instances into these classes.

BY BING LIU– ISBN 978-3-642-19459-7

Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data

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Book Review: Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data

December 2011 Vol.12 No.1 IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin

In unsupervised learning (Chapter 4), the learning algorithm has to find the hidden structures or regularities in the data without any pre-defined classes, such as with clustering, which organizes data instances into groups or clusters according to their similarities (or differences). Chapter 5 explains the Partially Supervised Learning model replacing the large number of manually-labeled examples required for the supervised learning model with a small set of labeled examples (data instances) and a large set of unlabeled examples for learning. The section on web mining begins with Chapter 6 on Information Retrieval and Web Search. The vast scale of the web means that web search algorithms must not only be accurate but also efficient. Chapter 7 (Social Network Analysis) outlines how hyperlinks are exploited for efficient Web search including looking at Google’s hyperlink-based ranking algorithm, PageRank, which originated from social network analysis, and community finding algorithms which underpin social networking sites. In Chapter 8 examines the techniques of web crawling – traversing the Web’s hyperlink structure and locating pages linked by topic – which is usually the essential first step of Web mining or building a Web search engine In Chapter 9 (Structured Data Extraction: Wrapper Generation) data mining techniques are explored for

analyzing web pages based on structured data, possibly extracted from databases, to identify the underlying patterns and extract the data to provide value-added services such as comparative shopping. Information Integration (Chapter 10) involves matching and integrating information from different web sources, especially structured data, to provide consistent and coherent database. Chapter 11 (Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis) looks at techniques for analyzing and categorizing the huge amount of unstructured text on the Web to mine people’s opinions and sentiments expressed in product reviews, forum discussions and blogs. Finally, Chapter 12 on Web usage mining aims to study user clicks and their applications to e-commerce and business intelligence. The objective is to capture and model behavioral patterns and profiles of users who interact with a Web site to support recommender systems and other commercial applications. Conclusion Originally published in 2007, this revised and updated second edition is primarily intended as a textbook for an advanced computer science course. Each chapter has a reference section for future reading. In addition, a companion website at provides updates, lecture slides, implemented examples and other useful

teaching resources. Two chapters are mainly contributed by three other researchers Filippo Menczer, Bamshad Mobasher, and Olfa Nasraoui. Menczer contributed Chapter 8 on Web crawling, while Bamshad and Olfa wrote most of Chapter 12 on Web usage mining. The content of “Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data” is comprehensive and in-depth. While the book’s focus in web mining Liu recommends that students without a background in machine learning should not skip the sections on data mining. He also suggests that the early sections could provide the basis for an introductory data mining course, especially if integrated with the chapters on search engines and social networking which are of topical interest among students. THE BOOK: LIU, BING (2011) WEB DATA MINING, 2ND EDITION. 2011, XX, 622 P. ILLUS. SPRINGER. ISBN: 978-3-642-19459-7 ABOUT THE REVIEWER: RUSSELL JOHNSON School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Massey University, New Zealand. Contact him at: [email protected]

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Special issue on Advances in Web Intelligence

Stefan Rugera,∗∗, Vijay Raghavanb,∗, Irwin Kingc,∗, Jimmy Xiangji Huangd,∗

aKnowledge Media Institute, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, United KingdombThe Center for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, P.O. Box 44330, Lafayette, LA 70504-4330, USA

cDepartment of Computer Science & Engineering, 908 Ho Sing Hang Engineering Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong, SARdSchool of Information Technology, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3


We summarize the scientific papers of the special issue “Advances in Web Intelligence,”which will appear in the Neurocomputingjournal, Volume 76, Issue 1 (2012)- published by Elsevier. These papers are substantially extended from original contributions tothe Web Intelligence 2010 conference held in Toronto, Canada, in September 2010.

Keywords: special issue, web intelligence

1. Introduction

Web intelligence is commonly seen as a combination of ap-plied artificial intelligence and information technology in thecontext of the web with a view to study and characterize emerg-ing — or design new — products and services of the inter-net. The Web Intelligence conference, held every year be-tween 2001 and 2010 with the exception of 2002, has recog-nized these new directions and provides a scientific forum forresearchers and practitioners to further topics such as web intel-ligence foundations; world wide wisdom web (W4); web infor-mation retrieval and filtering; semantics and ontology engineer-ing; web mining and farming; social networks and ubiquitousintelligence; knowledge grids and grid intelligence; web agents;web services; intelligent human-web interaction; web supportsystems; intelligent e-technology; and other related areas.

Web Intelligence 2010 received 313 submissions, of which51 regular papers were accepted. The papers in this special is-sue reflect the trends at Web Intelligence 2010 and focus on par-ticularly strong contributions to the conference, of which we in-vited 16 to the special issue. These authors since then expandedtheir Web Intelligence 2010 contribution significantly for thebenefit of the Neurocomputing readership guided by an inde-pendent, critical peer review process that ultimately accepted9 submissions. The areas to which the papers of this specialissue contribute can broadly be characterized into content anal-ysis (Section 2), social media and network analysis (Section 3)and machine learning for web intelligence (Section 4).

2. Content analysis

The paper “Multimodal Representation, Indexing, Auto-mated Annotation and Retrieval of Image Collections via Non-negative Matrix Factorization” by Caicedo et al. proposes a

∗Guest editor∗∗Managing guest editor

novel method of analyzing and generating multimodal im-age representations that integrate both visual features in im-ages and their associated text information such as descriptions,comments, user ratings and tags. Experiments using Coreland Flickr data sets have demonstrated the advantage of non-negative matrix factorization with asymmetric multimodal rep-resentation over other approaches such as direct matching andsingular value decomposition.

Krestel and Fankhauser’s paper “Personalized Topic-BasedTag Recommendation” proposes an approach for personalizedtag recommendation that combines tags derived via the prob-abilistic model of a web resource with those obtained fromthe user. The paper investigates simple language models aswell as Latent Dirichlet Allocation as alternatives for model-ing the resource content. Experiments on a real world datasetshow that personalization improves tag recommendation, andthe proposed approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art approaches, such as FolkRank.

The next paper “On Optimization of Expertise Matching withVarious Constraints” by Tang et al. studies mechanisms of as-signing experts to a set of items such as submitted papers toa conference or to-be-reviewed products under constraints, forexample, that the overall workload of individual experts is bal-anced and that each item has a certain number of reviews by se-nior and less senior experts. The paper formulates the expertisematching problem in a general constraint-based optimizationframework that links the problem to a convex cost flow, whichpromises an optimal solution under various constraints. Tanget al. also propose an online matching algorithm that incorpo-rates immediate user feedback. Experimental results validatethe effectiveness of the proposed approach in the cases of re-viewer to conference paper assignment and teacher to courseassignment.

Reprinted from Neurocomputing, Vol 76, Issue 1 (2012), 48–49, Copyright (2012), with permission from Elsevier

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Special issue on Advances in Web Intelligence

Stefan Rugera,∗∗, Vijay Raghavanb,∗, Irwin Kingc,∗, Jimmy Xiangji Huangd,∗

aKnowledge Media Institute, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, United KingdombThe Center for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, P.O. Box 44330, Lafayette, LA 70504-4330, USA

cDepartment of Computer Science & Engineering, 908 Ho Sing Hang Engineering Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong, SARdSchool of Information Technology, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3


We summarize the scientific papers of the special issue “Advances in Web Intelligence,”which will appear in the Neurocomputingjournal, Volume 76, Issue 1 (2012)- published by Elsevier. These papers are substantially extended from original contributions to

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3. Social media and network analysis

The paper “Characteristics of Information Diffusion inBlogs, in Relation to Information Source Type” by Kazamaet al. introduces information diffusion properties to analyze thedynamics of blogs based on constructed subgraphs for informa-tion recommendation and ranking. The work focuses on threetypes of basic structures: information scattering, informationgathering, and information transmission structures. With theseinformation diffusion properties, the work is able to representvarious social media characteristics and provide priority to dif-ferent types of information sources.

“A Framework For Joint Community Detection Across Mul-tiple Related Networks” by Comar et al. utilizes non-negativematrix factorization that combines information from multiplenetworks in order to identify communities and learn the corre-spondences among these networks simultaneously. The methodhas shown good performance over other approaches such asnormalized cut and matrix factorization with experiments doneon both synthetic as well as real-world wikipedia and digg datasets.

Largillier and Peyronnet demonstrate in their paper “Web-spam Demotion: Low Complexity Node Aggregation Meth-ods” a mechanism to lower the ranking of webspam, which areundesirable web pages that were created with the sole purposeof influencing link-based ranking algorithms to promote a par-ticular target page. Webspam techniques evolve all the time,but almost inevitably they create a specific linking architec-ture around the target page to increase its rank. Largillier andPeyronnet study the effects of node aggregation of the well-known PageRank algorithm in presence of webspam. Theirlightweight node aggregation methods aim to construct clustersof nodes that can be considered as a sole node in the PageRankcomputation. Experimental results show the promise of the pre-sented webspam demotion approach.

4. Machine learning for web intelligence

Yan et al. propose in their paper “Semi-Supervised Dimen-sionality Reduction for Analyzing High-Dimensional Data withConstraints” a novel technique to address the problems of in-efficient learning and costly computation in coping with high-dimensional data. The approach, termed Dual Subspace Pro-jections, embeds high-dimensional data in an optimal low-dimensional space, which is learned with a few user-suppliedconstraints and the structure of input data. The method over-comes the model overfitting problem by simultaneously pre-serving both the structure of original high-dimensional dataand user-specified constraints. Experiments on real datasetsfrom multiple domains demonstrate that significant improve-ment in learning accuracy can be achieved via their dimension-ality reduction technique, even with only a few user-suppliedconstraints.

Ramirez et al.’s paper “Topic Model Validation” considersthe problem of performing external validation of the seman-tic coherence of topic models. Ramirez et al. generalize theFowlkes-Mallows index, a clustering validation metric, for the

case of overlapping partitions and multi-labeled collections ren-dering it suitable for assessing topic modeling algorithms. Theyalso propose probabilistic metrics inspired by the concepts ofrecall and precision and show how these can be applied to val-idate and compare other soft and overlapping clustering algo-rithms.

In their paper “Modeling and Predicting the Popularity ofOnline Contents with Cox Proportional Hazard RegressionModel”, Lee et al. propose a framework, which can be usedfor modeling and predicting the popularity of discussion fo-rum threads based on initial observations of how the threadevolves and the number of comments. The underlying approachis rooted in survival analysis, which models the survival timeuntil an event of a failure or death. Lee et al. model the life-time of discussion threads and the number of comments that thecontents receives, with a set of explanatory and externally ob-servable factors, using the Cox proportional hazard regressionmodel, which divides the distribution function of the popular-ity metric into two components: one which is explained by aset of observable factors, and another, a baseline survival distri-bution function, which integrates all the factors not taken intoaccount. The methodology is validated with two datasets thatwere crawled from two different discussion fora.


The guest editors wish to thank the Editor-in-Chief Tom Hes-kes for giving us the opportunity to present the Advances inWeb Intelligence; the reviewers, who have helped to select thevery best papers from Web Intelligence 2010 and gave valuablefeedback on the extended work in the papers of this special is-sue within a very short time-frame; the journal staff for a pro-fessional production; and, not least, the authors, who carry thisfield with much enthusiasm and scientific rigor.


Caicedo, J. C., BenAbdallah, J., Gonzalez, F. A., Nasraoui, O., 2012. Multi-modal representation, indexing, automated annotation and retrieval of imagecollections via non-negative matrix factorization. Neurocomputing 76 (1),50–60.

Comar, P. M., Tan, P.-N., Jain, A. K., 2012. A framework for joint communitydetection across multiple related networks. Neurocomputing 76 (1), 93–104.

Kazama, K., Imada, M., Kashiwagi, K., 2012. Characteristics of informationdiffusion in blogs, in relation to information source type. Neurocomputing76 (1), 84–92.

Krestel, R., Fankhauser, P., 2012. Personalized topic-based tag recommenda-tion. Neurocomputing 76 (1), 61–70.

Largillier, T., Peyronnet, S., 2012. Webspam demotion: Low complexity nodeaggregation methods. Neurocomputing 76 (1), 105–113.

Lee, J. G., Moon, S., Salamatian, K., 2012. Modeling and predicting the pop-ularity of online contents with cox proportional hazard regression model.Neurocomputing 76 (1), 134–145.

Ramirez, E. H., Brena, R., Magatti, D., Stella, F., 2012. Topic model validation.Neurocomputing 76 (1), 125–133.

Tang, W., Tang, J., Lei, T., Tan, C., Gao, B., Li, T., 2012. On optimization ofexpertise matching with various constraints. Neurocomputing 76 (1), 71–83.

Yan, S., Bouaziz, S., Lee, D., Barlow, J., 2012. Semi-supervised dimensionalityreduction for analyzing high-dimensional data with constraints. Neurocom-puting 76 (1), 114–124.

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IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin December 2011 Vol.12 No.1




Macau, China December 4- 7, 2012

World Intelligence Congress 2012 is being organized/sponsored by the Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC), the IEEE-CS Technical Committee on Intelligent Informatics (TCII), the IEEE-CIS Task Force on Brain Informatics and ACM SIGART as a special event of the Alan Turing Year (Centenary of Alan Turing’s birth) in 2012. The congress includes five intelligent informatics related conferences co-located with the aim to facilitate interactions and idea exchange among researchers working on a variety of focused themes under a holistic vision for computing and intelligence in the post WWW era, and to promote and expedite new innovations for areas under intelligent informatics.

WI 2012 The 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International

Conference on Web Intelligence

Web Intelligence (WI) explores the fundamental roles, interactions as well as practical impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) engineering and advanced information technology on the next generation of Web systems. Here AI-engineering is a general term that refers to a new area, slightly beyond traditional AI: brain informatics, human level AI, intelligent agents, social network intelligence and classical areas such as knowledge engineering, representation, planning, discovery and data mining are examples. Advanced information technology includes wireless networks, ubiquitous devices, social networks, and data/knowledge grids, as well as cloud computing, service oriented architecture.

IAT 2012 The 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International

Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology

IAT 2012 will provide a leading international forum to bring together researchers and practitioners from diverse fields, such as computer science, information technology, business, education, human factors, systems engineering, and robotics, to (1) examine the design principles and performance characteristics of various approaches in intelligent agent technology, and (2) increase the cross fertilization of ideas on the development of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems among different domains. By encouraging idea-sharing and discussions on the underlying logical, cognitive, physical, and sociological foundations as well as the enabling technologies of intelligent agents, IAT 2012 will foster the development of novel paradigms and advanced solutions in agent and multi-agent based computing.

AMT 2012 The 2012 International Conference on

Active Media Technology

The rapid scientific and technological developments in human-centric, seamless interfaces, devices, connections, mobility, computing resources, computing environments and systems with their applications ranging from business and communication to entertainment and learning are collectively best characterized as Active Media Technology (AMT). AMT is a new area of intelligent information technology and computer science that emphasizes the proactive, seamless roles of interfaces, connections, and systems as well as new media in all aspects of digital life. An AMT based system offers active and transparent services to enable the rapid design, implementation and support of customized solutions. The first International Conference on Active Media Technology (AMT 2001) was held in Hong Kong in 2001. After 10 years went around the world, AMT 2012 will be held in conjunction with other 4 conferences in Macau where is very close to Hong Kong.

BI 2012 The 2012 International Conference on Brain


BI 2012 provides a leading international forum to bring together researchers and practitioners that explore the interplay between the studies of human brain and the research of informatics in diverse fields, such as computer science, information technology, artificial intelligence, Web intelligence, cognitive science, neuroscience, medical science, life science, economics, data mining, data and knowledge engineering, intelligent agent technology, human computer interaction, complex systems, and system science. On the one hand, studies on human brain model and characterize the functions of the human brain based on the notions of information processing systems. On the other hand, informatics-enabled brain studies, e.g., based on fMRI, EEG, MEG significantly broaden the spectrum of theories and models of brain sciences and offer new insights into the development of human-level intelligence. Web Intelligence centric information technologies are applied to support brain science studies. For instance, the wisdom Web and knowledge grids enable high-speed, large-scale analysis, simulation, and computation as well as new ways of sharing research data and scientific discoveries.

ISMIS 2012 The 20th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems

International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems is an established and prestigious conference for exchanging the latest research results in building intelligent systems. Held twice every three years, the conference provides a medium for exchanging scientific research and technological achievements accomplished by the international community. The 20th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems - ISMIS 2012 is intended to attract individuals who are actively engaged both in theoretical and practical aspects of intelligent systems. The goal is to provide a platform for a useful exchange between theoreticians and

TCII Sponsored Conferences

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38 Editor: Xin Li

December 2011 Vol.12 No.1 IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin

practitioners, and to foster the cross-fertilization of ideas in the following areas (but are not limited to): active media, human-computer interaction, autonomic and evolutionary computation, digital libraries, intelligent agent technology, intelligent information retrieval, intelligent information systems, intelligent language processing, knowledge representation and integration, knowledge discovery and data mining, knowledge visualization, logic for artificial intelligence, music information retrieval, soft computing, text mining, web intelligence, web mining, web services, social computing, and recommender Systems.


ICDM 2012 The Twelfth IEEE International Conference

on Data Mining Brussels, Belgium

December 10-13, 2012

The IEEE International Conference on Data Mining series (ICDM) has established itself as the world's premier research conference in data mining. It provides an international forum for presentation of original research results, as well as exchange and dissemination of innovative, practical development experiences. The conference covers all aspects of data mining, including algorithms, software and systems, and applications. In addition, ICDM draws researchers and application developers from a wide range of data mining related areas such as statistics, machine learning, pattern recognition, databases and data warehousing, data visualization, knowledge-based systems, and high performance computing. By promoting novel, high quality research findings, and innovative solutions to challenging data mining problems, the conference seeks to continuously advance the state-of-the-art in data mining. Besides the technical program, the conference features workshops, tutorials, panels and, since 2007, the ICDM data mining contest.

Topics related to the design, analysis and implementation of data mining theory, systems and applications are of interest. These include, but are not limited to the following areas: data mining foundations, mining in emerging domains, methodological aspects and the KDD process, and integrated KDD applications, systems, and experiences. A detailed listing of specific topics can be found at the conference website.


BIBM 2011 IEEE International Conference on

Bioinformatics & Biomedicine Atlanta, Georgia, USA November 12-15, 2011

IEEE BIBM 2011 will provide a general forum for disseminating the latest research in bioinformatics and biomedicine. It is a multidisciplinary conference that brings together academic and industrial scientists from computer science, biology, chemistry, medicine, mathematics and statistics. BIBM will exchange research results and address open issues in all aspects of bioinformatics and biomedicine and provide a forum for the presentation of work in databases, algorithms, interfaces, visualization, modeling, simulation, ontology and other computational methods, as applied to life science problems, with emphasis on applications in high throughput data-rich areas in biology, biomedical engineering. IEEE BIBM 2011 intends to attract a balanced combination of computer scientists, biologists, biomedical engineers, chemist, data analyzer, statistician.


ICTAI 2012 The Twenty-fourth IEEE International

Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence

Boca Raton USA October 1-3, 2012

The annual IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI) provides a major international forum where the creation and exchange of ideas related to artificial intelligence are fostered among academia, industry, and government agencies. The conference facilitates the cross-fertilization of these ideas and promotes their transfer into practical tools, for developing intelligent systems and pursuing artificial intelligence applications. The ICTAI encompasses all technical aspects of specifying, developing and evaluating the theoretical underpinnings and applied mechanisms of the AI based components of computer tools (i.e. algorithms, architectures and languages).

AAMAS 2012 The Eleventh International Conference on

Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems

Valencia, Spain June 4- 8, 2012

The AAMAS conference series was initiated in 2002 in Bologna, Italy as a joint event comprising the 6th International Conference on Autonomous Agents (AA), the 5th International Conference on Multiagent Systems (ICMAS), and the 9th International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages (ATAL). Subsequent AAMAS conferences have been held in Melbourne, Australia (July 2003), New York City, NY, USA (July 2004), Utrecht, The Netherlands (July 2005), Hakodate, Japan (May 2006), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (May 2007), Estoril, Portugal (May 2008), Budapest, Hungary (May 2009), Toronto, Canada (May 2010), Taipei, Taiwan (May 2011). AAMAS 2012 will be held in June in Valencia, Spain.

AAMAS is the largest and most influential conference in the area of agents and multiagent systems, the aim of the conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners in all areas of agent technology and to provide a single, high-profile, internationally renowned forum for research in the theory and practice of autonomous agents and multiagent systems.


AAAI 2012 The Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on

Artificial Intelligence Toronto, Ontario, Canada

July 22-26, 2012

The Twenty-Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2012) will be held in will be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at the Sheraton Centre Toronto, from July 22–26, 2012. The purpose of the AAAI 2012 conference is to promote research in AI and scientific exchange among AI researchers, practitioners, scientists, and engineers in related disciplines. Details about the AAAI 2012 program will be published on as they become available.

Related Conferences

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SDM 2012 The Twelfth SIAM International Conference

on Data MiningAnaheim, California, USA

April 26- 28, 2012

Data mining is an important tool in science, engineering, industrial processes, healthcare, business, and medicine. The datasets in these fields are large, complex, and often noisy. Extracting knowledge requires the use of sophisticated, high-performance and principled analysis techniques and algorithms, based on sound theoretical and statistical foundations. These techniques in turn require powerful visualization technologies; implementations

that must be carefully tuned for performance; software systems that are usable by scientists, engineers, and physicians as well as researchers; and infrastructures that support them.

This conference provides a venue for researchers who are addressing these problems to present their work in a peer-reviewed forum. It also provides an ideal setting for graduate students and others new to the field to learn about cutting-edge research by hearing outstanding invited speakers and attending tutorials (included with conference registration). A set of focused workshops are also held on the last day of the conference. The proceedings of the conference are published in archival form, and are also made available on the SIAM web site.


IJCAI 2013 The Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Beijing, China August 5-9, 2013

The Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI 2013 will be held in Beijing, China, August 5-9, 2013. Submissions are invited on significant, original, and previously unpublished research on all aspects of artificial intelligence. Details about the IJCAI 2013 program will be published on as they become available.

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