Page 1: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White

The Immediate Effect of Crossine

Varieties of 'orn dn Size of Seed Produced. ----- -- --- -- --- -- --- -----A Ti SIS PRESENTED TO THE GR.ADU .. TE UO~!t.TITTEE OF TttE VL_GINIA


Thomas Kennerly Wolfe, B. s. ""[ay 1915.

Page 2: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White


I. Introduction.

11. 3tatement of Problem.

III. Materials and Methods Used.

IV. Description of the LJars.

V. Results.

VI. Discussion.

VII. Conclusions.

Page 3: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White



I ntroCluction .

It has been the seneral opin~on that the immediate ef-

feet of crossing varieties of cJrn is to increase the yield .

Corn differs fron most other plants in that the effoct of cross-

ing oay be seen the current yeCJ.r cllle to the hybriaization of the

end~sperm as well as the embryo .

~here have been many experi~entc to prove that cross

breedine cJrn increases the yield. Collins1 found when pollen

was mixed and used to pollinate the same ear that t nere w~s an

increaoe of the c rossed seed over the uncroBsed , varying froQ

3 to 21 per cent. I n an ezperiment at the Vir~inia Experiment 2 ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t ~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-

feet was to incre&se the yield . When different strains of Boone

aunty White were crossed there was an increase of 31 . 7%. Col -

lins3 also fJund that the immediate effect was to increhse the 4 yield. llcCluer shows that yields obtained fron planting c1ossed

seed were more important than those of the immediate cross. Uont -5 gomery finds that corn is restored at once to its full vigor by

crosslng, but the yield seems to decrease in the second genera-6

ti~n . Hattley found th~t cross 9ollinated seed proved 20% more

productlve than either parent .

Owin~ to Jendelian splltting, it cannot be e~pected ~~

tnut the yield. of hybrid"'\"'.rill continue to increase in future zen-

erations , therefore , it ls best to cross corn every year fJr next

year ' s ple1Ht in;5 , that L-) , :progeny from the aame cross should not

be used for more than Jne ~eneration.

Page 4: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White

- 2-

Statement bf ?toblem.

Ti.le :purpose of this experiment is to determine the imr.:ediate

effect of crossing varieties of corn on the size of the seed pro-

duccd ana to determine whether thi~ oeth~d of cross pollination

is advisaole from a practical standpoint . Mixed pJllen was uGed -«.~ to pollinate eac~ so as to ' eliminate error as far as 11ossible .

Material and Ifothocls Used_ .

Eight varieties of corn were used in this work : namely ,

Collier 1 s E1::celsior , ' s Pun~ Bred , -300110 C~:mnty Special , Col,...,

um::,ian Boaut27 , 11ickory King , Gold Standard , Improved Golden Dent,

and Im_Drovec1 LeaL'.1ing . I1he firnt five fare vrhi te dents and the last

three yellow dents . Due tJ the dominance of yellow over white and

double fertilization in maize , called xenia , ~hon white corn is

crossea yJi th pollen from .a ;Tell ow variety , the ,:;rellovr color a~Ypoars white

t he current year . Thus in each case when both/and yellow pollen

are used , we can detect the crossed seed .

I n crossinB yellow varieties with pJllen from white var-

icties, at least in sane varieties , the yel l ow color is diluted a&d

the kern~ls produced leave a paler cJlor than those fertilized wlfu

pollen from a yellow variety.

In making the c rosses , paraffinAd mani i a paper bags were

used for covering tassels and silks. The ears were bagged before

or as s,rn.n as the silks &.p:;), ana the tassels bagged before

any of the pollen had begun t:i shed ..

The ears were pollinated when the silks were aoout three

inches long and the pollinatiofl was repeatea in one to three days

afterV'lards . Jlach e&.r w- . s po11inc..ted with pJllen from an·Jther

plant of the sar;ie variAty as v;eJl as pollen from the VF..,rj ety to

be crossed on it , the pollen bein~ mixed in application. The

Page 5: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White


bags were left on the ears until all d~ng0r of ollination was


t.J:he crosses obt:iined are E'j ven .i.n tne descri ti on of

the ears and in the tbbles.

Page 6: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White


Descri )t_i_op __ of .Jars.

Hickor~r ing (white dent) - Im11rovea_ Lea~:iing

(yellov dent). Grains shallJw, characteristic Hickory hing type;

evitence of cross in ~olor. Length, 6i inches; circumJ eren·e,

6 inches; dia~eter, 2 inches. Number of crossed prGins , 91;

nuL'lber of uncro~sed g·rains, 2;-31. '~rnll filled. Cob, d1i te. ~:ros -

sea .)rains yello .. vii th white caps, uncrossed gruins rm re vd i. te. No. 2. Hickorv Lin~ (white dent) Improved Leaming ., .._,

(c.,rellow dent). Grains shallow, Sc;.me as ear No . 1. lumber of

crosser'" ,t-:rai s , :~45 . 'umber of uncrossed grains, 62. Length,

inc he 8 ; ct iame t er' 1 ~ incr1es.

~o.r No. 3. Hickor~r Ling h-:.1.ite dent) J - Gold :3tanna.rd. (Yello·~

dent}. Grains medi1:i.:n, tJpicaJly Hi~kory in?", evidence of cross

in color. Lcn~th, 6 incnes; diameter ,2 inches. :Number of crosser1

grain;-3 , 3; number of uncrossec1 ?."rain .. 3, ~~00 . :ell filled , coo -

white. Uncrn:ssed grnins lJU:Ce v1hi to, crosse . ,e-ra.ins pale :~e1 o ~ ..

~ar no . 4. Boone County Special (white dent) Improved

Lea.min, (yellow dent). Gr&ins medit.t.X. , shows evidence of 1JroE.S in

gr~in u.nd valor. .Length, 6~ incl1eo; diameter, 2 in0hes. Numoer of

c r OBse t1 t:rb,L1s, 484; number of un . r ossed grai.ns, 3.

filled, cob - ~hite. rossed gL~ins yello~ with ~hito caps, ana

uncro~3ed grains pure ~hlte.

______ o,.;.....;_•_....;:..5_. .t3.)one our.ty 0pec ic:i,l ( YJhi tc dent) X Im~ roved

Golden lDent (ynllow de11t).. Grains meciiwn , chara0teristic of 3oone

C ' 1 · :'I f . 1 L th 6 3

.i· n ' e c• • aunty 0reciu , eviaence o c ~ oss in co )r. en~ - , 4 1-.> ,.) ,

dia.:netor, 2 1/8 inc!hes. :Num er of uncr)ssed gra·ns , 416; number of

crOHdP.d grains , 108. .Voll filled o:.ce}t 2- i ich at the tip. Cob-

white. Uncrossed ~rains ~ure white, crossed _rains yellow ·ith

Page 7: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White


~ar No. 6. Boone County 0pecial (white dent) X Gold Stand -

ard (yellow dent)~ Grains long, characteristic of Boone County

Special. ~vidence of cross in color. .Length, 5 inches; diametef, 9.l • ' ...... ..,. incnes. .Num1Jer of un 1..;rossed grains, 20; number of crossed

' grains, 351. Well fillea, cob, white. Crossed grains are yellow

with white caps, uncrossed grains are pure white .

Zar No. 7. Casey's.Pure Bred (white dent) X Gold Standard

(yellow dent). Grhins de~p, rows irregular, evidence of croas in

color .. Length, 5t inehes; diameter, 2 1/8 inches .. Number of

crossed 5rains, 24; number of uncrossed gr&ins, 325 ~ \'/ell filled,

cob - v.rhi te. ~rossed grains yell ow anc.l uncrossed f;rains pure whj te

~ar Ko. 8._ Boone County Special (white dent) X Gold Stand-

ara (yellow dent). Grains mediur1, characteristic of Boone County

Special ty1Je, evidence of cross in c ,)l or. .Length, 5 inches; diam-

eter, 2 1/8 in13hes. Hum'1er of uncrossed grains, 258; number of

crossed ~rains, 196. Well filled except one side, grains irregu-

lar., Cob, white .. · Grossed grains are yellow w.ith whitish caps, and

the uncrossed grains are pure white.

~ar No. 9. Casey's Eure Bred (white dent) X Gold Jtandard

(yellow dent). Grains medium, characteristic of Casey's Pure Bred.

Length, 4 inches; diameter, 1/5/8 inches. Numoer of crossed

grains, 1, number mf uncrossed grains, 171. Not filled on one

side, curved, evidence Jf cross in color. Cob - white, crossed

grains are yellow, uncrossed grair:.s _pure white.

Page 8: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White


~ar Ho. 10. Ooliier's ~xcelsior (white dent) X Gold 0tandara.

(yellow dentJ. Grains short, characteristic of Collier Excelsior,

e~ridence of c · ass in color. Lengt.h., 7 inches; diameter, 1 ? /8

inches. Number of crossed grairis, 68; number oi uncrossed gr&i11s,

169. Not well filled on one side or above middle,Qurved. Crossed

grains are yellow with white caps and uncrossed grttins are pure

yi>JJow~-~ar Ho. 11. Collier's ~:J:celsior (white dent) X Gold ~tand.ard

(yellovv dent). Grains meriium, characteristic of Collier 1 s ~xcel-

sior. Length, •;)

5~ inches. Number of crossed Diameter, l~ inc~es.

grains , 21. !~umber of uncrossed grains, 163. .Not well filled

on one side, rows irregul~r, tip not filled for i of an inch, ear

curved. Cob, white. Crossed grai~s ~re ycllaw with whitish caps,

and uncrossed grains are pure white. Evidence of cross ir: color.

Ear ~o. 12. Columbian 3eauty (white dent) X Improved .Leam-

ing (yellow dent). Grains ~eep, characteristic of Columbian

Jeauty.. Length, 6 inches. Diameter, 2 inches. Number of crossed

grains, 219. Number of uncrossed grai11s, 83. Hot vvell filled on

one side, curved. Cob red. Un.:;rossed f;rai.r .. s are wh.L te, crossed

yellow with whitish caps. ~vidence of cross in color.

~ar Ho. 13. HL~kory King (white dent) ;~ Improved Leaming

(yellow dent). Grains shallow, characteristic of Hickory King.

Length, 5{t inches.. Diameter, 2 inches. l~umoer of crossed grair.s,

31. lJumber of uncrossed grains, 14-2# Well fil1ed. Cob Vihit;e,

crossed grains are yellov with whitish caps, and uncrossed are

pure white. ~vidence of cross in color.

Page 9: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White

,. -o-

Ear .No. 14 •. B )One {Joun ty Special (white dent) X Gold

Standard (yellow dent). Grains shnllow. Length, 7 incnes. Diam-

eter, 2 1/8 inches. ~victP-nce of cross in color. Humber of cros-

sed grains, 23. Number of uncrossed grains, 219. Rows lrreguJar ...

~ar fairly well filled except 11 inches ht tip. Cob white eras-~

se(l grains are yellow 'vi th white caps. Uncrossecl aro pure :;rell~w .

.Gar Ifo. 15. Casey's .Pure Bred (white dent) X Gold stand-

ard. (yellow dent). GraLis mediw...1.. Length 7 inches. Diameter "1

2~ inches. Evidence of Cl oss in color. Number of crossed grains,

115, nur:iber of uncrossed, J64. Well fil1ea_, rows irregular. Cob

white. Crossed erains are yellow with white caps, and uncrossed

are pure white.

~ar Ib. 16. Hickory King (white dent) X Improved .Lenm-

ing (yellow dent). Grains sh&llbw, characteristic of Hickory

King. Length 6~ incnes, diameter 2 inches. ~vidence of cross

in color. Humber of crossed grains, 249. lfomber of uncrossed

erains, 37. Well filled. Crossed graics are yellow with white

caps. Uncrossed grains are nure white. - ·'-

Ear No. 17. Collier 1 s ~xcelsior (white dent) X Gold

Standard (yellow dent). Grairs pointed, Length, 8 inches. Diam-

eter 2 1/8 inches. ~via.enc e of cross in c 1)1 or. Hmn.ber of crosGed

grains , 157. Number of uncrossed grains , 15. Grains scattering,

~t tip 3 inches not filled. Uncrossed grains are pure white.

Crossed gr&ins are yell 1w \ri'i th white caps.

~ar No. 18. Gold Standard (yellow dent) X Hickory King

(;hite dent). Grains deep , characteristic of Gold Standard .

Length, 6} inches.. Diameter 2-i inches. Number of crossed grains ,

~~--388. N"L.mber of uncrossed grains, 32. Well filleo.. Cob - red,

Page 10: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White


Crossed grains are yellow with white cap. Uncr~ssed grains are

pure yellow.

£ar No. 19]. Gold Standard (yellow dent) ~ Hickory

King (white dentJ- Grains medium. Ch~racteristic of Gold

8tandard.. Lene;th 9 inches, diameter 2 1/8 inches. Numbe rp:f

crossed grains , 487; number of unc.1-~ ossed grains , 226.. Vvell filled ,

cob red. Grossed grains are yellow an~ white capped. Uncrossed I .,_..

gralfis are pure yellow.

Ear No. 20. Gold St2ndard (yellow dent) A Colliers

~xcelsior (white dent). Grains deep, characteristic of Cold Stand-

ard. LenE"th, 6! inches, diameter, 1 7/8 inche ::-~ . Number of eras-

sed grains, 342. Numbe~ of uncrossed erains , 210. Well filled,

cob - red. Crossecl grains sre yellow v'lith w·hitj sh caps. Uncros-

sea. grains are pure yell ow.

~ar No. 21. Improved Golden JJent (yellow dent} ""~

Collier Excelsior (white dent). Grains thick, narrow, and deep.

Characteristic of Improved Golden Dent. Length 5c inches. Diam-

eter 2 1/8 inches. ~vidence of ·c r oos in color Well filled . Cob

red. Crossed ~rains are yellow with whitish caps~ Uncrossed ~raim

are pure yellow. l:Jrunbcr of c i Jssed grains 350. Number of uncrosse

grains , 228 . Dent

~ar l~o. 22. film:proved Golclen.i X 6olliers Z:>celsior

(white dent). Grains aeep, characteristic of Improvea Golden

Dent. Length, 6 inches. Diameter, 2 inches. Evidence o.:' c1oss

in color. Well filled. Coo red. Crosse a. grains yellow with

whitish caps. Uncrossed grains are pure yellow.. l~ur:11)er of cross-

ed r.rains 319~. Number of uncrossed grains , 76.

Page 11: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White


Ear Io. 23. Improved Leaming fyellow dent) X ..doonc County

Special (white dent)* Grains deep, characteristic of Improved

1 Paming.. .Len~ th, 6{· inches. Diameter 2i inches. Evidence of

cross in color.. Well filled. Cob red. Num i)e r of crossed grains

75, Humber of uncrossed grains , 421.. CrosBed grains are yellow

with whitish cap, anfl uncrossed grains are pure yellow.

~ar Ho. 24. ID~proved Goloen Dent (yellow dent) X Collier's

~xcelsior (white dentJ .. Grains deep, characteristic of Improved

Golden Dent. Lenpth, 5i inches. Diameter 2 1/8 inches.. ~vidence

of crass in color. Well fil l ed. Cob red. Crossed grains are yel-

low with whitish cap~-3, and uncrossed erains are pure yellov:i. num-

ber of crossed grains 127. Number of uncrossed grains 265.

~ar No. 25. Improved Golden Dent X Collier's Excelisor (white

dent). Grains medium , characteristic of Improved ~olden Dent.

Length 6 inches, diameter 2 inc rrn s .. .8viden.;e of cross in .:;olor.

\,ell filled except a.t tip.. Cob red.. Crossed gr&ins are yellow

with white caps .. Uncrosseo grains fi re puro yellow. IJumber of cros~

sea grains , 23. Number of uncrossed grains , 342.

~ar No. 26. Gold Standard (yellow dentl X Casey's Pure Bred

(whito dent). Grains medium, characteristic of Gola Stanaard .

Length, 5! inches. Diameter, 1 7/8 inches. ~vidence of cross

in color. Well filled. Cob red~ Crossed grains are yellow with

whitish caps. Uncrossed grains are rmrc yellow.. Number of crossed

grhiDs, 54. tlumber of uncrossed grains, 321~

.Gar No . 27. Improved Les.aing (Yellow dent} " ... .D 0 one County

Special (white aent ). Grains medium, characteristic of Improved

Le ~~1ing. Length 6 in ches, diameter 2 inc~es. ~vidence of cross

in c8lor- Cob red. Crossed grains are yellow with whitish caps.

Page 12: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White



Uncrossed grains yellJw. .Number of crosser grains, 210.

Number of uncrossed · 32 O 1 f · 1 grains, · ~· n y air y well fiJled, missinf

on one side.

Ear No. 28. Improved Leaming (yellow dent) X Boone County

Special (·vVhite dent). Grains medium, characteristic of Improved

Learning. Length, 6 inches. Diameter, 2i inches. ~vidence of

cross in the color. ~ob red~ Crossed grains are yellow with

whitish caps. Uncrossed grains are yellow • .Number o ~~· crossed

gral.ns 217. Number 8f uncrossed grains, 33 .. Well filled near

tip, scattering ~ram middle to butt.

~ar No~ 29. Improved Leaming (yellow dent) X Columbian

Beauty (white dent). Grains deep. Length 5% inchesr Diameter

2 lnches. ~vidence of cross in colnr. Cob red. Crossed grains

are yellow with white caps. Uncro:rned grains are pure yellow.

Not well filled on one siae. Hwnber 'Jf crossed grains 172, Nurn-

ber of uncrossed grains, 50.

~ar No. 30. Improved Leaming (yellow dent) X 3oone County

111ecial. Grains medium. .r:.vidence of cross in color Length 7

inches. Diameter 2 inches. Cob red. No grains for ' 4 inches at

tip, scattering on one side. Crossed grains are yellow with whit-

ish caps. Uncrossed grains are pure yellow. Number of crossed

grains, 160. Nunber of uncrossed grains, 89/

~ar No. 31. Improved Golden Dent X Collier 1 s Excelsior

l white dent} • Grains deep. i:!videnc e of c r JSS in col .)r. Length

4 7/8 inches. Diameter, 2t inc~es. Cob red. it inches at tip

not filled, grains scattering. Crossed grains yellow with whitish

tips. Uncrossed ~rains are pure yellow. Number of crossed grains,

147. Humber of uncrossed grains, 15.

Page 13: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White


~ar bo. 32. Gold Standard (yellJw dent) X Casey 1 s ~ure

3red (white dent). Grains medium, characteristic of Gold .-Jtand-

ard. ...jvidence of cross in color.. Length 8 inches. Diameter 2 1/8

inches. Color red. 2~ inches at tip not filled, grains scatter-

ing. Urossed grains are yellow with whitinh caps. Uncrossed

are pure yellow. !{umber of uncrossed grains, 87. :Number of crosoE?l

grain;:;, 160,

~ar No. 33. Improved Golden Dent X Collier's Excelsior

(white dent). Grains medium. ~vidence of cross in color. Length

5{ inches. Diameter 1 7/8 inches. Cob red. Vell filled. Crossed

grains are yell 1)W with whitish c&.ps. · Uncrossed. gralns are pure

yellow. Number of crossed grains, 25. ~umber of uncrossed grains,


~ar No. 34. Ic~rovea Leaming, (yellow dent) X Boone County

Special (white dent). Grains mmall. ~vidence of cxo8s in colnr.

Length, 6 inches. Diameter, 1 7/8 ilnches. '_.Poorly filled and cur-

ved. Crossed grains are yellow with whitish caps. Uncrossed

grains are pure yellow. i~unber of crossed ~rains , 110. Humber of

uncrossed gralns, 11?.

~ar No. 35. Improved Leaming lyellow dent) X Boone County

Special X Columbian 3eauty (white dents). Gr&ins narrow and deep.

~vidence of cross in color. Length, 6 inches. Diameter 2 inches.

~ e 11 f i 11 e cl • C r :rn s e c1 ~~ r ~n n s are ye 11 o v.,r l'i; i t .:1 Yih i t i sh c a p s . Un -

crossed~ 3rc:~ln8 ar8 pure :rellww. lJumber of crossed gr&lns, 244.

Nu_ .. ·Jor of uncrossed grains, 128.

Page 14: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White


~ar No. 36. Improved Leaming (yellow dont) X Caseyfa

Pure ~red. Grains medium broad. Bvidence of cross in color.

Length 6 inches. D ieJne te r 1 7 /8 j nche s. Well filled ::mt rows

~ide apart. Crossed vrains are yello~ with whitish caps Un-

crossed 3'reiins pure yello1N. rurnber of uncrossed grairrn, 197.

Humber of crossed grb.ins, 191. zvidence of cross in ciJlor,

11ar No. 37. Golcl :Jtanclard (yellJw dent ) X Boone County

Special, (Vhite dent) . Grains roundish, evidence of cross in

color. J..Jen8'th, 6{- inches.. Diameter, lt inches. Grains are scat-

tered. :·one at all on the t ir> for one inch. urossecl grains are

yellow with whitish caps. Uncress~d are pure yellow. Bumber of

crossed gnains, 29. Nu~her of uncrossed ~rains, 117.


Table I. .

~esults of Crossing Corn •. ·Female p~ren~. white; M le paren~ yel-low.

~ar Cross 1 o. · Fetml e Male

Kind of Seed

Ho . of Seed.

1 Hickory King X Imp.Leaming pure hybrid

231 91

2 Hickory King A Imp . ~caming pure 62 hybrid 245

3 Hickory King X Gold Stand. pure 300 h~brid 3

4 Boone Co . Spec. X Imp .Learn. pure 3 h brid 484

5 rloone Co . Spec.X Imp.Gold D. pure 416 hvbrid 108

6 3oone Co.Spe·c-.X Gold Stand. pure 20 hybrid 351

7 Casey's 2ure Jred X Sold St . pure 325 hybrid 24

8 Boone Co.Spec.X Gold.Stano. pure 258 hybrid 196

1'~~------~~~----~~--------~~~~~171 9 Casey s 2ure Jred X Gold St. pure hybrid 1

10 Uollier's Lxcel. X Gold Std.pure 169 ~~~~~~~~~-~-h~v~_b_r_i_·a·~~~- 68

Avg . wt. Increase per sec-=d-·~R~m~·~~f~o~-~~



.473 • 546 .495 .513 .293 .. 340 .342 .357 .450 .428 ;431 . 381 .343 .367 ·----.376 .425 .400 .448


15 .. 43


l b .04


.. 5 . 4

• 12. 53

6.99 --------13.03


Page 15: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White

.::ar No.









Table I (Comcluded)

Cross Feniale Itlale

Kind of Seed.

Collier'9 ~xcel.X Gold Std. pure hybrid

Columbian Beauty X Imp.Learn.pure h~tbrid

Hickory King £. Imp. Learning pure hybrid

Boone Co.Spec. X Gold Stand.pure hybrid

asey 1 s Pure rlred X Gold 0t.pure bybrjd

Hickory King X Imp. Leamin~ pure h¥hria

~ollier's ~xc. X Gold Std. pure hyhrid

No. of Seed.

163 21 83

219 142

31 219 _: 23 164 115

317 250 15


Avg. Wt per seed in gms.





.582 .. 613 .. 478 .506 .391 .437 .596 • 649 .291 .329

Incre-ase ~





11.. 76



The evidence of crossing was clearly visibl~as would be ezpectdJ

because of the dominance of yellow over whlte and of xenia in

maize. It w~~l be noted in the above table that in 13 of the

17 crosses there is an increase in yield, this increase varying

from 2.64 per cent to 16.04 pe r cent. In the four cases where

th~re is a ~ecrease, the deerease ran~ed from 5.14 per cent

to 13.45 per cent.

In all crosses producing an incre&se yield the

increase is large enough to be of importance from a practical

standr.oint , uncl the same is true of the crosses showing a

decrease. It will be noted that in the above table the var-

ieties which show decreased yieJds in one ~lsce also ~ive increas-ed yields in other inst~nces. Due to thi s fact, these v~rietles should probably be left out of a ccount ~nd then a11 of the remain-ing varieties show an increase ylel~ in~ every case.

In three ~f the four crosses where there is a de-creaBe in yield, Gol:-l ...,Standara is the male parent. However, in othor cases where Gold Standard is used as the . male )Urent , large increases were obtained.

Page 16: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White

. -13-

Tu.ble II.

~~esul ts of Crossin~ Lorn. '.h,em le p rent yellOYP, Male puren.t white.

18 Gold .X Hickory King pure 32 .478 ~·~~-=-~~~_,_~-h~brid 388 .427

Gold Jtand.X Hickory Ling pure 226 .25~7--· -11. 9

19 hybrid 487 . 277

20 Gold ~tand. ] Coll. ~xcel. pure 210 . 351 7.78

hybrid 342 . 344 21

- .02 Imp.Gold. 'eritT-Co11 . ~xae1 . hu~e 228 . 346

y rid 350 .331 Imp.Gold~Dent X Coll.~xcel.pure 76 .413

- 4,.53 22

------~---- hybrid 3l<J .41~ Imp .Leaming X Boone Co.Spe . pure 421 .364 23

002 -- - - ...!..--: __ _

~~~---==-~-,,.,~~.,,,..._~~~~~~~~~l~1y~b~r=-=-id;;:_~ 75 .371 Imp.Gold.Dent X Coll.~xcel.pure -265 . 406

1. 92 24 ----~----- _ -.,--=, .. hybri_9. ___ __1_?1_ _____ _!~99 ____ ___::1~_J_p __ _ 25 Imp.Gold.Dent X t.;oll.-62:cel.Tmre 342 .41-:3

·---=hy_P.rid_ __ _..?p .4.?0 1.69 Gold 0tand. A Casey's P.3. pure 321 . 376 -26

-.003 hybJid ~- 54 • 375 27 Imp.Leaning ~ 3oone Co.upe.pure 32 .444




hybrid 210 .446 .005

. 007


3.66 Imp.Leaming X Boone ~o.~~e.pure 128 .414

__ ,. _____ hxbriiL_~ 244 .. 41_7_ __.!:_007 Ir:1 p • Leaming X Casey s P . B. pure 1 9 7 • 3 9 8 - - - - -

hybrid 19 .432 a;64 Gola Stand.X Boone Uo . Spe. pure 117 . 488

hvbrid 29 .507 3.89

In the above table, as in Table I, those varietieG which show a decreased yield in one place likev:ise give~ increased vieJds in other crosses. ~ In the six crosses where there is a decrease in yield, Gold Standard is tne female parent in three and Collier 1 s Bxc e lsior is the male ,arent in three of them.

Page 17: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White


The evidence of crossing w~ s shown by the yellow g r a ins

being capped with white or oeing a ~aler yellow than tne pure

seed. In re.any crosses the y)ure and hybrid seed were difficult

to d.Lstinguish , but all doubtful seed_ nere wei~hed with thn hy-

brids.. Rowever, these results cannot he T8LLed U '"' OYJ to c.s ~Heat

an oYtent as those in Table I.

In six out of t~enty crosses there is a decrease in yiel d

varyinf) from .003 of a per cent to 11.9 :per cent. ln 0ig;ht in-

stcncc s , the difference is so smal l that we may say tha t cros ~ ing

had no effect on the yield in those cases.

In ei~ht crosses there are subst~ntial increas~s in

yield , while in four there are rather large decreases.

Selective 2ollination and Crowding out of Soea.

It might be th~ught that the increase in slze of hy-

bria seed on the same ear \"'i'ith ll Ure seed coulc1 be s.ttr:i.buted to

the stimulus given by cross fertilization~ By thj_s stimu.L.1tj on

tho hybrid ;:.:eecl may be able t :) become fertilized more rapidly

and then &evelop sooner and crowd out t~e pure seed. However, ).\_._:l'-

this "~'asAthe case. On ear Ho . 2 , Hickory Kin::;: X Improved I,eaning,

there was only one yell.Jw grain in the lhst tvrn inches at the ti ~- ,

the others being uncrossed (pure v;hite). The rernalr.lder of the ear

showed all hybrid sefH1 with the exception of tvrel vo grains 4 The

hybrid seed_ avera3o(l .G46 of a gram per seed, t11e pure se (; d t"..t

tip .473 of · ~ ~r~n, those intermixed with crossed ~ rains aver~~od

.476 of a ::i::ram. The grains at the e:xtrene ti9 were excluded 1.Jlnce

they ~ re usually sr.'.1al let than the other crrairn.3 .Jn the eur ..

Collins1 founfl in u case of c Hir1ilar nature tha t the

hybrict seed 1neighi,d. 292.f? grams !1er 1000 seec1 , pure seca f~83 z-rams. w e mvst conclude irom t~1s data that increased size of hybrid s e e tl i s no t au e t o c r ow d u1g out th e DU re 8 e e c1

Page 18: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White

u ,:C ~· l:i.':.::; t \;8Jl8l.'c1t i I) I ------ --------- .. --

, le rosnl -s

Iler L;O L ,':o it .. ~C'ar; Carri ~r2 31. 7 rier '~e it;; Etn ~n ir -


r/ I

,)_!_' thA .3 ln the

;ith an av ra~, J' 53: r ~ent incrca~o for ·J tltP Cl"J S.S.

11 L er cent i -i t,·,-; ~, :I onorat Loi ....

ecnt in

In 1 ~ r~T 1 t 1: ., : t 'i or r-- -· i. ._ an j_ DC! ... c '""'f' c o · 5 t 1 . e r

the '1

1 o f t 1 , 1-... y b r ~ · ~ e rl 0 Te r t, • (' Jvtter

7 ~ust obtiirca ircroasos ~r)m ~f-3 to 134 er ;0nt

Page 19: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White


The results of t h i s eJ periment ~o t o sho~ t ha t t his method

of cross pJllination is profitable both ~o th8 f&r~er apd seed

~rower . The following method of corn brecdin~ will likAly prove

to be very efficient in produ:;ing pure and hybrit seea corn i;·;hen

properly carried out .

- . ...;. -----·~

•1 I - -I:' I

.. -11" 1

I I _/ :z 'I s 11 ,; ~ 1J · ~ ' ' ... 4 ' f if 10 fj ~


DiG.grarn of field. Ve r tical lineB represent rows of corn ..

Row l~o . 1 may be planted with a pure bred v"lhi te variety

an~ row No . 2 ~ith a pure brei yellow varJety , the varieties al -

ternating· across the field. Different strains of the variety

-·Y be used instead of eistinct varieties.

en one side of the fielcl a certain nm11ber of ro ~1s of the

vvhite variety nu.y be detasseled. ~ Thus the o&rs on the yellow or

those .=.;talk:J not r etasseled wil l bo pnre , while tn Jse ears on the ·.

v;hite or cletasseled rows will be hybrid . On the .other uiae of

the field , a certLin number of rows of the yellow variety may be

de t<.1~rnel ea . .1.. hus i n this c ase , the ears on the v; 1L~- t e or those

stulkG not cletasscled will be pure , v;hile t: ose ears on t!rn yellow

or detusseled r1ws ~ill be h ybrid. I r the field is large , it is

not necessary to dnthss~l a l ternate ro~s acrosb the entire ~ield.

Ho·t over , a ::mfficient nu::nber of rows sJuulcl be Clett:sse1ed on

Page 20: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White

Attention Patron:

Page 16 omitted from numbering

Page 21: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White

- 1'7 -

.... id e of the fielc1 to mr:lJ~e suye t1rn.t tho rows no.- reut e uctI e ~

u,re not close enou~h to the. re of the corn i the !'ielC.

which has no t been Cletasselecl to be i'Jollinatecl by i.t ..

Eure soec corn c a n bP obtc~- i rrnd fr ) Ill tl1e r vs ne v. rest

the ed;r~s "7hich have n0t been a etasseled , c .. nd hy' rid. ~;eed from

the d.etusseled r ,w:s on each side· Jd also from to corn ne~1r the

center f the field ~aere none ~ the rows have · eeL detasseled .

I n this ~ay , ne can sAcure , at small e x pen0e , b0th hybrid &nd

pure seed corn fror~ the same ~ield for l1e:·t yc·.:. r ' s l &ntin~ ..

Page 22: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White


C :Jnc lusi ons ..

1 . In the crosses obtfiined , 56.8 per cent produced

profitable increaseo in yield , a nd in 16.2 per cent the in-

crease i s D 1 i?; ht . In 21 • 6 ·per cent of the c r J s s es , the ., e -

crease is marked ; in 5.4 ~er cent the decre ase is sli3ht. The

larz,est increase is 16.04 rier cent and the c~re ;.:._ test d.ecrease

13.45 per cent.

2 . The farmer or aeea grower c an make prof itable ap-

pli~ation of these results by mixjng aced ut planting time . tie

will not only get an increase the current year , but will ontain

6.. lurger one the foll_owinf( year .

3. The increases and clecreases are not confined to any

certain varieties. However , Gold Jtsndar(t and Collier's ~xcel-

sior decreasecl yielfls in & larger nu:nber of cre$ee than any

of the other varieties used.

4. All croGses were made between djstirct varieties

and not bet?een strains of the same variety. In a previ0us ex-

periment at thia station2 , larger increases in yield were ob-

tainecl in the latter case than were obtained in this e:;_pcriment.

Page 23: The Immediate Effect of Crossine...ut&tion , the re:::ml ts show t~ilat in all crosses tho immec1-iate ef-feet was to incre&se the yield. When different strains of Boone aunty White

Bi bl; O""ranhv.

1 .. U . ~ .. :Jo t . of ....... r :r i cu 1 Lu r 0 • 3 . -• I.. G i r n J ~ r /f 1 A ..

..Jffects of Cr ss ..':"Ollination Jf Size :1 3,3ecl j_n I' ize.

G .. l'. Collins cc J. H Yo. pt n.

V .i. r ~ i r. La Ju.1 1 e t i n .. ~ 0 ~ ( l 91 ;:> ) • .., he lm11c R L at n feet

on Y io 1 fl o

3. 3ureau J?l~nt In ustr 3nll{'tin 141~ c.rt IV. (19 C).

r Ir , 1ree j n ')' in C 0rn.

. • I . C )11 ir.s.

rr P 0b .. :--n Cr p.. D· l ' • ti • ~:on t ~ o c ry .

'D . ... art..,n .

7.. k re au ::21...,.,r ... t Ind 1 lS try .rlnJ J o t L... r o. 191 ( l 9J O ) . '11110

Va_n~ )~· .ti'.Lrst Ger: rt..tion Hybrids in Corn.

G • ... J. ollins.

8. Illinois 3nl lot in :fo U5. (1()92). 11'iclel ....:,, YJCrL.( n s

9.. 3uro....,u ?::!_ t fr:" 1lS tr: l·llet ir n . "1~3. (] Jl ',)


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