



In order to run main duty and it function Politeknik LP3I Bandung is required to have employee who have ability, knowledge and skills which adequate. But in fact employee performance still have less, so it’s hard to reach a company’s goal. But in the other side the things which become a constraints employee performance less, it’s because from organization culture which less condusive such as it’s happened a change of new organization structure, because organization culture is way and organization life style that as a reflection from values or trust that’s adopted by all member of organization and competency that doesn’t related.

Organization culture in Politeknik LP3I Bandung which is good enough, employee competency of Politeknik LP3I Bandung has related, employee of Politeknik LP3I Bandung have performance high enough and organization culture and competency, as simultaneously or partially have influence to employee performance. Organizational culture partially more dominant have influence to employee performance is compared with competency.

Key Word : Organizational Culture, Competency, Work Performance


INTRODUCTION Organization are in the middle of competition which more competitive, to

keep exist organization should be always flexible to change its around. Failure on giving response to environment will give effect doesn’t reach the goal, even organization destruction (Daniel Druckman, Jarome E, 1997:1).

Organization also is required to manage internal environment so will produce high inovation. It’ll be materialized if organization have values/culture condusivelly. Culture is the most important factor on increase organization effectiveness.(Deal dan Kennedy, 1992, Hofstede, Neuijen, Ohayv and Senders 1990 on Melanie Schreiner: 2). Organization culture can become an instrument of main competitive excellencce, when organization culture support organization strategic and could answer or handle about environmet quickly and right.

Politeknik LP3I Bandung have employee around (60) fix employee, and (68) contract employee.Based on observation resutl, which is done researcher, Politeknik LP3I Bandung is support from education and every scientific fields that should relate with position that’s occupied. Human resource in Politeknik LP3I Bandung such as : (1) lecturer, (2) administrative, (3) functional beside lecturer (researcher, librarian, and archieves). (Abdullah, 2006:209).

Human resources have quality is employee who able to work professionals. And according to Mathis & Jackson (2000: 240) human resources who have experience on competency such as have characteristics such as: focus to the customer (good services, writer), work team oriented and work, innovative, have technical experience, and able to adapt.

A success of Politeknik LP3I Bandung is supported by employee performance have important role on increasing to develop human resource. performance is work achievement or work as quality and quantity that achieved by employee on doing their duties base on responsibility that’s given to them (Mangkunegara, 2005 :9).

Mangkunegara (2009:14) states that performance is influenced by three factors, are: 1. Individual factor consist of: (1) ability and skills; (2) background; and (3)

demographic. 2. Psikologis factor consist of: (1) perception; (2) attitude; (3) personality; (4)

learning; and (5) motivation. 3. Organization factor consist of: (1) resource; (2) leadership; (3) awards; (4)

structure; and (5) job design. Every organization will be try to always increase performance of their

employee to be achieved the goal that has been set by the organization. Performance is work achievement, is a comparation between work with the standard of work that’s set (Dessler, 1992).

Masrukhin dan Waridin (2006) states that organization culture is a value system that’s obtained and developed by organization and patten of habit and principle philosopy their founder, it’s formed became a role that’s used as guidelines on think and act to achieve the goal of organization.Culture which grow to be stronger able to encourage organization to the better development (Robins, 1996). It’s means that every improvement of work culture to be more condusively will give contribution for increasing employee performance.

Beside organization culture that influence performance, employee competency have influence to performance.Mathis & Jackson (2000: 243) states that employee competency will increase employee performance. Competency



that’s intended is personality concept which is very dept and attached to theirself include behavior that could be predicted by work and duties that’s given to them.Competency have meaning as principle characteristic consist of skill, knowledge and other personal attributes that ableto distinguish someone who perform and not perform.

According to Nawawi (2000: 97) states that human resources performance it’s very influenced by competency of human resources itself, esspecially by level of work ability on doing a good work that’s obtained from education and training or come from work experience. Politeknik LP3i Bandung is education institution that forward a quality on working, so employee performance it’s very preffered. Employee performance of Politeknik LP3I Bandung still need to be increased as effect from organization culture which less condusive it’s happened a change of new organization structure, because organization culture is the way and organization life style that is reflection from values or trust that’s adpoted by all organization member, so it hasn’t been involved communication, cooperation, and effecctiveness of employee work and less of commitment and employee loyality to the goal of organization, interest and less opinion from employee to dig up potential and less of employee competency it’s seen from education background, training and skills.


LITERATURE REVIEW Human Resources Management

Wahyudi (2002:9) giving definition about human resources is about all energy, skills, talent and human knowledge that’s used to goal of production and service that usefull. Whereas according to Siagian (2008:10) human resources management is a management fields that specially to learn a relationship and a role of human on the organization. Human resources management is an approach to human management, that based on three principles, it’s as who’s told by Siagian (2008:13), such as: 1. Human resources management is a important things of property that’s owned

by an organization, whereas effective management is a key for a success of the organization

2. This success is possible to be reached if the role or wisdom and procedure that have relate with a human from the organization is interconected and give a contribution to achievement the goal of organization and strategic plan.

3. Culture and organization value, organization athmosphere and managerial behavior that comes from the culture would give big influence to the result of best achievement. Because of that, this culture should be upheld, from continuous effort start from the top, it’s need so the culture could be accepted and obeyed.

On the brief “human resources” have achievement that relate with human condition generally, it come from intern of the organization or extern of the organization. But on this discussion we focus to human resources on the narrow definition is human on the organization. According to Nawawi (2005:40), explores to the three definition about human resources, such as: 1. Human resources is a man who work in the environment of an organization

(it’s called personnel, labor, worker and employee). 2. Human resources is human potential as an organization drive on realize its

existence. Human resourcces is potential that as asset and have function as model (non material/ non financial) in the business organization, that could be realized became real potential physical and non-physical on realize existence of the organization.

Man always have active role and dominant on every organization activity because man become planer, offender and determinant to realized organization goal’s. Therefore human resources need to be managed professionaly so it’s realized balance between neeed of employee with demands and organization ability.

According to Cascio ( 2003 : 10 ), “ Human resource management is art and science arrange relation and role of labour to be efficient and effective assist its from of organization, employees and society “.

From that definition so human resources management is science and art that study about how to utilization human resourcces management with do functions of human resources management by optimal so it’s achieved the goal of individual or organization.

According to Siagian ( 2008 : 21 ), the functions of human resources management as follows : 1. Planning 2. Organizing



3. Directing 4. Control 5. Procurement 6. Compensation 7. Integration 8. Maintanance 9. Dicipline 10. Dismissal

Organizational Culture Luthans (1992:562) quote a definition about organizational culture which is stated by Schein is:

A patern of basic assumption-invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaption and internal integration-that has worked well enough tobe considered valuable and, therefore,tobe tought to new members as the corredt way to preceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems.

Culture refers to set of key values,baliefs, and understanding that are shared by members of an organizational values and communicates to new members the correct ways to think and act the ways thing ought to be done. Cultures enchances the stability of the organization and halp members interpret organization activities and events. The focus of cultureis to provide members with a sense of identity and to generate within them a commitmen to beliefs and valuesof organization. Cherrington (1999:498)

That organizational culture is style and way of life from an organization that as reflection from values or trust that during this is adopted by all member of the organization and organizational culture is maintained from generation to the generation since the organization is established, and there are many influence by pioneer or precursor who always to try pass it on to the new members. Kroeber dan Kluckhohn yang dikutip Adler (1991:15) :Culture consist of paterns, explicit an implicit of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiment in artifacts;the assential core of culture consists of tradisional (i.e.,historically derived and selected) ideas and especially their attached values: culture system may, on the one hand, be considered as products of action,on the other, as conditioning elements of future action.

Organizational culture on the elemants of values or trust that’s became reference by every member of the organization on behavior in the organization. The others expert, Charles Hampden Turner states that culture from an organization reflect to relate behavior, that binding and give motivaton to the members, and make it easy to determination decision if to obscurity. Organizational culture also describe the way of company to process information, internal relationships, and the values. (Turner:1990:11). Organizational culture could be made as a foundation for organization so could stand continuous and survive.



Cunha and Cooper (2001 : 22) also states “organizational culture impact on financial performance, personal retention rates, and even on the success or failure of mergers and acquisitions”, that a success of a company is very determined by a success on create a typical organizational culture as a part of their strategic plan, because best organizational culture will give efffect to finance performance, employee loyalty level, and a success to cooperation. Competence

According to Mitrani, Palziel and Fitt (1992:112), competency concept is not a new one. Psycology industry organizational Amerika, a movement about competence has been started on year 1960 and early 1970. According to the movement, there are many study result that show that reslut of attitude test and knowledge, learning achievement in the school and diploma couldn’t predicted a performance or a success on living. The elements often cause bias to minority, women, and man comes from strata low socioeconomic. The findings has motivate to be done a research to competence variable that’s suspected to predicated an individual and there is no bias because racial factor, gender and socioeconomic. The principle that should be noted are :

1. Compare individual which clearly succsess on their job with individual who doesn’t success

2. Identified think of pattern and success individual behavior. All kind of competence that non-academic like able to produce ideas that

innovative, management skill, speed to learn of networking. Success to predicate individual performance on their working. According to Clark (1997a:297), Competensy is a knowladge or know how for doing a effective job.

Hart (1999:368) found 15 elements on employees competence, are: 1. The performance orientation 2. The analitical thinking 3. To have ability in a uncertainty condition 4. Decision Making 5. Leadership 6. Networking 7. Verbal Communication 8. Self Stimuli and Inisiative 9. Able to persuade 10. Planing and organizing 11. Care to the things that political nature 12. Awareness to theirself and self development 13. Team wor 14. Knowledge and skills 15. Written communication

Table 2.1 Characteristic of Employee Competence According The Expert

No Characteristic Of Employee Competence According

1 Complexity of manajerial skills include professional with high responsibility level from executing officials

Bergenhenegouwen (1997:58)

2 Try to increase quality and job efficiency Denton(1997:7)

3 Skills, opinion/ability to criticize a problem, attitude and value that is adopted, knowledge, ability and capacity

Gale dan Pol dalam Birdir (2000:205)



4 Have patterns to made a decision, on planing, operational or tactical


5 Achievement oriented Hart (1999:368)

6 Professional knowledge, customer oriented, care to business, leadership, and planing also organizing


7 The depth of knowledge to some skills Hronec(1993:33)

8 Technical skills, managerial skills, and behavior Jackson(1994:26)

9 Expert and professionalism that is used on runing an activity on giving service


10 Able to well occupy, specificly, sincerely, able to be creative, have a skills to listen effectively



Able to work effectively, have motivation, talent, skills on any aspects, self image, social role and science


Source : Riyanto (2002)

According to Mathis & Jackson (2001), competency is a base characteristic that correlation of individual and team performance acheivement. Competence group consist of knowledge,skill, and abilities. Competence that’s set in the organization is basic from any aspects of development resources, that’s conditioned as a support efforts on achievement organization performance, with performance excellencce as important asset to conduct organization reach excellence level on compete as optimal and efficient. Performance

Word of performance on english is translated to Indonesia often different, until now it has been standardized. There’s translate as : show to work, performance, work result, work, implementation of work, reslut of work implementation.

Ilyas (1999:65) translate performance become show to work, whereas Wahyudi (1996:34) translate become achievement of work. According to The Scribner-Bantam English Dictionary, pubblication Amerika and Canada year 1979, (on Prawirosentono, 1991:1) performance comes from word “to form” that have some “entries” such as :

1) To do carry out; execute 2) To dischange or fulfil; as a vow 3) To portray, as a character in a play 4) To render by voice or a musical instrument 5) To execute or complete an undertaking 6) To act a part in a play 7) To perform music 8) To do what is expected of a person or machine

Mangkunegara (2001:67) definition performance (achievement of work)

as follows: “performance is result of work as quality and quantity that’s reached an employee on doing their job based on responsibility that’s given to them”. Whereas Bernardin and Russel (1993:397), states definition that: “employee performance depends on the ability, effort to work and chance to work that could be value from out put”.



For that quantitative assesment and qualitative performance standard for every task and position of employee have an important role. The end of this performance process is assesment of performance it self that’s associated with a process to reach a goal.

Dimensions that’s made to measure performance, according to Nawawi (2000:97) are :

1. The level ability of work (competence) on doing job from education and

training or from work experience 2. The level of executive ability on giving work motivation, so employee as

individual work maximum, that allows it’s reached to result base on want and need of society.

Robins (2006), state organizational culture is value system that obtained

and developed by the organization and pattern of habit and phylosopi of founder, that’s formed become a rules that’s used as guidlines on thinking and act to get organizational goal. Whereas job satisfaction is general attitude an individual to their work. The more aspect that relate with the individual want so the more job of satisfaction. Could be said that job satisfaction is a feel on their work so it will effect a feel on their self to feel happy or doesn’t like to work situation and fellow employee (Wexley dan Yulk, 1992 on Waridin dan Masrukhin, 2006).the more aspects on individual that relate with organization culture so the more their job satisfaction. Kirk L. Rongga (2001), result of his research states that organizational culture have effect around 69% to job satisfaction.

Nurhajati Ma’num and Bisma Dewabrata (1995), result of her research prove there’s positive influence between organizational culture with job satisfaction. Wallace (1983), states that job satisfaction someone and result of work depends on suitability between the characteristic with organizational culture. Wallace’s statement is supported by J. N. Hood (1992), that state there’s positive relationship between organizational culture to job satisfaction.

According to Spencer & Spencner (1993) competence is expected could predict to behavior action some body (skill berhavior action) that produce a performance predict (job performance outcomes). Competence always containing intent and purposes (intyens) that is a support a result (outcomes). Knowledge competence (knowledge), skill. Without exection include motive competence (motive), character (trait) and selfconcept is drive to push to used knowledge and expert. Performance and employee satisfaction also will increase if employee have competence that relate with work of duty.

As state by Mangkunegara (2005 : 165) that states performance is rsult of work as quality and quantity that’s reached by an employee on doing their duties based on responsibility which is given to them. And then, it’s explained that there are four factor of performance as a standard of assesment work achievement such as :

1. Quality of work around accuracy, precision, skills and hygiene. 2. Quantity of work around daily output dan non daily or extra. 3. Reliability, is it possible or not to follow the instruction, ability, initiative

prudent and diligence. 4. Attitude that include attitude to the company, fellow employee, duties and




RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Quantitative research method is an approach of research that objectively and include collecting and analyze quantitative data also use statistic testing method. variable independent is the influence of organizational culture and competence to employee performaance.And dependent variable is employee peformance. This research object is descriptive and verificative. Unit of analyze from this research is individual is employee on Politeknik LP3I Bandung. It terms from time horizon. This research is cross sectional, this is information from part of population (sampel responden) it’s collected directly in the company by empirical, and the purposes is to know opinion from a part of population to the object which is investigating. This hypotesis is described on structure that show an influence of variable to influence organizational cultur that stated with (X1) and competence that stated with (X 2) to employee performance (Y) RESULTS

Gambar 4.1. Analisa Jalur The equality of path could be described as follows : Y = 0,786X1 + 0,203X2 + ε Where in : Y = Employee Performance X1 = Organizational Culture X2 = Competence

The influence directly (Direct Effect) with path analysis could be counted by result of influence regression calculation (X1 and X2) and then it’s squared (a2).

Gambar 2.2. Paradigma Penelitian






Whereas the influence indirectly to Y could be counted organizational culture (X1) to employee performance (Y) by competence (X2). And competence (X2) to employee performance (Y) by organizational culture (X1).

Robbins on Halida and Dewi (2002:279) explain the important elements an organizational culture, so could increase organizational culture :

(1) inovation and take a decision (2) Awareness to the details things (3) Result oriented (4) Individual oriented (5) Team oriented (6) Aggressiveness (7) Stability

Performance condition of employees in the Politeknik LP3I Bandung is very influenced by organizational culture, it’s cretaed a quality standard and employee performance quality, the more right organizational culture, so it’ll increase their performance. Organizational culture require individual to have attitude and give instructions to them what they sould follow and learned.

Competence of employees in Politeknik LP3I Bandung is very significant have influence directly to employee performance, this empirical evidence give indicate that on the effort to increase employee performance, it should be available to increase competence, it’s close to relate with the increase of wmployee performance.

According to Ruky (2006:107) explain that competence is “translation from knowledge, skills, attitude and ability from employee to reach performance effectively”. Whereas (Spencer & Spencer dalam Ruky, 2006:105) explain that competence is “ Capability from someone to use Motive, personal character, self concept, knowledge and skills, to produce service performance.

Employee have started to have a desire to try to change a better stage in the completion of work assignments on time and predetermined attendancce has increased over times as they became more aware of the rights and oblogations they have to do. Employee performance describe at Politeknik LP3I Bandung above in accordance with the theory used in this study are proposed by Bernardin & Russell (Gomes,2003:142) that to measure the level of employee performance can be seen from several important aspects, such as: 1. Quantity of work : the amount of work done wtihin a specified period 2. Quality of work : quality of work achieved under the terms of suitability and

readiness. 3. Knowledge of work: breadth of knowledge about the job and skills 4. Creativity : the originality of idea and measured to resolve the problems that

arise. 5. Cooperation: willlingness to cooperate with the others or fellow employee of

the organization 6. Inepedence: awareness to be trustworthy in terms of attendance and

compleetion of work. 7. Initiative : semangat untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugas baru dan dalam

memperbesar tanggungjawabnya. 8. Kualitas Personal : menyangkut kepribadian, kepemimpinan,

keramahtamahan dan integritas pribadi.



Hipotesis yang menyatakan yaitu Budaya Organisasi berpengaruh

terhadap Kinerja Pegawai maka penelitian ini membuktikan teori yang diajukan dan mendukung hasil penelitian sebelumnya, yaitu teori yang dikemukakan oleh Robbins (2006;156) :

“Beberapa individu menginginkan pekerjaan dengan tuntutan intelektual minimal dan memberikan keamanan karena rutin.Bagi orang-orang ini spesialisasi kerja yang tinggi merupakan sumber kepuasan kerja.”

Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan telah memperlihatkan bukti empiris bahwa kinerja para Pegawai yang ada bisa sangat dipengaruhi oleh kestabilan Budaya Organisasi yang ada sebagai sistem yang akan mempengaruhi iklim pencapaian standar mutu dan kualitas.

Dalam menjalankan tugas pekerjaan merasa ada kekurangan dikarenakan pengetahuan, keterampilan, sikap dan kemampuan dari seorang pegawai.Sehingga kelemahan tersebut dapat mengganggu kelancaran dalam melaksanakan tugas pekerjaan.Setiap pimpinan hendaknya memperhatikan kebutuhan bawahan sebagaimana diuraikan dalam dengan teori Ruky (2006:107) menjelaskan bahwa kompetesi adalah “Penjabaran dari pengetahuan, keterampilan, sikap dan kemampuan dari seorang pegawai untuk mencapa kinerja yang paling efektif”.

Budaya Organisasi pada Politeknik LP3I Bandung memperlihatkan dan memberikan kesempatan kepada bawahan untuk turut ambil bagian dalam pengambilan keputusan dengan harapan ada masukan – masukan yang lebih komprehensif sehingga keputusan lebih efektif.

Kompetensi yang baik di Politeknik LP3I Bandung telah mempengaruhi kinerja Pegawai dalam lembaga tersebut. Kompetensi yang baik membuat peningkatkan kinerja Pegawai dalam menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik, sehingga dapat bekerja secara maksimal dan dapat mengembangkan ide-ide intelektualnya.

Oleh karena itu sebagian besar Pegawai yang ada di Politeknik LP3I Bandung dalam menjalankan tupoksi telah didasari oleh kesadaran yang tinggi dalam pelaksanaanya untuk mencapai suatu kinerja Pegawai.



1. Budaya organisasi yang berlaku saat ini di Politeknik LP3I Bandung dilihat dari unsur tanggung jawab yang baik pada aturan organisasi yang ada dilingkungan kerja, komunikasi antar unit dalam organisasi dilakukan dengan jelas, keserasian kerjasama anatara pegawai setiap devisi serta kesungguhan organisasi untuk mengembangkan pegawainya, sedangkan budaya organisasi yang berorientasi pada masyarakat kurang baik dari unsur kurang adanya komitmen yang kuat dari setiap divisi dalam organisasi untuk berorientasi pada masyarakat, seperti halnya setiap pegawai kurang mampu sebagai marketer.

2. Kompetensi yang dimiliki pegawai Politeknik LP3i Bandung ditinjau dari aspek pengetahuan, keterampilan dan kemampuan terdapat beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan yaitu ketidaksesuaiannya pengetahuan terhadap tanggung jawab yang di miliki, kurangnya kemauan minat pegawai untuk peningkatan kemampuan individu, serta perbandingan kerja pegawai yang masih dibawah standar normal kerja yang ada saat ini, kurang memiliki rasa tanggung jawab dalam setiap tugas yang diberikan.

3. Perlu peningkatan Kinerja Pegawai di Politeknik LP3I Bandung yaitu ketersediaan waktu untuk berinovasi dalam pekerjaan, ketelitian dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan dan ketetapan prosedur dalam penyelesaian pekerjaan.

4. Budaya organisasi secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai Politeknik LP3I Bandung, namun secara parsial budaya organisasi dominan mempengaruhi kinerja daripada kompetensi. Dan secara parsial, pengaruh budaya organisasi dan kompetensi terhadap kinerja adalah sebagai berikut :

a. Budaya Organisasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai, dimana budaya organisasi terbentuk dengan baik, maka kinerja pegawai akan meningkat

b. Kompetensi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai, sehingga apabila kompetensi yang dimiliki pegawai sesuai, maka kinerja pegawai akan meningkat pula.




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Widiya Avianti was born on 7th

September 1980 in Bandung.She’s as a

one of a lecturer on Business Administration courses in Politeknik LP3I

Bandung at Jl. Pahlawan No.59 Bandung and now the writer follow a

lecture on Doctor Management Science Universitas Padjdjaran



Oom Sri Hendari was born on 27th

September 1989 in Ciamis. She’s as a

one of a lecturer on Accounting courses in Politeknik LP3I Bandung at

Jl. Pahlawan No.59 Bandung and now the writer follow a lecture on

Magister Financial Management Universitas Winaya Mukti Bandung.

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