Page 1: THE IVY VINE - UNITED CHURCH OF CLOVERDALE...3 Celebration Choir Notes for April Choir will be singing in Sunday morning worship on the following dates: April 7 (I Come with joy to



April 2019 God is Still Speaking Volume 14 Issue 3

United Church of Cloverdale

An Open & Affirming Congregation of the United Church Of Christ

Grace and Peace to you from God, the Creator, Jesus, our Savior and Teacher, and the Holy Spirit that guides you. Amen! Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God. (Matthew 5:14-16 selected verses)

So, some of us are old enough to remember President John F. Kennedy setting a goal for the U.S. to put a “man” on the moon during the decade of the ‘60’s. The USSR (Russia) had already beat us with the first person in space, and Kennedy was determined to not let that happen again. It was an ambitious goal and yet on July 20th, 1969, Neil Arm-strong stepped off the ladder of the lunar module, that goal was met. In a speech at Rice University, Kennedy spoke about this goal. He said, “We choose to go to the moon in this decade, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills.” Kennedy’s vision was one that was not easy, but Kennedy believed in the United States ability to face this kind of challenge and accomplish it. It was an amazing example of humans with a variety of gifts and abilities coming to-gether around a single goal of landing a human on the moon. In their book, The Moonshot Effect: Disrupting Busi-ness as Usual, Lisa Goldman and Kate Purmal define a moonshot goal as a big idea project that harnesses human aspirations. It’s a turn away from business as usual, and involves — New processes; audacious innovations; and most

important collaborative work. The value of such goals is often found in the aftereffects — elevating new and heroic leaders and enabling ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things. As followers of Jesus, we have been challenged to live out the vision of a world that lives in harmony with each oth-er. Often that challenge seems too great for us to achieve. Yet our faith says anything is possible, with the Holy One as our guide and strength. We are followers of the one who has beaten sin and death and given us the freedom not only to imagine God’s kingdom of ultimate peace, redemption and renewal, but to begin living it out in the present. When we look at the world as it currently is, with its constant cycle of bad news and what seems to be an increasing-ly broken way of life, we remember that this is not the way things will always be. We live and work in the present in light of the future made possible by the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus, however, invites us to dream of the transformation of the world and the community around us. To accomplish such a vision will take some cross bearing, sacrifice and commitment to make it happen. But, we follow the ultimate visionary leader, who promises to be with us always and offers us the power of the Holy Spirit. When we follow Jesus, there is no vision too imaginative, too daring, too audacious for us to consider. Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and if you do not doubt in your heart, but believe that what you say will come to pass, it will be done for you”. (Mark 11:23)

Love and Blessings, Jack

Page 2: THE IVY VINE - UNITED CHURCH OF CLOVERDALE...3 Celebration Choir Notes for April Choir will be singing in Sunday morning worship on the following dates: April 7 (I Come with joy to


We Hold in Prayer Jack & Pamela Dawson; Alice Sheperla (Mother of Cindy Wolters)

Lori Serrano; Conny Welch; Carl & Bev Westenberg Gale Ladd; Jules & Mary Volper; AmyJo Hendrickson Roy & Mimi Domke; Barbara Goepel ; Louise Graddy

Bill & Ginny Corzine, Chance Willis & Victoria Martineau Jilloni and Jordan Hopkins; Jen Collins and Her parents

A Moment of United Church’s History In 2013 United Church of Cloverdale received a very generous bequest from the estate of Marguerite Hovsepian, who passed from this life on July 30, 2012 at the age of 97 years. Margeurite de Witz Schuknicht was born in New York in 1915

and grew up in Spokane, WA, where her father was a postmas-

ter and her mother was an international opera singer. She

became a teacher of High School English and later taught at a

business college in Berkeley, CA. She met her future husband,

Alfred Hovsepian at a folk dancing class. The Hovsepians

settled in Oakland. Marguerite embraced her husband’s Armenian culture and religion. She

learned to speak Armenian and also spoke German, her first language, French, Spanish, and

English. They were happily married until Alfred’s death in 1994. His successful tool and die

business enabled them to be co-founders of the Alfred and Marguerite Hovsepian School at

St. Gregory the illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church in Pasadena, CA. Their bequest to

that school continues to support it and they are very revered there. In the late 1980s the

Hovsepians came to Cloverdale and became involved with helping the Boy’s and Girl’s Club ,

The Salvation Army, and The United Church here. Marguerite has given us a remarkable gift

of money but also another precious gift. She has said “thank you for being my church, my

friends and for the love you showed me.” She has shown faith in us to use her gift wisely to

serve others and to educate others in Jesus’ teachings. We are continuing to be mindful in

using the bequest with care and integrity to fulfill her purpose.

Join Us on April 18th for Maundy Thursday we will all have supper at 6pm followed by a service in the Sanctuary at 7pm! On April 20th, Holy Saturday we will be holding a community prayer vigil in the Sanctuary from 1-3pm feel free to drop in anytime and stay as long or as little as you like. We welcome all to join us!

Page 3: THE IVY VINE - UNITED CHURCH OF CLOVERDALE...3 Celebration Choir Notes for April Choir will be singing in Sunday morning worship on the following dates: April 7 (I Come with joy to


Celebration Choir Notes for April

Choir will be singing in Sunday morning worship on the following dates: April 7 (I Come with joy to Meet My Lord)

April 21 - Easter (A Jubilant Song) We'll have Tuesday practices on April 2, 9, & 16 -- after Easter (April 21) is TBD. Visit the church's web site for up-to-the-minute information on the schedule and what we are singing.

Music Together April

Music together classes end the current semester on April 6. Registration for the new term will open online at that time (

Classes will resume on April 30 with a new songbook The new edition of the Tambourine family songbook series is debuting this spring! Each song is brought to life through colorful and engaging illustrations by award-winning artist Jaime Kim and children's book illustrator Gerald Kelley. The new book will inspire your family to play with music all week long. You'll find it helpful to learn the lyrics, as a jumping-off point for creative storytelling, and to learn more about the songs you're singing in class. Your child may enjoy snuggling with you and singing through the whole book at once—or opening to a page to tell you what song they want to sing!

So, get registered and join us!

From Jean Craig, Holly Werner, Mimi Domke, Louise Graddy, & Janice Timm

Through July, on the 4th Sunday of each month, the 10 am gathering will be a prayer service in the style

of the community of Taizé.

We are feeling excited and positive to bring you this new opportunity to pray, sing, and meditate to pro-tect the good gift of creation and our Mother Earth. In this monthly gathering, we will unite to pray for the urgent need to find solutions to the crisis facing our common home.

There will be:

communal prayer & extended time of silence

meditative music

a scripture reading and a responsorial psalm

an atmosphere of meditation and peace

Rev. Jen Collins will be our reader of the spoken word, and will sit with us during the time of silence.

If you have never experienced this sort of service before, no worries. It is easy to follow and the singing leads you to a place of meditation and mindfulness. Plan ahead. Dates are April 28, May 26, June 23, & July 28.

For more information about Taizé, this style of gathering and prayer, etc – use your “Google” or visit the

church’s website ( for some links to follow.

Monthly Prayer Vigil for the Care of Creation – join us on 4th Sundays!

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Notes from Council: Submitted by Marilyn Michelon – Clerk 1. Holly Werner has been selected to be Member-at Large on Council for a three year term. 2. Bob Timm has accepted appointment to the Pastoral Relations Committee. 3. The fourth Sunday of each month, when Pastor Jack is off, will be planned as a Taize service focus-

ing on God’s creation and our place in it. The planning Committee is comprised of Jean Craig, Louise Graddy, Holly Werner, and Janice Timm. Plans are also being made for the 5th Sundays .(to be announced.)

4. Andy Grose is working on updating the By-Laws and Constitution. Please contact him if you have suggestions for changes in these documents.

Beginning Qigong and Tai Chi 24 Form classes Sponsored by United Church of Cloverdale, Fellowship

Hall 439 N. Cloverdale Blvd. (behind the church)

Mondays, beginning May 6th 9:45 Qigong: Standing meditation, PYNK Qigong and other various forms of qigong will be taught. PYNK Qigong is a treatment which moves every joint and or-gan of the body. Qigong is energy work. It works with the breath to increase mindfulness calmness and clari-ty. Qigong strengthens the immune system, increases flexibility and range of motion, and improves balance and relaxation.

10:30 Tai Chi 24 Form: Tai chi is called “a moving meditation” and “movement as medicine.” The moves are done slowly with mindful intention on expressing your Qi through the body to improve strength balance and flexibility. Cost is $5 for each class. Simu Janet Seaforth has taught Qigong and Tai Chi for over 40 years. She was certified by the National Qigong Association in 2012. She was certified to teach Tai Chi Chuan in 1980. She performed Tai Chi Chuan at the International Fifth Wushu Championships in Huang Shan, China in 2012 with the USA Wushu team.

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Qigong and Tai Chi Classes and celebrations for Spring 2019 with

Simu Janet Seaforth April: Mondays 10 AM Qigong, Tai Chi at City Park, end of West Second St.

World Tai Chi Day 4th Saturday* 10am. April 27th Qigong, Tai Chi and picnic, City Park

*Celebrate Earth Day April 20th, Cloverdale Plaza 11am to 12:30 * Tai Chi demonstration 11:30 am *

Monday 10am City Park, weather permitting, UCC if raining.

May 6th New Class! Sponsored by UCC, United Church of Cloverdale

Mondays Fellowship Hall behind sanctuary, 439 North Cloverdale Blvd.

9:45am to 10:25 Qigong $5 suggested donation

10:30 to 11:15am Tai Chi 24 Form $5 suggested donation

May 9th New Class! Clover Springs Lodge, 211 Red Mt. Drive 894-8770

Thursdays 10am to 10:40 Qigong only fee: $40/mo. $10 drop-in

10:45 to 11:15 Tai Chi 24 Form fee: $60/mo. $15 drop-in

Including Tai Chi 108 DTM Form 11:15 to 11:45 $60/mo.

Fridays Park Point, Healdsburg (members only) noon to 1pm Qigong and Tai Chi 24 Form

Saturdays Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan 108 beginning in May 5th 9:30am to 11:30am at

155 Shady Lane, Po Yun Nei Kuan

June 5th summer session Healdsburg Community Center 1557 Healdsburg Ave.

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01 02 03 04 05 06 Morning

Office Afternoon Visitation

Morning Office After-noon Visitation


DAY OFF DAY OFF Men’s Breakfast

07 08 09 10 11 12 13 Jack Preach-ing



Morning Office Afternoon Visitation

Morning Office Afternoon Visitation


DAY OFF Pamela’s



14 15 In Office

16 In Office


18 6 pm Maundy

Thursday Service

19 20

Jack Preaching










1 pm – 3 pm

Prayer Vigil

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Jack Preaching


Morning Office Afternoon Visitation

Morning Office Afternoon Visitation



28 29 30 Taize Service Jack’s Off


Jack will be available by Cell Phone anytime.

Please Feel Free to Call!! Phone #: (209) 329-4971

Page 7: THE IVY VINE - UNITED CHURCH OF CLOVERDALE...3 Celebration Choir Notes for April Choir will be singing in Sunday morning worship on the following dates: April 7 (I Come with joy to


4/3 Project Linus 9:30am Corzine Home

4/6 Men’s breakfast 8am Zini’s Diner

4/17 Women’s Breakfast 8:30am Zini’s Diner

Indivisible Meeting 6:30pm Sanctuary

4/18 Maundy Thursday Supper & Service 6pm Fellowship Hall

4/20 Holy Saturday Community Prayer Vigil 1-3pm Sanctuary

4/24 AVH Board Meeting Fellowship Hall


Morning Worship 10am Sanctuary Casa de Christiana 5-8 pm Sanctuary

NA Meeting 7pm Christian Education Bldg.


“The Flour Girl” Kitchen & Pantry


Church Office is Open 8:00am-2pm


Coro De Paz Children's Choir 3:30pm Fellowship Hall

Music Together Family Class, 5:30pm Fellowship Hall

Celebration Choir Rehearsal 7pm Fellowship Hall

NA Meeting 7:30pm Christian Education Bldg.


Music Together 10:30am Fellowship Hall

Teen Clinic, 2-4pm Fellowship Hall


Thrift Shop Open 10am-3 pm


Casa de Christiana Bible Study 7pm Sanctuary

NA Meeting 7:30pm Christian Education Bldg.


Thrift Shop Open 10am-3pm

Music Together Class, 10:30am Fellowship Hall

Regular Building Use

Meetings & Events

Ivy Vine Contact Information

The United Church of Cloverdale

439 N. Cloverdale Blvd., Cloverdale, CA 95425

Phone: 707-894-2039 Fax: 707-894-4015;


Minister: Rev. Jack Dawson, cell phone 209-329-4971

[email protected]

Minister of Music: Janice Timm, [email protected]

Church Administrator: Jilloni Hopkins, [email protected]

Proof Readers: Jean Craig and Lori Serrano

Articles for The Ivy Vine?

submit to the [email protected] by the 15th of the

month preceding the publication date. Articles submitted

after the deadline without prior approval will be published

the following month.

Check the website at For updated schedule and check for other calendar dates!

4/9 Bob & Lori Serrano

4/1 Gale Ladd 4/7 Gene Lile 4/7 Pamela Dawson 4/12 Catalina Nash 4/19 Norma Reilly 4/20 Jerome Wolter 4/23 Rich Craig 4/26 Alice Sheperla

Heaven’s Closet Thrift Shop Semi-Annual Bag sale (5.00 per bag)

Fill it up with anything wearable(except jewelry items)

April 11, 13, 18 Open Thursdays & Saturdays 10-3pm Note: Thrift Shop Is Closed Saturday

April 20th for floor waxing

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Church phone: 707-894-2039

439 N Cloverdale Blvd

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My Checklist For April

Inside This Issue

Pg 1 message from Pastor Jack Pg 2 Holy Week & History Moment Pg 3 Music Together & Choir Info Pg 4 & 5 Tai Chi Class Info and schedule Pg 6 Pastor Jacks April Schedule Pg 7 Calendar

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April 17th Women’s breakfast April 18th 6pm Maundy Thursday Supper & Service April 20th 1-3pm Holy Saturday Community Prayer Vigil Thrift Store Bag Sale Invite Friends to worship Try a Tai Chi class in the Fellowship Hall in May

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