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    July 1991

    Topics: Calvary, Judgments

    Volume 1 Five Major Judgme nts

    by Ernest An gley

    Of the many judgments from Genesis to Revelation, five are

    major. But it is in the first major judgment, the Calvary judgment,

    that we find the greatest message in the Word of God.

    Subject of the first judgment: The believers in Christ and the

    judgment of their sins at the cross.

    Time: 30 A.D.

    Place: Calvary

    Basis of judgment: Christ's finished work

    Results: The death of Christ and justification for all believers.

    The judgment at Calvary is the only judgment for sin that you as a

    Child of God will ever face. You met the judgment of the believer when you took Christ into your

    heart as your Savior. Because you accepted Jesus, you were acquitted of your sins. The believers'

    judgment took place at the cross; there will never be another judgment for sin for the believer so

    long as that one stays out of sin: no sin judgment for all who are born again.

    In the judgment of believers, justice will not be given. If it were, all would be lost for eternity,fo r

    all have sinne d, and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). No one else but Jesus

    can represent the believers at this judgment. When they came to Calvary, Jesus assumed the

    responsibility for their sins. His death lifted their death penalty for sin. Every attorney in the

    world pleading for years could not win one case for sin. Only Jesus can plead our case; only Jesus

    can set us free; only Jesus can give life.

    He that believeth on him [Jesu s] is not conde mn ed: bu t he that believeth not is

    conde mne d already, becau se he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten

    Son of God (John 3:18). Those who believe on Christ are not condemned; but those who do not

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    believe on Jesus have no hope of redemption from sin, for Christ is the only Redeemer. Hope is

    given only to those accepting Jesuswho his own self bare ou r sins in his own b ody on the

    tree, that we , being dead to sins, should live un to righteou sness: by whose stripes ye

    we re healed (I Peter 2:24). In this passage, Peter is speaking of the everlasting atonement and its

    provision for every man, woman, boy and girl.

    Jesus became our High Priest and atoned for our sins. Today is our day of atonement for all time

    and eternity. For I am n ot ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the powe r of God

    un to salvation to every one that believeth (Romans 1:16). The power of God unto salvation

    provides atonement to all who believe. We live in a dispensation of grace, a time blessed, honored,

    justified by Heaven. Through the atoning blood of Jesus, we who are born again are the redeemed

    of God, just as free from sin as we will be in Heaven, and with just as much favor.

    We are sanctified throu gh the offering of the body of Jesu s Christ once for all (Hebrews

    10:10). It is not necessary to make journey after journey back to Calvary, for the pardon of sin

    through Jesus Christ is handed to you in His nail-riven hand. Just as unbelievers will go only once

    to the White Throne judgment, believers need go only once to Calvary. No guilt upon the born-newin Christ is recorded in Heaven, no sin blots their record. Why think no one can live free from sin?

    The ju st shall live b y faith (Hebrews 10:38).

    The atonement of Jesus made acquittal for sin possible, the atoning power of Jesus. The verdict for

    everyone who has been to Calvary and received this judgment is freedom from eternal hell. At

    Calvary you were tried, found guilty, but pardoned once and for all by Jesus when you received

    salvation. Jesus took your place, bore your sins; and now they are all gone. So long as you commit

    no new sin, you will remain free.

    In the Old Testament days under the Law, people tried over and over to be free of sin, but were

    brought to the knowledge that freedom from sin wasn't within their own power.

    For the law having a shadow of good things to come , and n ot the very image of the

    things can ne ver w ith those sacrifices w hich they offered year by year continu ally

    make the comers thereun to perfect (Hebrews 10:1). Old Testament sacrifices and rituals did

    not keep people out of sin, did not perfect people in God's love. The Bible plainly states that God

    was not pleased with those sacrifices. If God had found a pleasing sacrifice on earth, He would not

    have offered His Son. All earth and Heaven were searched and no perfect sacrifice could be found

    except Christ. The Lamb of God was the only one whom God would accept to be a sin-bearer for

    you and me. Had the animal sacrifices been acceptablewou ld they not have ceased to be

    offered? Becau se that the worshippers once pu rged should have had no more

    conscience of sin (Hebrews 10:2)? If man could have pleased God with the sacrifices he gave

    under the Law, would not the sacrifices have ceased?

    You must be free from sin. When you come to Calvary, you may have to deal with the results of

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    past sins, but the guilt is covered by the blood of Jesus; your conscience now becomes clear. The

    Bible plainly tells you that you are no longer held responsible for sin once you have been purged

    that's the power of the atonement. If, on the other hand, you fall back into sin, you lose that

    precious salvation.

    This plan of redemption is Heaven's perfect plan. When man tries to make redemption fit into his

    own imperfections, it never works. Jesus came to take care of those imperfections in us, so that we

    would no longer be weak, no longer give in to sin but that we would yield our bodies as instruments

    of righteousness unto God.

    Every year in Old Testament days God remembered man's sins on the Day of Atonement. But in

    those sacrifices there is a reme mb rance again made of sins eve ry year (Hebrews 10:3).

    Under the Law, people stayed out of sin on the Day of Atonementand maybe for a day or two

    afterwardbut they all eventually went back into sin. All those days of atonement did not keep

    Israel true to God. The people didn't have the power to keep out of sin. For it is not possible

    that the blood of bu lls and of goats should take aw ay sins (Hebrews 10:4). The Law did

    not justify people in the eyes of God: sin still existed. The sin nature had not been killed out andreplaced by the nature of Christ. No sacrifice was accepted by God; no sacrifice pleased God from

    Adam until the cross. In bu rnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no

    pleasure Sacrifice and offering and bu rnt offerings and offering for sin thou

    wou ldest not, neither hadst pleasure the rein; which are offered b y the Law. Then

    said he [Jesus], Lo, I come to do thy will, Oh God. He taketh aw ay the first, that he may

    establish the secon d (Hebrews 10:6,8,9).

    The Lamb of God was the first and only sacrifice God would accept to bear the sins of you and me.

    The cross made the plan of salvation complete. That one sacrifice of Jesus was worth more than all

    the thousands and thousands of sacrifices under the Lawone powerful, God-sent sacrifice.

    When Lucifer and the angels in Heaven sinned, God drove them out. God will not justify sin; only

    the deceit of Lucifer would make anyone think otherwise. The crucifixion of Christ demonstrates

    the length to which God went to provide an atonement for sin. The feasts, the holy days, the

    offerings in the temple and tabernacle were but shadows of the New Covenant to come.

    In Moses' day, people had an opportunity to look at the brass serpent on a pole and be healed. The

    serpent on the pole was a type of Christ on the cross. But today the actual Savior has comeand

    He offers salvation and healing directly to all.

    A virgin was with child. That which was conceived within her was holy; holy blood from Heaven

    flowed in the veins of Christ. None of the Old Testament sacrifices contained holy blood. The

    blood of animals would not suffice, only the holy blood of Jesus. In this hour of salvation's reality,

    we rely on Jesus and the atoning power of His blood.

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    For God so loved the w orld, that he gave his only begotten S on, that whosoeve r

    believeth in him shou ld not per ish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). God loved the

    world so much that He gave Jesus.

    If we con fess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive u s our sins, and to cleanse us

    from all un righteou sness (I John 1:9). Nothing is quite so wonderful as the atonement; it's the

    greatest thing that has ever happened to man. Because of the atonement we are God's redeemed

    today. We could not have been God's redeemed had it not been for the spilled blood of Jesus.

    Hebrews 10:5-8,Whe refore whe n he com eth into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and

    offering thou w ouldest not, but a bod y hast thou prepare d me; In bu rnt offerings and

    sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure. Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of

    the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, oh God. Above w hen he said, Sacrifice and

    offering and b urn t offerings and offering for sin thou w ou ldest not, neither hadst

    pleasure there in; which are offered b y the law. Again we read that the Lord had no pleasure

    in sacrifices. To please God we must live holy each day, and only through the blood of Jesus and

    the power of the Holy Ghost can we do that.

    Verse 9: Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will oh God. He taketh aw ay the first, that

    he may establish the secon d. God taketh away the first, the Law, the sacrifices, the feasts, the

    holy days. The first was a shadow, a type of the second which was to come: Jesus. Jesus was

    established to take away our sins and to reconcile us back to God. He came to fulfill the Law, not

    destroy it.

    II Corinthians 6:17,18,W herefore come ou t from among them, and be ye separate, saith

    the Lord, and touch n ot the un clean thing; and I w ill receive you, And w ill be a Father

    un to you, and ye shall be my sons an d dau ghters, saith the Lord Almighty. The Lord

    wanted a son: He made Adam. He wanted a daughter: He made Eve. God wanted sons and

    daughters then, and He wants sons and daughters today. Those who sin against God cannot be a

    son or a daughter. Your master is the one you serve. If you sin, you are a servant of sin. If you live

    according to God's righteousness, you are His servant, holy.

    There is therefore now no cond emn ation to them w hich are in Christ Jesus, who w alk

    not after the flesh, bu t after the Spirit (Romans 8:1). Those walking after the Spirit have no

    condemnation. For anyone to teach that man cannot live free from sin is absurd. How could a

    person enter Heaven with sin in his heart? Only through Jesus can the sinner be freed, pardoned

    from all sin; only through Jesus is God justified in forgiving sin because the penalty was paid by

    Heaven, by divine blood.

    For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin

    and death (Romans 8:2). The life of Christ that flowed into us at Calvary freed us from the law of

    sin and death. We no longer live under the penalty of the Law, for Christ took our place of

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    judgment; He substituted Himself for you and me. Why? I say again, He was the only sacrifice that

    Heaven would accept.

    For Christ is the end of the law for righteou sness to every one that believeth. For

    Moses describeth the righteousne ss which is of the law, That the man w hich doeth

    those things shall live by them . But the righteousness w hich is of faith speaketh on

    this wise, Say not in thine he art, Who shall ascend into heaven ? (That is, to bring

    Christ down from above:) Or, W ho shall descend into the dee p: (that is, to bring up

    Christ again from the de ad.) Bu t what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy

    mou th, and in thy heart: that is, the wor d of faith, which w e pre ach; That if thou shalt

    confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath

    raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto

    righteou sness; and w ith the mou th confession is made u nto salvation (Romans

    10:4-10). If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, if you believe and accept Him as your

    Savior, He takes your place, forgives your sins and reconciles you unto God. Now you are as sinless

    as the first Adam and the first Eve before they disobeyed God.

    The sou l that sinn eth, it shall die (Ezekiel 18:20). God declared through His prophet Ezekiel,

    and the fact has never been changed. Sin is death. One sin in your heart means death when you

    come to the end of life, eternal death for your soul, eternal torment in hell. This eternal death was

    upon each one of us until we found Calvary.

    Through the atonement of Christ, however, we have life, life, not death. Jesus said: I am come

    that they might have life, and that they m ight have it more ab un dantly(John 10:10).Jesus is life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my w ord, and believeth on

    him that sent me, hath e verlasting life, and shall not come into condem nation; bu t is

    passed from death u nto life (John 5:24). You who are dead in sins and trespasses cannot enter

    God's Heaven unless you turn from sin and accept Jesus into your heart: Saved by grace. When

    you receive salvation, you no longer are a sinner; you have passed from death into life, eternal life.

    You're a blood-washed Child of God.

    Where do you receive everlasting life? At the cross. Everyone coming to Calvary, accepting Jesus

    Christ as his Savior is in turn accepted by God, delivered, pardoned of sins. No condemnation.That soul is free, and never again will God mention the sins that one committed before Calvary. It

    is as though those sins had never been. What a wonderful judgment!

    Jesus,being made perfect becam e the au thor of eternal salvation un to all them that

    obey him (Hebrews 5:9). Notice, this verse says all them that obe y him. Jesus is the author of

    eternal salvation for whosoever will come to Him. At the cross you didn't receive salvation or

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    forgiveness temporarily, but for all time and eternity. You, of course, must obey the Lord to keep

    your salvation.

    That in the ages to com e he m ight shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his

    kindness toward u s through Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:7). In the ages to come it will take

    eternity for God to show us His kindness, eternity to learn the benefits of what we have received

    through Jesus Christand we may never learn them all.

    Butw hen Chr ist, w ho is our life, shall appear, then sha ll ye also appear w ith him in

    glory(Colossians 3:4). Christ is our life. You can't have life in Jesus Christ with sin in your heart.

    Jesus provides you with perfect deliverance from all sin. He makes the way for you to be pure,

    clean, holy.

    I Corinthians 15:3, For I delivered u nto you first of all that which I also received, how

    that Christ died for ou r sins according to the scripture s. Child of God, because Jesus died

    for your sins, because you have accepted Him into your heart, you are delivered from eternal death

    right here in this mortal body. You are not going to be delivered, you are delivered. You will haveno more deliverance from sin when you reach Heaven than you have right now. You have been set

    free from death as long as you do not go back into willful sin. It's wonderful to know that Christ is

    your atonement, your life, that He died for your sins!

    II Corinthians 5:21, For he hath made him to be sin for us, who kn ew n o sin; that we

    might be made the righteou sness of God in him. We are made the righteousness of God; we

    are His righteousness, created new by the Lord. Through His holiness Jesus took our place. Th eLord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all (Isaiah 53:6). God put our sins upon Jesus; this

    could not have been done had not Jesus been the perfect sacrifice.

    At all times we must live righteously. If you are living any other way and think you are going to

    Heaven, you have a deceived heart. One day you will wake up in eternity condemned with no

    Calvary, no justification. It will be too late then. Calvary is out of reach after death. The Bible tells

    us that we will live eternallyeither in Heaven or in hell.

    We also joy in God throu gh our Lord Jesu s Christ, by whom w e have n ow re ceived the

    atonement (Romans 5:11). By taking Jesus into our hearts, we have now received the atonement;it is ours. The atonement of Jesus gives life here and life hereafter, life for all who believe in the

    Lord and are really living for Him. If you've accepted His shed blood, confessed your sins, God

    looks on you as He looks on His Son Jesus. Because of Jesus' sacrifice, you are justified.

    And this is life ete rnal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesu s Christ,

    whom thou hast sent (John 17:3). To know God and Christ means to worship, to serve, to live in

    and through the Godhead.

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    In John 17:4, Jesus said to His Father: I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the

    work w hich thou gavest me to do. Christ's finished work is the completion of the whole plan

    of God for the redemption of mankind. Types and shadows of Jesus and His redemption appear

    throughout the Old Testament; but in the New, Jesus Christ is living reality in our hearts. The Lord

    walks with us and in us as His eternal life flows through us. However, again I warn: This wonderful

    redemption can be lost. All of God's promises are conditional.

    Titus 2:11-14, For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,

    Teaching us that, den ying u ngodliness and w orldly lusts, we shou ld live sobe rly,

    righteou sly, and godly, in this present w orld; Looking for that blessed hope , and the

    glorious app earing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ; Wh o gave himself for

    us, that he m ight redeem u s from all iniqu ity, and pu rify un to himself a pecu liar

    people, zealous of good works. Jesus is coming again after His obedient Spirit-filled Children.

    But those who shun good works, those who live ungodly will face the judgment of the wicked deadwhere no mercy will be shownno life, only death, death, death. Sin is death here on earth, and

    eternal death for those who die without Christ.

    Bu t ye, brethren , are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye

    are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the n ight, nor of

    darkness (I Thessalonians 5:4,5). You cannot be children of light, of the day with any sin in your

    heart. Light is righteousness. God calls sin darkness, night. The unholy are children of the night.

    You who have been born again are not of the night nor of darkness. You have been separated from

    the world to be accepted by God, purified through the precious blood of the Son of God; and you

    glory in the promise of His return.

    I Thessalonians 4:14, For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also

    wh ich slee p in Jesu s will God brin g with him. No sin abides in those who are asleep in

    Jesus. They are already in Heaven where sin cannot enter. The Bible says that Jesus will bring our

    loved ones with Him when He comes. The bodies of our deceased loved ones we place in the

    graves, but not their souls.

    I Thessalonians 4:15-17, For this we say un to you by the word of the Lord, that we w hich

    are alive and remain u nto the coming of the Lord shall not preve nt them w hich areasleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heave n w ith a shout, w ith the voice of

    the archangel, and with the tru mp o f God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first; Then

    we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to

    mee t the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever b e w ith the Lord. Those who are alive in

    Christ, the holy ones, the pure who are free from all sin, will be caught up with Jesus at His

    coming. Sin cannot live with the Lord: sin cannot, I say again, enter Heaven. Verse 18:

    Whe refore comfort one another with these words. Living godly and righteously in this

    present world, free from sin, we are looking for the coming of the Lord.

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    Our fathers did eat mann a in the desert; as it is written, He gave them bread from

    heaven to eat (John 6:31). Manna came down from Heaven; men ate angel food. God provided

    bread for the Israelites; had He not, they never would have survived the desert. Without Jesus

    Christ you will not survive the desert of this life. Then Jesu s said unto them, Verily, verily, I

    say unto you, Moses gave you n ot that bread from heaven ; but m y Father giveth youthe true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is he which cometh down from

    heaven an d giveth life u nto the world (John 6:32,33). We have the true, satisfying Bread

    from Heaven, Jesus Christ.

    John 6:34,35, Then said they un to him, Lord, evermore give us this bread. And Jesus

    said u nto them, I am the b read of life: he that cometh to me shall neve r hun ger; and

    he that believeth on m e shall neve r thirst. Sin in your heart brings spiritual hunger and

    thirst. Only when you have Christ will your spirit be satisfied in the Lord.

    Bu t whosoeve r drinketh of the w ater that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the

    water that I shall give him shall be in him a w ell of water springing up into everlasting

    life (John 4:14). Jesus didn't speak lightly when He said He was the water of life, for without Him

    is no life. By passing Jesus, you walk hand in hand with death, for the judgment of God rests upon

    your head because of your sins.

    God despises sinHe loves the sinner, but hates the sin. When the sinner refuses to let go of his

    sins, refuses to take Jesus into his heart, then God will do away with the sinner. All sin will be

    destroyed one day.

    Jesus alone is the remedy for sin, offering you life. He said,I am the door : by me if any man

    enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and ou t, and find pastu re (John 10:9). Jesus

    came with grace and truth to fulfill the Law.

    To him [Jesus] give all the prophets w itness, that through his name whosoeve r

    be lieve th in him shall rece ive rem ission of sins (Acts 10:43). The sins of those who believe

    in Jesus will be remitted, giving them a clean record; it's the only way they can enter Heaven.

    Saying that you did your best will not take you to Heaven; for it isn't the best you can do, but the

    best Calvary can do that will save your soul. Jesus alone is your atonement, the Lamb of God who

    gives remission for sin.

    Then Peter said un to them, Repent, and be baptized eve ry one of you in the name of

    Jesu s Christ for the re mission of sins, and ye shall rece ive the gift of the Holy Ghost

    (Acts 2:38). Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none o ther name un der

    heaven given among men , whereby we m ust be saved (Acts 4:12). No salvation through

    anyone but Jesus.

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    At Calvary the believer's judgment takes place. Only those who commit the unpardonable sin

    cannot be saved. They have gone beyond the atonement and will never return to God. What is the

    unpardonable sin? Jesus tells us about it in Matthew 12:31,32,W herefore I say un to you, all

    mann er of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven u nto me n: bu t the blasphemy against

    the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto me n. And whosoev er speaketh a wordagainst the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: bu t whosoeve r speaketh against the

    Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, ne ither in the w orld to


    In Mark 3:22-30, we read that the scribes accused Jesus of casting out devils by the prince of

    devils. By doing that, they were calling the Holy Ghost in Jesus a devil. Jesus called it blasphemy

    against the Holy Spirit. Those who have blasphemed against the Holy Ghost are not interested in

    God or the things of God.

    But those who have not committed the unforgivable sin against the Holy Ghost still have a drawing

    to Calvary.

    The next day John seeth Jesus coming u nto him and saith, Behold the Lamb of God

    which taketh aw ay the sin of the w orld (John 1:29). Just one Lamb out of all the multitudes

    of lambs sacrificed was able to take away sin.

    We read in Isaiah 53, the atonement chapter, He is despised and rejected of men; a m an of

    sorrows, and acqu ainted with grief: and we hid as it were ou r faces from him; he was

    despised, and we esteemed him not (Isaiah 53:3). Do you think Christ would have paid such

    a price were He not able to deliver you from all sin? He came to deliver you and to make it

    possible for you to stay delivered, so you could be a part of God's Heaven, reconciled, joined again

    in the fellowship of God. You cannot go to God's Heaven unless you are reconciled with Him-no

    one with sin can be reconciled to God. You must go through Jesus Christ to get rid of sin, there is

    no other way. You could try a million years and not work away your sins. The guilt would still be

    there, held against you.

    Jesus took our judgment; He paid the penalty for our sin. He is the only one fit, willing and able to

    be our perfect Redeemer. Su rely he hath borne ou r griefs, and carried ou r sorrows: yet

    we d id esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. Bu t he was wou nde d for

    our tran sgressions, he w as bruised for our iniqu ities: the chastisemen t of our peace

    was u pon him; and w ith his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray;

    we have tu rned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniqu ity

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    of us all (Isaiah 53:4-6).

    Sinner, you're headed for judgment; you've bypassed Calvary. Jesus can save you from those sins,

    but to be saved you must accept Jesus, His blood. When you do, the verdict is the same for all:

    Pardoned. All is forgiven. You are free. Those sins are cast into a sea of forgetfulness to never be

    remembered again by God.

    All we like sheep have gone astray; we have tu rned every one to his own way(Isaiah

    53:6). We were all sinners; all have gone astray; all are in need of a Savior.Ye t it pleased the

    Lord to bru ise him; he hath pu t him to grief: whe n thou shalt make his soul an

    offering for sin (Isaiah 53:10). He made His soul an offering for sinyours and mine. After such

    a sacrifice, how could God justify sin? It will never be justified apart from Jesus Christ. He is the

    only one through whom justification can come to you.

    Therefore w ill I divide him a portion w ith the great, and he shall divide the spoil withthe strong; because he hath poured ou t his soul unto death: and he was nu mbered

    with the transgressors; and he b are the sin of man y, and made intercession for the

    transgressors (Isaiah 53:12). When Jesus poured out His soul unto death, He was numbered

    with the transgressors, bearing the sin of all who would accept His great sacrifice. Jesus is our


    In John 10:17 Jesus tells us, Therefore doth my Father love me , becau se I lay dow n my

    life, that I m ight take it again. Jesus did not lay down His life for Himself or for the Father, but

    for a ransom to redeem mankind from sin. Verse 18, No man taketh it from me , bu t I lay it

    down of myself. I have power to lay it dow n, and I have power to take it again. This

    comman dmen t have I received of my Father. Jesus proved He had power to take up His life

    again when He rose from the tomb. Death couldn't hold Him.

    We arejustified freely by his grace throu gh the re demp tion that is in Christ Jesus

    (Romans 3:24). Jesus is our atonement for all time and eternity. No sin is held against us when we

    accept His marvelous gift. I repeat, this doesn't mean you can't sinman has free choice in thematterbut if you sin, you separate yourself from God. Sin is deliberately going against the will

    and commandments of God. Sin is knowing the will and commandments of God and ignoring

    them. Sin is being indifferent to the things and desires of God. Adam and Eve committed willful

    sin, doing what God said Thou shalt not do. They knew better, for they had the knowledge of God.

    When you have the knowledge of God and commit sin, there is no more sacrifice for you as long as

    your remain unrepentant.

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    Jesus,whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation throu gh faith in his blood, to

    declare his righteou sness for the rem ission of sins that are past, through the

    forbearance of God. To declare, I say, at this time his righteousne ss: that he might be

    just, and the justifier of him w hich believeth in Jesus (Romans 3:25,26). God is just and

    He will continue to be just. After sin entered mankind at the fall of Adam and Eve, the only wayGod could remain just and allow us to enter Heaven was through the atonement. We don't enter

    Heaven by our works, but through Jesus Christ. W here is boasting then? It is excluded . By

    what law? of works? Nay: bu t by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that a man

    is ju stified by faith withou t the dee ds of the law(Romans 3:27,28). We don't need the Law

    to be justified. Christian ministers preaching that we must have part of the Law to be justified are

    out of order, not seeing the perfect plan of grace. They have put many into bondage.

    Not by works of righteousne ss which we have done , but according to his mercy he

    saved u s, by the w ashing of regeneration and rene wing of the Holy Ghost (Titus 3:5).

    For by grace are ye saved throu gh faith; and that n ot of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

    Not of works, lest any man should bo ast (Ephesians 2:8,9). We have not grace in ourselves;

    we have no works which God will accept, but we are saved through Christ according to the mercy

    and grace of God. Those thinking to work their way into Heaven will be disappointed. They won't

    get in.

    For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, notmany m ighty, not m any nob le are called; Bu t God hath chosen the foolish things of the

    world to confou nd the w ise; and God hath chosen the we ak things of the world to

    confoun d the things which are m ighty; And base things of the world, and things which

    are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nou ght

    things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presen ce. But o f him are ye in Christ

    Jesus, who of God is made u nto u s wisdom, and righteousne ss, and sanctification,

    and redemption (I Corinthians 1:26-30). Why are not many wise of this world called? Because

    they won't accept the atonement, the simplicity of it. Their confidence is in man's knowledge, not

    God's. Many teachers in the Christian world, as well as the majority of graduating theologicalstudents, deny the fact that Christ was born of the virgin Mary. They have no real message of

    salvation, of redemptionnothing to offer people. Instead of glorying in the Lord, they glory in

    flesh. All that we are and all that we shall ever be in God is due to the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

    In Christ is wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption.

    God accepted Jesus in our place. To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world

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    un to himself, not impu ting their trespasses un to them; and hath committed un to us

    the w ord of re conciliation (II Corinthians 5:19). Jesus made it possible for us to be reconciled

    unto God. How could one be both reconciled unto God and contaminated with sin at the same

    time? Impossible. There is no sin in God; God cannot accept sin. The devil loves to deceive people

    about sin, but the Word holds the truth.

    The Word is a testimony either for or against you; it is used in the judgment of the believers and

    also the judgment of the wicked dead. According to the Word, God will deal with all. When we

    came before Calvary, we had to face the Word. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among men. If

    you don't accept the Word, you don't accept the truth; and if you don't accept the truth you are not

    free from sin. Many are in bondage, headed for judgment because they will not accept the truth.

    God will judge them. But believers, I say again, have met their judgmentand been passed from

    death into eternal lifeat the cross of Calvary.

    For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life an d pe ace

    (Romans 8:6). You cannot be spiritually minded unless you take on the mind of Jesus. Verses 7,8:

    Becau se the carn al mind is enmity against God: for it is not sub ject to the law of God,

    neither indeed can be . So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. The carnal

    mind will not yield to the will of God. If you are walking in the flesh, you are not pleasing God.

    You can only walk in the Spirit when you walk in the truth of God, in the redemption of God, in the

    shed blood of Jesus. Through the blood you are cleansed, and through the blood you are kept in

    Jesus. Without the blood of Jesus you have no keeping power. The blood of animals does not

    possess that keeping power, nor does it have power to justify. I repeat, God was not pleased with

    animal sacrifices. That's the reason He sent Jesus.

    There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemu s, a ruler of the Jews: The same

    came to Jesu s by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher

    come from God: for no man can do these m iracles that thou did, except God be w ith

    him. Jesus answe red and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man

    be born again, he cann ot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemu s saith unto him, How

    can a man be born whe n he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's

    wom b, and be b orn? Jesus answe red, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be

    born of water an d of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which

    is born of the flesh is flesh; and that w hich is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marv el not

    that I said un to thee, Ye mu st be born again (John 3:1-7). Therefore if any man be in

    Christ, he is a new creature ; old things are passed aw ay; behold, all things are be come

    new (II Corinthians 5:17). Those in Christ are made new; all the sin is gone. God does not repair

    hearts of flesh; He makes them new. If any man be in Christ he is not repaired, he is a new

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    There are some who claim to be of God but are still bound by the world. They have not been made

    new. They act like the world, talk like it; they are a part of it. We who have been born again live in

    a brand-new world, a world where Jesus flows His life's blood into us.

    Forasmuch as ye know that ye w ere n ot redee med w ith corruptible things, as silver

    and gold, from your vain conver sation rece ived by tradition from your fathers; Butwith the preciou s blood of Christ, as of a lamb w ithout blemish and w ithout spot (I

    Peter 1:18,19). You were redeemed from that old conversation, that old life, with the precious

    blood of Jesus. Jesus was without blemish, without spot; and He said we should have to be like

    Him-He made it possible for us to be like Him. It's our atonement, our privilege, our strength, our

    power: being like Him. Jesus is coming after a people without spot, blemish or wrinkle.

    Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an e xample, that ye should follow his steps (I

    Peter 2:21). If we didn't have power to follow His steps, the Bible would never have instructed us

    to do so.

    Jesus,who ve rily was foreordained before the fou ndation of the world, bu t was

    manifest in these last times for you , Who by him do be lieve in God, that raised him up

    from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God. See ing

    ye have pu rified your souls in obeying the truth through the S pirit un to un feigned

    love of the brethren, see that ye love one an other with a pu re heart ferven tly: Being

    born again, not of corrup tible seed, bu t of incorru ptible, by the word of God, which

    liveth and abideth forever (I Peter 1:20-23). To have your soul purified through the

    atonement, you obey the truth. How can you obey the truth and the devil at the same time? How

    can you be obedient to the truth and obedient to that which is not true? The Bible certainly is

    consistent. You purify your soul by obeying the Word through the Spirit.

    Born again of incorruptible seed by the Word made flesh, by Jesus Christ, we have life through

    Him, through the Word which liveth and abideth forever. Heaven and earth will pass away, but the

    Word of God will abide forever. Hide away in the Word.

    And be ye kind one to ano ther, tenderhe arted, forgiving one ano ther even as God for

    Christ's sake hath forgive n you (Ephesians 4:32). God has forgiven us for the sake of Christ,

    not for our sakes. Father, I died for that one, Jesus is saying. I spilled my blood for that sinner.

    For my sake forgive that one. But "that one" must want Jesus, want to be accepted, to be found by

    God; or salvation will be lost. Jesus is the door, the only door, the only way into Heaven; all who

    refuse to enter that door reject eternal salvation. Jesus is life. Without Jesus is no life at all but

    eternal living death in hell.

    Although when you are saved you are pardoned from the judgment of sin, there is a sin judgment

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    for everyone who dies without Jesus. The sin debt must be paid. If you don't accept Jesus as your

    substitute, if you don't accept the price He paid for you, if you don't give yourself to Him then you

    will have to pay with your soul at the White Throne judgment without Jesus to plead your case. He

    will not be there to stand between you and the wrath of God as you and millions like you pass

    before the judgment bar of God on that day: Guilty, guilty, guilty! Depart into everlasting


    But for the believers, our judgment, our trial is over; it was met by Christ for us at Calvary. We

    found the Mercy Seat when we found Jesus: He is our love.

    Calvary was the worst day ever and yet the greatest day for mankind. All the time Jesus was on

    earth He was without sin; the Father's face was turned toward Him saying,This is my beloved Son

    in whom I am well pleased. He's mine and He pleases me! But when our sins were laid upon the

    Master, God had to turn away; for God cannot look upon sin. At the moment Christ became our

    sin-bearer and our sins were laid upon Him the cry from Calvary was heard: My God, my God,

    why hast thou forsaken m e? That terrible cry almost tore out the heart of GodHis only

    begotten Son dying for your sins and mine. Jesus was perfect in all His waysand now this, dyingfor our sins. Not so much as a drink of water would they give Him.

    How He suffered on that cross when the sins of humanity were laid upon Him! Then, as part of the

    punishment, forsaken by God because God cannot look upon sin. When Jesus became our

    substitute, He made it possible for God to look on us through HisJesus'purity.

    Such fear seized those who followed Jesus that they scattered in all directions. How sad God must

    feel when He hears someone say, "Why I've never done anything wrong." Nothing wrong? Only

    trampling the blood of Jesus underfoot, the worst sin a person could commit. There is no such

    thing as a good sinner. The sou l that sinn eth it shall die (Ezekiel 18:4).

    Whe n Jesu s therefore had received the vine gar, he said, It is finished: and he bow ed

    his head and gave u p the ghost (John 19:30). Jesus bowed His head on the cross and died; the

    sin-debt was paid in full for everyone on earth. At the cross, the whole plan of redemption was

    finished. It's Whosoever will, let him come to redemption.

    When Christ took our sins He, no doubt, felt all the pain sinners will feel in eternity, all the pain we

    would have felt had He not come.

    No suffering will be comparable to what Jesus went through. Many do not realize what happened

    to Jesus when all the iniquity, all the sin of the human race were laid upon Him. He took it all; He

    bore our sicknesses as well as our sin. Because Jesus became the sacrifice, for sin as well as

    sickness,with his stripes w e are healed (Isaiah 53:5).

    Sinner, you will fall into the hands of an angry God if you neglect Calvary. Understand God's plan

    for all mankind, wicked and righteous. Two classifications of people are on earth today: the holy

    and the unholy. Right or left, the Holy Spirit is dividing today the godly from the ungodly. The

    Lord told me it would be like this in the final hour. You are either on the right or the left. If there

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    is one sin in your life you are on the left hand of God, the judgmentwithout mercyside.

    Judgment from Heaven falls on the sinner; he is condemned by Heaven and all that Heaven stands

    for. The Bible will judge you if you play with sin. If you have never found that forgiveness, pray

    this prayer with me: God, I have sinned against you. I am guilty, but I ask for mercy. I know you

    died for me, and I'm reaching out to you, dear Jesus, to your atonement. I accept it, and I believe

    that through your shed blood on Calvary I have forgiveness. I believe in the blood of Jesus, the

    blood of the Lamb of God that takes away all of my sins. Come into my heart, Jesus! Come on in!

    Believe Him and you can rejoice that He has come into your heart and you have been pardoned of

    all your sins. You are free, Jesus is yours to live with in Heaven for all eternity. God is your Father

    and you are His child.

    It's a wonderful judgment that sets people free, pardoned, nothing held against them. When the

    believer dies, he is not headed for a judgment of condemnation but for the glory of Heavengoing

    home on the blood. It's the blood of Jesus that opens the gates of Heaven, His blood applied to the

    doorpost of the heart.

    The first judgment: The judgment for the believer

    Basis: Christ's finished work

    Place: Calvary

    Results: Justification for believers in the eyes of the Almighty for all eternity

    I see the redeemed. My eyes are upon the redeemed. The redeemed are to my right, and those

    without redemption are to the left. My anger is kindled, my judgments are nigh at hand. I am

    already sending judgments upon the earth in divers places, and I will send more judgments. My

    hand is moving in anger toward those that have defiled themselves in sin. My Son paid the price

    of deliverance, and they will not accept Him. My judgment will be given to them in gladness; in

    gladness I will give it. And I will measure it out with the fullest measure. There will be no pity. I

    will mock them, and I will laugh at their calamity. Man does not really know his God, saith the

    Lord. Man has seen my hand of mercy and love and tender care. Man has not really seen the God

    of judgment. And I will rain it down. Just as I am raining my Holy Spirit upon the earth for a

    period of time, I will soon rain down my judgment upon planet earth. I have warned humanity.

    Again and aga in I have foretold the things to come and yet many who have known me know me

    no more. They have gone astray. Others are in a lukewarm condition. And the deceit of Lucifer is

    going forth to cover the whole earth. And yet with my great love I'm raining down mercy; I'm

    raining down help for all before I rain judgment. Draw nigh unto me, my people. You are in

    great conflict, and you're in grave danger. Your only safety is in me, saith the Lord. Walk with

    me in every moment. Do not stray. The enemy will deceive you in this last hour and destroy you.

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    Be holy in my presence, and my face will be toward you, and you will have my favor. And the

    blood of my Son will protect you, and my Word will shield you. Trust in the Lord thy God. Trust

    in the promises of the Lord thy God and do my work. Redemption draweth nigh, saith the Lord.

    THE JUDGMENT AT CALVARY, All rights reserved. Copyright 1991 Ernest Angley.

    All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use

    only. You may freely download, print or distribute this literature without prior permission, as long as it is NOT altered and is distributed inits entirety.

    1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

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