Page 1: THE June/July 2017 · 2017-05-26 · July 29—High School amp Out (8-11pm) AUGUST: July 31-August 3—VS August

First Presbyterian ChurchFirst Presbyterian ChurchFirst Presbyterian Church

3501 Hill Ave., Spirit Lake, IA3501 Hill Ave., Spirit Lake, IA3501 Hill Ave., Spirit Lake, IA


THE THE June/July 2017 June/July 2017


Page 2: THE June/July 2017 · 2017-05-26 · July 29—High School amp Out (8-11pm) AUGUST: July 31-August 3—VS August



Forms are available in the office for anyone

wishing to begin automatic giving. Please

see John Calsbeek for more details.


From Your Pastor 3-4

Growing in Faith 5-6

Vacation Bible School 6

Discipleship in Action 7

Church Happenings 8-9

Liturgists Needed 10

Calendars 10-13

Birthdays & Anniversaries 14-15

Children’s Church 16

PW Ladies Hawkeye B’day Party 16

Pictures of Dad 17

Church Library News 18

Meals On Wheels 20

Mary/Martha Circle Picnic 20

Community Support 21

Lakeshore Center 23


Children’s Church begins………………………………...June 4

High School DQ Night……………………………………June 6

Mary/Martha Circle/Bible Study Potluck………………..June 8

High School Bonfire (8-11pm)…………………………..June 11

7th-8th Grade Icees & Mini Golf………………………...June 15

Father’s Day………………………………………………June 18

5th-6th Grade Arnolds Park & Bob’s Night…………….June 22

Hawkeye Birthday Party………………………………….June 26

High School Drive-In Theatre Night…………………….June 27

Independence Day (office Closed)……………………..July 4

HS Mission Trip…………………………………………...July 5-10

7th-8th Grade Beach Day………………………………..July 13

5th-6th Grade Taco House & Mini Golf (12:30-5pm)…July 20

High School Camp Out.(8-11pm)……………………….July 29

Vacation Bible School……………………………………July 31-August 3

High School Boundary Waters Trip…………………….August 2-7

8th-12th Grade Valley Fair Trip…………………………August 10

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From Your From Your

PastorPastor Family Ties

By the time you read this the Loveall family will either be in full-on wedding panic mode, or recovering from a wedding and expanded by one member. Those of you who have been through family weddings might be smiling at that, but I’m still trying to get my head around our family getting larger at this point in our lives. It’s a good thing, but in the midst of all the planning and details, I haven’t really considered it.

From this point on, we have another family member. The last time that happened, we went to the hospital and came home with Emma [which by the way was only slightly more expensive and scary than the wedding.] From here on out, we’ll be setting another place at the table for holidays, putting another birthday on our calendar, adding extra items to our Christmas shopping list, and learning a new set of favorites, dislikes, and preferences.

In the recent past, First Presbyterian Church has celebrated new members and had the opportunity to celebrate a baptism. As a pastor, I enjoy both of those events and feel grateful whenever we have the chance to do either of them. In both, I see similarities with our family task of welcoming a new son-in-law. Both expand our church family, and in both cases we get the chance to welcome someone to the family. To get to know them, and show them the ropes of how we live out our family life together. We get to work together for the good of the church and do the work of Christ together. It’s not always easy since we don’t always agree on everything, but what family does?

The Apostle Paul makes it clear that our unity is in Jesus. We are not one because we are all of the same age, race, political persuasion, or opinion. We are one because Jesus is the one and only savior of every one of us, and having that in common is supposed to be far larger than our differences. Jesus makes us one, and Jesus makes us family. Wherever one comes from and whatever their background and

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Receive the Weekly Sermon in Your Email We are excited to announce that you can now subscribe to receive our newest sermons conveniently in your inbox. If you would like to receive the weekly sermon, you can subscribe on our homepage at

history, when someone finds their way into this church family, become one of us, but only because we are seeking to be one in Christ.

Our new son-in-law found his way into our family because he fell in love. In fact, he fell in a specific kind of covenant promise love that led him to pledge to spend the rest of his life loving our daughter. Chanc-es are, that won’t be as simple and easy as it seems before the wed-ding, but the reality of that promise will guide the entire rest of his life in some way. It’s the same in the church. We got here because at some point, we accepted that God has loved us in Christ and we com-mitted to love him back for the rest of our lives. Later we learned that doing so isn’t easy or simple, but that decision guides the rest of our lives. We made a covenant with Jesus, and that made us a part of his family.

It’s interesting that the Bible uses the imagery of a wedding to convey the relationship between Jesus and His church (see Revelation 19). Weddings are always times when families come together, and when they grow. May we continue to grow together in the church as we serve Christ together as one family. Thanks for being a part of it.



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“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of

God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NRSV)

The season of summer transition is upon us! As I write this, hundreds of students are celebrating the end of yet another school year, while parents are bracing for a radical shift in their normal routines. For older students, the normal homework and test routines are replaced with summer jobs (sometimes many) and summer programs of all kinds. Younger children’s routines are filled with trips to the beach, VBS programs, trips to see family, and much more. Of course, summer is a busy season for everyone but all the more so at the lakes where we play host to guests and visitors from all over the country. With all of this activity it can sometimes be difficult to feel like we can keep our routines and schedules in order, yet along do everything we do for the glory of God.

This summer we will all make choices about what things we will give priority to in our lives. We will be invited to participate in any number of different competing activities and opportunities and it will often be tempting to choose whichever is the most convenient or simply take the first one that comes around. We are sometimes tempted to put our “normal lives” on hold and for Sundays to simply become a day to sleep in.

This year we are blessed to have Emma Dau join us for two months as a college intern. She will be serving alongside me and the Christian Education and youth ministry planning team. She will be helping plan and lead weekly youth fellowship events as well as a regular high school Bible study. She will also be helping lead and run Church School during both services throughout June and July as well as leading the oldest students’ during our VBS program. She is already well known by our congregation and we will be blessed by both her creativity and passion for ministry.

So while things at the school might be slowing down, things at the church

are merely changing pace. Instead of our weekly youth group ministries, we

will be intentionally meeting to study, fellowship, and grow together

throughout the summer in a variety of different times and formats. My

simple encouragement for you is to set aside intentional time to connect with

your church family this summer, to not let the seasonal change of pace inhibit

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your growth as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Make a point to share devotions at your dinner table, to worship with other congregations on Sunday when you travel, and to set aside time with the creator and redeemer of all things. As the Apostle Paul exhorted the Corinthians, “whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Might each of us be intentional to fill this beautiful season with fellowship, celebration, and thanksgiving. And as we commit to keep God at the center of our summer routine, we will transform a busy season into a season filled with praise and worship. To God be the glory, Michael

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Summer Youth Fellowship Events:

All summer fellowship events are planned for next year’s grades. For example,

last year’s 6th grade students are invited to participate in our 7th grade events

during the summer. Exact times and events are subject to change depending

upon interest, weather, and scheduling. We will work to contact families prior

to each event to make sure that we can answer any questions and ensure good


JUNE: June 6—High School DQ Night (8pm) June 11—High School Bonfire (8-11pm) June 15—7th & 8th Grade Icees and Mini Golf (2-5pm) June 22—5th & 6th Grade Arnolds Park & Bob’s Night (1-5pm) June 27—High School Drive-In Theatre

JULY: July 5-10—High School Youth Mission Trip July 13—7th & 8th Grade Beach Day July 20—5th & 6th Grade Taco House & Mini Golf (1-4pm) July 29—High School Camp Out (8-11pm)

AUGUST: July 31-August 3—VBS August 2-7—High School Boundary Waters Trip August 10—8th-12th Grade Valley Fair Trip August 28—First Day of School

High School Video Game Nights: High school video game nights will be held throughout the summer. If you would like to be notified about upcoming game nights please contact Pastor Michael and he will add you to the notification list.

Mission Trip Meeting: The final preparatory mission trip meeting will be held at First Presbyterian Church in Lake Park on Wednesday June 14th at 7pm. Please come to receive the final packing list, a complete trip itinerary, and the final information re-quired for our upcoming Mission trip to NYC.

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Weekly Prayer The women of our church are meeting weekly for a time of prayer in the chapel each Tuesday, from 9-9:30am. This is an outgrowth of our Presbyterian Women's theme for the year which is an Emphasis on Prayer. We welcome all to come and join us: members, non-members, friends, men and women alike. We will be focusing on prayer for our nation, the upcoming conventions, and the November election as well as any and all other prayer requests that come to our attention. We are hoping to use our chapel for a place of weekly prayer time and will continue on a permanent basis, a place where we can bring our petitions before God and pray for one another as the body of Christ.

Ushers & Greeters Needed We are preparing the usher & greeting schedule for our 1st & 2nd Worship services. If you would like to be an usher and/or greeter, please let us know. If you haven't been an usher or greeter, here is your chance to meet a quite a few of the congregation. Let us know - either Cheri in the office or Bob Peterson.

Monday Morning Quilters Needed

Sewers are needed to put quilt tops together

People are needed to help tie them. This group meets from 9:00 - 10:30am each Monday morning. These quilts are mission projects and sent all over the world. No experience necessary and TRAINING INCLUDED! Box Tops and Labels for Education A new list of labels accepted for box tops and labels for education has been posted on the window of the church office. This list shows all the new products that labels can be clipped from.

Message from the Deacons The Deacons ask for your help in order that we might continue to help with special needs in our congregation and in the community. If you know of any needs, please give them to the attention of Doug Stueven or any Deacon. Please use the “Deacon Envelopes” located in the pew racks to make contributions each Communion Sunday for the work of the Deacons. We are the hands and feet of Jesus and may He find us faithful in His service. “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise: give thanks to Him and praise His name.” Newsletter Available Online If you would like to receive your newsletter online please let us know by sending an email to: [email protected]. Also, you can access the newsletter anytime on our website at Join in Prayer Join in prayer for the Church each Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. in the Chapel. We will be in prayer for the pastor, for the music, for every part of the Service, and for the presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst as we worship. God hears and answers prayer.

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Healing by Elders—Prayers of Healing Elders will be available for prayer. If you have a need for physical or spiritual healing, the opportunity will be available every communion Sunday in the chapel following the worship service for Prayers for Healing and Laying on of Hands. Please call Owen Primavera (332-2537) for more information or if you would be interested in another time for a healing service. - Psalm 100:4

Worship Service Broadcast Schedule The radio broadcast of the Worship Service is each Sunday morning from 9:00-10:00a.m. on KUOO (103.9FM). OR you can go to our Web Site under Media and receive the KUOO Live Stream under Sunday Audio Stream. It is also televised the following Tuesday at 9:00am and Saturday at 7:00am on Channel 22 if you have a black box. With a new or digital TV it is channel 80-25. We invite you to sponsor a radio or television broadcast for $50 each; this can be in honor of, or memory of a loved one. Please contact the church office if you are interested at 336-1649.

Ladies....of all ages:

Coffee break time every Thursday morning, 8:30 AM at Hey Good Cookies. No agenda, just get together with friends and a little chit chat.

Questions: Call Lori Vicker at 515-249-6684.

Liturgist Schedule The Worship Committee is in the process of making

up the schedule for liturgists for the next 12

months. We really do appreciate all of the dedica-

tion and willingness of those who have served dur-

ing our worship services in this capacity. Also, if

you are interested in being a liturgist, please let

Bob Peterson 332-6374, Cheri or Pastor Clint 336-

1649 know, so that we can add you to our list!

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June 2017

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3:00pm Bailey Loveall & Pieter

Swart Wedding


4 8:50 am Reformed Worship

Service 10:00 am Coffee & Fellowship 11:15 am Reforming Worship

Service 2:45 pm Worship Service at


5 9:00 am PW Sewing

6 9:00 am Weekly Prayer 9:30 am Rachelle's Bible Study

at Rabab's 6:30 pm Building & Grounds


8:00pm High School DQ Night

7 7:15 pm 2nd Service Rehearsal

8 6:00 pm Mary/Martha Circle

Potluck at Elinor

Bedell State Park

9 10

11 8:50 am Reformed Worship

Service 10:00 am Coffee & Fellowship 11:15 am Reforming Worship

Service 8:00 pm High School Bonfire

12 9:00 am PW Sewing 6:30 pm Deacons Meeting

13 9:00 am Weekly Prayer 9:30 am Rachelle's Bible Study

at Rabab's

14 7:00pm Mission Trip Meeting

7:15 pm 2nd Service Rehearsal

15 2-5pm 7th & 8th Grade Icees &

Mini Golf

16 17

18 8:50 am Reformed Worship

Service 10:00 am Coffee & Fellowship 11:15 am Reforming Worship

Service 2:00 pm Worship Service at


19 9:00 am PW Sewing 5:15 pm Stewardship Commit-

tee Meeting

20 9:00 am Weekly Prayer 9:30 am Rachelle's Bible Study

at Rabab's 7:00 pm Session Meeting

21 7:15 pm 2nd Service Rehearsal

22 1-5pm 5th & 6th Grade Arnolds

Park & Bob's Night

23 24

25 8:50 am Reformed Worship

Service 10:00 am Coffee & Fellowship 11:15 am Reforming Worship


26 9:00 am PW Sewing

2:00 pm PW Ladies at

Hawkeye Birthday


27 High School Drive-In

Theatre Night 9:00 am Weekly Prayer 9:30 am Rachelle's Bible Study

at Rabab's

28 7:15 pm 2nd Service Rehearsal

29 30

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June 2017

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3:00pm Bailey Loveall & Pieter

Swart Wedding


4 8:50 am Reformed Worship

Service 10:00 am Coffee & Fellowship 11:15 am Reforming Worship

Service 2:45 pm Worship Service at


5 9:00 am PW Sewing

6 9:00 am Weekly Prayer 9:30 am Rachelle's Bible Study

at Rabab's 6:30 pm Building & Grounds


8:00pm High School DQ Night

7 7:15 pm 2nd Service Rehearsal

8 6:00 pm Mary/Martha Circle

Potluck at Elinor

Bedell State Park

9 10

11 8:50 am Reformed Worship

Service 10:00 am Coffee & Fellowship 11:15 am Reforming Worship

Service 8:00 pm High School Bonfire

12 9:00 am PW Sewing 6:30 pm Deacons Meeting

13 9:00 am Weekly Prayer 9:30 am Rachelle's Bible Study

at Rabab's

14 7:00pm Mission Trip Meeting

7:15 pm 2nd Service Rehearsal

15 2-5pm 7th & 8th Grade Icees &

Mini Golf

16 17

18 8:50 am Reformed Worship

Service 10:00 am Coffee & Fellowship 11:15 am Reforming Worship

Service 2:00 pm Worship Service at


19 9:00 am PW Sewing 5:15 pm Stewardship Commit-

tee Meeting

20 9:00 am Weekly Prayer 9:30 am Rachelle's Bible Study

at Rabab's 7:00 pm Session Meeting

21 7:15 pm 2nd Service Rehearsal

22 1-5pm 5th & 6th Grade Arnolds

Park & Bob's Night

23 24

25 8:50 am Reformed Worship

Service 10:00 am Coffee & Fellowship 11:15 am Reforming Worship


26 9:00 am PW Sewing

2:00 pm PW Ladies at

Hawkeye Birthday


27 High School Drive-In

Theatre Night 9:00 am Weekly Prayer 9:30 am Rachelle's Bible Study

at Rabab's

28 7:15 pm 2nd Service Rehearsal

29 30

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July 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 8:50 am Reformed Worship

Service 10:00 am Coffee & Fellowship 11:15 am Reforming Worship

Service 2:45 pm Worship Service at


3 9:00 am PW Sewing

4 9:00 am Weekly Prayer 9:30 am Rachelle's Bible Study

at Rabab's 6:30 pm Building & Grounds


5 Youth Mission Trip

to NYC 7:15 pm 2nd Service Rehearsal

6 Youth Mission Trip

to NYC 7 Youth Mission Trip

to NYC 8 Youth Mission Trip

to NYC

9 Youth Mission Trip

to NYC 8:50 am Reformed Worship

Service 10:00 am Coffee & Fellowship 11:15 am Reforming Worship


10 Youth Mission Trip

to NYC 9:00 am PW Sewing 6:30 pm Deacons Meeting

11 9:00 am Weekly Prayer 9:30 am Rachelle's Bible Study

at Rabab's

12 7:15 pm 2nd Service Rehearsal

13 7th & 8th Grade

Beach Day 14 15

16 8:50 am Reformed Worship

Service 10:00 am Coffee & Fellowship 11:15 am Reforming Worship

Service 2:00 pm Worship Service at


17 9:00 am PW Sewing 5:15 pm Stewardship Commit-

tee Meeting

18 9:00 am Weekly Prayer 9:30 am Rachelle's Bible Study

at Rabab's 7:00 pm Session Meeting

19 7:15 pm 2nd Service Rehearsal

20 1-4pm 5th & 6th Grade Taco

House & Mini Golf

21 22

23 8:50 am Reformed Worship

Service 10:00 am Coffee & Fellowship 11:15 am Reforming Worship


24 9:00 am PW Sewing

25 9:00 am Weekly Prayer 9:30 am Rachelle's Bible Study

at Rabab's

26 7:15 pm 2nd Service Rehearsal

27 28 29 8:00 pm High School Camp


30 8:50 am Reformed Worship

Service 10:00 am Coffee & Fellowship 11:15 am Reforming Worship


31 8:30 am VBS 9:00 am PW Sewing

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July 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 8:50 am Reformed Worship

Service 10:00 am Coffee & Fellowship 11:15 am Reforming Worship

Service 2:45 pm Worship Service at


3 9:00 am PW Sewing

4 9:00 am Weekly Prayer 9:30 am Rachelle's Bible Study

at Rabab's 6:30 pm Building & Grounds


5 Youth Mission Trip

to NYC 7:15 pm 2nd Service Rehearsal

6 Youth Mission Trip

to NYC 7 Youth Mission Trip

to NYC 8 Youth Mission Trip

to NYC

9 Youth Mission Trip

to NYC 8:50 am Reformed Worship

Service 10:00 am Coffee & Fellowship 11:15 am Reforming Worship


10 Youth Mission Trip

to NYC 9:00 am PW Sewing 6:30 pm Deacons Meeting

11 9:00 am Weekly Prayer 9:30 am Rachelle's Bible Study

at Rabab's

12 7:15 pm 2nd Service Rehearsal

13 7th & 8th Grade

Beach Day 14 15

16 8:50 am Reformed Worship

Service 10:00 am Coffee & Fellowship 11:15 am Reforming Worship

Service 2:00 pm Worship Service at


17 9:00 am PW Sewing 5:15 pm Stewardship Commit-

tee Meeting

18 9:00 am Weekly Prayer 9:30 am Rachelle's Bible Study

at Rabab's 7:00 pm Session Meeting

19 7:15 pm 2nd Service Rehearsal

20 1-4pm 5th & 6th Grade Taco

House & Mini Golf

21 22

23 8:50 am Reformed Worship

Service 10:00 am Coffee & Fellowship 11:15 am Reforming Worship


24 9:00 am PW Sewing

25 9:00 am Weekly Prayer 9:30 am Rachelle's Bible Study

at Rabab's

26 7:15 pm 2nd Service Rehearsal

27 28 29 8:00 pm High School Camp


30 8:50 am Reformed Worship

Service 10:00 am Coffee & Fellowship 11:15 am Reforming Worship


31 8:30 am VBS 9:00 am PW Sewing

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June Birthdays

14 Andi Wahl Nick Aarsen Greg Jenness 16 Kirk Huisenga Marcia VanRoekel Mason Poolman 17 Christy Thompson 18 Megan Bush 19 Courtney Bolluyt 20 Carol Armstrong 22 Mike May Ernie Poyzer 23 Carley Hassel 24 Mary Quitno 25 Kaci Bruinsma June Goldman Lois Holtgrewe 27 Alan Bush Zoey Stecker 28 Caleb Howatt Sandi Stellinga Moses Merlin Stover 29 Karrey Lindeberg 30 Lydia Bruinsma Kim Johnson Kris Oldson

1 Walter Mendenhall 2 Stan Altena 3 Jax Kennedy 4 Eden Lippon Marilyn Miller 5 Jean Leuthauser Jackson Sprague Bernice Steele 6 Brice Pratt Gayle Raymond 7 Jen Watts Kelly Swancutt Dick Welty Jerod Reinking 8 Sherryl Jones Dylan Stecker Ethan Stecker 9 MacKenzie Kauffman 10 Marcy Toews 11 Darrell Arneson Pat Thomson 12 Clint Loveall 13 Todd Howatt Olivia Smith 14 Barry Holtgrewe

1 Chris and Bev Pratt 4 Leo and Lorraine Kofoot 5 Mike and Sue Ewen Mike and Marge May Ron and Ellen Williams 8 Neil and Pat Heiser Brad and Susan Travis 10 Kraig and Kelli Kruger 14 Don and Wilma Clauson

Kent and Jill Stensland 16 Darren and Tracy Anderson Dave and Nancy Dau 17 Dave and Nancy Dreeszen Kirk and Judy Jensen

June Anniversaries 19 Jim and Charlene Radcliffe Steve and Janice Richards 20 Jim and Mary Quitno 22 Mike and Harriet Fliss Dave and Stacie Rentschler 24 Roger and Karen Lahm Mike and Rhonda Reekers 25 Don and Deb Breems Jay and Laura Fagen Gene and Sharon Ringsdorf 27 Jon and Amy Stover 29 Jim and Marlene Avery Jared and Heidi DeMuth Robert and Martha Graham 30 Barry and Lois Holtgrewe

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July Anniversaries 2 Tim and Jenny Bengs 10 Josh and Dana Bolluyt Roger and Donna Harms 15 Damon and Amy Radcliffe 18 Charles and Diane Dunn 23 Ken and Marcia Eckerman 24 Randy and Vonda Buchman

26 Craig and Milly Tillotson 28 Clint and Jane Loveall John and Angie Peterson 29 Jeremy and Courtney Bolluyt Jan and Linda Bolluyt Jerry and Dorothy Ingvall 30 Rob and Kris Oldson

July Birthdays 1 Laurel Webber 2 Kyle Anderson Jack Hough Connie Rohlk 3 Randy Buchman Diane Dunn Kory Smith 5 Callan Hinn 6 Jake Heitritter Camden Kruger Kaydon Steinkuehler 7 Robert Graham Jim Watts 8 Gary Ranum 9 Dave Butterworth Karen Lahm Sullivan Radcliffe Logan Sill 10 Deb Ditsworth Addison Howatt 11 Duane Rost Audrey Wiersma 12 Keith Marra Jan Partello Robert Thorbrogger 13 Nancy Radcliffe 14 Emjae Fisbeck Lexi Jennings 15 Mike Malone

15 Coral Sweeney 16 Allison Duncan Lisa Richter 17 Andy Quiring Amy Webber 18 Neil Heiser Doug Johnson Kyla Mercer 20 Kailee Jenness Austin Jennings Lauren VanDyke 21 Gary Eaton Renae Rosenberg Brad Travis 22 Susie Bartels 23 Jared DeMuth Charles Dunn Dave Rowlands 24 Marie Niebruegge Justin Sprague 25 Mike Ewen 26 Jacob Kitzinger 28 Doug Stueven Maddie Richter 30 Jodi Smith 31 Kacey Krieger Cooper Winkel

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Pre-K through 4th grade students are invited to attend Children's Church, an interactive worship ex-perience, following the children's sermon during both worship ser-vices every Sunday throughout June and July. Adult leaders will lead students in a time of Bible lessons, music, crafts, and games in the Christian Education wing. Once wor-ship is over, students will enjoy a

snack time while adults have a time of coffee and fellowship. Regular Sun-day School will not meet during the summer and will resume in the early Fall.

June Birthday Party

at Hawkeye

Mary/Martha Circle Bible Study of PW is

hosting the June Birthday Party at Haw-

keye Care Center on Monday, June 26th

at 2pm. If you would like to join us,

please call the church office at 336-1649.

The Women’s Bible Study held on Wednesday evenings at

6pm will continue through the summer. The Bible Study

will be held at Rabab’s (formerly Prairie Chick) on Tuesday

mornings at 9:30. They will be studying the book of He-

brews and continues to be led by Rachelle Gewecke.

Women’s Bible Study

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Pictures of Dad On Sunday, June 18th we will be honoring all dads on Fa-ther’s Day. Please bring in or email your favorite picture of “Dad” to be presented in a

slide show presentation on Father’s Day.

Upper Des Moines Food Pantry The Deacons give a “BIG THANK YOU” to everyone who donated to our recent food drive. The Deacons delivered many bags to UDMO Food Pantry. The food pantry were so appreciative of how much we collected. They were graciously thankful for everyone's generosi-ty. Your donations will touch the lives of many in our community.

FPC is Collecting Freezer Meals We try to keep freezer meals on hand for families in need, but our collection is getting low. So we are asking for your help in restocking the freezer. Thank you for your continued support in this ministry.

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Two new DVD’s have been ordered for the church library: “Hidden Strangers” and “Finding Dory”. “Finding Dory” is given to the library by the Presbyterian Women in memory of Marian Tadlock. Books on order include “The American Spirit” by David McCullough, “This Road We Traveled” by Jane Kirkpatrick, “Wait, What?” by James Ryan, and “Bread and Wine” by Shauna Niequist. Two of the books were purchased by donations in memory of Anita Stockdale. In “This Road We Traveled” we learn about the journey of Tabitha Brown, a grandmother, as she traveled with her family on the Applegate Cutoff, a new route on the Oregon Trail. “The American Spirit” is a collection of speeches by David McCullough, historian, who stresses the importance of history as a guide to American character and values.

If you’re thinking of downsizing your treasures, be sure to read “Downsizing the Family Home” by Marni Jameson. This book is written not only for adult children faced with clearing out a parent’s house, but also for older adults who are planning to move to a home with less space. Marni helps you decide what to save and what to let go.

Church members and friends have donated some newer books for our church library. You might enjoy “Unlocked” by Karen Kingsbury, “Humor for a Woman’s Heart” by several authors, “The End of Me/Where Real Life in the upside-Down Ways of Jesus Begins” by Kyle Idleman, “This Life I Live” by Rory Feek, “Nowhere to be Found” by Emily Thomas or “The Beloved Stranger” by Grace Livingston Hill.

I’ll be looking for you in the library.

by: Pat Heiser, Librarian

Here is a list of locations and dates where First Here is a list of locations and dates where First Presbyterian Church will be holding Worship Ser-Presbyterian Church will be holding Worship Ser-vices. Hawkeye Care Center at 2:00pm, WELCOV at vices. Hawkeye Care Center at 2:00pm, WELCOV at 2:45pm, and Pride Group of Okoboji at 3:30pm. The 2:45pm, and Pride Group of Okoboji at 3:30pm. The services last about 20 minutes and we would like services last about 20 minutes and we would like church members to attend and participate. The resi-church members to attend and participate. The resi-dents love the attention and Pastor Clint loves our dents love the attention and Pastor Clint loves our participation. participation. Communion Sundays would be especially good for Communion Sundays would be especially good for one or more of us to help out. If interested, please one or more of us to help out. If interested, please

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Items Needed at Forest


The young women at Forest Ridge are so thankful for all that has been do-nated to them. But, their supply is run-ning low on the fol-lowing items: Yarn, hotel shampoo, conditioner, bar soap and lotion. Please leave your items in the box labeled Forest Ridge in the library.

Page 20: THE June/July 2017 · 2017-05-26 · July 29—High School amp Out (8-11pm) AUGUST: July 31-August 3—VS August


June 18-22 — Jazz Camp

In September our church will deliver meals to community

shut-ins. Delivering Meals-On-Wheels takes about 30-45

minutes. You may sign up for any amount of days. Maybe

you prefer one day a week, for instance every Monday, or

every day for a week or different days during the month.

Substitutes are available so don’t let the fact that you are

going to be gone one time stop you from signing up. You

pick up the meals at the hospital kitchen at 11:00am. This

usually is done with a partner to make the job fun and fast-

er. Meals are delivered every day of the week except Sun-


Delivering Meals-On-Wheels to our community shut-ins is

a rewarding experience and you will be glad you took part in


A calendar will be placed on an easel in the Narthex for

you to sign up in August. If you have any questions please

contact Milt Nolting at 336-4336.

Mary/Martha Circle Study Group will be

having their annual picnic on Thursday, June 8th,

6pm at Elinor Bedell State Park Shelter House.

Please bring a dish to pass, tableware and a bever-

age. In case of rain, it will be held at First Presby-

terian Church Fellowship Hall.

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Okoboji Bereaved Parents Support Group “Offering help in dealing with the loss of a Child” Okoboji Bereaved Parents Support Group meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at Good News Community Church in Okoboji, IA. For more information call 332-5698. Support Groups at Kindred Hospice Our Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group, for family caregivers of those living with Alzheimer’s, meets the first Thursday of each month from 2-3pm. Support group meetings are a family caregiver’s opportunity to learn more about Alzheimer’s disease and caregiv-ing from peers who have had similar experiences or have the same questions and con-cerns. Support groups are free and open to the public. All groups meet at Kindred Hospice, 1370 Lake St., Spirit Lake For more information on this group, please call volunteer facilitators; Robin Lock or Amy Majerus at 712-336-2941. Community Table An open invitation to all to attend the Community Table three times a month from 5:30-7pm. On the 2nd and 4th Thursdays in Arnolds Park at the Okoboji Bible Conference Center, 45 S Hwy 71, and on the 3rd Thursday at the Bedell Family YMCA, 1900 41st St. NO COST TO YOU! Sponsored by the Dickinson County Ministerial Association in part-nership with the Bedell Family YMCA and Upper Des Moines Opportunity. TOPS Club, Inc. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) TOPS...Take Off Pounds Sensibly a non-profit organization meets on Mondays at the Spirit Lake United Methodist Church (1 block east of court house, use south entrance on 19th St.) Weigh in:5-5:30pm and the meeting:5:30-6pm. We’re the support you’re look-ing for. For more information call Betty Sangel at 712-320-4458. Christian Women’s Connections Connecting, Refreshing, Uplifting meets every 3rd Wednesday at 12:30pm (luncheon reservations—$10) at the Okoboji Community Center, 7 S Hwy 71, Arnolds Park. For more information call Mona at 712.362.4552 or Kay at 712.262.8911. Glimmer of Light The Glimmer of Light program is designed to provide grieving moms of infants (whether from miscarriage, stillbirth birth defects, SIDS, or other illnesses) a support sys-tem. This support system will consist of monthly meetings where moms of all ages, who have lost a baby at some point in their lives, can come together to help one another by listening and by also sharing stories of hope. The meeting times are the third Monday of the month at 7pm at First Presbyterian Church, Spirit Lake. GriefShare GriefShare is a support group that meets weekly. The program is nondenominational and features biblical concepts for healing from your grief. They meet on Monday eve-nings 6:30-8:30pm at Okoboji Lakes Bible Conference Community Center., 45 S Hwy 71, Arnolds Park, IA. For more information, call Jo Winkowitsch, 712-330-7091. Parents Connect...Because family matters Whether you are parenting together, single or expecting your first child…..all are wel-come! The meetings are the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from September to May from 5:30-7:30pm at Good News Community Church, Okoboji. A free meal for families is served at every gathering. Free childcare is provided during parent connection time. No pre-registration is required. Join us! Contact Cherish center at or call 712-338-3333 with any questions.

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First Presbyterian Church participates in the Spirit Lake Back-pack Program. This program provides food for kids whose fami-lies need assistance. If you are will-ing to donate food, these are the items we are accepting: Easy Mac—microwave mac &cheese Cans of Spaghetti and meatballs/spaghetti o’s/ Ravioli—bite size Chewy Granola Bars—peanut butter or chocolate chip Quaker microwavable quick oats—with flavoring Juice boxes—any flavor Pudding cups Individual bottles of juice Fruit Snacks Peanut butter crackers package Pretzels Jars of Peanut butter Gold fish,100 calorie treat pkg Crackers and cheese package Jars of jelly Jif peanut butter to go containers Individual cereal boxes Cans of chicken noodle soup Hormel Complete dinners

Spirit Lake Backpack Program

Coupons for Soldiers If you receive coupons in your newspapers and don’t use them, we’ll

take them. We are forwarding them on to a man in a care center in

Aurelia who clips them and sends them to the troops overseas. They

can even use outdated ones up to 2 months old. The troops thank you.

Attention Sewers

The children’s and lap quilts are now in the draw-ers in fellowship hall and ready for completion. Please take them home and complete one or as many as you like. These quilts have been given in the past to CAASA, Dickinson County Public Health for the “New Moms” program, Lakes Regional Healthcare for the new babies, Gentiva Hospice and Hilltop Care Center. Please help with this pro-ject which provides warmth to many members of our community and beyond.

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Summer Camp Brochures Are Here!!!

Pick one up from the Information Center.

Elementary Camps are for campers who completed 3rd through 5th Grade

Discovery Camp 1,2,3 and 4………June 11-16, June 25-30, July 9-14 & July 23-29 Fast Camp……………………………………...June 18-24 Narnia Movie Camp…………………………...July 2-7 Sports and Aquatics Camp…………..July 16-19 Middle School Camps are for campers who

have completed 5th through 8th Grade Classic Camp…………………………………...June 11-16 Fast Camp……………………………………...June 18-24 2 Week Camp………………………...June 25-July 7 Narnia Movie Camp…………………………...July 2-7 Team Challenge Camp……………………..July 9-14 Sports and Aquatics Camp…………..July 16-19 Wacky Tourist Camp……………………..July 16-21 Art Explosion………………………………...July 23-28 Night Owls………………………….July 30-August 4 High School Camps are for campers who have completed 9th through 12th Grade

Leaders in Training Parts 1 and 2 (16 years or older)…………….June 11-16, and June 18-21 2 Week Camp…………………………June 25-July 7 Beach Camp……………………………………..July 16-19 Wacky Tourist Camp……………………..July 16-21 Night Owls………………………….July 30-August 4

All Ages Whether you are a youngster or a young-ster-at-heart our inter-generational pro-grams give the kids in all of us a chance to come out and play while connecting with friends and family of all ages. Fun Day (PreK-1st Grade)…………………..June 17 Lil’ Campers (1st-3rd Grade)………...June 18-21 Super Duper Sleepover (1st-3rd Grade)….. ………………………………………………………..June-23-24 Grands and Family Camp (All Ages)….. …………………………………………………………June 25-28 Sheep & Shepherds (Parent/Guardian & Camper K-3rd Grade)……………………..July 14-16 Camp Alumni Reunion Weekend (All Ages)………………………………………………………….July 28-30

Register Online Today!

A Typical Day At Camp

8 a.m. - Breakfast 8:30 a.m. - Morning Worship 9 a.m. - Energizers/Bible Study 10 a.m. - Morning Activity I 11 a.m. - Morning Activity II 12 noon - Lunch 12:30 p.m. - Cabin Time 1:15 p.m. - Afternoon Activity I 3:15 p.m. - Snack Time 4 p.m. - Swim Time/Activity II

5 p.m. Cabin time 5:30 p.m. - Supper 6:30 p.m.-Evening All Camp Activity 8 p.m. - Snack 8:15 p.m. - Evening Vespers 9 p.m.- Optional Late Night Activity

9:45 p.m.- Cabin time/Devotions 10:30 p.m. - Go to sleep! *Activities may include archery, canoeing, kayaking, low challenge course, high challenge course, field games, arts and crafts, nature hikes, 9 square in the air, Gaga Ball, talent shows, & more!

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