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THE KING IS COMING!Jesus Christ has come and will come again. This is the hope of the Church whom He purchased with His blood. This is the hope of a bride, knowing she will be swept off her feet. This is the hope of a child, believing in the promise of his father. It is the eager expectation and desire of God’s people. His coming is our joy, for He is our treasure, our greatest good.

Advent, formed from a Latin word meaning “coming” or “arrival,” is about the coming of Christ. It’s the traditional celebration of the first advent of Jesus and the anxious awaiting of His second. The season is a time for remembering and rejoicing, watching and waiting, and a time to reflect upon the promises of God and to anticipate the fulfillment of those promises with patience, prayer, and preparedness. Advent is celebrated the 4 weeks leading up to Christmas.

This year Advent is Sunday, November 30 through Wednesday, December 24.

Church family, this Christmas season we want to encourage and empower you to celebrate Advent. Whether this is something you already do together, or this is a new tradition idea, we would like to give you some ideas and resources that can help.

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RESOURCES FOR ADVENTOne resource is the book you hold in your hand! Our church staff has taken the time to write devotionals that will lead you through this beautiful season. As well, you will find below several ideas and resources, tools, and books that can lead you through Advent.

• Books laid out in story form: Jotham’s Journey, Bartholomew’s Passage, and Tabitha’s Travels o These books follow characters through their lives, ending with each of them at the birth of Jesus. The characters are children who encounter some of the same things your kids do — obedience, fear, love, hope, and the joy of meeting Jesus! All of these books have a reading every night and a Bible passages and questions to tie the story back to Advent and the coming of Jesus. o These can be found online or in CornerBooks

• Books about traditions and family time o 52 Creative Family Time Experiences, Timothy Smith o Treasuring God in Our Traditions, Noel Piper o The Advent Jesse Tree, Dean Meador Lambert o These can be found online or in CornerBooks

• Pinterest, blogs, bookstores, and other places also carry calendars, books, wreaths, and other things to help you along on this journey. Use these or other visual aides in your home to help enforce what you are learning as you celebrate the Christmas season.

Visit the church’s Pinterest page for specific ideas!

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ACTIVITIES FOR ADVENT • Give new, unwrapped gifts for The Christmas Store at the Faith Center of Houston’s First. o Collection Day is Sun, Nov 23 o Find gift ideas at

• Bake cookies for your neighbors and deliver them personally. Use that as a time to ask if you can pray for them or if there is anything you can help them with this Christmas season.

• Host a neighborhood Christmas party.

• Find a local nursing home or other venue where you can give Christmas cards or go caroling.

• Host a Christmas movie night! Invite people over and watch Christmas movies with snacks — and talk about the real meaning of Christmas.

• Make a Jesse Tree or Advent wreath. Creating and starting a tradition is just as fun as continuing it for years to come!

• Invite your friends and family to gather with Houston’s First during the Christmas season at any of our four campuses. At The Loop Campus, special music is planned for Sundays in December, with identical worship services on each day:

o Sun, Dec 7 — worship led by Natalie Grant, five-time Dove Award for Female Vocalist of the Year o Sun, Dec 14 — worship led by our Choir & Orchestra o Sun, Dec 21 — MultiGen Christmas with worship led by High 5 Kids’ Choir, Elevate Student Worship, Bands & Singers, Choir & Orchestra

• As Advent comes to a close, gather with Houston’s First for candlelight Christmas Eve services:

o The Loop — 4p and 6p o Cypress — 4p and 6p (both at Tin Hall) o Sienna — 4p and 6p

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HOW THIS GUIDE WORKS • Start at the beginning and work your way through the book one day at a time. • Use each devotional for your personal time with the Lord or as a tool to lead your family or small group.

Each week, you can receive this guide via the FirstKids Family Connect email. To get on the list, contact Derek Nease at 713.957.7620 or [email protected]. Also, the content will be on our FirstKids Facebook page (HoustonsFirstKids) and at

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HE COMFORTSPastor Gregg Matte

ISAIAH 40:1-5

Kelly and I have been married for 17 years. What a blessing her love has been to me! It seems like only yesterday that we met. As we dated, one of the neat things about her was that she hailed from a small town in Texas named Comfort. Yes, Comfort. Quite an interesting name for a town and a land far, far away from my Houston upbringing. One stop light versus I 10, tractors instead of Metro buses, just a black dot on the map compared to the Bayou City millions. Comfort, Texas. Just the sound of the word slows the heart a beat or two in rest.

As we begin Advent, the goal is not to hurry through these 28 days but to slow down. Comfort is not experienced in a spiritual or physical huff. The rest of the Lord seems to be a challenge in the weeks leading to Christmas and comfort gives way to chaos. School programs, shopping, cooking, and the painful waiting the children feel looking at the bows and paper holding mysterious contents — they all add to the hustle and unrest. God sent Jesus so that our hearts can rest in Him and great comfort could come from knowing that we are rightly connected to God through Christ. Our souls yearn for the ease that His comfort is intended to bring. Jesus was made uncomfortable for us to the point of death so that we could find comfort in Him to the point of life. Isaiah 40:1 puts it like this, “‘Comfort, Comfort My people,’ says your God.”

This Advent journey will be a blessing and comfort to your family. You will see that God has been marching toward Christmas since Eve’s first bite. Eternity past has always known what eternity future holds. God is at work then, now, and even then again. The plan of God in the unknowns of life brings … comfort that Someone comprehends where we are heading. Rest as you journey. Breathe deeply of the comforting plan of God and vast workings of His hand, and allow Him to comfort your soul and schedule. More than living in Comfort, Texas, we are called to live in the comfort of Christ right hear in Houston. Through wisdom and prayer, lay your unrest before Him this Advent.

“Comfort, comfort My people,” says your God. “Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and announce to her that her time of forced labor is over, her iniquity has been pardoned, and she has received from the LORD’s hand double for all her sins.” A voice of one crying out: Prepare the way of the LORD in the wilderness; make a straight highway for our God in the desert. Every valley will be lifted up, and every mountain and hill will be leveled; the uneven ground will become smooth and the rough places, a plain. And the glory of the LORD will appear, and all humanity together will see it, for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” — Isaiah 40:1-5

How can you and your family be a comfort to a neighbor or family member this Christmas?

NOV 30

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HE IS WORTH CELEBRATINGJeff Rees, Sienna Campus Pastor

ISAIAH 52:7-10“How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news; who announces peace and brings good news of happiness; who announces salvation and says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices, they shout joyfully together; For they will see with their own eyes when the Lord restores Zion. Break forth, shout joyfully together you waste places of Jerusalem; For the Lord has comforted His people, He has redeemed Jerusalem. The Lord has bared His holy arm in the sight of all the nations that all the ends of the earth may see the salvation of our God.”

In preceding verses, Isaiah speaks of a nation captive, abused, and shamed (Isaiah 52:5). Later, Isaiah speaks of the Redeemer to come. He will take our infirmities, and carry our sorrows. He will be pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities (Isaiah 53:4-5). Current reality in Isaiah’s time, however, is horrific and hopeless. But Isaiah assures them of what is to come, namely, Jesus. And what Jesus will do for us is good news. The message of redemption is and has always been good news. When Jesus entered the world the angels declared to the shepherds, “Behold I bring you good news of great joy.” (Luke 2:10).

What shall we do with such good news? We are to celebrate! Isaiah says we are to lift up our voices and shout joyfully for the Comforter is coming.

Some earthly parties are just an excuse to eat, drink, and be merry without any other reason than to have fun. But we celebrate the coming of Christmas with great purpose. We celebrate the coming of Christ. We celebrate the good news of what He has accomplished for us. Yes, Our God Reigns!

I am reminded of the celebration we find in Nehemiah 8. After a disturbing time of cruelty, the nation finds itself free. This is our story in Christ. Once we were disturbed and enslaved, now free in Jesus. In Nehemiah 8 the people gathered to read the word of God and bless Him for their freedom. Then the people celebrated. In the midst of the celebration, instructions were given. “Then he said to them, ‘Go, eat of the fat, drink of the sweet, and send portions to him who has nothing prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10) The day is holy to the Lord. The true meaning of the word holiday is a holy day unto the Lord. As we celebrate the Christmas holiday, let us do so unto the Lord. And let us give special attention to “him who has nothing.” Additionally, when we give gifts to family and friends, let those gifts be an expression of purpose. Let the purpose be a reminder to us that we celebrate our freedom in Jesus. This is the joy that gives us strength; celebrating Him and what He has done.

What are you celebrating? Think about how you celebrate and decide if either the object of your celebration or the celebration itself needs to change.


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HE PROTECTSDave Bundrick, Minister of Fitness & Recreation

ISAIAH 40:9-11”Zion, herald of good news, go up on a high mountain. Jerusalem, herald of good news, raise your voice loudly. Raise it, do not be afraid! Say to the cities of Judah, “Here is your God!” See, the Lord God comes with strength, and His power establishes His rule. His reward is with Him, and His gifts accompany Him. He protects His flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them in the fold of His garment. He gently leads those that are nursing.”


I love that this passage begins with the command to go up on a high mountain to “herald of good news.” I know we live in Houston and the only “mountains” we have are overpasses on the interstates. I would venture to say that it would be safer to climb a 14,000 foot peak in Colorado than to hike up an overpass in Houston.

That being said, have you ever actually climbed a “high mountain”? It is not easy! It takes training, preparation and the proper gear. However, there are incredible rewards once you summit the mountain. You can see things from the top of a high mountain that you cannot from lower mountains or valleys. You have a better perspective of what is around you. When you are in a valley, there is no way to gain a proper perspective of your surroundings. You can only see what is directly around you. Your “world” is small, closed off, and often dark.

Can you imagine if the verse said to go down into a low valley to “herald of good news”? It just doesn’t work. Your voice does not carry in a valley. However, from a mountaintop, your voice can carry for miles. In these verses, we are called by God to prepare, train, and strive to reach the summits of the high mountains in our lives. It is from there that we can gain proper perspective of where God has us. Then, our call is to “herald of good news.” We are to proclaim God’s greatness from the mountaintop where people can here us; not murmur in the valleys. We are to proclaim God’s strength, power, and the blessings that He brings with Him.

• According to these verses, His blessings include fierce protection, strength when we have none, and guidance in our lives. Who would not want those blessings in their lives? • What “high mountain” are you standing at the base of that God is asking you to climb? • Once you reach the summit, or if you are there now, what message does God have for you to proclaim to those stuck in the valleys below? • Will you convey that message with the grace and gentleness that we see in verse 11?

What would you give up your life to protect? What we would protect shows where our affections lie. Think about that today.


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HE PURSUESDoug Bischoff, Next Generations Minister

GENESIS 3:8-15

As a kid, one of my favorite games was hide and seek. I loved looking for new and creative places to hide. Although, I can tell you from experience that the dryer is a bad hiding place. At some point in your life, you just don’t fit anymore – I found that out the hard way! Of course, some of the best hiding spots are in plain sight – behind the curtains, under a table, or my favorite – behind the door! But there’s one big downside to hide and seek. When whomever you’re playing with gets tired, they can just quit looking. It’s not real fun to spend 3 hours behind the curtain waiting to be found.

Although our relationship with God isn’t a game, it is very reassuring to know that He will NEVER stop looking for us. Of course, He’s God so He always knows where we are. But He pursues us! Sometimes the idea of being pursued might seem not so great. But in the case of God’s pursuit, it is an amazing thing. He pursues us to help us, comfort us, show His love to us, and be with us. In the garden, He pursued Adam and Eve to help them understand the problem with their sin. There were consequences involved and ultimately it meant that Adam and Eve would have to leave the garden. But through all of that God was pursuing them.

During this Advent season, consider the fact that God is pursuing you. He wants to have a relationship with you, to help you, and to be with you. This was His plan all along. In Ephesians 2:6-7, the Bible says, “He (God) also raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavens, in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages He might display the immeasurable riches of His grace in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus.” (emphasis mine) Josh — put highlighted portion in italics

He’s still looking, but you don’t have to hide. Especially in the dryer!

What are you pursuing? Have you gotten out of that pursuit what you had hoped? If so, is there a new journey that needs to begin? If not, have you considered that you either need a new perspective or a new pursuit?


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HE GIVESJerrell Altic, Minister of Mobilization

GENESIS 15:1-6

As you think about Christmas just a few weeks ahead, a day barely will go by without someone in your family asking what you want for Christmas. I remember as a little boy I would make all kinds of lists. Short lists. Long lists. Detailed lists. In the passage you just read, Abraham makes a list and voices it to God. He asks for a son to take over his household when he passes away.

Hold the story just for one moment as we read this passage from Matthew 7:11b: “… how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!”

Now back to the story. God leads Abraham to go outside and shows him the stars in the sky. Remember at this time in history there was no electricity, streetlights, or flashlights so the stars were beaming bright as far as the eye could see. Then God speaks to Abraham and tells him, “I am not just going to give you one son. I am going to give you as many as there are stars in the sky.” At this moment Abraham believed! Wow — what an amazing picture of God’s gift to us. He gave His Son, He gives the Holy Spirit, He gives spiritual gifts, He gives family, He gives love...He gives. Now, as we move towards others this Christmas season, let’s learn how to give like the Father in heaven...

• Jesus gives so take a moment and name 3 things that He has given you. • Take a drive to a remote part of town or outside the city and look at the stars. Let it serve its purpose and remind us how God gives abundantly. • Name the last 3 times you have given an out loud gift of prayer to someone who crossed your path. (Prayed for a waiter or waitress, etc.)

Take a moment and consider what you have to give – time, money, talents, and so much more. Do you give abundantly and with a joyful heart? Or do you give out of applause and obligation? We have been given the gift of Jesus freely – do you share Him with others?


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HE IS FAITHFULKim Shelby, Associate Director of Children’s Ministries

PSALM 89:1-4

Promises, promises – All of us have made promises, kept promises, and broken promises. Try this: Get out a piece of paper and divide it into two parts. On one part, write down promises someone made to you and kept. On the other side, make a list of promises that someone made and broke. Which was easier to remember — the promises that were kept or the promises that were broken?

I did this activity recently with a group of fourth graders and every one of them found it easy to write down promises that were made and broken, but really had to think hard about a promise that was made and kept. People make promises like Mary Poppins did. “Pie Crust Promises: easily made, easily broken.” We live in a world where people make and break promises, and it hurts!

God, on the other hand, NEVER breaks a promise. Because God is holy, He can’t lie. His promises never fail because God is faithful. Faithful: steadfast, dedicated, dependable, and worthy of trust. Throughout Scripture we read of His faithfulness to people. Faithfulness to Abraham — His descendants outnumbered the stars in the sky. Faithfulness to David — The Savior came from the line of David and will reign as King of Kings. Faithfulness to Simeon — He saw and held the long-awaited Messiah before he died. Faithfulness to all mankind — God sent His only Son to take the punishment for sin that we deserved. His promise of the coming Messiah in the Old Testament was filled by Immanuel, “God with us.”

The Bible is full of great and precious promises (2 Peter 1:4) that we know we can count on because God is faithful. What testimony can you share of God’s faithfulness to you? Thank the Lord today for His faithfulness to you and then proclaim His faithfulness to all generations!

Have you ever written out your testimony? If not, take a moment and try it. You might be surprised at the totality of God’s faithfulness. If you need a resource to help you, pick up a copy of the “Tell Your Story” booklet provided by the Houston’s First Missions Office.


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HE IS PROPHECY FULFILLEDJason Swiggart, Cypress Campus Pastor

ISAIAH 11:1-2“Then a shoot will grow from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots will bear fruit. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him — a Spirit of wisdom and understanding, a Spirit of counsel and strength, a Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.”

REFLECTIONWhat does it mean to “bear fruit”?

How does Isaiah say the “Spirit of the Lord” will be manifested in this verse? • Wisdom and Understanding • Counsel and Strength • Knowledge and Fear

When you accept Jesus as your Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of you — you are “IN Christ” (read Ephesians 1:1-14). That means that through Christ, we have spiritual wisdom and understanding, counsel and strength, and knowledge and fear of the Lord.

As you approach Christmas, what are some areas that you need to ask the Lord to give you these things?

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?In Isaiah 1:1, it says that Jesus will bear fruit. In Galatians 5:22, Paul lists the “Fruit of the Spirit” that should be evident in our lives if we are IN Christ.

What’s included in the Fruit of the Spirit? How do you get them?

Isn’t it great to know that what Isaiah prophesied long ago is available to us today because of Jesus’ birth?

Christmas brings the promise of KNOWING Him … • Wisdom and Understanding • Counsel and Strength • Knowledge and Fear of God

… BEING LIKE Him … • The Fruit of the Spirit


How do you know what kind of a tree a tree is? By the fruit that is on it – an apple tree has apples, an orange tree has oranges, and a pecan tree has squirrels…and pecans. Does your life have fruit that points to Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit in your life? Have you told someone else lately about the fruit you see in them? Try it out – it will bless you and them.


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HE BUILDSBrad Hodges, Minister to Married Young Adults

ZECHARIAH 6:12-13“You are to tell him: This is what the Lord of Hosts says: Here is a man whose name is Branch; He will branch out from His place and build the Lord’s temple. Yes, He will build the Lord’s temple; He will be clothed in splendor and will sit on His throne and rule. There will also be a priest on His throne, and there will be peaceful counsel between the two of them.”

One biblical scholar says of this passage: “This is one of the most remarkable and precious Messianic prophecies, and there is no plainer prophetic utterance in the whole Old Testament as to the Person of the promised Redeemer, the office he was to fill, and the mission he was to accomplish.”

This prophecy of Jesus the Christ is one in which nearly every word is important. In the Hebrew text the prophecy begins “Behold the man,” the very words Pilate used to present the tortured Christ to the people of Jerusalem: “Ecce homo!” On this occasion referred to in Zechariah, it is not the humiliated Jesus who is pictured; it is Jesus Christ the victorious.

The next important word is “Branch.” It appeared in Zechariah earlier (3:8), but is explained further here. He will have a less impactful beginning but will in time “branch out from His place” and rule the world. Who is the Branch?

OLD TESTAMENT NEW TESTAMENTBranch of David (Jeremiah 23:5) The King, the Branch of David (Matthew)Jehovah’s Servant, the Branch (Zechariah 3:8) Jehovah’s Servant, the Branch (Mark)The man whose name is the Branch (Zechariah 6:12) The perfect Man whose name is the Branch (Luke)Branch of Jehovah (Isaiah 4:2) Branch of Jehovah, God the Son (John)

Next He will “build the temple.” What temple is this? It is not the temple to be built in Zechariah’s day, for the completion of that work had been promised to Zerubbabel (4:9). This is Messiah’s temple. Jesus Christ’s temple. It may be a literal temple built during the earthly millennium in which Christ will rule, a temple into which the wealth of the Gentiles will come (cf. Isaiah 2:2-4; 56:6-7; Ezekiel 40-48; Micah 4:1-7; Haggai 2:7-9). But it may also be the spiritual temple the church, which Paul refers to as “a holy temple in the Lord” (Ephesians 2:21).

Four Hebrew words, rendered “There will also be a priest on His throne,” reveal all that the prophets had spoken about the Messiah’s person and work. In Israel the priestly and kingly offices were kept separate. The Priest never sat upon a throne. The king never performed the priestly functions. But, here is portrayed the one who should be both king and priest. Here is the true Melchizedek (Genesis 14:17-20; Hebrews 7-8), who is at the same time King of Righteousness, King of Salem which is King of Peace, and the great High Priest, whose period, unlike the period of priests descended from Aaron, abides forever.

What’s the fruit of His rule and atonement? Peace and harmony. Peace between whom? Not between the two offices of king and priest; that relationship has been harmonious from the beginning. Not between God the Father and His Son; that too has existed from eternity. The peace is between Holy God and sinners, between God and us! Is Christ your peace? He has made that peace at His cross. It must be found there if you are to find it.

Is there peace between you and God? Is there peace between you and others?


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HE HAS ALWAYS BEENMelinda Scurlock, Director of Preschool & Kindergarten Ministries

MICAH 5:2-4“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times. Therefore Israel will be abandoned until the time when she who is in labor gives birth and the rest of his brothers return to join the Israelites. He will stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. And they will live securely, for then his greatness will reach to the ends of the earth.”

HE HAS ALWAYS BEENGod promised to provide a new King to bring strength and peace to His people. God promised that He would be born in Bethlehem. This was God’s great plan to restore His people through the Savior of the world.

HE HAS ALWAYS BEENThere are very few times when we can actually use the word Always. This is a word that means in every instance on all occasions. When I think of a child, I know that they will not always listen and obey. They will not always be able to play with friends. They will not always pick up their toys. They will not always eat the right foods. As a parent we cannot always do everything our child wants us to do. Always is a word that we can very seldom use and it is the truth.

HE HAS ALWAYS BEENHowever, we can use it in the context of the birth of our Lord Jesus. In the book of Micah he wrote of the coming of the Savior of the World. He wrote that He would be born in Bethlehem and He would be our Strength and Peace. It is the perfection of God that we can use the word Always when we are talking about Jesus and the Bible. The Bible is Always the truth and this story gives us hope. Thank You God for Your Son and for Always keeping Your promises.

HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN Habakkuk. 1:12 — Lord, You are the God who lives for always.John 1:1-2 — Jesus existed before time began and He lives for always.

Celebrate that Jesus will always love us! As a family, draw a heart and write examples or draw pictures inside the heart to illustrate your love for your family and your love for Jesus. Christmas is a time for your family to celebrate what God did for us. Spend time together and cherish this season and each other.

You have always been you and you are the expert on YOU. To get answers about you, people ask you or watch you and how you live. Why then do we turn for answers about life when the expert on Life is He who has always been? Think about it – it’s always better to ask the expert.


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HE REFINESJustin Holcomb, Minister to Students

MALACHI 3:1-6“‘See, I am going to send My messenger, and he will clear the way before Me. Then the Lord you seek will suddenly come to His temple, the Messenger of the covenant you desire—see, He is coming,’ says the Lord of Hosts. But who can endure the day of His coming? And who will be able to stand when He appears? For He will be like a refiner’s fire and like cleansing lye. He will be like a refiner and purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver. Then they will present offerings to the Lord in righteousness. And the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem will please the Lord as in days of old and years gone by. ‘I will come to you in judgment, and I will be ready to witness against sorcerers and adulterers; against those who swear falsely; against those who oppress the widow and the fatherless, and cheat the wage earner; and against those who deny justice to the foreigner. They do not fear Me,’ says the Lord of Hosts. ‘Because I, Yahweh, have not changed, you descendants of Jacob have not been destroyed.’”

What comes to mind when you here the word refine? For me it’s two things; the first is the movie “The Beverley Hillbillies.” Jed Clampett moves his family to Beverly Hills so that his daughter Ellie Mae can be “refined.” She of course struggles with recognizing her need for being cleaned up/presentable/polished. The second is of tall stinky smoke stacks which living in Houston I’ve seen plenty!

The Bible uses the refining process, or being refined, as an analogy to describe how God helps us grow spiritually. Fire is often used to purify gold and silver. The ore is placed into a fire so that it melts, and the impurities can be removed. This leaves you with a pure, shiny piece of metal.

The refining process is one that we may understand but when it comes to applying that process to our lives it’s one we choose to ignore. That’s because it often shows us things about ourselves we’d rather not have to deal with or acknowledge exist within us. It’s easier to ignore the ugly parts within us than to do something about it.

God’s refining process is that in the end we become a reflection of the Savior. It could be painful or messy but by getting rid of the sinful parts of ourselves we are freed up to live as God calls us to, loving Him and others for His glory.

The people Malachi is talking to in this passage had lost their hope in the promise of a coming Messiah. They felt forgotten and wondered why. They went through the motions of offering sacrifices, then lived as if God was indifferent. So when they asked (at the end of chapter 2) “Where is the God of justice?” can’t you hear the sarcasm?

Malachi’s answer is, in my words, “Oh, He’s coming alright and when He does, He’s going to go to work in you as if you are a metal full of impurities. He’s going to put the fire to you until those impurities rise to the top and can be disposed. Then He’s going to shine you up until you reflect His image like silver. He’s going to scrub you white like lye to a filthy piece of clothing until you are pure like He is. Are you ready for that?”

As we live in the second Advent, the time between the first coming and the second coming of our Savior, may we have the courage to ask God to show us those areas of our lives that need to change. Then in an even greater act of courage, may we allow Him to cleanse us of these impurities.

Today, take a little time to allow your life to be offered up to God’s refining fire. Ask Him to check your heart and motives so that all impurities standing in the way of His reflection in your life can be removed.

Simple question – what is there in your life that needs to be chiseled off, or refined? Read Psalm 139 and look up a video by the Skit Guys called “God’s Chisel.”


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HE IS THE IMBEDDED WORDDerek Nease, Minister to Preteens

JOHN 1:9-18

Do you remember the last time you got a splinter? I do. I was camping this past summer and as I was packing up camp, things went from enjoyable to agonizing in about 1.2 seconds. One moment I was enjoying the scenery and reflecting on the greatness that is being outdoors and sleeping under the stars. The next moment, I find myself on my knees, trying through tearful eyes to see this thing that has caused such a change in demeanor. My hand had been imbedded with a tiny sliver of wood, which, at any other moment, would seem unimportant. But at this moment, it changed everything.

Isn’t it incredible how such a small thing can change so many things and in seemingly no time at all? It amazes me how little slivers of life — pain, joy, anger, love, or selfishness — can be so crippling and life-altering.

As we look through the grand story of God, we see in the Old Testament how a Savior was promised and talked about continually. But, when we get to the New Testament, we see the Savior inserted into the world and BAM! Life changes! No longer was God’s love and faithfulness something to be explained or merely talked about, but John 1:14 says, “The Word became flesh and took up residence among us.” As John goes on he says that the world would be able to observe Him and see the glory of God. Life on earth was changed because God took residence here as a man and began to imbed Himself into others — some took it painfully, others joyfully.

Think about this for a second — when the small slivers of life imbed themselves under your skin, you seek to find a way to either share those things or separate from them. A splinter is one that you want to separate from because of the pain it causes. Jesus on the other hand became that which we need and want for all time.

Are you and your family letting the word of God imbed how you act, how you spend your money, and how you spend your time? What splinters of life have imbedded themselves in your family lately? How have you responded?

DEC 10

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HIS WAY WAS PREPAREDHolly Crain, Single Parent Families Ministries Associate

MARK 1:1-3“The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. As it is written in Isaiah the prophet: Look, I am sending My messenger ahead of You, who will prepare Your way. A voice of one crying out in the wilderness: Prepare the way for the Lord; make His paths straight!”

It’s now 10 pm on a school night in early December and if you were to walk into our home you may wonder about us! Actually, you better close the door because our beloved dog, Chase, will bolt! Can you blame him? It’s December and his family is acting very erratic and not doing their normal family activities! Unfortunately, our home is best represented by the temperament of our dog. If there is turmoil, he throws up; if the suitcases come out, he breaks out in a skin rash; and if there is chaos of any other kind, he bolts. Don’t worry — he goes straight to one of the three family members that live in our neighborhood. We still aren’t sure how he knows where they live, but that’s a true story for another day.

Christmas comes once a year — I really do know it’s coming. But the magnitude of what needs to be accomplished is overwhelming. By mid-December I try to convince myself that my list of things to do is not that long and that each day I’ll accomplish a few tasks.

How many Christmas’ have I gotten most everything checked off my to-do list only to find my heart so unprepared to receive all that the Lord intended. It usually hits me once I get to the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service because all that’s done is what our Christmas is going to be.

To “prepare the way for the Lord; make His paths straight” will mean that I will have to slow the pace down, remove obstacles and self-imposed pressures. Could it mean that I will have to sacrifice the things and stuff that occupy my mind and fill my time? Then I remember how fasting brings clarity and sets my heart in line with His.

The passage in Isaiah 58:6 says, “Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke?”

Why have I been hesitant to walk into a time of fasting when I know that is what I need to get the clarity and preparedness I need? Being prepared to receive what God has for us is on the top of the list. This year I am considering what goes on my to-do list. This year consider this encouragement to prepare your heart and home, to gift your life, and to receive the many gifts God has waiting for you.

This year Lord, help us to prepare the way for You and to tender our hearts to receive You — our gift! Amen.

Are you prepared for Christmas and family and all the craziness that is about to ensue? Read Psalm 55:22 and know where to cast your burden.

DEC 11

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HE HEARSErin Ruddle, Cypress Campus Director of Preschool & Children’s Ministries

LUKE 1:5-13Do you ever wonder if God hears you when you talk to Him? Has there ever been a time that you have been praying, calling out to God, for A LONG TIME, and you think to yourself, “Does God even hear my prayers? Is He ever going to answer me?” The answer is yes! His Word promises that He hears you when you talk to Him — no matter what season, day, time, or weather. God listens to the voices of His people who believe. We do not always understand God’s timing, but rest assured He hears you.

Look in Luke at the priest Zechariah, and his wife Elizabeth, whose lives were both pleasing to God. They were devoted to Him, they served Him, they waited on Him. Zechariah prayed for many years that God would bless them with a child. “And they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren and they were both advanced in years” (Luke 1:7). I bet Zechariah wondered if God heard his cries. He must have felt discouraged as he grew older and God had not answered his prayers. They waited patiently on God until one day, Zechariah got a visit form a heavenly messenger, the angel Gabriel. “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your petition has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will give him the name John. And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth” (Luke 1:13-14).

God answered the prayers of Zechariah in His perfect timing according to His perfect plan! Their child was not to be just any ordinary child. He would be the forerunner of the Messiah, Jesus, predicted by the Prophet Malachi (Luke 1:15-17; Malachi 3:1, 4:5-6). John was the fulfillment of prophecy and ultimately played an important role in the life of Christ and in the Christian church. Zechariah’s prayers were heard. God answered them at just the right time so that His plan for Jesus’ birth could unfold.

Just when you wonder if He even hears your cry, He is unraveling His story for your life. This Christmas season, praise God that He always hears you and that “whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.” (Mathew 21:22).

VERSES TO ENCOURAGE YOU THAT GOD HEARS YOU!Psalms 34:15 — “The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry.”

John 14:13-14 — “And whatsoever you shall ask in My Name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you shall ask any thing in My Name, I will do it.”

Romans 10:13 — “For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Hebrews 11:6 — “But without faith it is impossible to please God: for he that comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”

1 John 5:14-15 — “And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He hears us: And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him.”

Stop and listen. What do you hear? Sometimes this is the best remedy for life – stop, listen, and respond accordingly (thankfulness, confession, joy).

DEC 12

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HE PLANS AHEADDavid Self, Executive Pastor

LUKE 1:14-17

God is truly in the details as demonstrated through prophecy. Most of us are aware of the hundreds of fulfilled prophecies in the life of Jesus. But this passage concerns prophecy for John the Baptist, an answer to the prayers of the childless couple, Zechariah and Elizabeth:

a. Enthusiasm — “There will be joy and delight for you, and many will rejoice at his birth.” (14). After years of “barrenness,” joy came in the morning (Psalm 30:5). b. Enforcement — “For he will be great in the sight of the Lord and will never drink wine or beer…” (15). John carried the constraints of the Nazirite vow (Numbers 6:1-4). c. Empowerment — “He will be filled with the Holy Spirit while still in his mother’s womb” (15b). John would be uniquely gifted (Matthew 11:11). d. Effectiveness — “And he will turn many of the sons of Israel to the Lord their God” (16). What a wonderful promise to parents that their child would be effective for the Lord (Isaiah 46:9-10)! e. Elijah — “He will go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the understanding of the righteous, to make ready for the Lord a prepared people” (17). Traditionally, Elijah was thought to be a precursor to the Messiah (Matthew 15:14).

God truly plans ahead not only regarding the birth of Jesus but also the birth of the one who would first announce Him as the Messiah (John 1:19-29).

A surprise party is only as good as the one who plans it. If it is last minute, not everyone is there or it is not organized well. If it is thought out, it can have a lasting impact because not only is it a surprise, but it sets itself up to be a great moment of joy, connection, and celebration. God has planned ahead and set a course before each of us. Are you being obedient and planning according to that or are you dong your own planning?

DEC 13

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HE MAKES POSSIBLE THE IMPOSSIBLEJason Seifert, Director of Campus Development

LUKE 1:18-25

One year, a few days before Christmas, my older sister pointed out a large gift near the tree that had my name on it. She peeled back the paper and revealed the word “Television” on the box. I was pretty excited on Christmas morning to lift that heavy box, tear off the wrapping paper and get to what was inside! But when I opened the box, instead of a brand new TV, I found it stuffed with newspaper and bricks. I was so sad about this discovery, so mad at my sister, and so disappointed with myself for letting her trick me like that.

Sometimes there is good reason to be suspicious about someone, or to question what they have to say. However, it is difficult to imagine why anyone would question what the angel Gabriel had to say! But that’s just what Zechariah did when Gabriel told him that he and his wife, Elizabeth, would have their first baby — as old people!

As a priest, Zechariah would have known that Gabriel was the same angel who appeared to Daniel in the lion’s den over 400 years earlier (Daniel 9:20-27). Zechariah would have certainly been aware that 2000 years earlier, a trio of angels announced to another elderly couple — Abraham and Sarah — that they would have a child in their old age (Genesis 18). But when Gabriel told him that God would do something similar in his own life, Zechariah responded with unbelief.

All of us will struggle at times with unbelief, but we can know that God is always trustworthy and His promises are sure. Even though Zechariah found it hard to believe Gabriel, the mighty angel assured him that his words would “be fulfilled in their proper time.” That’s just what happened. Zechariah’s ability to fully enjoy the miracle was hindered by his unbelief when he lost his ability to speak until Gabriel’s prophecy was fulfilled. But one thing became as clear as ever to Zechariah: God makes possible the impossible.

In Mission: Impossible, the assignment was always destroyed very shortly after it was received. Aren’t you glad that our God has not only made the impossible possible but that He has allowed that His story be recorded for generations to come?! Take a moment and thank God for His Story today.

DEC 14

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HE KEEPS HIS PROMISESTony Bianco, Middle School Student Minister

LUKE 1:39-45

Has someone ever given you a promise that seemed so far beyond what you believe could happen? I used to work for Apple and it was my job to hand out these types of promises to customers who found their phones and computers in disaster. Now, to me, the promises that I made were always something I knew would be made true, but to them, they were the furthest stretch of the imagination on their validity.

Mary and Elizabeth have received similar but much harder to believe promises about their futures. The idea of conception for each of these ladies was the furthest thing from their mind when this promise was made. Mary, an engaged teenager, in a society with norms, standards, and honor would never think she would become with child before she married. The same goes for Elizabeth who was an old woman who had been barren her entire life. Chances are she had her heart broken several times regarding this subject. However, God keeps His promises no matter how inconceivable they may be.

The Bible is full of promises that God has made to His people and fulfilled. There are even more promises of God that He has yet to fulfill to His people. When Mary was visited by the angel, she was told of the baby that was already growing, for five months, in her relative Elizabeth. This was the one thing that she could get semi-immediate confirmation of what the angel told her about her own pregnancy. So she goes to see Elizabeth and God gives her great confirmation of His promises to both of these women. Mary sees that what the angel said about Elizabeth is true — she is with child and Elizabeth receives confirmation that her baby is alive and well. Verse 44 says that “when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.”

How has God kept promises in your life? Have you been resting on His promises or living in doubt? When we walk in the promises of God we can walk with confidence and joy. But many times, we walk with fear and uncertainty because we doubt the promises of God. Elizabeth and Mary both received confirmation of the promises of God. Have you seen them in your life? If not, you may be so consumed with doubt that you are missing them. This Advent season, understand that God keeps His promises. Jesus was the ultimate promise that God gave to this world. It was also the must unbelievable promise that could have been made, but He kept His promise and Jesus fulfilled that promise for you and me.

Have you kept your promises recently? Are there people that you need to go to and ask forgive-ness of because of your broken promise?

DEC 15

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HE SHOWS MERCYCarolyn O’Neal, Director of Women’s Ministry

LUKE 1:46-56

I can just hear Mary singing in these verses and I want to join her. Music always stirs the soul and I believe Mary was deeply stirred as she praised God. Her heart was full. Mary sang the praises of her God and Savior. She referred to Him as “My God,” revealing a very intimate, very personal relationship with Him.

It is in this season, maybe more than any other, that we should sing praise to our God. Many times life’s circumstances cause us to feel broken or we feel separated from God. Things have been given to us that we don’t understand, and praising in this season is the last thing on our minds; but, the sending of His Son was God’s first merciful step in restoring our souls, the first wave of healing over our brokenness.

Mary praised God for His faithfulness and His favor over her. She recognized His mercy — His compassion and kindness toward the miserable and afflicted. Sweet friends, we receive the same faithfulness and favor. Mary sang, “His mercy is from generation to generation on those who fear Him.” Jesus was the fulfillment of the covenant promises to Abraham and his people. He was the evidence of faithfulness and mercy for Mary. He will be all of those things and more for us.

I challenge you this Christmas season to talk with each other about the things that God has fulfilled in your life. How have you seen God work in your life or the life of your family? God is faithful to us just as He was to Mary. His mercy is just as rich today as it was ages ago. Can you praise Him for favor and sing, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God My Savior”? Nothing pleases Him more than to hear the praises of His children and especially in this season of celebration of His Son. There is power in praise, there is power in song. Don’t hold back — go ahead and sing with Mary.

Pull up your favorite worship song right now. SING IT AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS! Now ask, “God, how can I make that what my life looks like every day?”

DEC 16

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HIS WAY PREVAILSEric Reed, Minister to Men and New Christians

LUKE 1:57-66

Speechless. Not a word. Not even a peep.

For months, Zechariah had been silent.

If you’re like me, being quiet is a hard thing — almost impossible. Have you ever been left speechless by something that surprised you? Or better yet, have you ever tried to keep really amazing news quiet around friends?

Zechariah didn’t have a choice. God had graciously closed his mouth after Gabriel had brought amazing news to Zechariah in his old age. Yes, even though Zechariah taught others about the faithfulness of God through the scriptures about Abraham and Sarah (see Genesis 18) conceiving in old age, he was unable to conceive of the possibility that God might do the same in his life. Not only did Zechariah forget God’s faithfulness throughout Israel’s history, but he also forgot the meaning of his own name: “Yahweh remembers.”

We are amazed that a priest who is named “Yahweh remembers” lacks the faith to believe God can work a miracle in his life, and yet so often we find ourselves doubting in the very same God.

Well, take heart! The story does not end in silence. No, because the God who remembers is also the God who prevails. His grace and mercy triumph in the birth of John the Baptist (just as Gabriel had spoken) and the miraculous birth of Christ. I love how Zechariah and Elizabeth learned during his silence to do one important thing: Trust in God fully and obediently proclaim His word to others.

In fact, in Luke 1:57-66 we see Elizabeth and Zechariah’s unwavering, new-found faith when friends, family, and nosy neighbors began suggesting names for their son. Where Zechariah lacked the faith to believe God nine months before, now he is ready to proclaim. Zechariah learned in the silence that the God who promises is also the God who prevails. There was no more doubting. He didn’t write, “His name might be ‘John’” or “What do you think about ‘John’ as a name?” He simply writes what Gabriel had spoken earlier, “His name IS John.” (verse 66).

This Advent, let’s celebrate Redemption for the religious — a second chance at faith for a people who sometimes struggle with faith. Let’s celebrate the God who prevails!

Why have you not shared the Gospel recently? Consider today how you might change that and give the story of Jesus away to someone!

DEC 17

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HE ILLUMINATES THE DARKNESSChad Overton, Minister to Children

LUKE 1:67-80

I don’t know what the song sounded like, but I bet it was amazing. Zachariah praised God with his first words after months of silence. Verses 68-79 are a prophesy in the form of a song. Many people refer to this passage as the “Benedictus” — a song of thanksgiving.

What are some things you are thankful for? Your bike? Your family? A video game? JESUS? Zachariah was proud to announce the coming of a Savior who would redeem his people.

All of the Old Testament prophecies would be fulfilled in Zachariah’s lifetime and his son John had been chosen to illuminate (or pave) the way for Jesus. In verse 71, Zachariah sings about the Messiah and how the Jews had been waiting for Him; but, they thought He would come to save them from the powerful Roman Empire. They were ready for a military savior, but not for a peaceful savior who would conquer sin.

Wow! Even though God has unlimited power, He chooses to work through frail humans who begin as helpless babies.

What are some things you are thankful for? Do you have a way to keep track of your thanksgiv-ing? Consider using a journal or some other way of recording what God has done for you. Then, when tough times hit, pull that out and remember all that God has done for you and remember that He can and will do it again.

DEC 18

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HE IS IMMANUELLee Hsia, Downtown Campus Pastor

ISAIAH 7:10-14

One of my family’s traditions during the Christmas season, as is a tradition for many families, is to go see The Nutcracker performed by the Houston Ballet at the Wortham Center in Downtown Houston. I am by no means a ballet connoisseur (frankly, I’ve fallen asleep every time I’ve tried to enjoy a ballet!), but I look forward to this event every year because I get inspired every time I see the precision of the artists. They must rehearse hundreds of hours! I appreciate their artistry, but it is really their precision that inspires me to be more disciplined in my own life.

Precision, or exactness, is very important in all aspects of life. If a football player gets the ball to the 1-yard line in his opponent’s territory, just one yard from the end zone, he doesn’t score. If a student achieves 69 points out of 100, just shy of one point from the passing grade of 70, he flunks! What if the GPS in our car or on our phone was just one degree off? We wouldn’t get to our destination. Precisely one yard, one point, one degree — makes all the difference.

Scholars tell us there are precisely 333 prophecies in the Old Testament that have been fulfilled in the New Testament. And I find the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14 to be very precise: “The virgin will conceive, have a son, and name him Immanuel.” I find in here one prophecy with five distinct elements. (1) The one who conceives will be a virgin. (2) The virgin will not only conceive but will also bear (“have”) a child. (3) The child will be a son, not a daughter. (4) She will name Him, not His father or another lady (as was also done in that culture at that time). (5) She will name Him “Immanuel” (meaning “God with us”).

And this prophecy was fulfilled by God exactly the way it was prophesied. Not one element was missing, not one element was different, not one element was off. God has precisely fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy in Jesus. God knows precisely how many hairs are on our head (Luke 12:7). God makes sure that the lilies of the field grow precisely how He means them to grow, without them toiling or spinning, as a great example for us not to worry (Matthew 6:28).

Our Lord is the God who has fulfilled this great prophecy in Jesus, God with us. He is the Artist who precisely created the performing arts, and He is the Engineer who precisely designed the GPS and every other tech gadget we will ever be amazed by.

In every area of our lives, may we rely on the precision God has for us in His perfect will, in His perfect timing. May we not be one step behind, nor one step ahead, nor one degree off His path for us. May we trust His precise provision for every area of our lives, and in that, may we truly and deeply experience Immanuel, God with us.

What traditions do you have in your family? Where did those come from…do you know? Take some time and figure out how you can be precise in how you celebrate.

DEC 19

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HE IS THE SON OF GODScotty Sanders, Faith Center Director

LUKE 1:26-35

Proclaimed by angels, testified by transformed lives, admitted by terrified demons.

When asked by the high priest if He was the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One — Jesus — answered, “I am.” (Mark 14:62)

He also said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6)

And then what joy and excitement when we read in 2 Corinthians 6:18 that we are declared sons and daughters by the Lord Almighty who says “I will be a Father to you.”

Can you even imagine the love of the Father who sent His one and only Son to this sin-filled world as a baby to be the sacrifice for our personal sins? Have these words changed the way we live? We belong to the family of the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. How can we prove that to the world?

Jesus said, “Children … I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another. By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:33-35)

Let’s commit to make the Son of God known in the way we live in every area of our lives as citizens of heaven.

Have you ever been told you laugh like your dad or look like your mom? Think about those questions as they relate to our relationship with Father God. What in you can people recognize as being from Him? Your speech, life, time, how you spend your money, etc.?

DEC 20

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HE IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLDBrad Talbert, Minister to College Students


“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light;those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone.”

In Antarctica and parts of Alaska, it will be dark for days and months at a time. Can you imagine living in a place where it is literally dark 24 hours a day for weeks on end and brutally cold? I can’t imagine how happy people that live there would be to see the sun coming out for the first time in months.

Advent centers around remembering the arrival of Jesus that had been awaited for thousands of years. All of the prophets God sent before Jesus came believed that God had a plan of salvation, but they did not know exactly what it would look like or how it would happen.

Isaiah 9:2 shows that people in darkness will see a great light. What joy it will be for light to come to a land of “deep darkness.” John 8:12 is the fulfillment of this prophecy when it says, “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’”

We see that Jesus is the light brought not just to a specific land or place, but to people and individuals. Every person without Jesus, whether they realize it or not, is stuck in darkness. Much worse than physically living in a dark place is spiritually living in a dark place. There are temporary lights that we can try to take away our pain or sorrow, but eventually these burn out and we are left in the same place.

The light of Jesus is not temporary, though. It is eternal and changes everything. Wherever there is darkness, whether it is in the heart of a person or a dark situation, things change when Jesus is brought in. He is light and does not illuminate just some things, but everywhere He is.

Do you feel like there is darkness in your own heart and life? Invite Jesus in. He alone brings the light that you need. Do you feel overcome by a dark circumstance at your work or in your city? Take Jesus there. Too often we try to take darkness out without bringing light in. When it is night, changing your location does not make your situation better. It is night until the sun comes. He is the light of life. He gives us the direction that we need to navigate in a dark world.

What are you doing to be a light in the world around you? If you need some ideas, consider looking at the Houston’s First website and finding a place to volunteer! (

DEC 21

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HE IS GOD WITH USBen Pritchett, Minister of Education

MATTHEW 1:18-25

It would all happen in a moment — Jesus would soon be born and God would become man! God with us!!

Matthew starts with the statement in verse 18, “The birth of Jesus Christ came about this way: …” and he proceeds to give us a short but concise story of the announcement and birth of our Lord.

Matthew chose to focus on the role that Joseph was to play. Joseph doesn’t have the biggest, most talked about role in the story of redemption but his wisdom and strength to follow God instead of men was huge in fulfilling God’s plan. And because he did, Jesus was born and we marvel that God is with us!

Read verses 19-25 again and focus on the decisions and actions of Joseph. By man’s rules and customs Joseph appeared to only have two choices: divorce Mary or condemn her to be stoned. But God gave Joseph a third choice — marry her!!

Joseph demonstrates great faith and boldness by choosing to follow God. By listening only to God’s guidance and not man’s, Joseph did what was right and allowed Jesus to be born. Because of His faith and action there is no doubt that NO earthly man was Jesus’ father because Mary remained a virgin. Had Joseph had her stoned, Jesus obviously would not have been born. Had Joseph divorced Mary, men would have rejected the miracle that Jesus’ true father was God Himself, choosing instead to believe he was born of man.

Joseph faced a tough decision and demonstrated a great example to all men. When we face tough decisions it is always the right thing to seek God’s wisdom. When God gives us guidance it is always best to follow His leading.

• Discuss some times when you have faced a hard decision. Did you let God guide you in your choice? • What can we learn from Joseph’s faith? • How have your experienced Him as Immanuel — “God with us” — in your life lately? Share some ways you knew God was with you. • Finally, all of this is important because of Jesus’ birth. Read verse 21 again. What did Matthew say was the reason for Jesus being born?

Who is with you right now? Why are they with you? Do they live with you; does it have some-thing to do with a relationship of some kind? Why is it that God would make Himself available to be with us? Think about His love and His desire for us to be with Him.

DEC 22

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HE IS THE SAVIORRyan Langford, Minister of Music — Bands & Singers

LUKE 2:1-20

Christmas is my favorite time of year. It is beautiful to see the decorations and lights and feel the warmth of time spent with family and friends. God gave us the greatest gift ever given and we celebrate Christmas by giving gifts to others. Do you ever wonder what the first Christmas was like? As we prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of God’s Son, take a moment to look at Luke 2:1-20. As you read the passage, imagine for a moment that you were there! Then write down any questions you might have.

YOUR QUESTIONS MIGHT BE: • What was Heaven like in the days and months before Jesus was born? • When did God tell the Angels that Jesus would come to earth? • What were the Angels thinking when God told them Jesus would be born in a manger? • Did the Angels ask God hundreds of questions?

I wish I knew the answers to these questions! But we do know that God told the world He would send a Savior long before Jesus was ever born on earth.

Isaiah 7:14 (ESV) — “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”

The people of God waited with anticipation for God to send Jesus, the Savior of the world, as He had promised.

Have you ever had a Christmas gift sitting under the tree that you couldn’t wait to open? It is so difficult to wait! Imagine how God’s people felt as they waited with excitement for the greatest gift ever given. As we read the story in Luke 2:1-20 we realize God chose a special way to announce to the world the good news! He sent Angels from Heaven to tell ordinary shepherds that Jesus had come to earth.

Luke 2:9-11 (ESV) — “And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

The wait was over! Christmas had arrived! Yet isn’t it amazing the Angels weren’t sent to kings or priests but to shepherds? This was God’s way to tell the world! God allowed ordinary people to tell the most extraordinary story! Jesus the Savior had come just like God had promised! And now 2000 years later we still celebrate God’s gift! You and I get to tell the story of Jesus to others. Just like the shepherds, God uses ordinary people like you and me to tell his extraordinary story to the world!

So when you think about Christmas and all the presents under the tree, remember — the gifts are a reminder of the greatest gift ever given. Tell others about the true meaning of Christmas. God sent Jesus as a gift — He is the Savior!

We have all been saved from something. Find someone today that you can share your story with. Sometimes the greatest part of life is figuring out how to share it with others.

DEC 23

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HE IS KING OF KINGSJohn Bolin, Minister of Worship & Arts

MATTHEW 2:1-2“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, Magi from the east arrived unexpectedly in Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.’”

Although most of the time we understand a King when it is referring to a leader of a nation or people, but have you ever wondered why the Magi were called kings and wise men? The word MAJI comes from the Greek word “Magos” which comes from an old Persian word “Magupati” which was a special title given to religious priests whose primary focus was that of history, science, and astronomy. Yes, they would be very similar to astrologers today. This is why they would be looking for signs in the sky of the coming Messiah and why they would know the prophecy of the star that would lead the way to the Christ child. In other words, they were very smart guys, even possibly the smartest on earth since, for all we know, they were the only ones to fully understand the miraculous star. What made them wise, however, was that they acted on this knowledge and found Jesus.

So now that we get the wise part, why do we call them kings? When the Bible refers to “king,” most of the time it’s referring to an absolute sovereignty over a nation or people. However, it could also apply to leaders or authorities in other realms like the family, church, business, or other groups of people. These men were possibly the authority when it came to knowledge and truth from the past, present, and future. They were most likely the ones whom others sought out from far away to inquire about wisdom and interpretation of many things, therefore making them the kings of those particular realms.

The phrase “king of kings” is used in the Bible six times. It appears three times in the Old Testament referring to king Artaxerxes and king Nebuchadnezzar (Ezra 7:12, Ezekiel 26:7, Daniel 2:37). One time it refers to God the Father in 1 Timothy 6:15: “God will bring this about in His own time. He is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords.” However, two times in Revelation (17:14, 19:16), in describing what it will be like when Jesus comes again, the term King of kings refers to only one person — Jesus Christ. “On His (Jesus) robe and on His thigh has the name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.” (Revelation 19:16)

So get the picture: Jesus Christ, the baby born in the manger on that first Christmas night, is and will forever be the KING of kings. And why is He called that? Because He won that title by dying on the cross for you and me. Philippians 2:8-11 says this so clearly, “He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death — even to death on a cross. For this reason God highly exalted Him and gave Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow — of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth — and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Therefore, there is no match to His rule and reign over the whole earth and goes beyond our grasp of the universe. His dominion covers all nations of the world and all peoples that dwell within them. And lastly, there is no equal to His intelligence, wisdom, knowledge and strength. He is King over the physical, King over the intellectual, and King over the spiritual. God has given all of these things to Jesus Christ alone, which is what makes Him the great King ofALL kings.

Who is a “king” in your life? Who has rule in your day-to-day? Lift them up to God today and ask for the strength to seek wisdom outside of yourself.

DEC 24

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LUKE 2:21-35

Waiting … can … be … tough. Just reading a slow sentence revs the engine with “Come on! When’s this thing gonna get going?” Traffic, hold buttons, doctor’s offices, and even opening the presents under the Christmas tree bring the challenge of waiting. Stats show that by the time we reach age 70, the average person has spent: • 20 years sleeping • 6 years eating • 5 years dressing • 5 months tying shoes (not counting kids’ shoes parents tied!) • 3 years waiting on somebody (Source: Encyclopedia of Illustrations by Paul Lee Tan)

Truth be known, those are the easy things to wait on. The double black diamonds of waiting are the things of the soul. That’s the ache a salve can’t reach and the clock can’t cure. The account of Luke 2:21-35 is about a world-class waiter named Simeon. At a high level in his heavenly patience, but common in earthly stature — a simple and devout man (verse 25). God promised him that he would not die until he saw the Messiah (verse 26). What a promise to see the promised Messiah! This was better than life to the old man. He waited for the day, yearned, and positioned himself at the temple in anticipation.

We can learn from this seeker of the Lord. Let’s yearn for the truth and essence of Christmas, not just the celebration. Let’s position ourselves to receive all God has for us through an obedient life. If we seek and anticipate the Messiah, the Christmas music and meals will multiply in sentiment tremendously! Don’t feast on the wrapping paper but the Gift Himself! That was Simeon’s heart — a heart waiting on the Messiah. Longing for the Messiah, FINALLY he held Him in his arms.

Mary and Joseph arrived at the temple to present Jesus to the Lord and Simeon was there, right on cue in God’s masterful play. Unmoved, conquering impatience, he was positioned to witness God’s promise to him coming true. After he held the Christ child, he said, “Now, Lord, dismiss your servant in peace.” (verse 29) Basically, “I can die now.” Nothing left to live for that could be higher than holding Jesus. The promise of God had been fulfilled in holding the Promised One and Simeon was ready for heaven. All Simeon had on his “Bucket List” was for the promise of God to be fulfilled. A famous hymn has been written from Simeon’s journey entitled Nunc Dimittis, Latin for “dismiss now”:

Lord, now you let your servant go in peace;Your word has been fulfilled.My eyes have seen the salvationYou have prepared in the sight of every people,A light to reveal you to the nations and the glory of your people, Israel.

Nothing better than knowing and holding Christ in our hearts, and it prepares us for heaven, too. While we wait in lines on earth and patiently walk in the unfolding of God’s plan, we can be secure. What are you waiting on the Lord to provide? Place your eyes on the Messiah He has promised and provided and you’ll have new strength to wait on His timing. The FACT that the Messiah has come gives us security from today through eternity! He has come, He is here! The Messiah is here! We wait on the trivial, but that’s bearable because the things of the soul are secure! Merry Christmas and Nunc Dimittis!

DEC 25

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We hope Advent has been a wonderful season of reflection and growth. Houston’s First wants you to go deeper each week and continue to grow in your relationship with Jesus. Here are some opportunities for community and discipleship that you’ll find at Houston’s First!

Life Bible Studies are the primary method at Houston’s First for connecting with others and growing together. We invite you to explore the available options at and visit one soon!

Milestones is a framework of adult discipleship at Houston’s First that extends beyond Life Bible Studies to equip people in a particular stage or life, crisis, or in general discipleship. See what’s offered at

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Page 35: THE KING IS COMING! - Amazon Web · THE KING IS COMING! Jesus Christ has come and will come again. This is
Page 36: THE KING IS COMING! - Amazon Web · THE KING IS COMING! Jesus Christ has come and will come again. This is

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