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The Leader Who Had No Title

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Leadership and Success Are Our Birthright

Each of Us Is Born Into Genius, Sadly Most of Us Die Amid MediocrityThe Story of Blake Davis

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Blake Davis Meets Tommy Flinn- His Leadership Mentor

Tommy Teaches Blake:You need no title to be a leaderYou should be a rock star at your workYou should reach your absolute best in whatever you doYou should view the whole world through a remarkable new set of eyesLeadership is the only one way a business win in the new worldTo show our leadership, we need to be excellent in our current role, no matter what rank we have in the organization

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The Teaching Continues…..

Leadership has nothing to do with what you get or where you sit. Leadership’s a lot more about how brilliantly you work and how masterfully you behaveEveryone needs to show leadership, everyone needs to drive innovation, everyone needs to inspire their teammates, everyone needs to embrace change, everyone needs to take responsibility for results, everyone needs to be positive, everyone needs to become devoted to expressing their absolute best and once they do, the organization not only will adapt beautifully to the changing environment, it will actually lead within its field

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The Sad Costs Of Mediocrity And The Spectacular Rewards Of Leadership Mastery

Leaders are those individuals who do the things that failures aren’t willing to do – even though they might not like doing them eitherLeadership isn’t only something to do at work. We need to practice Leadership within every arena we playModel Leadership in our health, demonstrate Leadership with our loved ones, Reflect Leadership around our finances, live Leadership within our communitiesThe foundation of all Leadership is Self-Leadership. If you can’t lead yourself with heartfelt conviction, you’ll never be able to lead anyone around you

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Success is created through the performances of a few small daily disciplines that stack up over time to produce achievements far beyond anything you could have ever planned forBe like a farmer. The crops get watered, the soil gets fertilized but nothing happens. The farmer doesn’t give up. He has patience and trusts the process. He waits for the harvest through his daily efforts. And one day, out of nowhere, it does.

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The 10 Human Regrets

You reach your last day with the brilliant song that your life was meant to sing still silent within youYou reach your last day without ever having experienced the natural power that inhabits you to do great work and achieve great thingsYou reach your last day realizing that you never inspired anyone else by the example that you setYou reach your last day full of pain at the realization that you never took any bold risks and so you never received any bright rewardsYou reach your last day understanding that you missed the opportunity to catch a glimpse of mastery because you bought into the lie that you had to be resigned to mediocrityYou reach your last day and feel heartbroken that you never learned the skill of transforming adversity into victory and lead into goldYou reach your last day regretting that you forgot that work is about being radically helpful to others rather than being helpful only to yourself

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The 10 Human Regrets

You reach your last day with the awareness that you ended up living the life that society trained you to want versus leading the life you truly wanted to haveYou reach your last day and awaken to the fact that you never realized your absolute best nor touched the special genius that you were built to becomeYou reach your last day and discover you could have been a leader and left this world so much better than you found it. But you refused to accept that mission because you were just too scared. And so you failed. And wasted a life.

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The 10 Human Victories

You reach your end full of happiness and fulfillment on realizing that you are all used up – having spent the fullness of your talents, the biggest of your resources, and best of your potential doing great work and leading a rare-air lifeYou reach your end knowing that you played at a standard of concentrated excellence and held yourself to the most impeccable of standards in each thing that you didYou reach your end in noisy celebration for having the boldness of spirit to have regularly confronted your largest fears and realized your highest visionsYou reach your end and recognize that you became a person who built people up versus one who tore people downYou reach your end with the understanding that while your journey may not have always been a smooth one, whenever you got knocked down you instantly got back up – and at all times, never suffered from any loss of optimism

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The 10 Human Victories

You reach your end and bask in the staggering glory of your phenomenal achievements along with the rich value you have contributed to the lives of the people you were lucky to serveYou reach your end and adore the strong, ethical, inspirational, and empathetic person you grew intoYou reach your end and realize that you were a genuine innovator who blazed new trails instead of following old roadsYou reach your end surrounded with teammates who call you a rock star, customers who say you’re a hero, and loved ones who call you a legendYou reach your end as a true Leader Without a Title, knowing that the great deeds you did will endure long after your death and your life stands as a model of possibility

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The First Leadership Conversation:You Need No Title To Be A Leader

Blake Davis Meets Anna:His First Teacher

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The 4 Natural Powers

Everyone of us alive in this moment has the power to go to work each day and express the Absolute Best within us. And you need no title to do that.Everyone of us alive today has the power to inspire, influence, and elevate each person we meet by the gift of a great example. And you need no title to do that.Everyone of us alive with life can passionately drive positive change in the face of negative conditions. And you need no title to do that.Everyone of us alive to the truth about leadership can treat all stakeholders with respect, appreciation, and kindness – and in so doing raise the organization’s culture to best of breed. And you need no title to do that.

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Innovation always trumps repeating what might have worked in the pastCustomers always want fresh value and novel forms of excellence – not a repackaging of old goodsLeaders have a deeply held commitment to making everything they touch better than they found itYour today should be better than your yesterdayBe a visionaryDaily ripples of superior performances add up over time to a tidal wave of outrageous successSmall daily improvements – over time – lead to stunning resultsSmall leadership acts really will compound into breathtaking consequences

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Always give nothing less than your very best in whatever you doYou should be the first, the most, the only and the absolute bestChallenge yourself to outperform the you of yesterdayFew things feel as good as the pride you feel on a job masterfully donePeople don’t work and live at average because they are average. They behave that way because they have forgotten who they truly areHarvard Business Review: every world-class expert has one thing in common: They always invest approximately ten thousand hours polishing their skillsMastery takes time, effort, and patience. And too many of us just don’t make that commitment. Or they give up too early

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Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mindExpress your original voice and be the best you can beDon’t lose yourself on the way to the topStay committed to your mission, values, and the full self-expression of your inner leader even when people doubt youLeadership has a lot to do with believing in yourself when no one else believes in youWhen you give yourself permission to be open, real, and brilliant aorund others, you give others permission to be open, real, and brilliant around you

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Have guts in business. You need no title to be a leader, but you do need to have huge toughness and big guts. To lead without title, you will have to be unrealistically persistent and wildly courageousCriticism is the defense reaction that scared people use to protect themselves against changeYou must stay passionately committed to your vision and have the strength to keep expressing the absolute best within you. And that takes guts. That takes courage.

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Be always ethical in your business. You will never go wrong in doing what’s right. Leadership success lies at the intersection where excellence meets honorNothing is more important than being honest, highly dependable, staying on time, and treating people the way we want to be treatedNothing is more precious in work than staying consistent with your values and protecting your good nameMaintain a pristine name and guard your personal brand by being impeccably ethicalSay what you mean and then mean what you say

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The Second Leadership Conversation:Turbulent Times Build Great Leaders

Blake Davis Meets Ty Boyd:His Second Teacher

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S P A R K S – Speak With Candor P – Prioritize A – Adversity Breeds Opportunity R – Respond Versus React K – Kudos With Everyone

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Speak With Candor

A Leader Without A Title always communicates in a way that’s strikingly direct and stunningly realSpeak honestlyAn organization that has a culture where everyone’s afraid to speak candidly is a place where people live amid delusion and fantasyOvercommunicate with each of your stakeholders, teammates, suppliers, customers. Problems don’t fester. Misunderstandings don’t growLeaders Without A Title are truly impeccable with the words they use. They don’t gossip. They don’t complain. They don’t condemn. And they never swear. They only words they try their best to use each day are those that inspire, engage, and elevate others.

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Focus on the best and neglect all the rest80/20 RuleYou need to shift from complexity to simplicity by cutting out all the low-impact activities of your workdays to make room for an obsessive focus around your high-impact ones

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Adversity Breeds Opportunity

When it’s dark enough, you can see the starsCrises contain exceptional opportunityIn truth no condition is either bad or good. It just is. The way we perceive it makes it ‘bad’ or ‘good’.The strongest and most powerful leaders were all built by struggle and setbackLeadership is about leveraging hard times and using them to your advantageObstacles just show up to measure how badly you want something

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Respond Versus React

Don’t make a habit to reacting to challenges at work. Become a master at responding to themMost of us become part of the problem rather than showing leadership by becoming the source of the solutionBe grace under pressureStop worrying about all the things you can’t control and dedicate yourself to improving the areas you can control.Take initiative. Make results happen while others are waiting to be ledInitiative and hard work is the warm-up act for a headliner called success

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Kudos for Everyone

Being a Leader Without a Title involves being inspirational and uplifting othersAppreciate people for even the smallest things they do in the face of adverse and stressful timesGo through every day of the rest of your life being one of those rare individuals who encourages the efforts of others, who looks for what’s good in people, and who applaudes even the smallest positive act that they doRecognize excellence, praise good work, honor mastery

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The Third Leadership Conversation:The Deeper Your Relationships, The Stronger Your Leadership

Blake Davis meets Jackson Chan:His Third Teacher

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H U M A N H – Helpfulness U – Understanding M – Mingle A – Amuse N - Nurture

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Commit to becoming the most helpful person you knowHelp your customers, your teammates, your suppliers, your loved ones always whenever they need. You will definitely get the help from them whenever you need it the most

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To build world-class relationship, you not only need to astonishingly helpful, it’s also imperative that you be masterful at understanding peopleSpeak less and listen moreSeek first to understand, then to be understoodFor most of us our egos are screaming so loudly we have no ears to hear what anyone else is sayingBest leaders are not those ones who talks the most, speaks the loudest, and listens the least

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Be out there connecting with your teammates and networking with your customers to get positive results and incredible victories you never expected begin to show upAlways remember that people love doing business with people they likeSpend quality time with your stakeholders and customers. They will never forget you for this. And they’ll reward you with their loyalty, even in difficult times

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Having fun while you do great work will help you boost your productivityWhen people are having fun, the energy of the entire organization shifts into higher and higher levelsWhen people are enjoying themselves at work, their stress levels are lower, they are far more willing to do the unexpected to overdeliver for all customers

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You can not afford to have even a single angry customer in this turbulent and tough business world who can demolish your business in future. You need to nurture each and every one of themGrow your relationship with all your teammates, customers, suppliers. Leave every single person who intersects your path better, happier, and more engaged than you found them.Leaders Without a Title brilliantly balance being compassionate with being courageous, being friendly with being firm, being sincere with being strong

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The Fourth Leadership Conversation:To Be a Great Leader, First Become a Great Person

Blake Davis meets Jet Brisley:His Fourth and Final Teacher

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S H I N E S – See Clearly H – Health is Wealth I – Inspiration Matters N – Neglect Not Your Family E – Elevate Your Lifestyle

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See Clearly

Every one of us has a natural tendency to see through our blind spots and limiting beliefs. Often we see situations through eyes of fear versus through the lenses of opportunityWe see the world not as it is but as we areEach of us has a stained glass window through which we perceive everything which is made up of all the beliefs, rules, and ways of being taught by our parents, teachers, peers, and every other influence that has shaped us from the moment we were bornWhat holds us back in leadership and in life are not the external realities but our internal patterns of thought and the way we then behave in the face of those conditionsEvery child was born awesome but unfortunately most of us forget our inner talents and capitalize those talents to live up to the highest standard in due course of life

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Health is Wealth

When we are young we sacrifice our health for wealth. But when we become old and wise, we become willing to sacrifice every bit of our wealth for just a day of good health.Leadership and self mastery is not possible without a sound health and positive energy. Daily exercise keeps us fit physically, mentally and spiritually for us to be in a highest state of energy and enthusiasm.

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Inspiration Matters

A day without feeling inspired is a day that you haven’t fully lived. You need to refill your well of inspiration every day, because the challenges of life will drain it every day. How can you inspire your teammates at work and energize your customers to buy from you if you are uninspired and de-energized yourself ?Listening to music, associating with interesting people who love, reading good books and communing with nature are some of the effective ways to get your creative fire burning and keep you excited about achieving great things at work

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Neglect Not Your Family

Your loved ones matter. What’s the point of becoming super-successful but ending up completely aloneA huge amount of joy can be found in cultivating beautiful relationships with your family and friendsA solid foundation at home sets you up for strong and solid results at work. Feeling cared for and loved by your family is such a powerful accelerator for your leadership and personal success

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Elevate Your Lifestyle

Go through life first-classIt is true that what you’re becoming is far more important than what you own, but always live life to its fullest with elegance and style.Become spectacularly great in the work you do, awaken your inner leader, and most certainly express your absolute best. But enjoy life along the way. The real key is to get the things you want while making sure they don’t get you.

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Link Leadership To Legacy

Success is not about what you receive, success is all about what you returnLeaders Without a Title think about their legacies every single day. They think about how they want to be remembered when they are no longer alive. They think about what achievements they need to get done so that they leave their mark for the generations to that will follow. They consider what kind of people they must become so that their lives stand for something excellent, meaningful, and powerful

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The 7 Fundamentals of Personal Leadership


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