Page 1: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767

The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne

Page 2: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767

Andrew Jacksons date of birth

Andrew Jackson was born March 15th 1767

Page 3: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767

Place of birth

Andrew Jackson was born in waxhaws south Carolina

Page 4: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767


Andrew Jackson was born on March 15 in Warhaws North Carolina. His father died before he was born. The rest of his family was killed when he was 15 during the Revolutionary war. Witch turned him into an orphan. He was a teacher for a while then studied law ( North Carolina) shot after he became a prosecutor . He had to move because of his new job but he thrived in his new environment.

Page 5: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767

Andrew Jackson Facts

His Nickname was old Hickory

Andrew Jackson was a Democrat

Common people followed him ( Farmers and frontiers)

Page 6: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767

Election of 1824

John Quincy Adams won this election defeating Andrew Jackson. After he got the majority

261 votes were available 131 were needed

Andrew Jackson got 99

Sothern States voted for him

Page 7: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767

Election of1828

Andrew Jackson won

He had 178 electoral votes

Almost everyone voted for him North East states

Page 8: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767

Jackson and a Political Convection

America was at a time where political conventions were at a all time low they never had them and when they did no one would show up this all changed in 1824 Andrew wanted it for the Common Men .

Page 9: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767

Actively Campaining

Jackson began to campaigning everywhere to get more votes on his side to get more he was the first President who actually campaigned any where he could to win over votes.

Page 10: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767

Spoils system

The spoil system is a way of appointing new officials into the government it was created by Andrew Jackson. Some say its how he won.

Page 11: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767

Kitchen Cabinet

Andrew Jackson no longer trusted his cabinet so he went to a group of more trusted people/friends for advice witch they called the Kitchen Cabinet.

Page 12: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767

Veto Power

Andrew Jackson vetoed more bills in his time in office than an other president or all of them combined he also used pocket veto.

Page 13: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767

Nullification Crisis

Jackson followers were upset about Quincy winning the election and they purposed an idea for high tariffs and many became upset with Quincy witch was the plan the Jackson followers and their purpose.

Page 14: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767

Trial of tears

The trial of tears forced Native Americans off their land and out of their homes forcing them west of the Mississippi river giving farmer land to grow cotton and giving the Native Americans an exact place they had to live .

Page 15: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767

Treatment of the Cherokees

John Ross fought for the Indians trying to let them maintain their land in the South but Andrew Jackson would not allow it all.

Heres a video ^^^^^^^^^^^

And another ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Page 16: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767

Decimation by Jackson

Andrew deconditioned against the Indians and often wanted them all dead or gone from America he thought it was our land only and didn't’t want to share.

Page 17: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767

Indian Removal Act of 1830

The Indian Removal Act of 1830 stated that all Indian were to move into settlements west of the Mississippi a few tribes left peacefully but many didn't’t agree with this act eventually they would be forcibly moved west.

Page 18: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767

Conclusion Page

All in All I think Andrew Jackson wasn’t an awful President he did a lot of grate things for america but he wasn’t the best person but most presidents wouldn’t be brave enough to do what he did so he may not have been the best president but without him their could be war with the indians I think he was good at what he did.

Page 19: The life of Andrew Jackson By Emilie coyne. Andrew Jacksons date of birth Andrew Jackson was born March 15 th 1767

Reference Page Andrew Jackson born - History Channel

Andrew Jackson born - History Channel

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