Page 1: The Life Remembered By: Lori Martin - 7.2 a life remembered.pdf · "Could you please go and tell him supper's ready and then get Katie

The Life Remembered

By: Lori Martin

Episode 7.2


Scene One - Day One

Startled, Michaela jumped as the front door slammed shut with a bang. "Brian, please. How many times have I told you not to slam the door?" Michaela snapped as she slowly rubbed her temples.

"Sorry, Ma," Brian answered sheepishly. It just kinda got away from me."

"That's all right. I didn't mean to snap at you," Michaela returned as she carried a hot bowl of potatoes over to the table and set them down.

"Was Sully with you?" she asked, glancing again at Brian.

"Yeah. He's out in the barn," Brian answered. "Said he'd be in after he did some chores."

"Could you please go and tell him supper's ready and then get Katie washed up?"

At that moment the door opened, and Sully walked in. Taking off his belt, he hung it up on the peg by the door. Katie, who had seen her pa come through the door, jumped up from the living room floor and ran into his arms.

"Papa!" she exclaimed excitedly. Sully picked her up and swung her high into the air, and then gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hi Kates.

You been a good girl for your ma?"

Katie giggled as Sully again swung her through the air. "Good, Papa.

Do again," Katie laughed and placed a wet kiss on Sully's cheek.

"It's time for supper now, Kates. Go have Brian wash you up while I go help your Ma." Sully kissed her again, and then handed her over to Brian. Michaela was standing by the stove as Sully walked up behind her and placed his arms around her waist. Burying his head in her hair, he began to nuzzle her neck. "Mmmm. You smell nice. How was your day?"

Michaela turned her head slightly to look into Sully's eyes. "Busy," she returned softly.

He looked at her closely and immediately saw the lines of tension in her face. "That bad, huh?"

Michaela shook her head, and Sully turned her more fully around in his arms and bent to kiss her cheek. "Well then. I think maybe you could use some special pamperin' tonight," he whispered so only she could hear.

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"How does that sound?"

"Mmmm. That sounds nice," Michaela replied as she laid her head against his chest.

Sully pulled back slightly and looked once more into her eyes. "Well after supper you're gonna go sit in the living room and rest. I'll get Brian ta help me clean up." Seeing her about to protest, a slight smile played on his lips. He quickly added, "And no arguments, okay. You'll be needin' all your energy."

Michaela looked up into his deep blue eyes, and returning his smile, she nodded her consent.

Scene Two - Day One

"Hey Hank. Fill me up again," Henry Burley slurred. He plopped down his empty whiskey glass with a thud. Seeing Hank's girl, Gerda, walk by, he pulled her onto his lap and held her firmly around the waist. "Hey Gerdie, how's about a kiss," he said as he nibbled on her neck.

"Henry, let go of me," Gerda cried as she attempted to wiggle free of his grasp. "I've got other customers to tend to."

Hank walked over with a full bottle of whiskey and poured it into man's empty glass. "This is your last one Henry. It's about time you headed home, and you know the rules. Hands off."

He glanced at Gerda and turned to the next table where two well-dressed gentlemen were signaling for a refill.

"Ah, me and Gerda's jes’ havin’ some fun here, ain't we darlin'?," Henry whispered in her ear.

"You've had too much to drink, Henry," Gerda chastised. "Now let go of me. You're hurting me," she demanded, prying his hand from her knee.

Hearing Gerda's cry, Hank abruptly turned around. "Hey! I warned ya. No touchin' the merchandise unless you wanna pay for touchin' it," he growled.

Henry loosened his grip, but then looked up at Hank with a sly smile.

"Stay outta this Hank. She wants me."

Hank yanked Henry's arm away from Gerda and pulled her off of his lap. "Go home, Henry. You've had enough." Henry stood and boldly grabbed for Gerda's arm. "I said leave her be," Hank shouted angrily as he pushed Henry away.

Henry stumbled backwards, nearly falling over his chair. "What's the matter? You savin' the whore fer yerself?," he retorted defiantly. Without warning he threw a punch, hitting Hank in the jaw.

Stunned, Hank stumbled slightly and grabbed his jaw. "Damn you," he muttered. Then, while several onlookers cheered, he snatched Henry up by the collar and socked him in the eye.

This time Henry fell to the floor with a thud. Hank was immediately on him again. Yanking the man to his feet, Hank grabbed his shirt with one hand and the back of his pants with the other. Dragging him out the door, he tossed Henry onto the street with the warning, "Now stay out 'til ya can sober up and learn ta behave."

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Henry shook himself, and then slowly staggered to his feet. Brushing his hands together in triumph, Hank turned to go back inside just as Henry unexpectedly rushed towards him. Henry butted his head into Hank's back with full force, and the barkeeper flew forward and landed with a thump.

Quickly, Hank jumped to his feet, and the anger radiated from his eyes. "Alright, you asked for it," he seethed. A large crowd had gathered on the porch to cheer them on. Hank rushed at Henry. The fight was on. Hank pummeled Henry with his fists, and Henry swung back. Still, the fight ended quickly. Henry lay on the ground, beaten and dazed, listening to the crowd as they laughed and jeered.

Staggering to his knees, Henry glared at Hank "This ain't the last of it Hank. You wait and see," he sneered. "I'll get even with you yet."

"Ah go home, Henry. Don't be a fool. You ain't in no condition ta be makin' threats," Hank warned. He turned to the crowd. "Okay folks, fight's over."

Slowly the crowd began to disperse, most of the onlookers returning to the saloon. As Hank strutted past them, several men patted him on the back.

"Nice job, Hank."

"You showed him, Hank."

"Ah, weren't nothin," Hank returned, his head held high. "Come on fellas," he called, pushing through the saloon doors. "I need a drink."

Scene Three - Day One

"Ma, Sarah and I wanna go on a picnic Saturday, would that be alright with you and Pa," Brian asked hopefully.

Michaela glanced over at Sully and then smiled, "It's all right with me, as long as you finish your chores first. "Sully?"

"Sure Brian, that sounds good. Where�d ya plan on goin�?" Sully asked, as he returned Michaela's knowing smile.

"Oh, I thought we'd just go down to the creek, maybe to the waterfall," Brian answered, as he tried to keep the blush from his cheeks. "Take a picnic lunch, maybe do some fishin'."

"That sounds lovely Brian." Out of the corner of her eye, Michaela saw Katie pick up her green beans with her hand and smash them on her plate. "Katie, please stop playing with your food and use your spoon," Michaela said in exasperation. She reached over and placed Katie's spoon back into her hand.

"No wike," Katie exclaimed, as she pushed her plate away and threw her spoon back on the table.

"Katie, you heard your Ma, do what she asks," Sully warned sternly.

Katie looked up at her pa, blinking her eyes, and spoke in a timid voice, "Sowy, Papa, I eat." She looked at Michaela with a devilish pout and stated defiantly, "I no wike."

Michaela was just about to reprimand Katie when Brian spoke up.

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"Ma, you should have heard Mr. Bray today," he exclaimed. "He was going on and on about Daniel."

"Daniel?" Sully looked up from his plate. "What was he sayin’ about Daniel?"

"He doesn't think Daniel is doin’ his job." Brian reached for another helping of potatoes. "Seems someone stole a bushel of apples from the front of his store last night and he thinks Daniel should go out looking for em."

Michaela reached over to cut up Katie's meatloaf. "Does Loren know who stole them?" she asked.

"Nah, he said they were just gone." Brian took another swallow of milk.

Michaela shook her head. "It seems that things like that are happening more and more these days. Just last week Grace had several people leave the cafe without paying."

"I told ya once the railroad comes to town these things would happen more and more." Sully wiped his mouth with a napkin and reached for another biscuit.

"Well, thank goodness they were only minor incidents," Michaela replied, as she finished off the last of her meatloaf. She wiped her mouth and placed her napkin on the table.

"Just a matter of time," Sully mumbled.

"Well, Mr. Bray sure was mad about it," Brian continued. "He said if he found out who did it he would see to it that they were swinging from aro.."

"Brian," Michaela quickly glanced at Katie. "I don't think now is the time to be discussing this."

"Papa swing me." Katie's alert ears caught Brian's words.

"Yeah, Katie, Pa swings you high in the air, doesn't he?" Brian returned, quickly changing the subject. "Horace came into the store today," he offered. “Said he got a telegram from Samantha. He sure misses her."

"Um, speaking of Horace," Sully cleared his throat lightly looking across the table. "I got a telegram today from Welland Smith."

Michaela met Sully's eyes and letting out a heavy sigh she held her breath, "And?"

"He has another surveyin’ job he wants me ta do." Sully saw the look of disappointment in Michaela's eyes. " I have ta leave tomorrow."

"But you just got back, Sully," she replied dispiritedly, even though she knew it had been close to a month since he had returned from St. Louis.

"I know, but this can't be helped," Sully explained, as he looked at the forlorn faces around him. "The man I'm doin’ the surveyin’ for is only gonna be in Denver for two days." He looked across the table and thought he detected a glint of tears in Michaela's eyes. "He's even gonna pay me double."

"We don't need the money that badly Sully," Michaela pleaded. "Couldn't you tell him no, just this once?" She looked at him with sultry eyes.

"For me?"

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"Ya know I can't do that," Sully stated irritably, and it's only for two days Michaela. I'll be back by Friday evenin’."

Michaela pushed back her chair and stood up from the table. "I'm going up to bed now. I have a headache."

"Michaela," Sully began, but was quickly interrupted.

"Brian, could you help Sully clean up and then get Katie ready for bed?" Michaela picked up her plate and walked over to the sink.

"Sure Ma," Brian returned. As he watched Michaela's retreating form, Sully let out a disgruntled sigh and threw his napkin on the table. Brian too watched his Ma. He waited until she had disappeared up the steps and then turned his attention back to Sully. "Do you really have ta go tomorrow, Pa?" he balked.

"Brian," Sully began, "you know I have ta go. Please, don't make this any harder than it already is," Sully implored.

"I'm sorry Pa. I know you have ta go," Brian sympathized. "It's just that we miss ya when you're gone."

"I miss ya too, Brian, all of ya, and I know it's hard on your Ma when I go," Sully glanced at the empty stairwell. "That's why I know I can count on ya to help her out."

Brian looked at Sully with pride. "You can Pa, I'll be here to help with anything she needs."

"Thanks Brian, I really appreciate that and I know your Ma does to," Sully returned gratefully. "Now if you're finished here, let's clean up."

Scene Four - Night One

Michaela lay on her back in the darkened room listening to Sully as he extinguished the lamps downstairs. She closed her eyes and massaged her temples. Her head ached and the more she thought about Sully having to leave again, the more her feelings of resentment and abandonment resurfaced. She knew it was perfectly normal for the husband and father to travel to seek work, but that didnt eliminate her feelings of loneliness when he was gone. She listened now as Sully walked up the stairs and hearing him pause at Katie's door, she suddenly felt guilty.

"What good does it do to be mad about it?" she thought. "He's going to go and there's nothing I can say to change that. Why spoil our last night together?" Resigning herself to the fact, she slowly turned onto her side as Sully quietly opened the door.

Finding the room in total darkness, Sully carefully felt his way around to the nightstand on the other side of the bed. He struck a match and lit the lamp, turning the wick down low. A soft glow now suffused the room. Quickly, he shed his clothes, pulled back the covers and nimbly climbed into bed. "Michaela," he spoke hesitantly as he pulled up the covers. "You asleep?"

She stirred slightly. "No," she whispered.

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Inching himself closer, Sully hesitated before placing his hand on her shoulder. "Please don't me mad," he pleaded.

Slowly Michaela rolled over to face him. "I'm not mad," she murmured, letting out a sigh.

"Ya sure?" he asked dubiously, as he looked into her eyes.

Michaela smiled wanly and took a deep breath. She tried her best to sound convincing. "I'm not upset Sully."

Detecting something unfamiliar in Michaela's voice, Sully lifted his hand to her cheek and lightly stroked it. "Michaela, ya know I gotta go don't ya? It's my job."

Michaela swallowed over the lump in her throat and nodded her head.

"It's only for a few days," Sully continued. He still didn't think she understood what this job really meant to him.

"I know," she whispered as she lowered her eyes to his chest.

Placing his finger under her chin, he raised her eyes to meet his. "I'll miss you," he uttered softly as he gently kissed her lips.

"I'll miss you too," she returned, her voice full of emotion. She looked back at Sully and suddenly squinted her eyes against the candlelight.

Noticing this, Sully tenderly caressed her forehead. "You still got a headache?" he asked worriedly.

"Just a little," she replied timidly, "it was a hectic day."

"Here then, turn over and I'll give ya a massage." Sully's voice was soothing as he gently helped her turn onto her stomach and then leaning close, whispered, "I think ya could use some of my special pamperin’ tonight." Carefully he lifted her hair and laid it to one side. As his hands slowly worked their magic on her neck, he asked, "Busy day, huh?"

"Very," Michaela murmured into the pillow.

Sully continued to knead the taut muscles in the back of her neck and slowly Michaela relaxed.

"Mmmm, that feels nice," she purred.

"Good," he uttered softly, kissing her neck. Slowly his hands began to roam beneath the bedclothes, stilling momentarily as he reached her lower back. "Lift up, please?" Without protest, Michaela lifted slightly as Sully eased her nightgown up to bare her back beneath the covers. He continued his massaging, his hands now moving sensuously up and down the length of her body.

It wasn't long before Michaela could feel her body reacting to his touch, her headache now forgotten. "Sully," she whispered invitingly, her voice husky with desire.

Turning her over, Sully looked into her burning eyes and slowly lowered his mouth to hers. "Oh god how I love you." His words were music to her ears.

Michaela returned his kiss enthusiastically, all of her worries momentarily forgotten. Suddenly nothing else seemed to matter but this moment in time.

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Act I

Scene Five - Day Two

Sully stopped the wagon in front of the clinic and hopped down. "Stay right here Kates," Sully commanded, as he turned to assist Michaela down. Taking hold of Katie's hand, he turned to Michaela. "I've got some things to do before I leave today so why don't Katie and I come back and get ya for lunch?" Sully glanced quickly at the clinic porch where several patients were already waiting. "It looks like you're gonna have another busy day."

"Yes it does," Michaela answered with a sigh as she reached inside the wagon to retrieve her medical bag. "I just hope I'm not too busy to have lunch with you."

"A doctor's gotta eat too, Michaela," Sully gently admonished, "so you just have ta make the time. And besides," he smiled, "I wanna eat lunch with my two favorite girls before I leave."

"You could always stay," Michaela pleaded hopefully. Seeing the look on Sully's face, she instantly regretted her words.

"Michaela," Sully began, remembering her reaction of the previous night.

"I'm sorry," Michaela apologized, "I shouldn't have said that Sully. I know you have to go."

Sully leaned forward to give her a kiss. "I'll see ya at lunch then?" he asked hopefully.

Michaela nodded her head. "Alright." She stooped down to Katie's level and put her arms out for a hug “You be a good girl for papa, alright?" she said, embracing her.

"I good mama," Katie returned, as she hugged her mother tight.

"Come on Kates, Mama's gotta go to work now. How bout we go see Mr. Bray?" Sully asked.

"Candy!" Katie's eyes grew wide as she squeezed Sully's hand. "Go, papa! Mr. Bay," she exclaimed.

Sully turned to give Michaela a wink, as Katie tugged at his hand. "Well, we know who holds her heart, he laughed, or at least her stomach."

Scene 6 - Day Two

"That comes to $2.43, Bart," Loren stated grumpily, adding up Mr. Kratz's order while Reverend Johnson looked on. "And tell Mrs. Kratz that I'm real sorry I don't have any apples."

"Thanks Loren," Bart answered, "I'll do that. Guess she'll just have to make peach cobbler instead, though little Billie had his heart set on apple pie."

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"Yep, well, can't be helped," Loren grumbled, as he handed the wrapped packages to Mr. Kratz. As Bart turned to leave he mumbled, "If I catch them damn thieves I'll... "

"Good morning, Loren," Dorothy nodded as she walked through the door.

Spotting the Reverend sitting nearby, she greeted him also. "Reverend, beautiful morning isn't it?"

"Yes, it is," the Reverend responded.

"Ah, no it ain't," Loren whined, "nothin' good about it."

"Now Loren," Dorothy gently chastised, "you're still not upset about your apples, are you?"

"Well, you ain't the one losin’ money," Loren sneered.

"Now I'll have to raise the price of my apples and my customers ain't gonna like that."

"Loren," Dorothy began.

"Raise the price of what?" Jake entered the store with Teresa on his arm.

"My apples, what do you think," Loren retorted, "I gotta get my money back somehow."

"Yeah, right," Jake complained, "you'll use any excuse to raise prices."

"What are ya talkin' about Jake?" Loren shot back. "I ain't raised my prices since.. well, since I don't know when."

"What about that time you raised the prices of your cigars, remember, when Preston..?" Jake began.

"Jacob," Teresa admonished, squeezing his arm. "I would like to purchase some chalk for my pupils, Mr. Bray," she asked politely.

"Sure, I've got some in the back room," Loren answered, "I'll just go and get it now."

"Loren," Dorothy called, "could you also check to see if you have any more paper for my press? I ran out this morning."

Jake leaned back against the counter and rested his elbow on the top. "Well I don't really blame Loren for bein' upset. Too many things been happenin' in our town." Jake pulled smugly on his vest. "And as Mayor, I don't like it one bit." Teresa looked up at her husband proudly and smiled.

"And what do you propose to do about it Jake?" Dorothy asked, with a smile on her lips, adding, "as Mayor of course."

Sully walked into the store with Katie in tow. "Mornin' folks," Sully greeted cheerfully.

Spying the candy jar Katie squealed, "Candy!" Everyone laughed as Katie's eyes lit up with excitement.

"You and Michaela sure have your hands full," Dorothy teased.

"But what a blessing," the Reverend spoke up.

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"Yep, she sure is," Sully returned. He looked at Loren and handed him a sheet of paper. "I need some supplies Loren."

"Oh," Dorothy raised her eyebrow in question, "you goin' away?"

"Uh, yeah, well," Sully answered uncomfortably, "got a telegram from Welland Smith yesterday." Deciding he didn't want to discuss his departure, he quickly changed the subject. "What were ya all talkin' about when we came in?"

"We were talking about the increase in crime in our town," the Reverend answered.

"Yes, and Jake was just about to tell us what he proposed to do about it," Dorothy replied, a twinkle in her eye.

Jake cleared his throat turning to address them. "Well, for one thing, we need a reliable sheriff around. I mean, nothin' against Daniel, but he never seems to be around when somethin' happens."

"Yeah, where was he when my apples got stolen?" Loren chimed in, "and he wouldn't even go after the fella that did it."

"Loren," Dorothy defended, "we don't even know who did it. He can't just go chasing off after anyone that has an apple, now can he?"

“Daniel!" The shout reverberated from the street.

Several moments later Hank burst through the door, followed by Robert E and Matthew. "Where is he?" Hank demanded, looking around the room.

"Where's who?" Loren asked.

"Daniel, that's who," Hank screamed, "he ain't at the jailhouse, I just looked."

"He aint here," Matthew informed him. He had been at Robert E's when they heard Hank's yell. "He rode out to Cripple Creek early this mornin’, somethin' about some cattle bein’ stolen. Probably won't be back until late tonight."

"What the hell's he doin' out there?" Hank's anger was boiling. "He should be here in town, where we need him!"

"Just calm down, Hank," Sully tried to reason.

"Who are you to tell me to calm down?" Hank yelled, as he slammed a small metal box down on the countertop.

"What happened Hank?" Matthew asked calmly, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I'll tell ya what happened," Hank scoffed, "He stole my cash box and then he smashed a whole case of my good whiskey, that's what happened."

"Who?" Dorothy asked, quickly getting out her notepad and jotting down notes.

"Henry Burley, that's who," Hank reported. "I want that man arrested and I wanna see him hangin' from a rope now! "

"Are ya sure he did it?" Jake asked.

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"Yeah, I'm sure," Hank reiterated and then looking at Jake said, "You were there, you heard him threaten me yesterday, and that's not all he took."

"Oh?" questioned Robert E, "and what else did he supposedly' take?"

"He took my contracts," Hank seethed, and then shooting Robert E an angry look, added, "and not supposedly, I know he done it."

"What contracts, Hank?" Dorothy asked curiously, as she continued to write.

"My contracts," Hank returned frustrated, "ya know, my girls' contracts."

"Oh my!" Teresa whispered, her face flushed in embarrassment.

"Why would Henry want to steal your girl's contracts?" Matthew asked in bewilderment.

"How the hell should I know," Hank rebutted, "probably cuz they were in my cash box."

"Hank, your language," Dorothy chastised, nodding to Katie. Hank looked at Katie and shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry," he whispered contritely.

"You still ain't told us why you think Henry done it," Sully pointed out.

"Cause I threw him outta my saloon yesterday, that's why. Then I beat the tar outta him," Hank smiled with satisfaction.

"That's not exactly proof, Hank," Matthew tried to reason.

"What more proof do ya want," Hank spat. "He said he'd get even with me and he did. Now it's my turn to get even with him. He paused. And I will when I see him hangin' from the end of a rope."

"Hank, ya can't just go out and hang a man for somethin’ ya think he did," Sully stated.

"Well that's what we hired Daniel for ain't it?" Hank answered. But he never seems to be around."

"That's true," Loren agreed. "He wasn't here when they took my apples."

Hank looked at Loren in disgust. "Apples? What the hell you talkin' about old man?"

"Hank," Matthew tried once more to reason, why don't ya let Daniel handle this when he gets back?"

"And when'll that be? I want the man arrested now," Hank shot back.

"Yeah," Jake agreed, "Daniel should be here in town, protecting us, not some homesteaders miles away."

"Daniel was hired to protect all of us," Dorothy reminded them.

Hank's face flushed with anger as he held up his empty cash box. "Well them homesteaders ain't none of my business, this is my business."

"Hank's right," Loren chimed in.

"You're damn right I'm right," Hank rebutted, placing the cash box under his arm. "An if Daniel can't do his job then we need someone who can." With that, he stormed out the door.

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Scene Seven - Day Two

"Ya take good care of your ma and sister for me." Sully patted Brian on the back as they heard the train whistle blow. And I'll be back Friday night."

"Okay, Pa," Brian assured him. "Ya don't have to worry about anything."

"I know I don't," Sully returned. "I've always been able to count on ya."

"Thanks, Pa," Brian smiled.

Taking Katie from Michaela's arms, Sully hugged her tight. "Be good for your ma and brother," he whispered, "and I'll see ya soon."

"Papa," Katie spoke his name.

"I love ya sweet girl," Sully gave her a kiss.

"Luv Papa," Katie returned.

He handed Katie over to Brian and then pulled Michaela a few steps away. "I sure enjoyed our lunch today," Sully smiled. "Though Hank sure was riled up."

"Yes, he was," Michaela returned softly pushing a lock of stray hair behind his ear. "I just hope he doesn't do anything foolish."

"Well, we both know Hank and what a hot head he can be." Sully placed his arms around Michaela's waist.

"Yes, we do," Michaela smiled knowingly. "Dorothy was in to see me this afternoon. She told me they're going to call a Town Council meeting Saturday. Hank wants to vote Daniel out as town sheriff." Michaela watched for Sully's reaction.

"Well, you're on the Town Council. What do you think?" Sully asked.

"Well, I do agree that something has to be done about the rise in crime," Michaela answered. "But I don't think Hank would be any better as sheriff. At least with Daniel we don't have to worry about him doing something irrational."

"Like hangin' a man for stealin' his whiskey," Sully stated wryly.

"Exactly," Michaela agreed.

"One thing I do know, the town's growin and Daniel can't be everywhere," Sully surmised.

"Yes, I agree, but Hank doesn't see it that way, nor do others in town," Michaela returned.

Suddenly a thought occurred to Sully. "What if instead of votin' Daniel out, the Town Council voted on hirin' him some help?"

"Some help?" Michaela questioned, a puzzled look on her face.

"Yeah, how 'bout instead of hirin' a new sheriff, the town hires a deputy for him," Sully explained.

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Michaela's eyes lit up. "That's an excellent idea, Sully. I'll propose that to the Town Council." Michaela's mind was churning. "I know Robert E will agree so that only leaves Loren and Jake to convince. If I can convince them, Hank will have no choice but to go along."

"Well, if anyone can convince 'em, I know you can," Sully stated with confidence pulling her close and kissing her softly on the lips. "Ya take care of yourself while I'm gone," he whispered. "And try not to work too hard."

"I'll try," she responded in kind, her arms hugging him tight, "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too," he breathed. "But I'll be home before you know it." He kissed her once again as the train blew its whistle and pulled back to look into her face. "Well, I better be goin'. I love ya."

"I love you too." Michaela's voice cracked as she slowly released him and watched him board the train.

Scene Eight - Day Three

The next day, Michaela was sitting at her desk when she heard a sudden commotion outside. Rushing out the door, she almost ran into Dorothy. "Dorothy, what's going on?" Michaela jumped back startled.

"I don't know," answered Dorothy. "Let's go see."

Stepping off the porch, they spotted Hank riding into town, a small crowd of people following him.

"Daniel!" Hank was yelling at the top of his lungs. "Get out here." Tied to the back of Hank's horse was Henry Burley.

Daniel stepped out of the jailhouse and observed the small crowd.

"What's goin' on Hank?"

"I'll tell ya what the hell's goin', on," Hank sneered. "I just did your job for ya, that's what, and now I'm gonna finish it for ya." Hank took another rope off of his horse and swung it through the air.

"Just calm down, Hank," Daniel warned sternly.

"You sound just like Sully," Hank jeered. "But then why wouldn't ya, you're just like him, Injun lover and all."

Daniel glared at Hank but chose to ignore him and pointed to Henry. "What'd he do?"

"If you'd a been around yesterday, you'd know," Hank flung back.

"I know about the empty cash box and the liquor," Daniel informed him, looking him directly in the eye. "But ya got no proof he did it, so I'll handle Henry from here."

Hank held up an empty bottle of his favorite whiskey. "Proof, here's proof," Hank shouted angrily. "I found this empty bottle out in his barn."

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"Well that still don't prove that he stole your money box," Daniel retorted. "And ya can't hang a man for stealin’ a bottle of whiskey."

"This is all the proof I need," Hank seethed, shattering the empty bottle on the ground. "I brought him in, so I'll handle him my way," Hank proclaimed, shooting Daniel an icy stare. "So just back off."

Daniel's hand slowly went to his holster, resting the palm of his hand on his gun. "Hank," Daniel cautioned in a voice that dared to be challenged. "I said I'll handle this. I'm the sheriff here, not you."

Hank glared at Daniel and then glancing around at the crowd, threw down the rope with a whip of his wrist. "Not for long," he pronounced. Flinging his head back with a snap, he strode off, his hair flying wildly in the wind.

Act II

Scene Nine - Day Four

Michaela had tried to concentrate on their dinner conversation all evening, but with little success. Sully had promised he'd be home today so she had rushed home to cook him a special meal. Now at a quarter 'til eight, Sully still was not here.

"He'll be here, Ma," Brian tried to cheer her, reaching for another piece of pie. He smiled. "Supper sure was good."

Michaela smiled wanly. "I made all of Sully's favorites."

"Well, he can still eat 'em when he gets home," Matthew comforted. "Don't worry, Dr. Mike," Matthew tried to assure her, "I'm sure his train was just delayed."

Suddenly a thought occurred to Brian. "Hey Matthew, if they have another election, why don't you run for sheriff? After all, you won before."

Michaela glanced up and waited, listening for Matthew's response.

"Oh, I don't know little brother..."

"But you were sheriff before," Brian jumped in, "so you'd already know all about the job."

"I don't know, Brian," Matthew hesitated, closely watching his mother's face, "I think maybe I'll just stick with studyin� the law for now."

Unconsciously, Michaela let out a sigh of relief and picked up her plate. "I'll clean up now. Brian, could you get Katie washed and ready for bed?"

"Sure, Ma," Brian replied, as he put the last bite of pie in his mouth. Picking up Katie he headed up the stairs.

A moment later they heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it," stated Matthew, wiping his mouth and pushing back his chair. "Horace?" Matthew questioned as he opened the front door.

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"I just got a telegram for Dr. Mike so I thought I better bring it right out," Horace replied, as he held out a piece of paper in his hand. "I knew she'd be worryin about Sully."

"Thanks Horace, I'll see that she gets it," Matthew returned, taking the piece of paper from Horace's hand. Closing the door, he turned to see Michaela standing behind him. "Telegram from Sully," Matthew informed her, handing over the piece of paper.

Quickly Michaela opened it. As she scanned the telegram her face sunk. "Sully's been delayed," she said dejectedly. "He won't be home until sometime tomorrow."

Matthew could see the disappointment on her face. "Do ya want me to stay here tonight, Dr. Mike?" he asked.

"No, of course not, we'll be fine," Michaela attested. "After all, we've been alone before."

Noting a touch of sarcasm in her voice, Matthew placed his hand over her arm. "Are you sure you're all right, Ma?" he asked softly. "I really don't mind stayin."

"No, Matthew, really. You go ahead and go home, we'll be alright," Michaela assured him.

"Well if you're sure, I think I'll head on home," Matthew replied. "I've gotta be gettin' up early tomorrow." He lifted his jacket off of the peg and threw it over his shoulder. "See ya in town tomorrow then." He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Tell Brian and Katie I said goodbye."

Michaela entered her bedroom and began dressing for bed. Sitting at her dressing table brushing her hair, her thoughts once again drifted to Sully. She wondered what had been so important to keep him another night. Suddenly and without warning her thoughts were thrust back to that terrible time when Sully had been in hiding. She squeezed her eyes shut against the rising feelings of loneliness that had haunted her for so long. Swallowing hard, she glanced at their empty bed and found herself shamefully wishing that Sully had never taken the job for Welland Smith.

"Stop it," she angrily scolded herself. "This is ridiculous." Slowly Michaela walked over to their bed, climbed in and drew the covers up to her chin. "I can't think about this now, I can't." Turning over to her side and taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. But sleep was a long time in coming.

Scene Ten - Day Five

Preston looked at himself in the mirror and smiled with smug satisfaction. Smoothing down a slick of hair, he took one last conceited glance and turned on his heels. "Dr. Fulton," Preston hailed the new doctor as he entered through the lobby door. "I wanted to ask, how did your visit with Mrs. Peters go this morning?" He glanced briefly at his pocket watch and then snapped it shut. "I assured her last night that you would be able to see her this morning. I know that it is Saturday, but she did seem rather anxious about it."

"It was no problem, Preston," Dr. Fulton returned. Then, in his most professional tone he added, "But you know that I cannot disclose that information."

In just the short time he had been here, John had learned much about Preston A. Lodge, III, and most of it wasn't very pleasant. However, being an open-minded person, he was trying hard not to form a negative opinion on hearsay. He wanted to give Preston a fair chance, even if he really didn’t have to

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answer to him regarding the clinic. "But since you did refer the patient to me," John Fulton continued in good faith, "I will tell you that she refused to allow me to examine her."

"She refused? Why?" Preston asked accusingly, his voice rising a notch.

Dr. Fulton leaned closer and in a hushed tone, explained. "Mrs. Peter's condition is one of a delicate nature and she would prefer the services of a female doctor."

Preston raised his eyebrows questioningly. "So I explained to her that Dr. Quinn would be more than happy to examine her," John continued. "Since it wasn't an emergency she agreed to see Dr. Quinn on Monday morning."

Preston placed his hands on his hips in utter disbelief. "You don't expect Mrs. Peter's to wait until Monday morning, do you?" Preston huffed. "After all, her husband is a very powerful man. If she needs medical attention, then we must get Michaela out here immediately."

"Preston, today is Saturday," Dr. Fulton tried to reason, "and this isn't an emergency." He knew his words were falling on deaf ears. "Michaela has been going back and forth all week. Leave her be, and let her have some time with her family."

His eyes suddenly lit up. "Ah yes, her family," Preston sneered. "But it seems her other half is off again in the wilderness somewhere, doing God only knows what."

"Preston," Dr. Fulton began sternly, refusing to be baited.

"Oh, all right," Preston conceded. "I'll have the bellboy send her a message letting her know we'd like to see her at her earliest convenience. Would that be alright with you?"

Dr. Fulton smiled. "That would be acceptable, Mr. Lodge. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some matters I need to tend to."

"Of course," Preston moved slightly to one side. "Enjoy your day, Dr. Fulton." As he watched Dr. Fulton walk out the door, he caught his bellboy as he was walking by. "Josiah, I need you to take the carriage out to the Sully homestead and inform Dr. Quinn that we are in need of her services."

"Yes, sir, Mr. Lodge," Josiah answered in return, "I'll go right away."

"Well, see to it then," Preston demanded as he abruptly walked away. He didn’t care if he had no authority over the clinic. He could still give orders to those who did work for him. Besides, some habits were hard to erase.

Scene Eleven - Day Five

Shutting the door behind him, Brian walked over to the fire. "I'm just about ready ma," Brian called up the stairs.

Michaela walked to the top of the stairs, Katie in her arms. "Did you finish all of your chores?" she called down.

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"I finished them all," Brian answered, "Sully won't even have to rake out the stalls when he comes home today. I already did it."

"Thank you, Brian," Michaela smiled in appreciation. "I've really appreciated your help these past few days. Sully and I are very proud of you."

Brian beamed graciously. "Thanks ma. I'm glad to help. I'm gonna head out now, all right? You and Katie have a nice day."

"We will, Brian. Katie and I are going to spend the day making bread. How's does that sound?" Michaela beamed at her smiling daughter.

Katie giggled and replied, "Mess."

Michaela laughed tickling Katie under the chin. "Yes, you do like to make a mess with mama's flour, don't you?" she bubbled.

Brian leaned over to give Katie a kiss as they heard the sound of an approaching wagon. He went to the door and opened it seeing the chateau buggy coming to a halt. Josiah jumped down from the wagon and climbed the steps.

"Josiah, what brings you out here this morning?" Michaela asked, as she walked out onto the porch, Katie tugging at her hand.

"Dr. Quinn, Preston sent me out with a message that they are in need of your services," Josiah informed them.

"What's wrong?" Michaela's doctor instincts immediately took control. "Is there an emergency?" She briefly wondered why Preston was summoning her and not John. Preston had no control over the clinic, anymore.

"Well, I don't really know for sure," Josiah scratched his forehead in puzzlement. “Mr. Lodge didn't exactly say, but he sounded urgent."

Michaela let out a sigh. Knowing Preston, it wasn’t urgent, but he was still trying to remain in control. "I'd better go then," Michaela informed him. "I'll be just a minute, Josiah; I need to get my bag."

"Yes, ma'am," Josiah returned, "I'll just go wait out there."

Walking back into the house, Michaela felt a small tug at her skirt. She turned to Brian with an apologetic look on her face, "Brian, I'm sorry, but you'll have to take Katie with you today."

"Ah, ma, not today," Brian's face fell, "Why do I always gotta watch her. Sarah and I've been planning this all week."

"I'm sorry Brian, but it can't be helped," Michaela looked at Brian for understanding. "I'm needed at the chateau clinic and I can't watch Katie at the same time."

"But you heard Josiah, he said it wasn't an emergency," Brian retaliated. "You can go later, after Pa comes home."

"Josiah didn't know if it was an emergency, Brian," Michaela answered impatiently, and besides, I promised Dr. Fulton that I would come out today anyway." She placed her hands on her hips and stated with authority. "I'm sorry, but you'll just have to take Katie with you and Sarah today."

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"Ma, please," Brian pleaded again; "My plans didn't include a little kid tagging along."

"I really am sorry, Brian, but Katie will be much better off with you today," Michaela reasoned. "She'd only get in the way at the chateau, there's no one there to watch her."

"Brian's face turned a deep red and pulling the door open with a hard yank he mumbled, "I wish I never had a little sister." Taking one quick glance back at his ma he shouted defiantly, "I ain't takin’ her with me," and then he slammed the door.

"Brian!" Michaela shouted in horror, but it was too late, he was already gone. She stood in stunned silence as she heard his horse gallop away. Letting out a sigh of disbelief she picked Katie up into her arms and kissed her cheek, "Well, little one, it looks like you're going to come with me today. How does that sound?"

In answer Katie hugged her ma tighter and asked, "No mess mama?"

"I'm sorry sweetheart, not today, but we'll bake bread another time," Michaela promised. "Right now mama's needed as a doctor, do you understand?"

"Yes, Mama," Katie smiled, "papa say mama good."

Michaela squeezed Katie tightly, "Oh, mama loves you so much sweetheart." She kissed her again. "Now Josiah's waiting for us. Shall we go?"

Scene Twelve - Day Five

John Fulton was enjoying a leisurely Saturday morning on the front porch, a coffee cup in hand. Skimming the morning news he heard the sound of approaching hoof beats. He looked up and to his delight, spotted Dr. Mike holding her small daughter.

Approaching the buggy he reached up to take Katie from her hands. "Dr. Mike, what a pleasant surprise," he greeted cheerfully, offering assistance with his other hand. "But I didn't expect to see you until later."

Michaela took Katie back into her arms and then looked at John in puzzlement. "I thought there was an emergency," Michaela answered somewhat surprised. "Preston sent for me, saying I was needed here. He made it sound rather urgent," she added, quite perturbed. "Seems as if Preston is up to his old controlling tricks again."

"Oh, Michaela, I'm truly sorry. Please forgive me," John apologized lavishly, "I'm afraid that is my fault." At the puzzled look on Michaela face, John explained. "You see Mrs. Peters, a guest here at the chateau, came to see me this morning. She believes she may be pregnant but she preferred to be examined by a female doctor." He paused and at Michaela’s nod, he continued. "I'm afraid I told Preston and he acted like his usual abrupt self. I truly am sorry, but I did tell him explicitly that it was not an emergency. I do hope we didn't inconvenience you in any way," he added.

Michaela let out a sigh and with a shrug of her shoulders she replied, "It wasn't your fault. But since I am here, I'd like to see that patient now."

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"Of course, I'll go find her right away," John returned and then somewhat hesitantly added, "If you'd like, I'll be happy to watch Katie while you're with her."

"Why thank you John, I'd appreciate that," Michaela smiled, caressing her daughter's cheek. "Usually Brian would watch her for me, but he had other plans," she added, an underlying tone in her voice.

After locating Mrs. Peters, John headed to the lobby with a babbling Katie in tow. Preston was standing behind the counter when he spotted Dr. Fulton with a small child in his arms.

"What is the meaning of this?" Preston demanded, pointing to the child.

Dr. Fulton walked up to him and eyeing him menacingly he replied, "Since you were so adamant about calling Dr. Quinn out here, you can help me watch her young child."

Preston started to protest when suddenly Katie whispered, "Missa Waj, pay wif me?"

Looking at those adorable brown-blue eyes, even Preston’s heart melted. "Well, since it is Michaela's daughter...” He glanced around him and seeing no one else added, "I suppose just this once."

For the next ten minutes Preston and Dr. Fulton kept Katie entertained until suddenly as she was running into Preston's arms, she tripped. Katie let out an anguished scream, causing both men to rush towards her. Quickly John picked her up but they couldn't calm her screams. Noticing a small bump forming on her forehead, John tried soothing her. "Sshhh, Katie, don't cry, you're alright," John whispered, but to no avail. Katie's screams wouldn't stop.

The front door opened and Brian and Sarah rushed in. Hearing his sister's scream, Brian ran towards her and lifted her from Dr. Fulton's arms. "Sshhh, Kates, what's the matter?" Brian asked in a soothing voice.

"She fell and bumped her head," John explained, "Preston and I were watching her while your mother is with a patient."

Immediately Brian felt guilty. "It's alright Katie, I'm here now." Brian gently touched her head. "Did you get a boo boo?"

"Huwt, Bwan," Katie's sniffled as her tears fell on Brian's shirt.

Brian looked at Dr. Fulton. "It's alright Dr. Fulton, I'll take her now." He wiped away Katie's tears. "Can ya just tell my ma that Sarah and I took her on our picnic with us?"

Brian turned to leave, and the front door was suddenly thrust open, knocking Sarah to the floor. Everyone's eyes flew to the door as two well-dressed men burst through the door, each waving a gun in his hand.

"Don't anyone move," the first man threatened.


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He was much taller than his counterpart and his hair was slicked back nice and smooth. Behind him the younger of the two was dressed in a gray suit with a mustache that curled. His eyes were dark and beady.

"Clayton, you watch the kids while I take care of these two," the first man ordered as he pointed his gun at Preston.

"Right, Chester." Stepping forward, Clayton pointed his gun at Brian. "All right you three, over there by the wall," he instructed.

With Katie in his arms, Brian rushed over to Sarah and helped her up then led them all to a nearby chair. Chester walked towards Preston and Dr. Fulton with his gun pointing at Preston's head and demanded, "Who's in charge here?"

Preston raised his trembling hand. "I... I am," he stuttered.

Scene Thirteen - Day Five

Michaela sighed yearningly, wiping her hands on a towel. "A baby...." her eyes had a faraway look. "Dr. Quinn, what is it, is something wrong?" Mrs. Peters cried anxiously, quickly sitting up.

"Oh no, of course not," Michaela jumped at the sound of her name. Shaking herself momentarily, Michaela looked at Mrs. Peters and smiled, "You were correct, Mrs. Peters, you're pregnant; about three months along."

Mrs. Peters beamed with joy. "Oh, I can't believe it, Dr. Quinn," she exclaimed in elation, "my husband will be so happy. We've been married almost nine months and we were beginning to wonder if it was meant to be. We've both been so worried."

With a knowing look, Michaela replied, "Well you can both stop worrying now. You and the baby are both fine." Just then Michaela heard the small cry of a child. "Now if you'll excuse me," Michaela said as she turned towards the door, "I believe I hear my daughter."

Scene Fourteen - Day Five

Chester cocked his gun. "Open the safe and give me all your money," he ordered, "And don't try anything fancy."

Preston's hands were shaking as he turned the tumble on the lock. Opening the safe he quickly reached inside and stuffed the money into a bag. As Chester reached for the bag of money, the side door suddenly opened and Preston clumsily dropped it on the floor.

"Katie," Michaela called out worriedly." Michaela froze as two guns simultaneously moved in her direction and immediately her heart stopped. Instantly her mind flashed back and she saw herself lying on the floor, pleading for help, shot, point blank. She stood frozen, paralyzed with fear.

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"Don't move, or I'll shoot," Clayton shouted nervously. In that instant out of the corner of his eye Clayton saw Preston move. Turning, he fired his gun. Preston stumbled back, his hand flying over his heart. Falling to the ground, he looked down to see the blood oozing through his fingers. Dr. Fulton leaped to Preston's aid but before he knew what had happened, Chester hit him over the head with the butt of his gun, and he ,too, slumped to the floor.

"Mama," Katie screamed, reaching out her arms towards her ma. At the sound of her daughter's cry, Michaela was jolted back to the present. For the first time, she noticed the bloodstain on Preston's white shirt, and without thinking, Michaela started towards him.

"Ma!" Brian screamed, fearful for her life.

Chester aimed his gun at Michaela and looked her daringly in the eye. Michaela froze, her entire being again paralyzed with fear, but then suddenly she heard Preston's faint plea.

"Michaela" he croaked, his eyes filled with dread. Their eyes met, and in a barely audible whisper, he pleaded once again, "Michaela."

Seeing Preston lying on the floor, his eyes haunted by death, she knew what she had to do. Glancing briefly at Brian she squared her shoulders, took a deep breath and returned Chester's stare. "You can't let him bleed to death." She took a tentative step forward. "I'm a doctor, I can save him."

Chester's eyes bore coldly into hers and he cocked back his gun. Michaela felt a sudden chill run down her spine but ignoring it she locked his gaze once more. "You haven't killed anyone yet. Don't add murder to your charges as well." She took another tentative step. "Please, let me help him," she pleaded.

Chester held her gaze for a few moments more and then slowly lowered his gun. "Go ahead, tend to him," he allowed and then raising his gun he shouted, "but the rest of ya stay where you are." With that, Chester picked up the bag of money and with a wave of his hand called, "Come on, Clayton, let's get the hell outta here." With one last glance behind them, Chester and Clayton escaped through the front door.

Scene Fifteen - Day Five

Sully had just gotten off of the train and gathered his bags when he saw a rider galloping at full speed through town. "From the way he's coming in here," Sully thought to himself, "something must be up." He sighed. He had to admit that he preferred the quiet of the wilderness over the hustle and bustle of the town. Hearing all of the commotion in front of the general store, Sully picked up his pace. "What's goin’ on," Sully asked, stepping up on the porch.

"Oh, Sully," Dorothy's hands flew to her face, "there's some men at the chateau with guns."

"What?" Sully asked with concern.

Loren stepped out to meet him, "Yeah, Josiah just came ridin’ in to get the sheriff." Loren anxiously waved his arms in the air. "He says he saw two men with guns enter the Chateau so he hopped on his horse and came to get help."

Daniel stepped out of the jailhouse, a rifle in hand. "Sully you're back," Daniel greeted solemnly, "I could use your help," and then looking around the crowd he added, "and anyone else who wants to come."

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"Sure Daniel, anythin’ ya need," Sully immediately responded. "Just lemme get a horse from Robert E."

With news traveling fast in a small town, Robert E rushed up with extra horses, Grace waddling close behind. "Here Sully," Robert E handed him a rein, "saw ya just get off the train. Figured you'd need a horse."

"Thanks Robert E," Sully acknowledged as he hopped onto the horse.

Grace stepped forward and looking up at Sully she hesitated, "Uh, Sully, I thought you should know." Grace worriedly wrung her hands. "Brian was in this morning to pick up a picnic basket, and he told me that Michaela had been called out to the chateau."

"Michaela's out there?" Sully asked in horror.

"Yes, she took Katie and..." Grace began but before she could finish, Sully galloped off on his horse.

As Sully disappeared around the corner, Daniel looked to the men and shouted, "All right, whoever's going with me, let's go." With that he mounted his horse, and with a wave of his hand, the posse was on their way.

Sully rode at full speed, never glancing back. His heart was pounding out of his chest as fear gripped his throat. Silently he sent a quick prayer to the spirits that his family would be safe. Rounding the corner, he saw the main road to the chateau looming ahead. He slowed his horse as he saw two men backing out the front door with guns in their hands.

The two men turned around and spotting Sully approaching hopped on their horses and headed down the back road. Sully spurred his horse on and as he drew closer, he could hear the loud cries of a young child. Katie's cries, he immediately recognized. Jumping off his horse he burst through the door and his heart leapt for joy at the sight of Katie in Brian's arms. He ran towards them and reached for Katie who immediately jumped into his arms. He instantly saw the bump on her head and turning to Brian he asked anxiously, "What happened, is she all right? Where's your ma?"

Brian placed his hand over Sully's arm to calm him. "Katie's fine pa, and ma's over there." He pointed to the corner of the floor where Michaela and Dr. Fulton were still bent over Preston, trying to save his life. Sully glanced at

Michaela and their eyes met. Seeing Michaela safe, Sully let out a sigh of relief. He turned his attention back to Brian and Sarah and asked with concern, "Is everyone all right?"

"We're all right, Mr. Sully," Sarah answered, as she held tightly to Brian's hand. "They didn't hurt any of us."

"Yeah, they just came burstin’ in here with their guns drawn, demandin’ money." Brian began to explain what had happened. "And then Ma came through the side door and everythin’ just seemed to happen." Brian paused, "They shot Preston and hit Dr. Fulton over the head and then they turned their guns on ma."

"What!" Sully muttered in shock.

"I thought they were really gonna shoot her, pa," Brian's voice trembled. "And then when ma wanted to help Preston, one of the men cocked his gun."

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Suddenly Sarah spoke up in awe, "But you should have seen her, Mr. Sully, Dr. Mike was so brave. She just stared right back at that man and told him she was going to help Preston."

"She what?" Sully exclaimed in utter disbelief. "She could have been killed, what was she thinkin’?"

"Mama," Katie whimpered, her arms wrapped around Sully tight. Sully glanced at Michaela and took a deep calming breath as he continued to soothe Katie. Touching the small bump on Katie's head, Sully turned to Brian and asked, "How'd Katie get hurt?"

Brian shrugged his shoulders. "I don't really know, Pa. When we came in she was crying in Dr. Fulton's arms."

"Dr. Fulton had her?" Sully asked curiously. Not knowing why, that thought suddenly rankled him. "What was he doing with her?" His voice raised a notch. "Where was yer ma?" With Michaela safe, his feelings of relief had quickly been replaced by a feeling of anger.

"John said she was with a patient," Brian returned, not missing the tone in his voice. "I'm sorry, Pa," Brian began to apologize, "it's partly my fault." Sully raised his head slightly, a questioning look in his eyes. "Sarah and I were going on our picnic today," Brian continued guiltily, "I didn't want to take Katie along so ma had to bring her here." For the moment he left out the part where he stormed out the front door, screaming at his ma. He would face Sully about that later.

Much to Brian's surprise, Sully came to his defense. "It wasn't your fault, Brian," Sully assured him, glancing briefly at Sarah. "You two had this picnic planned a long time." Taking another quick glance at Michaela, who was absorbed in her task, Sully turned to Brian and asked, "Why'd your ma come here anyway, was there an emergency?"

"Sully, we need your help," Michaela stood up, stretching her back and calling his name. Sully placed Katie back into Brian's arms and then walked over to his wife. "We need to take him into the clinic now." Michaela was in her professional mode. "Could you help us please?"

An hour later Michaela walked out of the clinic rubbing her head, exhausted by the entire ordeal. Sully spotted Michaela and standing up he walked towards her and asked in genuine concern, "How's Preston?"

"Mama," Katie squealed, jumping out of Sully's arms.

Michaela hugged Katie tight against her chest, the reality of the past few hours suddenly sinking in. "He's going to be fine," Michaela answered in a reserved tone, "We removed the bullet and he should recover fully."

"That's good," Sully placed his arm around Michaela's waist and then turning to her said, "I think it's time we went home now. I'll have Brian get our wagon."

Michaela stepped back and looked at Sully in disbelief. "I can't leave now," she protested adamantly, "what about my patient?"

"What about your family?" Sully snapped. "They had quite a scare here today. Or were you too busy doctorin' to notice?" Immediately he regretted his last statement.

Michaela looked at Sully in shock and anger. "And what is that supposed to mean?" The children are fine, Sully. I wouldn't stay if they weren't."

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Overhearing their conversation, Dr. Fulton entered the room. "I can take care of Preston, Michaela," John assured her. "There's no need for you to stay."

"But what about your head?" Michaela asked in concern.

"I'm fine, really," John replied, "and Preston is resting comfortably now. Go home now with your family."

Sully placed his hand firmly on Michaela's arm and gently tugged her, "You heard John, he can handle it here. Let's go home."

Resentful of his attitude, Michaela pulled away turning to speak to John. "Thank you John," she replied. If you need me for any reason, please send someone for me."

"I will, Michaela and thank you for coming out on such notice." He turned to Michaela and smiled. "I know Mr. Peters will be thrilled to learn he's about to become a father."

Brian slowly approached his ma and pa. "Are you all right, ma?" Brian asked in concern.

"Yes, Brian, I'm fine," she lightly touched his arm. "Are you sure you and Sarah are all right?"

"We're both fine ma, really, Sarah's just a little scared." He glanced over his shoulder and smiled. Turning back to face his parents he asked, "I'm going to take her home now, is that all right with you?"

"That's fine, Brian," Sully returned as he glanced at Michaela. Nodding her approval Michaela added, "Just be careful and don't stay too long."

As Michaela and Sully walked out the door, Matthew and Hank arrived. "Dr. Mike, we caught the two men that robbed ya," Matthew confirmed. "Daniel took them on to jail.

"Yeah, they were holed up just outside a town," Hank jumped in. Cracking a slight smile he added, "They weren't too smart either. We could hear em a mile away, celebratin’ and countin’ their money."

Michaela let out a sigh of relief.

"And that ain't all we found," Hank grinned slyly, holding up a stack of folder papers.

"Hank's contracts," Matthew explained. "The ones that were stolen from his cash box."

"Yeah," Hank lowered his head guiltily. "I remember now see in the two of em in the saloon that day."

Sully eyed Hank warily. "So it wasn't Henry that stole your money after all?"

"No it wasnt," Hank answered shamefully. "And I admit when I'm wrong." Looping his thumbs under his suspenders he stared Sully in the eye. "But he did steal my whiskey and he's gonna have to pay for that."

Scene Sixteen - Day Five

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The wagon ride home had finally lulled Katie to sleep. Tucked securely under Michaela's arms, Katie slumbered peacefully, blissfully unaware of the tension that filled the air. Sully was angry, but Michaela couldn't understand why. Finally, Sully broke the silence. "What was so important that you had to rush out there today?" he asked sarcastically. "I thought that's what you hired John for?"

"Is that why you're upset?" Michaela paused to gauge his reaction. "Because I was at the clinic?"

Returning her question with another one of his own, Sully asked gruffly, "Ain’t ya got enough to do with bein’ a ma and runnin’ your own clinic without you havin' to run out there all the time?"

"Sully," Michaela exclaimed in exasperation, "Preston sent Josiah out to the homestead this morning. John had a patient he wanted me to see."

"To confirm a woman bein’ pregnant," Sully shouted angrily. "That was urgent?"

"I didn't know that it wasn't an emergency," Michaela countered.

"But you just take off with our daughter and run at John's beck an’ call," Sully screamed accusingly.

"Keep your voice down," Michaela scolded and then turning the tables, shot back. "What about you? If you would have been here like you promised, I wouldn't have had to take Katie with me in the first place. She could have stayed home with you."

Sully shot Michaela a cold stare. "I don't wanna talk about this no more," he said with finality. Turning his head and averting Michaela's eyes, Sully snapped the reins, and they continued home in silence.

Scene Seventeen - Day Five

After putting Katie in her bed, Michaela descended the steps. Spotting Sully in front of the fireplace, their wedding photograph in his hand, she slowly approached him. She laid her hand on his back, her voice quivering. "Sully, why are you so angry?"

Sully had tried to calm his anger, but the more his mind churned, the more his blood boiled. Sensing her approaching from behind, he felt her hand on his back and suddenly he turned on her. "How could you put yourself and the kids in danger like that?" He raised his voice in fury. "Just what were you thinkin’?"

Michaela jumped back, startled by his harsh tone. "I didn't put the children in danger," she replied defensively.

“You almost got yourself killed," he screamed. "That man pointed a gun at ya. Do you realize what coulda happened?" he asked in a continuing rage.

Michaela froze as an icy chill ran down her spine, images of a single gunshot flashing continuously through her mind.

Sully saw the paralyzing look on her face. It was one he had seen before. Rushing to her side, he pulled her into his arms. "I'm sorry, Michaela, I didn't mean it," he whispered soothingly. "You're safe now, I'm here, no one's gonna hurt you. Oh, god, I'm so sorry."

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Michaela looked up at Sully, her eyes glistening with tears. "Sully," she croaked, her voice trembling. Suddenly she burst into tears. "I was so frightened," she cried.

Sully rocked her in his arms. Her emotions finally spent, he pulled back and asked, "Are ya sure you're all right now?" He gazed into her teary eyes.

Nodding her head she answered truthfully, "Yes, I'm fine, really." Taking a deep breath she said with determination, "I won't allow myself to fall back to that time. I've come too far."

"Good," Sully chucked her lightly under the chin and then kissed her sweetly on the cheek. "You look tired," he added as he gazed into her eyes. Glancing suggestively towards the stairs, his arms wrapped around her waist, he whispered, "Why don't we go upstairs and take a nap."

Michaela peered into his lustrous blue eyes and sighed. "There's a town council meeting this afternoon, I have to go back into town."

Sully pulled back slightly, a frown on his face. "Today?" he asked in utter disbelief.

"I have to go, Sully." Her eyes pleaded for his understanding, "I'm on the town council."

"After what happened today I'm sure the town will understand if you don't go," he tried once again to persuade her.

"Sully, they're going to decide about Daniel today," Michaela gently reminded him, "Remember, I was going to propose that they hire him a deputy." Before he had a chance to object she quickly added, "And especially after what happened today, I need to be there." Peering up into his eyes she gently admonished, "And Daniel's your friend too, you should be there also."

Angered once again, and not ready to admit that Michaela was right, Sully angrily pushed her away. "It's always somethin’, ain't it Michaela," Sully spat accusingly. "You're always rushin’ off."

Suddenly resentful of his accusing tone, Michaela turned to Sully placing her hands on her hips . "You're right Sully, I'm tired. I'm going upstairs to lie down." Before turning on her heels she glared at him and said, "Please wake me when it's time to leave."

Act IV

Scene Eighteen - Day Five

"Okay, folks," Jake pounded his gravel, "let's get this meetin’ started. We all wanna be home by supper."

Immediately Hank jumped up and shouted, "I vote we hire a new sheriff."

"Sit down, Hank," Jake warned. "Everyone’ll get a chance to speak." Looking back out at the people, Jake began, "Okay now, the reason we called this meetin is to decide if Daniel's doin’ his job."

"Excuse me, Jake," Michaela stood up from the council table, smoothing her dress.

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"What is it, Dr. Mike?" Jake acknowledged.

"I'd like to make a different proposal," Michaela looked to the other council members.

"What kind of proposal?" Robert E asked with interest.

"I'd like to propose that the Town Council hire some help for Daniel, a deputy," Michaela stated. Seeing Loren about to protest she continued, "Surely we can all agree that the town is growing, and none of us can expect Daniel or anyone else to go without sleep, or to be in two places at once." She saw several heads nod and continued. "Our town is becoming too big for only one Sheriff. What we need to do is hire Daniel some help, someone to work just a few hours each day alongside him."

"That's a great idea, Dr. Mike," Reverend Johnson approved from the floor.

Michaela smiled shyly. Wanting to give credit where it was due, she added, "Well actually, it was Sully who suggested it."

"And I suppose you have someone in mind, Dr. Mike?" Jake asked.

"Well, no, I don't," Michaela answered, as she looked about the room.

Busily scribbling in her notepad, Dorothy called out from the floor,

"Would the Council appoint the Deputy or would the town have to vote for him?"

"I don't know, that's something the Council could decide." Michaela responded.

"Maybe the council could approve the nominations, and then the town could vote," Robert E suggested.

"Wait a minute," Hank interrupted angrily, "I thought we were here to vote on gettin' rid of Daniel."

"Aw Hank," Loren spoke up, much to Hank's chagrin. "We don't need to get rid of Daniel, he's doin’ a good job." Everyone looked at Loren with surprise. "Dr. Mike's right, the town's getting too big for one man to handle. It weren't Daniel's fault my apples got stolen."

"Loren's right," Jake spoke up. "So all in favor of keepin’ Daniel and hirin a deputy, raise their hands."

Michaela's and Robert E's hands immediately flew into the air, slowly followed by Loren and Jake. All eyes then flew to Hank, who under protest, finally raised his hand.

Jake pounded his gavel once again. "All right, now we need to decide on a deputy." He peered out into the crowded room. "Any nominations?"

A local man in the back of the room stood up and shouted, "I nominate Hank Lawson."

Hank smiled roguishly, as he recognized the man as a frequent visitor to his saloon. Jumping up from his seat, he shouted "I accept."

"I object." The Reverend stood. "We need a deputy with a level head on his shoulder."

"I agree," a gentleman in the third row spoke up, "Henry Burley's my friend and Hank was ready to hang him for stealin’ his cash."

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Hank glared back at the man. "I already admitted I was wrong, and me and Henry already worked his payment out. That ain't gonna happen again."

"How can we be sure of that?" Sully asked, leaning against the back wall.

"'Cause I said it won't," Hank jeered, flashing Sully a hard stare. Looking around the room, Hank addressed the town. "Look, everyone here knows I've always lived by the law of the land. Someone does somethin’ wrong, I ain't afraid to go out after em. Whenever there's been a posse, I've always been the first to saddle up."

"That's true," Jake agreed readily.

Now it was Robert E's turn to ask. "But Hank has the saloon to run. How can he be deputy sheriff and run his business at the same time?"

"Jake's mayor ain't he, and he still has his barberin’," Hank defended his position. "And besides, the way I figure it," he flashed the crowd a sly smile, "most of the trouble that happens at night happens in my saloon, so I'll be right there to stop it."

"Ah, Hank's got a point there," Loren conceded, leaning back in his chair.

"All right then," Jake sighed. "Are there any more nominations?" There was a long silence in the room, as everyone looked about. Finally Jake spoke up, "Well, if there aren't any other nominations, the town won't have to vote. The Council can just approve Hank as our new deputy."

Heads began to nod in agreement when suddenly from the back of the room came a voice. "I'd like to nominate Matthew." All eyes turned to the back of the room, and Michaela's mouth dropped open in shock. "He was sheriff once," Sully began, "and he did a good job." There were more nods of agreement all around him. "He already knows the job," Sully continued, feeling Michaela's eyes boring into him, "and this way he can not only study the law, he can practice it too."

Someone clapped Matthew on the back, "Yeah, Matthew, you beat Hank once before, you can beat him again."

Hank sneered at the man. Matthew stood up in front of his chair and looked around the room. "I.. I don't know what to say," he said hesitantly.

Sully looked him directly in the eye and returned with confidence. "Say yes, Matthew."

Matthew had been just as shocked as the rest of them when he heard Sully call his name. He had seen the look of shock on Dr. Mike's face and now her eyes flashed with anger. His heart swelled with pride as he listened to Sully praise him. Carefully avoiding Michaela's eyes, Matthew jumped up and exclaimed, "I accept also."

Scene Eighteen - Day Five

Michaela was fuming. “How dare Sully do that behind her back?” she thought. “He knows how I feel about Matthew carrying a gun.” Biting her tongue, she rode on in silence.

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Sully knew that Michaela was upset, and maybe she had a right to be. But Matthew was a grown man. He could make his own decisions. Deciding to break the silence, Sully spoke in a low tone. "Michaela, you're gonna have to talk to me sometime."

Michaela turned her steely eyes on him fuming. "How could you? How could you do such a thing?"

"Michaela, Matthew's a grown man. It's his decision," Sully returned. "And besides, I thought we went over all of this before."

Tears welled in Michaela's eyes. "He almost died, Sully," she cried. "You know how I feel about guns."

"Matthew wants to do this," Sully's voice softened.

"Only because you want him to," Michaela quivered. Sully's eyes remained fixed on the road. "How could you have gone behind my back like that," she cried in disbelief.

Sully took a deep breath and it was several moments before he could answer. Finally stopping the wagon, he turned to face her. "Michaela," he replied, his voice full of anguish. "It was my fault Matthew gave up his badge in the first place." He paused and took another deep breath. "If I hadn't become a fugitive, if Matthew hadn't thrown in his badge to go look for me, he would still be sheriff today." He lowered his eyes guiltily. "I've felt bad about that ever since."

"Because you feel guilty," Michaela charged unsympathetically, "you'd put our son in danger."

Her words stung him. "That ain't how it is, Michaela," Sully shot back. Turning back in his seat, he flicked the reins and they rode the rest of the way home in silence.

Scene Nineteen - Day Five

Sully pulled off his shirt and buckskins and flung them over the chair. He watched Michaela as she methodically brushed her hair in silence. Climbing into bed, Sully looked at her reflection in the mirror and thought he detected a tear. Pulling back the covers, he patted the bed and asked softly, "You comin’ to bed?"

Without a word, Michaela stood up and walked over to her side of the bed, removed her robe and blew out her lamp. Crawling into bed, she pulled up the covers and turned onto her side, away from Sully.

Slowly he reached out his hand to touch her. At least she didn't pull away, he thought to himself. "Michaela," Sully began in a low voice, his hand resting lightly on her arm, "I don't wanna fight anymore." He waited for her to speak, and finally she turned over to face him. "I'm sorry," he whispered in apology, "You were right, I shoulda talked to ya first."

"I'm sorry also," Michaela sniffled, looking into his eye, "It's just that I can't bear the thought of losing him."

Sully wiped away her tears and then sliding his arms under her back he pulled her closer. "Hey, you're not gonna lose him, okay?" he assured her.

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"I know," Michaela smiled wanly, tucking her head under his chin. “And you're right, Matthew's a grown man and I have to let him make his own decisions."

"It ain't ever easy though, is it?" Sully asked lovingly.

She stifled a yawn, "No, it isn't," she returned softly.

Tucking her securely under his arms, Sully lowered his head and softly kissed her lips. "It's been a big day," he murmured. "Tomorrow's Sunday, let's try to get some sleep."

Looking up into his eyes, Michaela nodded her head slightly and blinking back a tear, whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too," Sully whispered, kissing the top of her head . "Good night."

Scene Twenty - Day Six

Sully pulled the wagon to a stop in front of the church and smiled at Michaela. The tension from the previous night had disappeared but there was still something amiss, they both could feel it.

As Sully assisted Michaela down from the wagon, Matthew approached them. "Morning Dr. Mike, Sully," Matthew greeted with a smile, "do you think I could have a word with you?

"Sure Matthew," Sully replied. He turned to Brian. "Could ya take Katie inside and we'll join you in a minute."

"Sure Pa," Brian answered, as he took Katie by the hand and led her into the church.

"What is it, Matthew?" Michaela asked in concern. Sully moved closer to Michaela and gently squeezed her hand.

Matthew stuck his hands in his pocket and began nervously, "Well, first, I wanna thank ya both for believin in me." He could see Michaela holding her breath. "But I've been up all night thinkin about this." He paused. "And I've decided to turn down the nomination."

Slowly Michaela exhaled. "Matthew," Sully began.

"Sully," Matthew quickly broke in, "I really appreciate all you said yesterday, but last night I realized something." Sully and Michaela waited for Matthew to continue. "I was Sheriff for a while, and I thought I was pretty good at it," Matthew stated proudly, "but that's not what I want to do with my life. Now I want to put all of my energy into studying the law."

Michaela looked up at Sully and smiled. "You were a good sheriff, Matthew," Michaela complimented him, "and Sully and I are both very proud of you."

"But if you don't wanna be sheriff...” Sully continued her train of thought, "we understand and ya know we're always behind you."

Matthew sighed in relief, "Thanks, I didn't want you to think that I didn't appreciate your nomination."

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"I'd never think that," Sully stated soundly. Matthew looked at Michaela and asked hopefully, "Will you tell the other council members?"

Michaela smiled, "I'll tell them right after church."

"Thanks, Dr. Mike," Matthew answered.

Dorothy walked up to them, her bible in her hand. "Come on you three, the Reverend's about to begin."

Looping Dorothy's arm with hers, Michaela replied, "Well then we had better hurry."

As the four of them started up the steps, Sully tugged at Matthew's arm. He leaned close and whispered something into Matthew's ear, his eyes twinkling. Matthew smiled at Sully knowingly.

"Sure thing, Sully."

Walking down the aisle of the church, Michaela turned to Sully and whispered, "What was that all about?"

Flashing her a sultry smile, Sully whispered back, "Never mind, you'll find out later." He gave her hand a loving squeeze, and led them to their seats.

Scene Twenty-One Day Six

As they strolled up to the small gathering at the front of the church, Sully smiled and slipped his arm around Michael's waist. "Excuse me gentlemen," Sully's eyes twinkled in anticipation, "if ya don't mind, I'd like to borrow my wife now."

Hank knew that look and smiled, "She's all yours," he returned in jest.

Sully gently grasped Michaela's hand and led her to their wagon. Michaela looked at Sully in surprise. "Where are the children?" she asked suspiciously.

Taking her hand, he assisted her up. "Matthew has 'em. He'll take 'em home later."

She raised her eyes in question. "Oh?"

"I thought we could use some time alone together," he added. Then, searching her eyes longingly asked, "Any objection?"

To his relief she lowered her eyes and softly whispered, "No."

Climbing up and taking his seat beside her, he reached down and grabbed the reins. He reached for her hand and squeezed it tenderly. "You just sit back and relax." Sully lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it.

"Close your eyes if you want to," he paused and gazed into her eyes. Then, he added suggestively, "Get some rest."

"Where are we going?" Michaela asked anxiously, "What about lunch?"

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"You'll find out when we get there. While you were at your meetin', I went over to see Grace," he answered with satisfaction. "Everything's taken care of, so don't worry 'bout a thing."

"You're not going to tell me, are you?" she asked him, her tone light.

"Nope," he replied teasingly.

"That's all you're going to say?"

"Yep," he answered simply.

She smiled up at him and then closing her eyes leaned her head on Sully's shoulder and fell asleep. Moments later, Michaela heard Sully call her name. "Michaela, wake up, we're here." Sully's hand lightly squeezed her knee.

Michaela opened her eyes groggily and waited for them to focus. "Oh, Sully," she breathed. "It's beautiful." She looked out over the creek and spotted her favorite waterfall. "Thank you, Sully. This is one of my favorite places," she whispered wistfully.

"Mine too," he whispered, leaning in to give her a passionate kiss. He pulled back, his eyes promising more to come. He growled deep in his throat, and climbing down from the wagon, he reached up for her, "Come on, let's set up lunch, I'm hungry."

Gazing into Sully's eyes she reached for his hand. "Me too," she answered seductively.

Michaela wiped her mouth with her napkin and then folded it on her lap. Taking their plates and setting them aside, she said, "Thank you, Sully. That was delicious."

"Grace's cookin' always is." Sully patted his full stomach. Leaning back and resting on his elbows, he looked up at Michaela and asked, "So what did the Council decide today?"

"It looks like Hank will be our Deputy Sheriff."

"Hank’ll do good," Sully stated.

Michaela raised her eyebrows in mild disbelief, "I'm surprised to hear you say that."

"Me and Hank's had our differences, but he does care about our town," Sully returned, "and he'll do the right thing.

Michaela scooted over and drew her husband's head down onto her lap. Lazily running her fingers through his hair, her mind drifted. When she looked at Sully again her eyes were glistening with tears.

"Michaela?" he asked, reaching up and stroking her cheek. Forcing back her tears, Michaela took a deep breath to compose herself. "Hey, come here," he whispered, shifting and reaching up to draw her down into his arms.

Lying beside him, she snuggled up against his chest. "I don't like it when we fight," she murmured softly.

"I don't either." He kissed the top of her head, "It makes me feel awful inside."

"I know me too," she smiled back at him, "but lately...” her voice trailed off.

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"Hey," his breath tickled her neck, "I didn't bring us here to talk." He drew her mouth to his, and their lips lingered.

Michaela pulled back breathless and looked into his eyes, "But Sully, we should talk."

Sully seized her lips once again and quieted her with a fervent kiss. Drawing back, he reached up and slowly began to undo her buttons. "Oh we'll talk," he pressed his body up firmly against hers, "but later."

Michaela moaned softly in her throat and returned his kiss in kind.


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