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    November 1993

    Topics: Bride of Christ, Needs


    Volume 12 The Miracle of Sup ply

    by Ernest An gley

    Bu t my God shall supply all your ne ed accord ing to his

    riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). My God

    will supply. That's all you need. Not by might, nor by powe r,bu t by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 4:6).

    We are journeying on with our hands in the hands of the Lord,

    and He is serving us well. W eeping may endu re for a night,

    bu t joy cometh in the morn ing (Psalm 30:5). Watchman,

    what of the night? W atchman, what of the night? The

    watchman said, The morn ing cometh (Isaiah 21:11,12). The

    watchmen on the walls of God are declaring that the morning


    The 91st Psalm is for the Bride; read it as a personal promise to

    you. He that dw elleth in the sec ret place of the most High

    shall abide und er the shadow of the Almighty. I will say

    of the Lord, He is my refuge an d my fortress: my God; in him w ill I trust. I will put all of

    my trust in the Lord. Su rely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from

    the noisome pestilence . He shall cover thee w ith his feathers, and un der his wings

    shalt thou tru st: his truth shall be thy shield and b uckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for

    the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that

    walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand

    shall fall at they side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; b ut it shall not come nigh

    thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

    Becau se thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, eve n the m ost High, thy

    habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, n either shall any plague come nigh thy

    dwe lling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

    They shall bear thee u p in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. Thou

    shalt tread up on the lion and adde r: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample

    unde r feet (Psalm 91:1-13). Put yourself in this Psalmthe Lord did. That's the reason it can

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    mean so much to you. Everything in the 91st Psalm is yours. Each member of the bridal company

    can personally claim all the miracle supply in that chapter. It promises miracle protection, miracle

    serving, help of angelic beings, and deliverance from all fear. All demonic powers, all spirits

    foreign to the Spirit of God the Bride will trample underfoot. We are in the last moments of the

    night of this endtime hour, this time of the pouring out of the greatness of the Holy Spirit.

    I bring you different nights, and most of them are not nights as we think of a night. Noah was in the

    long, long night preparing the ark for over one hundred years, and then came that long night of

    being shut in in the ark over a year. Abraham, Moses, the Israelites in bondage all experienced

    their longest nights.

    The long night the Israelites spent in the wilderness because they failed God lasted forty years.

    Refusing the light of God, they went into darkness. They let the light of God go off and leave them,

    the light that could have led them straight to the land of Canaan. Had they obeyed God, they would

    have been there in eleven days and nights, according to estimates of the route God was taking them.

    In the light of God it didn't matter about the heat; the Israelites had the umbrella of God to shelterthem from the sun. Electric lights, lanterns were not needed; they had heaven's light brighter than

    the noonday sun. It wasn't because they didn't have the supply of God that they failed to reach

    Canaan in a few days; it wasn't because their shoes wore out or they lacked food and water. They

    had the miracle supply; God was raining it down from heaven, but their disobedience limited their


    We will take a lesson from the Israelites; we will keep up with the cloud, conscious of the miraclesupply, and we will use it during this long, long night.

    We don't have to be afraid of the night. We don't have to cry out in fear,Watchman, what of the

    night? No, we cry out,Watchman, what about this endtime hour? Where are we? Isn't it almost

    go-home time? Watchman, tell us of the greatness of the Lord! We don't have to be told we are

    going to be kept in safety; we know we are protected. The Lord our God is with us. To die would

    be gain for us, but it's necessary for us to be here to finish the Lord's work, to fight this last great

    war for God. Our whole lives are in this battle; we hold nothing in reserve. It is indeed a blessed


    Almost two thousand years of night have shadowed the Church of Jesus Christ since He walked the

    shores of Galilee. The disciples never dreamed how long the night of the Church Age would

    continue; if they had, they would have felt their night was short.

    The disciples saw many wonders when Jesus was with them here on earth. He came to them one

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    night on the Sea of Galilee when they feared for their lives in the storm. Bu t the ship was now

    in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind w as contrary. And in the

    fourth watch of the night Jesus we nt un to them, walking on the sea (Matthew 14:24,25).

    Everything Jesus did, every bit of help He gave the disciples, He will give to usand morein this

    last hour because His Spirit will be poured out in a greater way on the Bride than on any other

    peoples. In this hour the Lord will walk our seas of life, will reveal Himself to the Children of God.

    And w hen the disciples saw him w alking on the sea, they were troub led, saying, It is a

    spirit; and they cried ou t for fear. Bu t straightway Jesus spake u nto them, saying, Be

    of good che er; it is I; be n ot afraid (Matthew 14:26,27). Imagine how the disciples felt when

    they realized Jesus was the one walking the water! The thrill should be as great for us today as

    Jesus walks our troubled waters with us. We won't sit on the boat in this last hour; we'll do the

    Lord's work with Him out on the stormy deep. We will let Him manifest His power, His greatness

    through us as we walk the waters with Him to the nations. The storms of tribulation cannot hold

    this Gospel back; nothing will stop us now. We're taking Him to the ends of the earth. Blessed be

    the name of the Lord forevermore! With the greatness of God moving for the lost as we go, wewon't be discouraged or defeated.

    Jesus, walking on the waters to the disciples, was teaching them to have perfect trust in Him no

    matter the situation. But it would take a Pentecost before they understood what He was saying. He

    was showing them that He would walk their waters; He would be on their angry seas, that they

    didn't have to live in fear. Fear was not His will for them. For God hath not given u s the spirit

    of fear; bu t of power, and of love, and of a soun d mind (II Timothy 1:7). The Lord does notgive us fear. Jesus said, Let not your heart be troub led, neither let it be afraid (John

    14:27). It's wonderful to not fear. We don't have to be afraid. Thou shalt not be afraid (Psalm

    91:5). Thou shalt not be afraid of anything in this longest night.

    The Bride won't have the fear the disciples displayed. She will recognize Jesus the Groom, know

    who He is, and she won't be afraid. She will not think that He died and she is seeing a ghost; she

    knows every hour she has left on planet earth that He is alive.

    Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror b y night. In this night of darkness, many will be

    afraid, dying of heart attacks through fear of what is coming upon the earth. Men 's hearts

    failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are co ming on the earth:

    for the power s of heaven shall be shaken (Luke 21:26). This verse is referring to the people

    who won't serve God, who won't walk with Him; they are living in the night, afraid.Watchman,

    they cry trembling,what of the night?

    Many hearts will stop beating because of the fear, saith the Lord, in this last hour. When you think

    about it, fear is a paralyzing, life-destroying weapon of the devil. We're not afraid; we're going

    forth, confident we have everything we need. We will cast the devil's fear aside and it won't work

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    on us; it can't penetrate this great light of the Holy Spirit that dwells within the Children of God.

    We know that Jesus is soon coming.

    Praise God for His light in this great hour! He is not wrapping Himself in a pillar of fire, He is

    revealing Himself. We have the fire of the Holy Ghost burning on the inside of us. Not about tolose the light, we have it with us everywhere we go. No darkness is found in our souls. We rejoice

    to see Jesus walking our seas of life. He will be on every stormy sea we have. We can depend on


    Many Christians in the past have lived in the night, but now in this great pouring-out time there is

    too much light for the obedient to grope in darkness. The Bride will know her way; her paths will

    be plain. Her cry will be: Come over here where we are, where the joy of the Lord is found!

    Receive healing for soul, mind and body! Depression and this joy don't mix, won't stay together.

    This joy we have will melt all that oppression and depression. Come on over here where the feast

    of the Lord is going on!

    We don't have to look to war weapons for protection; we look to our God. Israel's army under their

    first kingSaulhad swords, spears, armor; but no one would volunteer to fight the giant Goliath.

    It took a little boy about thirteen years of age, David, armed only with a sling and five stones to take

    up the challenge. Why? He was ready; he had the faith and power of God in his heart.

    We have that faith, that power, that part of heaven; we have the heart of God on the inside of us for

    courage, for strength. More than conquerors, we are on our way, trampling devils underfoot.W e

    are more than conq ue rors through him that loved u s (Romans 8:37). As we near the end

    of the journey, as we near Rapture ground, we will hear the cry from heaven again:You are more

    than conquerors! That means we have conquered every devil around us and are looking for more.

    We have plenty of powerGod's power. There won't be any power left for the devil to send against

    us. He has come against us with everything, and we have won, carrying the miracle supply of David

    in our souls. The Lord is moving, giving us what we need to trample devils underfoot in the name

    of Jesus.

    The Bride, living in love in perfection in this final hour will use the name of Jesus in perfection

    because she will use it with all the love of God, scattering devils to the right, left, ahead of her and

    behind her. She will use the power in the holy name of Jesus, and multitudes will be delivered

    from demonic powers. Those in darkness, in bondage will have the light of God shined on them as

    she cries: Come on into the light! Follow the light and I'll show you the paths of God! The Lord is

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    with us. Heaven is backing us up. Come on out of that bondag e!

    We're sent of God to open the doors of spiritual prisons and set the captives free. Glory be to God!

    Many of our loved ones will be saved. We're going in to bind the strongholds of Lucifer, bind the

    demonic powers and set the captives free, and say,Come on out of there. The Lord has delivered

    you from demonic powers and the door is unlocked. Come on out!

    We will rejoice as the captives walk out, all their sins washed away through the blood of Jesus.Then the good Holy Ghost will descend and fill those tabernacles of clay.

    It is a long night for the Children of God, but why worry about the night? Jesus brought the light of

    glory for us. We won't let it grow dim; it will shine brighter than ever in this final hour, shine so

    brightly that every nation will see the glow leading the way to Calvary if they want the way to

    Calvary. Every soul on planet earth will be able to make his or her decision in this last and final

    hour. The Lord is paving the way for us to get the message out to the people:Come this way!

    Come this way! He is the way; Jesus is the Savior; He is the one!

    My God will supply all your needs according to the riches in Jesus Christ. We shall not be afraid of

    the night, of what's coming on the earth: the disaster, the calamities, the wars and rumors of wars.

    We will not fear. The Lord told us about the time we are now in, that this all would come, and we

    shout, Hallelujah, it's another sign!

    The scriptures are leaping from the pages of God's Word with the life of God, landing in the hearts

    and minds of His people. Daily now the Holy Spirit is drawing them to the Word of God,

    reminding them that these are the things the Lord told us would happen in this hour. He told us

    much to look for, and we are seeing it all now. Jesus said,And w hen these things begin to

    come to pass, then look up , and lift up your he ads; for you red emption draw eth nigh

    (Luke 21:28).

    A shout of victory rings among the true Children of God because they know this is the endtime age,

    the closing hour of the Gentile dispensation. We have the call of God to take Jesus to the wholeworld before the Bride of Christ is raptured. We cannot fail our Lord. This long night through we

    will be wide awake, so alert at midnight it will be easy for us to answer the cry,Behold the

    Bridegroom cometh! Go ye out to meet Him! We have the oils of Him in our lamps, the right kind

    of oil.

    What a spectacular scene it will be when the true Children of God use the oils of Jesus to light the

    world as the Rapture takes place! The world may not know what is happening, but I believe they

    will see that glorious light like the Apostle Paul saw it on the road to Damascus, a light brighter

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    than the noonday sun. As the Children of God trim their lamps to go out to meet the Lord, think

    what light that will be in the sky. It will shake people, alarm them. The angels have never lit up the

    sky with that kind of light; this is Calvary's light, the Holy Ghost light-up, His oil in our lamps.

    You can't buy this oil of the Holy Spirit anywhere. Jesus paid for it, and that's the reason we have

    it. It's priceless, worth more than all the money in the world. Those left for the Tribulation Period

    would give billions of dollars to get out of here; they would give all they have to change worlds, but

    of course such a thing will be impossible.

    The prophets of old waded through darkness. Daniel, taken for a slave boy, was separated from his

    parents, made an eunuch, never to have a family or to live a normal life. Did he pine his days

    away? No; he became a great, valuable instrument in the hands of the Almighty. God used him in a

    most glorious way. In that dark, dark night in the kingdom of Babylon, Daniel lived in the light ofGod's prophecies and knowledge. Not only was that knowledge for his day, but Daniel had such

    God-vision that he could see all the way to the end of the earth as we know it; he could see the

    kingdom of the Antichrist and the Perfect Age when the Lord Jesus would set up His Kingdom here

    on earth.

    The only way Daniel could see so far and so accurately into the future was through the eyes of God,

    and he wrote down all that he saw. Kingdoms that he talked about have come and gone, and we

    know the rest of the prophecies will take place. Today we are walking in the light of the Daniel

    prophecies; they have come to life.

    The new world order is the plan of the Antichrist; it brings false peace, not the order of God, not

    the Perfect Age. The Bible tells us, For whe n they shall say, Peace and safety; then su dden

    destruction com eth up on them , as travail upon a w oman w ith child; and they shall

    not escape (I Thessalonians 5:3). People today are certainly crying Peace, peace, peach! One of

    these days when they cry peace, sudden destruction will come.

    People are getting ready to accept the so-called man of peace, the Antichrist. Scrambling, groping

    in the night, they don't know what peace really is. No peace will ever come through the devil, or

    through a wicked spirit. It's a false peace the world will go after. When the light of God is turnedon them they will realize they have nothing but ashes, a false peace.

    The world is paving the way, building a great highway for the Antichrist to make his appearance.

    The leaders of America are helping. Were they not listening to their own hearts and to the spirit of

    the devil, they would know they can't bring this peace. Earth will not know lasting peace until the

    Prince of Peace comes to set up His Kingdom for one thousand years. It's in the Word of God.

    As I watch, I realize the despair of it all, that people will be dreadfully disappointed. They don't

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    have to be; they can wake up to the reality of the hour, to the deceit of the Antichrist's spirit. They

    have the Word of God; if they would accept the knowledge of God they wouldn't be in the night.

    This longest night will be the dearest night for the saints of God, leading to the greatest event

    beyond what we ever thought possible: the Rapture.

    Some of God's prophets of old were kept in dungeons because they spoke the truth, what thus saith

    the Lord. People didn't want the truth. Then the light in the night came with John the Baptist.

    What a shining light he was, lighting the way for people. He wasthe voice of one crying in the

    wilder ne ss, Pre pare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Every valley shall

    be filled, and every mou ntain and hill shall be b rought low; an d the crooke d shall be

    made straight; and the rough ways shall be made smooth; And all flesh shall see the

    salvation of God (Luke 3:4-6). John thundered out with the voice of God, a voice in the

    wilderness of a man living on locusts and wild honey. His cloths were rough; he had no fancy

    home, but the message of God burned in his soul. From his mother's womb, he had the Holy Ghost,the tongue of fire. John the Baptist separated holiness from hypocrisy. He refused to baptize

    hypocrites. O gener ation of vipers, he said,who hath w arned you to flee from the w rath

    to come? Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentan ce (Matthew 3:7-8). Bring

    something to prove you have salva tion. Claiming Abraham to be your father doesn't give you

    salvation. Repent, repent before I baptize you.

    When you can face people the way John the Baptist did, you will be a fine instrument in the hands

    of the Lord. John told the people: Make your crooked paths straight; I've come to prepare a

    highway for the King. The road goes right through here; I'm the surveyor, and the Builder will

    soon come. Herod, I know you to be an evil man; God knows you.

    John had said un to Herod, It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife.

    Therefore Herodias had a quarr el against him, and wo uld have killed him; bu t she

    could not (Mark 6:18,19). Herodias couldn't kill John herself, but she schemed until she found a

    way to have John killed. He lost his head, but he had completed his mission.

    It doesn't matter about one's head as long as the mission is completed for the Lord. We're going to

    give everything, and if we have to give our heads, what will it matter? You are not going to keep

    your head forever, anyway. Why not put it on the altar of sacrifice? If it will help you completeyour mission, why not give it for the sake of Christ?

    It's time to get ready to do all the Lord wants of you. Get ready ahead of time. John the Baptist

    did. He was ready, but he wanted to make sure Jesus was the Christ. Before he died he sent some

    disciples to ask Jesus,Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another? Jesus

    answe red and said un to them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear

    and see : The blind re ceive their sight, and the lame w alk, the lepers are cleansed, and

    the deaf hear, the dead are raised u p, and the poor have the gospel preached to them

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    (Matthew 11:3-5). John knew in his heart that Jesus was the Messiah, but he just wanted to hear it

    one more time. John the Baptist didn't send any more messages. His heart rejoiced and he was

    ready to die.

    Why was John ready? Because he knew it was time for him to turn the mission over to the

    messenger, the real Savior. The Carpenter would build the road now. John had surveyed it, and

    another would build it. He let the people know it would be a straight, narrow road, a strait gate;

    and only straight people could walk this highway of holiness.

    John didn't compromise with the truth. There are preachers today who do. For instance, they

    baptize people whether they are saved or not. They don't think salvation is important. Many have

    gone into the water dry sinners and have come out wet ones, claiming to be on their way to heaven.

    They hadn't repented of their sins, weren't born again or made new creatures in Christ Jesus.

    Jesus told Nicodemus,Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, hecannot see the kingdom of God (John 3:3). Jesus didn't tell Nicodemus that all he had to do

    was to be put under the water. No, Jesus said Nicodemus had to be born again. Being born again is

    not being baptized in water. Water baptism is an outward expression of an inner change, of

    salvation. We believe in water baptism, but first your sins must be washed away through the blood

    of Jesus, and then you follow the Lord in water baptism.

    John the Baptist finished his mission with the light of God. God stood by John, and He will stand

    by you. Don't be afraid you will give too much. When you give all, you have nothing else to give.

    Put everything on the altar and stop worrying. Some people are afraid of what will happen tothem, what God will require of them. If you donate your life to Jesus the way you are supposed to,

    you wouldn't worry about the matter. When you give everything away you have nothing left to

    worry about. If you give yourself to the Lord, you no longer own self. W hat? know ye not that

    your b ody is the temple of the Holy Ghost wh ich is in you , which ye have of God, and

    ye are not your ow n? For ye are bou ght with a price: therefore glorify God in your

    body, and in your spirit, which are God's (I Corinthians 6:19,20).

    Some of you say you are not your own, but in your mind you don't really believe it. You believe you

    can do as you want, act the way you want, make your own decisions with your little mind. That is

    not the way to do it. If you are going to follow the Lord, put yourself into God's hands and go His


    The disciples, remember, before Jesus ascended had His light. Jesus spake again un to them,

    saying, I am the light of the w orld: he that followe th me shall not w alk in d arkness,

    bu t shall have the light of life (John 8:12). The disciples did not really know what night could

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    be like. They hadn't experienced night when Jesus was with them; it was light, light, light. If you

    are accustomed to light all the time, you don't think about the darkness. When Jesus was crucified,

    the light went out for the disciples; suddenly they were thrust into darkness, fleeing in all

    directions. They hadn't thought the light would ever go out. They had pictured a kingdom of light

    and the place they would have in that kingdom. Jesus would set up His Kingdom on earth at that

    timeso they thought. But His Kingdom was to be set up in the hearts of men. As much as Jesus

    had tried to tell them, tried to give them knowledge of His coming death, they still hadn't prepared

    for the dark.

    At one time Simon Peter displayed such a wrong spirit that Jesus rebuked Satan who had taken

    Peter over: Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence u nto me: for thou savourest

    not the things that be of God, bu t those that be of men (Matthew 16:23). Peter hadn't

    wanted to hear anything like that, and now in the dark, he denied His Lord. The cock was crowing,

    but it didn't mean anything wonderful to Peter; he dreaded the light of day, dreaded facing Jesus.

    Stumbling through the dark, he hadn't been ready. Peter wept bitterly.

    The Lord is getting the Bride ready for this longest hour of the longest night just before the

    Rapture. We're in the longest hour right now, the very last hour of the Church Age. Victories will

    be won; we will conquer in the name of Jesus, but battles will have to be fought. No power can

    destroy the power in His name. Thanks be to God.

    The darkness grew deeper for the disciples. Jesus was buried. The worst darkness took over in

    their hearts; all the prophecies, all the knowledge of Him, everything miraculous was gone. Using

    their own spirits, the disciples turned away from the prophecies concerning Jesus; the light of theknowledge of God was clouded over. It was a hopeless case; He was not the Christ, they thought. A

    settled fact for them: He was dead, dead. They forgot He said,Destroy this temp le, and in

    three days I will raise it up (John 2:19). Had they the light from that one prophecy they would

    have been at the tomb on the morning He rose from the grave. They would have said,It doesn't

    make any difference; He died for us, that w as the plan. They would have been there when He was

    crucified, crying,You can't kill Him! He said, I lay dow n m y life, that I might take it again.

    No man taketh it from me, bu t I lay it down of myself. I have pow er to lay it down, and

    I have pow er to take it again (John 10:17,18).

    Had the disciples held to the light, they would have seen an angel roll away the stone. In fact, had

    not the light of that one prophecy gone out, it might have been human hands that rolled away the

    stone just like human hands rolled away the stone at Lazarus' tomb. But no human hands were

    there to roll away the stone from the tomb of Jesus; they were out in the night, unable to find their


    It shouldn't have been night for the disciples. Jesus was the light of the world, and He told them

    they would be His lights. But when you don't accept what the Lord says, the light of the truth goes

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    out, and you grope in darkness. God is light; there is no darkness in God. If you don't accept God,

    you turn out His light for you. There is no light, no eternal light for you without God, only eternal

    night, eternal darkness.

    Then the disciples heard the news that Jesus was alive. Still they were in the dark. They couldn'tbelieve it. Mary, however, had faith; she was at the tomb on that resurrection morning, searching

    for the body of Jesus after she found the tomb to be empty. God didn't choose any of the eleven

    disciples to first tell the story of the resurrection, the greatest story ever told. Mary Magdalene was

    the one to preach it. Before Jesus cast seven devils out of her, she had been a degraded woman.

    Now she had such love that it blotted out all fear. It didn't matter to her if they killed her; she was

    going to take care of the body. Everyone is gone, and she lingers behind.

    Unafraid of the dead or living, Mary sees someone with His back to her. She, sup posing him to

    be the garden er, saith un to him, Sir, if thou have b orne him he nce, tell me whe re thou

    hast laid him, an d I w ill take him away(John 20:15). Her tears were rolling. Tell me where

    He is so I can get the body, tell me! Then the brightest light that Mary had ever seen broke

    through. She thought she had seen the great light of Jesus before, but when He said,Mary, it was

    like every light in heaven and the whole world burst forth at one time. Master! she cried.

    Instantly she believed. How wonderful!

    Jesus said to Mary, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father; but go to my

    brethren , and say un to them, I ascend u nto my Father; and your Father; and to my

    God, and your God. Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen

    the Lord, and that he had spoken the se things unto her (John 20:17,18).

    With that light she ran, shouting, lighting up that early morning to the right and left,He's alive!

    He's alive! He's alive! It's hard to tell how far her voice reached, echoing and re-echoing, falling

    on deaf ears until the disciples heard.

    Then the same day at even ing, being the first day of the we ek, whe n the door s were

    shut w here the d isciples we re assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesu s and stood inthe midst, and saith unto them, Peace b e un to you (John 20:18,19). The light of God was

    shining, and they didn't fear for their lives any longer. Peter was ready to stand with Jesus. He

    knows; he has the light, the true light now, and he was never going to lose it. Never again will he be

    in the night without the light of the Lord. The darkest, darkest night, the longest night he will not

    dread, even that night when they crucified him. To the cross he died on, Peter carried the light of


    To be able to meet Jesus, talk to Him, ask Him all the questions that they wanted to ask Him,

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    thrilled the disciples. The Children of God with favor, the kind of favor the Bride will have in this

    last hour, will gather around the true light, the true Gospel, thrilled to commune with Jesus. All the

    prophecies lit up. Understanding where we are, what the Lord wants us to do and how to do it,

    understanding the Word and how to deliver it to others is shown the Bride. This is the hour of

    greatness, the hour of victory for the Children of God.

    The ascensionwhat light that was! The skies were ablaze everywhere, I'm sure, as Jesus went up.

    Those watching Jesus ascending into the clouds were filled in their very souls with the brightness of

    heaven. That light would never grow dim in the souls of the very faithful ones.

    Obedient to the command of Jesus, the disciples and over one hundred others went to the Upper

    Room where they received the baptism in the Holy Ghost and tongue of fire. And sudd enly

    there cam e a sou nd from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the

    house w here they were sitting. And there appeared u nto them cloven tongues like as

    of fire, and it sat upon e ach of them. And they we re all filled w ith the Holy Ghost, and

    began to speak w ith other tongues, as the Spirit gave them u tterance (Acts 2:2-4).

    Tongues of fire licking out did not frighten them. They were free from fear. Peter was getting

    ready to stand up before the crowd that had so recently demanded the crucifixion of Jesus. Bound

    with fear during that dark time, Peter didn't get to be the first to preach that greatest message of

    the resurrection of Christ; but thank God, I'm glad he got to preach the message at Pentecost! It

    made him feel mighty good that he could stand uphis life in jeopardycrying,You crucified

    Him! You crucified Him! Is this the same Peter that denied Him? Yes. He has the light.

    The message of God burned in the souls of the disciples and gave light for their paths. After theresurrection they would carry it to all they came in contact with who would hear.

    The reason the Bride of Christ won't compromise with the truth in this hour is that she has the

    light. There is no false doctrine in her. The light of God and false doctrine won't mix at all. The

    light of truth is a part of the Bride, her very life; she can't be separated from it.

    The light became Peter's life. He went to prison in that longest night of his. It looked as though hewould be killed the next morning, but an angel of the Lord came to minister to him. Behold, the

    angel of the Lord came up on him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Pe ter

    on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up qu ickly. And his chains fell off from

    his hands. And the angel said un to him, Gird thyself, and bind on they sandals. And

    so he did. And he saith unto him, Cast thy garment abou t thee, and follow me. W hen

    they were past the first and the second w ard, they came un to the iron gate that

    leadeth unto the city; which open ed to them of his own accord: and the y went ou t,

    and passed on throu gh one street; and forthwith the angel departed from him (Acts

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    12:7,8,10). Peter, out under the stars, must have pinched himself to make sure he wasn't

    dreaming. Where is that man that had been with him? The angel had vanished. Suddenly the light

    of the knowledge of God's promise to deliver under any circumstances flashed on. Rejoicing, Peter

    headed for the saints of God's house where he knew they would be gathered to pray for him.

    Prayer was made without ceasing of the church u nto God for him (Acts 12:5).

    And in this last hour, the angel of the Lord will minister to the Bride. Yes, angels will minister

    today just like in the Early Church, but on a greater scale. Many, many more angels will minister to

    the Children of God. All kinds of miraculous things will take place, all kinds of signs and wonders.

    The Lord gave mighty signs to people in darkness. Would they all come to the light? No, many

    loved darkness, the night because they could live any way they wanted. The light would reveal

    their sins, and they were not ready to get rid of them. If people will not come to the light of God

    when they understand and have an opportunity, it's because they love sin and want to hide their

    sins in the night. Staying away from the light of God, they refuse to come to the knowledge of the


    As Children of God pray in this dark hour, there will be much light, many deliverances, great

    happiness and joy in the souls of people who carry the light with them wherever they go. We are

    not looking for the world to serve us peace, joy, happiness or love; we have the love of heaven

    dwelling on the inside. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, the glorious miracle

    supply are all ours. We are not afraid.

    When you come to the place you are not afraid, you've come into the pure light and greatness ofGod. Ready to live or die, you know to die means to live forever with Him. The light of God tells

    you eternal life is yours. The body dies, but it doesn't count; we want a new body anyway. Who

    would want to live an eternity in a body of clay? We have the light of it all.

    The world thinks those who live in the light are fanatics, but the world lives in the dark. The Lord

    intended people to live in His light, never in the darkness of the evil one. Peter and John were

    called ignorant and unlearned; the world had reasons not to hear them. They rejected Paul, saying

    he was mad from much learning. Only through Jesus can you win.

    The night was long for Peter, but it was about to end: he was on his way to be crucified. Is it a dark

    night for you, Peter? Oh no. I have the same light Jesus had on His way to Calvary. He knew His

    way and I followed His footprints. He has given me His light and I'm not afra id. His light took

    all the fear away. My voice didn't tremble when I said "Crucify me with my head down; I'm not

    worthy to be crucified like my Lord!"

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    Historians tell us that they crucified Peter with his head down. He sealed his testimony with his

    own blood. The light went out for his persecutors. They could have found the way, the door to

    heaven. But they didn't want the light. They looked into Peter's fearless eyes and decided he was

    just ignorant and unlearned.

    When you live in the devil's darkness, you think like the devil, believe like him. You take on the

    mind of the devil and his demons. When you live in the light of God you take on the mind of Jesus

    Christ and you think like Him, act like Him, walk like Him.

    Oh, Peter, if you had only used the light Jesus gave you, you would never have denied Him! But,

    thank God, you did get that light, all the light you needed at Pentecost, the light of the world.

    Forgive yourself, Peter, for betraying Him because you've made it all up to Him. You put on His

    shoes and stood for Him; you put your life on the line, talking and living just like Him. Then you

    died just like Him. You gave your life for His name's sake. You did it, Peter.

    Peter, dying with his head down, knew that joy cometh in the morning. He had no fear. Thou shalt

    not be afraid of the terror is this longest night.

    The longest hour of this longest night is now upon us. But oh, Sinner, your longest night is waiting

    for you. You will be spewed into the Tribulation Period, and then on into outer darkness if you

    don't get right with God. Your longest night will be for all eternity, eternal darkness. My God!

    I have come to shine His love message to you, to tell you to come out of the night of Lucifer. Leave

    that wicked kingdom of darkness; glory in the light of Jesus. Nail-riven hands are waiting for you.

    Jesus died for you, and He will forgive you. He sent me to tell you that He loves you, and He will

    save your soul if you will only ask Him to do so. Pray with me now:Oh God: Save my soul!

    Forgive me of my sins. I'm so sorry that I sinned ag ainst you, but I have come home. I'm going to

    serve you, Lord, the rest of my life. And I believe the blood of Jesus wa shes away a ll of my sins.

    Come on into my heart Jesus, come on in!

    If you meant that prayer, you can say, Hallelujah, He has come!

    If you are in need of a miracle or healing, claim the promise in the Bible:W ith his stripes we are

    healed (Isaiah 53:5). You may have cancer, heart trouble, you may be crippledget ready to be

    made well. Lord: I bring the very sick and afflicted to you. Lord, I know you can make them all

    well just as you made me whole when I was so nigh unto death years ago. In the holy, holy name

    of Jesus, I come, Lord, with your great power, with your mighty g ift of miracles and your gifts of

    healing for those in need. This power flow s from heaven in the name of Jesus through the power

    of the Holy Ghost. Heal! Heal! in the name of the Lord. Heal! in the holy name of Jesus, in the all

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    powerful name of Jesus, the Son of the living God.

    The glory of the Lord is here; surely it has gone into many hearts. Feel His presence, His healing

    power working in and on your body. Be mindful of His miraculous power working to get you well,

    and be thou made whole in the name of Jesus. Write and tell me what happened to you this day.

    God bless you.

    He's a wonderful Jesus.

    Yea, saith the Lord: I have great and strange and mighty wonders in this last hour that I will

    reveal to the Bride. My very obedient people will be given great understanding, not only of my

    Spirit working on earth, but the way that my Spirit works in heaven. The angels rejoice, and the

    saints of God rejoice over the work, my work, that is being done on planet earth. There is no

    separation between heaven and my devout people on planet earth. My saints in heaven and my

    saints on earth are joined together in my love. They are joined together in one mindminesaiththe Lord; and they live and dwell in the unity of my Holy Spirit.

    Many of my people have never allowed heaven to be living reality, but heaven must be real

    because you will soon be there, saith the Lord. So rejoice here on earth as the saints are rejoicing

    in heaven, and be glad. They sing and they praise the name of their God; a nd they worship, and

    they worship, and they rejoice, and they rejoice. They know the number of souls that are saved

    daily on planet earth. They know of my greatness being poured out, and they know that the

    peoplethe saints of God on planet earthare working to bring in the harvest in this last hour,

    saith the Lord.

    Let me be real to you, saith the Lord. Let me be as real to you as human beings are to you. Then

    my promises will become living reality to you.

    Some of you put a gulf between your God and your life. You do not intend to do it, saith the Lord,

    but you have done it. But don't do it any more. Let me be real to you. I am walking the earth in

    this last hour. Recognize my walk, and walk it with me. Recognize my Spirit at all times, and

    listen to what my Spirit is saying. And you will be given great wisdom and great knowledge

    minesaith the Lord. I am saying much to the very obedient. The very obedient are anxiously

    waiting for me to say more and more and more. It is my delight to do it. I am going to say muchmore in this your final walk.

    I am nigh unto you. I'm not afar off; I'm with you. And you, the obedient, are connected with

    heaven day and night. There is no gulf between, saith the Lord. My love is with you the same as

    in heaven. My peace is in your soul the same as in heaven. My joy is in your soul just like my joy

    is in heaven. Enjoy my greatness. Be happy in my greatness, and you will be strong in the might

    of my Spirit. Go with my song in your spirit, with my song in your heart. It is a song of love and

    gladness, a song of power. It's a song of wisdom and knowledge, and it's a song of all of my

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    greatness toward my people. Sing it, sing it and rejoice in it! My faith and love will pour to you

    like mighty rivers. And you will be ready to receive daily the things that I will for you to have,

    saith the Lord unto this people.

    Ask God to help you to let Him be all living reality to you, all complete living reality to you in this

    the last hour of the Bride of Christ on planet earth. Let the light of God light up all your paths in

    this your longest night, and joy and gladness will be yours now and forevermore!

    THE LONGEST NIGHT, PART 2, All rights reserved. Copyright 1993 Ernest Angley.

    All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use

    only. You may freely download, print or distribute this literature without prior permission, as long as it is NOT altered and is distributed in

    its entirety.

    1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

    Longest Night, Part 2 - Ernest Angley Ministries

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