Page 1: THE LORD THAT YEALETH THEE - Holiness Preaching publications/1922_11_11.pdft11el11. "Cod has done the first thing and He can do the rest. No man shall touch hi111 now!' And God healed




SPRINGFIELD. MO.. NOVEMBER 11. 1922. ' 8n-n Prbm - OlAN

NUMBERS 470-471. celuaa and r o n ~ g n ~ I P I

1 flM THE LORD THAT YEALETH THEE An Address Given by Evangelist Smith Wigglcsworth at Springfield, ILba

"Is any sick ambng you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him..anointing with oil in t h e n h h e o f the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord rhall raise him up: and if he have com- Idittetl sins, they shall be forgiven him" (James 5:14.15).

W e have in this'precious word a real ba'sis for the truth of healing. In this scripture God gives very definite instruc- tions t o the sick. If you are sick, your en is t o call for the elders of the church: l t is their part t o anoint and pray for fou in faith, and then the whole situation iests with the Lord. When you have been anointed and prayed for, you can

tained a very urgent request that we g o immediately and pray for a man who was dying. W e went off in a u auto as fast as possible and in about an hour and a half reached a large house in the country where the man r h o was dying resided.

. There were two staircases in that house, and it was extremely convenient, for the doctors could g o up and down one, and my friend and I could g o up and down the other, and s o we had no occasion to meet one another.

I found on arrival that i t w a s a case of this sort. The man's hody had been b r o k n . he was ruptured. and his bowels

rest assured that the ~ o r d *ill Gise you up. I t i s . the word of God. ' . I believe that we all can see that the church can not play with this business. I f ' a n y turn away from these clear in- stntctions they are in a place of tremend- ous danger. Those who refuse t o obey, do -so to their urispcakable loss. '.James tells us' in connection with this,

?f a n y of you do err from the truth, ~ % d 01% convert him, let him know, thdt h e which converteth the sinner from the error of his ways shall save a soul f rom death." Many turn away from the Lord Eke King Asa. who sought the physicians in his sickness and consequently died. afld I take it that this passage means that if one induces another to turn bark to the I;o.rd, he will save such from death and God will forgive a multitu4e of sins that they have committed. This scripture can d s o have a larce application on the line of salvation. If you turn away from any part of God's truth. the enemy will cer- tainly get an advantace over yotc.

Dnes the Lord meet those who look to Him for hcalinq and obey the instruc- tions set forth in James? Most assured- lv. Let me tell vou a story t o show how H e will undertake for the most extreme case.

One dav I had h e m visitinq the sick. i n d was with a friend of mine. an arrhi- trct. when I saw a young man frcm his oftice cnminc down the road in a car holding in his hand a telegram. I t con-

SPECIAL OFFER As a few of us said good-bye to Brother

Smith Wigglesworth a s he left Spring- field for Chicago, Elder D. W . Kerr re- marked, "That man has left a deposit in my gpul that will be there for eternity."

Pastor Henry Whittley writes f rom Santa Rosa. California, "I Lave been through the large &mpaigns of Dr. Bax- ter of h n d o n , of Dr. Grattan Guinness and Dr. Canlpbell Morgan; I have at- tended the reviva1 meetings of Moody, Torrey and Chapman, but I have never heard anylhing equal to the teaching of this humble man of God, Brother Wig- glesworth, a s I heard him in San Fran- cisco, Oakland and a t our own mission!'

Brother Wigglesworth preached twen- ty-two times in Springfield and we trust to be able to reproduce most of these ser- mons in the Pentecostal Evangel. W e want every one t o get the benefit of these important messages and to receive this divine "deposit" of faith in their souls that these messages bring.

In order to induce new subscribers t o try the Evansel. we are offer in^ the paper from now until Jan. 1st. 1924 (if the Lord tarry), for the sum of one dollar onlv (Canada. 1 .25 : Gt. Britain, 5'6). This spccial offer applies to new suh- srripqions onlv and not to renewals. Cnspcl Pub!ishing House, Springfield, No .

had been punctured in two places. The discharge f rom the bowels had formed , abscesses and blood poisoning had set in. T h e man's face had turned green. T w o doctors were in attendance, but they saw that the case was beyond their power. T h e y had telegraphed t o London for a great specialist, and, when we arrived. they were a t the railway station await- ing his arrival.

T h e man was very near death and could not speak. I said t o his wife. "If 8

you desire, we will anoint and pray foi him." She said, "That is why I sent for you!' I anointed him in the name of the Lord and asked the Lord to riise him up. Apparently there was no change. God often hides what H e does. From day t o day we find that God is doing wonderful things, and we receive reports o f healings that have taken place that we heard 'nothing about a t the time of o m meetings. Only last night a woman came into the meeting suffering terribly. HEr whole a r m was filled with poison, and her blood was s o poisoned that it was cer- tain t o hring her to her death. W e re. buked the thing. and she was here thfs morning and told us that she was with- out pain and had slept all night, a thing she had not done for two months. T o God be all the praisc. You will find.He will d o this kind 'of thing all along.

A s soon a s we anointed and prayed for this brother we went down the back stair- case and the three doctors came up the front. staircase. A s we arrived down-

'stairs, I said to my friend who had come with me. "Friend. let me have hold of your hands." \Ve held each other's hands. and I said to him, "Look into my face and let us arree together aeeord- i n a to Matthew 18:19 that this man should he brouaht out of this death." W e laid the whole matter before God, and said. "Father. we heliere."

Then the conflict hemn. The wife came down t o us and said. "The doctors have pot all their instruments out and they are ahout to operate." I cried. "What? Look here. he's your hushand. and I tell you this. if those men operate on him. he will die. Go back and tell them you

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Page TWO.

can not allow it." 'She went back to the doctors and s a ~ d . "Give me ten minutes." They s a ~ d . "We can't afford to, the man k dymg and it is your .husband's only chance." She said, "I want ten minutes, a l ~ d you don't touch his body until I have had them." , s l h e y went downstairs by one stair- case and we went up by the other. I said to the woman, " T h ~ s man is your h u s b a ~ d , and he can not speak for him- self. I t is now the time for you to put your whole trust in God and prove H i m wholly true. You can save him from a t l ~ o u s a ~ ~ d doctors. You must stand with God rrud for Cod in this critical hour." Aftcr that, we came down and the doctors wellt up. The wire faced those three doc- tors and said, "You shan't touch this u ~ ~ n ' s body. H e is my husband. I am s w c Illat if you operate on him he will dlc. but he w ~ l l live if you don't touch him."

S ~ ~ l d e ~ i l y the man in the bed spoke "Cod has done it," he said. They rollcd back t l ~ e bed clothes a n d the doctors ex- a n ~ i ~ ~ c d him, and the abscesses were cut clcar away. The nurse cleaned the place where they had been. The doctors could see the bowels still open and they said to Ule wife, "We know that you have great faith, and we can see that a miracle has take11 place. But you must let us unite tllesc broken parts and put in silver tubes. and we know that your husband will be all right after that, and it need not inter- fere with your faith a t all." She said to t11el11. "Cod has done the first thing and H e can do the rest. No man shall touch hi111 now!' And God healed the whole thing. And that man is well and strong today. I can give his name and address t o any who want it.

D o you ask by what power this was done? I would answer in the words of Peter, "His name, through faith in His name, n u d e this m a n strong." T h e anointil~g was done in the name of the Lord. And it is written. "The LORD .hall raise him up!' And H e provides the c lod~le cure; even if sin has been the cause of the sickness. His Word declares. 'If he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven."

You ask, "What is faith?" Faith is the pril~ciple of the Word of God. T h e Holy Spirit. who inspired the Word, is called the Spirit of Truth , and. a s w e receive with meekness the enprafted Word, faith springs up in our heart-faith in the sxrifice of Calvary: faith in the 611ed I~lood of Jesus; faith in the fact t h t H e took our weakness upon Him- self. has borne our sicknesses and car- ried our pains, and that H e is our life today.

Cod h-s choseh us t o help one anoth-r. W e dare not he independent. H e brings us t o a place where we su l~mi t ourselves t o one another. If we refuse to do this. we pet away from the IVord of God and out of the place of faith. I have been in this place once and I trust I shall never be there again. I went one time t o a rnerting. I was very, very sick. and I got worse and worse. I knew the per- fect will of Cod was for me t o humble mvcelf and ask the elders t o pray for me. I put it off and the meeting finished. I

T H E P E N T E C O S T A L E V A N G E L . November 11. 1922.

> , went home without being anointed and cried, "I'm free, my hands are free,.my . prayed with, and every one in the house shoulders a r e free, and oh, I see Jesllsl , caught the t h n g I was suffering with. I'm free1 I 'm freel" . .

MY 'boys did not know anything else T h e vision vanished and the Gomacl but to trust the Lord as the family phyoi- sat UP in bed. H e r legs were still bound. c u n , and my youngest boy, George, cried and I said to her, "I'll put my hand8 out from the attlc, "Dadda, come!' I over your legs and you will be free entire- c r~ed , "I can not come. T h e whole thing ly!' And a s 1 put my hands on those is from me. I shall have to repent legs covered with bed clothes, I looked . ask the Lord to iorgive me." ! made up , a n d saw the Lord again. She saw H i m my mind to humble myself before tile too and cried, "He's there amin. #I 'm whole church, Then 1 rushed to the at- freel I'm frecl" She rose from her bed, tic and laid my hands on my boy in the' and walked round the room praising God, name of Jesus. I placed m y hands on and we were all in tears a s we saw His his head and the pain leit and went lower wonderful works. The Lord shall raise , down; he cried again. "Put your hands them up when conditions are met. still lower." A t last the pain went right / W h e n I was a young man I a lwaje - down to the feet and a s I placed my hand loved the fellowship of old men, and wes on the feet he was completely delivered. always careful t o hear what they had to Some evil power had evidently gotten say. I had a friend, an old Baptist mi01 hold and a s I laid my hands o r t he dif- lstcr who was a wonderful preacher. I ferent parts of the body it l e f t ( W e have spent much of my time with him. One t o see the d~ffercnce between anointing day he came t o me and said, "My wife u the sick and casting out demons.) God dymg." I said, "Brother Clark, why don't will always be gracious when we humble you believe God? God can raise her up ourselves before Him and come t o a place if you will only believe Him!' H e asked of brokenness of sp~r i t . me to come to his house, and I looked .

I was a t a place one time ministering fo r some one to g o with me. t o a sick woman, and she said, "I'm very I went t o a certain rich man who WM

sick. I become all right for an hour, very zealous for Cod, and spent mucb and then I have another attack!' I saw money in openlng up rescue missions, and that it was an evil powcr that was at- I asked him to go with me. H e said, tacking her, and I learned something in "Never you mind me. You g o y o u r s d t that hour that 1 had never learned be- ' but I dont' take to this kind of businesa" fore. A s I moved my hand -dowp h a Then I thought of a man who could pray body in the name of the Lord that evil by the hour. W h e n he was on his lrnea power seemed to move just ahead of m y he could g o round the world three times hands and a s I moved them down fur- and come out a t the same place. I asked ther and further the evil power w e n t right him t o g o with me and arid t o him, out of her body and never returned. "You'll have a real chance this tima. i

I was in Havre in France and the pow- Keep. a t it, and quit when you'* . e r of God was being mightily manifested. through!' (Some g o on 1onger.after t h q A Greek named Felix attended the m e e t a r e through.) , . ing and become very zealous for God. Brother Nichols, for that was his n ? i y H e was very anxious to get all the Cath- went with me and started praying. H e olics he could to the meeting in order asked the Lord t o comfort t he husband that they should see that Cod was graci- in his great bereavement and prayed f~ ously visiting France. H e found a ccr- the orphans and a lot more on this 1i.t tain bed-ridden a o m a h who was fixed in I cried. "0 my God, stop this a certain position and could not move. Bu t there w u DO rtopping him and h and he told her-about the Lord healing went on praying and there was not a t the meetings and ,that he would pet particle of faith in .anything he u t t e d me to come ii she wished. She raid. "My H e did s top a t last, and I mid, "Brothsp husband is a Catholic and he would never Clark, it's now your turn t o pray. Ha allow any one who was not a Catholic started, "Lord, answer the prayer of mt t o see me." brother and comfort me in this grcrL

She asked her husband to allow me to bereavement and sorrow. Preparr me t@ come and told him what Felix had told face this great trial." 1 cried out, her about the power of Cod working in Cod, stop this man." T h e a h o l e atmoa- our midst. H e said. "I will have no pr* phere was being charged with unbelief. testant enter mv house:l s h e said, "you I had a glass bottle full of oil m d L know that the doctors can not help me. went up t o the woman and poured ths and the priests can not help, won't yon whole lot on her in the name of J e s u r let this man of God pray for me? ]Ie Suddenly Jesus appeared. standing a t the finally consented and I went t o the house. foot of the hed. H e smiled and vanished. T h e simplicit" of this woman and her T h e woman stood up, perfectly healed child-like faith was beautiful t o see. v d she is a s t rong woman today.

I showed her my oil hottle and said to her. "Here is oil. I t is a symhol of the IIoly Chost. When that comes upon you. the Holy Chost will b e d n to wort . and the Lord uill raise you up." A n d Cod did something the moment the oil fcll upon her. I looked toward the win- dow and 1 saw Jesus. ( I ha\-e seen H i m often. There is n o painting that i s a bit like Him: no artist can w e r depict the hrantv of my lovelv I.ord.1 T h e woman felt t he power of God in her body and

W e have a big God. W e have a wTG- 4 e r f u l Jesus. \Ire have a glorious Corn-

forter. God's canopy is over you and will cover you a t all times. preserving you f rom mil. Under H i s wings shalt t h ~ trust. T h e Word of Cod is living and powerful and in i t s treasures you r i l l find eternal life. If you dare trust this won- derful Lord. this Lord of life. you wiU find in H i m rver?.thing you need.

So many a r r tampering with dr- (Continued on Page Fire)

Page 3: THE LORD THAT YEALETH THEE - Holiness Preaching publications/1922_11_11.pdft11el11. "Cod has done the first thing and He can do the rest. No man shall touch hi111 now!' And God healed

. . T h e New .Testament is .a revelation and

- a demonstration .of the fact that heaven - has been brought down to earth and earth has been linked on t o heaven. A Den- k e n of heaven has reached earth and dwelt here. A heavenly Visitor has shed earthly blood.

Ear th is linked on to heaven by ~ the tfes of blood.

T h e chasm bridgedl T h e impossible made possiblel The flaming sword of the cherubim that kept the 'way to the tree of fife was dismissed i ts services. T h e way was opened. T h e flaming sword was ex- tinguished. Yes, and the ve i l of the temple was rent. And more than that, the Heavenly Visitor who resided on the earth is now transformed into a perman- ent Resident in heavenly places. God brought to man. Man brought t o God. T h e circle complete. Originated in God, started from God. embraced man in its circle by means of the Heavenly Man, the God man. and the circle is completed 3. again in Cod in heaven.

Say no;, shall bring Christ down or bring Him up? T h e work has been completed, and heaven is made nigh be. cause Christ is nigh. H e says, "I ascend to My Father and your Father.;: And again, "I a m with you alway. T h e Heavenly Link united to the earthly link. Great is the mystery of godliness; Cod was manifest in the flesh, justified in-the Spirit. seen of angels. preached unto the .. Gentiles, beliexeed on in the world, re- ce~verl up t o glory. And not alone. Those who believe on H i m have'been quickened and raised up with Him to dwell in heav- enly places with Him. God hath highly exalted Him and showed forth the ex- ceeding greatness of Hi s power in rais- fng Him from the dead. "And hath rais- ed 11s IID torether. and made 11s sit t s gether in hia.,enly places in Christ JC:us+I1 Creat i s the mvsterv of p-odliness. Not alone. The corn of wheat 2e" into tlic ground and died and has bra-ught forth much fruit.

God gave His Son, and the Son was the ~ h v s i r a l manifestaiion nf Cod on the

. earth. And H e returned to heaven still phvsical but glorified. And now God is still in touch with the world: the chan- nel, the circle. is operation, not by the Son hut 11v t!.c Third Person of !I,e Trinity. the Holy Fpirit. J-ct a s thc :.on linked heaven tc the earth. the Father

' to man. Ileinp. Cod manifest in the Fesh, SO tlie IJoly Ghost. in a still more 1n1-s- terious and wonrlcrful way. manifcctr. thc Father and manift-sts the Son from Iirav- en to earth. J e w s said. "He shall not speak of Himsclf: hnt whatsoever >re shall hear, that shall H e speak: and R e will show you l h i n ~ s tn come. H e eliall glorify \re: for Tlc shall rereive of 3line, and shall show it unto ynl~'' (John 1h:l.Z). T b ~ r e l o r e the importance of havinc the Sriirit. or rccciviny the Spirit: of Iettinq the Spirit operate. hr inc irnmrrsrd in the Spirit. that the Spirit may immerse "oil. 60 that you m a y hc in tour11 lvith tlie F n t l w and the Son and the things of heaven.


W e are a s yet in the kindergarten stage of the school of the Holy Ghost. Christ's ministry of three years was a progres- sive one. The transfiguration was not the first miracle. T h e prayer of the 17th of John was not the first prayer. There were stages of Christ's manifestation of His Godhead, of His ministry, of Hi s miracles, of His whole life; and s o there is a progressive revelation of the office work and manifestation of the Holy Spirit.

~en tecos ta l ' people who have received the Spirit and are walking in the Spirit have graduated from the primary class. While some think they are in the last year of high school, none have gone much beyond the primary. There are unex- plored fields, unfathomed depths, below and above, into which the Spirit will lead you.

"Whom say ye that I am?" Jesus ask- ed of Hi s disciples. Peter answered 'Thou art the Christ, the Son of the liv- ing God." Jesus said to him. "Flesh and blood hath not' revealed it unto thee, but My Father which is inheaven!' There were stages in. Peter's growth in the school of Christ.. And so in the school of the Holy Ghost. If He. the Holy Ghost, should put the question, "Whom say ye that I am?" what would the an- swer be? Some say one thing and some say another. S o m e sag of Him a s H e manifests H i s Presence, "It is from the pit." But from those who know the meaning of the.latter rain the right an- swer comes. "Flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but My Fathcr which is in heaven."

Where you are today, baptized one, is no ground for boasting, but rather for a confession of dependence upon the grace that revealed .the truth. If you think you know all, that is all you will get. I f you acknowledge that you have ~ u s t en- tered into the unexplored. unknown re- gions of the height and depth and length and breadth of the knowledge of Christ, and that implies the knowledge of the Holy Ghost, then you are a fit candi- date to be taught more. "Unto every one that hath shall be riven. and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hat h!'

There is a promessire revelation in the school of thc Holy Ghost, and that revela- tion comes with manifestations and dcm- onstrations of the Holv Chost. who al- wavs-never fails te .c lnr i f ies Christ and thc Farhrr who gave Him.

Spirit-filled people. of whatever class, are links, are channel-, t l~rough whom the Rolv Spirit, tlie Comforter. the Di- vine Third Person of the Trinity, is broirght into toilrh I!-ith and bnitrd to the earth, ant1 thcrcl,y the earth isuni ted and kcpt unitrd to Iiraven. So Cod the Fa- ther, God the Son. and Cod tlie Holy Ghost arc united to the earth by means of the incarn~t ion of the Son. the out- pnilrinq and manifrstation. and the con- tin~roirz orltpoilrinp of th r cpirit.

Sp;rit-fillcd peoplr. of whatever rrecd or denomination. have a m;lrvcllo~~s ofire. the hi~.l~r.;t lact office of this diqpensa- tion. l~rirryinc h e a v ~ n to ear111 and earth to Iiearen. The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth.

Fund For New Press. : W e have been encouraged of late to

see how funds have come in for a new press, without any appeals being made . for the same, especially a s our old press,

- which is over 40 years old, is beginntng . t o d o very poor work. W e lost two days in printing the last Evangel because of a


number of troubles in the press, and even after that, we found that some parts of the printing on some copies of the Evan- gel could not be read.

There are many who desire that the Evangel should return t o a weekly paper. W e could then use a larger type and the paper would be much more readable, and the editorial department would not have to hold hack good copy for months a t a time for lack o i space. W e trust t o be able to make some definite announcement on this line in the near future.

But it would be a very difficult matter to print a weekly paper with our present equipment and it will be practically a necessity t o have a new press installed. Most of the money has already been sub- scribed by interested Evangel subscribers, and only about $2,000 more is required. The members of our great Evangel fam- ily have been so good in the past that we believe they will a t this time want to have their part in completing the fund. and thereby opening the way for the Evangel to become a weekly paper again.


"Ye can not serve God and Mammon." Dan Crawfcrd says that in the south

of Africa there is a - certain kind of civili- zation advancing, the civilization t h ~ t . brings drink, gambling, and all the rest with it. "It . was down that way," he states, "that I was starting out for Eng- land, down by the railway head, where I and my black friends bade each other good-bye. Oh , how they looked a t t h l t railway1 Then they asked me to explain to them about some of the things belong-. ing to your so-called civilization. So I brgan gushing about all your wonderfit1 civilization. How they looked and lis- tened! As I went on tel!ing them of automohiles. .submarines, aeroplanes, and . e v e r y t h i ~ g else, trying to draw a wonder- Cul look from thcm. I noticed one m?.n ~ b i t h an uncomfortable lock in his ey.-s. I could see ht- was waitins for me the wzy a cat waits ior a rat. F;nallv he ~ni,!. ae I stcpprd. 'Arc you finished? And then, dear friends. he puncture[l my tire with a hang. I \\.ill never forgct it. I-ie said, 'To he hrtter off is not to bc bct- ttr.' "-Selected.

A N O I N T I N G BOTTLES. Erothcr Smith \Vi~=lcs\vortll, when re-

renrly in SprinyScld. sho\rcd us the heat oil bottle that wc havc yet srcn. I t is made of crllr~loirl and clocs not lrak at all. \Vhm anointinn. yo11 press tlir bottle. and the oil rlropz nut. Crother \\'ic.qlcswo~ .h left US a nuni l~rr of these Imttlcs. whirh ran ! ~ e nl~tai t~cd f~mm the Gozpcl T'iih- liebinn 1Iouse. Price. $1.00 each. post- paid.

Page 4: THE LORD THAT YEALETH THEE - Holiness Preaching publications/1922_11_11.pdft11el11. "Cod has done the first thing and He can do the rest. No man shall touch hi111 now!' And God healed

- . ' A .:The Pentecostal Evangel

; PnbWhed EvmrJ OEha Week : atanley H. Frodsham. *~dl ro r .

lubacrlpUon prlce. - - -11.00 per annum Canadlan and Forelgn Subscrlptlon. - 11.25 Bend International Money Orders or Brltlsh P. 0. Orders for 61-. Reply coupona not accaoted In U. 8. A.

R i a m of Bundlaa, 10 coples 3Oc; 26 coplea IOC; 100 copies $2.76 Club -tea. Those

' wbo Bend In clubs can send ten subscrlo- tton for the Drlce of nlne.

Entered aa second class-matter June 26 r818. at the postomce a t SprlngUeld. MO.: under the act of March 3 l R i q

Accepted for malllng a t speclal rare of SUge provided for In Sec. 1103 Act of

%(ober 3. 1917. authorized on ~ u l i 3. 1918.


BprlngUeld. Mlssourl. U. 8. A. 10. N. Bell ..................... Chairman J. W. Welch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Secrerary

T H E CENTRAL B I B L E INSTITUTE. Brother Kerr, in another part of this

paper, reports thc good progress being made in the new Central Bible School. The funds have practically been sub- scribed by the citizens of Springticld for the gift of an ideal site of 15 acres. A t the present time all the students have to live in rented rooms, and this is both expensive and unsatisfactory. W e are de- sirous of beginning a t once on the main building and dormitories, and many of the students are anxious to work their way through school by their labor on the new building. When dormitories are erected, school fees can be reduced, and

-many more students will be able to at- tend.

The management of the school have decided to "cut their coat according to their cloth," and not go into debt in the building of the school. but rather to build according to funds received. W e believe

' that this school presents a splcndid in- vestment for those who have the Lord's money to dispose of. The building will be put up with thc grcatest economy, us- ing the labor of the students. and some- thing permanent for the training of min- isters and missionaries will be erected. Funds should be sent to Bro. W. C. Peirce. Ser--Treas., 1200 Campbell St., Springfield, Mo.


I was In a Public Llbrary the o:her day and picked up a book which contained a lecture that a certain popular preacher has given from one end of thls country to the other. I t was the story of the flndlng of the Golconda Diamond Mlne. The preacl~er passed on the story just a s he had gotten It: It may not have been all true. but there was a fine moral to be gotten out of It. The preacher got one moral. and I. another. I wlII retell the story as fa r a s I re- member it and t rust It wlll be a par- able of worth to some.

A certain farmer In Persla had ahout erervtlling 11e wanted. and was ahout a s conte~ilcd as any man of the world can he. untl' n day came when an old prie-t v l ~ i t ~ d him and began to talk to hlm ahout dinmonds. A streak of arar ice was awakened in the farmer's heart when he heard how rich a person


would be If he owned a diamond mine, ' and he got so discontented tha t a t last

he sold hls farm and all hls belongings and went prospecting for dlamonds. H e never found any, and, reduced to rags, havlng spent hls last cent, he ended his miserable h f e by sulclde.

One day, the man who had purchased the farm was watering his horses a t a sandy creek on the property when he. noticed a pretty looking stone. He Plcked it up and took ~t into the house. and It happened that a few days later the old priest was visiting round that way and saw it. He decided it to be a diamond and asked where i t had been found. They went down to the creek, and when further search was made, several more were found. One of the diamon.ds discovered on thls farm was the famous "Kohinor" that was later put In the crown of Queen Victoria of England. and a slmilar stone from thls mine found its way into the crown of the Czar of Russla.

This is the story. he moral, that you can find a diamond mlne just where you are. The preacher showed how fo:ks could make money just where they were If they would keep thelr eyes open for opportunlties.

After reading thls lecture, I went diamond. huntlng. Not on any farm. but just where tfie psalmlst went when he crled. "Open Thou mlne eyes. tha t I may behold wondrous thlngs o u t of Thy lam." The old Book 1s the placo in which to search for hld treasure, for that whlch 1s better than rubles (and they a r e worth more than dlamondsl. and all the thlngs that may be deslred can not be compared to that whlch you can find there. And I made the dlscov- ery of the five most preclous t h l n g In the unlverse. Want to share them with me? All right. hclp yourself.

If Peter had stayed with hls nets I don't thlnk he would have gotten very rlch. but In his epistles he tells us a llttle of the wealth he had stumbled on- to. Something greater than was ever found by Golconda's creek. I wlll enum- erate these precious thlngs one by one.

The first is LIKE I'RECIOUS FAITH ( 2 Pet. 1:l) Have you recelved? Do you ask. "How?" Falth cometh by hearing, and hearlng by the word of God. Read through John's gospel. es- pecially the story of the death and res- urrectlon of the Lord Jesus. for these thlngs John wrote that vnu m l ~ h t he- Ileve tha t Jesus Is the Chrlst. the Son of God. and that believing, you mlght have life through His Kame.

"4h! the trouble is." I hear you say. "I have no falth " KO falth in whom? Is God a liar that you can not believe th.e record He has glren of Hls Son? "Ah!" you sav. "lt Is my sin that Is In ihe way." Well. get that out of the way by confessing It and you will find that Cod 1s faitliful and Just to for- glve you your sln. and to c'eanse you from 311 r ig l~ teo~~sness . 131s ea r Is ever onen tn the renltent's cry for mercv: He d ~ l i ~ h t ~ I 1 1 In niercr. all11 no sinner ever came to Hlm nnd w a s caqt out. Come lo Hlm, and you wIll find that He will supply you wlth everythlng you

. . ,

. November *$I, 1922.

need, including falth. Paul said t h a t the llfe tha t he lived in the flesh h e : lived by "the falth ofbthe Son of God."


Thls fa the "like precious faith" t h a t , He wants you to obtain and retain. H e Invites. "Ask and It shal: be given you."

Tha t Is not all. Peter speaks ot THE TRIAL OF POlJR FAITH, BEING - MUCH MORE PRECIOUS THAN GOLD. Do you welcome trials? - I remember hearing one mature old salnt saylng, ''I welcome them all. I don't want to be a dwarf when God wants to make .8 glant of me. These are the things to make us grow." Abraham proved tha t the trlal of his faith just revealed Je-- hovah's provlslon. The children of Is- rael proved this a t the Red Sea. Men l ~ k e Hudson Taylor and George Muller proved It over and over agaln. and so has every one else who has been t rue to the last ha:f mlnute. The Psalmlst knew thls when he sang. "For Thou, 0 God, hast proved us, Thou hast trled us. a s sllver 1s tried. Thou broughtest us Into the net. Thou laldest affllctlon upon our lolns. Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through Bre and through water; but 4 Thou broughtest h s Into a wenlthp place." A place of more wealth than a room full of Kohinor and C'ulllnan dlamonds.

Yet more treasure, THE EXCEED- IXG GREAT AND PRECIOUS PROM- ISES ( 2 Pet. 1 : 4 ) . I t Is by these we a re made partakers of the divlne nB- ture. We hardly know where to begin when we enter thls vast s tore house. What a n lnexhauatlble mlne In the Psa:ms alone, In the multltudlnous promlsea to save and keep and heaI a n d preserve and feed and sustaln, to guide and uphold; In short, to keep us from all evll and allow no plague to come nigh our dwelllng.

Then In the New Testament. "What- soever ye shall ask In My Name. I wlll do It." And that wonderful promlse to send the Comforter. Never shall I forget the day when I lnld my finger on Acts 1:5 and definltely appropriated tha t promiae, ",Ye sba:l be baptlzed wlth the Holy Ghost not many days hence," nor that glorlous day when tbe Lord fulfilled thls precloua promlse to me personally. Do you say wlth the Psalm- 1st. "I rejolce a t Thy word, a s one tha t Bndeth great apoil"? If so. you will also testlfy with hlm. "The law of Thy mouth 1s better unto me than thou- sands of gold and sllver."

Peter goes on to say to us that we have not been redeemed with corrup- tible thlngs. such as sllver and gold. but wlth THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CFIRIST. When the passover lamb was s:ain In Egypt. the blood was preserved In a hason. and then placed, according to dlrectlons. on the lintel and the slde posts. I t was preclous. I t meant so murh to the household. especially the firstborn. It spoke also of the e ~ o d u s , for I t was -chose who were under the shelter of that r redous blood who were brought out of Egrpt . T f this blood was predous. how much more preclous Ie the hlnod of Jesus. by which our eternal redemption has been purchased?

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November 11, 1922. THE P E N T E C O S T A L E V A N G E L PfJm N V S

ON GIVING. In a human body. t h e blood ccurslng "I was one time ask=d to g o to Weston- up a n d down the v&na keeps every bone and l igament and muscle clean and usable. Even so, in the body of Christ. W e are members of Hts body, and aa wo walk in the light we have fe:lowship with one another , and the blood of Je- s u s Chrlst cleanses us f rom al l sin. and keeps us clean and usable a l l t he time. No wonder if some of u s s ing from the depfhs of our hear ts :

Hallelujah for the preclous blood! Hallplujah for the cleansln blood!

.Hallelujah for the heallng {lood! The preclous blood of- Jesus.

B u t tha t i s not all. Peter says, "Un- to you therefore which believe H E I S PRECIOUS." I should say H e was. I remember my dear mother, now In glory, telllng of a dream s h e once had. She was enter ing heaven and she saw my dear fa ther come running t o meet her. bu t s h e waved hlm aside and said, "My

' Saviour first." She believed, and He, was precious t o her.

Have you not s a t under =is shadow wlth great delight and found how sweet to t he tas te is His f rui t? Have you not discovered t h a t "His mouth is most sweet, yea. He is a l together lovely."

s How can words express how unspeak- ably precious H e is? Do you know Him intimately so t ha t your testimony is, "I am m y Beloved's and my Beloved Is mine"?

T h e s tory 1s told of a n infidel, who. a t t he c o ~ ~ c l u s i o n of a lecture against Christianity. invited questions. There was one in t h a t audlenoe who had once been a great drunkard but, by the grace of God, had been gloriously saved. H e

, walked up to t h e platform, took an orangs on t of his pocket, peeled it . and slowly a t e It piece by piece. The lec- turer asked him what he wanted, and be replied. "I want you t o tell m e what tha t orange was Hke. was i t sweet o r m u r ? " "How could I tell?" asked the Infidel. "I never tasted it." "And how a n you tell anything about the Lord Jesus Christ?" asked the redeemed drunkard. "You bave never tasted and seen how good the Lord Is. I have and I know how tnexpreasibly good H e 1s "

"I have all. and abound," testifled Paul. And when you take stock, you d l 1 find how wonderfully well off you are . if you will but appropriate the thlngs of t h e Lord's provldlng. these most precious thlngs In the whole uni- verse, you may be poor a s regards t h e things of ear th , but like Paul. "hav- Ing nothlng, yet possessing all thinss." Preclous faith. preclous trlals, precious )romlaes. preclous blood. precious Sav- ionr! Surely these a r e the t rue riches tha t t be Lord counsels us to recetve in thia Laodicean age.-S. H F.

Send for free copy of booklet, "An- nuity Bonds. Gifts and Investments." written by Bro. E. N. Rell. This book- k t shows how your money can be work- in^ for the Lord and at the same time k bringing you an income.

(Psalm 50:12) ' . If I should be hungry, no need t o tell thee,

T h e gold and the silver a re Mine; T h e great rolling earth stands back of

My dearth Wi th cattle, with wheat and with wine.

For I stretched forth My hand, and I said, "Let there be," -

And that is the reason it's here. For behold it spring forth, East, West,

South and North, When I said, "Let the dry land appear."

But if thou shouldst be hungry, whom else couldst thou tell?

I hold every life giving-breath, All Creation I feed, supply every necd,

'Tis My hand that withholds thee from death.

So then yield Me thy heart, with thine innermost thought,

Thy h a d , with the gift it may hold; 'Tis My pleasure to give, on bestowal I

live, I m l l yield thee a treasure untold.

Then e v e to the One who hath given thee all,

And waiteth to give thee still more; W h o liveth to give and giveth to live.

And on thee all blessings doth pour. So then open thine hand t o T h y Fa-

ther's strong hand, And shed His salvation ahroad.

Impoverished' No! that can never be so Of the soul who hath given t o God.

-Amy Yeomans.

"A G R E A T H I G H PRIEST!' "We have a great High Priest" (Hcb.

1:14; 8:l). The priest under the law had a twofold charicter. H e represented God to the people, and the people to God. Christ a s our High Priest has a heart of love to sympathize with us (Ex. 28:30), hands of pouer to lift us (Heb. 2:18), shoulders of strength to carry us (Ex. 28:12), lips of prayer to plead for us (Rom. 8:34), eyes of grace to search us (Rev. 1:14). thoughts of kindness to cheer us (Ps . 139:17). and words of truth t o direct u s (Ps. 119:130).

Ours is a sunny religion, born of divine love, and one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is joy. A joyless Christian is a lihel on his profession. W e ought to walk so close to Jesus a s to be always in His sunshine and make s o little of worldly ills and vexations and losses a s never to let them envelope us in an at- mosphcre of Arctic midnight. Paul made a dnnveon ring with holy melodies. Ev- ery follower of Christ should strive to make his daily life a song as well a s a gospel sermon.-Selected.


(Continued from Page Two) quacks, pills and plasters. Clear them all out and believe God. I t is sufficient to believe God. You will find that if you dare trust Him. H e will never fail. "The pravrr nf faith.shall save the sick, and the LORD shall raise H i m up!' D o you tms t Him? H e is worthy t o be trusted.

super-mare, a seaside resort in the W e s t of England. I learned from a telegram that a man had lost his reason and had become a raving maniac, and they wanted me t o g o to pray for him. I arrived i t the place, and the wife said to me, "Will you sleep with my husband?" I agreed, and in the middle of the night an evil power laid hold of him. I t was awfuL I put my hand on his head and his hair was like a lot of sticks. God gave deliv- erance-a temporary deliverance. A t 6 o'clock the next morning, I felt that i t was necessary that I should get out of that house for a short tjme.

The man saw me going and cried out, "If you leave me, there is n o hope!' But I felt that I had to go. A s I went out I saw a woman with a Salvation Army bon- net on and I knew that she was going to thcir 7 o'clock prayer meeting. I said t o the Captain who was in charge of the mceting, when I saw he was about t o give out a hymn, "Captain, don't sing. k t ' s get to prayer!' H e agreed, and I praycd my heart out, and then I grabbed my hat and rushed out of the hall. ,.They all thought they had a madman in their prayer meeting that morning. .

I went down to the end of the parade, and there was the man I had spent: the night with, rushing down toward the sea, without a particle of clothing on, about t o drown himself. I cried, "In the name of Jesus, come out of him!' T h e man fell full length on the ground and that evil power went out of him never t o r e turn. H i s wife came rushing after him, and the husband was restored to her in a perfect mental condition.

There are evil powers, but Jesus is greater than all evil powers. There are tremendous diseases, but Jesus is healer. Therc is no case too hard for Him. T h e Lion of Judah shall break every cha in H e came t o relieve the oppressed and to set the captive free. H e came to bring redemption, t o make us a s perfect as man was hefore the fall.

People want t o know how t o be kept by the power cf God. Every position of grace into which you are led-forrive- ness. healing. deliverance of any kind- will be contested by Satan. H e will ron- tend for your body. When you are nav- ed. Satan wil! come round and say, "See, you are not saved!' T h c devil is a liar. If he says you are not saved, it is a sure sign that you are.

You will rcmernber the story of thc man who was swept and garnished. T h e cvil power had heen swept out of him. Rut the man remained in a stationary position. If the I a r d heals you, yo11 dare nor re- main in a stationary position. T h e cvil snirit came hack to that man and found the house swept. and took seven orhrrs worse than himself, and the last s taae of that man mas worse than the first. Re sure and get filled with Cod. Get an Occupier. Be filled with the Spirit.

God has a million ways of undertaking for those who KO to Him for help. He has deliverance for every captive. He loves VOII so much that H e even says, "Before they call, I will answcr!' Don't turn Him away.

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I What Christ Teaches About Future Ketribution Compiled by Bro. Max Wood Moorbead from an Article by W. C. Proctor.

Which Originally Appeared in Vol. I X of T h e Fundamentals. I I n taking the words of Christ Himself

we shall find the greatest grouzds o i rommon agreement in these days of loose views of inspiration. Surely H e who is "The Truth" could never misrepresent or exaggerate it on a matter of such vital importance, and would neither encour- age popular errors nor excite needless fears.

I n confining our consideration of the subject of Future Retribution to the teach- ing of our Lord Jesus Christ a sufficient answer is given to those who represent the doctrine a s unreasonable and disbon- oring t o Cod, and who regard those who hold it as narrow minded and hard- hearted. t o remind them that all the very expressions which are most fiercely de- nounced a t the present day fell from the )ips of the Saviour who died for us, and came from the heart of the "Lover of sools."

Surely we have no right t o be broader , minded than H e was. o r t o nurture false

hopes which have no solid foundation in His teaching. while t o assume a greater zeal for God's honor, and a deeper com- passion for the souls of men, is little short of ,blasphemy.

1. What did our Lord teach a s t o the .certainty of future retribution? T h e word "retribution" is to be preferred to "pun- khment," because the Bible teaches us that the fate of the wicked is . . . the neressary consequence of their own sins. I n Matt. 5:22. Christ speaks of causeless anger againnt, and contemptuous con- demnation of, others a s p l a c i r ~ ~ us "in danger of the hell of fire;" while in vers1:s 29 and 30 H e utters a similar warnil.& concerning other sins. I n chapter 8:12, H e speaks of unbelieving "rhildren of the k i n d o m " being "cast forth into the outer carkness" and adds, "There shall be weep- ina a d gnashing of teeth"--expressions which are repeated in chapters 22:13 and 25:30. In chapter 10:28 Jesus said: "Fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell"-a wholesome fear which is decidedly lacking in the present day. and which many people regard as a remnant of superstition unsuited to t h s enlichtened age! In chapter 23:15. H r mpeaks of the hvpocritical Pharisees a; "children of hell." showing that their conduct had fitted them for it, and that they "would po to their own place." likc Jarlas (whom H e describes a s the "son of perdition!' in Jnhn 17:12\: while in verse 33 H e asks, "How shall ye escape thc jadmnent of h e l l ? ' T h e law of retri- bntion can no more he repealed than that of gravitation; it is fixed and unalterabl-. Tha t hell has not been preoared for hu- man beings, but that thev prepare them- sr l res for it. ic clear frnm the sentence which our Lord says that H e will pro- aonnre upon those on Hin left hand in tbe last Ereat day: "Depart from Me. ye mrsed. into the eternal fire which is pre- paced for the devil and his angels" (Ma't. 25 :41).

2. Wha t did Christ teach a s t o the character of future retribution? W e have already seen thaf H e spoke of it a s full of sorrow and misery in His sevenfold repetition of the striking expression: "There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matt. 8:12: 13: 42, 50; 22:13; 24: 51; 25: 30; Luke 1328). I n Mark 9:43- 48, our Lord twice speaks of "the fire that never shall be quenched;" and thrice adds, "where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched." Our Lord twice spoke of fruitless professors being "cast into the fire" (Matt. 7:19; John 15:6); twice of "the furnace of fire" (Matt. 13.42, 50); twice of "the hell of fire" (Matt. 5:22; 18:9); and twice of "eternal fire" (Matt. 18:8; 25:41).

3. Wha t did Christ teach as to the con- tinuity of future retribution? I s there any solid basis in His recorded words for the doctrine of eternal hope, or the shadow of a foundation for the idea that all men will be eventually saved? Much has been made of the fact that the Creek word "aionios" (used by our Lord in Matt. 18:s and 15:41.46. and translated "ever- lastindB in the authorized, and "eternal" in the Rwised Version) literally means "age-lon~;" but a n examination of the 25 places in which it is used in the New Testament'reveals the fact that it is twice used of the Gospel, once of the Gospel covenant, once of the consolation brought to us by the Gospel, twice of God's own being, four times of the future of the wicked, and fifteen times of the present and future life of the believer. N o one thinks of limiting its duration in the fir;t four cases and in the last, why then d~ s o In the other one? T h e dilemma be- comes acute in considering the words of our Lord rerorded in Matt. 25:46. where precisely the same word in the Greek i3 used concerning. the duration of the pun- ishment of the wicked and of the reward of the riehteons: ior only by violent per- version and distortion can the same word in the same sentence possess a different sipnifiration.

If Divine chastisements a re ineffectual here in the case of any individual. when there is so much to restrain men and women from wrong doinq, how can thev be expected to prove effectual in the next world. with all these restraints removed. and only the socirtv of devils? I t is rertainly somewhat illogical for those wh- make s o much oi the love of God to a r m e that ounichnirnt will prove remedial hrre- after in the case of those whom Divine Love has failed to influence here. Not onlv is there not the sliahtest hint in the teachinc of our Lord that future punish- ment will prove remedial or corrective. hut His words concernina Judas in Matt. 26.54 are inexolirnl~lc on that cr~nnocitior: Surclv hi* existence would still have beer: a 1)lrssinc if his punishment was to hc followed 1)v utimate restoration. and Cl1ri5t would therefore never have mtered the sadly solemn words: "It nad been

a .

November 11, 1 9 p -::

good for tbat man if be had, not b m - ' torn."

AS character tends to permanence, heaven is a place of perfect holiness a d hell must be of the opposite; and this throws light upon the words of Rev. 22: i I, which, appareatly, were uttered by our ascended, glorified and returning Lord: "He that is unrighteous, let him d o un- righteousness still; and he that filthy, let him be made filthy still; and he that is righteous, let hlm do righteousnegr still!' T h e doctrine of universal re-tor- ation springs from a natural desire to wish the history of mankind t o have r t appy endiug a s in most story books: bat i: ignores the fact that by granting m u free will, Cod has (as it were) set a 1:oundary to His own omnipotence; for 1 is a moral impossibility to save a man against His wilL

Not only is there no vestige of founda- tion in our Lord's words for the doctrine ef universalism, but there'is no shadow d a sungcstion of any restoration of the wicked hereafter. So far from thi, bein3 the case, the story of the rich man and Lazarus rings the deatn knell of any such hope Ahraham is there represented ;u raying t o Dives: "Between us and y a there is a meat gulf b e d , that they whicb would pass from hence t o vou may not +JC

able. and that none may cross over from thence t o us" (Luke 16:26. R. V.).

4. Wha t did Christ teach a s t o the causes of future retribution? A carefd study of our Lord's words show t h l there are two primary causes, namely, deliberate unbelief and wilful rejection d Him; and surely these are but different aspects of the same sin. In Matt. 8:lZ it was the contrast between the faith d the Gentile centurion and the unhelief d the Jewish nation which drew from His lips the solemn words: "The children d the kingdom shall be cast into outer dark- ness!'

T h e whole drift of Christ's teaching confirms what we learn from these isa- Lted passages, and that future retrilmtirm is not merely an incidental but a fus- damental part of the Gospel message. 'I is the dark backmound on which its lor- ing invitations and tender expost~~lntions arc presented, and the Gospel messaw loses much force when the doctrine k Icft orlt. Bu!, worst of all, the earnest ex- t ortations to immediate repentanre and faith lose their urgency if the ultimate result will be the same if those d l ~ t i t i are postooned beyond the present lifa I s it seriously contended that Judas w i l even t~~a l ly be a s John, Nero as P a 4 A n a n i ~ s and Sapphira a s Priscilla and A q d l a ?

Finally, the doctrines pf heaven a d hell seem to stand or fall torether, iar hoth rest upon the same Divine revel= tion. . . . and both have the same word "everlasting" applied to their d~rrat ioa I f the threatenings of God's Word arc unreliable, so may the promices he: if the denunciations 'nave no real mean in^. w h d tecomes of the invitations? Ruskin wd terms the denial of hell "the most d a a perous, because the most attractive, form of modern infidelity." But I . ~t so m&

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l lbrembcr 11, 19P., THE PENT.ECOSTAL E V A N G E L

~ l l ? Is it op t an echo of the devil's in- accept Divine rtvelation, rather thn-hu;- . . b a t i n g doubt: "Ya, hath Cod said?" man rpeculrticn: and let heed

(Ollowd by his insistent denial, "Ye s h l l sot diG" which led to the fall of C l h s t s o plainly taught, without miti-

.mm? Let us t henfo r% believe Cod1: goting. modifying, or minimizing His WWh, r a t h a than the devil's lie; let us solemn warnings.

Central Bible Institute News. D. W. &ar. I

Here it is, not all that might be given, but some remarkables. One of the eight months of Institute days has passed into history. One of the students-a membcr of the "wide-awakesw-testified a t pray- ers the other morning that he had al-

' ready received a million dollars worth of benefit, and if he kept on a t the same rate until the end of the s c h w l year he would be the richest man in the country.

Notwithstanding all the discouraging rbinga which were projccted into the Cen- tral Bible Institute plan, the enrollment hss reached the half hundred mark, still

.athers are coming. T h e Lord has gath- wed together a band of earnest Spirit- baptized young men and women, eager 10 "catch the vision" and to acquire a working knowledge of the Bible. W e t h n k all the readers of the Evangel for your interest and helpfulness in encour- a& the young people to give themselves ,b the study of the scriptures. ' 1s there anything remarkable about the ,Cslltral Bible Institute? Yes1 When we cc+sider the fact that about three weeks Before the Institute was to open we had

-.otbing to offer our applicants for admis- .&on by way of accommodations but our b o r d of honor!' W e had canvassed the 6 t y for a s~iitable building where we could

:buuse all our students and carry on our pork. but found nothing. T h e Pentc- .ostal Assembly, its Pastor and Official Committee had voted us the use of its . e w church building. T h e basement might bc adapted for our purpose but it Lad never been finished. But, a s the say-

. ha goes, "where there is a will there L5 a way." Carpenters. plasterers and ptnmhers were put to work; we "rolled

nrlr 4eeves" and went a t it, some of I mcCing late into the night. I t twic some planning and "figering" t o provide all the needed equipment, condense it into a compact form so as to econornizc the bni ted space for , i t s varied uses, such a s

double gas range with an exhaust fan )D pull the cooking odors out ol the kitch- C. as fast as produced; two whit: enameled sinks, water heatcr and tank; Qef table. cupboard for dishes, etc.; a h b l e to receive the after-meal dishes; a storage r w m for tahle supplies, well ven- 6lated; an office room for the secretary and Presidcnt and school supplies, sten- ographers, etc.; all this equipment withln a compass of 25 x 30 feet. Off from this Ritchen space is the lurnace room. ladics' nxii room and lavatory. and the men's kivatory. 311 conveniently arrangcd wit11 rtspect to convenience and propriety.

the kitchen, the "vegetable crew," the "Chef" and his wife, the "dish washing crew," the "dining room crew," and such visitors and onlookers a s mayhaps be there, move about in the performance of their respective duties, busy as bces and


happy a s larks, and without "collisions." T h e dining and class room. 30 x 40, is

neatly and tastily fitted up for these r e apective uses. The entire r w m is well lighted having ample windows through which the sunshine pours. T h e ceiling is covered with white n~uslin; the walls

, are covered with white alabastiue; rhe wood work is painted white with lighl grey trimmings; across one end of 'thc room. "plastered in" black board space is provided for class work. T h e Hoor is

-cement which needs to be covered with rugs to keep our feet warm. T h e dinirtg room section has space for six "home made" tables, each table of suficient s i ~ e to seat six people comfortably or eight persons in "emergency." The tables, cov- cred with white spreads, are equipped c i t h suitable and substantial table ware, a vase of flowers in the center of each table, and, a t meal time. with good, wholesome, palatable. well cooked food in ample measures for hungry students,-and they surely d o ha re "comprehensive" appe-, tites. All are agreed that we have a r e d , cozy, "neat-asla-pin," attractive and home like "home" for the Bible Institute. I t is thoroughly clean and sanitary. in every part, hut we are rapidly outgrowing these temporary quarters.

Another most remarkable thing the Lord did for us after we exhausted "our resources" and had come to the place talled "wits' end," was to send us a "Chef." o r cook, a s he is usually called. znd his wife, all the way from l o s An- geles. across the continent, via the "Santa F e Trail," in a "Ford," the party, con- sisting of five persons, with all t h e ~ r bags and baggage, making the trip in fourteen days. This is most remarkable, not be- cause of the proverbial "Ford," but be- cause the Lord knew we needed a "Chef," and he wanted to come to the Central Bible 'Institute. I t was of the Lord.

Then again, it is quite remarkable that we have such a n "apt" staff of teachers and helpers. God gave them to us. They fit into their respective places so beauti- fullv. humbly and harmoniously,-like real cross bcarers they "give themselves" to thcir work, not thinking of themselves but others. N o one'has ever passed this way before. therefore they are the pio- neers of the Central Bible Institute, blaz- in^ the way for others to follow, all with-

But it is still more remarkable when we out a salary but for the glory of Cod icflcct that in the space that remains in and for thc joy set before them.

'-' Thss tuden ta h r e i l l nic'ely'and chf- - . ably housed in homes outside among the residents of Springfield within walking distance of the Church. This also is the hand of the Lord made manifest. S o thaf all the featureb of home life a t e con- served a s far a s possible. W e are assured that this will relieve all anxiety on the part of those interested in the welfare of the students.

Finally, we have a growing student body which is remarkable for its steady, subdued, and solid steppings in Cod. I t wguld d o your hearts good t o watch them aay by day moving about in our some- what crowded temporary quartets with r forward look of expectancy, confidence and determination upon their faces. They have come from homes of comfort and convenience They have come from the far north and the southland; from t k Atlantic and Pacific Coasts--the -"char- ter members" of the Central Bible In- stitute. They are your children and ours; they sit down with us at .the meal tabler and in the class room, a happy-family d children. They are yours and ours, a trust you have committeed t o u s i n the Lord. P ray for them and us, your sen- ants and theirs for "Jesus' sake." - FOURFOLD SONSHIP'OF JESUS

CHRIST . . .

nr oau a. D . ~ L . A biblical atudy of the m o h imporOut tltlb. given our Lord in the 8arlptu- "Son of Man." "Son of Abraham." "BOB d David." and "Son of God." The booklet Lr written for tha arrnelrt bellever. rpl L thoughtful nkding wlll repsy any 1 t W sawchar of the Word of Ctod.

M m r Wn, w gyu - -=Q.po.tprlk


THE WHOLE BIBLE By Jambson, h u e e a t & urA Brorr

Bible rhlch hrs a 0 Ion6 b a n racomlm4 u a mundord work In ewngellcal c i n b s P now mula avatlsble for tha llrat tlum C bandy ona volume form. - w.m.

Order from G O S P E L P U B L I S H I N G HOUSB.

Springfield, Mo.

Page 8: THE LORD THAT YEALETH THEE - Holiness Preaching publications/1922_11_11.pdft11el11. "Cod has done the first thing and He can do the rest. No man shall touch hi111 now!' And God healed

Page Eight. THE P E N T E C O S T A L ' E V a G E L


"They shall speak with new tongues" ark 16:17).

('And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues a s the Spirit gave them utterance" (Acts 2:4).

"For they heard them speak with tonwes" (Acts 10:47). 0

"And, they spake with tongues" (Acts 196) .

If speaking in tongues is not the one, instantaneous, indisputable evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Ghost, so received and accepted by the Apostles and other early Christians, and yet extant among the true followers of Jesus Chr i s t then we who make this claim are amonq that class spoken of by Paul a s "deceiving and being deceived," and certainly ought to realize this and repent of our folly. For by holding "Tongues" a s the evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Ghost, we are not only practising deception, but are unsettling the minds of those already resting joyously in the assurance of the experience and setting them to seeking again a blessing from God which they already possess.

O n the other hand if "Tongues" is the evidence of the "Baptism" then for us t o refrain from preaching it would be criminal in the extreme and bring us under condemnation before Him who calls us to "Preach the word."

Then also those who oppose this "Lat- ter Day Deception," so called, are those who "shut up the kingdom of heaven ag-ainst men, neither going in themselves neither suffering them that are entering to go in" (Matt. 23:13).

Now we know that a teaching to be true must agree with the "Word of God!' For. "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them (Isa. 8:2(1). .

Therefore if "Tongues" are not scrip- tural, down with your arms of rebellion. 'lest ye he found to fight against God" (Acts 539) .

Now, dear reader, let us form ourselves into a court of investigation with you as the jury and proceed to examine one by one the witnesses both for and against this great latter day message and then I ask you to render an impartial ver- dict according to law and evidence.

T h e first witness we shall call is no less a personage than "The Lord from heaven." Dear Jesus. we want to know the truth. Ts this experience promised by You to Your followers?

Yes, "and these signs shall follow them that believe. They shall speak with new tongues" (Mark 16:17).

Next we will call a number of witnesses, one hundred and twenty on the Day of Eentecost. Rrethren and sisters, after you had tarried. a s the Master said, for the "Promise of the Father," what took place in that upper room?

"After the sound of the mighty rushing wind and the appearance of cloven

tongues like a s of fire, we were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began t o speak with (in) other tongues a s the Spirit gave us utterance" (Acts 2:l-4).

W h y was it that you were s o sure that this was the "Promise of the Father"?

Since Jesus had told us we should speak with new tongues (Mark 16:17), when we commenced t o speak unknown languages through a supernatural power that filled and controlled us, we did not doubt hut that we had now received the Baptism in. the Holy Ghost a s promised, and immediately broke forth in rejoicing as we were thrilled with a new and won- derful joy unspeakable and full of glory. Hallelujah l

Next we will call the six Jewish breth- ren who accompanied Peter a s witnesses when he went down to "the house of Cornelius." Brethren, why were you so thoroughly convinced that those Roman Gentiles had received the Holy Ghost?

"Why, 'Because we heard them speak with tongues and magnify God"' (Acts 10:37).

nu t why were you so sure when you heard them speak with tongues?

"Since' Jesus had said 'this would be a sign (Mark 16:17). and since this was what took d a c e on "the Day of Pente- cost" (Acts 2:4), and a s this had been the common experience of all the Jews who had received the Holy Ghost. when we heard those 'Gentiles' speaking in tongues it disarmed all our prejudice and scattered all our doubts and we had to acknowledge that on the 'Gentiles also' was poured out the Holy Ghost!'

Next we place on the stand the en- tire Council of Jewish brethren a t Jeru- salem. before whom Peter was called to answer to charges of conduct unworthy of an orthodox Jew in having associated with Gentiles on equal terms.

Rrethren of the Council. whv did you acqnit Peter when he acknowledqed to all *he c h a ~ a e s vou hrought against him and his companions?

"N'hv, Brethren. when Peter and the six witnesses all said that the Holy Ghost was fiiven t o those Gentiles just a s H e was to 11s on the Day of Pentecost we were ass l~red that they. too, had spoken in toncues and therefore we were forced to hold our peace and glorifv God. being convinced that God had also aranted t o the Gentiles repentance unto life" (Acts 11.141.

Our last witness will be Paul the Ereat ".4oostle to the Gentiles." and there we will rest our case and look a t some of the armnients. s o called. on the other side.

Well. Brother Paul. what did you find down there a t Ephesus?

"I found twelve converts of Aoollos who had never received the Holy Ghost!'

W h a t did you d o Paul? "I baptized them as Jesus commanded

them and laid hands on them as was our cnstom, and the Holy Ghost came on them."

How did you know, brother, that those

brethren had received the Holy Ghost? '>. "Sincc Jesus had promised that beliew' -.

ers would speak with new tongues ( M 2 r k 16:17), and since.on the Day of P e n f b ' cost (Acts 3:4) and at the house of Cor- nelius a t Caesarei (Acts 10:47) thoce receiving the Holy Ghost a t once spoke in tongues; also since this had been my own experience (Acts 9:17), for 'I thank God I speak with- tongues more than . ye all' (1 Cor. 14:18) when I h e a d those Greek brethren speak in tonEues and prophesy I had not a doubt but that they had received the Holy Ghost, and could only join them in praise t o H i m who baptizes with the Holy Ghost!'

W e will now proceed to examine the witnesses for the prosecution.

I n these ranks stand practically a l l the forces of Christendom, both Clergy and Laity, except the small but ever-increas- ing number of saints who have gotten F- der this wonderful "Latter Rain Pent* cost." who today are praising J e s u s for having shed forth this which we now see and hear just a s H e did on the "Day of Pentecost" in the "Upper room." .

From these opposers of this great thth comes up a perfect babel of vojces, %tome . saving one thing, some another. a s ..the silversmiths at Ephesus did and with. ju* about as much sense a s they. ! i ,

From this confusion we shall t j ' t o select a few of t h e assertions, not 'argu- ments, which have the greatest apfiear- anre of reason and proceed to e x a h i n e them one hy one in order to see if they - will "hold water." For a s in the time o£ . Jeremiah even so it is today. Once more, "My people have committed two evils; *

they have forsaken Me. the fountain,of living waters (Holy Ghost), and hewed them out cisterns (doctrines). broken cis- terns (man made theories) that can hold no water (Holy Ghost)" (Jer. 2:13),

As to Mark 16:17 it is stated tha t a s when a man is converted he is a new creature, therefore when he speaks i t will be with a new tonme. Also whereas the "old man" spoke blasphemy and obscea- ity. the "new man" speaks in praise a d with decency.

A s to Acts 2:4 they say, "As there were so many representative men a t Jem- salem on Pentecost from all over .the' world, this was but a special miracle g ivm for the express purpose of rapidly spread- ing the gospel to all lands. and not t o be expected by believers in general.

A s regards Acts 10:47 and 19:6 they evidently have never read them, but are strong on Acts 8.17 where it is not stated in so many words that the Samaritans who received the Holy Ghost spoke lo other tongues. Also 1 Cor. 13:8, where Paul says tongues shall cease, and again 1 Cor. 14:28. claiming Paul is there con- demning speaking in tongues in the Church: but totally i ~ n o r i n y 1 Cor. 12: 10 and 28: also 14:2.4,5.13. 14,15, 18.22, 27.39. possibly being unaware of their existence. "0 consistency, thbu art a jewel!' W e shall now proceed to weigh these

assertions, not arguments, one by one, to find ollt their truth of falsity, for they stand or fall a s related to other scrip- tures.

Page 9: THE LORD THAT YEALETH THEE - Holiness Preaching publications/1922_11_11.pdft11el11. "Cod has done the first thing and He can do the rest. No man shall touch hi111 now!' And God healed


them havink spoken in tongues or receiv- ing the Holy Ghost though it is not said that they did not, we have but t o notice a few facts to prove that this is but one of those "Broken cisterns which can hold

unlearmd by them in the natural way and undirected by their natural mind, but spoken directly through the influence of

;; the mighty Spirit of God. who a t that time filled and controlled both body and will so that H e was able t o speak with their tongues unknown languages, un- intelligible to them, but understood by others who heard. Acts 2:4 says "as the Spirit (not their wills )gave them utter- ance," and in 1 Cor. 14:14, Paul says; "My spirit prayeth but my understand- ing is unfrujtful!' Also 1 Cor. 14~13 , "Let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret," thus showing that he is unaware of the mean- ing of the words unless supernaturally' informed.

I n regard to the word "Tongues" in Acts 2:4, let us notice that in other pa r t s , of the narra*ive the same event is stated as. language, thus proving that the word tongues and the word language are inter- changeable, therefore meaning one and the same thing.

" ' I n Acts 2:4 i t is stated, "They spoke with other tongues!'. Also (2:8) i t is said those straigers heard in the& own tongue. Also Acts 2:11 states, ' W e d o hear them speak in ou r tongues," while Acts 2:6 says, "Every man heard them speak in his own language," thus p r w - ing that when th6y spoke with new tongues they did no t merely say different words in the Galilean language. but used totally new languages under the direct power of the Holy Ghost. Glory1 .

As to the statement that the event re- corded in Acts 2:4 was but a special event given for a particular purpose and not t o be expected by all, we have but t o notice that the same event took place a t different times, in widely separated places, under different teachers. and among va- rioas nationalities, to prove that this was not just a special manifestation on the Day of Petnecost, but was the sign and seal of the Holy Ghost s o recognized by the early church and handed down even to us, for Peter (Acts 2:39) says, "The promise is t o you (Jews) and t o your children (descendants) and t o all that are afar off (Gentiles), even as many a s the Lord our God shall call (every one who

'accepts in any generation)." 0 glory to God, how my heart thrills

with joy as I once more look closely into the foundations of this glorious doctrine of the "Latter Rain!' Hallelujah t o Him who has not left H i s p e o ~ l e without a witness! '

Acts 10:47 shows how those Roman Gentiles a t Caesarea in Judea received the Holy Ghost under the teaching of Peter, and Acts 19:6 how the Greek believers a t Ephesus did under Paul's hands; while 1 Cor. 12 and 14 show that this experience had penetrated even to the distant city of Corinth and was the common expe- rience among believers there.

S o much for the assertion of a special manifestation on Pentecost.

As to the inference drawn from the fact that in Acts 8:17 no record is made of

n o water." Pet- and John under whose hands

those Samaritans received the Holy Ghost had themselves bcen among the number who spoke in tongues in that "Upper room" experience on Pentecost, and as this seems to have been generally accept- ed a s the sign of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, from statements like Acts 2:4; 10: 41; 19.6; and 1 Cor. 14, it is reasonable t o infer that nothing short of those Sa- maritans speaking in tongues would have satisfied them that they had received the Baptism any more than it does a preacher of Pentecost in this day and time. Then also "Simon the-Sorcerer" who had been with Philip d u r i ~ g his revival and had beheld the mighty miracles of healing and witnessed the great joy of the converts on seeing the wonderful effect resulting from the laying on of hands offered to buy this gift that the same power might be given him. Now what did Simon see? From other events of similar character we are led to believe that it was the won- derful sign of speaking in tongues 'as the Spirit gave utterance. Hallelujah!

-4s t o 1 Cor. 1 3 3 we have but to notice that in verse 10 Paul shows he is speaking of the bringing in of that which is perfect. Thus we see that when the other two gifts between which "Tongues" are "sandwiched" have passed away as being n o longer needed, then and not till then will tongues cease, for when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away (! Cor. 13:lO). So when prophecies fail slnce there is nothing more t o be foretold, and knowledge (teaching) vanishes away, since there is nothing more to learn, then also tongues shall cease, as all shall again be of one language as they were before the confounding of tongues a t the tower of Babel, and tongues shall n o more be needed as a sign to unbelieveis. But un- til then they shall continue, praise God, a s the sign and seal of our inheritance in- corruptible and undefiled and that fad- eth not away. Hallelujah!

As t o 1 Cor. 14.19,26,28, Paul is only trying to correct some misuse of this gift and by no means condemning the expe- rience, a s may be seen from verse 5, where he says he would that all spoke with tongues; verse 18, where he thahks God he speaks with tongues more than any of them; and verse 39, which is the last utterance on this subject found in the Word, where he says, "Forbid not to speak with tongues."

I n 1 Cor. 14:19, notice Paul is speak- ing of teaching in the Church, when he says that then he desires the use of his olvn language that. he may give out in- struction to those who are before him as listeners. I ~e r fec t ly argee with the great Apostle as do all other teachers of this great doctrine and join with him when he says, "I would that ye all spake with tongues" (verse 5).

How many of you brethren of the min- istry of other denominations will joln him in this wish? Also how many of you

Page Nine

can with .hiin say,. "I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all?" Likewise, who of you will heed his ad- monition, "Forfid not to speak with tongues"?

Now, dear reader, I have attempted to deal with this matter impartially. from a scriptural standpoint. As you see, there is no scriptural ground for objection to this e~per ience, but much in favor of it. So taking the foregoing into consideration a long with the later events of speaking in tongues, prophecy, and visions a s seen and heard on every hand, I shall expect you t o briny in a unanimous verdict of "Not guilty," and turn the prisoner a t the bar free to, unmolested, c a n y on the grand and glorious work of preparing the "Bride" for the coming of the heavenly Rridegroom, which event is now immi- nent, as evidenced by this pouring out of the "Latter Rain," a s promised in these "last days." Hear on every hand the pattering of the rain drops in the "speaking in other tongues" a s the down- p o w becomes more pronounced, and the local shower becomes a general rain of wonderful blessing from "Pole t o Pole," and "From the rivers t o the ends of the earth." Glory t o God i" the highest1 Let down your umbrellas, come from be- neath your shelter, and let "showers of blessing" come down upon you till you too "Speak with other tongues" and are filled with "Joy unspeakable and full of glory."--Amos E. Wilson, E l Dorado, Ark.

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Page 10: THE LORD THAT YEALETH THEE - Holiness Preaching publications/1922_11_11.pdft11el11. "Cod has done the first thing and He can do the rest. No man shall touch hi111 now!' And God healed

Page Ten. T H E P E N T E C O S T A L E V A N G E L

The Result of Tithing.

Tithing is an avenue through which God has promised to bless all who prac- tise it according to Bible lines.

The following facts should induce all Christians to practise tithing.

1. Pay tithes, because God's WoFd commands you t o do so.

W e notice, in the following passages, that grcat blessing await all those that obey the Lord in this respect. I n Deut. i4:22, we read, "Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed that the field bringeth forth year by year." Prov. 3:9, 10, "Honor the Lord with thy sub- stance and with the first fruits of all thine increase; s o shall thy barns be filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with new wine."

Ma\. 3:10: "Bring y e all t he tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in Mine house, and prove Me now here- with, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough t o receive it."

In 2 Car. 95-8 , we read: "He which soweth sparingly. shall reap also sparinp- ly, and h e which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully . . . not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheer- f d giver." W h a t better inducement do we want than this? T h e Lord surely sets . Hi; seal of approval upon all those that give liberally to His cause. In God's plan giving is a grace. If God's people will enter into that grace a twofold bless- ing will follow, the character will be strengthened and God's cause will also reap the benefits. God asks nothing of man except it be for His glory and man's edification. The Lord is certainly glori- fied through our paving tithes.

2. Notire, that t i thing was given under grace and not under law.

I t belongs to the Abrahamic covenant and was instituted hundreds of vears be- fore t he law was ~ i v e n on Mt. Sinai. -4hraham paid tithes to ?vlelchizedek and Jacob also naid tithes. God, in giving the law t o Moses. "did not mention it as something new. but refers t o it as alreadv rxistinr. fo r H e said. "The tithe is the Lord's," nnt shall be. but is.

J rsus Himself commended tithing. W e read in Matt. 23:23, "Yc paxr tithe of mint and anise and cummin and have omitted the weightier matters of the law. judg- ment, merrv: these oucht ye to have done and not t o leave the other undone." If it was a pood thing under law it is still hctter under grace. T o love God ni th all the heart, mind and strenmh was qivrn rlnder the law: but Christ reaffirms it in Matt. 22:37.

Many truths in the Old Testament are =ndorscd in the NewTestament and Tith- in4 i s one of them. W e find mace in the Old Trs tament and we find it alsn in the Nel~. Tcstament. Praise the I.ord fnr it

3. T h e testimony of history i s in favor of Tithing.

The sarred h i~ to r i an Crotius savs. "From the most ancient ages a tenth has

bcen regarded a s the portion due to God, and that the evidences of this fact can be found in the religious beliefs of the an- cient nations." "The Arabians by law required every merchant t o give one- tenth of his frankincense to the priests for their gods." "The Phoenicians, fol- lowing the example of Abraham, gave a tenth of the spoils of war to holy uses." The Carthagenians, the Ethiopians and Egyptians paid their tithes t o their re- spective gods. If the heathen strictly d h e r e d to paying tithes t o their gods, how much more should Christians who know the true God, be not only willing t u t anxious to comply. with Hi s com- mand?

The church Fathers, Irenaeus and Cy- prian, taught their followers t o pay tithes unto the Lord. The Reformers. Aupus- tine, John Knox and Calvin, practiced paying tithes.

The Christians of today who pay tithes also add their testimony in favor of it and are g ~ e a t l y blessed in so doing.

In Minnesota there was a Presbyterian Church that called a pastor. They were to pay him a thousand dollars salary a year, but said to him. "We are not able t o raise over $700.00, and will ask the Home Mission Board to add $300." H e said, "Brethren, that is not right. If you will pay your tithes you will not need that $300.00 from the Missionary Board. I will make you a fair proposition: how many of you will join me in paying tithes for three months?" Twenty-one agreed to do so. A t the end of three months they brought in their tithes and it amounted to about $2,000. Tha t year they sup- ~:orted two missionaries. A revival be- gan, the church waq crowded to its ut- most capacity and a largc number of peo- ple were saved. W h e n the other members saw how the Lord was bless in^ tt?c twen- ty-one who were paying their tithes, thev all began to do the same. T h e Lord trulv opened the windows of heaven and poured out such blessings upon that church and great things were done through it.

A brother testified that he was in deht and no monev was coming in. H e mas distracted. but on r e d i n g Mal. 3:10 was ccnvicted and hecan to pay tithes. Be- fore long he was out nf deht and the Lord wonderfullv blessed him. and today he is civinp thousands toward the support of the gospel. Rememher that nine-tenths with God's hlessinp resting upon them will go frrrther than ten-tenths ni thout God's hlessing.

4. T o whom should t h e ti thes be paid? The tithes should not be given for sec-

~! lar work. such as repairs and church building.;. hut should he given toward the Pupport of men and women who pive 211 their time tn thr 120rd's canse. "The tithe is holv nnto the Lord." T h e Jews paid their tithes t o the priest. and whrn thev wanted to make any rrpairs on thc temple thev tnok up a special offering.

Some people often &$ve as an excuse

November 11, 1922.

fcr not paying their tithes that they a re in dcbt. My answer is, the best way to get out of dcbt is to pay God what you . cwe Him.

Dear ~ h r i k a n Readers: the cause of Christ i s suffering because many of God's people fail H i m in this respect. Our niissionaries are not receiving proper f;~:ancial support, the heathen are denied the gospel because there are not suffi- cicnt funds to send them missionaries. Cod is demanding that all His people hhould freely give to His cause, let us all obcy Him as loyal sons and daughters.

If all Christians paid their tithes there would be plenty of funds to carry on the '

Lord's work. Let pastors preach and practisc it and let all God's .people bring their tithes and offerings to the Lord, and thus ha re a part in the great work of evangelizing. t l ~ e world.

As you do this, the Lord will do a s H e says H e would in Mal. 3:10. H o w can the Christian withhold from giving his tenth when God commands him to pive. promising to bless those that obey Him? H o w can he be deaf t o the pit- iful cry of the heathen, Come over and help us?

T o this end let us meet God's challenge found in Mal. 3:lO. There are six facts nlentioncd here. - .

First. W e a re commanded to bring the tithes into the storehouse; that ought t o be sufficient t o the child of God.

Second. W h v ? "That there may be meat in Mine house." I t is evident that God does not want the church treasury emptv. H e wants His people to keep it full t o carry on Hi s work. Dear saint, will you do your par t?

Third. The test of God's Word. "Prove M e now." Hundreds of thousands have taken God a t H i s word in this respect and have always found that H e did what H e promised. If you have not tried Him on the money question, begin now.

Fourth, The promise "To open the win- r ' . u ~ s . " This sungests the multiplicity of I,lrssings that God will cause to come vpnn those :h2t obey Him.

Fifth. T h e result. "Pour you out such a hlessing.." God here does the pouring, and He nerer stops until the vessel is full r.\.rll to running over.

Sixth. Capacitv too small. "Not room to reccwe it." This means that the bless- jncs c i l l be s o great and numerous that the soul will not he able t o retain them, hut \\.ill h a r e t o share with others.

Titliing is a practical acknowledgement of the claims of God upon us and God txper ts 11s to meet these claims. If we do. God's blessing is ours. Remember, "There iq that scattereth and yet increas- eth: there is that withholdeth more than is meet and it tendeth to poverty" !Prov. 11 :24).-S. A. Jamieson, 1 8 4 Berenice St.. Chicago.

(This artic!e will he reprinted in tract form. Price 5c per doz., 40c per 100. Ordrr Tract NO. 692.)

YOUR STUDY BIBLE BY r o b wave wdud~.

A maweloonly enfichlng sefies of Blbla studies. glvlng wonderful unfoldlngs of the measage of the dlrerent books.

cloth, 179 page-. 61.15.

Page 11: THE LORD THAT YEALETH THEE - Holiness Preaching publications/1922_11_11.pdft11el11. "Cod has done the first thing and He can do the rest. No man shall touch hi111 now!' And God healed

November 11, 1922.

( Unity Essential I Jesus said, "This is hiy commandment,

that ye 1ov.e one another as I have loveJ you." "If ye love Me, keep My com- mandnlcnts," and, "If 5-e keep My com- mandments"-note what will be the re- sult-"ye shall abidc in hfy love." Again H e said, "\Vhosoever heateth these say- ings of Mine and docth them, I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock." This is the kind of a man

. that will be able to stand the storms that are now sweeping over the earth, and the kind of man that will abide in H i s love.

How many have spent years contending over certain points of doctrine, accom- plishing little, having failed to hearken to the sayings or commands of Jesus! A s a result they have lost their first love fcr God, and their love one for the other.

In the preaching of the gospel of Christ, there are certain sound principles that are always necessary and safe t o build upon, the new birth, o r new creation i n Christ, with water baptism accompanying, a holy a d Spirit-Med life' and constant walk with God, the gift of the Ho ly Ghost. the fruits and gifts of the Spirit, Jesus the great Physician, and the nearness of H i s coming.

S o many have tried to build upon cer- tain doctrines o r theories, often a t the expense of other scriptures. Apparently they may kave prospered for a while, though often largely by merely drawing "ready-made" saints after them, instead of winning sinners t o be converted to the Lord. Sooner o r later they find their message weak to accomplisll what they had hoped for; and find too, that they are unable t o take their follo\vers o r get themselves any farther than on a- side line. Possibly in their zeal, they had thought they discovered something new, but their message falls short, even thou& it may be included in the main principles of the gospel.

Often the right spirit has not been back of such a move. A spirit of pride o r cofitention, o r a desirc for leadership, ma\+ easily be mistaken for zeal, and lead men to contend over words that -do not profit.

Charity, t l ~ e grcatest of the graces, is so essential. I t is not puffed up, seek- cth not her own, it never faileth. Here is true wisdom that is from abovc. I t is peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated (a good spiritual thermometer), full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality alld without hypocrisy (See James 3:17).

How essential it is t o keep clean and pure, t o walk softly before God, and to keep on the main line, preaching the gos- pc: of Christ, which gospel Paul. said h~ \vas not ashamed of, for i t is the power of G o d unto salvation.

This message docs something for the believer, and tllc signs will follow. The world will see we hare the proof of being 3 true disciple of Jesus, if we Ilave lovc one to another (John 13:35).

"Behold how good and pleasant i t is fo r 1,retliren to dwell together in unity, . . . for there the Lord cornmanclerl the blcsr;ing, even life for ~ v C r n l o r ~ " (1'5. 133:1-3).-A H. Argue.



B y C. I. Scoield In th ls book Dr.

Scofleld glves the reeult of h ~ e life tlme study of the Blble In relatlon to God's fortelllng of h1S purposes for Is- rael, for the church and the world. The scripture references a re prlnted a t the bottom of the page. Sane and guarded. Complete toplcal and scriptural In-


Traclng every word of the text of the Klng James' verslon, and every occurrence Of the word i n regular order; together wlth a comparative Concordance to the Author- lzed and Revleed verslons, Including the Amerlcan varlations, also brlef dlctlonarles of the Hebrew and Greek words In the orlglnal wlth refcrences to the Engllsh words. Weight. packed ready for shipment, 6 pounds.

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A- velvet cardboard. Colored flowers A m t t o that appeala to every one who Wth whlte letters. Choke of 4 texta.

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O7L. J ems ~ h r ~ s t IS t he Bame yesterday. I and today, yea. and forever.

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m. 60. am, hcdnm. PrbDpaccCar- B o l d ~ h ~ o i d = .

Tmat In the' OhrM di.4 Lord. .+

~ o l l o w t b "LO. 1 a m m a -,- w i t h F

dry. H e c a r a t b

for ror ma* b m

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P a s be un- . to YOU.

' Able to heep. -Fear not. Ilt- ' ' tle Bock Jesus only. He d l 1 not

f o r s a k e thee.

Draw n i g h . to God.

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The lettarin la smhoascd In verY thlck mrl velvet In t f e richest d o r i n g % th. lowel pnrt of aseh letter darkened which glvu the mottoes moat strlklng efle& A Thls a d - of

aall texts M b e c o m l n

t % rz PhOep"laLuiec- t u r e r s i n r e

made ~ 0 . 1 1 7 100.000 of t h e . 2 36Q. h y . r

Chanreu Thin-

236R B e e n the Day Wltb

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Wlth Ua.

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806B. Falth nrlncs


S h e of most of these mottoes BlkxSY.


Page 13: THE LORD THAT YEALETH THEE - Holiness Preaching publications/1922_11_11.pdft11el11. "Cod has done the first thing and He can do the rest. No man shall touch hi111 now!' And God healed

dliknnt -(

Dwer of God. faat-Be atmnz. ?: heart be troubled., I be thy contldenar. e n t m , Pertprid O. ~ t t 4 - u ~ up for ~ o u r s e l v w

; b havaa .

h rill your heart be dm.

0 God.

thick whlte a b o a r d . .

236Q. R n y r Chanaw

A p l d w dealgn ahowlng C a l l h a I r

r ~ f 5 R h y ~ # L ~ p p p l c s In natural w lo ra Hilghly am-- ad. Text. In Ivory-whlte lettera en velvet

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With Us. Oardad.

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n u . No. 6 6 1 6 1 will oom. sgadn and readv-e

I O U .

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lost. No. SlZl-Seek the Lord whlle He may ba


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Cox- P r l a 18 wnts.

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Page 14: THE LORD THAT YEALETH THEE - Holiness Preaching publications/1922_11_11.pdft11el11. "Cod has done the first thing and He can do the rest. No man shall touch hi111 now!' And God healed

Page Fourteen.

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HE WII.I. co-. "For yet a llttle whlle, and H e tha t shall

come wlll come, and wlll no t tarry."-Heb 10:17. Chrlst wlll come In glory bright. On the clouds aglow wlth Ilght. Then wlth these words cheer each other; "He wlll come." 'rbough the m r l d may laugh and sneer. Let us st j l l proclalm W m near- Let us shout aloud the tldlngs: "He wlll come."

Refrain. Hc wlll come. R l s Word Bssures us, H e wlll m e . And will gather a l l the chosen TO their %ome; 'Tis of Hlm-the Son of God, Who once walked th ls earthly sod: That the Holy Splri t whlspers: "IIe wlll coma"

W e areC longing now to see That dear M u of Calvary, And we love thls precious promlse: "He will come." Christ who walked upon the sea- Walked the waves of Galllce-- We shall see, for God sti l l whlspers: "He will come."

Signs we see on every hand- On tbe sea and on the land, They procdm t h e blessed message: "He wlll come." And the s ta r ry vault above. Speaks these words of hope and love: "Watch and walt and be ye ready. "He wlll come."

Then In patlence we wlll wait While we're in the way so strait . F o r we he& tha t gentle whlsper: "He wlll come." And the early springtime breeze. And the buddlng of the trees All unlte to s ing thls anthem: "He will come."

-Wm. Burton McCatLerty. Tune: 'Come and Dine"

While I waa on my knees praylng. I suddenly seemed to be llfted out o f my body and carrled lnto space. I seemed to be travellng a t a rapld pace and a l l along the way seemed s o desolate and s o unln- hablted. I could not understand i t , but was so happy t h a t I jus t kept pralslng God and travellng On a t a very rapld pace.

All th l s tlme my course seemed upward but I could not tell for sure, when sud- denly, away OK In the dlstance, I could see a brlght I l g h t a n d ' m y speed seemed to Increase. I could not get my eyes OK tha t Ilght. so I steered s t ra lght for It and I was lost In wonderment and amaze- ment, when suddenly I dlscerned tha t there w a s more than one Ilght-that I t was a city I was comlng to. And oh! such a beautlful place, a grea t walled clty, the streets a l l paved wlth gold and the walls of J a s p e r - a n d oh! the beautiful gates and manslons magnlEclenL I wns carrled rlght over thls clty, then dropped down beslde one of the b ~ a u t l f u l gates.

Then there appeared walklng through one of these ga tes the most beautlful Be- Lng. His face shone a s the brightness Of the sun; Hls eyes sparkled llke dlamonds; Hls garment was brilliant, and Hls volce a s musk. Hls touch was sof t and ten- der, and a s he spoke to me and sald. "Why stand ye here Idle?" I could not answer him for a moment-then I sald. "Because no man has hlred me:' Then H e sald. "MY

November 11. 1922.

child go lnto the harvest and labor f o r m e " Then I recognized m y Lord. I saw ' Hls hands and fee t wlth the lmprlnt of , the nalls and the wound In his slde. And . H e sa ld to me, "I bore I t a l l f o r thee-- what hast thou done f o r me?" I sd4 "Lord, my Lord, unworthy a m I of T h y ' ' great love," and 1 fell prostrate a t H i s feet. Then R e sa ld to me, "Arlse and go back and tell t h e people I a m surely com- Ins back to earth agaln and i t Is not very long before my return "

I started to leave-then I s a w llghts Llke s k y rockets and I cried out. "Lord. w h a t meaneth thls?" and H e a d , "These a r e heavenly messengers answering t h e pray- e r s bf my chlldren on t h e earth." And a s I was ready to leave f o r ear th H e a d 4 "I want you to return another way." Then I dlscerned another Ilght, b u t very dlm. and I crled. "Lord what does thls meanP' H e sald, "These a r e adcked spirl ts t h a t do the devll's blddlng i n t h e alr." ,I com- menced to feel sad and gloomy and I crled. "Lord help me." He chlded my weak fa l th a n d I =Id. T o r g l v e me. Lord, but 5 can not return alone." Then H e sald. "I wlU go wlth thee"

W e started t o descend to the earth--and oh! the difference In t h e atmosphere I t seemed so dark and gloomy and seemed as ( though we were paaslng a lot of serpents hlsslng and snarling. The opposltlon w a s s o great that It seemed as though every breath you took was your lasL Un and on * H e took me tlll I could dlscern we were nearlng the earth. Then I looked a t Hls beautlful face and s a w H e waa weeplng. I crled out, "Lord. why weepest thou?" and , H e told me. "Over a lost world." Then ' "' I had my eyes opened and got rhe vlslon y ; of the seethlng masses of the people car- : rled on and on as i f In the power of ' some swelllng current, a n d there seemed no one to help them. As I w a s wonderlng what to do, suddenly I discovered a ma- Jestlc Belng standlng a t t h e forked road. H e called me over and sald, 'Come and help me check th ls awful surging maas of souls" I d d . "Who a r t T h o u ? ' a n d H e sald. "I am the Holy Splrl t and I have called you to help me. Are you adl l lngr ' ' I sald, "Tes" Then I looked a t H i s face and oh! such a look of agony a n d tears for a lost world. I w a s In such agony and t r a v a ~ l for the lost souls tha t I w a s a e a k i n my body. I could hardly stand up. I wept s o bltterly over condltlons .

Whlle I was weeplng I dlscernad a crowd of young people and they looked s o happy Then they s ta r ted forward a n J they seemed to be able only to advance so fa r , when they would fa l l back wlth such a sad look on thelr faces. Then they would assemble again and s t a r t for- ward but seemed to be defeated t lmc a f t e r tlme I crled, "Lord, a h a t seems to be the mat te r? They a r e hlndered from go- Ing forward" And H e sald, "There 1s something In the may hlnderlng thelr go- Ing f o r a a r d and receiving m y besL" I felt xery sad and I wept and crled. "Lord, can not I help?' B u t H e sald, "No. I alone can undertake." So I sald "Thank you, Lord. for thls vlslon." and 'I fdund myself crylng bltterly.

Beloved. thls Is the first t lme I ever ex- perlenced anythlng llke thls and I pralse God for It and glve Hlm a l l the glory.- J 1%. Runcle

BELSOBVIZLE, M0.--Glenn and i>alsy Rcnlck just closed a wonderful revlval Ilrrc. 37 found pardon f o r sln and s ta r t - ed for 1learen.-Mrs. Connie Drown.

Page 15: THE LORD THAT YEALETH THEE - Holiness Preaching publications/1922_11_11.pdft11el11. "Cod has done the first thing and He can do the rest. No man shall touch hi111 now!' And God healed

November 11, 1922.


I want to sound a note of pralse to God for H l s wonderful power to s a v e and bap- tize In the Holy Splrlt and heal a n old wrecked body. F o r 17 months I had been ~ n a b l e to do any work. and had no appe- t i te to e a t anything: and when I dld e a t I t would nearly klll me. I had been treated by several doctors. Some sald I had con- sumptlon: and one sald I t was pellagra.

, I got no help a t al l ; bu t ra ther grew worse all the tlme. B u t the dear Lord. In Hls mercy. sen t Brother and Slster hllller OUT way, and they told me tha t the Lord would heal me If I would seek Hlm and belleve t h a t I could be made whole. Sa I began to seek the Lord, and H e glorl- ously saved me For years I had professed to be a Chrlstlan: bu t when I heard the Gospel expounded I saw tha t I had been deceived. Oh, dear people, wake -up and open your Blb!e. and ask God to open your eyes to see the wonderful promlses recorded thereln; and the Lord wlll do for you what H e has done for me. Brother and Slster Mlller lald hands on me, an- olntlng wlth 011 according to J a m e s 5:14- 16. and the dear Lord touched my poor. frai l body. Now I a m galnlng strength every day a n d eatlng heartily. And t h e dear Lord baptlzed me In the wonderiul Holy Splrlt and flre according to Acts 2:4, a s soon a s I galned s t rength enough to pray. My usual welght was 140 to 151) pounds: bu t I bad become reduced to 80 pounds. But I thank God I a m dolng nearly al l of my work already. I a s k the prayers of the Evanyel famlly tha t I may be kept humble and In H l s wlll, and tha t m y husband m a y be saved. Pra l se the Lord for H l s goodness to the chlldren of men.-Mrs. Ollle L n d . Ragland, Wes t Va.

Xlsa Barnlce D. WWrf mrltes from Cape Palmas, W. Afrlca, "I a m worklng In the Nynabo tribe a t the same stat lon where I labored a h e n on the fleld before. The Lord Is worklng among t h l s people. J u s t recently flve men and thelr wlves came from the heathen town saying they wanted to do God way. They a r e al l llvlng on the mlsslon compound. Two of them a r e blessedly saved and thelr faces Jus t shlnc when they testlfy. The others a re seek- Ing to know the Lord a l so and a l l a r e livlng s t ra lgh t clean livep. The town peo- ple know It and nre n'atchlng their chance to trlp them and make them do wrong lf they can. Please Pray for t h e ~ e men t h a t God wlll work surh a a o r k of grace In theIr llves t h a t the? n.111 he mlghty witnesses to Hlm In this dark land.

' W e a r e llvlnir In a mud house a t prep- e n t and It Is very damp and, of course. very unhealthy. Rut we t r u s t God to take care of us until we ran have a plank house bullt. Please prn? t h a t H c wlll speedfly meet thls need. Two of our mls- slonarles a re much In need of a change and rest , and need to re turn to the home- la fd n s soon a s nossible."

BAYEOAD. ST. KITTS, B. W. I-Mv husband and I came here and s t a r t e i this work a s there mas no P e n t e c o ~ t a l hllsslan here. The Hollneqs people would not have US because we spoke In t o n p ~ e s and thelr Pastor eald t h a t we were of the devll. S o my husband and I rentcd one room and sald tha t we would Just srnx and pralse God and tell how hc had saved ug and baptlzed us In the Holy Ghost and flre. Before we had flnlshed s lns lnp there was Such a crowd ( I don't know where thev came from). I dld not h a r e room to sl t down. In a l l t t l e over two years we have bhlrty souls baptlzed In the wondertul Holy Ghost and flre. Two came out from the Hollness church. One has recelved the Baptlsm and t h e other Is tarrying. W l l n I was In the Tl. S. A. for a rest . a slster gave me a COPY of the EvanRel. There wa6 SO much food In It. I pot hungry for more; 60 please send m e some a s soon a s possible. Pray for u s and fnr my fa ther and mother, who are stronR Roman Cntho- Ilcs, a s I also wns. Rut pralse God. HF can break the strongest chains.-Gertrude Marston.



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Page Sixteen.

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A T C m , (The following report of a heallng meet-

Ing held by Bro. A W. Kortkamp of Alton.' Ill. Is taken f rom The Calro Bu1letln.-Ed.)

The heallng servlce proved a memorable occasion. After several persons had been prayed for. Pastor Kortkamp went down from the platform to a cot In the alsle. on whlch was Mra. James T. Moreland of 414 Eleventh street. Mrs Moreland was sald to be sufferlng from cancer of the bowels. Wlth Mlss Elsle Baker of Alton. a member of the evangellstlc party. and Pastor John F. Bryan of the local church a t h ls slde, the evangellst anolnted Mrs. Moreland and prayed. When the prayer was flnlshed, taklng hold of &a. More- land's hand, be Bald, ''In the name of Jesus Chrlst I command thee to rlse and walk.'' Slowly Mrs. Moreland arose from the cot, mslsted by Tdlss Baker. When she had galned her fee t her face was besmlng, ae she exclalmed. "I am baled!" 'Glory." "Glory: "Glory" went up f rom the cholr, from one slde of the audlence and then from the other. I n a few seconds what was almost a tumult of "Glories." and "Pralse the Lord*" was comlng f rom tbe throats of many i n the audlence. .

Pastor Kortkamp suggested to Mrs. Moreland tha t a h e could go home jf she felt tlred. "I am enjoylng th ls s o much I am golng to s tay through," w e t b e re- DIV. r -

Immediately a i t e r havlng prayed for Mrs. Moreland, the evangellst. went over to a slde pew Where Mrs. Jane Way P e w , o f . 226 Slxteentb street, was lylng supported by plllows. He r husband was s l t nng by her slde. She had been brought Into the church In a rocklng chair, propped up wlth plllows, but aoon af ter the servlce started. was placed In the pew. She too, w a s Bald to be sufferlng from a cancer. She like- wise. was prayed for. No sooner had the prayer ended than Mra. Perry started to shout and pralse the Lord. Turnlng t o her husband and thelr small chlld. whlch he was holdlng In h l s lap. she embraced them both. A aecoed round of "Glorl~s" and "Praise the Lords" roue up from the au - dlence. Agaln several women friends of Mrs. Perry's rushed forward and embraced her. As soon as the scene ended. Pas tor Kortkamp s a d , "Slster, tell the audlence how the Lord has healed you." 'T fee l s o good I Can't tell It," responded Mrs. Perry. and lmmed la t e l~ her hands were ralsed and a fervent, "Thank you. Jesus," went up from her Ups.

Among the others f o r whom prayers were offered was Mrs. Bettle W h r a n of 3113 Sycamore street. who was prayed for for kidney trouble. She testlfled '7 felt the Lord's heallng w w e r tonlght and be- lleve the Lord baa healed me."

G. T. Barnhlll of 2814 Sycamore' s t ree t was prayed for on account of an Injury

hls rlght knee. whlch he sald made It atlff H?, d d . "There Isn't any p a n . It 's all gone, and moved h l s knee back and forth.

At the conclusion of the servlces Pas tor Kortkamp prayed for several persons who were not able to be there but who had sent In requests. As he prayed he asked the large audlence to joln hlm, and severai hundred prayers went up f n unlson. Among those for whom speclal request for prayers were made, was J. E. Pfllnger of Vlenna. Ill.. a superintendent of the Blg pou r rall- road. He Is s a d to be sufferlng from a compl~catlon of dlaeases. and the doctors a r e a d d to have pronounced hls case hope- else. The request - brought to the church by a speclal messenger from Vlenna.

A YOUmQ MAX'S TEBTIMOBY. I wanted to llve right for a long tlme and

trled, but I could not do It. I s aw tha t there was somethlng lacklang: but 1 dld not know what to do. Often I would thlnk of the great judgment that was comlng. and would aulver with f e a r to thlnk tha t I had trled and could not Ilve rlght. T

November 11, 1922.-> I .

pel meesage our way. A tent W B . pitched.: , .:K4 I went b meetlng. I saw tha t they tmd~ & a o m e t ~ n g which I adld not have. I could j&& see the glory of God In thelr &en: and$'^,$^ I wanted If too. And if the Lord ever . '-' d4d get hold of anyone's b w r f He got hold ". of mlne wlth that awful convlctlng power. ,-Yi and I was most miserable. I went to the a l ta r and prayed, and all the reat of those ':. r who were a t the a l ta r prayed wlth me, but 2 I got no a n m e r then. But I kept on seek-' 1

Ing the Lord untll the meetlng closed: but ' : stlll I was not eatlsfled; and I went away +

from the tent mleved and @ad hearted. Bu t I kept on e e e ~ n g the Lord, and. bye and bye, late one September evenlng about good sundown. OE dowd by m e branch just below tbe house. I was praylng, and down came the blesslfig on me, and oh! ; ,what o happy tlme I did have by my self.

. So I went back t o ' t he house glad In m y soul: and I just had to tell I t to all of them. I kept presslng on further. and seek- Ing af ter the Holy Ghost, and about a month nf tm that, m I was praylng near the satme spot, the mlghty power of the Holy Ghost fell n w n me. That mu? better than all I do thank ' and pralse God for It. I t took me s Httle oder four month- Of praylnp, but I do not regret a bit of It. A ll t t le whlle af te r that. the Lerd called me to pr&ch. And I =Id. 'Tes. Lord. by Your grace and w w e r I'wl11 obey Your call." I am young, dust 18' yeara old. I want you all to p r ay ' f o r m e tha t the , Lord wlll give me wlsdom and knowledge to understand the Scrlpturea correctly.- . John Brown, Opp, Ala, R. A. ,

T E m o E Y O P A L-. - I was 'a. Lutheran for 28 years. All the

tlme m y heart's deslre was. to recelve a fleeper exverience from the Lord. "One day + I met n lady who s a d that s h e was Pen- ,; tecoatal. T h a t arard a r o u d In m e much' curloslty. I made 4naulry amund, but I never hear a m o d word for Pentecost c,r Some sald that they wcre cram. some that 'I. lhev w e n hvnnot l ra . and o thers sald that i

they were. "Holy Rollers" One Year be- ^ ' fore that I had drlven In a n allto wlth a n uncle paat a tent In Vlsalla I asked hlm wbat f i a t was and he =Id It was the place where I ouaht t o be, because they . ranre the "Holv Rollers." Curloslty took . me to n l l t t le Pentecostal Miwlon In Live Crrrk. I t was the last day of June. 1920 Oh. what a strange feellng: what Dowerful ~ t a y r r q ! I could feel the verv pre4ence of the Tnrd In thelr mMe . Such llvely ten- , timonles!

Tt did not take me lonc to be one of them. '

TVhm I came home. I knew thnt I was a different woman-BORN AGAIN. Glory to R l s name! But from that verv day m y trlals started I went every Sundav to Dire Oak, a drlve of 36 mlles. untll I re- celved the elorlous BauMsm In the Holy S ~ i r l t That was on the 17th day of Julv. 1920. 16 mlnutes hefore s r v m In the morn- Ins. P d s e the Lord' m a t a wonderiul chanae 3n mv llfe! The Blble h a s become a new book to me and becomes more and more the Wbrd of IAfe to me. Three months later I was burlee ~ 4 t h Him fn bautlsm. The devll trled to blockade every way for me to keep me from obeylnp Chrlqt'a commandment. and trled to sow doubts In m y heart because I had been! nprlnkled as a d x davs old baby In the Lutheran church But. nralse the Lord. every tlme I opened my Blble, I read. pent. and be baptlzed, every one of ;o",' On the -y to the rlver I lost m y sult- case contalnlna m y best clothen But clothes o r no clothas. I was determlned to PO throu&. Pray for me tha t I may be found falthful to Hlm and be able to po a l l the way through.-Slster R. Bonlisch. Lincoln. Callf.

Page 17: THE LORD THAT YEALETH THEE - Holiness Preaching publications/1922_11_11.pdft11el11. "Cod has done the first thing and He can do the rest. No man shall touch hi111 now!' And God healed

OEVIVAL l i W A m E , '., ap 1y.ttbsr ~01b.rbp A Rubytarisn of Cblago.

More than 2.600 came forward for aal- %Itlon and more than 1.600 were prayed for for heallng a t the great meetlng re- cently conducted in Mllwaukee by Raymond T. Rbhey. The joy of the people was con- tinual from the Ven' beglnnlns to the close of the warefare for souls.

Gervlces were held In the Yun lc l~a l Au- dltorlum. In Juneau Hall, later In Planklng- -ton Hall The hall was crowded. many belng unable to flnd seats and the last aervlce closed wlth the hall-ways packed wlth those earnestly seeklng a vlew ot the wonderful scenes a t the altar calls and the heallng servlces. The meetlngs lasted 1 weeks, wlth two servloes dally the last 1 weeks.

Evangelist Rlchey remalned In Mllwau- kee over nlsht to respond to the urgent re- quests of dlfferent partles to vlslt churches where contlnuatlon meetlngs were to com-

'mence. These places were In wldely sep- arated parts of the clty and In two and a half hours, he was drlven t aen ty two miles i n an automoblle and preached three ser- mons. In each of these places the bulld- lngs were crowded, although the raln wan pourlng. Heallng servlces were held In tmo bf the p l a r~s . Many conversions took Dlace, one belng a Jewlsh woman.

On each Saturday afternoon speclal heal- Inc servlces were held for the children. Mothers came brlnglng thelr llttle ones In Palth that Jesus would bless and heal them na He dld In the days when He was on earth. Remarkable testlmonles were glven of how wonderfully God had answered prayer. One chlld. whose head la18 over on the shoulder and for whom the doctors =Id an operation would have to be per-

. formed. but for whlch they could glve no assurance of recoven'. was miraculously healed a s told by the mother In one of the te9tlmony meetlnes.

Many outstanding and remarkable chlnss eppeared to tbose watchlng the proeress of the work. One was that raln dld not seem to keep the crowds away. Another remarkablp thlna was the laree proportlon of salvation carde s lmed bv Roman Cath- OllcS. On one nlcht the audlence was ad- dressed by partles In flve dlfferent lan- Wage8

Tn the hedlng servlces those who pre- aented themqelve- for prayer for heallng of golter marked Mllwaukee a s peculiar for thls allment. Most remarkable, was the faithfulness of God In answering prayer for thoce wbo held on for vietory.

On the closine nld- t the Splrlt of the l n r d waa uo mkht l ly present that two altar ralls were glven: also two extended perlods Of praylnz for the alck, a s Evan- eellst R l c h ~ y announced he would not close Ihe meetlns untll every one In need had prnyer offered for them. The responses- to the altar calls were

m l y remarkable The front of the plat- form was comnletely fllled and the alqles were blocked far back Into the audience by those who could not reach the front Tt was indeed an lnsplrlnq alght to see this great number of penltent eouls. knee'lng before God slnglne the old:. old "Song Pravef' of the seeklng soul. Take Me An 1 Am..'

~t the close of the m+etlnz. the great nudlence voted unanlmoll=ly to have the Rlchey Pnrtv return to Mllwaukee for an- Otber campalm.

The party becan a meetlns October Xth at Plttnbureh. Pa In tLe Carneele H111. and are to be In Fort Worth. Texas, No- vember lqth, In the Collseum, seatlng over

I 6.000 people

YDEPdsTED TO BE WIT'E D g B I R T " On Sunday. Octoher 8th. after an Illness

of slx days. Mrs. Mary Coxe. wlfe of Rev. John Coxe, and mother of Mlns Sara Coxc. of Indla. mssed away to be wlth Jesus. 7he famllv reauesta Draver for nrace to stnnd. e spdc~a~ ly f o r si?rt;r ~ a r a . Gho less lhan a year ago was bereaved of her father.

THE P E N T E C O S T A L E V A N G E L Page Seventeen

A Cydopedia o f Bible Texts and ' Subjects By Jamen Inglir

This is a complete classification of Scripture texts, in t he form of an alpha- betical index of subjects. Every subject will be found in it which has a place in the Sacred Volume, whether doctrinal, devotional, practical, ecclesiastical, historical, biographical or secular. T h e names of every person and place con- nected ,with any historical event i s given . T h e author has attempted to discover Every T e x t of Scripture belonging

t o each' topic. H e can not expect that he has been perfectly successful, a s an ahsolutely complete collection cf Scripture passages on every topic is scarce- ly obtainable: but the utmost care has been taken t o secure fulness and ac- curacy, and to make the book a complete index t o the H o l y Bible.

A splendid book for the Bible student. 524 pages. Cloth 2 2 0 postpaid.

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Bible Themes for Busy Workers. Close on 400 original outlines which have been tried and proved on both sides the Atlantic, by Chas. Inglis.

Sword Exercises for Heavenly Warriors. Outline Studies on the War- fare, Weapons and kindred themes, by Chas. Edwards.

Cloth bound. $1.10 per volume. o r $4.00 for the four. - T H E G O S P E L P U B L I S H I N G H O U S E ,

Springfield, Missouri

T h e cover for the 1923 Calendar is a work of ar t showing Christ knocking a t a door.

The Calendar itself contains the reproduction of 12 paintings by the great European artist, Ixmweher, who painted many realistic illustrations of Biblical scenes. Some of his originals hang in :he leading art galleries of the world.

A collection of interesting Bihle facls, translations of the Bible, and other items of interest relating to it a r e found on the back page of the Calendar.

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Missionary Department 1 -- --

All ofleringa for Forelm Xisalons and for the expense of conducting the Mlaalonary Depnrtment, should be sent by Check. D ~ L Express or Postal Money Order, made W- e b to J. Roawell Flower. Traaaurer. IS6 West Paclilo Btreet. Iprlngfield. Mo.. U. E. A

A M I S S I O N A R Y CONVENTION one year and In Gombarl less than one

F O R YOU. year. Elghteen montha ago we knew noth-

, ing of the people or language and now we Any Pastor who encourages the mis- are able to speak fluently and preach fmm

sicnary spirit in hjs people will find that any part of the Bible, translating a s we go along

in proportion as the missionary spirit "Besldes this. Brother Barney has trama- giows, so the local work will grow; tha t lated twenty-five hymns lnto the Bangalla a# the people give to migsions they will tongue. Nest we hope to tackle the Mamvu

hcrease their giving for the support of tongue and We feel sure God wlll help us. "You wllt be Interested to know that

t he pastor and the local work. There is a there 1s only three months more work on fundamental principle involved in this the motor road and then we wll1 habe con-

' ~ P i c h many pastors overlook. Enlarge- nectlons wlth the east to Rejaf. Aba. ~ o t o and .Jbabagl. Lake Vlctorla Nyanm and heart On One line bring en- Brltlsh East Afrlca. On the west to ~ 1 . ~ ~ -

*bi?gement on all lines. -The best As- gara. Rutu and Boma West Airlcb The "Sjhblies in the country ar* missionary ' roads will run ~ract lcal ly llke a cross from

arsemblies. ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ d of negl.lecting the east to west and from north to south con- nectlng Egypt and South Afr lca In view

, b a n e work. it is better supported and o r t h ~ s , we could use a motor the ' m'addition mbch is accomplished on the Lord wfll provide one. This would be a

foreign field also. meat help to us In gettlng out to the Recognizing this principle, it is our PeOP1e. so- 161..tooy M.U.

desire t o help all local assemblies t o LW. ~ ~ ~ t h ~ ~ B~~~~~~~ wrote as become truly missionary in spirit. As an follows: "The work Is golng forward. Our aid t o this end, we have arranned for potato crop was good. Our rlce. swe+t- short missionary conventions to be held Potatoes and cassava are all dolng well and

in any assembly that desires them. Mrs. ~ ~ ~ . " d i S & , ~ ; ~ (2 ",",""h',,",,t,? Vida B. Baer. who feels t he burden of the sands of them of all sorts and alms) ba:.e foreign field deeply, has given herself fo r just about finished i t If you were here these ronventions. H e r plan is t o preach 2; zgid see 'Or yourself that we

.the W o r d in an ettdeavor t o bring the peo- "Here a re a few of them. The whlte d e in to a deeper place of consecration a n b got lnto our house and af ter I had and a deeper walk with God. O n the , the window and door frames all sawn hst dav of the convention the made and placed into the walls t h * ~ NS;

played havoc wlth them. ~ l r s t ' I wen: lo field will be pre?ented, and. in a m e m e n t work and kllled the mama or Queen ant. with the pastor and deacons of the as- "CY a r e located In the center of the an t rcmbly, a missionary offering taken. T h e hf'lS of whkh we have had about ten nr

phn is not arhitrary. and the fullest co- tllPF:,"e ~ ~ t e ~ e t w ~ ' , " , " L ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n f " ~ operation will be accorded the Pastor and taln perhaps flve to ten tons of earth. the officials of the Assembly. We dug up all these an t hlns (whlch was

the time of sister R~~~ is in "0 Small task' and kllled all the queens. I pald ten centn a plece for them to the

Springfield. headed toward the Parific na t l r t s who dug them thht Is to the Coast. H e r plan is t o visit Galena, Kans., natlve who secured the iarge house of the Japlin. Ma.. and Pitcher. Okln.. where' queen f h t . Thls house measures about 8

short ronventionq have been arranced for. ~ t ~ ~ s ~ ~ o p i ~ ~ ~ n ~ h ~ e ~ C ~ ~ ~ b & ~ : \ : ~ O n November 7th she experts t o visit this caueea the natives to work faster and Ihe Kansas District Council in Kansas hetter and a v e s them mmethlng to work c i ty , K ~ ~ ~ . F~~~ that point on. she is for beyond t h d r ordinary pay. and they are

open to stop off at a n v assemhlp for a not 60 apt to be discouraged I t 1s hard work on account of the earth belng almost

few davs meetinrrs. W h y not arranwe a s hard a s cement. One large an t h111 we )a a few meetings in your assembly? have just completed removing (It wan, we are sure they will be a means of really five hms In one) contained Perhaps

75 tons of earth. I t took twelve men great h l eqq in~ to vnu and t o vour people. two weeks hard work to remove ~ t . -J. R. Flower. Missionary Treasurer. "After I had removed the queen ants

and hllln, I found that there 1s a certaln VICTOSY TM TEE COXGO. tree, the planks of whlch the whlte an t s

a-h .C Blpksns, writes from Northern ~ ( 1 1 not eat. though the bo rhg Insect

Oongo, ,,Grace, mercy and peace be unto makes little holes In It. 1 have cawed U P

Uee! J U p t a let ynu know we are about 1200 feet of thls klnd of lumber and

well although MISS ~ y o n s dld get an have and window frames Of I t

attack of fever ns she naually does. Other- 8,:; ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r " , ~ ~ ::c:;erTherefOre W ~ M we a re s l l qulte well

'Our work la progresslng and God It3 s Qordsn In tlu Congo. . h l n n us some frult. We chanced to see "Another trial we have had I s the dlf- the news of the revlval amonx the Mossi flcully of raking ordinary garden regeta- -ple a t Brother Taylor's statlon. Sudan bles. But on trlal we flnd that by bulld- mmd felt God wanted us to stop work wlth Ing a sort of table of grass over the veg- m r workmen and hold a ahort conventlon etable beds. the hot tropical sun does not r week of prayer. We had two weeks burn the small plants and leaves Juar about a m l e e and almost the whole number of enough SUII through If the grass Is thln. rmrkrnen accepted the Goqpel message the and now we have all sorts of vegetables tmmt they knew how and hare shown a growing. -1 deslre to become Chrlstlana. These "Stlll another trlal whlch has meant loss e r e In all, wlth our prevlou. workmen, over of about $?3O. a a s the loss of a smnll lL6 Mamvu How wonderful thl- Is when herd of cattle through sleeplng slckness ~s reallzes that we a re only In the Congo All my cows have dled except flve and two

Narrmba 11. .' bulls. Thls m u r great loss to as Irt Gad can supply more. I t m m a that the , cows I bought were mold to me by r G r a . who lled to me and a d d that they w e n +

from a dlstrlct 1 knew to be a d e dl- trlct to buy cattle from. But now I t seema he brought them from the aleeplng slcknem dlatrlct. brought them lnto the healthy dl- t r k t and told me that they were ?- of the healthy dlstrlcr Hence almost d of them have dled A cow In thla count- means. when In Iull mllk, about two' * three quarts dally for say three montha.

"Then about a month ago, someone w h had a dlsllke to us an mlaslonarlea (S0ra8 natlve I thlnk) polaoned my goats 60 that about thlrty of these have dled. leavlnc us wlthout mllk for our chlldren. We are thrown back on condensed milk, whla8 is about 36 to 40 cts. a tln can.

A mtth wlth -*a. "Our latest pest la an army of rats that

have made a rald upon us. We are bu@U nlght and day wlth traps and cats to .a- termlnate these pests which are COnVeYpm of bubonlc plague. And so you see, p. have r few adverae clrcumatances In .the work. But In It all we are p r a l s l n ~ O P God and beat of all we are learnlng Ipt to get dlacouraged. I used to give og easlly. but now I have a really holy ,+ termlnatlon to flght a h . Satan and eve* thlng that la a hlndrance to the advan-A of the work. Many d a m I a m so tlred Ulat I cannot sleep and I dmply have t0 p W for strength. Yet I never waa so healtln ea now and I am much heavler than when 1 arrlved In the Conm.

'%en our corn WM almoat rlpe. the baboons came to vldt ua and for aeverrl weelis they were able to ateer clear of nit rlfle. But a t laa t one noon. whlle I ram eatlng my dlnner. the natlve watchrnaa came and told me they were In the corn. 1. managed to get a good shot a t the 'chi& of them. I kllled hlm Instantly and jm can lmaglne the alze when I tell you 1 took ten men to carry hlm. Since then re have had no further vlsitn from them. .

6choo1 spildinC ~ o m p ~ o t d "Slnce last week's letter I have lpdm

busy maMng doors. wlndowa, ete., and r Saturday I completed (wlth Brother Bum ey'6 help) our new blackboards. You wollll be pleased with them. We brought p, black palnt from U. 6. A but I no t l cd the natlves uaed a very, v k y black a n or palnt to decorate thelr bodles and C thought If I got them to make me s e m of thls (Mlambo they call It) that It wo111l answer the purpose I secured some a d now I wlsh you could see the resul- flne blackboard. as good as any In the U. a. A

"When I bought my outflt I falled to b q some sand-paper, but God knew that a d the result I q we have r tree here wham leaves are vew much llke sandpaper. aH on t ~ l a l we fmd that It 1s a good sub.tl111lC Another thlng I dld not brlng wae glw& When my cowa dled I bolled the skim and feet and have a fairly good glue. 01 chlldren's school beglns on Monday w l a Brother J A. Barney a s teacher. T I t I m k a aonderful answer to prayer and tl* chlldren are so pl-ed. And so God ham helped us In Wlte of many trlals a l m the way.

"Today. flfteen Mamvue accepted ChrW a s their Saviour and many more are wnlb Ing to follow. And so God has begun t. work and we are prdylng for a real rb- vlval of Pentecoslrl flre thls way

"Davld McAllster Blakenev (aae t* monti-s), the flrst whlte baby born In them resfons. I s f a t and flourlshlng and is nd* l n ~ every day. God gave wife a w o n d e d dellverance, for whlch we pralse Hlm."


Brothcr and S ster L. M. Jacoba ab nounce that they are changlng thelr sL dress from Slswa Bazar to The Asaer, blles of God hllsslon. Gorakhpur. U. P.. I* dla Brother and S ster Boyce expect return to Slswa Baxar soon to take up t h d work aealn.

Page 19: THE LORD THAT YEALETH THEE - Holiness Preaching publications/1922_11_11.pdft11el11. "Cod has done the first thing and He can do the rest. No man shall touch hi111 now!' And God healed

110110 Tg. Txmz%A=s. 6.r 10 yenre a m the Lord called me

80 preneh the Qospal to the Tlbetans. I n 1196 I f l r s t m e h d the TIbetnn Border s t Taochow. and w s s loeated there tlll 1914. Studled the Tlbetnn language and traveled among the Border trlhea to some extent. bu t slnce the C h l n e ~ e work develop- ed more rapldly than the nheLan It mad- oally absorbed my tlme and energies to the neglect of the Tlbetans. B u t I never forgot my orlglnal call and often prayed God to ralse u p someone to d o tha t whlch I had Called to do. I was therefore hlghly p l e a u ~ d when my son. W. E Slmpson, ex- pressed a s t rong convlctlon t h a t the Lord had called hlm to labor among these UII- erangellzed people, and have alded a n d en- eouraged hlm a l l In my power to car ry ou t hlm convtctlons

When I returned to Taochow In 1918 WLI- llRm came wlth me a n d began the s tudy of the lnnauage a s he had opportunity. R a v l n a Ilved In Taochow from hls f l r s t to bls twelfth year he easlly adapted hlmself t o the cllmate and other condltlons, and &no easlly acqulred a worklng knowledge

' ol bnth Chlnese and Tibetan. Flndlng the ah lnese Clty of Taochow unadapted to the s(mdy of the language and the c a r r y h q on of a truly Tlbetan work he looked around for a better locatlon In March. 1920 when only 19 years of age. he came t o :hls place where the famous Lamasery of Labrang

' 1s located and rented a few ronnls In the 8uslness par t of the town, where Chlnese

'and Mohammedan merchants and traders rsslde among some thousand or more Ti- betans. The Lamasery Is Hke a small clty .of numerous temples and prlest3' dwalllngs where nearly 4000 Llvlng Buddha.'. Lalnne s n d prlesta reslde the most of the year Leter he got possession of a smxll dwell lmg l.o*,rc belonging to a Chlne*e frlend. am4 here he now llves wlth Lwa Chlnese I '%an~t l lE tS and another young C h ~ n e s o who

, I s s lv fp lng f o r the mlnlstry They hdve 911 n a o e good progress In the Iancuage lxs ldes Lrc4*lng used to Tlbetan %&ye of I lvlnc and maklng many friends -10: only among the local people bu t also anon: the ' multl tudt* uf Tlbetans who comc here n t

varlous t lmes from a l l par t s of Northeast T lbr t on buslness or worshlp or illea*ure.

% Whale rreparlng for Tlbetnb work thev have preached the gospel to many

'Chlneae and Moslems, many of whom b*%.,- col fessed fal th In the I d l d and 3 bavn recelved the Sp rlt. aflar.v.trd3 re- 4urnlaC' to thelr homes among tl e chlnese Many 2 betans have Iwarr? of 1:h11&t bnt mfually -4 th a grea t deal nf Indlfferrnre lm the beglnnlng of J u n e t h l s fear, urged 011 by i1.e Splrlt of Chrlat. t'1-5t tu,k thelr tents, beddlng, cooklng and eailng uten- tdls. supplles of Scriptures and traats, Clc'hing etc . packed 01, horkes . m l m I I ~ a%! t-+pan a tour of tha t 0 x 1 of N E T-be t lyln& eas t of the grea t hznS of > e l - k % v R ~ e r camplng wi h the m n n d trllbes a n 1 Lc'!lng them of J o d 3 11 11lc.1 C In whu 6 , t U for thelr sbns on the Cross EY t b r h l d Of J u l y they had thJ - v19lt-9 12 B O ~ L A ~ clrnps wlth the Gospel and r , : r c : to c( 8.lluue thls metho 1 of evzl ~ a l l r ~ n z * I I I -

tit the vca ther becomes too <-o!J tn camn Out 711e11 they return here '1l.J \p.=nd bhe wlnler recelvlng a l l who call and en- dsavourlng by a l l means to persuade them to accept Chrlst They knon the Lord Is wlth them for H e has already confirmed I l i a Word by two marked healings And 80mc Tlbetans have become lnterested In (he Gospel and would doubtless belleve on ahe Lord were It not for the s t rong op- mslt lon among thelr prlests and leaders

The work needs very much bellevlng Wayer tha t the p o a e r of Satan may be broken slck healed, slgns and wonders he wrought, and the Splrlt poured o u t In Pen- W L a l power on thls Pleld

W. W Slmpson

-8 Bandm I. orpar mrltes from Bastl. W. P.. Indla. "I a m very much lnterested In Ihe pmposltlon to Secure someone to go h u t the homeland s t l r r lng u p the people f: the subject of Forelgn Misalons Thls

a subject whlch has been much on my b r t . eapeclally theae past few months: ~0 mUOh so tha t I have longed tha t I


might be able t o ba In t w o p h k at the u r n s t l m a I know t h a t my Uio 019 Is to prsaeb the sospel bere In Indla, t o those who .It In such awful heathen darkness. I f 1t w e m not so. I should personally be most happy to spend my Ilfe pleadlng f o r lost m u l a of every cllme and nation. T h e grea te r par t of my recent furlough w a s spent In going about wlth t h l s purpose a n d I censldered It a grea t Prlvllege t o d o w. "I a m eanvlnced t h a t there I s mpch l a t -

en t power f o r mlsslons a m o n g t h e Pente- costal people. If thls dormant power were st lrred, w h a t a mlghty force would be put lnto actlon-young people would be weeplng wlth the .compassionate love of J e s u s pulllng a t thelr hear t str lngs. They would not be saylng, 'Must I apend my Ilfe In some heathen land-must I go?' No, they .would s a y ' I MUST GO!' They would say . L e t me go, before I t Is too late. f o r J e s u s Is w m l n g 8OOn.'

"Others who have home dutles. o r some o ther call, o r perhaps a r e too old to go. would be compelled to go to thelr knees In lntercesalon f o r a los t world. There a r e et l l l o thers whom God has blessed wlth means houses a n d lands. These would ge t t i e 'woe' on them f o r heathen souls and In the l ight of t h e eoon corning of Jesus. In the rapture. would be anxlous t e tu rn thelr possessions lnto cash whleh would glve them the grea t joy of sendlng out many mlsslonarles to tell the s tory of the cross.

"A touch of sadness comes lnto m y heart as I thlnk of the very probable f a c t t h a t there Is comlng a time,-not f a r off . when the monles and lands of many of God's chlldren wlll fal l ln to the hands of the aatl-chrlst a n d h ls folle.wers, In the days of the Great Trlbulatlon. W h a t re-

' g r e t s there wlll be when I t Is too late. "There Is another class. the people whom

God h a s called nnd to whom Qod h a s given abll l ty t o e r n money God bless these dear people. f o r many of them have caught the vlslon of a world that's los t and a r e sacriflclng of thelr hard earned salarles to glve the l lght to those who know Hlm not.

"0 t h a t the lndlvldual Chrlstlan. whole famllles of them, even down to the l l t t l e chlldren, would so g e t on f l re for God and get the las t command of Jesus-'Go ye, teach a l l natlons. every creaturee-so on thelr Kearts tha t they would bend cvery ef- for t to ge t the news of redemption through the blood of Jesus to every o n e of the nlne hundred mllllons of heathen souls In thls dark world WFat tremendous resu l t s would take place In one year."

FHE BLUE SWEATEE AFPBECXATED. b o m e months ago, a frlend In Long Is- land mailed a ladles blue sweater t o the Mlrsionary Treasurer. No word was re- ceived from the donor lndlcatlhg t h e l r name or address and so we could n o t thank them f o r it. W e prayed over the mat te r and finally declded the Lord would have u s send It to Miss Grace Kennlnp: In Nor th ,China We a r e just now In recelpt of a let ter In acknowledgement from MIPS Ken- nlng, a s follows:

"I have recelved a package sen t from you whlch contalned a very pre t ty blue sweater. I a m sure t h a t I cannot tell You how I appreciate It. no t only hecause I t wlll come In very handy th l s wlnrer. a n d serve a s a walst In the cold-days. bu t I t Is appreclated f a r more becaure nf t h e thoughtfulness hack of It. I ranlly cannot exnress my feellngrr bu t can a s s u r e You I thank you very, very much. I t Is not so much the plPt bu t jus t the thonght of really belng remembered nmnna an many t h a t means so much to u s when we a r e s o f a r away and tempted to thtnk we a r e a- bout forgotten by those In the homeland. Sometlmes le t te rs rome f e w a c d f n r be- tween. bu t st l l l use can feel tha t there a r e thoae who a r e faithfully holdlnp un up In prayer, fo r we feel the upllf t ond know tha t underneath a re the everlasting arms. Pra l re the T.ord."

Only a l l i t le ac t of thoughtfulness, b u t these Ilttle a c t s often mean s o much t o the mlealonary who Is f a r from home a n d loved o m &

Page Nineteen.

- w- rnXDED rs m u . -91 UcWh wrltas f rom Peru. "We am

&walslng Qod for open doors and anxlou. hear t s to recnlve the Word. A worker a d myself have Jus t returned from a mlssloa. a r y t r lp whlch we made to Huaras. t h e capltal of th l s Department, and I feel I t very Important to lay thls needy fleld be- f o r e the Lord of harvest and before Hla people. God gran t tha t H e may sed f l t ta send a Splrlt-fllled couple to preach the f u l l gospel to the hundreds of ready heart. i n Huaraz.

"I a m recelvlng le t te rs continually f m N w l e who wlsh to know the way .mom perfectly a n d who deulre the Gospel to be preached to them. If you know of any m 1 6 slonary who haa the call of God upon hie hear t t0.S. A o r to Peru. I would be e lad t o glve such a n one a n Idea of the fleld. I t s dlff leult les and I t s oppportunlt ls ."

Xbs Stnub, who Is ass 's t lng 81s- t e r Taylor In the work In Japan. and p h o h a s been glven charge of a small orphan- age. wrltea, "'Suffer the l l t t l e chlldrei (oi J a p a n ) to eome unto me and forbM t t ~ e n noy f o r of such Is the klngdom ofiQ4d.' O u r matron h a s been called to aqotlmr c l ty upon very urgent buslness and I have been le f t alone wlth the entlre uh at t en chlldren f o r the greater par t 0 f n f h 4 month. T o be sure most m l a s l o n a r h s s , t a Japan prefer to w e n d the hottest m o n m In Japan In the mountaln 'nstead of s p n d . Ing t h e qreater par t of the day cooklng over a ho t charcoal f lre f o r ten hungry youngatere. But. pralae God. 'All t h l n m w o r k ' t o g t t h e r for good to them tha t lave God. t o them who a r e the called aceordlns to H l s purpose.' - "God h a s been most fa l th fu l In prepat-

Ing m e for the work He ?as called me 111- t o Slnce I have been n Japan. I have been ab le to understand why H e had to take m e through a0 many p t range m t h & and I belleve SIe la st i l l preparing ma f o r t h a t whlch I s ahead. I almply could net t ake Japanese food until shortly before our matron w a s suddenly called away. N o s I not only e a t I t bu t am able to cook It. God knew I would have to be able to Ce th l s f o r the chlldren and H e underto& jus t In t me.

"Most of our chlldren a r e Chrlsttans. a n d onr mornlne avd evmlng hour of wnr- sh lp seems very beautiful. Our younNW chlld who has 'whooplng cough had a t ~ ~ l t e a tlme for two days, lying awake a l l n k h t . and ea t lng nothlng for two days. r t r a 4 renl encouraging to hear them p m y - e m God to heal her. wlthout any. sugges t lm comlng from me. J u s t a s soon a s they maw s h e w a s better they came to me and d d In Japanese. 'Thank you Jesua.'

"Our vlllage Is entlrely heathen, n M Chrl-t lans a r e reaarded as somethlnR te be careful of. Rut we t r u s t before lams t h a t God wlll move f o r us. H e has s t l r r d the hear t s of our young men n the Young Men's home and they a r e becomlng m l b hungry for Sod. F i r e have been d e f l n l t e b = r e d and baptlaed In water during t h e p a s t two weeks, and I had the pleasllra of of tel l lng some of them of the B s p t l ~ m In the Holv Splrl t fo r whlch they a r e t m r

seeklng W e t r u s t God w ll r a k e work- from among them to help spread the - pel In thlu d a r k village

"The lnndlord of the orphanage e x m b to ralse the reny we belleve. direetly dm3 to the fac t tha t a u r matron refuned U contrlbute toward a heathen festival. S h e w a s the only one In the vlllage mha re- fused. We have learned t h a t If we had about t W O we could put up a place of o m own and th l s would be two years' rent We had thought OP a smaller bu ldlng for al*rm $350. b u t we have nlne chlldren now an4 d o not know how many more may be nd4- ed. and feel we o u a h t to h a r e a place Cs recelve them and traln them properly, a d where we may be free from the rent i+- creases whlch abound In Japan a s well rs In the U. S A Do pray for thls. We feel It I s fo r the beat."

Send for a roll of Speclat Pentacoe(.l number of t h e Evangel. 2 6 caplw. lk. (cm& roc). roo C O ~ I W . $1.00. (- $1.16).

Page 20: THE LORD THAT YEALETH THEE - Holiness Preaching publications/1922_11_11.pdft11el11. "Cod has done the first thing and He can do the rest. No man shall touch hi111 now!' And God healed

Page Twenty. THE PENTECOSTALEVANGEL November 11, 1!lZ

Z U P A a A , OOlCLkCod blessed wonder- ' f i l l y In 9 weeks' meetlng. Pra l se H1m.-

J. E ' Combs and wlfe.

TOBOXTO, CAB--Our conventlon was m e of plorlnus \ lctory, concluding wlth a misslonary of re r lng of $5.000. Pra l se the Loid!-A. G. Ward. , -

BUCELm, ZUO-ln 9 yenrs God has bap- tlzed many ~ o u l s In the Holy Splrl t In th l s p1nr.e and has helped u s to bulld a new church.-Mrs. W L. Carrlker

OAY HILL, EOCKDALE, TEXAS.-A , m o d ~ o r k has been established; 15 baptlzed . tmlnta. several saved. a goodly number of

believers.-B. Cunnlnghnm.

A M d B I L t O . TEXAS- he slf t lng tlme Is on. and some are g o l n ~ ifn, havlng count- ed, the cost We have a very good Sunday . Srhool, f o r whlch we pralse God.-Mrs. - Bessle Prlce.

- , . . ' DLLLbBD, BIO.-Sellnrm School Some- ' Prnl re the Lord for what H e Is dolng here. ' Durlng 3 weeks' meetlng. 18 were snved;

11 were baptlzed In water: many a r e hun- gry for the Holy Splr1t.-Ed. Cockman and W. L. Stafford.

Z P E V X Z L E . IOWA-Just closed a wonderful meetlng a t Woodland, Iowa. the f i r s t held by Adel Boatrlght . 28 were saved. s n d 28 recelvrd the Baptlsm. U r g e crowds . were In at tendance al l the t lme P r a v f o r

a Rcm m8-a W. VL Al#D EA-

us t h a t the good work might g0 on.-k 9. Keller.

- ~ e ~ o r t k From tbe ~ i h ~ d . -:-

'1LhDI602r. IZL--Glad to report t h a t t h e Lord 1s s t l l l blesslng In Madlson. 111 Brother Klng conducted a 4 weeks' meetlng here. 11 were saved and 12 were fllled a l t h the Holy Solrl t 2 were baptlzed In water. a n d there wrre some wonderful heallno.- C L Langston.

mfl, TEIOR -On Oct. 2. Bro. Q. W. Lawson of Woodrlver, ill. vlslted th l s as- sembly, se t t lng It In order A pastor and deacons were elected wlth 42 names enroll- ed. Our S. 6. has 6 0 on t h e roll.-W. A. Spaln.


.KY. Convention adjourned W ~ I C ~ on waa the n leh t held at of Chlnnvll lq oct . 19th.

XOWTOX. TEXAS-Thls I s to *port tha t we a re In the mldet of a wonderful revlval In the cl ty of Houston a t 610% Preston. wlth Pas tor W. M Morwood l a have been sxved: 2.recelved the Baptlsm. and several nave been aonderfully healed and the revlval f l r e 1s burnlna In the m u l e o f the 9alnts.-Fred Gardlner.

1- The comlng together Of the sa ln t s , was

J marked wlth what w a s s o forclbly s t a t 4

DAVERPORT, O X L k J u s t closed a meetlng a t Carney. Okla.. where 6 got sav- ed. 2 recelved the Baptlsm and the sa ln t s were bullt up In the Lord. They a r e en-

' leralng thelr house As w o n as th l s IS .done. we expect to return W e secured 4

subscrlbers to the Evancel . Now we a r e 11. a meetlng here. 4 were at the a l ta r l as t n l ~ h t f o r the Holy Splrlt. We need . t h e prayers of the saints.-Evang. J. H. Dbll- k r and wlfe

~ T S E O B B , 0XZA.-The ra fn Is fall- ing. Never elnce the earl lest days of the "LBtter Rnln" have I heard such torrents of confmslon fall f rom Ups slalned a'lth a i n a s hundrcds of people wend thelr way to the llttle grove where prayer Is wont Io be made and where I came to nyslst BrO. Frank Wharton In telllng the tender story of Jesus whom I wlsh to mentlon flrst and h e t In th l s l l t t le report. I leave It wlth the recording a n r e l t o keep count of those sav- & and baptlzed In HI. Holy Splrl t a e n - Llo Dove.-Johnle Gertrlrde Brown 718 Belle Ave. Fort Smllh. Ark.

SWbB'Ig, LA-Just closed a meeUng, the f l ra t e v e r t-eld In the l l t t le town of Swartz. S were saved and baptlzed In wat- er. Many Interested Had t o close on ac- m u n t of no place to hold meetlng. Too cold outnlde. We g o to Burnlces on the 26th, then to Fros t Town on the 28th. On the lo th of November we wlll meet In t h e W e s t Monroe Baptlst Church for a f e w days meetings.-Ame!la Shumaker.

ST08EWA&L, -.-Have jus t return- ed from rneetlngs on the delta: f l r s t a t Str . Bayou. God helped in glvlng out the Word. Many saved; some baptlzed In the Splrlt. A t Belzonl, where Pentecost was never preached 6 were saved, among them a prominent man, who proposed to deed a lo t f o r a church. At Stonewall there a r e 50 salnts, preparlng to bulld a tabernacle. -D. P. Hyllaway. . --

m E CITY. O n k A member of .'the Assembly wrltes. "Thls 1s a new fleld

bu t tt-e dear Lord h a wonderfully blessed u s wlth a l l t t le assembly of salnts. Bro. J W. May held a 40 nights meetlng here. 7 were saved. 3 recelved the Baptlsm In t h e Holy Splrl t as In Acts 2:4. Two weeks later Brother H a y s held a 2 weeks meet- 1ng.-2 recelved salvatlon a n d 3 recelved the Baptlsm wlth speaklng In tongues as the Splrl t gave utterance."

BEISTOW, O K L k I want t o report tha t the salnta a t thls place a r e endeavour: Ing to establish the full gospel message In the hear t s of 'the people In Brlstow. R e have purchased a tabernacle. and. a f t e r holdlng two revivals, a re openlng u p a r e g u h r Sunday School. and preaching and p n y e r sewlcea Thls Is an oil town and fllled with many unbelievers: bu t God la st l l l seeklng out a people through whom H e can demonstrate H l s power. Please pray f o r us.-J. L. King

TULSA, O X Z W n September 17th wa opened our ten t rcvlval campalgn, wlth Bro. Bert Wllllams of Perry, N Y. In charge. Our brother gave forth the mes- sage d l t h poaer I t made un thlnk of t h e f l r s t days of the Pentecostal oufpourlng. The standard a a s lifted hlgh, and many were convicted of the trulh. Many new faces were a t the a l ta r nlght a f te r n lgh t aeeklng God for the precious B a p t l s ~ l o the Holy Splrlt. A large number were saved, and Rome recelved the Raptlam In the Holy Splrl t according to Acta 2:4.

The meetlna closed Oct 16th wlth t h e large a l ta r full of soul- aeeklng a f te r God. The results were prerlnus, and we can't pratse God enough for what H e has done In o u r mldat, and for aendlng Brother WII- llama to us a t such a needy tlme We a r e s u r e that the seed sown wlll b r ing forth ahundant rrultaae In the davs to come W e obtalned 5 0 new subacrlptlons for the Pentecostal Evanael. 0 for a world wlde revlval. Prayer a Ill brlng It. Breth- ren, p ray f o r un-Pastor H E. Bowley.

W E B B rum. Oct. I to Oct. 31 Inclunlve. - ..

Previously reported ............ .$4 G;", y 3.:; E. ................. ................... .Mrs. I. C.. PL ................... M r s . L . V . , N . Y .........-....... A. L.. Calif. ..................... L. J a . 111. ..................... J. B.. CallL .................. ; B. W. Ohlo .................... w. w.: w Va. .................. G. y.. Wash .................... ....................... 0. u. MO ............... M r s L. T, Wanh. Mrs. 1. F.. Kuns. ............... B . F W. MO .................. ................. W. R. P.', Calif.

........................ Total 84.921 1 8 Pralao thc Lord! .

b y J e s u s In John's Qoppel. "A new cnm- mandment T glve un to you. T h a t ye LOW one another" . . . "By th19 shall AX& m e r . -OW t h a t ye a r e my dlsclrlee;" and -6 pralae God, whose presence w a s f e l t throughout the meetlng, for the love t h a t was manliest and f o r tha t lndwelllng H o l l Gplrlt t L a t ~ u l d e d us.

Tbe meetlnqs were nucce=sful In many ' Ways, large crowds attending the nlght servlces, where s h o u t s of joy and team of reJolcInq rame forth. a s such men oC God a s Jacob Mll'er. W. .H. Slonn. nnC Wm. E Glles, b rought forth the Ward W God. Dlrferent "oplnlons of men" mere lald aslde a s we heard mlnlslera of o ther denomlnatlons say, "Amen," and "Glory t o God!"

The good people of Chlnnvllle nobly looked a f t e r the comforts of the vlalt!ng brethren. The Pentecoqtal Assembly oC Cbrlst of Flatwood K y furnished t h p q u - SIC a t the nle't rervlces They h a v e one of the best s t r lng bands In the south.-and a r e wldely known f o r thelr sklll a d d f a thelr cooperation.

The following o f f l c ~ r s were elerteU.fot the next term: A. F Mlller. Chslrmak'; H. L. Shumway. Set-Treas: .J . H. Stroud, S t a t e Evangellst ; Wlllle T. Mlllna~m. C. A Sapplnpton. A. J. Berry. S. V. Haruey.'and J H Stroud, Presbyters

Two brothers were ordalned, three r e ommended to The General Councll rdk'.fuil fellowshlp papers, and flve were llcenred t o preach Many new rr.qolutlons 'wem edopted !ntO our worklng-plans, aftqr"'+.ra f u l thought and dlscusslon.

A vote of appreclatlon w a s dven.. t h e outgolng officers. f o r t h r r careful a s elk a s prayerful handllng of the bualnesb f o r the p a s t year. and prayer was made fny the l r success the comlnp year an ,&hey take new posltlnnn In the fleld-q( L Shumway. Sec -Treae. Mlaml .W. Va

TOTTF.RV?T.LE, B- I , a. Y -A serles d 2 weeks of revlval aervlres led by E v a n p r l i s t s J M BufPum and J a m e s R H u m e l l of Hartford. Conn and P h l l a . P a respec- tlvely, have juct concluded here. Great Dower and b l e a 4 n c attended these meet- lngs and many were slaln under the pow- e r of God. F lve o r s lx were baptlzed lo the Holy Splrl t and there were seversl converalons. also a moqt graclous revlvlng a m o n g tne s a l n t s The seal of t h e Lord rested upon the mlnlstry of the EmnKel- l e t s nnd the mecnaae of ~a l r ' a t lon was D*

' e l a l m ~ d wlth v e n t p o n e r to the unsaved -Frederick D. Drake. Paator.

BPBINOPIELD. BI0.-The Smith Wlg- glesworth e v a n a e l l ~ t l c r a m p a l m In S p r l n ~ . fleld. prevlorraly notlred In the E v a n a q came to a close October 25th M e r t l n w were held both mornlnp and nlght f o r t e n dnyq The mescares were wonderful ex- po-ltlonq of the deep th lnps of God's Word and the trilth wan atr lklnaly and constantly l l l u ~ t r a t r d by ac tua l experiences nar ra ted from o u r brotner's wonderful mlnlstry In many par t s of the worln He p r e a r h d under the ronqtant nnolntln? of t h e SplHt and the tlde of fnlth Increased from t h e flr't meetlng to the I n ~ t A great nulpher of slrk, r r l p r l ~ d deaf, dnmb and bllnd wem prayed for and a ~ o o d l v number t e r t l t y to tbelr dellveranre The testimony at suf fe re rs to t h e lna tan t dellveranee from paln whlle br lng prayed for. was a s t r l k h g fea ture of every ~ e r v l c e t h a t mus t 'hmve br0uRI.t deep convlrtlon to the hundred. of onlookers In t h e Preat nudltorl~tm A la ree number nf handkerchlefn Were am- olnted nnd pmved over In accordnnca WltU A r t s 19.12 and many reuortn of hea l lns t h m u a h thelr minlstry were recelved. We a r e deeply thankful f o r the vlslt 0f:our brother. whlch war all too mhort W e want him to come aaain when God I- please'd CO send hlm t o us-Hermon L. H a r v e y . ' ~ s a - tor.

Page 21: THE LORD THAT YEALETH THEE - Holiness Preaching publications/1922_11_11.pdft11el11. "Cod has done the first thing and He can do the rest. No man shall touch hi111 now!' And God healed

November 11, 1922. - 1' ,

WZBT PLbPI11, X O r J u a t want to sound & not8 of Prafae for the goodness of God. I nave been dolng evangellstlc work thla summer and tl-e Lord has blessed my ef. form. In brlnglng In the lost. and In help- ing Bands back to unlty..where the enemy bad.sowed tares and han brought dlvlslon.

-=lent Into Ohlo In Aprll and had an old )!me refreshing from the Lord. I t was

place that had been apllt and respllt b y New Issue; but the sheklnah glory mettled on the place untll the old t h e ahout was In the camp. and the people wept ell over the bouse bccausc of the presence Of God. I am now a t West Plains, Mo. Am taklng a few days i e s t before launch- ing out agaln: but expect to be In the fleld soon. I a sk the. famlly of, God to Dray for me. Any one desirlng my eerv- Ice please wrlte me to t he above address -EvanKellst W. 0. McKlm.

OSWEOO, XAXS-We a r e glad tha t a f - t e r about 7 weeks cnmpalgn agalnst the host .Of sln. we can report vlctory. God ha s graciously met wlth us In the saving o f , souls and baptlzlng of bellevers and hedIlng of the slck and a deep Interest ye t prevalls. On the 11th day of September Bra,-.J.. A. McPhall and Bro. John James pltched a tent In Oswego, belng lead there by t he Lord and not human Invltations. There have been between 20 and 26 saved. 10 :received the blessed Baptlsm In the Hnly 8plrlf 7 baptlzed In water, others waltlng.. baptlsm. The meetlng Is atlll i n pmgress and there la much Interest. The a l t a r la full every nlght wlth people w a l e jng on the Lord f o r t he Holy Splrlt and salmtlon. The good Pentecostal people a t GI-etopa ha= helped wonderfully In thls msetlng by thelr attendance a t every meet- dn~. .and Untlrlng work a t the altar. There la such a wonderful outlook for Pentecost In t h l s town that Bro. J A. McPhall has 91 ved hls fam:ly t o thls place and rented r $lilldlng to. conduct servlces In and we are' eipectlnu t o organlze a n Assembly a t (hfa'place. We b a n t a l l Pentecostal 8alnt.U t o pray for us ti-at the Lord may contlnue Lo bJesa, mve souls and baptlee bellevers. 'klsp to heal the slck-W. W. Thompson.

YOWOSTOWX, OHIO-We a r e so glad t o report that the Lord h a s a g a l n unlted 1he' two Pentecostal Ylsslons of Youngs. 1ob.n. Ohlo, a s one. a f t e r belng dlvlded Zot more than slx years. The thought of mriltlng was discussed two yea r s ago . and agdln . last Fsll. but t h l s tlme the I a r d dld I t all. breaklng determined Splrlts. and mel t lnr I-earts untll we can onlv sav "Thla w&:the Lord's dolng. and I t li makelous )n alir eyes.''

fifatI-er Gmr re E. Smlth. former paetor befotb 'the dlvlslon. who for some tlme has DPPii'pastor of M n l t y Pentecostnl Church. ~dib 'n to , Canada, accepted a call t o re- tui.ii''f0''the Full Gospel Church (whlch he orvenleed s ~ x years ago) w ~ t h the hdpe of enl t lng the MlsRlona. knowlng God w'as worklng. Brother Smlth arrlved In Younga- town September 12th. Plans were soon put In motlon. rnd the las t s ewlce was held In Federal 6t. Hall, Sept. 24th. The Lord baa aonderfu1:y put H l s seal on the united Ylsnlon. The llttle basement church has been fllled each servlce. a partltlon must now be moved In order to accommodate the larpe member-blp; and we hope the church wlll be bollt Ln t he Sprlng.

The presence of tbe Lord 1s manlfest In meltlng power. kenrts a re blended togeth- e r .a3 one. a splrl t of love and harmony prevalls. The f i r s t Sunday mornlng the Lord was present to hral and bless, and cnwe down In such power that the pastor coltld not preach. be belng broken and melted wlth (he meorle. a s the elders from both Mlsslons served a t the Lord's table. no one who wnrr present a t these f l r s t unit- ed servlres could doubt but that the Lord was prc-ent I n real old fashloned poa'er. The rla'n of the T ~ r d are mnny. and some a r e pettlne throl~qh to the Tinntlsm In R1- mnr t .every rervlre. One rlster who hnd brpn ~ e e k l n p for pen+a. rerelv-d her haw tlrm mt the fir-t united arrvlvr. wh'rh we felt n.3- R plm n? t h r Cnrrl'r appmvnl. Yh.rk.llderr, nnd romc who were ptumbled l ucnwe of the dlvlslon a r e showlng new Ihterest.

THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL Page ~ w e n t y - 0 d r

Praise God for the day of "new thlngs" .for Pentecost in Youngstown. The enemy. of COurS% La busy also, and for the Inform. atlo0 of all, we wish It known tha t the one and only Pentecostal Mlsslon. etandlng fo r rcal' fundamentals In Youngatown. Is now located a t 2833 Hlllman St. under the name "Full Gospel Pentecostal Church " wlth George 1. Sml th 829 Parkwood ' ~ v e . a s pastor.-F, V, and C. T.

OPEE Pa= P~STOBAS WOBX. Evange.lst J . D. ML1:er and wlfe .would

llke to do pastoral work thl8 wlnter where there are a few salnts or small assembly. We prefer a place ahere part tlme could be devoted to evsngellstlc meetings In near- by communltles. Now In New Mexico but cpuld go to Western Tcxas or ~ k l a h b m a . Addrew In care R. 1. Box 65. McNeal. Arlz.

E E W YO- COEVEEROE. The Fifteenth Annual Conventlon of

Glad Tldlngs Tabernacle 83rd St. west of Etghth Avenue New ~ b r k City wlll M held from ~ r 1 6 a y Nov. 17 to b e c 8rd Two service. dal~L:-Z:SO and 7.46 b. m Sundays 10:10 a. m., S and 7:30 p. m. MIS- dlonary day and oKerlng Sunday. 26th Bpeclal workers.-pastor; Charlea A. Schreve. Waablngton 'D. C.. J. Narver Gort. ner Cleveland Ohlo Joseph Tunmora. Pit isburg pa.' Jam& EXward Howard Newark. k. J..' WlLIlam K. Bouton. ~ l u s b : In N. Y Other mlnlsters and mlsslore a r k s w l l i ba prasent. U1rectlons:-From Jersey o r Brooklyn taka Hudson Tuber or B R. T. to 831-3 Si. New York and walk two b locb wea t Ail elevated and surface llnes stop a t lard o r 84th Streets. From up or down town New York take Subwr to Pennsylvanla Statton. 2Srd Street on3 Elrh th Avenue and walk half block r e s t . Fo r further Informat'on a s to accomrnodn- Uonm, etc., leame Wrlte WCs Marie Bur- man 464 West (2nd 8tr-L o r Robe4 ~ r o & Prutor. 886 Wbst 14th Btr-f P(m York &tr.


P.rr f a r tb. 'klvxstlan of%-Famlly 'o t ., Mrs. L. B. P.-A bnckslldden fanner.-l lnsane daughters a mother fa ther And sm A bllnd wldow's 'son.-insane grandmothe< -A selfrlehteous unbeliever.-2 self r l g h t eoue famllles.-Father mother and B ch11~ dren.-2 brothers.-A; aged grandmoth8r. . Father and mother. ~ r r p f o r the gsaling o*-MY bov s ~ f h :

and trylng to pet back to GO^ - ~ r s . ' E. P. . W. golter and deliverance a t chlldblrth Mv"wlfe ~ r o w t h In neck. F. H.-T. J P: . falllng <ealth.-A elster of cancer of"th6 liver.-Mrs. C. J of nervousness- has a mea t sufferer from It: and tha i C-r EG may become stronger.-Mrs. C. J. of a c i a tk rheumatlsm -Sister S S . results o f . feet and limbs belnz almosi f;ozen l a s t wlnpr. Mrs. L B. P. Doc to r s ays a n onerauon Is neceerary.-E. S. Me. of somethin* llWe Itch. also a -bad cough. Glory to God f 9 r , henllnq. of chl1ls.-J A.' C. of mnlnrln.-': EFrs R. P. W. of a .t;rnor.-~n axed brather : of paralyzed bowels and lost eyeslsht.: P Insqne daught--8. Slpht and hearlna of B bllnd wldow. Ineane a w d grandmother. Inrane father. old mlnl=ter-W R 'of chmnlc' catarrh In all my body LM~;:' C C. L., (76 yearn old, just lost last of Hrlng klndred. a brother) severe ?xxlns In ragloo of kldneys and .heart, espec)ally aitef eat; Inr.

' Denver. Colo. Wrl te present m s t o r W. R Boyles. 140 w P-a-r r . . - . Denver. COIO.

SIGNS AND WONDERS " ' God wro#t in ths mlnirtrg f o r 4a y-

ap m u . n~ a. W O O ~ W O ~ ~ ~ - E M ~ . ,cloth, 584 page., e1.a.


Y U I ) w " m I Y I Y I " . Y I ( I W i ( ( * 1 1 1 I I w " " U Y l l l l


Always a source of b le ia tng The Promtees a r e nr ln ted o n dV- fer& colored a r t ' cards. Them boxes conta in 2 2 4 nromtma h s t e a d

o r the G u a ~ 160. QS cenu each, W.75 per dozen. P o s t p d d


A splendid bonk on the tobacco questlcm. Papar eom. a6o.

Page 22: THE LORD THAT YEALETH THEE - Holiness Preaching publications/1922_11_11.pdft11el11. "Cod has done the first thing and He can do the rest. No man shall touch hi111 now!' And God healed

Page Twenty-Two.

0 0 ~ P 1 I O X . P O L so- m POPSXQX XXWIOXB.

honr Ocf 14 U Ocl 3'7. induaIve. (Thh does not Include offerings for ex.

aea of Forelgn M l s ~ l o n a DepL) 1,414.00: Pentecostal Cnurch. Cleveland. 0. r

$66U.00: Smith Wlgglesworth Evangerlst lc

250.~0. be the l Church Fresno Callf 1~i .371 Chrlstlan ~ s s d r n b l y . ~ i n c ~ n d t ~ 0. 16O.e. Glad Tldlngs Tabernacle. k e w

141.14: Assembly Canton Ohlo. 128.25: ~ s s e m b ~ y : ~ a c o m ; . ~ a & : 125.00: Assembly. bayton. Olilo. 1 r ) i . L S : Ful l Gospel Assembly. Newburgh.

N. Y. $100.00: M. B. Houston T e x a s Glad Tld-

4ngs ~ a b e r i a c l e L ~ i b l e l n ~ t l t u t e . Sari Francisco, Callf: I. B. J.. Kansas Clty. Xans.; J N. R., i3rooklyn. N. Y.

(96.10: Pentecostal Assembly. Wllkes Barre, Pa.

85.00. Gravlty Assembly Arlel P a fi5.1~01 H. E. B. B ~ o t l x e ; reio ion la. N. I.

6.. For t Worth. Texas. 160.35: Upper Room Mlsslon. San ~ o b e , Cal.

60.00: Bethany Pent'l Assembly. Sprlng- Mass

Pent ' l Gosoel Mlss lon Mlllvale. Pa. vP:3?: 60.80 Fernwood -Assembly .PhlladelDhla. Pa.; Mra. A M.. Osage Clty. Kans.; a e r - man Assembly. R e s t Xew York. N. J.

(4i.00: Highway Pent'l Mlaslon. Bunnyvde. r a l l f

(44%.;'Full Gospel Aasembly & 8. 8.. hiIn- neapolla Mln.

t40.00: G.' A. D.. Norwood, Ohlo.; A. L & Brother Los Gatos Callf

Ss.84. Asaemblv w e l l i t o n * dkla. i35.00! W L. K . , ' ~ o r t h ~;ckson. Ohlo; B.

8. Zlon Clty. 111. s4 Bo. E D W. But le r N -J

fB€I:06: F: R:. ~&nherlal;d. kp'; CollInsville 8 8. Owaabo Okln.

16.60.'~ A 0.' Blater Bay Wim. . t t j . O F - l F h l ' ~ o ' s p e ~ ~ l a a l o ; 8. 8.. Muaca.

THE P E N T E C O S T A L E V A N G e L ' November 11, W22.

19.80: Assembly. Nordhelm. Texas. 8 9 63: Arsembly. Earle, Ark. 19.60: Mehldz Pent'l Assembly, Canaan.

N U .. . A-. $9.00: A. J. H. Keenesburg. Colo.: R L. B.,

Rocky Ford Colo. $8.60: L. B . ~ ' h n r o n Spr lnw. Kana.

? 8.14: L. F.. Havann. Ark 8.10: Granlte Clt Youne People's Org. I l l

$8.00: Mrs J. d S . Floyd Knobs. 1nd.i M M L. New Orleans. La; J. F. 8. Vrrsnllles' Kp.

t i . 6 4 : 9. S. '~ rnnkf le l r l Mo. $7 t h : E. 8: Begas Okla. $7.00: A friend ln' Butterfleld. Mo.: Mrs.

R R. New Castle Pa . M. B. Beggs. okla.:' C. S B.. ~nbi lnaki , wash:

$6.70: Asrrrnhly Franklln Nehr. $6 SO. J W. H..' Mnrvell. Ark $6.40: Amremhly. Rlvernlde. Callf. $6 2.5. Mrs. H. A. R . Ho'dre-e Nebr. $6.00! G K.. Tvlrr . Texas: Bfr; C. M. I..

nrm1n.s N. Mrx: F. L. Polnnd Ohlo. Mrs. I. 'P. H ~ o n r a e ~ l i y . Mo . Mrr 9.' PnvEnnah, &: Mrs. F. F.. ~ ; n ~ t t e n : --

t4.n6:"6 R.. Knobnmter. l o . 84 no: Chrlatlan Amownblv Clnrlnnatl 0.'

Vrs . M. C.. Rnlrlwln ~ n ; k CRllt: R. M: W.. Lo- Aneeles. CIIlIf.: W. H. R.. Sno- knne. Wnrh.: M. C . P o t ~ n u . Clkln: Mr. a n d Vrn. C. N. W.. Qiilnton. o k l a . : ' ~ . S. W.. Frnnk-ton Texna: Xrr . H. M. J. Hol- dreee. xehr.: J. 1.. P.. Ro-bom. Ark.

$2 7 : : I .C. R. Tnlna. Texas $ 3 7 0 : AJPCW~IK. Tnhlennnh. 0418. $ Mrr. E F.. Coarhelln. Cnllf.: A. A. E.

RrmFl?.n. N. T.: Mnrnnntha ~ s s e m b l y : PiillIran. >To.

$3 20: J . I.. I;. Rrlrtnw. Okla. $8.09: 9. 8.. Pnrle. Ark. $3.00: Zfrs. C. E. .I.. Bnlnrwlrk. an.: Mrs.

I,. T.. Cent-nl PI*-. Y T(t \Tr. and Zfrs. E. E. M. Oklnhoma CIt?.. War: 5. .4. G.. Tamnn. Fla.: T. C. .I.. Ynxnnotrr. 2T199.' Mrs. P.. P.. Slnhlcan Clvr. Tnrl.: C. R.' Mnnakln. VII : Mr.. I?. C.. Berkeley. ~ a 1 l f . i P-lend*. Enrllmtt. N. T.

$?.7?: S. 5.. Kew Cnrtl.. Texns f l R!: m. M. .I Col i~mh~ia . Gn.. f?.R0: Rf. C H:. Rvnrktnn. *In-n. f ? Sn: Mn. 5. N.. Cnmmcrrc. Tcxaa. f ? nn: C. M. R.. .Tcnnv Llnd. Ark. $! ? S : R A. T.. Wlnc'.e.trr. Texna. $!.!n: Arscmhlv. Trenton. Ho. f?.nS: Pr the l Ar-emhly. Pllxlrn. Wo. 8zn0: Mrn. A. A.. Ftnnlea. *[Inn.: Bfra. F.

F. 4nn Antonln. l e v * : C C. 3.. Rnnn- vllle. nfo.: 3. W. N.. Cnli~mhilr. Gn.: P R. l?. Wsrrlnr. Aln.: H. C. R.. Rnn Antonio. T r ~ n a : WT. s. n. Osbnrnr Krn- ' Q n.. Odln. 111.: W. B. 'a.. ~ q a l t h Texan: In

Toml, less $494 76, amount glven dlrect t o mlsslonarles by assem- bllea . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .$6.318 94

Amount previously reported. .... ..$6.0i6.69

Total to da te .... ............ $12.394.61

TagLEQVAEf, 0-We have beem been pastorlng t h e Assembly here slnoe May. Thls has been a hard place, bu t t h e aalnta have stood by wlth prayers and God h a s honored the e f for t s p u t forth. Qulta a number of aouls have been saved. a n d the work Is growlng Sunday School haa Increased from about 60 to 120. Erang , W. H Welchel h a s been wlth ua In 8 re- vlval. He waa used of God in a wonderfua way In glvlng out the Worb-20 .were aaved. 7 recelved the Baptlsm. 10 r e r e baptlzed In water The town la a t l r r d u never before. Any evangellnt eomlng t&h w a y write.-Paator R. U. Freeman, ,

-.-We h a r e ' l a a t cloaed o u r ten t meeting a t W l l l l a m s ~ lbd.. and t ru ly Ood ras wlth mlgl~w powef. T h e Lord used Brother and B l s t a Aahcroff dur ing theae meetlnsa M m y w w t h e slain of t h e Lord and t h e s o u b ' whb r e m saved and bnpUzed In the Holy Spldt. The ten t was full every nixht and m a w - wen, atandlng on t h e outalde. Some w b derful heallnss were done by the F o l l o d n g t h e m meetings we dedicated a r Rew church, on the comer of Howard and Sprum St. About th ree hundred people w e r s present and God's power rested on ua rk day. Brother Klst ler , our Dlstr tct Chalr. man, wan present and preached t h e dedlok tory sermon. God rlchly andnted . B r o t l i u Brommer of Washlngton. D. C and BrotC e r P a r k s of Chambersburg. P a . were a lao uaed of God. A marked fea ture pf the QI was t h e conaecratlng of about l b chlldrs. unto the Lord; and t ru ly God honored t h e hervice.-R. M. Jeffry. Faator, 762 Bpruoa 8t


X O V . OILA-We h a r e jao~ cloaed a t h r w weaka revlval a n d Rlble school; Brother John Goben of Lucas Torp w a s wlth us. H e waa mlghtlly u& sdt God In plvlng out the Word and praying f o r the slck. Many were reved and flllsd wlth the Holy Ghont a s In Acta 2:4. A number were healed of dlf terent dlaeanes. One woman who had not been able to dl#: tlnglllsh Sound for Years was mlghtlly healed and could hear the sermons. One woman. who had rheumntlsm so ahe could not walk nor tu rn herSelf In bed waa hent- ed and walked a half mlle the' next any. Another woman who had been deaf for Rev. era1 years way touched by the power of a W and could hear dlatlnctly a f te r t h a t A man who had r h e u m a t h m wan healed and now h a s perfect u re of hls body. A boy who had been totnlly deaf In one ear ras Inptnntly touched-could dlstlngulRh every sound. Tha t nlght found hls fa ther a t the a l t a r areklnp: the Lord. There wera many o ther heallngs too numemua to men- tlon. People came f o r many mllea to hear t h e gospel. Cod Is rlchly blenelnp o u r rex- ulnr aerr'lrem In the church ( r h l c h we m cently bought). W e wlll have a bnptlrmal eer r lce 811nday. Any .one in fellowship wlth the CoUnrlI Is lnvlted to atop and b wlth u s In meeting.-Paator Glenn E. MIL la rd.

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