
The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States. Free land was available to settlers in the west. What are some advantages and disadvantages of moving to a new location? Journal #18 Frederick Douglass Seneca Falls Convention William Lloyd Garrison Nat Turner Utopia Horace Mann What were the causes of westward migration? 1.New intellectual and religious movements. 2.Social Reforms. 3.Beginnings of the Industrial Revolution in American. 4.Re-emergence of a two-party system and more political democratization. 5.Increase in federal power Marshall Court decisions. Expansionists justified their views by pointing to the weakness of the Mexican government and economy. They argued that the Mexicans, whom many Americans regarded as inferior, did not deserve to keep lands so badly needed for American settlement. Expansionists were soon using the term Manifest Destiny to refer to the belief that God wanted the U.S. to own all of North America. Manifest Destiny 19 th century doctrine that westward expansion of the United States was not only inevitable, but a God-given right. The American claim is by the right of our manifest destiny to overspread and posses the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty andself- government entrusted to us. John L. OSullivan, New York Morning News, Dec. 27, 1845 Manifest Destiny Mexican independence spurred American trade with northern New Mexico. Santa Fe Trail American traders brought manufactured goods to the New Mexicans, while they offered horses, mules, furs, and silver. Welcomed by Mexican officials, the traders launched a growing commerce along what became known as the Santa Fe Trail. Mountain Men American trappers who explored the Rocky Mountains area in the early 1800s. There were many daring young American trappers who hunted for beaver pelts in the Rockies. Restless in their pursuit of furs, the Mountain Men thoroughly probed the Rockies, making important discoveries. Imagine life on the Frontier. People faced many hardships and difficulties on a day to day basis. List 3 hardships that frontier settlers faced. Journal #19 Manifest Destiny Santa Fe Trail Mountain Men Monroe Doctrine Andrew Jackson Missouri Compromise Oregon Trail In 1836, Marcus and Narcissa Whitman followed a different trail that led them to Oregon Country, this became known as the Oregon Trail. The Whitmans found an Indian mission in Walla Walla. In 1847, the Whitmans were killed by Native Americans who blamed them for a deadly measles epidemic. But by then, the tide of migration to Oregon was unstoppable. The Oregon Trail Albert Bierstadt, 1869 Beginning in the springtime at the western edge of Missouri, the journey covered 2,000 miles and took about 5 months to complete. Wagon Trains Journey West Emigrants traveled in trains in anywhere from 10 to 100 wagons and from 50 to 1,000 people. Why? The journey was a gamble that cost many their property and some their lives. Emigrants faced hunger, exposure, disease, poisoned streams or worse. The Donner party is the name given to a group of immigrants, who became trapped in the Sierra Nevada mountains during the winter of The Doomed Donner Party Of the 83 members of the Donner Party, only 45 survived to get to California. Nearly half of the party died, and some resorted to eating their dead in an effort to survive. Mormon & Brigham Young Do you remember what happened to Mormon founder Joseph Smith? Leadership passed on to Brigham Young, who was convinced that the Mormons could not survive among hostile neighbors. In 1847, he led migrants across the Great Plains and the Rockies to establish the colony of New Zion on the eastern shore of the Great Salt Lake. The Mormon Trek What were the causes of westward migration? Do you think a government has the right to displace the Native peoples of the country it conquers? Journal #20 Brigham Young Manifest Destiny Santa Fe Trail Oregon Trail Charles Grandison Finney Transcendentalist Grimke Sisters Sojourner Truth Why do you think Britain wanted to see Texas become a full- fledged nation? (Hint: Look back at our history with Britain) Journal #21 Texas won independence from Mexico in 1836, but Mexico wouldnt recognize Texas as an independent country. In an attempt to win recognition as a nation, Texas negotiated with Belgium, France, and Holland. But it turned out to be Britain most interested in Texass bid to be recognized as a nation. John Deere Irish Immigrants Mormon Trail Samuel Slater Eli Whitney Nativism John Marshall How did the revolution in Texas lead to war with Mexico? Led by Stephen F. Austin, American emigrants began to settle east of San Antonio, founding the town of Austin. By 1835, Texas was home to about 30,000 American settlers, known as Anglo-Texans. They outnumbered Tejanos by about six to one. The Mexican government invited American settlers into Texas, in hopes of developing and defending the province. In 1835, the Texans rebelled against Mexican rule and a year later declared their independence. Their new nation became known as the Lone Star Republic because of the single star on its flag. Santa Anna, a ruthless general who had seized power a few years earlier led his army north into Texas. His forces attacked the small Texan garrison at the Alamo, a fortified former mission in San Antonio. Davy Crockett was among the defenders of the Alamo. Mexican troops overran the walls of the Alamo after 12 days of cannon fire. Refusing to keep prisoners, Santa Anna ordered the defenders slaughtered. Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett were among the casualties at the Alamo. Remember the Alamo!! Santa Anna expected the slaughter to frighten other Texans into surrendering. Led by Sam Houston, the Texans drew Santa Anna into a trap. They surprised and crushed the Mexican Army at the Battle of San Jacinto. The defenders of the Alamo became martyrs. Texans elected Sam Houston as their first president. He quickly asked Congress to annex Texas. What problem is the United States going to have with Texas becoming a state? The annexation of Texas became a key issue in the 1844 presidential election. President Jackson privately favored the request, but he could not overcome opposition in Congress. James K. Polk Democrat Henry Clay Whig Polk was a slaveholder, and believed in Manifest Destiny. Polk reasoned that northerners would accept the annexation of Texas if they got their own prize (Oregon Territory). Expansionists after the 1844 election shouted "Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!" Polks rivals wanted him to be as uncompromising in acquiring the Oregon territory as he had been in annexing Texas. Polk wanted territory, not war, and compromised with the British. The Oregon Treaty of 1846 divided the Oregon Country along the 49th parallel. Polk angered many mid- western Democrats. Many of these Democrats believed that Polk had always wanted the boundary at the 49th, and that he had fooled them into believing he wanted it at the 54th parallel. Congress voted to annex Texas, which entered the Union as a slave state in Dec Polk endorsed the Texan claim to the land south and west of the Nueces River as far as the Rio Grande. Outraged, the Mexicans refused to recognize the annexation. The Whigs did not dare block a declaration of war they remembered the demise of the Federalist Party. Congress declared war on Mexico on May 13 th, 1846. American Advantages: Larger, Wealthier, and a Larger Population. Industries to provide arms and ammunition. Larger & better navy and artillery. Superb officers trained at West Point. Gen. Zachary Taylor Gen. Winfield Scott Robert E. Lee Ulysses S. Grant William T. Sherman Who is going to win the war? Gen. Zachary Taylor (Old Rough & Ready) at Palo Alto Gen. Winfield Scott (Old Fuss & Feathers) Enters Mexico City The U.S. navy helped American settlers led by explorer John Fremont to seize control of California. Until they legally could join the United States, these rebels organized a short-lived Bear Flag Republic. How did the revolution in Texas lead to war with Mexico? Manifest Destiny is the idea that it was the United States destiny to expand westward across the continent, all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Do you think westward expansion was truly the United States destiny? Why or why not? Journal #22 Daniel Webster is reported to have said of what is now California, What do we want with this vast worthless area? This region of savages and wild beasts, of deserts and shifting sands and whirlwinds of dust, of cactus and prairie dogsWhat can we ever hope to do with the western coast, a coast of 3,000 miles, rockbound, cheerless, uninviting, and not a harbor on it? Write Webster a short response about what California is like today. Journal #25 54-40 or Fight! Mexican-American War Sam Houston Stephen F. Austin Alamo Santa Anna Spoils System 1.What were the effects of the Mexican-American War and the California Gold Rush? 2.How did the Mexican- American War serve to heighten tensions over slavery? 3.What problems did forty- niners face in the California Gold Rush? 1.The 17-month war cost $100 million and 13,000+ American lives (mostly of disease). 2.New territories were brought into the Union, which forced the explosive issue of SLAVERY to the center of national politics. ~ Brought in 1 million sq. mi. of land (incl. TX) 3.These new territories would upset the balance of power between the North and South. 4.Created two popular Whig generals who ran for President. 5.Manifest Destiny partially realized. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Nicholas Trist, American Negotiator 1.Mexico gave up claims to Texas above the Rio Grande River. 2.Mexico gave the United States California and New Mexico. 3.U.S. gave Mexico $15 million and agreed to pay claims of American citizens against Mexico (over $3.5 million) Treaty was basically forced on Mexico. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Polk blamed Trist, for settling for too little. Nicholas Trist, American Negotiator But Polk had no choice but to submit the treaty to Congress because northern public opinion would not support a longer war. Tristyou fool! We could have had more land! Gadsen Purchase In 1853, the U.S. obtained from Mexico another 29,640 sq. mi. in southern Arizona and New Mexico. Americans bought this strip to facilitate a railroad across the continent. Wilmot Proviso David Wilmot proposed a law that would ban slavery in any lands won from Mexico. The bill passed in the House of Rep, but failed to pass in the Senate. WHY? Historical Significance: The lands won from Mexico increased tensions between the North and South. The proposal broke party unity and instead divided Congress largely along sectional lines. Most northern Democrats joined all northern Whigs to support the Wilmot proviso. Southern Democrats joined southern Whigs in opposition. But in early 1848, workers at John Sutters saw mill found flecks of gold in the American River east of Sacramento, California. Sutters Mill California Gold Rush Mass migration to California after the discovery of gold in To most Americans, the new lands in the west seemed too distant for rapid settlement. California Gold Rush Mass migration to California after the discovery of gold in 1848. Off to the Gold Mines At the Gold Mines Back from the Gold Mines Forty-Niners Miners who went to California after the discovery of gold in Miners first used cheap metal pans, picks and shovels to harvest the gold from the sand along the banks and bottoms of rivers and streams. This process was known as placer mining. Life was difficult for the 49ers: Few miners got rich. Crowded mining camps led to disease (Cholera & Dysentery). Lack of family life. No legal authority, they acted as judges juries, & executioners. Forty-Niners Miners who went to California after the discover of gold in Life was difficult for the 49ers: Few miners got rich. Crowded mining camps led to disease (Cholera & Dysentery). Lack of family life. No legal authority, they acted as judges juries, & executioners. Forty-Niner Forty-Niners Miners who went to California after the discover of gold in Placer mining soon gave way to more efficient methods. One method was to dam and divert rivers to expose their beds. Hydraulic mining, employed jets of water to erode gravel hills into long lines of sluices to catch the gold. 1.Native Americans were terrorized and killed by the thousands. 2.Mob violence drove most Mexican Americans (and Chinese) away. Those who stayed had to pay the foreign miners tax. In Oct. 1849, California held a convention and drew up a state constitution. The new constitution excluded African Americans, both slave and free. Californias application for statehood increased tension between the North and South. Historical Significance: Debate over the spread of slavery into the lands won from Mexico would grow increasingly bitter. Westward expansion became a major source of the division that ultimately led to the Civil War. America Achieves Manifest Destiny The United States finally achieved Manifest Destiny after its victory in the Mexican-American War. Yet, the long-term effects of the war served to highlight growing differences between North and South and set the stage for future conflict. The California Gold Rush To most Americans, the new lands in the West seemed too distant for rapid settlement. But in early 1848, sawmill workers found flecks of gold in the American River east of Sacramento, California, starting a mass migration to the region. Effects of the Gold Rush The rapid settlement of California had unforeseen consequences on both the territory and the nation. The most immediate effects were felt by the people who already lived there. Among these effects were discrimination and violence towards Indians and Mexicans. In 1848, miners discovered a precious substance in California: gold. Within a year, prospectors flocked to California determined to strike it rich. Write a short letter to your family explaining that you have gold fever and are headed to California to make your fortune. Journal #26 James K. Polk Gadsden Purchase Mexican Cession 49ers Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Wagon Train Frederick Douglass was born a slave in Maryland around He escaped captivity and fled to the North, where he became the famous and influential spokesman of the African American abolitionists, and a highly successful author and speaker. Compile a list of three question that you would ask Douglass if you were to interview him. Journal #27

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