
,The M. A. C. RECORD. Yor., IS.


~o spc:lk~r appcHring hdor~' :til

1'1. ..-\. C. ;ludicliCC was c n : r gin:n a 'l1 o r t! roy al WC IcOllll' than Dr. L. II. B<1ilc\' , of C orn ell, on \\' cllnes­tby en:nillg:. The ;II-mory WH~ wd l tilled :lIld U1C "l\o.:l1\iol1 ;;:'H'I, was the bes\.

After the inlrud uniull III 1'r..,,, . Sl1vdcr, Ur. lh ik\' 511i,\ Ill: "kh Illl;dl like a P!llll' ;~ kc II uuld w lle ll the 1Il0l:l.sSl'" is puun:d Oil,"

" You mus t han: all IIllo.:ro.::'1 in the work you undat;tkc; you must then put ,"ou r whole life or ~pirit, illtu t hllt work, n,)lL I1m"t huv L'rc ­spo;<:\ for tho.: m;;tcriab with which you work. ;l1ld ,:.'Oll IllUS! halo.: ;'l

co mmon s)'ll1pil\h,Y for those with whom rou lubor ,lIld for lilo"l' "OU are tn·illj{ to hdp." T his; in ,,\; ... rl W:t5 tile :Idtlrcss of the {,vt:ning'. The speilke r promi sed on the sta rt 110t to Sli.:k toodo5eh ' 10 his <;Ilhjecl. ;on \1 he didn·1. Bill he }!:!\e his '1\Hlicn<':l' s01l1eth in ;,!" to think :,h"ut a[ong- SClcrnl [iu{'s. 1\ is ;t!w:,y" a p!t:asllre to liSle !! t<) a mall w ho h :l ,; w.:complishcd thillJ,! li in lif t:. ;tllll Dr. Bailey is .:crt;cillly to be included in that number.

"The spirit o f:1I1 instilllliOIl is a re;;uh of the comhincd personalit~· of mall\" souls," said ht:. " Th o:>e m en \\"110 han' PUI their wh ole life in1fllh.., instituti oll will lile for CH: r in it,; Spirit. Thc n:ltllC,; of .\bhot. f.:: coll.k·. BeaL CIIOk, '["ra<':1 :1rld (I t her s will \iI'''' :I'; lon~ as Ih~ illsli­tUli fi n shall st: lI1d. 1~l\b [ic lif~' "lid politics do 110t <lppcal to 501l1c n f Ollr I\csl Illen simpl.1 I1t'<': :III"e tlt..,y ClIl1h)t put thei r be,;t spiril iUlu this kind of wllrk. T he w<>rk of Ihc tc:<.:hl'r carri~·s with it a t rel1l l'l1dnu;; rcspollsi hililY , lollt it t' arrit:;; <l bo a lI o llde rfli l oppurtIl11it~" "

Dr. Baiky spoke iHlere"tirlg;l,I' "f thc pt: r iod wher] Ihe t ide \1 II;; I" , ward til.: cilie;;. far m>; wert.: aIHl l]­dOlled and t.1I~· mechanic ,1rts HI, tractell " n::lt IHll nhcrs . Th.:re is nb less 11l'~11 now fo r lII~cb:l1lic~, Utll the farmer or p rcwlucer i." 111m nllll­ing into his own :1 '; Ihe tid t.: h as a ~I idlkd :lgriolilU ral Irt.:Hd : T he ute;." of CI'ery phase of ;I:{rtl"ultu r:11 edll cation should be 1101 to dc\'clop farmillg; , hut to help the man un th~' farnl, Th e matte r of Ol'c rhead or­ganiz;Hioll is ill ,lal1gL'r of being ovenlone. \ ·Vhat \I'e twed is to sttldy the conditions on ollr farms and thell proceed to help th(:l11. Org-ani l.:llio ll will be the result. hut sho ul l l no t be the beginning,

Dr. l3:tiley paid II tribllte to the etWillt'ers o f toda\' from wbom w e m;';'st look fo r ihe settlement oi great qucstions cOl1ccrl1ing wate r W'IY!!, mine!;, electr icit}', etc.

The spc:lke r told seve r;!1 amu sing incidents in connet.:t ion with his lahor;: 11I110n:;:- farm folk alld his ad­(I res;; was :llso cnlil-cned by a 1111m­be r of puemS o f his own prodll cl ion : for Dr, Bailey is a poel as wdl :IS :luthor, teacher al1ll lecture r. \V t: only ret,::n:t th"l he could not make a longer visil, but the dellHlnds up_ on his t ime are great and he left fo r the East i111111edi»telr after the ad· dress.



Th" mow loe5 d~ep IIp';on me groond. And" ,nters br1shtnen all around Decks brav~l~ 00.)1 the forts, S~re W,Ji,lewel. of <he brave old year. The coalll"g crowd \)1'0" ih" h,1l W "h rome new SPIT" ..,ems to ,hrill A"d ~lI lho: Itmplt bell . .. th,1tIO! fl.,ng OV' the gl~e of Chmlmu IIIne.

In. happy 1-00"",. tho: brown oak·bough V,esw rlh ,he red'iemmed holly now : And ..... re and there. I,~e pearls. (h~r~ >how n.. berroe. of the m,nl",~. A 'p rog " pon th" chandd,tr Say. 101h" mAid"", . .. Come no, herel" EVe" Ihe psuper of tht earlh so~ k",dly g,f, has clwtred 10 m, rth.


W,(h," h,s cha.mb.,r, d,m and .:o!d There 'I!' a graspong m,rer old.


He ha. no 'hought sav~ one of ga,"­To s"nd and sam(r and grasp and drs,". A pul of bell •. a merry shoUi,t hi, t&r he gazu 00' Up.on a world 10 h'm aU &ray. And snarh. Why.II ... ,sChm,masDay l·-

No, man of ,ce, - for <hame for !ham .. l For ' Chfl limu Day .s no mere nanw No. nOI for )'D\l !1m .. ngms char, ThIS fe.tal ..,ason of lh" year And rool f.,.. you the th,m~ of bells From holy lemple roll. snd swell •. In day and deed he ha~ no, -W ho holds no, Ch"'lmas m h .. hur~




Last Tu<.:sday ni~ht th<.: c nKinccrs o f this collt:~c dC1I10J1!:tr;llcd their 101'c fo r social th in}:"s by turning- out in a bo,l." for Ill.: Eng-i neering- So­cicl\" h:lIHltltl . All classes wcrt: rt' p~es~'nlt:d, ;Inti thc fresh ml'J1 :ltC ;l1Id laug-ht:d with the )..!"r:uhl­:1It:5.

\\'it hout:o doubl Ihi" \I";IS one o f the g:re;Hest l'ng;inccrillg turnouts for:1I1 ;,ffair of this kind that has cI\'r \.cc'n known in lhe history of this institution . ~\!1d. as in IXly' illent fo r the l:t r~e :11l!uU'lI of inl e r_ .:st :111<1 (·nthllsiasl1l "hawn, lh~' p ro · g-r,111l 0 1 tIll' l'\ t:llillJ,! p rov ed to be :1 f~':15 l of wit :lIld o ri ;.{i tHI1i tr. This ~'ol1lin)[ after a particularly p\(-ll ... inK a11l1 t,l"du l Ull·al pili ,til thc cng:i ­lIt:cr,. preScllt ill :t st,Hc of mind whl·rc th e\" wOllldn't h,wt: e,,' Ch:lllg; t:d th~·ir ehoSell profe~o;ion fo r thc pn,\cr hial case n f :\n Eg:Ylll iall ("otln.

T o he honest, :Hltl :II the s:mlC t ime jllst, Ihe big- Iloise of the {·I·CIl· ing- was Prof. \\. endt. li e h:llldkd lhil1"5 ill :t IltaSll'rl1' SI\'le, al1(1 SO lll l' o f tI~~· thinKS ht: slt id ' arc w ith us vet. lI e was toastmasl e r, amI when he introdutcd " our OWIl helo\'et! tlcall" 1 h ... 5~'elle was so louching- a lit! ~I r, \ r C1l\!t 's affection so sincere and d'tildlike th at it took liS hack to the tlal' II ht: n we bade our mother;; g-ood-byc, not expecting-Io see Them .1 g::lin fo r tllTei.' long months.

n~· :U1 I3issdl tried to Slick to his subject , " PraHl and Lo ss, " but sinci.' hc is only tea ,-hin&" it, he W:ISl1't in a position to s~y much along that line. Just the same, he s:lid some good thill;'::s, and we all ;;:lI'e him a mighl} hand- whell he sat {loll'll,

Ag-uin I'> ro f. \ .vel1dt ! T his t ime he b rill).!"s ottt Olle o f the ttl1assum· ing, quict men that h:ls his mind all madc up what he is going to talk abOllt. Y o u lIlay have guesst:d, it is Pro f, \-edd~r, H e tal ked, and brough l tears to our eyes too, and then g,lve us some good advice. h's s trnnge how much of that one gelS in collegt ,

~I r. \\' endt then said some c ruel

Ihill!;S :wd inlroduct:ll ~Ir. C urt:y o f the c1n:tric;t[ deparllilelit. l\lr. Corey W:l;;I1'1 " 11UI i(e thou::h, :11111 he " (lIlk.:.! back" much to the dc­li~ht of those :ls~emhJt:.1. Long lil"c }'Ir, Cort: I' ~

:\ ow ('omes-t he painful p.l r t. .;\1 r_ \Vendl ilitrOd\l~nl ~l:trtil1 lJe Glop­per ..• :'Il:trtil1 Luther" proct:cdt:d at OI1.-e to trent \I~ with .. fn\' o f Iti;l choict: jokt:s :1\ the expCI]:>e o f :'II r. \\-en.h, and th~'n mOSt lired \IS uut wilh a long- spiel hc h:ld nle1110riz..,d frum somt.: SU·school pape r.

:'Ilr. \\-cl l\11 sai\1 a fell" Ihillg ~ 10 Dc U loppl'r , !lilt! t lll'n til TIled tht.: m~·l.'lill.g: on" tu Prl'!:;. DiJlmll!1, w ho ill turn c'lllcd Oil PreS·elect Cummings, :'Ilr. Cummings luld:l story that h,rok<.: lip th ~' 111eeling,

In all se n ousl1t: s", lei us >::1\ tll:lt :'Ilr, Dillnl:Jn h:l5 1o ad"':1 good'pr,'si ­ckll t, an.! our en~ inccrin:.!" soeielY is booming; . Let tiS keep il \1p~ . \1\ ou r b,t1)q uet s muSt he ;IS ;'::0011 ns this all(". _ D.


T h{' .:'II. A, C. Alumni . \ ssoci:l ­lion of Gralal ILlpids phlll 10 g-il'c an illf0f1n:r1 d:lI1ein,l! pa rt) during the Chri s tmas recess , This party is to ht: !wld 011 the e\ ening- o f S:It­unl:I\', Oct:. ~s. at tbc Gmt'e 1"lri"h Ii ousc. A cordi~l inl· il ati(,n is c,,· tended to all Gr~nd Rllpidsstudel1ls nllw in collcge_ lIIul 10 :111 othc rs II ho may b.., in the city at Ihattime, to be preSent and help 11\;Jke the occas ion ;I Sll ccess ,

Tickets mn v bescctlrcd from -, \ . ic" Uay!is, at the :'Iiort011 Hou se, fo r tbis p:lrty, alltl it is s incerely hoped that cI'eryone inte reSled will mllkc Ihe most 'of this opportunity.

R C1Ilembl' r the \1ate a lltl pla.:e­::ia turday_ D ec. ~S, at thc Grntc Parish House.

The initiatio n of s i" men int o the EU llo mi:lI1 Litera ry Society 0 11 T hursday night was followed Fri · day evening with" \HlIlq llct III Chl b H , in hono r of the lIew members. This is something entirdr new in the history of lite r:t.ry societieS III 1\1. A. C.

:\0. 18


1\ reren t lmlktin frnm the l-. S . Bun'all of . \ l1illl:1I 11It!lI s tn' "LVt:S Dr. ;:\ . .-.: . .\laro, 'S.s. ~' n'dil' fO';. ill . trollucillg" ill!u-titt· Cuited '-':Iatt: ~ the arscllieal dip fur tht! .It·strucli,)11 of :>outht.:TlI <.'"II!" t it,;ks . Or. :'1111\'0 iJc\' ;';t.:d thi~ ,lip II Itile t:hief of tile dep;lrtntclll of :1l1i"w[ imhtst rl tlf tht: Cuhan [{ep u],lit, T he :Irseni­('rtl cattle IIiI' )ws ; lipb~'e,1 .111 nth~' r dips ill the SOuthe rn ,>t<llt:'>, :H1d 1t,IS prOI'~'n a ~ re:1\ hool1l1! t ill' sotlth.., rn callIe g; rO\\"er.

'CJO. ,-\11 lIpprcdatiol\ hauq llcl II : . ~

given atth~' Str:llfo rd Il o tel, Kll0X­\'ille, 1'':1111., all :-:'aturd:lY, Un '. 6, cOl1lpli lll~,tll :ln' hI I'rof. C h:lrles I:. F t:r r i.." '1)0. h':::lIl of thl' ,k'pMtmt'nt of ulcl:hallica l "' 1l:-;i lt"L'ril\~ ill the U II i ~'~' r"i t y l,f T CIl1l6l·L·. " . t· '1"ole frolH tltc /)l1i~I·.IollrJml (III.! 1 rib-1111<' (1-.:Ilu"li1lc) as f"iJuws :

"The h:lI1ljttt:! 11:1'; ~ilen 1Ii!:1 to­kcn of thc ~'Sl('em II un 1,\ 1 'ro f. Fcrris by hi" \I ark for Ilw 'gelic r'l l good o f the t1l1 i\"e rs ity \\ ith ~pet:i:rl rd.:rence I') Ihis :K,ti"ity ill "()111 plct_ illg arr'Ul~o.::mCI1tS wl1l'rdl) it is pos­s ihl e t" ;;ccurt: thc L"(lurlllcv ll il l propcrty for an .llhll·ti.: lido! (tor lhe Itni\'e rsit.I· . The piau tu S 'i~'urc II11S p roper! y for the IIlIi "c r"iI y 11':1", o r iK' inated by Prof. Ferri$, alld it w as l:lrJ,!cly Ilt roug;h hi .. dfurt." th"t the \ltlil'l' rs ity H.e:l[t) l'omp:ul)', which "cC llrel[ the 1:11111, 11':1:- prg:lI1i/l·,1 :lI t,1 i ts s toc k soili.

" :'Il o rl' Ih'lIl 111"0 hutld r t:d n1>:l11-IJlTS of thc IInil"rsity g':tlltere,1 around lIte ba lHI"l"I 1:llIlt',:lt I\hieh Prof. Ferri __ alit! ~ir~. Ferri:; wcre the ;,!"Iles ts flf hunur , and the hltll­'l UI'! 11":1", 'I thoroughly cnjoyahk· 0111.'."

'93 , Dr. \ ·CrllI.1! j . " 'ilicI dit.:d al the

Kal:III1;!/IIO :-:t:ttc llll~pit a l fr i<la.r evening- Ilf I:l st II n ·k . after ~l1 fft"f­in;.!" fr"111 br:li n Iroublt: fu r II1 I,rc tlWI1 two yC~I''' . \Jr. \V ilky l\aS abo a gr:ul l1:ttt.: uf hoth the li tcr:t ry :lIld medical departments of tht.: S\ :I\(' l!I1irl'rsily. _\ft ~'r g'radll:l tiu(f, hc W:15 IL',lchcr of S(il'Il{'e in the /.;Ul · s inK pllblicschool". :ontl :lis" prilKi. p:11 of the School for Ihe Blind fo r .. Ijmc. li e was fo r sCl"er:tiye:l rs in chllr g-e (O f thc.demol1 slra lin~ dt'p:lrt . ml'nt of "· ra), stlltI)" in th e Llli, I·crsity, and whcl1 III ken ill was head of this depa rtme nt ill the great Mayo hospital:ll R orht.:ster, )lil111.

'91· J. \\'. Pcrrigo is chief dr:lftsmull

with the Juhll S . .\lct ca1f Co. with headCJtlartcrs ;11 ~l ontre:l!.

'96. r h .specl1hltion has becli lIlade

rCCCl1ll~· by il1 (li\'i<lurrls, :lnd also thr0u,g-h lhe press, concc rniul! the :lppOllltmelll of a chief chemist fo r the U. S. Bun::"u o f Chemistry. The la s t report, which is to the e ffect that t he posi tio n had been filled, is ullt rue, lind R. E. Doolittle, '96, IS sl i1\ acting inlhllt ellpacity,

The M. A . C. RECORD .U."'."~D u •• v TU UDAY DOl"'"'' THI: COL"<"<

TU. U .. HI: "'CHIGM' .TAT. "'GR,CULTU'o. .. =LL".,,,

8 ..... ~"'UNCE. M ... ..... "' .. " Eo,'t"A


l!:n\er~d .u s&eQn,H,lOlllS 1I,all mflner At Lanllnll'. Mkb. Atldre8~ oU liub!l"rlp~lo,,& lind 1ld"ertl~h'iI

mane. to the ;\1. A O. lU·..('Ot( D, E""~ 1..11"_ ling. MiCh. Alldreu lilt contrlbutlon. to thi! ) 1""&lJlnllf EditOr.

Rtlmlt by P. O. ;<Iloney Order. I) .. !l.ft or R.f.1I:["terOO l.ette.. Do nOt li<!nd 5t .. "'I1",

BIlJI!lleU OM"!! with 1"''''Tenell '" Van Buren PrlI.tlnll 00 .. ~1tJ.~1: Grnntl A'"i!. };o., Lanshl ..... llleb.


W ISlIlxG ;,I!;\ ~lcrr-)' Christ­IlI:'S ami ;'\ llappy Xcw

Year. 1!:1\" n)u ;\I! cnjo" to the fullest (·-.:tcll,"the holiday ',"aClltion, rell.1i~,ing its possihilitics ,md not ftlrg-cllinJ,{ it.s opportllnilics.

N EXT week wi.!1 be published Ihe allnual short course num­

ber of the RI;;coltl>. This will COIl­

tain articles wilh rd~r~ncc to the various pha;;es o( winter cou rse work, and will he:. mailed to severnl thous.llld young 1ll<.:11 throughout the st1llc, Plans are heillg mlule for a record hrellkillg: class, and it is hoped that the men who COUle here for this wurk will receive the usual courteous tre:tl lllellt lit the hands of the "~regulllrs_" _No. 14 will be the last RECOHO untIl January i o f the new year.


Chas. McKenney, '81, the Chief Speaker.

the second allnual Bible Study Banquet was gi\-en ill Club I::. Thun;day evening ulld was attended by nC:lrly 50 men.

The members assembled in the Association rOOIllS at i :45, lmd shortly lifter eight proceeded to club E. where a tempting dinner awaitetlthem. After aUlp!e justice had hl!en done the excellent spread, the program of toasts followed , with [~rof. R yde r as toastmaster_

G. R . \\'heeler, the first speaker, g:lVe <C Past, Present and Fu\"Ure" of the associatioll work. A review of the past two years was gi\'en, something of present endeavor, and a forward outlook was given \'ery rapidly :l1ld interestingly.

"Uible Swdy for College :'.1en," WllS the subject assigned F. £. An· drews. :'olr. Andrews sought to prove th:1I ill ordc r to adv ullce most rapidly a knowledge of the Bib!e is esscntial, for Christianity lind lld­vanccmcnt go hand in hand. T he college milll will be called upon for leadership when he goes back into his home co mmuni ty. li e should be both prepa red and nllxious to do whal he call.

S _ M. D ean gave a most e)(cdlen t talk along the lille of putting Bihle study into practice, and gave some very concrete ways in which :l mun may gain or lose in character build­ing- hy his eve ry day acts. I f the Dible is studied aright, it canllot help but have its influence upon the young man.

Pres Charles McKenney was introd uced as a wise man because, first he chose 1\1 ichig<lll as:1 birth­place, and second, because he chose M. A. C . as a college from which to get his degree. He further stated that l\lichig:m had simply loaned

The M . A . C. RECORD .

him for the time being 10 our sister stat .... llllli that she had shown her wisdom by calling him again to be head of one of ollr g-reatest institu­lions-the State Nor mal.

Pres. l\!cKenne), is all ~xct:l l clll

speaker, and has ,llw;IYs dealt .with s tudeuts fro m the lime th:lt he laught in the {listricl schools o f :'.1 ichiglUl_ lie hlls, therdore, a per!;oll:ll sympathy for all young people which, coupled wilh his most cxcellc1!t tr:'lining and his execlllh e ability, has nHl(\e his sen'ices in de­mand.

:'.Ir. ?o.lcKcnlley g":lve rapi,lly sOlllelhiJ1K of the history of primi­tive peoples ,md their conception of ;} GOII anrl a creal ion . allll then pro­ceedcd to compare this ide:1 with th:lt of the people of Christ's time, and bv bringing it down to the pres­Cilt dmc sought to pro,'e that ill every agc pcop1e must adjust them­selves to the religious life of the times. Ih- his forcefulness and e:lnlestues; he held the close atten­tion of every Oll~ present.

Pres. ,\Ic"enney was the guest of l'>rcs. ,md ?II rs_ Snyder ulltil F r i_ day.


The first annual F,lnners' Club bllll<luet was held Decembe r loth lit the "Corner Grocery," Club G_ The dub room pro\-ed to be all too small to accomllloUatc the crowd of So or 90 hungr~ fat'Olers , and an overflow table had to be set up in ,mother cl ub. After a very abund· ant and satisfying rep .. St of rough, cottonseed me;.I. mneiline oil, tank­age, blubber, etc_, those present were enterluined by a pro~ra"l of toasts, rich in "wit and wisdom."

Mr. ,. O. Linton acted as "Post­master-" of the occasion, :md intro __ duced the speakers with an unusual quality of b rilliant humor. Mr.]_ I-I. lIaolilton was introduced :IS president of the club and gave a concise idea of its work and pur­pose.

"Farmer" French spoke of the serious necessity of such training ns the F:lrtllers' Club work offered, and gave six qu,llitiesesscntiul ill a good farmer.

Mr. K. !\J. Kling:er presented some carefully thought out remarks on the relation of studen ts and Farmers' Club. Dr. Giltner re­sponded to the toast," 1like Robe," with his ch aracteristic h umor. Pres. J. L. Snyder's remllrks were (Irawn from his loug experience with and obsen-ation on the (Ie\'elop­ment of college men, :llId empha­sized the tlecessit)' of doiug things for themselves and not dependi ng on the faculty 10 run their org:aniza­tions, such .. s the Farmers club. Dean R. S. Shaw conti ned his re­marks to the de\-elopment of the v:lrious technicnl cluhs in the ag ri . cultural division, and the rela tion of the instructional force to those clubs.

The spirit of the evetlltlg showed the heartiesl cooperation between student and faculty, the dom inllnt note of the e\'ening being that the Farmers' C lub was a student organ­ization perfectly cnpable of support­ing itself, but glad of lilly assistance f rom instructors and profcssors.

The first Farnler s' Club banquet was pronounced a grellt success, and everyone expressc{1 the hope that it might be made an annual af­fai r for profit, ple:lsure and the closer association of students and facult}'.


The anllual mceting- of the ~Iieh­ig':lll branch of the Nalionlll Hee­keepers' Association was held in the en tomoloJ!} building at i\1. A_ C . Thursdn} and Frici:ly of \:1st week.

Here some 30 or 40 members us­semblcd ,where they discussed impor­tant questions pert:lilling to Ill(' pro­duction of hone), in ~liehigan_ Olle of the most importalltqul'stions lliSCIlssed was that of legislation for lhe protection from hee disc{lses.

The visitors included mcn o f h igh reputation in their linc of work, onc of whom was Prof. 1\lorle)' Pettit, who is provinci:ll apiarist fo r Onta ­rio. Election of otlicers close{1 lhe prog.r:un of bu"iness 011 Friday, after which the visitors were COIl­dueted about thc g rounds1ltld build­ings on a tour of inspcction. It was decided 10 hold the next n1~,et­ing in DClroit.


A big- bllliquet in Club A mllrked the close of the Forestrr Cluh :lC­ti\' ities for the £all term . Th is was lhe Ihird oecasion o f its kind, ami Olle of the most cnjoyable. The room was tastefullv deconlled with white pille houghs, -and potted white pine ;lIld magnolia leaves furnished lable decorations. A fter the bounte· ous dinner had been disposed of, toastmaster Fletcher clilled to ortler and t he fOllowing pr.ogram was ca rried out : .

"The Colleg~ and Forestry"-Pres. Snider.

"Tilnber"-Dean Shaw. " Tbe \ Voods" - l\layor Gunson. "Associated Species " - 1 nstructor

Gilson. "Shade Bearers'·- Prof. Sanford. "Stllte Foreslry"-~ec. Drown. "Forestry Clllb"-Mr. Burt. "Camp Fires"-Prof. Baker_ The menu canIs were cut from

bi rch bark, aocl llrtistically hand dec­orllted.


An eXllminalion for clerk will be held ut the post-otlice in this city 011 January II, 1913, East L:l1lsing, Michigan .

Age limit, ,S to 45 years, on the date of the eXllmination.

l\'Iarried women will not be ad­mitted to the cxamination. This prohibition, howe\'e r, docs not apply to women who nrc divorced or th ose who are separated from their hus­bluuls and support themselves, but they :Ire eligiblc for appoillllllcnt 0111)' :IS cle rk.

Applicants must he physically sound. and male applicants must be not less than 5 feet 4 inches in height without boots or shoes, and weigh not less than '~5 poullds without ovcrcoat or hHt.

For applicatiou blanks and for full information relative to the el(­amination, qualifications, duties, sal­aries, vacutions, promotions, etc., <\dd ress immediately,

A. LOlilSE MlI_U-:n, Secreta ry, Board o f Civil Serv ice

Exal)liners, Postoffice, East Lan­sing, Michigan.

---l~ rof. Eustace metC. B. Tube r­

gen, ' I I, 1\1. T. Munn , '12 and Y. T. Bog ue, '11, at the meeting of the \Vesterll New Yo rk H o rt. So­ciety recen tly held ill R ocheste r.


As ReViewed by the Saginaw Courie r Herald_

\\ 'e quote the following- para­praph s from the above n:llllell papcr concentillg" . I>rof. Ihrrows' Bird Book:

"Prof. \Valte r Ll. Barrows has finnlly completed a nd issued his g-reat work," Michigll1l Uird Life." Prof. Barrows is professor of :wol­ogy in the l\IichigllU Agricultural College, East Lmsing", .md is one of the noted orlhinolug:ists of tbe coullt ry _ [n h is kn ow ledge of thc bi rd life of :'.lich igan he st;IllJs in a class alone-no one approaches him, :lnd h~ is the suprell1~ authority. the public.tlion of his work, the unremitting bbor, re­search and s tud v of vcars, is a most notable evcnt. - -

ul\lichigllll Bini Life" is issued :lS a special bulletin of Ihc Agricul­tural College. I t is a !:trge volume, SZ2 pag-es, 70 IIllcolored pl:ttes <lnd 152 tcx t fig:ures , wei~hl abollt fOil r pounds_ In hound cloth fo rm it may be obtaillcll by ;lny one who scnds Secrl'l<trr Umwll {A . 1\1.) East Lansing, 95 C<.: IHS; paper co\'­ers So cents ; s\;!mps C1Ui not he ac­cepted_)

"Aside from til<' technical cha r­acter of the book, which has been so admira bly clarified by thc author tbat the infor mation cOllvey ... d is readily understnndable by the :n'c r­ag:e btpnan, the introduction by Prof. Bnrrows is of itself ;UI inter­est compelling monograph, eO\'cr­illg as it does absorbing- dcscr ip­tiolls of the topogn'phy of the state, its clinl:l te, the distribution o f 1)lant, :lllilll:ll, :Iud bird life, recent changes in the bird li fe of Ihe state, helpful sugg-eslions on how to sttldy bi rds, :lIId the usc of the keJs to thc various species, the whole concll1d­ing wilh a fas<.:inating d iscussioll of bird migration, which is prohably as sensible and r(',tsonahlc in its treatment of a subject. alw;!ys popu­\arty my stcrious as anything- y'c t written thereon. T o this latter topic Prof. Barrows brings knowl­edge gained from patient invcstig-a­tion and exploration du ring the past 15 ye:n:s, so that he is able to elimin_ ate much that was fanc}' , supe rsti . tion or inaccurate ohsernltiOIl. This introduction would be worth\· of permanent addition to thc literature of the s tate.

"Michigan Bird Life is:1 work that has been badly needed, and it is a most useful and practical con­tribut ion to :l subject inere;lsingly ilnportant and heretofore neve r ade­q uately tre:tted. ?-.loreon:r, it I~ars Up\:Hl every p:lgC the st riking im­press Ihat it is in t ruth a !lIbor of love, !lml worthy of all honor that it mar bring t<? its {Iistinguished !luthor."

' 13' 13. C. " 'IcCunly, '13, h .. s bee n

with the !\laci:Zellzie, M:mn & Co., Ltd. , since last April which com_ pany is doing construction work fo r the C an;ldian :-.l'orthern Ontario R y. In connection with this wor k he

!ll~~ b~~~l ;~~<~11:~' ~~:tr~:~e~~~t;la~li resident engineer in the absence of that official. There is a good de­mand for men with a \\'orkina' knowledge of civil enginee rin g, bu~ as the thermometer drops to 55 be­low at times, McCurdy thinks he ..... ill mO\'e farth er south llnd finish his college cour.;e.

The M. A. C. RECORD.





CLASS Largest and Best Ass ortlllellt or Novelties '"

Neckwear, Fancy Jewelry, Gloves. Hosiery. Etc. \rc l'arn- (;Icn-rhi!l" '" th .... line uf .A cordial

. . . extended the Co!!~ge . " Inntatlon " to

Announcements, Programs, Invitations, Etc. people ..

to pay us a \ ' ISlt.

\\' {' sperl:lli/ ..... on illllil-iJllal orders for

Fille :;raliolll'n em bossed Qr printed

LANSING , MICHIGAN 'Ohe Mills Dry Goods Co. -


Pair Shears FURNITURE t-A LLO\V us the pleasure of showing you " nift: the finest collection of Ladies' and Gentle- ~;lf{'t.'i Ra;o:or_ FOR YOUR ROOM

~ men's Furnishings ever brought ro Lansing.

t:III~ltl·. AumSlr<>p. E'·" .. ·I{.·",ly .. "d ~:"d~r~ . ~ 10 ~.·It:"t rm",

We specialize '" furnishings foc College Iloll~-s am! S trops Cots Folding Beds trade. .. \1wa\·s find the latest Sweaters, S:IWli

'" II:unmers Matresses Mackinaws, Rain Coats, Caps, Hats, Shirts I-l atchets

and Neckwear at Chisels Book Cases Desks Screw Dri\-ers

MIFFLIN'S In fact, :tnything you need in banlwarc you will til1\l _ ;mtl :It priet·s to suit -:H ALL GOODS DELlVER,ED fR, f[

Norton'S Harowar6 M, J, 8. B. M. BUGK

ABOUT THE CAMPUS -"""'" ~ ~1 rli. Coffell {'Illcrtuincd :It ill'

for1ll:.1 Ji ' lller Friday of bst Wet:k. COl"e r". were laid for eight.

Prof. .\Ilderson was J oillg: insti­tu te work in the northl'fn pan of the stllte two or tI1l"c(' d:'.'"li Ihe past week.

Ins tructor ~I usselm:1II will aUellcl a three tlars' session of the Ameri. can Asso"ci:ttioll of A!(ricllitllral EI1~iuecrs, Dec. ::6, -::i alld ~.s, ill Chic:lgo,

A. 1'. K n'ntcl, our geni:11 illstnlc· tor in wood shop, has recently pur· chased the tine homc directly oppo· site the campus formerly owned hy ~apt. T:q)pan, allli expects to occu py It SOOIL

TIll: PhylclI!Js held dc(: t ion of olliccr" for the wiutcr tcnll tJ~ fo l­lows: PreSident, \1. \\'cstvcld; vice·president, H, L. Fralick; ~e("­rc tary, II. Zicl ; trea :>urer, A. J. \\'ilsoll; reporter, II. J. French: llltJrshai, B. J..:., Ku ck,

Ahout $-\0 worth of nell' mus ic has just bee n purcha:>t:ci for the hand , It is planJle{1 to Kive sac red COllcert:> el"ery two weeks during the winter term. These concerts will he held in the HrnlOr}' on Su!\(layafternoon, and will take the place all that d ay of rcgul,l r chapel sen-icc.",

At:1 business meeting o f the band held reeenth', \\'In. J..:.iefe r was re­elected malliige r, and Ned Lacey was chosen assistant man:lgcr. H ereafte r the same plan will be fol· lowed as thllt of the :lIhletic board, the assis tant becomi ng malwger in his senior year by virtue of office,

Chas, R_ced, district supen' isor, II' ith hcadqu:l rte rs at Il owell, spent ;1 day or two al \1. A . C, last week.

Prof. frank C:lrleton, of the de· p'lrtmt"nt uf econumics :\1 Albion. was ,t .:olleg-e visi tor on Frill:.}' of las I wCek.

.\Ir. Baldwin secured a tille photo­g r:rph of the samples of forge work Fri,i:ty, w h ich s:uLlpks <Ire the re, suit of the d;tss exercises in farm mech"nics the past term,

Fred Hitlddl, who h:\s been do­ing ksling for the D:t iry depart· ment during the summer :lIul lit II , fjuishcd his work the p:1St we('k, ano will renCw his college 'work next tcrm.

Dr. C, E, \lar~h:lll, now of Am­her"t, "LI .~,.., hl\ .~ been 0 11 the s ick li"t for ,;everal week"., ,;u ffering from llll attack of pnellmollia, L1I~l repor b were to the effcct that the doclor \\,:1 " on the gain, hut he ha<; been a very sick mall .

Prof. Lintoll, Bell Por ter allll B. A. J..:.nowlc:> llttemk'l] the annual wimer fair 'tllIl poultry show helll al Gu elph _ Ont., the past week. 11r, Linton spoke before the Ontario F,mciers Association, which was hcld in conjunction with thi" biro

Field Agents \ Vhite :md Tyler were at H art <l1.d ~ I uskeg'on the past week ill connection with the one weck fanners' cou rses, Mr, Ra\'en :mel Mr. ~)"e arc in H udson this w ee k, and P rof jeffery, Mr. Ravcn and ~lr. \\'hite go to St. Johns ill connection with the work at that place .

T. L. But(llI"ill, wife allll little SOli

h1(\' e been the guests of the fo r mer'S mother IItHl famil\' on Albert A\·c .. during" the pa~1 \\'·~ck.

il)!;\rueior Denison sl1pplied :IS teacher of agrkulture ill thl' OtSCg"o hi;.:-h sl·hooltwo(\<I.I"S the P<lst week. }'Ir, GC:lgley was ahsellt taking civil >tt'n' icc examina tion .

!\'ii ss Zae Northrop. who WI1S obliged to uJlderg:o an operation for :lppcndieitis some time ltg'O, had so far recoverell as to be :11 her lk'sk in the Bacter iologic:11 department for :111 hou r or so Frilby.

The Delta Club will be closetl for 011e week during' vacation. ,\mol1g those who will probably rem3in here during the holidays "n-.\ I es~ r". \-on !:::iuchtc1in, \\ 'ard, Jcallo, .I.uni. son, Biullc r ,md Simpson,

R. G. lloopingarner has sent to the zoolog-ical depa rlmcll1 a fn:ak lil-lll mO\lse, hal"ing six It:gs. The animal is norm:11 in co lor, browll , except thaI portion of hi;; :uHltomy to which the :uldition,,1 legs :Ire at­tached, which is white.

J. If. Prost, -04, city forester of Chicago, was a colleg ... \' isi\or one day the past week. I n company with l\'lrs. Ella FlrIgg Younl-:". Su­perintemlcllt of schools in Chicllgo, :l1ld seve ra l memhers of the Board, 1\1r. P rost has s pent , ollle time ill Boston and other cities, lookinj!" iu­to th ... matte r of heautification o f school g rounds. T he Bo;lftJ arc also considering the :Id \' isahility of establishing an ag ricultural school in Chicago.

Progr1llns ;Ire out fo r the 1\ inler term, Students 111 :11 thlls hare time 10 worn' 011 \ 11 full-schedule before ):111. 6. -

Skatin~ on Red Ccdar ahOVl' Ihe d;m) now oct'upies the Spa re mo­rnellts of the bo~ s , IIlld SOllie colleg-e stmlellts are :1150 t:lkint! 11 g-lille to pllt them in trim for ('x;uns.

Thl'scllior 10 o'dock part\· wa~ g-iven SuturdilY night ill Ihe a':;sem. bly roOtl ) of the ,t;.::ricultural build. i ng, and \I'a,: a mo~t ,·njQ.\':lblo: :Iffair Pro f. :Intl ~r r~ . .K iug: ;lnJ' [nstr\lctor :Iud ~i rs. Coffeell were patrons,

I~bns are und ... r wa\' Ill' sel'eral s.enior fore s ter:. to ct1:lllcng ... thL' sen ior f() rc .. ters o f th ... L"nj'· ... rliitr uf l\lichig'":11l for" fricndh COllkS! in the id~-ntifica,illn of llOods hy the u ; c of pocket kllife :Hld 1"l1s onl)". The plan is tn dlOOS(: I wo St.'niurs from e:ll'h school. :tIld an opportun. ity g-il· ... n to illentify 100 sample blo.cks from four to si x inches syu:tre. The OIlICo.m... will be watched with interest.

T he dil'i .. ioll of veterinary medi. cil~e ha~ reccil' cII, from liml- to time, slupml."lllS of models from Berl in. The I:~st. is tha.! of. a horse's eyc, some SIX Illehe!! III dt:.meter. Quite a portion o f the hcad is al90 indulled 011 the mount, and the eve C,11l he dissected , Among the other models are some 38 models of the hoofs joints uf bOl'ses :tnu caule, 3l1t! th~ larynx, ear. brain lIliri !lose of the horse, Pr:lctic:.llv "II Ihe modds arc rlissectable, :111([ shol1ld prove a v)lluahle adl!it ioll to th~ equipml"nt of that departmenl.

The M. A. C. RECORD.

Eve, ybody , ead' . THE STATE JOURNAL B EC AUSE

It completel)' co\'crs the field of local news, politics, ami the world of sports.

BecllUst its Iclcl:{rHph and correspondence se r\' ;cc enable it to gi\'c its readers the Itltest general news of tbe day in ad­vance of :my other Ilcwspapt~r coming into Lansing.

Have TH E STATE JOURNAL delivered to your home by car rier


Lists Includes MaDY Excellent Works.

Who's Whv ( 1912). Document on State Wide Initiathe.

llerererrdutn and Recall. Elements of Science of ~uttil;on. The An of the Theatre. Pn!.ctioal AUl\tlJwy of the Rabbit. Malttmllli.n AnalOmy. Binoryof Uuman Marriage. Suocess in Literature. Principals of Rural Economi~ Artistio Homes. Practical Orcbarding on Rough Land. Farm Bla.cksmithing. Oi:lt'ase3 of The Horse's FOOL. Where half the World is Waking Up. The Changing Chinese. ....... The Kallikak Family. The Bor and his Gang. KnOll!, Splices, and Rope Work. HOUle \Vat.erworks. Concrete From Sand )lolds. Breeding aud the Mendelian OilM::oyt!ry. Grant-Lee IUld Battles and Leaders of

the Ciril \VlI.r _(~ Yolum6!l). AI1Momical Terminology. Vct.uresoll Li terature (Unh'. of Colulll'

Ilia) . The Old To wn (Jacob RUs) . ao'" 10 Argue and Win. A1 0re BIiIskets, etc. now to Judge a Book. St.reet Clt!&ning, Soil Conditions and Plant Growt.h. O'-)'\'ernOlent of American Cities. ltl\Chine Design. l:Iereditr , Kant and Spencer. Manual or Veterinll.ry Therapeutics Rnd

Pharmaoology. System. Treatment on llnteria MedicR

and TherapeuticB. Techni{IUtl of Bread Making. Beredity and Society. The Svil Solution. MeadO"'11 and Pasntre!. Farm Gu Engin~. Book of Plans. Drill Work. Snlall f-'rame Buildings of Concrete. mology fwd Ita Makers. Compend of Materia Medica and Thera·

peutic!!. Esgentials or Jiistology. Ilistory of U. S. (Channing). J.)e,·elolllll8nt of the Buman Body. Introduction to Modern Theory of Equa·

tions. PoJnLII of tbe Horse. Principles of Phllnnacy, Life and Times of Ca"our (2 vols ) Microtomist8 Vade-Mecum. Reinforoed Concrete ConstrucLlon in

Thaory 1\nd Practice. The luilinli,'e, ReferendUDl and Reoall. The Wi!j()Onsin Idea. M.ath~lUatical Solution Book Ferti!il\8rs and Crops. The Valor of Ignorance. Vanished ArilllOna. Story of the Soldier Es&entlals of Poetry. She Buildeth Her House. air St(lry (Tom L . J ohllllOn). Life and Letters of Edmund Clarence

Stedman (2 vol.) Theory o[ Functions of Real Variables. Mensuratioo. Application of the Calculw t(l Mechan-


History of Economic Thollght. Modern WOPlen's Right l! lIo,·ement. Heralds of the Dawn. Toxicology. fJamtrridge lloderll Bist.ory. Detection of POi1lO113. Outline:.! of Pracliool Bistology. Lab'y Guide for 8istology. ComlJend of Histology. Fungoid Pests of Oulth'ated Plants. Elementary Applied Mathematics. Ad,'liUIced Calculus. Practical Bacteriology, Blood Work.etc. Tlnl Teaching BolAni5t. Practical Pllysical Chemistry. Art of JIIuminatiOIl. The Magnetic Circuit. The Electric Circuit. Induction Motor. Electric Rail"'ay Engineering. The Bealer. The Promi~ Land . E!Jen Richard. Jeffersou Da,· iil. A Likely Story. RelJearehes on Fungi. Poems. Creative E,·olution. Old SpaniSh Ma.stent. funch CaLhedrnlll. Decorative Art. Story of French Painting. American Masten of Painting. History of Greek Art. Grover Cleyeland. TuneLII TO"'ers and Temples.' Embers. Who's Who in Amerieo. Timber. and Sonle of Its Diseft.ges. Prosperous Agriculture. Studies in GermAn Literature.


in order to m:lke it possible for those illtcreste{1 in positions in the tcaching se n ' icc nf thc I»hilippine Islands to take the ex:u n ill:ltio n for eligibility to appointment without IIltcrfcring with thei r reg-ular school dutics, the l;n itcd ::)t."'ttes Civil Service Co III m iss i 0 u all­nounces an eXllminillioll for teacher, in dustri al teache r and departmental assisl'lllt on Decembe r z7-z8, in many of the impOrl:1I11 ci tics of the vnitc(1 States.

Eligihility ill thes e eX:lmiuations is rcquiret1 for :Ippoilllnlent to posi­tions for:

\\"omen ill 1I0~lIt Ecoso~lIc", }ol en in agriculture, mlllllla.1 train­

ing, high school science, mathcmat, ics, English :llJd supervisors of school districts,

The entrance salary of the m :ljor­itr of appointees is $1 ,lOO per lUl­nU01 and expenses to the isl;u1ds paid by the gove rnment, with elig­ibility for promotion up to $~,oooas teacher, and up to $3,000 as super­infendent.

For information relative 10 the nature of the service and the exami­n:ltion, address H UltEAt." 01- I,.- su­I.An AFI-' AJ!I,.., \Vashingtoll, D. C.

'I I.

S . H. Perham is 1I0W with the Simonds Heating :lIId Specialty Co. of Grand Rlipids, M ich,

VERY reader of the M. A . C. Record is cordially invited 10 visit our store, use our rest room, telephone, and our mail order department by writing for samples or ordering mer" chandise; money refunded whenever you are not pleased,

New Silks and Dress Goods Much Under Price. 3U?5 Storm Ser~e, [>4 and 56

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31.25 Princess lfessaline, lull yard wide: 11.11 colors. Special the ya.rd .... .... ............ 98e

$1 .23 rich, hel"')·. plain Satin Fa-file. 8 sample half pi6(.;-es; new filII colors. I t ,r~(lr'. Specia.l. the yard .......... 75C

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Furnishings, and &n immense. sc and IOC store.

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Writ" for ~fI.l .. IOi. A<l<lre~s

Th e M. C. VIle!} d. Co. Colo"'uo. 0.;'

THE RlrLEr .IE GRA]" PNJ.\T/,' "C CO.lfPA.vr

En ..... ve ... Printer. St.aHone ...

I.AXS1XG . . V ICllfU.L'·


PROFESSIONAL MEN. The """lel In thl . l)J~torT. lUI ""ell a.

IbOlle of ,,11 onr olber ft.<1\·enISl' .... "'ttl of reUable PIIrtict.. WI! hope tbllt lhe fa"ull,. and lIudenu ... ·111 \like P11lnl I<> PIItro"I~1I tboee ... ·ho DIIlronl~1I UII.


CO I. f. EO l: SARBER SHOP.- In Balh !lOOI<!. And,. I, 8t lll ... lth )1 . A. O. A hllml), P/lrlor."nd 11'000:1 ,,·orkdonl'.

N t~\\' IlA ItlH:tt SHQP. In Qh" ..e BuLld­hIli'. undl'r 1l""H'~ Drull' ""d Groel'r),

Storl'. If ,"uu ,,'1811 " .• tTII~h I,,"r ~Ut II'h'll II, " e"l!. ~:. ~:. ]{"ynoid8. I'rop.


A M. KMI<:Rl'.llGWa8h.A'·e."-. Bookl. • I"ln" StaUonl'r,., ~:nll'ra"ed Calli ... ,

Oardl. I"oulliain Pens. I'lelurel. Frallle .. Ylne "ramlnll II Speelah,.. UP-to-dale .t,.lea. CutOIal.....-eul In 1.&081 11111'.


BLUDEAU <t sn:SEkT. Bookblnden. aeNlUnt book maklln. paper mUn.­

IIbrar,. alld nne IIrl blndln!Jt. tile boxe.: map mou"UIIIII'" a lbum •. pocket books. e tc OIl1nna' pbonll No. f8Y. In Olt:r N"' tlonai Bank RulldlnlJ. Gee.c" l:IIullelll1 and Hellr), H. Sll'bert .



N H. :'fOOkt:. D. D. S. Olflee m ... lIl1 Hol-• lI~tet Hulldlnll'. J.-II nslull.'. )lIch. ""II

ohonl' 8!!O-J; Cl t lx .. n~ AUlomatle !JijjK .

D I'l, PAR~H;LE ~;, Delll l8\. 11m WIIsb­• lnillon A,·e. S .. 1.aI1SIIl Il:. ~lIchhllln.

AUlomllllc pbol1!!. Ome!!~; rnldelle~. 1U(tI •

J E. STOY~'f:R. D. I). S. omc .. ~(lI\7 • "-"UO,,"l \;I.Ol"k I:Ildl<. ",utoln"tlc phonl!

!iII1; Hl'1t phone 61. Yornll'r ~I. A.l'. ~tudell l .


ROUS~:R'S OA PITAL mn'o STORK. Up to dll.\e. CUrnl'r olore. OPllosUe HolII!ler Block.

COI,U:(;f: IltW" A"-Il (lROCt:RY ('0.­t:xpr~ .• ontee. Alfellc)' I;t ... l."undr7.


J W. K1S"AI-'I'CO.-llr)'Uootl'lllld FlIr­• nl ~hlnIl'S. ~:!:!(H.':H W .. ~hlnllton AI'e 80.

M 0 , ,,,; nRY ooons 00.- Ifr,. Good~ ~ult~. OOftts. Wabts. A rt "-" \'d le Work. I-:t". I(~IW W"hlllJilton "','l'. SQUIb.


CAVI TOL ~:LEOTRI O E:-;:Gl:-;:~:t:IU"-G 00. - t'llil IIl1e of ~:IO';Cl rIC"PIl I;uppllu.

Illeludlllif ~Iude"ts' ~hl\du "'ld cord~. e"r· bon. 1""I"llIm and ma:r.lI" r(!aclInll ]a"'PI. ,_~_, _"_._'_k_'_'''_~'~A~<'~·,"~oc"


M J. ~ H. ~f. BUOK.-Furllltur'" ('orner • W .. ~hlll ilton A,·I'. ""d lonl" !lt l't'el.

See "d.


N0lt TOS 'S HAKlIWAIU:. Gener al Uam,.."r". Tln .... a r". Grall!!","""re, Cut.

lerT. I;to,·e8. el". III W/lJlhl"jltoll A,·e. S. Sefl lid.


M RS. 0. T. OA S ~:. ~l allLlf-.clurln •. "h .. mJ)OOII'" '" H,,lrtlre,,,,101l1: I ... rlo ....

S.dll'hel ",,,de of cuI b"l. Or ramblll,1. "ISO .,p]orl.'<l "'Id ~non'too 10 look a~ I<nod Ill! lie .. ·. The t'raneo-",,,,,,.k,,,, 1I,.lIlenlc ToU," It'''lul,lles,, .. ~,..cI.t.T". Autonllltle pholle rill. !:.'I~ W""Mnl<lon A .... , Ii. .


G H]:-;: !,~:J.L S itOS. .' ,\lIehl!lft ,,'. 1"'lIdln lll' MuSIC H ou~e." 11 1 .. h Grfl{11' 1'1""01

I\lId l'I":ref Pl"nos. EII~r Tl'rnu. I'hlnos 10 I!eut - Yl'lIr'~ R""tlll OUI on Purchase. ~.,'e rythlnll' In the H,·"l", of )1".Ie, 1 ... ."­!!INO :'Orol<Y.: tl~"-. W .... hllIII'tOlI A'·e.


DR. OSOAR II. HRU..:GEI .. -(·or. :!oUcb. A" I'. lInd Grand 1(1 .... !r A .. e" ~:"'~t l.An_

al"lI. Hours. 7 I.< 8:3:1"'.nl,; ~lo'and" lo ti P. III . Sund",. •. I! 10 I "nd 1\ 10 8 P. m. CIII­zells IIhone 13"; 8I'1I~.

D R, H. W. I.A~" 1)0"-. ~:lUIt Lan,lnl<. Mich . om<·~ hours: .. 10 8~"tO a. m .. 11:$.1 10 ,

"nde~"t0108 p.m. SUlld",. •. IOtoll:llO ".III. 1 10811.111. Oltl:r.en,· phone~.

EY~: .. t:A R. S (1S ~: Al"1l T Il HOAT. nr. J. S.II"'e,,. liS \\'. A lIe~mll i'l L .. 14",.111111'.

Uttl~ ... n~ pllol1e L:1I.


L AWln;,.-ot: '" V.~,.- ImK~!"- PKIST_ f:-;:« C1Q.-!]{!-'!I~ (irand A ,'enue "-ort b. Ylne Prlntlnl!'. Bolh Phone..

A LLES PRIXTIS« 00. (]orner(]aptlol "" enul' And lonlll n~t. I'rlnU".

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