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January 2018

Does Mess Matter? Food Trends for 2018 New Year Resolutions

Jodie Whittaker There’s a new Doctor in Town

we look at Who’s Who

discover your future, release your past



FREE SPIRITThe Magazine of Psychic Light

January Horoscopes Reader Articles

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January 2018 Highlights

Psychic Light Ltd. PO Box 435, Sittingbourne, Kent ME9 0WB. Customer Care Line: 0113 3847008. Email: [email protected]

Well, first and foremost everyone at Psychic Light wishes you a very Happy New Year. We do hope that 2018 will bring you peace, happiness and prosperity.

This issue is jam-packed full of ways to revitalise your life in 2018, should you feel the need to ring in changes this New Year.

From tackling the thorny subject of New Year resolutions, to healing crystals, from Lemon Balm as a winter pick-me-up to dealing with mess and clutter.

We talk magical manifestations – what do you wish for this year? And talking of

Editor’s Letter



AelissaPIN: 4444

Aelissa is psychic, clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and a far seer. Aelissa feels that the reasons and causes behind issues can be clearly seen; timescales are more

accessible and probable outcomes clearer when using Tarot as a

reader tool.

Ellie PIN: 1180

Ellie is a clairaudient, clairsentient and spiritual medium from a

Turkish gypsy background. She has the ability to tune into the soul of a person and see the questions that need answering without that person having to say a word.

FranPIN: 1133

Fran is a psychic medium with 17 years’ experience, she hears and feels Spirit and has done so from a young age. She meditates before readings, allowing her guides to draw close, to inspire her with

messages and words of wisdom for those that seek answers.

RobbiePIN: 3443

Robbie is a very positive and powerful trance medium, healer

and intuit. He works with his Samurai guide Yashubi and

Archangel Metatron to connect with your guides for whatever

particular worry or concern you may have.

Paula PIN: 5454

Paula is a very experienced and dedicated medium, who has

worked in this field for many years. She is able to offer you a reading with or without the use of spiritual tools including the use of Tarot

cards, crystals, ribbons and rune stones.


Nothing shocks Joanna as she has encountered many unusual

situations. She has studied esoteric energy, telekinesis and paranormal activities. Joanna offers sage advice based on her unique perceptions, offering clarity when someone is


Choose a reader to begin your journeyPick from our many talented psychics, all with different techniques


0906 110 4850 £1.50 per minute plus your phone company’s access charge.


0800 915 2347 £32.95 for the first 20 minutes, £1.50 per minute thereafter.

All calls are recorded; the caller must be 18 or over and have the bill payer’s permission.

Readings under UK law are deemed to be for entertainment only. Helpline: 0113 3847008.

magic, Seph is back in this issue, she’s been with us from the beginning, so whether you know her or not do check out her article on pages 6 & 7.

For all you Doctor Who fans, our cover star Jodie Whittaker will need no introduction as the first female Doctor! If after the Christmas indulgence your thoughts have turned to weight loss, then you might be interested in the food trends coming your way…

Lastly, we take our head out of the sand and talk money!

Talking of money, if you are missing our December offer, then why not pop on over to pre-pay: where readings are discounted all year long – a 20-minute reading is just £30!

Page 14 Horoscopes

Page 10 New Doctor in Town

Page 5 Lemon Balm

Page 6 Merry Meet

Page 11 Food Trends

Page 4 Resolutions


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/ Shu




Page 3: The Magazine of Psychic Light January 2018 … · PAY BY PHONE BILL 0906 110 4850 £1.50 per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. PAY BY CARD 0800 915 2347 £32.95 for

Statistics show, and possibly your own experiences bear out that we often struggle to stick to New Year Resolutions. Failing in our attempts can be

psychologically damaging and have us starting the year feeling despondent and like we lack self-control and will-power.

But on the other hand, reflecting on the past year and reviewing what has gone well and what made us happy as well as where there is room for improvement is a positive thing. It is one way of making sure we do not get bogged down in the humdrum of every day life and that we make time for what truly brings us joy and that we address the things that are really making us unhappy.

So, if you want to make changes in 2018, it would seem that you have to tackle New Year Resolutions in such a way that they are actually achievable.

How to create a resolution that you can follow through with:

• Really reflect over the last year, and pick an area you would like to improve. Don’t just pick a resolution on a whim because of the last few weeks of behaviour. For example, making weight loss your goal just because you have indulged a little bit over Christmas. Your resolution really needs to be something you want and will make a lasting change to your life if you succeed.

• Try not to pick multiple resolutions, pick the one that

Is it worth setting New Year Resolutions?


You may be growing Lemon Balm in your garden, it is readily available in garden centres and is part of the mint family. Like mint it grows in abundance and spreads, so if you want to limit its potential it is better grown in pots. If you rub a leaf between your fingers you will likely be taken back to a childhood smell – lemon sherbet. But what you may not know is the healing properties that this scented herb has to offer: Anxiety Studies have shown that Lemon Balm is an effective treatment for remedying anxiety, it’s active properties: rosmarinic acid and triterpenoids are thought to be why it is effective, when given a Lemon Balm extract those in studies reported an improvement in their anxiety levels. Insomnia Often anxiety and insomnia go hand-in-hand, and those using Lemon Balm as a remedy reported an improvement in their sleep quality. It is especially helpful to those that suffer nightmares as a cause for not sleeping. As a sleep aid lemon Balm is perhaps most effective when combined with other known herbs such as chamomile or valerian to enhance the potency of sleep its calming abilities. Cold Sores Lemon Balm has a chemical component called tarpenes, which gives it it’s anti-viral properties. This is perhaps why it has been effectively used as an ointment to treat things like cold sores, helping to reduce swelling and redness. Gastric Problems For many years Lemon Balm has been used to treat a number of gastric problems, such as heartburn, indigestion, tummy ache, bloating, gas, IBS and even colic. How to Take In this day and age supplements are widely available, it is best to take Lemon Balm in a way that would help the problem you are trying to treat. A tablet or tincture may help with sleep issues, a cream for things like cold sores or a tea for stomach problems. Seek medical advice before taking, especially if you are using prescription medications (it is known to interfere with sedatives, thyroid medications and HIV regimens) and always follow the manufactures advice reference dosages.


Lemon Balm:The perfect winter pick-me-up

is most important. Then create a plan, break down the major goal into a series of small goals that can be achieved week by week. Make the targets very specific. If for example the goal was related to exercise, you would specify how many times a week you would exercise, on what days, what type of exercise and for how long. You might start with lower time targets at the beginning, increasing each week. It might be improving weights, repetitions, step count, heart rate etc.

• Pick resolutions that will boost your self-esteem, those that will leave you fulfilled and give you a sense of purpose.

• Don’t be afraid to change tack. If again your resolution was about exercise, and you found yourself slipping, it may be that you are trying to go about it the wrong way, perhaps the gym is not for you but you would get joy from swimming or cycling. Change course, so that you can still reach your goal but just from a slightly different journey.

• Resolutions generally fail as they are just too vague, a notion to lose weight, cut down alcohol or stop smoking will not just magically happen. You need to make yourself accountable. Tell your friends and family what you are trying to do, so they can support you. Seek professional help, whether that is from a Doctor, a personal trainer a diet club or someone else that fits the change you want to make. Take regular stock of how far you have come, give praise for your achievements so far and most important – KEEP GOING!

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My name is Sepherenia, my friends all call me Seph. My family come from Argyll but originate in Orkney in the Highlands of Scotland, I am a direct descendant of the Brahan Seer MacKenzie. My father was

a medium and was frequently asked to do platform work, he had worked during the second world war as a remote viewer, it was when I was seven years old that I realised that I could have the same gift as he did. As he was doing his platform work, I noticed a group of children down at the bottom of the stage, they were calling me and shouting my name, I kept telling them to be quiet or they would be put out of the hall, it was the noise that I was making that drew my father to look at me, no one could see the kids but me, there were nine of them and I was the only one who could see them! As my dad looked, eventually he saw them too. They were the spirits of children who had parents in the room, I got a little scared then because I could see them and touch them and they just seemed like some of my friends from school. So, that was how my journey as a medium began.

When I was just ten years old my father began teaching me the gift of remote viewing, the way through to places and areas of the mind that others could not reach, it was difficult at first, I had to learn to switch it off, if I didn’t then I would see what people had in their head and minds, where they had been – everything! So, my father passed on a lot of knowledge, but I did not always fully understand it at the time, but through a lot of training I got there and then I could say I too had the gift of remote viewing.


PIN: 1369

Merry Meet by Reader Seph


I was already psychically gifted, a natural psychic not a developed one, these gifts just came to me as I got older, I learned things the way others learned table manners, reading, writing and arithmetic - it was all just normal to me. Thankfully we lived in an area where we were known well, my father was the local councillor and Justice of the Peace, so my gifts were just accepted.

When I left school, I chose the path of nursing, my remote viewing was continually fine-tuned with this job as I could see the whole skeleton and veins and all that makes up the body, it was a marvel but I could tell no one, they would have locked me up!

I decided to take a break from nursing and take up hair and beauty, I liked it well enough but something was not right and I knew it, I went to Australia, by this time I had married, I was 16 years old, but that was not uncommon, I was the last girl in my class to

marry. I had two girls and then I joined the MOD. But I got injured and decided to return home. At this point I started to do the one thing I knew that I would fit into and be happy doing; I joined the school my great grandfather had started: The School of Psychic Development and The Selonya Society, we now have schools in Melbourne, America and Spain.

That point was really when I started my professional career in the psychic world, I have done platform mediumship, but I confess I don’t really like it - I believe messages from spirit should be private, I have assisted police with their search for missing people, I teach all forms of divination from Tarot to teacups - you name it I have taught it or am teaching it!

Until my father died he used his own gifts to support children with autism, which is one of the reasons I took a degree in behavioural sciences from toddler until eighteen. Now I am a practising Wicca a High Priestess for my trouble! I love this, it is where I fit, I am asked to perform handfastings, namings and passings all of which are beautiful ceremonies. I also study the teachings of the Kabbalah a lifelong learning process and the Path of The Druid.

For fun I make jewellery and design rooms and quirky things out of nothing, I sing and put on shows for charity but best of all I love NFL American football and I am a Pittsburgh Steelers fan…

I have been with Psychic Light from the start. If you come to me for a reading I usually only need the vibrations of your voice, but I will read whatever you want me to. Be ready though, I may not say what you want to hear, I never lie and I will be as precise and insightful as I can be, I will give you an intuitive, no-nonsense reading.

Always be all you can be…

Blessed be,

Seph PIN: 1369

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Does Mess



The next question really is are you messy, or do you just have too much stuff? Do you find it hard to let go of anything, or do you continually buy the same things over and over because you can’t find what you are looking for…?

So, taking into account everyone’s idea of clutter, stuff, sacred possessions (call it what you will), when does mess matter?

Well, whilst you may not be a hoarder, having too much stuff or living in disarray on a daily basis can have a negative impact on the quality of your life. You may be much less focussed, feel stressed, have a lessened sense of peace of mind, feel a sense of embarrassment (when people visit), often be late (trying to find things and as such feel rushed).

It is important to stress that those who are naturally disorganised may not feel chaotic, and feel a sense of comfort from a lack of structure – but they may still like to address aspects of their home if they live with other people that do find the environment trying.

If you feel like the beginning of 2018 might be the perfect time to start tackling some clutter, then read on for some expert tips:

• Try to reduce the number of possessions that you own, give unwanted items to charity, throw away things that are broken or have no useful life left etc. It is not a good idea to just move items from room to room, ultimately this does not solve the problem and in the world of de-cluttering this is called ‘churning’.

• Start small, tidy one drawer, or one dresser, do not think you have to tackle the whole house in a day. You will just feel overwhelmed. If even approaching one cupboard feels too much, set a timer for a small amount of time – say 15 minutes, and just work on it for that amount of time. Then do the same tomorrow and so on until finished.

• There are no set rules for systems, it is not necessary to have all CD’s, DVD’s or books in alphabetical order, or clothes organised by type/colour. Tidy away things in a way that is pleasing to you.

• If you are struggling, try a few testing questions – Do you love it? Does it have sentimental value? Have you worn it in the last year? If there is ‘no joy’ – it should go.

• Once you have started to get your existing possessions under control it is time to think about future actions. Try to borrow and not buy where possible. Exchange items with friends and family. If you bring something new into the house, then something else should be discarded.

Some people are messy by nature, but beyond the clutter they can fall into a number of different categories. There are those that appear messy,

but if you asked them to find an important document such as a birth certificate or a passport they could tell you exactly where it is and then there are those that wouldn’t have a clue!


Amethyst – Great for breaking bad-habits and even addictions. Creates balance and wise decision making.

Aquamarine – Can bring luck to love, useful for making positive changes in your life. It helps clear you mind, so you can focus.

Aventurine – A really good stone to consider if your goal is in changing career direction or in moving job.

Bloodstone – This crystal will really help after the initial excitement of your resolution has warn off, it increases endurance and keeps energy alive. It provides determination and courage.

Carnelian – One of the top resolutions is about increasing exercise and lowering weight – if that is you – then this is the crystal for you. You will find your power from within, and your motivation and self-confidence will strengthen.

Fluorite – This is a great stone if you want to step outside of your comfort zone and try new things, it will allow you to expand your mind, concentrate and be wise in your decisions.

Jade – If you are insecure, or tend towards negative beliefs or self-limiting thoughts then Jade will help you to live more from the heart than from the mind.

Fill your life with joy and achieve your goals.

Labradorite – If you need something more akin to a miracle, than just will-power to attain your resolution, then this crystal is for you. Find your real self and purpose – uncover your destiny!

Pyrite – If your goals for 2018 are all about finances, then Pyrite will support you in making wise money choices, you can overcome any hardships and you will be more motivated to succeed.

Rose Quartz – In 2018 if your focus is on love, whether that is improving your current relationship or finding love or healing old wounds, Rose Quartz is what is needed, it will open your heart and find a more harmonious way to do things.

Selenite – If your spirituality is waning, then this crystal will give you the boost you need to connect to your divine wisdom and find healing in prayer or meditation.

Tiger’s Eye – This is a creative positive stone, which will strengthen your resolve, giving your all of the willpower and motivation you could need to attain your goals. If you have a tendency to turn to the negative, then Tiger’s Eye will turn you around to see the more positive side of change.


If you decide to embark on some New Year Resolutions, then why not be supported by some healing crystals?

The best idea is to pick a crystal or crystals that complement the goal you are embarking on.

Here are some ideas:

Crystals for Resolutions

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It’s time to see the

Doctor o doubt if you are a Doctor Who fan, you will have already seen the Christmas special ‘Twice

Upon A Time’ that will have shown the regeneration of the Time Lord played by Peter Capaldi, and at the same time change gender to welcome in the new and 13th Doctor played by our cover star Jodie Whittaker. So, what do we know about the new series, and what changes will it bring with a female Doctor? The Outfit Obviously as a female, the Doctors outfit will be different to previous, but judging from the press picture (opposite), it is in keeping with the Doctor’s eccentricities. It is colourful, and there are many aspects from the braces, boots, high waisted trousers, coat and stripes that are a nod to previous Doctors styles. The Cast Jodie will work alongside a new team – Bradley Walsh as Graham, Tosin Cole as Ryan and Mandip Gill as Yasmin will form the regular cast as well as Sharon D Clarke who has a returning role.

The Tardis As is only fitting The Tardis has had a refresh for the new series: It looks as if the Tardis has gone back to a more muted shade with a distressed style, as opposed to the more recent bright blue. It would appear that the St John’s Ambulance sign has got the chop. The Free for Use Public sign is now white letters on a black background. The door handle is a slightly different design and has moved. The windows have lost their white paint job. (This is mainly speculation from press images, so we will have to wait and see…) The Episodes It is thought there will be ten episodes each 50-minutes in length, but possibly with the first episode being a full 60-minutes so that the new characters can be introduced and fully explored.

The First Scene As you might expect as the Doctor has changed from male to female, the first scene has to deal with that regeneration and the reaction to a new female appearance.


Do you feel like you’ve eaten enough cauliflower rice, and courgetti, fed up with avocado on toast, and can’t think of any new ways to use coconut oil? Feel like you might scream if you see kale one more time! Then read on for the hot new food trends predicted for 2018 – what will you hate/love?

It is likely that plant based eating and veganism will grow in popularity. You can expect that more café’s and restaurants will pick up on this trend making it easier to dine out and eat whilst out and about. Fermented foods will likely grow in popularity as further studies are carried out on the gut mircobiome and the effects it has on obesity. And the knowledge of the importance of probiotics trickles into the mainstream. Edible Flowers started as a trend in 2017 and it is likely to continue in 2018, supermarkets are partly responsible by selling edible flowers for use in cake decorating or for salads etc. But you can also expect floral flavours to appear elsewhere, like in cocktails, teas, soft drinks and more… For those that like protein drinks a new selection of ‘super powders’ to add to them are likely to prove popular from raw cacao, ground turmeric, maca root and matcha. Middle Eastern Foods and spices should appear more – like cardamom, harissa and za’atar. Filipino dishes may replace our love of Thai. Poke Bowls from Hawaii (essentially sushi shaped like a bowl) should also prove popular. We’ve been eating popcorn for a good few years now, but in 2018 snacks are about to get even more popped and puffed. According to Waitrose: 2018 will see carbs and comfort foods back on the menu, as well as a need for a fourth meal of the day to fit in with our busy lifestyles. They think the trend for shopping little and often will continue with a one trolley shop per week being a thing of the past. They believe that plant based proteins will be in high demand: pulses, shoots, grains, soy, algae and seeds. Many of the trends that Waitrose predicted came true for 2017, so you never know!


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Is it time to talk about money?Money is an uncomfortable subject at the best of times, but there are some simple steps to makes sure that you are making grown-up moves with your money in 2018, rather than fighting fire!

Savings Experts recommend that we have 3-6 months money in savings equivalent to our salary. This is rainy-day money to cover emergency things like something going wrong with your boiler or car, or at the worst end of the scale ill-health or being made redundant. If you have money in savings, then now is the time to look around at better rates. Interest rates on savings have stayed stubbornly low, but with The Bank of England having just raised interest rates, some financial institutions have raised their saving product rates – make sure you get the best rates you have for whatever money you have. If your savings habit is a little lax, then look at all of your outgoings to see where you can make savings. Don’t just automatically renew things like car and house insurance, shop around and get the best deals. If you have a mortgage and are on a standard variable rate, investigate now to see if a better deal is available. If you are on a standard tariff with one of the big energy suppliers, then think about moving to a fixed deal or to a lesser known supplier offering better rates. Packed lunches instead of bought all add up across the year… There are hundreds of small changes that you can make, that might just free up £20 or £50 a month to get your spending habit started again.

Debt It sounds obvious, but if you have debt, paying it down is the best first step. A credit card can be a fantastic life-line in an emergency situation, and offers certain protections when making big purchases like appliances or holidays. But for many of us they have become a way of life – of getting what we want now rather than saving up and purchasing once we have the funds. Having debt, especially debt on credit cards or store cards with high interest rates makes it even more difficult to save, as all of your spare cash may be going on servicing interest. If you have this type of debt try to get it transferred to a 0% balance transfer card. Some deals last for several years, giving you time to pay off the debt with all of your payment going towards the debt and not towards interest.

Pension If you are sorted in the above areas, then it is never too early to start thinking about retirement. When you are young it seems such a long way off, and getting married, saving for a house/car and having children may seem

like much bigger priorities. But the realities of compound interest mean that the earlier you start saving into a pension the less you will have to commit to each month, if you start late in life you might be shocked at the percentage of your salary you would need to put away! You can calculate your state pension retirement age. If you haven’t already been enrolled into a work pension scheme, then investigate if and when that might be a possibility for you. You could also think about whether you can afford to make extra one-off or regular payments into the plan. You can check that you have been awarded all of the national insurance credits you are entitled to. If you only work a small number of hours or are self-employed think about paying into a private pension. The most important advice in regards to finances, is to seek professional counsel where needed (some useful links below), and to not bury your head in the sand. Money is much better managed when things are clear and out in the open.

New Year Spell

What once upon a time might have been called a spell, might now be referred to as manifesting. Essentially manifesting, is the art of bringing something or someone into your life through positive thinking. But it would be nice to think that a little sprinkling of magic was also at play…

There are often common themes for manifesting, and many of them tie in with New Year resolutions, which is why January is the perfect time to hone your positive thinking skills. Your goal, might relate to your career or specifically a new job, clearing down debt, or general prosperity. Replacing a car, buying or renting a new home, finding good health and leading a better lifestyle ref exercise, diet, smoking, drinking… You might want to improve your confidence, make new friends, meet your soul-mate. Or perhaps you are on a more spiritual journey, wanting to travel or push yourself to try new things!

The KeyAs you might expect creating a successful manifestation is all in the mind! You have to go into the exercise truly believing that your goals can be achieved and that you will get the desired end result.

The 4 Steps to Success


Useful Websites

Step 1:Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

The goal you choose firstly should not harm anyone, it should be something that is attainable, and a time frame should be set, which should be a reasonable period.

You should always be confident. If you have selected something that doesn’t follow the rules in step one, and you go into it thinking that you either won’t achieve it or worse you don’t deserve it, then the manifestation will fail. You should feel in your heart that this is something that you merit and that it is a good thing for you.

It is possible that your manifestation may have an unexpected result. You won’t always achieve things exactly as they were in your minds eye. Therefore, you should enter any manifestation with open arms, fully prepared to accept the results.

Once the manifestation is complete – put it out of your mind. Dwelling on it will not make it happen any quicker. Go about your daily routines and when the time is right you will recognise that the manifestation opportunity has arisen or has been completed.

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with our expert Welcome to Free Spirit’s in-depth horoscopes for January 2018.Tara SpencerAstrology

Mercury will be your love sky until the 11th which shows that you’re being more pro-active in love. You’re there for your friends and your current love; you put their interests before your own, which gives you the popularity prize. New Moons and Full Moons are always good financial days for you, thus 1st-2nd and 17th-31st brings more monetary enthusiasm and financial power. Don’t forget to check out cars and computers around the Lunar Eclipse.

There’s a successful career year ahead for Taurus, and January is a strong career month, happily you have good support from family and friends. It’s interesting that the Lunar Eclipse of the 31st occurs in the midst of a yearly career peak, one of your most successful times. Venus travels with love planet Pluto between the 8th-10th which shows significant romantic opportunities, and with Jupiter in your house as well – serious love is in the air.

An exciting January for Aries as your riding high in your career sky which is ultra-powerful, with six planets in your career sky, none in reverse, you’re given the green light, so get yourself out there and do it! Moneywise Mars highlights funds available and with Jupiter alongside they sort out finances. Venus is still in festive mode and brings a dash of romance to late-season parties. Emotional well-being comes with outer success.

A Full Moon in your own sign on the 2nd shows you definitely have the right mind-set to make that career move. Moonfolk will be focussing on getting career/finances back on track, not for your own ambitions but for the family’s sake. A surprise financial windfall occurs around the 18th; you could receive a rebate, or some welcome help from a partner. Love-wise it’s temptation time for new romance and a call for more nurturing in existing relationships.

Your ruler the Sun enters your love and social sky on the 20th which enhances popularity, conflicts are resolved, and harmony restored. January’s a good time to focus on your personal like-ability, as it’s your social talents that make for Leo’s success, and you’re inclined towards a New-Year make-over just now. Perfect timing, as love blossoms on the 18th when Venus begins an exceptional relationship year.

There’s a romantic spring in the Virgo step early January with a few interesting late-season parties on offer. Love-wise someone you met over the festive season still wants to party, romantically things are looking up. From the 20th work comes under the spotlight, but be prepared to move faster than you thought. Ambitious Virgo’s will be in top form as the cosmic climate breathes exciting new energy into your lifestyle and career path.

It’s a case of – money makes the world go around – for Libran’s so you can look forward to a great financial month. Jupiter is in your money house until November the 8th and Mars your love planet is in the same house until the 27th, so there is much success here. Mars in your money sky high-lights co-operation of friends, and support of the beloved with finances. Venusian stardust shines on a happy family environ-ment and prosperous end to the month.

On the career front someone puts a smile on your face, some colleagues have to eat their words regarding a project, and it seems you were right all along. You begin a new journey with money that will bring positive projects your way with the help of Mars. From the 18th you feel a nesting instinct and look at ways to enhance the home. Perhaps there’s someone you need to impress, try a little tenderness – love is all you need.

It’s a great start to the year for Sagittarius – your finances are in good shape and with your money planet Saturn at home for the first time in 30 years, you can’t go wrong. This is also a great period for researching a new career or launching a new venture, the best dates are 17th to the 30th, when the Moon is waxing. Focus on your emotional well-being and the harmony of home and family in prepara-tion for the fabulous career year ahead of you in 2018.

It’s an impressive start to the New Year with over six planets in your sign and all moving forward from the 2nd onwards. So, you can start making arrangements to follow your dream but don’t forget to include your better half when making plans. It’s a good time to make changes to your personal happiness you have the will and resources. Moonbeams of love are sent your way on the Full Moon of the 2nd to open your lovely heart.

Mystic water-bearers it’s one of those months when you’re waiting for something to happen, you can feel it in the air but it hasn’t burst through yet. Have faith it will, and you won’t have to wait all month. Venus is in your sign from the 18th brings love and a feeling that anything worth having is worth waiting for. The Lunar Eclipse on the 31st highlights relationships and you’ll soon find that special person who captures the song of your heart.

Get ready for a new dawn – a new way of being – a new romance around the Full Moon of the 2nd perhaps at a lovely dinner-party celebration. Social life is full all month but it’s not just about having a good time. There are useful career contacts to be made, so don’t retreat into your shell from the occasional get-together. Around the Lunar Eclipse of the 31st someone’s going to make you a ‘Once in a Blue Moon’ job offer you can’t refuse.


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