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The Marketing AutomationBlueprint for SuccessPresented by Act-On Software & Invigra

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Your Hosts For Today’s Presentation

Mr. Jeffrey LintonProduct Marketing ManagerAct-On Software

@[email protected]

Mr. Stacy GentilePresidentInvigra

@[email protected]

The Marketing Automation Blueprint For Success

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Are you in the right place?

The Marketing Automation Blueprint For Success

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If Sales = Your #1 ChallengeWe want to demonstrate how marketing automation will help

The Marketing Automation Blueprint For Success

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Welcome to the new world of sales

• Sales cycles are getting longer• Fewer sales people making quota• More and more deals are going MIA• Budgets are shrinking • It’s harder to get a hold of people • Buyers have more choices and leverage them• Buyers get you involved much later in the process

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SALESHORSEPOWER | | tel. 414-573-5443 | [email protected]

<20%Of a single-threaded sales person’s time is actually spent on prospecting for new business.

Too Much Non-Sales Time

The Marketing Automation Blueprint For Success

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Inside Sales Teams Have Problems• 40% of IST Reps are under quota • 7 / months is Avg. Sales Cycle• 1/3 of average deals are lost + another ¼ with no decision • Only 28% of Orgs have a blended approach• Only 24% of companies use a Marketing Automation Platform • Only 22% of companies conduct lead nurturing • Avg. size of IST is 8 people (86% of orgs <$10M have less than 10 Reps)• 1 Lead Generation person for every 4.3 sales people• 3 month ramp up time per sales person • Avg. Inside Lead Generation person generates 19 appts / mo. (quota)• 7 of those leads are Sales Accepted (quota)• 74% of Lead Generation Reps achieve quota • IST Reps avg. 56 Dials / day | 81 with a dialer technology • IST Reps avg. 9 conversations / day • IST Reps avg. 16% dial to conversation ratio • Avg. IST Rep gives up after 5.6 attempts

(Gleanster Survey 2012 & The Bridge Group Metrics Report 2012) The Marketing Automation Blueprint For Success

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Too Many Sales People Are Stumbling Around In The Dark

Ouch Umph Ouch HEY Watch Out

Crunch yikes

Bang Ouch uugggg! The Marketing Automation Blueprint For Success

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5 Keys to a Successful Marketing Automation Blueprint

1. Build a Solid Sales Infrastructure 2. Know Your Targets & Have a Good List

3. Understand Lead Scoring 4. Content Marketing

5. Don’t Sit Around & Wait(pick up the phone)

The Marketing Automation Blueprint For Success

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1. Build a Solid Sales Infrastructure

Target Lists




Content(Light & Heavy)



The Marketing Automation Blueprint For Success

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2. Know Your Targets & Have a Good List

• Know your market• A bad list screws up everything downstream• The average CRM database has 30-60% bad records• All purchased lists have problems (17-30%) and are

going to need significant initial scrubbing• The only good list is the one you spent 5 years cleaning • Everyone needs a bucket (Dispositions in CRM) • Bonus Thought: Bounces are opportunities• Collect, Collect, Collect all the data you can

The Marketing Automation Blueprint For Success

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3. Understanding Lead Scoring1. Demographic (profile)

– Industry– Position / Job Title– Revenue– Geography

2. Digital Behaviors (activity)– Opens– Clicks – Webpage Visits– Downloads– Webinars

3. Qualification Questions (human 2 human)

The Marketing Automation Blueprint For Success

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Lead Scoring in Detail

The Marketing Automation Blueprint For Success

Ideal Prospect… define yours?

-Top Level -Mid Level -Lower Level

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Prospect 2

Demographic Score = 100

Digital footprint Size = 240

Qualifying Questions = 500


Lead Scoring Helps Focus Salespeople’s Time

The Marketing Automation Blueprint For Success

60 840

Prospect 1

Demographic Score = 20

Digital footprint Size = 20

Qualifying Questions = 20

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CM Calendar

The Marketing Automation Blueprint For Success

4. Content Marketing

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5. Don’t Sit Around And Wait (Pickup The Phone)

• Blended strategies work the best (in & out)• Develop a threshold (One click isn’t qualified)• Develop a sales cadence • Nurture - Measure - Nurture• Forget selling, think service, think education• No scripts, no sales language, Only Fit & Truth

The Marketing Automation Blueprint For Success

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The Marketing Automation Blueprint For Success

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Click to Download your Blueprint

The Marketing Automation Blueprint For Success

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