Page 1: The Medical Alphabetacy - Chapter 5
Page 2: The Medical Alphabetacy - Chapter 5

Welcome back to another chapter of the Medical Alphabetacy.

When we last left them Arrhythmia had just gone into labour alone. The two trained doctors in the house, namely her mother Sue and her wife Jenny, didn't feel the need to assist her. Fortunately this shouldn't be a problem. Now let's see how the B generation turned out.

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And we present: Borrelia Medical.She has gotten Flo's eyes through her mother and Jenny's black hair. Her skintone is a little darker than her mother's I think. We'll see when she grows up.

Borrelia is named after a species of bacteria, that cause for example the Lyme arthritis and can also infect the central nervous system, causing many different symptoms. They are usually transmitted via tick bites and can in the early stages usually be treated very effectively.

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Wow, Arrhythmia, none of my sims ever managed to be sick on the floor as extensively as you.

"Why am I pregnant again. I though Jenny would get her turn too."

Not yet. You still haven't found a job and she has the chance to reach the top of hers and become perma-plat. I'm not going to give that up for your comfort.

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Arrhythmia and Jenny are such great parents. As soon as I leave them unattended for a minute or so they start stalking their kid. Carrying her around and feeding her, without suffocating her with the bottle like some sims do.

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Sue, you're looking very happy. What happened?

"I just maxed my lifetime aspiration meter and am now perma-plat, even without reaching my LTW."

That's great because you're honestly still quite a few skillpoints away from it. That means you can be on baby duty while everyone else focuses on their careers.

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What are you doing on our lot gypsie lady?

"I just wanted to give you this special gift to say sorry for all the trouble my fellow gypsie caused you by working together with Arteria. We've already revoked her priviledges and confiscated her crystal ball."

Nice! I'll keep it for the kids. The other's shouldn't have problems getting perma-plat on their own. (Unless Arrhythmia doesn't find a job in architecture)

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And Sue brings home another potential future spouse. Considering how long she needed to bring home her own she's really rushing it right now.Manuela (I think she is called Marissa in the english version, but could be mistaken) gets added to the spouses list.

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If I were you I wouldn't leave my mouth open like this. There are too many dirty plates and bottles and therefore flies.

"But I need to look surprised for the obligational pregnancy picture and an open mouth shows surprise."

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Jenny comes home with her final promotion just in time for Borrelia's birthday. Another one who gets to live in perma-plat bliss now. And that also means that you will be the one to carry the last child for this generation.

"I don't care. I'm so happy."

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And under the watchful eyes of granny Sue Jenny spins her daughter into toddlerhood.It seems Borrelia has gotten both Jenny's nose and mouth, but she most definitely has Sue's chin. I'm not so sure about her look actually. She might grow into it or turn out strange. Only time will tell.She is a cancer with a 9/2/10/8/6 personality and no hobby yet. And already dressed in something white, quite appropriate for this family.

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"I think Borrelia might be a non-responder when it comes to SmartMilk."

What gives you that idea, Jenny?

"She's still crawling even though I'm using SmartMilk to teach her how to walk."

Maybe it's your teaching skills that are the problem.

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"Grandma works as a doctor.""Doctor.""Who works as a doctor?""A doctor?""No, it's Grandma. Try again, sweetie."

Aww, I still adore Sue.

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Whoo, we survived at least one generation without a bathroom birth. But then again having forewaters on the bathroom floor is far more appropriate than having them on the kitchen floor.

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And *drumroll* it's a boy. Yay! I feared that we would only have girls again.Please welcome Brain Medical.He has inherited both Jenny's grey eyes and her black hair. His skin looks as if it is lighter than Arrhythmia's which is a little unusual, but not bad.

What Brain is named after should be sufficiently clear, unless you are unable to use the very thing he is named after.

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Arrhythmia teaches her daughter how to go potty, completing her set of toddler skills and looking suitably thrilled while doing it.

"I just hate the fact that I will have to empty the potty now."

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"Let's do it one more time...""Why are you winking at your mother's real life self, Arrhythmia?""Winking? Me? I have no idea what you mean..."

Oh, but I do. Technically you could still be the one who gets to carry the baby since you still haven't found a job.

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"Bunny has nystagmus. Bunny need doctor."

And I assumed your Grandma only taught you normal words. Should have known better. Did she teach you a whole encyclopedia of medical words or just a select few?

"Lots of words."

(For those interested: A nystagmus is a certain type of pathological or rarely physiological eyeball movement.)

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"White, white, white are all of my dresses, white, white, white is everything I own...." *sings*

Aww...I loved that song when I was little and now Sue is teaching a variation of it to Borrelia. I don't know if this song is known outside of Germany, but it is a very popular children's tune here.

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It's time for the first boy of the legacy to grow up.Brain has inherited Sue's and Arrhythmia's chin. His skintone is the same as Aorta's I think. Not sure about the rest of his features, but I think he might have gotten Jenny's nose and mouth just like his sister.He's not a clone of her though. He is a virgo with a 9/2/6/6/5 personality. I love that both the kids are very clean, but they are simply too shy.

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As soon as Brain grew up Sue starts to teach him his toddler skills. With the help of SmartMilk of course. Looks very professional compared to Jenny's attempts at teaching Borrelia.

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Brain is, very fitting for his name, interested in science. But he still needs some practice, because just throwing a tantrum won't make the round block go in the triangular hole.

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I just noticed that I didn't take a picture of Jenny's pregnant self, so here she is. Wearing the same eye-ball burning orange pjs that Arrhythmia wore and still being a wonderful parent. This family is so sweet at the moment it's a danger to anyone suffering from diabetes.

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Super-Granny Sue strikes again. She doesn't exactly look like she takes pleasure from taking care of her grandchildren, but I can assure you that she does.

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"Borrelia need sit in highchair while eat.""You're so smart and right of course. Your sister should sit in a highchair while eating. .... Um...wait a second. What the heck is she eating?"

Sue is doing her best, but multitasking and keeping track of two children doesn't seem to be her speciality. I just hope Borrelia hasn't swallowed that building block.

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Time always moves quickly while the kids are little, so it's time for Borrelia to grow up. Her mother's alien pjs make a reappearance and I have to say: yay.

And where did that nose come from? It is huge and it's not really either of their parents. More like a mix of their noses put under a magnifying glass. Any uglacy would be proud of it I think. But whatever...maybe her face will grow on me in time....a long time.

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Borrelia tries to teach her younger brother a children's song and what does he do? He keeps pointing at his nose and making faces whenever she looks in his direction. You're absolutely mean Brain, even though you have enough nice points to know better.

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"You know what is really frustrating?"

The toilet being broken?

"Yes...that and being heiress without getting any screen time in forever. Had I known that this would happen I'd have been the one to carry the last pregnancy. And I still haven't gotten a job. The only thing I do is clean toilets and dirty bottles off the kitchen floor."

Well...that you haven't gotten a job isn't due to lack of trying, but rather the game hating you and me for some obscure reason. Maybe something Arteria organized before her disappearance?

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And before Arrhythmia can keep complaining about dirty diapers and bottles Jenny makes sure that there will be more of them for her dear wife to clean up.

"I'm not screaming because of contractions...I accidentally hit the cactus with my behind."

Are you sure? I think it contractions.

"Pff...I'm a doctor. So believe me, I know what this is."

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"Ok I guess you were right?""Phew...I'm so glad she didn't damage my favorite cactus. The new grandchild is a nice bonus too."

Please welcome Blood Medical. The last child of this generation and another girl (back to my tradition it seems). She has Flo's/her mother's eyes again and Jenny's black hair. Her skin color is the same as Borrelia's I think. Hopefully she'll turn out different than her sister. (The nose, I fear the nose.)

Blood is named after the red stuff that flows through all our veins. No big explanation needed there.

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..Or maybe not. (I have a female alien pregnancy hack.)

"I know you want to see my plans for the space city, but couldn't you at least have waited till I had seen my newborn daughter? Waaahhhhhhh....."

*smiles* I have to say...this is perfect timing. I couldn't have planned it better had I cheated for this abduction (which I didn't). No matter what, my in game aliens will get their city on the moon, since they obviously love me.

Arrhythmia also maxed her lifetime aspiration meter by the way. I don't know what did it. Either the new kid or the abduction (unlikely since she isn't a knowledge sim).

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"Whoo...go aliens. I knew it. You really exist. And you look just like the ones on my pjs."

Borrelia was really thrilled and the only one who ran outside to welcome her mother back. Or maybe it was just to cheer for the outer space team...who knows.

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"Hello little guys in there...will you one day take me away like mommy?"

Borrelia is really fascinated by aliens, even worse than her mother. Arrhythmia at least only pretended to be an alien to scare Gunna, but she does it almost 24/7.

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Like I said: Totally obsessed. And Arrhythmia keeps encouraging her by talking about little but her alien experience.

"Do the aliens have to wear space suits in your city? And are there space suit designers? I'd like to be a space suit designer when I'm grown up."

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It took forever, but Arrhythmia finally did find a job. Maybe her 'friends' put in a good word for her, who knows. She is a master architect right now and should quickly be able to reach the top of her career.

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The bending capacity of your neck while getting a baby bump is absolutely fascinating.

"What do you mean by 'baby bump'? I can't be pregnant. Jenny and me haven't woohooed in ages and I haven't been sick even once. So why would I be....oh...OH...wah!"

Yes, your friends left you a little extra bonus as payment for the city.

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I didn't know that grandparents or parents too probably would autonomously play on the playground with the kids. Very cute.

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Since Super-Granny Sue was still at work Arrhythmia took the homework teaching duty upon herself. I seriously fear for the mind of Borrelia's teachers. All her essays will probably be about aliens and space travel.

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"Is it normal to have rings around my belly like saturn?"

No idea. I may be a doctor, but that doesn't make me an expert on alien pregnancies.

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"Did I miss something? Why is everyone in my room?"

I really don't know. And it's still the middle of the night, so they shouldn't actually be waking you up. But that's sims for you.

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"So that's what those two were here for. I really just wanted to tuck my granddaughter in."

Your granddaughter who actually had to flee from the horror of having to watch her parents make out in her room. You two should be ashamed of yourself.

"Maybe I could branch out as psychiatrist."

Probably a good idea. I see trauma in the future of the B generation, since I let their perma-plat parents run on free will mostly.

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"Was it really necessary to traumatize my granddaughter even more than she already is by making me die in her room?""Sorry lady. I can't change where you are when your time comes...but have a free drink as compensation.""That seems fair."

Aww...Sue...*cries*Borrelia will probably never be able to sleep peacefully in her room again after all that's happened in there.

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Rest in peace, Sue Medical.

You were my simself, my founder and a very fantastic one at that. You did a good job raising your three girls, especially after the early loss of their father. The way Arteria turned out certainly wasn't your fault.You didn't manage to reach your lifetime want, but you still got perma-plat by maxing your lifetime aspiration meter.Your fleeting chin still lives on in your descendants and hopefully will be there for a while longer.

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Since Death rarely happens without being accompanied by some birthdays we have two this evening. Brain is the first to grow up and the only thing I can say about him is that he's absolutely cute. No huge nose or protruding lips like his sister. If she has gotten the negative facial features of both her parents, he has gotten the positive ones.

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The second to grow up is Blood.

I fear I already see the same features in her as in Borrelia. Too bad, but maybe her face will be a little better matched. I think I at least like her skintone, which isn't exactly the same as Borrelia's like I thought at first, better.Other than that she is a scorpio with a 7/7/9/3/1 persona and no hobby yet.

Where does the lack of nice points come from? Maybe it's the trauma of her grandma's death, because I really can't see any other reason.

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And on the same day we also welcome Benzodiazepine Medical into this world.

Arrhythmia's newborn girl (another one -.-) is a very typical alien baby without a nose. But she does have her mother's brown hair. I already know that the household will get very hectic now with two little ones and no grandparents to help care for them.

Benzodiazepine is named after a group of drugs that can be used for anxiety, epilepsy or a short narcosis. Unfortunately paired with a high potential for abuse and addiction.

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With four kids in the house and two working adults we welcome back our favorite National Nanny Nominee for the month of november: Calista.

"I didn't win the title this year unfortunately. All due to the fights I had with Gunna at your house."

Not my fault is it? But I'm sure taking care of four children will get you nominated again.

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Since Calista does take care of the children the two very business-like looking ladies can concentrate on their respectable careers. Arrhythmia has just reached the top of hers, fullfilling her lifetime want, not that she needs it, already being perma-plat and all.

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Calista does sometimes make mistakes like feeding the stinky toddler instead of bathing her, but Blood doesn't seem to mind at all.

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Borrelia as it turned out is a great sports fan, so I got her a basketball court, so she can train. Go number 22, go.

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"Dirty bottle."*shakes head*"You don't have to be afraid to say it. It's the simple truth. Dirty bottles. Everywhere.""Ewywere?""Yes, everywhere."

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Now that her mother isn't there anymore Arrhythmia has the honor of teaching her daughter Blood all her skills. With the help of SmartMilk of course.

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And last but not least. The potty. Arrhythmia looks like she needs to go too.

"No. I'm just showing my daughter how she needs to act when she needs to go and there is no toilet close by."

Teaching her the 'I need to pee'-dance...very farsighted of you. Although she'll probably only need it if she's heiress and gets pregnant or old.

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Since her wife has taught their daughter all of her toddler skills Jenny takes it upon herself to teach her a funny little tune...

"Blood, blood, bandits do drink blood...robbery, murder and ambushes are good..."

I'm really not sure if it's a good idea to encourage Blood's mean streak with songs like that.

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"Your little sister Benzo is different because she is an alien.""Why is she an alien?""We'll explain that to you once you're older.""Don't be shy, Arrhythmia. I think Borrelia and Brain are old enough to hear about your special friends."

This family really knows no other theme they like to talk about.

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Borrelia! What the heck...

*mumbling* "Focus on your homework, just focus on the homework. Ignore her, focus, focus, focus." *sigh*"I'm just making sure that my brother doesn't get better at school than I am."

Must be the sum of all traumatizing events in her past.

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Wow, you finally learned what to do with stinky toddlers.

"I checked the Nanny Handbook and it said, that if a toddler is stinky I can either ignore it or bathe them to get some extra points for the Nanny Nominations. Winning that is everything to me so I take my duties very seriously."

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Arrhythmia just got a whooping 50.000§ bonus. No wonder Jenny swoons over her. I think this calls for a celebratory redecorating of the house.

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But before we come to the remodelling it's time for Benzodiazepine to grow up.I think she turned out very cute, even though she doesn't have a nose. Especially the light brown of her hair suits her very well. Her personality is extreme, but manageable with her being a piesces with 7/0/10/0/8 points. Her predestined hobby is tinkering.

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While I refurnish the house it's time for family pictures and the end of this chapter.

My heiress Arrhythmia with her oldest daughter Borrelia and her youngest Benzodiazepine say good-bye for now. The rest of the family will return in the next chapter..Me and the Medicals hope you enjoyed your read and will also join us for the next chapter of the Medical Alphabetacy.

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