  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


    Read more on Pages 16 & 17

    Vol.82, No.14/1.21.09/Free

    Senior lacrosse goalie

    Jason Lashomb

    convinced businesses to

    donate money to the local

    Make-A-Wish for every save

    he makes this season.


    e paid


    inserted in this

    issue does not


    represent the

    views of the staff

    of e Merciad

    or Mercyhurst



    questions and

    comments to




    From Erie to Eire,

    Mercyhurstbranches out

    Saving goals

    to help kids

    College plans branch campus in Ireland

    Read more on Page 4

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


    NEWSPage 2 January 21, 2009

    Gamble doesnt gamble with colleges endowment

    With this years downturn in the

    economy, Mercyhurst College is doing its

    best to help students keep the financial

    worries at bay.

    We strongly believe students should

    be able to continue their education basedon their ability, not on their ability to

    pay, Mercyhurst College President Dr.

    Thomas Gamble said. Its a commitment

    to make this possible.

    Around 150 students did not return

    to Mercyhurst this fall, a slightly larger

    number than normal, Gamble said.

    We had to make several adjustments

    in this years budget because more

    students were unable to return due to

    financial reasons, he said.However, winter enrollment was


    He said he believes the economy

    affected the affordability or perceived

    affordability of Mercyhurst.

    One of the things we are trying to do

    is to put the word out about the many

    sources of financial aid the school is

    trying to make available. Gamble said.

    The Board of Directors passed a

    request to set aside a $750,000 reserve

    fund to help students in financial need.

    This request came at the heels of

    the decrease in the endowment funddo to the economy. The endowment

    fund, comparable to a trust fund for the

    college, is comprised of donations and

    contributions made to Mercyhurst.

    A certain portion of the endowment

    fund is distributed to the operating

    budget for additional financial aid and

    scholarship for students, Gamble said.

    When the endowment goes down, like

    it has after the recent downturn in the

    economy, there is an impact on howmuch can be distributed.

    Vice President of Advancement Dr.

    David Livingston said the effects of the

    economy have not had drastic results on

    the fund.

    In terms of our overall budget, the

    endowment spending represents about

    one percent of our overall budget..., he

    said. The economic downturn hurts us

    less than schools with large endowments

    like Harvard and Yale who are impacted

    much more.

    Gamble also said the school is more

    than able to make up for the loss byrelying on other sources of financial

    aid money such as the $750,000 reserve

    fund and the institutional budget, which

    has a large portion dedicated to helping


    Still, Gamble and Livingston are

    spending much of their weeks traveling

    the country fundraising.

    In addition to frequent trips to

    Cleveland, Buffalo and Pittsburgh,

    Gamble and Livingston travel to Chicago,D.C., Florida, California, Texas and

    Boston to meet with past and perspective

    donors and alums.

    We remind them about the

    Mercyhurst story and about the benefits

    theyve gained from their education at

    Mercyhurst, Gamble said. We ask

    them to give back and help out especially

    in these difficult times.

    Gamble and Livingston agree

    fundraising has gone well. Mercyhurst

    raised $2.9 million this fiscal year,

    compared to just more than $1 million

    at the same time last year. Last year theyraised just more than $2.4 million total.

    Dr. Livingston and I are on track

    to have the best fundraising year at

    Mercyhurst, Gamble said.

    In addition to meeting with perspective

    donors, Livingston said the school has

    increased its phone-a-thon efforts and

    has applied for more grants.

    We were and still are concerned

    about the effects of the economy on

    our students and their parents abilityto pay, Gamble said. We are focused

    on this issue and are doing our best to

    make sure students are here due to their

    abilities not their abilities to pay.

    By Casey Greene


    Dr. Gerard

    Tobin and

    members of

    the Mercy-

    hurst College


    donated blood

    on Thursday,

    Jan. 15, in the


    Student Union.Tyler Stauffer photos

    Hurst students donate blood to save lives in Erie

    College confi dent after downturn in economy

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


    NEWS Page 3January 21, 2009

    Taste or Waist 2009 shows healthy way

    Mercyhurst Colleges 3rd

    annual Taste or Waist 2009

    took place in the Herrmann

    Student Union on Wednesday,

    Jan. 14, where over 130 people


    Although there was not the

    same rush there was last year,Professor Tim Harvey, who

    directed the event, said the

    flow was steadier.

    Students in Harveys nutrition

    class were challenged to make

    different dishes twice, substitut-

    ing healthier ingredients in the

    second variation.

    Visitors were asked to

    say which dish tasted better.

    (The healthier choices for eachdish are listed in the box on the


    Some of the dishes included

    stir fry, sloppy joes, buffalo wing

    dip, pepperoni bread, taco dip,

    chili, apple pie, Philadelphia

    chocolate swirl cheese cake and

    red velvet cake.

    Participants enjoyed the tast-

    ing with half being completely

    consumed, Harvey said.

    Senior Craig van Tassel said

    the benefits to participating in

    Taste or Waist are A healthier

    lifestyle; health and wellness tothe community, one step at a


    Van Tassel and his partner

    senior Haley Brochu prepared


    Junior Maria Sanita said she

    learned how to make healthy

    meals healthier, along with her

    partner, junior Sara Pati, who

    made stir fry.

    Junior Meghan Dwyer, whoprepared cheese cake for the

    event, said, Some desserts will

    never be really healthy, even if

    there is a lot less fat, there are

    still a lot of bad things [in the


    Taste or Waist raised $125 for

    the Mercy Center for Women

    and received enough canned

    goods to fill a large box of

    donations, according to Betsy

    Frank in Human Resources.

    They all commented on

    how great everything tasted and

    everyone loved the variety ofthe dishes, Frank said.

    Almost 50 percent of the

    tasters said the healthier dish

    tasted better.

    Harvey said that just shows

    That you can substitute health-

    ier ingredients and many times

    not change the taste, texture,

    smell, or visual appeal.

    To learn about future Taste

    or Waists or other healthyevents, contact Betsy Frank in

    Human Resources, extension

    2279 or Harvey, extension 3372.

    By Alaina RydzewskiStaff writer

    Seniors Haley Brochu and Craig van Tassel cooked chili

    together for this years Taste or Waist event.

    Alaina Rydzewski photo

    Buffalo Wing Dip

    A (Unhealthy) 57%

    B (Healthy) 43%

    Taste or Waist January 2009 Results:

    Veggie Pizza

    A (Healthy) 55%

    B (Unhealthy) 45%

    Taco Dip

    A (Unhealthy) 63%

    B (Healthy) 37%

    Pepperoni Bread

    A (Healthy) 50%

    B (Unhealthy) 50%


    A (Healthy) 64%

    B (Unhealthy) 36%

    Chicken Tortellini Soup

    A (Unhealthy) 46%

    B (Healthy) 54%

    Corn ChowderA (Unhealthy) 80%

    B (Healthy) 20%

    Parsnip Soup

    A (Unhealthy) 61%B (Healthy)39%

    Crock Pot Lasagna

    A (Unhealthy) 63%

    B (Healthy)37%

    Stir Fry

    A (Unhealthy) 72%

    B (Healthy)28%

    Sloppy Joes

    A (Healthy) 62%

    B (Unhealthy)38%

    Chicken Marsala

    A (Unhealthy) 37%B (Healthy) 63%

    Apple Pie

    A (Unhealthy) 35%

    B (Healthy)65%

    Chocolate Swirl Cheesecake

    A (Unhealthy)61%

    B (Healthy)39%

    Red Velvet Cake

    A (Unhealthy) 41%

    B (Healthy) 59%

    Rhubarb Cake

    A (Unhealthy) 53%

    B (Healthy)47%

    Pumpkin Roll

    A (Unhealthy)58%

    B (Healthy)42%

    Total: Healthy Choices 47% Unhealthy Choices 53%Various dishes prepared by students from Professor Tim

    Harveys nutrition class for Taste or Waist 2009.

    Alaina Rydzewski photos

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


    NEWSPage 4 January 21, 2009

    For the first time in the

    colleges history, students at

    Mercyhurst College celebrated

    Martin Luther King Jr. Day

    with a break from classes.

    Activities on and off campus

    were planned for the whole day,including the 6th Annual Martin

    Luther King Jr. (MLK) Break-

    fast, the 23rd Annual Memo-

    rial March and the 4th Annual

    MLK Reflection Reception.

    Although many students

    attended these events, there

    were many other activities

    students could choose to par-

    ticipate in, including sleeping

    in, relaxing, hanging out with

    friends, working out at the gym,

    volunteering or catching up on

    homework, to name a few.

    [I] slept until noon then

    studied for my senior seminar

    presentation, senior Andrea

    Villela said.

    Sophomore James Davis said

    he Started a new job at PJs

    Car Audio installing remote

    starts and stereos.

    Junior Jacquelynne Brown

    had a busy schedule.

    I went to the gym, had a

    meeting to plan Spring Fest and

    Spring Formal, went to Star-

    bucks, had a couple meetings

    for MSG Events and then went

    on a date, Brown said.

    Unlike Brown, there were

    students who preferred to use

    MLK Jr. Day as a breather.

    I went to the doctor to

    get a green cast on my arm

    because of some bruised

    MP joints, freshman Adam

    Hausmann said.

    Junior Jacqueline Phillips,

    Volunteered because thats

    what Obama called on America

    to do.

    Sophomores Michael Waid

    and Gerald Anderson caught

    up on their sleep, worked out

    and volunteered at Gliding

    Stars to help kids learn how to

    ice skate.

    No matter what students

    chose to do with their break

    from classes, it seems most

    used it wisely to help some-

    onebe it another person or

    themselves, which is what King

    and Obama suggested.

    By Alaina RydzewskiStaff writer

    Students and faculty help themselves to

    breakfast at the Mercyhurst College Heritage Room

    on Monday.

    Scoot Williams photos


    communityenjoys breakfrom classes

    on MLK Day

    Eries sister city Dungarvan,

    Ireland, soon will be home to a

    new Mercyhurst College campus.

    According to MercyhurstCollege President Dr. Thomas

    Gamble, the first Mercyhurst

    students will arrive for classes in

    spring 2010.

    Gamble said the new campus is

    part of the colleges strategic plan

    to increase students international


    Students are in Europe; theyre

    in the European Union and they

    can go anywhere there, he said

    Dr. David Livingston, vice

    president of advancement, and

    Dr. Heidi Hosey, director of

    international education, returned

    this week from a trip to Ireland

    where they met with officials and

    worked on details of the campus.

    Dungarvan is a beautiful

    coastal town right on the ocean,

    Livingston said. It has great res-

    taurants, a cinema that plays six

    movies, and beaches all within

    walking distance.

    Before the college makes plans

    to build in Ireland, Mercyhurst

    professors will teach core classes

    in Dungarvans new community


    The college will lease town-

    houses from a local hotel to house


    The townhouses, each com-

    plete with a kitchen, living roomand small backyard, will house

    four to five students each.

    The hotel will provide access

    to a swimming pool and workout


    Freshman Stephen Donohoe,

    whose hometown is approxi-

    mately 60 miles from Dungarvan,

    said he is excited for students to

    experience the culture in Ireland.

    Its a great opportunity for American professors and stu-

    dents to experience a different

    culture, as many students I know

    have never had the opportu-

    nity to travel outside America or

    Canada, Donohoe said. Theres

    so much students and professors

    alike could learn from spending

    a term there. They would have to

    get used to the fact of not finding

    a Wendys or McDonalds on every


    Dungarvan is located approxi-

    mately an hour away from Cork,

    Irelands second largest city.

    Donohoe said Cork, home to

    University College Cork, is a stu-

    dent hotspot, with great bars and

    clubs as well as traditional Irish

    tourist spots.

    Theres a good possibilityId study abroad if there was a

    campus there as long as it wasnt

    too expensive. At this point, Id

    probably be more likely to go

    through the Mercyhurst campus

    because being on my own is really

    scary right now. Being able to go

    with my friends and take classes

    with professors I know would

    make it easier, freshman Kelly

    Wilson said.Mercyhurst alumni John Melody

    and John Deasy have played major

    roles in bringing Mercyhurst to

    Ireland. Melody now works in

    the development office. Deasy is

    a member of the Irish Parliament

    and helped set up meetings and

    pushed the Irish government to

    assist the new campus financially,

    according to Gamble.

    Livingston said students willonly have to pay modest fees,

    such as travel expenses, but these

    costs have not been set.

    I studied in South America

    for a term when I was an under-

    graduate, Livingston said. It

    had a huge impact on my life. I

    completely believe in students

    spending time in other countries

    and other cultures... The campus

    in Ireland is a way to do it inex-pensively.

    By JoEllen MarshManaging editor


    goes Irish

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


    NEWS Page 5January 21, 2009


    Friday$5 for two tacos, rice,

    drink, chips and salsa

    from El Canelo

    Bring cash or your

    Campus cash of Laker


    Friday, Jan. 30

    at 12:15p.m.

    Senior Gift Committee

    members and representatives

    Amber Carruba, Zach Pekor, Vicky Fleisner, Casey

    Greene, Dan Piechocki, Jenna Golden, Kristin Tedesco

    Natural Science:

    Allyson LaCovey

    Julissa ArmstrongJohn McCellan

    Jackie McLean

    Kaitlyn Hoover

    School Chairs and Fund Raisers

    Arts and


    Elise Zigrossi

    Social Science:

    Liz Gutoskey

    Stephanie Wilkens

    Ryan McCartney

    Behavioral Scienc-

    es and Education:

    Lauren Weisser

    Katie Wootton

    Steering Committee

    Chair: Hilary Hancock

    Seniors interested in donating or getting involved should contact

    any of the students above.

    Adviser: Cathy Anderson

    The new dorm wont be the only

    change for the incoming freshmen

    in the fall of 2009.

    A new program will replace

    Freshman Year Initiative (FYI) atMercyhurst College.

    The FYI class underwent

    changes, because the college is

    looking for a better way to engage

    the students, Vice President of

    Student Life Dr. Gerard Tobin

    said. While many changes are

    being made, some of the events

    from this years FYI will remain

    the same. There will continue to

    be a service project for the fresh-men to participate in during move-

    in weekend.

    The introduction to the schools

    mission, history and student

    activities continues to be a part

    of the students first weekend on


    Instead of having events only

    on the weekend, there will be

    activities throughout the first week.

    Next years freshmen will move inon Saturday, Aug. 29.

    The events for the freshmen

    begin that evening and go through

    the following Friday. This will be

    known as Welcome Week.

    Welcome Week includes resi-

    dence hall meetings that integrate

    student activities and allows them

    to be introduced in smaller groups,

    Tobin said.

    The meetings are meant to

    better engage students in life out-

    side of classes, Tobin said.

    The new freshman dorm, which

    houses a little more than half of

    the incoming students, will be a

    good place for the residence hall

    meetings, because it has many

    common places to meet, Tobin

    said. The biggest change will be

    the actual class that is replacing the

    FYI class.

    Freshmen will register for one

    out of the four seminar classes

    available. This will be a four-credit

    class and lasts the duration of the


    The seminar classes fulfills a

    core requirement and includes

    normal class work including exams

    and papers, as well as a requirementfor the students to be involved in a

    film series and the reading and dis-

    cussion of an assigned book.

    The proposed classes are

    Citizenship and Social Change;

    Enduring Questions; Introduction

    to Sustainability Studies; and The

    Sacred and the Beautiful.

    The class meets three times a

    week. Two times a week the class

    will meet in sections that consistof 75 to 90 students; once a week

    the class convenes in a smaller

    group of students.

    Each seminar class will be team

    taught by three faculty members.

    One professor will teach at a

    time, but all three will be present

    during the class period.

    The faculty is made up of pro-

    fessors from different departments

    that teach core subjects.The goal for the seminar classes

    is to get some of our best faculty

    to engage students in what they

    know best, Vice President for

    Academic Affairs Dr. Phillip Bel-

    fiore said.

    The class will expose students

    early to some really interesting

    learning experiences and some

    really good teachers, Tobin said.

    The new seminar class will

    engage students in life inside of

    class, which is critical to student

    success, Tobin said. The more

    quickly you become connected, the

    more apt you are to be happy.

    There will be a meeting at the

    end of this week with all faculty

    members who will tentatively teach

    a seminar class to finalize the sub-

    jects and professors for the fresh-

    man seminar classes next fall.

    By Kelly Luoma

    Staff writer

    No more FYI

    for Class of 13

    Business and


    Becky Hohman

    Haylie Starin

    Heather Schwager

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


    FEATURESPage 6 January 21, 2009

    Lunch $ 5

    Dinner $ 5.5011:30 a.m -8 p.m.

    Lunch $ 5Dinner $ 5.50

    Broccoli & Cheddar Bites

    6 Sub $4 Combo $512 Sub $5.75 Combo $6.75

    Make any sub a wrap for

    no extra charge!

    Wrap Combo- Veggie $5

    Other Wraps $4







    Southwest Burger

    Breakfast Sandwich

    Sizzle Salad

    Taco Salad


    Laker Burger







    Chicken Parm w/ Pasta

    Philly Wrap

    Gen Tsos Chix or Tofu


    Buffalo Popcorn Chicken

    Chicken Bacon Swiss

    S Potato Bowl

    Lunch $ 5

    Dinner $ 5.50

    Hurst renowned for archaeology

    Mercyhurst Colleges Archaeology and AnthropologyDepartment is often referred to

    as the best in North America.This is because of the hands

    on experience [the program]

    offersit has labs where studentscan examine fossils, hands on

    experiences out in the fieldand exposure to internationallyknown professors, ProfessorJeff Illingworth said.

    The groundwork for theprogram started in 1990. Archaeology officially became

    a major in 1991 and has beensteadily increasing in popularitysince.

    It is a major that is consistent

    nationwideat Mercyhurst notthe most popular but its up there,

    with 30 to 40 students in eachclass, Illingworth said.

    Mercyhurst has superior

    equipment and methodologiesstudents cannot be exposed toanywhere else. Archaeology is a

    combination of several differentfields of study, as some studentshave already found out.

    I really like history and science,

    so archaeology seemed like thebest choice, senior Randy Tucker

    said.In order to major in archaeology

    it is beneficial to enjoy history, and

    although not required, it makesclasses more interesting.

    Ive always been interested in

    the past and relations to peoplein the pastits also appealingto work outside and not in a

    cubicle, junior Zoey Aldermansaid.

    Senior Kristin Starke also loveshistory. She wants to help writehistory and put more women in

    history. Archaeology offers a wide

    range of jobs for those with

    an undergraduate or graduatedegree in it. Most students goon to pursue a graduate degree,

    which is imperative for a long

    term investment in the career,Illingworth said.

    As for undergraduate jobs,Illingworth said there arenumerous options, including

    contract archaeology, doingwork for construction companies,being employed with the federal

    or state governments in relationto parks or reserves, or evenmuseum work.

    By Alaina Rydzewski

    Staff writer

    Want to tell someone you

    love them onValentines Day?

    Put an ad in

    e Merciad!

    $3 for 25 words

    All Valentines messages

    and money can be brought

    to the mailroom and

    addressed to e Merciad.

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


    FEATURES Page 7January 21, 2009

    Erie is a city that has a lot of

    interesting sightseeing opportu-


    The bay front, Presque Isle

    and Waldameer Park are only

    some of places to go when visit-

    ing Erie.

    While most sightseeingactivities are reserved for warm

    summer weather, the Erie Mari-

    time Museum and the U.S. Brig

    Niagara are fascinating exhibits

    to visit, even during the frigid

    winter weather.

    Mercyhurst College senior

    Stephanie Wilkens is an enthusi-

    astic volunteer tour guide at the

    museum and ship.

    I started volunteering therelast December. I had to do ser-

    vice learning hours, and I heard

    horror stories about the Boys and

    Girls Club, and I went through

    the packet and saw the Erie Mar-

    itime Museum was there. I had

    always had an interest in the navy

    and history. I knew that if I did

    anything with history I would be

    happy, Wilkens said.

    I have learned so much there.I think that understanding more

    about Oliver Hazard Perry has

    meant the most to me. He, as

    well as the brig, is my favorite

    part about Erie, Wilkens said.

    In the 1813 Battle of Lake

    Erie, Perry took over command

    of the Brig Niagara and won at

    age 28.

    I love to go to Presque Isle

    and look at the monument. Ialways take pictures whenever

    I go to the monument or the

    museum and even though the

    pictures are always of the same

    thing, I feel that the pictures just

    get better every time, Wilkens


    Mercyhurst professors have

    strengthened Wilkens interest in

    the Niagara.

    Dr. Allan Belovarac, profes-

    sor in the Mercyhurst College

    History Department and a com-

    mander in the U.S. Navy Reserve,

    talks about the ship in his history


    Dr. Belovarac also increased

    my interest with the ship from

    his stories from working on it and

    his historical knowledge of the

    ship. Before his class, I watched

    the History Channel and read

    about it, but hearing one of hislectures about the Brig and the

    Battle of Lake Erie is the best,

    Wilkens said.

    Bill Welch, an instructor in the

    Intelligence Studies Department,

    has also been a very active volun-

    teer in the past.

    Talking to Mr. Welch about

    the ship is always a great conver-

    sation. He gave me a picture of

    the ship that was the only eyewit-ness rendering of it. Its amazing!

    He also gave me a nail from the

    Brig. It is definitely one of those

    things that you look at and go

    Wow! Wilkens said.

    Welch has had connections to

    the ship for years.

    I have been involved with

    the Brig Niagara since 1983. I

    had been interested in the ship

    since I was a 10-year-old boy, andmaintained that interest over the

    years, Welch said.

    Most recently, I was president

    of the Flagship Niagara League,

    the organization that supports

    the museum and ship. For one

    summer, I was a volunteer sailor.

    Ive been a guide at the ship and

    museum. Ive also been the gift

    shop manager and the newsletter

    editor, he said.He stepped down as president

    because of time issues.

    Regardless of their position at

    the Niagara, Wilkens and Welch

    have fond memories and fun sto-

    ries to go along with their time

    spent there.

    Ive met a lot of people at

    the Brig through my tours from

    all over the world. I love being

    able to experience the ship with

    them. Every time I give a tour

    and get on the ship its amazing.

    My favorite is to see a surprised

    face on a visitor, like wow, can

    you believe they lived on this?

    Its such a great place to visit,

    Wilkens said.I also love talking on my

    tours about how lucky Perry was

    that always gets a surprised

    face. Also, terms that we use

    today that were used for slang

    is something always fun to talk

    about, Wilkens said.

    Welch and Belovarac were vol-

    unteer sailors on the ship when it

    sailed in 1991.

    One of the best summers ofmy life was the one I spent as a

    volunteer sailor, Welch said. I

    did so many cool things on the

    ship, got to know some very

    interesting people and learned

    from the inside what it is like to

    be a tall ship sailor.

    Wilkens hopes to be a volun-

    teer sailor one summer.

    The sailors are really interest-

    ing people. They really love what

    they do and you can tell. The

    same can be said for the guides.

    I cant wait to do a day sail,

    Wilkens said.

    What started out as a service

    learning experience has had a

    positive impact on Wilkens thatshe will remember for years to


    I have a reputation on the

    cross country team for giving

    fun facts from the Brig and

    always finding a way to bring

    up the Brig in conversation. I

    have even received awards for

    it. I am the cross country 2008

    miss Brig Niagara. Wilkens

    said.My room is plastered with

    the posters from there as well, so

    that just supports their point even

    more. Plus, I wear my dont give

    up the ship shirt and fleece and

    carry a Brig Niagara bag all the

    time, Wilkens said.

    For more information on the

    Erie Maritime Museum and the

    Brig Niagara, visit brigniagara.


    By Emily GrabowskiContributing writer

    Touring Erie, learning history

    Senior Stephanie Wilkens stands in the rigging of a U.S. Brig

    Niagara at the Erie Maritime Museum.

    Contributed photo

    Its an exciting day

    for the nation as a new

    era begins with the

    Obama administration.

    Chris Sands,


    It was exciting...atime of change. Sara

    Pierce, sophomore

    I watched Obamas

    oath and speech and

    they sounded good

    although a little long.

    Overall I liked what

    he had to say...I was

    impressed. NadineBeres, junior

    He [Obama] did a

    good job, it was all the

    usual circumstance; a

    bit overdone, but I still

    enjoyed his speech.

    Haley Martens,


    I really liked Obamas

    inaugural address. It

    set an appropriate

    tone striking the

    balance between

    his independent

    achievements and

    what he hopes America

    will achieve. Nick

    Gutowski, senior

    I liked how they

    had different people

    speak and incorporated

    different aspects

    of culture into the

    Inauguration. James

    Davis, sophomore

    Studentsreact to


  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


    FEATURESPage 8 January 21, 2009

    Alumnus Miller believes home sweet Hurst

    I vividly remember sitting

    on a bench in front of the Hirt

    building in the spring of 2005,

    after I had completed the last

    final exam of my undergraduate

    career and looking out at the


    The moment seemed pregnantwith importance as those sorts

    of moments usually do. For the

    past four years, Mercyhurst was


    And it was a great home. It

    gave me wonderful memories

    and treasured relationships

    I knew Id take with me for

    the rest of my life. But still,

    the moment was tinged with

    sadness. While I was excited about

    what my future would hold,

    one thing seemed certain:

    Mercyhurst wasnt going to be

    home much longer. At least

    it wouldnt be home for me.

    I graduated that spring with my

    degree in Religious Studies, and

    Id come back in the fall for a

    quick student teaching before

    Id finish my Social Studies

    Education Certificate.

    The year after graduation I

    saw a lot of job hunting and

    You, Me, and Dupree-esque


    However, I finally landed agreat job (here is the surprise

    twist) with my religion degree!

    While everyone expected

    Id get a teaching job first, I

    ended up taking over the Youth

    Ministry program at St. Jude

    Church a little over two years


    I took the passion for social

    justice instilled in me during my

    time at Mercyhurst to my job.My youth group and I regularly

    work with the Erie City Mission

    and our local chapter of Habitat

    for Humanity.

    Weve held a Dance for

    Darfur at the mall and raised

    over $2,000 for the UNs work

    in Sudan as well as two charity

    Dodge ball Tournaments (with

    the third coming up in a couple

    of months) garnering just under

    $1,000 for local charities.

    Mercyhurst taught me the

    importance and joy of being a

    life long learner.

    A little over a year ago, I spent

    two weeks in England (with atiny jaunt to Scotland).

    While there, I learned a few

    very important lessons.

    First, there is absolutely

    nothing cuter in this world than

    a girl with an English accent.

    Trust me on this.

    Second, I can die fulfilled

    now that Ive walked across the

    zebra crossing at Abbey Road.

    It was a religious experience.

    Third, it is more fun to say

    holiday than vacation.

    Seriously. Try it.

    I could go on-and-on, butits enough to say its been an

    interesting and exciting few

    years since graduation.

    Mercyhurst prepared me well

    for the world outside its walls,

    and I have never been part of

    an institution--before or since,

    academically or professionally--

    of which I was more proud.

    While I was right about that

    moment in front of Hurt three

    years ago being important, I was

    wrong about one thing.

    It turns out Mercyhurst is

    still home, even if Ive movedaway. It always will be.

    By Michael MillerContributing writer

    Miller with best friend Carly Chlebus in an England phone


    Contributed photo

    Mercyhurst alumnus Michael Miller still thinks of Erie as home.Contributed photo

    Want to be an aerobics,

    pilates or spin instructor?The Mercyhurst Athletic Center

    needs you!If interested, contact Coach Herman at extension 3329

    or visit him at the MAC.

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


    ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Page 9January 21, 2009


    Johnson & JohnsonProperties

    Starting June 1, 2009


    PAC to play The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

    If youve seen the poster ortrailer for the film The Boy inthe Striped Pajamas, you may

    feel like you have a pretty goodidea of what the movie will beabout.

    A large barbed wire fenceseparates a well-dressed boyfrom another whose head is

    shaved and who wears the blackand white stripes of prisonclothing.

    The two youths cannot beany older than eight, so theimmediate thought is that the

    second boy is Jewish, and thatthis is a Holocaust film.

    This notion would be accurate,

    but only generally speaking,

    in the way that attending auniversity is about attaining a

    degree and starting a career.

    The thoughts and emotionsof those involved, the actualsubstance of the subject, is

    glossed over. This is more than just a

    Holocaust film.

    What sets it apart is the factits shot from the mind set of achild.

    It is made evident that asmuch as we struggle today asadults to understand how such a

    genocide was possible, it wouldhave been nearly impossible fora child to comprehend it at the

    time.However, we are able to see

    more clearly and more simply

    through the lens of a childs eye,no matter how grand the scale

    or how blurry the picture maybe. It reminds me of a lyricfrom a band I like called Bears.

    In the song You Can Tell,Charlie McArthur sings, Youmust wonder whats going

    through my mind besides thealphabet, counting to six, andprehistoric timesAdjusting to

    having to think about more than

    myself is not so simple for me,and I know you can tell.

    The mind is active, even in achild who cannot count all theway to ten.

    We pass down simplisticanswers to questions like, Whyare the workers on the farm

    wearing striped pajamas? inan effort to somehow maintaininnocence or quell curiosity,

    but we end up just fanning theflames.

    And on some level, we know

    were doing it.We arent surprised when the

    German adults give these overlysimplistic answers to the boy,only to see him run off to the

    fence to find out for himself. We know its only a matter

    of time before he discovers the

    truth. Its this delayed reaction,this subconscious understandingthat allows us to emotionally

    invest ourselves in a film like

    this.Adjusting to being forced to

    think about more than yourselfisnt so simple, but when we do, we can appreciate things for

    what they are.The Boy in the Striped

    Pajamas will be playing at the

    Mary DAngelo PerformingArts Center Wednesday, Jan. 28,at 2:15 and 8:00 p.m.

    Tickets are free for Mercyhurststudents with student ID (oneticket per ID).

    By Mason Lorek

    Staff writer

    The Boy in the Striped Pajamas will play at the Mary

    DAngelo Performing Arts Center on Wednesday, Jan. 28, at

    2:15 and 8 p.m as part of the Guelcher Film Series.

    Petition asks Obama to name secretary of arts

    Newly sworn in President ofthe United States Barack Obamahas already admitted to an ambi-

    tious plan for his first 100 daysin office.

    Some of his most press-

    ing tasks include closing theprison at Guantanamo, restart-ing a faltering economy, avert-

    ing multiple worldwide crisesand restoring the reputation of

    America worldwide.Those in the arts community

    nationwide have an additionalproposal for Obama: create a

    new cabinet position, secretaryof the arts.

    The grass roots, petition-

    based movement was suppos-edly started by Quincy Jones,the 75-year-old African-Ameri-

    can musician and producer whogoes by the sobriquet Q.

    Jones is well-known for pro-ducing Michael Jacksons album

    Thriller and producing andconducting the charity song

    We Are the World. As of Tuesday night, more

    than 161,000 signatures havebeen added.

    Additionally, a number ofFacebook groups are dedicatedto the cause.

    Signees are allowed to add written comments beside theirsignature.

    Many posters complain that

    other countries have Ministersof Culture and the Arts.

    One early signee wrote, Thearts elevate the human spirit togreat heights. They are a true

    impression of the artists soul. They are certainly God-givengifts to make this world a more

    beautiful place. Another later signee wrote,

    The arts are the expression of

    a societys soul.

    Another signer also wrote,Arts play a large role in the

    development of each and everyperson on this earth. Without

    proper funding, live perfor-mance will go silent.

    Some signees signed andproposed particular candidates.

    Nominated names include trum-peter and composer WyntonMarsalis and Jones himself.

    Obama clearly appears to bean advocate of the arts.

    During his inaugural ceremo-

    nies, he seemed contemplative

    and meditative during Air andSimple Gifts, a John Williams

    piece composed for the occa-sion and performed by cellistYo-Yo Ma, violinist Itzhak Perl-

    man, pianist Gabriela Monteroand clarinetist Anthony McGill.

    Obama commissioned poet

    Elizabeth Alexander to recite apoem written in commemora-tion of his historic inaugura-


    He became the fourth presi-dent to name a poet to read at

    an inauguration, following thelead of John F. Kennedy, who

    tapped Robert Frost. The present American poet

    laurete is Californian Kay Ryan.For those interested in sign-

    ing, the petition to name a Secre-tary of the Arts has been posted

    online at

    By Kyle King

    A & E editor

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


    ARTS & ENTERTAINMENTPage 10 January 21, 2009

    It would be an understatement

    to simply say I like music.

    As the proud owner of aniTunes library spanning 304.3

    days, I honestly do not know what

    my life would be like without it.

    Almost three years ago, I found

    something that would not only

    aid, but also feed my music


    One day, as I was surfing the

    Internet trying to find some

    new music, I came across Aware

    Records, an independent recordcompany based in Evanston, Ill.

    Awares mission as a record

    label is simply to find the best

    unsigned artists and bands in the

    country. As an independent label,

    Awares approach to marketing

    has always been grass roots and


    Aware made its name in

    the music business releasing

    compilation CDs in the 1990s.

    Some of their early findsincluded John Mayer, Train, Five

    For Fighting, Vertical Horizon,

    Matchbox 20, Hootie and the

    Blowfish, Better Than Ezra,

    Edwin McCain and The Verve


    Aware now has a separate

    management team, A Square,

    with a stable of recording artists

    as clientele, including The Fray

    and Liz Phair.

    In 1994, one year after itscreation, Aware founder Gregg

    Latterman started the Aware

    Rep Program as a way to involve

    music fans in the industry.

    There are approximately 900

    reps across the U.S. and Canada,

    located in both major and minor

    markets. The varied locations

    of reps help Aware immensely

    with marketing projects. These

    projects are usually for non-

    Aware artists and

    include posting

    flyers, handing

    out samplers and

    promoting at

    competing shows.

    In the past, Aware has done

    projects for

    Coldplay, Jason

    Mraz, Tyrone

    Wells and James


    Being an Aware

    Rep is pretty

    amazing. Reps are

    involved in nearly

    every stage of artistdevelopment, from promoting

    shows and handing out samplers

    to hosting CD listening parties

    and attending free concerts.

    I have been an Aware Rep

    since March 2006 and I love

    every minute of it.

    I have had the opportunity to

    promote bands at huge concerts

    (including free tickets!), sell

    merchandise at shows, meet and

    befriend amazing musicians and,

    best of all, watch unknown artists

    become respected in the music


    Some bands I have worked

    with include The Working

    Title, Five for Fighting and TheHeyday. These are just a few of

    the lesser-known bands who are

    affiliated with Aware.

    Bigger names such as John

    Mayer, The Fray and Motion

    City Soundtrack are also part of

    Aware Records.

    Reps usually receive advance

    copies of albums by these artists.

    Aside from the free swag and

    other perks of being a rep, myfavorite part is connecting with

    reps across the country, finding

    out about other new bands

    through them and watching the

    independent music industry

    grow, one band at a time.

    For more information about

    Aware Records or to inquire

    about becoming an Aware Rep,

    you can visit their Web site,

    By Casey Harvilla

    Contributing writer

    Hurst sophomore works as Aware music rep

    Aware Records made its name in the music business releasing compilation

    CDs in the 1990s and now has contracts through Columbia Records with

    artists such as Five For Fighting, John Mayer, Mat Kearney and Train.

    Forsthoefel appears in Dalai Lama Renaissance

    Mercyhurst Colleges Religious

    Studies Department Chair Dr.

    Thomas Forsthoefel appears in

    this weeks Guelcher Film Series

    documentary, Dalai Lama


    Forsthoefel will introduce the

    film along with director Khashyar

    Darvich and field questions for

    Darvich after both sessions.

    Dalai Lama Renaissance

    centers around a group of 40

    innovative thinkers, including art-

    ists, scholars, physicists, astrono-

    mers, business leaders, doctors

    and authors.

    The group was invited by the

    Dalai Lama of Tibet in 1999

    to participate in a week-long

    summit focusing on how to solve

    the new millenniums most chal-

    lenging problems and most grip-ping crises.

    The Wakan Foundation for the

    Arts had a five-person crew film

    more than 140 hours of footage

    of the event, which they turned

    into a full-length documentary.

    Harrison Ford provided nar-

    ration of the weeks events,

    beginning with the groups trav-

    els through India and arrival in

    Dharamsala, the Lamas home.

    Also captured were feuds

    between featured participants

    and so-called silent observers.

    By the close of the summit, the

    group achieved a measure of


    The groups resolution resulted

    in the Lama considering their

    proposal to universally boycott

    Chinese goods.

    Forsthoefel went on the trip as

    an observer and participated insmall group breakout sessions.

    I had a very good friend,

    Wayne Teasdale, with whom I

    shared similar experiences and

    valuestravels to India, staying

    at the ashram of the late Benedic-

    tine monk, Bede Griffiths, and an

    appreciation for the importance

    and need for interfaith dialogue.

    He was a leading organizer of

    the conference and invited me to

    join, Forsthoefel said.

    There was actually some ten-

    sion at the conference because

    of the two-tiered approach [of

    participants and observers],

    which seemed a bit hierarchical

    and lacking some spontaneity.

    But the tension itself was, in the

    end, good, as it provoked insight

    and clarity and appreciation,

    Forsthoefel said.

    Forsthoefel was not workingon a project at the time, but later

    completed Soulsong, a book

    on models of holiness, and used

    the Dalai Lamas example to illus-

    trate the Holiness of Calm and

    the path to meditation.

    His latest book, The Dalai

    Lama: The Essential Writings,

    was released last year and is a

    compilation of His Holiness the

    Dalai Lamas most important and

    effective writings.

    Forsthoefel plans to use the

    book in his Buddhism courses at


    Its odd to say that I met the

    Dalai Lama, because I did not

    enjoy formal introductions or

    simple conversation, Forsthoefel

    said. However, at the end of the

    conference, he received each of

    us personally, offering a blessing

    to us in the form of a kata, silkscarf. I must admit I did feel that

    I received a blessing, some grace

    from a holy presence. And that

    was special and mysterious, and I

    think has had an impact on me.

    Darvich is currently touring

    the Northeast region promoting

    Dalai Lama Renaissance.

    The film has taken home a

    myriad of awards and praise,

    including 12 wins at film festivals

    worldwide and eight other offi-

    cial selections.

    The film plays at the Mary

    DAngelo Performing Arts

    Center Wednesday, Jan. 21, at

    2:15 and 8 p.m.

    Tickets are $4 for students, $5

    for adults and free to students

    with Mercyhurst ID.

    By Kyle King

    A & E editor

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


    ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Page 11January 21, 2009

    The Mercyhurst College

    Cummings Gallery is currently

    housing a display entitled

    Celebrate Dance, which

    exhibits works that show the

    essence of dance captured in


    Michael Fuhrman and John

    Vanco worked as curators for

    this special exhibit.

    Fuhrman is a Mercyhurst

    dance alumnus who now directs

    the Mary DAngelo PAC, and

    Vanco is the director of the Erie

    Art Museum.

    The gallery reception for

    Celebrate Dance was held on

    Thursday, Jan. 15, from 7 to 9

    p.m. This reception involved an

    array of refreshments as well as

    the opportunity to view the art.

    The collection includes works

    by Erie artists Art Becker, Ed

    Bernik, Mark Fainstein, Rick

    Klein, Brad Lethaby and Vance

    Lupher, who also arranged and

    installed the exhibit.

    Works are included from the

    collection of Tauna Hunter,Dance Department Chair at

    Mercyhurst College, as well as

    from Mark Santillano, assistant

    professor of dance and co-

    director of modern dance

    company SoMar Dance Works,

    which is pictured in several of

    the displayed photographs.

    In addition, Art Therapy

    professor Cathlyn Hahn also

    loaned images for the galleryexhibit.

    Celebrate Dance consists

    primarily of photography, as well

    as a few paintings, lithographs

    and sculptures.

    Many of the photographs

    picture alumni and current

    students of the Dance

    Department, especially in

    the work of Rick Klein,

    who is frequently hired as a

    photographer for the Mercyhurst

    dancers. The Mercyhurst Liturgical

    Dance Ensemble and SoMar

    Dance Works, which include

    Mercyhurst student dancers,

    were featured within these


    Although most of the works

    capture moments from ballet

    and modern dance, and not

    other forms, still a good deal

    of variety is present within the


    Some pieces show standardstage shots, while others were

    taken from backstage.

    Some artists made use of

    blurred images and silhouettes,

    while others went for a more

    straightforward depiction of the


    A few images capture only the

    feet of the dancers, while most

    include the whole scene of the


    Other artists

    played withperspective even

    further, such as in

    an image by Vance

    Lupher in which

    the dancer appears

    to be swimming or

    leaping out of the


    The settings of

    the images vary as

    well, with dance

    shown in scenes

    ranging from the

    standard stage or

    a photography

    backdrop to the

    sands of Presque


    The paintings

    in the collection

    are especiallynoticeable, because

    of their minority among the

    many photographs, and in some

    cases because of their large

    size.Ballerina Tauna Hunter by

    Andrew Burton pictures the

    Dance Chair in her former days

    as a ballet dancer, and Dying

    Swan by Brad Lethaby depicts

    the classic scene of the dying

    swan, a solo originally danced by

    famous ballerina Anna Pavlova

    in the 19th century.

    Sophomore Laura McCarty

    said of the exhibit, The art

    work was very expressive.

    The art was visually

    appealing, sophomore graphic

    design major Samantha Williams


    The Cummings Art Gallery

    is open for viewing Tuesday

    through Sunday 2 to 5 p.m. and

    Thursday 7 to 9 p.m.

    Celebrate Dance openedThursday, Jan. 8.

    The display will be open

    through Sunday, Feb. 1.

    By Sarah MastrocolaStaff Writer

    Celebrate Dance exhibit opens in Cummings

    Celebrate Dance includes both paintings and photography. The exhibit

    premiered Thursday, Jan. 15, and runs through Sunday, Feb. 1.

    Sarah Mastrocola photo

    FastballOur Misunderstanding

    Del Amitri Roll on Me


    Where did Fastball go after 1997 without

    ever knowing the way? Since All the Pain

    Money Can Buy sold more than a million

    copies, they tumbled, much like the elderly

    couple about whom The Way was written.

    Speaking of 90s one-hit wonders, even

    the most discerning listeners would

    have problems naming this Scottishband, formed in 1980, as the authors of

    this song, also on their latest CD, Hatful of Rain.

    The ThornsLong Sweet Summer NightFor those of you needing a pick-me-up

    from depressing wintry weather, check

    out this acoustic trio featuring Shawn

    Mullins, most known for Lullaby, Mat-

    thew Sweet and Pete Droge. The supergroup released

    only one CD, back in 2003. Also check out No Blue

    Sky and Dragonfly.

    Sophomore Ryan Lanzel looks at photography from the

    Celebrate Dance exhibit at Cummings Gallery. Performing

    Arts Center director Michael Fuhrman and Erie Art Museum

    director John Vanco served as guest curators for the exhibit.

    Scoot Williams photo

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


    OPINIONPage 12 January 21, 2009The views expressed in the opinion section of The Merciad do not necessarily reflect the v iews of Mercyhurst College, the staff of The Merciad

    or the Catholic Church. Responses on any subject are always welcomed and can be e-mailed to [email protected].


    readers sharetheir thoughts.


    Our world is in crisis.

    I have written many articles

    about the problems our society

    is facing and how we shouldapproach and handle them.

    There are so many things

    causing anxiety to the point

    of collapsing. Alternative:

    Go to The Cornerstone on

    Wednesday nights.

    Dont worry. I am 21 years

    old and I am allowed to be

    there. But let me tell you,

    there is not a problem in the

    world on Wednesday nightsat Mercyhurst.

    Sitting around with your clos-

    est friends, knowing how diffi-

    cult it would be to spend more

    than 10 dollars the entire night

    is just the start of it.

    Walking downstairs to the

    dance floor is probably one

    of the most intensely fun and

    exciting things awaiting most

    patrons. You see people you

    never expect, dancing in ways

    you didnt even think possible.

    Letting loose of all the weeks

    stressors, people get so funky

    with their dance moves you

    cannot help

    but smile

    the entire

    time. Whenhits like

    Thr i l le r

    or a classic

    from high

    school like

    Air Force

    O n e s

    comes on,

    the crowd

    of slightly-

    intoxicatedp e o p l e

    scream like

    theyve just

    all won a mil-

    lion dollars.

    There is one group of people

    I love to reference and write

    about in particular, and that

    is my roommates. Living in

    such close quarters with so

    many girls (seven not includ-

    ing me) we tend to have some

    hilarious stories.

    But more than anything,

    when I turn the last corner of

    the staircase and hit the dance

    floor on a Wednesday night, I

    am positive I will see one of my

    fantastic roommates breaking it

    down so hard sweat has slicked

    back her previously beautiful

    hair. Or, someones pants rip

    from dancing at 150 percent.

    Why is it so fun?

    It is completely out of

    our school persona. We are

    all studious, responsible and

    put-together girls. And really,

    we only hang out with each

    other anyway.

    Maybe because of the

    sweat issue.

    But I assure you, for one night

    a week, we are not worried about

    money, the future, job opportu-

    nities or how our time together

    is quickly dwindling.

    We arent worried the econ-

    omy is failing or how older

    generations are constantly talk-

    ing about how ridiculous our

    generation is becoming. For that

    night, and that night only, we are

    only making sure of one thing:We are making fools of our-

    selves and loving it. It makes a

    wonderful Thursday morning to

    discuss how ridiculous the night

    before was.

    We all take turns shower-

    ing and putting ourselves back

    together so we can carry on

    with our week. But those nights

    are something I know you have

    all encountered.I missed out on those nights

    for a long time and encour-

    age you all to let loose and

    embrace them.

    Because, even though you

    may wish you didnt get kicked

    out of the bathroom after

    having a heart to heart with

    your roommate for two hours,

    you wont ever regret the night

    or the memory.

    For someone who brags so

    openly about her uniqueness,

    you sure do adhere to the ever-

    popular, ever-unoriginal prin-

    ciple of conforming to non-


    I, as a Merciad reader, expect

    to read more in a college news-papers Arts and Entertainment

    section than a self-righteous

    rant from one of its staff writ-

    ers (Hazel Jennings makes A

    & E New Years resolutions,

    Vol. 82, No. 12).

    Instead of alienating your

    readers by bragging about your-

    self, Ms. Jennings, why dont you

    try actually writing about the

    cultural topics you claim to care

    about so much?

    Heres a news flash for you,

    Merciad staff: People want

    to read about things with sub-stance, things they can relate to.

    Audiences typically dont

    want to be ostracized by some

    elitist braggart of a columnist

    who blabs about how great she

    is for nearly 500 words.

    I anticipate your criticism and

    would like

    to make

    it known

    that I do,

    i n d e e d ,


    s a r c a s m

    as muchas the

    next thick-

    rimmed glasses-wearing, indie

    rock-listening young adult.

    You write with a relatively

    amusing amount of flair, Ill

    give you that. However, if you

    want people actually to enjoy

    reading your stuff keep your

    ego in check.

    Kryssy Smith

    The article was obviously a

    satiric jab at people who hold

    themselves to a ridiculous

    standard of underground

    culture pretension.

    Im sorry you felt alienated,

    because you failed to recognize

    a humor piece.

    At least you have your thick-

    rimmed glasses and indie-

    rock to make you an authority

    on nonconformity.

    By Hazel JenningsContributing writer

    Mercyhurst students posing during a night off from term stress and studyingHeather Donovan photo

    Students cure crises with nights out

    Jennings resolutionsget feedback Hazelfi res back

    By JordanZangaroStaff writer

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


    OPINION Page 13January 21, 2009















    The Merciad is the official student-produced newspaper of MercyhurstCollege. It is published throughout the school year, with the exception offinals weeks. Our office is in Hirt, Room 120B. Our telephone number is (814)


    The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be signedand names will be included with the letters. Although we will not edit the

    letters for content, we reserve the right to trim letters to fit. Lettersare due Mondays. by noon and may not be more than 300 words. Submit

    letters to box PH 485 or via e-mail at [email protected].

    If you dont want it printed . . . dont let it happen.Editors

    Casey Greene

    JoEllen Marsh

    Amanda Valauri

    Javi Cubillos

    Heather Donovan

    Brad MoehringerSam Sellinger

    Kyle King

    Scoot Williams

    Tyler Stauffer

    Caitlin Bly

    Gretchen Yori

    Ashley Pastor

    Bill Welch

    Brian Sheridan



    Managing Editor

    News Editor

    Features Editor

    Opinion Editor

    Sports EditorSports Editor




    Advertising Manager

    Copy Editor

    General Assignment



    Only in the land of the free did

    Americans have the opportunityto vote for an old white guy ora young black guy in the recent

    presidential election.Never have Americans had

    such a distinction in color and

    age to choose from. We weretruly blessed with choice.

    Could anyone 200 years ago

    imagine we would have theoption to either keep spendingnearly a trillion dollars a year

    maintaining troops in 140countries around the world, orbringing them home from Iraq

    so we would only have them in

    139 countries?Oh man, I bet 200 years

    ago, no one would have ever

    thought, if we ever allowed thegovernment to take 50 percentof our paychecks through one

    form or another of taxes, wecould decide which class ofpeople should get some of

    it back. We also had the unique

    opportunity to vote

    for a man who reallyunderstands economics.

    This one was a win-win.

    Obama understandsderegulation caused ourproblems; had the government

    just regulated the banks moreafter it forced them to makeloans to unqualified debtors,

    the housing market would havebeen fine. McCain understoodyou cant promote a free-market

    system without catching the bigboys when they fall.

    Even further, Americans had

    the opportunity to vote for acandidate that would solve alltheir problems.

    Whether it was the old whitefart or the young black stud, nolonger did Americans have to

    crumble from the burden ofself-reliance and responsibility.No longer do we have the moral

    obligation to take care of ourneighbors directly, for we cando it through an impersonal

    government institution.No longer will we have to

    worry about our neighbors

    getting ahead, for we can sit onthe couch and let them get taxedto death while they try.

    Both the old white guy andthe young black man have plansto solve our problems.

    So dont worry.Stop trying to figure out how

    to live within your means. Stop

    working so hard to pay yourbills. Stop worrying.

    Go buy some cool stuff on

    your credit card.Quit your job and stop

    paying the mortgage. When

    you cant pay your credit cardsand/or housing payments, Big

    Brother will be there to makesure the lenders dont suffer theconsequences of lending to you.

    Dont feel bad.Itll just mean a little higher tax

    to pay for more bailouts, maybe

    a little less freedom and possiblya little more governmentcontrol of our lives. But, thats

    a small price to pay to protectthe American tradition ofsecurity first.

    With this kind of prospectfor hope, no matter who won,I think Americans can officially

    say it really doesnt matter if thepresident is black or white.

    By Thomas Kubica

    Contributing writer

    Israel really needs to leavePalestine alone. Think about it,

    if you were surroundedby people you hate, you would want to shoot

    rockets at them as well.Hopefully, the Obama

    administration brings

    change when dealing

    with Israel. Just becausethe Palestinians are

    viewed as inferior does not meanthey are and shouldnt be treatedas such.

    The Obama administrationshould take note of the previouspresidents administration.

    After WWII, the Jews cameand took over their so-calledhomeland. The Palestinian

    people were ruthlessly shut-

    out. Now where should they

    go? The Israelis will continueto blow things up in Gaza as

    long as they have the support ofthe U.S.

    Israel needs to learn WWII isnt a justification for

    bombing everyonethey think is a harm

    to them.If they keep this up mentality

    it will lead to their end, and

    because of all the people who have vested interests inthe situation, the world as we

    know it.

    Also, being a mediator, not a

    antagonist of the Palestinians,

    will lead to less resentmentfrom the Middle East towards

    the U.S.The U.S. treating Israel like the

    child that can do nothing wrongis, in itself, wrong. The new

    administrationneeds to viewIsrael, as it

    is, an overlya g g r e s s i v enation, which

    feels no military

    boundaries. The Obama

    administration can change this. The Palestinians should

    continue as is; this situation is

    attracting attention to the MiddleEast, and making people thinkIsrael may just be using WWII

    and the U.S. as a shield for theircrimes against humanity.

    Blowing up the U.N. office is

    a perfect example.

    Israel really needs toleave Palestine alone.

    Seth Halllam

    Hoping for a new approachObama in the Middle East

    Making distinctions beyond color

    By SethHallamStaff writer

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


    OPINIONPage 14 January 21, 2009

    Our nations first blackpresident was sworn intooffice yesterday. Jan. 20,2009, was not only a his-torical moment our childrenwill surely ask about but the

    start of a new era.

    The now former Presi-dent Bush will be vacatingthe White House, but anunlucky village will be get-ting their idiot back.

    The ancient Mayan calen-dar predicts the end of the world at 2012, a dauntingthought considering the

    new year. We dont knowwhats uglier, apocalypsetheories or the people whobelieve them.

    Please e-mail any suggestions to

    [email protected].

    The GB&U is a compilation of

    student opinions.

    Its clearly a coincidenceMartin Luther King Jr.s birthday

    and national celebration werethe day before President BarackObama was inaugurated.

    While this may be true, I feelwe are overlooking some equalimportance national holidays.

    Thinking about current eventsin our nation, I feel like we needto draw attention to equally

    important national holidays.Our nation is seeing big

    changes, but what about

    our veterans?

    Veterans of wars we study inhistory textbooks and veterans

    of our current war are arguablyequally significant as a civilrights leaders bir thday.

    Without belittling theimportance of Martin LutherKing Jr. Day, I think it is

    important to not forget our vets.They symbolize a commitmentto our daily freedoms and safety

    just as MLK symbolizes equalityamong races.

    I realize and acknowledge

    MLKs symbolic significance, yetwe are valuing the achievementsof one man versus the

    contributions an entire sectorof our society.

    Why is MLK day celebrated

    on the day of his birth? Asnational holidays go, the only

    other birthday we celebrate inthat fashion is Christmas.

    (Feb. 16, is WashingtonsBirthday as written in the

    United States Code, butnation wide it is celebrated asPresidents Day.)

    Are we holding MLK insuch high esteem that not onlyis he more important than our

    veterans, but he is on the same

    level as Jesus Christ?

    By Amanda Valauri

    News Editor

    College students shouldread more.

    I know that sounds utterlyridiculous and you might wantto throw your heaviest text

    book at me right now, but letme explain. With all of theassignments, papers, research

    and tests constantly runningour lives, it is important todo something for our own

    personal entertainment.Of course, there are always

    the options of hanging out with

    friends, working out, watching

    movies and frequenting the

    local bars.

    But why not stay in fromthe cold and curl up with agreat book?

    I am in no way encouragingyou to neglect the assignmentsfrom your professors; I am only

    presenting an alternative wayto spend the leisure time youdo have.

    A book can be somethingyou carry with you and whenthe opportunity presents itself

    you can dive into the story as anescape from everyday life.

    Opportunistic times include:

    waiting for the bus, in betweenclasses, traveling or somethingto help pass the time while

    biking your daily miles at the

    gym. I can bet we have all been

    in the situation where waitingfor something or someone canseem like a boring eternity.

    If you had a good book Iam sure you would be thankfulfor the extra time to get a few

    pages read.Currently, my friends and I are

    reading the Twilight series and

    while some of us have finishedthe four books and others arejust beginning the exciting story,

    it has given us something totalk about.

    Passing books from friend to

    friend and recommending themto each other can be fun and a way to share something other

    than the latest gossip.

    By Hayley OHare

    Contributing writer

    So the picture staring back atme of a wide-grinned, brightred face with a feather attached

    to their head is apparently thecause of some controversy.

    I dont see why though, I

    mean its just a cartoon, cartoonscouldnt possibly represent any-thing derogatory or defaming.

    Its not as if those cartoonsdepicting Asians with squintyeyes and a long braid in their

    hair are really all racist.I mean thats what Asians

    generally look like. But Ameri-

    can Indian cartoons, what harmcould those have?

    Its just a mascot and symbol

    of a sports team. I dont thinkIndians should be offended

    because Im not offended, by

    the Patriots mascot and I con-

    sider myself patriotic.I think all the American Indi-

    ans want is money; I mean theywait this whole time to complainabout mascots when they didntsay anything when they were

    first introduced. Who cares ifthey were introduced during atime when there was a lot of

    racism and nobody cared whatthey thought anyway?

    I mean were not racist now

    so whats the problem?

    Do any of the above sen-tences make sense to any of

    you? I would hope they wouldsound incredibly stupid toeveryone but sadly, these are

    some of the reasons I get as to why American Indian mascotsarent racist.

    Trust me, there are manymore reasons fans and non-fans alike defend the use of

    American Indian mascots. As I

    try to appeal to peoples reason

    Im met with claims and verypoor, erroneous excuses as to

    why these mascots are not a bigdeal.

    I know I cant make anyonefeel a certain way; but how

    can some of us not put our-selves in the shoes of thosewere mocking?

    Some people just dont get itand continue on with claims like,It wouldnt bother me if there

    were a team called the Chicago

    Whities/Negroes/Beaners, Ithink itd be funny.

    Just because youre notoffended, doesnt mean some-thing isnt offensive.

    And the poor excuses youcome up with to avoid changingyour attitude is one of the most

    pathetic ways to hide the factyou care little about the feel-ings of others or worse, are in

    fact, racist.

    By RhondaMarableStaff writer



    Escaping a daily droneAn out-of-the-ordinary pastime

    Mascots causing concern forethnic group representation

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


    SPORTSPage 16 January 21,

    The bruises, aches and pains senior

    goalie Jason Lashomb will feel on thelacrosse field this season will now beaccompanied by a sound Cha-ching.

    This season Lashomb decided to usehis All-American talent to help makethe dreams of children come true. The

    goaltender from Rush, N.Y., created aprogram through the local Make-A-WishFoundation called Saves for Kids.

    The idea behind the program is simple:Lashomb wants to find local companiesand individuals willing to donate money

    based on the number of saves he makesthis coming season.

    The Make-A-Wish Foundation, forthose who dont know, is an organizationthat grants terminally ill children the wishof their choice.

    Over the summer, I started thinkingof ways I could take my success andchannel it into something that would

    benefit others, Lashomb said. Savesfor Kids is a way for me to use my talentin order to benefit a part of a young, sick

    childs life.

    Lashomb began by working withseveral members of Mercyhursts athletic

    administration and Steve Zinram, whoin charge of Alumni Donations andDevelopment, as well as Jan Stork, a

    local representative of the Make-A-WishFoundation. Together they brainstormed ways to use his

    talent to benefitothers andSaves for Kids

    was born.As an

    education major,

    I really wantedto gear thistoward children,

    and I think theMake-A-Wish Foundation was a greatavenue for that, Lashomb said.

    Lashomb said he believes childrenshould never have to worry about the

    next form of treatment theyre going to

    have, what pills to take next or suffer in

    anyway.He went on to explain he will do

    whatever it takes to raise money to help

    children forget about those worries forat least awhile.

    Other Mercyhurst students appreciate

    Lashombs efforts.These children go through so much at

    such a young age that they deserve all the

    happiness we can give them in their shor tperiod of time with us, senior JennaBarone said. If Mercyhurst College can

    give them one truly amazing day throughthe Make-a-wish Foundation, it can givea child the hope and inspiration to live

    each day to its fullest.Lashomb doesnt plan on doing this

    alone. He has asked teammates find

    companies and individuals in Erie and intheir hometowns that would be willing toparticipate in the program. Lashombs

    goal is to try and get small amounts ofmoney from a large amount of people.

    His teammates are happy to help.

    Its cool to have a teammate who isgoing out and extending what we doon the lacrosse field to help out the less

    fortunate in the community, seniormidfielder Mike Bartlett said.

    Senior defender Tom Eighmey isntsurprised to hear about Lashombs Savesfor Kids.

    Jason is an outstanding lacrosse

    player, but even more important, is heis an outstanding person, Eighmeysaid. Jason always looks to give back

    to anybody ande v e r y b o d y that he can. I

    think that this

    Saves for Kidsprogram is a

    great idea.There are two

    ways to donate

    to Saves forKids, Lashomb

    explained. The first is a per save

    amount, which means the company orindividual can agree on an amount to payfor each save Lashomb makes during the

    season. Companies or individuals can

    also agree to simply give a donation tothe cause.

    All the money raised will go directly to

    the local Make-A-Wish Foundation ofGreater Pennsylvania to sponsor a childswish.

    The average wish costs around $3,500,

    and Lashomb is still looking for sponsorsto participate in his Saves for Kids

    program.I feel very grateful and fortunate

    for what I have in my life, Lashomb

    said. To be able to give just a little bitback by playing the sport I love is trulywhat I hope I can accomplish with this

    program.Senior Margaux Valenti said she is

    impressed with Lashombs dedication.

    I think it is absolutely wonderful

    that an athlete is getting involved withthe community on a personal level, shesaid. It is truly a beautiful initiative on

    his part.All the money donated through Saves

    for Kids is tax-deductible and signing

    up requires only a few minutes to fill out

    a form. As of right now, Lashomb said he

    has many individuals lined up to donatemoney. However, the only companycurrently on board is PAETEC, a

    communications company in RochesterN.Y. who has donated $500.

    Anyone interested in participating in

    Saves for Kids and helping Lashombmake a childs dream come true cancontact him at [email protected]

    for a donation form.

    Lacrosse goaltender Saves for Kids

    Jason Lashomb dedicates seasons saves to Make-A-WishBy Brad Moehringer

    Sports editor

    To be able to give just alittle bit back by playing thesport I love is truly what Ihope I can accomplish with

    this program.Jason Lashomb

    Senior goaltender Jason Lashomb is teaming up with the local Make-A-Wish

    Foundation to help terminally ill children in the Erie community.

    Scoot Williams photo

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


    SPORTS Page 17January 21, 2009

    Lashomb uses talent in the goal to benefi t others

    Senior lacrosse goalie Jason Lashomb isusing his talent in the net to

    benefit terminally ill children. Lashomb, in

    partnership with the local Make-A-Wish

    Foundation, is finding sponsors to donate

    money to the organization for every save

    he makes this season. If

    interested, contact Lashomb at jlasho40@ for a donation form.

    Photos by Scoot Williams

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


    SPORTS Page 19January 21, 2009

    Mens basketball cools down after sizzling start

    The Mercyhurst College

    mens basketball team cooled

    off quickly after a smoking hot

    start earlier this season.

    The Lakers, who started

    off the season on an 11 game

    winning streak, have lost

    three of their last four games,

    including two losses on their

    home court. This cold streak

    comes at a pivotal point of the

    season, the Pennsylvania State

    Athletic Conference (PSAC)

    regular season.

    The Lakers are now 0-2 in

    the PSAC with losses to

    Slippery Rock University

    and Indiana University of


    A lack of rebounding in the

    Slippery Rock game led to the

    loss, as the Lakers were out

    rebounded 41 to 27.

    During the IUP game there

    was a clear lack of offense, as

    the Lakers were held without a

    basket for just under 10 minutes

    in the second half.

    These two events proved

    to be the key in the respective

    games. Possibly even worse

    news is the Lakers were held

    to a season low of 53 points by

    Slippery Rock.

    The Lakers set the season

    low to 48 against IUP during

    the next game. While this might

    sound like bad news, the Lakers

    have a chance to bounce back

    with a win coming up this

    week against cross town rival

    Edinboro University.

    The Lakers will be looking to

    get into their previous form and

    get back to their old winning

    ways. The Lakers are 12-3 on

    the season.

    By Gary Coad

    Staff writer

    The friendly confines of the

    Mercyhurst College Ice Center seem

    to be just what the mens hockey team

    needed to get back on track.

    After getting swept last weekend by

    Atlantic Hockey foe Army, the Lakers

    returned home for another pair of

    conference games against Sacred Heart

    on Jan. 16 and Jan. 17.

    Friday nights game was a defensivebattle with plenty of hard hitting

    and physical play to keep the fans


    Sophomore Scott Pitt started the

    scoring for the Lakers in the first period

    off a pass from senior Matt Pierce.

    Sophomore Jeff Terminisi picked up

    an assist on the goal.

    The score remained 1-0 until the

    second period when junior Chris Risi

    lit the lamp thanks to assists fromsenior Brett Robinson and sophomore

    goaltender Ryan Zapolski.

    Two goals was all the offensive

    support Zapolski needed as he made 30

    saves and was just 53 seconds short of a

    shutout, but still picked up the win.

    Saturday nights game was a one sided

    affair headlined by sophomore Steve


    Cameron picked apart the Sacred

    Heart defense and found the back of

    the net four consecutive times.

    Cameron leads the Lakers with 15

    goals and 16 assists on the season.

    Sophomore Mike Gurtler added two

    goals and, sophomore Scott Pitt cappedoff the scoring with his tenth goal of

    the season to defeat the Pioneers 7-0.

    Zapolski got the nod on Saturday

    in goal, and he was solid once again

    securing his seventh win of the season

    and first shutout of the year.

    Mercyhurst now stands at 9-12-2

    overall and 7-6-2 in the conference.

    The Lakers continue their nine-game

    home stand this weekend with a pair

    of games against the University of

    Connecticut Huskies.

    Puck drop is scheduled for 7:05 p.m.

    for Friday and Saturday games at the

    Mercyhurst College Ice Center.

    By Brad Moehringer

    Sports editor

    Cameron helps mens hockey get back on track

    Junior Chris Risi scores a goal against Sacred Heart at the mens hockey

    game this past weekend.

    Scoot Williams photo

    Sophomore goalkeeper Ryan Zapolski protects the puck behind the net

    against Sacred Heart this past weekend.

    Scoot Williams photo

    Page 20Junior Neil Graham (24) levels a

    Sacred Heart Pioneer on Jan. 16.

    k S

  • 8/6/2019 The Merciad, Jan. 21, 2009


    Scoot Williams photo

    Caption on page 19

    Laker Sports

    Punishingthe Pioneers

    Lakers take two from Sacred Heart

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