




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 104214060













Never retreat



I dedicate this thesis to my awesome parents

Paulus Sri Iriyanto & Lusila Kurniawati

Also my beloved friends & family of





My highest gratitude goes to my savior and guidance, Jesus Christ. I

would also like to thank to my best thesis advisor Adventina Putranti, S.S.,

M.Hum. for her guidance in finishing my study and to my thesis co-advisor Arina

Isti’anah, S.Pd., M.Hum for her important suggestion on this study. I also would

like to thank Anna Fitriati S.Pd., M.Hum., Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani S.S., M.Hum.,

Francisca Kristanti S.Pd., M.Hum., and all the supporting units at Sanata Dharma

University who have assisted me in finishing my study.

I will not complete my education unless my family support me along the

way here. Mr. Irianto and Mrs. Irianto, you are my greatest parents. Also I would

like to thank my beautiful auntie Fira for her support and especially to my

adorable niece whose smile always inspires me.

I would also give my deepest gratitude to Antonia Dumasari Putrianti who

never gives up on me. My special & greatest thanks go to my friends in crime:

Anto, Rama, Hans, Matheus, Dita, and Qee. My hero who are all of my friends

and family of B-10 Sasing: Daniel, Nino, Joe, Albert, Moko, Widya, Icha, Rosa,

Danis, Yanis, Anang, Andrew, Nia, Tia, Kons, Vania, Hugo, Wiwik, Dona, Danti,

Lita, and Marsha. My deepest thanks also goes to my supporting team of Lectio

St. Hieronimus Wedi and OMK paroki Wedi.




TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................... ii

APPROVAL PAGE ................................................................................. iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE ............................................................................ iv

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ........................................................ v

LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN ........................................ vi

MOTTO PAGE ........................................................................................ vii

DEDICATION PAGE .............................................................................. viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................... x

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................. xiii

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................. xiv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ........................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study ................................................................. 1

B. Problem Formulation ....................................................................... 3

C. Objectives of the Study ................................................................... 3

D. Definition of Terms ......................................................................... 3


A. Review of Related Studies .............................................................. 5

B. Review of Related Theories ............................................................ 6

1. Theory of Semantics .................................................................... 6

2. Theory of Figurative Language ................................................... 7

. a. Simile ...................................................................................... 8

b. Metaphor ................................................................................. 8

c. Personification ......................................................................... 8

d. Synecdoche ............................................................................. 9

e. Metonymy ............................................................................... 9

f. Hyperbole ................................................................................. 10

g. Irony ........................................................................................ 10

h. Paradox .................................................................................... 10

i. Dead Metaphor ......................................................................... 11

j. Allusion .................................................................................... 11

3. Types of Meaning ........................................................................ 11

a. Conceptual Meaning ................................................................ 12

b. Connotative Meaning .............................................................. 13

c. Social and Affective Meaning ................................................. 13

d. Reflected and Collocative Meaning ........................................ 14

e. Thematic Meaning ................................................................... 15

4. Contextual meaning ..................................................................... 16

a. Local Context .......................................................................... 16

b. Sentential Context ................................................................... 17

c. Topical Context ....................................................................... 17



d. Global Context ........................................................................ 18

C. Theoretical Framework ................................................................... 19

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ....................................................... 20

A. Object of the Study .......................................................................... 20

B. Approach of the Study ..................................................................... 20

C. Method of the Study ........................................................................ 21

1. Data Collection ............................................................................ 21

2. Data Analysis ............................................................................... 21

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULT .................................................... 23

1. Analysis on the Figurative Language ............................................... 23

a. Metaphor ................................................................................. 25

1. An Evil Feeling Attacks (Line 3) ........................................ 25

2. My body's shaking, there's no turning back (Line 4) .......... 26

3. Don't take your eyes off the trigger (Line 5) ...................... 26

4. So here we are, I'm in your head (Line 9) .......................... 26

5. Pay the price for your betrayal (Line 13) ........................... 26

6. My heart is pounding as I say goodbye (Line 20) .............. 26

7. How could you kill me and lie to my face? (Line 24) ........ 27

b. Dead Metaphor ........................................................................ 27

1. You were told to run away (Line 11) ................................. 27

2. Your betrayal, your betrayal (Line 14) ............................... 27

3. I was told to stay away (Line 15) ....................................... 27

4. Now that we can't be together (Line 25) ............................ 27

c. Hyperbole ................................................................................ 28

1. Am I going insane? (Line 1) ............................................... 28

2. My blood is boiling inside of my veins (Line 2) ................ 28

3. I'm not to blame if your world turns to black (Line 6) ....... 28

4. As your eyes start to blister (Line 7) .................................. 29

5. There's just no hope for a final embrace (Line 8) ............... 29

6. Is it my turn to die? (Line 19) ............................................. 29

7. So now I dance in the flames (Line 21) .............................. 29

8. You said that we'd be forever (Line 23) ............................. 29

d. Irony ........................................................................................ 30

1. I love you crying and screaming my name ......................... 30

2. The Message of Betrayal Conveyed Through the Figurative of

Speech “Your Betrayal” Song Lyric

a. Contextual Meaning ................................................................ 30

i. Metaphor ............................................................................ 31

ii. Dead Metaphor ................................................................... 34

iii. Hyperbole .......................................................................... 37

iv. Irony .................................................................................. 39

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ............................................................... 41



BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................... 43


Lyric of “Your Betrayal” – Bullet for My Valentine ................................. 45

Table of Figurative Language .................................................................... 46





in Figurative Language of the Song “Your Betrayal”. Yogyakarta: Department

of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2017.

This thesis begins with the researcher’s awareness about figurative

language in a rock song lyric entitled “Your Betrayal” by Bullet For My

Valentine. Figurative language conveys an intended message about song writer’s

life experience which is represented through the song lyric. Then, it is expected

that the reader or listener not only feel the similar life experience with the song

writer through the song lyric, but also believe that it is representing theirs own

true life experience. The researcher is interested in figuring out how figurative

language conveys the intended message from the song’s writer to the reader or the


The objectives of this study are designed into two problems. The first

problem is to find figurative language found in “Your Betrayal” song lyric. The

second problem is to explain the intended message from the song writer about

betrayal through the meaning of figurative language in the song lyric of “Your


The approach of this study is a semantic approach, which helps to

elaborate the analysis to find out the intended message of the song writer through

figurative language. The primary source of the research is a song lyric “Your

Betrayal” by Bullet For My Valentine which has a rock genre. The secondary

sources of this research are several related studies (Harmastuty and Tasmin’s

thesis) and related theories of semantics analysis and the theory of meaning in

figurative language from Knickerbocker, K.L & Reninger’s theory.

The results of the study are: first, there are four figurative languages found

in “Your Betrayal” song lyric. They are metaphor, hyperbole, irony, and dead

metaphor. On the other hand, the other aspect is about the contextual meaning of

figurative language that is applied in “Your Betrayal” song lyric according to

Dash’s theory. Global context and local context have the main role in order to

elaborate the intended message of the song writer about betrayal. Those types of

contextual meaning show the message of the song writer conveyed through the

meaning of figurative language.





in Figurative Language of the Song “Your Betrayal”. Yogyakarta: Program

Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2017.

Tesis ini bermula dari kesadaran penulis tentang Bahasa figuratif dan yang

terdapat pada lirik lagu berjudul Your Betrayal dari Bullet For My Valentine yang

bergenre rok. Dalam Bahasa figuratif, disampaikan pesan tersirat tentang

pengalaman hidup penulis yang diwakilkan melalui lirik lagu. Kemudian, hal ini

diharapkan agar para pembaca atau pendengar tidak hanya merasakan kesamaan

pengalaman hidup dengan penulis lagu melalui lirik lagu tersebut, tetapi juga

meyakini bahwa lirik lagu tersebut mewakili pengalaman hidup mereka yang

sesungguhnya. Peneliti tertarik dalam menemukan Bahasa figurative yang dapat

menyampaikan pesan tersirat dari penulis lagu kepada pembaca atau pendengar.

Tujuan penelitian ini dirancang menjadi dua formulasi masalah. Formulasi

masalah yang pertama ialah untuk menemukan Bahasa figuratif yang dapat

ditemukan di dalam lirik lagu Your Betrayal. Formulasi masalah yang kedua ialah

untuk menjelaskan pesan tersirat oleh penulis lagu tentang pengkhianatan melalui

makna Bahasa figurative yang terdapat di dalam lirik lagu Your Betrayal.

Pendekatan di dalam studi ini adalah pendekatan semantic, yang dapat

membantu menguraiakan analisis untuk menemukan pesan tersirat dari penulis

lagu melalui Bahasa figuratif. Data utama dalam penelitian ini merupakan lirik

lagu Your Betrayal dari Bullet For My Valentine yang memiliki jenis music rok.

Data kedua dari penelitian ini merupakan beberapa studi terkait (Harmastuty dan

Tasmin skripsi) dan teori-teori yang berkaitan dengan analisis semantic dan teori

makna Bahasa figuratif dari teori from Knickerbocker, K.L & Reninger.

Hasil penemuan dari study ini adalah: Pertama, adalah empat gaya Bahasa

yang ditemukan di dalam lirik lagu Your Betrayal. Gaya bahasa tersebut adalah

metapora,hiperbola, ironi, dan metapora tak bermakna. Sedangkan aspek lain

tentang makna kontekstual yang digunakan dalam lirik lagu “Your Betrayal”

menurut teori Dash. Konteks global dan konteks lokal mempunyai peran utama di

dalam menjabarkan pesan tersirat dari penulis lagu tentang pengkhiantan. Kedua

konteks tersebut menunjukkan pesan dari penulis lagu yang disampaikan melalui

makna dalam Bahasa figuratif.





A. Background of the Study

According to Jakobson, language is human property that is used to

communicate with each other (1960: 353). Basically, language has six functions

in our daily life as referential, emotive, phatic, metalingual, and poetic. It means

that human use language as tool to express their feeling, ideas, thought, opinion,

and even emotion. In order to deliver the message about all of those things, they

are represented in interconnect words which has meaning.

In linguistics, semantic study is dealing with the relationship between the

meaningful elements of language and the outside world (Lehman, 1983: 5).

Kreidler adds, semantics is the study of how languages organize and express

meaning. In very general terms, semantic is the knowledge that the study all the

aspects of meaning. It is a particular theory to understand the essence of meaning.

There are some types of meaning that are studied in the semantics, one of them is

figurative meaning.

Knickerbocker and Reninger (1963: 367) explains that figurative language

is sometimes called metaphorical language, or simple metaphor, because its Greek

ancestor “Metaphereien” means to carry meaning beyond its literal meaning.

Confusion and misunderstanding possibly happen when figurative language is

used in daily life due to its ambiguous meaning. To interpret the meaning of

figurative language depends on the writer or speaker address it. Even though it is



hard to use, we still can find figurative language applied in spoken way or literary

works. It means that figurative language offers rich and profound meaning. Song

is one example of literary work which is applied the usage of figurative language

to convey the intended message of the song writer.

Song is one of the most attractive ways to express human feeling and idea

which combining the beauty and the harmony in a melody. According Joseph

Machlis (1995: 78), a song is defined as a short lyric composition for solo voice

based on a poetic text. There are many messages delivered in a song which

especially through lyric. Lyrics have big influence in songs because they express

messages and arise the imagination of the listener. Mostly, song lyrics contain

figurative language .that is used to convey the message from song writer idea or

emotion. The figurative language that applied in song lyric mostly convey a

message which share about the writer feeling, ideas, emotions, even life

experience of the song writer.

In this research, the writer tries to find figurative language found in “Your

Betrayal” song lyric by Bullet For My Valentine. Then, through the meaning of

figurative language which has found. It can reveal the intended message about

betrayal experience of the song writer. This song tells about a woman who betrays

her lover. Moreover, the writer take the data based on Top Billboard charts as the

references of popular music for rock song genres.



B. Problem Formulation

From the background of the study, this study formulates the problems as


1. What the figurative languages are found in song lyrics of Your Betrayal by

Bullet For My Valentine?

2. How is the intended message about betrayal conveyed through figurative

languages in song lyrics of “Your Betrayal” by Bullet for My Valentine?

C. Objectives of the Study

As shown above, this study has two objectives. First is to find out the

figurative languages that is used in song lyrics of Your Betrayal by Bullet For My

Valentine. Second, the result of the first objective lead the writer to elaborate

about the intended message about betrayal from the song’s writer that is conveyed

through the figurative language contained in “Your Betrayal” song lyric.

D. Definition of Terms

The following explanations are the definition of some particular terms that

used by the writer:

According to Luhmann, a message is an utterance that gives rise to the

receiver's selection through a release mechanism or interpretation (1987: 196). He

asserted also that a messages can be of imperative, indicative or optional nature. A

human sender, an individual or a group, may believe to have a message for



everybody and for all times and vice versa, someone may think everything is a

message to him/her.

Hornby states that betrayal is the action of betraying somebody or

something or the fact of being betrayed (1995: 102). It often considered as the act

of supporting a rival group, or it is a complete break from previously decided

upon or presumed norms by one party from the others. Someone who betrays

others is commonly called a traitor or betrayer.

Joseph Machlis (1955: 78) defines song in his book of the enjoyment of

music, as a short lyric composition for solo voice based on a poetic text. He added

that in song’s lyrics reflects the pattern of life in rural areas, the art song issues

from the culture of cities (1955: 10). While, lyrics is defined as a short poem that

can be sung which the word consist of meaningful term along with rhyme or even

repetition that can be sung (Ade & Okuyene, 2008: 90).

Knickerbocker and Reninger state that figurative language is sometimes

called metaphorical language, or simple metaphor, because its Greek ancestor

“Metaphereien” means to carry meaning beyond its literal meaning (1963: 367).





A. Review of Related Studies

Some studies below support the analysis and methodology of this research,

particularly in analyzing the types of figurative language and its meaning. There

are two people who had researched about types of figurative language and a

person who had researched about the meaning of figurative language. The first

writer is Fransiska Neny Kris Harmastuty, who has done a undergraduate thesis

entitled A Study of Figurative Language in The Script’s Album No Sound without

Silence. Harmastuty analyzes the figurative language found in the lyrics of the

Script’s album “No sound without Silence”. She found ten types of figurative

language in that lyric, namely metaphor, simile, hyperbole, meiosis, idiomatic

expression, rhetorical questions, metonymy, irony, sarcasm, and personification.

She also analyzes the predominate type of figurative language in the lyrics of The

Script’s album “No sound without Silence”.

In order to analyze the data, Harmastuty uses the theories by Lakoff and

Jhonson, Jay, and Colston. She also uses descriptive qualitative analysis method

and observation methodology. She collects the data from the online resources. The

data gathered from seven songs in No Sound without Silence album.

The second writer is Stefiana Natalia Tasmin. Tasmin has accomplished a

study with title Revealing the Idea of Class Struggle through Figurative Language

and Allusions in Kahlil Gilbran’s “We and You”. In her study, Tasmin tries to

identify and interpret the meaning of figurative language and allusions used in



Kahlil Gibran’s poem “We and You”. The result in her first analysis found several

figurative language contained in Kahlil Gibran’s poem, there are simile, metaphor,

personification, symbol, and allusion. The second analysis is about the

contribution of the figurative language and allusions in revealing the class struggle

by relating the figurative language and allusions with the theories.

The Marxism approach is used to reveal the idea of class struggle in this

poem. Theory of figurative language, theory of capitalism, social stratification,

social classes, and class struggle are used as the guideline to support the analysis

in her study.

In contrast to Harmastuty who analyzes the predominate type of figurative

language in the lyrics of The Script’s album “No sound without Silence”. This

study analyzes the intended message about betrayal from the song writer through

the meaning of figurative language found in “Your Betrayal” song lyric. The data

which are analyzed in Harmastuty’s and Tasmin’s study also different with this

study, that used song lyric of “Your Betrayal” by Bullet for My Valentine as the

primary data. Haramastuty’s and Tasmin’s way of identifying the figurative

language are adopted in this study.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Semantics

According to Kreidler, semantics is the study of how languages organize

and express meaning. In very general terms, semantic is the knowledge that the



study all the aspects of meaning. It is a particular theory to understand the essence

of meaning.

Semantic change in the context of words describes the gradual shift in he

conventional meaning of words, as people use them in new types of context and

this usage become normal. Often in the course of semantic change, a word shifts

its meaning to the point that the modern meaning.

2. Theory of Figurative Language

Figurative language is mostly used in song lyric to beautify and vary the

sentence to make the song more interesting and attractive towards the reader.

Moreover, figure of speech helps the song writer to convey the intended message

through the figurative language that applied in the song. The existence of

figurative language is not only to create a dramatic essence to entertain readers,

but also give effectiveness, persuasion and emotional effect in order to transfer the

message of the song.

According to Knickerbocker and Reninger in the book entitled

Interpreting Literature (1963: 367) that figurative language is sometimes called

metaphorical language, or simple metaphor, because its Greek ancestor

“Metaphereien” means to carry meaning beyond its literal meaning.

In this research, the theory of figures of speech from Knickerbocker and

Reninger is used as the guideline to analyze the figures of speech meaning in

“Your Betrayal” by Bullet For My Valentine song lyric. There are several kinds of

figures of speech which are stated by Knickerbocker and Reninger.



a. Simile

Simile is a stated comparison with “like” or “as” (Knickerbocker and

Reninger, 1963: 367). McCrimmon added that it is compares one thing is like the

other thing (1984: 283).

E.g. : "My love is like a red rose” (by Robert Burns, “My Love Is Like Red Rose”

in Knickerbocker and Reninger, 1963: 370).

The simile occurs in word “like”, since its compares “My Love” with “Red

Rose”. It shows the similarity between “my love” and “red rose”, even though

they are totally different things. The writer wants to describe that love as beautiful

as a rose. Red rose is usually implied beautiful things.

b. Metaphor

Knickerbocker and Reninger stated that metaphor is an implicit

comparison, without “like” or “as” (1963: 367). It does not say that A is like B,

but states that A is B (McCrimmon, 1984: 283).

E.g.: “Life’s but a walking shadow” instead of saying life is like a walking

shadow (Knickerbocker and Reninger, 1963: 367).

From the example above, the writer wants to explain the similarity of two

things. The writer does not use word “like” or “as” like a simile. The purpose is to

make good sound and also to create good sense toward the reader.

c. Personification

Personification is figure of giving human characteristics to an object,

animal, or an abstract idea. Personification is metaphor, of course, in the sense



that there is implied comparison between non-human and human being.

(Knickerbocker and Reninger, 1963: 367).

E.g.: “These honor comes, a pilgrim gray” (Knickerbocker and Reninger, 1963:


The sentence above shows that “The Honor” has human being

characteristics, since followed by the verb “comes”. In this case, the writer wants

to give a special sense to the word “honor”.

d. Synecdoche

Synecdoche is a figure using the part for the whole. (Knickerbocker and

Reninger, 1963: 367).

E.g.: “fifty winters (year) passed him by” or using the whole part. E.g.: “The

halcyon year’ means, the summer (Knickerbocker and Reninger, 1963: 367).

The sentences above called as synecdoche because of the word “winter” is a

part of the year. So this sentence means “fifty years passed him by”. The second

example, the sentence is using the whole thing stands for the part of the thing. In

this case, the whole year stand for the summer.

e. Metonymy

According to Knickerbocker and Reninger, metonymy is a figure for

describing one thing by using the term for another thing closely associated with it

(1963: 367).

E.g.: “the crown” used for “the King” (Knickerbocker and Reninger, 1963: 367)

From the example above, “The crown” is identical with “The King”, a person who

leads a kingdom or empire.



f. Hyperbole

Knickerbocker and Reninger asserted that hyperbole is a figure of an

exaggeration used for special effect (1963: 367). Hyperbole also known as

overstatement. It can be “humorous or grave, fanciful or restrained, convincing or

unconvincing” (Perrine, 1969: 10).

E.g.: “Go and catch the falling stars” (by John Donne, “Go and Catch a Falling

Star” in Knickerbocker and Reninger, 1963: 402).

It is called hyperbole due to exaggerated meaning that tell about

impossible thing to do. Because there is no man can catch the falling star if it is

translate literary.

g. Irony

Irony is a statement of which the real meaning is completely opposed to its

professed or surface meaning.

E.g.: “the czar is the voice of god and the shall live forever” (by Carl Samburg,

“The People Yes”, in Knickerbocker and Reninger, 1963: 427).

The meaning of the sentence above is “czar is an authoritarian individual”.

The czar actually is not the choice of God and shall live forever. The writer wants

to give an ironic sense that opposite to the real meaning.

h. Paradox

Paradox is a statement whose surface obvious meaning seems to be

illogical, even absurd, but which make good sense upon closer examination.

E.g.: “light is the darker thing in physics” (Knickerbocker and Reninger, 1963:




The word “light” and “physics” is the part of sense similar to human

having a legs and hands for making a good sense.

i. Dead Metaphor

Dead metaphor is a metaphor which has lost its figurative meaning

through endless use.

E.g.: “the back of the chair”; “the face of the clock” (Knickerbocker and

Reninger, 1963: 368).

In the sentence “the back of the chair”, shows the specific part of the chair,

which become the central part of the topic. And also the sentence “the face of the

clock” shows the specific part of the clock, which becomes the central part of the


j. Allusion

Allusion is a reference to some well known place, event, or person. Not a

comparison in the exact sense, but the figure in the sense that it implies more than

its narrow meaning.

E.g.: “No! I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be” (Knickerbocker and

Reninger, 1963: 368).

The example above means that the subject “I” was not Prince Hamlet and also

do not want to be him.

3. Types of Meaning

Geoffrey Leech asserted that Semantics (as the study of meaning) is

central to the study of communication; and as communication becomes more and

more a crucial factor in social organization, the need to understand it becomes



more and more pressing (1981: 9). Leech (1981) acknowledges three main points

about study of meaning. The first is that it is mistaken to try to define meaning by

reducing it to the terms of sciences other than the science of language, e.g. to the

terms of psychology or chemistry. The second is

a. Conceptual Meaning

Conceptual meaning (sometimes called ‘denotative’ or ‘cognitive’

meaning) is widely assumed to be the central factor in linguistic communication

(Leech 1981: 9). Leech added that there are two structural principles in all

linguistic patterning: CONTRASTIVENESS and STRUCTURE. Contrastive

features underlie the classification of sounds in phonology, for example when

labeling to a sound defines it positively (+) by what features it possesses and

negatively (-) for features it does not possess (1981: 9-10). While structure is the

principle by which larger linguistic units are built up out of smaller units: or by

which we are able to analyze a sentence syntactically into its constituent parts

(1981: 10). Moreover, It is often given visual display in a tree-diagram:

(Leech 1981: 10)



As can be seen, that becomes the example of how syntax is applied on a

language. Leech also asserted that language which by other means than by

conceptual meaning, such as expletive words like Oh! Ah! Oho! Alas! And Tally

ho! Would not be a language at all (1981: 12).

b. Connotative Meaning

Connotative meaning is the communicative value an expression has by

virtue of what it refers to, over and above its purely conceptual meaning (Leech

1981: 12). Its means that connotative word has allegory meaning than its lexical

meaning. For instance, the word woman is defined conceptually by three features

(+ human, - male, + adult), while connotative translate the word woman become

attribute of referent (which the word refers to). It is not only tell us about physical

characteristics, but about the psychological and social properties (‘gregarious’,

subject to maternal instinct’). In addition, Leech explain that connotative meaning

are vary according to culture, historical period, and the experience of the

individual (1981: 13).

c. Social and Affective Meaning

Social meaning is that which a piece of language conveys about the social

circumstances of it use (Leech !981: 14). Its means that within the same language

also has differentiate on its dimensions and style. There are several variation in

dimensions of socio-stylistic according to Crystal and Day, Investigating English


DIALECT (the language of a geographical region or of a social class)

TIME (the language of the eighteenth century, etc)



PROVINCE (language of law, of science, of advertising, etc)

STATUS (polite, colloquial, slag, etc)

MODALITY (language of memoranda, lectures, jokes, etc)

SINGULARITY (the style of Dickens, of Hemingway, etc)

In a more local sense, social meaning can include what has been called the

illocutionary force of an utterance. For example, whether it is to be interpreted as

a request, an assertion, an apology, a threat, etc. The sentence I haven’t got a knife

has the form and meaning of an assertion. If it is said to the waiter in a restaurant,

it can be assumed as a request such as please bring me a knife. Affective meaning

is often explicitly conveyed through the conceptual or connotative content of the

words used. Factors such as intonation and voice timbre (tone voice) has

important role in affective meaning. Tone voice could reflect our emotions, for

instance when we adopt impolite tone to express displeasure by a tone biting


d. Reflected and Collocative Meaning

Reflected meaning is the meaning which arises in cases of multiple

conceptual meaning, when one sense of a word forms part of our response to

another sense (Leech 1981:16). The synonymous expressions The Comforter and

The Holy Ghost, both referring to Third Person of the Trinity. The Comforter

sounds warm and ‘comforting’ although in the religious context, it means ‘the

strengthener or supporter. While The Holy Ghost sounds awesome. Geoffrey leech

(1981:17) stated that collocative meaning consists of the associations a word

acquires on account of the meaning of words which tend to occur in its



environment. Pretty and handsome have the meaning of ‘good-looking’, but may

be distinguished by the range of nouns with which they are likely to co-occur or


girl boy

boy man

woman car

pretty flower handsome vessel

garden overcoat

colour airliner

village typewriter

(Leech 1981: 17)

e. Thematic Meaning

Thematic meaning is communicated by the way in which a speaker or

writer organizes the message, in terms of ordering, focus, and emphasis. It is often

felt, for example, that an active sentence such as (1) has a different meaning from

its equivalent (2) although in conceptual content they seem to be the same (Leech

1981: 19). For example

(1) Mrs Bessie Smith donated the first prize

(2) The first prize was donated by Mrs Bessie Smith

Those sentences suggest different context, since the active sentence seems

to answer an implicit question ‘what did Mrs Bessie Smith donate?’, while the

passive sentence seems to answer an implicit sentence ‘who was the first prize

donated by?’. Thematic meaning also deal with a matter of choice between

alternative grammatical constructions.



4. Contextual Meaning

In linguistics, context carries tremendous importance in

disambiguation of meanings as well as in understanding the actual meaning

of words. Therefore, the meaning of words is not always explicit. According to

Dash (2008), the term context refers to an immediate linguistic environment

(rarely detached or isolated) in which a particular word occurs. Since it is not

always explicit, it may be hidden within the neighboring members of a word used

in a piece of text. Miller and Leacock (2000) have classified context into two

types: (a) local context and (b) topical context. While the local context refers to

one or two words immediately before and after the key word (KW) under

investigation. The topical context refers to the topic of the text where the KW has

been used.

Dash argued that in certain readings, information acquired from the local

context and the topical context may be sufficient, but these are not enough for

understanding all possible meaning variations of a word. To acquire more

information, Dash have classified contexts into four broad types (2008: 22).

a. Local Context

According to Dash Local context refers to the immediate environment of

the KW in a sentence where it has occurred, encompassing its immediately

preceding and succeeding words (2008: 26). The local context provides us

necessary information to know if the KW holds idiomatic relation with its

neighboring members. Information obtained from local context is also useful for

understanding lexical collocation of words used in a lexical block. The local



context also can informs if the KW shows meaning variation due to its relation

with the neighboring words, even if there is no idiomatic relation between the


b. Sentential Context

The sentential context refers to a sentence where the Key Word has

occurred. It supplies syntactic information to know if the Key Word has any

explicit or implicit syntactic relation with the other words used in the sentence

(Dash, 2008: 26). The sentential context allows us to explore if there is any

variation of meaning of the Key Word due to its relation with the other members

located far away.

c. Topical Context

Dash explain that the topical context refers to the topic discussion and

focusses on the content of a piece of text (2008: 27). For example, in English,

based on the variation of the topic the word “shot” refers to “firing”, “drinking”,

“hitting a ball by bat”, “kicking a ball”, “putting a ball in the net”, “distance

between a player and the hole”, “taking a snap”, “giving an injection”, or “making

love”, etc (Dash, 2004). It means that to understand the implication in language

that is vary, we should extract relevant information from the topic to catch the

change of meaning of the Key Word. So that, reference to the topical context

becomes instrumental for obtaining necessary information to elaborate actual

contextual meaning of the Key Word.



d. Global Context

Words are interlinked with other words as well as with extralinguistic

reality (Verschueren, 1981: 337). So does the meaning of words. The meaning of

Key Word is not only related to the meanings of other words occurring within

local context, sentential context, and topical context, but also to extralinguistic

reality surrounding the linguistic acts taken by language users (Dash, 2008: 28).

For instance, the verbs forms of language usually evoke a scene of action

constituting an agent, a patient, an item, a place, and a time. All coordinated in a

particular discourse (Fillmore, 1977: 82). Means that to understand the meaning of

verb has to consider of all elements in a cognitive interface to realize its

denotative, connotative, and figurative meaning. For example, the following

sentence taken from the Bengali corpus:

(a) O to ekŃā baipokā, sārādin bai khāoyā or kāj.

He indeed (is) a bookworm, whole-day book eating (is) his work.

‘He is indeed a bookworm, eating books whole day is his work’. (Dash, 2008 :


To understand the actual meaning of the Key Word (i.e., khāoyā) in

sentence (a), we need information from the global context, since information

available is not sufficient for understanding the actual meaning of Key Word.

Since the Key Word is used in the sense of “always reading books”, we can

understand it only when we are able to know the literal and metaphoric meanings

of baipokā. The literal meaning of baipokā is “a larva of a moth or beetle which

feeds on the paper and glue used in books” (Illustrated Oxford Dictionary1988)

and metaphoric meaning is “a person devoted to reading”. Once we are able to

understand that a human being is metaphorically referred to as baipoka, we realize



that the Key Word is used here not in literal meaning but in metaphoric meaning

from the external world, that supplies vital cues of place, time, situation,

interpretation, pragmatics, discourse, demography, geography, society, culture,

ethnology, and various other things (Allan 2001: 20). Since the global context

builds up a cognitive interface between language and reality, we often refer to it to

understand: who says, what is said, to whom it is said, when it is said, where it is

said, why it is said, and how it is said. Thus, the global context becomes a

valuable source of information for meaning disambiguation of words, and it

helps us to understand if the Key Word has any meaning variation.

C. Theoretical Framework

Some theories reviewed in this study are explained in term of their

importance and how do they contribute in analyzing the two problem formulation

mentioned earlier in the previous chapter. This study depends on semantic theory,

syntax theory, theory of figure of speech and theory of contextual meaning answer

the problems of the study.

Semantic theory and theory of figures of speech are applied to solve the

first problem formulation. According to Knickerbocker and Reninger (1963),

there are several figures of speech that is used in language.

Theory of contextual meaning is used by the researcher to elaborate the

intended message conveyed through figures of speech in “Your Betrayal” song

lyric. By using these theory of contextual meaning and syntax, the second

problem can be answered.





A. Object of the Study

This research analyzed the types of the figurative language that occur in a

song entitled “Your Betrayal” by Bullet For My Valentine, and the intended message

conveyed from the song writer about betrayal through the figurative language. That

song taken from the most hits international music website, Top Billboard. Moreover,

the song which is took is about broken heart theme in order to make it easier in

analyzing the data. The broken heart song’s theme is chose to support the data

analysis in order to find out the application of diction that can be seen through the

occurrence of the figurative language.

B. Approach of the Study

This study used semantics as the approach. Frawley (1992) asserts that

semantics is the study of meaning such as expressive meaning, descriptive meaning,

and social meaning. The goal of this research is to find the intended message of

betrayal seen through the figurative language meaning, the semantics approach

provides the methods to reach the goal. In further analyzing, this study also used

pragmatics as the approach. This semantic approaches also applied to reveal the

intended message of the song writer about betrayal that employed in the figurative

language in the song lyric.



C. Method of the Study

The library research has taken to reveal the problem formulation. The song’s

lyric of “Your Betrayal” by Bullet For My Valentine will be used as the main data in

order to do the analysis. While, these song is chose based on the top rate rock’s song

in Top Billboard, which is the most famous website of music. The theories employed

are taken from linguistic books.

1. Data Collection

The data choses from the online resources, Then, the

song’s lyrics took from, which the most famous website for

musical entertainment in international. This website as the reference for the

researcher found out the top hits song about broken heart’s theme during 2000-2015.

The data which took were based on purposive sampling. After searched and collected

the data, each datum explained to find out the figurative language and the intended

message about betrayal from the song writer through the meaning of figurative

language in the song lyric.

2. Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, there were several processes. Two problems were

analyzed in this study. The first problem is about the types of figurative language that

used in the song lyrics. The second problem is about the intended message about

betrayal from the song writer through the meaning of figurative language in the song




The first step, the writer look for a song’s lyrics entitled “Your Betrayal” by

to represent rock genre which have broken heart theme’s song through as the reference. After that, the writer copying the lyrics from

found and

Next, in the second step, the writer decided the problem formulations of the

research: (1) to identify the types of figurative language which can be found in the

song lyric. (2) to elaborate the intended message of the song writer about betrayal

through figurative language in the song “Your Betrayal”.

The third step, the writer observed the figurative language that found in that

song’s lyrics. From the figurative language then it is expected can elaborate the

metaphorical meaning in the song lyric. Then, the first problem was solved.

After that, the semantics analysis which focused on contextual meaning was

done in order to solve the second problem formulations. The writer tried to elaborate

the intended message of the song writer about betrayal that is conveyed through the

figurative language. This will help the writer to investigate the intended message of

the song writer through the figurative language in the song lyrics.





This chapter contains the analysis which divided into two main parts,

based on the two problem formulations in chapter I. The first part will identified

the figures of speech that occur in “Your Betrayal” by Bullet For My Valentine

song’s lyric. There are several types of figures of speech that will be the guideline

to identified the figures of speech in “Your Betrayal” song lyric, based on

Knickerbocker and Reninger theory.

The second part will answer the second problem. The purpose of the

second problem is to elaborate the intended message of the song writer conveyed

through the figure of speech in song lyrics of “Your Betrayal”. The theory of

contextual meaning will help the writer to solve the second problem.

1. Analysis on the Figurative Language

“Your Betrayal” was written by Matthew “Matt” Tuck who is the vocalist

of Welsh heavy metal band, Bullet for My Valentine. The title of the song already

told the audience about the message in the song lyric is about unfaithfulness and

dishonesty in a relationship. Through this song, the writer try to share the writer

emotions and feeling about broken heart experience of the writer. It is very

obvious that the writer feel so much paint and disappointment in the writer’s

heart. Furthermore, this song represent desire to take revenge on former lover who

has cheated and ran off with someone else. Figurative language is used in this



song lyric will be used to deliver the message about the writer’s feeling and

emotion toward the writer’s personal experience. Table below shows the

identification of figurative language that seen in each line. Then, it will explain


Figurative Language in the Song “Your Betrayal”


1. Am I going insane? HYPERBOLE 1

2. My blood is boiling inside of

my veins HYPERBOLE 2

3. An evil feeling attacks METAPHOR 3

4. My body's shaking, there's no

turning back METAPHOR 4

5. Don't take your eyes off the

trigger METAPHOR 5

6. I'm not to blame if your world

turns to black HYPERBOLE 6

7. As your eyes start to blister HYPERBOLE 7

8. There's just no hope for a final

embrace HYPERBOLE 8

9. So here we are, I'm in your


10. I'm in your heart METAPHOR 10

11. You were told to run away DEAD METAPHOR 11

12. Soak the place and light the

flame METAPHOR 12

13. Pay the price for your betrayal METAPHOR 13

14. Your betrayal, your betrayal DEAD METAPHOR 14

15. I was told to stay away DEAD METAPHOR 15

16. Those two words, I can't obey METAPHOR 16

17. Pay the price for your betrayal METAPHOR 17

18. Your betrayal, your betrayal DEAD METAPHOR 18

19. Is it my turn to die? HYPERBOLE 19

20 My heart is pounding as I say

goodbye METAPHOR 20

21. So now I dance in the flames HYPERBOLE 21

22. I love you crying and

screaming my name IRONY 22

23. You said that we'd be forever HYPERBOLE 23

24. How could you kill me and lie

to my face? METAPHOR 24



25. Now that we can't be together DEAD METAPHOR 25

26. There's just no hope for a final

embrace HYPERBOLE 26

27. So here we are, I'm in your

head METAPHOR 27

28. I'm in your heart METAPHOR 28

As can be seen from the table above, there are 28 lines in song lyric of

“Your Betrayal” which contain figurative language expression. Means that the

whole lyric of “Your Betrayal” has figurative language meaning. There are four

types of figurative language expressions found in the lyric. They are hyperbole,

metaphor, dead metaphor, and irony. The hyperbole expression occur in 9 lines.

Then, 13 lines are categorized as metaphor. In line 11, 14, 18, and 25 containing

dead metaphor expression. While, the figurative language expression of irony can

be found in line 22.

The analysis below will give further analysis several lyrics which included

in figurative language expression that have classified in table above.

a. Metaphor

There are 13 sentences classified as metaphor in “Your Betrayal” song

lyric. Then, the following sentence will be taken as the sample data to give

explanation about the metaphorical meaning in the sentence.

1) An evil feeling attacks (Line 3)

In line 3, the metaphor lies in word “evil feeling”. The word “evil” refers to

bad moral character to act something harmful. It does not have literary meaning

about kind of bad spirit such as Satan.



2) My body's shaking, there's no turning back (Line 4)

The metaphor lies in word “My body’s shaking” which is signify about

uncontrollable emotion that feel by the writer due to his anger. Shaking is not

literary means about dancing activities or kind of movement. It implies the

emotion of anger & worries of the song writer toward what will happen in the

song writer’s relationship with the song writer’s girl friend.

3) Don't take your eyes off the trigger (Line 5)

The sentence above has a metaphorical meaning that the writer asked someone

to not run away from the trouble they have made. The metaphorical word lies in

words “your eyes” (some body) and “trigger” (the trouble that have made).

4) So here we are, I'm in your head (Line 9)

The metaphor expression also can be found in line 9 “So here we are, I'm in

your head”. It is not literary means that a man really fill inside someone head. But

it is a figurative language which means that someone always think about the

existence of the writer in everyday of life.

5) Pay the price for your betrayal (Line 13)

The sentence above reflected a metaphorical meaning. It is compared to the

word “price” as the risk or the consequence that the writer give to someone who

betray the writer’s trust.

6) My heart is pounding as I say goodbye (Line 20)

The sentence above informs about someone’s state of anxiety through the

word “My heart is pounding” combined with the adverb “goodbye”. So it is

containing metaphorical meaning.



7) How could you kill me and lie to my face? (Line 24)

The word “kill” in the sentence above is not literary, which means a death

condition of the writer due to violence action. But it is metaphorically means that

the writer got depth disappointment. Then, the word “lie to my face” means that

the writer obviously recognize the untruth of someone who is trusted by the


b. Dead Metaphor

Dead metaphor can be defined as a metaphor that lost its figurative

language. Means that it is stated the real or literal meaning. Because of the lost in

figurative meaning, dead metaphor has different meaning with metaphor. In

“Your Betrayal” song lyric, there is five sentences that identified as dead

metaphor. They are:

1) You were told to run away (Line 11)

It is stated about a declarative sentence that is someone is ask for run away.

This sentence have a real meaning about the topic of some is ask to go away.

2) Your betrayal, your betrayal (Line 14)

The sentence above also include in declarative sentence, since its inform of

someone who does a betrayal act.

3) I was told to stay away (Line 15)

This sentence has literal meaning that the subject “I” had been told by

someone to keep the distance with something forbidden.

4) Now that we can't be together (Line 25)



The sentence above inform the real meaning of two person that cannot stay

together anymore. So, it does not convey a figurative meaning at all.

c. Hyperbole

In “Your Betrayal” song lyric, there are 8 lyric that contain a hyperbole

meaning. Those sentences are:

1) Am I going insane? (Line 1)

Hyperbole expression is contained in lyric Am I going insane? Found in line 1.

The hyperbole expression lies in the word “insane”, which means an extreme

mentally disordered. It has exaggerate meaning since it used the word insane. It

has a meaning that the writer get very depressed or frustrated in his life.

2) My blood is boiling inside of my veins (Line 2)

The lyric my blood is boiling inside my veins on line 2 has exaggerate meaning

since how come that blood can be boiled inside veins. Veins is a part of human

body which is impossible to be boiled like a water. The lyric in this line wants to

show that the writer is in rage. The writer’s feeling filled with rage is compare to

boiling blood.

3) I'm not to blame if your world turns to black (Line 6)

The lyric “I'm not to blame if your world turns to black” expresses hyperbole

meaning. The words “your world turns to black” have an excessive meaning that

the someone’s life will only feel sadness, gloomy and sorrow in the entire of their

life. The world “black” also convey a hyperbole expression since its

overstatement like there is no light anymore and all colorful things will turn into




4) As your eyes start to blister (Line 7)

The lyric “as your eyes start to blister” on line 7 has hyperbole meaning since

the words “your eyes start to blister” means the eyes get bad injured which

probably causing blind.

5) There's just no hope for a final embrace (Line 8)

The overstatement meaning lies on word “no hope”. It signifies the great

depression of the writer’s life and seems like there is nothing can do anymore to

change everything. Therefore, this sentence is categorized as Hyperbole


6) Is it my turn to die? (Line 19)

The exaggerate meaning occurs in word “die”. It seems like the writer knows

about when he died. It is actually about a question from the writer that is it his

turn to losing her love? So the word “die” is implied about situation or condition

in losing some one.

7) So now I dance in the flames (Line 21)

The hyperbole expression contains in word “dance in flame”. It has exaggerate

meaning since there is no one that can survive in state of get fire.

8) You said that we'd be forever (Line 23)

The word “be forever” is categorized in hyperbole expression. The

overstatement lies on the condition that human being can live in eternity. In fact

that all human being will die someday.



d. Irony

There is only one lyric classified as irony figures of speech. Irony is a

statement of which the real meaning is completely opposed to its figurative

meaning. The irony occurs in line 22.

1) I love you crying and screaming my name

The irony can be seen in words “love” that contrasted with “crying”. How a

person could feel love at when seeing somebody crying out loud in sadness. So

since it conveyed a contradiction meaning between “love” and “crying”, it is

called as irony.

2. The Message of Betrayal Conveyed Through The Figures of Speech In

“Your Betrayal” Song Lyric

After identified the types of figurative language that contained in “Your

Betrayal” song lyric. The second problem will elaborate about the intended

message from the song’s writer about betrayal that seen through the figures of

speech contained in the song lyric. In order to relate the figure of speech which

have identified with the intended message from the song’s writer, contextual

meaning will be used to answer second problem formulation.

a. Contextual Meaning

According to Dash, context carries tremendous importance in

disambiguation of meanings as well as in understanding the actual meaning

of words. Therefore, the meaning of words is not always explicit (2008). the

term context refers to an immediate linguistic environment (rarely detached or

isolated) in which a particular word occurs. There are four types of contextual



meaning that can be used to find out and elaborate the real meaning in a word.

There are local context, sentential context, topical context, and global context. In

order to analyze the contextual meaning of the intended message from the song’s

writer of “Your Betrayal” about betrayal through the figures of speech. The

researcher will relate the figurative language contains in the song lyric with the

contextual meaning in doing this analysis.

i. Metaphor

1) My body’s shaking, there’s no turning back (Line 4)

According to the theory of figures of speech, the sentence “My body’s

shaking” In “Your Betrayal” song lyric by Bullet For My Valentine contains

metaphorical meaning. The sentence of “My body’s shaking contains a metaphor

meaning that implied in the word. It means to say about uncontrollable emotion of

the writer which makes the writer cannot control himself.

The sentence “My body’s shaking, there’s no turning back” in line 4 has

local contextual meaning. In order to comprehend the intended message. It is

easier to comprehend the intended meaning by analyzing the literal and

metaphorical meaning of the Key Word. The lyric has to be analyze in whole

sentence to see the message. The Key Word in this sentence is “shaking” which

has verb part of speech. Based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the

literal meaning of “shaking” is to move or make something move with short quick

movements from side to side or up and down (Hornby, 1995: 1079).

The word “shaking” in this lyric is related with emotional experience of

the song writer. Metaphorically, “my body’s shaking” implies about



uncontrollable emotion of the writer toward his feel of anger about something bad

that has happened. The use of verb “shaking” also gives an impression toward the

reader about how mad the writer is. The lyric “My body’s shaking, there is no

turning back”, also supports the idea of song writer’s anger as can be seen in line


2) Pay the price for your betrayal (Line 13)

Based on figurative language, the metaphorical meaning in sentence “pay

the price for your betrayal” lies in word “the Price”. If we interpret the word “pay

the price” in whole sentence’s context, its means that “pay the price” is about a

consequence or a revenge. Thus, this lyric can be classified into metaphor


According to the theory of contextual meaning by Dash, the lyric “Pay the

price for your betrayal” has contextual meaning. Then, we can translate the

meaning in this sentence to reveal the intended message of the song writer

through the connotative word of “pay the price”. The word “Pay” has a lexicon

meaning to give some body money for work, goods, services, etc (Oxford

Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 1995: 851”. While “the price” means an amount

of money for which something may be bought or sold (Oxford Advanced

Learner’s Dictionary, 1995: 916).

Then, if we relate this sentence with metaphor meaning using global

context analysis. We can see the intended message of the writer tell about an act

to take a revenge towards the writer’s ex-lover because of the betrayal that

happened. “Pay the price” is meaning to say that someone has to take the risk or



revenge of what have done. In this lyric, the song writer implies the emotion of

anger or revenge towards the reader. the lyric “pay the price for your betrayal”

also reveal the main message in this song about betrayal.

3) My heart is pounding as I say goodbye (Line 20)

The sentence above has a metaphorical meaning in word “pounding”. It is

represented the feel of anxiety toward something that have done. The word

“pounding” which combine with noun “my heart” and the adverb “goodbye” give

figurative meaning about a feeling of anxiety because the act of parting. So,

“pounding” is metaphorically has a meaning about feeling of anxiety.

The word “pounding” according to Oxford Advanced Learner’s

Dictionary, has literal meaning about a sound or feeling something beating

heavily (Hornby, 1995: 903). The word “pounding” included as verb.

“Pounding” in line 20 of “Your Betrayal” song lyric becomes the key

word that represented intended message of the song writer. It can be seen form

contextual analysis. The word “pounding” implies the emotion of the song writer

about worries and anxiety because person who the song writer love will leave

with someone else. It becomes the trigger of anxiety feeling from the writer about

what will happen toward theirs relationship. It is expected that the listener can

imagine and feel the experience of worries and anxiety from the song writer.

4) How could you kill me and lie to my face? (Line 24)

In the sentence “How could you kill me and lie to my face?” in line 24.

The figurative language in this sentence can be seen through the words “kill” and

“face”. The word “kill” has a metaphoric meaning about feel of great



disappointment or desperate of something. It seems like as painful as death. While

“lie to my face” has a metaphoric meaning about something that can be seen or

recognize so obviously.

The word “kill”, based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary means

that cause something or somebody to die (Hornby, 1995: 650). It is included the

part of speech of verb. Then, the word “face” literary means the front part of the

head from the forehead to the chin (Hornby, 1995: 413). It is considered as a noun

Then, the words “kill” and “face” are the key word in the lyric “How

could you kill me and lie to my face?” if it is seen from contextual meaning. It is

included in global context analysis. Those two key words has the intended

message about the writer’s unsuspected which also questioning, how a beloved

person that the song writer trust can do something that makes the song writer feel

so disappoint. This lyric also reflected that the song writer can recognize

obviously about the disappointment that happened. The song writer arises the

feeling of disappointment and desperate towards the reader through the lyric of

“How could you kill me and lie to my face?”

ii. Dead Metaphor

1) You were told to run away (Line 11)

The lyric above contains a dead metaphor figurative language expression.

It is contained dead metaphor due to it has no figurative language meaning. The

words “told” and “run away” in lyric “you were told to run away” stated literal

meaning about imperative expression. The lyric means that someone is ask for run



away or go away. Since it is stated the real meaning, it is classified as dead


The word told itself is the past form of tell. According to Meriam Webster,

it has literary meaning about to give information. While the word “run away” has

a literal meaning of to leave quickly in order to avoid or escape something.

The lyric “you were told to run away” has two key words which related to

local contextual meaning. They are “told” and “run away”. Those words

represented about imperative expression of the song writer. The song writer wants

to ask someone to leave the song writer away. This lyric express the request of the

song writer toward someone that the song writer love to avoid or leave the songs

writer soon. This lyric has obvious meaning that can be understood by the listener.

2) Your betrayal, your betrayal (Line 14)

In “Your Betrayal” song lyric in line 14 also considered as dead metaphor

figurative language expression. It is stated an information about betrayal that have

done by someone. Therefore, it has no figurative meaning.

In literal meaning according to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary,

betrayal is the action of betraying somebody or something or the fact of being

betrayed (Hornby, 1995:102).

The lyric “your betrayal” in line 14 has a global contextual meaning, which

emphasizes the intended message about betrayal experience of the song writer.

The key word which can be seen in word “betrayal”, give a clear message toward

the listener about the action of betray from the person who is loved by the song

writer. The song writer tries to emphasizes the bitter experience of the song writer



about betrayal through this lyric. The listener will also easily catch the intended

message about betrayal that conveyed in this lyric.

3) I was told to stay away (Line 15)

The sentence “I was told to stay away” on line 15 also represents dead

metaphor figurative language. The meaning on this sentence is can be seen

obviously through the sentence. It is stated about someone who ask for stay away

or keep the distance that reflected in words “told” and “stay away”.

The literal meaning that can be seen in Oxford Advanced Learner’s

Dictionary. The word “stay away” means to remain or continue in certain


In contextual meaning, the key word of this lyric is “stay away”. It is

reflected the song writer’s imperative expression to get in far distance from the

song writer’s life. The lyric “I was told to stay away” signifies the writer feeling

of hatred being close with someone. Through this lyric, the listener is expected to

get the message or request from the song writer toward someone to not get too

close with song writer.

4) Now that we can't be together (Line 25)

The lyric “now that we can’t be together” in line 25 of “Your Betrayal” song

lyric is categorized as dead metaphor. Similar with the three sentences that have

discussed above, this lyric contains no figurative meaning. It can be seen through

the real meaning of this lyric which stated about the circumstances or life

condition of two people that cannot be a part as one anymore. It is implied

through the word “can’t” and “together”.



Based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary¸ the word “can’t” is to be

able to do or make something. Due to there is a negation word, it has negative

meaning. Then, the word “together” means in or into one place, mass, collection,

or group (Meriam Webster online Dictionary).

If it is analyzed through contextual meaning analysis, the lyric “now that we

can't be together” in line 25 has a contextual meaning. It is reflected the song

writer’s hope about being apart with someone that the song writer love, due to the

betrayal that have done by the person the song writer love. The negative

expression also signifies the meaning of unwillingness of the song writer feeling

to have a relationship with someone that the song writer love. It can be seen

obviously by the word “can’t” that combined with the word “together”. The

listener will immediately get the intended message from the song writer, that the

song writer no longer love the song writer beloved anymore.

iii. Hyperbole

1) Am I going insane? (Line 1)

The figurative language that contains in this lyric can be categorized as

hyperbole. The hyperbole expression occurs in the word “insane”, which is means

an extreme mentally disordered. It has exaggerate meaning since it used the word


In the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the words “insane” has a

literal meaning as not sane; mad (Hornby, 1995: 615).

The key word in the lyric “am I going insane” is “insane”. When it is

analyze through contextual meaning theory. This lyric has local context meaning.



It is implied the song writer’s doubtfulness about the illogical state condition of

the song writer. The illogical thing is about the song writer’s madness toward a

person who betrays the song writer. The lyric “Am I going insane?” wants to

show the message of the song writer’s emotion. Its tells the reader about how

confuse and mad the song writer is toward the doubtfulness in the song writer’s


2) My blood is boiling inside of my veins (Line 2)

The figurative language in the lyric “My blood is boiling inside of my

veins” is occurred in word “boiling”. It has an exaggerate meaning of furious

feeling of the song writer.

Considered as literal meaning, the word “boiling” means to be heated to

the point where it forms bubbles and turns to the steam (Hornby, 1995: 121).

In this lyric is also included as global context meaning. The Key Word

which is conveyed the intended message of the writer. Is in the word “boiling”.

The word “boiling” in the lyric “My blood is boiling inside of my veins”, has a

connotative meaning that shows the anger of the feeling about the betrayal action

that have made by the song writer beloved. The word boiling shows the limitation

of an anger from the song writer’s emotion. This lyric reveal about the furious of

the song writer. The reader will feel of anger through this lyric.

3) I'm not to blame if your world turns to black (Line 6)

The hyperbole expression in the lyric “I'm not to blame if your world turns

to black”, can be seen from the words “world” and black”. Those two words has

exaggerate meaning since the world could be implies as the whole entire life of



someone would be turn into “black”, which means that totally black out or can be

implied as death.

If it is seen from literal meaning, the word “world” means the earth with

all its countries and people (Hornby, 1995: 1377). While, the word “black” means

the very darkest colour; the opposite of white (Hornby, 1995: 110).

In contextual meaning, the lyric “I'm not to blame if your world turns to

black” has global context meaning. Through this lyric, the song writer wants to

signify his revenge to someone. The writer tries to show the intended action to

make someone feel the same disappointment and suffering for what have done in

the song writer’s life. The word “your world” could be implied as the life of a

person who the song writer wants to take revenge. Than word “turns to black” is

implied about the feeling experience of a great disappointment, suffering,

depressed, and probably death. Through this lyric, the reader is expected to feel

about the revenge of the song writer toward somebody who has betray the song


iv. Irony

1) I love you crying and screaming my name (line 22)

The irony expression in the lyric “I love you crying and screaming my

name” lies on word “crying” and “screaming”. The word “love”, which is means

about feeling of affection toward something that related with positive term. In

contrary with the word “crying”, which is means shedding tear due to pain,

distress, or sorrow. This lyric is categorized as irony, because of the contrary of

word “love” with “crying”.



In literal meaning, the word “crying” means shed tears in distress, pain or

sorrow. While the screaming is give a long, loud, piercing cry or cries expressing

extreme emotion or pain, in literary meaning.

The lyric “I love you crying and screaming my name”, has two key words

which has contextual meaning. They are “love” and “crying”. This lyric signifies

the sadistic characterization of the writer. It shows that the writer is so furious,

then want to see the person who betray the song writer feel suffered and asking

for forgiven toward the writer.






The song lyric Your Betrayal by Bullet For My Valentine is one of the

example in how figurative language is applied on song lyric. In this song lyric, it

can be identified four types of figurative languages. There are metaphor,

hyperbole, irony, and dead metaphor. The metaphor occurs in 11 lyrics on “Your

Betrayal” song lyric. It can be seen the words “evil feeling” in line 3 contain a

metaphor meaning. Then in line 4, the words “body’s shaking” have metaphorical

meaning. The words “eyes” and “trigger” in line 5 considered as metaphor. In line

9 is identified as metaphor through the word “head”. Line 10 also has metaphor in

the word heart. Line 12 the words place and light convey a metaphor. The word

“pay the price” in line 13 also has metaphorical meaning. The metaphorical

meaning can be seen in words 16 “words” and “obey”. The words “pounding” and

“goodbye” contain metaphorical meaning in line 20. Line 24 in words “kill” and

“my face” contain metaphor. Dead metaphor figurative language can be found in

line 11,14,18, and 25. Then, the hyperbole expression can be seen in line 1 in

word “insane”. Then word “boiling” in line 2. Word “black” in line6. “Blister” in

line7. The words “hope” and “die” in line 8 and 19. Also in words “flames” and

“forever” in line 21 and 23. The last but not least, the figurative language of irony

occurs in line 22 in word “love” and “crying”, which have contrastive meaning.

The meanings of the figurative language that is applied in Your Betrayal song

lyric, has contextual meaning that related with the intended message of the song



writer. The intended message of the song writer is about betrayal that have done

by a person who the song writer love most. Through the intended message in

figurative language meaning, the reader is expected to feel the same emotional

experience about the anger, the revenge and the desperation of the song writer




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APPENDIX 1. Lyric Of Your Betrayal By Bullet For My Valentine


Am I going insane?

My blood is boiling inside of my veins

An evil feeling attacks

My body's shaking, there's no turning back

Don't take your eyes off the trigger

I'm not to blame if your world turns to black

As your eyes start to blister

There's just no hope for a final embrace

So here we are, I'm in your head

I'm in your heart

You were told to run away

Soak the place and light the flame

Pay the price for your betrayal

Your betrayal, your betrayal

I was told to stay away

Those two words, I can't obey

Pay the price for your betrayal

Your betrayal, your betrayal

Is it my turn to die?

My heart is pounding as I say goodbye

So now I dance in the flames

I love you crying and screaming my name

You said that we'd be forever

How could you kill me and lie to my face?

Now that we can't be together

There's just no hope for a final embrace

So here we are, I'm in your head

I'm in your heart




APPENDIX 2. Table of Figurative Language


1. Am I going insane? HYPERBOLE 1

2. My blood is boiling inside of

my veins HYPERBOLE 2

3. An evil feeling attacks METAPHOR 3

4. My body's shaking, there's no

turning back METAPHOR 4

5. Don't take your eyes off the

trigger METAPHOR 5

6. I'm not to blame if your world

turns to black HYPERBOLE 6

7. As your eyes start to blister HYPERBOLE 7

8. There's just no hope for a final

embrace HYPERBOLE 8

9. So here we are, I'm in your


10. I'm in your heart METAPHOR 10

11. You were told to run away DEAD METAPHOR 11

12. Soak the place and light the

flame METAPHOR 12

13. Pay the price for your betrayal METAPHOR 13

14. Your betrayal, your betrayal DEAD METAPHOR 14

15. I was told to stay away DEAD METAPHOR 15

16. Those two words, I can't obey METAPHOR 16

17. Pay the price for your betrayal METAPHOR 17

18. Your betrayal, your betrayal DEAD METAPHOR 18

19. Is it my turn to die? HYPERBOLE 19

20 My heart is pounding as I say

goodbye METAPHOR 20

21. So now I dance in the flames HYPERBOLE 21

22. I love you crying and

screaming my name IRONY 22

23. You said that we'd be forever HYPERBOLE 23

24. How could you kill me and lie

to my face? METAPHOR 24

25. Now that we can't be together DEAD METAPHOR 25

26. There's just no hope for a final

embrace HYPERBOLE 26

27. So here we are, I'm in your

head METAPHOR 27

28. I'm in your heart METAPHOR 28


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